Currency Administration
Currency Administration
Currency Administration
We integrate and administer all components of a passive currency hedging program (share-class or
portfolio overlay), as well as provide FX execution services. Through our approach, you retain all investment
management discretion, while outsourcing administration and FX operational functions to BNY Mellon.
Innovative Solution
This provides you with the opportunity to re-deploy valuable resources so you can focus on your primary
mission along with the potential to reduce operational risk and exposure. We offer:
A passive service
Comprehensive reporting
A service that is supported with proprietary software and a global operating model
BNY Mellon provides alternatives to support you FX execution requirements, such as:
Custody FX Program
Choosing from among our various Custody FX Program options allows you to have the processing
and execution of your foreign exchange transactions related to activities in your BNY Mellon custody portfolio
automated. Its really up to you. Choose the Custody FX Program option that enables you to execute your
foreign exchange according to your currency and custody requirements.
You can request how we execute your transactions by choosing one of our several FX Programs, each of which
You decide how to treat various situations (explained below) and then leave the follow-through to us.
choose from among various Custody FX Programs to find the one that best meets your
foreign exchange requirements.