Organization and Service
Organization and Service
Organization and Service
and support to help participants strengthen their recovery by promoting healthy living. Parents
and youth attend class or group sessions weekly or biweekly. the goals of the celebrating families
are to:
1) break the cycles of substance use disorder and violence/abuse in families
2, decrease use of alcohol and other drugs and reduce relapse by educating members of the
family about the disease of addiction and how it affects the family, and
3) positively influence family reunification by integrating recovery concepts into daily life
(NCADD, 2015).
There are about 350 people that attend Celebrating Families sessions each month.
Celebrating Families also host an annual event called Celebrate Recovery. This event is an event
Strong Teens Excelling in Prevention Services (STEPS) is program focused on spreading
prevention information for youth in Detroit. They help to increase the teen exposure to academic
and cultural growth. There have been 115 young adults who have received direct services.
STEPS also hosts a weekly prevention radio show called The Official Pushback Show-NCADDSTEPS-RADIO. STEPS program also has a 24 hour Teen-Push-Line for nationwide input and
This program has helped to improve teens performance in school climate such as attendance,
achievement scores and disciplinary referrals. It has also helped improve parent and community
involvement. These young adults in the program have shown improvements in their personal
lives as well by gaining management skills, professionalism, and interpersonal/social skills
(NCADD, 2015).
Successful Alliance for Educating Talented Youth (SAFTEY) is a program focused on
early intervention, referral to treatment, and prevention services. The SAFTEY program is made
up of three components: An assessment center, an after-school program and a summeremployment program. The assessment center provides services from a case manager for youth
ages 10-17. This includes youth who have been in contact with law enforcement agencies by
receiving a ticket from the Wayne County Third Judicial Circuit Court Family Division and/or
who are being supervised by the Wayne County Third Circuit Juvenile Division Probation
Department. The after-school component of SAFTEY are effectively being implemented in
schools, including Osborn College Prep, Cass Technical High School, Central Collegiate
Academy, East English Preparatory Academy, and Finney High school. SAFTEY provide
workshop curriculum to aid in prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, and educate
youth in multiple areas of life skills. Research has shown that students that have participated in
the SAFTEY program have increased in academic performance as well as improvement in
attendance. SAFTEY's summer employment program allows students to take what they have
learned from the other components of the program and apply them to the real world (NCADD,
As an intern I am able to attend treatment and prevention group sessions. I was able to
assist in reviewing the policy and procedure manual for the preparation of The Commission on
Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) review. Currently I am assisting with
collecting research to support grant writing for a new treatment program.
Mission and Goals
The mission statement of the agency is as followed:
The National Council of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence is a voluntary nonprofit
agency committed to improving community Co-occurring mental health, and substance use
disorders through prevention, education, training, treatment and advocacy in the Metropolitan
Detroit area.
NCADD believes that each individual impacted by substance abuse has the right to
recover with dignity. In their most recent strategic plan created in 2013, three main goals were
created as well as objectives to help reach that goal. The first one is the expansion of the program
and services that NCADD-GDA offers. They are currently concentrated in the city of Detroit, but
would like to seek opportunities in other cities throughout Wayne County, Oakland County and
Macomb County. The second proposed strategy is implementing co-occurring services by
treating those with co-existing conditions, particularly those with Mental Health and Substance
Use Disorders. Lastly, with the health insurance reforms there is more funding that has become
available. There has been a change in how services are reimbursed, meaning block grant will go
unused and provide a chance for an increase in recovery homes and peer based services.
Prevention has done outreach and has begun building relationships with organizations
and schools in the surrounding communities to potentially provide their services. The NCADDGDA staff, along with the programs and services that have been established are what makes this
organization standby their mission statement. Their goals are
Organizational Structure and Staffing
The senior staff consists of six members that are also known as the quality assurance
committee. This committee reviews each program that NCADD offers to ensure they are
effectively running and determine if any changes need to be made. They also organize program
strategies and are the decision makers of the agency.
There are five members that make up the executive staff and six board members whom consist of
the most influential leaders in the community. Throughout all of the programs that NCADD
offers there are twenty-one staff workers who fall under the supervision of one of the senior staff
members. There are two administrative staff members of NCADD as well. The agency conducts
an all staff meeting once a month to ensure that all updates, changes and any issues are
addressed. Each staff member has a say at these meetings. Ideas are welcomed and appreciated.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is most commonly used method of treatment at the
organization. There is flexibility for how the staff member uses this method within their groups.
Some group leaders either in prevention or treatment have their own approach to facilitating a
group. There are some workers who will lecture the clients with very limited participation. Some
encourage group activities as well as individual work. Other may begin a session, but let the
group members run their own group, just as long as they are not going off topic. The facilitator
plays as the parliamentarian of the group. There are strengths and weaknesses to each of these
approaches, which are why there, need to be some sort of balance. It is important to know when
to engage in group discussion and when to allow clients to listen and learn from what you have
to share with them to further educate them on a particular issue.
The executive board chair is a woman for the organization. The President/CEO is a male.
There are two women out of six people that hold a senior staff position. However the program
and service staff is dominated by females. The majority of staff is African American. There are a
few White staff members and a Hispanic woman on staff as well. Within the organization there is
respect for one another. Since the staff is not all that large there is good communication
throughout the agency. However with there being two different buildings the staff from one
location does not get to know much about the staff working at the other location.
Majority of clients at NCADD are African American. It may be hard for White staff
members to have a client understand they are capable of helping them. Some people tend to think
that in order for them to receive the best services they need a specific race, age, gender or
someone who has been through a similar situation. When in face all of the workers at NCADD
are well trained and qualified for assist their clients. The staff demonstrates they are competent.
They are aware of their own biases and do not impose them on their clients. One of the
challenges for staff is being a young woman working with prevention. There are weekly group
sessions at male treatment centers where some groups consist of 30 or more male clients. Some
men may think poorly about women and may thing they are not smart enough. There may be
conflict within the group for men to sit and listen to a woman speak.
Internal and External Environment: Relationship with Community:
The SWOT analysis used is from the 2014 strategic plan for NCADD-GDA. The internal
strengths of the organization include the history of services to the community and earning a
national accreditation for their services. NCADD has a well-known reputation within the
community and are able to continue to build and maintain their relationships. The agency has a
competent staff that demonstrates leadership and work together as a team. There is great
communication and professionalism within the agency as well. There are two office locations in
a central location of the city to provide services. NCADD is successful with their program
development and implementation within the multiple treatment and prevention programs offered.
Their prevention programs offer a summer youth internship/employment program and college
NCADD internal weaknesses or competitive disadvantages would be that there is a small
amount of staff. There is limited access of transportation for clients. There needs to be more
mental health trainings, as well as internal trainings and retaining of the staff members. Some of
the programs are outdated, including the software hardware and the limited activities for the
clients. There is a lack of feedback and suggestions from clients. There is a need to improve
charitable donations/sponsors and lack a grant writer to secure consistent funding resources. The
two locations do not have security to provide safety to their staff and clients. Marketing can be a
struggle since there is no formal marketing campaign. Other media sources such as a website,
social media and other outreach programs lack for the agency.
External Opportunities include providing mental health treatment and enhanced co-occurring
services and build a relationship with the mental health authority. The organization has the
opportunity to apply for grant funding and offer for-profit services to expand their services. They
can increase the use of space at each facility. More training should be offered to staff and others.
Programs and services can be created such as, a prisoner re-entry program, co-occurring Mental
Health and Substance Abuse Services also, an implementation of mental health awareness and
prevention programs. Recovery homes and programs such as job training and placement are
possibilities as well. There is opportunity to create a promotion program of the services offered.
Enhance the advertisement of services using billboards. There is a possibility of creating more
collaboration with other entities on programing or events and an expansion of services to clients
in the surrounding cities of Detroit. Nonprofit and social service goals can be complementary
meaning that the achievement of one goal could enforce the achievement of other goals
(Willems, Huybrechts, Jegers, Weijters, Vantilborgh, Bidee, & Pepermans, 2012).
An external threat is taking a look out in to the macro environment in which NCADD
performs services. Mental Health and Substance Abuse have combined and Wayne County
authority replaced all coordinating agencies. Not maximizing the potential of the agencies staff
can be a threat to the overall success. The lack of funding the organization has directly effects the
amount of services and programs they can provide to the community. There is an increase of
competition for clients from new and old competitors. The Institute of Public Health is
potentially a non-viable funding source. The agency has no philanthropy. The client base is
decreasing and changing.
Majority of clients in treatment at Vantage Point are referred to us by the court system.
There may be some that other agencies have referred to us. Walk-ins are welcome as well. In
regards to the prevention programs the staff members are in charge of creating connections with
different organizations or schools that would be interested in their services. Once these
connections are made they must maintain a good relationship to continue services year after year.
Since NCADD has been around for several years there is already an established relationship with
the community and it is known that they provide quality services to their clients. As previously
mention the agency has over 30 planning partners. There are numerous of organization the
prevention team works with throughout their daily work. The competition with other
organization may hinder the amount of clients served as well as the funding.
Theoretical Construct of the Organization
NCADD contains aspects of various management theories and conceptual framework.
Human relationship, Organizations as open system, and Contingency theory are the one I have
identified to fit this particular agency.
Systems theory explains the overall view of the organization. There are the inputs which
include resources, funding staff and client and the output would be the programs that are created
and the services being performed. Programs then become evaluated and assessed and changed to
meet the needs of the people they serve. For the contingency theory the organization is well
aware that there is no once size fits all way of doing things. The programs are tailored to the
specific individual, group or community. Human relationships are an important in this agency by
knowing the workers are social beings. Since the agency is small most of the staff knows one
another by face if not by name. There is a sense of a close knit staff working together for a
common goal. Each staff member is highly dedicated to helping their clients. They are motivated
individuals and exhibit leadership throughout the organization and in the community (Netting,
Kettner, McMurtry, & Thomas, 2012).
I think there are a few recommendations I would offer, which I have generated from both
observations and the SWOT analysis. Sitting in on outpatient group session there are videos
being shown that are extremely outdated. The organization could use a technological update.
Hiring a grant writer or forming a fundraising committee would help increase revenue for the
agency. NCADD staff is split between the two building and not enough staff interaction or
incentives are offered to them by the organization. Sponsoring a meal for the staff monthly or bi
weekly or coordinating an outing or activity would show the staff they are appreciated for their
dedication and hard work. Even simple icebreaker activities from time to time to have the staff
express their thoughts and get to know one another better would be beneficial. The agency could
improve on their marketing to increase the amount of clients served.
I think that the recommendation for increasing the organization funding may be costly
upfront if they look to hire someone, however it may be an advantage within the long run. With a
small staff sometimes an individual will take on a variety of roles and have multiple duties. This
can be overwhelming and can essentially burn someone out. The technological advances may
have to happen over a large time span since there are many things to update, but it is possible
moving one step at a time. Marketing would help promote the services. Recently there has been a
conversation around having a company creating a magazine on the agency. This would increase
publicity. I think they should take advantage of these types of opportunities. A source of funding,
time and will power of staff all play a factor in making these changes within the organization.
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. (2013). Organizational Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017.
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. (2015). 2014 Annual Report.
Netting, F. E., Kettner, P. M., McMurtry, S. L., & Thomas, M. L. (2012). Social Work Macro
Practice (5th ed.). Pearson Education.
Willems, J., Huybrechts, G., Jegers, M., Weijters, B., Vantilborgh, T., Bidee, J., & Pepermans,
R. (2012). Nonprofit governance quality: concept and measurement. Journal of Social
Service Research. Retrieved from
External Opportunities
Provide mental health treatment and enhanced co-occurring services
Offer acupuncture services for interested clients
Apply for CDC Prevention Grants
Offer for profit products to expand our services
Offer Trainings for NCADD staff and others
Increase Agency Capacity
Build relationship with Mental Health Authority.
Free billboards advertisements to promote services.
Develop and implement a strong focused strategic plan to move the agency forward.
Use all networking avenues to increase revenue.
Take advantage of 2400 E. Mc Nichols building space to generate revenues for long and
short term agreements.
Take advantage of innovative human services strategies to maximize Vantage Point West
location and services.
Promote program services to the community
External Threats
October 2014 Mental Health and Substance Abuse will be combined and the Wayne
County Authority will replace all Coordinating Agencys (CA).
Not maximizing the full potential of staff or lack thereof can be a potential threat to the
agency success.
Security, making the agency a safe welcoming environment.
Lack of funding.
IPH potential non-viable funding source.
Mental Health Authority.
Diminishing and changing client base
Internal staff not willing to try new ideas/ways of operations.
Internal communication.
External Funding sources.
Increased Competition for less resources
Limited or no Philanthropy