Ogre Horde: Against The
Ogre Horde: Against The
Ogre Horde: Against The
The adventure continues! Against the Ogre Horde is an expansion set used with your original Hero
Quest Game System. You must have the Game System in order to play the adventures in this booklet.
Against the Ogre Horde confronts our valiant Heroes with a threat far more dangerous than anything
they have yet encountered: the Dirgrusht Ogre clan. This Quest book contains new rules for the
Ogres and new rules for Mind Points. There are seven new Quests which will test the courage and
resourcefulness of the Emperors Heroes like never before.
Contents: Plastic Figures: 1 Ogre Lord, 1 Ogre Chieftain,
1 Ogre Champion,4 Ogre Warriors; Cardboard Tile Sheet.
Cardboard tile sheet includes:
1 new over-ground starting tile
2 new double-sided room tiles
4 Pit of Darkness tokens
4 Secret Door Tokens
Note: The new cardboard components are shown here and on the
following pages. Next to most components is a matching Quest Map
symbol. These symbols appear on each map to show you where to
place components on the gameboard.
These symbols are also the exact size needed for the blank create
your own Quest Map provided in the Game System Quest Book.
All you have to do is photocopy the symbols and cut them out.
Carpet Room
A luxuriously carpeted
room fit for a Chaos
Sun-Eye Room
A source of Chaos
power, ideal for an
Apprentice of Chaos.
Pits of Darkness
The Pit of Darkness Trap works in the same
way as a normal pit trap with the following
exceptions: if a Hero crossing a Pit of
Darkness space rolls a Skull, he plunges 30
feet onto hard floor. Once he falls, a Hero
will suffer damage depending on how much
armor he is wearing. Heroes not wearing any
armor must roll 1 Combat Die to see if they lose any Body
Points; those wearing Chainmail or Borin's Armor must
roll 2 Combat Dice; and those wearing plate mail must roll
3 Combat Dice. A Hero may climb out of a Pit of
Darkness on his next turn if there is a free space on any
one side of the Pit of Darkness. Pits of Darkness may not
be disarmed (once discovered), but Heroes may jump over
them like ordinary pit traps.
Surface Tile
For entering and exiting
the Ogres Fortress.
Pit of Chaos
Watch your step, or you,
too, will succumb to the
throes of Chaos.
Mind Blast
This spell allows a Chaos Sorcerer to inflict Mind Point
damage to a Hero without having to be next to him or
physically attacking him. A Chaos Sorcerer with this spell
receives the number of Mind Blast tokens specified in the
Quest. Each time he attacks, he must discard one of the
tokens. He may only use as many Mind Blasts as he has
To attack with a Mind Blast, both characters roll a number of
Combat Dice equal to their current Mind Point score and add
up the number of Skulls they have. The one with the most
Skulls, be it attacker or defender, then inflicts Mind point
damage on his opponent equal to the number of Skulls he has
in excess of his opponent's score. If both scores are equal,
neither character inflicts any damage. If a Hero or monster
loses all his Mind Points as a result of a Mind Blast, he is
knocked unconscious and remains out of play for the rest of
that Quest. Mind Points are recovered between Quests in the
same way as Body Points.
Ogre Background
Ogres see the world as one long series of meals: enemies
mean lunch or breakfast, depending on the time of day.
More often than not, Ogre duels are vast eating
competitions although violent brawls make a good
Ogres in HeroQuest
All Ogres occupy one space on the HeroQuest gameboard.
No other figure may pass through the same space as an
Ogre figure, whether they are good or evil. Once an Ogre
blocks a corridor, it stays blocked until he moves or is
Ogre Warrior
Move 6 Spaces
Attack 5 Dice
Defend 5 Dice
Body 3
Mind 1
Ogre Champion
Move 6 Spaces
Attack 5 Dice
Defend 5 Dice
Body 4
Mind 1
Ogre Chieftain
Move 4 Spaces
Attack 6 Dice
Defend 6 Dice
Body 4
Mind 2
Ogre Lord
Move 4 Spaces
Attack 6 Dice
Defend 6 Dice
Body 5
Mind 5
3. Advice to Players
Before the Heroes begin these Quests, they should
carefully choose the equipment and the magical items they
will take with them. Remember, the crossbow and the staff
are two invaluable weapons in any Quest. The crossbow
allows a Hero to kill a monster without entering a room
and running the risk of falling foul of any traps. The staff
allows a Hero to join in an attack against a foe that might
otherwise be blocked by other attacking Heroes. Players
should stick together as one party and advance carefully,
searching for traps and trying not to move through rooms
that they have not checked.
4. Advice to Zargon
Zargon should try to lure the Heroes into his traps by
making them chase monsters or charge to the attack. He
should make the best use of the new traps and spells now
available to him.
For example: Look at the second Quest in this book. In
room A there are two Orcs with crossbows positioned
behind two concealed pit traps. If the Heroes charge the
Orcs they risk falling into the pit traps, but if they don't,
the Orcs will shoot them with their crossbows.
A Glimpse of Chaos
argon sat motionless on his throne of pure jet, deep in thought. His eyes scanned the
image of the Emperor's lands, which he had magically conjured before him. He had been
so close to victory, so nearly had he trapped and destroyed the Emperor and his forces in
the ancient fortress at Karak Varn. But he had been foiled at the last minute by the
Emperor's accursed Champions. The same fate had befallen his powerful ally the Witch Lord whose
Army of the Dead had crumbled following the slaying of their leader.
Zargon needed some new and subtle means to attack the Empire and weaken its forces before
he could lead his armies against them once more. Suddenly his gaze froze and a smile sent ripples
through the lines of his ancient face. A plan had come to him.
A month later Zargon again sat back to examine the scheme he had set in motion. He had
never before considered the ancient race of Ogres as a potential tool. Their undisciplined and random
nature made them unreliable as servants and dangerous as allies. However, using the magical arts at
his disposal, Zargon had planted one of his Chaos sorcerers, Festral, within the subterranean fortress
of the infamous Dirgrusht Ogre clan. Drawing from a magical pool of Chaos power, Festral had subtly
taken control of the Ogre clan and started them on a series of raids on the Emperor's Farmlands. This
was only the beginning, for as the raids went on, other Ogre clans and Orc tribes came to swell the
ranks of his new army.
Gold: This color is used to highlight traps that the Heroes can detect by searching.
Light Green: This color is used to highlight traps and other hazards that the Heroes can
neither see nor detect by searching.
Dark Green: This color is used to highlight monster symbols. See the Monster Chart in
the back of this book for actual symbols.
In each Quest, notes prefaced with a capital letter correspond to a matching letter location on the Quest map.
At the beginning of each Quest, read aloud the parchment message from Mentor. The Quest notes that follow the message are for Zargons eyes only!
Quest 1
The Gargoyle in this room has the following stats:
4 Goblins
Quest 2
This chest contains Emeralds worth 300 Gold Coins.
The Orcs in this room have crossbows. They will pick off
adventures while the Ogre prevents them from crossing the
Pit Traps.
2 Chaos Warriors
Quest 3
This chest contains 200 Gold Coins.
Whenever there are any Heroes in any of these corridors during
Zargon's turn, he must roll 1d6. On a roll of 1 or 2 all the
monsters in the central hall are activated and the doors opened.
A roll of 3-6 has no effect. Zargon may roll every turn that
there is somebody in the central hall.
This is the chamber of Tograk, the commander of the Ogre
forces. He is an Ogre Chieftain.
Nexrael can use the Mind Blast spell and has 4 tokens for it.
This is the Horde's plunder room. There are 400 Gold Coins in
the first chest. The second chest conceals a spear trap and
contains 500 Gold Coins.
3 Orcs
Quest 4
If a Hero opens the door on the right, they will activate the
swinging blade trap marked on the board. It cannot be
activated any other way.
This chest contains 200 Gold Coins and some old bones.
2 Fimir
Quest 5
In the center of this chamber is the Pit of Chaos. Anyone
who moves into the pit will instantly turn to Chaos and fall
under the control of Zargon forever. This is the domain of
Festral, the Chaos Sorcerer, whose stats are as follows:
Festral knows all three of the Chaos Sorcerer spells and has
three tokens for each. The Chaos Warriors in the room are
members of Festral's personal guard:
3 Chaos Warriors
Quest 6
Both of these Orcs are armed with crossbows, which may
make ranged attacks with 3 Combat Dice.
This is the chamber of Xenloth the Chaos Mage, who is
Festral's assistant. Xenloth is able to use the Mind Lock
spell and the Mind Blast spell. He has 5 tokens for each
Here lies the treasure of the Ogre Lord. Each chest contains
700 Gold Coins, but all the chests conceal traps. Anyone
opening one of them is attacked by a spear trap. Roll 1
Combat Die. If a Skull is rolled, the Hero loses 1 Body
Point of damage.
You have finally reached the Great Hall of the Ogre Lord.
Here he sits with his general, an Ogre Chieftain and his
finest warriors. If he is killed, the first Hero to search the
room will find his jewel-encrusted crown, which is worth
450 Gold Coins.
Ogre Warrior
Quest 7
On each of his turns, Zargon may activate all the monsters in one or
two rooms, whether the door to that room has been opened or not. He
rolls 1d6. On a roll of 1-5 one room may be activated; on a roll of 6 he
may activate two rooms. The contents of the room(s) are then laid out
and the door is opened. Any monsters in that room may move on that
On each turn after the Heroes have left this room, Zargon
may place up to three Orcs on the stair tile, depending on
how many he has available. The Orcs may move
The first Hero to open this door will trigger a falling rock
trap which will fall on the space marked with an "X". This
works in the same way as a normal Falling Block Trap.
The chest inside the room is empty.
Once a Hero passes through this door onto the overground
tile, they are safe. No monsters may follow them there.
Monster Chart
Ogre Warrior
Ogre Champion
Ogre Chieftain
Ogre Lord
Hero Quest and the HeroQuest logo are trademarks of the Milton Bradley Corporation, a subsidiary of Hasbro,
2008, in association with Games Workshop 1988-1993. All rights reserved. Use of its theme and images in
this document is not intended as a challenge or threat to their copyright. This document is made available
exclusively for private, in-home use and is not permitted to be altered or sold, in whole or part, for profit.