Taxonomy of Socratic Questioning
Taxonomy of Socratic Questioning
Taxonomy of Socratic Questioning
Paul, Richard, Critical Thinking: How to Prepare Students for a Rapidly Changing World, 1993.
Questions that Probe Reasons and Evidence
Questions of Clarification
What do you mean by ____?
What is your main point?
How does _____ relate to _____?
Could you put that another way?
Is your basic point _____ or _____?
What do you think is the main issue
Let me see if I understand you; do
you mean _____ or _____?
How does this relate to our
What do you, Mike, mean by this
remark? What do you take Mike to
mean by his remark?
Jane, can you summarize in your
own words what Richard said? . . .
Richard, is this what you meant?
Could you give me an example?
Would this be an example, . . .?
Could you explain this further?
Would you say more about that?
Why do you say that?