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The Complete Chess Workout PDF

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Richard Palliser

First published in 2007 by Gloucester Publishers plc (formerly Everyman Publishers plc),
Northburgh House, 10 Northburgh Street, London EC1V OAT
Copyright 2007 Richard Palliser
First published 2007 by Gloucester Publishers plc
The right of Richard Palliser to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in
accordance with the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher.
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 978185744 532 9
Distributed in North America by The Globe Pequot Press, P.O Box 480,
246 Goose Lane, Guilford, CT 06437-0480.
All other sales enquiries should be directed to Everyman Chess, Northburgh House,
10 Northburgh Street, London EC1V OAT
tel: 020 7253 7887 fax: 020 7490 3708
email: info@everymanchess.com
website: www.everymanchess.com
Everyman is the registered trade mark of Random House Inc. and is used in this work under
license from Random House Inc.

EVERYMAN CHESS SERIES (formerly Cadogan Chess)

Chief advisor: Byron Jacobs
Commissioning editor: John Emms
Assistant editor: Richard Palliser
Typesetting and editing by First Rank Publishing, Brighton.
Cover design by Horatio Monteverde.
Printed and bound in America by Versa Press.



Warming Up


Opening Tricks and Traps


Skill in the Endgame


Loose Pieces and Overloading


Fiendish Calculation


Test Yourself






Spending as little as 10-15 minutes a day on one's tactical ability really can reap dividends.
I can certainly testify to that myself and it's always very welcome to see a pupil regularly
trying to solve a number of tactical exercises: not only do they become more tactically alert,
but they also improve their clock handling and gain in confidence.
During the past decade some quite challenging puzzle books have appeared, aimed
chiefly at the level of the stronger club player and above. These are a most welcome devel
opment, but are perhaps not the best tactical training for less experienced players or even
average club players. Some attempted solving of very tough positions is a good thing, es
pecially if the solution is then studied in some detail, but such works are unlikely to pro
vide the budding student with a grounding in the fundamentals of tactical and attacking
Wanting to produce a book that would improve the tactical knowledge of the average
player led me to drawing up categories of both the more common attacking motifs (bishop
sacrifices on h7 and knight sacrifices on f7 being two main examples) and the less usual
(such as a queen sacrifice on h6). Thus there are a number of examples of each key theme
in this work which should, I hope, help to cement these important ideas into the reader's
subconscious, thereby improving both their attacking and defensive ability.
One cannot, of course, blindly attack in every game: the right conditions to attack must
be present, such as a chip in the opposition king's pawn wall or the ability to quickly trans
fer many of one's pieces to the attacking zone. Many of the puzzles in this work deal with
attacking scenarios and should help the reader to further appreciate just when and why an
attack is likely to work.
What, though, of the many games in which we don't get to attack? In these tactical play
is no less likely to occur and it's important to always be alert to tactical opportunities. One
very handy way of not letting these pass by is to keep in mind John Nunn's very useful
mnemonic: LPDO ('loose pieces drop off'). Indeed, it's very noticeable just how many tac
tics are to do with a piece being undefended or poorly defended. The reader will become
fully aware of the concept of LPs while working through the large chapter on attacking

The Complete Chess Workout

motifs, but so important is the topic that I've also included a later chapter devoted to both
it and the related theme of overloading a defensive piece.
To remind the reader that tactics are present throughout the game, there are also chap
ters devoted to tactics in both the opening and the endgame, while the fiendish puzzles of
Chapter Six should challenge even the very tactically able. I've also aimed to make things a
little trickier throughout for the reader by not following the common practice of sorting
each chapter by difficulty. Instead the order is much more like the tactical opportunities
that occur in our games, being random (sorting alphabetically by tournament location is
about as random as one can get!) and thereby simple tactics follow quite challenging ones
and vice versa. Do be aware too that by no means every combination mates in style or wins
heavy material; just as in real life, many of the puzzles included here only lead to the win
of a pawn, while a few even see the side to move scrambling a draw through some tactical
device or other.
I couldn't resist including a few classic favourites among the 1,200 puzzles, but even

those with an excellent knowledge of the classics should find the majority of the positions
included new. No less than 585 of the puzzles are from games played in 2007 and I've also
drawn heavily on unpublished games collections: chiefly my own I'm afraid, but I'm also
very grateful to a number of people who sent or supplied games: Chris Duggan, Scott Fra
ser, Paul Hopwood, Neville Pearce, Kieran Smallbone, Norman Stephenson, Sean Terry
(editor of the excellent Oxford City CC magazine,

Dislnformator), and Tim Turner.

I hope that this work will improve the tactical eye of the reader, while also reminding
them of the many beautiful possibilities thrown up by our favourite royal game.
Richard Palliser,
September 2007

1: Warming Up

Even those fairly new to the game should find the following hundred puzzles quite solv
able. Just remember that you're not always looking to force mate; quite often the solution is
just a little tactic to pick up a pawn or two.

1) D A.Andres Gonzalez J.De Ia Villa Garcia

Abierto 2006


D A.Yermolinsky T.Kurosaki
Agoura Hills 2007

White to Play

B.Esen T.Demirel
Ankara 2007

White to Play

White to Play



D A.Mortola

Arvier 2007

Black to Play

The Complet e C hess Workout


D A.Fedorov Z.Mamedjarova


D L.Damjanovic A.Panic
Belgrade 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D A.Khudaverdieva N.Miezis


D R.Mitrovic M.Mihajlovic
Bel grade 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

D C.Baudson L.Gil
Balagne 2007

White to Play


J.Emms G.Burgess
British League 1999

White to Play

Warming Up

M.Quinn M.Lyell
British League2000


Black to Play

D M.Simons R.Noyce
British League 2000

D M.Soszynski J.Stevenson
British League 2007

Black to Play

Al.lvanov V.Sanduleac

White to Play

White to Play

D l.Vadja K.Haznedaroglu

White to Play

D M.Galyas. W.Wilke

White to Play

The Complet e Chess Workout


D S.Farago Hj.Gretarsson
Budapest 2007

D L.Hylands M.Uddin
Cheltenham 2007


Black to Play

D Y.Drozdovskij V.Georgiev
Cappelle Ia Grande 2007

White to Play

White t o Play

D T.Rrhioua C.Debray
Champs sur Marne 2007

Black to Play


A.Riazantsev B.Galstian
Chelyabinsk 2007

White to Play

D M.Abdul N.Murshed
Dhaka 2007

White to Play

Warming Up

S.Reefat. M.Abdul


White to Play

White to Play

D A.Graf A.Gasthofer
Dresden 2007

D M.Erdogdu A.David
Dresden 2007


Black to Play

Black to Play

D A.Hafenstein R.Brunello
Dresden 2007

Black to Play

A.Savickas A.Hunt
Dresden 2007


R.Vaganian S.Siebrecht
Dresden 2007

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout

29) D V.Durarbeyli B.Damljanovic


D B.Holland R.Rough
Gibraltar 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

D V.Shalimov A.Bagrationi


D M.Garcia H.Strand
Gibraltar 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D V.Gozzoli E.Reinhart
French League2007

White to Play



M.Helin L.Manetto

White to Play

Warming Up


O.Vea H.Rasch


White to Play

P.Wallace A.Dekker

White to Play

G.Salimbeni N.Hutchinson

White to Play

R.Westra R.Palliser
Gool e (rapid) 1999

White to Play

C.Wilman A.Tate
Hamilton 2005

Black to Play

D.Schut L.Bensdorp

Black to Play


The Complet e Chess Workout



M.Bogorads D.Jahr
Hockenheim 2007


Y.Zimmerman P.Adams
Isle of Man 2005

White to Play

White to Play

O.Giadyszev S.Kidambi
Isle of Man 2005


Black to Play

S.Siebrecht A.Szieberth
Isle of Man 2006

White to Play


A.May H.Hecht

Black to Play

A.Nikolaeva O.Vozovic
Kharkiv 2007

Black to Play

Warming Up


S.Vysochin V.Sergeev
Kyiv 2007


0 M.Aionso Contreras. D.Trujillo Delgado

La Laguna 2007

White to Play

V.Balanovskij I.Kusnetsov
Kyiv 2007

White to Play

A.Moreto Quintana V.Koziak

La Rode 2007

Black to Play
49) 0 B.Kurajica C.Schneider Sanchez
La Laguna 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

O.Hindle P.Puig Puildo


White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout


C.Ficco M.Godena
Lugano 2007


Black to Play

Black to Play

0 R.Martin del Campo

L.Aionso Arteaga
Merida 2006


White to Play

A.Kosten C.Marchal
Metz 2007

White to Play


A.Touret V.Petkov
Metz 2007

N.Guliyev V.Schweitzer
Metz 2007

White to Play

A.Chudinovskih O.Nikolenko
Moscow 2007

White to Play

Warming Up

D A.Okara M.Vuganova
Moscow 2007


White to Play

D A.Venevtsev M.Mozharov
Moscow 2007

D D.Bronstein A.Koblencs
Moscow 1945

White to Play

E.Lasker M.Steinitz

White to Play

Black to Play

D A.Aguilar M.Leskovar
Necochea 2007

Black to Play

D 'Andrei21' R.Palliser
online blitz 2007

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout


R.Palliser 'Perparim3'
online blitz 2007


White to Play

D D.Bruce R.Palliser
Oxford 2003

Black to Play

White to Play

D K.Smallbone S.Terry

White to Play


A.Chua Z.lzoria
Parsippany 2007

B.Katz R.Tomasko
Parsippany 2007

White to Play

D V.Hylapov L.Lintchevski
Peterhof 2007

White to Play

Warming Up

D A.Nickel L.Deruda
Porto Mannu 2007


D A.Volokitin E.Bareev
Russian Team Championship 2007

White to Play
D R.Markus D.Doric
Rijeka 2006


White to Play

D.Tyomkin V.Gaprindashvili
Saint Vincent 2005

White to Play

White to Play

P.Hempson R.Palliser
Rotherham (rapid} 2007

Black to Play


A.Rodriguez A.Needleman
San Luis 2007

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout


F.Corrales F.De Ia Paz

Santa Clara 2007


White to Play

Black to Play

D A.Morozevich S.Movsesian
Sarajevo 2007

Black to Play

C.Ward R.Palliser
Scarborough 2001

White to Play


R.Palliser J.Houska
Scarborough 2004


A.Gavrilov R.Perez Garcia

Sevi lie2007

White to Play
82} 0 K.Ambartsumova J.Kochetkova
Sochi 2007

White to Play

Warming Up

A.Bogdanov F.Rodkin
St Petersburg 2006


Black to Play


A.Eiiseev V.Kurilov
St Petersburg 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

A.Guzenko S.Kiobukov
St Petersburg 2007

White to Play

D A.Lomako T.Airapetian
St Petersburg 2007

D A.Vunder M.Zacurdajev
St Petersburg 2007

Black to Play

D R.Palliser D.Seymour
Stockton on Tees simul 2005

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout


R.Zimmermann J.Lener
Teplice 2007


0 P.San Segundo Carrillo R.Wojtaszek

Turin 2006

Black to Play

White to Play

A.Mordue S.Dilleigh
Torquay 2006


I.Starostits R.Bezler
Triesen 2007

White to Play


A.Karpov M.Stojanovic
Valjevo 2007

White to Play

White to Play


D L.Golovin V.lvanov
Voronezh 2007

White to Play

Warming Up

D A.Walas G.Gajewski
Warsaw (rapid} 2006


D P.Cioudsdale P.Hopwood
York 2001

Black to Play

D B.Rhodes P.Hopwood

Black to Play

D P.Hopwood E.Lockwood
York 1995

White to Play

Black to Play

D M.Rogerson R.Palliser
York 2007

Black to Play


L.Pecnik B.Galoic
Zagreb 2007

White to Play


2: Attack!

We now reach the meat and bones of this work. Most players love to attack, and solving
the puzzles in this large chapter should help to hone both your attacking and defensive
technique. I've tried to include several examples of all the main mating motifs to help fix
these in the reader's mind, but once again do be aware that by no means every solution
will force mate; quite often the defender can prevent your main attacking threats at the
cost of a pawn or the exchange.


D V.Pupols R.Adamson
Agoura Hills2007


Black to Play

A.Yusupov A.Reuss

White to Play

G.Fontein M.Euwe
Amsterdam 1939

Black to Play

D !.Campbell P.Beggi

White to Play

Att ack!

W.De Marco V.Bashkite

Arvier 2007


N.Skalkotas V.Kotrotsos
Athens 2007

Black to Play
106) 0 I.Moiseenko A.lsmagambetov
Astana 2007

White to Play

M.Zacarias (.Valiente
Asuncion 2006

White to Play

Ni Hua R.Palliser
Athens 2001

Black to Play

Black to Play


0 F.Hoelzl H.Knoll
Austrian League 2007

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout


H.Teske M.Stangl
Austrian League 2007


White to Play

D P.Popovic J.Pinter
Austrian League 1997

Black to Play

Black to Play


V.Korchnoi A.Karpov
Baguio City1978

T.Mamedjarova A.Naiditsch
Baku 2007

Black to Play

Ayamonte 2006

D A.Horvath L.Seres
Balatonlelle 2006

White to Play

White to Play

D M.Narciso Dublan H.Mecking


117) D D.Berczes T.Roussel Roozmon
Balatonlelle 2007


White to Play
118} D

M.Conde Chijeb
Barcelona 2007

I.Molano Lafuente

White to Play

Black to Play

D K.Leenhouts C.Sielecki
Belgian League 2007

White to Play

White to Play
119) D X.Colom Andres M.Zohaib Hassan
Barcelona 2007

D B.Aishoha A.EI Kawabia

Beirut 2007


D P.Motwani E.Wiersma
Belgian League 2007

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout


S.Hautot M.Saltaev
Belgian League 2007


Black to Play

D.Radulovic B.Lajthajm
Belgrade 2007

White to Play

D J.Vasic V.Zivkovic
Belgrade 2006

Black to Play

D D.Rajkovic B.Tadic
Bel grade 2007

Black to Play


I.Martic R.lrizanin
Belgrade 2007

Black to Play

S.Ostojic V.Conic
Belgrade 2007

White to Play


J.Biackburne J.Schwarz


White to Play


L.Vadja B.lvkov
Bern 2006

White to Play

I.Matijasevic I.Bender
Bizovac 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

D.Marholev L.Morelle
Bethune 2006

White to Play

R.Palliser R.Callis
Beverley 2000


V.Prlac P.Szakolczai
Bizovac 2007

Black to Play


The Complete C hess Workout


G.Rigg A.Masters
Blackpool 2007


Black to Play

D J.Wheeler J.Dore

L.Barden B.H.Wood

White to Play


S.Haslinger D.Gormally
Blackpool 2003

White to Play

White to Play

D A.Franco P.Rodriguez
Bogota 2006

White to Play

D W.Burt N.Dennis
Bourne End (rapid) 200 2

White to Play



A.lbbotson P.Hopwood
Bradford 2001


Black to Play


A.Byron N.Hosken
British League 2006

White to Play

1 45)

White to Play

A.Hagesaether A.Greet
British League 2005

Black to Play

A.Kosten B.Hague
British League 2007

A.Law J.Gallagher
British League 1999

Black to Play

C.Waters R.Richmond
British League 1999

White to Play


The Complete Chess Workout


D.Coleman L.D'Costa
British League 2003

1 50)

White to Play

White to Play

D.Ledger J.Burnett
British League2002


White to Play

D.Shaw Low Ving Min

British League 2005

White to Play


D.Wise J.Biackburn
British League2002

Dai.James D.Anderton
British League 2005

Black to Play

G.Buckley N.Mitchem
British League 2004

White to Play


G.Fiear S.Ansell
British League 2003



J.Bourne K.Gregory
British League2007

Black to Play

White to Play

H.Hoffmann S.Munson
British League 2006


J.Emms D.Ledger
British League 2006

White to Play

I.Upton P.Brown
British League2000

White to Play

White to Play

J.Foster J.Parmar
British League 2005

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout


J.Gilbert Gr.Morris
British League2006


J.Sherwin B.Hague
British League2004

White to Play

J.Mestel A.Hynes
British League2004

Black to Play

K.Smallbone D.Gunter
British League2002

White to Play

White to Play
161} D J.Rudd K.Arakhamia Grant
British League2007

Black to Play



L.D'Costa P.Wells
British League2003

Black to Play

D L.Trent D.Tan
British League 2003


M.Rich S.Barrett
British League 2004


White to Play

M.Adams M.Hennigan
British League 200 1

White to Play

M.Simons H.Richards
British League 200 2

White to Play

M.Adams R.Bates
British League 2005

White to Play

White to Play

N.Povah J.Sisask
British League 2004

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout



O.Cooley J.Moore
British League 2000


R.Bates D.Mason
British League 2006

Black to Play

P.Helbig R.Palliser
British League 2005

White to Play

White to Play

P.Valden K.Smallbone
British League 2005

Black to Play


R.De Coverly N.Frost

British League 2000

White to Play

R.Eames M.Simmons
British League 2005

White to Play

Att ack!
1 77)

R.Edwards S.Lalic
British League2000


R.Palliser M.Broomfield
British League2003

Black to Play

R.Granat J.Bentley
British League2004

White to Play

Black to Play

R.Palliser H.Hunt
British League1999

White to Play

R.Webb P.Townsend
British League1999

White to Play

R.Willis. N.Twitchell
British League2007

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout


S.Bibby D.Johnston
British League 2001


White to Play

Black to Play

S.Macak J.Rowson
British League 2007


T.Cox G.Dickson
British League 2004

Black to Play


K.Smallbone M.Cupal
Brno 2004

White to Play

Black to Play

V.Bologan J.Lautier
British League 2005


D.Milanovic G.Grigore
Bucharest 2007

White to Play



V.Barnaure C.Nanu
Bucharest 2007


M.lgnacz K.Niemi
Budapest 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

B.Lengyel To Nhat Minh

Budapest 2007


D.Bronstein P.Keres

White to Play

S.Collins A.lllner
Budapest 2007

White to Play

White to Play


D L.Szabo A.Bisguier
Buenos Aires1955

White to Play


The Complete Chess Workout



A.Karpov V.Hort


Black to Play

White to Play

A.Mendelson R.Quinn
Bunratty 2007


D A.Kovalev H.Stevic
Calvia 2004

White to Play

Black to Play

A.Peile N.Miller
Bunratty 200 2

White to Play


V.Sauvonnet Ni Hua
Calvi 2007


E.Arlandi A.Kveinys
Calvia 2004

Black to Play



Z.Aimasi L.Winants


Black to Play

D A.Maz Machado

E. Fernandez Romero

Black to Play

E.Valero Cano
Campillos 2007

D.Recuero Guerra

White to Play

D N.Guliyev S.Mamedyarov
Canada de Calatrava (rapid) 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play
203) D

D F.Tahirov A.Shirov
Canada de Calatrava (rapid} 2007


D O.Gritsak E.Bacrot
Canada de Calatrava (rapid}2007

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout



D D.Smerdon H.Cunanan


Cannes 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D I.Saric M.Gurevich

Cannes 2007

211) 0 P.Van Hoolandt E.EI Gindy

Cannes 2007

White to Play


D N.Arsenault E.Pepino

Canberra 2007

D M.Libens F.Fargere

Black to Play

D R.Hrzica J.Armas

Cannes 2007

Cannes 2007

Black to Play

White to Play




D S.Collas P.Lebel


D J.Friedel L.Cyborowski

Cannes 2007

Cappelle Ia Grande 2007

White to Play

White to Play

Cap d'Agde (rapid) 2006

D (.Keller S.Siukova
Champs sur Marne 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D Zhao Xue S.Karjakin

D D.Arutinian O.Danielian



D E.White D.Curnow

Cappelle Ia Grande 2007

Cheltenham 2007

White to Play

Black to Play


The Complete C hess Workout


D E.Romanov L.Mkrtchian


Copenhagen 2006

White to Play

Black to Play

220) D A.Aimeida Saenz M.Gagunashvili

Chicago 2007



D S.Bercys A.Simutowe

D D.Path F.Rayner

Cork 2005

White to Play

White to Play

D H.Agustsson K.Madland

Chelyabinsk 2007


D M.Bartel S.Cicak

Chicago 2007

Cork 2005

White to Play

White to Play



D P.Cafolla B.Socko


Cork 2005

Black to Play

White to Play

D R.Aimond C.Rossi

Cork 2005

229) D V.Kotronias G.Sarakauskas

Cork 2005

White to Play

Black to Play

D V.Cmilyte J.Benjamin

Cork 2005

D T.Hickey N.Ahern


D V.Kotronias J.Benjamin

Cork 2005

Cork 2005

White to Play

Black to Play


The Complete C hess Workout


D Z.Gymesi A.Fox

Cork 2005

White to Play

D J.Rudd A.Khantuev

Coulsdon 2007

White to Play

D N.Tavoularis I.Snape

Coulsdon 2007

Black to Play


D M.lvic D.Pavasovic
Croatian Team Championship 2007

Black to Play
D M.lvic. M.Medic
Croatian Team Championship 2007

White to Play
D M.Zovko G.Mohr
Croatian Team Championship 2007

Black to Play


0 I.Naumkin M.Abatino

Cutro 2007

240) 0 S.Megaranto C.Batchuluun

Doha (rapid) 2006

White to Play

White to Play

0 T.Cheval P.Gerfault

0 P.Catt H.Lockwood


Doncaster 2006

d' Angers 2007

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0 B.Cooper D.Scott


Black to Play

Black to Play



0 V.Topalov A.Naiditsch

Didcot 2005

Dortmund 2005

White to Play

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout

243) D A.Ardeleanu G.Kachieshvili
Dresden 2007


Dresden 2007

White to Play



D A.Naiditsch J.Gustafsson

D E.Korbut L.Javakhishvili

White to Play

0 E.Levushkina H.Vogel

Dresden 2007

Dresden 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

D A.Naiditsch P.Sowray


0 E.Najer V.Neverov

Dresden 2007

Dresden 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

249) D E.Zweschper H.Hanemann
Dresden 2007


White to Play

White to Play

D I.Zakurdjaeva E.Paehtz
Dresden 2007

Dresden 2007

D J.Geske A.Ardeleanu
Dresden 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

D F.Handke F.Dinger

251) D G.Beckhuis K.Jakubowski

Dresden 2007

Black to Play



D J.Zawadzka A.Stefanova

Dresden 2007

Black to Play


The Complete C hess Workout

255) D K.Arakhamia Grant E.Levushkina
Dresden 2007


Dresden 2007

White to Play

White to Play



D M.Roos J.Stocek

D M.Womacka S.Kaphle


D N.Pert A.Aieksandrov

Dresden 2007

Dresden 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

D M.Schulz G.Marville


D P.Bobras E.Can

Dresden 2007

Dresden 2007

White to Play

White to Play


0 S.Azarov T.Sanikidze

Dresden 2007

264) 0 Z.Mamedjarova K.Nemcova

Dresden 2007

White to Play

White to Play

0 S.Bakker L.Gutman


0 A.lljin K.Sakaev

Dresden 2007

Dresden (rapid) 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

263) 0 V.Neverov R.Strohhaeker

Dresden 2007

Black to Play


0 K.Georgiev B.Socko

Dresden (rapid) 2007

White to Play

The Complete C hess Workout

267) D H.Melkumyan T.L.Petrosian
Dubai 2007

270) D D.Stellwagen M.Bosboom

Dutch League 2006

Black to Play
268) D S.Mamedyarov M.AI Modiahki
Dubai 2004

White to Play

Dutch League 2007

White to Play


D J.Burnett R.Palliser

D D.Van Kerkhof M.Piket

White to Play

D F.Nijboer M.Hoffmann

Durham 2002

Dutch League 2006

Black to Play

White to Play




D l.Winants M.Okkes


D B.Mudongo S.Andriasian

Dutch League 2006

Ekaterinburg 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

Edinburgh 2007

D T.Sabure E.Danielian
Ekaterinburg 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

D E.Ferry K.Ruxton

D H.Brechin J.Aagaard

Edinburgh 2007

White to Play


278) D O.Korneev C.Landenbergue

Elgoibar 2006

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout


0 E.Rozentalis M.Adams

Elista 1998

282} 0 O.Gritsayeva A.Kolomiets

Evpatoria 2007

Black to Play

0 I.Sudakova O.Guseva


0 P.Golubka A.Bagrationi

Elista 2002

Evpatoria 2007

White to Play

White to Play

281) 0 D.Garcia llundain A.Miles

Escaldes 1998

Black to Play


White to Play

284) 0 V.Galakhov A.Oiishevsky

Evpatoria 2007

Black to Play




D Jo.Hall A.Brusey


D V.Marincas L.Csilcser

Exmouth 2007

Felix Spa 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

D G.Mateuta V.lovan


D E.Hintikka T.Paakkonen

Felix Spa 2007

Finnish League 2006

White to Play

Black to Play

D N.Ristic I.Adam


D T.Sammalvuo V.Maki

Felix Spa 2007

Finnish League 2007

White to Play

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout

291) 0 O.Hindle J.Van Oosterom
Flushing 1962


French League 2003

Black to Play

White to Play



0 A.Wirig M.Kazhgaleyev

Foxwoods 2007

0 I.Nataf J.Riff
French League 2006

Black to Play

White to Play

0 T.Taylor P.Vavrak

0 W.Schukowski C.Jacob



0 M.Apicella N.Giffard

Frankfurt 2006

French League 2003

Black to Play

White to Play



D S.Pucher J.Lautier

D V.Talla K.Motuz

Frydek Mistek 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

D E.Pospisil M.Mroziak

Frydek Mistek 2007

White to Play


French League 2007

D K.Motuz P.Petran

Frydek Mistek 2007

Black to Play

301) D A.Morozevich K.Georgiev

Fuegen 2006

White to Play
302) D A.Naiditch S.Mamedyarov
Fuegen 2006

Black to Play


The Complete C hess Workout





D A.Greet G.Pitl


D D.Baramidze P.H.Nielsen

Gausdal 2007

German League 2006

White to Play

Black to Play

D P.Jagstaidt A.Zozulia


D D.Navara R.Rabiega

Geneva 2007

German League 2006

Black to Play

Black to Play

D F.Gehringer I.Rausis


D J.Fischer V.Beim

Gerlingen 2007

German League 2006

Black to Play

Black to Play




D J.Nunn (.Pritchett

German League 1985

D L.Zesch P.Acs
German League 2006

White to Play

Black to Play

D J.Werle R.Mainka



D M.Borriss L.Nisipeanu

German League 2007

German League 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

D L.Vogt O.Teschke


D S.B.Hansen J.Wintzer

German League 2007

German League 2006

White to Play

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout





D S.Ernst S.Loeffler


D F.Caruana M.Adams

German League 2006

Gibraltar 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

D T.Luther A.Sokolov


D F.Poggio R.Livesey

German League 2007

Gibraltar 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

D Z.Ribli K.Muranyi


D H.Rasch E.Schiller

German League 2007

Gibraltar 2007

White to Play

White to Play



D I.Krush K.Ruxton


D J.Hickman S.Menon

Gibraltar 2007

Gibraltar 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

D !.Rogers R.Ris


D K.Lahno N.Malmdin

Gibraltar 2007

Gibraltar 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

323) D J.Dworakowska P.Cramling

Gibraltar 2007

Black to Play


D N.Arsenault R.Ris

Gibraltar 2007

Black to Play

The Complete C hess Workout


D R.Wade C.Horton

White to Play

White to Play

Black to Play
D V.Korchnoi I.Krush

Gibraltar 2007

Black to Play


D V.Korchnoi I.Krush

Gibraltar 2007

328) D S.Kristjansson C.Salgado Allaria

Gibraltar 2007



Gibraltar 2007


D G.Popilski I.Porat
Givataim 2007

Black to Play
332) D P.Hopwood M.Mackenzie
Glasgow 2004

White to Play



0 !.Robertson !.Stokes


Gothenburg 1955

White to Play

Black to Play

0 A.Bodnaruk V.Gunina

Gorodets 2006

337) 0 D.McGowan L.MacGregor

Grangemouth 2006

White to Play

0 W.Unzicker D.Bronstein

Glenrothes 2005

0 T.Seeman R.Akesson

White to Play

0 O.Adda E.Janev

Gothenburg 2006

Grenoble 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

The Complete Chess Workout





0 R.Di Paolo J.Oiivier


0 V.Siovineau S.Rukminto

Grenoble 2007

Halkidiki 2007

White to Play

White to Play

0 P.Holt R.Palliser


0 M.Rogerson R.Palliser

Guernsey 1995

Harrogate 2006

White to Play

White to Play

0 C.Dorrington S.Williams


0 K.Smallbone M.Brazier

Halifax (rapid) 2004

Hastings 2002

Black to Play

White to Play




D M.Taimanov R.Persitz


D H.Westerinen B.larsen

Hastings 1955

Havana 1967

White to Play

Black to Play

D N.Short P.Biyiasis


D S.5iebrecht J.Diaz Diaz

Hastings 1979

Havana 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

D S.Mulligan D.Foord


D J.Turner K.Smallbone

Hastings 2007

Hereford 2000

Black to Play

White to Play

The Complete C hess Workout


D R.Palliser J.Horner

Heywood 2006

354) D Peng Zhaoqin P.Van Nies

Hilversum 2007

White to Play

Black to Play



D C.Otten M.Bensdorp


D H.Schmoll B.Giacomelli

Hilversum 2007

Hockenheim 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

D G.Grotenhuis E.L'Ami


D L.Van Wely P.Acs

Hilversum 2006

Hoogeveen 2002

Black to Play

Black to Play

Att ack!



0 A.Caveney R.Tia


0 E.Fomichenko A.Anibar

Houston 2006

Illes Medes 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

0 A.Hunt R.Palliser


0 M.Pruja A.Muratet

Hove 1997

Illes Medes 2006

White to Play

Black to Play

0 T.Harper R.Palliser


0 R.Gerber M.Bartel

Hull 1999

Illes Medes 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play


The Complete C hess Workout





0 A.Zapata G.Welling


0 L.Kritz D.Kolbus

Isle of Man 2002

Isle of Man 2005

White to Play

Black to Play

0 D.Howell P.Wells


0 M.Devereaux T.Lunn

Isle of Man 2005

Isle of Man 2006

Black to Play

White to Play

0 J.Lutton R.Palliser


0 M.Ferguson T.Eggleston

Isle of Man 2002

Isle of Man 2006

Black to Play

White to Play



D O.Korneev M.Devereaux


D V.lkonnikov R.Palliser

Isle of Man 2006

Isle of Man 2005

Black to Play

Black to Play

D R.Palliser V.Malakhatko


D V.Sareen S.Lohou

Isle of Man 2005

Isle of Man 2005

White to Play

White to Play

371) D R.Van Kemenade M.Dougherty

Isle of Man 2002

White to Play


D V.Kuzubov H.Wademark

Isle of Man 2005

White to Play

The Complete C hess Workout


D V.Kuzubov R.Palliser


Islington 1971

White to Play

White to Play

376) D V.Vakovich G.Sarakauskas

Isle of Man 2006



D G.Dickson G.Botterill

D P.Scott P.Simonds

Islington 1971

White to Play

White to Play

D M.Lambshire R.Keely

Isle of Man 2006


D S.Webb. R.Bellin

Islington 1971

Islington 1971

Black to Play

Black to Play




D J.Emms L.Fressinet


D S.James R.lobo

Istanbul 2000

Kidlington 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D M.Adams M.Maki Uuro


D W.Burt. R.Dams

lzmir 2004

Kidlington 2006

White to Play

White to Play

D M.lucey N.Miller


D B.Spassky V.Korchnoi

Kidlington 2003

Kiev 1968

Black to Play

White to Play

The Complete C hess Workout



D M.Novik K.Sakaev

Black to Play

Black to Play

D M.Darban S.Paridar

Black to Play
D F.Schellmann K.Kachiani

Koenigshofen 2007

Black to Play


D T.Henrichs M.Prusikin

Konigshofen 2007

Kish 2005



Kirishi (rapid) 2007

391) D A.Malienko P.Kruglyakov

Kyiv 2007

White to Play
392) D V.Kovalenko A.Chistiakov
Kyiv 2007

White to Play

393) 0 A.Perez Celis F.Mingorance Torres
La Laguna 2007

White to Play
394) 0 C.Damaso Tacoronte C.Campos Vera
La Laguna 2007

White to Play
395) 0

H.Marrero Falcon

B.Vega Gutierrez

La Laguna 2007

White to Play


0 J.Siaby L.Mendoza

La Laguna 2007

White to Play
397) 0 R.Gimeno Higueras J.Radulski
La Roda 2007

Black to Play
398) 0 A.Vermolinsky C.Onyekwere
Las Vegas 2006

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout





0 K.Cottrell M.Aigner


0 R.Palliser C.McNab

Las Vegas 2007

Leeds (rapid) 1999

Black to Play

Black to Play

0 P.Hopwood G.Conroy


0 l. Van Wely E.L'Ami

Leeds 2001

Leeuwarden 2004

White to Play

Black to Play

0 R.Palliser S.Ansell


0 R.Palliser D.Prole

Leeds 2005

Leicester 1995

White to Play

Black to Play


0 S.Gordon P.Hopwood

Leicester 1998

408) 0 I.Bondarevsky M.Botvinnik

Leningrad 1941

Black to Play

Black to Play


0 T.Bailey R.Palliser


0 G.Miralles M.Thesing

Leicester 1994

Lenk 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

0 A.Karpov M.Taimanov

Leningrad 1977

410) 0 P.Garcia Castro J.Arizmendi Martinez

Leon 2006

Black to Play

Black to Play


The Complete C hess Workout





D A.Neiksans H.Stefansson


D E.Kulovana A.Berescu

Liepaya (rapid) 2004

Litomysl 2006

Black to Play

White to Play

D A.Karpov V.Salov


D M.Biecha A.Berescu

Linares 1993

Litomysl 2006

White to Play

Black to Play

D A.Shirov V.Kramnik


D M.Krupa P.Giuriati

Linares 1997

Litomysl 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

Att ack!


D B.Addison R.Palliser


London 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

D A.Rubinstein Hirschbein

Lodz 1927

421) D G.Steinkuehler J.Biackburne

London 1863

Black to Play

White to Play

D D.Rowe O.Boytsun

Liverpool 1999

D D.King C.Crouch


D J.leake J.Emms

London 1977

London 2006

Black to Play

Black to Play


The Complete C hess Workout



D J.Mackinnen J.Emms


London 2005

Black to Play

White to Play

D J.Spreeuw J.Emms
London 2007



D R.Bellin A.Hanreck

London 1977

White to Play

D M.Cresswell R.Wigbout

London 2007

White to Play

London 1992

D R.Kieran K.Smallbone
London 2002

White to Play

Black to Play

D M.Adams A.Hon




D R.Schulder S.Boden


Lviv 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

D V.Menchik G.Thomas

London 1932

433) D L.Butkiewicz T.Van der Veen

Maastricht 2007

White to Play

D I.Andrenko O.Kalinina

London 1860

D W.Steinitz S.Rosenthal

Black to Play

D P.Saligo P.Taverniers

London 1883

Maastricht 2007

Black to Play

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout

435) 0 D.M.Martin H.Hernandez Carmenates
Madrid 2007

438) 0 P.Konguvel A.Del Valle Cirera

Manresa 2004

White to Play

White to Play
436) 0


H.Hernandez Carmenates
Madrid 2007


Mar del Plata 2007

Black to Play


0 V.Knox B.Pytel

0 M.Ripari J.Cori

White to Play

0 R.Hungaski O.Di Diego

Manchester 1981

Mar del Plata 2007

White to Play

White to Play

Att ack!

0 F.Frink J.Horyna
Marianske Lazne 2007


Mashantucket 2005

White to Play

0 F.Stross P.Benes
Marianske Lazne 2007

White to Play

0 V.Hruby B.Baum
Marianske Lazne 2007

Black to Play

0 L.Milman J.Fang

White to Play

0 B.Zivkovic P.Bodiroga

Mataruska Banja 2007

Black to Play
446) 0 V.Malakhatko D.Hartmann
Metz 2007

White to Play

The Complete C hess Workout

447) D M.Leon Hoyes O.Sanchez Enriquez
Mexico City 2007


Mielno 2007

White to Play
448) D F.N.Stephenson P.Rowntree
Middlesbrough 2007

White to Play

D K.Zakoscielna B.Siembab

Mielno 2007

Black to Play


D P.Bobras M.Kanarek

Black to Play

D F.N.Stephenson A.Greet

Millfield 2000

White to Play
452) D A.Hellenschmidt I.Sakayev
Mineola 2006

White to Play

453) D N.Maiorov A.Aieksandrov
Minsk 2007


Mondariz 1996

Black to Play


D M.Botvinnik N.Padevsky

D A.Perez F.Vallejo Pons

Black to Play

D F.Handke A.Kosten

Monaco 1969

Montpellier 2006

White to Play

Black to Play

D P.Svidler A.Morozevich

Monaco (blindfold) 2007

Black to Play

458) D T.Roussel Roozmon A.Moiseenko

Montreal 2004

Black to Play


The Complete C hess Workout





D L.Aronian M.Carlsen


D A.Gavrilov O.Yuzhakov

Morelia 2007

Moscow 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

D M.Carlsen V.Topalov


D A.Karpov V.Korchnoi

Morelia 2007

Moscow 1974

Black to Play

White to Play

D U.Capo Vidal F.Magana


D B.Jobava J.Ehlvest

Morelia 2007

Moscow 2007

White to Play

White to Play


0 B.Savchenko C.Balogh


Moscow 1961

Black to Play

White to Play

466) 0 C.Torre Repetto F.Samisch

Moscow 1925

469) 0 D.Markosian A.Bodnaruk

Moscow 2006

Black to Play

White to Play

0 D.Bronstein E.Geller

Moscow 2007

0 D.Bronstein A.Kotov


0 D.Skurikhin A.Samedov

Moscow 1946

Moscow 2007

White to Play

White to Play

The Complete C hess Workout


0 E.Aiekseev S.Novikov


Moscow 2007

0 I.Lysyj J.Ehlvest

Moscow 2007

0 . ;'l

. ill
R R OO ft


- g
r R
White to Play

White to Play

0 G.Kaidanov V.Anand

0 J.Uiko A.Zontakh

Moscow 2007

White to Play

White to Play

473) 0 I.Khairullin S.Vijayalakshmi

Moscow 2007

White to Play


Moscow 1987

476) 0 N.Kharmunova A.Gavrilov

Moscow 2007

Black to Play


D R.Vaganian G.Sargissian

Moscow 2005

480) D Y.Balashov K.Ambartsumova

Moscow 2007

White to Play

Black to Play


D S.lonov A.Kremenietsky


D Y.Yakovich A.Naiditsch

Moscow 2007

Moscow 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D M.Botvinnik V.Smyslov


D G.Kasparov V.Anand

Moscow 1958

Moscow (rapid) 1996

White to Play

White to Play

The Complete Chess Workout





D V.Okhotnik C.Marzolo


D J.Cubas A.Shcherbine

Nancy 2007

Necochea 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D D.Marciano E.Prie


D D.Barua A.Dreev

Narbonne 1997

New Delhi 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

D D.Contin L.Perdomo


D K.Shashikant E.Hossain

Necochea 2007

New Delhi 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

Att ack!



D N.Marache P.Morphy


D V.Kotronias D.King

New Orleans simul 1857

New York 1990

Black to Play

White to Play

D L.Evans A.Bisguier


D X3D Fritz G.Kasparov

New York 1958

New York 2003

White to Play

White to Play

D L.Evans B.Zuckerman


D R.Palliser D.Eggleston

New York 1966

Newcastle (rapid) 2005

White to Play

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout


0 S.Gordon R.Palliser
Newport Pagnell (rapid) 2007


Nova Gorica 2007

White to Play

White to Play


0 E.Tomashevsky I.Popov


0 S.Jeric J.Gombac

Nojabrsk 2005

Nova Gorica 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

0 J.Skoberne V.Hari

Nova Gorica 2002

Black to Play


0 P.Kokol M.Varini

500) 0 S.Radosavljevic D.Marholev

Novi Becej 2007

White to Play


D J.Mason I.Gunsberg

Nuremberg 1883

504) D 'La_Vie_en_rose' R.Palliser

online blitz 2006

White to Play

White to Play


D A.Biagidze L.Stein


D G.Gamzardia R.Palliser

Odessa 1960

online blitz 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

D 'Aak' R.Palliser


D H.Nakamura R.Har Zvi

online blitz 2006

online blitz 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

The Complete C hess Workout

507) D J.Sammour Hasbun T.L.Petrosian
online blitz 2007


online blitz 2006

White to Play

White to Play



D R.Palliser 'Diliman12'

D R.Palliser 'NoMore'


D R.Palliser 'Quike'

online blitz 2007

online blitz 2006

White to Play

White to Play

D R.Palliser 'Maratonac'


D J.Kochetkova A.Lomako

online blitz 2007

Orel 2006

White to Play

White to Play



0 J.Reipsch K.Zuse


0 C.Timmins C.Crouch

Osterburg 2006

Oxford 2004

White to Play

White to Play

0 T.Henrichs H.Namyslo


0 D.Bruce G.Pafura

Osterburg 2006

Oxford 2004

White to Play

Black to Play

515) 0 A.Khantuev K.Smallbone

Oxford 2004

Black to Play


0 K.Smallbone !.Marshall

Oxford 2002

Black to Play


The Complete C hess Workout



0 L.Podgornei W.Burt

0 W.Burt S.King

Oxford 2005

Black to Play

White to Play

0 M.Perryman M.Brown


0 D.Bruce R.Palliser

Oxford 2004

Oxford {blitz) 2003

Black to Play

White to Play

521) 0 R.Palliser A.Summerscale

Oxford 2002

White to Play



Oxford 2002


0 J.Yates M.Rose

Oxford (blitz) 2005

White to Play




0 K.Riley. W.Burt


0 R.Palliser N.Miller

Oxford (blitz) 2003

Oxford simul 2003

Black to Play

White to Play

0 J.Speelman W.Burt


0 M.Lostuzzi A.Spada

Oxford simul 2006

Palermo 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

0 R.Palliser K.Henbest


0 J.Schulten L.Kieseritzky

Oxford simul 2006

Paris 1844

White to Play

Black to Play


The Complete C hess Workout



D J.Margiotta M.Chen


Peterhof 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D A.Donskov E.Prokuronov

Peterhof 2007

535) D V.Fedoseev V.Khamidulin

Peterhof 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play


D M.Mustaps N.Somova

Parsippany 2007

D A.Malofeev S.Fedoseev


D D.Strenzwilk M.Thaler

Peterhof 2007

Philadelphia 2006

White to Play

White to Play


D R.Dimitrov E.Janev

Plovdiv 2007

540) D M.Brugo B.Grosse Honebrink

Porto Mannu 2007

Black to Play


D I.Sokolov V.Bologan

Black to Play

D J.Erneker V.Meijers

Poikovsky 2006

Prague 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

D V.Bologan DJakovenko


D V.Babula P.Biatny

Poikovsky 2007

Prague 2007

Black to Play

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout





D I.Padurariu M.Tutulan


D D.Rogic M.Bulatovic

Predeal 2007

Pula 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D R.Palliser D.G.EIIison


D J.Pienca I.Saric

Preston 2006

Pula 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

D A.Bak R.Palliser


D R.Vaganian J.Gallagher

Pudsey 2007

Pula 1997

Black to Play

Black to Play




D C.Sandipan L.Nisipeanu


D M.Borriss R.Palliser

Pune 2006

Rethymnon 2003

Black to Play

Black to Play

D G.Kasparov V.Chuchelov


D R.Palliser S.Zhigalko

Rethymnon 2003

Rethymnon 2003

White to Play

Black to Play

D J.Parker K.Rasmussen


D N.Miller H.Murray-Smith

Rethymnon 2003

Richmond (rapid) 2002

White to Play

White to Play



-- ------ --

The Complete Chess Workout


D D.Bronstein N.Krogius

Russian Team Championship 2007

White to Play

White to Play

Black to Play
D R.Palliser M.Surtees

Rotherham (rapid) 2007

White to Play


D A.Goloshchapov I.Belov

Riga 1958

D C.Voicu D.Taras
Romanian Team Championship 2006




D D.Bocharov A.Babiy

Russian Team Championship 2004

White to Play

560) D I.Nepomniachtchi I.Kurnosov

Russian Team Championship 2007

White to Play



D S.Rublevsky V.Bologan
Russian Team Championship 2005

Black to Play

V.Bologan E. Van Haastert

Saint Vincent 2005

White to Play

A.Shabalov I.Krush
San Diego 2004

White to Play


M.Colautti L.Burijovich
San Luis 2007

Black to Play
565) D ),Garro Beraza

E. Estevez Pegenaute
San Sebastian 2007

White to Play
566) D J.Garro Beraza

J.Kuende Gorostidi
San Sebastian 2007

Black to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rko ut


J.Yrjola J.Riesco Lekuona

San Sebastian 2007

5 70)

M.Leon Hoyes ).Dominguez

Santo Domingo 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D L.Schrocker

Santiago 1946


D T.Rodrigues R.Molina
Santos 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

).Dominguez E.lturrizaga
Santo Domingo 2007

Black to Play



A.Graf M.Carlsen
Sanxenxo 2004

White to Play

573) D R.R.Castineira J.Caselas Cabanas
Sanxenxo 2007

576) D K.Arakhamia Grant C.Hanley

Scarborough 2004

White to Play

M.Santos D.Navarrette
Sao Jose do Rio Preto 2007

White to Play

O.Sagalchik I.Krush
Seattle 2003

White to Play

S.Farago H.Grooten
Sas van Gent 1988

Black to Play

Black to Play

V.Menchik S.Graf
Semmering 1937

White to Play


The Complete Chess Workout


D.Cohen Gomez G.Dizdar

Seville 2007


White to Play

Black toPlay
580) 0 M.Narciso Dublan A.Lazaro Porta
Seville 2007


Wan Yunguo Liang Chong

Shandong 2007

White toPlay


M.AIIison P.Hopwood
Sheffield 1999

White toPlay

White toPlay

Xiu Des hun Du Shan

Shandong 2007


P.Hopwood M.Newitt
Sheffield 1997

White toPlay


C.Garma R.5hanmugam
Singapore 2006


Black to Play

White to Play

J.Tarjan A.Karpov
Skopje 1976


Black to Play

E.Ovod Hou Yifan

Sochi 2007

Black to Play

V.Gunina Zhao Xue

Sochi 2007

V.Nebolsina I.Gromova
Sochi 2007

White to Play

D.Aisina leal A.Mirzoev

Soller 2007

Black to Play


The Comple te Chess Workout


D R.Fischer

Sousse 1967


D A.Gantsevich

St Petersburg 2007

White toPlay

White toPlay

D E.Piayer C.Fegan
Southend 2007


A.Giazov A.Stroganov
St Petersburg 2006

Black toPlay

Black toPlay

P.Piasgura S.Feller
St Lorrain 2001

White toPlay



E.Kulikov R.Gogin
St Petersburg 2007

White toPlay


D I.Malakhov V.Nikiforov
St Petersburg 2007


D P.Potemkin A.Aiekhine
St Petersburg 1912

White to Play

I.Popov P.Ponkratov
St Petersburg 2007

White to Play

N.Chadaev A.Lanin
St Petersburg 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

T.Airapetian A.Burtasova
St Petersburg 2007

Black to Play
602) D V.Kurilov E.Urjubdshzirov
St Petersburg 2007

White to Play


The Comple te Chess Workout



D.Andreikin A.Lanin
St. Petersburg 2007


D J.Ehlvest D.Pruess
Stillwater 2007

White toPlay

E.Sevillano A.Stripunsky
Stillwater 2007

White toPlay

Black toPlay

G.Kaidanov A.lvanov
Stillwater 2007

White toPlay


R.Anderson A.Root
Stillwater 2007

White toPlay

R.Piunkett C.Latino
Stillwater 2007

White toPlay


D V.Akobian E.Perelshteyn
Stillwater 2007


Black to Play

D V.Shulman I.Krush
Stillwater 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

D Z.Bayaraa J.Veal
Stillwater 2007

White to Play

A.Pitson S.Fraser
Stirling 1998

J.Bellon Lopez E.Berg

Stockholm 2006

White to Play

V.Gagarin F.Andersson
Stockholm 2007

White to Play


The Co mple te Chess Wo rko ut


R.Palliser K.Cable
Streatham 1993


Z.Borosova K.Newrkla
Szeged 2007

White to Play

White to Play

S.Jasny R.Palliser
Street 2004


N.Short Ye Jiangchuan
Taiyuan 2004

White to Play

White to Play

0 !.Bernardino

Sydney 2007

White to Play



E.Sild L.Piarnpuu
Tallinn 2007

Black to Play


I.Shvyrjov V.Gansvind
Tallinn 2007


T.Grabuzova D.Batyte
Tallinn (rapid) 2006

Black to Play

N.Miezis B.Lelumes
Tallinn 2007

White toPlay
625) D F.N.Stephenson D.Humphries
Teeside 1966

White to Play

D V.Mikenas D.Bronstein
Tallinn 1965

Black to Play

White to Play

Y.Stisis J.Lundvik
Tel Aviv 2001

White to Play


The Comple te Chess Workout


D J.Lener J.Trapl
Teplice 2007

630) D F.N.Stephenson F.Rayner

Torquay 1998

White toPlay

Black toPlay

D R.Svarc M.Vokac
Teplice 2007

Black toPlay

D E.Geller K.Langeweg
The Hague 1962

White toPlay



O.Foisor M.Pavlovic
Triesen 2007

White toPlay
632) D A.Volokitin M.Kravtsiv
Ukrainian Team Championship 2007

White toPlay

Att ack !

D C.Schlechter P.Meitner
Vienna 1899

D B.Tadic D.Solak
Vrsac 2007


White toPlay

White toPlay

R.Spielmann Hoenninger
Vienna 1929


D D.Solak Z.Arsovic
Vrsac 2007

White toPlay

White to Play

D S.Azarov Y.Zherebukh
Voronezh 2007

White toPlay


l.lvanisevic D.Pikula
Vrsac 2007

Black toPlay


The Co mplete Chess Wo rko ut


Pham Minh Tran Quoc Ding

Vung Tau 2002

642) D M.Krasenkow T.Markowski

Warsaw 2004

White to Play

D G.Spalding S.Robertson
Wantage 2006

White to Play
643) D Z.Belsitzman A.Rubinstein
Warsaw 1926

White to Play

A.Naiditsch L.Ftacnik
Warsaw 2005

Black to Play


Black to Play

D A.Leniart J.Gdanski
Warsaw (rapid) 2006

Black to Play


G.Gajewski A.Aieksandrov
Warsaw (rapid) 2006


D J.Van der Wiel Z.Peng

Wijk aan Zee 2007

White to Play

D E.l'Ami J.Smeets
Wijk aan Zee 2007

Black to Play

l.Van Wely S.Karjakin

Wijk aan Zee 2007

White to Play

H.Jonkman E.Berg
Wijk aan Zee 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

M.Adams J.Piket
Wijk aan Zee 1991

Black to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rk o ut


M.Bosboom T.Willemze
Wijk aan Zee 2007

654) 0 W.Spoelman E. Van Haastert

Wijk aan Zee 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play
652) 0 M.Krasenkow E.Van Haastert
Wijk aan Zee 2007


K.Smallbone D.Hackett
Witney 2002

White to Play

White to Play

N.Kosintseva E.Berg
Wijk aan Zee 2007

Black to Play



R.Palliser T.Headlong
Witney 2003

White to Play

657) D J.Speelman Peng Xiaomin
Yerevan 1996


Black to Play

Black to Play
658) D Y.Hambartsumian A.Vegiazarian
Yerevan 2007


A.Moran T.Turner
York 2000

Black to Play

D.Adams T.Braithwaite
York 2006

White to Play

Black to Play

C.Costello R.Palliser
York 2003


D J.Woolley R.Tozer
York 2006

White to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rko ut


M.Bridger R.Palliser
York 2006


White to Play

Black to Play

D P.Barber

York 2005


D P.Hopwood E.Cameron
York 2000

White to Play


P.Hopwood P.Biacker
York 1997

White to Play

White to Play

P.Hopwood J.Bennett
York 1998


D R.Palliser D.Baldwin
York 1997

White to Play


R.Palliser J.Woolley
York 2006


White to Play

R.Palliser M.Rogerson
York 2005

White to Play
D M.Franic R.Zelcic
Zadar 2006


White to Play

D T.Turner P.Hopwood
York 2003

White to Play

R.Palliser R.Mitchinson
York simul 2001

Black to Play

K.Sasikiran R.Ponomariov
Zafra (rapid) 2007

White to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rko ut


J.Pavic Z.Petrovic
Zagreb 2007


White to Play

B/ackto Play

M.Mrdja M.Vukusic
Zagreb 2007

White to Play

S.Kosanski L.Lasic
Zagreb 2007

White to Play


Z.Takac M.Vucic
Zagreb 2007


R.Krajewski D.Ziolkowski
Zakopane 2001

Black to Play

3: Opening Tricks and Traps

Tactics are a part of chess virtually right from the word go and we must all be careful even
in the opening phase, especially when caught in an unfamiliar situation. Here I've in
cluded a number of the more common opening traps as well as a few favourites. This
should help the reader to avoid falling for them ever again, as well as making you ready to
pounce should your opponent slip up in the opening or very early middlegame phase.

680) D A.Genzling J.Menendez Villar

Aviles 2006


White to Play

D D.Jeremic N.Nestorovic
Belgrade 2006

Black to Play

S.Ruzicic P.Ljangov
Belgrade 2006

Black to Play

D B.Budimir V.Jakovljevic
Bosnian Team Championship 2007

Black to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rko ut


D A.A.Smith H.Hunt
British League 2004


D D.Cork G.Morris
British League 2006

688) D J.Boguszlavszkij S.Cherednichenko

Budapest 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

J.Waterfield C. Klein
British League 2005

White to Play


K.Williamson J.Foster
British League 2007

White to Play

White to Play


D !.Mueller S.Tidman
Bunratty 2007

Black to Play

Opening Tricks and Traps


R.Aibrecht A.Bering
Copenhagen 2006


White to Play

D M.Young R.Palliser
Cork 2005

J.Soufflet J.Bellay
d'Angers 2007

Black to Play

A.Harvey R.Palliser
Doncaster 2006

Black to Play

D I.Rajlich P.Schuurman
Dresden 2007

White to Play

Black to Play


D J.Kregelin

Dresden 2007

White to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rko ut


D P.Johansen E.Peterson
Dresden 2007


D A.Santos M.Ferro
Evora 2006

White to Play

Black to Play

P.Wells A.Kharlov
Dresden 2007


D F.Libiszewski L.Roos
French League 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D T.Lopang O.Sikorova
Ekaterin burg 2007

Blackto Play



I.Khenkin C.Vernay
Geneva 2007

White to Play

Opening Tricks and Traps


U.Von Herman D.Hausrath

German League 2007


0 R.Palliser P.Taylor
Golders Green (rapid) 2004

Black to Play

V.Schudro W.Schmeing
German League 2005

White to Play

D.Jameson T.Nyland
Gibraltar 2007

White to Play

White to Play

A.Wilson G.Dickson
Hastings 2007

Blackto Play
707) 0 R.Mateo C.Larduet Despaigne
Havana 2007

White to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rko ut


C.Hanley J.Hickman
Isle of Man 2005


White to Play

White to Play

P.Adams C.Vitoux
Isle of Man 2005


D P.Schmidt

Kiel 2003

White to Play


D.Terentiev J.Gallagher
Liechtenstein 1990

Black to Play

White to Play

R.Palliser C.L.Lim
Leeds (rapid) 1998


D O.Romanishin A.Brenke
Lippstadt 2004

White to Play

Opening Tricks and Traps


D R.Palliser K.Smallbone
London 2002


D H.Lahlum J.Uirichsen
Norwegian League 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D H. Van Gool P.Biijlevens

Maastricht 2007


D 'Sofine' R.Palliser
online blitz 2007

White to Play

White to Play
716) D S.Tiviakov R.Rivera Rodriguez
Morelia 2007

White to Play


R.Palliser S.Semkov
online blitz 2007

White to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rko ut


L.Bianchini S. Vitri
Palermo 2007


Black to Play
721) D P.Morphy Duke Brunswick & Count lsouard
Paris 1858

Black to Play

White to Play

D I.Danilov T.Tanav
Parnu 2002

Black to Play


D J.Pau N.Farber
Parsippany 2007

D H.Vasin A.lstratescu
Patras 2001

Black to Play

D L.Milov A.Castro Acosta

Sauzal (rapid) 2004

White to Play

Opening Tricks and Traps


D B.Willin R.Auschkalnis
Seefeld 2005


A.Fiitney J.Escribano
Tuggeranong 2007

White to Play
727) D L.Shakarova V.Zankovich
Simferopol 1989

White to Play

D L.Aronian

Turin 2006

Black to Play

R.Gibbons T.Rej
Sydney 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

N.Oia R.Tia
USA 2005

White to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rko ut

D R.Reti S.Tartakower
Vienna 1910


D A.Nezis C. Duggan
York 2007


Black to Play

White to Play

D D.Baramidze L.Babuiian
Yerevan 2006


Z.Kozul M.lllescas Cordoba

Yerevan 1996

Black to Play


E.Hurwitz P.Hopwood
York 2003

Black to Play

Blackto Play


D L.Cornhill P.Hopwood
York 2006

Black to Play

Opening Trick s and Traps


P.Anderson R.Palliser
York 2007

Black to Play


I.Armanda I.Sitnik
Zagreb 2007

White to Play

13 1

4: Skill in the End game

Studying the endgame is one of the best ways to improve and, while this isn't an endgame
guide, it would have been remiss not to have featured this most rich part of the game.
Many endgames are extremely tactical, while others are decided by some fundamental
piece of knowledge and, as such, this chapter will test your calculation, tactical eye and
general endgame understanding.


D T.Walter D.Hiermann
Aschach an der Donau 2006


C.Balogh L.Paichadze
Baku 2007

White to Play

White to Play

F.Yates S.Tartakower
Bad Homburg 1927

White to Play



D L.Van

Wely G.Guseinov
Baku 2007

White to Play

Skill in t he Endg a m e

A.Shirov V.Kramnik
Belgrade 1999


0 F.Berkes B.Tomic
Bosnian Team Championship 2007

White to Play

C.McNab A.Kunte
Blackpool 2003

White to Play

White to Play

R.Westra R.Palliser
Bolton 1998

Black to Play

R.Palliser M.Round
Bradford 2000

Black to Play

A.Collinson D.King
British League 2004

Black to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rko ut


A.Galliano K.Smallbone
British League 2007


K.Ozeren S.Ciarke
British League 2002

Black to Play

Black to Play

B.Savage S.Shikerov
British League 2002


Black to Play

Black to Play

C. Cobb C. Duncan
British League 2000

Black to Play


S.Barrett P.Taylor
British League 2007


S.Haslinger R.Bates
British League 2003

Black to Play

Skill in t he Endg a m e

D R.Wade V.Korchnoi
Buenos Aires 1960

D B.Jones R.Dive
Christchurch 2001


White to Play

D Y.Vovk P.Bobras
Cappelle Ia Grande 2007

Black to Play


Black to Play

D A.Safronov I.Lysyj
Cheboksary 2006

Black to Play

P.5haw R.Palliser
Doncaster 2005

Black to Play

A.Timofeev G.Guseinov
Dresden 2007

Black to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rko ut


D R.Zelcic A.Riazantsev
Dresden 2007


D M.Socko K.Le Kieu Thien

Ekaterinburg 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

T.Kotanijian L.Pantsulaia
Dubai 2007


D J.Gustafsson

N. V.Pedersen
Dutch League 2005

White to Play


A.Grischuk S.Rublevsky
Elista 2007

White to Play

Black to Play


D W.Kreuscher G.Sarthou
French League 2003

Black to Play

Sk i ll in t he Endg a m e

M.Borriss H.Steingrimsson
Fuegen 2006


D I.Giek M.Roos
German League 2005

White to Play

Black to Play

I.Khenkin A.Vuilleumier
Geneva 2007


D J.Timman D.Baramidze
German League 2007

White to Play

White to Play

E.Bacrot P.Tregubov
German League 2007

White to Play


G.Quillan S.Ansell
Gibraltar 2007

White to Play

13 7

The Co mplete Che s s Wo rko ut

774) 0 H.Nakamura K.Arakhamia Grant
Gibraltar 2007


!.Trevelyan F.Jenni
Gothenburg 2005

Black to Play

M.Adams M.AI Modiahki

Gibraltar 2007

Black to Play

K.Terrieux Y.Kryvoruchko
Guingamp 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

S.Citak D.Dimitrijevic
Gibraltar 2007

White to Play



K.Arkell R.Palliser
Halifax (rapid) 2004

White to Play

Skill in t he Endg a m e

D R.Wade R.Palliser
Hampstead 1998


S.Mannion V.Sareen
Isle of Man 2005

Black to Play

H. Hunt P.Hopwood
Harrogate simul 1997

Black to Play

White to Play
782) D O.L.Napoles M.Gongora Reyes
Havana 2007

Blackto Play

F.Yates F.Marshall
Karlsbad 1929

Black to Play

R.Spielmann O.Duras
Karlsbad 1907

Black to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rko ut


D A.Bannik

Kiev 1958


D I.Gourlay R.Palliser
Leeds 2002

White to Play

D N.Djukic M.Pavlovic
Kopaonik 2005

Black to Play
D R.Palliser J.Hunt
Leeds 2001


White to Play

D C.Davies D.Morgan
Leeds 2005

Black to Play


Black to Play

R.Palliser J.Hodgson
Leeds (rapid) 2000

Black to Play

Skill in t he Endg a m e

P.Barata J.Costa
Lisbon 2001


J.Capablanca Ed.Lasker
London 1914

Black to Play
D A.Savickas J.Garnelis
Lithuanian Team Championship 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

White to Play

D P.Leko V.Kramnik
Monaco (blindfold) 2007

Black to Play

I.Bilek W.Heidenfeld
Lugano 1968


K.Rasmussen J.Nunn
Lugano 1985

Black to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rko ut


V.Smyslov H.Rossetto
Mar del Plata 1962


D W.Banach S.Birjukov
Mielno 2007

White to Play
799) D F.N.Stephenson D.Spence
Middlesbrough 1999

Black to Play

D A.Volokitin S.Ganguly
Moscow 2007

White to Play

White to Play

F.N.Stephenson T.Wise
Middlesbrough 1959

White to Play



D.Bronstein M.Botvinnik
Moscow 1944

White to Play

Skill in t he Endgame
804) 0 G.Garcia Gonzales M.Quinteros
Moscow 1982


S.Novikov D.Jakovenko
Moscow 2007

White to Play

White to Play

S.Movsesian Y.Kuzubov
Moscow 2006


J.Ehlvest M.Biuvshtein
New York 2003

White to Play

Blackto Play
806) 0 S.Grigoriants E.Shaposhnikov
Moscow 2007

White to Play


C.Schlechter H. Wolf
Nuremberg 1906

Black to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rko ut


B.Savchenko R.Har Zvi

online blitz 2007


K.Smallbone M.Brown
Oxford 2000

White to Play

Black to Play

M.Chigorin S.Tarrasch
Ostende 1905


White to Play

White to Play

T.Michalczak R.Schoene
Osterburg 2006

Black to Play


R.Palliser !.Lappage
Oxford 2002


R.Palliser !.Lappage
Oxford 2003

Black to Play

Skill in t he Endgam e

D.Milovanovic D.Jacobs
Parsippany 2007


White to Play

D D.Bronstein O.Panno
Petropolis 1973

White to Play

D D.Bocharov M.Roiz
Russian Team Championship 2007

White to Play

P.Acs V.lvanchuk
Rethymnon 2003

Black to Play

A.Berke B.Franciskovic
Rijeka 2007

White to Play

A.Nimzowitsch S.Tarrasch
San Sebastian 1911

Black to Play


The Co mple te Chess Wo rko ut


E.Bystryakova S.Airumian
St Petersburg 2007

D L.Karlsson

Stockholm 2007


White to Play

White to Play

D V.Gunina O.Dolgova
St Petersburg 2007


V.Onischuk G.Timoshenko
Tallinn 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

A.Shabalov G.Kaidanov
Stillwater 2007

White to Play



T.Petrosian B.lvkov
leslie 979

White to Play

Skill in t he Endgam e

0 G.Wall F.N.Stephenson
Torquay 1998


Black to Play

Blackto Play
829) 0 K.Arakhamia Grant A.Baburin
Triesen 2007

Black to Play

0 A.Shirov L.Aronian
Wijk aan Zee 2007

White to Play

L.Van Wely L.Aronian

Wijk aan Zee 2007


L.Winants L.B.Hansen
Wijk aan Zee 1994

Black to Play
833) 0 T.Warakomski D.Baramidze
Yerevan 2006

White to Play


The Co mplete Chess Wo rk o ut


M.Carpenter !.Wallace
York 2006


M.Round R.Palliser
York 2007

Black to Play

D R.Palliser P.Gayson
York 2006

White to Play


V.Krutti R.Palliser
York 2000

Black to Play

White to Play


D I.Sokolov K.Sasikiran
Zafra 2007

White to Play

5: Loose Pieces and Overloading

As several of the puzzles in the previous four chapters should have emphasized, whenever
there's a loose piece on the board (remember LPDO!) make sure that there isn't a tactic
available against that undefended piece. Solving the following puzzles should further em
phasize that point, while also helping the reader to master how to give the enemy a loose
piece: often by decoying a defender away or by overloading the defensive responsibilities
of any covering piece.


0 J.Lacasa

Diaz J.Moreno Ruiz

Abierto 2007


M.Tal P.Benko
Amsterdam 1964

White to Play

Black to Play

R.Perez J.Ramirez Garcia

Aguascalientes 2007

White to Play


E.Can M.Erdogdu
Ankara 2007

White to Play

The Complete C hess W orkout


D F.Caruana C.Majer

Arvier 2007

846) D R.Lundberg A.Czerownski

Barlinek 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

D V.Korchnoi A.Karpov

D K.Faranka S.AI Aqrabi


White to Play

Black to Play

845) D M.Narciso Oublan J.Timman

Barcelon a 2006

White to Play



BaguioCity 1978


D R.Damaso V.Malakhov

Benidorm (rapid) 2006

White to Play

Loose Pieces an d Overloading


D F.Parr M.Collins
Black pooll956


British League 2007

White to Play
850) D W.Heidenfeld M.Franklin

Black to Play

D A.Kosten M.Taylor

D I. Thompson B.Lund

British League2005

White to Play

D D.Rosen P.Taylor

White to Play

D J.Parker N.Pert

British League2004

British League1999

White to Play

Black to Play


The Complete C hess Workout





0 J.Piaskett J.Gallagher


0 K.Bhatia E.Bentley

British League 2001

British League2007

White to Play

White ta Play

0 J.Shaw L.Johannessen


0 K.Richardson K.Ozeren

British League2005

British League2007

White to Play

Black ta Play

British League2006

0 L.Davis C.Rice
British League2007

Black to Play

White to Play

0 J.Shepley D.Rosen


Loose Pieces an d Overloadin g


D N.Aifred K.Smallbone
British League 2007

864) D T.Hagesaether D.Rabbitte

British League 2005

White to Play


D R.Palliser A.Brameld

White to Play

D A.Salem P.Doggers

British League1998

Budapest 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

D R.Palliser J.Houska
British League2003

White to Play



. L.Toth
Budapest 2007

Black to Play


T he Complete C hess Workout


D l.Cooper P.Walsh

White to Play

White to Play

White to Play
D !.Rogers A.Fitzpatrick


White to Play


D M.Carlsen l.Fressinet

Cap d'Agde(rapid) 2006

868) D H.Pilaj A. Naranjo Moreno

Campi! los 2007



Bun ratty 2007

871) D Y.Drozdovskij V.Georgiev

Cappelle IaGrande2007

White to Play
872) D l.Mkrtchian A.Riazantsev
Ch ely abin sk 2007

White to Play

Loose Pieces an d Over loading




D T.Rendle V.Arjun


D A.Aoustin A.Perez

Coulsdon 2007

d"Angers 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D M.Ferro A.Rotstein


D S.Reefat I.Hakki

Cutro 2007

Doh a (rapid) 2006

Black to Play

White to Play

D S.Krivoshey M.Ferro


D R.Palliser A.Khandelwal

Cutro 2007

Don caster2005

White to Play

White to Play


The Complete Chess Workout


D R.Palliser B.Hague



White to Play

Black to Play

880) D A.Beliavsky E.Van den Doel

Dresden 2007


White to Play


D J.Jorczik V.Gashimov

Don caster 1998

D E.Zweschper R.Giantz

D K.Georgiev F.Holzke
Dresden 2007

Black to Play

D M.Womacka l.Kritz

Dresden 2007

Dresden 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

Lo o se Pieces and Overlo ading



0 N.Katte R.Pert

Dresden 2007

0 A.Burnett G.Bucher
Edinburgh 2006

Black to Play

White to Play

0 R.Ruck A.Dreev
Dresden 2007


889) 0 D.Eggleston A.Ramaswamy

Edin burgh 2003

White to Play

Black to Play

0 S.Zhigalko V.Durarbayli


0 R.Jones K.Ruxton

Dresden 2007

Edi n burgh 2007

White to Play

Black to Play


The Co mplete C hes s Workout



D T.Kosintseva J.Jackova

Ek aterin burg 2007

D C.Wagner G.Miralles
French League 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

D D.Jakovenko A.Shirov
Foros 2007



White to Play

Black to Play

D R.Hess G.Kamsky
Foxw oods 2007

Black to Play


D S.Tiviakov D.Bunzmann
French League 2007


D B.Thorfinnsson E.Najer

Black to Play

Lo o s e Pieces and Over lo ading




0 E.Porper N.Mikkelsen


0 A.Cherniaev P.Pauchard

Gausdal 2007


White to Play

White to Play

0 G.Tallaksen E.Lie


0 A.Huss I.Khenkin



Black to Play

Black to Play


0 F .Handke A.Reuss
German League 2004

Black to Play

White to Play

0 S.Reppen V.Guddahl



T he Complete Chess Wo r ko u t
903) D F.Langheinrich Y.Pelletier
German League 2006

906) D S.Kindermann !.Schneider

German League 2007

Black to Play


D G.Sargissian L.Nisipeanu


D T.Heinemann T.Sarbok

German League2006

German League 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

D N.Firman K.Sakaev
German League 2007

White to Play


Black to Play


D V.lvanchuk Z.Gyimesi

German League 2006

White to Play

Loose Pieces an d Overl oadin g



0 Z.Ribli S.Kalinitschew

German League2007

0 J.Rashleigh M.Bucknell

White to Play

Black to Play

0 A.Butnorius P.Cramling



White to Pl ay

Black to Play

0 I.Krush K.Richardson
Gibraltar 2007

White to Play

0 J.Sarkar F.Obers
Gibral tar 2007


0 R.Ramesh D.Werner

Gibraltar 2007

White to Play


The Complete Chess Wo r ko u t





0 T.Abergel P.Wallace


0 V.5myslov C.Kottnauer


Gronin gen 1946

White to Play

White to Play

0 P.Keres B.5passky


0 A.Walton R.Palliser

Goth en burg1955

Halifax (rapid) 2006

White to Play

Black to Play

0 J.Oiivier O.Adda


0 M.Breutigam W.Pajeken

Gren oble2007

Hamburg 2006

Black to Play

White to Play

Loo se Pieces and Overlo ading


D R.Palliser (.Adrian

Black to Play

D A.Greet A.Grant

Hastin gs2006

White to Play

D N.Donovan R.Webster

Hastin gs2006

White to Play


D J.Bowers !.Stewart

Hensol Park 2007

White to Play
925) D D.Stellwagen M.Bosboom
Hilversum 2007

White to Pl ay
926) D L.Kuznetsova M.Bogorads
Hockenheim 2007

Black to Play


The Complete C hes s Workout




0 A.Aiekhine M.Euwe

0 V.lkonnikov P.Negi

Isle of Man 2005

White to Play

White to Play

0 R.Palliser A.Stalmans


0 V.Malakhatko H.Groffen


Isle of Man 2005

Black to Play

White to Pl ay

0 M.Georgiou R.Palliser
Hull (rapid) 1993

Black to Play





0 D.Morris M.Gilhespy

Islin gton 1971

Black to Play

Loo se Pieces and Overlo ading




D J.Gunnarsson J.lraheta


D !.Morales P.Heimbacher

Istan bul2000

La Laguna 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D S.Rublevsky M.Gurevich


D T.Zapata W.Moreno

Khan ty Man siy sk 2005

Lima 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D G.Meins. D.Abel


D M.Carlsen V.lvanchuk

Koenigsh of en2007

Linares 2007

White to Play

White to Play


The Complete Chess Workout



D E.Rayner Z.Vranesic


D P.Large C.Baker
Lon don1977

White to Play

White to Play

D G.James P.Waters
London 1977



London 1993

White to Play

D J.Nunn !.Plaskett
Lon don 1986

White to Play


D T.Hebbes R.Palliser

Black to Play

D W.Hartston M.Basman

Lon don 1977

White to Play

Lo o se Pieces an d Overlo adin g

945) D A.Tsirulnik O.Kosyachenko


Man ila 2006

Black to Play


D D.Arutyunova A.Maiko

D L.Ausan Chan Wei Vi

Black to Play

D M.Najdorf H.Rossetto


Mar del Plata 1956

White to Play

White to Play

D J.Biackburne J.Owen

Man chester1890

D L.Kiima D.Boros
Marianske Lazn e2007

White to Play

White to Play



The Complete Ches s Workout

951) D !.Markiewicz R.Sokolowski
Miel no 2007


Molescrof t 1992

Black to Play

White to Play

D T.Warakomski D.Orzech


D V.lvanchuk V.Anand

Mielno 2007

Monaco (blindf old) 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

953) D L.Bergez M.Vassallo Barroche


Black to Play


D E.Hodinott R.Palliser


D V.Kramnik V.lvanchuk

Monaco(rapid) 2007

Black to Play

Loo se Pieces and Overlo ading

957) 0 M.Aimada B.Roselli Mailhe
Mon tevideo 2007

960) 0 A.Chudinovskikh A.5itnikov

Moscow 2007

White to Play

B lack to Play


0 V.lvanchuk V.Topalov


0 E.Vasiukov R.Kholmov

Morelia 2007

Moscow 1964

White to Play

White to Play

0 V.Milov V.Akobian

White to Play


0 I.Kashdan A.Kotov

Moscow 1946

White to Play


The Complete Chess Workout

963) D K.Ambartsumova V.Gunina
Moscow 2007


Moscow 1956

White to Play

Black to Play


D T.L.Petrosian K.Lahno


D V.Burmakin V.Burlov

Moscow 2007

Moscow 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D T.Petrosian B.Spassky

Moscow 1966

White to Play


D T.Petrosian V.Simagin

968) D V.Malakhov A.Areshchenko

Moscow 2005

White to Play

Loo se Pieces an d Overlo adin g




D V.Ragozin V.Panov


D J.Capablanca M.Fonaroff

Moscow 1940

New York1918

Black to Play

White to Play

D C.Sandipan M.Nezar


D J.Capablanca W.Graham

Nan cy 2007

New castle uponTy n e1919

Black to Play

White to Play

D A.Saidy A.Santasiere


D P.Maletin E.Andreev

New York 1955

Nizh n ij Tagil2007

White to Play

White to Play


The Complete Chess Wo r ko ut


D R.Palliser Ja.Gallagher


Olszty n 2005

Black to Play

White to Play

976) D M.Andrijevic M.Grunberg

Novi Becej 2007

979) D 'Erdnussbuddha' R.Palliser

onlin e blitz 2007

White to Play

Black to Play


D B.Rutkowski S.Hilton

Norw ich1994

D J.Aagaard R.Wiltshire


D G.Kamsky M.Sher

Oban 2006

on line blitz 2007

White to Play

White to Play

Loo se Pieces and Over lo ading




D J.Lappage K.Smallbone


D W.Burt. P.Mclntosh

Oxford 2005

Oxford 2002

White to Play

White to Play

D K.Smallbone P.Lipman


D E.Dervishi F.Vallejo Pons

Oxford 2002


White to Play

Black to Play

D W.Burt K.Smallbone


D W.Uhlmann R.Fischer

Oxford 2003

Palma de Mallorca1970

White to Play

Black to Play


The Complete Chess Wo r ko ut


D An.Timofeev D.Yevseev
Peterhof 2007


PortoMan nu 2007

Black to Play

Black to Play
988) D

Pham Due Thang

Ph uQuae 2007

Nguyen Thien Viet


D F.Giani S.Garofalo
PortoMann u 2007

Black to Play


D A.Samuels N.Miller

Black to Play

Black to Play

D P.Gnetti A.Orlov


D F.Wegerer A.Jankovic


White to Play

Loo s e Pieces an d Overlo adi ng


D U.Krstic. K.McPhillips

Pula 2007

996) D H.Baldursson T.Bjornsson

Rey kj avik 2007

White to Play

D K.Landa F.Manca

Reggio Emilia2007

Black to Play
997) D V.Doroshkievich V.Tukmakov

Black to Play

D A.Huzman G.Kasparov
Reth y mn on 2003

White to Play

Black to Play

D S.Solovjov A.Belozerov
Russian TeamChampionship2007

Black to Play


The Complete Chess Wo r ko ut

999) D R.Vera Gonzalez F.Aguado Zabaleta
San Sebastian 2007

1002) D R.Palliser M.Hankinson

Sh ef f ield 2007

White to Play

D P.Morales R.Vera

San ta Clara 2007

White to Play
1003) D J.Sadorra Dao Thien Hai

Black to Play

D R.Palliser A.Dyce
Scunth orpe (rapi d) 1998

Black to Play


White to Play

D V.Anand V.Kramnik

Sofia 200S

White to Play

Loo s e Pieces and Overlo ading



D T.Vujcic Z.Matas


D S.Kudrin R.Robson


Stillw ater2007

White to Play

White to Play

D P.Obiamiwe E.Piayer




Black to Play
1007) D A.Yermolinsky A.Stripunsky
Stillw ater2007

White to Play

D (.Hanley G.Jones

White to Play

D T.Gavriel R.Palliser


Black to Play


The Co mplete C hess Workout


D B.Mandla H.Cunanan

Sy dn ey 2007

1014) D A.T.Martinez P.Lezcano Jaen


White to Play

Black to Play

D I.Rogers l.llic

Sy dney 2007

D E.Garcia A.Ghobrial
Tuggeran ong 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

1013) D D.Benidze D.Magalashvili


White to Play




D A.Fedorov A.Lastin


Black to Play

Lo o s e Pieces an d Overlo adi ng


0 L.Van Wely L.Aronian

Wij k aanZee 2007

1020) 0 R.Palliser S.Bekker Jensen

Witley 1999

White to Play


0 V.Kramnik A.Shirov

White to Play

0 A.Karpov R.Bergmann

Wij k aan Zee 2007

Wolf sburg simul 2007

White to Play

White to Play

0 R.Palliser P.Tuplin


0 A.Grigoryan S.Jessel

Withern sea1992

Yerevan 2006

Black to Play

White to Play


The Compl e t e Ches s Workout


D V.Kramnik L.Aronian

Yerevan (rapid) 2007

1026) D S.Sriharan P.Hopwood


White to Play

White to Play

D P.Hopwood P.Barber

York 2001

1027) D S.Watson H.Lockwood

York 2003

Black to Play

White to Play
1025) D P.Hopwood T.Eggleston

Black to Play



D A.lsmail R.Mitchinson

York (rapid) 2007

Black to Play

6: Fiendish Calculation

The main aim of this work has been to ensure that the reader is fully aware of the more
important tactical motifs in all areas of the game. Working regularly through the previous
five chapters should help to ensure that you rarely miss a common tactic ever again. How
ever, it's also good to stretch ourselves from time to time and here are fifty puzzles to do
just that: even the very strong club player should struggle with some of these!

1029) 0 D.Sadvakasov G.Baladjaev

Bak u 2007


British League 2005

White to Play

0 A.Trifunovic S.Lalic
British League1999

Black to Play

0 D.Wheeler J.Emms

Black to Play

0 E.Sutovsky I.Sokolov

British League2005

White to Play


The Complete Chess Workout


D M.Turner D.Howell

British League 2004

1036) D T.Sakelsek R.Rodriguez Lopez


White to Play

White to Play
1034) D P.Georghiou C.Mogasha
British League1999


White to Play

White to Play
1035) D W.Watson R.Kuczynski
Bun desliga1995

Black to Play


D A.Sokolov A.Vovk
Cappelle IaGrande2007


D P.Sott P.Pokorny

Czech League 2003

Black to Play

F iendish C a l cu l at io n


D J.Piachetka L.Zinn


D C.McNab S.Brunello

Decin 1974

Edinburgh(rapid) 2007

White to Play

White to Play

D R.Tozer R.Palliser



D D.Trifunovic H.Koch

Fefternitz 2001

v... J; jjj

tO DtD
0 Dt7
jjj ;;7ti'f

l 00
Black to Play


D D.Grassie M.Duke

White to Play

D S.Karjakin L.Van Wely

Edin burgh 2006

Foros 2007

White to Play

White to Play


The Complete Chess Workout


D J.Horvath A.Kosten

French League 2002

1048) D K.Spraggett J.Speelman

Hastin gs1989

White to Play

Black to Play

D L.Ftacnik O.Cvitan
German League1997

1049) D S.Williams V.Prosiriakov


White to Play

Black to Play


D M.Richter G.Hertneck

German League 2007

D P.Johnson R.Palliser

White to Play

Black to Play


Fie n dish Ca lculation


D B.Perenyi A.Schneider

Hungary 1978

1054) D A.Aiekhine A.Rubinstein


White to Play

D S.Fairbairn P.Bobras
Isle of Man 2005

White to Play

Kenilw orth 2001

Black to Play

D B.Kantsler I.Smirin

D R.Palliser R.Eames

White to Play

D D.Marovic T.Tsagan


Krak ow 1964

Black to Play

White to Play


The Complete Chess Wo r ko ut

1057) D D.Mastrovasilis B.Savic
Litoh oto1999

1060) D F.N.Stephenson M.Biaine

Lon don 1962

White to Play



D D.King J.Emms

White to Play

D NN E.Mason

Lon don 2003

Lon don 1948

White to Play

Black to Play

D Ed.Lasker G.Thomas


D S.Williams R.Palliser

Lon don 1912

Lon don 2000

White to Play

White to Play

Fien dis h Cal cul at ion


D Hsu Li Liang J.Nunn

Man ila1992

Black to Play

D P.Leko M.Carlsen

Monaco(rapid) 2007

Black to Pl ay
1065) D A.Morozevich L.Aronian
Morelia 2007

White to Play


D S.Volkov V.Zvjaginsev
Moscow 2005

Black to Play
1067) D Zhou Jianchao D.Bocharov
Moscow 2007

Black to Play
1068) D M.Sorokin G.Nureev
RussianTeamChampionship 2002

Black to Play


The Complete Chess Worko u t

1069) D S.Karjakin A.Rychagov
RussianTeamChampionship 2007


White to Play

White to Play

D B.Larsen T.Petrosian

Santa Monica1966

1073) D L.Aroshideze G.Nigalidze


White to Play

White to Play


D A.Miles M.Nedobora

D M.Ragger. A.Wirig
Szeged 2007


D E.Cordova I.Smirin


Turin 2006

White to Play

White to Play

Fiendis h Cal cu l ation

1075) 0 S.M.Gonzalez M.Fernandez Juan

Black to Play
1076) 0 V.Georgiev D.Jakovenko
Wij k aanZee 2007

Black to Play
1077) 0 D.Karatorossian T.Nalbandian
Yerevan 2007

White to Play


0 li Chao Wang Hao


White to Play
1079) 0 T.L.Petrosian Ara.Minasian
Yerevan 2007

White to Play
1080) 0 B.Marshall P.Hopwood
York 2002

Black to Play


7: Ten tests

So has this work improved your tactical eye? I certainly believe that it should have done,
but it's now time to check just how far you've advanced while reading (or rereading) this
work. Ten tests now follow with points available for each position. Tot up your score as
you work your way through each set of twelve puzzles and then compare your total with
the table below.


Sure y ou're n ot aGrandmaster orIn ternation alMaster?


Strong cl ub play er.


Mak in g progress tow ards the top end of y our club.


Average club pl ay er.


Starting to grasp some of th e essen tials.


Begin n in g to progress after recently tak in g up the game.


Reread th is book!


Ten Tests

Test One



D D.Rodriguez S.Polgar


D A.Baburin R.Palliser

Tun j a1989

British League 2004

Black to Play

White to Play

D D.Bronstein G.llivitzki


D R.Palliser D.Hotham

Moscow 1948


White to Play

Black to Play

D D.Adams R.Palliser

York 1999

D P.Gower P.Hopwood
York 2001

Black to Play

Black to Play



The Complete Chess Wo rko ut


D C.McNab J.Sherwin


Dresden 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

1088} D R.Ziatdinov V.Kotronias

Cork 2005



D I.Berzina D.Ciuksyte

D I.Zakharevich E.Ovod

St Petersburg 2002

White to Play

Black to Play

D S.Schulz E.Kulovana

BritishLeague 2003


D J.Cox L.Trent

Tallin n (rapid) 2006

Southen d2007

White to Play

White to Play

Ten Tests

Test Two



D L.Aronian P.Svidler


D S.Levitsky F.Marshall

Moscow 2006


Black to Play

Black to Play

D P.Bielby S.Smith


0 A.Adorjan Z.Ribli

corresponden ce 2000


Black to Play

White to Play

D !.Parkin R.Palliser


D D.B.Lund J.Rowson

London 1993

British League1999

Black to Play

White to Play


The Complete Ches s Wo r ko ut


0 T.Abergel D.Tebb


British League 2003

0 A.Siinger P.Rooney

Bradford 2006

-A ,E
-t tOOt





' ';




- :

White to Play

White to Play



0 C.Frostick N.Miller


0 Z.Zhao J.Markos

British League 2004

Ath ens2001

Black to Play

White to Play

0 A.Cullen L.Varnam


0 C.Cooley N.Noden

British League 2005

British League 2007

Black to Play

White to Play

Ten Tes ts

Test Three

D P.O'Neill P.Hopwood


D Reiner W.Steinitz

York 2000

Vienn a 1860

Black to Play

Black to Play

1106) D V.Balbashova A.Sulejmanova


1109) D D.Bronstein C.Kottnauer


White to Play

Black to Play
1107) D R.Aionso C.Ciaros Egea
Lorca 2005

White to Play


D A.Karpov V.Malaniuk

Moscow 1988

White to Play


The Complete C hess Workout


D M.Turner J.Mestel
British League 2000


Lugan o2007

Black to Play

Black to Play

D P.Sowray R.Palliser
Oxf ord 2003



D A.Potts T.Rendle

D V.Anand L.Van Wely

Mon aco (blin df old) 2007

Black to Play

D A.Jones !.Gallagher

White to Play

D L.Aronian G.Papp

British League 2004

Ath en s2001

White to Play

White to Play

Ten Tes t s

Test Four

D E.Schon W.Egan


D Z.lzoria A.Heimann

Tuggeran on g 2006

Philadelph ia 2006

White to Play

White to Play

1118) D P.Mahesh Chandran P.Vavrak


White to Play
1119) D Lin Zhigen R.Hvistendahl
Tuggeran on g 2007

White to Play

1121) D A.Samedov M.Kirikova

Moscow 2007

Black to Play
1122) D A.Kolev J.Hernando Rodrigo
La Lagun a 2007

White to Play


The Complete C hess Worko u t

1123) 0 E.Grivas A.Hrisostomidis
Halkidik i 2007


Nan cy 2007

Black to Play

White to Play


Dresden 2007

0 R.Palliser J.Burnett
Don caster 2006

B lack to Play

White to Play

0 G.Pitl B.Savchenko

0 I.Sokolov I.Saric
Bosn ian Team Ch ampion sh ip2007

White to Play


0 S.Pucher N.Gerard


0 M.Euwe R.Reti


Black to Play

Ten Tes ts

Test Five
1129) D U.Von Herman H.Tabatt
Koenigsh ofen 2007


Hock en h eim 2007

White to Play
1130) D A.Pomar Salamanca l.Liljedahl
Goth en burg1971

White to Play
1133) D A.Aiekhine S.Reshevsky
Kemeri 1937

White to Play

D M.Ferguson P.Wallace

D H.Stadt K.Roehrl

White to Play

D (.Morrison M.Basman

British League2005

Manch ester1981

White to Play

Black to Play


The Compl e t e Chess Workout


0 M.Cebalo R.Aieksic

Bizovac 2007

1138) 0 W.Cnossen G.Regniers

Belgian League 2006

White to Play
1136) 0 K.Spraggett M.Hernandez Garcia
Seville 2007

Black to Play
1139) 0 F.N.Stephenson K.Neat

White to Play


0 P.Svidler S.Tiviakov

White to Play

0 A.Karpov I.Csom

Wij k aan Zee 2007

Bad Lauterberg 1977

White to Play

White to Play

Ten Tes ts

Test Six
1141) 0 M.Vanderbeeken C.Fiear
Cann es2007


Guern sey 2002

White to Play

Black to Play

0 R.Palliser R.Westra

White to Play

0 O.Dvirnyy A.Pomaro

Verona 2007

White to Play

0 G.Morris R.Burton


0 C.Gibson O.Cork

Bri ti shLeague 2006

White to Play
1146) 0 S.Narayanan V.lkonnikov
Hastings 2006

Black to Play


The Complete Chess Workout



D P.Szakolczai A.Okara


Isle of Man2005

Black to Play

Black to Play

D D.Bronstein B.Ratner

Moscow 1945

1151) D V.Bologan R.Vaganian

Fuegen 2006

White to Play

White to Play


D V.Sareen R.Palliser


D C.McNab P.Gayson


D P.Negi E.Hermansson

British League2002


White to Play

White to Play

Ten Tests

Test Seven
1153) D K.Berbatov P.Suuronen
CampiIlos 2007

1156) D A.Lukovnikov S.Bezgodova

Voron ezh 2007

White to Play

D E.Repkova P.VIkovic

Tri esen 2007

Black to Play
1157) D J.Ehlvest M.lllescas Cordoba

White to Play

White to Play
1155) D E.Akatova V.Nebolsina

Black toPlay


D A.Brown M.Hardman


White to Play


The Compl e t e Chess Workout


D L.Debbage R.Palliser

Stok e onTren t1994

1162) D G.Rotlewi A.Rubinstein


Black to Play

Black to Play


D J.L.Weller B.Ciarke

Halif ax(rapid) 2006

D L.Evans B.Larsen

White to Play

Black to Play

D V.Cmilyte. E.Atalik
Dresden 2007

Black to Play




D B.Spassky. M.Tal

Mon treal1979

Black to Play

Ten Tests

Test Eight



0 O.Hindle A.Horton


0 G.Ballon S.Meenakshi

Birmingham 1961

Triesen 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

0 R.Kynoch S.Hogg


0 R.lrizanin D.Sarenac

Glen rothes 2005

Belgrade 2007

White to Play

Black to Play

0 G.Neave D.Bryson


0 E.Rozentalis D.Preuss

Edin burgh2006

Cappelle IaGrande2007

Black to Play

Black to Play


The Compl e t e Chess Wor kout


D R.Palliser D.Howell


Cork 200S

D A.Hunt D.Howell
BritishLeague 200S

Black to Play

Black to Play

1172) D J.Valmana Canto T.Eggleston

Sw ansea 2006

1175) D K.Spraggett P.Lianeza Vega

San Sebastian 2007

White to Play

White to Play
1173) D V.Zheleznov A.Vovk
Uk rain ian Team Ch ampion ship2007

Black to Play



D J.Smeets Bu Xiangzhi

Wij k aan Zee2007

Black to Play

Ten Tests

Test Nine
1177) D O.Bernstein J.Capablanca
Moscow 1914


British League 2006

Black to Play

D K.Smallbone J.Ciiffe

Wan tage 2000

White to Play
1181) D V.lvanchuk L.Van Wely
Mon aco (rapid) 2007

White to Play
1179) D R.Donner F.N.Stephenson
Gisborough 2001

Black to Play

D G.Cooper J.Smith

White to Play

D H.Lehtinen K.Kaiju

Fin nish League2007

White to Play


The Comple t e Chess Workout


0 V.Kramnik P.Svidler


Foxw oods 2007

White to Play

White to Play

1184) 0 V.Onischuk M.Kravtsiv




0 M.Coleman G.Simms

0 G.Lisitsin V.Ragozin

Leningrad 1934

White to Play

0 T.Taylor T.Mirabile


White to Play

0 A.Aiekhine M.Prat

Tulsa 2007

Paris simul1913

White to Play

White to Play

Ten Tests

Test Ten

0 R.Palliser P.Davies

0 N.Katte E.Zweschper

Dresden 2007

White to Pl ay

Black to Pl ay

1190) 0 !.Bonilla Guzman R.Michelmann

Bad Homburg 2005

Black to Pl ay



0 W.Arluck !.Benjamin

Parsippany 2007

Black to Pl ay

1193) 0

D.Larino Nieto

M.Granados Gomez

White to Pl ay
1194) 0 D.Navara R.Ponomariov
Wijk aanZee 2007

White to Pl ay

T he Compl ete Chess Wor kout



0 L.Milman J.Rukavina



White to Play

White to Play

0 G.Meier M.Saltaev

German League 2007

1199) 0 T.Sammalvuo J.Smeets


White to Play

White to Play
1197) 0 A.Pashikian A.Yegiazarian
Yerevan 2007

Black to Play


0 L.Portisch B.Berger

Pula 2007


0 R.Palliser R.Dineley

British League 2001

White to Play

Solut i ons

8: Solutions

Chapter One
1) Andres Gonzalez-De Ia Villa Garcia
1 l::ra7! exploits the weakness of Black's back rank to pick up the a-pawn.
2) Yermolinsky-Kurosaki
11lL f7+! 10
Black's queen is lost after l ...l::rxf7 2 fiiixc7.

3) Esen-Demirel
1 xa6! exploits the pin down the c-file to win a pawn.
4) Mortola-Scanferla
1...Viixg1+! 01
It's mate after 2 .!:txgl fi:el+ 3 l::rx e1 .lhel#.

5) Fedorov-Mamedjarova
11Llg6+! 10
It's mate after l...l::rxg6 2 fiiix h7#.

6) Khudaverdieva-Miezis
1...1Llh3+! 01
White's queen is lost.

7) Baudson-Gil
1 xa7! netted a pawn in view of l ...l::r xa7? 2 xc6 after which Black must give up a piece
on d7 since 2 ...ll:xd8? fails to 3 l::rx d8#.

8) Damjanovic-Panic
11Llxg6! fxg6 2 l:l:xe6 wins a pawn.
9) Mitrovic-Mihajlovic
1...fi:xc2! sees Black win a piece in view of 2 Wxc2 1Dxd4+ and 3 ... 1Dxf3.
10) Emms-Burgess
1 b4! 10
White wins a piece and gains a crushing attack after l...Viixb4 2 1ilxe5.

11) Quinn-Lyell
Black wins a piece with 1 ...J::rxc1! 2 l::rxc1 Viixf4+ 3 Wh3 Viixc1 01


T he Complete Chess Wor kout

12) Simons-Noyce
1 il,c6! 1-0
White wins the queen in view of l ...'lil'xc6 2 "li!'xf7#.

13) Soszynski-Stevenson
1...il,xf2+! 2 il,xf2l::txd1 wins the exchange.
14) lvanov-Sanduleac
1 f!:xh7+! 1-0
It's mate with l ...lilxh7 2 "lil'h4+ "li!'h6 3 tt:lg5+ lilhS 4 "li!'xh6#.

15) Vadja-K.Haznedaroglu
1l::txe6! 1-0
Black must give up his queen to keep g7 defended.

16) Galyas-Wilke
1 "li!'xh7+! 1-0
It's mate with l . . .tt:lxh7 2 tt:lg6#.

17) Farago-Gretarsson
1...tt:lxa3! wins a pawn in view of 2 bxa3 "li!'xc3.
18) Drozdovskij-V.Georgiev
1 il,xf7+!lhf7 2lhb8+ wins a pawn.
19) Rrhioua-Debray
1...tt:lf3+! 0-1
Mate follows with 2 "li!'xf3 "li!'gl#.

20) Hylands-Uddin
1 il,h6! 1-0
It's mate on g7 or on h7 after l...gxh6 2 "li!'xh7#.

21) Riazantsev-Galstian
1 il,xg6! 1-0
Mate follows.

22) Abdui-Murshed
1l::txb7! wins either a rook or queen for rook: 1...'l!Vxf2+ (or l ...l:!.xb7 2 "li!'d8#, while l ... 'l!Va4
fails to the mating 2 ll:b8+) 21iih 2 1-0
23) Reefat-Abdul
1 tt:lg6+! 10
It's mate after l . ..hxg6 2 ll:hl#.

24) Graf-Gasthofer
1..."lil'h2+ 21!if1 "li!'h1+! 0-1
It's mate with 3 tt:lxhl l:!.xhl # .

25) Hafenstein-Brunello
1...il,xh3! wins a key pawn since 2 gxh3 allows 2. . .'l!Vg6+ 31ilg4 tt:lxh3+ 4l!ih2 "li!'xg4.

Sol u t i ons
26) Savickas-Hunt
1 Il1a7+! 'i!l'xa7 2 l:lxa7+ ll<xa7 3 'ill'as+ li<b7 4 'i!l'xb5+ 1-0
White emerges queen for rook ahead.

27) Erdogdu-David
1...'i!l'xh3+! 0-1
It's mate after 2 l:lxh3 l:tgl# and 2 \l<el 'i!l'xhl+ 3 lild2 'iil'x al only delays the inevitable.

28) Vaganian-Siebrecht
11Dxg6+! 1-0
It's mate after l...hxg6 2 'iil'h3+ h6 3 'i!l'xh6#.

29) Durarbeyli-Damljanovic
1...'i!l'xf3+! 0-1
Black wins a piece after 2 1i<xf3/Dd4+ and 3 ...1Dxc2.

30) Shalimov-Bagrationi
11Dc6! bxc6 2 'i!l'xb8 wins the exchange.
31) Gozzoli-Reinhart
11Dh6+! 1-0
Black's queen is lost.

32) Holland-Rough
1...1Dxf2! 21i<xf2 (or 2 l:txf2 .!hg3) 2...<5+ 3 e3 xe3+ 41i<xe3 fl:xg3+ wins a pawn.
33) Garcia-Strand
1 Xf7+! 1-0
It's mate with l . ..lilxf7 2 'i!l'h7+ li<fS 3 l:tf6#.

34) Helin-Manetto
11Dc7+! wins a rook since l...'i!l'xc7? fails to 2 l:tbel + lildS 3 'iil'e7+ IiieS 4 'iil'xfS+.
35) Vea-Rasch
1 xf7+! wins a pawn in view of l . .J:ixf7? 2 /DgS.

36) Wallace-Dekker
11Df6+! xf6 2 'i!l'xh7# 1-0
37) Westra-Palliser
1 Sxf5! 1-o
White wins a rook after l...Sxf5 2 'i!l'xg4+.

38) Wilman-Tate
1 'i!l'xc6! 1-0
White wins a piece in view of l ...'i!l'xc6 2 1De7+ and 3 /1Jxc6.

39) Salimbeni-Hutchinson
1...h2+! 2lilxh2 'iil'xf1 wins the exchange.


The Comple t e Chess Workout

40) Schut-Bensdorp
1.-.J:i:xd2+! 0-1
Black emerges a piece ahead after 2 lilxd2 i<b4+ and 3... i<xa5.

41) Bogorads-Jahr
1 J:i:xf7+! 1-0
Black either loses his rook or emerges a piece down after J . .J:i:xf7 2 'ili'xf7+ lilxf7 3 1i'lg5+ and

42) Gladyszev-Kidambi
1..Jl:h1+! 0-1
White cannot avoid losing his bishop and queen.

43) Siebrecht-Szieberth
11i'lxd6! wins a clear pawn in view of the skewering l...'ili'xd6? 2 i<f4.
44) Zimmerman-Adams
1 'ili'xd4+! 1-0
Mate follows with

1.. .J:i:xd4

2 J:le8#.

45) May-Hecht
1...1Llxa2! wins a pawn in view of 2 'ili'xa2 "lll' xcl +.
46) Nikolaeva-Vozovic
1...I!xh3+! 0-1
Mate foll ows with 2 gxh3 "lll' g l#.

47) Vysochin-Sergeev
1 J:i:xf7+! 1-0
White wins a piece after l . .lilxf7 2 1i'lxg5+ lile7 3 1i'lxh3.

48) Balanovskij-Kusnetsov
1...1i'lg3+! 0-1
White must give up his queen to avoid 2 hxg3 'ili'h6#.

49) Kurajica-Schneider Sanchez

1 J<xh7+! lilh8? (better is l ...lilxh7, although after 2 'ili'd3+ lilg8 3 "lll' xbS White is the ex
change ahead) 2 i<d3 1-0
Black cannot both save his rook and prevent mate.

SO) Alonso Contreras-Trujillo Delgado

1 J<xh6! wins a pawn in view of l . J<xh6? 2 1i'l f6+ and 3 1i'lxd7.

51) Moreto Quintana-Koziak

1...'ili'h2+! 0-1
It's mate after 2 lilxh2 g l"lll'#.

52) Hindle-Puig Puildo

1 'ili'xg5! 1-0
White deci sively threatens 2 'ili'h4+ and 3 Sxh7+ and, of course, l ...'ili'xgS fail s to 2 ll.xh7#.


Solut i ons
53) Ficco-Godena
1.-Jl.xa2! 0-1
Black picks up a second pawn and forks the white rooks after 2 f!.xa2 xc4.

54) Martin del Campa-Alonso Arteaga

White wins the exchange: 1 li:lb6 1-0

55) Kosten-Marchal
1 l:!:d8+! 1-0
It's mate after l...'!ihd8 2 'li'xc6# or l .. .xd8 2 'liVeS#.

56) Touret-Petkov
1...1i:lf3! 0-1

It's mate after 2 gx3 (or 2 h3 xh3! 3 g3 'iVhS) 2 ... xf3+ 3 Wgl 'li'g4#.

57) Guliyev-Schweitzer
1 Jl.xf7! 'ii'a5 (the main point is that l ...li:lxf7 2 li:lde6+ xe6 3 tt:lxe6+ wins the black queen)
2 d5 saw White pick up a key pawn and gain a large advantage.
58) Chudinovskih-Nikolenko
1 l:!:h8+! '.llxh8 2 'li'h3+ Wg8 3 'li'xe6+ 1-0
It's mate with 3 ... Wh7 4 l:lh2#.

59) Okara-Yuganova
1 'li'd8+! 1-0
It's mate after l .. Jhd8 2 l:!:xd8+ '.ll g7 3 h6#.

60) Venevtsev-Mozharov
1...'il'xf3! 0-1
Black wins a rook since it's mate after 2 gxf3l:l:xh2#.

61) Bronstein-Koblencs
1 iile611-0
Black must lose the exchange since

1... fxe6

2 'iVxfS+ mates.

62) Lasker-Steinitz
1 f!.g4! 1-0
White has an easy exchange-up win after l ...l:!:xh7 (or l ... Wd7 2 li:lf6+ We6 3 f!.gS Wxf6 4
ll:xhS) 2 f!.g8+ ll<d7 3 li:lf6+ li<d6 4 tt:lxh7 xh7 5 l:td8+.

63) Aguilar-Leskovar
1...l:txh2+! 2 Wxh2 'lil'h6+ 31i<g1 'li'g5+ 0-1
It's mate on g2.

64) 'Andrei21'-Palliser
1 'li'b711-0
Black can't prevent mate on g7 since 1...15 2l:te5 is no help.

65) Palliser-'Perparim3'
1 'li'xc211-0
White wins a rook in view of l ...xc2 2l:te8#.

The Complete Chess Workout

66) Bruce-Palliser
1 J:!:f8+! xf8 2 a8'11i'+ g7 and now the simplest win was 3 'lilb7+ g6 4 'lli'c6+ and 5 'lli'xc4.
67) Smallbone-Terry
112if6+! 1-0
Black loses the exchange after l . ..xf6 2 'lli'd5+.

68) Chua-lzoria
1...'11i'xd4+! 0-1
Mate follows in view of 2 'lli'xd4 l:!:el#.

69) Katz-Tomasko
1 J:i:xh7+! xh7 2 'li'h5+ g7 3 'lli'g6+ h8 (or 3 ... 8 4 'i'f7#) 4 'l!Vh6# 1-0
70) Hylapov-Lintchevski
1.ixh7+! 8 (Black loses the exchange after l ...li:ixh7 2ll:xe8+) 2Sxe8+ li:ixe8 3 .ifS left
White a pawn up.

71) Nickei-Deruda
1ll:h8+! 1-0
Black loses his queen.

72) Markus-Doric
1.ixb7! wins a pawn in view of Black's vulnerable back rank.
73) Hempson-Palliser
1...11:ixd4! 0-1
Black wins a second pawn after 2 12ixd4 .ixc5 3 12if3 .ixf2+.

74) Volokitin-Bareev
1ll:h1+! 1-0
Mate follows with l ...xh7 2 'i'xf7+ h6 3 :!!.h l+ g5 4 'li'f4#.

75) Tyomkin-Gaprindashvili
1 '!Wxfs! 1-o
White wins the rook since l ...li:ixf5? allows 2 ll:eS#.

76) Rodriguez-Needleman
1Sf7+! 1-0
It's mate with l . ..l:txf7 2 12ie8#.

77) Corrales-De Ia Paz

The pin down the e-file costs White his queen after 1 ...12id3+! 0-1

78) Morozevich-Movsesian
1...12if1+! 2 h111:ixh2 0-1
3 ... 12ixf3+ is threatened and White can't avoid mate since 3 lhh2 fails to 3 .. 'l!Vxf3+.

79) Ward-Palliser
1 :!!.xeS+! 1-0
White queens after l . ..xeS 2 fxg7.

Solu t i ons
80) Palliser-Houska
1 oid8+! 1-0
Black loses her queen after l...xd8 2 'i!l'xb6+.

81) Gavrilov-Perez Garcia

1 J:l:xb7+! c8 (and not l . ..xb7? 212ld6+ b8 3 1i:lxc4) 2 Sb3 nets a key pawn.
82) Ambartsumova-Kochetkova
11l.xh6! wins a pawn in view of l ...gxh6 2 'iil'xf6.
83) Bogdanov-Rodkin
1..Ji:xa7! 2l:ixa7 oic5+ forks to win a piece.
84) Eliseev-Kurilov
1.!l.xh7+! 1-0
It's mate after l . . .xh7 2 'ilxg6+ h8 3 'ilh7#.

85) Guzenko-Kiobukov
1 'ila6+! bxa6 2 laa7# 1-0
86) Lomako-Airapetian
1...11.xg2+! 0-1
It's mate on the back rank, although also good and actually mating a move faster is
1...'ilxg2+! 2 :Sxg2 l:!el+.

87) Vunder-Zacurdajev
1...1i:lf3+! 2 gxf3 'i!l'g6+ 3 h1 'ilhs o-1
Mate follows down the h-file.

88) Palliser-Seymour
1 ltxhS! and White won a piece in view of 1 ... gxh5? 2 'i!l'g5 and 3 'ill'xg7#.
89) Zimmermann-Lener
1 Sxe6! wins a piece in view of l...xe6 2 1i:lxc5+ and 3 1i:lxb7.
90) Mordue-Dilleigh
1 oixh7+! xh7 2 'ill'd3+ g8 3 'iil'xd6 won a pawn.
91) Starostits-Bezler
1 oixc7! wins a pawn in view of Black's back-rank weakness.
92) San Segundo Carrillo-Wojtaszek
1...Sh1+! 0-1
It's mate after 2 xhl (or 21!ig3 'iil'g4#) 2 ...'iil'fl + 31!ih2 'ill'xg2#.

93) Karpov-Stojanovic
1'i'xh6+! gxh6 2 litg8# 1-0
94) Golovin-lvanov
1 Sxg7+! Jaxg7 21i:lxf6+ 1-0
Black can only give up his queen to delay mate.

2 17

The Complete Chess Workout

95) Walas-Gajewski
1...il,xd4 2 'lil'xd41li b3! wins the exchange on a l .
96) Rhodes-Hopwood
Black wins White's rook with a common and important tactic: 1..Jl:g1! 2 l:txa2 (otherwise
the pawn queens) 2...l:tg2+ 311ie3l:.xa2.

97) Rogerson-Palliser
1...ll.xb4! 0-1
Black emerges a piece ahead after 2 lhb4 il,a5 3 li<e2 il,xb4.

98) Cloudsdale-Hopwood
1...l:txc3! 0-1
Black wins a piece in view of 2 'i!l'xc3 'lil'xe2.

99) Hopwood-Lockwood
1ll.xd6! 'lil'b8 (capturing the rook costs Black material after 1 .. 'lil'xd6 2 'l!l'xa8+ llie7 3 'lil'xh8
and even the relatively best 1 . . 0-0 2 l:txd8ll .fxd8 leaves White's extra queen and pawn
somewhat superior to Black's rook and bishop) 2 'i!l'd7+ llif8 3 l:tdc6 and White won the
black queen and shortly the game.

100) Pecnik-Galoic
1 if'xh6+! 1-0
It's mate after 1...11ixh6 2 J:i:h3+ llig7 3 Sh7#.

Chapter Two
101) Pupols-Adamson
1...11Jxh3+! 2 gxh3? (or 2 11iflli:Jxf2 3 'lil'xf2ll.c8 with an extra pawn and some advantage)
2...'l!l'xh3 3 'i!l'e2 il,h2+ 411ih1 il,f4+ 5 llig1 lads gave Black an overwhelming attack.
102) Yusupov-Reuss
11Zlxg6+! il,xg6 2 d611ig8 3 d7 1-0
The d-pawn costs Black his queen.

103) Fontein-Euwe
It's mate on the back rank: 1..Jl.c1! 0-1

104) Campbeii-Beggi
111:lxf7! 1-0
The threat of discovered check is rather powerful after 1 . .. 1il'c7 (it's mate after l . llixf7? 2
1il'e6+ llifS 3 ii:lg5 11Jce5 411Jxh7#) 2 'lil'e6.

105) De Marco-Bashkite
1...ll:xg2! 2 'i!Vxd2 (or 2 1lixg211:lf4+ winning White's queen) 2...'i!Vh2# 0-1
106) Moiseenko-lsmagambetov
1...il,xg2! 0-1
White must lose his queen after 2 il,xg211Jf3+ since 3 il,xf3 fails to 3 ... gxf3+ and 4 ... 'lil'g2#.


S ol ut i ons
107) Zacarias-Valiente
1 xa6! removes a key pawn, after which 1.-.ll:b1+ (or l ... 'Wixa6 2 'Wixb2 with an over
whelming attack and an extra exchange) 211ih2 'lllb
l 2 3 .l1Lb7+! gave White a crushing attack.
108) Skalkotas-Kotrotsos
1 ll:h8+! 1-0
It's mate on hS: l ...<i:lxhS 2 'WixhS+ xhS 3 ll:xh8#.

109) Ni Hua-Palliser
Black can prise open the a-file with decisive effect: 1...ll:xa3! 2 bxa3 'Wixa3 3 ll:d4 cxd4 4

'ilfb2 'Wia5! o-1

5 ... d3 follows.

110) Hoelzi-Knoll
Black is defenceless down the h-file: 1 xh7+! llih8 (or l...llixh7 2 'i!VhS+ llig8 3 ll:h3 and
mates) 2 'l!Vh5 1-0

111) Teske-Stangl
1 xg6+! <i:lxg6 (or 1 ...11/gS 2 <i:lf7 'l!Vb6 3 'l!Vxb6 ll:xb6 4 iilxd8 <i:lxg6 5 ll:xd7 with an extra
rook) 2 <i:lxd7 ll:xd7 3 ll:xd7+ 1-0
Black's queen is lost after 3 ... 'l!Vxd7 4 l:!c7.

112) Popovic-Pinter
1...xg2! 2 <i:lxg2 <i:lxh3+ 3 llif1 'l!Vh2 0-1
It's mate after 4 ll:xe7 'Wigl+ S llie2 'l!Vxf2#.

113) Narciso Dublan-Mecking

1 xh7+! llixh7 (or 1...11/hS 2 'l!VxdS with two extra pawns) 2 'l!Vxd5 d6 (Black loses his
queen after both 2 ... e6 3 'Wie4+ and 2 ... il.c6 3 'i!VfS+, while 2 ...'l!Vb6 3 'Wixd7 leaves White two
pawns ahead and still with a strong attack) 3 'Wixd6 ll:xe3 4 g6+ llih8 5 gxf7 'i!VfS 6 'l!Vxd7
and White's extra pawns carried the day.

114) Korchnoi-Karpov
It's mate after 2 gxf3 (or 2 11/hl lilf2#) 2 ...ll :g6+ 3 11/hl <i:lf2#.

115) Mamedjarova-Naiditsch
1...'Wixd1+! 2 xd1 ll:e1+ 3 'Wig1l:ixg1+ 411ixg1 <i:lxe4 left Black a pawn up in a highly fa
vourable ending.

116) Horvath-Seres
1 111'xh5+l llig8 (it's mate after l ...gxhS 2 ll:g7+ llih6 3 cl#) 2 J:l:xg6+! 1-0
Mate follows after 2 .. .fxg6 3 'l!Vxg6+ llifS 4 a3+.

117) Berczes-Roussel Roozmon

1 xh7+! llixh7 2 'Wib1+ 11/gS 3 'l!Vxb2 wins a pawn.
118) Molano Lafuente-Conde Chijeb
1lhf7+! 1-0
It's mate after l ...ll:xf7 (or 1 ...11/hS 2 ll:h7+!) 2 'l!Vxg6+ llih8 3 'i1Vg8#.


The Complete Chess Workout

119) Colom Andres-Zohaib Hassan
1...1i'if2+! 01
Mate follows after 2 1i'lxf2 '!!l'f3+.

120) AlshohaEI Kawabia

1 xf7+! h8 (l . x7 2 1ileg5+ g8 3 '!!l'c4+ leads to a smothered mate) 2 xeS won the


121) Leenhouts-Sielecki
1 f!xf7+! xf7 2 '!!l'h7+ 1-0
Mate follows after 2 . . .f8 (or 2 ... e6 3 '!!1'15#) 3 h6+.

122) Motwani-Wiersma
1 1i'lxe6! 1-0
White wins the exchange on f8 since l ...dxe6? 2 1i'lf7+' ll:xf7 3 J:!d8+ forces mate.

123) Hautot-Saltaev
1...1i'lxc3! 2 '!!l'xbs (worse is 2 bxc3 "i!Vxb4) 2.../iJxbS 3 f!d7 l:!:c8 4 b1 '!J.c7 saw Black pick up
a pawn.

124) Radulovic-Lajthajm
1...1i'le2+! forces White to give up his queen since 2 1i'lxe2 allows 2 ...'!!1'xg2#.
125) Rajkovic-Tadic
1...S.xg2+! 0-1
White loses his queen after 2 xg2 (2 1iih1 ll:cc2 is terminal too) 2 ... 1i'le3+.

126) Martic-lrizanin
1 '!J.a8+! 1-0
It's mate after l . ..xa8 2 'lib8#.

127) Vasic-Zivkovic
1..Ji:a1! overloads White's defence of g2: 2 '!!l'd 4 (otherwise White loses his rook since 2
ll:xal allows 2 ...'!Wxg2#) 2...'!Wxe2 01
Black wins a piece.

128) Ostojic-Conic
1 :!l:xf7+1J:!:xf7 (or l ...h8 2 f!.h7#) 2 1i'le6+ h8 3 1i'lxd8 wins Black's queen.
129) Blackburne-Schwarz
1 'ixf4!! xf4 2 '!J.xhS! 1-0
Mate follows on h8.

130) Vadja-lvkov
1 xa7+! li'lxa7 2 f!.xe6 xe6 gave White a near decisive advantage of queen and pawn
against Black's extra rook and knight.

131) Marholev-Morelle
1 'i'xc7+! 1-0
It's mate after 1 . . .xc7 (or 1 ... e6 2 J:l.e8+ l!lf5 3 'i'd 7+) 2 J:l.la7#.


S o lut i ons
132) Palliser-Callis
1 g5! won the black queen since 1...hxg5 2 hxg5 "fie7 failed to 3 g8+ 1-0
Mate follows on h7.

133) Matijasevic-Bender
1...1i:lg3+! 0-1
White can only prevent mate by giving up far too much material with 2 hxg3 hxg3+ 3 h5
l:lxh5+ 4 "fixh5 1i:lxh5.

134) Prlac-Szakolczai
1...xg2+! 2 Wg1 (White loses the exchange after 2 J:l.xg2 h3) 2 ....1U3 left Black with a
strong attack and an extra pawn.

135) Rigg-Masters
1...1i:ld2! undermines White down the long diagonal: 21i:lxd2 (Black gains a mating attack
after 2 "fixd2 l:!.xg2+! 3 \l<xg2 'liVg5+ 4 \l<fl xf3, while 2 e4 1i:lxf3+ 3 'li!'xf3 xe4 4 lhe4 fxe4 5
"fixe4 sees White keep g2 covered but at the cost of the exchange) 2 ... xg2! 3 "fic3 (trying
to save the queen but now it's mate) 3...h3+ 4 \i!th1 "figs 5 J:!.g1 g2+ 6 ll:xg2 'l!l'xg2# 0-1

136) Wheeler-Dore
1 ll:xg7+! li!txg7 2 "figS+ li!th8 3 "fih6+ li!tg8 4 "Wig6+ li!th8 5 1i:lf3 1-o
Mate follows down the h-file.

137) Barden-Wood
1 'l!Vxf8+! 1-0
It's mate after l . ..li!txf8 2 J:l.h8# or l...li!td7 2 :!l:xf7+ li!te6 3 'li!'e7+ >iil f5 4 h4+ li!tg6 5 'i!Vf6+ Wh5
6 'lllig 5#.

138) Haslinger-Gormally
White gains a crushing attack with 1 l:ixe7!! li:xe7 2 'lllixgs f6 (the only defence) 3 'I!Vxg6+:

3...1!/hS 4 xe6! 'lllic7 s li:ldS! xd5 6 exds :!l:h7 7 l:!g1 1-o

Mate is threatened and 7 ... ll:e7 8 b3 'lllid 8 9 "fif5 l:Ih7 1 0 ll:g6 leaves Black stuck in a horrible
bind: White will advance his pawn to d7 and then look to break through with 'I!Vg4 and
l:!.g8 or l:Ig7.

139) Franco-Rodriguez
1 "i'xh7+! l!lxh7 2 ll:h3+ h5 3 l:txhS# 1-0
140) Burt-Dennis
1 xa6+! J:l:xa6 2 "i'c7# 1-0
141) lbbotson-Hopwood
1...l:bf3! 2 gxf3 i.xh3 gives Black a crushing attack: 3 f4 (not the best defence, but 3 J:!.el
111116 4 1i:le2 'iWxf3 5 1i:le3 d4 is horrendous too for White and even 3 1i:le2 "i'f6 4 'iWd3 leaves
Black with superb attacking chances after 4 ... i.f5 5 'iWe3 h6) 3...exf4 4 'i!Vxf4 J:!.c4! 5 'lil'f3
(White is also destroyed after 5 'iWe3 'iWh4 6 1i:le2 ll:g4+! 7 1i:lg3 d4 8 'iWe6+ Wh8) s...'llligS+ 6

lilh1 ll:h4 0-1

142) Byron-Hosken
1 xh7+! li!th8 (or l...li!txh7 2 'iWh5+ ll<gS 3 l:!h3 followed by mate down the h-file) 2 l:th3!
(much stronger than the also rather good 2 'iWh5 1i:lf6 3 1i:lxf7+ J:l.x7 4 'li!'xf7 /ijxh7 5 'li!'xe7)


The Complete Chess Wo r ko ut

2 ...luf6 3 jcg5 left White with a decisive attack.
143) Hagesaether-Greet
1...jcxh3+!! 2 xh3 'iii'd7+ 3 g2 (or 3 h2 jl,f4+ 4 1i:lg3 1i:lg5 5 'iii'fl l:i:el ! and wins) 3...'iii'g4+
4 1i:lg3 (the main point of Black's combination is revealed after 4 hl l:i:e5 when White is
powerless against the threat of doubling on the g-file; for example, 5 1i:lh2 1i:lxf2+! 6 1i:lxf2
l:i:e l+ 7 /i:lfl 'iii'f3+ 8 gl jce3 forces mate) 4 ...1i:lxg3 5 fxg3 l:i:e2+ 6 1i:lf2 jce3 7 'iii'c8+ 'iii'xc8 0-1

144) Kosten-Hague
1 1i:ld6+! exd6 2 exd6 'iii'd 7 (or 2 ...'iii'd 8 3 d7+ f8 4 l:i:hel with a crushing position) 31i:le5 1-0
Black can't move his queen in view of 4 d7+ and 3 ... jcxe5 4 'iii'xe5+ costs him the other rook.

145) Law-Gallagher
1...jcxg2+! 0-1
It's mate after 2 1i.xg2 '!ii'h4+ 3 1i.h3 'iii'x h3#.

146) Waters-Richmond
1 1i:lxh6+! gxh6 2 'iii'g 4+ 1-0
White has a decisive attack after 2 ... 1i:lg6 (or 2 ... 1i.g5 3 fxg5 h5 4 'iii'xh5 l:i:d7 5 d5! - always
try to invite as many pieces as possible to the party!) 3 1i.xg6 since 3 .. .fxg6? 4 'iii'xg6+ forces
mate next move.

147) Coleman-D'Costa
Black collapses on g7: 1 J::! xg7! J:i:xg7 2 J::!g1 'f1c7 (relatively best is 2 ...1i:lf6, although White is
winning easily enough after 3 jl,xg7+ e8 4 'iii'g6) 3 l:!xg7 'iii'x g7 4 'iii'h8+ 1-0

148) Ledger-Burnett
1 'iii'f6+! 1-0
It's mate after l ... gxf6 2 gxf6+ f8 3 J:lh8#.

149) 5haw-Low Ying Min

1 J:.xg7+! 1-0
Mate follows with 2 'iii'xh6+ and 3 'iii'h8 #.

150) Wise-Blackburn
1 1i:ld7! (with various nasty kingside threats, including 2 1i:lxf8 .!l.xf8 3 1i:lxg7! and 2 1i:lh6+
gxh6 3 1i:lxf6+) 1...h5 (White is also left with a very strong attack after 1 ...1i.c8 2 1i:lxf6+! gx6
3 h4) 2 1i:lh6+! gxh6 3 1Wf5 .!l.e6 (or 3 ... 1i.g7 4 1i:lxf6+ and Black must give up his queen be
cause 4 ...h8 5 h4 jccS 6 'iii'g6 is completely crushing) 4 1i:lxf6+ f7? (relatively better is
4 ....!l.xf6 5 1i.xf6 'iii'e8 6 .lil.xg5 when White is 'only' the exchange ahead while retaining at
tacking chances) 5 12lh7+ e8 6 1i:lxg5 hxg5 7 'iii'xe6+ 'l!Ve7 8 .lil.g6+ 1-0

151) James-Anderton
1..JI.xg2+1 0-1
It's mate after 2 xg2 'iii'f2+ 3 h3 'iii'h 2#.

152) Buckley-Mitchem
1 lbd7! xd7 2 'li'f5+ dB 3 'l!Vxc8+! (even stronger than 3 l:i:b7) 3...xc8 4 jcg4+ 1-0
The raking bishops force mate with 4 .. .f5 5 jl,xf5+ d8 6 l:i:b8#.


153) Flear-Ansell
The forced 1 1:txe5! J:!:xe5 21i'lf5 'liflf6 3 'iil'xg7+ 'liflxg7 4 :!l:xg7 sees White win g7 while main
taining a decisive pin on the long diagonal: 4..-l:ibeS 5 :!l:c7 1-0
Black will lose at least b7 before White regains the exchange, but actually even stronger
was the fiendish 5 ll:g5! with the idea of 5 ... 1i'le4 6 1i'le7! li'lxg5 7 j<xe5#.

154) Hoffmann-Munson
1 j<xg6! wins a key pawn in view of l ...fxg6 2 f!.xc4 J:!:xc4? 3 f7+.
155) Upton-Brown
1 ll:xb7! gives White a mating attack: 1...'.i.>xb7 2 'lifle4+ 1-0
Mate follows with 2 ... 1!1b6 3 ll:bl+ l!la5 4 'iil'b4 #.

156) Bourne-Gregory
1...1i'lxf2! 0-1
There's no defence down the long diagonal since 2 Wxf2 'iil'c6 3 l:lgl fails to 3 ...'iil'f6+.

157) Emms-Ledger
1 1i'lxg7!! l!lxg7 (l ... 'iil'xg7 is a better try, but after 2 1i'lf5 'liflf8 - 2 ... 1i'lg4!? fails to 3 1i'lxg7
xf2+ 4 'iil'xf2! li'lxf2 5 1i'lxe6 1i'lxhl 6 1i'lxc7 with a substantial advantage - 3 h6 Black is
short of a good move; for example, 3 ... 'iil'c5 4 'iil'g3+ li'lg4 5 'iil'xg4+ :!l:g6 6 'iil'f3 and White has
by far the stronger attack or 3 ... xf2+ 4 Wxf2 li'lxe4+ 5 'liflxe4 J:l.xh6 6 a4 d7 7 li'lxh6+ 'iil'xh6
S ll:adl with an extra exchange and some advantage) 2 h6+! (now Black must either lose
his queen or allow mate) 2 ...1!1xh6 3 1i'lf5+ l!lg6 4 'llfg3+ Wh5 5 'liflg5# 1-0

158) Foster-Parmar
1 1i'lh6+ l!lh8 2 'iil'g8+! 1-0
It's smothered mate with 2 ...f!.xg8 3 1i'lhf7# or 3 1i'lgf7#.

159) Gilbert-Morris
11i'lh5+! 1-0
Mate follows with l . ..gxh5 (or l . ..Wh7 2 1i'lef6+ l!lh8 3 'lif!h6#) 2 'iil'g5+ Wh8 3 'iil'h6+ l!lg8 4

160) Mestei-Hynes
1 li:c8+! 1-0
Mate follows on d7.

161) Rudd-Arakhamia Grant

1...1ila3+! 2 bxa3 (2 Wal ll:lxd4 leads to disaster on c2 or down the b-file after 3 bxa3 bxa3)
2...bxa3+ 3 .ltb5 12lxd4 4 c41i'lxb5 5 'iil' xb6 l:!:xb6 6 cxb5 :!l:xb5+ 7 Wc2 .ltxg5 left Black three
pawns ahead and still with the initiative.

162) Sherwin-Hague
1..-Xh2! 01
Mate is forced after 2 l:rg2 (or 2 J::[xh2 'liflxf3+) 2 ... f4+ 3 1!/gl 'iil'h2+.

163) Smallbone-Gunter
1 l:txh7+! 1-0
Mate follows on h4.


The Co mplete Chess Wo r ko ut

164) D'Costa-Wells
1...l:txh2+! 2 1i<xh2 't!i'xg3+ 3 1i<h1 'l!i'h3+ 4 1i<g1 i<c5+ 0-1
5 'l!i'f2 \l<h8! only delays the inevitable mate.

165) Trent-Tan
1 l:txg7! (by far the most clinical, although 1 1Dg6+ l!lh7 2 't!i'e6! should also do the business)
1...lilxg7 2 'ili'g3+ llih8 31Df7+ l!lh7 4 h5 l:ig8 5 e8'l!i'! 1-0
Mate follows on g6, gS or hS.

166) Adams-Hennigan
11Dxf7! 1-0
White wins a piece after 1...0-0 (or l ...xf7 2 'l!Vxe7+ 't!i'xe7 3 l:l:xe7+ followed by capturing
on f7 or aS) 2 1Dd6.

167) Adams-Bates
1ll:fxf7! 1-0
Mate follows after 1 ... xb2+ 2 't!i'xb2! l:l:xb2 3 l:tg7#.

168) Rich-Barrett
1 llxg6+! fxg6 2 't!i'xg6+ llih8 3 ii"h5+ 1-0
3 ...1!/gS 4 f7+ decides

169) Simons-Richards
1 l:txh6+! l!lg8 (or 1 ... gxh6 2 d4+ i<f6 3 i<xf6+ and Black must give up her queen to avoid
mate) 2 'i!Ve6+ 1-0
Mate follows.

170) Povah-Sisask
1 l:ixh6!! gxh6 2 f!.f6 (threatening mate beginning with 3 't!i'g4+ llifS 4 /bfS) 2 ...1lif8 (or
2 ... 1!1g7 3 f!.xh6! - also rather effective is 3 1i"f3 l:tb7 4 ll:xh6! - 3 ... li!:gS 4 1i"h5 1lifS S l:ih7 f!.a7 6
6+ \lieS 7 1i"d6 and White wins back his rook while maintaining a decisive attack) 3 't!i'h5

't!i'd7 41Df5 1lie8 5 't!i'xh6 l!ld8 6 l:id6 1bb7 7 'lii'f8+ 1-0

Mate is forced, although 7 't!i'f6+ l!lc7 S f!.xd7+ llixd7 9 1i"e7+ IlleS 10 d6 would have been
even more clinical.

171) Cooley-Moore
Black gains a large advantage by winning the white queen with 1 ...l:tg1+! 2 l:ixg11Df2+ 3

'l!Vxf2 (and not 3 Wg2?? i<h3#) 3...'t!i'xf2.

172) Helbig-Palliser
1 1bfe6! fxe6 2 f!.xf6! i.h6! (the only try since both 2 ...exf6 3 7+ l!lfS 4 1bxe6+ and 2 ... i.xf6
3 7+ llifS 4 1bxe6+ cost Black his queen) 3ll:xg6+! lbxg6 4 't!i'xh6 1bf8 and now 5 'ili'hS
(rather than the game's 5 1bxe6? lbxe6 6 't!i'xe6+ llif8) 5...1i'd8 (or 5 ...'t!i'c8 6 1i"f7+ llih8 7 'l!i'xe7
llig8 8 1bf7 and White's deadly attacking team of queen and knight decides) 6 1bf7 1ii'a8 (or
6 .. .lhg2+ 7 l!lxg2 't!i'a8 8 1Dh6+ Wh8 9 \lig3! when one possible mating finish is 9 ...'ll!'a2 10
IbiS+ lligS 11 lbxe7+ Wg7 1 2 i<h6+ lli6 13 /bgS#) 7 1bh6+ Wh8 8 .i<f1! would have left
Black's king helpless.

173) Valden-Smallbone
1...'ll!'xe6! wins a rook in view of the back rank mate after 2 'l!Vxe6 .ll:d 1+.


Solut i ons
174) Bates-Mason
1 'iii'xf6! 1-0
White will emerge a rook ahead after l . ..exf6 2 e7 'liVeS 3 1tlxd6.

175) De Coverly-Frost
1 JlLxd S! exds?? (capitulation, although otherwise White retreats his bishop and plays a
crushing d4-d5; for example, l ...Wc7 2 J1Lg2 l:\a7 3 'iii'f 2! l!lbS 4 d5 exd5? 5 'iii'b6+ J::rb7 6 J:!:xcS+!
WxcS 7 l:tgS+ forcing mate) 2 'iii'xf S+ 1-0
Mate follows on cS.

176) Eames-Simmons
1 l:l:xc8! ll:xc8 2 '!!Vb 7 wins a piece in view of the mate threat: 2...0-0 3 1De7+ l!lh8 41tlxc8 and
White went on to win.

177) Edwards-Lalic
1...JiLbS! 0-1
White must lose the exchange on f1 since l...J1Lb5 2 'i!!'xb5?? l::lxg3+! forces mate and 2 c4
J1Lxc4! is no help.

178) Granat-Bentley
1...i.h3+! 2 1!1xh3 (or 2 Wf3 'i!!' d l+ 3 l!le3 i.c5+) 2...'iii'f1+ 3 l!lg4 'iii'g2 traps the white king in
a mating net: 4 h3 h S+ s l!lh4 gS+ 6 1!/xhS 'i!!'xh3+ 7 1!1g6 i.e7 0-1
S... 1l!'h7# is unstoppable.

179) Palliser-Hunt
Rather than the game's 1 i.d4, 1 i.f7+!! gives White a decisive material advantage after
1...1!!'xf7 (capturing with either knight allows mate, while l ...l!lxf7 2 1!!'xg7+ WeS 3 'i!'xc7
wins the queen for even less material) 2 1tlh6+ Wf8 3 1ilxf7 1tldxf7.

180) Palliser-Broomfield
1 li:e7! (1 l:l:e6 'l!idS 2 J:!:e7! 'iii'xe7 3 d6+ actually comes to the same thing) 1 ...'iii'xe7 (or l...l:tf7
2 ll.xf7 Wxf7 3 'iii'xh7+ IiieS 4 l:tel + with an overwhelming attack) 2 d6+ 'iii'f 7 3 J1Lxf7+ .ll.xf7 4
Me1 and White went on to convert his decisive advantage.
181) Webb-Townsend
White simplified to a winning ending with 1 1tlg6+! l:l:xg6 (l ... hxg6? 2 l:l:h3+ forces mate) 2

'li'e8+ J1Lf8 3 fxgs 1-0

3...l:i:gS 4 B:xfS 1!!'g7 is forced but hopeless.

182) Willis-Twitchell
1 i.xg7! wins a key pawn since l . ..'i!'xg7? 2 J:l:g3 costs Black his queen.
183) Bibby-Johnston
1...'!1Vxd4+! 0-1
It's back-rank mate after 2 l:txd4 .ll.e l#.

184) Macak-Rowson
1...lbe4! (preventing mate and beginning a decisive counterattack) 2 .i1l,xe4 (or 2 l:txe4
li:lxb2! 3 J:!:d2 .i1l,xd5 4 .!l:exd4 'ii'c3 with a gigantic attack) 2 ...1tlxb2! 3 ll:d2 (desperately trying
to cover c2 rather than get mated by 3 l!lxb2? i.a3+' 4 Wxa3 '!!Vc3+ 5 1!1a4 J:!:c4#) 3...i.a3 4 f6
li:la4+ 0-1

The Comp lete Chess Workou t

Mate follows on c3 or b2.

185) Cox-Dickson
1...'il!'xg3!! 2 hxg3 12if2+ 31i<h2 1i:leg4# 0-1
186) Bologan-Lautier
1 12ixf5! 1-0
It's mate after 1 .. .'1i'xf2 2 ll:d8+ l:i:8 3 12ih6#.

187) Smallbone-Cupal
1 Sxf8! 'llfxg5 2 lhf7+ 1-0
It's mate after 2 ...11<h6 3 l::rh 8#.

188) Milanovic-Grigore
1 ll:xd4! 10
It's mate after 1 . ..cxd4 2 f6+ ll<g8 (or 2 ... \l<g6 3 kd3+) 3 l::rc8+ ll<h7 4 il.d3+ li'le4 5 kxe4#.

189) Barnaure-Nanu
1 'llfg7+! 1-0
White wins a rook with J . .J:hg7 2 fxg7+ ll<xg7 3 kxd8.

190) Lengyel-To Nhat Minh

1 'llfxc6 J::l:xc6 2 l::rd8+ 'liVeS 3 J::rxe8+ wins a piece.
191) Bronstein-Keres
1 'li'h6! 1-0
After l ...'I!Vxbl + 2 'il<h2 J:lg8 White mates with 3 'llfxh7+! ll<xh7 4 J:l.h4#.

192) lgnacz-Niemi
1...J:Ixf2+! 21i<xf2 '11Vx h2+ 0-1
It's mate down the -file after 3 1i<fl ll:f8+.

193) Collins-lllner
1 l:.Xf7! 1-0
White wins a rook after J . .'ili'xf7 (neither does l ... 'i'g8 2 l:i:xg7! help Black) 2 l::rxc8+ .lt8 3
'liVeS+ ll<g8 4 '11Vxb2.

194) Szabo-Bisguier
1 il.xh7+! li<xh7 2 'i'h3+ ll<g8 3 l:i:g4 1-0
It's mate on h8 after 3 .. .16 4 J::i:h4 fxe5 5 g6.

195) Karpov-Hort
1 J:txe6+!! 1-0
It's mate after l . ..'i'xe6 (or 1...11<7 2 J::i: f6+ ll<e7 3 J:lf7#) 2 '11Vc7+ 11<8 (more stubborn than
2 ... 'i'd7 3 .ltd6#) 3 il.d6+ '11Ve7 4 .ltxe7+ l:i:xe7 5 'i'b8+! l:i:e8 6 'llff4+ ll<e7 7 '11Vc7+ 11<8 8 'IIV7#.

196) Mendelson-Quinn
1...12ixe3! 2 fxe3 (Black is two pawns up after 2 'llfh3 '11Vxh3 3 J:l.xh3 12ixf5 4 .ltxc6 bxc6 5 1hc6
ll.d7) 2 ...'i'xe3+ 31i<d1 (otherwise the rook on c1 falls) 3...12ixd4 4 .ltd5 12ixf5 saw Black re
gain his material with interest in view of 5 l:i:xe3 12ixe3+ 6 'il<e2 12ixg2 7 il.xg2 c6 with five
pawns and a rook for White's two extra minor pieces.


S ol u t i ons
197) Peile-Miller
1 iLxh7+!! xh7 (White also has a winning attack after l ...h8 2 lxe7 bxal'IW 3 exd8'1W Rxd8
4 lt:lg5 'iiff6 5 'li'h5 1l:d7 6 iLb2!) 2 1Llg5+ '.lih6 (Black is mated after both 2 ... g8 3 'li'h5 iLe4 4
15! and 2 ...'.lig6 3 'iifd3+) 3 '1Wd3ll:h8 4 it:lxf7+ h5 and now White had a number of wins,
including 5 f5! iLxf6 (or S ... bxal'IW 6 '1Wh3#) 6 '1Wd1+ iLf3 7 'i!Vxf3+ '.lih4 8 'iifh3#.
198) Sauvonnet-Ni Hua
l.. .iLxb3! o-1
White is destroyed after 2 axb3 (or 2 al lt:lc3) 2 ... ll:xb3+ 3 cl iLa3+ 4 d2 .b4+ 5 cl

199) Kovalev-Stevic
1 '1Wxg7+! 1-0
It's mate after l ...iLxg7 2 xeS+ iLlS 3 xfS#.

200) Arlandi-Kveinys
1...xa3+! 0-1
lfs mate after 2 '.lixa3 'IWal# or 2 bxa3 'iWbl#.

201) Almasi-Winants
1...'1Wg4! 0-1
It's mate in the case of 2 lhe3 'iifd l #, while 2 it:lf3 costs White his rook after 2 ... '1Wc4+ 3 '1Wxc4
dxc4+ 4 Wxc4 1l:xe2.

202) Maz Machado-Fernandez Romero

1...ll:xg2+! 2 '.!ixg2 '1Wd5+ 3 f2 (or 3 '.!ig3 'i1Vg5+ 4 Wf2 h2+ 5 Wf3 'i1Vg2+ 6 We3 l:ih3+ 7 Wf4
1!1'12+ 8 '.lieS B:h5#) 3 ...Rh2+ 4 e3 l:!:h3+ 0-1
It's mate after 5 e2 (or 5 12 '1Wf3+ 6 gl l:thl#) 5 ...'iiVI3+ 6 Wd2 'i1Vd3#.

203) Recuero Guerra-Valero Cano

1 iLxg6! gives White a strong attack: 1...fxg6? 2 '1Wxg6+ iLg7 3 lt:lg5 1-0
It's mate after 3 ... '111'e7 4 h8+ WxhS 5 'li'h7#.

204) Tahirov-Shirov
1...il.c2+! 2 e1 (or 2 xc2 'i1Vxe2) 2...l:ie8 3 '1Wxe8+ it:lxe8 0-1
White won't survive long after 4 it:lf3 il.d3 5 il.b2 'i1Vg4.

205) Guliyev-Mamedyarov
1...1Llh3+! 2 gxh3 (or 2 hl il.xd2 3 1ilxd2 '1Wh4 4 g3 12lxg3+ 5 hxg3 '1Wxg3 6 12lg2 12lg5 with a
rather powerful attack) 2...il.xd2 won the exchange in view of 3 12lxd2 'i1Vg5+ 4 il.g2 l:ixd2.
206) Gritsak-Bacrot
1 ll:xf7! 1-0
White is a piece up after l ... 'i1Vxb7 2 f!.xb7 and l ...'i!Vxf7 fails to 2 il.b3.

207) Smerdon-Cunanan
1 lt:lxg6! hxg6 2 :!:rxe6! 12le4 (this fails to save Black, but 2 .. .fxe6 3 '1Wxg6+ h8 4 il.xf6+
would have led to mate) 3 lt:lxe4 ll:xc1+ (White also wins a piece after 3 ... il.xg5 4 B:xc8 'iifxcS
5 ll:xeS+ 'iiVxeS 6 12lxg5) 4 il.xc1 fxe6? 5 12ld6! 1-0

2 27

The Complete Chess Wo r ko ut

208) Saric-Gurevich
1 'i'c2! fl:e7 (not the best defence, but there was no way of saving the rook since l ...l:l:acS 2
li:ixf7+! leads to mate and l...ii'd4 2 'i'g2 forces Black to part with his queen) 2 fxe7 'l!!'xe7 3
li:ixf7+! 1-0
Mate follows down the long diagonal.

209) Libens-Fargere
1...11.xa3! 2 bxa3 (or 2 'i'bl 'lil'dS 3 ll:el l:rxe5 with a decisive advantage) 2...'i'xa3+ 3 1!ic2
'i'b3+ 4 11ic1 'i'xc3+ s l!lb1 J:l:xes 0-1
White cannot save all his loose pieces and his king.

210) Arsenault-Pepino
1 lae6! 1-0
White threatens 2 l:rxe6 and after l ...l:ral+ 2 11ih2 ll:gS 3 fl:xe7 Black cannot both save his
queen and prevent mate.

211) Van Hoolandt-EI Gindy

1...sxg3+! 211ih2 (or 2 fxg3 'i'g2#) 2...ll:xh3+! 0-1
It's mate after 3 1!ixh3 'll!'g4+ 4 l!lh2 'i'g2#.

212) Hrzica-Armas
1 l:!.h8+! 1-0
It's mate after l ...l!lxhS 2 'ii'eS+ i<fS 3 'i'xfS+ l!lh7 4 'li'gS#.

213) Collas-Lebel
1 li:if6+1 1-0
Mate follows with 1 . ..gxf6 (or l ...l!ihS 2 'lll'xh7#) 2 'i'g3+ \!;>h8 3 i<xf6#.

214) Zhao Xue-Karjakin

1 l:txf8+! 1-0
Black loses his queen after l ... l!ixf8 (or l ... l:!.xf8 2 'i'h7#) 2 'i'f2+ \!;>e7 (it's mate after 2... 1!1g7 3
'i'f7+ l!ih6 4 'l!!'h7#) 3 'i'f7+ \!;>dS 4 li:ie6+.

215) Arutinian-Oanielian
1 ii'xh6+! l!lxh6 2 11if2 1-0
Mate follows after 2...'i'e8 3 ll:hl+ 'i'h5 4 :!!.g6+ l!lh7 5 .l:txh5#.

216) Friedei-Cyborowski
1 J:txf7+! l!lxf7 2 l:tc7+ 'Wie7 3 l:txe7+ l!lxe7 4 'i'g7+ 1-0
White emerges queen for rook ahead.

217) Keller-Siukova
1 'lil'xh7+! l!ixh7 2 lih3+ 1-0
It's mate on h8.

218) White-Curnow
1...l:txc3! 2 ii'xc3 (and not 2 i<xc3? 'i'xa2+ 3 11icl 'lil'al#) 2...'1Wxa2+ 3 \!;>c1 i<xf6 4 'i'e3? (4
'i'a3 was essential, although after 4 ... 11.g5+ 5 l:rd2 '!Wxa3 6 bxa3 :!:reS Black will emerge a
pawn ahead with a good position), and now 4...'i'xb2+ (even better than the game's also
rather powerful 4 ... 11.xb2+ 5 1!id2 '!WaS+ 6 \!;>e2 l:rc8) S l!id2 il.d4 would have forced resigna
tion in view of 6 'i'd3 (or 6 'i'e2 ii'b4+ 7 1!icl i<b2+ and mates) 6...'i'b4+ 7 1!1e2 (it's mate

Solut i ons
after 7 1!/cl b2+ 8 1!/bl c3+ 9 1!/cl 2#) 7...<4 winning White's queen.

219) Romanov-Mkrtchian
1 ii:lxh7! gives White a winning attack: 1...d7 (the knight is immune due to l ...'i!'xh7 2
'iWdS+ l:lfS 3 'i!'xb6 winning the exchange) 2 l'i:h3 1-0
220) Almeida Saenz-Gagunashvili
1 ii'lf5+!! gxf5 (otherwise Black simply loses a piece on d6) 2 'ii'xf5 l'i:fd8 (or 2 ... J:th8 3 'il'f6+
l!lg8 4 g6 with a mating attack) 3 'i!'xh7+ (also rather powerful is 3 g6) 3 ...1!1f8 4 g6 l'i:a7
(4 .. .fxg6 allows mate: 5 h6+ IlleS 6 xg6#) S g7+ l!le7 6 g5+ l!ld7 7 'il'f5+ l!lc6 8 e4+ 1-0
221) Bercys-Simutowe
1 l'i:xf7! 'ii'xf7 (or l . ..l!lxf7 2 ii:lxe5+ winning the queen) 2 ii:lxe5 fl:g2+ 3 We3 and White's
double threat of 4 'il'c8# and 4 ii:lxf7 was decisive.

222) Agustsson-Madland
1...ii:lxf3! 2 'il'g2 (wisely avoiding 2 ii:lx3? ii:lxe4! with the point that 3 'il'd3 - or 3 ii:lxe4
'i!'xa2+ 4 1!/cl xb2# - 3 ...ii:lxc3+ 4 bxc3 xc3 gives Black an overwhelming attack) 2...ii:lxd4
(quite possibly even stronger is 2 ... ii:lxe4!? 3 'ii'xf3 ii:lxc3+ 4 bxc3 'i!'xa2+ 5 1!/cl d5) 3 xd4
ltlxg4 saw Black net a couple of pawns, leaving him with some advantage.
223) Path-Rayner
1 ii:lxf7!! l!lxf7 (Black is scarcely helped by l ...'i!'f6 2 ii'lh6+ l!lhS 3 l'i:c7) 2 J:!.xh5! l!lg8 (mate is
forced after 2... gxh5 3 'il'xh5+ l!lfS 4 c4 ll:e6 5 h6+) 3 d7! ii:lxd7 (White's last was a lovely
interference tactic: the point being 3 ... xd7 4 c4+ e6 5 xe6+ J:l:xe6 6 'i!'xd8+) 4 <4+
(even more clinical is 4 'i!'b3+ l!lg7 5 J:l:xh7+! l!lxh7 6 'ii'f7+ l!lh8 7 xg6 ii:lf8 8 h6) 4...1!1g7 5
l'i:d5 (or 5 h6+ l!lh8 6 g5 when Black must give up his queen, just as he shortly has to in
the game) 5...'il'e7 6 J:txd7! xd7 7 'ii'a1+ 1-0
224) Bartei-Cicak
1 l'i:xe6+! l!lf8 (trying to flee, rather than be crushed by l . ..fxe6 2 'i!'xe6+ lllf8 3 ii:leS) 2 ii:le5!
J:tg5 (or 2...'i!'xe2 3 ii:lxg6+ fxg6 4 l'i:xe2 with an easy win) 3 ii:ld7+ l!lg8 4 J:te8+ l!lh7 S 'ii'd3+
A deadly check follows on IS.

225) Cafolla-Socko
1...ll:h1+! 2 1!1xh1 'ii'h7+ 3 h5 'ii'x hs+ 4 1!1g1 'iii'h2+ 5 l!lfl 'i!'xg2# 0-1
226) Almond-Rossi
1...'i!'xh2+! 2 111xh2 l'i:h5+ 3 Wg2 h3+ 0-1
Mate follows with 4 1!/hl fl#.

227) T.Hickey-N.Ahern
1 .ixg7+! l!lxg7 2 fl:g3+ l!lh8 (or 2 ... 1!1f6 3 ii:ld2 1!1xe6 4 'i!'g4+ \!IdS 5 J:l:c3! with an over
whelming attack in view of 5...'ii'xc3 6 'ii'xe4# and 2 ... 1!1h6 3 'i!'e3+ also forces mate) 3 'iii'g 4
.tg6 4 'il'd4+ 1-0
228) Cmilyte-Benjamin
Instead of the game's 1 h3?, White could have forced mate: 1 l:lxg5+! hxg5 2 'iii'f6+ l!lh7 (or
2...1!/gs 3 .tf7+ l!lf8 4 g6+ l!lgs 5 'il'f7+ l!lhs 6 'i!'h7#) 3 g6+ l!lh6 4 fs+ l!lh5 5 'i!'g6+ l!lh4

6 'i'h6#.

The C o m p l e t e C h e s s Work o u t

229) Kotronias-Sarakauskas
1 lbh7+! 1-0

Mate follows with l ...xh7 2 J:!hl+ g6 3 J:l.h6#.

230) Kotronias-Benjamin
1 ...li:e1+! 0-1

It's mate on g2.

231) Gymesi-Fox
1 .i<xa6! fxe5 (or l ...bxa6 2 'lixa6 li:a7 3 1Llxc6+ li:xc6 4li:b3+ li:b7 5 J:!xc6 with a winning at
tack) 2 .i<d3 :!!.c 8 3 dxe5 li:d7 (Black had to give up the rook, not that doing so would really
have saved him) 4 'lia7+ c7 5 :!!.xc6+! dB 6 li:xc8+ xeS 7 li!c3+ Ilc7 8 'liaS+ 1-0

Mate follows quickly after 8 ... d7 9 .i<b5+.

232) Rudd-Khantuev
1 Il1h6+! 1-0

It's mate after l ... gxh6 2 l:g8#.

233) Tavoularis-Snape
1 ....i<xb2! won a key pawn in view of 2 xb2 l:txc2+ 3 b1 'iiic 3 4 l:.d8+ (or 4 'lid4 "i!l'xf3 re
gaining the piece) 4 ... l:.xd8 5 'i!ixc2 'iiixf3 with a winning ending.
234) lvic-Pavasovic
1 ... 1tlxg2! removes a key pawn: 2 1Lld3 (White cannot avoid heavy material losses after 2
tt:lxg2 'iiif3 3 fl 'i!ixg2+ 4 e2 l:te8+) 2 ...tt:lh4! 0-1

White is undone down the long diagonal.

235) lvic-Medic
1 'i!ixh6! 1-0

White wins a piece in view of l ..."i!l'xh6? 2 l:.e8+ li:d8 3 i.xf5+ b8 4 l:txd8#.

236) Zovko-Mohr
1 ... i.xh3! wins a pawn in view of 2 .i<xh3? 1Llf3+ and 3... tt:lxd2.
237) Naumkin-Abatino
1 .i<xh7+! 1-0

White is a queen up with a mating attack after l ...'lixh7 (or l...h8 2 ll:xf8+ 'iiix8 3 .i<e4+
cJiJg7 4 'iiig6+ h8 5 'iiih7#) 2 li!xf8+ xf8 3 "i!l'xh7.
238) Chevai-Gerfault

After 1...tt:lg3+! White must give up his queen since it was mate following 2 hxg3 I!h6# 0-1
239) Cooper-Scott
1 'iiig 5! leaves Black unable to satisfactorily save his light-squared bishop: 1....i<f5 (or

l ...li:g7 2 'i!ixg6! since 2 .. Jhg6 fails to 3 li:xh7#; relatively best might be l...l:tgS, but after 2
tt:lxg8 'iiixg8 3 tt:lxd5 White is the exchange up with a crushing position) 2 'lixf5! (the main
point) 2 ...exf5 3 l:.xe7 J:xf6 (the rook is immune in view of 3... i<xe7 4 ll:xh7#) 4 J:i:exh7+ 1-0
White emerges a rook ahead after 4 ...g8 5 ll:h8+ g7 6 ll:xc8.
240) Megaranto-Batchuluun
1 'i!ixg8+! 1-0



It's mate on the back rank after l...lilxgS 2 ll:dS+.

241) Catt-Lockwood
1.. .1i"lxe4+!! 2 fxe4 ll:f4 3 'lli'h3 (now it's mate, although otherwise White loses his queen)
3 ...sxg4+ 4 1iif3 'lli'f 5+! 5 exf5 e4+ 6 lile3 i.h6# o-1
242) Topalov-Naiditsch
1 'liVf6+! 1-0

Mate follows on the back rank after 1...'li'xf6 2 ll:eS+.

243) Ardeleanu-Kachieshvili
1 ll:e8+! lilc7 (it's mate after 1 .. lilxeS 2 'l!!'g8+ i.f8 3 'liVxfS#) 2 ll:e7 1Lig3 (2 ... 'lli'xe7 3 i.xe7
threatens both 4 i.dS# and the rook on aS) 3 ll:xd7+ (plenty good enough, but instead 3
i.d6+ leads to mate) 1-0

244) Naiditsch-Gustafsson
1 ...l:lf4! 0-1

There's no defence to the threat of 2 ... l:th4 since 2 gxf4 i.xf4 also leads to mate on hl (or g2
after 3 li:ifl ).
245) Naiditsch-Sowray

Instead of the game's l . ..i.f2+? 2 lilhl Sg2? 3 'lli'f3 when White had gained the upper hand,
l...i.xh2+! would have given Black a crushing attack: 2 1iix h2 (or 2 \!?hl Sg2 3 'l!!'h5 lilb8! 4
ll:ael - 4 'l!!'xh3 ll:ge2 prepares to exploit the open h-file after 5 ... i.e5 - 4 ... i.e5 5 J:lf5 Sh2+ 6
l!?gl i.d4+ 7 lilxh2 Sxel S 'lli'xgS 'lli'd6+ 9 'liVf4 i.eS winning material) 2...'l!!'d6+ 31!?h1 l:tg2 4
li:if4 J:!.ee2! and White is done for in view of 5 'l!!' xe2 (or S li:ixg2 hxg2+ 6 lilgl 'lli'd4+) 5 ...l:l.xe2
61i:ixe2 'lli'c6+ 7 lilgl 'lli'g2#.
246) Korbut-Javakhishvili
1 lbg7+! l!?xg7 (or 1...\!?hS 2 J:lxh7+! Wxh7 3 'l!!'h6+ Wg8 4 l:!.gl+ Wf7 5 'llilg7#) 21Lif5+! exf5 3
ll:g1+ Wh8 4 'lli'xc4 (White's extra queen and ongoing attack quickly decides) 4...J:lf8 5 i.h6
247) Levushkina-Vogel
1...'lli'xh3 2 gxh3 1Lif3+ 31i?f11Lixd2+ 4 i.xd2 saw Black pick up the exchange.
248) Najer-Neverov
1 i.xg6! li:ixg6 (White's rooks outclass Black's minor pieces after l.. ..!hg6 2 Sxg6 Wh7 3
ll:g2, while l ...l:i:fS 2 ll:d8 leaves Black pretty much in zugzwang) 2 ll:xg6! l:txg6 3 ll:d8+ lilh7
4 e7 1-0

The pawns will cost Black all his pieces.

249) Zweschper-Hanemann
1 'lli'xh6+! 'lli'x h6 2 J:lxh6+ 1-0

It's mate after 2 ...Wxh6 3 l:th3# or 2 ... \!?gS 3 l:teh3 and .!l:hS#.
250) Handke-Dinger
1 "ii'xh7+! 1-0
It's mate after 1 . . Wxh7 2 ll:h6#.


T h e C o m p l e t e C h e s s Work o u t

251) Beckhuis-Jakubowski
1.-.li:Je2+! 2 xe2 (21i:Jxe2 'ilixg2+! is the same motif, while 2 \!<hl fails to 2 ...l:l:xh2+1 3 Wxh2
- or 3 l:l:xh2 dxc4+ - 3 ... 'ifu5#) 2 ... 'ilixg2+! 3 Wxg2 dxc4+ 4 Wg3 cxb3 won the exchange.
252) Zakurdjaeva-Paehtz
1 'ilih6+! 1-0

It's mate after l ... Wxh6 2 l:th8+ l!<g7 3 f6#.

2 53) Geske-Ardeleanu
1 ...xa2+! 2 l!lxa2 'ilid5+ 3 Wb1 a3 0-1

Black's queenside passers cannot be stopped.

254) Zawadzka-Stefanova
1 ...l:l:xh4+! 0-1

It's mate with 2 Wxh4 'ilif2+ 3 Wh3 'ilig3#.

255) Arakhamia Grant-Levushkina
1 'ilif7! d5 (mate follows after l . ..l:l:xf7 2 l:te8+, but there's no good defence in any case) 2
l:l:e8 1-0

The mate threat costs Black a huge amount of material after 2... e7 3 g5.
256) Roos-5tocek
1 .. Jl:xg2+! 2 l!lxg2 '11Vg4+ 0-1

It's mate with 3 Wh2 l:te2+ 4 Whl 'ifu3+ 5 \!<gl 'ifu2#.

257) 5 chulz-Marville
1l:th7+! xh7 2 'ilie7 1-o

Black cannot cover both g7 and h7.

258) Womacka-Kaphle
1 xh7+! ll<xh7 (or l ...WfS 2 'ifu5 f6 3 '11Vg6 and f6 collapses) 2 '11Vh 5+ Wg8 3 Wxf7+ Wh8 4
J:l.e3 1-0

It's mate down the h-file.

259) Pert-Aieksandrov
1 f6+! li:Jxf6 2 Wxc7 J:l.e7 3 'ilie5 1-0

Black has lost the exchange and remains horribly tied down.
260) Bobras-Can
1 J:ixg7+! l!<xg7 2 xh6+ 1-0

Mate follows on g7 after 2...1!1h7 3 g5+ l!lgS 4 f61i:Jg6 5 'ifu6.

261) Azarov-5 anikidze
1 xh7+! ll<xh7 2 J:ih4+ (or 2 '11Vd3+ l!<gS 3 l:th4 transposing) 2 ...\!<g8 1-0

Mate follows down the h-file after 3 'ilid3.

262) Bakker-Gutman
1... f4+! 2 '11Vxg4 (or 2 Wf2 'ill'g2+ 3 Wel 't!!'x hl+ winning a large amount of material)
2...xe3# 0-1



263) Neverov-Strohhaeker
1 .. Jbh6! 2 xf6+ l!lxf6 0-1

Black recoups the queen leaving him a piece up after 3 'i!Vc3+ i,e5 4 'i!Vc2 ll:xh2+ 5 'i!Vxh2
xh2 6 l!lxh2.
264) Mamedjarova-Nemcova
1 1Zlxh7! ll:f7 (or l...ll:xh7 2 'i!Vxg6+ winning one of the black rooks) 2 'i!Vxg6+ l!lh8 3 1i:lf6 1-0

White wins the exchange while retaining a strong attack.

265) lljin- 5 akaev
1 1i:lg6+! fxg6 2 l:e8+ l!lh7 3 g8+ l!lh8 4 f7+ Y>-Y>

It's perpetual.
266) Georgiev-5ocko
1 ll:h8+! l!lxh8 2 i,xf7 1-0

3 ll:hl# follows.
267) Melkumyan-Petrosian
1... exd4! 2 cxd5 (White had to avoid 2 exd4? li:lf4 when he would have been unable to pre

vent mate, but there wasn't anything better than the text with both 2 ... i,e5 and 2... dxe3
threatened) 2 ...e5 3 f4 i,xf4 4 1i:lf3 'i!Vxf3 0-1
Black threatens both 5 ... h3 and 5 ...'i!Vh3, and emerges three pawns ahead after 5 'i!Vdl 'i!Vxdl
6 ll:fxd 1 dxe3 7 i,xh4 cxd5 8 ll:xd5 J::tac8.
268) Mamedyarov-AI Modiahki
1 ll:xg6+! hxg6 2 h7+! 1-0

Mate follows with 2 .. J:!.xh7 (or 2 ... 1!1xh7 3 ll:h4+ l!lg8 4 ll:h8#) 3 'i!Vxg6+ l!lh8 4 'i!Vxe8+ l!lg7 5
'i!Vf8+ l!lg6 6 'i!V6+ l!lh5 7 l:l:h4#.
269) Burnett-Palliser
1...ll:xf3! 2 gxf311:\h4 3 'i!Vc3 (there's a nasty sting in the tail after this, but there wasn't a de
fence, partly because 3 1!/hl fails to 3 ... 'i!Vf6) 3 ... 'i!Vd7! 0-1
White can't cover g2 except with 4 1!/hl 'i!Vh3 5 I:tgl which permits 5 ...'i!Vxf3+ 6 ll:g2 'ilfxg2#.
270) Stellwagen-Bosboom
1 'i!Vxf6+! 1-0

It's mate on the back rank after I...lh6 2 ll:d8+.

271) Van Kerkhof-Piket
1l:l:xh7+! l!lxh7 2 ll:h1+ l!lg7 3 1Zlh4 'iliic 7 (or 3 ...ll:g8 4 'ilfxg6+ 1!18 5 'i!V7#) 4 'ilfxg6+ l!lh8 5
li:lf3+ (also rather good is 5 'i!Vg5) 5 ... 1i:lh7 6 1i:lg5 1i:lgf6 7 i,f7 1-0

There's no good way to further defend h7.

272) Nijboer-Hoffmann
1 'i!Vxh7+! 1-0

It's mate after l...l!lxh7 2 g6+ l!lh8 (or 2 ... 1!1g8 3 i,x7+ l!lh8 4 l:l:h4#) 3 l:l:h4+ l!lg8 4 gx7#.
273) Winants-Okkes
1 'ilfxh6+! 1-0

Mate follows after l...l!lxh6 2 l:l:h3# or 1...1!/gS 2 ll:f8#.

2 33

Th e Complete C h e s s Workout

2 74) Ferry-Ruxton
1 ..Jl:xh2+! 2 li<xh2 (or 2 li<f3 'll!'f2+ 3 Wg4 l:th4#) 2 ... "li'f2+ 3 Wh3 l:th8+ 4 Wg4 :!:th4# o-1
275) Brechin-Aagaard
1 l:txg7+! Wh8 (or l ...Wxg7 2 l:txe7+ Wh8 3 "liVeS+ followed by mate) 2 Sh7+ (2 "li'f7 also does
the business) 2 ... \!<xh7 3 :!:txe7+ Wh8 4 "liVes+ l!<g8 5 "li'g7# 1-0
276) Mudongo-Andriasian
1 ...l:txh3+! 2 1i'lh2 (or 2 gxh3 "li'gl#) 2 ...B:xh2+! 0-1

mate after 3 Wxh2 "li'h5#.

2 77) Sabure-Danielian

Black wins the exchange with 1 ...1i'lxg3! since 2 hxg3?? is impossible on account of 2...lhl +
3 li<f2 "li'h2#.
278) Korneev-Landenbergue
1 l:!xg7+! l!<xg7 2 "li'h6+ 1-0

It's mate after 2...\!<hS 3 "li'f6+ Wg8 4 ll:gl#.

279) Rozentalis-Adams
1 ..."li'xe1+! 0-1

White loses the exchange after 2 l:txel li'lxf5 since he can't both save his queen and cover
his back rank.
280) Sudakova-Guseva
1 ll:dg1!! 11.xa2+ (or 1...11.xg5 2 "li'xg5 followed by mate on g7 or f6) 2 Wxa2 fs? (a much bet

ter attempt is 2..."li'c4+, although after 3 Wal ll.xg5 4 "li'xg5 'lil'd4 5 f4! there's no defence to
the threat of 6 e5) 3 'ilfxh7+! 1-0
It's mate with 3...Wxh7 4 ll:h5#.
281) Garcia llundain-Miles
1...ll.xh3+! 2 Wg1 (or 2 Wxh3 "li'hS#) 2 ...'11!'e1+ 0-1
White's queen is lost after 3 '11!'1 :!:txg3+.

282) Gritsayeva-Kolomiets
11i'lxh7! (or lll.f4 'll!'b6 2 1i'lxh71) 1 ... 1i'lxh7 (Black also emerges a pawn down after l...li'lxd2
2 1i'lxf6+11.xf6 3 J:!xd2) 2 'ill'd 31i'lf6 3 'i!l'xc4 wins a pawn.
283) Golubka-Bagrationi
1ll.b7+! l!<b8 (or l ... 'i!l'xb7 2 :!:txd8+ Wc7 3 :!:td7+ winning the black queen) 2 lhd8+ 'lifxd8 3
.ileS+ 11.d6 4ll.a6 1-0

There's no defence to mate on b7.

284) Galakhov-Oiishevsky
1 ...1i'lxh3! 2 gxh3 (it's also mate after 2 "li'a7 1i'lf4+ 3 \!<gl li'le2+ 4 Wf211.g3#) 2 ... 'li!'xh3+ 3 Wg1
i<xf3! 0-1

There's no good way to cover hl in view of 4 "li'xf3 "li'h2#.

285) Haii-Brusey
1 "li'xh6+! 1-0

It's mate after l...Wxh6 (or 1 ...\!<gS 2 'li!'g7#) 2 ll.h4#.



286) Mateuta-lovan
1 ii:\xh7! wins the exchange on f8 since it's mate after l ... li<xh7? 2 'il'hS+ .lih6 3 'lli'xh6#.
287) Ristic-Adam
1 :!l:h8+! 'lli'xh8 2 l:td7 "il'g8 3 "il'f6+ 1-0

It's mate after 3 ...\l<eS 4 "i!'e7#.

288) Marincas-Csilcser
1...l:th1+! 0-1

Mate follows with 2 -.l<xhl 'il'hS+ 3 -.l<gl 'il'h2#.

289) E.Hintikka-T.Paakkonen
1..."i!'xg2+! 0-1

It's mate after 2 'i!Vxg2 :!l:xfl#.

290) Sammalvuo-Maki
1 ii:\f6! 1-0

The threat is 2 l:tg8# and it's mate after l ....licS+ (or l.. ..lixf6 2 "il'xf6+! l:!:xf6 3 :!l:dS+ l:tfS 4
l:txfS#) 2 -.l<hl .!l:fS 3 "il'xfS+! .lixfS 4 l:!:gS#.
291) Hindle-Van Oosterom
1l:th6! gxh6 (or l . . . .lifS 2 .!l:xh7+ .lixh7 3 l:i:h3 g6 4 .lixe5+ and mate follows on h7) 2 'lixes+

The raking bishops force mate.

292) Taylor-Vavrak
1...'lli'g1+! 0-1

It's mate with 2 ll:xgl ii:\f2#.

293) Schukowski-Jacob
1...'il!'xh4! 0-1

It's mate after 2 gxh4 .lih2#.

294) Wirig-Kazhgaleyev
1... l:txf2! 2 ii:\e7+ (Black's queen is immune due to 2 l:txb2 l:txfl#, while 2 ll:xf2 fails to
2 . "i!'cl + and mate on the back rank) 2 ... J:!:xe7 0-1

There's no way for White to prevent mate.

295) Nataf-Riff
1 g6! fxg6 2 f!.xg6! dxc3 3 xc3 l:!:f7 (the rook couldn't be touched in view of 3 ... hxg6 4
'il!'hS+ -.l<f7 5 'lli'xeS+ -.l<xeS 6 gS"i!'+, but Black might have tried 3 ... b6 4 l:i:f6 l:i:be7, although
he is then very tied down and after 5 \l<bl the threat of 6 l:!:dfl is decisive) 4 J:l.h6 .lig5+ (a
better defence was 4 ... g4 5 "i!'xg4 J:l.xg7, although after 6 'il'hS g5+ 7 -.l<bl "i!'cS 8 :!l:hd6 f4
9 aS Black is becoming rather stretched) S \liVxgs '!i'xa2 6 l:bh7! "il'a1+ (White mates after
6 ...l!lxh7 7 gS'Ii+ ll:xgS 8 'il'h4+ ll<g7 9 .!l:gl+) 7 -.l<c2 'lixd1+ 8\l<xd1-.l<xh7 9 .lixe5 1-0
The threats created by the g7-pawn are crushing.
296) Apicella-Giffard
1 'ill'xd8+! ii:\xd8 2 !:!d7+ li<b8 3 l:txd8+-.l<c7 (or 3 ... \l<a7 4 :!!. aS#) 4 l:!:d7+ li<b8 s l:bb7# 1-o


The C o m p l e te C h e s s Work o u t

297) Pucher-Lautier
1._.1ilxf3! 0-1

Mate follows on gl or h2 after 2 J:l:eel J:l:xh2#.

298) Pospisii-Mroziak
1 xh7+! ll<fS (or I...ll<xh7 2 'ili'h5+ ll<gS 3 'i!l'xf7+ ll<hS 4 f!.e3 1ilf6 5 l:!:h3+ lilh7 61ilg6#) 2 "iif' hs

leaves White a pawn up with an attack.

299) Motuz-Petran
1...!:xc2+! 211<xc2 'i!l'b1+ 3 1i<d2 l:!:b2+ 411<e3 "iif'e4+ s ll<f2 "iif'xe2+ (even faster is 5 ... "iif'xf4+ 6
l!lel l:bl+) 6 l!lg1 "iif'e1+ 0-1

It's mate after 7 l!lh2 "iif'h4+ 8 1!/gl J:l:bl #.

300) Talla-Motuz
1...l:txb3+! 2 axb3 (or 2 lilclll:xa2 with an overwhelming attack) 2 ...'i!l'xb3+ 3 1ilb2 (White is
mated too after 3 1!/cl "i!f'c3+ 4 1!/bl a2# or 4 ...f!.al#) 3...l:!a1+! 0-1

It's mate with 41/<xal 'i!l'a2#.

301) Morozevich-Georgiev

White wins the exchange: 11ild6+! cxd6 (similar is l . ..l:!:xd6 2 'IIV fS) 2 'IIVfS 'liVeS (otherwise
it's mate on bS) 3 'i!l'xe8 1-0
302) Naiditch-Mamedyarov
1...J:txh2+! 0-1

White loses his queen after 2 lilxh2 (it's mate following 21/<gl? 'ili'h4) 2 ...'ili'h5+ 31!/gl (or 3
l!lg31ile2+) 3...1ile2+ 4 "iif'xe2 "iif'xe2.
303) Greet-Pit!
1 J:l:f8+! l!lxf8 2 '11Vh 8+ l!lf7 (or 2 ... 1!1e7 3 'ii'dS+ l!lf7 4 eS+ l!le6 5 'i!Vd6+ l!lf5 6 'i!l'xe5#) 3 'i!l'e8+
l!lf6 4 xes+ lilts s g4# 1-0
304) Jagstaidt-Zozulia
1...J:I:xh2+! 0-1

It's mate after 2 l!lxh2 J:l:hS#.

30S) Gehringer-Rausis
1...1ilxf2! wins a key pawn in view of 2 1!1xf2? (or 2 '11Vxf2? xg3) 2...xg3+ 3 1!11 (Black's

attack is extremely powerful in the case of 3 1!1g2 xh4+ 4 l!lh3 l:tg3+ 5 l!lh2 1ilf6) 3...'i!Vf6+
regaining the piece with some advantage.
306) Baramidze-Nielsen
1.. :i!Vxc4! 0-1

Black's attack decides after 2 bxc4 b3 31!/cl xg5+.

307) Navara-Rabiega
1...1ilb4!! 2 1ilxb4 h6+ 3 l!lbl ll:e1+ 4 l:\xe1 'i!l'xe1+ s ll<c2 f5 6 'i!l'xfs 'i!id2+ 0-1

Mate follows with 71!/bl 'i!l'dl+ 8 cl 'i!ixcl #.

308) Fischer-Beim
1...!:xg4+! 2 il.xg4 (White also loses his queen after 2 'i!Vxg4 l:!g8) 2 ...l:!g8 3 Wf3 f!.xg4! 0-1

4 "li'xg41ile5+ is a decisive fork.



309) Nunn-Pritchett
1 'lil'xh7+! 1-0

It's mate after l . ..lilxh7 2 l:i:h4+ l:i:h5 3 f!.xh5#.

310) Werle-Mainka
1...h 5 ! 2 1i:ie5 (the queen i s trapped i n view o f 2 'lil'g3 1i:ie2+ 3 1i:ixe2 .ltxg3) 2 ...g 5 0-1

Black is simply a piece up after 3 'lil'g3 fxe5.

311) Vogt-Teschke
1 'lil'f5! 1-o

Black cannot prevent mate on both h7 and f8. He might try 1...1!/gS (White's main point is
the back-ranker l...l:i:xf5 2 f!.d8+), but after 2 'lil'xh7+ 1!117 3 'lil'h5+ l!lg8 4 .lth7+ mate follows
in any case.
312) Zesch-Acs
1...'lil'xh4+! 0-1

Mate is forced: 2 gxh4 (or 2 1!/gl l:i:xg3+! 3 fxg3 'lil'xg3+ 4 ll<fl 'lil'g2#) 2...l:i:xh4+ 3 1!/gl l:tg8+ 4
l!lfl f!.hl#.
313) Borriss-Nisipeanu
L ..ltxg2! 2J:i:xa3 (now Black's attack is decisive, but after 2 'lil'xg2 l:i:xa2 he wins the ex
change) 2 ... .1te4+ 3 1i:ig3 .ltxg3 4 'lil'e2 .lth2+! 01

White loses his queen after 5 \!lxh2 'lil'd6+ 6 1!/gl 'lil'g3+ 71!/fl .ltd3.
314) Hansen-Wintzer
1.1txe6! fxe6 (there isn't anything better, especially in view of the threatened 2 lhh7) 2
'lil'xe6+ l!lh8 3 l:rxh7+! l!lxh7 4l:i:d3 1i:ig8 5 l:!:h3+ li:ih6 6l:rxh6+! 1-0

Mate follows with 6 ... gxh6 7 'lil'f7+ .ltg7 8 'lil'xg7#.

315) Ernst-Loeffler
1 J:lf4! (the cleanest finish; now Black cannot give up his queen for rook and bishop, unlike
after 1 f!.h3, and 2 'i!Vxh6+ is threatened) 1...'lil'xf6 2 exf6 cxd3 3 'lil'g5 d2 4 l:i:h4! 1-0

Even the new black queen is unable to prevent mate due to 4 ... dl'lil'+ 5lilh2 'iii'h5 6 l:txh5
gxh5 7 'i!Vg7#.
316) Luther-Sokolov
1... 1i:id3+! simplifies to a clearly better ending: 2 cxd3 (White is not helped by 21!/bl?
lilxb2!) 2 ...cxd3+ 3 .ltc3 (3 ll<bl? 'i!Vc2+ 4 'lil'xc2 dxc2+ wins the exchange) 3 ...'lil'xc3+! 4 bxc3
l:rxc3+ 51!id2 J:lc2+ 6 ll<xd3 J:rxg2 and Black went on to convert.
317) Ribli-Muranyi
1 ll.xg7+! l!lxg7 2 l:i:b7+ lilg6 (now it's mate, but otherwise White simplifies and 2...J:!d7 3
ll.xd7+ l:rxd7 4 'lil'xd7+ should be winning easily enough) 3 'lil'e8+ l!lf6 1-0

It's mate next move, just as it is after 3 ... 1!1f5 4 fl.f7+ :!l:f6 5 g4+! ll<xf4 6 lhf6+.
318) Caruana-Adams
1....1txh3! obliterates White's defences. The game concluded 2 fl.e2 (the bishop was im
mune, of course, due to both 2 1!ixh3?? 'iii'h 5# and 2 gxh3 fl.g8) 2 ... J:l.g8 3 fl.ae1? .ltxg2! 0-1

Black wins the house after 4 l:i:xg2 'i!l'h4+ 5 ll<gl fl.xg2+ 6 'lil'xg2 'lil'xel and 7...:!l:g8.


Th e C o m p l e t e C h e s s Workout

319) Poggio-Livesey
1 f!:xa6! J1Lxa6 2 'l!Vxe6+ h8 3 1bf7+ g8 4 1bxh6+ h8 Slbf7+ gave White a crushing at

320) Rasch-Schiller
1 1bxd6!lbxd6 (Black's kingside is defenceless after l ...l:te7 2 f!:xe4) 2 'i'gS+ 1-0

White's attack quickly leads to mate after 2 ... f8 3 'l!Vh6+! g8 4 f!:xe8+ 'l!Vxe8 (or 4 ...1bxe8 5
"li'f8#) 5 'l!Vg5+ f8 6 J1Lxd6+.
321) Krush-Ruxton
1 'i1Vxg7+! xg7 2 l:th7+ g8 3 ll:h8+ g7 4 l:l1h7# 1-0
322) Rogers-Ris
1 ...'ill'c6! 0-1

There's no satisfactory defence to the twin threats of 2 ... '1\Vxcl+ and 2 .. .J:hel+ 3 f!:xel 'ill'xg2#.
323) Dworakowska-Cramling
1 ...J1Lxf2+! 2 h1 (White's queen is lost after 2 xf2 1bg4+) 2 ...1ilg4 gives Black a winning

324) Hickman-Menan
1 ...'i'a2+ 2 c1 '1Wa1+! 0-1

It's mate with 3/bxal lhal #.

325) Lahno-Malmdin
1 'l!Vxhs! 1-0

White wins a piece after l ... gxh5 2 1bxe6+ h7 3 1bxc7.

326) Arsenault-Ris
1...ll:xh3+! 0-1

It's mate after 2 xh3 (or 2 gxh3 'i'gl#) 2 ... 'iiVh l#.
327) Wade-Horton
1 '1Wxf6+! xf6 2 1bd7+ e7 3 lbxb6 li:c6 4 li:b1 wins a piece.
328) Kristjansson-Salgado Alia ria
1...ll:xh3! 2 gxh3 ll:xh3 3 f3 l:l.g3+ 4 f2 l:i:xf3+ 0-1

Mate follows with 5 g2 'l!Vg4+ 6 h2 l:i:h3#.

329) Korchnoi-Krush

Korchnoi actually resigned before Black could play 1 ...'i!Vxe4! winning a piece and the
game in view of 2 lbxe4? l:td 1+ 3 f!:fl ll:xfl #.
330) Korchnoi-Krush
1 J:l.f8+! g7 (l...li:x8 2 J1Ld5 wins the queen) 2 f!.xd8 1bxd8 3 'i!Vxc7+ picks up a clear pawn,

but in the game Korchnoi actually blundered with l l:l:f2?? (see the previous puzzle).
331) Popilski-Porat
1 ...1bf3+! 0-1

It's mate after 2 J1Lxf3 '1Wf2#.


S o l u ti o n s

332) Hopwood-Mackenzie
1 '!Wxf7+! 1-0

It's mate with 1 . .. lhf7 2 l:reS#.

333) Robertson-Stokes
1 1Llxb7! 1Llxb7 (or 1 .Ailxb7 2 '!Wa6+ lli>bS 3 '!Wxc6) 2 '!Wxc6 wins an important pawn.
334) Bodnaruk-Gunina
1 'iWg8+! 1-0

It's mate after 1 .../LlxgS 2 1Llh7#.

335) Seeman-Akesson
1 il.xg6! fxg6 2 f7+ 1-0

Mate follows after 2 ...11i>xf7 (or 2 ... 1!ig7 3 il.f6+ lli>xf7 4 'iWh7+) 3 '!Wh7+ il.g7 4 ll:fl+.
336) Unzicker-Bronstein
1...'iWxg2+! (just in time) 2 'iWxg2 (or 211i>xg2 ll:e2+ 31li>f3 '!Wf2#) 2 ...ll:e2 0-1

The checks run out after 3 l:tg8+ lli>h7 4 ll:g7+ lli>h6.

337) McGowan-MacGregor
1l:txa6+! lli>xa6 (or 1 ... bxa6 2 '!Wc7+ II<aS 3 'iWc6+ lli>a7 4 l:rf7+ followed by mate) 2 '!Wa3+ l!ib6 3
l:ib3+ (3 '!Wb4+ is similar and a little faster) 3 ...\li>c6 4 l:rc3+ (the computer points out that it

was possible to mate by keeping checking: 4 '!Wa4+ l!id6 5 '!Wd4+ lli>e6 6 ll:b6+ l!if7 7 l:lxb7+
ll<e6 8 'iWc4+ l!if6 9l:l.b6+ lli>e7 10 'iWc5+ ll<e8 l ll:l.e6+ lli>f7 12 'iWe7+ lli>g8 13l:l.g6+ l!ihS 14 'i'g7#)
4...11<d7 s l:!d3+ ll<e8 6 'iil'a4+ l!ie7 7 '!Wb4+ ll<e8 8 'iil'b S+ ll<e7 9 '!Wxb7+ lli>e8 10 '!!Vc6+ ll<e7 11
'iil'c7+ and the black rook finally fell.
338) Adda-Janev
1...l:lxds o-1

Black wins the bishop on d2 since 2 'i!!'xd5? allows 2 ... 'i!!'f l+ 3 J:!xfl Sxfl#.
339) Di Paolo-Olivier
1 J:rexf6! ll:xf6 2 l:txf6 1-0

White wins a piece since 2... gxf6? 3 '!!Vxh6+ ll<gS 4 il.c4+ forces Black to part with his queen.
340) Holt-Palliser
1 J:txgS+! ll<f8 2 .!l:g8+! 1-0

It's mate on g7 in any case after 2 ...11<xg8 3 'iWxh6.

341) Darrington-Williams
1.. J!:xc2!! 2/Llxas (or 211i>xc2 'i!!'xa2 3 .il_cll:l.cS+ with a crushing attack and even 2 .i/_d4 fails
to save White in view of 2...1bc3+!) 2 ... 1Lld2+! (now Black's raking bishops come into their
own) 3 '11Vxd2 l:txb2+ 411<c1 l:rb1# 0-1
342) Slovineau-Rukminto
1 'l!Vb7+! l:lxb7 2 axb7+ 1-0

It's mate with 2 ... 1!ixb7 3 .il_c6+ lli>cS 4 .!l:xa8#.

343) Rogerson-Palliser
1 '!Wxh7+! 1-0

It's mate with l ... l!lxh7 2 l:th3+ il.h4 3 ll:xh4#.


T h e C o m p l e t e C h e s s Work o u t

344) Smallbone-Brazier
1 l:i:xfS! gxf5? (l ...l:i:d6 prevents mate, but leaves Black a clear piece down after 2 'lli'g5) 2 h6
345) Taimanov-Persitz
1 l:i:g8+! 1-0

It's mate with l ... J:ixg8 2 1iJf7#.

346) Short-Biyiasis
1 'lli'xe5+! 1-0

It's mate after l ...'lli'xe5 (or l...<ol<g8 2 'lli'xd4) 2 J:ixf8+l:i:xf8 3 J:ixf8#.

34 7) Mulligan-Foord
1 ...'lli'xh2+! 2 lilxh2 ll:h6+ 3 lilg3 .lth4+ 0-1

It's mate after 4 l!lf4 (or 4 l!lh2 .ltxf2+ 5 .lth3l:i:xh3#) 4 ...l:i:f6#.

348) Westerinen-Larsen
1 ...1iJf3+! 0-1

Black wins a rook since it's mate after 2 gxf3 l:td5+ 31!/cll:.Xel#.
349) Siebrecht-Diaz Diaz
1 ...1iJh3+! 0-1

Black's attack becomes a mating one after 21!/hl (or 2 gxh3 'lli'g5+ 3 .ltg2 'lli'xg2#) 2 ... 1iJxf2+ 3
l!lgl liJg4 4 g3l:i:c3! 5 l:i:xc3 dxc3 6 'lli'xc3 'lille4.
350) Turner-Smallbone
1 .ltxg7! 1-0

Black loses his queen for insufficient compensation after l...l!lxg7 (or l ...l:i:fc8 when White
has a pleasant choice between 2 'lli'd 2 and a strong attack after 2 .ltf6 1!if8 3 'lli'd 2 1!1e8 4 l:iel)
2 l:i:g3+ lilh6 3 'lli'd2+ lilh7 4l:i:h3.
3 5 1) Palliser-Horner
1...l:i:xe4! wins a piece since 2 fxe4 .ltb4+ 3 1!11 'lli'h3+ 4 1!/gl ll:d6 gives Black a crushing at

352) ten-Bensdorp
1 ... .ltxd4+! 2 'lli'xd4 (it's mate down the e-file after 2 .ltxd4 '11Vg5+ 3 1!12 '11Vg2+ 41!/el l:i:e8+)
2 ...'lli'g 5+ 3 1!1f2 'lli'g2+ 41!/ell:i:eB+ 51!/dl 'lli'xfl+ wins the exchange while retaining the ini-

353) Grotenhuis-L'Ami
1...l:i:xc3! (or l . ..'lillh2+ 2 1!ifl l:i:xc3!) 2 ll:xf6 (Black has a winning attack after 2 .ltxc3 'lli'h2+ 3

l!lfl liJe4; for example, 4 .ltd3 b5! 5 .ltxb5 'lillh l + 61!/e2 1iJxc3+ 7 1!if2 'lillxal winning mate
rial) 2 ...'lli'h 2+ 3 lilf1 .ltg3 4 'lli'xg3 'ii!'xg3 5l:l.f3 "flic7 0-1
3 54) Peng Zhaoqin-Van Nies
1 lhg7+! l!lxg7 2 f6+ lilf8 (Black is defenceless too after both 2...1!/hS 3 7 and 2 ... 1!1h6 3
'lli'g4) 3 '11Vxh7 1-0

White's queen and -pawn force mate.


Sol u t i o n s

355) Schmoll-Giacomelli
1...1i:Jh3+! 0-1

Black reaches a winning endgame after 2 gxh3 f!.gS 3 h5+ l!lfS 4 'l1Vxg8+ l!lxgS.
356) Van Wely-Acs
1...ll:e6! 2121xe6 (there wasn't anything else to be done against the threat of 2...ll:h6; even

the computeristic 2 g6 fails to save White after 2 .. Jhg6 3 121xg6 hxg6 4 121f4 'l!Vh6 followed
by 5 ... g5) 2 ... i!.f5+ 3 1!ig1 1i'h2+ 4 l!lf1 il.g3 0-1
It's mate on f2 or with 5 fxg3 h3#.
357) Caveney-Tia
1...1i:lf3+! 2 1!1g2 (or 2 'ilf'xf3 'l1Vxe2+ 3 1i'g2 1i'xg2+ 4 1!1xg2 l:i:e2+ 5 1!if3 f!.xc2 with an extra
rook) 2 ...121xd4 3 il.xg6+ 'ili'xg6 4 1i'xe8121xe2 0-1

Black emerges a piece ahead in the endgame.

358) Hunt-Palliser
1 l:txg7+! l!lxg7 (or 1...121xg7 2 'I!Vixh6+ l!lgS 3 1i'h7+ lli>f7 4 l:tf3+ l!leS 5 'ili'g6+ \!IdS 6 l:txf8+ and
Black is crushed) 2 1i'xh6+ l!lf7 3l'U3+ 1-0

White recoups his material with an overwhelming advantage in the case of 3 ... 1!1e7 4 'ilf'xfS+
l!lcts 5 l:l:f7.
359) Harper-Palliser
1...121e3+! 0-1

Black wins the exchange while retaining the initiative after 2 fxe3 'ili'xhl+.
360) Fomichenko-Anibar
1121d7+! l!le7 (or 1 ...1i'xd7 2 'iil'f6+ 'iil'7 3 1i'xf7#) 2 1i'g7# 1-0
361) Pruja-Muratet
1...l!.xa2+! 0-1

It's mate down the a-file after 2 1!1xa2 l:i:a8+.

362) Gerber-Bartel
1...121xb2! 0-1

White loses the exchange since 2 1!ixb2? ll:xe2 is truly devastating.

363) Zapata-Welling

The immediate smothered mate fails as Black is covering f7 at the end, but White can pre
pare it with 1 l:td8!! 1i'c1+ ( l ...f!.xdS 2 121f7+ l!lgS 3 1i:Jh6+ l!lhS 4 1i'g8+! and 5 121f7# is the main
point of the combination; Black can try and check, but both in the game and after 1 ...1i'bl+
21!ig2 'ii!'e4+ 3 1!/h3 he quickly runs out of checks) 2 1!1g2'iil'g 5+ 311i'f1 1-0
After 3 ...1i'cl+ 4 l!le2 'iil'c2+ 511i>f3 1i'c3+ 6 1l<g2 there's nothing to be done about White's
back-rank threats.
364) Howell-Wells
1 ..lbf2! 2 b3+ (Black's main point is that 2 'i!Vxg3 l:tfl + wins the queen after either 3 1l<g2
l!gl +or 3 1i<h2 i!.f4) 2 ... 11i'h7 3 1i'c7+ l!lh6 4 'ili'xc8 l:lgl+! 0-1

White's queen is lost.

365) Lutton-Palliser
1....ixf2+! 0-1


Th e C o m p l e t e C h e s s Work o u t

Black wins the exchange while retaining a strong attack after 2 Wxf2 'l!i'd4+ 3 l:!:e3 (or 3 We2
'ill'd2#) 3.. .fxe3+.
366) Kritz-Kolbus

Black mistakenly forced a draw with l ... l:!:lc2+ 2 Wbl l:!cl+, missing 1 ... ll:8c2+ 2 Wa3 b4+!
which forces mate: 3 Wa4 .!:txa2+ 4 xb4 il.aS# or 3 Wxb4 .li<cS+ 4 a4 lha2#.
367) Devereaux-Lunn
1 l:i:exh5! li:lxh5 (l...Sh8 also loses to 2 li:lfS+!, but Black could have put up some resistance
with l....!:tg8 2l:!h8! 18!, if not 2... ll:xh8? 3 li:lfS+!) 2li:lf5+! Wg8 (or 2...gxfS 31!i'gS+ lilf8 4
'lilh6+ Wg8 S I:lxhS forcing mate) 3l:txh5 1-0

Mate follows alter 3 .. .6 (or 3 ... gxhS 4 'i!l'gS+ lilh7 S 'l!i'g7#) 4 '!ilh6 gxfS S 'i!l'g6+ \11 18 6 ll:h8#.
368) Ferguson-Eggleston
1 .li<f6!! li:le7 (trying to shore up the kingside, rather than be mated after l...gxf6 2 ll:g3+
Wh8 3 'ii'g4) 2 'ill'h 5 (threatening 3 I:lh3 h6 4 .li<xg7) 2 ... h6 3 ll:h3 li:lf5 4 g4! bxa4 5 gxf5 axb3 6
'ill'xh6! (not the only win, but by far the most aesthetic) 6 .. Jl.xa1+ 7 g2 gxh6 8 .!:txh6 l:i:g1+
9 1iixg1 b2 10 J:i:h8# 1-0
369) Korneev-Devereaux

Rather than the game's l ...'l!i'gl when White escaped with a draw, 1 ...g2! would have de
cided proceedings since 2 'l!i'xg2 fails to 2....li<c3+ 3 a4 'ii'bl when there's no good way to
prevent mate on b4.
370) Palliser-Malakhatko

White levers open the black king's defences with 1 e6! 'l!i'c5 (Black's king is ripped to
shreds after 1 ... fxe6 2 'ii'xd3 lilh8 3 'l!i'xg6 ll:g8 4 'ill'f6+ l!lh7 S li:ld7!, while l ...J:i:xd6 loses to 2
'ill'xf7+ lilh8 3 e7) 2 'ii'xf7+ h8 3 'iil'f6+ h7 4 ll:xd3 'ill'xb6 (or 4...l:tg8 S li:ld7 'l!i'c2 6 l:tl3 and
wins) 5 'i!Vf7+ lilh8 6 'l!i'xg6 'ii'xf2 7 'ii'xh6+ l!lg8 8 e7 l:!d7 1-0
371) Van Kemenade-Dougherty
1 'l!i'xd5+! 1-0

l...li:lxdS 2 l:th8# is mate.

372) lkonnikov-Palliser
1..Jl.e3! (the only move, but a good one) 2 'ill'xe3 (White has nothing more than perpetual
alter 2 'i!Vh8 'l!i'xdS 3 'l!i'd8+ IS!) 2 ...fxe3 3 lil:xf5+ l!lxf5 4 l:ie7 (there's no way for White to

win; Black's passed e-pawn is fully the equal of the three extra white pawns: for example, 4
l!lg1 .!:tc4! S l:l:17+ l!le4 6 b6 lild3 forces White to take the draw with 7 b7 l:l:c1 + 8 l:i.lll:!x1 + 9
Wxfl lild2 10 b8'ill' e2+ 1 1 lilf2 el 'l!i'+ 1 2 1!113, because 7 .!:tfl? loses to 7... e2 8 .!:tel l!ld2 9 lilf2
J:!.f4+ 1 0 g3 1!1xe1 1 l l!lxf4 12 1 2 b7 el'i!l' 1 3 b8'l!i' 'l!i'eS+ 1 4 Wg4 'i!VfS+ 1 S h4 'l!i'hS#) 4...l:te4
5 g4+! (prudent, whereas Sl:!f7+? IiieS 6 .!:tfl would have cost White the game after 6 ...e2 7
lil:el 14) 5 ...f4 6 .!l.xe4+ l!lxe4 7 1!1g2 Wd3 8 b6 e2 9 b7 e1'l!i' 10 b8'l!i' 'i!l'e2+ 11 g3 'ii'e3+
12 'ii<h4 'i!l'h6+ y,.y,

It's perpetual.
373) Sareen-Lohou
1llxe3! 'i!l'xe3 2 .li<xg7! gives White a winning attack: 2 ... Wxg7 3 'i!l'g6+ l!lh8 4 'l!i'h6+ Wg8 5
'l!i'xe6+ lilh7 (or S ... lilh8 6 li:lg6+ and 7 'i!l'xe3) 6 'i!l'xe7+ (even better is 6 il.xfS+ forcing mate:
6 ...l:txiS 7 'i!l'xfS+ WhS 8 iVhS+ Wg8 9 'i!l'f7+ l!lh8 1 0 li:lg6#) 6 ...g8 7 .li<c4+ il.ds 8 .li<xdS+ l:!xds
9 'i!l'e6+ 1-0

2 42

374) Kuzubov-Wademark
1 icxh7+! l!lxh7 2 :!i!:h3+li:lh6 (desperately trying to plug the h-file; Black also would have
faced a rather grim future after 2 ... 1!/gS 3 icxe7 'ii'xe7 4 'ii'xg4 g6 5 e4) 3 'ii'd 3+ l!lg8 4 icxh6
fs (not 4 ... gxh6? 5 ll:xh6 5 6 exf6 when mate follows and neither would 4 ... ich4 have saved
Black in view of 5 g3 gxh6 6 l:txh4 'i!'g5 7 e4 icc6 8 exd5 exd5 9 ll:fl with a huge attack) 5
exf6 icxf6 (5 ... ll:xf6 6 icxg7! is rather strong too) 6 icxg7! l!lxg7? 7 'ii'h7# 1-0
375) Kuzubov-Palliser
1 ll:xf6! 1-0

l...li:lxd3 2 1i:lxd3 is crushing since the rook remains immune in view of 2...gxf6 3 'ii'xf6+
l!lgS 4 .lth6 and 5 'lllg
l 7#.
376) Vakovich-Sarakauskas
11i'lgS! fxgs 2 iceS+ f6 3 icxf6+ .ltxf6 4 'ii'xf6+ l!lg8 (or 4... 'ii'g7 5 'l!Vxd8+ 'i!'gS 6 'lifd6 with an
extra exchange and the attack to boot) 5 .ltxe6+! 'i!'xe6 6 "i!Vxd8+ l!lf7 7 ll:c7+ l!lg6 8 'f!e7 'ii' f6
9 'l!Vg8+ 1-0
377) Dickson-Botterill
1...1i:lxc3! 2 bxc3 (White loses his queen after 2 .ltxc6 'ii'xc6+) 2 ...icxg2+ 3 1i<h2 :!!.x d2 4 "!I!Vxd2
li:lg4# 0-1
378) Lambshire-Keely
1.!:rxf7+! :C.xf7 (or 1 ...1!/hS 2 ll:h7+! l!lxh7 3 "!I!Vxg6+ l!lh8 4 'i!'h7#) 2 'i!Vxg6+ 1-0

It's mate after 2 ...1!/hS (or 2 ... 1!/fS 3 'i!'xf7#) 3 1i:lxf7#.

379) Scott-Simonds
1 'llllf6! Jcxf2+ 2 1!1h1 1-0

White emerges a rook ahead after 2 ... .1td4 (2 ... gxf6 allows mate: 3 .!:rg4+ l!lhS 4 icxf6#) 3
ii.xd4 !:xd4 4 'ii'xd4.
380) Webb-Bellin
1....1th3! 0-1

Only a double sacrifice on e8 can avert mate since 2 'i!Vxh3 runs into 2 ... .!:rcl +.
381) Emms-Fressinet

Rather than the game's 1 h3, 1 .txg6+! would have been all over since l ...ll:xg6 2 'lllx
l h5+
forces mate after 2....!:th6 (or 2 ... \t<gS 3 'iil'xg6+ lilfS 4 'i!'g7+ IiieS 5 f7+ li<d7 6 fS'ii'+) 3 'ii'f7+
li<hS 4 'l!Vg7#.
382) Adams-Maki Uuro
1 .ltxh7+! l!lxh7 (or l ... l!lg7 2 "I!Vg4+ l!lh8 3l:\d3 with a crushing attack) 2 'i!Vhs+ 1-0

decisive rook-lift follows with 2 ... 1!1g7 3 'i!'g4+! li<h6 4 .!l:d3.

383) Lucey-Miller

Rather than the game's l...li:lf4 2 'ii'xf6+ when it was perpetual. 1...ll:2g7! would have won
since 2 'ii'd S (or 2 'ii'xh5+ :!l:h7 and the exchange-up ending is an easy win) 2 ....!l:h7 leaves
White defenceless: for example, 3 1i'lh2 (3 'l!Vc6 e4 is similar) 3 ... e4 4 'i!Vc6 e3 and White can't
stop the e-pawn without losing his queen to the black knight.
384) James-Lobo
1l:lxh7! :!l:xb2+ 2 1!1c1 l:tb1+ (desperately trying to avoid 2 ... 1!1xh7 3 'ii'xg6+ 1!/hS 4 'l!Vxg7#) 3

2 43

The Complete Chess Worko u t

li<xb1 J:l.b8+ 41i<a1 exf6 5 l:!.xg7+ (plenty good enough, but slightly more accurate was 5
'I!Vxg6 forcing mate in view of the threatened 6 ll:hS+!) 5 ...\!<xg7 6 'l!xg6+ li<f8 1 'I!Vxf6+ 'I!Vxf6
8 il,xf6 1i<f7 9 il,xc3 1-0
385) Burt-Dams
1 1i:lxe6!!li:lf6 (or 1...\!<xe6 2 'I!Vf5+ li<d6 3 il,f4+ with a winning attack: for example, 3 ...\!<c5 4

cxd4+ li:lxd4 5 J:l.cl + l!<b4 6 'I!Ve4! - by no means the only move, but by far the most attractive
- 6 ... dxe4 7 il,d2+ li<b3 8 il,c4+ l!<b2 9 l:ta2#) 2 'lli' h 3 '11Ve 7 (White emerges with an extra piece
after 2...\!<eS 31/:lxdS .ltxh3 4 1i:lxc6) 3 .lta3 (this wins the queen, but also rather good is 3
J:l.el) 3 ...'1!Vxe6 4 il,f5 1-0
386) Spassky-Korchnoi
1 "i!!'h6+! 1-0

Mate follows after l ...li<xh6 (or 1 ...\!<gS 2 l:tc8+) 2 .!'!hl#.

387) Novik-Sakaev
1 ...'1!xg2+! 21i<xg2 il,xe4+ 31i<h2 (or 3\!<g3 il,d6+ 4 1i<g4 1i:ld4! with an overwhelming attack
in view of 5 'l!xd4 il,f3#) 3 ...J:l.f2+ 0-1

Black has far too many attacking pieces for the queen after 4\!<gl (or 4\!<g3 !:!.g2#) 4 ... !:!.xb2+
5\!<fl lhbl + 6 \!<e2 1i:ld4+.
388) Darban-Paridar
1 ...'lli'xd6! wins a piece and gives Black a crushing attack: 2 'lli'x d6 1i:le2# 0-1
389) Schellmann-Kachiani
1 ...ll:xb2+! 2 \!<xb2 (both 2\!<cl 'l!Vb4 and 2 1i<al l:td2! lead to mate) 2 ...'lli' b4+ 31i<c2 'lli'xC4+ 01

White loses his queen after 4 "l!Vc3 'lli'a2+ 5 'I!Vb2 (or 5\!<cl il,a3+) 5... ll:e2+.
390) Henrichs-Prusikin
1 ...1i:lf3+! 2 gxf3 exf3 o-1

It's mate after 3 $<e5 'lli'xg4+ 4 i-g3 l:thl+ 5\!<xhl 3+ 6\!<gl 'lli'g2#.
391) Malienko-Kruglyakov
1 l:txe6+! l!<xe6 2 i-b3+ li<e7 3 l:'ie1+ l!<dS 4 'I!Va8+1 1-0

Black must give up a huge amount of material to delay mate after 4 ...'1Wc8 (or 4 ...1i<c7 5
'lli'xa7+ l!<cS 6 i<e6) 5 'I!Vxa7.
392) Kovalenko-Chistiakov
1 >ixh6! overloads Black's defence of g7: 1 ..."i!!' g8 (or J ... li:lxh6 2 'lli'xe8+) 2 'l!f6+ 1-0
393) Perez Celis-Mingorance Torres
1 1i:lxh6+! gxh6 2 i-h7+ li<xh7 3l:!xe5 l:txe5 4 'lli'xf4 left White with a near decisive material

394) Damaso Tacoronte-Campos Vera
1 l:!.xh6+! gxh6 2 'lli'xh6+ l:!.h7 3 'I!Vxf8# 1-0
395) Marrero Falcon-Vega Gutierrez
1 1i:lxf7+! 1-0

Black's back-rank problems cost him far too much material after 1 ...ll:xf7 2 J:l.dS+.

S o lutions

396) Slaby-Mendoza
1ll:xa7! ll:ae8 (and not l...ll:xa7? 2 ll:b8 followed by mate) 2 .l.xf8 l:!:xf8 3 :!:tc1 left White two

pawns ahead.
397) Gimeno Higueras-Radulski
1....1.xb3+! 0-1

Following 2 'lil'xb3 (or 2 Wcl .l.xc4 with an extra two pawns) 2 ...d3+ White must either give
up his queen or lose his rook after 3 Wb2 'ilfxd2+.
398) Yermolinsky-Onyekwere
1l:!:a6+! wxa6 2 'lll'xc6+ was 3 :!l:b7 1-o

White's extra rook swiftly decides after 3 ...Wa4 4 'lil'xb5+ Wa3 5 dxe5.
399) Cottreii-Aigner
1...'ill'x h2+! 2 Wxh2 l:th4+ 3 Wg2 .l.h3+ 0-1

It's mate with 4 Wh1 .ifl#.

400) Hopwood-Conroy
11ilfs+! Wh8 (and not l . ..gxf5? 2 'ill'g5+ Wh8 311lVxf6+ Wg8 4 J:l.g1#, while l...Wg8 2 'ill'h6 1ile8 3

h4! gives White a rather powerful attack) and now, even stronger than the game's promis
ing 2 iflxd6, is 2 'ill'h 6! l:l:g8 3 1 i'lxd6 'ill'e 7 4 dxeS lilbd7 s l:tb7 leaving White two pawns up
and with some advantage.

401) Palliser-Ansell
1 f6+! Wxf7 2 'I!Vxh7+ Wxf6 (and not 2 ... We6? 3 ll:e1+! when White wins) 3 'ill'h8+ forces per
petual, although White must still be a little accurate: 3 ... Wf7 4'iolVh7+ We6 5 'ill'g8+ Wd7 6
'ill'g7+ Wd8 7111i'f6+ Wc8 8 'ill'h 8+ Wc7 9 'liVes+ (preventing Black's king from hiding in the aS
corner) 9 ...Wc6 10 lllVf6+ WbS 11 llli'b6+ Wc4 12 'ill'e6+ WcS (Black sensibly avoided 12 ...Wd3

on account of 1 3 'ill'b3+ We4- and not 13 .. .'>ii>e2? 14 'ill'f3# - 1 4 l:te1+! 'llt'xe1 1 5111i'e6+ Wf4 1 6
'ill'xe1 when White has a t least a draw) Yz-Yz
402) Palliser-McNab
1...l:l:xe3! 2ll:xd6 (2 fxe3 fails to 2 ... 1ilxg3#) 2 ...'/lt'gs 0-1

There's no defence on the kingside with 3... 'lWxg3 but one threat.
403) Van Wely-L'Ami
1...1ila2+! 0-1

It's mate after 2 'l!Vxa2 'ill'c2#.

404) Palliser-Prole

Rather than the game's 1 ...J:l:xf3?, 1 ... .!l:xb3! would have been fine for Black after 2 'ill'c1 (or 2
axb3111i' c3+ 3 Wa2 .l.e6 when White must find 4 :!l:b1! after which 4 ...'i!Va5+ 5 Wb2 'lWxe5+ 6
>ii>cl 'l!Vc3+ 7 Wd1 'iWd3+ 8 Wcl 'l!Vc3+ is perpetual) 2 ...'1!i'xcl+ 3 J:l.xc1 :!l:xf3 4 :ci:c7 .l.c6 5 hxg6
dxes 6 l:txe7 fxg6 with a likely draw.
405) Gordon-Hopwood
1....lha2+! 2 Wa1 (the queen goes after 2 Wxa2 b3+ 3 Wb1 llli'xd2) 2 ... .1.b3 (preventing possi
ble defences with b3, although 2... a3 3 b3 .ixb3 is also good enough for Black) 3 exfs? (not

the best, but 31i'lcl a3! 4 Wb1 axb2 511lVxb2 .ixd5! leaves Black with a powerful attack and
two extra pawns to boot) 3 ... a3 41iifb 1.1.a2+! (also crushing was 4 ... axb2 5 'lll'xb2 e4, but the
second bishop sacrifice on a2 is more aesthetic and decisively rips open further lines) 0-1

The C o m p l e t e Chess W o r k o u t

406) Bailey-Palliser
1 :txh6! d5 (Black is mated after l...gxh6 2 'lli'xh6) 2 :txg7! :tc5+ 3 1!ih1 1Llxg7 4 'lli' h 7+ l!lf8 5
'lli'h 8+ l!le7 6 'lli'xg7+ l!id6 7 1i'xf6+ and White's extra pawns romped home.
407) Karpov-Taimanov
1 1Llg3+!! 0-1

It's mate down the h-file after 2 hxg3 (or 2 '!Wxg3 l::ixbl 3 '1Wf3 e4 4 'lli'e2 '!Wd3 5 'lli'xd3 exd3
and the d-pawn queens) 2 .. J:ta8.
408) Bondarevsky-Botvinnik
1 J!.xh3+! 0-1

There's no way to defend h3 after 2 gxh3 1Lldf4.

409) Mira lies-Thesing
1..J:txf2+! 2 'lli'xf2 :th3+ 3 1!if3 (or 3 1!ixh3 'lli'xf2 with an extra queen and a winning attack)
3...'lli'e4# 0-1
410) Garcia Castro-Arizmendi Martinez
1 i.g3!! 2 lilxg3 (or 21/ixdl 'lli'h 2+ 3 \llfl 'lli'h l #) 2 .. Jl:h1 3 f5 '!Wh3+ 4 l!if4 'lli'f 3+ 51!1g5 J:l:h5+!
6 gxh5 o-1

It's mate after 6 ... 'lli'g3#.

411) Neiksans-Stefansson
1 ... 'lli'x h2+! 2 lilxh21!1f7 0-1

Mate follows after 3 ... li:h8+.

412) Karpov-5 alov
1 1/ixg6! 1-0

White is a piece up with a crushing attack since the queen is immune in view of 1 . .hxg6 2
li:h4 and 3 li:h8#.

413) Shirov-Kramnik
1...1Lla3+! 2 lilc1 (White must avoid 2 bxa3? l:l:bS when Black's queen outclasses his rooks,
while 2 1!ia1 1Llc2+ 3 \llbl 1Lla3+ repeats) 2 ...i.f4+! 3 gxf4 'lli'xf4+ 4 J:l:d2l:l:d8 5 :!l.ed1 l:i:xd2 6
l:l:xd2 Yz-Yz

It's perpetual with 6 ...'lli'f l+ 7 ll:dl 'lli'f4+.

414) Kulovana-Berescu
1 'lli'h7+! 1-0

It's mate with l ...lilxh7 2 1Zlxf6+ l!lhS 3 l:txg8#.

415) Blecha-Berescu
1...1Lla3+! 2 bxa3 (it's mate after 2 lila1 1Lldxc2#) 2 ..:l!Vxc2+ 3 lila1 'lli'c 3+ (plenty good
enough, but 3 ... b3! would actually have forced mate) 4 1!ib1 1Llc2 01

White must give up his queen to prevent mate on a3.

416) Krupa-Giuriati
1 l:txg7+! 1-0

It's mate down the h-file after l ...l!ixg7 (or l ...:txg7 2 'lli'h7#) 2 1Llxf5+.



417) Addison-Palliser
1.- -xg2!! 2 I:!.xd5 (White might try delaying this, but 2 '>l<h2 f3! 3 J:!:xf3 .ltxf3 4 l:txh5+

.ltxh5 5 'iil'f4 .lte2 is at least equal for Black, while 4 'iil'f4 I:!.g2+ 5 hl l:tg3+ forces perpetual)
2.- ..ltxd5+ 3 h2 (and not 3 fl ?? .ltc4+ 4 '>l<el I:!.gl+ when Black wins) 3.-.l:tef6! (the point
of the combination: White cannot avoid perpetual check) 4 l:txf6 (4 l:te2 also leads to a draw
after either 4 ... f3 or 4 ... I:!.f1 5 e4 xe4 6lii:xe4 J:!:f2+ 7 '>l<hl l:tfl+) 4.-Jl:g2+ 5 '>l<h1 I:!.g6+ 6
h2 ll:g2+ 7 '>l<h1 Yz-Yz
418) Rubinstein-Hirschbein
1 ll:xd7! 1-0

Black must lose his queen after l ... .ltxd7 2 1iJf6+ ll<f8 3 1iJd5! in view of the threat of 4 'iil'h8 #.
419) King-Crouch
1._.1Uf3+! 2 gxf3 1iJd4 3 'iil'xd4 (otherwise 3 ...1Uxf3+ leads to mate) 3.-.exd4 4 1Ucxe4 .lte5 0-1
420) Rowe-Boytsun
1 1Uxg6+! hxg6 2 'i!Vxg7 gave White an overwhelming attack.
421) Steinkuehler-Biackburne
1.-.'iil'gl+! 2l:bg1 1iJf2+ 3 '>llg2 .lth3# 0-1
422) Leake-Emms
. x
i: c2! 2 xc2? (White should restrict his losses to just a pawn with 2 l':ld2) 2.- a
. xg2+! 3
Wh1? (losing further material, but after 3 xg21Ue3+ 4 f21iixc2 Black's queen is some
what stronger than White's rooks, especially with White's king rather exposed) 3.- l!.
. xe2 4
'!Wxe2 1iJg3+ 5 '>l<g2 1Uxe2 6 Wf2 1iJg3 0-1
423) Mackinnen-Emms
1._.'i!Vxf3+! 0-1

It's back-rank mate after 2 l:txf3 l:tel+.

424) Spreeuw-Emms
1 g6+! fxg6 2 fxg6+ h6 (now White's double threat wins a rook and the game, but

2...11<xg6 3 'i1Vf5+! 'lixf5 4 exf5+ llixf5 5 .ltxb7 would have left Black a piece in arrears) 3 'i!Vg8
Wxg6 4 'lixa2 'iil'e 7 5 .ltf2 1-0
425) Adams-Hon
1 l:txa5! 'i!Vb7? (the rook was immune in view of l ...'i!Vxa5? 21Uc6+, but even l...e4 isn't
much of an improvement since White has a winning attack after 2 I:!.a7+ liJd7 3 'iil'h4+ e8 4
lt:Jxe6!; for example, 4 ... '1ibl+ 5 Wg2 'lie4+ 6 \l<h3 fxe6 7 'iil'h 7) 2 ll:a7! 1-0
Black loses his queen after 2 ...'i!Vxa7 31Uc6+ and 41Uxa7.
426) Cressweii-Wigbout

Rather than the game's l l:l:h3 when 1 . ..5 would have been a good defence, 1 .1txg7! would
have terminated proceedings in view of 1._.xg7 (or l ...f5 2 l:!xg6 with a crushing attack) 2
'i'f6+ Wg8 3 l:th3 .lth7 4l!.xh7! Wxh7 5 ll:c3 and mate down the h-file.
427) Bellin-Hanreck
11i:Jxf6! 1-0

There's no defence against mate after l.. . .ltxf6 2 e5.


Th e C o m p l e t e C h e s s Work o u t

428) Kieran-Smallbone
1,._jcxa3! 2 'iil'e4 (it's also mate down the a-file after 2 bxa3 'iil'xa3) 2._,jcb4 0-1
429) Schulder-Boden
1.- .d5! wins a piece: 2 jcxd5? 'i'xc3+! 3 bxc3 jca3# 0-1
430) Menchik-Thomas
1 'i'xh7+! 1-0

Mate follows down the h-file.

431) Steinitz-Rosenthal
. xg3+! 2 hxg3 f2+ 3 xf2 (or 3 'i'xf2 'i'hl#) 3.-.'i'g2+ 4 e3 '!Wf3# 0-1
432) Andrenko-Kalinina
1._.1Lle2+ 2 h1 'i'xh2+! 0-1

It's mate with 3 xh2 ll:h6#.

433) Butkiewicz-Van der Veen
1...1Llxh2! 2 xh2 (otherwise 2 ... 'i'xg3+ occurs) 2.- .'i'h5+ 3 g1 'i'xe2 wins the exchange.
434) Saligo-Taverniers
1 jcxh7+! xh7 (or 1...h8 2 1Llg5 1Llcxe5 3 dxe5 1Llxe5 4 'i'h5 g6 5 jcxg6+ g7 6 ll:xe5! fxg6 6 ...11Vxe5 7 jcxf7 '!Wf5 8 g4 is crushing- 7 'i'h7+ f6 S ll:ael with a rather powerful attack) 2
ILlgS+ Wg8 3 1Llxd7 e5 (or 3 .. .f6 4 1/'JxfS fxg5 5 1Llh7 '!We7 6 'i'h5 and wins) 41/'Jxf8 Wxf8 5 'i'h5

and White's attack and extra exchange shortly prevailed.

435) Martinez Martin-Hernandez Carmenates
1 'i'd4! (threatening 2 1Llg5+ and of course the knight is immune in view of 1...'i'xe6 2
'i'hS#) 1.- .g5 (or 1 ...Wg8 2 '!llhS+ Wf7 31/'JdS+! We7 4 1Llc6+ f7 5 'i'h7+ e6 6 '!Wxh6 with an
extra piece) 2 1Llxg5+ g6 3 '!Wd3+! xg5 4 h4+ 'il<f4 (or 4 ...g4 5 'i'h3+ l!lf4 6 '!Wf3#) 5 'i'f3#
436) Mateo-Hernandez Carmenates
1.-J!h1+! 0-1

It's mate after 2 Wxhl 'iil'a l + 3 h2 'lll'gl + 4 Wh3 'i'hl #.

437) Knox-Pytel
1 jcxh7+! Wxh7 (or 1 ...h8 2 1Llg5 g6 3 jcxg6 fxg6 4 'i'g4 with a crushing attack) 2 1Llg5+
Wg6 (neither 2 ... g8 3 'lll'h 5 ll:e8 4 'i'xf7+ Wh8 5 1Llxe6 nor 2 ... Wh6 3 'i'g4 would have greatly
helped Black) 3 'i'g4 f5 4 '!Wg3 (rather strong too is 4 exf6 l:l:xf6 5 1/'Jxc7) 4.-'i
. il'd 7? (a blunder,

although Black wouldn't have lasted long in the case of the slightly superior 4 ...'!11'c8 5
lt:lxe6+ 'il<f7 6 1Llbxc7) 5 1Llxe6+ 'il<f7 6 'i'xg7+! xe6 7 1Lld4# 1-0
438) Konguvei-Del Valle Cirera
1 exfS! jcxd5 2 f6 e4 (the inclusion of 2... h6 3 'i'f5 makes no real difference) 3 fxg7 Wxg7 4
'!ll'x d5 exd3 5 '!ll'xc6 and White had won a piece.
439) Ripari-Cori
1ll:xe6+! 1-0

It's mate after 1 ...1Llxe6 2 l:l:f7#.



440) Hungaski-Di Diego

1 jcbS! 1Lic6 (1 ...'i/Vxe2 fails to, of course, 2 J:l.aS#, but there was no defence in any case; for
example, l...'i/Vbs 2 jcf4 e5 3 'i/Vc4 is game over) 2 jcxc6 1-0

Black is crushed after 2 ...bxc6 3 'i1Va6+ l!<d7 4 'i1Vb7+ li<e8 5 'i/Vxc6+ WfS (or 5 ... l:!:d7 6 J:l.aS+ l!<e7
7 :c\xhS) 6 jch6+ li<g8 7 J:l.a8.
441) Frink-Horyna
1 jcxg6! wins a pawn in view of l...hxg6? 2 'i/Vxg6+li<hS 3 J:l.xf6.
442) Stross-Benes
11Lih6+! li<hS (or l...'ll!'xh6 2 'll!'a8+ jcfS 3l'hf8#) 2 'll!'f8+! 1-0

Mate follows with 2 ...xf8 3 l:txfS+ J:l.gS 4 :clxgS#.

443) Hruby-Baum
1...jcg3! wins White's queen: 2 'I!Vxg3 l:!.xf3+ 0-1
444) Milman-Fang
1 'i/Vg6+! fxg6 (the same finish occurs after l . . .lt:ixg6 2 hxg6+ Wxg7 3 l:th7#) 2 hxg6+ l!<xg7 3
l:!:h7# 1-0
445) Zivkovic-Bodiroga
1..Ji:xf2+! 2 1i<e1 (or 2 1Lixf2 'i/Ve3+ 3 fl 'I!Vxf2#) 2 ...'i1Ve3+ 0-1

White is defenceless after 3 1Lie2 J:l.xg2 4 Wfl l:th2.

446) Malakhatko-Hartmann
11Lixd6+! 1-0

White wins at least the exchange after l...'ll!'x d6 (or l...fS 2 'I!Vxe5 with a crushing advan
tage) 2 jcxe5 'i1Ve7 3 d6.
447) Leon Hayes-Sanchez Enriquez
1 xh6! removes a key pawn in view of l ...gxh6? 2 'i1Vxh6 1Lih7 3 l:th3 with a crushing at

448) Stephenson-Rowntree
1 'i/Vxf8+! 1Lixf8 2 l:txf8+ 'I!Vg8 3 J:l.xg8# 1-0
449) Zakoscielna-Siembab
1...l:!:xb2+! 2 xb2 '!!Vb 7+ 0-1

It's mate after 3 cl (or 3li<c2 l:ta2+ 4 1i<d3 'i/Vb5+ 5 d4 'I!Vc4#) 3 ... l:!:al+ 4 1i<d2 fl.a2+ 5 dl
'li!'b3+ 6 cl 'I!Vc2#.
450) Bobras-Kanarek
1...J:I.c1+! 0-1

It's mate after 2 'i/Vxcl (or 2 f2 fl.fl#) 2 ...'1!Vg2#.

451) Stephenson-Greet

Rather than exchanging on gS as in the game, 1 'll!'d 2! would have forced resignation since
White threatens to mate after taking on h6 and 1 ... gxhs (or 1 ...Wg7 2 1Lixg8 gxh5 3 'i!Vxh6+!)
fails to 2 'i!Vd3 followed by mate on h7.


T h e C o m p l e t e Chess Worko u t

452) Hellenschmidt-Sakayev
1 1il'f7! leaves no real defence to the threat of 2 f!:e8.
453) Maiorov-Aieksandrov
1 ... jcxg3! 2 >ile2 (it's mate after 2 fxg3 'i!ih1+ 3 >ile2ll:.h2#) 2 ... jcxf2! 3 l:th1 (3 >ilx2 fails to
3 ... g3+! 4 e1 - 4 >ilxg3 'i!ih2+ 5 >ilg4 ll:h4+ 6 >ilg51il'g3# - 4 ... 11Vh1 + 5 1t:lfl g2) 3 ... jch4 left

Black two pawns ahead.

454) Botvinnik-Padevsky
1'iil'xh7+! 1-0

It's mate after J . xh7 2 l:th5+ g8 3 l:th8+ lt:lxh8 4 gxhS'Ii'#.


455) Svidler-Morozevich
1 .. .ibg2+! 0-1

White has nowhere near enough for the queen after 2 12lxg2 ex4.
456) Perez-Vallejo Pons
1 ... jcxg21 2 >ilxg2 (White might restrict his losses to just an exchange with 2 f4) 2 ...'iil'g4+ 3
>ilh1'iil'f 3+ 0-1

The forthcoming rook lift is decisive after 4 >ilg1 l:tf6 5 li!:d11il'h3.

457) Handke-Kosten
1 ...'iil'xf1+! 2'iil'xf1 12lf2+ 0-1

Black has far too much material for the queen after 3 >ilg1 12lxd1+ 4 >ilh1 1t:lf2+ 5 >ilg1 1t:lh3+ 6
Wh1 12lxg5.
458) Roussel Roozmon-Moiseenko
1 ... 1t:lf4+! 2 gxf4 (otherwise White loses his rook on e2) 2...gxf4+ 3 Wh2 f3 0-1

There's no defence against the threat of 4 ... l:i:g2+ 5 Wh3 l:l:h1 #.

459) Aronian-Carlsen
1 ...jcg6! (not fearing the exchange sacrifice; instead the game ended l...l:td7? 2 e6! jcxe6 3
.!:!.g8+ jLfS 4 l:i:x8+ xiS 51il'h6+ e7 and 1/2-1/2 as it's perpetual) 2 l:txg6 (the only real try)
2 ... hxg6 3'iil'xg6'iil' h 3! and Black has a winning counterattack and one which prevents both

4 e6 (due to 4 ...'iil'f3+ and 5 ...'iil'x d1+) and 4 'iil'xc6+ (in view of 4 ... l:l:d7 5 e6 'iil'f3+ and again the
white rook hangs).
460) Carlsen-Topalov

Topalov amazingly resigned here, presumably thinking his knight was lost, but Black can
actually force a draw: 1...'iil'd 5+ 2 Wh2 (2 13 e5 draws in similar fashion; the queen must
cover g8) 2 ...e5 3'iil' h 7+ Wf8 4'iil' h8+ 'li'g8 (the main point) 5 12lh7+ Wf7 6 12lg5+ Wf8 and
White has nothing better than perpetual.
461) Capo Vidai-Magana
1 jcxg6! hxg6 2 l:i:xg6+ f7 3 jch6'iil'e 7 4 li!:g7+ jcxg7 5 li!:xg7+ IlleS 6 :!!.x e7+ lt:lxe7 7 jcg5

saw White's queen comfortably outclass Black's rooks.

462) Gavrilov-Yuzhakov
1 1ilxe6! fxe6 (White wins the exchange after 1 .. '1Wxf6 2 12lg5+ 'IW5 3 jcxf5+ lilxf5 41ilxh7) 2
'iil'xe6+ WeB (and not 2 ... Wc7? 3 '1Wd6#) 3'iil'd 7+ f8 4'iil'x b7 picks up two pawns.


463) Karpov-Korchnoi
1 eS! (decisively cutting off the black queen) 1 ... i.xd5 (White's main idea is revealed by
l...dxe5 2 tt:lxf6+ exf6 3 tt:lh5! - there's no check on g5 and therefore mate is forced) 2 exf6
exf6 3 'lli'xh7+ l!lf8 4 'lli'h 8+ 1-0

4 ...1!1e7 5 li:lxd5+ wins significant material in view of 5 ...'1!Vxd5 6 ll:el+.

464) Jobava-Ehlvest
1 ll:f7! 1-0

White's attack quickly assumes decisive proportions after l ...l!lxf7 (or l...l:tg8 2 ll:xe7 with a
crushing advantage) 2 'lli'xh6 :!l.g8 3 'I!Vh7+ IiieS 4 'lli'xg8+ l!id7 5 l:tdl+.
46S) Savchenko-Balogh
1...tt:lxh2! wins the exchange since the knight is immune in view of 21!ixh2?? 'I!Vh4+ when

White must give up his queen.

466) Torre Repetto-Samisch
1 l:txe6! tt:lxe6 (it's mate after l ...fxe6 2 'ii'g6+ l!lh8 3 'I!Vh7#, while l...ll:hS 2 tt:lf5+ l!ifS 3 f:txh6
gives White a crushing attack) 2 tt:lfs+ l!lg8 3 tt:lxh6+ 1-0

White has a mating attack after 3 ... 1!1g7 4 li:lf5+ l!lgS 5 iilxe7+ l!lg7 6 tt:lf5+ l!lg8 7 tt:lcxd6.
467) Bronstein-Kotov
1 i,h6! 1-0

White mates with l...li:lxe5 2 i.xg7+ l!lgS 3 i.xe5+ i,g5 4 ll:xg5#.

468} Bronstein-Geller
1 'I!Vg6! 1-0

1 M.xf7 also wins, but Bronstein's choice is faster and more aesthetic: mate is threatened on
g7 and occurs too after l...fxg6 2 :!l:xg7+ and 3 tt:lxg6#.
469) Markosian-Bodnaruk
1...'1!Vxh2+! 0-1

It's mate after 2 1!ixh2 i.f4+ 3\!lgl i,h2#.

470) Skurikhin-Samedov
1 l:th4! 'lli'xes (or l ...'lli'c l+ 2 :!l.el winning material) 2 li:lfS+ l!lg8 3 tt:le7# 1-0
471) Alekseev-Novikov
1 'lli'xh4+! .ltxh4 2 i,d4+ (2 :!l.hl l!lg7 3 l:txh4 is also more than good enough) 2 .. ,i,f6 3
i,xf6+ exf6 4 l:th1+ l!lg7 5 :!l:h7+ l!lf8 6 g7+! 1-0

White emerges the exchange ahead with an easy win after 6 ... 1!1xf7 7 g8'lli'+ l!lxgS 8 ll:xc7.
472) Kaidanov-Anand
1 'I!Vxf7+11-0

Mate follows with l ...l:xf7 2 tt:lg6+ l!lgS 3l:Ih8#.

473) Khairullin-Vijayalakshmi
1 i,xg6! l!lh8 (or l...'l!i'xg6 2 :!l:g5 winning the black queen) 2 'lli'x h7+! :!l:xh7 3 l:i:xh7+ l!lg8 4
tt:lh6+ 1-0

Mate follows down the f-file after 4 ... \!lfS 5 :!l:fl +.


The C o m p l e t e C h e s s W o r k o u t

474) Lysyj-Ehlvest

It's mate on the h-file: 11Zlf6! 1-0

475) Ulko-Zontakh
1 il:xh7+! xh7 (l...g8? 2 WVh5 forces mate) 2 'iii'h 5+ g8 3 i.d5+ 'lllif7 (or 3 .. .l:!.f7 4 :!!. c3 and
the rook swings decisively into the attack) 4 Sl_xf7+ J:!.xf7 5 'lll'g4 and White won shortly.
476) Kharmunova-Gavrilov
1... f!.xg2! 2 xg2 f!.g8+ 3 f3 (or 3 Sl_g3 'l!l'e3 and Black's attack is overwhelming) 3 ...'iii'g1 01

Mate follows after 4 'lll'c2 'iii' f l+ 5 'lilif2 'li'dl+! 6 'li'e2 'li'hl+ 7 f2 l:tg2+ 8 f3 'lll'xh3+.
477) Vaganian-Sargissian
1 ...'li'h1+! 2 2 f!.xe5 3l':!.xe5 (White is mated after 3 f!.ed4: 3... gl 'lill+ ! 4 .!hgl 'li'h2+ 5 f3 or 5 .1l:g2 l:!:xf4+ 6 f!.xf4 'li'xf4+ 7 gll':!.el# - 5 . ..'i'e2+ 6 g3li:e3+ 7 h4 'li'h2+ 8 g4 'li'h3#)
3 ... g1'1i'+! (or 3....1l:xf4+ 4 e3 gl 'i!l'+ which transposes after 5li:xgl ) 4 li:xg1 l:l:xf4+ 5 e3
'li'f3+ 6 d2 'iii'c3+ 0-1

Black emerges queen for rook ahead after 7 dl l:td4+ 8 'li'xd4 'li'xd4+ 9 c2 'lllixe5.
4 78) lonov-Kremenietsky
1 Sl_xh7+1 xh7 2 f!.f7 l:tg8 3 'li'h3+ (3 l:td4 is even more clinical) 3 ...1!1g6 4 'li'xe6+ li:lf6 5
l:txb7l':!.e8 (or 5 ...'1We8 6 l:te7 'liVeS 7 'li'f7+ h6 8 exf6 with a strong attack and an extra piece
to boot) 6 'lillf7+ 1-0
479) Botvinnik-Smyslov

Rather than the game's 1 Sl_h3, 1 1Zld4!! li:lxd4 (it's mate after l ...cxd4 2 Sl_d5+! l:!:xd5 - or
2...h8 3 l:te7! - 3 l:te8, and l...'lillxa2 fails to 2 1Zle6 1:!17 3 1i:lxd8) 2 l:te7 f!.f7 (or 2 ... 1Zle2+ 3
l:!:lxe2 l:tf7 4li:xc2 l:txe7 5 li:d2 l:l:el+ 6 Sl_fl and White is queen for rook ahead) 3 Sl_d5 would
have been crushing, since 3...f!.xd5 4 l:te8+ forces mate.
480) Balashov-Ambartsumova
1 1Zlf6! gxf6 (mate was threatened on h7 and l ...g6 2 hxg6 fxg6 3 'li'xg6 also leads to mate) 2
'li'g4 10

Black's queen is lost due to the mate threat.

481) Yakovich-Naiditsch
1 b4!! 1-0

White has a mating attack after l...'lilixb4 2 'l!l'xg5+ li:lg6 3 i.xg6 fxg6 4 l:!:c7+ J:l:f7 5 'liVeS+.
482) Kasparov-Anand
1 i.d8! li:le6 (Black must give up his queen after l ...ll:xdS 2 1Zle7+, and the move 1 ...'1Wa7 is
also insufficient due to 2 1iJe7+li:xe7 3 fxe7 'lllixe3+ 4 f!:f2 i.g7 5 eS'lW) 2 1 iJe7+ :!!.xe7 3 fxe7
'li'd7 4 :!!.h 3 1-0

Mate follows.
483) Okhotnik-Marzolo
1 li:d8+! 1-0

Black must either lose his queen after l ...c6 2 1Zld4+! or allow mate with 2 ... cxd4 3 'li'b5#.
484) Marciano-Prie
1 'i!Vxc6+! 1-0


S o l u tions

It's mate after 1 .. Jhc6 2 :!irdS#.

485) Cantin-Perdomo
1.. .1t'lxh2! wins the exchange: 2 11Jf4 (and not 2 xh2?? I1Jg4) 2 ...'ii'xf1 3 '1Wxf1 11Jxf1 4 f:rxf1
xes and Black won shortly.
486) Cubas-Shcherbine
1 11Jg6+! 1-0

It's mate after 1 ...hxg6 2 'ii!'h4+ l!lgS 3 11:le7# or 31ilxf6#.

487) Barua-Dreev
1.. Ji:xf2!! 2 1!ixf2 .!!:xf4+ 3 lile2 (or 3 1!ig2 '1Wxe3 with an overwhelming attack) 3---<4+ 4
llld 2 '1Wd4+ 5 Wc2 .!!:f 2+ 0-1

White is crushed after 6 l:le2 (or 6 e2 'i!Vxe3) 6 ... d3+ 7 Wb3 'i!!' c4+ S lllb2 .!!:xe2+ 9 xe2
'i!!'xb4+ 1 0 llla 1 xb 1 .
488) Shashikant-Hossain
1 xg6! ll:g7 (or l ...hxg6 2 'ii!'hS#) 2 xh7+ lllf8 3 g6 1-0

There's no good defence to the threat of 4 'ii!'hS+ .!!:gS 5 h6#.

489) Marache-Morphy
1...11Jg3! 0-1

White must lose his queen in view of the threat of 2 ... 11Jde2+ and of course it's mate after 2
'i!Vxg6 11Jde2#.
490) Evans-Bisguier
1 c6! 1-0

There's no defence in view of 1 ... 'i!!'xa3 2 l:txeS#.

491) Evans-Zuckerman
1 gs i1Jhs 2 d3 creates the decisive threat of capturing on h5: 2 ...e4 3 fl:xhs! gxhs 4 11Jxe4!

(even stronger than 4 xe4 'liVeS 5 xh7+ lllh8 6 f5+ l!lg8 7 'ii!'h7+ lllfS 8 xe6 fxe6 9 g6
'1Wg7 10 'i!!'xh5) 4 ... 'iil'f4 (or 4 ... f5 5 gxf6 exf6 6 l:tg1+ with a crushing attack) S 11Jf6+ exf6 6
xh7+ 11/hS 7 fs+1!/gs 8 'lii'h 7+ l!lfs 9 'iil'h8+ 1-0
It's mate with 9 ... 1!1e7 1 0 gxf6#.
492) Kotronias-King
1 'lii'h6! 1-0

It's mate after l . ..gxh6 2 11Jxh6#.

493) X3D Fritz-Kasparov
1 l!.xeS!! dxes (it's far from easy to prevent the exchange-winning threat of 2 .!!:e6; 1 ...11Jd4 2
Jtxd4 dxe5 3 'iil'xf8 exd4 transposes to the game) 2 '!iilxf8 11Jd4 (White is somewhat better
after 2 ... l:td7 3 'i!!'b8, but this was probably a better try) 3 xd4 exd4 4 l:te8 .!!:g8 5 'lii'e7+!
(neat) s ...l!.g7 6'iil' d 8 l'l:g8 7 'iil'd 7+ 1-0

The a-pawn will queen after 7...:!irg7 8 'liVeS .!!:gS 9 J:hgS 'i!!'xgS 10 'l!Vxb7+.
494) Palliser-Eggleston
1 l!.xf6! gxf6 2 'iil'd 7 l!lg8 3 'lli' h 7+ (even more effective is 3 'i!Ve6+ lll g7 4 'i!Ve7+1!/gS 5 h7+!
lilhS 6 g6) 3 ...1!/fS 4 'lli'h 8+ l!le7 5 'i!!'x b8 1-0

2 53

The C o m p lete C h e s s W o r k o u t

495) Gordon-Palliser
1 1llxg7! 1-0

White wins a key pawn in view of l...lhg7? 2 '!Wxh7+ Wf8 3 '!lilhS+ We7 4 Jtxf6+.
496) Tomashevsky-Popov
1 l:lxg6! 1-0

White's attack crashes through after 1 ... l:lxg6 2 Jtxf5 since 2 ...Jtxf5? 3 '!Wxf5 lil:ag8 4 '!Wxh5+
l:lh6 5 '1Wf7+ leads to mate.
497) Skoberne-Hari
1...1i:lxg3+! 2 1llxg3 :!!.x h2+! 3 Wxh2 lil:h8+ 4 1ll h 5 l:!xh5+ 5 Wg3 Jtf2+! 6 Wxg4 (or 6 l:lxf2
1Wxe5+ 7 Wxg4 '!Wg5#) 6 ....!i:h4+ 7 1!1g5 1i'e7# 0-1
498) Kokoi-Varini
1 1lldf7+! 1-0

It's mate after 1 ... '!Wxf7 (or l...Jtxf7 2 '!Wxh7#) 2 1llxf7+ Jtxf7 3 'IW6+ l:!g7 4 '!Wxg7#.
499) Jeric-Gombac
1...Jtb2+! 2 Wb1 (or 2 Wxb2 1llc4+ winning the white queen) 2 ...1llx b3 3 axb3 (the inclusion
of 3 '!We2 '1Wb6 makes no real difference) 3 ... '!Wxb3 gave Black a mating attack.
500) Radosavljevic-Marholev
1 1llxg6! 1-0

White has an overwhelming attack after I...l!lxg6 (or l ...lil:gS 2 '!lilhS+ l!lg7 3 1llxe7 '!Wxe6 4
li:lx5+ l!lfS S li:ld4+ winning the queen) 2 '!Wxf5+ Wh6 3 1i'xe4 '!Wxe6 4 l:!f5.
501) Mason-Gunsberg
1 '!Wxg6+! l!lhS (or l...Wxg6 2 lil:g3#) 2 Jtxf5 1-0

There's no defence to 3 '!Wxh6+ followed by mate.

502) Blagidze-Stein
1....ig4! 2 '!lild2 (or 2 hxg4 1i:lxg4 and 3 ... 1i'xh2#) 2 ... 1i:lf3+! 3 gxf3 '!Wg3+ 4 Jtg2 Jtxf3 0-1

Mate follows.
503) 'Aak'-Palliser

Black simplifies to a winning ending with 1 ...l:!xe4! 2 li:C3+ (or 2 1i'xe4? '!lilx2+ and
3 ... '!Wxg3) 2 ... 1!/bS 3 1i'xe4 '!Wxf2+ 4 l!lc1 '!lilf1+ 5 1!1d2 f!.xd5+! 6 l:ld3 (and not 6 1i'xd5 '!We2+ 7
l!lc1 '!We1+ 8 '!Wd1 1i'xdl#) 6 ...l:l:xd3+ 7 cxd3 (Black escapes the checks after 7 '!Wxd3 1i'xa1 8
1i'd6+ IlleS, such as with 9 '!IlleS+ l!ld7 10 '!Wd4+ l!le7 1 1 '!lilb4+ Wf6) 7 ...'!Wxa1 8 '!Wxg4 1i'xb2+.
504) 'La Vie en rose'-Palliser

White ns ihe queen with 1 lil:cS! l:!:xd5 (or l ... '!Wxc8 2 lile7+ l!lg7 3 1i:lxc8) 2 l:lxd8+ l:!:xd8 3
1Wa5 when his queenside majority should carry the day.
505) Gamzardia-Palliser
1...Jtxg3! 2 1:tg2 (or 2 hxg3 l:txg3+ 3 l:!:g2 1llf4 4 Jtxe6+ Wh8 5 l:lxg3 '!Wxg3+ 6 1!1f1 1i:lxe2 7
lllxe2 1i'xf3+ 8 \i<el e3 with an extra queen and a crushing attack) 2 ... Jtxh2+ 3 Wf1 (mate
follows after 3 \i<hl Jtf4+ 4 Wgl Jte3+) 3 ...exf3 0-1
506) Nakamura-Har Zvi
1 1llxe6! fxe6 (White wins a piece after 1 ...1i'c6 2 1llxf8 Wxf8 3 lil:d6) 2 xb6 '!Wxb6 (or 2... 1i'e7


S o l u tions

3 'i!Na4+ lil7 4 f:td7 winning the queen) 3 'ii'g6+ lile7 4 f5 (the huge threat of 5 f6+ is decisive)
4...il.d5 5 ll:xd5 ! 1-o
507) Sammour Hasbun-Petrosian
1 'i!Nxh7+! lilxh7 2 J:l.h4+ lilg7 3 l:tcg4# 1-0
508) Palliser-'Diliman12'
1 ll:xg7! lilxg7 (now the rook-lift is decisive, but White also wins after l...bxc3 2 ll:g4 'li'c7 3
li:lxc3!) 2 'li'g5+ lilhB 3 'ii'f6+ lilg8 4ll:f4 h5 5 'iWg5+ 1-0
509) Palliser-'Maratonac'
1 l:!xf6! lilxf6 (or 1 ...'1i'xf6 2 'li'h7#) 2 l:i:e1 (2 J:l.1+ lile7 3 1i:Jxf7+ is more than sufficient too)
2 ...l:th8 and now I should have finished with 3 'ii'f4+ lilg7 4 '11Vxf7+ lilh6 5 1i:Je6 (or even 5

li:Jf5+! lilxg5 6 ll:e6 l:tg8 7 h4+ leading to mate after 7...lilh5 8 g4+!).
510) Palliser-'NoMore'
1 il.xa6! wins a pawn since l...bxa6? 2 '11Vxa6+ lild7 (or 2...\li'bS 3 11lb5 '11Vd5 4 11:le5! and wins)

3 1i:Je5+ IiieS (3 . . .12lxe5 4 dxe5 costs Black his queen) 4 12lxc6 regains the piece with advan
511) Palliser-'Quike'
1 ll:xe7! ll:xe7? (losing a rook and getting mated in the bargain, although after 1...'11Vxe7 2
lhe7 l:txe7 3 'iWxf6 lild7 4 'l!i'd4 White's queen and three extra pawns easily outclass the
black rooks) 2 '11Vf8+ 1-0
512) Kochetkova-Lomako
1 'i!Nxh5+! 1-0

It's mate after l . ..gxh5 2 ll:xh5#.

513) Reipsch-Zuse
1 1i:lf4! sees the threat of 2 12lxe6 fxe6 3 '11Vg6# win material: 1...il.f7 (or l ...ex4 2 '11Vg6#) 2
li:Jxe5! 1-o

It's mate after 2 ...fxe5 3 ll:xe5+ li:lxe5 4 '11Vx d8#.

514) Henrichs-Namyslo
1 il.xg5! hxg5 2 'l!i'xg5! il.a5 (not the best defence, but White wins material after 2 ...'11Vxg5 3

li:lxg5+ l!lg6 4 11:lxf7 lilxf7 5 ll:le7+ lilf6 6 l:ixc7 and even 2 ... il.d7 3 'li'h5+ lilg7 4 '11Vh8+ l!lg6 5
ll:xb8 il.xb8 6 'i!Vxb8 leaves him with a crushing position) 3 'liVhS+ l!lg7 4 'lWh8+ lilg6 5 12le5+
'lii'xe5 6 ll:1xe5 ll:g7 7 l:txc8 1-0
515) Khantuev-Smallbone
1...li:xg2! 0-1

Disaster occurs on the long diagonal.

516) Timmins-Crouch
1 ll:h7+! lilg8 (and not l ...l!lxh7? when it's mate after 2 'iWb7+ l!lh6 3 'i!Vg7+ lilhS 4 'li'h7+ lilg4
5 '11Vxg6+ lilf4 - or 5 ...1!1h4 6 'l!i'h6+ - 6 'li'h6+ lilg4 7 'li'g5#) 2 ll:g7+ Yz-Yz

It's perpetual.
517) Bruce-Pafura

Instead of the game's l...'ii'h l+? 2 lilb2 12lb5? 3 il.eS when Black had to resign, 1 ... l:txc4!! 2
25 5

The C o m p lete C h e s s W o r k o u t

'li!'xc4 (and not 2 bxc4? when it's mate after 2...'1Wbl + 3 1l<d2 'li!'dl + 4 1l<e3 Jicd4+ 5 1l<f4 'li!'g4#)
2 ...'11Vh 1+ 3 1l<b2 (3 1l<d2 fails to 3 ... '11Vd l+ 4 1l<e3 1i'ld5+ when White must part with his queen)
3 ...1i'lb5+ 4 l:tc3 .txc3+ 5 1l<c2 1i'lxd6 would have left Black a piece ahead in the endgame.
518) 5mallbone-Marshall
1...1i'lf3+!! 2 1l<h1 (it's mate even faster after 2 gxf3 'li!'g5+) 2 ...'1i!'h4 3 gxf3 (now White is

mated on g2 or f3, but neither would 3 h3 have saved him in view of 3 ... 1i'lxh3! 4 g3 '11Vh5 5
ll<g2 1i'lf4+! 6 gxf4 'li!'g4+ 7 \l<hl 'li!'h3#) 3 ...'11Vh 3 0-1
519) Podgornei-Burt
1 ...l:txc4! (removing the key defender) 2 dxc4 .l:!a1+! 3 1l<xa1 'li!'a4+ 4 1f<b1 il'a2+ 0-1
520) Perryman-Brown
1 ...lba2! 2 d6 (White is mated after 2 1i<xa2 il'c4+ 3 Wxb2 - or 3 Wbl .!:!aS - 3 ...il'xb4+ 4 \t<cl
lilaS) 2 ...'1&'c4 3 il'xb6 l:tda8 0-1

It's mate down the a-file.

521) Palliser-5 ummerscale

White smashes open the black king position with 1 ii'lxe6! fxe6? (Black could have limped
on albeit in a somewhat worse position with l ...il'c6 2 1i'lxf8 1i'lxf8 3 litxfl I:!.dS) 2 il'xe6+:
2 ...\t<hS 3 il'xg6! (even stronger than the also decisive 3 il'e7 il'd8 4 e6+ li'lf6 5 il'xd8 litaxd8 6
e7) 3 ...1i'lf6 4 exf6 il'xh2+ 5 1i<xf1 il'h1+ (or 5 ...il'xg2+ 6 il'xg2 JiLxg2+ 7 \t<xg2 and White's
bishops dominate proceedings - that's what I call a raking bishop-pair!) 6 1i<e2 I:!.fe8+ 7
l!ld2 :!l:ad8+ 8 l!lc3 1-0
522) Burt-King
1 JiLxd6! JiLxd6 (or l ... liteS 2 il'xf7 JiLxd6 3 1i'le6+ lhe6 4 JiLxe6 with an overwhelming attack)
2 il'f6+ lf<c7 (White forces mate after 2... JiLe7 with 3 1i'lxc6+ Wc7 4 'liVeS+ lt<b7 5 ll:xd7+) 3
li'lb5+! (the main point of the initial sacrifice) 3 ... cxb5 4 'l!l'xd6+ Wb7 5 'lWxd7+ 1-0

Black's king is finally trapped and then mated after 5 ... l:i:c7 6 JiLd5+ WbS 7 1i'xb5+ lt<cS 8
'l!i'a6+ ll<ds 9 JiLf3+ lt<e8 1 0 il'd6.
523) Bruce-Palliser
1 axh6+! .txh6 2 'l!i'xh6+ lt<g8 (or 2 ...'1!Vh7 3 'li'xf8+) 3 :!i:c3 1-0

Black loses his queen.

524) Yates-Rose
1 lith8+! JiLxh8 (or 1 ...\l<xhS 2 'IIVh l+ li<gS 3 'li'h7#) 2 'li'h1 Se8 3 'lWh7+ ll<f8 4 'lWxf7# 1-0
525) Riley-Burt
1...'li'xa2+! 2 Wxa2 l:.a4+ 3 Wb1 .l:ta1# 0-1
526) 5 peelman-Burt
1...b2! forces a draw: 2 l:i:xd7 b1'li'+ 3 1l<g2 'li'e4+ 4 wf1 l:i:xf2+! (it's perpetual) 5 1i<xf2 'li'f3+ 6
l!le1 'li'e3+ Yz-Yz
527) Palliser-Henbest
1 i.d5! '11Vx d5 (or J ...lhe7 2 l:!:xe7 winning the queen in view of the mating 2 ... \!i'xdS 3
l:!:xg7+) 2 '11Vxe8 d3 3 'lll'c8 and White's extra queen was sufficient for victory.


S o l utions

S28) Palliser-Miller
1 1i:ld7+! (by no means the only way to win, but by far the most clinical) 1.-.ll:xd7 2 'i!Ve8+!
.ltxe8 3 l:l.xe8# 1-0
S29) Lostuzzi-Spada
1.. .ll:xh3+! 0-1

Black forces mate after 2 li<xh3 'i!Vg4+ 3 1l<h2 'i!Vh5+.

530) Schulten-Kieseritzky
1...'11Vx h3+!! 2 Wxh3 1Lle3+ 3 Wh4 1Llf3+ (another attractive finish is 3 ... g5+ 4 lilh5 il.g4+ 5
lilh6 il.fS#) 4 1!/h s il.g4# o-1
S31) Margiotta-Chen
1 .ltxh7+! lilxh7 2 1LlgS+ il.xgs 3 hxgS+ lilg8 4 '1Wxg4 left White a pawn ahead with a very

strong attack.
S32) Donskov-Prokuronov
1...il.xg2! 2 '1We3 (White's king is eventually mated mid-board after 2 1lixg2 S:g8+ 3 lilf3

J:l:h3+ 4 \!le4 - or 4 lilf4 '1Wxf5# - 4 ... d5+ 5 We5 'i!Vc7+ 6 llld4 e5+ 7 lllxd5 J:i:d8+ 8 lile4 J:l:d4#)
2 ....1tc6! 01

Black has an overwhelming attack after 3 ftg2 (or 3 'i!Vxc5 J:l:hl#) 3 ... '11Vxf5.
SH ) Malofeev-Fedoseev
1 1Llxg7! removed a key pawn: 1...1!1xg7 2 ll:b3 '!Was 3 ll:g3 lilh8 4 l:txd8! '1Wxd8 S 'liVes 'i!Vd1+ 6
S.f1 1-0

Mate follows.
S34) Mustaps-Somova
1 1Lle6+! fxe6 (otherwise the black queen is lost) 2 '1Wxe6 1-0

There's no defence to the mate threats on f7 and h6.

53S) Fedoseev-Khamidulin
1...'i!Vf2! 2 'i!Vc3+ (the queen is immune: 2 J:l:xf2 ftdl+ mates) 2 .. .'g8 3 J:l:g1 l:l.d1 0-1

There's no defence along the first rank.

S36) Strenzwilk-Thaler
1 '1Wxh7+! lilxh7 2 ll:hS# 1-0
S37) Dimitrov-Janev
1...S.c2+! 2 '11Vxc2 (or 2 lild5 1Lle3+ 3 Wxd6 'i!Vxf4+ 4 We7 1Llf5+ S lile8 il.a4+ winning a mon
strous amount of material) 2 ... '11Ve 3+ 0-1

It's mate after 3 1l<xf5 '1We6#.

538) Sokolov-Bologan
1...S.xg2+! 0-1

Mate follows with 2 1l<xg2 'i!Vg3+ 3 \llfl (or 3 \llh l 'l!Vxh3#) 3 ... 'l!Vgl#.
539) Bologan-Jakovenko
1...J:I:xg6! 2 1Llxg6 (or 2 ll:xg6 S.xeS trapping the rook) 2 ...'l!Vb8! 0-1

White cannot both prevent mate and save his rook.


The C o m p l e t e Chess W o r k o u t

540) Brugo-Grosse Honebrink

ti:lf3+! 2 J:!xf3 '1Wxh2+ 3 111f1 i.xgs 4 ti:lxgS (or 4 ti:l2g3 "llfu4 5 gl f5 with an extra pawn
and some initiative) 4.. .'lil'h1+ 5 ti:lg1 ftxe1+ 6 xe1 '1Wxg1+ picks up the exchange.

541) Erneker-Meijers
i.xb3+! 0-1


l ...'i'xb3+! comes to the same thing: Black is two pawns up in the ending after l . ..xb3+ 2
'iil'xb3+ 11Vxb3+ 3 xb3 .l:txd2.
542) Babula-Biatny
fl.h8+! g7 (and not l ...xh8? 2 'Llf7+ g7 3 ti:lxg5) 2 lbb8 wins a piece.


543) Padurariu-Tutulan
1 'iii'dB+! 1-0

Mate follows with l ...ti:lxd8 2 fl.xd8+ f7 3 l:tf8#.

544) Palliser-Ellison
i.xdS+! 1-0


More aesthetic would have been l ...cxd5 2 i.xd5+ fl.e6 3 i.xe6#, although it's mate in three
in either case.
545) Bak-Palliser
:J. ti:lg3+! 0-1

White must give up his queen and the exchange on d4 to avoid mate after 2 hxg3 11Vg5 in
view of 3 g4 11Vh4#.
546) Rogic-Bulatovic
f6+1 wins the exchange on h8 in view of l...xf6? 2 11t'd4#.


54 7) Plenca-Saric
1... 11Vd2! 0-1

Black wins a rook since it's mate after 2 'lil'xd2 fl.xfl#.

548) Vaganian-Gallagher
1...ti:lxg3! 2 hxg3 'l!l'xg3+ 3 h1 lii:d 3! '/2-Yz

Now that ti:lh2 defences have been negated, it's perpetual after 4 'lil'xd3 11Vh3+ 5 gl 'lil'g3+.
549) Sandipan-Nisipeanu
1...'l!l'd4+! (forcing the white king to a worse square and thereby making the tactics work) 2
f1 (or 2 hl il'xc3! 3 xc3 l:l:xdl+ 4 el fl.xel#) 2 ...i.xb3! 3 'l!l'xb3 (White is also defence
less after 3 'lil'b2 i.c4+) 3 ... 'l!l'xd2 4 'lil'xb6 J:!:xc3 0-1
5 50) Kasparov-Chuchelov
1 ll:xh7! xh7 (or l ...'li!'g6 2 J:!:dhl ti:ld4 - 2 ... 'lil'xd6 3 'l!l'xe4 is crushing - 3 c5! and White wins
since 3...ti:lxc2? 4 c4+ forces mate) 2 xf8 'li!'xf8? (now White finishes with a flurry, al
though otherwise he is a pawn ahead and still with good attacking chances) 3 'lil'xe4+ lllg8
4 'lil'ds+ 1-o

4.. .'lil'f7 5 il'xf7+ xf7 6 fl.xd7+ lllg6 7 J:!:xb7 regains the piece with a trivially winning end



551) Parker-Rasmussen
1 l:i.xg7! forces mate: 1...111xg7 2 .li<xe8+ lllg8 3 "li'xh7# 1-0
552) Borriss-Pa lliser
1...1i:lxb2! 2 Wxb2 "li'xa3+ 3 111<3 (or 3 Wc2 "li'a2+ 4 Wd3 "li'xb3+ S llle2 l:f.a2+ 6 ll:d2 "li'xdS and
two pawns ahead, Black should be winning) 3 .. Jl.b8! (the most precise; 3...ll:c8+ 4 Wd2
'llib4+ 5 We2 B:c3 6 'liVd4 enables White to put up some resistance) 4 "li'd4? (not the best de

fence; instead 4 ll:b1 J:f.c8+ 5 Wd3 "li'a6+ reveals the main point of Black's combination, leav
ing White's king devoid of a good square; however, perhaps White might have tried 4 ll:d3,
although Black can at least reach a two-pawn up ending with 4 ...l:txb3+ 5 Wd2 "li'a2+ 6 11/el
ll.bl+ 7 B:dl Sxdl+ 8 11/xdl "li'xdS+) 4 ... "li'xb3+ 5 Wd2 ll:b4 6 "li'e3 "li'xd5+ 7 We2 'liVg2+ 0-1
553) Palliser-Zhigalko
1...ll.xh3+! 2 gxh3 "li'e4+ 0-1

White both loses his queen and will be mated after 3 11/gl (or 3 Wh2 J:l.d2+ 4 \llg3 l:tg2#)
3...:!i:g5+ 4 Wh2 i:!.g2+ 5 11/hl 'I!Vxc6.
554) Miller-Murray-Smith
1 .li<xg7! .li<xg7? (Black is also crushed after l.. . .li<xh4? 2 "li'g4! hS 3 "li'xh4 111xg7 4 f6+, but he
might have restricted his losses to that of an exchange with l...ll:e3 2 "li'xe3 .li<xg7) 2 f6 "li'xf6
3 ll.xf6 ll:e6 4 1Df5 1-0
555) Bronstein-Krogius
1 li!:xf6! (not the only way to win, but by far the simplest as Black now loses his queen)
1...'1!\'xf6 2 li:ld7 1-0
556) Voicu-Taras
1...1i:lxb2! 2 Wxb2 .li<xc3+ removed a key defensive pawn.
557) Palliser-Surtees

Rather than the game's 1 "li'dl ?, 1 .li<h4+! J:f.xh4 (Black is mated after both l ...Wg6 2 'I!Vxe6+
lllh7 3 1!\'xfS+ Wg8 4 "li'f7+ lllh 7 5 'I!Vxg7# and l...gS 2 fxgS+ lilxgS 3 'llVf7+ IlleS 4 'lil'e7+ lile6 5
f6#) 2 "l!\'xa8 would have won the black queen with an overwhelming advantage.
558) Goloshcha pov-Belov
1 l:txe5! i:!.xd2 (l ...'iWxeS 2 1!1'xd8+ lllg7 3 f6+ also leads to mate) 2 .l:i.e8+ lll g7 3 f6+ lll h6 4 g5+

It's mate with 4 ...11/hS 5 .li<f3#.

559) Bocharov-Babiy
1 l'ixf8+! "l!l'xf8 2 1ilg6+ 1-0

Black's queen is lost in view of 2... !'1xg6 3 'llVxf8+.

560) Nepomniachtchi-Kurnosov
1 l'1xb2! 'llVxb2 2 1ilg4 leaves Black unable to defend on the kingside: 2 ...'1lVc1+ 3 11ih2 a3 (or

3...h5 4 1ilh6+ Wh7 S li:lxf7 ll:g8 6 1i:lg5+ ll:xgS 7 hxgS when the queen and pawns combine to
force mate) 4 1Dh6+ (missing the even more precise 4 f4!) 4...'1lVxh6 5 'ilt'xh6 1-0
White is winning easily after 5 .. .6 6 'll!'e3 l'ia8 7 'I!Vb3+ Wf8 8 'll!'b7.
561) Rublevsky-Bologan
1...ll:xf3! 2 "l!l'xf3 (White must give up his queen after 2 gxf3 .li<x3+, while 2 l:txf2 ll:xb3


The C o m p lete C h e s s W o r k o u t

leaves Black a clear piece ahead) 2 ...'11Yx d2! 3 '11Yxg4 (Black again emerges a piece up after 3
l:l:xd2 ll:cl+ 4 J:i:dl li1.xdl+ 5 'liVxdl xdl) 3 ...ll:c1 0-1
Serious material losses are unavoidable due to White's weak back rank.
562) Bologan-Van Haastert
1 '11Yx h5+! gxh5 (or 1 ...1!/gS 2 '11Yxg6 with an overwhelming attack) 2 ii:lf6+! xf6 3 l:i:xh5# 1-0
563) Shabalov-Krush
1 ii:ld4+! exd4 (now it's mate, but otherwise Black's queen is lost) 2 l:l.g5+ l!lf4 3 '11Yxd6+ l!le3
4 '11Yxd4# 1-0
564) Colautti-Burijovich
1 ...ii:le3+! 2 '11Yxe3 '11Yxe1 3 ii:lf3 '11Vh 1 wins the exchange.
565) Garro Beraza-Estevez Pegenaute
1 xg6! hxg6 (or 1 ...1!/hS 2 xeS 'IIYxeS 3 g7+ with an overwhelming attack) 2 '11Vxg6+ lilh8
3 g7+ 1-0

Now it's mate, but actually even faster is 3 fS.

566) Garro Beraza-Kuende Gorostidi
1..J!h1+! 0-1

It's mate with 2 1!/xhl '11Vh4+ 3 \llg l '11Vh2#.

567) Yrjola-Riesco Lekuona
1 l:txe6+! 1-0

Mate follows with 1 ...1!1xe6 (or 1...1!/dS 2 'IIYhS+ l!lc7 3 aS+ l!lc6 4 a4#) 2 fl.el+ e4 3
lhe4+ 'l!Vxe4 4 '11Yf6#.
568) Schrocker-Stahlberg
1...'l!Vxh4! 0-1

It's mate after 2 gxh4 ii:lh3#.

569) Dominguez-lturrizaga
1...ll:xh2+! 2 l:i:xh2 '11Ye 1+ 0-1

Mate follows with 3 l!lg2 l:!:xh2#.

570) Leon Hoyes-Dominguez
1 '11Yh8+! l!lxh8 2 ii:lxf7+ 1-0

It's mate with 2.. .'g8 3 ii:lh6#.

571) Rodrigues-Molina
1...'l!Vxc2+! 2 lilxc2 f5+ 3 1iic 1 (or 3 \llc3 l:i:c4#) 3 ...ii:ld3+ 4 l!lb1 ii:lxf2+ wins at least a piece.
572) Graf-Carlsen
1 c6! 1-o

Black has no satisfactory defence to 2 l::i:d8+ and cannot avoid losing a piece.
573) Reinaldo Castineira-Caselas Cabanas
1 fl.dd7! leaves Black defenceless: 1...ii:lxd7 2 '11Yxa6+ 1-0

It's mate with 2...bxa6 3 rl.a7#.


574) Santos-Navarrette
1 'ii'xg7+! 1-0

Mate follows on the back rank after l...f!:xg7 2 l:!:d8+.

575) Farago-Grooten
1...Sxh3+! 2 gxh3 g2+! 3 xg2 'ii'g5+ 0-1

It's mate after 4 h2 (or 4 hl 'ii'g3) 4 ... jcf4+ 5 hl '!!Vg3 and ... 'ii'h 2#.
576) Arakhamia Grant-Hanley
1 1i:lxg7! (those seeking something more flashy can be reassured that 1 li:lh6+! hS

l...gxh6 2 jcxf6 and mate down the g-file - 2 jcxf6 gxf6 3 1i:lxf7+ g8 4 'iil'd5 also does the
business) 1... .ltxg7 2 jcxf6 .ltxf6 3 'ii'xf6 'ii'xd3 (or 3 ...'ii'b3 4 li!:a5 and a rook-lift decides in
any case) 4 'ii'xf7+ h8 5 'i!l'f6+ g8 6 .!i:f5 1-0
577) Sagalchik-Krush
1...1i:lxb2!! 2 li!:xe6 (an immediate 2 xb2 loses to 2 ... jcxe2; for example, 3 li!:xe6 .ltxc3+ 4 c2

'ii'b4 5 li!:xe2 jcel+ 6 d3 :Sc3+ 7 12lxc3 li!:xc3# or 3 'ii'd2 .ltxfl 4 J::!.xfl jcxc3+ 5 1i:lxc3 J:l.xc3 6
'i!l'xc3 li!:xc3 7 xc3 aS with a winning ending) 2 ...'ii'd 7 3 xb2 (or 3 li!:f3 12\a4 4 d2 .ltxe2 5
xe2 1i:lxc3+ 6 12lxc3 .ltxc3 7 f2 jcxd4+ 8 g3 .ltg7 with some advantage for Black)
3...3<xe2 4 l:txe2 (this loses, but improvements are hard to suggest; for example, 4 .!l:cl .ltd3
and Black retains a rather strong attack) 4 ...'iil'b 5 5 .!l:c2 (now White loses her queen, but 5
cxb4 'i!l'xe2+ 6 al 'i!l'xg2 7 l:tf8 'ii!'xg4 also wins) 5 ... .ltf8+ 0-1
578) Menchik-Graf
1 l:d7! 1-0

After l...'i!l'xd7, 2 'ii'xhS! forces mate in view of 2 ...gxh5 3 jch7#.

579) Cohen Gomez-Dizdar
1...1i:lg3+! 0-1

It's mate after 2 hxg3 'likh3#.

580) Narciso Dublan-Lazaro Porta
1 'i!l'xh7+1 1-0

It's mate with l ...xh7 2 l:l:h3+ g8 3 li!:h8#.

581) Wan Yunguo-Liang Chong
1 1i:lxg6! hxg6 (or l ...'ii'f6 2 1i:lxf8+ xf8 with an extra exchange) 2 'i!l'xg6+ h8 3 'iil'h6 + g8
4 3<g5 1-o

Black must lose his queen in view of 5 jcf6.

582) Xiu Oeshun-Du Shan
1 1i:lf6+! gxf6 2 .ltxb7 1-0

White wins the exchange on aS in view of 2 ... 'ii'xb7? 3 'ii'g4+ h8 4 jcxf6#.

583) Allison-Hopwood
1 1Zle7+! 1-0

It's mate after 1 ...12\xe7 2 'ii'xc8+ li:lxc8 3 J::!.xc8#.

584) Hopwood-Newitt
1 xh7+! (full marks too for 1 exf6 which wins a piece since l . . . .ltxd l? is mated by 2 .ltxh7+
and 3 1i:lg6#) 1.. .12\xh7 and now White neglected to play 2 'ii'x d5+ when Black is crushed

2 61

Th e C o m p l e te C h e s s W o r k o u t

after 2 ...il.e6 3 1iJgxe6 liJb4 4 '!Wb3.

585) Garma- 5 hanmugam
1 'll!"xh7+! 1-0

It's mate with l . ..li<xh7 2 li:h5#.

586) Tarjan-Karpov
1 ...l:ie3+! 0-1

It's mate after 2 fxe3 'll!"g3#.

587) Ovod-Hou Yifan
1 .. J:t8e3! 2 1iJxe3 l:l:xe3 gives Black a winning attack: 3 ll:ce2 'll!"xh3+ 4 >li'g1 ll:g3+ 5 ll:g2
liJf3+ 6 >li'f1 'lli"h 1+ 7 >li>f2 'i'xg2+ 0-1
588) Gunina-Zhao Xue

overloads White's defence of b2: 2 :!l:b1 (2 1bxf2 fails to 2 ... 'i'xb2#) 2 ... 1ba5 0-1
The threat of 3...1iJb3# is terminal (2 ... 1bd4 comes to the same thing).
1... li:f2!

589) Nebolsina-Gromova
1 'i'h8+! 1-0

It's mate with l ... >li'xh8 2 :!l:xh5+ >li'g8 3 J:l:h8#, although this solution is sadly cooked: 1 l:l:e8!
also does the business.
590) Alsina Leai-Mirzoev
1 ...i<xf2+! 2 >li'h2 (or 2 >li'xf2 'i'el#) 2 ... il.xg3+ 3 Wxg3 'lli"el+ (even faster is 3... 'i'e5+ 4 Wxg4
'!Wf4+ 5 Wh5 'li"h4#) 4 >li'h2 g3+ o-1

Mate follows with 5 >li'h3 'li"hl+ 6 >li'xg3 '!Wh4+ 7 Wf3 1ii'f4#.

591) Fischer-Myagmarsuren
1 'i'xh7+! 1-0

It's mate after l . . .>li'xh7 2 hxg6+ Wxg6 (or 2 ... Wg8 3 J:l:h8#) 3 i<e4#.
592) Player-Fegan
1 ...1iJf2+! 2 >li'g1 (or 2 .!i:xf2 l:l:el+) 2 ... 1iJh3+ 3 >li'h1 'lli"g1+! 4 :!l:xg1 1iJf2# 0-1
593) Plasgura-Feller
1 i<xh7+! >li'xh7 2 1iJg5+ >li'g8 (the best defence since both 2 ... >1i'g6? 3 1ii'd3+ f5 4 1bf4+! >li'xg5 5
'!Wg3+ and 2 ... >1i'h6 3 1ii'd 3! quickly culminate in mate) 3 'lli"d 3 g6? (a much better defence is

3 ...:!l:e8, although 4 '!Wh7+ Wf8 5 '!Wh5! liJdS - or 5 ... 1bdxe5 6 dxe5 1bxe5 7 il.e3 "iilb5 8 '!Wh8+
>li'e7 9 'i'xg7 with strong attacking chances - 6 'i'h8+ >li'e7 7 'i'xg7 :!l:8 8 a3 1ii'a5 9 1bh7 >li'e8
1 0 il.g5 leaves White with the initiative and some advantage, not least due to his passed h
pawn) 4 'lli"h 3 1-0
Mate follows on h7 (or f7 should the 8-rook move).
594) Gantsevich-5 mirnov
1 1i:lf7+! liJxf7 (or l ... 'lli"xf7 2 il.xf7 i<xh4 3 i<xe8 with an extra exchange) 2 'lli"xf6+ >li'g8
(White wins a piece after 2... 'i'g7 3 'lli"xf7) 3 il.h6! 1-0

Black loses his queen in view of 3 ... 1ii'xh6 4 il.xf7+ >li'f8 5 il.e6#.
595) Glazov-Stroganov
1...'i'xb2+! 0-1



It's mate after 2 :!l:xb2 l:i:e1 #.

596) Kulikov-Gogin
1 1i:lxe6! 1-0

Black's queen is lost since White threatens mate on c7 and l ... fxe6 fails to 2 'lil'xe6+ followed
by mate.
597) Malakhov-Nikiforov
1 l:i:xg7! 1-0

Mate follows after l.. ..ll:xg7 2 '11Yxh6+ l:th7 3 '11Vxf6+.

598) Popov-Ponkratov
1 l:!:xc6! bxc6 2 b7+ ll<xb7 (or 2 ... 1lib8 3 1i:lxc6+ ll<xb7 4 i:!.bl+ ll<a8 5 'illb6 followed by mate) 3
i:!.b1+ ll<aS (neither is Black's cause helped by either 3...11<c7 4 1i:lb5+ ll<b7 5 'ill'e7+ ll<b6 6
li:lc3+ or 3...ll<c8 4 i<xg4+ ll<c7 5 'illb6#) 4 li!:b4 1-0

Black can no longer defend c6.

599) Chadaev-Lanin
1...1i:lc3+! 2 bxc3 l:i:xd1 3 'lil'xd1 'lil'xc3 4 1i:les .ltxes forced White to give up the exchange
with s J:txes 'lil'xes.
600) Potemkin-Aiekhine
1...1i:lxd4! 2 gxfS (White only chance was to try 2 f4, although Black retains a large advan

tage after 2 ... 'ill'd 7 in view of 3 xd3? li:lf5+; as he does too after 2 1i:lxd4 e5+ 3 f4 'ill'xd4)
2 ...1i:lxfs+ o-1

Mate follows with 3 11<g4 h5+ 4 1lih3 li:lf2#.

601) Airapetian-Burtasova
1... l:tg1+! 2 lllx g1 'ill'xf3 and the extra queen prevailed.
602) Kurilov-Urjubdshzirov
1 1i:lxg7! wins a pawn in view of l...lllx g7 (or l . . . .ltxd3 2 xd3 11<xg7 3 i<xf6+ lllxf6 4 d4+

regaining the piece with some advantage in view of 4 ...11<f5? 5 g4#) 2 ..lixe4 dxe4? 3 icxf6+
ll<xf6 4 'ill'xd7.
603) Andreikin-Lanin
1 'ill'xg7+! .!l:xg7 2 l:i:fS+ 1-0

It's mate next move.

604) Sevillano-Stripunsky
1..Jbd6! 2 '11Vx d6 .lies 3 li!:h4 (desperately trying to avert mate on h2 and there was nothing
better) 3 ... Jcxg2+! 0-1

White loses the exchange after 4 \llgl xh4 5 'lil'xe5 ..lixfl 6 .ltxfl or his queen following 4
lllxg2 'ill'g5+ and 5 ...Jcxd6.
605) Kaidanov-lvanov
1 h6! fxeS 2 il.xe7 1i:lxe7 (or 2...'11Vxd4 3 hxg7 1i:lxe7 4 gxf8'11+ ll<xf8 5 '11Yh6+ with an over
whelming attack) 3 l:txg7+ lllh 8 4 gS 1-0

White threatens 5 .!l:h7# and after 4 ... l:ig8 5 'ill'xe7 the mate threat on h7 continues to decide.


Th e C o m p l e te C h e s s Work o u t

606) Ehlvest-Pruess
1 1Dc7! costs Black at least an exchange in view of l . . .IL\xc7 2 .ltc3 winning the queen.
607) Anderson-Root
1 .ltxg6! fxg6 2 'lll'xg6+ lilfB 3 'lll'xh6+ 111 gB 4 Sf3 (White has a mating attack) 4... l:!h7 5 'lll'g6+
608) Plunkett-Latino
1 frh8+! 1-0

It's mate after 1 ... .ltxh8 2 'lll'h3 l:tfd8 3 'lll'h7+ lilfS 4 'lll'xf7#.
609) Akobian-Perelshteyn
1 ...J:txe3! 2 .ltd4 (White is crushed after 2 fxe3 1Zle4! since 3 fxe4 xc3+ forces him to part
with his queen as 4 lilf2 allows mate: 4...'11l'h4+ S lilgl 'lll'g5+ 6 lilf2 'lll'g2#) 2 ..J!.e8 and Black
retained excellent attacking chances. The game concluding 3 l:tg1 1Zlhs 4 'lll'd 2 ll:a4 5 0-0-0
'lieS+ 6 lilb1 fS+ 7 lila1 'li'c2 0-1
610) Shulman-Krush
1 g4! 'li'f4 2 'lies+ 'li'xes 3 dxes+ lilg6 4 hS# 1-0
611) Bayaraa-Veal
1 1Zlxh7! 1-0

It's mate after l .. lilxh7 (or l...'li'b4 2 .ltd2 'lll'xd4 3 'lll'h6 when mate follows) 2 'lll'h4+ 'lll'h6 3

612) Pitson-Fraser
1 ... .ltxh3+! 2 lilxh3 (or 2 lilg3 'li'd7!? - simple and strong is 2 ... .ltxf1 - 3 'llle
l 2 1Zlxf3! 4 'li'x3

.lieS+ S .ltf4 ll:f8 6 0e2 gS with a strong attack which should at least regain the material
with interest) 2 ...1Zlxf3 (now White can only avoid mate by giving up his queen) 3 'llle
l 2
'llllh4+ 4 lilg2 'lll'g4+ 0-1
613) Bellon Lopez-Berg
1 e6! 'li'e7 (mate occurs after both l...fxg6 2 'llllxg6 and l .. .fxe6 2 'liVeS!) 2 exf7 axb3 3 'lllx
l h6+!
gxh6 4 ll:xg8# 1-0
614) Gagarin-Andersson
1 1Zlxf7! ll:xf7 (l...lilh7 2 0e6 I:txf7 3 1Zlxc5 ll:c7 4 .lta3 and White emerges ahead on material

because of 4... aS? S .ltxb4 axb4 6 .Sxc2 I:txc5 7 .ltgS+!) and now White missed the cleanest
continuation of 2 c3 (the game's 2 .ltxf6 gxf6 3 1Zld5 b5! 4 1Zlxf6+ would not have been so
bad at all for Black after 4... lilg7 S IDeS+ lilf8 6 .ltxf7 lilxf7 7 1Zlc7 bxa4 8 bxa4 aS) 2 ... d3 (the
only way to save the bishop) 3 .ltxf7+ lilxf7 4 xf6 .ltd6!? 5 .ltd4 1Zla2 6 li:a1 1Zlb4 7 1Zla8
with a clear extra exchange.
615) Palliser-Cable
1 .ltxh6! wins a pawn: l ...gxh6? 2 'llllxh6+ lilgS 3 'IIVxhS regains the piece, leaving White two

pawns ahead and still with good attacking chances.

616) Jasny-Palliser
1 1Zlh6+! lilh8 (or 1 ... gxh6 2 'li'e6#) 2 'ill'e 6 1-0

Even 2....lte7 doesn't save Black in view of the smothered mate: 3 'lll'g8+! J:l:xg8 4 1Zlf7#.


Sol utions

617) Bernardino-Dragicevic
1 xg7! xg7 (otherwise 2 xf6+ or 2 1i'h8+ li<f7 3 1i'h7 decides) 2 l:l:xg7+! ll<xg7 3 fig1+
ltf8 4 'iil'h 7 1-0

Mate follows on gS.

618) Borosova-Newrkla
1 f6! gxf6? (or 1 ... 'iil'e6 2 fxg7 l:l:g8 3 ll:h3 and h6 decisively falls) 2 1Llxh6! 1-0

It's mate after 2 ... 1i<xh6 3 l:l:f5 or 3 ll:h3+.

619) Short-Ye Jiangchuan
1 'iil'xh7+! 1-0

It's mate after 1 ...1i<xh7 2 ll:h3+ h4 (or 2 ... \l<g7 3 h6+ lilh8 4 f8+ h4 5 ll:xh4#) 3 litxh4+
l!ig7 4 h6+ li<h7 5 fS#.
620) Sild-Piarnpuu
1...'iil'xf3! 0-1

It's mate after 2 gxf3 x3#.

621) Shvyrjov-Gansvind
1...ll:xa3+! 0-1

Mate follows with 2 xa3 l:l:a2#.

622) Miezis-Lelumes
1 'iil'f5+! 1-o

White wins a piece, either on g4 or after 1...xf5 2 exf5+ lilf7 3 xc6.

623) Mikenas-Bronstein
1...l:ixa3! 0-1

White cannot both save his queen and prevent mate on the back rank.
624) Grabuzova-Batyte
1 l:l:xf7+! li<xf7 2 'iil'c7+ 1-0

Mate is forced: 2 ...1!16 (2 .. :il;>f8 3 'iil'dS+ li<f7 4 e6+ transposes) 3 'lil'dS+ lilf7 4 e6+ ll<g6 5
'lil'e8+ 'illg5 6 'lig8+ 'ill f6 7 'lif7+ >lieS 8 'lif5#.
625) Stephenson-Humphries
1 lhf7+! lilg8 (Black loses his queen after 1 ...l:l:xf7 2 iile6+ and 3 1Llxc7) 2 l:tg7+! (a nice
touch) 2 ...1!ih8 (2 ...'illxg7 3 1Lle6+ again wins the queen, while 2...1Llxg7 fails to 3 'lixh7#) 3
l!.xh7+ ll<g8 4 .i:[g7+ li<h8 5 ll:xg6 1-0

White's attack is absolutely crushing after 5 ... 1Lldf6 6 l:!:fl.

626) Stisis-Lundvik
1 l:lc5! 'lil'xf3 2 ll:xc8# 1-0
627) Lener-Trap I
1...l:lxc2+! 2 l':!.xc2 (it's also mate after 2 'ille 1 1Llg2+ 3 'illf l - or 3 \l<dl 'lixd3# - 3...'1Wxf2#)
2...'ii!'xd3+ 3 1ile1 1Llg2# 0-1
628) Svarc-Vokac
1...1Llxg3+! 0-1

Mate follows after 2 hxg3 l:l:xe2.


The C o m p l e t e C h e s s W o r k o u t

629) Geller-Langeweg
1 i<xf7+! 1-0

White wins an exchange either on e8 or with l ... ll<xf7 2 "l!i'b3+ !.e6 3 11Jg5+.
630) Stephenson-Rayner
1 1hb2! :!:txd7 (or l . ..'l!i'xb2 2 i<d4+ 'lli'xd4+ 3 l:txd4 l:f.xd4 4 'liVeS+ l:l:f6 5 'lil'xf6#) 2 i<d4+! .!l:g7
(the al-h8 diagonal is also the deciding factor after 2 ... l:txd4 3 'lli'e5+) 3 l:txb7 i<f7 4 .!l:xf7 1-0
631) Foisor-Pavlovic
1 :!:th4+! 1-0

It's mate after l...gxh4 2 g4#.

632) Volokitin-Kravtsiv
1 i<xg7! ll<xg7 (White has a winning attack after l . ..l:tfe8 2 i<f6 and 1...16 2 i<xh6 l:tf7 3 i<b3
is rather strong too) 2 'lli'g 3+ ll<h7 3 'lil'f4 1-0

It's mate after 3 .. .15 4 'lli'xh6+ ll<g8 5 'lli'h8+ li<f7 6 :!:th7+ l!lg6 7 :!:th6+ l!lg5 (or 7... 11<17 8 'lli'h7#) 8
h4+ l!lg4 9 i<dl+ ll<f4 1 0 'lli'd4#.
633) Schlechter-Meitner
1 g4+! fxg4 (or l...Wh4 2 'lli'xh6+! 'lli'xh6 3 1li'h2 fxg4 4 hxg4 transposing) 2 hxg4+ l!lh4 3
l h6+! ii'xh6 (otherwise Black loses his queen) 4 1li'h21 1-0

There's no good defence to 5 i<f2#.

634) Spielmann-Hoenninger
1 1iJe7+! 'lli'xe7 2 'lli'x h7+! lli'xh7 3 l:thS+ Wg8 4 l:th8# 1-0
635) Azarov-Zherebukh
It's back-rank mate: 1 'lli'xg7+! .!l.xg7 2 l:re8+ 1-0
636) Tadic-Solak
1 i<b6+! axb6 2 'l!i'xb6+ We7 3 ii'cs+ l!ld8 4 i<bs+ liJd7 S ll:xd7+ We8 6 l:td1# 1-0
637) Solak-Arsovic
1 l:te8! 1-0

The rook is immune due to l...'l!i'xe8 2 'lli'f6#, while l...'l!i'g5 2 'lii'xf7 is crushing.
638) lvanisevic-Pikula
1 ...ii'd1+! 0-1

Black emerges the exchange ahead after 2 l:txdl :ctxdl+ 3 Wh2 i<d6+ 4 'l!i'xd6 l:txd6.
639) Pham Minh-Tran Quoc Ding
1 l:tf4+! lbc2 2 J:lg8+ lli'hs 3 afs+ 1-0

Mate follows after 3 ...Wh4 4 g3+ Wxh3 5 l:rh5+.

640) Spalding-Robertson
1 l:txc7! l:td8 (with the point that Black loses his queen after l ...'lii'xc7 2 11Jxe6+), and now the
simplest win is 2 :!:txf7+ Wg6 3 .!l:f6+!.
641) Naiditsch-Ftacnik
1 ...:!:th1+! 0-1

White's queen is lost after 2 Wxhl 'ilfxf2.


S o l u t ions

642) Krasenkow-Markowski
1 1i::igf6+! i.xf6 (it's immediate mate after l ...li:xf6 2 1i:le7#) 2 l:txg5! 1-0

Black loses his queen due to White's pressure down the h-file.
643) Belsitzman-Rubinstein
l...'ii'xh2+! 0-1

It's mate after 2 1i<xh2 hxg3+ 3 \!<gl :Shl#.

644) Leniart-Gdanski
l...'ii'xbl! 2 :!ixbl l:i:xb1 3 'ii'f2 (now it's mate, but after 3 i.xbl li::if l+ 4 \!<gl li::ixd2 Black is a
rook up) 3 ... Shl# 0-1
645) Gajewski-Aieksandrov
1 i.xh7+! li::ix h7 (or 1 ...1!/fS 2 i.d3 with an extra pawn and a clear advantage) 2 'ii'xf7+ (the

choice of a human, although the machine points out that 2 1i::ixf7!? 'l!llc7 3 1i:lxd6 'ii'xc3+ 4
ll<e2 'ii'b2+ 5 \!ld3 might have been even stronger) 2 ... \!<hB 3 'i1Vh5 l:!.h6 (3 ... '1!11xg5 fails to 4
'lilieS+ li::if8 5 'ii'xf8+ l!lh7 6 '11Vx d6) 4 1i:lf7+ l!lg8 s li::ixh6+ gxh6 6 '11Vg6+ li<h8 7 'i1Vxh6 left White
better with a rook and three pawns for the two pieces.
646) L'Ami-Smeets
1 1Lixd5! li::ix d5 (or l....!hd5 2 li:xd5 1i:lxd5 3 '11Vg6+ \!IdS 4 'ii'f7 :!ie8 5 li:xd5+! and wins as in
the game) 2 illg6+ l!ld8 3 '11Vf7 li:e8 (Black also drops his queen after 3 ...li:h8 4 b4 l:tcl 4...li:b5 5 a4 - 5 b5 l::Xd l + 6 ll:xdl 'ii'xb5 7 l:i:xd5+! '11Vxd5 8 e7+) 4 J:l:xds+! 1-0

Black loses heavv material after both 4 ...l:i:xd5 5 l:i:xd5+ '11Vxd5 6 e7+ l:txe7 7 'l!llxd5+ and
4...\!lc8 5 li:xc5 bc5 6 '11Vd7+.
647) Jonkman-Berg
l iLieS+ l!lh8 2 l:i.xg7! 1-0

White forces mate in view of 2 ... \!<xg7 (2 ... '11Vh4+ 3 1!/gl changes little) 3 'ii'g6+ l!lhS (or
3 ...1!/fS 4 'i1Vf7#) 4 1i:lf7#.
648) Van der Wiei-Peng
l...:Sc2+ 2 1!1g1 1i::ix e3! would have forced resignation because of 3 'ii'xa7 l:i:xg2+ 4 1!/hl

649) Van Wely-Karjakin
l...l:txf2! forced perpetual: 2 1!ixf2 'llllh2+ 3 l!lf3 'ii'xg3+ 4 11<e2 'ii'g2+ s l!lel '1!1/gl+ 6 \!le2 (and
not 6 1!1d2? 'ii'f2+ 7 \!<cl 'ii'b2#) y,.y,
650) M.Adams-J.Piket
l...l:i:fl+! 2 1!ixfl li::ix h2+ 3 'l!llx h2 (the queen is lost too after 3 1!1f2 1i:lg4+) 3 ...'ii'x h2 0-1

Due to his exposed king and undeveloped queenside, White's three pieces are no match
for Black's extra queen after 4 li::ixc6 b5.
651) Bosboom-Willemze

Rather than the game's l...li::ixb3+? 2 \!le3 when Black had to resign, 1...'1i'b2+! 2 1i<e3 (White
must avoid both 2 1i<xc5? '11Vxe5+ 3 l!lb4 - or 3 \!lxc6 :!lacS+ 4 \!<b7 'liVe?+ 5 \!la6 'l!llb6 # - 3 ... a5+
4 \!la3 '1!1/al# and 2 1Lic3? .!!:fd8+ 3 \!le3 '11Vxc3+ 4 1!114 :&!:d4+ 5 .!!:xd4 '!illxd4+ 6 \!lg3 'l!llxe5+ 7 \!<g2
'lil'e4+ 8 \!lg3 '!illxg6) 2 ... '1!1/xeS+ 3 1i<f3 (or 3 \!<d2 illf4+ 4 \!lc3 'ii'e5+) 3 ... '11Ve4+ 4 l!lg3 'llle
l 3+ 5
llig2 '11Ve4+ would have forced a repetition since 6 '111113? 'ii'xg6, while not fully clear, should
favour Black.

The C o m p l e t e Chess W o r k o u t

6 5 2 ) Krasenkow-Van Haastert
1 .!i:xg7! li<xg7 (or l...l'!xg7 2 'ili'xf3+ li<e8 3 12:lc6+ winning serious material on e7) 2 l;tg4+ 1-0

Black loses his queen after 2 ...\i<h7 (or 2 ...1i<h8 3 'ili'xh6+ .!i:h7 4 'ili'f6+ followed by mate) 3
'ili'e4+ li<h8 4 12:lg6+ li<g8 S lOeS+.
653) Kosintseva-Berg
1 .....\tg4! wins a further exchange and the game: 2 'ili'xg4 "liixf2+ 0-1
654) 5 poelman-Van Haastert
1 ... ..\txc2+! 2 1i<c1 (2 \i<al .!i:eS! 3 "liig3 l:i:xel+ 4 'ili'xel 'ili'f6 gives Black an easily winning end
game) and now Black missed 2 ....ltb3! when he gets to consolidate all his extra pawns after
3 "l!l'f2 (3 axb3?? costs White his queen after 3... l:i:cS+) 3 ...'ili'c8+.
655) Smallbone-Hackett
1 li!:xe8+! !<xeS 2 .ltxb5+! 1-0

It's mate on d8.

656) Palliser-Headlong
1 ll:c7! 1-0

White enjoys a crushing attack after l...'i!!'xc7 2 'ili'xe8+ li<h7 3 .ltxf7.

657) Speelman-Peng Xiaomin
1 ...lbg3+! 2 1i<xg3 .lth4+! 3 1i<xh4 (or 3 \i<f4 "l!l'xf2+ 4 \i<eS 'ili'e2+ winning White's queen)
3 ...'ili'xf2+ 4 1i<g5 f6# o-1
658) Hambartsumian-Yegiazarian
1 ...12Jxf2! 2 12:lxf2 .ltxf3 3 gxf3 fi:xe5 wins a pawn.
659) Moran-Turner
1 ...12:le4+! 2 1i<g2 (or 2 fxe4 "i!l'gS+ 3 1i<f3 .ltg4+ 4 1i<g2 .ltxdl+ picking up the white queen)
2 ... "l!l'g5+ 3 1i<h1 ..th3 o-1

It's mate after 4 .!i:gl l2:lxf2#.

660) Costello-Palliser
1 ...l;txg3+! 2 fxg3 "!Wxg3+ 3 1i<f1 .lth3+ 4 l::tx h3 'I!Yxh3+ 5 1i<e1 .ltc3+ 6 li<f2 "YII'h 2+ 7 1i<f1 l:i:g8 8
12:lg4 'ili'g2# 0-1
661) Adams-Braithwaite
1 ..\tf8+! 1-0

It's mate after 1...\i<xfS 2 "liihS+ li<e7 3 "Y!I'e8#.

662) Woolley-Tozer
1 Sxf7! l:l:e8 (smothered mate occurs after l ... li<xf7 2 12:lgS+ li<gS 3 'I!Yxe6+) 2 12Jg5 .!hg3 3
J:l.xe6 l:l.xg2+ 4 1i<h1 .!i:xe6 5 "Y!I'xe6 1-0

Mate follows.
663) Bridger-Palliser
1 ..."YII'f1+1 2 l:l:xf1 sxf1# 0-1
664) Barber-Marshall
1 'iiVxe6+! 'iiVxe6 (Black has to avoid l...fxe6? 2 .ltg6#, but he might try l.. . .lte7 when he is


S o l u tions

only clearly worse after 2 '!!Vxe7+ "if'xe7 3 i<xe7 '1flxe7 4 l:l:hel+ '1f8 5 i<e4) 2 1Llxe6 i<d6 3
lt:lxg7+ '1f8 4 1/Jf5 and a pawn ahead and with the initiative, White went on to win.
665) Hopwood-Cameron
1 1Llxe5!! i<b5? (Black had to avoid L.'!!Vxe5? 2 i<f4 when he must give up his queen in

view of 2. .. '!!Vc5? 3 i<xa6#; the text, though, fails to offer any resistance, although even
L.lt:lxh5 2 i<xa6+ '1ilb8 3 1t:ld3 '!!Vd 6 4 i<xe7 '!!Vxe7 5 '!!Vxh5 1eaves White two pawns up and
doing rather well) 2 1Llxf7 1Llxh5 3 '!!Vx h5 i<e8 4 i<xa6+ '1ild7 5 :Sxd4+ 1-0
666) Hopwood-Bennett
1 :Sxg7! J<xe5 (L.'1fixg7 is mated by 2 '!!Vxh6+ WgS 3 '!!Vxh7# and there's no defence) 2 l:txh7+

The attack is crushing, just as it is too after 2 '!!Vxh6.

667) Hopwood-Blacker
1 1Llxd5! 1-0

Due to the pin on his c7-rook, Black has no defence and is crushed. Indeed it's mate after
1 ... exd5 2 :SxdS+ '!!Vd 7 3 J::l.xd7+ We8 4 J::l.dS+! Wxd8 5 '!!Vf6+ lt:le7 6 '!!Vd6+ l:rd7 7 '!!Vxd7#.
668) Palliser-Baldwin
1 exf6 i<xf6 2 'li'e4 and the fork wins a rook
669) Palliser-Woolley
1 i<h7+1 1-0

It's mate with L.l!lxh7 2 gS'!!V# .

670) Palliser-Rogerson
1 1Llxg6! hxg6 (Black is destroyed too after Ll!lf7 2 1Llxf8 l:l:xf8 3 l:l:g7+) 2 flxg6+ l!lf7 3 'i1Vh5
il.xh6 (or 3 ... \!le7 4 i<xfS+ l!ld7 5 fl.g7+ winning serious material) 4 l:rxh6+ 1-0

It's mate after 4 ... Wf8 5 l:rh8+ '1ile7 6 :Sh7+ '1d6 7 'liVeS+ Wc6 8 J:l.cl+ lt:lc2 9 l:rxc2#.
671) Turner-Hopwood
1 J::l.xf7!! nets an important pawn, thereby giving White excellent attacking chances: 1...'!!Vb3

(capturing the rook leads to mate: 1 ... '1flxf7 2 1Llg5+ WfS - or 2...'1f6 3 '!!Vf4+ '1e7 4 '!!Vf7+ '1ild8
5 1t:le6# - 3 '!!Vf4+ l!lgs 4 'l&'c4+ l!lh8 5 1t:lf7+ Wg8 6 1t:lh6+ '1ilh8 7 '!!VgS+ l:txgS 8 1t:lf7#) 2 Sd7 (2
lt:lgS is also rather powerful) 2 ....iiJ6 ? (dropping a piece, but in any case Black was hard
pressed to meet White's ideas of 3 1t:lg5 and 3 1Lld2) 3 Rd6 1-0
672) Palliser-Mitchinson
1 il.f7+! '1xf7 (or Ll!lf8 2 il.h6+ lilxf7 3 'li!'h7+ '1xf6 4 '!!Vg7+ lilf5 5 'i!!'g5+ lile4 6 :!l.d4#) 2
'!!Vh7+ lilf8 3 '!!Vg7# 1-0
673) Franic-Zelcic
1...l::t h2+! 2 lilxh2 (or 2 l!lg3 i<e5+ 3 '1xg4 'l!!'h4+ 4 Wf3 'li'f4#) 2 ...'lll'h 8+ 0-1

Mate follows with 3 '1g3 'lil'h3+ 4 lilf2 (or 4 Wf4 g5#) 4 ... i<h4+ 5 1i:g3 '!!Vxg3#.
674) Sasikiran-Ponomariov
1 1Lles! 1-0

Black must give up his queen since it's mate after LJxe5 2 'i!l'xe5+.

2 69

Th e C o m p l e te C h e s s Work o u t

675) Pavic-Petrovic
1 ... xh3! 2 e1 (or 2 gxh3 lie2+ 3 hl '!1Vxh3#) 2 ...l:lxe1 3 g3 'l!i'hs 4 l:lxe1 f1# 0-1
676) Mrdja-Vukusic
1 l:lxe3! wins a piece: 1 .. .fxe3? 2 '!1Vg4+ 1-0

It's mate on h7.

677) Kosanski-Lasic
1 xg7! xg7 (or l...J:I:d3 2 'I!Vf6 \\l!'xf6 3 xf6 with an extra pawn and a rather useful passed
d-pawn) 2 '!!l'c 3+ '!!l'f6 3 '!!l'xd2 1iJb3 4 \\l!'a2 1iJxa1 5 '!!l'x a1 left White a pawn up in the ending.
678) Takac-Vucic
1 "I!Vxg8+! 10

It's back-rank mate after l...xg8 2 l:l:b8+.

679) Krajewski-Ziolkowski
1 ... gxh3! 2 lbg6 (Black forces mate after 2 :!!.x d6 ll:xgl+ 3 e2 l:.8g2+ 4 f3 J:l.fl+) 2 ... h2! 3
l:th6 (or 3 ll:xd6 hl'!!l'+ 4 e2 l:lxg6 5 lid7+ f6 with an overwhelming attack) 3 ...ll:g1+ 4
l!le2 1iJc3+! 0-1
It's mate after 5 '!!l'xc3 (or 5 1!1f2 \\l!'g3#) s ...'!!l'xdl+ 6 l!lf2 '!!l'f l#.

Chapter Three
680) Genzling-Menendez Villar
1 1iJxe5! liJxeS (and not l...xdl? 2 xf7+ l!le7 3 1iJd5#) 2 '!!l'x h5 sees White win an impor

tant pawn.
681) Jeremic-Nestorovic
1 ...1iJd4! and the Siberian trap costs White his queen for two pieces since he has to avoid 2

liJxd4 'li'h2#.
682) Ruzicic-Ljangov
1 ... 1iJxe4! 2 '!!l'f4 (the main point is that White emerges a pawn down too after 2 xd8 1iJxd2
3 h4 1iJxfl 4 ll:xfl liJc6) 2 ...1iJf6 saw Black net a most useful central pawn.
683) Budimir-Jakovljevic
1 ...ll:xh7l 0-1

Black wins a piece since it's mate after 2 '!!l'xh7 "liVeS+ 3 1!/fl (or 3 1!/dl '!!l'e2#) 3 ... '!!1'e2+ 4 \l;gl
'!!l'e l#.
684) Smith-Hunt
1 /iJxes! dxe5 (neither does declining the piece help Black; for example, l ... e7 2 1iJg4
liJxg4 3 hxg4 '!!l'd 7 4 J:l:del with strong pressure down the central files) 2 xes liJd7 (or
2 ...l:!:g6 3 lidel d7 4 '!!l'd4 g7 5 l:!:xf6 xf6 6 "ll!'g4+ and wins, as does 2... e7 3 d6) 3 :!l:de1
liJxe5 4 l:lxe5+ 1-o

White wins the queen in style with 4 ... 1!1d7 5 lhf7+ cS 6 ll:e8! 'li'xe8 7 '!!l'c3+.
685) Cork-Morris
1...1iJxe4! wins material: 2 "lli'd 3 (or 2 fxe4 g5 and White loses his queen) 2...g5+ 3 1iJd2
liJg3 4 l:!he1 1iJxe2+ 5 l:.xe2 xf3! and White finally loses the exchange.


686) Waterfield-Kiein
1 ..il.bs! wins the queen in view of l . ..'i!Vxb5 2 1Llxc7+ and 3 1Llxb5.
687) Williamson-Foster
1 ..il.xf7+! xf7 2 'li'c4+ f8 3 'li'xb4+ wins a pawn.
688) Boguszlavszkij-Cherednichenko
1 'li'xf6+! 1-0

Black loses a piece in view of l ...xf6 2 1Lle4+ and 3 1Llxc5.

689) Mueller-Tid man

Here Black resigned, missing 1.....il.b4! (1.. . ..il.e7 also averts defeat, but in a far less effective
manner) 2 c3 (or 2 'i!ixb4 'i!Vxg5 3 ..il.xe4 'i!Vh4+ 4 fl 'li'xe4 with a clear advantage) 2 ... 'il'dS! 3
1Llf3 (White loses the exchange after 3 cxb4? ..il.xg2) 3 ... ..il.d6 which would have seen Black
maintain her extra pawn.
690) Albrecht-Bering
1 1Llxd5! cxdS (or l ...'i!'dS 2 ..il.xe4 0-0 3 ..il.3 cxd5 4 1Lle2 with an extra pawn and a large posi
tional advantage) 2 'i!'xc8+ f7 (White picks up even more pawns after 2 ... "i!Vd8 3 'i!ixb7
1Lld7 4 'i!'xd5) 3 'li'xfS+I and White is two clear pawns up.
691) Young-Palliser
1... bs! o-1

White's bishop is lost in view of 2 ..il.xb5 'i!'b6+ 3 hl 'li'xb5.

692) Soufflet-Bellay

The classic trap 1... 1Llxds! wins a piece in view of 2 ..il.xdS ..il.b4+ 3 'li'd2 ..il.xd2+ 4 xd2
693) Harvey-Palliser
1...1Llxh2! 0-1

White loses a ruinous amount of material after 2 'i!ie2 (or 2 xh2 'i!ih4#) 2 ...'i!'h4.
694) Rajlich-Schuurman

White wins a piece: 1 g4! axb4 (Black's queen is trapped after 1 . ..'li'g6 2 1Llh4) 2 'li'xf6! 1-0
695) Kregelin-Kieinert
1 1Llxf7! 1-0

White wins the rook on hS in view of l . ..xf7 2 'i!'xe6+ f8 3 'li'f7#.

696) Johansen-Peterson
Black wins a pawn: 1.....il.xh2+! 2 xh2 "i!Vh4+ 3 g1 'liilxe4 0-1
697) Wells-Kharlov
1 1LlgS! (threatening both the queen and mate with 2 'il'd6+ eS 3 'li'dS#) 1...fxg5 2 'i!'xgS+
f7 3 ..il.g4 'i!'xg4 (Black loses his queen too after 3... 'li'h6 4 ..il.h5+) 4 'i!'xg4 and White's extra

queen was decisive.

698) Lopang-Sikorova
1 ... ..il.xf2+! 2 d1? (or 2 .!l.xf2 'li'h4 3 0-0-0 'iiixf2 with an extra exchange and pawn) 2 ... ..il.g1


The C o m p lete C h e s s Work o u t

White must lose his rook.

699) Santos-Ferro
1 1i:ixes! jtxd1 2 jtbs+ c6 (or 2 ... 1/Jd? 3 jtxd7+ 'l!i'xd7 4 1t:lxd7 Wxd7 5 11lxd1 with an extra
piece) 3 dxc6 jta4 (this fails to save Black, but there was no way to maintain the extra
queen with 3 ... a6 insufficient too due to 4 c7+ axb5 5 cxdS'IW+ f!.xd8 6 1i:ixdl) 4 C7+ jtxbS 5
cxd8'li'+ f!.xd8 6 1iJxbS and White went on to convert his extra piece.
700) Libiszewski-Roos
1 jtxb7! wins a clear pawn in view of 1 ... jtxb7 2 '/Wb5+ 'li'd7 3 'l!i'xb7.
701) Khenkin-Vernay
1 2xe6! wins a pawn in view of l...fxe6 (or 1 ...1i:ic5 2 2xf7+ f!.xf7 3 dxc5.) 2 'ilxe6+ lilh8 3

702) Von Herman-Hausrath
1...1t:lxe4! 2 jtxd8 (otherwise Black is just a piece up after 2 jtxe4 'lieS) 2 ... jtb4+! 3 'l!i'xb4
li:ic2+ 0-1

White remains a piece in arrears.

703) Schudro-Schmeing

White wins a pawn: 1 1i:ixes! li:ixes (and not, of course, 1 ...2xdl? falling into Legall's mate:
2 2xf7+ llle7 3 1i:id5#) 2 'li'xhs ll:lf6 (or 2...11:lxc4 3 '1Wb5+ 'lid? 4 'li'xc4 regaining the piece) 3
704) Jameson-Nyland
1 1i:ixf7! lllxf7 2 2c4+ lllf8 (now it's mate, but 2 . . 1!/eS 3 'lidS f!.f8 4 'li'h5+ g6 5 'li'xh7 also
would have been rather strong) and now 3 'lids! (rather than the game's 3 'li'f3+) 3 ...'li'e8 4
'li'fS+ would have led to a beautiful mate after 4 ....ltf6 5 'li!'xf6+! gxf6 6 .lth6#.

705) Palliser-Taylor
1 f!.xg1! 'li'xg1 2 jte3 il'xh2 (or 2. . . '/Whl 3 'li!'hS+ l!le7 4 .ltxh6 with decisive threats along the
eighth, while 2 ... 1i:id4+ 3 1!1d3 reveals why White needs his queen on f6 to cover fl) 3 'li'h8+
llle7 4 2gs+! 1-o

Black loses his queen down the h-file.

706) Wilson-Dickson
1 ...11:lxd4! either wins a clear pawn or gives Black an extremely strong attack: 2 1i:ixd4 'lil'h4
3 1i:if3?? (3 2e3 was essential, although 3 ...'lil'xh2+ 4 1!/fl 'li'hl+ 5 1!1e2 'li'xg2 is rather danger
ous for White after something like 6 11:lc3 11:lxe3 7 11lxe3 'li'h3+ S l!le2 d5!) 3 ...'ilxf2+ 4 1!1h1
il'g1+! 0-1

Smothered mate follows on f2.

707) Mateo-Larduet Despaigne
1 .ltxf7+! wins the exchange and a pawn in view of l ...lllx7? 2 1i:ig5+ l!lgS 3 1i:ie6 trapping

the black queen.

708) Hanley-Hickman
1 b4! wins a piece since Black's queen cannot remain covering his fS-bishop.

2 72

S o l u tions

709) Adams-Vitoux
1 JLxbs!! axbS (probably Black should settle for l . ..cxd4 2 JLxa6 1Llf5 with only a clear dis
advantage) 2 ltlxbs .S:eS 3 e4 'li'hs 4 itld6+ \lidS s lUgs 'li'xd1 6 ltlgxf7+ llle7 7 .S:xd1 l:tgS S
lUxeS gave White a large advantage with a rook and three useful pawns for the two pieces.
710) Sehmidt-Rohmann
1 JLxg6!! 1Llxd1? (Black doesn't really have anything for the piece after l...hxg6? 2 11ixf2, but

he might try l ...JLc5 when 2 'li'e2! - 2 'li'f3!? 'li'f6 3 JLxf7+ lilfS 4 'li'xf6 gxf6 5 l:l:f1 fxe5 6 JLh5
lllg7 7 l:l:xf2 JLxf2+ 8 l!lxf2 is promising too - 2...'1i'e7 - 2... 0-0 fails to 3 JLxf7+ ll:xf7 4 ltlxf7
lllxf7 5 0-0 - 3 JLxf7+ \lidS 4 l:l:f1 'li'xe5 5 lhf2 JLxf2+ 6 111xf2 leaves White's two extra pieces
far superior to Black's extra rook) 2 JLxf7+ llle 7 3 i.gS+ llld 6 4 ltle4+ Ille s S JLxdS (threaten
ing mate with 5 /Uba3 is a decent alternative) s ...lllxe4 6 \llx d1 and White's extra piece pre
711) Palliser-Lim

Rather than the game's 1 0-0, 1 JLxf7+! lllxf7 (or l ...lllf8 2 lUgS e6 3 ltlxe6+ .S:xe6 4 i.xe6 with
an extra exchange) 2 lUgS+ lllgS (2 ...\llf6 fails to 3 e5+) 3 /Ue6 would have trapped the black
712) Terentiev-Gallagher
1...dxe3! 2 JLes? (White misses Black's idea; he would have done better to restrict his losses
to just a pawn with 2 ltlxc3 1Llxc3 3 bxc3 li:xbS) 2 .. Jba2! 3 ltlxe3 (White's problem is that he
cannot stop Black's c-pawn queening after 3 l:i:xa2? c2) 3 ... l:txa1+ 4 1Lld1 ltlxf2 s lllxf2 Yxd1

left Black the exchange and three pawns ahead.

713) Romanishin-Brenke
1 .S:xb2! 1-0

Black's queen is lost since it's mate after l ...'li'xa6 (or l . ..'li'xb2 2 'li'c6+ \lidS 3 1Llxf7#) 2 l:l:xb8+
'li'c8 3 !!xeS#.
714) Palliser- S mallbone
1 'li'xg7!! i.f6 2 'li'h6 ltle2 (otherwise White is just a pawn up with a good position) 3 1Lle3
ltlxa1 (Black might wish to trade off his bishop before its trapped, but 3... JLxc3 4 bxc3 ltlxal
fails to 5 'li'g7 ll:f8 6 i.a3) 4 ll:d1 JLd7 (or 4 ... i.d4 5 JLg5 'li'd6 6 'li'xd6 cxd6 7 l:txd4 1Llc2 8
.S:xd6 with two raking bishops and a crushing position) S itldS 1-0

The bishop lacks a good square since both 5 ...JLe5 6 i.g5 'i!ic8 7 ltlf6+ JLxf6 8 'i!ixf6 and
5 ... i.e7 6 JLg5! i.xg5 7 'li'g7 l:tfS 8 'iiie5+ i.e6 9 ltlxc7+ llle7 10 'li'xg5+ f6 1 1 'li'c5+ are crush
71S) Van Gooi-Biijlevens
1 i.xf7+! l!lxf7 2 'iiid s+ IlleS 3 'li'xes wins a pawn.
716) Tiviakov-Rivera Rodriguez
1 l:!:xe6! wins a pawn since l...fxe6? 2 ltlxe6 traps the black queen.
717) Lahlum-Uirichsen
1 i.xh7+! l!lxh7 2 'li'hS+ lllgS 3 'li'xes saw White win a pawn.
71S) 'Sofine'-R.Palliser
exb4 2 axb4 JLxb4 3 Il:xb4! 'li'xb4 4 1Lle4 'li'a3? (White wins back a piece after 4 ... 'i!ie7?

1 b4!
5 d6

while retaining a large advantage, but Black should try 4... 'i!Vxe4! 5 i.xe4 1ilxe4 chang2 73

The C o m p l e t e C h e s s Work o u t

ing White's task to one o f a technical nature) S IDxf6+ gxf6 6 'll!'g4+ li<h8 7 'l!Vfs 1-0
719) Palliser-Semkov
1 12if6+! 1-0

It's mate after l . ..gxf6 2 'll!'c6+ e7 3 'll!'d 7#.

720) Bianchini-Vitri
1 ....ltxf2+! wins a pawn in view of 2 xf2 12ie4+ and 3... 12ixg5.
721) Morphy-Brunswick & lsouard
1 l:lxd7! f!.xd7 2 l:td1 'll!'e6 3 xd7+ 12ixd7 (or 3 ...e7 4 'ii'b4+ lltdS 5 'i!Vb8+! llte7 6 'li!'eS#) 4
'll!'b8+! 12ixb8 5 l:td8# 1-0
722) Danilov-Tanav
1...xf2+! 2 1ltxf2 'lieS+ wins a pawn since 3 .f<e3 fails to 3 ... 12ig4+.
723) Pau-Farber

Black wins a piece with 1 ...es! in view of 2 xe5 1i'a5+ 3 1i:ic3 'll!'xe5.
724) Yasin-lstratescu
1 ...12ixh2! forces White to give up the exchange, such as with 2 f!.dl (and not 2 xh2?

'll!'h4#) 2... 12ig4 3 12if3 12if2+ 4 1i'xf2 'li!'xdl+ 5 xdl .li<xf2.

725) Milov-Castro Acosta

1 12if3! 'li'hS 2 g4! leaves Black unable to continue covering his c5-bishop.
726) Willin-Auschkalnis
1 l::!.x h 7! 1-0

Black must lose his rook in view of the threat of 2 1i'g6#.

727) Shakarova-Zankovich
1 ...1i'xf6! wins a piece: 2 xf6 .li<b4+ 3 'll!'d 2 xd2+ 4 xd2 gxf6 0-1
728) Gibbons-Rej
1 ...i<xf2+! wins a pawn in view of 2 xf2 12ixe4+ and 3...12ixg5.
729) Flitney-Escribano
1 J::txc8+! 'l!Vxc8 2 12id6+ li<e7 3 12ixc8+ l:taxc8 4 .f<xes fxe6 s 'li'd2 1-0

White is a queen ahead and enjoys a powerful attack.

730) Aronian-Navara

White wins material on h8: 1 e4! fxe4 2 12ixh8.

731) Ola-Tia
1 f6! xf6 2 l:ixf6 wins a piece in view of 2 ...1i'xf6 3 .f<g5 'l!i'e6 4 Sd8#.
732) Reti-Tartakower
1 'l!i'd8+!! xd8 2 .li<gS+ c7 (or 2...e8 3 l::td 8#) 3 .ltd8# 1-0
733) Baramidze-Babuiian
1....f<g4! 0-1

2 74


White's queen is lost in view of 2 'ii'xg4 (or 2 xh7+ lilh8 3 'l!l'c2 'ii'f l+ 4 ll:xfl l:txfl#) 2...'ii'fl+
3 ll:xfl l:txfl#.
734) Kozul-lllescas Cordoba
1...1Ucs! 2 dxc5 (otherwise Black wins a pawn on e4) 2 ...dxe4 3 'l!l'xd8 :!Hxd8 and Black re

gains his piece with a large advantage, such as after 4 1Ug5 .!hd2 S li:Jgxe4 1Uxe4 6 1i:Jxe4
735) Nezis-Duggan
1... hsl o-1

There's no defence to the threat of 2 ... 1Ug4 and 2 1i:Jd2 1i:Jg4 3 1i:Jf3 fails to the deflecting
736) Hurwitz-Hopwood
1 ...1i:Jxf2! wins the exchange in view of 2 'l!l'xf2 'l!l'xc3+ 3 'l!l'd2 'l!l'xal + and 2 l:rgl li:Jd3+ 3 cxd3

737) Corn hill-Hopwood
1...1Uxe41 wins a pawn after 2 1i:Jxe4 (even worse for White is 2 xg7? li:Jxd2 3 'ii'b2 1i:Jxfl 4

lhfl f6) 2...xe4 3 'ii'xe4 xb2.

738) Anderson-Palliser
1...xf3 0-1

Black wins a piece after 2 'l!l'xf3 (or 2 'ii'd 2 f6) 2 ...'ilhg5.

739) Armanda-Sitnik
1 1i:Jxf7! xf3 (or l ...Wxf7 2 1i:Je5+ lilg8 3 1i:Jxg4 with an extra pawn and excellent play on the
light squares) 2 g6! threatens mate to win serious material.

Chapter Four
740) Walter-Hiermann
1 1i:Jxe6! wins a second pawn since l ... li:Jxe6 2 f5+ gives White a winning pawn endgame.
741) Yates-Tartakower
1 Wb2 Wc4 (or l...Wd4 2 lilxb3 lild3 when White draws by arranging to seize the opposition
as soon as Black captures on b4, such as with 3 Wa2 Wc4 4 Wbl lilxb4 5 lilb2) 2 Wa3! b2 (it's
stalemate after 2 ... Wc3) 3 Wa2! y,.y,

Following 3 ... >1/c3 4 >libl Black only has a choice between stalemate and giving White the
opposition after 4 ... lilxb4 S lilxb2.
742) Balogh-Paichadze
1 1i:Jxf7! lilxf7 2 l:txd7+ wins a second pawn.
743) Van Wely-Guseinov
1 .ltxh1+! lilxh7 (Black isn't helped either by l ...lilf8 2 g6 when the pawn queens) 2 g6+
Wh6 (the f-pawn is unstoppable too after 2 ...>1/gS 3 f7+ >llg7 4 1i:Jd7) 3 f7 (missing the more
attractive and faster 3 lilh4 followed by 4 g5#) 3 ... Wg7 10

4 1i:Jd7 is game over.

2 75

The C o m p l e t e C h e s s Worko u t

744) Shirov-Kramnik
1 b6! cxb6 (or 1 ..1ilc6 2 l:!:b8 and the a-pawn queens) 2 l:!:h8 1-0

Black either loses his rook on aS or after 2 .. .lha7 3 lilh7+ and 4 lha7.
745) McNab-Kunte
1 h8'iW+! lilxh8 2 1iih 6 1-0

Black cannot prevent the g-pawn from queening.

746) Westra-Palliser
1... h3! 2 gxh3 1iih4 3 1iib 6 1Lxh3 0-1

Black queens first and wins after both 4 iLxh3 1iixh3 5 1iixb7 c5 6 lilc6 lilg3 7 lilxc5 h4 and 4
iLe2 .il.g2 5 lilxb7 1iig5 6 1iixc6 h4.
747) Berkes-Tomic
1 JLg6+! liltS (the d-pawn slips home after 1. .. lilxg6? 2 d7) 2 JLxhS won a pawn, leaving

White's connected passed pawns to decide.

748) Palliser-Round
1.. .'lii'xf2+! Yz-Yz

There's no way to escape Black's checks and it's stalemate after 2 1iixf2.
749) Collinson-King
1...ti:lxb3! creates a decisive passed b-pawn: 2 lilxb3 lilxd3 3 .il.f1+ (or 3 a5 lile2 4 iLh3 d3 5
iLf5 d2 6 .il.g4+ lilel 7 lilc2 transposing) 3 ...1iid 2 4 a s d3 5 1iib 2 1iie 3 6 lilb3 (6 lilcl b3 forces
one of the pawns home) 6 ... d2 7 1iic2 1iif2 8 iLh3 1iie 1 9 .ll.g4 b3+! (le point) 10 lilxb3 d1'i'+
11 .ll.xd1 1iix d1 12 1iic 3 1iie 2 0-1

After 13 1iic2 lile3 14 lilc3 lile4 Black has the opposition and c4 will fall.
7 50) Galliano-Small bone
1...ti:ld4! leaves White in zugzwang: 2 ti:lxg6 (or 2 f4 ti:lf3+ 3 ti:lxf3 1iixf3 4 lilh3 lilxf4 with a
trivial win in the pawn ending) 2 ... hxg6! 3 h7 ti:lf3# 0-1
751) Savage-Shikerov

Black queens his g-pawn with the deflecting 1 ... tLlc2+!.

752) Cobb-Duncan
1... xe3+! 0-1

The a-pawn queens after 2 lilxe3 b3 3 axb3 a3!.

753) Ozeren-Ciarke

Rather than the game's l ...g6??, Black can simplify to a very promising ending with a neat
intermezzo: 1 ... lild1! 2 ti:lxd1 (or 2 li:xd 1 cxd 1 'i!!' 3 ti:lxd 1 with an extra pawn and bishop
against knight) 2 ...g51 (other kingside pawn moves lead to the same outcome) and Black
either queens on cl or with 3 li:d8+ lilg7 4 l:!:xc8 cxdl'i!!'.
7 54) Barrett-Taylor
1....ll.xg2! 2 J:!.xg2 l:!:xb3 won a key pawn.
755) Haslinger-Bates

Black wins a piece and the game with 1...'i!!'x b3! 2 axb3 a2 3 '!Wh1 c2.

2 76


7 56) Wade-Korchnoi
1 bs! Wh5 (or l...Wf6 2 Wg4 g5 3 Wh5 with an easy win) 2 a5! 1-0

The d-pawn queens after 2 ... bxa5 3 b6 cxb6 4 d6.

7S7) Vovk-Bobras
1....licS+! 0-1

White's king cannot reach the corner: 2 l!ife4 (or 2 liifxc5 liifxh5 3 Wd4 li<g4 4 >i<e3 Wg3 and
the h-pawn queens) 2 ... .lib6 (zugzwang) 3 Wd3 Wxh5 4 liife2 liifg4 5 >i<fl >i<f3 and the h-pawn
runs home.
758) Safronov-Lysyj
1...'1ii'c6+! 2 was 'ii!'b6+! 0-1

Black wins a rook with 3 'iil'xb6 (or 3 l:ixb6 axb6+ 4 liifxb6 d8) 3 ... axb6+ 4 >i<xb6 ll:xb8+.
7S9) Jones-Dive
1...gxh3!! 2 liifxf3 g4+ 3 Wf2 g3+ 4 Wg1 (or 4 Wf3 h2 5 li<g2 f3+ and one of the pawns will
queen) 4... h2+ S Wh1 f3 6 1tle4 Wf4 7 b4 Wg4 (or immediately 7 .. .f2) 8 bS f2 9 1tld2 (Black
has a choice of which pawn to queen after 9 1tlxf2+ gxf2 10 l!ifg2) 9 ...>i<h3 10 b6 g2# 0-1
760) S haw-Palliser
1. . d3+ 2 We3 (2 Wf2 Wb3 3 .lixe5 d2 4 We2 Wc2 is similarly hopeless for White and other
wise he loses his f-pawn) 2 ... Wc3! 3 .lixeS+ Wc2 0-1

The d-pawn cannot be stopped.

761) Timofeev-Guseinov
1... gS+! 2 l!ifxgs (or 2 hxg5 l!ifg6 and the threat of 3 ... e5# is decisive) 2 ...l:les+ 3 Wf4 .!l:fS+ 4
We3 d4+ s liifxd4 .!l:xbs 0-1
762) Zelcic-Riazantsev
1... g6! (but not l...gxh6? 2 liifx d4 12 3 1tlxf2 .lixf2+ with a draw since Black is left with the
wrong coloured rook's pawn) 2 h7 (this doesn't come close to saving White, but the win is
quite straightforward too after 2 Wxd4 f2 3 1tlxf2 .lixf2+ 4 We4 .lig3) 2 ....lies 3 1i'lgS .lig7 4
liife3 liife 7 s ltle4 .lies 6 liiff2 l!iff8 7 liif e3 liifg 7 o-1
763) Kotanijian-Pantsulaia
1... b3! 2 axb3 a3 3 i<f3 (also hopeless for White is 3 b4 a2 4 f!.a3 al'lii'+ 5 l:!:xal l:thl+ 6 liiff2

.!l:xal, but perhaps he might have tried 3 Wgl a2 4 Wxh2 al'iil' 5 i<xh5 'i!lb2+ 6 l:le2 'lii'd4
when Black still has some work to do) 3 .. ..!i:xh3 4 b4 a2 5 .!l:a3 and now I suspect that Black
played s ... a1'iil'+ when 6 .!l:xal .!l:xf3+ is an easy win, rather than the gamescore's 5 ...1iife5?
which allows White to mount a strong defence with 6 liifg2 g4 7 .!l:a5+ Wf4 8 i<d5.
764) Gustafsson-Pedersen
1 l:lf6! :etas (White queens after l...gxf6 2 g6+ liifh 6 3 g7, while the pure pawn ending is also
an easy win with l .. lhf6+ 2 gxf6 gxf6 3 l!ifxf6 liifg8 4 We7) 2 l:!.h6+! 1-0

Mate follows.
76S) Socko-Le Kieu Thien
1...We6! (and not l ...We5?? 2 liife7 Wf5 3 Wd6 Wg4 4 l!ife5 Wxh4 5 Wf4 Wh3 6 Wf3 with a
draw) 2 1i<e8 liiffs 0-1

White's king has been shouldered away, allowing Black to win with 3 oJi;e7 1i<g4 4 li<f6
Wxh4 5 li<f5 li<g3.

The C o m p l e t e Chess W o r k o u t

766) Grischuk-Rublevsky
1 J:i.xc6! bxc6 2 Jil.xf7 l:tf4 (the main point is that the b-pawn runs home after 2 .. Jhf7 3 b7) 3
c3! (now there's no defence) 3 ...l:!:e4 4 J:l:e7+ 1-0
767) Kreuscher-Sarthou
1... g3! 2 hxg3 (Black queens too after 2 fl.xf8 gxh2) 2 ...J:i.xf2 3 >!ixf2 (now the h-pawn runs
home, but otherwise White is simply a rook down) 3 ... h2 01
768) Borriss-Steingrimsson

After White's hideous 1 bxa5, 1... b5! ensured he was left with only a useless extra a-pawn:
2 a4 bxc4! 3 a6 1i<b6 4 a7 YY
769) Khenkin-Vuilleumier

The Lucena position: 1 fl.d4! >lieS (or l ...l:l.gl 2 1i<e7 J:l:el+ 3 11116 l:tfl+ 4 1i<e6 J:l:el+ 5 11115 l:tfl+
6 .11.14 and White's 'bridge-building' technique triumphs) 2 l:'!:d7 (2 l:H4 l:ta3 3 l:l:g4 also wins)
2, ..\t>c6 3 llle8 l:tf3 4 l:te7! 10
770) E.Bacrot-P,Tregubov

The Lucena position is always a common guest in tournament practice: 1 l:td4! l:tg1 2 1i<e7

White has built a bridge as shown by 2 ... J:l:e l + 3 >!if6 l:!.fl + 4 1i<e6 J:l:e l + 5 >!if5 J:ifl + 6 :!l:f4
when the checks have run out.
771) Glek-Roos
1 g6! 1-0

White threatens to queen the g-pawn and after l...fxg6 (or l .Ai'xg6 2 .li:g8+ and the a-pawn
queens) 2 J:l:f8+! Jl,xf8 3 aS'li' his extra queen is decisive.
772) Timman-Baramidze
1 f3! 1-0

Black's bishop is trapped after l...'llkxf3 2 'li'el, while l...Jl,xf3 loses to 2 l:td8 f6 3 'llkxf6 'li'g7 4
773) Quillan-Ansell
1 l:ta3! Philidor's third-rank defence. White draws in view of l ...e3 2 l:ta8 followed by a bar

rage of checks from behind.

774) Nakamura-Arakhamia Grant

Black avoids the stalemate trick to win trivially: 1...'li'g2! 01

775) Adams-A! Modiahki
1 ...J:l:g1! 2 ll:f3 (2 J:!.xgl is an immediate stalemate) 2 ...fl.fl! 3 ll:xf1 YY
776) Citak-Dimitrijevic
1 l:tg7+ >!itS (or l ...li<h8 2 J:l:h7+ >!igS 3 17+ >IllS 4 l:!:hS+) 2 :!l.h7! 1-0

There's no defence in view of 2... >!/gS 3 f7+.

777) Trevelyan-lenni
1... JLc2+1 2 l:txc2 (now it's mate, although after 2 >!lxc2 l:l.xa2+ 3 1i<cl fl.xh2 Black's extra ex
change is decisive) 2 ... .!l.a3# 0-1

2 78

778) Terrieux-Kryvoruchko
1.. .'ill'xf1+! 0-1

2 'li'xfl i<b2 forces the c-pawn home, leaving Black a piece ahead.
779) Arkeii-Palliser
1 .!l.xa4! 1-0

The h-pawn queens after l . ..lilxa4 2 'il<xd4.

780) Wade-Palliser
1...d1'1i'+! z lilxd1 Wd3 o-1

The e-pawn is unstoppable.

781) Hunt-Hopwood
1 f5+! gxf5 2 gxf5+ lild7 (2 ... \l<x5 3 Wxd5 costs Black a piece) 3 'il<xd5 Wxc7 4 <5 (the pawn
ending is a trivial win) 4... h6 5 xb5 'il<d6 6 \l<xa4 'il<e5 7 b4 1-0

White wins in straightforward manner after 7 ... \l<x5 8 b5 'il<e6 9 Wa5 Wd7 1 0 Wa6 Wc8 1 1
782) Linares N apoles-Gongora Reyes
1 ... i<xf2! wins a key pawn in view of 2 Wxf2 l:Ixh2+ 3 J:l.xh2 li!:xh2+ and 4...fl.xc2.
783) Mannion-5areen
1... g5!! (much clearer than 1 ...4 2 gxf4 ex4 3 \i<xcS g5 4 e5 gxh4 5 Wd6 h3 6 e6 h2 7 e7 hl 'l!l'
8 e8'l!l') 2 exf5 (Black also wins after both 2 hxg5 4 and 2 \!<xeS 4) 2 ...g4 3 fxg4 e4 4 gxh5 e3
5 'il<d3 <4+! 0-1

Black queens by force in view of 6 bxc4 b3 7 axb3 a2 when White is helpless despite his
four extra pawns.
784) Yates-Marshall
1...Wb2! 2 Wxa4 <3 Yz-Yz

Black's king is in time to both halt and win the -pawn.

785) 5 pielmann-Duras
1...wg5! o-1

Black decisively seizes the opposition after 2 .!l.x5+ Wx5.

786) Bannik-Nikolaevsky
1 i<xb6! 1-0

One of the pawns will queen after l...i<xb6 (or l...i<c3 2 i<aS!) 2 g6 i<d4 3 b6.
787) Djukic-Pavlovic

White wins a pawn: 1 12lef6+! gxf6 (l...'il<d8? 2 12ld5 costs Black a piece) 2 12lxf6+ Wd8 (and
not 2 ...8? 3 i<h6#) 3 12ld5 i<e6 4 i<xe7+ 'il<d7 5 i<g5 and White went on to convert this
clearly better ending.
788) Davies-Morgan

Rather than the game's l...'i!<e7, the breakthrough 1 ...c3! would have won: 2 b3 bxa3 3 g6
Wf8 4 Wh4 a2 5 g5 a1'1i' 6 'il<f6 'l!l'g1 and the extra black queen decisively halts White's
passed pawns.

2 79

The C o m p l e t e C h e s s W o r k o u t

789) Gourlay-Palliser
1.-.i.d6+ 0-1

White loses a rook after 2 lilxf3 l:!:fl + and a piece after 2 lilf2 l:!:h2+.
790) Palliser-Hunt
1...lile8! (and not the game's l...lile6?? 2 lilf8 lild6 3 lilf7 and 1-0) 2 lilh7 lild7! maintains the

opposition and draws.

791) Palliser-Hodgson
1 ...Wf7! 0-1

White's cause is hopeless in view of his horribly exposed king after 2 '!We2 (or 2 '!Wxa7+ lilg6
and there's no defence against 3...'iiVf2#) 2 ...1t:lc6.
792) Barata-Costa

Black draws by bringing his king to c5 to prevent i.c6: 1 ... lild4! (the game actually ended
l . ..i.c8? 2 i.d7 i.a6 3 i.g4! i.b5 4 i.f3 and 1-0 in view of 5 i.c6; Black faces the same out
come after l...i.g4 2 i.d7 i.e2 3 i.h3 i.b5 4 i.g2 - he needs his king to be playing a much
greater role) 2 i.d7 i.c4 (both 2... i.b3 and even 2... i.f7 - in view of 3 i.f5 i.eS 4 lild8 lile5! are also sufficient to draw) 3 i.c8 (3 i.h3 i.b5 4 i.g2 lilc5 comes to the same thing) 3 ...i.b5
4 i.b7 1iic5 and with 5 i.c6 ruled out, White cannot make progress; for example, 5 oltc8
lild4 6 oltd7 oltc4 7 i.e8 i.e6 S lild8 lile5 9 lile7 i.g4 1 0 i.d7 oltd1 1 1 i.e6 i.a4 and Black con
tinues to defend without too much difficulty.
793) Savickas-Garnelis
1 i.b7+! 1-0

The ending is an easy win after l...lilxb7 (and not l ...l:!:xb7 2 l:!:d8#) 2 l:txd7+ lilc6 3 l:!.xe7
lild6 4 f!.xg7 i.d3+ 5 lilf2 lilxe6 6 lilf3.
794) Leko-Kramnik
1... l:tf2! 0-1

White loses his bishop.

795) Capablanca-Lasker
1 h6! 1-0

There's no defence to the threat of 2 g6 followed by queening.

796) Bilek-Heidenfeld
1 ...'1Wg3+! Yz-Yz

It's stalemate after 2 'iiVxg3.

797) Rasmussen-Nunn
1 ...f3! 0-1

After 2 gxf3 (otherwise 2 .. .2 follows and 2 lile3 fails to 2...1t:lc2+) 2 ... 1t:lc2 White loses his
rook in view of 3 :!l:xe2 f!.d4#.
798) Smyslov-Rossetto
1 cxb6! f!.e1+ (or 1 1!Vxb5 2 l:!:xb5 axb6 3 lilg2 l:teS 4 axb6 with an easy win in the rook end
ing) 2 J:!:xe1 '!Wxb5 3 bxa7 'lifc6 (3 ... '1Wxa6 fails to 4 l:te8+ lilh7 5 aS'!W) 4 l:tb1 1iih 7 5 l:!:b8 1-0

Black must give up his queen.


799) Stephenson-Spence
1 .\ta6! bxa6 2 'llilc7 'liVeS (the only move, but now White's passed b- and c-pawns are deci
sive) 3 'llilxc6 8 4 'lli'xds as (or 4 .1t:lb8 5 'lli'd6+ \1;>7 6 d5 'lli'b5 7 h3 and White's pawn ar
mada decides) S c6 11Jxb6 6 'liVes+ \l;>f7 7 'lli'xb6 \l;>e7 8 <7 'lli'c8 9 'li'xas (the pawn ending is an
easy win, but 9 d5 would have been even more clinical) 9 ...Wd7 10 'ill'c s 1-0

800) Stephenson-Wise
1 d3! (another move order is 1 e4 Wc5 2 d3! - the key point in both cases is that White's rear
d-pawn makes all the difference) 1 ... <3 2 e4 \l;>c7 3 es Wd7 4 d6 We6 s d4 Wd7 6 ds We8 7 e6
\l;>d8 8 d7 We7 9 d6+ Wd8 10 \l;>b3 (having stalemated the black king, White now picks up
the black pawns with a little care) 10...c2 11 Wxc2 b3+ 12 \l;>b1 b2 13 e7+ Wxd7 14 \l;>xb2 1-0
801) Banach-Birjukov
1 ... .\ta3! 2 11Jd1 (the b-pawn queens after 2 bxa3 b2) 2 ... .txb2! 3 12lxb2+ Wa3 4 12\d1 b2 S
11Jxb2 l!lxb2 6 l!ld2 11Jf4 0-1

White is in zugzwang and c3 will decisively fall.

802) Volokitin-Ganguly
1 1!1f6! (and not the 1 12\3?? e5 2 Wf5 e4 3 12\g5 - crucially 3 12\d2 e3 comes with tempo -

3... e3 4 Wf4 e2 5 11Jf3 b3 and 0-1 of the game, although White can also begin with 1 Wh5!)
1... b3 (l...e5 2 >i<f5 b3 3 12\e4 b2 4 12ld2 transposes) 2 11Jf3 es 3 12ld2 b2 4 >i<fs Wd4 s lt:lb1 e4 6
Wf4 Wd3 7 12la 3 e3 (the only try; Black must keep both pawns) 8 Wf3 e2 9 Wf2 and Black
cannot maintain his pawns in view of 9 ... Wd2 10 lt:lc4+ l!lc1 1 1 12lxb2.
803) Bronstein-Botvinnik
1 12\e6! l!lfs (after the continuation l.. ..l:th7 2 11Jg7 .!;[hS 3 \l;>c5, White wins due to his superior
king) 2 12\fs 1-0

The h-pawn queens after 2 ... J;rdS 3 .lid6! J;rxd6 4 h7.

804) Garcia Gonzales-Quinteros
1 g6! f3 2 Wg1 Wf6 3 eS+! (forcing one of the pawns home) 3 ...dxes 4 d6 e4 S d7 1-0

White queens first.

80S) Movsesian-Kuzubov
1... '1Wd1+! 2 'lli'e 1 .tg2+! 3 1!if2 (now it's mate, but White loses his queen after 3 Wxg2 '1Wxe1)
3...'1Wf3+ 4 l!lg1 .th3 o-1

Mate follows after 5 'ill'f2 'ill'd 1+ or 5 'ill'd2 'ill'f l#.

806) Grigoriants-Shaposhnikov
1 e8'1i'! lt:lg7+ 2 Wg6 12\xe8 3 hs leaves the h-pawn unstoppable: 3 ...1t:lc7 4 Wf7! (and not 4
h6?? lt:le6 5 W6 12\18 with a draw) 4... 12\bs s h6 12ld6+ 6 Wg6 1-0
807) Novikov-Jakovenko

White saves himself with a stalemate trick: 1 l:tf4+! S.xf4 Yz-Yz

808) Ehlvest-Biuvshtein
1 .1ixg6! fxgS (the pawn queens immediately in the case of l...hxg6 2 h7) 2 .!:tc1! 1-0

The only way to halt White's h-pawn is 2 ... .!:txc1 3 Wxc1 \l;>d6 4 .txh7 We7 5 .lte4 Wf6, but
after 6 .txd5 Black's cause is clearly completely hopeless.


The C o m p lete C h e s s Work o u t

809) Schlechter-Wolf
1-..li:e1+! 2 J:txe1 Y>-Y>

It's stalemate.

810) Savchenko-Har Zvi

1 ... ..ixh3! wins a pawn in view of 2 xh3? ll.h1#.
811) Chigorin-Tarrasch

Rather than the game's 1 gxf6?, 1 g4! e4 2 g6 h6 (or 2 ... hxg6 3 fxg6 f5+ 4 g5 f4 5 h5 f3 6
h6 and both sides queen with a draw) 3 h5! would have drawn since 3...xf5 is stale
812) Michalczak-Schoene

As so often in opposite-coloured bishop endings, it is the number of passed pawns rather

than the number of extra pawns which decides: 1 ...f4! (creating a decisive second passed
pawn) 2 gxf4 (or 2 .ltd2 ..ie4+ 3 lilf2 fxg3+ 4 xg3 f5 5 ..ic3 h4+ 6 h2 g4 7 hxg4+ g4 8
a4 ..if5 9 .lte5 a6 1 0 b5 axb5 1 1 axb5 ..id7 12 ..ic7 .ltxb5 13 Sl.xb6 Sl.d7 14 Sl.d4 f3 1 5 lilg1
e2 and White will have to give up his bishop for the c-pawn) 2 ... g4 3 hxg4 hxg4 4 .ltd2
5 5 lilg3 Sl.c2 (now Black's king infiltrates with decisive effect) 6 ..ie3 Sl.a4 7 .ltd4 .ltd7 8
.lte5 1!1e4 o-1

The black king and c-pawn decide.

813) Smallbone-Brown
1 a6+!! a8 (now it's mate, but it also is after l ...lilxa6 2 Sl.c8+ lilb5 3 .ltxe3 lhe3 - or 3 ...h2 4

b7 h1'iil' 5 b8'iil'+ aS 6 .ltd2+ followed by mate on b4 - 4 b7 h2 5 b8'iil'+ c5 6 'l!Va7+: for ex

ample, 6 ...1!1d6 7 'l!Vd7+ c5 8 .ltb7 h1'l!V 9 'lil'xc6+ b4 10 'l!Vb6+ c4 1 1 .lta6+ d5 12 c4# or
6 ...1!/bS 7 .lta6+ a4 8 .ltd3+ b4 9 'lil'a3#) 2 b7+ b8 3 .ltd6+ 1-0
814) Palliser-Lappage
1 b4! axb4 (or 1 ...h5 2 bxaS bxaS 3 cS f6 4 e4 with a trivial win) 2 C5 10

White queens first and wins with 2... b3 3 d3 lilf6 (or 3 ... h5 4 1!/c3! when Black is in
zugzwang and lost, such as after 4 ... e4 5 fxe4+ eS 6 d6 cxd6 7 cxb6) 4 d6 b2 5 lilc2 1!le6 6
dxc7 d7 7 cxb6 h5 8 a5 g4 (very similar is 8 ... e4 9 fxe4 g4 10 a6 gxh3 1 1 a7 h2 12 c8'l!V+) 9
fxg4 e4 10 a6 e3 1 1 a7 e2 12 c8'l!V+.
815) Palliser-Lappage
1...l:!g4! 2 d7 ll:h4+ 3 g3 l:!bxh2 0-1

Mate follows with 4 d8'l!V l:t4h3#.

816) Milovanovic-Jacobs
1 ll:xb7+! creates an unstoppable g-pawn: 1...1!1xb7 2 g6 l:l.d4 3 g7 ll:d8 4 .lte6 1-0
817) Bronstein-Panno
1 lilg5! (Black is powerless against the advance of the king - always improve your worst
placed piece!) 1....1tf5 2 h6 ll:e7 3 'l!Vb3+ J:l.e6 4 'l!Vb2 1-0

The knight is lost since 4 ...l:!f6 fails to 5 :!:[xf8+! xfS 6 'l!Vxf6+.

818) Acs-lvanchuk

Black only has one way to draw: 1... h4! (White wins easily after both 1 ...1!ld5 2 1!lxf4 1!1e6 3
l!lg5 1!lf7 4 xh5 lilg7 5 gS and l ...l!ld4 2 xf4 h4 3 \!lg4 1!le4 4 1!/xh4 lilf4 5 g4) 2 Xf4 (or
2 1!lxh4 l!ld4 3 g4 1!le3 with a clear draw) 2 ... h3! 3 gxh3 y,.y,
2 82


The only way for White t o prevent Black's king from reaching the corner i s to allow his
own king to become blocked in on the h-file.
819) Berke-Franciskovic

The game ended with the hideous 1 l:i:b1 f3 2 J:l:cl J:l:h2 0-1, but White should have held the
draw with 1 J:l:f7!: 1 ... \i<3 (l...f3 2 l:i:g7+ commences a barrage of checks and l...l:ta1+ 2 1i<e2
also sees Black failing to make progress) 2 1i<g1! (correctly heading for the short side)
2... l:ta1+ 3 1i<h2 .!l.fl (or 3...1i<e3 4 1i<g2 l:i:a2+ 5 \i<fl li<3 6 \i<g1 keeping Black at bay) 4 l:ta7 .!l.e1
5 l:tf7 and Black can only go round in circles.
820) Bocharov-Roiz

Rather than the game's 1 l:i.g8, 1 1i<g4! lbb3 2 l:i:g8+ li<f6 3 l:tg6+! would have offered excel
lent chances to draw: for example, 3...\i<e7 (and not 3... \i<xg6? with stalemate) 4 .!hg5 a4 5
ll:a5 a3 (or 5 ...J:!:b4+ 6 Wf3 Wd6 7 We3 1i<c6 8 d3 b6 9 l:ta8 and the white king is again
close enough to the a-pawn) 6 Wf4 l!ld6 7 e4 c6 8 Wd4 Wb6 9 Wc4 .!l.h3 1 0 ll:a8 and White
821) N imzowitsch-Tarrasch
1...fS+! 0-1

It's an easy win after 2 d4 (or 2 Wxf5 a4 and the a-pawn queens) 2... f4! 3 Wc5 Wg6 4 Wb5
Wh5 5 Wxa5 xh4 6 b4 Wg3 7 Wc3 Wxg2.
822) Bystryakova-Airumian
1 il.xb6! axb6 2 l:i.xa6 wins a pawn.
823) Gunina-Dolgova

Black can queen the d-pawn: 1 ... il.b4+! 2 Wxc1 d2+.

824) Shabalov-Kaidanov
1 il.c6+! as 2 b4+ Wb6 3 bxcs+ 1-0

White's simplification leads to a winning pawn endgame after 3 ... Wxc6 4 1i:lb4+ b5 5 1i:lxa6
Wxa6 6 Wd3.
82S) Karlsson-Furhoff
1 J:l.h1! Wg3 (Black actually loses after 1 ... g3? 2 Wf3 h2 - or 2... g2 3 l:i.a1 - 3 Wg2 Wg4 4 J:l.a1
when his pawns fall) 2 l:tg1+! Wh2 (or 2 ... Wf2 3 ll:a1 h2 4 l:i:xa2+ Wg1 5 J:l:a1+ li<g2 6 J:!.a2+

Wh3 7 ll:a1 with a perpetual since 7... g3? forces Black to defend with knight against rook
after 8 Wf3 g2 9 l:l.a8 g1N+ 10 Wf2 1i:lf3!? 1 1 J:l.a1 1Llg1 1 2 ll:a3+ l!lg4 13 Wg2) 3 ll:a1 g3 4 Wf3
g2 s li<f2 g11iV+ 6 l:txg1 a 1'iil' 7 .!l.xa1 y,.y,

It's stalemate.
826) Onischuk-Timoshenko
1. 1i:lh6+! (the only defence but a good one) 2 We7 (the best try; 2 g6 1i:lg4 3 h6 1i:lxh6 4
liixh6 Wd7 is a simple draw) 2 ...1!1c6 3 e6 !ids (Black's king is just in time to halt the h
pawn) 4 Wd7 (or 4 Wf6 1i:lg4+ 5 Wg5 l!lxe6 with a draw) 4...1i:lg8 S e7 1i:lf6+ 6 Wd8 We6 7 h6
liif7 8 h7 1i<g7 y,.y,

827) Petrosian-lvkov
1 l:!.xd4! 1-0

It's mate after any capture of the rook: e.g. l ...l:txd4 2 .!l.xe5+ Wxg4 3 f3#.


The C o m p l e t e Chess W o r k o u t

828) Wall-Stephenson

Instead of the game's l ...b2, 1...a4! draws since 2 1!ig6 lhh7! 3 xh7 is stalemate and 2
l:t7 xa3 3 g6 xb4 4 l:tf5 l:i:xh7 5 1!ixh7 c4 6 g6 b4 leaves White's king too far from
the front b-pawn.
829) Arakhamia Grant-Baburin
1 ...f2! 0-1

Black either has an easy win with queen versus rook (due to his passed f-pawn) or wins
White's rook.
830) Shirov-Aronian
1 l:i:xd4+! xd4 2 1i:lfS+ xes 3 xe3 sees White solve his problems by simplifying. Aro
nian's last chance was 3 ... /iJes, but after 4 g4! hxg4 5 h4 (a key move to have seen at the

beginning of the combination) 5---C4 (White also draws after the long forcing line 5 ...1i:lc4+
6 f4 1i:lxa3 7 h5 1i:lc4 8 h6 f6 9 h7 1i:le5 1 0 li:le3 a3 1 1 f5 1i:lf7 12 xg4 a2 13 1i'ic2 c4 1 4 1lif5
c3 15 1i:la1 1i'ih8 1 6 xf6 1lib2 17 g7) 6 hs l!ib3 7 1lid4 1i:lf3+ 8 d3 1!ixa3 9 c3 progress
was impossible with Black's king incarcerated and his kingside pawns stymied. y,.y,
831) Van Wely-Aronian
1...l:i:xd1+! 2 1lixd1 1lif7 leaves White unable to save both rook and bishop: 3 l:l:xh6 (or 3 1lie1

l!ixg7 4 l:l:h4 f5 5 gxf5 Jl.xf5 again with rook against bishop and pawn, and a complete
draw) 3 ...Jl.xg4+ y,.y,
832) Winants-Hansen
1 ...1!ih3! o-1

Black is too far ahead after 2 1lie3 1lig3 3 4 g4 4 e2 x4 5 Wf2 1!ie4.

833) Warakomski-Baramidze
1 f4! 1-0

White wins a piece with J . ..gxf4 2 gxf4 lhd1 3 fxe5+ l!ixe5 4 Jl.xd l .
834) Carpenter-Wallace
1 l:!.xa1! forces the pawns home with shades of McDonnell-De Labourdonnais: 1...l:!.xa1 2 f7
J:l.aa8 3 g6! 1-0
835) Round-Palliser
1...'i'xg2! won a rook in view of 2 "lli'xg2 g6 followed by mated on h7.
836) Palliser-Gayson

The c-pawn decides: 1 'i!Vxa4! 1-0

837) Krutti-Palliser
1... hS! (White escapes after l ...f6? 2 l:l:g8 h5 3 l:tf3+ llle7 4 h4) 2 h4 (or 2 g4 l:th2+ 3 1!ig3

h4+ 4 1!if3 l:i:h3+ 5 e4 l:l:a4+ 6 c4 - 6 1!id3 e4+ 7 1!id2 l:i:a2+ wins the rook on e3 - 6 .. .lhc4+ 7
llid3 :!l.d4+ 8 1!ie2 J:l.h2+ 9 11/el - 9 1!if3 l:!:f4# - 9 ... l::l.b4 and White must finally lose his rook
with 10 l:te2 l::l.b 1 + 1 1 llid2 l:tb2+ 12 lllc3 f!.bxe2 to avert mate) 2 ...1!if6 01
The mate threat costs White a rook.
838) Sokolov-Sasikiran
1 Jl.a1! 1-0

The bishop has to retreat to a1 so that White can win the a-pawn at the end with J ...lilf7 2
28 4


lilxfS ..ltxal 3 l:i.a6.

Chapter Five
839) Lacasa Diaz-Moreno Ruiz
1...'lli'xc3 ! 0-1

Black emerges a piece ahead after 2 'i1Vxc3 1i:lxe2+ 3 lilhl li:lxc3 4 ..\txg7 1i:lxdl 5 ..\txf8 lilxf8 6
840) Perez-Ramirez Garcia
1 i.xh7+! li:lxh7 2 'lli'xb3 .!l:xf4 3 li:lxf4 'lli'x e5 4 'lli'g3 left White a clear exchange ahead.
841) Tai-Benko
1 l:td8+! won the exchange on hS in view of 1 .11/xdS? 2 1Zlxf7+ and 3 1i:lxe5.

842) Can-Erdogdu
1 i.xg5! wins a pawn: 1...fxg5 2 1Zle5 'lli'e6 3 li:lxc6+! 'lli'xc6 4 'lli'xe7+ Ille S 5 'lli'xf7 'lli'xc3 6 'lli'd 5
left White clear! y better.
843) Caruana-Majer
1 1i:lxg6! wins a pawn in view of l...fxg6? 2 'lli'xe6+ :C:f7 3 ..ltxd6.
844) Korchnoi-Karpov

White must keep eS defended: 1 1Zld3! Sxd3+ 2 lilc4 1-0

The b-pawn costs Black his remaining pieces.
845) Narciso Dublan-Timman
1 i.h5+! lilh6 2 i.f7 1-o

White wins the rook on c4 in view of the threat of 3 f:thS#.

846) Lundberg-Czerownski
1...'lli'xf2+! 2 lilxf2 1i:lxd5 trapped White's queen and saw Black emerge the exchange ahead
after 3 'i1Vxc5 (or 3 'lli'xd6 1Zle4+ and 4... 1i:lxd6) 3 ... dxc5.
847) Faranka-AI Aqrabi

Black wins queen for rook: 1 ...l::tg2+! 2 :C:xg2 'lli'x h5 0-1

848) Damaso-Malakhov
1 'lli'g7+! 1-0

The h-pawn queens after l...'lli'xg7 2 f:txe8+ lilxeS 3 hxg7.

849) Parr-Collins
1 l:txb7! 1-0

White wins significant material after l...'lli'xb7 (or l ...'lli'cS 2 dxc6 l:tc7 3 'lli'xd6) 2 dxc6 'lli'b6 3
850) Heidenfeld-Franklin
1 'lli'a 7! 1-0

Black loses his queen in view of l...'i1Vxa7 2 J:l:cS#.

2 85

The C o m p lete Chess Work o u t

851) Kosten-Taylor

White simplifies with 1 l:i:dxc5! iLxc5 (or l...bxc5 2 'li'xbS J::!.xbS 3 iLe5 l::tb7 - 3 ... l::tc8 4 iLxg7!
- 4 1i:id6 i/_xd6 5 i/_xd6 1i:ia6 6 iLxc5 with a trivially winning ending) 2 1i'c6 (with the rather
awkward thread of 3 J::!.xc5 bxc5 4 1lie7+ WhS 5 1lixc8 'li'xcS 6 S<e5) 2 ...1i:ie6 (there wasn't any
thing better; for instance 2 ... J:I:e8 3 b4 and White wins a piece) 3 1lie7+! 1-0
852) Rosen-Taylor
1 ... iLxh2+ 2 Wxh2 'li'h4+ 3 Wg1 1i'xb4 left Black a clear pawn ahead.
853) I.Thompson-B.Lund
1 .!l.e8+! 1-0

Black loses his queen in view of l...Wf7 2 'Wie7#.

854) Parker-Pert
1....!l.h1+! 0-1

White loses his queen after 2 1!1xhl li:ixf2+ 3 J:l:xf2 1i'xc3.

855) Plaskett-Gallagher
1 .!l.xg7+! l!lxg7 2 'lli'd 7+ 1-0

White wins a rook after 3 iha4.

856) 5haw-Johannessen
1 l::te8! i<c7 (White wins a piece after l ...ll:xeS 2 1lixd6) 2 d6 i<a5 3 d7 1-0

There's no stopping the decisive threat of 4 1lid6 and 5 1i:ixf7.

857) Shepley-Rosen
1 ... 11.xh2+! 2 l!lxh2 (or 2 1!/hl S<d6) 2 ...1i:ig4+ 3 Wg3? 'lli'xg5 and Black was a pawn up with a

rather strong attack.

858) Bhatia-Bentley
1 1lif6+! gxf6 (or 1 .. 1!/fS 2 'li'h7 with a winning attack) 2 S<xf7+! l!lxf7 3 'W/xc5 wins the black

859) Richardson-Ozeren
1.. J:lxe3! saw Black win a pawn before favourably simplifying with 2 i:lxe3 li:ig4+ 3 Wf3
li:ixe3 4 ll:e1 1lif5 5 lbe7 1i:ixe7.
860) Davis-Rice
1 1lif6+! 1-0

White wins the exchange with l ...i<xf6 2 ll:xd7.

861) Alfred-Smallbone

Black loses his queen: 1 ll:c8! 1-0

862) Palliser-Brameld

Rather than the game's 1 S<b3, 1 1lixd6! 'li'd7 (the main point is that l ... 'li'xd5? 2 1i:ie8+! and 3
li:ixc7 wins a piece) 2 1lie4 'lli'x d5 3 'li'xd5 1i:ixd5 4 1lixc5 wins a pawn.
863) Palliser-Houska
1 'Wixb8! 'lli'xb8 2 .!l.a8 i<d6 3 11.a7 1-0

The b-pawn costs Black a piece.


S o l u tions

864) Hagesaether-Rabbitte
1 l:icb2! 1-0

White wins the b6-knight since Black must move his c6-rook in order to give his queen an
escape square against the threatened 2 iLdl.
865) Salem-Doggers
1 ... 1Lxf2+! wins a pawn in view of 2 1Lxf2? 'lllx
l c7.
866) Weiler-Toth
1...1Lh2+! 0-1

Black wins the exchange with 2 Wxh2 '!1Vxb6.

867) Cooper-Walsh

White wins a pawn with 1 1Lxh7+! l!lxh7 2 'llld

l 3+ (and not 2 '!1Vh5+?? Wg8 3 li:.h3 ll:el#)
2 ...1!ig8 3 'lllx
l d6.
868) Pilaj-Naranjo Moreno
1 1Llxg6! 1-0

White wins a second pawn in view of l..Jl:xe4? 2 1Llxf8+ 1!/gS 3 fxe4.

869) Rogers-Fitzpatrick
1 1Llxa7! 11Vxa7 (or 1 ... 1La4 2 :&!:xeS 1Lxb3 3 l:!xd8+ 'lllx
l dS 4 li:.c8 - the key point: White regains
the queen - 4 ... 11Vxc8 5 ILlxcS 1Lxa2 6 1Llxb6) 2 fl.xc6 wins a pawn.
870) Carlsen-Fressinet
1 11Vf5! 1-o

White wins a rook in view of l...'llllx5 2 ftxbS+ with mate on the back rank.
871) Drozdovskij-Georgiev

White missed the fork 1 J:!.xb8! ftxb8 (or l ... 'lllx

l f5 2 J:l:xeS+ ILlxeS 3 1Lxf5) 2 'lllfl 4 winning a
piece and the game.
872) Mkrtchian-Riazantsev
1 'llllxe7! (much better than 1 l:txg6? .!i:dd7!) 1... .!i:g8 (after 1...1Llxe7 White picks up a piece
with 2 li:.xg7+ l!ihS 3 fl.g5+ Wh7 4 .!hh5) 2 'lllfl 7 1-0
873) Rendle-Arjun
l d3 (or l ...ll:fxdS 2 1Llf6+ l!lg7 3 1Llxd5) 2 'llle
l 7 saw White win a piece.
1 'llllxd8! 'lllx
874) Ferro-Rotstein
1... xf2! 2 l!lxf2 ll:xc3 3 fl.xc3 1Lle4+ 4 l!ie3 1Llxc3 left Black two pawns up in the endgame.
87 5) Krivoshey-Ferro
1 l!.xb7! J:l:xb7 (or l...gxf5 2 l:!xd7 1Llxd7 3 xd5+ l!lg7 4 e6 1Llb8 5 xf5) 2 xd5+ 1Lle6 3
xb7 gxf5 4 xa6 forced a winning endgame.
876) Aoustin-Perez
1 'llllxe4! 11Vxe4 2 a7+ Wxa7 3 l!.xe4 saw White pick up a second exchange.
877) Reefat-Hakki
1 'lllx
l h7+! 1-0


Th e C o m p l e te C h e s s Work o u t

White is a piece u p after l . . . llixh7 2 x5+ l!lg7 3 J:i:xb2.

878) Palliser-Khandelwal
1 "iil'xc8! 1-0

White wins a rook in view of l ... xc8 2 :!l:xd8 "iil'xd8 3 li:lf7+ l!lg8 4 li:lxd8.
879) Palliser-Hague
1 ll:xc6! 1-0

White wins a piece since l..."iil'xc6? (or 1 ... e4 2 "iil'c4 exf3? 3 li:lf6+) 2 li:le7+ .::!.xe7 3 xc6 wins
the black queen.
880) Beliavsky-Van den Doel
1 37+! l!lxa7 2 l:lxe6 wins the exchange.
881) Zweschper-Giantz
1_..l:lxd4 2 cxd4 li:ld3+! 0-1

Black is a piece ahead after 3 1!id2 li:lxcl or a rook ahead after 3 xd3 l:lxcl + 4 1!112 fi:xhl.
882) Jorczik-Gashimov
1 ...b5! traps the queen: 2 "iil'x d5 ll:xd5 3 J:.xd5 c6 4 ll:a5? "iil'd 8 0-1
883) Georgiev-Holzke
1 ... l:le8! created the decisive threat of 2 ... 8, winning the b3-bishop or the queen, since 2

"iil'c4 (or 2 "iil'c2) runs into 2... "iil'a5+ and again White's dark-squared bishop is a goner.
884) Womacka-Kritz
1 l:ixg7+! 1-0

Black loses his queen after l...li:lxg7 2 li:lg5+ fxg5 3 "!l!lxc2.

885) Katte-Pert

Black wins queen for rook: 1 ... ll:c2+! 0-1

886) Ruck-Dreev
1 ...1De2+! 2 "!l!lxe2 l:txc1+ wins the exchange.
887) Zhigalko-Durarbayli
1 b6! "!l!lxb6 (or J ..."iil'b7 2 xd8) 2 li:lxe7+ l!lf8 3 li:lxc8 wins the exchange.
888) Burnett-Bucher
1 xc7! wins a second pawn in view of l...l!lxc7 2 lhe7+.
889) Eggleston-Ramaswamy
1 lbe7+! 1-0

White wins a piece in view of l . ..l!lxe7 2 1i:ld5+ and 3 1Dxb6.

890) Jones-Ruxton
1 xa3! 2 bxa3 J:.xc3 picks up a second pawn.

891) Kosintseva-Jackova
1 i.xf7+! wins the exchange in view of 1 . . .1!/x7 (or l...l!lh7 2 xeS) 2 li:le5+ l!lg8 3 1Dxc6 and

4 1Dxb8.


892) Jakovenko-Shirov
Black wins a pawn: 1...'l!i'xc3+! 2 lilxc3 b4+ 3 lild4 S.xf7 and Black's connected passed

pawns carried the day.

893) Hess-Kamsky
1...S.xd1! 0-1

Black wins a piece in view of 2 lhdl li:le3+ 3 1!/gl li:lxd l .

894) Wagner-Miralles
1....!i:xe3! wins a pawn and leaves White in all sorts of trouble: 2 ll:xe3 'l!i'xg2+! 3 lilxg2
li:lxe3+ 4 lilf2 1i:lxc2 5 J:lxc2 and now 5 ... b4! (rather than the game's 5 ... g5) 6 axb4 a4

would have won the exchange.

895) Tiviakov-Bunzmann
1 xg7! netted a pawn in view of l...lilxg7 2 l:!f7+ and 3 l:!xd7.
896) Thorfinnsson-Najer
1...lire1+! 0-1

White's queen is lost in view of 2 l:!xel 'l!i'xd3.

897) Porper-Mikkelsen
1 Xf7+! 1-0

White is two pawns up after 1 ...1!/x7 2 1Lle5+ and 3 1Llxc6.

898) Tallaksen-Lie
1....!i:xc2 2 l:!xcz e3 forces White to give up his rook to halt the pawns: 3 lild3 e2 4 l:!xe2 fxez
5 1!1xe2 1i:lxd5 0-1
899) Reppen-Guddahl
1...'l!i'xc3! 2 'l!i'xc3 d2 0-1

White can only stop the d-pawn by giving up his queen.

900) Cherniaev-Pauchard
1 1i:lxe6+! 1-0

Black loses his queen after 1 ... xe6 2 'l!i'xa4.

901) Huss-Khenkin
1...l:!xb2! (threatening mate on c2) 2 lilxb2 d2 0-1

White must give up his rook to stop the d-pawn.

902) Handke-Reuss
1 1Llxd4! 1-0

White emerges two pawns ahead after l ...cxd4 2 'l!i'xd4 'l!i'c7 (or 2 ... 1i:le7 3 xc6 1Llxc6 4
'l!i'xd7) 3 xd5 xd5 4 'l!i'xd5.
903) Langheinrich-Pelletier
1...xf2+! 2 ll:xf2 'lli'h1+! 0-1

Black emerges the exchange ahead after 3 lilxhl li:lxf2+ 4 1!/gl li:lxdl.
904) Sargissian-Nisipeanu
1...J:Ixe5! 2 xd5 (it's mate after 2 l:!xe5? xf3+ 3 1!/gl 'l!i'g4+ 4 1!/fl 'l!i'g2#) 2 ...'1li'g5 (or


The C o m p l e te Chess Work o u t

2 . . .'1!Vh3; the mate threat i s decisive) 3 'lii'g1 'lii'xg1+ 0-1

Black emerges a piece up after 4 xgl .!l:xe3 5 fxe3 1i:lxd5.
905) Firman-Sakaev
1 'li'xc7! 1-0

White emerges the exchange ahead after l...'!i'xc7 2 1i:le6+ and 3 1i:lxc7.
906) Kindermann-Schneider
1 ...xb2! 2 xb2 'lii'e 5+ 3 b1 'li'xg5 won a pawn.
907) Heinemann-Sarbok
1 1i:lxe6+! fxe6 2 l:ixe6 1-0

Black cannot both cover e8 and defend his bishop on h6.

908) lvanchuk-Gyimesi
1 xa7! cxd5 (the main point is that l .. .li:xa7? 2 'li'b6 forks Black's rooks) 2 b6 l:ie8 3 exd5

won a pawn.
909) Ribli-Kalinitschew
1 lbb7! lbb7 2 ll:c8+ l!ig7 3 f4 wins a piece.
910) Butnorius-Cramling
1...'lii'xf2+! 2 1!ih1 (the main point is that 2 1!ixf2? runs into 2... 1i:lcxe4+ 3 1!/el f2#) 2 ...1i:lcxe4

picked up two important pawns.

911) Krush-Richardson
1 1i:lxd6! wins either the exchange or Black's queen after l ... 'lii'xd6 2 c5.
912) Rashleigh-Bucknell
1...ll:xc2+! 0-1

White loses his queen after 2 1!ixc2 'lii'xa2+ and 3 ... 'lii'xg2.
913) Sarkar-Obers
1 'lii'xf7+! l!ixf7 2 1i:ld8+ 1-0

White emerges a piece ahead after 3 li:lxc6.

914) Ramesh-Werner
1 1i:lxc6! exploits Black's vulnerable back-rank and cS-rook to win a pawn.
915) Abergei-Wallace
1 xf7+! ll:xf7 2 ll:xa8 won the exchange.
916) Keres-Spassky
1 'iWxg7+! 1-0

Black emerges a piece down with a hopeless position after l...l!ixg7 2 1i:lxd7+ l!igS 3 1i:lf6+
l!if7 (even worse is 3... 1!/hS 4 1i:lxe8+ l!igS S li:lxc7) 4 1i:ld5+ l!igS S li:lxc7.
917) Olivier-Adda
1...'1i'xe1+! 2 1!ixe1 1i:lg2+ 3 1!if1 1i:lxh4 wins a rook.


S o l u tions

918) Smyslov-Kottnauer
1 1Llcs! dxcs (or l ..Ji:c7 2 1Llxd7 l:ixc6 3 1Llxb8 with an extra piece) 2 f4 d6 (White's main
point is that 2 ...'i!i'xf4 fails to 3 'ili'c8+ e7 4 'i!i'xb7 and 5 J:l:xd7+) 3 xd6ll:b6 4 'li'xd7+! 1-0

White wins a piece.

919) Walton-Palliser

Black wins a crucial pawn: 1...xb3! 2 J:i:b1 <4 and White's position collapsed.
920) Breutigam-Pajeken
1 'i!i'f7+! 1-0

White wins a rook with l...'i!i'xf7 2 J:l:xc8+ 'lWeS 3 .!l:xe8+.

921) Palliser-Adrian
1...1t:lf3+! 0-1

White loses his queen after 2 gxf3 (or 2 hl 'i!i'h2#) 2 ...l:i:g7+ 3 g2 '1Wxc4.
922) Greet-Grant
1 'li'xf7+! xf7 2 1Lle5+ e6 3 1Llxd3 wins a pawn.
923) Donovan-Webster
1 .!l:xd6! wins a piece in view of the simplifying trick l...'i!i'xd6 2 'i!i'xaS :SxaS 3 1t:lf7+ Wg8 4

924) Bowers-Stewart

White wins the black queen: 1 ll:xg7+! lt:lxg7 2 '11Hxh4.

925) Stellwagen-Bosboom
1 xa6! decisively won a second pawn in view of l ...xa6 (or l ...lt:lc6 2 l:i:f4+) 2 ll:xe5.
926) Kuznetsova-Bogorads
1... 1t:lxd3! wins a pawn in view of 2 'i!i'xd3? 'ili'xel+.
927) Alekhine-Euwe

Rather than the game's 1 a3, 1 'lll'h8+! xh8 2 1Llxf7+ Wh7 3 1Llxes would have simplified to
a winning endgame.
928) Palliser-Stalmans
1....!l:d1+! 0-1

White loses his queen after 2 l:l:xdl (2 c2 is mated by 2.. .ll:xb2+ 3 xdl 'i1Hd4+ 4 cl 'lll'c3+ 5
lll dl l:tbl#) 2...'1Wxg3.
929) Georgiou-Palliser
1...1t:lxg4! wins a pawn in view of 2 fxg4?! xc3 (2 ... l:txc3!? is pretty reasonable too) 3 bxc3?

'i'xa3+ 4 \Jibl 'i!i'a2+ 5 1!/cl 'i!i'al#.

930) lkonnikov-Negi

White wins material with 1 'i!i'xe8: 1...'i!i'xe8 2 11'\xcs 'i1Hc6 3 xc8 1-0
The d-pawn queens after 3 ...'i!i'xc5 4 d7, while 3 ...xd6 fails to 4 ll:xd6!.
931) Malakhatko-Groffen
1 l:txh8! 1-0


The C o m p lete C h e s s Work o u t

White wins a piece since 1 . . ./iJxhS 2 J:l:f6+ IiieS 3 c6 forks the black rooks.
932) Morris-Gilhespy
1 ... 1Dxh2! 2 J:l:f2 (White's queen is lost after 2 1!1xh2 'lii'h5+ 3 Wgl iDh3+ 4 Wh2 1Df2+ 5 Wgl
'lii'hl + 6 Wxf2 '!li'xg2+ 7 1!/el 'lli'xc2) 2 ...'lli'h S 0-1

There's no good defence to the threats of 2...1Zlf3+ and 2 ...1Dg4 since 3 Wg1 1Df3+ 4 J:l:xf3
'lli'xf3 leads to mate.
933) Gunnarsson-lraheta
1 J:l:xe6! li:fs (White mates after 1 .. Jl.xc3 2 ::l:xe7 as, of course, he also does after l ... lxe6 2
'lli'f8#) 2 'lli'xd6! 1-0

Black comes out a piece down in the ending after 2 ... 'lli'xd6 3 ll:xd6 exd6 4 li'lxf5 gxf5 5 ll:xd6.
934) Rublevsky-Gurevich
1 i.xe6+! 1-0

l...fxe6 2 'I!Vxe6+ costs Black the exchange and 1 ... i.d7 2 i.xf7 is also crushing.
935) Meins-Abel
1 ll:xf7! 'lil'xf7 2 '1Wxa8+ wins a pawn.
936) Morales-Heimbacher
1 1Dxf7! >llxf7 (or 1 . ..3l.xf7 2 J:l:xe7) 2 ll:xe6 wins a pawn.
937) Zapata-Moreno
1 1Df6+! exf6 2 3l.c6 wins the exchange.
938) Carlsen-lvanchuk
1 ds! exds 2 1iJd4 wins a piece and the game.
939) Rayner-Vranesic
1 i.xh7+! l!lxh7 2 'lli'd 3+ l!?g8 3 'lli'x dS wins a pawn.
940) James-Waters
1 i.xh6! wins a pawn since 1...3l.xh6? 2 'lli'xg6+ forks Black's minor pieces.
941) Nunn-Piaskett
1 'iWfS! :!!.e 6 (the queen is immune due to l...'lli'xf5? 2 ll:xe8# and l ... 'lil'dS? fails to 2 l:e7! fol
lowed by mate) 2 ds liJxd3 3 dxe6 fxe6 4 'i!!'xe6+ and White had won the exchange. 10
942) large-Baker
1 i.h6+! l!?xh6 (or 1...>1/gS 2 i.xf8 3l.h4+ 3 \!?d2 3l.f2 4 ::l:dl with an extra rook) 2 g S+ i.xgs 3
::l:xh3+ l!?g7 4 l:!.xg5 and White's extra piece proved decisive.
943) Hebbes-Palliser
1 ...l:xc2+! 2 Wxc2 'i!!'xe2+ 3 'i!!'d 2 and now 3...::l:c8+ would have won White's queen.
944) Hartston-Basman
1 xf7+! lilxf7 (otherwise Black loses the exchange on g8) 2 'i!!'h S+ ::l:g6 3 'li'xh3 wins a


2 92


945) Tsirulnik-Kosyachenko
1... '1Wxa3! wins a piece in view of 2 :=:xa3? :!:lfl#.
946) Arutyunova-Maiko
1 xg6! hxg6 2 l:l:xd7! won a key pawn and gained White a decisive initiative in view of

2 ... '1Wxd7 3 1Llf6+ \!lg7 4 1Llxd7.

947) Blackburne-Owen
1 '1Wxf7+! '11Vxf7 2 J:lee7 1-0

Black's bishop is lost in view of 2 ...l:l:f8 3 :!Ixb7.

948) Ausan-Chan Wei Vi
1 ... lb1+! 2 ll<xb1 (or 2 lli'd2 l:l:xh1 with an extra rook) 2 ... xa2+ 3 \l<xa2 'lWxf6 0-1

Black's extra queen and passed h-pawn decide.

949) Najdorf-Rossetto
1 1Llxc6! wins a pawn in view of l ...bxc6 2 xeS.
950) Klima-Boros
1 1Llxe6! fxe6 (or 1 ... '11Vd 7 2 xb6 1Llxc4 3 1Llc7 picking up the exchange) 2 xb6 '!Wc8 3 xas

wins two pawns.

951) Markiewicz-Sokolowski
1 Ixc8! 1-0

White wins a piece after l...l:l:xc8 2 1Lle7+ lli'g7 3 /LlxcS.

952) Warakomski-Orzech
1... xb2+! 2 ll<xb2 l:!xd2 wins a pawn and seizes the initiative in view of 3 'lWxd2? ltlc4+

and 4... 1Llxd2.

953) Bergez-Vassallo Barroche
1...1Llfxe4! wins a pawn in view of the skewer 2 lllxe4 lllxe4 3 '11Vxe4 fS.
954) Hodinott-Palliser
1...1tlxd4! 2 1Llxd4 xc3 3 xc3 l'bc3 wins a pawn.
955) lvanchuk-Anand
1 f4! '1Wxf4 2 l:l:e4 1-0

The knight is lost after 2 ...'1Wf5 3 .l:l:ael f6 4 f4.

956) Kramnik-lvanchuk
1...1tlce7! wins a clear piece in view of the threat of 2 ... a4, and if 3 l:b2, then 3 ... 1Llxc3.
Kramnik tried 2 xd5 1tlxd5 3 b2, but this failed to save the piece after 3 ... a4 4 S.a3
::lxb2 5 Yxa4 1Llb6 (the crucial sting in the tail) 6 l:l:a7 l:l:xd2 when he might as well have re

957) Almada-Roselli Mailhe
1...1tlxc3! wins a pawn in view of 2 \!lxc3 l:!xe3+.
958) lvanchuk-Topalov
1 '11Vxc4! 1-0


The C o m p l e t e Chess Worko u t

White wins a piece in view of both l...ll:xc4 2 l:ixf7 and l ...ll:xa7 2 ll:xa7 'lWxa7 3 'lWxcS.
959) Milov-Akobian
1 12id7+! ll:xd7 2 ll:xf8 wins the exchange.
960) Chudinovskikh-5itnikov
1 12id7+! 'iWxd7 2 'lWxe6 wins the exchange.
961) Vasiukov-Kholmov
1 12ixc5! 'i!l'xc5 (the inclusion of l ...J:l:xel+ 2 l:ixel 'i!l'xc5 makes little difference) 2 il.xg7! 10

Black loses his queen after 2 ... il.xg7 3 'i!l'h5 h6 4 il.h7+ ll.>xh7 5 'lWxc5.
962) Kashdan-Kotov
1 12ie7+! 10

After l ...'!Wxe7 2 '!Wxc8+ 'lWf8 Black loses his queen to 3 il.h7+! .

963) Ambartsumova-Gunina
Black wins a piece: 1...ll:xf2! 2 ll.>xf2 'iWf4+ 3 ll.>g2 'i!l'xc1 01
964) Petrosian-Lahno

White missed 1 'iWf7+ ll.>h8 2 '!Wa2 winning the bishop in view of the threatened smothered
965) Petrosian-5passky
1 '!Wh8+! 10

White is a piece up in the endgame after 1...\l.>xhS 2 12ixf7+ ll.>g7 3 12ixg5.

966) Petrosian-Simagin
1 'iii'aS+ ll.>g7 2 il.xe5+! (far simpler than 2 12ixf7 'i!l'dl+) 2 ...'i!l'xe5 3 'i!l'h8+! ll.>xh8 4 12ixf1+ 10

White will be a piece up in the ending.

967) Burmakin-Burlov
1 12ixa7! wins a pawn in view of 1...12ixa7 2 'i!l'xa5.
968) Malakhov-Areshchenko
1 l:!.xd71 ll:xd7 2 g4 10

White wins the rook after 2 ...'i!l'xh3 3 12\xeS or a piece following 2... a6 3 'i!l'xd7+! ll.>xd7 4
969) Ragozin-Panov
1 ...'lWc6! 0-1

White must lose a rook in view of 2 'i!l'xc6 l:ixdl+ 3 \l.>g2 bxc6.

970) Sandipan-Nezar
1.../2ixb2! 2 il.xb2 il.xc3 wins a pawn.
971) Saidy-Santasiere
1 li!xe6+! 10

Black loses his queen after l .. .l!.xe6 2 'i!l'xc6.


S o l u tions

972) Capablanca-Fonaroff
1 'lll'x e5! 'lll'x e5 2 1Llxf7+ 1-0

White emerges a piece ahead after 2 ...\li>gS (and not 2.. Ji:xf7? 3 l:!.d8+ with back-rank mate) 3
973) Capablanca-Graham
1 l:!.xc6+! 1-0

Black's queen is lost after l .. 'lll'xc6 2 1Lle7+ in view of 2 .. .J:!.xe7 3 '1Wxc6+.


974) Maletin-Andreev
1 xg7! wxg7 2 '1Wg4+ l:!.g6 3 '1Wxd7 wins a pawn.
975) Palliser-Gallagher
1.. Jl:xe4+! 2 dxe4 d4+ wins the white queen and with check in view of 3 Wd3 a6+.
976) Andrijevic-Grunberg
1...xe5! 2 .ixe5 '1We3 (threatening the queen-winning 3 ...d3+) 3 .ic2 '/Wxe5 wins a pawn.
977) Aagaard-Wiltshire
1 xf7+! Wxf7 2 .!bd8 wins the exchange.
978) Rutkowski-Hilton
1 'lll'xb7 leaves Black unable to save both his rook and queen: 1 ....!l:f8 2 1Llf6+! 1.0

3 'lll'xg2 follows.
979) 'Erdnussbuddha'-Palliser

Black resigned before White won his queen with 1 ll:c8+!.

980) Kamsky-Sher
1 xa6! decisively opened the queenside in view of l...bxa6 2 l:!.b8 .!l:c7 3 1i:lb6 regaining the

piece along the eighth.

981) Lappage-Smallbone
1 '1Wxa6! li:lxa6 2 1Lld6+ 1-0

2 ...\li>bS 3 1i:lxf7 l::tf8 4 1i:lg5 (or 4 .!l:xc7 l!lxc7 5 l:!.cl+ l!ld7 6 l:!dl+ l!le6 7 1i:ld8+) 4 .. .fxg5 5 .ia7+
lli>xa7 6 ll:xf8 is pretty hopeless for Black.
982) Smallbone-Lipman
1 1Lld5! wins either Black's queen or a clear piece after 1 . ..'1Wxd2 2 1Llxe7+.
983) Burt-Small bone
1 ll:xe7! 1-0

Black must give up his queen since 1 . ..'1Wxe7 2 xc6+ forces mate.
984) Burt-Mcintosh

Rather than the game's 1 c4, 1 g6! hxg6 2 l:!.e7! '/Wxe7 (the inclusion of 2...g2+ 3 11i>xg2
'lll'xe7 4 'lll'd5+ makes little difference, while the reason for White's first becomes clear after
2... c5 3 'lii'M) 3 '1Wxd5+ lli>g7 4 '/Wxa8 would have won a piece.
985) Dervishi-Vallejo Pons
1... .ixb3! exploits all the pins to win a key pawn in view of 2 l:!.xb3 '1Wxb3.


The C o m p l e t e C h e s s W o rk o u t

986) Uhlmann-Fischer
1 ...1i\xe4! 2 ti:lxe4 (Black also wins a pawn after 2 hxg4 xc3 in view of 3 bxc3 /tJxc3 and
4...ti:lxe2+) 2 ... ll:xe4 3 g5 'lil'e8 4 d3 xf3 5 'lil'xf3 ll:b4 leaves Black a pawn up and somewhat better.
987) Timofeev-Yevseev
1 .. J!.h1+! 2 l!lxh1 ti:lgxf2+ 3 1iJxf2 ti:lxf2+ 4 Wg1 1iJxd3 leaves Black queen for rook ahead.
988) Nguyen Thien Viet-Pham Due Thang
1 ...1iJe3! 0-1
White must give up the exchange on dl since 2 xe3 (2 fxe3? drops the queen to 2 ... /tJxf3+
3 gxf3 'lil'xd3) 2 ... /tJxf3+ 3 gxf3 'lil'xd3 4 i:txd3 Bxd3 loses it under even more unfavourable
989) Giani-Garofalo
1...'lil'xg2+! 2 1!1xg2 ti:le1+ 3 Wg3 1ilxd3 4 xd3 f4+ saw Black pick up the exchange.
990) Gnetti-Orlov
1 ...xf2+! wins a pawn: 2 l;txf2? (now Black wins the exchange) 2 ...'lil'xf2+ 3 l!lxf2 2<2+ 4
l!le2 j<xa4 0-1
991) 5amuels-Miller
Rather than the game's l...BdcS, 1...1iJh3+ 2 Wh1 'lil'xd1! would have forced resignation in
view of 3 'lil'xdl liJxf2+ 4 \!lgl liJxd l .
992) Wegerer-Jankovic
1 1iJxc5! wins a pawn in view of l ...dxc5 2 l:td7 'lil'h4 (or 2 ... ti:ld4 3 Bxe7 /tJxe2+ 4 ti:lxe2 xb2
5 Bxb7) 3 :!l.xb7.
993) Krstic-McPhillips
1 2h7+! l!lxh7 2 Bxd7 j<xc3 3 'lil'd3+ l!lg8 4 'lil'xc3 'lil'xc3 5 bxc3 gave White a clearly better
994) Landa-Manca
1...Bxf2+! 2 1!1xf2 (or 2 \!lel 'lil'gS with an overwhelming attack) 2 ...1tJxe4+ wins the queen
and the game.
995) Huzman-Kasparov
White wins two pawns: 1 l:l:xd5 'lil'e8 (Black loses his queen after l . ..'lil'xd5 2 1iJe7+ and the
f6-knight is, of course, pinned against mate) 2 .Xl,xc4 1-0
996) Baldursson-Bjornsson
1 ... J:!:xe3! 2 l:ixe3 c5 3 l!lf2 g5 4 Wf3 xe3 5 1!1xe3 l!lg7 simplified to a winning pawn end
997) Doroshkievich-Tukmakov
1. ./tJxd7! 0-1
Black wins a piece after 2 J/.xg2 'lil'xg5 or a rook after 2 2xd8 gxhl 'lil'.

998) Solovjov-Belozerov
1... 1tJxb2! 2 l'l:xa4 4lxa4 wins a pawn.

S o l u tions

999) Vera Gonzalez Quevedo-Aguado Zabaleta

1 jcc7! 1-0

Black loses his queen after 1 ... l'ixc7 2 1i'lxe6+ fxe6 3 'IIVxdS+.
1000) Morales-Vera
1... jcxc2! 2 jcxc2 '11Va 7+ 3 '11Vd4 (White would have had better chances to defend after 3 llihl
li'xa2 4 jce4 12Jd5 5 jcxdS exdS 6 "I!Vxb4) 3 ..."11Vxa2 4 .l.e4 iild5! 5 jcxd5 "I!Vxd5 6 '11Vxd5 exd5 7
J:txd5 J;lbS simplified to a winning rook ending.
1001) Palliser-Dyce
1...12Jf4! 0-1

The mate threat on dl costs White a piece.

1002) Palliser-Hankinson
1 '11Vxh6+! lilxh6 2 1i'lg4+ fxg4 3 J:lxe6 g3 4 fxg3 jcxg3 5 \11<2 and the extra exchange proved

1003) Sadorra-Dao Thien Hai
1 J;lxa8 "I!Vxf2+ 2 \lld 2 J;lxa8 3 '11Vx d5+ lilh7 4 '11Vxa8 1-0

Black's pawns are no match for White's extra rook.

1004) Anand-Kramnik
1 jcd1! '11Vd 3 (White forks Black's pieces immediately in the case of 1...'11Vc6 2 J;leS ) 2 l:te3!
'11Vxc4 3 l:te5 1-o

Black loses a piece along the fifth.

1005) Vujcic-Matas
1 '11Vxh6! wins an important pawn in view of l ... gxh6? 2 1i'lf6+ and 3 12Jxd7.
1006) Obiamiwe-Piayer
1 ... 12Jxf2+! 2 "I!Vxf2 '11Vxc4 wins a second pawn.
1007) Yermolinsky-Stripunsky
1 jcg6+! 1-0

Black loses a piece after 1...\lle7 (or l...Wxg6 2 '11Vxe6+) 2 '11Vxe6+ ll<xe6 3 jcxeS in view of
3 .. .ll:xe8? 4 cS'IIV+ .
1008) Kudrin-Robson
1 jcb6+! '11Vxb6 2 l:txd7+ 1-0

White is a queen up with an overwhelming attack after 2 ... lilxd7 3 '11Vxb6.

1009) Hanley-Jones

White wins a piece: 1 l:txc8! '11Vxc8 2 '11Vf7+ 1-0

1010) Gavriei-Palliser
1...iilxd4! wrecks the white position: 2 cxd4? "I!Vxd4+ 3 lile1 '11Vx b2! 4 "I!Vc3 jcg7 0-1
1011) Mandla-Cunanan
1...l:txh2+! 0-1

White loses his queen after 2 llixh2 1i'lf3+ and 3 ... 12Jxf3.

29 7

Th e C o m p l e t e C h e s s Work o u t

1012) Rogers-llic
1 1Dh6+! jcxh6 2 'li'xd7 wins the exchange.
1013) Benidze-Magalashvili
1 1De7+! 'li'xe7 2 xeS+ wins the exchange.
1014) Torrecillas Martinez-Lezcano Jaen

White wins the exchange and the game: 1 Jl,xf7+! 'li'xf7 2 'li'xd8+ l!<g7 3 l:l:e1 1-0
1015) Garcia-Ghobrial
1 ...1Dxh3! 2 gxh3 l:txf3 wins a key pawn.
1016) Fedorov-Lastin
1 ... 'li'xh2+! 2 11<xh2 1i:lg4+ 3 1!<g1 1Dxe3 wins a pawn.
1017) Van Wely-Aronian

The overloading 1 jcc1! wins a piece after which White should have won, but he later re
turned the favour in the scramble - see Puzzle 831 .
1018) Kramnik-Shirov

Black resigned before White picked up a piece with 1 fl.xe6! in view of l ...l!<xe6 2 1Dc5+ l!<fS
3 1i'lxb7.
1019) Palliser-Tuplin
1...il,xb6! removes a dangerous pawn in view of White's vulnerable back rank.
1020) Palliser-Bekker Jensen
1 l:!.xe4+! xe4 2 1i'lxd6+ 1-0

White emerges a piece ahead after 3 12:lxc8.

1021) A.Karpov-R.Bergmann
1 1i'lf7+! 1-0

White wins the exchange and gains a crushing initiative after l...'li'xf7 2 'li'xd6.
1022) Grigoryan-Jessel
1 :cth8+! 1-0

Black's queen is lost after 1...\!<xhS 2 12:lg6+ and 3 1i'lxh4.

1023) Kramnik-Aronian
1 jcxe6+! 'li'xe6 2 "ilVb3 leaves Black unable to save both pieces and after 2 ...1Df4+ 3 gxf4
'li'xb3 4 axb3 jcxf4 5 lha6 White had reached a highly favourable endgame.
1024) Hopwood-Barber
1 l:i:xhS+! 'it>g8 (White wins the queen after l...'li'xh5 with 2 1Df6+ g6 3 1i'lxh5 'it>xh5 4 'li'xg7
leading to an easy win) 2 l:!g5 'llfc2+ 3 'it>g3 jcxd4 4 'li'e6+ l!<f8 5 l:l:f5+ and the attack was

1025) Hopwood-Eggleston

Rather than the game's l ...jcbS, 1 ...1i'lxb3! 2 axb3 'li'xb3 would have seen Black emerge a
pawn ahead, such as after 3 jca3 xc2 4 :C:bl 'li'a4 5 Jl,xe7 1i'lxe7 6 xb7 :C:fcS.



1026) Sriharan-Hopwood

White wins the exchange: 1 Jich7+! Wxh7 2 'ill'xc3.

1027) Watson-Lockwood
1... 'ill'x es! 2 dxe5 (or 2 'ill'g4 'ill'f5 and wins, but not 2.. Jl.xd4?? due to 3 ll:xd4 'ill'xd4?? 4
li:lgS+!) 2 ...ll:xd1+ 3 .ltxd1 1Dxf4 and Black's extra material and potential passed c-pawn

shortly prevailed.
1028) lsmaii-Mitchinson

Black wins the exchange with 1 ...1Dd4! 2 hxg4 (and not 2 /Dxd4? 'li'h2+ 3 1!/fl 'ill'hl + 4 'ilie2
ll.xf2#) 2 .../Dxe6.

Chapter Six
1029) Sadvakasov-Baladjaev
1 ll:e5!! d5 (the rook is immune due to l...dxe5 2 ll:d7+ Wb8 - it's mate even faster after

2... 1i:lxd7 3 'i'a7+ - 3 ll:b7+ WaS 4 c7 with a crushing attack and l...'I!Vxb4 2 ll:b3 is also termi
nal) 2 l:l:exd5! 1Dxd5 3 l:i:xd5 (an immediate 3 'i'a7+ is also rather powerful) 3 ... 'l!i'xc6 4 'ill'a 7+
1030) Trifunovic-Lalic
1...gxf3!! 2 il..xf6 (or 2 l:i:xf3 l:i:hg8 3 il..e2 ll:xg2+! 4 li<xg2 'ill'g4+ 5 Wf2 il..xf3 6 Jicxf3 /De4+! and
mates) 2 .. Jl:hgB 3 Sf2 (there's nothing better: 3 g3 f2+ forces mate and 3 l:i:a2 f2+! 4 l:i:fxf2
:!l:xdl+ 5 .ltfl 'ill'hl is crushing) 3 ... ll:xg2+ 4 l:!.xg2 (or 4 1!/fl il..xh2 5 Wel ll:gl+ 6 il.. fl 'i'd3
with the decisive threat of 7... l:i:xfl + 8 l:i:xfl 'ill'd 2#) 4 ... f2+! (the star move in the combina
tion; mate is now forced) s l!lxf2 'lii'xg2+ 6 lile1 'lii'd 2+ 7 'ilif1 il..g2+ 8 lilg1 .1txh2+! g l!lxh2
Jicf3+ 10 .lte2 'lii'xe2+ 11 1Df2 'i'xf2+ 0-1
1031) Wheeler-Emms
1.../Dxd3+!! 2 'lii'xd3 l:i:ee2 (with a decisive threat of 3 ...'lii'h6+) 3 'ilid1 "ii'f6 4 'lii'd 5+? (a better

defence is 4 'lii'd4 l:!d2+ 5 'I!Vxd2 'lii'x al+ 6 'ill'cl 'I!Vxa2 - threatening both 7... '1!Ve2# and 7...'ill'b3 7 /Dc3 'ill'b3+ S lilel l:lc2 9 'ile3 'l!i'xc3+ 1 0 11Vxc3 l:txc3 when Black is only a pawn up in a rook
ending) 4...11/hS s l:lc1 (or 5 /Dc3 ll:e8 when White can't avoid losing his queen down the d
file) and now, rather than Emms' 5 ...ll:xg2, s...J:txa2! 6 :!l:e1 (or 6 '1Wd3 'l!i'g5 and the check on
d2 forces mate) 6 ... ll:f1 would have been decisive since White has no good way to meet the
threat of 7... l:i:xel+ 8 li<xel 'ill'f2+ 9 1!/dl 1\Vfl#.
1032) Sutovsky-Sokolov
1 1Dd5+!! lhd5 2 :!l:xf7+! li<d8 (Black is also mated in style after 2... 1!1xf7 3 'lii'f3+ We6 4 "iil'f6+

l!ld7 5 'liVf5+ lild8 6 licg5+ We8 7 '1We6+ l!lf8 8 il..h6#, while 2... We8 3 l:tf8+ l!le7 4 il..g5+! trans
poses to the game) 3 l:l:f8+ l!le7 4 .ltg5+! 1-0
It's mate after 4...'iltxf8 5 'I!Vf3+ l!lg8 6 '1Wxd5+ l!lg7 7 ..ll.h6+! l!lxh6 8 '1We6+ l!lg7 9 1i'f6+ l!lg8 10
1033) Turner-Howell
1 l:td5! (threatening both mate and the black queen) 1.....1l.xds 2 g5+ li<xg5 3 'liVes+ J:tfs 4 f4+

It's mate after 4 ... 1!1h6 5 /Dg4#.

1034) Georghiou-Mogasha
1 1Dxf7!! Wxf7 2 /Dds 'lli'd 8 (or 2 ...1\Vc6 3 1i'h5+ l!lf8 - 3...Wg8 4 /Dxf6+ gxf6 5 :!l:xf6 forces mate


The C o m p l e t e C h e s s Worko u t

4 l:txf6+! gxf6 5 i<h6+ li:lg7 6 12:lxf6 and Black is helpless) 3 J:\xf6+! (very aesthetic and even
stronger than 3 'i'h5+ g6 4 'i'h3) 3 ...gxf6 4 'i'h5+ Wf8 (this is not the most testing defence,
but 4 ... \l,/gS 5 i<c3 i<e7 6 l:lfl also gives White a decisive attack) 5 l:lf1 i<e7 6 Jl.h6+ Wg8 7

l:lf3 1-0

The rook lift decides.

1035) Watson-Kuczynski
1...'i'xg1+!! (the only winning try; l . ..fxg6? would have led to a draw after 2 'i'h6! 'i'xgl+1 3
l:txgl bxa2 4 gxfS'i'+ li:lxf8 5 I:txg6+ li:lxg6 6 'i'xg6+) 2 ll:xg1 bxa2 3 gxf7+ (perhaps a better

try was 3 'i'h6!?, although after 3... al 'ii'+ 4 \l,?d2 fxg6 5 'i'hS+ \l,?f7 6 'ii'h 7 \l,?eS 7 l:lxal I:txal 8
'i'xg6+ WdS 9 gxfS'i'+ i<xfS Black again has more than enough for the queen) 3 ... \l,?xf7 4
'i'g2 a1'i'+ 5 Wd2 "iilxg1! (very aesthetic; a second queen is sacrificed on gl) 6 gxf8"iil+ li:lxf8
7 "iilxg1 l:ta5 and Black's rook and two minor pieces outpowered White's queen.
1036) 5akelsek-Rodriguez lopez
1 12:lxe6!! fxe6 2 'i'xe6+ i<f7 (White also emerges with sufficient extra pawns after 2...\l,/fS 3

i<d5 i<f7 4 'i'xf7+! li:lxf7 5 i<xc7; probably the best defence was 2...Wh8!?, although 3 1i:ld5
3 ll:hel!? is also possible 3 ...'i'c8 4 "iilxc8 12:lxc8 5 12:lc7 /ijb6 6 12:lxa8 I:txa8 7 l:thel leaves
White with somewhat the better ending) 3 12Jd5 i<xe6 (White gains a decisive lead too after
3... 'lil'd7 4 12:lxe7+ li:lxe7 5 'i'xd6) 4 1'ilxc7 i<g4 5 12:lxa8 i<xd1 6 fixd1 and White's two extra
pawns were decisive.

1037) Sokolov-Vovk

The former candidate missed 1 fixh5+!! gxh5 (or 1 ...\l,/g? 2 l::rg5 'i!Ve8 3 l:lgf5! Wh7 4 'i/ff4 and
h5 will follow with decisive effect) 2 ll:f5 \l,?h6 3 'ii'f4+ \l,?g7 4 ll:g5+ \l,?h6 5 "iilf3 ll:e1+ 6 \l,?h2
when Black must give up his queen to avert mate, but 6...'i!Vxg5 7 hxg5+ \l,?g7 8 'lil'f6+ \l,?g8 9
g6 fxg6 10 'ii'xg6+ \l,?h8 11 "iilx h5+ \l,?g7 12 'i'g4+ \l,?f7 13 "iilf3+ We8 14 'iifx d5 sees White's
queen triumph over the black rooks.
1038) Sott-Pokorny
1...1i:lf3+!! 2 gxf3 i<xf3 leaves White unable to prevent Black's queen from decisively infil
trating his kingside: 3 1i:lxc5 (a better defence is 3 h3, but Black is still winning after 3... 12:lg4!

4 12:lf4 'i!Vh4 5 1iJce2 g5; for example, 6 i.d7 gxf4 7 i<xg4 i<xg4 8 hxg4 f3 9 1iJf4 l'!fe8 1 0 d4
"iilxg4+ 11 Whl J:ie6! and mate follows) 3 ...1iJg4! 4 d4 (as 4 h3 is also mated by 4 ...'i!Vh4, the
only defence is 4 'i'e3, not that that really helps White after 4 ...1iJxe3 5 fxe3 'i'g5+ 6 Wf2
'i'g2+ 7 Wei dxc5 when Black is winning quite straightforwardly) 4...'iifh4 (now it's mate on
h2 or g2) 5 i<f4 'i'h3 0-1
1039) Plachetka-Zinn
1 'iifh 5! liJf6 (the only try: l ...gxh5? is mated by 2 :cig3+ WhS 3 1iJxf7#) 2 12:lg4!! (the main
point of White's play) 2 ...gxh5 (and not 2 ...1iJxh5? 3 1iJh6#) 3 1i:lxf6+ \l,?h8 (again it's mate in
the case of 3 ... Wg7 4 12:le8+ Wh6 5 i<g7+! Wg6 6 ng3+ \l,?f5 7 l::rg5+ \l,?e4 8 12:lf6# or S li:lc3#) 4
nxh5 h6 5 1iJxd5+ 1-0

White is no less than three pawns up after 5 ... Wh7 6 12:lxc7 i<xc7 7 l:lxc5.
1040) Tozer-Palliser
1..."iilx d5+!! 2 1i:lxd5 i<e4+ 3 l:lf3 Jl.xd5 (3 ... /iJel is also pretty effective) 4 Wg2 (the inclusion
of 4 d7 l:le1+ 5 Wg2 5 'i'xe1 i.xf3# 5 ...\l,?g7 changes little) 4..Ji:e1 0-1

White must give up his queen as 5 'ii'xc2 l:l:gl + 6 Wh3 ihf3 leads to mate.



1041) Grassie-Duke

Rather than the game's 1 J:l:g5, 1 S.ds!! (preventing ...'i'xd6+) would have left Black without
a defence to the threat of 2 'i'g7; for example, 1 ... exd5 2 'i'g7 l!le7 (or 2 ... 'i'xd6 3 'i'xg8+ 'i'f8
4 'i'xf8+ li<xf8 5 ::i:h8#) 3 dxe7 and Black can resign.
1042) McNab-Brunella
1 l!lh6+!! gxh6 (or 1...\i<hS 2 'i'g4 'liVeS - 2 ... 'i'e7 3 dxeS fxe5 4 .l.xe5 wins - 3 dxe5 'i'xg4 4
l!lxg4 fxe5 5 1!lxe5 with an extra pawn and the initiative) 2 'i'g4+ Wh8 (White gains a crush
ing attack after 2... .1.g7 3 dxe5 c8 4 'i'xc8 ll:xcS 5 exf6 .l.h8 6 .l.h3 l:ieS 7 J:l:d7) 3 dxes 'i'c8 4
exf6! (4 l'l.d7 is also easily sufficient) 4 ...'i'xg4 5 f7+ ::i:es 6 .ltxe5+ 'i'g7 7 .l.xg7+ li<xg7 8 S.a1

and White emerges the exchange ahead.

1043) Trifunovic-Koch
1 J:l:xh6! 'i'd7+ (it's mate after 1 ...::i:xc4 2 :::!:h8+ li<f7 3 ::i:1h7+ li<f6 4 g5#) 2 "l!Vds! ll:d4+ (White
retains a crushing advantage after 2...'i'xd5+ 3 exd5 ll:xg4 4 ::i:h8+ li<f7 5 ll:xa8) 3 'i'xd4! exd4
4 ::i:g6+ li<f7 5 ll:h7+ 1-0

Mate follows on the back rank.

1044) Karjakin-Van Wely
1 .1.xh6!! wins a pawn: 1 ... gxh6? 2 'i'g6+ Wh8 3 'i'xh6+ li<g8 4 'i'g6+ li<h8 5 ::i:e3 (threatening 6 l'l.g3 followed by mate) s...f4 6 ll:xe5! dxes 1 'i'h6+ li<g8 8 d6 ll:f7 (Black is defenceless:

another winning line being 8 ...'i'd8 9 .l.c4+ ll:f7 1 0 dxe7 'i'xe7 1 1 'i'g6+ li<fS 12 .l.xf7 'i'xf7 13
'i'd6+ li<g7 14 'I!VxbS) 9 .l.c4 .l.f5 10 dxe7 1-o
White has a crushing attack after 10 ...::i:e8 1 1 'I!Vg5+ WhS 12 .l.xf7.
1045) Horvath-Kosten
1 ... '1!Vg3! 2 .l.e3 (White had to of course avoid 2 fxg3? hxg3+, while he also loses the ex
change in the case of 2 'i'f3 l!lxg4 3 .l.f4 l!lxf2+ 4 l:txf2 'i'xf2) 2 ...11:lxg4! (le point) 3 fxg3
hxg3+ 4 1i<g1 l!lxe3! 5 ::i:f2 l!lfs 6 exf5 gxf2+ 1 'i'xf2 .l.xf2+ 8 \i<xf2 1i<e7 and Black's extra

exchange prevailed.
1046) Ftacnik-Cvitan
1.. ..1.xg2+! 2 1i<xg2 'I!Vh3+! 3 Wxh3 l!lg5+ 4 Wg2 l!lh4+ 0-1

Mate follows with 5 Wh1 g2#.

1047) Richter-Hertneck
1 'i'xg4!! fxg4 2 ll:xf7 gives White a decisive attack due to his raking bishops: 2 ...'i'c6 (nei

ther 2 ... Wh8 3 l!ld5, with the idea of 3 ... .1.xd5 4 l!lg6+ li<h7 5 ll:xg7#, nor 2 ... 1i<h7 3 ll:xe7 ::i:g8
- desperately trying to cover g7 - 4 .l.d3+ li<h8 5 l!lg6+ Wh7 6 1i:le5+ 'Oii>hS 7 l!lf7# helps Black)
3 fl:xe7+ l!lh8 and now 4 1i:le4! J:l:g8 (Black is also crushed after both 4 ...'1!Vxe4 5 .l.xg7+ l!lh7 6
il.e5# and 4 ... 1i:le5 5 fl:xd8+ J:l.xdS 6 .1.xe5 ::i:d1+ 7 Wf2) 5 l!ld6 would have been even stronger
than the game's 4 l!ld5.
1048) Spraggett-Speelman

Instead of the game's 1 l!lxg3, 1 l!lgs!, threatening to capture on h7 would have forced
mate in view of 1 ... .1.xh2 2 ll:xh7+! "l!Vxh7 3 l!lxf7#.
1049) Williams-Prosiriakov
1 'i'h6!! f5 (White's main point is that l...dxc3 2 l!lg5 .l.xg5 3 .l.xg5 cxb2 4 S.ab1 f6 5 .l.xf6

'i'c7 6 S.xd5! is rather powerful, especially since 6 ... 12ic6? fails to 7 J:l.d7! 'i'xd7 8 .l.d5+ fol
lowed by mate) 2 l!lgs .l.xg5 3 .l.xg5 'i'd7 4 e6! 'lif'd6 (or 4...'i'xe6 5 J:l.e1 'i'f7 6 l!lxd5 .l.xd5 7

The C o m p l e t e C h e s s Work o u t

:C:e7 winning material) 5 ILlxds Jcxds 6 f4 ( 6 e7 also does the trick) 6...1Wxe6 7 :C:e1 Jce4
(again 7 ...'1Wf7 is met by the decisive 8 :C:e7!) 8 f3 and White won a piece.
1050) Johnson-Palliser
1...l:ixf31 2 l:ixg7+ (White doesn't have to interpolate this, but he is mated in the same man
ner as in the game after 2 Jcx3 i1Jd2) 2 .. .'il<xg7 3 iLxf3 i1Jd2! 4 'lil'c1 (Black's main point is
revealed after 4 xd2 'lil'b3+ 5 >lla1 ll:xa3+ 6 bxa3 1Wxa3#) 4...'l!l'xC4+ 5 >lla 1 1Llb3+ 0-1

It's mate after 6 Wa2 1Llxc1+ 7 >lla l 'lllal 2#.

1051) Perenyi-Schneider
1 l:ixd7! 'lil'xd7 (or l ...Wxd7 2 Jce6+ We8 3 gxf6 i1Jd8 4 'l!l'd5 d6 5 :C:gl with a ruinous attack)
2 gxf6 gives White a winning attack: 2 ... d6 (2 ... 'l!Hc7 3 fi:dl d6 4 7+ 'illd8 5 il.e6 leaves

Black defenceless against the threat of 6 il.c5 since it's mate after 5 ...'i!le7 6 'llilh4+ 'illf8 7
i<h6#) 3 il.e6 'lil'c7 4 f7+ 'illd 8 5 l:id1 (the simpler 5 il.g5+ and if 5 ...il.e7, then 6 'lil'd5+, is also
crushing) s ...!l:c8 6 'lil'xes ! ? 1-0
White's -pawn decides after 6 ...11:lxe5 7 g5+ 'llle
l 7 8 l:i:xd6+ 'illc7 9 il.xe7 !l:a8 10 :C:d5, but no
less stylish and even stronger is 6 i<g5+ 11:le7 7 !l:xd6+! 'llllxd6 8 1Wxb7.
1052) Fairbairn-Bobras
1 ... !l:c2!! is a beautiful silent sacrifice which allows Black to force favourable simplification:
2 'l!i'xc2 (or 2 cl 'l!i'c7 with serious pressure and after, for example, 3 il.g4 11:lg5 4 11:le4 11:lxe4
5 dxe4 'lll'c6 6 il.g5 11:le3+! 7 il.xe3 il.xg4 Black is somewhat better) 2 ...'lll'xf2+! 3 l:i:xf2 (3 >llh l
11:le3 4 :C:xf2 11:lxf2+ transposes) 3...11:le3+ 4 'illh 1 iLlxf2+ 5 'illg1 1Llh3+ 6 'i!lh1 11:lxc2 and Black

went on to convert his extra pawn.

1053) Kantsler-Smirin
1...'l!l'xh2+!! 2 'i!lxh2 l:th6+ 3 'illg3 (it's mate after 3 'illg l 11:lh3+ 4 'illh l ILlx2+ 5 'illg 1 11:lh3+ 6
'i!lh2 ILl4+ 7 'i!lgl li:xg2#) 3... 11Je6+ 4 'lll'g 4 (Black wins material after 4 Jcg4? 1Llxd4 since 5
11:lxd4 allows 5 .. .l:hg4#) 4...11:lxg4 5 il.xg4l:txg4+ 6 'illf3 :C:xc4 left Black two pawns up.
1054) Alekhine-Rubinstein
1 i<g6!! 'liVeS (White threatens 2 'l!l'e4 and l .. .fxg6 is mated by 2 'lil'g2 Wg8 3 'llllh3 il.xb4 4

l g7+ We8 - or 6 ...11/d6 7 l:tfd1+ - 7 'lll'gS+ f8 8 'llllxe6+ :C:e7 9

'llilh7+ 'illfS 5 'l!l'h8+ We7 6 'lllx
'l!l'xg6+ !l:f7 1 0 'lil'x7#, while l ...il.b7 loses to 2 1Llxf7+! lhf7 3 'lil'xe6 threatening both 4 'l!l'h3+
and the f7-rook) 2 1Llxf7+ l:i:xf7 3 Jcxf7 and White's extra exchange soon proved decisive.
1055) Palliser-Eames
1 :S.xe6!! 11:lxh4 (White's connected passed pawns will carry the day after l.. ..!l:cS 2 'l!l'b3 ILl8

3 :S.xa7! 'lil'xe6 4 :S.xb7 'lll'xb3 5 l:!xb3, but Black might have tried 1 ... 11:lf8, although those cen
tral pawns should again eventually prove decisive after 2 ll:c6 xc6 3 'l!l'xc6 l:i:e8 4 f3) 2
ll:xa7! ll:c8 (White's main point is that it's mate after 2... :S.xa7 3 :C:e8#) 3 'llllb 3 1-0
There's no defence along the seventh and 3 ... 11:lf5 4 l:txb7 11:lxd4 fails to 5 l:i:e8+! which forces
1056) Marovic-Tsagan
1 'l!l'xg6! hxg6 2 i<xf7+ !l:xf7 3 :C:h8+! lllxh8 4 11Jxf7+ lll h 7 5 11Jxd6 :C:d8 6 l:!e6 and White

went on to convert his extra pawn.

105 7) Mastrovasilis-Savic
1 xg7!! >llxg7 (Black is crushed too after l . ..bxc3 2 e5 and even 1 ... 11:lc5!? fails to save him
after Movsesian's 2 'lll'h6 ! :C:eS 3 1Lle2!) 2 'l!l'h6+ lllg8? (a tougher defence is 2 ... >llh8, although


S o l u t ions

3 e5 f5 4 g6! should be decisive, such as after 4 .. .lH7 5 gxf7 'li'f8 6 'l!Vxf8+ Jl.xf8 7 l:thg1 Jl.h6+
S lilb1 Jl.b7 9 Jl.c4! 1Llxe5 1 0 Jl.xe6 1Llxf7 1 1 Jl.xf7 bxc3 12 l:txd6 with an extra exchange in the
ending) 3 e5 fs 4 gxf6 1Llxf6 5 l::t hg1+ 1-0
Mate is forced after 5 ...1!1f7 6 Jl.g6+!.
1058) King-Emms

Rather than the game's 1 'lWf3, 1 l:txf6!! J:i:xe2 2 lU7+ l!lg8 (or 2.Ai'xg6 3 l:tlf6+ l!lg5 4 l:H5+
and it's mate with either 4 ...1!1xg4 5 l:tg7+ lilh3 6 l::th 5# or 4 ...1!1g6 5 Jl.h5#; it's also mate after
2...1!/hS 3 l:ih7+ l!lgS 4 Jl.e6#) 3 Jl.e6 is crushing: 4 l:th7# is the threat and 3 ... Sg2+ (the
bishop cannot be dislodged by Black's rook in view of both 3...ll:e8 4 ll:e7+ lilh8 5 Sh7# and
3... l:tb6 4 :!l:f8+ g7 5 l:ig8#) 4 1!1xg2 'lWb2+ 5 lilh3 'il!'b6 fails to defend in view of 6 .!US+! g7
7 l:i.1f7+ xg6 8 Jl.f5+ lilh5 9 l:tg7 Jl.d1 10 g4+ Jl.xg4+ 11 Jl.xg4#.
1059) Lasker-Thomas
1 'i'xh7+!! xh7 2 1Llxf6+ lilh6 (it's also mate after 2 ...1!/hS 3 1Llg6#) 3 1Lleg4+ l!lg5 4 h4+ f4
5 g3+ f3 6 Jl.e2+ (even quicker is 6 \l<fl followed by 7 1Llh2#) 6 ...1!1g2 7 Sh2+ g1 8 'ii<d2#

A classic king-hunt.
1060) Stephenson-Blaine
1 l:td8+!! 'i'xd8 2 'i'xe5 '!!Vd 7 (the only way to cover g7, but White can't be prevented from
forcing a neat mate in any case) 3 'li'h8+! l!lxh8 4 l::tf8# 1-0
1061) NN-Mason
1 ... Jl.b5!! 2 axb5 (both 2 Jl.d3 1Llhg3+ and 2 c4 Jl.xc4 3 Jl.d3 1Llhg3+ make no difference to
Black's beautiful idea) 2 ...1Llhg3+! 3 1Llxg3 (or 3 hxg3 hxg3+ 4 l!lg1 Jl.c5+ winning the queen
or mating after 5 1Llf2? gxf2+ 6 l:txf2 1Llg3) 3 ...1Llxg3+ 4 hxg3 (essential to avoid losing the
white queen, but now it's mate) 4 ... hxg3+ 5 1li'g1 l:!.h1+! (even more accurate is 5 ... Jl.c5+! 6
1Llxc5 l:ih1 +, avoiding any f!.f2 defences) 6 lilxh1 .Sh8+ 7 1li'g1 Jl.c5+! 8 1Llxc5 (White is also
unable to avoid mate after 8 ll:f2 gxf2+ 9 'lii'xf2 l::th 1+ 10 \!;xh1 Jl.xf2) 8 ... Sh1+! (completing
the back-rank clearance) 9 lilxh1 'li'h8+ 10 l!lg1 'i'h2# 0-1
1062) Williams-Palliser
1 1Llhg6+!! fxg6 (l...lli'g7 2 1Llh5+ lilxh7 3 1Lle7+! 1/;hS 4 1Llf6 doesn't help matters) 2 1Llxg6+
lli'g7 3 'lii'h3 Jl.g3+ (there wasn't anything better: 3 ... 1!1xg6 4 'li'h6+ lilf7 5 g6+ l!le7 6 Jl.g5+ is

hopeless, as is 3 ...'!1Va5+ 4 Jl.d2 Jl.g3+ 5 \l<fl 'l!Vxd2 6 hS'ili'+ l:txh8 7 'i!Vxh8+ ll<xg6 8 'i1Vf6+ lli'h7 9
g6+ l!lh6 10 g7+ l!lh7 1 1 'i'f8 '!!Vf4+ 12 Jl.f3) 4 l!lf1 lilxg6 (now it's mate, but 4 ... Jl.h4 5 1Llxh4
'li'd7 6 Jl.g4 'i1Vf7+ 7 Jl.f5 is crushing) 5 '!!Vh6+ li<fs 6 Jl.g4+ li<e5 7 'i!Vg7+ l!le4 8 'i!Vg6+ lli'e5 9
'li'f5# 1-0
1063) Hsu Li Liang-Nunn
1...1Llxg3! 2 1li'xg3 (otherwise White just loses a key kingside pawn) 2 ...'1i'h4+! 3 1!ih2

(Black's main point is revealed by 3 1!ixh4 f4 4 1li'g5 ll:ff8 followed by 5 ... h6+ 6 1li'h4 Jl.f6# or
6 1li'xg6 Jl.e8#) 3 ...'1i'xe1 and Black's extra exchange shortly made its presence felt.
1064) Leko-Carlsen
1...l:i.xd5+!! 2 1Zlxd5 'i!Vd8!! (much stronger than Carlsen's 2...'i!Ue4 when 3 1!ie2 would have

led to an immediate perpetual or to one after 3... 'i1Vxh1 4 1Llb6+ l!lc7 5 'IiVaS since 3 ... exd5 4
'i!Vg3 doesn't give Black enough for the sacrificed rook) 3 'i1Vg3 (there's no good way to
avoid the threats of 3 ... Jl.b4+ and 3 ...'1i'xd5+ followed by 4 ... 'i!Vxh1; White might try 3 1!ie2,
but he loses his queen after 3 ... Jl.g4+ 4 1!112 'i1Vh4+ 5 1!/gl 'i!Vxe1) 3 .. .'ihd5+ 4 e2 1li'xh1 5
3 03

The C o m p l e te C h e s s Work o u t

Jl,g2 g1 sees Black decisively emerge two pawns ahead.

1065) Morozevich-Aronian
1 dB+! (White can also begin with 1 llth4', but in the game he failed to find the correct

idea: 1 l::tf3? !l:1? 2 fxg6? - 2 d8+ llfg7 3 f6+ llth6 4 11ih4 was still on - 2...llxf3+ 3 xf3
e1+ 4 11if4 hxg6 5 'l!Vxd5 'l!Vf2+ 6 it:Jf3 1/2-1/2) 1 ... 11tg7 2 f6+ llth6 3 11ih4!! and the white king
plays a decisive attacking role: 3 .. ."'l!Vxd4+ 4 g4 'l!Vb4 (trying to prevent the mate on fS, but...)
5 f8+! 'l!Vxf8 6 g5#.
1066) Volkov-Zvjaginsev
1 ...xg3!! 2 hxg4 (Black's extra e-pawn is decisive after 2 fxg3 llxf1+ 3 11ig2 1i:Jxe3+ 4 Wh2
lt:Jxc2 5 llxc2 lle1) 2 ...'l!Vh4+ 3 Wg1 'l!Vxg4+ 4 Jl,g2 llg5 5 f4 exf3 6 lld8 f2+! 0-1

Black is the exchange up and still attacking after 7 llxf2 (or 7 Wxf2 'l!Vxg2+ 8 We1 g1+ 9
llte2 11i'xe3+ 10 Wd1 llg1#) 7 ... llxd8.
106 7) Zhou Jianchao-Bocharov
1 ...1i:Jxg2! 2 a6 (it's mate after 2 Wxg2 'l!Vx3+) 2 .. .'111ixf3 3 llxd3 (or 3 'li'xb7 'li'xd1+ 4 Wxg2
'l!Vg4+ 5 Wh2 d2 6 a7 d1 'l!V and again Black forces mate) 3 ... 'l!Vxd3 4 axb7 ii"lf4 5 b8'l!V 'lllih 3 0-1

The double mate threat decides and 5 ... '111if3 would have also done the job.
1068) Sorokin-Nureev
1 ... .!l.xg2+!! 2 1i<xg2 .!l.g8+ 3 Wh3 (Black's attack is overwhelming after 3 Whl li:Jxf3 4 llxf3

'li'h4 followed by 5 ...'1i'h3 or 5 ...'l!Vg4; likewise 3 Wf2 Jl,xf3 doesn't assist White's cause)
3...'1i'f6 4 lt:Jg5 (or 4 llg1 'l!!'f5+ 5 1i<h4 1i:Jxf3+ 6 'li'xf3 .!l.xg1 7 'l!!'xb7+ Wxb7 8 llxg1 'li'xd3 and
Black's queen is far too powerful) 4... hxg5 5 fxgs llh8+ (also rather effective is 5 ...'1i'h8+ 6
Wg4 'li'xh2) 6 lltg4 11i'g6 7 Wf4 'li'fs+ 0-1
It's mate with 8 Wg3 llh3#.
1069) Karjakin-Rychagov
1 Jl,xe6!! Jl,a3 (White's pieces are immune in view of 1 ... hxg4 2 Jl,xd7# and l . ..fxe6 2 f!.xe6+
llif7 3 litxd7+ WgS 4 f4 .!l.h7 5 f7+ llih8 6 Jl,e7) 2 Jl,xd7+ li<f8 3 'li'g3 (3 c4 'li'xg5+ 4 f4 also
does the trick) 3 ... h4 (unfortunately for Black 3 ....!l.xc3+ 4 Wb1 1l:xg3 fails to mate in one
with 5 liteS) 4 'lies 1-0
1070) Larsen-Petrosian
1 xg6!! li:Jf4 (l...fxg6 fails to 2 Jl,xe6+ Wh7 3 l:l:h3+ Jl,h6 4 Jl,xh6 with an overwhelming at
tack due to 4 ....!l.f5 5 l:ixf5 gxf5 6 Jl,f7!) 2 ftxf4 fxg6 3 Jl,e6+ l:i:f7 (or 3...11th7 4 l:i:h4+ Jl,h6 5
i.xh6 'li'b6+ 6 c5 leaving Black defenceless) 4 l:l:xf7 Wh8 (4 ... Jl,e5 can be met by the cute 5

litd4! - 5 l::i:5+ li<g7 6 l:i:fxe5 dxe5 7 l:i:xdS litxd8 8 11?12 is simpler and also rather good - with
the point that 5 ...'1i'b6 - or 5 ...e8 6 ll.f8+ li<xf8 7 Jl,h6+ i.g7 S l:tf4+ winning a piece - 6 l:!f3+
Wg7 7 ll:g4 gives White a winning attack: for example, 7... '111ixb2 8 ll:f7+ Wg8 9 llf6+ Wh7 10
l:l:h4+ Wg7 1 1 l:.f7+ WgS 12 l:tf2+ Wg7 13 Jl,h6+ li<h7 14 Jl,8#) s ll:gs bs 6 llg3 1-o
There's no good defence to the threat of 7 l:i:h3+.
1071) Miles-Nedobora
1 l:i:f8+! litxf8 2 J:!.xf8+ Wxf8 3 'lllif7+! (3 'ill'e8+! also forces stalemate) 3 ...Wxf7 Vz-Vz
1072) Ragger-Wirig
1 Jl,xh6! fxe4 (Black is crushed after 1 ... gxh6? 2 l:l:g3+ Wh7 3 1i:Jg5+ Wg6 4 lt:Jxe6+) 2 Jl,xg7!
li:J sf6 (another possible defence is 2 ... Wf7, but after 3 il.e2 1i:J7f6 4 'llllg5 litgS 5 l::th7! White has
a decisive attack in view of 5 ... 1i:Jxh7? 6 il.h5#) 3 'li'h8+ (rather strong too is 3 '!llig5 Wf7 4

3 04


ll:h6) 3 ...f7 4 il.xf8 1i:lxf8 5 il.e2 'liVd2 (Black is also defenceless following 5 ...1i:lg6 6 l:th7+!
li:lxh7 7 '11Vxh7+ f6 8 il.h5 when one neat finish occurs after 8 ... 1i:lf4 9 "il'f7+ g5 10 h4+! h6
1 1 g4) 6 I!.g3! 'iiif4 (or 6 ...'11Vxe2 7 '11Vg7+ e8 8 '11Vxf6 with a winning attack) 7 il.h5+! li:lxh5 8
'11Vx h5+ e7 9 ll:g7+ 10

White's final piece joins in the attack after 9 ... d8 10 l:ld1+ when 10 ... il.d7 11 i:tgxd7+!
li:lxd7 12 'ii'h7 is decisive.
1073) AroshidezeNigalidze
1 il.f8!! ll.xf8 (White also wins after both l...xf8 2 .!hh7 il.g7 3 l:txg6 fl.e7 4 ll.gxg7! fl.xg7 5
'11Vh6 and l...il.f6 2 '11Vh6 ..ll.e6 3 ll:xg6+! hxg6 4 'lWxg6+ xf8 5 'lii'xf6+ il.f7 6 ll.h8#) 2 '11Vh 6 ll:f7

(or 2 ...f7 3 'lWxh7+ e8 4 'lWxg6+ d8 5 'lii'd6+ e8 6 .!l:xh8! l:txh8 7 ll.g7 and mate follows) 3
ll:xg6+! (the killer follow-up, exploiting the fact that Black cannot capture due to mate on
h8) 3 .. ,il.g7 4 'il>i'xh7+ f8 5 i:thg1 wins the bishop with a crushing attack.
1074) Cordova-Smirin
1 i:txg7!! li:lxe2+ (White's main point is seen after 1 ...ll:xg7 2 il.xf6 ll.eg8? - 2 ...1i:lfxe6 3 dxe6

li:lxe6 is a better defence, although after 4 '11Ve4! 'il>i'a4 5 c4! White's initiative is too strong; for
example, 5 ...bxc4 6 ..ll.xc4 l:lc8 7 ll.g4 (now everything amazingly holds together) 7... d5 8
'i'xd5 "il'a3+ 9 d2 '1Wb4+ 1 0 e2 i:te8 1 1 fl.e4 and Black is out of good moves - 3 .lhg7 ll.xg7
4 e7 when his e-pawn decides) 2 'lWxe2 1i:lb3+ 3 b1! 10
Mate follows after 3 ... 1i:lxd4 4 '11Vh5.
1075) Morell Gonzalez.fernandez Juan
1.. ,'11Vh4! 2 1i:lf3 (the only try since 2 gxh4 is mated by 2 ... l:tg6+ 3 h1 li:lxf2#) 2 ...1i:lg5! 3 gxh4
li:lxf3+ 4 g2? (now it's mate, but even 4 h1 l:txh4 5 h3 would have left White two pawns
down after 5 ... 1i:lxd4+ 6 lt>h2 1i:lxc2 7 ..ll.xc2 i:txc4) 4...1i:le1+ 5 g3 ll.g6+ 01

It's mate after 6 f4 .!!:g4+ 7 \t>e5 1i:lf3# or 7 ... 1i:lc6#.

1076) Georgiev-Jakovenko
1.. .f5+! 2 gxf6+ lt>h6 (with a deadly threat of 3 ...i:thh3 and ... .!l:ag3#) 3 i:tc1? (White is helpless

after 3 ll:a8? ll.g2+ 4 \t>h4 fl.e3! because 5 fl.al ll.gg3 6 fl.hl g5+ 7 fxg5+ fl.xg5 8 I!.fl :!l:xe4+ 9
lt>h3 h5 forces mate on h4; a better defence was 3 :!l:h8! l:i:hh3 4 f5, but then 4 ... exf5+ - and
not 4... g5? 5 ll.xh7+! xh7 6 \t>xg5 with serious counterplay - 5 f4 (now 5 exf5? g5 6 fl.xh7+
lt>xh7 7 xg5 fails to 7... fl.hg3+ 8 f4 :!l.gc3 9 ll:d8 l:tc4+ 1 0 lt>g5 l:ig3+ l l lt>h5 l:i:cl) 5 .. Jl:h4+ 6
e5 l:i:xe4+ 7 \t>d5 :!l:d3+! 8 l!lc5 J:ld7 9 fl.hf8 f4 should still be winning for Black) 3...J:lg2+ 4
h4 e5! 5 f7 (not 5 fxe5 g5#, but White had to try 5 .!l:g8 l:lf2 6 fl.gl, although after 6 .. .lhf4+
7 f!:g4 .!l:x6 Black has an easy win) 5 ... J:[f2! 0-1
White cannot prevent mate on f4.
1077) KaratorossianNalbandian
1 ll.xg5! "ii!'xg5 2 "il'd4+ \t>g8 (or 2...h7 3 1i:lf6+ - another crushing option is 3 l:tg2 '11Vd8 4 il.h5!

- 3 ...1!1h6 4 fl.g2 and White either wins the queen or mates with 4 ..."ii!'c l + 5 J:[gl '11Vc2 6 "ii!'h4+
g7 7 1i:lh5+! l:i:xh5 8 "ii!'e7+ lt>h6 9 'IIV8+ lt>h7 1 0 'liVf7+ h8 1 1 'liVf6+ h7 12 'lii'xg6+ h8 13
"il'g7#) 3 .!l:g2 l:ih4 (3..."ii!'c l + 4 ll.gl '11Vh6 5 ll.xg6+! wins the black queen) 4 1i:lf6+ 7 5 d5+
e7 and now White sadly missed the only, if straightforward, path to victory: 6 J:l:e2+ l!ld8 7
J:le8+ lt>c7 8 '11Va 7+ :!l.b7 (or 8 ...il.b7 9 "ii!'xa5#) 9 J:lxc8+! lt>xc8 10 "ii!'xb7+ l!ld8 11 "iil'd7#.
1078) Li Chao-Wang Hao
1 l:ld8+! h7 (Black loses his queen after l ...fl.xd8 2 '11Vxe2) 2 .!l:g7+! xg7 (or 2...h6 3 "iil'f4+
l!lxg7 4 "ii!'g5+ lt>h7 5 '11Vg8+ transposing) 3 'liVg2+ l!lh7 4 "ii!'g8+ l!lh6 5 "iil'h8+ l!lg6 6 "iil'f6+ lt>h5
1 "il'g5# 1-o

3 05

The C o m p l e te Chess Work o u t

1079) Petrosian-Minasian
1 12:ixc7!! 'iif7 (Not the best defence. The main point of White's combination can be seen

after l ...Wxc7 2 .!l:e7+! .il..xe7 3 l:i:xe7+ when Black is undone on the dark squares: 3...Wd8 - or
3 ...Wb8 4 'i!Vxb6 'i!Vd1+ 5 Wh2 'ili'd5 6 'i!Vc7+ Wa7 7 .il..d4+! forcing mate - 4 'iilx
l' b6+! lt>xe7 5
.il..a3+ li.ld7 6 'lWe6+ li.lc7 7 b6+ Wd8 8 'lWe7+ Wc8 9 'ilic7#. Very similar is l . . . .il..xc7 2 l:ie7+ lt>c8 3
E:xc7+!, while l...J:l:ac8 fails to 2 'Wd2. However, perhaps Black might have tried l...ll:ag8!?,
not that this would have saved him in the event of 2 l:!:e7+!! - 2 12:ie6 .il..d5 with the idea of
... g6 isn't so clear - 2 ... .il..xe7 - or 2...li.lc8 3 12:id5 and wins after both 3... .il..xd5 4 'i!Vxb6 and
3 ... .il..xe7 4 12:lxe7+ li.lb8 5 'iil'xb6 - 3 'iil'xb6 with a crushing attack; for starters both 4 J:l.xe7+
and 4 'iil'xb7 are threatened.) 2 12:ie6!? (there was nothing wrong with 2 12:ixa8 .!l:xa8 3 ll:e6,
but the young Armenian prefers to play for the attack) 2 ... Wc8 3 l:tc3 .il..d 5? 4 '!Wxb6 .il.. b4! 5
Sxc4+ .il..xc4 6 litc1 and the attack was decisive.
1080) Marshall-Hopwood

Rather than the game's l...l:!:g7, 1 ... .il..xg4 2 fxg4 h3! gives Black a winning attack: 3 g3 (3
gxh3 '!Wh4 also leaves White defenceless; for example, 4 .il..f3 12:ixh3 5 aa3 l:txf3! 6 .!l:xf3 12:ig5+
7 g2 'i!Vxg4+ 8 .!l:g3 '!Wxg3+! 9 Wxg3 12:ixe4+ 10 li.lg4 12:ixd2 with an extra piece in the end
game) 3 ... 12:ixe2!! is the main point when it's a picturesque mate after 4 'i!Vxg5 (or 4 'i\Vxe2
'lWei+ 5 li.lh2 l:i:fl, winning White's queen) 4..JI.f1+ 5 Wh2 l:i:f2+ 6 1t>xh3 (or 6 h1 12:ixg3+ 7
Wg1 l:i:g2#) 6...12:ig1+ 7 Wh4 li:h2#.

Chapter Seven
Test One
1081) Rodriguez-Polgar

The desperado 1...'iil'xc3! 2 'lWxe2 (or 2 bxc3 .il..xdl 3 l:l.xd1 bxc6) 2 ...'i!Vxc6 left Black a clear
piece ahead. (l point)
1082) Bronstein-llivitzki
1 ll:cxd8! (1 point) 1 ...'lWe1+ (after l ..Jl:bxd8 or 1. ..l:iexd8, with 2 12:ih6+ White either wins the
black queen with 2...\t>h8 3 12:ixf7+ or mates with 2 ... gxh6 3 'i!Vxf7+ lt>h8 4 'i!Vxh7#) 2 li.lg2 1-0

White emerges a piece ahead after 2 ... .!:!bxd8 3 12:ih6+ lt>h8 4 12:ixf7+ li.lg8 5 l:!:xd8 (take a second

point for seeing this far).

1083) Adams-Palliser
1....il..x a3! 2 bxa3 :!l:xc3 wins a pawn.

(1 point)

1084) Baburin-Palliser
1 .!:!e8+! (1 point) 1..J!.xe8 2 dxe8'ii+ Wxe8 3 f4 leads to an easily winning pawn ending due
to White's outside passed pawn: 3 ... a6 (or 3... gxf3 4 \t>f2 c4 5 \t>xf3 li.ld7 6 g4 a6 - 6 ...We6 7

We4 'iii>f6 8 \t>dS Wg5 9 1t>c6! sees the a-pawn queen shortly - 7 1!ie4 b5 8 axb5 axb5 9 li.ld4
and White's soon to be passed c-pawn decides) 4 c41 (take a second point for seeing this useful
follow-up) 4...1t>d7 5 We2 1t>c6 6 \t>d 3 b5 (Black cannot maintain the opposition in view of
6 ...Wd7 7 We4 We6 8 15+ Wd6 9 \t>f4 b5 10 axb5 axb5 11 cxb5 c4 12 16 when White queens
first) 7 cxb5+ axbs 8 a s 1-o
1085) Palliser-Hotham
1....il..xc2+! (1 point) 2 'iii>xc2 12:ib4+ 3 1t>c3 (or 3 llic1 12:ifd3+ when White must give up his
queen to avoid 4 Wb1 'i!Vxa2#) 3 ... 12:ixa2+ 4 'iii>c2 12:ib4+ 5 11ic3 '!Wc5+ and Black regained his

piece with a huge advantage (also rather effective would have been 5 ... 12:ibd3+ 6 li.lc2 'i!Va2).


1086) Gower-Hopwood
1 ... i.xg2! 2 1tlxg2 (or 2 i.xg2 l:txg2+ 3 \t>hl 'iil'g4 4 1tlxg2 f3 followed by mate) 2 ...l:txg2+ 3
lt>h1 (3 i.xg2 f3 and mate on g2 is the main point of the combination) 3 .. ..!i:g6 01 (2 points)
1087) McNab-Sherwin
1 'iil'g7+! 1-0

White forces mate with l ..Jhg7 2 e7+. (1 point)

1088) Ziatdinov-Kotronias
1...i.g51 2 1tlbS+ (the only real try with White's queen being tied to the defence of both b2
and d4) 2 ...-ltxbs 3 'iil'xgS i.e2 (the main point: White can't both prevent mate and save his
rook) 4 e7+ lt>b8 0-1

Take 1 point for finding 1 ... i.g5 and a second if you saw 3 ... i.e2.
1089) Berzina-Ciuksyte
1 i.xh7+! lt>xh7 1-0

Mate follows with 2 g8'iil'+! .!l:xg8 3 l:txf7+ li<h8 4 'i!Vh4#. (2 points)

1090) Schulz-Kulovana
1... i.xg2! 2 \t>xg2 'iil'g 5+ 3 1i<h2 xd2 won a pawn.

(1 point)

1091) Zakharevich-Ovod
1 1tlf6+! ! i.xf6 (or l ...gxf6 2 i.xh7+! ltlxh7 3 :C:g3+ ltlg5 4 fxg5 fxg5 5 l:i:h3 i.f6 6 i.b4 fol
lowed by mate) 2 i.xh7+! ltlxh7 3 .!:l:h3 1il'xd4 (Black also can't escape from the white attack
after 3... a5 4 'iil'xh7+ lt>f8 5 i.e3 1l<e7 6 J:idl) 4 'iil'x h7+ lt>f8 5 exf6 gxf6 6 i.c3 'ill'xf4 7 ll:f3 'il'xf3
(White mates too after 7... 'il'c4 8 i.xf6 1il'g4 9 'i!Vh8+ '!Wg8 1 0 'i!Vh6+) 8 i.b4+ 10

It's mate with 8 .. Jl.e7 9 'i!Vh8#.

Take two points for finding 1 1tlf6+ and a further two for seeing as far as 7 '1:1.f3 .
1092) Cox-Trent
1 i.xf7! wins a key pawn: 1 .. .l:l:xf7 2 e8+ l:l.f8 3 1tlxg6+ lt>g8 4 1tlxf8 i.xf8 5 'ill'e6+ lt>h7 (or
5 ...\t>hS 6 1il'xe5+ 'ii<g8 7 'iil'e6+ 'ii<h8 8 c8! 'l!Vd6 9 c2 trapping the black knight) 6 'iil'f5+ 1-0

Black loses his knight after 6 ...'ii<g8 7 g4+.

Take one pointfor 1 i.xf7 and a further two if you realised that the knight on d1 was trapped.

Test Two
1093) Aronian-Svidler
1...:C:e1+! 0-1

White loses his queen after 2 .lhel 'ill'x d3. (1 point)

1094) Bielby-Smith
1... axb5l 2 1tlxc7+ lt>e7 0-1

Black is a piece up for insufficient compensation after both 2 ...\t>e7 3 1tlxa8 1tld4 4 'lil'xf4 i.h6
5 'iil'f2 1tlxc2+ 6 lt>fl ltlxal and 3 1tld5+ 'ii<d8 4 d3 'lii'g3+.
Take 1 point for 1 ...axb5 and a further one if you saw as far as 4 .. i.h6.

1095) Parkin-Palliser

Black increases his advantage to an extra rook: 1....!:1:xd3 2 'il'xd3 'ill'x a1 (1 point)


The C o m p l e t e C h e s s W o r k o u t

1096) Levitsky-Marshall
1..-'i1Vg3!! 0-1

Black emerges a piece ahead after 2 "ili'xg3 (it's mate after both 2 hxg3 1i'Je2# and 2 fxg3
li'Je2+ 3 1!/hl ll:xfl #) 2 ... 1i'Je2+ 3 1iih l li'Jxg3+ 4 1!/gl li'Je2+.

Only 2 points I'm afraid as there were less attractive ways to win and because this position is rather
well known.
1097) Adorjan-Ribli
1 i.xg7! i.xg7 2 h6 i.f6 (it's also mate down the g-file after 2 ... i.f8 3 "ili'g5 f6 4 "ili'g6+ lilhS 5
h7, while 2 ... i.h8 fails to either 3 "ili'g5 or 3 ll:g7+) 3 'I!Vg2 1-0

There's no defence to the threat of 4 'I!Vg7+!. (2 points)

1098) Lund-Rawson

White solves his back-rank difficulties in style by simplifying with 1 .!!.xc5+! lilb8 (or
l ...bxc5 2 'I!Vb7#) 2 l:!.c8+! 1-0 (2 points)
1099) Abergei-Tebb
1 i.Xf7+! Wxf7 2 1i'Jd6+ 1-0

Black must give up his queen since 2 ...\ilgS 3 'i!Vb3+ mates. (1 point)
1100) Frostick-Miller
1 ...l:lxg2+! (1 point) forces perpetual: 2 1iixg2 'i1Vg6+ 3 1!ih2 (or 3 1iif2 'i1Vf5+ 4 \ilel 'i!Vbl+ 5 lild2
"ilih2+ and the white king cannot escape) 3... 'i1Vc2+ 4 1ii g1 "ili'g6+ 5 Wh2 Yz-Yz
1101) Cullen-Varnam
1 ...i.xf2+! 0-1

It's mate on the back rank after 2 .!!.xf2 "ili'al+. (1 point)

1102) Slinger-Rooney
1 'ilf'h8+! i.xh8 2 .!!.xh8+ l!lg7 3 i.xe5+ f6 4 gxf6+ 1-0

White emerges a rook up. (2 points)

1103) Zhao-Markos
1 1i'Jxh5!! .!!.d B (giving the king an escape square, while preventing the other threat of 2

li'Jf6+; White's queen was immune in view of l ...li'Jxd3? 2 l:!g7+ lilfS 3 1i'Jh7# or 2...\ilhS 3
li'Jf7#) 2 'i!Vxd5! gxh5 (or 2 ...'i!Vxd5 3 1i'Jf6+ l!lhS 4 l:!h7#) 3 l'U8+! 1-0
Mate follows with 3 ... 1!1g7 4 'i!Vg8+ lilh6 5 1i'Jf7#.
2 points for 1 li'Jxh5 and a further two if you found 2 'i!Vxd5.
1104) Cooley-Noden
1 l:!.xe4! (1 point) 1 ...'ilf'f5 (after l ..."iixe4, 2 1i'Jg5 wins Black's queen in view of the mate
threat on hS) 2 1i'Jf6+! (a further 2 points are available for this) 2 ...1iixg7 3 l:tg4+ 'll'ig6? (now it's

mate, although after 3..."iixg4 4 "iixg4+ l!lxf6 5 "iih4+ lilg6 6 'li'xe7 White's extra queen and
pawns should decide) 4 "iih 7+ lilxf6 5 l:!.f4+ "iif5 (or 5 ...1iig5 6 'i!Vh4#) 6 'li'h6# 1-0

Test Three
1105) O'Neill-Hopwood
1 ....!!.x c3! removes the white queen's defender to net a piece.


(1 point)


1106) Balbashova-Sulejmanova
1 ... 'ii'x aS! wins a piece in view of White's vulnerable back rank.

(I point)

1107) Alonso-Ciaros Egea

1 lLixf7! li<xf7 (a much better defence is l .. .'ii'xf6 2 lLixhS 'i!'xh8, although White is the ex
change ahead and doing rather well after 3 'i!'hS+) 2 'ii'h 5+ li<xf6 (now Black loses his
queen, but 2...\l<gS was impossible on account of 3 'ii'g6+ .l,g7 4 'ii'xg7#) 3 'ii'xh4+ 1-0
1 paint for I lDxf7 and a bonus point ifyou spatted then 3 'ii'xh4+

1108) Reiner-Steinitz
1...'ii'h 4! (1 point) 2 l:tg2 (or 2 fl.xh4 :Sgl#) 2 ... 'ii'x h2+!

(and a second point for this) 3 :Sxh2 l:tg1#

1109) Bronstein-Kottnauer
1 tLie8! 1-0

The most elegant way of preventing Black's idea of ...'ii'b6-g1+ with perpetual, although 1
lLig6+ l!<g8 2 'ii'a4 is also more than good enough. After 1 lLieS, if l...'ii'b6 then White has the
pretty 2 'ii'h7+! ll<xh7 3 lhg7+ Wh8 4 tLig6#.

1 paint for I lDg6+ or two if you found both I lLieS and the queen sacrifice.
1110) Karpov-Malaniuk
1 .l,d5+! 1-o

Mate follows after l...cxd5 2 'ii'xd5+ lli'eS 3 'ii'e6+. (I paint)

1111) Turner-Mestel
1... ttJxe4!! 2 .l,xe4 (or 2 lLixe4 .l,xal 3 .l,e3 'ii'a5+ and Black is the exchange up) 2 ... d5 3 cxd5
cxd5 4 .l,f3 (neither does 4 .l,xg6 fxg6 5 .l,b2 S.ae8 6 0-0-0 save White in view of 6 ... :Sc8 followed by 7... d4) 4 ... .1,f5 gives Black a winning attack: 5 '1Wd2 S.fe8+ 6 1i<d1 (or 6 .l,e2 .l,xc3 7
'llkxc3 .l,g4 when White must resign) 6 ... .1,xc3 7 'llkxc3 l:tac8 0-1

8 'llkd2 .l,c2+ 9 'ii'xc2 l:l:xc2 10 li<xc2 'llkf2+ is absolutely crushing.

2 paints far 1 ... ttJxe4 and a further one if you realised that the attack was immensely powerful.
1112) Sowray-Palliser
1...tLixg2! (I point) 2 11i'xg2 'llkf6!? (also rather good is 2 ...tLih4+, pretty much forcing 3 lLixh4
.l,xdl 4 l:i:axdl 'li'xh4) 3 Wh2 '1Wf4+ 4 Wg1 .1,xf3 5 'ii'd 2 '1Wh4 6 .l,d1 'llkx h3 7 .l,xf3 'li'xf3 8 'llke3
'1Wg4+ 9 'llkg3 'llkxe4 and Black's extra pawns carried the day.
1113) Potts-Rendle
1 '1Wxd5+! 1-0

White forces mate after 1 ...\!<hS (or l...fl.xd5 2 :SxfS#) 2 '1/kxfS!.

I paint for each queen sacrifice.

1114) Jones-Gallagher
1...fl.xa3+! 2 bxa3 iVxa3+ 0-1

Mate follows after 3 'llka2 'llkc3+. (I point)

1115) Anand-Van Wely
1 l:!xg7!! (3 paints) 1...1ixg7 (the queen is immune in view of l...lLixdS? 2 l:txh7#) 2 l:!g1+
Wh8 3 .l,h6 lLig4 (setting a cheapo and there was no good way to cover g7, especially since
3... lLih5 fails to 4 .l,xf8 l:txf8 5 fl.g8+ fl.xg8 6 fxgS'Ii'#) 4 l:l:xg4 fl.xf7 5 'l!l'xa8+! 1-0

3 09

The C o m p l e te Chess Work o u t

1116) Aronian-Papp
1 l:!.xf7!! xf7 (now the attack is too strong. but neither was there a good way to decline the
rook: for example, l ...b5 2 l:tc7 'l!VaS 3 il_xe6+ lhe6 4 'l!Vb3 and the e6-rook falls) 2 'l!Vh7 .!l.xd6

(desperation in the face of 3 J:!:fl#; mate would also have occurred after both 2 .. JH8 3 .!1:11+
eS 4 'li!'g6+ d7 5 i-xe6# and 2 . ..1!<f6 3 fl+ e5 4 'l!Vf5+ d4 5 'l!Vd3+ e5 6 ll:f5#) 3 cxd6
'illf6 4 .!l.f1+ eS 5 d7 (5 'l!Vd3 was even stronger, but we're rather splitting hairs) s ...'l!Vxd7 6
'l!l'fs+ 1-o

Black will lose his queen.

3 points for finding both the rook sacrifice and the all-important follow-up, 2 filh7.

Test Four
1117) Schon-Egan
1 1Lixc6! wins a key pawn in view of l...'li!'xc6? 2 i-b5.

(1 point)

1118) Mahesh Chandran-Vavrak

1 1Lic8! 1-0

White threatens mate and after I...l:hcS 2 i-xb7 Black's rooks are skewered. (1 point)
1119) Lin Zhigen-Hvistendahl
1 1Lif6+! 1-0

White wins the exchange on eS. (1 point)

1120) lzoria-Heimann
1 :!!.xa6! 1-0

White's pawns decide after l ...xa6 (or l...l:hd7 2 a7+ c8 3 .!:!.aS+ b7 4 bal followed
by mate down the a-file) 2 xc6 (threatening 3 li!.al#) 2 ... a5 3 c7 l:tgg8 4 b7 l:l.b8 5 c5 a6
6 c6 h4 7 d6. (2 points)
1121) Samedov-Kirikova
1 ... i-xh3! 2 gxh3 (or 2 gl i-xg2 winning material) 2 ...'l!Vxh3+ 3 1Lih2 (similar and rather
effective is 3 J:!.h2 i-xh2 4 1Lixh2 'l!Vxf3+) 3... il_xh2 4 l:txh2 'l!Vxf3+ 5 lilg1 .!l:g6+ 6 l:l.g2 .!l:xg2+ 7
'i!l'xg2 'l!l'xd1+ S lilh2 .l:!.f6 gave Black an overwhelming attack.

2 points for 1 ...i-xh3 and a further one if you spotted that the d1-rook would become loose.
1122) Kolev-Hernando Rodrigo
1 1LihS! i-ds (Black is crushed after l...gxh5 2 'li!'h6 f6 3 l:!xe6, but there's no satisfactory de
fence in any case with l ...i-f5 failing to 2 'i!l'h6 i-fS 3 'i!l'g5) 2 'li!'h6 i-fS 3 filgS and White's
threats down the long diagonal are decisive: 3 ...i-xe4 4 1Lif6+ lilh8 s 1Lixe4+ 'llfd 4 6 i-xd4+
cxd4 7 'iil'f6+ 1-0

point for 1 1Lih5 and a further one for seeing up to 3 'li!'g5.

1123) Grivas-Hrisostomidis
1 .!l:xh7+! lilxh7 (or l ...lilgS 2 d6+ 1Lic4 3 'i!l'h5 followed by mate) 2 'li!'hs+ lilg8 3 1Lie7# 1-0


1124) Pitl-Savchenko
1 ...i-f2! trapped the white queen: 2 "i!l'xf2 1Lid3+ 3 i-xd3 'iil'xf2 01

(1 point)

1125) Sokolov-Saric
1 1Lid7! (2 points) 1 ...d8? (Black had to give up the exchange with l ...g6, even though the


S o l u tions

ending should be winning for White after 2 /DxfS+ .ltxfS 3 :!i:xf5) 2 Sh4+ 1-0
It's mate after 2 ...:!i:h6 3 1Zlf6+ lt>hS 4 ll:xh6#.
1126) Pucher-Gerard
1.. .li:xg21 (2 points) 2 l:!.c8+ (or 2 'ill'xg2 'ill'x cl+ 3 \t>h2 'ill'e3 with an extra pawn and some ad
vantage) 2 ...i<.xc8 3 'ill'xg2 '!Wxe5 saw Black pick up two pawns.
1127) Palliser-Burnett
1 .ltxg61! hxg6 (after 1 ...1Dxg6 2 1Zlxg6 Black has nothing better than to transpose with
2 ... hxg6) 2 1Dxg6 /Dxg6 3 lbg6+ lt>h8 (and not 3 ... \t>h7? 4 .ltfS!) 4 'ill'h 5 ll:h7 5 .l:tg7! :!i:xg7 (the

main point of White's whole combination is that 5 ... 'ill'e8 fails to 6 .!:ldxd7!: 6 ...'1Wxh5 7 .l:txh7+
lt>gS S l:l:dg7+ lt>fS 9 l:l:h8# or 6 ... '1Wxd7 7 l:l:xd7 :!i:xd7 8 .ltg5+ when White's queen and bishop
combine with deadly effect; perhaps Black might have tried 5 ... .1te4, although after 6 ll.xe7
ll.xe7 7 .ltg7+ WgS 8 '!Wg4 it's hard to believe that White's attack won't shortly net further
material) 6 .ltxg7+ lt>g8 7 'ii'h8+ Wf7 8 'ill'h S+ Wg8 and now 9 i<.h6! (rather than the game's
horrible 9 l:tgl ?) 9... Wh8 10 :!i:g1 wins the black queen after 10...'ii'h 7 11 J<g7+ l!<g8 12

1 point for 1 J<xg6, two more for 5 l:!:g7 and a fourth point is available for seeing 9 J<h6.
1128) Euwe-Reti
1... .lth3! (l...J<c5+ 2 \t>hl J<h3! also does the business) 2 '!Wxa8 .lll.c 5+ 3 '>!<h1 (or 3 ll.dd4
.lil.xd4+ 4 l:l:xd4 'ill'e l#) 3 ... J<xg2+! 4 \t>xg2 '!Wg4+ 5 Wfl 'iWf3+ 6 '>!<e1 'ill'f2# 0-1 (2 points)

Test Five
1129) Von Herman-Tabatt
1 :!i:fd1! 'ii'b 5 (l...fxe4? fails to 2 :!!xeS+ ll:xcS 3 '1Wxd7#) 2 1Zlf6+! l!<e7 3 l:txc8 :!i:xc8 4 1Zlxd7

gave White a crushing attack.

1 point for 1 l:l.dJ+ and a second for 3 l:!:xcS.

1130) Pomar Salamanca-Liljedahl
1 1Zlg5! (1 point) wins material down the long diagonal: 1 ...f6 2 J<xb7 fxg5 3 'ill'e 3 1Zld7 4
'ill'xe6+ l!<f8 (or 4 ...'1We7 5 'ii'xe7+ Wxe7 6 .ltxa8 l:i:xa8 7 bxc3 with an extra exchange) 5 J<xa8
'ill'xa8 6 f3 and White went on to convert his extra exchange (Black cannot save both his

1131) Ferguson-Wallace
1 l:!xg6! 1-0

White wins a piece in view of l...'ill'xf2 2 fl.xg7+ and 3 lhf2. (1 point)

1132) Stadt-Roehr!

White wins Black's queen: 1 1Zlg6+! 1Dxg6 2 'ill'xd6 1-0 (1 point)

1133) Alekhine-Reshevsky
1 ll:xb8+! Wxb8 2 '!Wxe5+! 1-0

Mate follows on the back rank after 2 .. .fxe5 (or 2...Wa8 3 ll:al+) 3 l:!f8+. (2 points)
1134) Morrison-Basman
1...lhh2! 2 Wxh2 ll.h8+ 3 '>!<g1 l:!.h1# 0-1

(1 point)


The C o m p l e te C h e s s Work o u t

113S) Cebalo-Aieksic
1 1i:ld6! "fie7 (it's mate after L.cxd6? 2 1Da6+ bxa6 3 "ficS#) 2 1i:ldxb7 1-0

Black swiftly finds himself defenceless on the queenside after 2 ... 1i:lxb7 3 1Da6+ IiieS (or
3 ...\ilaS 4 "fixc7! with a winning attack in view of 4 ..."fixc7 S li:lxc7+ lilbS 6 1i:la6+ lila8 7 l:l:c8#)
4 1i:lxc7.

I point for I ltld6 and a second ifyou realised just how fast the attack is after 2 !Ddxb7.

1136) Spraggett-Hernandez Garcia

1 1i:lxa6+! II point) 1...1iia 8 (or L.bxa6 2 1i:lc6+ and 3 1i:lxc6 winning the black queen) 2
1Dxc7+ 1-0

White's attack is overwhelming after 2 ...l:i.xc7 3 axb6+ lilb8 4 "fiaS.

1137) Svidler-Tiviakov
1 l:i.xf7+! li:lxf7 2 1De6+ lilg8 3 1i:lxd8 wins a piece in view of 3 ... /i:lxdS 4 ll:a8.

(2 points)

1138) Cnossen-Regniers
1 ..."fixf2+! 0-1

Back-rank mate follows after 2 ll:xf2 J:i:al+. (I point)

1139) F.N.Stephenson-K.Neat
1 ll:xf6! gxf6 (White was ready with a double exchange sacrifice: l . ..li:lxf6 2 ll:xf6! gxf6 3
"fig4+ lilh8 4 "figS - shades of Lasker-Reshevsky) 2 "fig4+ lilh8 3 ll:xf6! Ille s (3 ... /i:lx6 4 "figS
l:i.g8 S xf6+ "fixf6 6 "fixf6+ ll:g7 7 "fixd6 sees White's extra queen run amok) 4 "f/fs J:lg8 (or

4 ...'ili'd7 5 "fixd7 - 5 "fih5 is a very reasonable alternative - S...li:lxd7 6 J:lxd6+ WgS 7 l:l:xd7
and White's bishops and d-pawn are far too strong) S ll:xd6! 1-0
2 points for each played exchange sacrifice on f6 and a bonus point if you spotted 5 l:!.xd6.
1140) Karpov-Csom
1 /i:lfs!! 1-o

2 ll:h7+ and 3 "fig7# is threatened, and 1 ... 1i:lxd7 fails to 2 "fih2+ lilgS 3 "fig3+ lilf7 4 'ili'g7#. (3


Test Six
1141) Vanderbeeken-Fiear
1 ...1ixc3! 0-1

Black wins a piece due to the pin down the d-file. (I point)
1142) Palliser-Westra
1 'ili'xg7! (I point) 1 ...J:l:xf4? (a blunder, although after l . . .'ii!'xg7 2 1i:le6+ lile7 3 1Dxg7 ll:f7 4

l::xf7+ lilxf7 5 /i:lfS gxf5 6 ll:h7+ lile6 7 exf5+ lild6 8 \ilbl White's extra exchange should pre
vail) 2 :C:h8+ 1-0
1143) Dvirnyy-Pomaro
1 1i:lxf7! 'iil'xf7 2 l:i.xd6 wins a pawn.

(I point)

1144) Morris-Burton
1 b4! ensures that White remains a piece ahead after either L.'ili'xb4+ 2 c3 'iil'xd4 (2 ... 'iil'b2 ?

loses to 3 'iil'eS+ e7 4 'iil'xe7#) 3 xd4 or l...xb4+ 2 c3 gxf6 3 cxb4.

2 points for finding 2 c3.



1145) Gibson-Cork
1 tt:lxb7! wins a key pawn since the a-pawn is unstoppable after 1 ...1Llxb7? 2 a6.

(1 point)

1146) Narayanan-lkonnikov
1...1Zlg3+! 2 'li'xg3 f4 forced 3 'li'h3 (3 'lWei or 3 'li'f2 would have allowed mate after
3 ...'1i'xh2+! 4 '<l<xh2 h6+ 5 '1Wh4 xh4#) 3 ....1hh3 with an easy win for Black.

2 points for 1 . . . 1Llg3 and a further point for the queen sacrifice on h2.
1147) 5 zakolczai-Okara
1...'1i'xf2+! 0-1

Mate follows with 2 l:txf2 l:cl + 3 l:fl Si.e3+ 4 '<l<hl l:xfl #. (2 points)
114S) Bronstein-Ratner
1 tt:lxe6! (1 point) 1...l::lxd 1 (White wins easily after this, but he also would have done after

both l .. .fxe6 2 l:txd7 tt:lxd7 3 'li'xe6+ 'li'f7 4 J::ih8+! - a second point for seeing this important fol
low-up - and l ...'li'e7 2 ll:h8+ '<l?xh8 3 'li'h6+ '<l?g8 4 'li'g7#) 2 tt:lxfS lbh1 3 '<l<xh1 l:txfS 4 'flile7
'<l<g7 5 'flilxb7 ILleS 6 'li'd7 1-0
1149) McNab-Gayson
1 l:!:xg6+! hxg6 (or 1 ...'<1?7 2 l:!:xh7+ WeB 3 l:!:gg7 with a mating attack) 2 S..xg6 1-0

Mate follows on h8. (2 points)

1150) Sareen-Palliser
1...tt:lxf2! (2 points) wins the exchange since 2 Wxf2 failed to 2 ...fxg3+ 3 '<l?xg3 (or 3 We2
'ii'f2+ 4 Wd3 .!l:3+) 3... '1i'f2+ 4 1iig4 l:tf4+ both winning the queen and forcing mate.
1151) Bologan-Vaganian
1 J:!:xh7! 1-0

It's mate after 1 ...1iixh7 (or l ... gxf6 2 'ii'xg6+ lilf8 3 'ii'f7#) 2 l:rhl + lilg8 3 'li'xg6 ll:e7 4 .ltxg71
ll:xg7 5 '1We8#.

2 points for 1 l:txh7.

1152) Negi-Hermansson
1 tt:lxe6!! fxe6 (l...'li'xe4 fails to 2 '!ilixe4 .ltxe4 3 ll:c8+ and mate) 2 f7+ lildS (or 2 ...ll:xf7 3

tt:ld6+ ..txd6 4 'ii'xe6+ ..te7 - 4 ... ll:e7 5 l:tc8+! .ltxc8 6 '1Wxc8# - 5 '1Wxf7+ lild8 6 ll:fdl + tt:ld7 7
'!l!'e6 with a crushing attack) 3 'li'g5+ 'l:le7 (now Black is crushed, but it's mate after 3.....te7 4
f8'1W+ J:!:x8 5 ll:xf8#) 4 '!l!'e5 1-0 (3 points)

Test Seven
1153) Berbatov-Suuronen
1 ..txf7+! wins the black queen: 1 ... 1iie 7 2 ..tc5+ lilxf7 3 'ii'x dS 1-0
1154) Repkova-VIkovic
1 tt:lxh7! wins a pawn in view of 1 . . .lhh7? 2 '1Wg6+ lilf8 3 '!l!'xh7.

(1 point)

(1 point)

1155) Akatova-Nebolsina
1...l:txa3! 2 J:!:xa3 (White also loses a rook after 2 bxa3 tt:lf5) 2 ...1Llc2 forked White's rooks
and left Black a piece ahead after 3 ll:a7+ IileS 4 ll:a4 (or 4 litbl ..td4+) 4...1Llxa1.

1 point for 1 1:l.xa3 and a second if you spotted the check on d4.
. . .


T h e C o m p l e t e C h e s s Worko u t

1156) lukovnikov-Bezgodova
1.-..ll.xf2! 0-1

Black emerges a piece ahead after 2 'l!Vxf2 'l!Vxe5+ 3 'l!Vg3 'l!Vxa1 . (1 point)
1157) Ehlvest-lllescas Cordoba
1 dxc6! l2lxc6 (White's main point is that 1 ...e4 2 .!ha7!! J:l.xa7 3 c7 sees the c-pawn queen)
2 J:l.xb1 and White went on to convert his extra pawn. (1 paint)
1158) Brown-Hardman
1 xh7+! 1-0

White emerges the exchange ahead in an ending after l ...l!lxh7 2 'i!Vxd5 12lxd5 3 J:!.xc6. (1

1159) Debbage-Palliser
1 ...12lxg5! (otherwise 2 J:i:hl paralyses Black on the kingside, leaving White with a free rein
on the queenside) 2 hxg5 'l!Vxg5+ 3 1i<h1 (and not 3 lllf2?? 'li!'g3#) 3 ...'l!Vh4+ 4 1f<g1 'l!i'g3+ Y>-Y>

Neither side can avoid the perpetual. (2 points)

1160) Weller-Clarke
1 xh7+! lllx h7 2 'l!i'd3+ 111gB (the game's 2 ... f5 should have led to mate with 3 exf6+ l!lg8 4
h7+ l!lf7 5 'l!Vg6#) 3 12lxe6 threatens 4 h7# and thereby forces Black to give up his queen, ei

ther immediately or after 3 ... '1!1'a5+ 4 b4 'l!Vxb4+ 5 c3.


point for 1 xhl+ and a second for 3 l2lxe6.

1161) Cmilyte-Atalik
1 ..."ii'g4! 2 'l!i'xg4 (or 2 l:tel l2lf2+ 3 1!/gl 'l!Vxe2 4 J:l.xe2 12lh3+ 5 11/hl l:tfl+ 6 gl lllxgl with an
extra piece) 2 .. ..1l:xf1+ 0-1

Black is a rook up after 3 gl l2lf2+ 4 1!/h2 12lxg4+. (2 points)

1162) Rotlewi-Rubinstein
1 ....ll.x c31! 2 gxh4 (neither would 2 xb7 ll:xg3 3 lbcl l:th3 4 l:ic2 f2! nor 2 xc3 xe4+ 3
'l!Vxe4 'l!i'xh2# have saved White) 2 ....!l:d2! 3 'l!i'xd2 xe4+ 4 il'g2 f!h3! 0-1

Mate follows on h2. (3 points)

1163) Evans-larsen
1 ...J:i:f1+! (2 points) 2 Il:xf1 (it's mate too after 2 1!/xfl 'li'f5+ 3 J:l.3 - or 3 11/gl 'l!l'c5+ 4 1!/hl

l2lf2+ 5 1!1gl l2lh3+ 6 \t>hl 'l!i'gl+ 7 .!hgl l2lf2# - 3 ... .!l:xdl+ 4 l!le2 12lc3+! (a bonus point for this) 5
bxc3 'li'c2+ 6 l!le3 'l!Vd2+ 7 llle4 .ll.e l+ 8 1115 'llld
l 5+ 9 l!lf4 'lilieS#) 2 ... 'l!i'c5+ 0-1
Black mates after 3 1!/hl l2lf2+! 4 ll:x2 'l!i'cl +.
1164) Spassky-Tal
1 ... xh2+l 2 l!lxh2 l:th5+! (much stronger than 2 ...12lg4+ 3 lllg 3!) 3 1!1g1 (or 3 l!lg3 12le4+ 4
xe4 'lll4
lh + 5 lllf3 'l!Vxe4+ 6 l!lg3 'l!Vh4#) 3 ... 12lg4! 0-1

There's no good defence to the mate threat (beginning 4 .. J:thl+ 5 1!/xhl 'l!Vh4+).
1 point for l . ..xh2+ and a further two for 2 .. 1:1.h5+.

Test Eight
1165) Hindle-Horton
1 'ili'd8+! 1-0

Mate follows with l...xd8 2 J:l.xd8#. (1 paint)



1166) Kynoch-Hogg
1 il.xf7+! <ilxf7 (or l ...oild8 2 1Lle5 followed by either a crushing 3 1i:lc6+ or 2 ... il.b7 3 1Llxd7) 2
li:lg5+ <ile8 3 'lo1Ve6+ 1-0

It's mate after 3 ...<ild8 4 1i:lf7#.

1 point for 1 il.xp+ and a second if you spotted the mate.

1167) Neave-Bryson
1.. ."i!l'xg2+! 2 xg2 1i'lf4+ 0-1

Black will emerge a rook ahead after 3 gl li:lxd3. (1 point)

1168) Ballon-Meenakshi
1...J::lx b2! 2 'lo1Vxb2 il.xc3 3 'lo1Vc2 il.xd2 wins two very useful minor pieces for a rook.

(1 point)

1169) lrizanin-Sarenac
1...J::lx a2! o-1

It's mate down the a-file. (1 point)

1170) Rozentalis-Preuss
1...1i:lxf2! (1 point) wins the exchange: 2 'iil'd 2 (or 2 xf2 eS) 2 ... e5 01
1171) Palliser-Howell
1 ....!l.xc3! (1 point) 2 'i!l'xc3 l:!.e2 0-1

White can only avoid mate on g2 by giving up his queen.

1172) Val mana Canto-Eggleston
1 il.xg6! hxg6 (or J ...li:lxdl 2 "i!l'xh7#) 2 l:!.xd4 1i:lxf1 3 'iil'f6+ 1-0

Mate follows after 3...<ilh7 4 ll:d3.

1 point for 1 il.xg6 and a further one if you spotted 3 "i!l'f6+.
1173) Zheleznov-Vovk
1...il.a2+! 2 <ilc1 'lo1Vxc2+ 3 <ilxc2 il.b3+ 4 b1 il.xd1 5 .lhd1 left Black the exchange ahead for

insufficient compensation. (2 points)

1174) Hunt-Howell
1...J:txe4!1 2 .!l.xe4 (or 2 'i!l'c8+ <ilf3 3 ll:fl+ <ile2 and the f- and g-pawns decide) 2 ."1!i"b6+ 3
<ilh1 'iil'f2 4 'iil'g 1 h3! 0-1

Mate follows after 5 ... g2+ or 5 'iil'xf2 gxf2.

2 points for 1 ... J:lle4 and a further two if you saw through to 4 ... <ilh3.
1175) 5 praggett-Lianeza Vega
1 1i:lxg6! <ilxg6 (otherwise White simply wins material, such as with l .. ..!l.g8 2 "lWxhS il.f7 3
il.xg7 1!1xg7 4 1i'ldxf4) 2 'i!l'xh5+! (3 points) 2 ...xh5? (better is 2 ...<ilh7 3 1i:lxf4 with only an
extra pawn and some attacking chances for White) 3 1i'lxf4+ g5 4 h4+ <ilg4 5 <ilh2 10

Mate follows with 6 il.h3#.

1176) Smeets-Bu Xiangzhi
1... 1i:ld5! (or l . . .bxc2+ 2 1!1xc2 1i:ld5!, transposing after 3 exd5) 2 exd5 bxc2+ 3 <ilxc2 litxa2+
and Black's counterattack is strong enough to force a draw: 4 b1 .!l:a1+! 5 <ilxa1 (5 c2
.!!.a2+ repeats) s .. 'lo1Vxc3+ 6 <ilb1 'iil'b 3+ 7 Wc1 'iil'c 3+ 8 b1 "iil'b3+ 9 <ila1 'iil'c3+ y,.y,

2 points for J ILld5 and a bonus one for 4 ... l:l.a1 +.

. . .


The C o m p lete C h e s s Work o u t

Test Nine
1177) Bernstein-Capablanca
L.'i!i'b2! 0-1

White loses his rook after 2 'i!i'el (or 2 l:tc2 'i!i'bl+ 3 "l!Vfl 'i!i'xc2) 2 ... 'i!i'xc3. (1 point)
1178) Smallbone-Ciiffe
1 g3! (1 point) 1...->l.xg3 2 ll:g1 and White's extra piece was decisive.
1179) Donner-Stephenson
1 .. .ll:xh2+! 2 >t>xh2 "l!Vxf2+ 3 >t>h1 g3 0-1

It's either mate on h2 or with 4 1Llf3 g2+ 5 >t>h2 gl"l!V+ 6 >t>h3 "l!Vgg3#. (2 points)
1180) Cooper-Smith
1 l!!:x as! 1-0

With l ...'i!i'e4+ Black attempts to avoid the check on c7, but after 2 e2 he must remain a
piece down in view of 2 ... 1t:lxa5? 3 1t:ld6+. (1 point)
1181) lvanchuk-Van Wely
1 :!l:e8+! >t>g7 (Black loses his queen immediately after l ...lhe8 2 "l!Vxc7, but she cannot be
saved in any case) 2 1Lle6+! 1-0

In view of 2 .. .fxe6 3 l:te7+ winning the queen and the game. (2 points)
1182) Lehtinen-Kaiju
1 1Llf6+! 1-0

White wins the exchange on e8. (1 point)

1183) Kramnik-Svidler
1 xf7+! 1-0

White's connected passed pawns decide after l ...Wx7 (or l ... >t>d7 2 eS'i!i'+ fl.xe8+ 3 .ll.xe8+
>t>xe8 4 l:txh7 with an easy win) 2 d7. (2 points)
1184) Onischuk-Kravtsiv
1 1Llh7+1 WeB (Black's queen is lost after l ...lt:lxh7 2 xe7+, while l ...>t>gS runs into 2 1Llf5
Wb7 3 'i!i'xg6) 2 1Llf5! 1-0

White wins at least a piece after 2 ... gxf5 3 "l!Vxg7.

1 point for 1 1Llh7+ and a second if you found 2 1Llf5.
1185) Coleman-Simms
1 1t:lxf7! 1-0

White wins a rook in view of l...>t>xf7? 2 "l!Vxe6+ Wf8 3 "l!Ve7+ Wg8 4 "l!Vxd8+ >t>f7 5 fl.e7#. (1

1186) Taylor-Mirabile
1 ..ixh6! >t>gS (White forces mate after l ...xh6 with 2 "l!Vxf8 "l!Vcl 3 l:te3 1Llg7 4 lt:lg5#) 2 xg7
>t>xg7 (or 2 ... 1t:lxg7 3 l:!.h8+!) 3 l:th7+! >t>xh7 4 "l!Vxf8 1t:lg7 (White has a mating attack too after
4 ..."l!Vcl 5 ll:e3) s lt:lg5+ >t>h6 6 1t:lxf7+ 1-0

Mate follows on h8.

1 point for 1 .>l.xh6 and a further two if you found 3 l:lh7+.



1187) Lisitsin-Ragozin
1 .\l.h7+!! xh7 (Black's cause isn't helped by l ...hS 2 12lg5) 2 12lg5+! g8 (after 2 ...hxg5 3

'iii'h 5+ g8 4 1i'xf7+ h7 5 'iii'h5+ g8 6 hxg5 Black must give up his queen to prevent mate
with 7 g6 and 8 'iii'h 7#, while 2 ... g6 is swiftly mated by 3 h5+! xg5 4 .\l.cl#) 3 1i:lxf7 'i1Vb8 4
li:lxh6+! gxh6 5 'i/Vg4+ h8 6 l:tf7 1-0

Mate follows after 6 ...l:tg8 7 'iii'h5 .

2 points for 1 .\l.h7+ and a further point for 4 12lxh6+.

1188) Alekhine-Prat
1 1i'h5+!! li:lxhs 2 fxe6+ g6 3 .\l.c2+ g5 4 l:tf5+ g6 (or 4 ...h4 5 l:te4+ li:lf4 6 l:texf4#) 5
l:tf6+ g5 6 l:tg6+ h4 7 l:te4+ li:lf4 8 J:l.xf4+ h5 9 g3 1-0

There's no defence to 10 l:th4#.

Just 1 point for 1 1i'h5+, but three zf you calculated through to mate.

Test Ten
1189) Palliser-Davies
1 12lxd5! (1 paint) 1...'i/Vd8 (not the best defence, but in the case of 1 ...exd5 2 .ll.xd7+ and 3
'i1Vxb7 Black would have been quickly destroyed) 2 'ii'c 3 and the rook on h8 dropped off.
1190) Bonilla G uzman-Michelmann
1 ...fxg112l+! 0-1

Black is a piece up with a crushing attack after 2 e1 (the main point of this Albin trap is
that 2 J:l.xg1 .\l.g4+ wins White's queen) 2 ...'iii'h4+ 3 d2 12lc6 4 jl,c3 jl,g4. (1 point)
1191) Arluck-Benjamin
1...jl,xg2+! 2 i..xg2 l:txe3 3 fxe3 12lf5 saw Black's extra queen shortly prove decisive.


1192) Katte-Zweschper
1... 1i:lxe3! picks up two pawns after 2 fxe3 (or 2 1i'b3 1i:lxf1 winning the exchange)
2 ... 'i/Vxe3+ and 3 ... 1i'xd3. (1 point)
1193) Granados Gomez-Larina Nieto
1 i..xb7! (1 point) wins a pawn since the a-pawn queens after 1 ... 1i:lxb7? 2 a6.
1194) Navara-Ponomariov
1 e4! 1-0 (1 point)

White just needs to avoid 1 xf4?? because 1 .. Jl.xf5+! 2 xf5 would be an embarrassing
1195) Milman-Rukavina
1 :!l.xf4! 1-0

After 1...exf4 Black loses his queen to 2 'i/Vd4+ f8 3 'ii'f6+! e8 4 i..c6+.

1 point for 1 1:!xf4 and take a second if you saw as far as 4 .\l.c6+.
1196) Meier-Saltaev
1 J:l.c7+! d4 2 J:i:c5 1-0

The threat to capture on d5 wins a rook. (1 point)


The C o m p l e t e C h e s s W o rk o u t

1197) Pashikian-Yegiazarian
1 .. .'1Wg1+! 2 lt<xf3 i.c6 0-1

White's queen is lost after 3 'iii'xc6 'l!l'hl+. (2 points)

1198) Portisch-Berger
1 1Zlxh71! lt<xh7 2 l:hs+ l!<g7 3 .lies+ f6 4 l:g5l 1-o

The key sting in the tail. Black cannot satisfactorily defend g6.

3 points if you saw all the way through to 4 l:tg5.

1199) Sammalvuo-Smeets
1 i.d811 1Zlxd8 (it's mate after l ...l:td7 2 l:!.xg7+ l!<xg7 3 'iii'g5+ i.g6 4 'i1Vf6+ 'i!<g8 5 li:h8#, while
White wins further material in the event of 1 . .\!<eS 2 l:t7h2) 2 l:!:xg7+! lt<xg7 3 'iii'gS+ 'i!<f7 4
J:lh8 1-0

There's no defence to 5 'iii'f6#.

2 points for 1 .lidS and take a further two if you found 4 l:!.h8.
1200) Palliser-Dineley
1 bxc3! 'il'b2+ 2 i.d2l (the star move preventing Black's queen from escaping via c3)
2 ...'iii'xa1 3 'l!Vgs g6 4 'i'f6! gxhs 5 i.h6 'iii'x a2+ 6 1Zle2! 1-0

Now it's mate after 6 ... '1Wxe2+ 7 \t<g3 h4+ 8 Wh3, but White had to avoid 6 'i!<g3? in view of
6 ...h4+! 7 \t<xh4 (or 7 '1Wxh4 'We6) 7...'il'xg2.

Take two points for 1 bxc3 and a further two if you initially found 6 1Zle2.


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