P.R.C. is a rare & specialised technique.It helps us to go to the deeper levels of the
chart of the horoscope,showing us what is not visible at the superficial
levels.Sometimes,in hopeless cases,it shows us a ray of hope & sometimes,in an
excellent looking horoscope,it warns us about an impending disaster.
PRC is also known as Tripataki Chakra. It is used for seeing Arishta (Arishta is a
Sanskrit word meaning loss, suffering, or deprivation of any kind.) in the horoscopes
of children and adolescents up to the age of 18 to 24 years or so, which is the age of
Balarishta and Yogarishta (Alpaayu - Death before 32yrs of age). Balarishta can
come up in the form of ill health, death,separation from parents, divorce of parents,
or even child abuse by parents.
P.R.C. can give us an indication regarding:*************************************************
1. Whether the illness or the apparent Arishta is fatal or whether there is hope for the
recovery of the child.
2. Timing of the occurrence. The days, months or the years of the child's life when ill
health or Arishta can occur.
3. The nature of the ailment according to the planets and the houses afflicted in the
4. The child remaining unharmed directly, but someone else in the family getting
affected adversely.
5. The child surviving, but becoming crippled or handicapped.
6. The child remaining absolutely well despite the Arishta in the horoscope.
7. It is observed that even when the Birth Chart (D1) doesnt show much affliction &
shows protection apparently, P.R.C. gives a bird's eye to view the afflictions &
compllications involved.