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World Hunger Web Quest

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World Hunger
Olivia Maxwell, Brooklyn Irwin, Payton Chaney,
and Kloee Keener

Nutritionist: Kloee
Hunger is a condition where one is unable to eat sufficient food to meet basic nutritional
needs for a continuous time period.
A human can survive about three weeks, or 21 days, without food.
Hunger contractions can occur, which are known as hunger pangs. They do not usually begin
until about 12-24 hours after the last ingestion of food. A single contraction lasts about 30
seconds. Pangs continue for about 30-45 minutes, and hunger subsides for about 30-150
Kids need about 1,600-2,200 calories each day.
Undernourishment is when one is supplied with less than the minimum amount of foods
essential for adequate health and growth.
Malnutrition is caused by an inadequate dietary intake and not eating enough of the right
Acute starvation is affected by the sudden and complete stopping of food intake, while
chronic starvation is affected by gradual insufficient food intake.

Vitamin A deficiency: Xerophthalmia begins with dry eyes and night blindness, but can eventually
lead to total blindness. Vitamin A deficiency can also lower your immune function making you more
susceptible to other illnesses. It can be fought by getting the amount of vitamin A that your body
Niacin and Iodine deficiency: Niacin deficiency can cause pellagra and eventually lead to dementia
and death. Iodine deficiency can cause a goiter and cause you to struggle from cretinism. Both of
these deficiencies can be prevented by getting the proper amounts of niacin and iodine.
Vitamin D deficiency: This can cause rickets, which cause weak bones that break easily, bone pain,
skeletal deformities, muscle cramps, impaired growth, and dental deformities. These symptoms can
be prevented by getting enough vitamin D.
Iron deficiency: Anemia is caused by iron deficiency, this means that you dont make enough
hemoglobin for your red blood cells. It can make you tired, pale, and irritable. It may also cause
rapid heartbeat, decrease in appetite, slow brain development, decrease in immune function, and
decrease in school performance. It can be prevented by simply getting enough iron.

Socialist: Payton
The socialist is to identify the economic factors contributing to world hunger.
Hunger is not just the need to eat; hunger, as the word is used by food and health
experts, can be defined as the continuing deprivation in a person of the food needed to
support a healthy life.
Poverty is the main cause of hunger in the world. Most people who are hungry are living
in extreme poverty, defined as income of $1.25 per day or less. The largest group of
people in the world in extreme poverty are smallholder farmers in developing
countries.They do not have the land to grow enough food to supply themselves with
enough to eat year round, and they earn so little income from what they sell that they
cannot afford to purchase food from other sources once their own supply runs out.
Job Instability: Hunger rates rise when the national or local economy is in a slump.
People lose jobs and cannot find work. Once the economy improves some people
continue to struggle to find work.
Food Shortages: and Waste The people most affected are smallholder farmers and their
families who depend on their own surplus to survive between harvests. The period
leading up to a harvest is known as the hungry season.

Location/Climate: Ukraine is the largest country in Europe and is in a state of starvation. Ukraine is
located in Europe and is the largest country in Europe. It recently became independent from Russia. It
has a temperate climate (cold winters/warm summers) with a bit of humidity from the ocean.
Housing: More than 2 million people have been forced out of their homes and had to live on the streets
Language: Since Ukraine separated from Russia, most of them speak Russian.
Clothing: the people of Ukraine dont have the nicest clothes
Ukrainian culture is a blend of eastern Slavic patterns and unique features
The country has lost territory and more than two million people have been forced from their homes
1.5 million people in eastern Ukraine are food insecure, including 290,000 severely so and in need of
immediate food assistance
Ukraine is currently in war

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