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Primates and Cetaceans

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J. Yamagiwa L.

Karczmarski Editors

Primates and
Field Research and Conservation of
Complex Mammalian Societies

Primatology Monographs
Series Editors
Tetsuro Matsuzawa
Inuyama, Japan
Juichi Yamagiwa
Kyoto, Japan

For further volumes:


Juichi Yamagiwa Leszek Karczmarski


Primates and Cetaceans

Field Research and Conservation
of Complex Mammalian Societies

Juichi Yamagiwa
Laboratory of Human Evolution Studies
Graduate School of Science
Kyoto University
Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan

Leszek Karczmarski
Associate Professor
The Swire Institute of Marine Science
School of Biological Sciences
The University of Hong Kong
Cape dAguilar, Hong Kong

ISSN 2190-5967
ISSN 2190-5975 (electronic)
ISBN 978-4-431-54522-4
ISBN 978-4-431-54523-1 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1
Springer Tokyo Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London
Library of Congress Control Number: 2013953884
Springer Japan 2014
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Cover image: Front cover: Upper: A silverback male gorilla in Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Democratic
Republic of Congo. Photo by Juichi Yamagiwa. Center left: A dusky dolphin performs a noisy leap in
Admiralty Bay, New Zealand. Photo by Chris Pearson. Center middle: Flipper-to-body rubbing in
Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins off Mikura Island, Japan. Photo by Mai Sakai. Center right: A pair of
white-handed gibbons in a fig tree in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. Photo by Kulpat Saralamba.
Back cover: Upper: Male and female juvenile bottlenose dolphins pet each other in Shark Bay,
Australia. Photo by Ewa Krzyszsczyk. Center left: A male Japanese macaque in Yakushima Island,
Japan. Photo by Juichi Yamagiwa. Center middle: Grooming chain of three chimpanzee females in
Mahale Mountain National Park, Tanzania. Photo by Michio Nakamura. Center right: Indo-Pacific
humpback dolphin mother and newborn calf in Hong Kong waters. Photo by Stephen Chan.
Printed on acid-free paper
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Foreword: From the World of Cetaceans

Cetaceans were long valued for their body mass, and modern cetacean biology
relied greatly on whaling operations for biological materials and ecological information from whales. This situation is still true in some communities such as Japan,
where more than 10,000 individuals of 15 species of cetaceans are killed annually
through fishery operations and scientific activities and are subsequently consumed.
Many of these studies aimed at the safe management of whale stocks, but resulted
in such an ironical consequence: that we increased our knowledge about whales
with an accompanying shift of whaling operations from one area to another and
from larger species to smaller ones when the whale stocks thus became depleted.
Examples of such management failures are numerous in the history of Antarctic
whaling. The total population of ordinary blue whales migrating into the Antarctic
Ocean declined from 250,000 in 1904, when modern whaling entered the ocean, to
about 1,000 in the mid-1960s when the hunting was stopped for population recovery; the current number is still only around 2,000. Three other great baleen whales
and the largest of the toothed whales (the sperm whale) had experienced a more or
less similar fate in the Antarctic by the early 1980s. Such management failure also
occurred with large whales in other oceans, and smaller toothed whales (dolphins
and porpoises) were not totally exempt, as seen with striped dolphins off Japan.
Our failures in managing cetacean populations were related, at least in some
degree, to the biology of the species such as their aquatic habitat and low reproductive rates, and to the nature of the human community wherein decision making and
enforcement were often difficult. Information on biology and abundance was hard
to obtain or was not available for management, and whaling industries were powerful enough to exert control over their governments for their short-term benefit by
sacrificing management. Additionally, whaling was often so important to the economy of fishing nations that governments ignored the management advice of scientists or attempted to control their scientists.
All cetacean species are believed to have a high capacity for vocal communication and a range of communication that extends, particularly among baleen whales,


Foreword: From the World of Cetaceans

beyond the range of our visual perception: this has limited our understanding of
their biology and social interactions. For example, we do not know how baleen
whales locate the swarms of plankton on which they feed in waters with limited
visibility, or how individual baleen whales cooperate in the activity. Observation of
some dolphin species in captivity has revealed that they are able to identify images
of themselves in a mirror, a suggestion that their level of intelligence is comparable
to or greater than that of apes. Toothed whales in general are apparently more social
than baleen whales, and they live in groups of various degrees of stability. In a community of such species, contributions of individuals to the group must vary by sex,
age, and amount of accumulated experience. Baleen whales cannot be excluded
from this generalization in view of the current insufficient level of our knowledge
of their biology. Management of cetacean populations is likely to fail if these elements are ignored, as has happened in the past. It is difficult for the traditional
methodology of cetacean biology to meet such research needs.
A new type of cetacean research emerged in the 1970s for killer whales, using
photographs as a tool for individual recognition, and expanded to bottlenose dolphins, humpback whales, and some other cetacean species in coastal and riverine
habitats. In association with genetic, acoustic, and radio technologies, this new
approach has produced valuable information on the social structure, life history, and
movement of cetaceans. However, these new methodologies still have limitations.
Cetaceans spend most of their life underwater and show themselves to scientists
only for a small fraction of their time, usually in association with breathing, so scientists are now forced to descend underwater to overcome this limitation. Because
cetaceans lifespans cover from 25 to more than 100 years, it takes almost the entire
life of a biologist before we can obtain a picture of the whole life of one cetacean
species, and during that time human activities can significantly alter the aquatic
environment and thus the life of cetaceans as well. A recent promising finding is an
aging technique using fatty acid composition in biopsied blubber samples, although
we still need to calibrate the data using animals whose ages are known. Under such
difficult circumstances, combining the results of recent nonlethal behavior studies
with those of the earlier fishery-derived carcass studies has revealed fascinating
aspects of the social structure of some toothed whales and the variability among
It is our current understanding that most baleen whales and some toothed whales
(e.g., harbor porpoise, Dalls porpoise, finless porpoises, and perhaps some river
dolphins) have mother-and-calf associations lasting only several months or a year
as the most stable social units in their communities, whereas other toothed whales
have evolved longer mothercalf associations. Many members of Delphinidae such
as bottlenose and striped dolphins live in fissionfusion communities and have
some degree of matrilineal tendencies, wherein weaned juveniles, particularly
males, leave their mothers group to spend the prepubertal period with other individuals at the same growth stage. More cohesive matrilineal groups are known in
some Delphinidae (killer whale, two species of pilot whales, and perhaps false killer

Foreword: From the World of Cetaceans


whale) and Physeteridae (sperm whale), where the motherdaughter association is

believed to last for life, although patterns of motherson association are not the
same among the species. These species are probably at the top of the specialization
of the social system achieved by recent toothed whales.
In the last-mentioned group of toothed whales, juveniles are known to suckle
occasionally to the age of 10 years or more, and some females are found to lactate
for a similar duration after their last parturition, where communal nursing remains
a possibility to be confirmed. Females of this group have extended lives after cessation of ovulation or conception. For example, about 25 % of sexually mature females
of the short-finned pilot whales off Japan are over the age of oldest conception
(36 years) and live to an age of 62 years. Such information invites speculation that
an old female is contributing to the life of her kins offspring rather than bearing her
own offspring, using her accumulated experience through her extended life.
So-called social sex, identified in the short-finned pilot whale based on the finding
of spermatozoa in the uteri of non-estrous (including postreproductive) females, is
interpreted as contributing to the stability of the community. This observation bears
similarity to the behavior of some primates, for example, bonobos and humans.
The social structure of Ziphiidae, a group of middle-sized, poorly known toothed
whales of 21 pelagic species, merits particular attention. The age structure of a few
species suggests that, in contrast to other toothed whales, males of Ziphiidae live
longer than females. For example, males of Bairds beaked whales off Japan have a
higher survival rate and live about 30 years longer than females, which live to
54 years and are reproductive for life. More information has to be obtained before
we understand their social structure and its diversity within the family Ziphiidae.
Evidence of culture in whales and dolphins is still limited by technical difficulties in detection but is known for both baleen and toothed whales. Individual cetaceans have the ability to accumulate information and behavior patterns during their
extended lifetime, and the social structure provides them with opportunities to
transmit the acquired information and behavior to other members of their community. This is the formation of culture, which I define as information and behavior
traits retained in a community by learning. Culture allows the community to adapt
quickly to a new or a changing environment and thus enables the community to better utilize resources in an unpredictable environment. If a species contains communities with diverse cultures, it allows the species to utilize a broad spectrum of
habitats and thus increases the species opportunity to survive. Therefore, it is important for social species to conserve both social structure and cultural diversity.
Driving a whole pilot whale school to shore for subsequent slaughter, which is
practiced in Japan and the Faroe Islands, is hard to accept for the conservation and
management of the species from this point of view.
Cetaceans entered into the aquatic environment in the early Eocene period, and
through a history of more than 50 million years in that environment they have
acquired a morphology which is quite different from that of terrestrial mammals.


Foreword: From the World of Cetaceans

Their life history and social structure must have also undergone modifications during
this long period and must have achieved broad radiation. Although our knowledge
of this part of cetacean biology is still in its infancy, I believe it is interesting to see
some similarities between the radiation pattern of the social structure of cetaceans
and that of primates which evolved in the terrestrial environment. Comparison of
social structure and its diversity between the two animal groups will help us to
understand the evolution of mammal communities.
Toshio Kasuya


Cetaceans and primates have developed comparable cognitive abilities in different

environments. Their social systems vary from dynamic fissionfusion to long-term
stable societies; from male-bonded to bisexually bonded to matrilineal groups.
Despite obvious differences in morphology and eco-physiology, there are many
cases of comparable, sometimes strikingly similar, patterns of sociobehavioral complexity. Recent studies suggest that many of these similarities and differences are
influenced by the ecological factors of their natural environments. A number of
long-term field studies have accumulated a substantial amount of data on the life
history of various taxa, their foraging ecology, social and sexual relationships,
demography, and various patterns of behavior. We can now attempt to view primates and cetaceans in a comparative perspective: such comparisons between social
animals that are evolutionarily distant but live in comparable complex, sociocognitive environments boost our appreciation of their sophisticated mammalian systems
and may advance our understanding of the ecological factors that have shaped their
social evolution.
Cetologists and primatologists, however, rarely get together to explore common
interests of their research. To facilitate such an exchange of ideas, we initiated a
sharing of knowledge and a discussion of the topics common to the studies of both
taxa in a symposium at the 9th International Mammalogical Congress (IMC), held
in 2005 in Sapporo, Japan. Many important topics were discussed, involving mating
strategies, social behavior, social networks, foraging strategies, communication,
social learning, culture, economics of behavior, behavioral plasticity, social evolution, and application of new research tools in field studies. Each topic was presented
by a speaker and commenter from the two fields. The Congress was preceded by a
symposium on the social ecology of primates and cetaceans held two days earlier in
Kyoto. Another joint meeting took place in Cape Town, South Africa, during the
17th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy in 2007, where we
were joined by colleagues working on other group-living mammals including carnivores, ungulates, and pinnipeds. This edited volume was prepared as a collection of
selected presentations from these three symposia and additional invited contributions. All chapters were reviewed by two or more external referees. The publication


took a long time owing to the difficulties of topic selection, logistics of communication
with multiple authors, and occasional incompatibility of thoughts between authors
addressing similar topics. We believe, however, that the time spent in compiling this
volume increases the value of its content. We sincerely thank the authors for their
contributions and fruitful discussions during the editing process.
This volume consists of four sections. The first section presents topics on social
ecology of cetaceans and primates. Recent review of the theory of socioecology
points out a need for multiple formulas rather than one comprehensive model to
explain social relationships. Six chapters present cases of social and behavioral
plasticity in primates and delphinids and offer views that in some cases might go
beyond earlier interpretations. The second section, with five chapters, provides
cases of long-term studies that address topics of social evolution and life history
strategies. Because of the slow life histories of primates and cetaceans, longitudinal
studies are necessary to gain an understanding of how ecology and natural history
influence their behavior and social evolution. The third section presents five chapters with subjects ranging from behavior to demography, to population genetics and
eco-toxicology, all directly related to current issues in conservation. The authors
point out the susceptibility of primates and cetaceans to anthropogenic pressures
and the importance of sound ecological research in addressing the challenges of
conservation and management. The fourth section presents five selected topics on
comparative studies of behavior: three of them resulted from the fruitful discussions
at IMC 9. This comparative look at primates and cetaceans may at times bring us to
new points of view that go beyond previous perceptions, facilitating a better understanding of the day-to-day challenges these animals face in the human-dominated
world, which in turn may improve our capacity and capabilities of promoting
In the early days of our work on this volume, we requested that Prof. Toshio
Kasuya and Prof. Toshisada Nishida write the Foreword and Afterword, respectively, because both these distinguished colleagues had dedicated their lifelong
work to studying cetaceans and primates and advocating their conservation. They
accepted our request, and Prof. Kasuya assumed also the role of convener of the
symposium at IMC 9. The Foreword is now accompanying this volume; however,
the Afterword was not completed as a result of the untimely death of Prof. Nishida
in 2011. He had continuously encouraged us to edit this book and was patiently
looking forward to its publication. We express our deepest sympathy to his loved
ones and dedicate this book to him.
As mentioned earlier, the idea of creating this book emerged from a symposium
at IMC 9 held in Sapporo in 2005. Our editing process was funded by the IMC 9
Memorial Project and funding from the Texas Institute of Oceanography at Texas
A&M University, Galveston. We wish to thank Prof. Noriyuki Ohtaishi, Prof.
Koichi Kaji, Prof. Takashi Saito, Prof. Keisuke Nakata, the members of the IMC 9
Organizing Committee, and Dr. Tammy Holiday of Texas A&M University for their
support. The symposium in Kyoto was sponsored by Kyoto Universitys 21 COE
Program Formation of a Strategic Base for the Multidisciplinary Study of
Biodiversity and by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)



Core-to-Core Program HOPE Primate Origins of Human Evolution. The

Comparative Ecology Workshop in Cape Town was cosponsored by the University
of Pretorias Mammal Research Institute and the Iziko South African Museum of
Cape Town. We thank the participants at the symposia, as without their stimulating
talks and the discussions with them, this book would not have been realized. We
further express our gratitude to the Laboratory of Human Evolution Studies at
Kyoto University, the Texas Institute of Oceanography at Texas A&M University in
Galveston, the Mammal Research Institute at University of Pretoria, and the Swire
Institute of Marine Science at the University of Hong Kong for hosting and facilitating our editorial efforts. We also thank Aiko Hiraguchi and Yoshiko Shikano, of
Springer, for their advice and assistance.
Kyoto, Japan
Cape dAguilar, Hong Kong

Juichi Yamagiwa
Leszek Karczmarski


Part I

Social Ecology

How Ecological Conditions Affect the Abundance

and Social Organization of Folivorous Monkeys .................................
Colin A. Chapman, Tamaini V. Snaith, and Jan F. Gogarten

Dusky Dolphins: Flexibility in Foraging and Social Strategies ..........

Bernd Wrsig and Heidi C. Pearson


Socioecological Flexibility of Gorillas and Chimpanzees ....................

Juichi Yamagiwa and Augustin Kanyunyi Basabose


You Are What You Eat: Foraging Specializations

and Their Influence on the Social Organization
and Behavior of Killer Whales...............................................................
John K.B. Ford and Graeme M. Ellis

Japanese Macaques: Habitat-Driven Divergence

in Social Dynamics ..................................................................................
Goro Hanya


Shark Bay Bottlenose Dolphins: A Case Study

for Defining and Measuring Sociality.................................................... 115
Margaret A. Stanton and Janet Mann

Part II


Life History and Social Evolution

Female Coexistence and Competition in Ringtailed Lemurs:

A Review of a Long-Term Study at Berenty, Madagascar .................. 129
Yukio Takahata, Naoki Koyama, Shinichiro Ichino, Naomi Miyamoto,
Takayo Soma, and Masayuki Nakamichi




Social Structure and Life History of Bottlenose Dolphins

Near Sarasota Bay, Florida: Insights from Four Decades
and Five Generations .............................................................................. 149
Randall S. Wells

Life History Tactics in Monkeys and Apes:

Focus on Female-Dispersal Species ....................................................... 173
Juichi Yamagiwa, Yukiko Shimooka, and David S. Sprague


Social Conflict Management in Primates:

Is There a Case For Dolphins?............................................................... 207
Marina Cords and Janet Mann


Evolution of Small-Group Territoriality in Gibbons ........................... 213

Warren Y. Brockelman, Anuttara Nathalang, David B. Greenberg,
and Udomlux Suwanvecho

Part III

Demography, Genetics, and Issues in Conservation


Northern Muriqui Monkeys: Behavior, Demography,

and Conservation .................................................................................... 233
Karen B. Strier


Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins:

A Demographic Perspective of a Threatened Species .......................... 249
Shiang-Lin Huang and Leszek Karczmarski


Mountain Gorillas: A Shifting Demographic Landscape.................... 273

Elizabeth A. Williamson


Population Genetics in the Conservation

of Cetaceans and Primates ..................................................................... 289
Kimberly Andrews


Eco-toxicants: A Growing Global Threat ............................................. 309

Victoria Tornero, Teresa J. Sylvina, Randall S. Wells,
and Jatinder Singh

Part IV

Selected Topics in Comparative Behavior


Observing and Quantifying Cetacean Behavior in the Wild:

Current Problems, Limitations, and Future Directions ...................... 335
Janet Mann and Bernd Wrsig


Social Network Analysis: Applications to Primate

and Cetacean Societies............................................................................ 345
Margaret A. Stanton and Janet Mann




Social Touch in Apes and Dolphins ....................................................... 355

Michio Nakamura and Mai Sakai


Non-conceptive Sexual Interactions in Monkeys, Apes,

and Dolphins ............................................................................................ 385
Takeshi Furuichi, Richard Connor, and Chie Hashimoto


A Mix of Species: Associations of Heterospecifics

Among Primates and Dolphins .............................................................. 409
Marina Cords and Bernd Wrsig

Index ................................................................................................................. 433

Part I

Social Ecology

Chapter 1

How Ecological Conditions Affect

the Abundance and Social Organization
of Folivorous Monkeys
Colin A. Chapman, Tamaini V. Snaith, and Jan F. Gogarten

C.A. Chapman (*)

Department of Anthropology and McGill School of Environment, McGill University,
Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 2T7
Wildlife Conservation Society, 185th Street and Southern Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10460, USA
e-mail: Colin.Chapman@McGill.ca
T.V. Snaith
Department of Anthropology, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 2T7
J.F. Gogarten
Department of Biology, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 2T7
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_1, Springer Japan 2014

C.A. Chapman et al.

Abstract A fundamental issue in ecology is identifying factors influencing animal

density, and this issue has taken on new significance with the need to develop
informed conservation plans for threatened species. With primates, this issue is
critical, because tropical forests are undergoing rapid transformation. Similarly, a
fundamental question in behavioral ecology is understanding how ecological conditions shape the social organizations of animals. During the past two decades, our
research group has been investigating the ecological variables influencing the abundance and social structure of two folivorous monkey species, the red colobus
(Procolobus rufomitratus) and the black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza) in
Kibale National Park, Uganda. We have documented much variation in the abundance of these colobus monkeys over very small spatial scales. This variation is
partially caused by variation in quality of the food resources, particularly the availability of high-protein resources relative to their fiber content. However, this is not
the whole story, and minerals, disease, and the interaction between disease and
stress also appear to play important roles. Further, despite examining all these factors over multiple decades, our understanding is too limited to explain observed
changes in colobine abundance over the past 40 years. Emerging from our studies of
determinants of primate abundance were investigations of feeding competition. Our
findings suggest that, counter to previous claims, feeding competition is occurring
in these folivores, and if food competition proves to be biologically significant for
folivores, our interpretations of primate behavior will need to be refined, and current
theoretical models of primate social organization may need revision.
Keywords Colobus Competition Conservation Determinant of abundance
Folivore Kibale National Park Minerals Nutrition Parasites



Animal distribution is primarily determined by the nature of available habitat, and

identifying the ecological factors that underlie this relationship is a key component
of population ecology (Boutin 1990; Chapman and Chapman 2000b). Ecological
factors are also fundamental in shaping animal social organization, and understanding the nature of this relationship is the central focus of behavioral ecology
(Eisenberg et al. 1972; Wursig and Wursig 1979; Isbell 1991; Sterck et al. 1997).
These issues have taken on new significance with the need to develop informed
management plans for threatened and endangered species. For primates, this is
especially critical because their tropical forest habitats are undergoing rapid transformations that have resulted in severe population reductions for many species.
In 2010, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimated that 16 million ha of forest was lost globally each year in the 1990s (Camm
et al. 2002), and approximately 12.5 million ha/year was lost in countries with primate populations, an area just smaller than Greece (Chapman and Peres 2001;

How Ecological Conditions Affect the Abundance and Social Organization

Kristan 2007; Chapman and Gogarten 2012). In contrast, in the past decade, the
global rate of deforestation has decreased to approximately 13 million ha/year, and
reforestation and natural expansion of forests in some countries significantly
reduced the net loss of forest (Camm et al. 2002). Although the rate of deforestation
has decreased, many areas are still being dramatically affected, and to help manage
this situation, academics need to develop a predictive understanding of the interactions between ecological variables, primate behavior, and population persistence.
During the past two decades, our research group has been investigating the ecological variables influencing the abundance and social structure of two folivorous
monkey species, the red colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus) and the black-and-white
colobus (Colobus guereza), in Kibale National Park, Uganda. In this chapter, we
provide an overview of this work and our interpretation of the results relative to current theoretical discussions and practical conservation issues. We first describe our
motivation for establishing this research program and our initial investigation of
how food resources could determine folivore abundance. Unsatisfying initial results
led us to incorporate nutritional considerations and to investigate the potentially
synergistic interactions between nutrition and disease, and finally to testing our
understanding experimentally and through a long-term contrast of population and
ecological change. Although the initial focus of these studies was to understand the
relationship between ecology and population density, some surprising results led us
to question the assumptions and conclusions of current theoretical models that seek
to explain variation in primate social organization. Throughout the chapter, we
attempt to illustrate gaps in our understanding and point to ways forward for
researchers interested in the population and behavioral ecology and conservation
biology of tropical primates.


Ecological Determinants of Folivore Abundance

Kibale National Park protects 795 km2 of moist evergreen forest near the foothills of
the Rwenzori Mountains in western Uganda (Struhsaker 1997; Chapman and
Lambert 2000). Our first studies were started in 1989, and the research continues to
this day. As we came to know Kibale, we became intrigued by the apparent variation
in primate abundance and realized that, if these patterns were real, this variation
offered an excellent opportunity to investigate the ecological determinants of animal
abundance. Previous studies of primate abundance had almost universally showed
contrasts between sites that are geographically widely separated (McKey et al. 1981;
Oates et al. 1990) and were based on the premise that distant sites would have sufficient variation in ecological conditions to permit detection of differences in response
variables (e.g., primate density). However, if significant differences in ecological
conditions occur over shorter distances, as they do in Kibale, small-scale studies may
provide more sensitive tests of primate responses to variation in ecological variables,
because small-scale analyses provide controls for some methodological problems

C.A. Chapman et al.

associated with large-scale studies. For example, unmeasured ecological parameters

(e.g., composition of the predator community) are less likely to differ among neighboring populations than would be the case among widely separated populations
(Butynski 1990; Chapman and Fedigan 1990), and because comparisons are made
within species, or even within breeding populations, analyses are not confounded by
phylogenetic non-independence (Nunn 2011).
To determine the extent of variation in red colobus density, we conducted intensive line transect surveys at six sites within Kibale, typically every second week, for
2 years (Chapman and Chapman 1999). To establish which food resources were
important, we collected more than 1,000 h of feeding observations. We then determined the abundance of the major food resources at each of the six sites to evaluate
whether red colobus abundance was related to food availability. We found that red
colobus numbers were fairly high at most sites, even in disturbed areas. However, a
surprisingly low population density was found at Dura River, a relatively undisturbed riverine site in the middle of the park. As we predicted, red colobus density
was significantly related to the cumulative size of important food trees, but only if
the Dura River site was excluded (Chapman and Chapman 1999). It was this anomalous site that provided the impetus for further investigation.
We initially thought there was reason to believe that red colobus monkeys were
below carrying capacity at Dura River. A small number of censuses conducted in
1970 and 1971 (Struhsaker 1975) estimated the red colobus group density to be 2.7
times greater than we recorded in 19961997, and an epidemic reportedly killed a
number of male red colobus monkeys in Kibale in the early 1980s (T. Struhsaker,
personal communication). This epidemic might have involved one of a number of
novel viruses that have been identified in red colobus (Goldberg et al. 2008, 2009).
If such epidemics are common and are restricted to one or a few sites, they could
periodically reduce populations to below carrying capacity. Based on this evidence, it
seemed possible that the low monkey densities at Dura River could be attributable to
an epidemic. However, this explanation was unsatisfying, because there was little real
evidence to support it, and we were concerned that we were missing something. We
began to consider the importance not just of food availability, but also its quality.
In contrast to most primates, colobus monkeys have a specialized alkaline forestomach designed for the digestion of fibrous leaves (Chivers and Hladik 1980).
Milton (1979) proposed that the protein-to-fiber ratio of leaves was an important
criterion driving leaf selection by small-bodied arboreal primates, with those leaves
with a higher protein-to-fiber ratio preferentially selected over those with lower
ratios. Fiber is often considered an antifeedant because the energy contained within
it requires fermentation by symbiotic microbes to be accessible to a primate, and
insoluble fiber (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin) is only partially digestible by
microbes and is thus largely inaccessible to primates (McNab 2002). Others
extended Miltons ideas; for instance, Waterman et al. (1988) suggested that the
weighted contributions of the protein-to-fiber ratios of the mature leaves of the most
abundant trees in a particular habitat could predict the biomass of folivorous
colobines. Subsequently, this index of dietary quality has been used to predict the
biomass of small-bodied folivorous monkeys at local (Chapman et al. 2002b;

How Ecological Conditions Affect the Abundance and Social Organization

Log Colobus Biomass (kg/km2)











Log Protein to Fiber Ratio

Fig. 1.1 Relationship between mature leaf chemistry and colobine biomass at rainforest sites in
Africa and Asia. Chemical values are weighted mean percentages of dry mass, standardized to the
species basal area to account for different proportions of the flora being sampled at each site. The
weighted values were calculated from (Pi + Xi)/ Pi where Pi is the proportion of the basal area
contributed by species i and Xi is the chemical measure for species i. This figure is standardized to
100 %. Diamonds are sites from around the world (Oates et al. 1990); squares are forest sites
within Kibale National Park, Uganda and are labeled by location (Chapman et al. 2002a); open
circles are the forest fragments near Kibale (Chapman et al. 2004)

Ganzhorn 2002) and regional scales (Waterman et al. 1988; Oates et al. 1990;
Davies 1994; Chapman et al. 2004; Fashing et al. 2007). The mechanism by which
this index of food quality operates to determine folivore biomass is not clearly
understood. Davies (1994) suggested that the year-round availability of digestible
mature leaves with high protein-to-fiber ratios, which are used by colobus species
when other, more preferred foods are unavailable, serves to limit the size of colobine populations (i.e., high protein-to-fiber mature leaves are important fallback
foods). However, some colobines rarely eat mature leaves because young leaves are
always available in their habitats, yet their biomass is still predicted by this index
(Chapman et al. 2004). One possible explanation is that the protein-to fiber ratio of
mature leaves in an area is correlated with the protein-to-fiber ratio of foods in general. This idea is supported by the fact that in a sample of leaves from Kibale
National Park, we found that the protein-to-fiber ratios of mature and young leaves
were strongly correlated (r = 0.837, P < 0.001; Chapman et al. 2004). Thus, measuring the protein-to-fiber ratio of mature leaves may be a useful index of the general
availability of high-protein, low-fiber foods.
Although our sample size was too small for robust statistical analyses, our results
suggested that colobus biomass was positively related to the average protein-tofiber ratio of mature leaves across sites. Most remarkably, when we accounted for
food quality in this manner, the low population density at Dura River was no longer
an anomalous outlier (Fig. 1.1). It thus appears that although food is abundant at

C.A. Chapman et al.

Dura River, it is of very low quality, and this is likely the reason that the site does
not support a large monkey population (see Struhsaker 2008b for an alternate view).
Although these studies of population density, nutrition, and physiology suggest
that the protein-to-fiber ratio of available foods may limit the size of folivore populations, we judged that the data were insufficient to convince managers to use these
principles in constructing management plans. To overcome this shortcoming, for the
next decade and a half we delved into six issues surrounding the model and then
attempted to test these ideas: first, using temporal changes in abundance and ecology, and second, using a natural experiment:

Sample size
Food selection patterns
The importance of energy and minerals
Possible synergy between nutrition and disease
Temporal changes in abundance and ecology
Natural experiment


Sample Size

The most obvious shortcoming of this early research was that our sample size was
small and we needed several independent populations to increase the sample. To do
this, we turned to a series of forest fragments outside Kibale. These forest fragments
vary in size and composition and provide a quasi-experimental setting that allowed
us to investigate the influence of the protein and fiber levels of available trees on
primate populations. Before making any comparisons across sites, we wanted to
establish that each population was stable, a potentially confounding issue that had
not previously been examined. If some populations were not at carrying capacity as
a result of recent effects of disease, hunting, or deforestation, then correlations
between food availability or quality and folivore biomass could be spurious. In 1995,
we surveyed the primate communities in 20 of these forest fragments to determine
the abundance of black-and-white colobus and the presence of red colobus monkeys.
In 2000, we resurveyed these fragments to assess population and forest stability and
to compare colobine biomass to the protein-to-fiber ratio of leaves in those fragments that were determined to have stable populations (Chapman et al. 2004).
We discovered that 3 of the 20 fragments inhabited by primates in 1995 had been
cleared and that resident primate populations were no longer present. These fragments had remained intact since at least the 1940s, but recent economic conditions
had led to more rapid deforestation. Most fragments had been cleared for charcoal
production, gin-brewing, brick-making, or timber extraction. As the road to the
region had been improved, all these products could now be sold in the capital city
(Chapman et al. 2007). In the remaining fragments, the black-and-white colobus
populations had declined by 40 % in just 5 years. Although we had initially hoped
that most colobus populations in the fragments would be stable (i.e., approximately
the same size as 5 years previously and no sign of deforestation), we found that there

How Ecological Conditions Affect the Abundance and Social Organization

were only five stable populations. Although this was alarming from a conservation
perspective, these 5 sites increased our sample size sufficiently to conduct a more
robust statistical analysis of the protein-to-fiber model. Across these 5 fragments,
colobus biomass was correlated with the protein-to-fiber ratio (r2 = 0.730, P = 0.033).
To more rigorously examine the protein-to-fiber model, we combined the data from
the fragments with the 4 sites from within Kibale and five published values from
other sites in Africa and Asia. Across all 14 sites, colobine biomass varied from
84 kg/km2 at Sepilok, Malaysia to 13,160 kg/km2 in 1 of the fragments outside
Kibale (mean biomass across sites = 3,405 kg/km2, n = 14). The protein-to-fiber
ratios reported in these studies showed a similar degree of variation [mean = 0.41
(range, 0.170.71); n = 14]. Colobine biomass across all 14 sites could be predicted
with a significant level of confidence from the protein-to-fiber ratios of available
mature leaves (r2 = 0.869, P < 0.001; Fig. 1.1).


Food Selection Patterns

To provide a more in-depth understanding of the nutritional ecology of colobus

monkeys and to determine whether individuals behave as if protein and fiber are
important, we quantified diet choice with respect to the nutritional value of food
items (i.e., protein, fiber, digestibility, and minerals) and a number of secondary
compounds that may reduce the value of a food item (i.e., alkaloids, tannins, total
phenolics, cyanogenic glycosides, and saponins; Chapman and Chapman 2002).
We examined the feeding behavior of red and black-and-white colobus groups in a
variety of habitats that likely provided different levels of dietary stress. We sampled two groups of each species in unlogged forest, one group of each species in
logged forest, and one group of each species in a forest fragment. We collected
more than 6,000 h of observations. Typically, each primate group was observed
from dawn until dusk for 1 week per month for 2 years. Every time an animal was
observed eating during a scan, we recorded what it was ingesting and the feeding
rate. At the end of the week, we collected the food items for chemical analysis,
being careful to collect only the specific plant parts that were eaten (e.g., the first
1 cm of the leaf petiole).
We demonstrated that all eight groups consistently fed more on young leaves
than on mature leaves. These young leaves had more protein, were more digestible,
and had a higher protein-to-fiber ratio than mature leaves. There were few consistent differences among young versus mature leaves with respect to minerals or secondary compounds. Regression analyses predicting foraging effort for each of the
eight groups from phytochemical components revealed consistent selection for only
one factor: a high protein-to-fiber ratio. We found no evidence that colobus monkeys avoided plants with high levels of secondary compounds. In fact, one of the
most preferred trees, Prunus africana, was the species with the highest levels of
cyanogenic glycosides. The highest saponin levels were found in the young leaves
of Albizia grandibracteata, which was also frequently eaten.



C.A. Chapman et al.

The Importance of Energy and Minerals

We wanted to test two alternative hypotheses concerning ecological factors that

could influence colobus population size: energy availability and mineral content.
Based on a study of Colobus polykomos on Tiwai Island, Sierra Leone, DaSilva
(1992) suggested that energy availability played a critical role in colobine behavior
and ecology. In Kibale, we found little evidence that energy was a limiting factor
for red or black-and-white colobus populations (Wasserman and Chapman 2003).
None of the eight groups studied selected high-energy foods, estimates of energy
consumption exceeded expenditure and average daily metabolic needs for all
groups, and the average energy content of mature leaves from the 20 most abundant
tree species at the four sites was not related to colobine biomass. These studies
suggest that energy is not limiting for colobus monkeys; however, these results
should be considered with caution because they considered the relationship
between gross energy (bomb calorimetry) and colobine abundance (DaSilva 1992;
Wasserman and Chapman 2003), but gross energy does not consider the variable
digestibility of fiber fractions in leaves. Although cellulose can be used as an
energy source for colobines, lignin is completely indigestible (Van Soest 1994;
Fearer et al. 2007).
Very little information exists on mineral nutrition of tropical, forest-dwelling
species, yet mineral nutrition is critical to growth, reproduction, and survival
(McDowell 1992; Robbins 1993). Because plants and animals differ in their mineral requirements, herbivores face the difficult task of identifying appropriate
foods and consuming a diet that meets their mineral requirements. For example,
although sodium makes up 90 % of total blood cations and is necessary for muscle
contraction, nerve impulse transmission, acidbase balance, and water metabolism
in animals (Robbins 1993), it is not required by most plants, resulting in very low
concentrations of sodium in many plant species (Smith 1976). Thus, mineral deficiencies are common in herbivore populations (McDowell 1992; Robbins 1993;
Bell 1995). However, we documented that colobus monkeys in Kibale consumed
enough of most nutrients to meet suggested mineral requirements (Rode et al.
2003). The only observable exception was a consistently low sodium intake (Rode
et al. 2003). In addition, a number of behaviors pointed to a sodium deficiency,
including urine drinking, consumption of high-sodium swamp plants, and use of
mud puddles. This apparent sodium deficiency was paradoxical, because only one
of eight colobus groups selected foods high in sodium in their everyday diet.
Interestingly, however, we documented that foods with high sodium concentrations tended to have low protein content and high concentrations of secondary
compounds. This observation suggests that diet choice involves a complex set of
decisions and that nutrient availabilities interact to affect selection patterns (Rode
et al. 2003). More research is required to understand whether sodium availability
influences colobine abundance.

How Ecological Conditions Affect the Abundance and Social Organization



Possible Synergy Between Nutrition and Disease

There is ample evidence that finding single-factor explanations for complex biological
phenomena is unlikely. Rather, studies have highlighted the importance of multifactorial explanations. For example, Gulland (1992) studied the interacting effects of nutrition and parasites among wild sheep. She demonstrated that when the population
crashed, sheep were emaciated, had high nematode burdens, and showed signs of
protein-energy malnutrition. In the field, sheep treated with an anti-helminthic to kill
the gastrointestinal parasites had lower mortality rates, whereas experimentally
infected sheep with high parasite loads, but fed nutritious diets, showed no sign of
malnutrition. Similarly, based on a 68-month study of the effect of the parasitic bot fly
(Alouattamyia baeri) on howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata), Milton (1996) concluded that the annual pattern of howler mortality results from a combination of
effects, including age, physical condition, and the larval burden of the parasitized
individual, which becomes critical when the population experiences dietary stress.
Disease/parasitism and nutrition often interact to determine the abundance of
wildlife populations. Helminthic and protozoan parasites can affect host survival
and reproduction directly through pathological effects and indirectly by reducing
host condition and increasing predation risk (Hudson et al. 1992; Coop and Holmes
1996; Gogarten et al. 2012a). However, parasites do not necessarily induce negative
effects if hosts have adequate energy reserves or nutrient supplies concurrent with
infection (Munger and Karasov 1989; Gulland 1992; Milton 1996), suggesting that
the outcome of hostparasite associations may be contingent on host nutritional
status as well as the severity of infection. Dietary stress may exacerbate the clinical
consequences of parasitic infection through immunosuppression (Crompton 1991;
Holmes 1995; Milton 1996). If so, then food shortages could result in a higher parasite burden, which in turn could increase nutritional demands on the host and intensify the effects of food shortages.
A limitation of previous studies was the difficulty of monitoring populations
over long periods to observe whether changes in nutritional status and parasitism
were associated with changes in host population size. We attempted to circumvent
this limitation by using the fragments surrounding Kibale to study a series of populations known to differ in nutritional status. Along with our knowledge of the
population dynamics in each fragment, this situation offered a replicated quasiexperiment, with each fragment being an independent population (dispersal among
fragments was rare) where we could examine whether nutritional status and parasitism could have synergistic effects on red colobus abundance. In addition, because
primate population levels may respond very slowly to environmental change, we
evaluated how nutritional status and parasite infections influenced fecal cortisol
levels, presumably a more immediate measure of individual stress (Chapman et al.
2006). A great deal of research on captive mammals and humans has demonstrated
that severe and prolonged elevations of glucocorticoids (cortisol is one type of
glucocorticoid) typically reduce survival and reproductive output (Sapolsky 1992;


C.A. Chapman et al.

Wasser et al. 1997; Creel 2001; Bercovitch and Ziegler 2002; Creel et al. 2002; Lee
and Rotenberry 2005). Although data on the fitness effects of elevated glucocorticoid levels in the wild are limited, the expectation from captive studies was that
fitness would decrease as stress became more severe or more prolonged (Boonstra
and Singleton 1993; Creel et al. 2002). If positive associations are found between
cortisol and parasite infections or poor nutritional status, it seems reasonable to
assume that populations with high cortisol levels are physiologically challenged
and over the long term will suffer reduced survival and reproduction.
We focused on red colobus and documented that the populations in these fragments declined an average of 21 % over 5 years; however, population change was
highly variable among fragments and ranged from an increase of 25 % to a decline
of 57 %. In 2000 and in 2003 we identified and measured every tree in these fragments and quantified changes in food availability. We found that the average cumulative diameter at breast height (DBH) of available food trees declined by 34 %;
however, it ranged among fragments from a 2 % gain to a 71 % decline. We collected 634 red colobus fecal samples and described parasite infections. Infections
varied dramatically among fragments. For example, nematode prevalence averaged
58 % among fragments, but the range was 29 % to 83 %. We documented that fecal
cortisol levels averaged 264 ng/g but ranged from 139 to 445 ng/g. As forest loss
increased (decline in cumulative DBH of food trees), population size declined
(r = 0.827, P = 0.006), and several indices of parasite infection increased (parasite
richness: r = 0.668, P = 0.035; nematode prevalence: r = 0.689, P = 0.028; nematode eggs/g: r = 0.692, P = 0.029).
The cortisol findings were not as straightforward, despite our best efforts to control for factors that can cause fecal steroid levels to vary. We found that an increase
in deforestation was only marginally related to elevated cortisol levels (r = 0.599,
P = 0.055). An increase in cortisol was related to an increase in some of the indices
of parasite infection (nematode eggs/g: r = 0.712, P = 0.024), but not others (parasite richness: r = 0.530, P = 0.088; nematode prevalence: r = 0.414, P = 0.154).
Also, an increase in cortisol was not associated with a decline in population size
(r = 0.399, P = 0.164).
We used a path analysis to further investigate associations among these variables.
This technique was very useful because the path coefficients allow the determination of the magnitude of both direct and indirect effects among variables (Kingsolver
and Schemske 1991; Chapman et al. 2006). We were particularly interested in the
indirect effects of changes in food supply on population change through its impact
on susceptibility to parasite infection. We produced simple path analyses that considered each major index of parasite infection separately combined with nutritional
status (indexed as the loss in food trees; cm DBH/ha) to predict population change.
Each of these analyses indicated that lower nutritional status had a direct effect on
population size, leading to decline from either reduced fecundity or increased mortality. In all cases the path coefficient was relatively large (mean = 0.663; see Fig. 1.2
for one example of such an analysis). Nutritional status also had an indirect effect
on population size through its influence on parasite infections. Here nutritional status initially had a fairly strong effect on the indices of parasitism considered

How Ecological Conditions Affect the Abundance and Social Organization

Fig. 1.2 An example path

analysis of factors predicted
to affect the change in
population size of red colobus
monkeys (Procolobus
rufomitratus) in a series of
forest fragments neighboring
Kibale National Park,
Uganda. Positive effects are
indicated by solid lines and
negative effects by dashed
lines. Double-headed arrows
indicate positive relationships
between predictor variables.
The width of the arrow
indicates the magnitude of
the standardized path



eg g/g



0.710 * 0.210 = 0.15

(mean = 0.631), which subsequently had weaker and negative effects on population
size (mean = 0.264; Fig. 1.2).
Our findings support suggestions that nutritional status interacts with the host
immune response and leads to a synergistic relationship between nutritional status
and parasite infection, which can influence population change, but suggest that the
direct effect of nutritional status is the strongest factor. This observation raises
intriguing questions about what types of anthropogenic disturbance will lead to an
increasingly significant role for disease in determining primate population size.


Temporal Changes in Abundance and Ecology

At this point in our research program, we saw that, although we did not understand
the mechanism driving the protein-to-fiber ratio model, the correlations were strong
and alternative hypotheses (energy, minerals, and disease) did not seem to explain
variation in colobine population size. As a result, we sought to test the model.
Initially, we quantified if changes in the nature of red colobus food supply predicted
temporal changes in their abundance using two to three decades of population and
habitat data from Kibale. We calculated primate density (groups/km2) and encounter rate (groups/km walked) from line transect data and quantified changes in habitat
structure (cumulative DBH) and food availability (cumulative DBH of food trees)
and food quality (Chapman et al. 2010). We initially reported that while red colobus
food availability and quality increased over time in the heavily logged area, their
group density did not show a corresponding increase. In the unlogged and lightly
logged forestry compartment, a possible decline in red colobus group density and
encounter rate was not related to a change in food quality, and in the lightly logged


C.A. Chapman et al.

forest the decline in red colobus group density corresponded with an increase in
food availability. We subsequently reported that during the past 15 years there had
been a general increase in group size of red colobus throughout Kibale (Gogarten
et al., in review-b); however, this change does not alter the general population trends
we first identified (Chapman et al. 2010). These findings run counter to the general
support we had previously been finding for the protein-to-fiber model because
changes in the quality of the resources available to the red colobus did not predict
changes in their population size or biomass.


Experimental Test

The best way to test the protein-to-fiber model would be through a long-term
experiment increasing the proportion of trees with high-protein, low-fiber leaves,
while not decreasing tree density. However, for obvious reasons this would be
very logistically challenging and ethically suspect. Decreasing the proportion of
trees with high-protein, low-fiber leaves would not be as difficult, but it would
certainly be unethical considering we would predict a decline in the red colobus,
an endangered species (Struhsaker 2008a, 2010). To our luck, a natural experiment was made available by chance. In the 1960s, areas of grassland in Kibale
were planted with pine when the area was a forest reserve. When Kibale became
a national park, the pines were harvested and the area was left to regenerate
(Omeja et al. 2009). We demonstrated that the regenerating areas had many colonizing tree species, the leaves of which had higher concentrations of protein and
lower concentrations of fiber than old growth tree species, as predicted from
research elsewhere in the tropics (Coley 1983; Gogarten et al. 2012b). Given past
interest in energy as a potential determinant of folivorous primate abundance
(DaSilva 1992; but see Wasserman and Chapman 2003) and because black-andwhite colobus population size in Kibale has been suggested to be limited by the
availability of energy (Harris et al. 2010), we also tested if differences in demographic variables might be correlated with indices of energy; total energy, nonprotein energy, and nonstructural carbohydrates, which are easily digestible
energy sources (Rothman et al. 2012).
We expected groups that had access to this regenerating area to have a greater
number of infants per female than a group that did not because of access to higherquality resources. We also expected that groups with access to regenerating areas
would be larger for a number of reasons: there is a delay between birth and dispersal, and thus the number of immature animals will be higher in groups with higher
birthrates; second, red colobus males tend to remain in their natal group and a higher
birthrate should manifest itself in more males which remain as residents; and last,
because regenerating areas should be of higher nutritional quality, home ranges of
groups might be smaller (Snaith and Chapman 2007) and there should be less
within-group competition over the resources that limit group size (Gogarten et al.,
in review-a). Although regenerating forests had trees with leaves with high

How Ecological Conditions Affect the Abundance and Social Organization


concentrations of protein and low concentrations of fiber, as well as higher total

energy (kcal/100 g), there was no corresponding change in the demographic structure of red colobus groups.


Ecological Determinants of Folivore Social Organization

While attempting to understand the ecological determinants of folivore abundance,

we made some interesting observations that appeared to contradict current explanations of folivore social organization and seemed to suggest a solution to a problem
which had become known as the folivore paradox. To investigate further, we
launched a parallel research program to examine the ecological determinants of
folivore group size and social organization.
Several deductive models have been constructed to explain variation in primate
social organization. The nature and intensity of food competition is among the most
important variables in these models, and it is considered to be responsible for determining patterns of dispersal and social behavior (Wrangham 1980; van Schaik
1983; Isbell 1991; Sterck et al. 1997; Snaith and Chapman 2007). Scramble competition involves the common depletion of food resources, whereas contest competition involves direct contests over food, and both can occur among group members
and between groups (e.g., aggression, displacement, or avoidance (Janson and van
Schaik 1988). Scramble-type food competition is thought to relate to group size;
larger groups will deplete shared food patches more quickly than smaller groups
and will have to visit more food patches each day to feed all group members. The
cost of travel between patches is thought to impose a limit on group size (Terborgh
and Janson 1986; Chapman 1988; Janson and Goldsmith 1995; Chapman and
Chapman 2000b). Interestingly, socioecological models have presumed that,
because leaves are highly abundant and evenly dispersed, folivores should experience little or no food competition (Wrangham 1980; Isbell 1991; Janson and
Goldsmith 1995; Sterck et al. 1997). Although folivores should therefore be free to
form large groups, which are believed to provide protection from predators (van
Schaik and van Hooff 1983), many folivores live in surprisingly small groups
(Crockett and Janson 2000; Steenbeek and van Schaik 2001; Koenig and Borries
2002), and therein lies the contradiction that has been referred to as the folivore
paradox (Steenbeek and van Schaik 2001; Koenig and Borries 2002).
These assumptions represented the consensus regarding primate social organization when we started our research and are still widely accepted. However, our
research and various pieces of information in the literature led us to question the
conventional wisdom (Snaith and Chapman 2005, 2007, 2008). First, our studies of
foraging and diet selection demonstrated that red colobus do not simply consume
highly abundant and evenly distributed leaf resources. Rather, they preferentially
select high-quality young leaves, flowers, and unripe fruits, which are often rare and
variable in both quality and availability (Chapman and Chapman 2002). Similar findings had been made earlier, but had been interpreted only with respect to foraging


C.A. Chapman et al.

ecology; their implications for folivore social organization had not generally been
considered (Oates 1994; Oates and Davies 1994; but see Koenig et al. 1998).
Second, while examining variation in the nutritional value of foods across Kibale
to evaluate the protein-to-fiber ratio model, we demonstrated that the average group
size of red colobus at these sites was related to the density of the available food
resources (Chapman and Chapman 2000a). Although the number of sites is small,
this suggests that in areas where food resources are rare, red colobus are constrained
from living in large groups by food competition. Around the same time, other studies of colobus monkeys were demonstrating that group size could be predicted by
habitat variables such as seasonality, forest size, degree of deciduousness, and
degree of disturbance (Struhsaker 2000; Struhsaker et al. 2004). Furthermore, we
found that red colobus exhibited fissionfusion behavior (large groups dividing into
smaller, temporary subgroups). Other studies had previously reported this behavior
in folivores (Skorupa 1988; Oates 1994; Siex and Struhsaker 1999; Struhsaker
2000; Struhsaker et al. 2004; Snaith and Chapman 2008), which may be a shortterm response to food competition during periods of low food availability, as has
been demonstrated among some frugivores (Chapman 1990; Boesch 1996; van
Schaik 1999).
Third, as already described, we demonstrated that colobus biomass can be predicted by the availability of high-quality foods (Chapman and Chapman 2002;
Chapman et al. 2004), and previous studies had made similar suggestions (McKey
et al. 1981; Waterman et al. 1988; Oates et al. 1990; Davies 1994; Fimbel et al.
2001). These data, along with recent evidence that folivores demonstrate contest
competition, both within and between groups (Koenig 2000; Korstjens et al. 2002;
Harris 2005), provide further support that food competition can indeed be important
for primate populations that rely primarily on leaf resources.
Based on these surprising results, we thought it would be valuable to examine
feeding competition in folivores and to reconsider current models of primate social
organization. We first examined the relationship between day range and group size
in red colobus monkeys. Because the cost of travel is the presumed mechanism by
which group size imposes a cost, day journey length has been measured as a behavioral indicator of within-group scramble competition (Isbell 1991; Chapman et al.
1995; Janson and Goldsmith 1995; Wrangham 2000; Isbell and Young 2002).
Previous studies had found no relationship between group size and day range or
travel costs among folivores (Clutton-Brock and Harvey 1977; Struhsaker and
Leland 1987; Isbell 1991; Yeager and Kirkpatrick 1998; Yeager and Kool 2000).
However, this evidence is not conclusive because these studies generally did not
control for ecological variation among groups or species. Ecological variation can
confound correlations between group size and day range, because if large groups
only occur in richer habitat (as our data suggest), there may be no need for an
increased day range. In our first study, Gillespie and Chapman (2001) found that a
large group of red colobus had longer day ranges than a small group, and that day
range increased even further in the large group when food availability decreased.
Although the sample size was small, this study suggested that inferences drawn on
the basis of earlier studies that lacked ecological controls should be reassessed.

How Ecological Conditions Affect the Abundance and Social Organization



Day Range (m)









Group Size
Fig. 1.3 Group size effects on day range in nine groups of red colobus monkeys (Procolobus
rufomitratus) in Kibale National Park, Uganda (Adapted from Snaith and Chapman 2008)

We followed this up and examined the relationship between day range and group
size for nine groups and again found a relationship (Snaith and Chapman 2008
Fig. 1.3). We also examined a single group of red colobus as group size expanded
from 50 to more than 100 individuals and documented changes in activity budgets,
specifically an increased amount of time spent traveling and a decreased amount of
time spent feeding and socializing (Gogarten et al., in review-a). Concurrently,
dietary diversity increased, suggesting that there was increased scramble competition at larger group sizes.
Next, we directly addressed a key assumption made in current theoretical models, that scramble competition does not affect folivores because their food resources
do not occur in depletable patches (Wrangham 1980; Isbell 1991; Janson and
Goldsmith 1995; Sterck et al. 1997). In contrast to what had previously been
assumed, we found that red colobus monkeys deplete food patches when feeding on
young leaves, as indicated by decreasing gains (intake rate) despite increasing
feeding effort (movement while feeding). Furthermore, patch occupancy time was
affected by patch size and feeding group size (Snaith and Chapman 2005). This
observation provides evidence of a group size effect, where larger groups deplete
patches more quickly and will be forced to visit more patches and accrue greater
travel costs than smaller groups. These results suggest that red colobus experience
within-group scramble competition, and that this type of competition may be an
important factor determining group size. We then studied nine red colobus groups
and controlled for spatial and temporal variation in food availability. Here we found
that larger groups occupied larger home ranges than smaller groups, and that group
size was related to increased foraging effort (longer daily travel distance), increased
group spread, and reduced female reproductive success (Chapman, unpublished
data). We also studied the genetic structure of two differently sized groups
and found that average female relatedness was higher in smaller groups, suggesting


C.A. Chapman et al.

that a females decision to disperse may be affected by the degree of scramble competition they face in their natal group (Miyamoto et al., in press). Collectively, these
results suggest that the folivorous red colobus do experience within-group scramble
competition and possesses a suite of behavioral responses that may mitigate the cost
of competition. The results offer an ecological solution to the folivore paradox for
this species and present the intriguing notion of plasticity in social systems in
response to different environmental conditions.


Conclusions and Future Directions

Our research in Kibale is ongoing, and we hope that we can make contributions both
to conservation biology and to the theoretical fields of population biology and
behavioral ecology. In general, our research into ecological determinants of folivore
abundance provides support for the notion that the protein-to-fiber ratio is a good
predictor of food choice in colobines, but only partially supports the use of this
index in predicting colobine biomass. The documentation of the role of parasites
adds depth to our understanding of variation in primate abundance. As we have
previously demonstrated that human modifications to landscapes can alter interactions between parasites and hosts (Chapman et al. 2005; Gillespie et al. 2005), this
raises the intriguing question of what types of anthropogenic disturbances will lead
to disease playing a more significant role in determining primate population size. In
the future, between-site comparisons should be carefully conducted to explore the
effects of specific anthropogenic disturbances (e.g., forest fragmentation with or
without elevated rates of human contact), because the focus has now shifted from
whether anthropogenic habitat change alters primatedisease interactions to how
anthropogenic change alters primatedisease interactions. Finally, if food competition proves to be biologically significant for folivores, our interpretations of primate
behavior will need to be refined, and current theoretical models of primate social
organization may need revision (see Snaith and Chapman 2007).
Perhaps the biggest gap in our understanding of folivore abundance and social
organization stems from the fact that most socioecological studies conducted to date
are based at the group level, and it has not been possible to examine individual strategies (but see Koenig et al. 1998; Koenig 2002). Furthermore, we are missing the
critical connection between individual attributes (such as dominance, nutritional
status, physiological stress, and parasite burden), and how they affect components
of fitness (such as survival probability and reproduction). For example, it would be
very useful to assess individual differences in feeding efficiency between groups of
different sizes. Although direct measures of reproductive success would be ideal,
differences in feeding efficiency may be a sufficient proxy and may help shed light
on the costs of grouping in folivores. Following the predictions of the ecological
constraints model (Chapman and Chapman 2000b), females in larger groups should
have lower caloric intake, consume foods of lower quality (particularly foods with
lower protein-to-fiber ratios), have longer day ranges (after controlling for

How Ecological Conditions Affect the Abundance and Social Organization


environmental conditions), and be in inferior physical condition relative to females

in smaller groups, all else being equal. If the model is correct in linking group size
and feeding efficiency, not all females are expected to achieve their full reproductive
potential and this may impact dispersal decisions. Our studies suggest that the ecological setting in which a primate population finds itself can strongly influence both
its abundance and its social structure. We believe that the most exciting and interesting developments still await us as we come to understand how ecological variables
determine individual strategies affecting the behavior and ecology of folivores.
Acknowledgments Funding for this research was provided by the Canada Research Chairs
Program, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Natural Science and Engineering Research
Council (NSERC) Canada, and the National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S.A. (SBR-990899).
J.F.G. was supported by a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation,
the Canadian Institutes of Health Researchs Systems Biology Training Program, an Explorers
ClubEddie Bauer Youth Grant, and a Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science Excellence Award.
Permission to conduct this research was given by the Office of the President, Uganda, the National
Council for Science and Technology, and the Uganda Wildlife Authority. Many people provided
assistance or helpful comments on this research, including Lauren Chapman, Karen Bjorndal, Tom
Gillespie, Ellis Greiner, Daphne Onderdonk, Mike Huffman, Mike Wasserman, and Toni Zeigler.
Ellis Greiner aided in parasite identification.

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Chapter 2

Dusky Dolphins: Flexibility in Foraging

and Social Strategies
Bernd Wrsig and Heidi C. Pearson

A dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) performs a noisy leap in Admiralty

Bay, New Zealand. (Photo courtesy of Chris Pearson)

B. Wrsig ()
Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston,
200 Seawolf Parkway, Galveston , TX 77553, USA
e-mail: wursigb@tamug.edu
H.C. Pearson
Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston,
200 Seawolf Parkway, Galveston, TX 77553, USA
University of Alaska Southeast, 11120 Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK 99801, USA
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_2, Springer Japan 2014



B. Wrsig and H.C. Pearson

Abstract Dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) exhibit fissionfusion

dynamics as individuals join and split from groups of two to several thousand individuals. During the past three decades, our studies of dusky dolphins in three distinct marine systems have revealed how habitat type, predation risk, and prey
availability influence foraging and social strategies. In the large Argentine bay of
Golfo San Jos, fissionfusion dynamics are driven by large group formation during
the day to coordinate prey-herding behaviors on southern anchovy (Engraulis
anchoita) and nighttime resting in small groups near shore for predator avoidance.
In the small New Zealand bay of Admiralty Bay, fissionfusion dynamics are also
driven by daytime coordinated prey-herding strategies on small schooling fishes,
but changes in group size are relatively muted and there is little predation risk. In the
open, deep-water environment off Kaikoura, New Zealand, dusky dolphins rest and
socialize near shore during the day, moving offshore at night to feed on the deep
scattering layer (DSL). Changes in group size are also relatively muted off Kaikoura,
and large groups serve to reduce predation risk. Comparisons between the three
sites reveal a pattern of increasing group size with increasing openness of habitat.
Response to predation pressure includes formation of large groups or formation of
small, inconspicuous groups near shore. In the bay systems, fissionfusion dynamics are driven by coordinated foraging strategies on patchily distributed schooling
fishes. In the open ocean system, DSL prey resources are more reliable, and fission
fusion dynamics are instead driven by strategies to obtain mates and avoid predators.
Despite these differences, dusky dolphins exhibit polygynandry in all three systems.
The presence of a single social-sexual system in spite of variability in fissionfusion
dynamics has also been documented in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). In both
societies, flexibility in social and foraging strategies enables individuals to respond to
changing socioecological conditions. However, traits of the marine environment such
as few physical refuges, low cost of transport, the need to herd mobile food resources
into tight prey balls, and separation of oxygen and prey may be factors contributing
toward differences in fissionfusion dynamics between dolphins and primates.
Keywords Chimpanzee Dusky dolphin Fissionfusion Foraging
Lagenorhynchus obscurus New Zealand Semi-pelagic Society



Similar to primates such as chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), bonobos (Pan paniscus), and spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus), most dolphins form fissionfusion societies (Connor et al. 2000; Gowans et al. 2008). These societies are characterized by
dynamic changes in group size and composition as a result of individuals joining
and splitting from groups. According to the conceptual framework proposed by
Aureli et al. (2008), such societies exhibit a high degree of fissionfusion dynamics.
This form of sociality may have evolved in response to patchy and ephemeral food
sources, where intragroup competition may be reduced if individuals join and split
from parties according to resource availability (Wrsig 1978; Wells et al. 1987).

2 Dusky Dolphins: Flexibility in Foraging and Social Strategies


Social and predator pressures have likely contributed to the evolution of highly
dynamic fissionfusion societies as well (van Schaik and van Hooff 1983), with the
exception of rather closed societies in some killer whale (Orcinus orca) populations
(Baird 2000) or in environments where other suitable habitats are remote [see
Lusseau et al. (2003) for Doubtful Sound, New Zealand bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiops spp.) and Karczmarski et al. (2005) for atoll-living Hawaiian spinner
dolphins (Stenella longirostris)].
Although nearshore dolphin species such as common (T. truncatus) and IndoPacific (T. aduncus) bottlenose dolphins have been well studied (see Gowans et al.
2008 for discussion), advancing our knowledge of dolphin fissionfusion dynamics,
much less is known about societies of pelagic or semi-pelagic dolphins (i.e., occurring in shallow, coastal areas in addition to deep areas beyond the edge of the continental shelf). The dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) is a semi-pelagic
species that occurs in the Southern Hemisphere, primarily off the coasts of southwest Africa (Namibia, South Africa), South America (Peru, Chile, Argentina), and
New Zealand (Wrsig and Wrsig 1980; Wrsig et al. 1989, 1997; Cassens et al.
2005) (Fig. 2.1).
Dusky dolphins live in fissionfusion societies of fewer than one dozen to several
thousand in one group, and thus their society structure is labile enough to rapidly
take advantage of most-efficient prey acquisition (Wrsig and Wrsig 1980; Dahood
2009; Dahood and Benoit-Bird 2010) and detection and avoidance of predators
(Srinivasan 2009; Srinivasan and Markowitz 2010). In shallow-water environments
where schooling prey are available as rare and random (Poisson-distributed)
events, dusky dolphins tend to forage and feed in close coordination (Vaughn et al.
2007). In deep-water environments where prey are associated with the deep scattering layer (DSL), which becomes accessible to small dolphin dive capabilities only
at night (Benoit-Bird et al. 2004, 2009), dolphins may simply aggregate for protection against danger and not to coordinate foraging activities.
The dynamic nature of dusky dolphin grouping patterns permits a wide and variable social network, which is likely important in mating, foraging, and calf-rearing
strategies. For example, groups that are large or have a rapid turnover in composition may permit individuals to meet and interact with various members of the
community, perhaps to facilitate coordinated foraging and mating strategies.
Nursery groups composed of females and calves may tend to be smaller and more
stable, providing opportunities for infant socialization and protection from male
harassment (Wrsig and Wrsig 1980; Markowitz 2004; Weir et al. 2010).
After more than 30 years of observing dusky dolphins in Argentina and New
Zealand, we are in a position to describe dusky dolphin sociality in a qualitative
and quantitative manner that enables us to draw some comparisons and contrasts
with primate societies. In this chapter, we focus on the potential contribution of
three factors toward dusky dolphin foraging strategies, social strategies, and fissionfusion dynamics: habitat type, predation risk, and prey type and distribution.
We focus on dusky dolphins at three study sites: Golfo San Jos, Argentina;
Kaikoura, New Zealand; and Admiralty Bay, New Zealand (Table 2.1; Fig. 2.2).
We discuss how differences in foraging and social strategies drive differences in
dusky dolphin fissionfusion dynamics at each site. We then discuss how these


B. Wrsig and H.C. Pearson

Fig. 2.1 Dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) may form (a) large groups, as off Kaikoura,
New Zealand or (b) small groups, as off Admiralty Bay, New Zealand. (Photographs courtesy of
Chris Pearson)

factors may be common versus unique between dolphins and primates, and how
they may contribute to similarities and differences in dolphin and primate fission
fusion dynamics.


Relativec predation risk

Typical group size

More predictable
nonschooling fish
and squid associated
with the deep
scattering layer

Coastal waters and
open, deep-water



Admiralty Bay
Small, shallow
enclosed bay


Semideciduous with
riverine forest,
woodland, and
Patchily distributed




narrow diet

Open woodland
and grassland

Relative fissionfusion
References: Golfo San Jos: Wrsig and Wrsig (1980); Kaikoura: Benoit-Bird et al. (2004), Markowitz (2004), Srinivasan and Markowitz (2010), Wrsig
et al. (2007); Admiralty Bay: Benoit-Bird et al. (2004), Pearson (2009), Vaughn et al. (2010)
References: Gombe: Goodall (1986), Ta: Anderson et al. (2006), and Boesch and Boesch-Acherman (2000), Fongoli: Pruetz (2006), Pruetz and Bertolani
(2009), Pruetz et al. (2002)
Relative to other populations of the same species
Small group fission
Large group fusion feeding/social
Small nursery and other satellite
Large regular daytime
The degree of group fission and fusion in terms of changes in group size and composition; high fluidity indicates extreme and oftentimes frequent changes in
group size and composition


Primary food type and



Dusky dolphinsa
Golfo San Jos
Large bay

Table 2.1 Comparison of habitat, food type and distribution, predation risk, group size, and fissionfusion dynamics for dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus
obscurus) in Golfo San Jos, Argentina and in Kaikoura and Admiralty Bay, New Zealand; and for chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at Gombe, Tanzania; the Ta
Forest, Ivory Coast; and Fongoli, Senegal

2 Dusky Dolphins: Flexibility in Foraging and Social Strategies



B. Wrsig and H.C. Pearson

New Zealand

East Cape

Taranaki Region
Wanganui Region
Martborough Sounds
Admiralty Bay





Hikurangi Trough
Kaikoura Peninsula
Kaikoura Canyon

Jackson Bay




Banks Peninsula


Otago Harbour

Fig. 2.2 (a) Map of New Zealand showing the two main study areas for dusky dolphin
(Lagenorynchus obscurus) research in Admiralty Bay and Kaikoura, and other localities where
dusky dolphins have been sighted in New Zealand. (Modified from Wrsig et al. 2007). (b) Map
of Peninsula Valds, Argentina, showing two areas where dusky dolphins occur: Golfo San Jos in
the north and Golfo Nuevo in the south. (Map courtesy of Griselda Garaffo)

2 Dusky Dolphins: Flexibility in Foraging and Social Strategies


Fig 2.2 (continued)


Golfo San Jos

Golfo San Jos is in the expansive continental shelf region of central Patagonia and
measures approximately 750 km2 in area with a maximum extent of 50 km east
west and 20 km northsouth. Dusky dolphins typically occur less than 5 km from
shore at depths less than 200 m (Wrsig et al. 1989). Dusky dolphin fissionfusion
dynamics are primarily driven by diurnal strategies to search for and capture schooling southern anchovy (Engraulis anchoita; Wrsig and Wrsig 1980; Dans et al.
2010); this type of feeding occurs largely but not exclusively during spring and
summer. Over the 24-h cycle, dusky dolphins display a rather predictable cycle of
movement and fissionfusion dynamics.
At night, dusky dolphins form subgroups of approximately 812 animals and
occur less than 2 km from shore in waters less than 40 m deep; subgroups are spatially separated by approximately 3001,000 m. Radio-tracking data show that


B. Wrsig and H.C. Pearson

dusky dolphins perform shallow dives with little movement during this time, which
is indicative of resting behavior (Wrsig 1982). Resting in shallow nearshore waters
is likely an antipredator strategy against sharks and killer whales. Shallow waters
increase the detectability of sharks attacking from below (see Norris and Dohl 1980
and Norris et al. 1994 for similar behavior in spinner dolphins) whereas waters close
to shore and the turbulent surf zone enable dusky dolphins to hide from killer
whales (Wrsig and Wrsig 1980; Constantine et al. 1998).
In early morning, as light levels cause facultative schoolers such as anchovy to
school more tightly, dusky dolphins become more active and begin to travel in
search of prey (Wrsig 1982). Although dusky dolphin groups may be separated by
as much as 5 km (Wrsig 1986), groups are usually within visual and acoustic range
of one another (Wrsig and Wrsig 1980). When an anchovy school is detected,
dusky dolphins within a group begin to coordinate their feeding behaviors. By using
the surface of the water as a wall through which prey cannot escape, and leaping in
air to create momentum to reach depth (head-first re-entry dive) and to create loud
slapping noises (noisy leap), dusky dolphins herd the anchovy into a tight prey
ball (Vaughn et al. 2008; Wrsig 1986; Wrsig and Wrsig 1980), which may be
so tight as to become partially anoxic, and cause the fish to become lethargic
(B. Wrsig, personal observations).
It is difficult for just one group to maintain a prey ball, and feeding stops if other
groups do not join (Wrsig and Wrsig 1980). However, other groups from as much
as 8 km away may be attracted to the prey ball by leaps from feeding dusky dolphins
and birds circling overhead. In nearshore Patagonia, prey availability for terns,
gulls, shearwaters, cormorants, albatrosses, and Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus
magellanicus) is increased as a result of dolphin prey-herding efforts.
Large feeding groups may contain as many as 300 individuals. Such large
group size is beneficial as it increases the duration of the feeding bout, which may
last for several hours. After a feeding bout has ended, dusky dolphins are at a high
social activity level, which includes acrobatic leaping behavior (e.g., in-air somersaults and rapid twists), high-intensity vocalizations (consisting of frequency- and
amplitude-modulated burst pulses; Au et al. 2010), and sexual activities (Wrsig
and Wrsig 1980; Markowitz 2004; Markowitz et al. 2010). Combinations of hetero- and homosexual (or bisexual; Roughgarden 2004) activities occur as well,
with males inserting penises into the genital slits and anuses of females and other
males, and females inserting rostral and dorsal fins into the genital slits of males
and other females. We surmise that social/sexual activities are an important part of
greeting ceremonies and social facilitation or bonding (Norris and Dohl 1980;
Norris et al. 1994).
After the activity level during feeding and socializing has diminished, dusky
dolphins split into smaller subgroups once again (Wrsig et al. 1989). It is unlikely
that membership of any subgroup will be the same as during the night before, except
for some longer-term bonds (e.g., mothercalf pairs). We surmise that dusky dolphins regard each other as members of a larger network of associations in one area,
and that for the most part it is not important with whom they travel at any one time.
We have some indication that there are stabilities of multiyear associations not yet
fully described (Wrsig and Bastida 1986), and that these may occur along lines of

2 Dusky Dolphins: Flexibility in Foraging and Social Strategies


longer-term nongenetic (friendship) and perhaps related (matriarchal) associations

(Shelton et al. 2010).
In summary, dusky dolphins in Golfo San Jos travel in small groups in search of
anchovy during the day. When a prey ball is detected, groups converge to coordinate
prey-herding behaviors; feeding bouts are followed by sociosexual activity. At night,
individuals split into small groups to rest near shore (Wrsig et al. 1989).


Admiralty Bay

Admiralty Bay, at the northern tip of New Zealands South Island, is an area of
approximately 120 km2 inhabited by dusky dolphins from late fall to early spring.
During this time, the abundance of small schooling fishes such as pilchard (Sardinops
neopilchardus) attracts dusky dolphins to Admiralty Bay. During the winter, there
is little predation risk for dusky dolphins because killer whales and sharks are present in Admiralty Bay primarily during the summer (Pearson 2009).
As in Golfo San Jos, dusky dolphins in Admiralty Bay coordinate foraging
activities to herd prey balls. Dusky dolphins typically herd prey by swimming under
and around prey balls, then flashing their white ventral sides toward the prey just
before capture (Vaughn et al. 2008). Mean feeding group size in Admiralty Bay is
8.3 5.0 (n = 268), mean feeding bout length is 4.0 6.2 min (n = 221), and mean
depth of prey during feeding bouts is 3.6 2.7 m (n = 52; Vaughn et al. 2007, 2008).
As dusky dolphins herd prey toward the surface, prey accessibility is increased for
seabirds such as shearwaters (Puffinus spp.), Australasian gannets (Morus serrator),
gulls (Larus spp.), spotted shags (Phalacrocorax punctatus), and terns (Sterna spp.)
(Vaughn et al. 2008).
To understand the relationship between coordinated foraging strategies and fissionfusion dynamics of dusky dolphins, three major factors may be examined: (1)
the relationship between group size and behavior, (2) the relationship between rate
of group size change (i.e., fission and fusion) and behavior, and (3) group composition and social fluidity (strength of bond formation). Data pertaining to the first two
factors were collected in Admiralty Bay during 20052006 using boat-based behavioral observations. A total of 168 focal group follows were conducted over 168
observation hours. During a focal follow, group size, the proportion of the group
engaged in each of four behavioral states (forage, rest, socialize, travel), and location were recorded every 2 min. Group size range was 150 individuals, and mean
group size was 7.0 6.0 individuals. On average, group size changed during 20 %
of the 2-min observation intervals (Pearson 2009).
Generalized estimating equations were used to analyze the influence of behavioral state on group size and rates of group fusion and fission. The proportion of
individuals foraging and socializing in a group was significantly related to group
size whereas the proportion of individuals resting and traveling in a group had no
effect on group size. Specifically, the proportion of individuals foraging was positively related to group size while the proportion of individuals socializing was negatively related to group size. Additionally, the rate of group fusion was positively


B. Wrsig and H.C. Pearson

related to the proportion of individuals foraging in a group while the rate of group
fission was positively related to the proportion of individuals resting, socializing,
and traveling in a group (Pearson 2009).
Data regarding dusky dolphin group composition were collected in Admiralty
Bay from 2001 to 2006. Photo-identification (Wrsig and Jefferson 1990) was used
to determine group composition, and the program SOCPROG was used to obtain
simple ratio association indices (AIs) and to examine behaviorally specific association patterns (Whitehead 2008). During 20012006, 228 individuals were sighted
five times or more and included in the final sample. The mean AI was 0.04 0.07 SD,
indicating that, on average, any 2 individuals spent 4 % of their time together. The
mean maximum AI was 0.45 0.16, indicating that, on average, an individual spent
45 % of its time with its closest associate. Association indices were weakest during
traveling (mean AI = 0.09 0.04, maximum AI = 0.68 0.24) and highest during foraging (mean AI = 0.13 0.06, maximum AI = 0.83 0.25) and socializing (mean
AI = 0.17 0.08, maximum AI = 0.87 0.26) (Pearson 2008).
In summary, large group formation during foraging drives fissionfusion dynamics in Admiralty Bay and Golfo San Jos. However, fissionfusion dynamics in
Admiralty Bay are more muted than in Golfo San Jos because group size does
not oscillate as dramatically between large feeding and sociosexual groups and
small traveling and resting groups. Dusky dolphins in Golfo San Jos engage in
high-intensity post-feeding socialization whereas dusky dolphins in Admiralty Bay
either continue to search for food or go into resting/low-level behavioral modes at
the conclusion of a feeding bout. Furthermore, social activity occurs in small groups
in Admiralty Bay and large groups in Golfo San Jos. An explanation for the differences in socializing may be that most data on foraging dusky dolphins in Argentina
were gathered in spring, summer, and early autumn, when most mating occurs,
whereas in Admiralty Bay, all data were gathered in winter, when mating is not
prevalent. Burst pulse vocalizations during foraging were also more numerous per
group number per time in Argentina than in Admiralty Bay, indicative of the higher
degree of social activity in Argentina (Vaughn-Hirshorn et al. 2012).
Dusky dolphins in Admiralty Bay exhibit a high degree of social fluidity, as indicated by the presence of many weak and few strong AIs. Yet, there is stability as
individuals form behaviorally specific preferred associations. In particular, bond
formation during foraging and socializing may facilitate coordinated foraging strategies because individuals who are more familiar with each other may be more efficient hunting partners (Pearson 2008). We presently have no similar data for Golfo
San Jos.



At least some (if not all) of the dusky dolphins that occur in Admiralty Bay during
the winter travel approximately 275 km south to the waters off Kaikoura during the
summer (Markowitz 2004; Markowitz et al. 2004; Shelton 2006). Off Kaikoura,

2 Dusky Dolphins: Flexibility in Foraging and Social Strategies


dusky dolphins occur along the open coastline of New Zealand, moving between
shallow nearshore waters and deep (~2,000 m) waters of the Kaikoura Canyon.
In some areas, Kaikoura Canyon extends within 500 m of shore and brings deep
productive waters relatively close to shore.
Similar to dusky dolphins in Golfo San Jos, dusky dolphins in Kaikoura exhibit
a rather predictable cycle of movement over a 24-h cycle. However, fissionfusion
dynamics are quite different from Golfo San Jos and Admiralty Bay. At night,
dusky dolphins move offshore in large groups to feed. Dusky dolphins move near
shore to rest and socialize during the day, oftentimes remaining in large groups.
Although large shark predation is no longer a threat off Kaikoura (Srinivasan 2009),
occasional and sporadic occurrence of killer whales (Constantine et al. 1998) likely
shapes this pattern of offshore feeding and nearshore resting and socializing
(Srinivasan and Markowitz 2010).
At night, dusky dolphins move offshore in loose groups of several hundred individuals to feed on lantern fish (family Myctophidae) and squid (Nototodarus sp. and
Todaroides sp.) within the DSL (Cipriano 1992; Benoit-Bird et al. 2004; Dahood
2009). The DSL rises to 29 m or less of the surface during the night and sinks to
200300 m (and possibly deeper) during the day (Benoit-Bird et al. 2004; Markowitz
et al. 2004; Wrsig et al. 1989). Dusky dolphins begin to feed on the DSL in the early
evening when it is within 130 m of the surface or less (Benoit-Bird et al. 2004).
We surmise that dusky dolphins feeding on the DSL stay together as a loose
group of intercommunicating individuals to alert each other to predation threats
(Srinivasan and Markowitz 2010). However, within the large foraging group, individuals form subgroups that range in size from one to five individuals. Subgroup
size varies according to prey distribution within the DSL and may increase as prey
becomes patchier, when it is advantageous for individuals to coordinate foraging
behaviors. Subgroup size may also increase with decreasing depth of the DSL, possibly because less time is needed for traveling and more time is available for coordinated foraging at shallow depths (Benoit-Bird et al. 2004). In contrast to
coordinated herding of prey balls at Golfo San Jos and Admiralty Bay, coordinated
foraging in Kaikoura most likely serves as information sharing to increase preyfinding abilities (Benoit-Bird et al. 2004; Wrsig et al. 1989).
During the day, the large group moves to nearshore waters less than 800 m deep.
Instead of feeding (which occurs during 1 % of daytime hours), low-level bouts of
social activity and much resting appear to be the norm, although occasions of
higher-level social-sexual activities also take place (Dahood 2009; Markowitz et al.
2010). Large groups of 200 to 1,000 tightly spaced individuals are composed of
subgroups of approximately 10 individuals each (Wrsig et al. 1989, 2007). Within
the large groups, individuals exhibit social fluidity with relatively strong social
bonding. Markowitz (2004) used the half-weight coefficient index and found mean
AI (SE) to be 0.03 0.0008, indicating a high degree of social mixing. Mean
maximum AI was 0.57 0.0074, indicating that some individuals formed relatively
strong social bonds (Markowitz 2004).
Some individuals form smaller satellite groups near shore and apart from the
large group. Mating groups are typically composed of seven single (i.e., without calves)


B. Wrsig and H.C. Pearson

adults engaged in social-sexual activity. Most sexual behavior involves several males
mating with several females, thus likely exhibiting a polygynandrous (multi-mate)
system. There is probably an element of female choice in mating, as sophisticated
malefemale interactions may allow females to choose their most adroitly maneuvering partners of the moment (see Markowitz et al. 2010 for further discussion).
During the summer, mating activity peaks and dusky dolphin males have
engorged testes (Cipriano 1992; Van Waerebeek and Read 1994); this indicates the
presence of sperm competition in this species. The peak in sexual activity and testes
size coincides with a year-long gestation period and summer calving period
(Cipriano 1992; Markowitz et al. 2010). However, some social-sexual activity
occurs year round and we surmise that social-sexual activity is an important part of
dusky dolphin social life, perhaps helping to establish and maintain bonds.
Satellite groups may also be composed of mothers and calves. Nursery group
size ranges from 4 to 100 individuals (i.e., 250 mothercalf pairs), with a median
group size of 14 individuals (Weir 2007). Most groups occur in waters less than
20 m deep and close to shore, likely for protection against killer whales (Deutsch
2008; Weir et al. 2008, 2010). Nursery groups also provide protection from the high
activity levels of the large group and from male harassment. Smaller groups are less
detectable (through the encounter effect), and nursery groups are smaller at the
beginning of the calving season when calves are the smallest and most vulnerable
(Deutsch 2008). In addition to providing protection from predators and conspecific
harassment, nursery groups also grant mothers and calves increased time to rest and
opportunities for infant socialization and also may enable exploitation of alternative
prey sources (Weir et al. 2010).
In summary, dusky dolphin fissionfusion dynamics off Kaikoura are driven by
offshore nocturnal feeding on the DSL and diurnal nearshore resting and socializing. Fissionfusion dynamics are present as individuals move between subgroups
within the large group while still retaining relatively long-term social bonds. The
large group forms a protective envelope that most likely serves to reduce predation risk in the open, deep-water environment.



We have information on dusky dolphin occurrence and behavior in three distinct

systems: (1) a large Argentine bay (Golfo San Jos), characterized by daytime prey
ball feeding in large groups and nighttime resting close to shore in small groups;
(2) a small New Zealand bay (Admiralty Bay), with daytime prey ball feeding and
relatively muted changes in group size; and (3) the open ocean (Kaikoura), where a
canyon comes close enough to shore for daytime rest and social activities near
shore, but nighttime feeding occurs on the DSL in open ocean waters. Off Kaikoura,
there are also relatively muted changes in group size, and a large group with small
satellite groups of nurseries and social-sexual units is the norm.

2 Dusky Dolphins: Flexibility in Foraging and Social Strategies


In all three systems, dusky dolphins are highly social and usually occur in groups
of at least six animals. However, differences in habitat type, predation pressure, and
prey type and distribution have led to differences in fissionfusion dynamics in each
system. There is a pattern of increasing group size with increasing openness of habitat. The smallest groups are formed within the smaller confines of Admiralty Bay
whereas the largest groups are formed in the open-water environment off Kaikoura.
Our results suggest that behavioral responses to predation pressure are a function
of habitat type and relative predation risk. Low predation pressure in Admiralty Bay
appears to have released dusky dolphins from enacting defensive mechanisms
such as forming large groups for resting and resting near shore (Pearson 2008).
In Golfo San Jos, where predation risk is moderate, individuals form small groups
close to shore at night where they can hide from predators. In Kaikoura, where
predation risk is high, the largest groups are formed. After feeding offshore during
the night, most dusky dolphins off Kaikoura rest in large groups during the day in
the relative shallows closer to shore; this offshore to inshore diel shift is likely a
strategy to avoid deep-water predation by killer whales.
In the bay systems, schooling fishes are present and daytime bait-balling drives
fissionfusion dynamics. In Golfo San Jos, dusky dolphins split into multiple small
groups to find food and aggregate for efficient bait-ball foraging. In Admiralty Bay,
dusky dolphins remain in relatively small groups during foraging and feeding.
Although group size does increase during foraging in Admiralty Bay, the scale of
group fission and fusion is less than in Golfo San Jos.
It is likely that Admiralty Bay cannot support enough dolphin prey (or dolphins)
for large-scale changes in aggregated dolphin numbers to occur. We assume that this
relates to lowered efficiency of feeding in small bays and groups. Efficient nearsurface bait-ball herding by dusky dolphins in Admiralty Bay may also be deterred
by the presence of plunge-diving gannets. Up to 12 gannets may synchronize
plunge-diving on a prey ball, an action that subsequently drives the fish deeper in
the water column (Vaughn et al. 2010; Machovsky-Capuska et al. 2011). In Golfo
San Jos, none of the birds that take advantage of fish at the surface are plunge divers (Wrsig and Wrsig 1980), and thus plunge-diving birds do not drive down prey
in that system.
In the open ocean system off Kaikoura, dusky dolphins have a reliable food
source (the DSL) along the canyon edge and can go to this food source night after
night without fail. As it is not necessary to split into small groups to find food, dusky
dolphins may remain in the large group envelope for efficient social behavior and
perhaps more importantlyfor efficient detection and avoidance of predators.
Although dusky dolphins exhibit differences in foraging strategies, we postulate
that the basic social-sexual pattern of polygynandry is the same for dusky dolphins
in all three systems: this is apparent because social-sexual activities occur in all
three habitats, and there is much multi-mate mating. Even in the seasonal (winter)
habitat of Admiralty Bay where more than 50 % of individuals are male (Harlin
2004; Shelton 2006; Shelton et al. 2010), sexual activity still occurs but to a lesser
degree than in the other two habitats.


B. Wrsig and H.C. Pearson

Dusky dolphins exhibit a single sociosexual system that is combined with

variability in behavior relative to ecological capabilities and constraints. This adaptability is not surprising, as we know that terrestrial animals are capable of quite
similar adaptations to variable habitats (Wrangham 1987). Chimpanzees are polygynandrous in all areas in which they have been studied, but fissionfusion dynamics
vary between habitats. In the dense vegetative cover of the Ta rainforest where both
food and predators are abundant, mean group size is ten individuals, mean party
duration is 24 min, and strong intersexual bonds are formed. In the more open
woodland forests of Gombe where food is more widely dispersed and predators are
scarce, mean group size is six individuals, mean party duration is 69 min, and there
is little intersexual bonding (summarized in Boesch and Boesch-Acherman 2000).
Dusky dolphins, as all delphinid cetaceans, are social creatures par excellence.
The basic unit of dusky dolphin society may be about six or so animals that know
each other well. However, these six individuals need not remain in the same group
to retain their affiliation. Individual dusky dolphins are part of a larger social network and associate with a variety of conspecifics as they join and split from groups
throughout the course of a day. This social mixing permits individuals to meet and
interact with a wide variety of individuals in the community while still retaining
strong social bonds. In New Zealand, this may facilitate coordinated foraging strategies in Admiralty Bay during winter, and coordinated mating strategies during summer in Kaikoura. This is the essence of small dolphin fissionfusion dynamics, as
described in the 1970s for bottlenose dolphins (Wrsig and Wrsig 1977; Wrsig
1978). This grouping is quite different from the dolphin societies of pilot whales
(Globicephala spp.), for example, where matriarchy of long-term affiliations of
females and their female offspring appears to reign (Kasuya and Marsh 1984; Amos
et al. 1993).


Comparisons with Primates

Dusky dolphin fissionfusion dynamics are similar to those observed in primates

such as chimpanzees, bonobos, and spider monkeys (summarized in Pearson 2008).
The act of joining and leaving groups according to the shifting balance of costs and
benefits associated with foraging, avoiding predation, and finding mates is a behavioral adaptation to rapidly changing socioecological conditions. However, the very
different physical environments in which primates and dolphins have evolved have
implications for the type and scale of fissionfusion dynamics exhibited by each
taxa. Traits of the marine environment such as few physical refuges, a low cost of
transport, the need to herd mobile food resources into tight prey balls, and separation of oxygen and prey may be factors contributing towards differences in fission
fusion dynamics between dolphins and primates (Pearson and Shelton 2010).
Primate fissionfusion dynamics also vary widely, and chimpanzee grouping
patterns in particular have been studied in a wide variety of habitats, as we have
presented for dusky dolphins. A broad comparison of dusky dolphin and

2 Dusky Dolphins: Flexibility in Foraging and Social Strategies


chimpanzee fissionfusion dynamics according to habitat type, food availability,

and predation risk is presented in Table 2.1.
Primates can engage in foraging, vigilance, and other social interactions in
seamless fashion, while breathing in almost unnoticed (and usually truly unnoticed)
fashion. For dolphins to operate as members of a social group, they must stop what
they are doing at depth, whether it is social foraging or some other activity, and
(presumably) consciously leave the underwater activity and rise to the surface to
obtain a life-sustaining breath of air. We know that they do so easily, with some
dolphins surfacing while others are helping to herd and contain prey (Vaughn et al.
2007, 2008), but we imagine that there are special capability needs connected to this
separation of duties between potentially cooperative foraging and the need to leave
the immediate society to breathe. The ramifications are many and may be what has
led to extreme matriarchy in sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) and pilot
whales (Whitehead 2003).
As a result of their fusiform body shape and low cost of transport (Williams et al.
1992), dolphins require less energy than primates to move though their environment. Compared to primates, dolphin group composition may change more rapidly
and individuals may be part of a wider social network because they may encounter
dispersed conspecifics at a lower energetic cost. The low cost of transport also facilitates coordinated foraging on patchily distributed prey, as dolphins may spread out
in search of prey and then quickly and cheaply aggregate when prey is detected
(summarized in Pearson 2011).
In the marine environment, light propagates poorly and sound propagates well.
Acoustic communication is therefore likely to be a more important component of
cetacean societies than of the visually oriented societies of primates. Although primate group members certainly keep in auditory contact when outside of visual
range of one another, the scale of cetacean acoustic communication is vast and
something that is still unknown for most species. Cetacean social interactions may
occur over wider spatial scales than in the terrestrial environment, and the acoustic
group size of cetaceans, particularly of large baleen whales, is an exciting avenue of



Primates and dolphins are faced with similar social and ecological pressures and
exhibit similarities in fissionfusion dynamics, despite being evolutionarily separated by 95 million years (Bromham et al. 1999) and living in very different environments. As displayed by dusky dolphins in three distinct habitats, flexibility is the
rule, enabling individuals to respond to differences in habitat type, predation pressure, and prey type and distribution. The amount of fissionfusion is related to variable needs to find and secure food and to the intensity of predation risk. In the midst
of these changes, many individuals form and maintain bonds that are likely important in foraging and mating strategies.


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2 Dusky Dolphins: Flexibility in Foraging and Social Strategies


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Chapter 3

Socioecological Flexibility of Gorillas

and Chimpanzees
Juichi Yamagiwa and Augustin Kanyunyi Basabose

J. Yamagiwa (*)
Laboratory of Human Evolution Studies, Department of Zoology, Graduate School
of Science, Kyoto University, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
e-mail: yamagiwa@jinrui.zool.kyoto-u.ac.jp
A.K. Basabose
Centre de Recherche en Sciences Naturelles, Lwiro, D.S. Bukavu,
Democratic Republic of Congo
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_3, Springer Japan 2014



J. Yamagiwa and A.K. Basabose

Abstract The African great apes live in such diverse habitats as lowland tropical
forests, montane forests, and dry savannas, and they show great flexibility in their
ecological and social features. To identify the factors causing variations in these
features, we examined their ranging, grouping, and life history traits in relationship
to their dietary preferences. Analysis of their dietary compositions shows that both
gorillas and chimpanzees have strong preferences for ripe fruits but with different
folivorous and faunivorous diets as their fallback strategies. Dietary variation mainly
caused by fluctuation in fruit availability does not constrain group cohesion, but it
affects the daily path length of gorillas and influences the party size and fluidity of
chimpanzees. High gregariousness among female bonobos and western chimpanzees
may be explained by their low feeding competition over supplementary food resources
derived from the absence of the sympatric gorillas in their habitats. Although high
association and linear hierarchy among female western chimpanzees are attributed to
abundant and monopolizable fruit resources, the high femalemale association
observed in western chimpanzees and bonobos is not explained solely by ecological
factors. The higher reliance on fruits leads to a slower life history for gorillas and a
faster life history for chimpanzees. Male mating strategies have great influence on the
sociality of the female African great apes. Infanticide by males may stimulate female
gorillas to join multimale groups and promote rapid reproduction. By contrast, sexual
coercion including infanticide by males may prevent female chimpanzees from
forming a prolonged association with males, thus promoting slow reproduction.
These observations imply that associations between ecological, behavioral, and
social features have evolved in different ways with their different life history strategies between the genera Gorilla and Pan.
Keywords Chimpanzee Fallback foods Flexibility Gorilla Socioecology



In contrast to cetaceans, which consume various types of animal food irrespective

of their body size, foods constrain the body size of primates. Insectivorous primates
are relatively smaller than folivorous species, and frugivorous species are intermediate between them (Kay 1984). Primates have also evolved various features of
gastrointestinal anatomy and the digestive system to cope with dietary constraints.
Consumption of structural carbohydrates and detoxification of secondary compounds have promoted specialization in gut morphology (Milton 1986). Folivorous
primates have evolved a sacculated fermenting chamber in the stomach in which
microbial fermentation follows digestion and absorption (Chivers and Hladik 1980)
or an enlarged cecum or colon in which bacterial fermentation is activated (Stevens
and Hume 1995). Frugivorous and faunivorous primates lack these specializations
and have evolved locomotive abilities to harvest crops or to prey on insects efficiently (Temerin and Cant 1983; Fleagle 1984; Chivers and Langer 1994; Cannon
and Leighton 1994; Isbell et al. 1998)

Socioecological Flexibility of Gorillas and Chimpanzees


Despite their large body weight and biomass, the great apes (orangutans, gorillas, and chimpanzees) have a strong preference for fruits and tend to feed regularly
on insects. However, they are less able to digest unripe fruit and mature leaves than
Old World monkeys (Wrangham et al. 1998; Lambert 1998, 2002; Remis 2000).
Consequently, the great apes have broadened their diets to include a highly diverse
and flexible range of nonfruit foods (Van Schaik et al. 2004; Yamagiwa 2004). Their
behavioral and social flexibilities have possibly evolved to cope with these dietary
constraints. Fallback foods (FBFs), characterized by relatively poor nutritional
quality and high abundance, take an important role during periods of fruit scarcity
(Lambert 2007; Marshall and Wrangham 2007). The nature and availability of
FBFs, such as hardness, abundance, and quality, have shaped different behavioral
and social features of the great apes (Marshall et al. 2009; Yamagiwa and Basabose
2009; Harrison and Marshall 2011).
The African great apes, classified into two genera with two species in each, have
common behavioral tendencies in that females transfer between groups. Female
western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), eastern gorillas (Gorilla beringei), chimpanzees
(Pan troglodytes), and bonobos (Pan paniscus) tend to emigrate from their natal
groups before maturity, and they generally produce their offspring among unrelated
females (Nishida and Kawanaka 1972; Harcourt et al. 1976; Kano 1992; Robbins
et al. 2004, 2009). These tendencies may contribute to their social flexibilities,
because females need to reform their social relationships with unrelated conspecifics.
The formation of groups by the African great apes is in marked contrast with those of
female-bonded societies (Wrangham 1980), in which females remain within their
natal groups and form alliances with related conspecifics by inheriting their dominance ranks from their mothers. Socioecological theory predicts that food availability
and predation pressure have stronger influences on female reproduction and association, which in turn influence male movements and association (Wrangham 1987; van
Schaik 1989). In contrast to females living in female-bonded societies, female African
apes need to seek suitable mates among unrelated females and males after transfer.
The socioecological features of chimpanzees and gorillas have been interpreted
as typifying the frugivorous/folivorous dichotomy. Gorillas are regarded as terrestrial folivores (Schaller 1963; Jones and Sabater Pi 1971; Casimir 1975; Watts
1984). Their folivorous diet, continuous availability of resources, and uniform quality of foliage contribute to a low level of feeding competition among individual
gorillas and thus enable them to form cohesive groups with egalitarian social relationships: accordingly, observations have revealed non-territoriality between groups
and weak site fidelity (Stewart and Harcourt 1987; Harcourt 1992; Watts 1991,
1996, 1998a, b). By contrast, chimpanzees and bonobos have frugivorous diets and
engage in arboreal feeding and nesting across various habitats (Wrangham 1977;
Baldwin et al. 1982; Nishida and Uehara 1983; Ghiglieri 1984; Doran 1996; Fruth
and Hohmann 1996). Heavily frugivorous diets and small high-quality patches of
fruits may prevent chimpanzees from forming cohesive groups and promote fissionfusion features in grouping (Nishida 1968; Goodall 1986; Chapman et al.
1995; Wrangham et al. 1996). Bonobos also show fissionfusion features, but maintain larger cohesive groups than chimpanzees, probably because larger fruit patches
and terrestrial herbaceous vegetation (THV)) are constantly available in their


J. Yamagiwa and A.K. Basabose

habitats, thus mitigating conflicts caused by feeding competition (White and

Wrangham 1988; Kano 1992). Chimpanzees show territoriality against members of
different communities (unit-groups), and male chimpanzees occasionally patrol the
peripheral parts of their range, where lethal intercommunity aggressions can occur
(Goodall et al. 1979; Nishida et al. 1985; Watts and Mitani 2001; Wilson and
Wrangham 2003; Boesch et al. 2007). By contrast, the home range of bonobos
extensively overlaps with those of neighboring communities, and intercommunity
encounters usually occur peacefully (Kano 1992; Idani 1990; Furuichi 2011).
However, most of the data on gorillas, in particular on the social features of gorillas, have come from long-term studies on a single population of mountain gorillas
in the Virunga Volcanoes at the higher altitudes. Such data may not reflect the conditions of the majority of gorilla populations, which inhabit lowland tropical forests.
Recent studies on eastern and western lowland gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri
and G. gorilla gorilla) show their frugivorous features with arboreal feeding and
nesting (Tutin and Fernandez 1984; Williamson et al. 1990; Yamagiwa et al. 1994;
Kuroda et al. 1996; Remis 1997a; Remis et al. 2001; Doran et al. 2002; DoranSheehy et al. 2009; Rogers et al. 2004). Nevertheless, they tend to form cohesive
groups as do mountain gorillas (Harcourt et al. 1981; Tutin 1996; Doran and
McNeilage 1998; Robbins et al. 2004). Group size and home range size of gorillas
are not different between habitats (Doran 2001; Parnell 2002; Yamagiwa et al. 2003;
Yamagiwa and Basabose 2006b; Robbins et al. 2004). By contrast, chimpanzees
frequently change patterns of association (party size and composition) according to
fruit availability and social factors (the presence of estrous females and conflict
among males), and their annual range size varies according to the type of habitat
(Chapman et al. 1995; Matsumoto-Oda et al. 1998; Yamagiwa 1999; Anderson
et al. 2002; Mitani et al. 2002). Gorillas and chimpanzees have high flexibility in
their ecological and social features, but they respond in different ways to environmental changes.
Variations in group composition and patterns of association have also been
observed within the genera Gorilla and Pan. Although the median group size of
gorillas is similar across habitats, larger group size and a larger proportion of multimale groups in a population are observed for mountain gorillas than for western
lowland gorillas (Doran 2001; Yamagiwa et al. 2003; Robbins et al. 2004). Male
chimpanzees associate more frequently among themselves than with females,
whereas male bonobos associate with females more frequently than with other
males (Nishida 1979; Wrangham 1979; Kano 1992; Furuichi and Ihobe 1994;
Mitani et al. 2002). Both ecological and social factors may cause these variations.
For gorillas, the frugivorous diet may set the upper limit of group size, and the
occurrence of infanticide may facilitate formation of multimale groups of gorillas
(Harcourt et al. 1981; Watts 1996; Doran and McNeilage 1998; Yamagiwa and
Kahekwa 2001; Yamagiwa et al. 2003, 2009; Harcourt and Stewart 2007; Robbins
et al. 2007; Stoinski et al. 2009a, b). Stronger intercommunity aggression and hunting of mammals may promote frequent association and coalition among male chimpanzees (Chapman and Wrangham 1993; Newton-Fisher 1999b; Watts and Mitani
2001, 2002; Mitani et al. 2002), whereas the prolonged sexual attractiveness of
female bonobos and the indistinct dominance of males over females may prevent

Socioecological Flexibility of Gorillas and Chimpanzees


males from forming coalitions among themselves and may stimulate stable associations with cycling females (Kano 1992; Parish 1994; Furuichi 1997, 2011).
Ecological and social factors interact in different ways to cause these variations.
This chapter aims, therefore, to identify the specific factors forming intra- and interspecific variations in the socioecological features of the African great apes and to
elucidate their flexibility to environmental and social changes from an evolutionary
perspective. Socioecological features are compared between western gorillas and
eastern gorillas as well as between chimpanzees and bonobos, and between subspecies for both Gorilla and Pan. Because niche separation between sympatric primate
species becomes more pronounced during periods of food shortage (Ungar 1996;
Tan 1999; Powzyk and Mowry 2003), socioecological features of sympatric gorillas
and chimpanzees are discussed in relationship to their foraging strategies.


Variations in Socioecological Features Within Gorilla

The dietary composition of gorillas closely reflects the type of habitat rather than
phylogenetic distance. The higher montane forests in equatorial Africa are characterized by a lower diversity of trees and fruits (Hamilton 1975; Sun et al. 1996).
Western and eastern gorillas (G. gorilla gorilla and G. beringei graueri) inhabiting
lowland tropical forests consume more types of fruit than eastern gorillas (G. b.
graueri and G. b. beringei) inhabiting montane forests, who in turn consume more
kinds of vegetative food (Table 3.1). In particular, the proportion of fruit in the diet
is clearly different between gorillas in lowland tropical forests and those in montane
forests. Even within a subspecies (G. b. g), more than 90 % of plant foods do not
overlap and are not available in both lowland (Itebero) and highland (Kahuzi) habitats (Yamagiwa et al. 1994). Moreover, gorillas seasonally change their diet. Eastern
gorillas in Kahuzi show a fruigivorous diet in some months but rely completely on
vegetative foods in other months (Casimir 1975; Yamagiwa et al. 2005, 2009).
These observations suggest a large flexibility in the dietary choices of gorillas
according to variations in food availability seasonally and locally.
Frugivorous diet is positively correlated with the daily path length (DPL) of
gorillas in both lowland and montane habitats (Table 3.1; Remis 1997b; Goldsmith
1999; Yamagiwa et al. 2003; Doran-Sheehy et al. 2004; Ganas and Robbins 2005).
Group size also influences DPLs, and a larger group tends to travel longer distances
in the montane forest of Bwindi (Ganas and Robbins 2005). Frugivorous diets may
increase scramble competition within groups, and gorillas may respond to this by
increasing the number of visited fruit crops. However, such an extension may not
result in an expansion of the home range. Based on the general ecological features
of primates, a frugivorous species would need a larger home range than a folivorous
species of the same group weight (Clutton-Brock and Harvey 1977). In contrast to
this assumption, smaller home ranges are found for frugivorous western gorillas
than for folivorous eastern gorillas (Table 3.1), which may be caused by the differences in site fidelity between them. Folivorous mountain gorillas use less than 2 km2
for a monthly range but shift ranges gradually to cover a wider area over the course

Annual home
Home range

Home range
(study period)

Habitat type
Number (#) plant
foods (number
of species)
Percent (%) fruit
in plant food
Percent (%) fecal
including fruit
Mean number (#)
fruit species
per fecal
Mean daily path
length (m)

Bai Hokou
230 (129)




2,600 m
23 km2 (2.2

813 km2



G. g. g.
182 (134)




Ant, termites
1,105 m
22 km2 (10

714 km2





15 km2

2,014 m
16 km2 (1.3




127 (100)



Ant, termite


182 (152)

Table 3.1 Variations in socioecological features in genus Gorilla

High but


1,853 m
11 km2 (3.2




12 km2

12 km2
(1 year)

Ant, termite






Ant, termite
1,531 m



G. b. g.
194 (121)



1318 km2

716 m
42 km2
(8 years)




236 (116)



2338 km2

40 km2
(3 years)




2125 km2
912 km2



75 (38)

205 (113)a

group size
Maximum group
Proportion of
<10 %
<10 %
46 %
44 %
number (#)
SB within a
Female transfer

Male emigration

Male immigration

Solitary male
Solitary female



All-male group


All-female group


Group fission





G. g. g., Gorilla gorilla gorilla; G. b. g., Gorilla beringei graueri; G. b. b., Gorilla beringei beringei; SB: Silverback male (mature male)
Data presented from one of three study groups
Sources: Lop, Williamson et al. (1990), Tutin and Fernandez (1992, 1993), Tutin (1996), Bai Hokou, Remis (1997a, b), Cipoletta (2004), Mondika, Doran et al.
(2002), Doran-Sheehy et al. (2004), Ndoki, Nishihara (1994, 1995), Parnell (2002), Stokes et al. (2003), Lossi, Bermejo (2004), Moukalaba, Yamagiwa et al. (2009),
Itebero, Yamagiwa et al. (1994), Yamagiwa and Mwanza (1994), Yamagiwa et al. (2003), Kahuzi, Murnyak (1981), Yamagiwa et al. (1993), Yamagiwa et al. (2003,
2005), Yamagiwa and Basabose (2006a, b), Bwindi, McNeilage et al. (2001), Robbins and McNeilage (2003), Ganas et al. (2004), Ganas and Robbins (2005), Virunga,
Schaller (1963), Weber and Vedder (1983), Yamagiwa (1986), Watts (1984, 1998a), Gray et al. (2003), Robbins et al. (2004, 2007, 2009), Stoinski et al. (2009a, b),
Fawcett et al. (2012)


J. Yamagiwa and A.K. Basabose

of a year (Watts 2000). This pattern of ranging may help to avoid overuse of previously trampled areas and allow regeneration of herbaceous vegetation (Vedder
1984; Watts 1998b). Eastern gorillas in the montane forest of Kahuzi tend to shift
range seasonally and annually, and no correlation was found between their monthly
range size and fruit consumption (Casimir and Butenandt 1973; Goodall 1977;
Yamagiwa and Basabose 2006b). By contrast, western gorillas tend to revisit the
same area within a short period for feeding or nesting at Mondika and Moukalaba
(Doran-Sheehy et al. 2004; Iwata and Ando 2007). The monthly ranges of western
gorillas cover a wide area, and the accumulated monthly ranges reach the size of the
annual range within a few months at Mondika (Doran-Sheehy et al. 2004). The
frequency of nest and nest site reuse is positively correlated with fruit consumption
of western gorillas at Moukalaba (Iwata and Ando 2007). Western lowland gorillas
tend to harvest fruit crops efficiently as fugivorous primates, in contrast to the folivorous eastern gorillas in the montane forests.
Nevertheless, frugivorous western gorillas do not show territoriality against neighboring groups or the fissionfusion features observed for chimpanzees. Similar to
folivorous mountain gorillas in the Virungas (Schaller 1963; Watts 1998a), both eastern and western gorillas in other habitats tend to overlap ranges with neighboring
groups irrespective of dietary characteristics (Tutin 1996; Yamagiwa et al. 1996;
Bermejo 2004; Remis 1997b; Cipoletta 2004; Ganas and Robbins 2005). Intergroup
encounters of mountain gorillas occur aggressively and occasionally involve fierce
fights between silverbacks of different groups and infanticides by outside group
males (Fossey 1974, 1983; Harcourt 1978; Watts 2003; Harcourt and Stewart 2007;
Yamagiwa et al. 2009). By contrast, intergroup encounters of western gorillas may
occur more calmly and have no effect on extending their DPL s at Mondika (DoranSheehy et al. 2004). At Lossi, an intergroup encounter resulted in the fusion of two
groups with peaceful intermingling and co-nesting (Bermejo 2004). Frugivorous
diets may not increase feeding competition between groups through territorial defense
of home range. Although frugivorous western gorillas tend to spread widely and
sometimes to separate in different subgroups while foraging, most subgroupings
likely occur in multimale groups, and females usually associate with silverback males
(Goldsmith 1999; Doran-Sheehy et al. 2004). Feeding competition possibly induced
by frugivorous diets may have no effects on association between females and males.
However, group composition is clearly different between mountain gorillas (G. b.
b.) and the other subspecies (G. b. g. and G. g. g.), and this difference may be influenced not by ecological factors but by social factors. In the Virunga mountain gorilla
population, many episodes of infanticide have been reported so far (Fossey 1984;
Watts 1989). Infanticide is regarded as a male mating tactic of killing suckling
infants to stimulate their mothers to resume estrus (Hrdy 1979; van Schaik 2000).
Female gorillas are vulnerable to infanticide in the absence of a protector male, and
infanticide has great influence on a females decision of movement (Watts 1989,
1996; Harcourt and Stewart 2007; Yamagiwa et al. 2009). Female mountain gorillas
tend to transfer alone to avoid competition with other females over protection from
the silverback male, and they generally transfer into multimale groups where they
can get more protection (Watts 2000; Robbins and Robbins 2005). These female
decisions may in turn influence the males choice of movement around maturity.

Socioecological Flexibility of Gorillas and Chimpanzees


They may change their reproductive strategies, from emigrating out of their natal
group and attracting females from other groups during a solitary life, and thus establishing their own reproductive group, to remaining in the natal groups to share the
reproductive opportunity with their putative fathers and brothers (Robbins 1999;
Robbins and Robbins 2005; Harcourt and Stewart 2007; Stoinski et al. 2009a, b).
However, kin-relatedness is not always necessary for coexistence among mature
males. Unrelated males sometimes form all-male groups, and some of them continue to stay together in a group after accepting reproductive females (Yamagiwa
1987; Robbins 1995). Demographic history and an analysis of paternity of the habituated groups in the Virungas indicated that association among males was not limited
to fatherson pairs or half-siblings and that the multimale group structure of mountain gorillas may permit multimale mating (Robbins 2001; Robbins and Robbins
2005; Bradley et al. 2005; Stoinski et al. 2009a).
Infanticide has rarely been reported for other subspecies of gorillas. Female eastern
and western lowland gorillas tend to transfer with other females to small groups or
solitary males, and maturing silverbacks take females to establish new groups through
group fission (Yamagiwa and Kahekwa 2001; Stokes et al. 2003). Most of the groups
contain only one silverback, and infanticide may not have appeared as a male mating
tactic in the population of eastern and western lowland gorillas. Recent observations
of infanticide in the population of eastern lowland gorillas at Kahuzi suggest that
rapid changes in gorilla social units and their relations following drastic environmental changes caused by recent human disturbances may increase the probability of
infanticide, which possibly increases birthrate (Yamagiwa et al. 2009, 2011).


Variations in Socioecological Features Within Pan

Seasonal fluctuations and local variations in fruit abundance and availability have
less influence on the dietary choices of chimpanzees than on those of gorillas. The
high similarity in the proportions (5160 %) among long-term study sites (Bossou,
Mahale, Gombe, and Wamba) suggests that the frugivorous feature of the genus Pan
is consistent across habitats (Table 3.2). Chimpanzees everywhere also allocate
more than half of their feeding time to fruits (Hladik 1977; Wrangham et al. 1991;
Newton-Fisher 1999a; Morgan and Sanz 2006). Therefore, the difference in fruit
availability may affect their searching efforts on time and space. In the tropical forests, fruiting often peaks in the rainy season or during the wettest period (Hilty 1980;
Sabatier 1985); a longer dry period may imply a longer period of fruit scarcity. Thus,
both western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) and eastern chimpanzees (Pan
troglodytes schweinfurthii) inhabiting savanna have extraordinary large home ranges
(Assirik, 278330 km2, Baldwin et al. 1982; Ugalla, 250560 km2, Kano 1972).
In the montane forest of Kahuzi, a group of chimpanzees has a relatively small home
range (16 km2 for 60 months). Plant phenology characterized by a long fruiting
period and high density of THV at higher altitudes may support their nutritional
requirements within a small range (Basabose 2005; Yamagiwa et al. 2008).

Habitat type
Number (#)
plant foods
(# species)
Percent (%)
fruit in plant
food species
THV feeding
Hunting of
Tool use
Home range
Annual range
Home range
Mean party size
Group fluidity










Antagonistic ?






27 km2
1426 km2


P. t. s.










2338 km2


L tropical L tropical M tropical

174 (132) 114 (108) ? (112)

P. t. t.

278330 km2 56 km2





L tropical L tropical
205 (156) ? (223)


60 (43)

P. t. v.

Table 3.2 Variations in sociecological features in genus Pan




7 km2
7 km2



M tropical
146 (103)






1134 km2



M tropical
328 (198)






26 km2
614 km2



205 (147)




16 km2
68 km2



156 (110)





58 km2
1232 km2



L tropical
133 (114)

P. p.






L tropical
113 (81)











P. t. t.






P. p.











P. t. s.

P. t. v., Pan troglodytes verus; P. t. t., Pan troglodytes troglodytes; P. t. s., Pan troglodytes scheinfurthii; P. p., Pan paniscus
Habitat: L tropical, lowland tropical forest; M tropical, medium-altitude tropical forest; THV, terrestrial herbaceous vegetation
Sources: Assirik, Baldwin et al. (1982), Tutin et al. (1983), McGrew et al. (1988), Bossou, Sugiyama and Koman (1979, 1987), Sakura (1994), Muroyama and Sugiyama (1994),
Yamakoshi (2004), Tai, Boesch and Boesch-Achermann (2000), Herbinger et al. (2001), Lope, Tutin and Fernandez (1992, 1993), Ndoki, Kuroda et al. (1996), Kibale, Wrangham
et al. (1991), Clark and Wrangham (1994), Chapman et al. (1994), Pepper et al. (1999), Budongo, Suzuki (1977), Newton-Fisher et al. (2000), Newton-Fisher (2003), Gombe,
Goodall (1977, 1986), Teleki (1973), Wrangham (1977, 1986), Mahale, Nishida (1968, 1979), Nishida and Uehara (1983), Nishida and Hiraiwa-Hasegawa (1987), Nishida and
Hosaka (1996), Kahuzi, Basabose (2002, 2004, 2005), Wamba, Kuroda (1979), Kano and Mulavwa (1984), Idani (1990), Hashimoto et al. (1998), Lomako, Badrian and Malenky
(1984), White (1996, 1988), Hohmann et al. (1999)

Female transfer

P. t. v.


J. Yamagiwa and A.K. Basabose

In contrast to gorillas, the spatiotemporal distribution of fruits affects association

among group members of chimpanzees. Fruit patch size is positively correlated
with the mean party size of chimpanzees and bonobos (Kibale, Chapman et al.
1995; Wrangham et al. 1996; Mitani et al. 2002; Tai, Anderson et al. 2002; Lomako,
White 1996). However, the effects of fruit availability are not straightforward. In
Budongo, party sizes showed either negative or no relationship with habitat-wide
measures of food abundance, although the size of foraging parties fluctuated with
the size of food patches (Newton-Fisher et al. 2000). In Kahuzi, party size increased
when fruits were clumped and available in large amounts for a prolonged period,
while it decreased when fruits were highly available for only a limited period
(Basabose 2004). In Mahale, nomadic party size defined as loose aggregations
within acoustic range, rather than visible party size, was positively correlated with
seasonal fruit availability (Itoh and Nishida 2007). Community size also affects
party size. Boesch (1996) compared community and party size among six sites of
chimpanzees and two sites of bonobos and found a higher cohesion among members in the smaller community. Lehmann and Boesch (2004) also examined variations in party size in relationship to community size at Tai, and they found that small
communities are more cohesive and have a less flexible fissionfusion system.
Although the previous studies explained the high gregariousness among bonobos by
the abundance and high quality of THV and large fruit patches available throughout
the year (Badrian and Malenky 1984; Wrangham et al. 1991; White and Wrangham
1988), bonobos are consistently more gregarious than chimpanzees irrespective of
food availability (Kano 1992; Hohmann and Fruth 2003).
The presence of estrous females also increases the party size of chimpanzees and
bonobos by attracting adult males (Tai, Anderson et al. 2002; Kibale, Mitani et al.
2002; Mahale, Matsumoto-Oda et al. 1998; Kalinzu, Hashimoto et al. 2003;
Wamba, Kano 1980, 1982; Lomako, Hohmann and Fruth 2003). Both female chimpanzees and bonobos show conspicuous swelling of the sexual skin during estrus.
Although female bonobos have a lower copulation rate than chimpanzees during
estrus, they have longer swelling phase (27 %) than female chimpanzees (46 %)
during interbirth intervals, and thereby have more sexual interactions with males
(Furuichi and Hashimoto 2002; Furuichi 2009). The extended attractivity and
receptivity of female bonobos may greatly contribute to the formation of large and
stable mixed groups.
Male eastern chimpanzees (P. t. s.) tend to associate and groom with other males
more frequently than with females, and they form coalitional relationships with
each other (Goodall 1986; Nishida et al. 1985; Watts and Mitani 2001; Williams
et al. 2002). Adult males are usually dominant over adult females, and the dominance status of males is maintained by aggressive interactions such as explosive
displays (Wrangham 1979; Nishida 1979, 1983; Wrangham et al. 1992; Mitani
et al. 2000; Muller and Mitani 2005). Males sometimes attacked the members of
neighboring communities and killed some of them in most of the long-term study
sites of eastern chimpanzees (Gombe, Goodall et al. 1979; Wilson et al. 2004;
Mahale, Nishida et al. 1985; Kanyawara, Wilson and Wrangham 2003; Ngogo,
Watts et al. 2006). Infanticide by males also occurred in most of the study sites of

Socioecological Flexibility of Gorillas and Chimpanzees


eastern chimpanzees (Budongo, Kibale, Gombe, and Mahale, Arcadi and Wrangham
1999). Recent DNA analyses suggest that most of the offspring are sired by group
males and that coalition among group males is successful for guarding their reproductive priority (Constable et al. 2001; Boesch et al. 2006; Inoue et al. 2008).
By contrast, no episode of infanticide has been reported for western chimpanzees
(P. t. v.), except for one suspected case at Tai (Boesch and Boesch-Achermann
2000). Although intercommunity relationships are antagonistic and high site fidelity
is found in the range use of western chimpanzees at Tai, no killing was observed in
intercommunity encounters (Herbinger et al. 2001; Lehmann and Boesch 2004).
Because of the difficulty of habituation, very little information has been available
for central chimpanzees (P. t. t.), except for a case of lethal attack between communities in Loango, Gabon (Boesch et al. 2007). Male bonobos do not form alliances
as do male chimpanzees, and they sometimes express submissiveness to females
(Kano 1980; Kuroda 1980; Parish 1994, 1996; Furuichi 1997; Vervaecke et al.
1999). Dominance rank among males reflects the dominance relationships among
their mothers, and mothers occasionally support their adult sons in agonistic interactions (Kuroda 1979; Kano 1992, 1996).
Female chimpanzees with suckling infants rarely participate in parties
(Wrangham 1979), whereas female bonobos usually associate with others irrespective of their reproductive state (Furuichi 1987). Female western chimpanzees
tend to associate and groom with each other frequently, at both Bossou and Tai,
compared to eastern chimpanzees (Sugiyama 1988; Boesch 1991; Lehmann and
Boesch 2008). Doran et al. (2002) attributed the possible explanation of such high
female association with males as their counterstrategy to infanticide. The shorter
dry season in the habitats of bonobos and western chimpanzees provides abundant
and stable fruit food resources, eases feeding competition, and enables them to
form mixed parties with a reduction in infant mortality through infanticide. At
Tai, female chimpanzees associate among themelves five times frequently than
eastern chimpanzees at Budongo, Kibale, Gombe, and Mahale, and they form a
distinct linear dominance hierarchy (Wittig and Boesch 2003). They also build
long-lasting friendships including food sharing and support, which have rarely
been observed for eastern chimpanzees (Boesch and Boesch-Achermann 2000).
Such high sociality of female chimpanzees at Tai is explained by their high competition over foods and high predation risk (Wittig and Boesch 2003; Lehmann
and Boesch 2008).


Differences in Socioecological Features Between

Sympatric Gorillas and Chimpanzees

Central and eastern chimpanzees are living sympatrically with gorillas in wide areas.
However, long-term studies on chimpanzees have been conducted in the sites without sympatric gorillas (Gombe, Mahale, Kibale, and Budongo). Long-term studies
on gorillas have also been conducted in the high montane forest of the Virungas,


J. Yamagiwa and A.K. Basabose

outside the extent of chimpanzee distribution. Until recently, little information has
been available on how gorillas and chimpanzees coexist sympatrically, particularly
from a comparative perspective in relationship to allopatric populations.
In initial studies, distinct differences in diet and range use between gorillas and
chimpanzees were estimated in Kayonza (Bwindi) and Rio Muni (Schaller 1963;
Jones and Sabater Pi 1971). Chimpanzees tended to range in primary forest, to stay
on dry ridges, and to feed on fruits in trees. By contrast, gorillas tended to range in
secondary forest, to stay in wet valleys, and to feed on terrestrial herbs. Dietary differences were considered to promote niche divergence between gorillas and chimpanzees and to shape distinct differentiation in social features between them.
However, recent studies on sympatric gorillas and chimpanzees have reported an
extensive overlap in diet and ranging between them (Table 3.3). Fruits constitute the
major items overlapping between their diets in both tropical and montane forests
(Tutin and Fernandez 1993; Yamagiwa and Basabose 2006a). Significant differences were found in the preference for some fruit species. Fig fruits constitute an
important part of the diet of chimpanzees during the entire year in Lop, Goualougo,
and Kahuzi, but the sympatric gorillas consume fewer kinds of fig fruits less often
than do chimpanzees (Tutin and Fernandez 1993; Morgan and Sanz 2006; Yamagiwa
and Basabose 2006a; Stanford and Nkurunungi 2003). Fecal analyses showed that
the number of fruit species and the proportion of fruit remains per fecal sample were
positively correlated with fruit abundance for gorillas, whereas not or only weakly
correlated for chimpanzees at Goualougo, Kahuzi, and Bwindi (Stanford and
Nkurunungi 2003; Yamagiwa and Basabose 2006a; Morgan and Sanz 2006). These
observations may reflect the chimpanzees high selectivity of fruit species during
the period of fruit abundance and persistent searching for fruits during the period of
fruit scarcity.
In contrast to fruits, chimpanzees tend to eat fewer kinds of leaf than do the sympatric gorillas, and most kinds of leaf eaten by chimpanzees are also eaten by gorillas at any site, suggesting the higher selectivity of leaves by chimpanzees, who may
avoid concentration of anti-feedants in leaves. Recent studies suggest that the variations in nutritional quality and chemical defenses of leaves may require highly
selective feeding on leaves in unpredictable small patches as with fruits (Harris
2006; Snaith and Chapman 2007). A wide range of leaves in the gorilla diet suggests their specialized digestive physiology (Rogers et al. 1990, 2004; Remis 2003).
A marked divergence in diets was found in animal foods. At Lop, both gorillas
and chimpanzees feed regularly on the weaver ant (Oecophylla longinoda), although
other species of ants did not overlap between them (Tutin and Fernandez 1992).
At Ndoki and Goualougo, gorillas eat termites (Cubitermes sp.) by breaking their
nests by hand, while chimpanzees feed on another kind of termite (Macrotermes sp.)
by using a complex set of tools (Suzuki et al. 1995; Kuroda et al. 1996; Morgan and
Sanz 2006). The choice of these social insects, feeding techniques, and feeding
frequency by both gorillas and chimpanzees differ between habitats, between populations, and even between groups (Yamagiwa et al. 1991; Tutin and Fernandez
1992; Kuroda et al. 1996; Deblauwe et al. 2003; Ganas and Robbins 2004). In general, chimpanzees have a more diverse faunivorous diet than gorillas, and the

Table 3.3 Variations in socioecological features in the sympatric populations of Gorilla and Pan
Habitat type
Number (#) plant
Percent (%)
overlap species
Number (#) pulp/
Percent (%)
overlap species
Number (#) leaves
Percent (%)
overlap species
Number (#) pith/
Percent (%)
overlap species
Number (#) others
Percent (%)
overlap species
Animal foods

G. g. g.
P. t. t.
L tropical

G. g. g.
P. t. t.
L tropical

G. g. g.
P. t. t.
L tropical

G. b. g.
P. t. s.

G. b. b.
P. t. t.














































Ant, termite Ant, termite,
Ant, termite, Termite, mammal, Termite
Ant, bee,
Ant, bee,
Habitat: L tropical, lowland tropical forest; M tropical, medium-altitude tropical forest
Sources: Assirik, Baldwin et al. (1982), Tutin et al. (1983), McGrew et al. (1988), Bossou,
Sugiyama and Koman (1979, 1987), Sakura (1994), Muroyama and Sugiyama (1994), Yamakoshi
(2004), Tai, Boesch and Boesch-Achermann (2000), Herbinger et al. (2001), Lope, Tutin and
Fernandez (1992, 1993), Ndoki, Nishihara and Kuroda (1991), Nishihara (1995), Suzuki et al.
(1995), Kuroda et al. (1996), Goualougo, Morgan and Sanz (2006), Kahuzi, Basabose (2002, 2004,
2005), Yamagiwa et al. (2005), Yamagiwa and Basabose (2006a, b), Bwindi, Stanford and
Nkurunungi (2003), Ganas and Robbins (2004), Ganas et al. (2004)


J. Yamagiwa and A.K. Basabose

hunting of mammals and use of tools for extracting animal foods, which are usually
observed for chimpanzees across habitats, have never been observed for the sympatric gorillas.
Bonobos rarely feed on insects or prey on mammals, and no feeding-related tool
use has been reported in their wild populations (Kano 1992; McGrew 1992;
Ingmanson 1996; Grubera et al. 2010). Instead, bonobos feed regularly on the pith
of Zingiberacea and Marantacea, as observed for gorillas (Malenky and Stiles
1991). Wrangham (1986) postulated that use of THV as FBFs mitigates feeding
competition during a period of fruit scarcity and leads to the high cohesiveness of
bonobos. The presence of sympatric gorillas may prevent chimpanzees from extensive use of THV, whereas the absence of gorillas may have enabled bonobos to use
THV at any time in their habitats. Yamakoshi (2004) examined this THV hypothesis by comparing THV consumption among bonobos, gorillas, and chimpanzees
in allopatric habitats with those in sympatric habitats. Although bonobos consume
more THV than chimpanzees, they eat THV regardless of season, and no clear correlation was found between gregariousness of female bonobos, fruit availability,
and their THV feeding rate. Sympatric gorillas and chimpanzees may not compete
exclusively for feeding on THV. Although the foregoing evidence seems to refute
the THV hypothesis, Yamakoshi found significant differences in social features
between subspecies of chimpanzees in relationship to the presence/absence of the
sympatric gorillas, as observed between bonobos and chimpanzees (Yamakoshi
2004) The high cohesiveness among female western chimpanzees is attributed to
the abundance of FBFs in their habitats, such as palm, pith, and nuts. These foods
are available throughout the year, and chimpanzees use tools for processing them
(Yamakoshi 1998). Both western chimpanzees and bonobos are genetically distant
from central and eastern chimpanzees (0.5 and 1.5 million years after separation,
respectively: Morin et al. 1994; Gagneux et al. 1999; Gondera et al. 2010). The
Dahomey Gap and the Congo River may have constituted the barriers between
them. Gorillas have not expanded their distribution into habitats beyond the barriers. It is possible that the absence of gorillas may have enabled bonobos and western
chimpanzees to obtain free access to plenty of supplemental food resources and to
develop different social features, away from eastern and central chimpanzees,
through maintaining female gregariousness.
Recent studies on the sympatric gorillas and chimpanzees also indicate that both
frequently range in the same type of habitat (Tutin and Fernandez 1984, 1985;
Kuroda et al. 1996; Yamagiwa et al. 1996; Furuichi et al. 1997; Stanford and
Nkurunungi 2003). An extensive overlap in ranging areas between gorillas and
chimpanzees may provide them with frequent encounters with each other. A large
overlap in fruit diets also predicts their frequent encounters at the fruiting crops.
However, very few encounters between them have actually been observed in either
tropical forests or montane forests. Most encounters occurred in fig trees with large
fruit crops in both habitats. Cofeeding of gorillas and chimpanzees was observed in
the tropical forests at Ndoki and Goualougo (Kuroda et al. 1996; Morgan and Sanz
2006), whereas mutual avoidance and aggressive interactions were observed in the
montane forests at Kahuzi and Bwindi (Yamagiwa et al. 1996; Stanford and

Socioecological Flexibility of Gorillas and Chimpanzees


Nkurunungi 2003). These findings suggest that interspecies feeding competition

(possibly over fruits) is stronger in the montane forest than in the tropical forests.
Both preferred foods and FBFs influence ranging of gorillas and chimpanzees
and consequently reduce the opportunity of their encounters in the sympatric areas.
FBFs tend to shape processing adaptations, whereas preferred foods tend to shape
harvesting adaptations (Marshall and Wrangham 2007). Relatively abundant and
low-quality FBFs drive specialized adaptations toward processing, whereas relatively rare and high-quality FBFs drive behavioral adaptations such as fission
fusion grouping and tool use (Lambert 2007). In the montane forest of Kahuzi,
gorillas take the former fallback strategy, feeding on THV and leaves and barks of
woody plants during the whole year, and chimpanzees take the latter strategy, feeding usually on fruits with searching for animal foods as the high-quality FBFs
(Yamagiwa and Basabose 2009). These differences in fallback strategies may lead
to even use of a wide range by gorillas and to frequent reuse of particular areas
within a small range by chimpanzees (Yamagiwa et al. 2012). Fruit scarcity and rich
THV in the montane forest may promote a folivorous or herbivorous strategy of
gorillas and enable chimpanzees to maintain a small range. On the other hand, fruit
abundance and poor THV in a lowland tropical forest may promote different ranging strategies. Gorillas tend to revisit fruit crop, forming stable groups, while chimpanzees tend to disperse, harvesting fruit crops individually or forming small
parties. High processing and digestive abilities enable gorillas to maintain a similar
range to that in montane forest. High locomotive ability and fissionfusion grouping
enable chimpanzees to change their range size according to fruit availability. Their
tool using ability also promotes insectivory by chimpanzees, such as termite fishing
or ant dipping, to enable them to expand their range into arid areas. Such differences
in fallback strategies between gorillas and chimpanzees permit similar range size
across the habitats of gorillas (Yamagiwa 1999) and large variations in range size
among the habitats of chimpanzees, from 6.8 km2 at Budongo (Newton-Fisher
2003) to 250560 km2 at Ugalla (Kano 1972).


Determinant Factors of the Social Organizations

of Gorillas and Chimpanzees

Growing evidence from field studies suggests that ecological and social factors may
interact in different ways between Gorilla and Pan. The similarity of their preferred
foods may promote range overlap, and scarcity of their preferred foods may increase
intraspecies competition over food. In the mid- to late Miocene, climatic shifts led
to a large-scale forest reduction and the preferred fruits of apes became increasingly
rare (Andrews et al. 1997; Potts 2004). The extended period of fruit scarcity may
have forced both gorillas and chimpanzees to find alternative food resources, such
as FBFs. Their original FBFs might have been leaves and pith of THV because the
fewer secondary compounds lead to easy digestion. Gorillas use barks and leaves of
woody plants as their staple FBFs, which require more processing and promote


J. Yamagiwa and A.K. Basabose

Fig. 3.1 Fallback strategies

of Gorilla and Pan. FBF,
fallback foods

anatomic adaptation, such as large body size, a larger and more ciliated gut, and
higher molar-shearing blades and cusps for efficient digestion of higher-fiber foods
(Collet et al. 1984; Remis et al. 2001). By contrast, chimpanzees use less nutritious
but abundant fruits, such as fig fruits, as filler FBFs (Harrison and Marshall 2011).
In contrast to gorillas, which always swallow all parts of plants, chimpanzees usually chew fibrous parts and spit them out as a wadge without passing them through
the gut. Therefore, Pan has not developed the special digestive system. Pan also use
seeds and animal foods as filler FBFs, which are often mechanically protected and
difficult to find, requiring behavioral innovation and tool use (Potts 2004). Among
Pan, bonobos are living in the tropical forest only with the absence of gorillas. They
use rich THV and form cohesive groups whose home ranges overlap extensively
with those of their neighbors, as observed for gorillas (White and Wrangham 1988;
Kano 1992). In the presence of sympatric gorillas, chimpanzees rarely feed on THV,
and instead use animal foods as FBFs (Yamagiwa and Basabose 2009). Their fallback strategy requires flexible grouping and ranging according to fruit availability,
and stronger territoriality, which consequently enabled them to expand their range
into arid areas where gorillas could not survive (Fig. 3.1).
Recent findings on socioecological features of the African great apes also suggest
that female transfer is their common status, irrespective of habitat type or dietary
composition (Yamagiwa 1999, 2004). Ecological factors may not shape social structure but may influence association patterns within each genus. The degree of frugivory may not increase contest competition among gorillas but increases scramble
competition, which results in extension of daily path length without changes in
group cohesion (Goldsmith 1999; Doran 2001; Yamagiwa et al. 2003). Seasonal
fluctuation and local differences in fruit abundance may increase both scramble and
contest competition among chimpanzees and bonobos, which influences the size and
fluidity of their temporal parties (Chapman et al. 1995; White 1996; Anderson et al.
2002; Mitani et al. 2002). High association and affiliation among female western
chimpanzees and among female bonobos are possibly formed as a strategy against

Socioecological Flexibility of Gorillas and Chimpanzees


infanticide or predation or both in the presence of abundant and stable fruit resources
and the absence of sympatric gorillas (Doran et al. 2002; Yamakoshi 2004; Lehmann
and Boesch 2008). However, male dominance over females is consistent across all
populations of chimpanzees and differs from the indistinct dominance between male
and female bonobos irrespective of ecological factors. Sociosexual interactions
including GG (Genito-genital) rubbing frequently observed among bonobos are
rarely observed among both eastern and western chimpanzees. Such social features
could not be explained solely by ecological factors.
The mating strategies of the male African great apes have a strong influence on
the movements and associations of females. The occurrence of infanticide affects a
females movement decisions and the choice of which group she joins in the population of Virunga mountain gorillas (Watts 1989, 1996; Robbins 2001; Robbins and
Robbins 2005; Harcourt and Stewart 2007; Robbins et al. 2009; Yamagiwa et al.
2009). The females choices also influence the males movements, and the female
preference for multimale groups prevents male emigration from their natal groups
after maturity and promotes association among males. Interbirth intervals in the
Virunga population, where infanticide occurs, are shorter than those of the eastern
gorilla population at Kahuzi, where infanticide was not observed (Yamagiwa et al.
2003). Males remaining in their natal groups tend to start active reproduction earlier
than males emigrating from their natal groups at Virungas (Robbins and Robbins
2005; Harcourt and Stewart 2007). Infanticide may promote rapid reproduction
through formation of multimale groups. Ecological factors may also constrain
group size and the group composition of gorillas. A large group size of more than
30 individuals and multimale group composition are mostly limited to populations
of eastern gorillas inhabiting montane forests (Yamagiwa et al. 2003). A frugivorous diet and limited distribution of fruits may prevent western gorillas from forming large cohesive groups, including multiple males. Recent studies at several sites
(Mbeli Bai, Maya Nord, Lossi, and Bai Hokou) suggest that frugivorous western
lowland gorillas show slower physical maturation and longer interbirth intervals
than folivorous mountain gorillas (Robbins et al. 2004; Breuer et al. 2009). DNA
analysis suggests that related males stay in separate groups or as solitaries but at
close proximity in the population of western gorillas at Mondika (Bradley et al.
2004). These observations suggest that male gorillas have two types of social organization: association within groups, such as mountain gorillas, and dispersed networks, as in western gorillas (Fig. 3.2). Each type can shift to the other in response
to a combination of ecological and social factors.
Sexual coercion of male chimpanzees also has a large influence on the associations of females. In the populations of eastern chimpanzees, males tend to form a
strong coalition to guard their reproductive priority. Intercommunity killing, infanticides, and other violent interactions involving adult males did not occur in conflicts over foods but in social contexts (Newton-Fisher 1999a; Watts and Mitani
2001; Wilson et al. 2004). The solitary nature of female eastern chimpanzees seems
to avoid such violent interactions caused by males over estrous females (Fig. 3.3).
By contrast, male western chimpanzees and male bonobos do not have violent interactions within or between communities. The extended estrus of females and the


J. Yamagiwa and A.K. Basabose

Fig. 3.2 Variation in social

structure of Gorilla

Fig 3.3 Variation in social

structure of Pan

social use of sexual behavior may explain the peaceful associations among male and
female bonobos in mixed parties (Kano 1992; Furuichi and Hashimoto 2002).
However, the high sociality of female western chimpanzees cannot be fully interpreted as the result of an extended estrus, because they have reproductive features
similar to those of eastern chimpanzees. Recent DNA analysis suggests that male
western chimpanzees also sired most of the offspring within their communities at
Tai (Vigilant et al. 2001). It remains unknown how they attained high reproductive
success through peaceful interactions within and between communities. Ecological
constraints may not constitute the primary factors but possibly promote different
types of sociality between western and eastern chimpanzees through differences in
the influence of sympatric gorillas.
The analysis of this report suggests a more complex integration between social
and ecological factors than that previously estimated for coping with the phylogenetic inertia of the African great apes. Their common feature of natal female

Socioecological Flexibility of Gorillas and Chimpanzees


dispersal may constitute the basic factors causing such social complexity.
Variations in their social features generally follow the phylogenetic distance, as
pointed out by Doran et al. (2002). However, it should be noted that behavioral
and social features of the African great apes are too greatly diverse compared to
their morphological or physiological traits, and that male mating strategy has
strong influence on female sociality (Harcourt and Stewart 2007). This study suggests that infanticide by males may stimulate female gorillas to join multimale
groups and promote rapid reproduction. By contrast, infanticide tends to occur in
the populations of eastern chimpanzees in which females less frequently associate
with males. Female western chimpanzees showing high association with males
tend to resume estrus within 1 year or have a short interbirth interval, as observed
for bonobos (Boesch and Boesch-Achermann 2000; Sugiyama 2004). In contrast
to gorillas, infanticide by male chimpanzees may prevent the females from forming a prolonged association with males and promote slow reproduction. These
findings imply that associations between ecological, behavioral, and social features have evolved in different ways in the life history strategies between the
genera Gorilla and Pan.



1. The African great apes (gorillas and chimpanzees) have not developed a specialized digestive system and have the common dietary feature of preferring ripe
2. Distinct dietary differences are found in fallback foods. Gorillas use the bark and
leaves of woody plants as their staple FBFs, which require more processing and
promote anatomic adaptation, whereas chimpanzees use less nutritious but abundant fruits, seeds, and animal foods as their filler FBFs and have developed
behavioral innovation and tool use.
3. Such different abilities might have enabled gorillas and chimpanzees to expand
their range into different habitats in the mid- to late Miocene, when climatic
shifts led to a large-scale forest reduction and the preferred fruits of apes became
increasingly rare. Gorillas expanded into higher montane forests where plenty of
THV are available, whereas chimpanzees expanded into arid areas where fig
fruits and animal foods are available.
4. Sympatric conditions might have promoted niche separation between gorillas
and chimpanzees. Bonobos and western chimpanzees who live with abundant
available fruits and in the absence of gorillas tend to form cohesive groups and
have a shorter life history compared to eastern and central chimpanzees with fissionfusion social features.
5. Male sexual coercion such as infanticide and intercommunity killing has had a
different influence on the life history strategy of female apes. This coercion leads
to a fast life history and to multimale groups for gorillas, although it leads to a
slow life history and fissionfusion social features for chimpanzees.


J. Yamagiwa and A.K. Basabose

Acknowledgments This study was financed by in part by the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
Research by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan (Nos.
162550080, 19107007, and 24255010 to J. Yamagiwa), the Global Environmental Research Fund
by Japanese Ministry of Environment (F-061 to T. Nishida, Japan Monkey Centre), and the Kyoto
University Global COE Program Formation of a Strategic Base for Biodiversity and Evolutionary
Research, and was conducted in cooperation with CRSN and ICCN. We thank Dr. S. Bashwira,
Dr. B. Baluku, Mr. M.O. Mankoto, Mr. B. Kasereka, Mr. L. Mushenzi, Ms. S. Mbake, Mr. B.I.
Iyomi, Mr. C. Schuler, and Mr. R. Nishuli for their administrative help. We appreciate to Ms. Chieko
Ando for her kind permission for the usage of a picture. We are also greatly indebted to
Mr. M. Bitsibu, Mr. S. Kamungu, and all the guides, guards, and field assistants in the KahuziBiega National Park for their technical help and hospitality throughout the fieldwork.

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Chapter 4

You Are What You Eat: Foraging

Specializations and Their Influence
on the Social Organization and Behavior
of Killer Whales
John K.B. Ford and Graeme M. Ellis

J.K.B. Ford (*) G.M. Ellis

Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, Canada V9T 6N7
e-mail: John.K.Ford@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_4, Springer Japan 2014


J.K.B. Ford and G.M. Ellis


Abstract The feeding ecology of predators can have a profound effect on their life
history and behaviour. The killer whalethe apex marine predatorhas a cosmopolitan distribution throughout the worlds oceans. Globally, it is a generalist predator with a diverse diet, but regionally, different socially and genetically isolated
killer whale populations can have highly specialized foraging strategies involving
only a few types of prey. In the eastern North Pacific, the three sympatric killer
whale lineages have distinct dietary specializations: one feeds primarily on marine
mammals, another on salmon, and the third appears to specialize on sharks. These
ecological specializations are associated with distinct patterns of seasonal distribution, group size, social organization, foraging behavior, and acoustic activity.
Divergent foraging strategies may have played a major role in the social isolation
and genetic divergence of killer whale populations.
Keywords Apex predator Feeding ecology Orcinus orca



Ecological specialization is an important factor promoting the evolution of biological diversity and speciation (Futuyma and Moreno 1988; Robinson et al. 1996;
Dieckmann and Doebeli 1999; Schluter 2001; Via 2001). Optimal foraging theory
predicts that selection will generally favor dietary specialization, as specialists
have a competitive advantage over generalists in foraging efficiency (as in the
adage, the jack-of-all-trades is the master of none) (Stephens and Krebs 1986;
Futuyma and Moreno 1988; Robinson et al. 1996). Such selection may drive the
divergent evolution of a wide variety of adaptive traits involving morphology,
physiology, and behavior of populations or subpopulations with different foraging
strategies or in contrasting environments. Divergent selection between sympatric
populations may lead to assortative mating, reproductive isolation, and, ultimately,
speciation (Dieckmann and Doebeli 1999; Schluter 2001; Via 2001; McKinnon
et al. 2004).
Killer whales, the largest of the dolphins (family Delphinidae), provide an exceptional opportunity to gain insight into the processes and outcomes of ecological
specialization and divergence in a highly social and versatile mammalian predator.
This species (only a single species, Orcinus orca, is currently recognized) is one of
the most widely distributed mammals on the planet. It has a cosmopolitan distribution in all the worlds oceans, from the pack ice edges in both the Northern and
Southern Hemispheres through the equatorial tropics (Ford 2002). Although rare in
many regions, it is relatively common in cool, productive, high-latitude waters, particularly in nearshore areas. Despite their wide distribution, killer whales are not
abundant, with a minimum estimated global population of 50,000, but probably not
greatly more (Forney and Wade 2006). Killer whales occupy the top trophic position in the oceans and have no predators. As a species, killer whales could be considered generalist predators, with an extremely diverse array of more than 140

You Are What You Eat: Foraging Specializations and Their Influence


species of vertebrates and invertebratesfrom small schooling fish to the largest of

the cetaceansrecorded as prey (Ford 2009). However, field studies in several
global regions have revealed that local populations can have remarkably specialized
diets and may forage selectively for only a very small subset of the prey species that
the predator is capable of consuming. In this chapter, we provide a description of
three distinct killer whale lineages that co-occur in coastal waters of the northeastern Pacific, focusing in particular on the influence that ecological specialization
appears to have had on their divergent lifestyles, including habitat use patterns,
social structure, behavior, and use of underwater sound. We also provide a brief
overview of how these lineages came to be identified and known in these waters and
of recent work in other regions that suggests that ecological specialization is characteristic of this apex social predator.


Discovery of Killer Whale Lineages

in the Eastern North Pacific

Before the 1970s, scientific understanding of the killer whale was poor and was
based almost entirely on anecdotal or opportunistic observations rather than on
dedicated scientific studies (Martinez and Klinghammer 1970). However, a livecapture fishery for killer whales that developed during the late 1960s in nearshore
waters of southern British Columbia, Canada, and northern Washington State, USA,
highlighted the need for basic abundance and life history data for management. As
a result, in 1972 our late colleague, Michael Bigg, initiated field studies of killer
whales in this area based primarily on the identification of individuals from photographs of natural markings on the whales dorsal fin and grey saddle patch at the
base of the fin. This technique was considered quite novel and unproven at the time,
but Bigg quickly showed that it was an effective means of collecting reliable population abundance and life history data on these difficult-to-study animals (Bigg et al.
1976). We joined this field effort at different points in the 1970s and, working
together with Bigg and our colleague Ken Balcomb in Washington State, broadened
the studys scope to include social organization, foraging ecology, behavior, and
vocalizations (Bigg et al. 1987).
By the late 1970s, it was apparent that two different types of killer whales coexisted in the region. One type, named residents, lived in stable groups of 10 to 25
and were found reliably in predictable core areas throughout at least summer and
fall. A second type was found in the same waters but only rarely and sporadically.
These whales were observed alone or in small groups of 2 to 6, tended to swim close
along shorelines, often erratically, and were never seen to mix with the larger resident groups. As it was thought that these whales were merely passing through the
home ranges of the residents, they were named transients (Bigg 1982). Resident
and transient killer whales were occasionally observed within a few hundred meters
of each other but showed no obvious reaction to the presence of the other whales
and did not intermingle. However, resident groups frequently mixed with other

J.K.B. Ford and G.M. Ellis


residents and transients with other transients. Although residents and transients
were clearly socially isolated, it was not certain what these two types represented.
Initially it was thought that transients were individuals that had dispersed from resident groups, possibly in other regions, and were adopting a low profile behavior
while transiting core areas of residents. However, subtle differences in dorsal fin
shape and pigmentation suggested an underlying genetic distinction between them.
As the number of observations of feeding grew in the early 1980s, evidence mounted
that residents and transients were distinct ecotypes with fundamentally different
dietsresidents prey on fish and transients on marine mammals (Bigg et al. 1985,
1987). That these two types of whales specialize on such different kinds of prey
helped explain the growing number of differences we observed in the movement
patterns, social structure, vocalizations, and behavior of residents and transients.
To our surprise, in the early 1990s we discovered a third type of killer whale,
named offshores, in British Columbian waters (Ford et al. 1992; Ford et al. 2000).
These whales have slightly different fin shapes than residents and transients and
appear to be somewhat smaller in body size. Offshore killer whales generally prefer
the outer continental shelf, and it was only when we expanded our study area to
include these waters that we found these whales. Residents and transients also use
these outer waters, and offshores have recently made more frequent appearances in
nearshore areas (Dahlheim et al. 2008). Despite their mostly sympatric distribution,
all three killer whale types maintain social isolation from each other (Ford et al.
2000). From the few available observations of predation by offshore killer whales
and their patterns of behavior and vocal activity, it appears that they are primarily or
entirely fish feeders with a probable specialization on sharks (Ford et al. 2000,
2011; Jones 2006; Dahlheim et al. 2008).
In addition to our own long-term studies in British Columbia and Washington
State, numerous other researchers have undertaken fieldwork on various aspects of
the life history, ecology, and behavior of killer whales, both in our study area and in
adjacent coastal waters. Over the years, these efforts have together provided a much
improved understanding of the divergent ecological specializations of residents and
transients and the role these have played in defining the lifestyles of these lineages.


Population Delineation of Lineages

Resident, transient, and offshore killer whale lineages are sympatric in coastal
waters of the eastern North Pacific from California to the Aleutian Islands in
Alaska. Molecular studies have confirmed what earlier observations suggested
that the three lineages are genetically distinct and gene flow between them is minimal or absent (Stevens et al. 1989; Hoelzel et al. 1998; Barrett-Lennard 2000;
Morin et al. 2010). At least two of these lineagesresidents and transientsare
represented by multiple discrete populations of typically a few hundred individuals.
Four populations have been described for residents (Matkin et al. 1999; Ford et al.
2000; Matkin et al. 2007a). Each population ranges over roughly 1,300- to

You Are What You Eat: Foraging Specializations and Their Influence


1,800-km sections of coastline that overlap substantially. Despite overlapping distribution, each population generally occupies rather discrete areas, especially during summer and fall. Groups of resident whales from adjacent populations have
been observed in close proximity on a few occasions, but no intermingling has
taken place. However, groups belonging to the same population frequently join and
travel together, occasionally forming large multigroup aggregations that may persist for several days. DNA fingerprinting indicates that mating takes place between
groups within each resident population, and intermating between populations is
extremely rare (Barrett-Lennard 2000).
Transient killer whales are subdivided into at least five regional populations,
each typically composed of 100300 individuals (Bigg et al. 1987; Black et al.
1997; Ford and Ellis 1999; Matkin et al. 1999, 2007a). Groups of transients within
each population regularly intermingle and, in contrast to residents, they will also
associate with members of adjacent transient populations during the infrequent
occasions when they roam into the range of another population (Ford and Ellis
1999; Ford et al. 2007). Offshore killer whales appear to consist of a single population of at least 250 animals that ranges widely over the continental shelf, from
southern California to the eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska (Ford et al. 2000; Matkin
et al. 2007a; Dahlheim et al. 2008). The extent of potential movements beyond the
continental shelf for any of these whales is unknown because of the lack of field
effort in offshore waters.


Dietary Specialization

Gaining insight into the feeding habits of free-ranging cetaceans is difficult because
predation usually takes place underwater and out of sight. We have studied the diets
of resident, transient, and offshore killer whales using three different methods:
(1) direct observation of predation when it takes place at the surface, (2) collection
of prey fragments left in the water column following a kill, and (3) recovery of prey
remains from the stomachs of beach-cast carcasses. Others have also used chemical
analyses of skin and blubber biopsy samples collected from killer whales to infer
diet from stable isotope ratios, fatty acids, and levels of various types of contaminants (e.g., Krahn et al. 2007).
Surface observations and identification of prey fragments from kills indicate that
the diet of resident killer whales in British Columbia (Fig. 4.1) consists primarily of
teleost fishes, in particular the Pacific salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) (Fig. 4.2:
Ford et al. 1998; Saulitis et al. 2000; Ford and Ellis 2006). Non-salmonid fishes
such as lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus), Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus), and
Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) have also been identified from predation
events, but these represent less than 3 % of observed kills. A surprising result of our
prey fragment sampling has been the pronounced preference that residents have
for Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). In total, more than 70 % of identified salmonid kills have been Chinook, despite this species being one of the least


J.K.B. Ford and G.M. Ellis

Fig. 4.1 A male resident killer whale surfaces following capture of a Chinook salmon, the primary
prey species of this ecotype. (Photograph by M. Malleson)

common of the five salmonid species available in the whales habitat (Ford and Ellis
2006). Chinook predominated in our samples even when other salmonids, such as
sockeye (O. nerka) and pink (O. gorbuscha) salmon, were far more abundant in
foraging areas during summer spawning migrations, outnumbering Chinook by as
many as 500 fish to 1 (Ford et al. 1998; Ford and Ellis 2006). Chum salmon (O. keta)
are significant prey during a short period in the fall, but Chinook still appear to be
taken preferentially. Prey remains recovered from beach-cast carcasses of residents
are generally consistent with our observations of predation. Chinook salmon has
been identified in most stomach contents to date, and various non-salmonids and
squid have also been represented occasionally (Ford et al. 1998).
It is most probable that the whales preference for different salmonidsand other
prey species for that matteris proportional to their relative profitability. Chinook
are by far the largest of the Pacific salmon, commonly reaching sizes of more than
20 kg, and they tend to have the highest lipid content of the salmonids, enhancing
their net energy density. Chum salmon are the second largest salmonid and can reach
10 kg or more. The much smaller sockeye and pink salmon seem to be of little interest to the whales, despite their brief but often great abundance during summer.
In striking contrast to resident killer whales, transient killer whales (Fig. 4.3)
have only been observed to hunt and consume endothermic prey, primarily marine
mammals and occasionally seabirds. In British Columbia, Washington State, and
Southeast Alaska, the most frequent prey species by far (about 50 % of kills) is the
harbour seal (Phoca vitulina), a small (average, 6080 kg) pinniped that is common
throughout nearshore waters of the region (Fig. 4.2) (Ford et al. 1998; Matkin et al.

You Are What You Eat: Foraging Specializations and Their Influence


Fig. 4.2 Frequency distribution of prey species observed to be consumed by resident (top, n = 439
kills) and transient (bottom, n = 251 kills) killer whales in coastal waters of British Columbia,
Washington State, and southeastern Alaska. [Data from Ford et al. (1998), Ford and Ellis (2006),
and Ford and Ellis (unpublished data)]

2007a, b). Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and Dalls porpoise (Phocoenoides
dalli) together make up about one-quarter of observed kills, with the remainder composed of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus), California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens), minke
whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris), and various seabird species (Ford et al. 1998, 2005). Swimming deer
(Odocoileus hemionus) and moose (Alces alces) have on rare occasions been reported
to be killed by killer whales in the region, almost certainly transients (Pike and
MacAskie 1969; Matkin et al. 1999). Seabirds do not seem to be an important prey
item of transient killer whales. Only a minority of seabirds that are harassed and
killed by transients are ultimately consumed: most are abandoned. Interaction with
seabirds usually involves juvenile whales and may represent play behavior that ultimately functions to develop prey handling skills (Ford et al. 1998; Saulitis et al. 2000).
Transients have not been observed to take any fish species, nor have any fish remains
been identified in stomach contents of beach-cast carcasses of transients (Ford et al.
1998; Saulitis et al. 2000; Heise et al. 2003).


J.K.B. Ford and G.M. Ellis

Fig. 4.3 A female transient killer whale hunting for the preferred prey of this ecotype, harbour
seals. (Photograph by J. Towers)

There is little evidence that transient individuals or matrilines specialize on particular types or species of marine mammals, despite the very different tactics needed
to capture and kill them (harbour seals versus Dalls porpoise, for example; Ford
et al. 1998). Our long-term monitoring of transient predation has shown that the
variety of prey species taken by particular individuals or groups is strongly correlated with the cumulative number of predation events documented for those animals
(Ford et al. 1998). Predation of minke whales by transients in our study area is
uncommon, but a particular matriline (the T18 group) has been involved in more
cases than one would expect by chance (Ford et al. 2005; J.K.B.F. and G.M.E.,
unpublished data). This matriline also hunts more typical prey, such as harbour seals
and porpoises. There are no records of transients in our study area having successfully killed large whales such as adult gray (Eschrichtius robustus), humpback
(Megaptera novaeangliae), fin (Balaenoptera physalus), or blue (Balaenoptera
musculus) whales. Indeed, foraging transients rarely show any reaction to these
potential prey species despite their frequent presence in their vicinity (Jefferson
et al. 1991). This indifference is likely related to the difficulty in catching the fastswimming fin and blue whales and the risk of injury posed by defensive responses
from gray and, especially, humpback whales (Ford and Reeves 2008). Gray whale
calves and juveniles, however, are frequently targeted by foraging transients in central California (Ternullo and Black 2002) and around the eastern Aleutian Islands,
Alaska (Barrett-Lennard et al. 2005; Matkin et al. 2007).
Offshore killer whales are the least known of the three lineages in the region.
They have been observed consuming a probable Pacific halibut (Jones 2006) and
possibly blue sharks (Prionace glauca) and Chinook salmon (Dahlheim et al. 2008).

You Are What You Eat: Foraging Specializations and Their Influence


Stomach contents of a killer whale identified as an offshore by mtDNA analysis

included two carcharinid sharks and two opah (Lampris regius, a large pelagic teleost fish; Morin et al. 2006). Recently, we observed offshore killer whales feeding on
multiple Pacific sleeper sharks (Somniosus pacificus) (Ford et al. 2011). A diet consisting largely of sharks, with their abrasive skin, might explain the extreme tooth
wear that appears to be common in offshore killer whales (Ford et al. 2011). Stable
isotope ratios and fatty acid profiles determined from skin and blubber biopsy samples also suggest that the diet of offshore killer whales is distinct from that of either
resident or transient lineages (Herman et al. 2005; Krahn et al. 2007).


Social Organization

Similar to most delphinids, killer whales are highly social, group-living animals.
However, the social structure of resident, transient, and offshore killer whales differs considerably, and these differences appear to be related to and are likely determined by their respective ecological specializations. Resident killer whales live in
matrilines that are exceptionally stable in composition. A typical matriline is composed of an older female, her sons and daughters, and the offspring of her daughters.
Because longevity of females can reach 80 years and females have their first viable
calf at about 14 years (Olesiuk et al. 2005), a matriline may contain as many as four
generations of maternally related individuals. More than 30 years of demographic
data have demonstrated that dispersal from the matriline is virtually absent in resident killer whalesboth males and females remain in their natal group for life
(Bigg et al. 1990; Ford et al. 2000; Ellis et al. 2007). In no case has an individual
whale been observed to leave its matriline and join another on a long-term basis,
other than in a few rare cases involving orphans.
Members of resident matrilines travel together and they seldom separate by more
than a few kilometers or for more than a few hours. Contact is maintained among
matriline members by the exchange of discrete, stereotyped underwater calls that
are unique to the group (Ford 1989, 1991; Miller et al. 2004). Matrilines frequently
travel in the company of certain other matrilines that are closely related, based on
high degrees of call similarity, and likely shared a common maternal ancestor in the
recent past. Matrilines that spend the majority of their time together are designated
as pods (Bigg et al. 1990). Pods are less stable than matrilines, and member matrilines may spend days or weeks apart. However, matrilines still spend more time
with others from their pod than with those from other pods. In British Columbia,
resident pods are on average composed of three matrilines (range = 111; Ford et al.
2000), with a mean total size of 18 whales (range = 249; Ford et al. 2000). Residents
often form large temporary aggregations involving multiple matrilines and pods,
especially at times when prey densities are high.
A level of social structure above the resident pod is the clan, which is defined by
patterns of call similarity. Clans are composed of pods that share a portion of their
repertoire of stereotyped calls. Different clans have no calls in common. Pods


J.K.B. Ford and G.M. Ellis

belonging to a clan are likely descendants of an ancestral pod, and their acoustic
similarities reflect this common heritage. Call repertoires are traditions passed on
across generations by vocal learning, and calls actively or passively change in structure or use over time. Calls are retained within the lineage because of the lack of
dispersal from matrilines. Clans are sympatric, and the two to nine pods that make
up each clan frequently travel together as well as with pods from different clans
(Ford 1991; Yurk et al. 2002).
Transient killer whale society lacks the closed, strictly matrilineal structure seen
in residents. Transients usually travel in groups of two to six individuals, much
smaller than the typical size of resident matrilines and pods. In contrast to residents,
offspring often disperse from the natal matriline for extended periods or permanently (Bigg et al. 1987; Ford and Ellis 1999; Baird and Whitehead 2000). Female
offspring usually leave their natal group around the time of sexual maturity and
travel with other transient groups. These young females usually give birth to their
first calf shortly after dispersing. Once dispersed, these females may rejoin their
natal matriline occasionally, but generally only for brief periods after they have
calves of their own. Male dispersal does take place, but the pattern is less clear
because of uncertainty in the status of many individuals in the population. The
range of transients appears to extend beyond our study area, possibly into offshore
waters, and gaps of many years can occur between sightings of individuals (Ford
and Ellis 1999; Ford et al. 2007). There are numerous cases of mothers and a single
adult son staying together for decades, but few where a mother and more than one
adult son have persisted. Male siblings may disperse from these groups at puberty,
but if so they must leave our study area as none has been resighted after disappearing
from the natal group, either as a member of another group or as a lone individual.
All lone adult males found in the study area appear to have lost their mothers
through mortality. These individuals often travel alone or associate with a variety of
different transient matrilines, but rarely with other lone males. The associations of
transient matrilines are very dynamic, and they do not form consistent groupings
equivalent to resident pods. Also, in contrast to residents, transient populations do
not seem to be acoustically subdivided into clans. Instead, all transients in a population share a distinctive set of calls, although some additional calls or variants of
shared calls may be specific to a subregion or portion of the population (Ford 1984;
Deecke et al. 2005).
The typically small size of transient groups is likely a result of the foraging strategy of this lineage. Transients generally hunt other marine mammals with stealth:
they swim quietly to prevent detection by their acoustically sensitive prey, and
attack using the element of surprise (Ford 1984; Barrett-Lennard et al. 1996). This
strategy no doubt constrains group size, as larger groups such as those of residents
would increase the probability of the predators being detected by their prey. Small
groups may also be most energetically efficient for transients when hunting smaller
marine mammals such as harbour seals (Baird and Dill 1996).
As with most details of their life history and behavior, the social organization of
offshore killer whales is poorly understood. Their group sizes tend to be relatively
large, certainly much larger than those of transients, and possibly larger on average

You Are What You Eat: Foraging Specializations and Their Influence


than residents. Groups of 2 to 100 or more individuals have been documented in

encounters with offshores off the coast of British Columbia, with about half involving 20 or more individuals. These larger groups probably represent temporary gatherings of smaller social units, possibly related to prey density as in residents. We
have documented persistent bonds lasting more than a decade between females and
adult males, which likely represent mothers and their adult sons. However, we have
not observed long-term associations between reproductive females, as seen in the
multi-generation matrilines of residents. This finding suggests a dynamic society
with dispersal from the natal matriline as in transients, but frequent formation of
larger aggregations as in residents.


Seasonality and Habitat Use

All three lineages of killer whales are found in coastal waters of the northeastern
Pacific throughout the year, but there are significant differences in their seasonality
and patterns of habitat use. The seasonal movements of resident killer whales are
closely tied to those of their primary prey. Several studies have demonstrated correlations between resident whale occurrence in nearshore waters and the aggregate
abundance of multiple salmon species migrating through nearshore waters to coastal
spawning rivers in British Columbia and Washington State (Heimlich-Boran 1986;
Guinet 1990; Nichol and Shackleton 1996). However, these analyses were undertaken before it was known that these whales forage selectively for Chinook salmon
and shun the smaller but much more abundant pink and sockeye salmon (Ford et al.
1998; Ford and Ellis 2006). Correlations of whale occurrence with these abundant
salmonids are thus incidental, and the whales are instead attracted by migrating
Chinook salmon, which pass through these migratory corridors in lower numbers
but concurrently with the smaller species. Movements of resident killer whales in
this area during October and November are clearly associated with fall migrating
chum salmon, which the whales do consume (Nichol and Shackleton 1996; Ford
and Ellis 2006). Interestingly, a different population of resident killer whales in
south-central Alaska moves into Prince William Sound during midsummer, where
they forage extensively for coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) (Saulitis et al.
2000). Neither Chinook nor chum salmon are common in this area at this time of
year, although these same whales feed on Chinook and chum salmon in other areas
and times of year (C. Matkin, personal communication).
During winter and spring, resident whales mostly vacate their summer habitat in
nearshore waters and appear to range widely along the outer exposed coast. It is
likely that the whales maintain their focus on Chinook salmon prey during this time
of year. Most other salmonid species are pelagic and unavailable to the whales
during this time of year, but nonmigratory or early spawning runs of Chinook are
found in these outer coast waters (Ford and Ellis 2006). Residents may also increase
their consumption of non-salmonid species such as Pacific halibut during winter
and spring.


J.K.B. Ford and G.M. Ellis

Compared to residents, transient killer whales have a relatively uniform pattern

of occurrence in nearshore waters throughout the year, likely because their primary
prey speciesharbour seal, harbour porpoise, Dalls porpoise, and Steller sea
lionare nonmigratory and available in all months of the year. However, there is an
interesting seasonal peak in local occurrence along the west coast of North America
that appears to coincide with the pupping season of harbour seals. In Glacier Bay,
the northern limit of the range of the so-called West Coast transient population
(~5830N latitude), transient whale occurrence peaks in June and July (Matkin
et al. 2007). Near the southern extent of their range, around Vancouver Island (~48
to 51N latitude), there is an obvious peak in occurrence during August and
September (Baird and Dill 1995). Both these periods coincide with local peaks of
pupping and weaning of harbour seals, which exhibits a latitudinal cline in timing
along the West Coast (Temte et al. 1991). Pups are likely easy and abundant prey for
transients, and the whales appear to move in accordance with their seasonal
Offshore killer whales appear to exhibit a diffuse seasonal shift in distribution
along the West Coast of North America. The majority of sightings in the southern
portion of their known range, off central and south California, have been recorded
during fall and winter (September to March; Dahlheim et al. 2008). Sightings in
Alaska, the northern portion of the range of offshore killer whales, have taken place
only during April to September, but there is minimal observer effort during winter
in this area (Dahlheim et al. 2008; C. Matkin, personal communication). Off British
Columbia, roughly the latitudinal midpoint of their range, sightings of offshores
have been recorded in all months. Without a better understanding of the primary
prey species of offshore killer whales, it is not possible to interpret the significance
of this apparent seasonal distribution shift.
Differences are also apparent in finer-scale patterns of habitat use by the three
killer whale lineages. Residents congregate during summer and fall in core feeding
areas in locations where geography and tidal currents act to concentrate migratory
salmon (Heimlich-Boran 1988; Nichol and Shackleton 1996; Saulitis et al. 2000;
Ford 2006). During the peak of salmon abundance, the majority of matrilines in a
resident population may gather in these core areas, and individual matrilines or pods
may spend weeks in a relatively restricted area that the whales could transit in a day
or two. There are distinctions among the movement patterns of different resident
pods within a populations overall range. Although most resident groups may be
observed in most parts of the range, particular pods and matrilines have preferred
areas that they frequent more often than other groups (Osborne 1999; Ford 1991,
2006; Ford et al. 2000; Hauser et al. 2007), likely because of the benefit of foraging
in familiar areas where individuals have experience in locating local concentrations
of prey.
While in their core summer feeding areas, resident killer whales spend
5065 % of their time foraging (Heimlich-Boran 1988; Ford 1989; Morton 1990).
Between foraging bouts, the whales group together and socialize or rest, which
together represent about 3040 % of their time. In at least two resident populations,
the whales may also spend considerable time rubbing their bodies on certain

You Are What You Eat: Foraging Specializations and Their Influence


shelving, pebble beaches that have been used traditionally for many years (Ford 1989;
Matkin et al. 1999).
In contrast to resident whales, transient killer whales typically do not remain for
long in any particular location. They are almost constantly on the move, swimming
from one prey hotspot to the next. Because of their apparent reliance on stealth for
capturing marine mammals, it is no doubt more productive for transients to hunt
elsewhere once potential prey is alert to their presence. By covering 75150 km of
coastline per day, transients tend to undergo more frequent extensive travel throughout their range than do residents. Nonetheless, as with residents, at least some transient groups have preferred areas within the overall population range, where local
knowledge of the location of pinniped haulouts or predictable concentrations of
small cetaceans may serve to improve hunting efficiency (Ford and Ellis 1999).
Compared to residents, transients dedicate considerably more time to foraging and
traveling (>75 % of their activity budget: Morton 1990; Baird and Dill 1995).
Socializing and resting activities, which comprise about one-third of the activity
budget for residents, are seldom exhibited by transients (<10 % of activities; Morton
1990; Baird and Dill 1995; Barrett-Lennard et al. 1996; Deecke et al. 2005). Beach
rubbing has not been reported for transients.
Details of habitat use by offshore killer whales are not yet clear because of the
comparatively infrequent encounters with this population. Long-distance movements appear to be undertaken frequently by offshore whales. Several identified
individuals have been observed at the extremities of the populations known range,
which extends more than 4,000 km from the Aleutian Islands to Southern California
(Dahlheim et al. 2008). Any potential habitats that may be used preferentially by a
subset of the offshore population, and what prey species may drive their movements, have yet to be described.


Foraging Behavior

The distinct diets of killer whale lineages are associated with corresponding contrasts in their foraging behavior. When foraging, members of a resident killer whale
matriline or pod spread out, often over areas of several square kilometers, with
individuals or small subgroups diving and surfacing independently while swimming
generally in the same direction. They maintain contact and likely coordinate movements through the frequent exchange of loud underwater calls, which are effective
to ranges of 1025 km (Ford 1989; Miller et al. 2004; Miller 2006). When foraging
in coastal inlets, channels, and straits, individuals and small maternal groups usually
forage along the shoreline, while other whales, particularly mature males, forage
alone farther from shore and in deeper water. Foraging resident whales dive for
23 min (Ford 1989; Morton 1990) to depths typically less than 30 m, but occasionally to more than 150 m (Baird et al. 2005a). These depths are similar to those used
by their primary prey species, Chinook salmon (Candy and Quinn 1999).


J.K.B. Ford and G.M. Ellis

Foraging resident killer whales find prey using echolocation, which may be
effective for detecting Chinook salmon at ranges of 100 m or more (Au et al. 2004).
By foraging in loosely dispersed groups, the detection rate of scattered salmon is
likely enhanced. However, residents whales do not appear to cooperatively herd or
capture prey. Rather, prey capture is undertaken primarily by individuals with occasional cooperation from offspring, siblings, or other close matrilineal kin. The
majority of salmonid prey items captured by adult females and subadults are brought
to the surface, where they are broken up for sharing within the matriline or for provisioning young offspring (Ford and Ellis 2006). Adult males usually capture and
consume salmonid prey alone.
In contrast to residents, transient killer whales forage in near silence in an apparent attempt to minimize detection by their acoustically sensitive marine mammal
prey (Ford 1984; Morton 1990; Barrett-Lennard et al. 1996; Deecke et al. 2005).
Transients rarely exchange underwater calls while hunting for prey (Deecke et al.
2005), and echolocation click production is also greatly suppressed (BarrettLennard et al. 1996). Both pinniped and cetacean prey have excellent hearing abilities at the frequencies used by killer whales for calling and echolocation and could
detect and potentially evade approaching transients if they were to vocalize (BarrettLennard et al. 1996; Deecke et al. 2005). As vocalizing would likely incur high
costs in terms of reduced rates of prey capture, transients appear to depend on passive listening to detect and approach prey from a distance, likely cueing on the
animals vocalizations or swimming noises (Barrett-Lennard and Heise 2006).
There is little cost associated with the production of underwater sounds for resident
whales because salmonids and most other fish have relatively low hearing sensitivity to such frequencies and are unlikely to detect approaching whales at a distance
(Barrett-Lennard et al. 1996; Deecke et al. 2005).
Transient killer whales employ two fairly distinct modes of foraging: nearshore
and open water. When foraging nearshore, the whales swim in relatively tight groups
and follow the contour of the shoreline, round headlands, and enter bays without
hesitation (Morton 1990; Barrett-Lennard et al. 1996). They often circle small islets
and reefs, particularly those that serve as pinniped haulouts. Resident whales, in
contrast, forage along more direct routes, usually swimming from headland to headland. Dive durations of foraging transient whales are typically twice the duration of
the 2- to 3-min dives of residents, and may exceed 10 min (Morton 1990). Nearshore
foraging is generally associated with capture of pinniped prey, particularly harbour
seals (Baird and Dill 1995; Barrett-Lennard et al. 1996; Saulitis et al. 2000). When
foraging in open water, transient groups spread out over a larger area, with individuals swimming several hundred meters apart, often roughly abreast. Most prey captured during open water foraging are porpoises or dolphins, but seals or sea lions
may also be taken (Barrett-Lennard et al. 1996; Saulitis et al. 2000).
Transients share the majority of their prey (Baird and Dill 1995), likely to an
even greater extent than do residents because of the larger body masses of most
marine mammal prey items. Transient group members frequently use cooperative
hunting tactics to catch and subdue their prey (Baird and Dill 1995; Ford et al.
1998). Predation on Steller sea lions, for example, can be extended events that

You Are What You Eat: Foraging Specializations and Their Influence


may entail risk of injury to the attacking whales. These prey can be large (up to
1,000 kg in males) with sizeable canine teeth that can inflict significant wounds
during defensive or retaliatory actions. Groups of transient killer whales attack
single sea lions in open water by circling the animal so as to prevent it from reaching shore, while individuals take turns rushing toward the prey and ramming it or
striking it with their tail flukes. This action may continue for 12 h until the animal
is sufficiently debilitated so that it can be safely grasped, drowned, and shared
among group members. Transients may also hunt fast-swimming Dalls porpoise
using a cooperative tag team tactic where individuals take turns chasing the prey
animal to exhaustion. Transients have been also been observed to herd groups of
50+ Pacific white-sided dolphins into confined or shallow bays where individuals
can be readily captured. Transients hunt these difficult-to-capture species in significantly larger groups than when foraging for the smaller harbour seals (Ford
et al. 1998). These groups often represent temporary associations of smaller, stable
social units.


Acoustic Communication

As do most delphinids, killer whales have a well-developed acoustic communication system. However, as noted earlier, the types and extent of vocalization show
major differences among lineages. Resident killer whales frequently exchange strident calls from stable repertoires of a dozen or more call types. These learned call
types or their variants are specific to clans, pods, and matrilines, and thus encode the
matrilineal genealogy of individuals (Ford 1991). This specificity likely enhances
the effectiveness of these calls as intragroup contact signals, especially when whales
are dispersed and traveling in association with other matrilines or pods. These
group-specific dialects may also play a role as a behavioral mechanism to prevent
inbreeding. As there is no dispersal from the natal matriline, resident killer whales
would be at considerable risk of inbreeding without a reliable means of distinguishing between kin and non-kin mating partners. Group-specific call repertoires appear
to serve such a function (Ford 1991), and genetic studies have shown that resident
whales mate with individuals that are outside the pod or clan and are acoustically
dissimilar (Barrett-Lennard 2000).
Although transient killer whales spend much of their time foraging for marine
mammals in silence, they become highly vocal while attacking and consuming their
prey (Ford 1984; Deecke et al. 2005). Calling at such times likely carries little cost
as stealth is no longer needed, and it may help coordinate cooperative attack tactics
within the group or serve other social functions after the kill is made. Similar to resident killer whales, transients have repertoires of distinctive stereotyped call types.
Unlike residents, however, these repertoires generally do not differ among groups.
As there is dispersal from the natal matriline in this ecotype, group-specific calls
would not be expected. Also, dispersal reduces the risk of inbreeding, so the requirement for an acoustic outbreeding mechanism may be reduced in transients.

J.K.B. Ford and G.M. Ellis


The fish-eating offshore killer whales are as vocal as resident killer whales.
Preliminary analyses indicate that offshores produce stereotyped calls that are distinct from any of those of residents or transients, but it is not yet known whether any
calls are specific to particular groups. As our understanding of the social dynamics
of this poorly known lineage improves, patterns of call use should become clearer.


Specializations in Other Regions

Field studies in other global regions have provided additional evidence that ecological specializations are typical of most killer whale populations. Although these
populations are not as well known as resident and transients in the eastern North
Pacific, it is apparent that at least in some cases their specializations have had similar influences on patterns of social structure, behavior, and vocal activity. Off the
northern coast of Norway, a population of killer whales moves seasonally in relation
to their primary prey, the Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) (Simil 1997). In
coastal fjords where herring congregate in high densities during fall and winter, the
whales employ a cooperative foraging tactic known as carousel feeding to capture
these small schooling fishes: this involves a group of whales encircling and herding
a school of herring into a tight ball close to the surface. Once the school is concentrated, individuals dive under the school and strike it with their tail flukes. Fish
stunned directly by the physical blow from the flukes or the associated loud cavitation sound are then eaten individually (Simil and Ugarte 1993; Simon et al. 2005).
These herring-eating killer whales appear to live in matrilineally organized pods
similar in size to those of fish-feeding resident killer whales, but it is not known
whether they share the same extreme stability (Simil 1997). They are highly vocal
and have pod-specific call repertoires as observed in resident killer whales (Strager
1995), which would suggest a stable pod structure.
In the Strait of Gibraltar, a small population of killer whales appears to specialize
on predation of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) as the fishes enter and exit the
Mediterranean Sea during their breeding migration (Reeves and Notarbartolo di
Sciara 2006). To catch these swift tuna, the whales employ an endurance-exhaustion
technique involving protracted chases at swimming speeds of 1214 km/h for periods of 3040 min (Guinet et al. 2007). Killer whales can sustain sufficient swimming speeds necessary to catch small to medium (0.81.5 m) tuna using this
technique but appear unable to match the swimming ability of larger fish.
On the coast of Patagonia, Argentina, a small population of killer whales uses a
novel, but risky, hunting technique that involves intentional stranding in the shallows to capture young southern sea lions (Otaria flavescens) and southern elephant
seals (Mirounga leonina) at the waters edge (Lopez and Lopez 1985). Whales hunt
cooperatively and share their prey with others in the group (Hoelzel 1991). A similar beaching tactic is used by killer whales in the sub-Antarctic Crozet Islands when
hunting southern elephant seal pups (Guinet 1992). As do mammal-hunting transients in the northeastern Pacific, whales in both these Southern Hemisphere

You Are What You Eat: Foraging Specializations and Their Influence


locations have small group sizes, hunt mostly in silence, and appear to locate prey
by passive listening (Guinet 1992; J.K.B.F., unpublished data).
Three distinct forms of killer whalesknown as types A, B, and Chave been
described in circumpolar waters of the Antarctic (Pitman and Ensor 2003). These
sympatric forms differ in pigmentation patterns, genetic structure (mtDNA
sequences), patterns of habitat use, and diet (Pitman and Ensor 2003; Krahn et al.
2008; LeDuc et al. 2008). Type A killer whales are found mostly in ice-free waters
where they apparently feed mainly on cetaceans, particularly Antarctic minke
whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis). Type B whales forage primarily in loose pack
ice and appear to specialize on seals. These whales exhibit a novel hunting tactic in
which group members coordinate their swimming movements to create a large wave
that washes seals off ice floes (Visser et al. 2008). Type C whales inhabit dense pack
ice and appear to be fish feeders, having been observed preying on Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) (Pitman and Ensor 2003; Krahn et al. 2008). They are
substantially smaller than other Antarctic killer whales, with adults approximately
13 m shorter in length than type A individuals (Pitman et al. 2007). Type C whales
tend to have larger group sizes than mammal-hunting types A and B, which is consistent with the pattern of group sizes versus prey type in the northeastern Pacific.
Unfortunately, too little is known about these Antarctic ecotypes to determine
whether ecological specialization has influenced their social structure, behavior,
and acoustics in ways similar to those of lineages in other regions.



The killer whale is a highly versatile social predator that has evolved to successfully
occupy a variety of specialized ecological niches in the worlds oceans. In so doing,
this species has assumed a variety of distinct lifestyles that have been shaped by
these ecological specializations. In the eastern North Pacific, the three killer whale
lineages have distinct patterns of seasonal distribution, group size, social organization, foraging behavior, and acoustic activity, which can be related to their preferred
type of prey and the strategies the animals use to acquire it. Some similar patterns
are apparent among killer whales in other regions, although a lack of field data prevents a more complete assessment of the parallels between ecotype and life history
or behavior for these populations.
Although different killer whale lineages may be genetically distinct, there is no
evidence that dietary preferences result from any genetic predisposition. Globally,
there is no congruence between killer whale ecotype and genotype (Hoelzel et al.
2002; LeDuc et al. 2008). Instead, ecological specializations appear to represent
behavioral traditions that likely evolved independently in different regions. It is
plausible that ecological divergence could arise in sympatry with, for example, the
innovation of a novel foraging tactic in a particular matriline that allowed predation
on a new type of prey. If this matriline and its descendants became further specialized on this prey type, rates of association with other groups that do not adopt this


J.K.B. Ford and G.M. Ellis

new diet may diminish over time, leading to social segregation and reproductive
isolation. Such a process could lead ultimately to speciation. Resident and transient
killer whale lineages in the northeastern Pacific have been suggested to represent
incipient species (Baird et al. 1992) and Antarctic type A, B, and C killer whales to
represent distinct species (LeDuc et al. 2008).
There are still many questions concerning ecological specialization in killer
whales that remain to be answered. For example, to what extent might specializations constrain a lineages ability to switch to alternative prey species in a changing
environment? The preferences for fish and marine mammal prey exhibited by resident and transient killer whales, respectively, are extremely strong, and there is no
evidence that one ecotype ever switches to the prey type of the other or has the
behavioral flexibility to do so. Marine mammals in coastal waters of the northeastern Pacific can discriminate between lineages and will flee from transients but show
indifference to residents (Ford and Ellis 1999; Deecke et al. 2002), suggesting that
if residents ever hunt marine mammals, it must occur extremely rarely. The suite of
specialized behaviors that make resident killer whales adept at locating and catching
Chinook salmon likely would be ineffective for hunting marine mammals. Transients
would similarly be ill equipped to adopt a fish-feeding lifestyle.
The extent of dietary flexibility of killer whales has implications for their potential role in driving marine ecosystem dynamics. It has been proposed that a shift to
sea otter predation by mammal-hunting killer whales in the Aleutian Islands resulted
in a precipitous decline in sea otter abundance that started in the mid-1980s (Estes
et al. 1998). This shift is thought to be a response to reduced availability of the
whales presumed primary prey in the region, harbour seals and Steller sea lions.
In an extension of this hypothesis, Springer et al. (2003) postulated that the decline
of sea otters was the last in a series of population collapses of prey species of
mammal-hunting killer whales in the northern Gulf of Alaska that was triggered by
the decimation of the great whales by industrial whaling in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This hypothesis has been challenged on various grounds (Trites et al.
2007; Wade et al. 2007), particularly because there is no evidence that the great
whales (especially adults) have ever played an important role in the diet of killer
whales (Mizroch and Rice 2006; Ford and Reeves 2008). Although it may be
possible that predation by killer whales could result in depletion of targeted prey
species, dietary specializations could have significant constraints on the directions
that subsequent prey shifts may take.
To date, most ecologically specialized killer whale populations, including sympatric fish-eating and mammal-eating ecotypes, have been described in highly productive cold temperate or polar waters, likely the result of the diversity of abundant
prey types available in these high latitudes, which has provided the opportunity for
niche partitioning. It may well be that killer whales in less productive tropical or
subtropical waters are generalist predators that include a greater variety of prey in
their diets (Baird et al. 2005b). For example, a high incidence of killer whale teeth
scars on humpback whales using breeding grounds off the west coast of Mexico
suggests that predation in this area, especially on calves, may be extensive (Steiger
et al. 2008). This prey resource is seasonal, however, as humpbacks only occupy

You Are What You Eat: Foraging Specializations and Their Influence


these breeding grounds for 3 to 5 months in winter. Because there is no evidence

that killer whales follow migrating humpback whale mothers and calves to their
high-latitude feeding grounds, it is likely that the predators shift to alternative prey
species for the remainder of the year.
Globally, killer whales form a mosaic of distinct populations, some overlapping
and others geographically discrete, that are ecologically specialized to greater or
lesser degrees. Each population is likely to have foraging tactics, activity patterns,
social organization, and acoustic behavior that have been shaped by its dietary specialty. Highly specialized populations can be expected to have lifestyles that are
closely adapted to their foraging strategy, whereas more generalist populations may
be relatively less constrained by any particular prey type. In certain regions, such as
the northeastern Pacific, some parts of this mosaic are becoming fairly clear. In
other regions, such as the Antarctic, a fascinating picture is emerging but significant
knowledge gaps remain to be filled. In regions where killer whales are little studied,
such as in sparsely inhabited tropical waters, there is much yet to be discovered.
Only when all the components of this global mosaic of killer whale populations
have been described will we have a complete appreciation of the range of ecological
specializations and lifestyles of this multifaceted and resourceful predator.
Acknowledgments We thank R. Baird, C. Chapman, V. Iriarte, C. Matkin, and J. Watson for
helpful comments on earlier drafts of this chapter, and M. Malleson and J. Towers for kindly
allowing us to use their photographs.

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Chapter 5

Japanese Macaques: Habitat-Driven

Divergence in Social Dynamics
Goro Hanya

G. Hanya (*)
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, 41-2 Kanrin, Inuyama 484-8506, Japan
e-mail: hanya@pri.kyoto-u.ac.jp
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_5, Springer Japan 2014



G. Hanya

Abstract Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata), among the most intensively

studied nonhuman primates in the world, live in a wide range of habitats in the
Japanese archipelago. They offer us interesting examples on how habitat affects the
social and population dynamics of long-lived animals. Studies of provisioned
groups up to the 1970s revealed the basic social structure of Japanese macaques,
characterized by a female-philopatric matrilineal society. Subsequently, two longterm study sites were established to study the nonprovisioned wild population in
warm-temperate evergreen and cool-temperate deciduous forests in lowland
Yakushima and Kinkazan, respectively. In both sites, a population increase was
observed during the first decade of the long-term study, which was accompanied by
group fission. An abrupt population decline resulting from external and environmental changes was then observed in both sites. The biggest difference between
lowland Yakushima and Kinkazan is the inequality among groups and the stability
of groups, which results from differences in the intensity of intergroup competition.
In lowland Yakushima, macaques are under intense intergroup competition, and
small groups suffer from low birthrate; finally, they may become extinct. In Kinkazan,
intergroup competition is not intense, and there are no group size-dependent population fluctuations. This difference is believed to be a result of the more clumped
distribution of high-quality foods in Yakushima compared to Kinkazan. In Yakushima,
another long-term study site has been established recently in the high-altitude
coniferous forest. In the future, Yakushima may offer us a rare opportunity to study
the long-term social and population dynamics and within-population interchange of
groups in a heterogeneous habitat.
Keywords Birthrate Fruit production Group extinction Habitat Japanese
macaques Mass mortality Population dynamics Socioecology



Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) live over a wide range of habitats in Honshu,
Shikoku, and Kyushu Islands and some small islands in the Japanese archipelago
habitats (Fig. 5.1). In the lowland forest of Yakushima, which is the southern limit
of the distribution of the species, macaques live in an evergreen forest mixed with
subtropical species. The temperature rarely drops below 10 C, even in winter.
In contrast, in the snowy Shiga Heights in Nagano Prefecture, which is probably the
coldest habitat for wild primates, the temperature often drops below 20 C and the
snowfall reaches several meters in depth. Shimokita Peninsula is the northern limit
of distribution of not only Japanese macaques but also all the nonhuman primates.
Japanese macaques also live in high mountains: they use alpine grasslands around
the summit of Mt. Yarigatake (3,050 m) (Izumiyama et al. 2003). Some of the populations are highly dependent on crops (Izumiyama et al. 2003). Considering that
primates are originally tropical animals, the extensiveness of the habitat occupied
by Japanese macaques is surprising.

Japanese Macaques: Habitat-Driven Divergence in Social Dynamics


Fig. 5.1 Study sites of

Japanese macaques


Mt. Yarigatake

Shiga Heights


Mt. Ryozen

Japanese macaques are undoubtedly the species that has been studied for the
longest period among primates. The study of wild Japanese macaques started on 3
December 1948. On that day, Kinji Imanishi and his two undergraduate students at
Kyoto University, Shunzo Kawamura and Junichiro Itani, conducted an expeditionary survey in Koshima, a small islet in Miyazaki Prefecture, Kyushu. Since
then, field studies of Japanese macaques have been conducted in various sites in
Japan. Japanese primatologists were particularly interested in the evolution of social
structure, and they have accumulated data based on individual identification and
long-term observations. The long-term data set of various study sites, combined
with the extensive habitat diversity of this species, offers us a rare opportunity to
examine the effect of habitat on long-term social dynamics. Studies on intraspecies
variation are important to assess how flexibly animals can match their social behavior to the current environment (Nakagawa et al. 2010). Socioecological models
mainly focus on interspecies variations (Sterck et al. 1997), but it remains unclear
how much those models are applicable to explain intraspecies variations.
Here, I compare the social dynamics of Japanese macaques in various sites in
Japan, including both provisioned and nonprovisioned populations. In particular,
I examine the two long-term study sites in detail: Yakushima and Kinkazan. These
two sites are among the habitats for Japanese macaques where any form of artificial
habitat disturbance is minimal, such as provisioning, deforestation/aforestation,
hunting, and crop raiding. In both sites, multiple groups of Japanese macaques have
been individually identified and observed for more than 30 years. The two habitats
are contrasting: warm-temperate evergreen forest in Yakushima and cool-temperate
deciduous forest in Kinkazan, which are the two main types of Japanese macaque
habitat. First, I summarize the social organizations and social dynamics of


G. Hanya

provisioned Japanese macaques. Second, I describe the social dynamics observed in

nonprovisioned Yakushima and Kinkazan in detail and examine the similarities and
differences. Third, I explore the habitat characteristics that may affect the differences in the social dynamics between the two sites. Finally, I introduce an ongoing
project to compare the spatial variations in the social and population dynamics of
Japanese macaques in Yakushima that are living at different altitudinal zones.


Social Dynamics of Provisioned Japanese Macaques

Most Japanese macaque studies during the early period of their research were conducted among provisioned groups. Japanese macaques were hunted as game until
1947, so they were afraid of humans when researchers began observations in late
1940s. Provisioning was the only way to habituate the macaques to human observers. By the 1970s, Japanese macaques were provisioned in more than 30 sites,
including the long-term study sites in Koshima, Takasakiyama, Arashiyama, and
Katsuyama. Most of the provisioning was performed by cities, prefectures, or travel
companies to attract tourists.
The researchers found a similar social organization in the various study sites of
provisioned Japanese macaques. After the 1980s, these similarities were found to be
largely applicable to nonprovisioned groups. Japanese macaques form matrilineal
social groups (Kawamura 1958; Furuichi 1985). Females stay in their natal group
for all their life (Yamagiwa and Hill 1998). There are linear and stable dominance
hierarchies within both sexes, and females inherit their social rank from their mothers (Koyama 1967; Hill and Okayasu 1995). Females usually confine their daily
social interactions, such as grooming, to their maternal kin (Yamada 1963; Takahashi
and Furuichi 1998). When the group fissions, females persistently associate with
their kin (Furuya 1969; Koyama 1970; Oi 1988). In contrast, males disperse their
natal groups during puberty, and adult males tend to stay in a group for only a few
years (Fukuda 1982; Sprague et al. 1998). Males can avoid inbreeding by repeated
emigration and immigration.
As a consequence of their enhanced food availability, provisioned Japanese
macaques increased in population size. The population size in Takasakiyama was
around 160 before provisioning began in 1953 and increased 1.093 times every year
during the period from 1953 to 1975 (Sugiyama et al. 1995). The population reached
more than 2,000 individuals, forming three groups, in 1979; the largest group
included more than 1,200 animals. In many other provisioned populations, such as
Arashiyama and Shiga Heights, group size increased to more than 200, which was
larger than the maximum size reported for nonprovisioned groups (160 in
Takasakiyama before provisioning started) (Takasaki and Masui 1984). Some of the
sons of high-ranking females did not emigrate from their natal groups after they
reached maturity (Kutsukake and Hasegawa 2005). The extreme concentration of
high-quality foods enabled the macaques to maintain extraordinarily large group
sizes and allowed some males to remain with their natal groups.

Japanese Macaques: Habitat-Driven Divergence in Social Dynamics


Because of the difficulty in managing extraordinarily large groups, the amount of

provisioned foods was decreased by the managers around 1970. Abrupt changes in
food availability significantly affected the group dynamics of the provisioned
groups. In Mt. Ryozen, central Japan, one group of Japanese macaques was provisioned from 1966 to 1973. After provisioning ended, the birthrate decreased, infant
mortality increased (Sugiyama and Ohsawa 1982b), and group desertion of females
was frequently observed (Sugiyama and Ohsawa 1982a). If female desertion is
defined as leaving the original group for more than 1 month without either serious
illness or injury, there were 14 cases and all the 22 female deserters were 5 or more
years old. The proportion of female deserters was 9.48 %/year. Several females left
their group for 1 year and were sporadically observed to range alone. Some of them
returned to their group, but some of them did not. In May 1978, 11 orphan subadult
and juvenile females, who were deprived of their mothers by large-scale capture in
November 1977, deserted the group and formed a new home range 4 km away from
their original home range. The new group was composed of both high- and lowranking individuals, and some of them left their maternal siblings in the original
group. Thus, it was different from the usual group fission, in which monkeys separate with their kin. Sugiyama and Ohsawa discuss that female desertion of the group
occurs when food supply becomes insufficient compared to group size.
Studies of provisioned groups revealed the basic social structure of Japanese
macaques, characterized by a female-philopatric matrilineal society. The studies
also clarified that macaques respond to abrupt external changes, such as large-scale
capture and sudden decrease of food availability, in a different way from their ordinary pattern, such as philopatry and strong bonds with maternal kin. However, all
these changes were artificial, so it remained unknown whether these changes occur
in natural conditions.


Social Dynamics in the Lowland Forest of Yakushima

Yakushima is an island in southwestern Japan (30N, 131E) that occupies an area

of 503 km2 (Fig. 5.2). The highest peak is Mt. Miyanouradake (1,936 m a.s.l.), which
is the second highest mountain in western Japan. The mean annual temperatures are
20 C and 12 C, and the mean temperatures of the coldest month (February) are
11 C and 3.4 C in the forests at altitudes of 100 m and 1,050 m, respectively
(Tagawa 1980; Hanya 2004a). Kimura and Yoda (1984) classified the vegetation of
Yakushima into five zones. (1) In the subtropical warm-temperate transitional zone
(0100 m a.s.l.), subtropical plants such as strangler figs (Ficus superba and Ficus
microcarpa) are mixed with warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees. (2) In
the warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved forest zone (100800 m a.s.l.), warmtemperate evergreen broad-leaved trees (e.g., Castanopsis cuspidata, Quercus salicina, Distylium racemosum) are dominant. (3) In the warm-temperate/cool-temperate
transitional forest zone (8001,200 m a.s.l.), warm-temperate evergreen broadleaved trees such as Quercus acuta, Q. salicina, and D. racemosum are mixed with


G. Hanya




Mt. Miyanoura (1936 m)

Yakushima Island

Fig. 5.2 Yakushima Island. Closed square indicates the long-term study site in the western
lowland forest. Open square indicates the newly established study site in the coniferous forest.
Open circles are major villages. Contours were drawn every 300 m in elevation

conifers such as Cryptomeria japonica, Abies firma, and Tsuga sieboldii. (4) In the
cool-temperate zone (1,2001,700 m a.s.l.), conifers such as C. japonica, A. firma,
and T. sieboldii are dominant. (5) In the summit dwarf scrub (1,700 m), tall trees
cannot grow, and a bamboo, Pseudosasa owatarii, covers the summit area. Japanese
macaques inhabit all these zones, but their population density is highest in the lowland forest (<400 m a.s.l.), and did not differ among other zones. Difference in
annual fruit production is the main factor affecting the altitudinal variations in
macaque density (Hanya et al. 2004b).
After the pioneering survey by Kawamura and Itani in 1952, long-term study of
Japanese macaques in Yakushima started in 1974, in the western lowland forest of
Yakushima. Although large-scale forest development was ongoing all over Japan at
that time, wide areas of natural vegetation still remained in Yakushima. At the same
time, thanks to the hunting tradition using of traps, not guns, to capture macaques,
Yakushima macaques were not afraid of humans even before intensive observation
began. In 19741976, young Japanese primatologists studying at various field sites
gathered in Yakushima and conducted a census of Japanese macaques three times.
They found that the population density in this area was highest for this species (33/
km2) (Maruhashi 1982), and macaques were relatively habituated to humans. Among
them, Tamaki Maruhashi, a graduate student at Kyoto University, and his colleagues
habituated and identified all members of the Ko group in 1974, which was the first
successful case for nonprovisioned Japanese macaques. Since then, intensive observation of multiple groups of Japanese macaques has continued.
Japanese macaque groups in the western lowland forest of Yakushima changed in
a very dynamic way (Fig. 5.3). The Ko group, which was first habituated by Maruhashi,
contained 47 animals in 1976. The Ko group fissioned twice within 3 years of the
beginning of the research period. One of the daughter groups fissioned again in 1987,
forming four groups. Six group fissions were observed among the Ko lineage and
their neighboring groups during the period 19741987 (Sugiura et al. 2002). Increase

Japanese Macaques: Habitat-Driven Divergence in Social Dynamics






























































Fig. 5.3 Dynamics of Ko lineage and its neighboring groups of Japanese macaques in the western
lowland forest of Yakushima. Encircled numbers are numbers of individuals. (Modified from
Hanya 2002)

of group numbers probably resulted from the increase in population density. The population density at the onset of the study was 33 macaques/km2 (Maruhashi 1982);
however, it increased to 62100/km2 in 1993 (Yoshihiro et al. 1999). Yakushima
macaques were hunted until the end of the 1960s for biomedical experiments, maintaining the population below the carrying capacity of their habitat. The population
was probably recovering during the early period of the long-term research.
In contrast, after 1988, group fission rarely occurred, and some groups became
smaller and finally became extinct. The first group extinction occurred in the M group,

G. Hanya


Birth rate (#infants/# adult females)




Large group
Small group


Previous autumn:
Poor fruiting

Previous autumn:
Good fruiting

Fig. 5.4 Effect of group size and fruit production on birthrate of Japanese macaques in the western
lowland forest of Yakushima. (Modified from Suzuki et al. 1998)

one of the daughter groups of the Ko group. Since the fission from the Ko group in
1977, the M group increased to 28 individuals in 1982. Then, the group size decreased
gradually, and its home range also became smaller. In 1989, one adult male, one adult
female, and her adolescent daughter were the only members of the M group. During
the mating season of this year, the male emigrated, and the two remaining females
joined the neighboring H group as the lowest-ranking animals (Takahata et al. 1994).
Japanese macaque females were believed to stay in the natal group for all their life
except when the group fissions; this was the first case of group fusion observed in
Japanese macaques. In the early 1990s, other daughter groups of the Ko lineage,
T and P, also decreased in number, and the few remaining females fused with the
neighboring S group. In 1995, the S group also decreased in size and then disappeared
(Sugiura et al. 2002).
Group extinction was influenced by intergroup competition. In Yakushima, intergroup relationships were antagonistic (Saito et al. 1998), and a dominantsubordinate
relationship was apparent when the group size differed considerably (Sugiura et al.
2000). When the two different-sized groups encounter each other, the smaller group
usually flees only when they notice the larger group by vocalization. Before their
extinction, the home range of the M group was so small that there was no home
range that they could use exclusively. They wandered as if they were escaping from
the larger neighboring H group (Takahata et al. 1994). The T and P groups were also
driven away by the neighboring CC group, which included more than 30 individuals
and had migrated from an east mountainous area (Sugiura et al. 2002). As a result
of intergroup competition, the birthrate of small-sized groups was smaller than in
large-sized groups (Takahata et al. 1998). This difference was intensified when fruit
production was poor (Fig. 5.4) (Suzuki et al. 1998). When the group becomes small,
few infants are born, and the group becomes even smaller, and finally it vanishes.

Japanese Macaques: Habitat-Driven Divergence in Social Dynamics


In early 1999, a mass mortality of Japanese macaques occurred in the long-term

study site in Yakushima. At that time, all individuals in five groups were identified.
During the absence of observers from January to April of that year, 56 % of the
animals disappeared, including all the members of the H (the last remaining Ko
lineage) and G groups (Hanya et al. 2004a). Mass mortality among Japanese
macaques had been reported in northern Japan as a result of heavy snow and an
extremely cold winter (Izawa 1988). However, the lowland forest of Yakushima is
the warmest habitat, harboring rich food resources and the highest population density for this species (Hanya et al. 2004b).
Although the direct cause of this mass mortality is not known, exceptionally poor
fruit production in the preceding autumn certainly had an effect. During the 14 years
from 1988 to 2001, fruit production in the autumn of 1998 was the poorest, only onetenth of that in 1993, when the fruit production was the greatest. In fact, fruits produced in autumn usually remain until January and February. However, in this year,
all fruits were consumed in December, and the macaques then ate mature leaves
(Hanya et al. 2004a). Mature leaves are nutritionally lower in quality than fruits, and
it is difficult for the macaques to satisfy their energy requirements even if they eat up
to their gut capacity (Mori 1979). The fresh carcasses collected at the early stage of
mass mortality contained little deposited fat (Hanya et al. 2004a), suggesting that the
nutritional condition was bad in this year. Although it is very likely that there were
other direct causes, such as disease, the poor fruit crop and the resulting poor nutritional conditions were the important background of this mass mortality.
Another important aspect of this mass mortality was local concentration (Fig. 5.5).
The two extinct groups were neighbors to each other, and there was a pattern that
mortality decreased with increasing distance from the two extinct groups (Hanya
et al. 2004a). Although the cause of this pattern remains unknown, prevalence of
epidemic disease may explain this. Whatever the cause, the imbalance of mortality
among groups has changed intergroup relationships. For example, the K group,
which was not affected by the mass mortality, expanded their home range northward,
into the center of the mass mortality area, and fissioned a few years later. The home
ranges of the extinct groups were occupied by other groups within only 2 years.
As a result of these social and population changes, all the Ko lineage groups have
disappeared. Now the home range is occupied by other groups, which migrated
from the east (vertical migration from higher altitude) or south (horizontal migration from the lowland). The long-term study of Yakushima revealed that the Japanese
macaque groups are under intense competitive relationships. Japanese macaque
groups fluctuate from both external (e.g., mass mortality) and internal (e.g., intergroup competition) causes and are not stable over the long term.


Social Dynamics in Kinkazan

Kinkazan is an island that lies 700 m offshore Oshika Peninsula, Miyagi Prefecture,
northern Honshu. Its area is 10 km2 with the highest peak of 445 m a.s.l. The mean
annual temperature is 11 C. The island is rarely covered with snow, although it

G. Hanya

Fig. 5.5 (a) Distribution of
Japanese macaque groups in
the western lowland forest of
Yakushima in 1998, before
mass mortality occurred.
(b) Relationships between the
adult female mortality of
each group during the mass
mortality in 1999 and its
distance from the two extinct
groups (G and H). (Modified
from Hanya et al. 2004a)



1 km

G, H

Mortality of adult females









2 km

Distance from the midpoint of the G and H troop

occasionally snows on cold winter days. The island is covered with a mixed forest
of deciduous and coniferous trees, such as Fagus crenata, Abies firma, and Pinus
thunbergii. However, saplings of woody plants have rarely developed into mature
trees recently because of high feeding pressure by sika deer. Grasslands of Zoysia
japonica, Miscanthus sinensis, and other grasses widely cover some parts of the
island (Agetsuma and Nakagawa 1998).
In Kinkazan, some short-term surveys of Japanese macaques were conducted in
the 1960s and 1970s. In 1982, Kosei Izawa started a long-term study of Japanese

Japanese Macaques: Habitat-Driven Divergence in Social Dynamics


macaques on this island when he was assigned to a professor at Miyagi University

of Education, a nearby university from Kinkazan. With the aid of his colleagues and
his undergraduate students, he has conducted a census of Japanese macaques three
times a year. Because of the small area and clear visibility, it was possible to count
all the population in this island. Detailed behavioral observations based on individual identification were also conducted by various researchers.
Population changes in Kinkazan have been summarized by Izawa (2005). In
Kinkazan, there was only one group in the 1960s. If the 1960s and 1970s are
included, when only intermittent data are available, five fissions occurred in 42
years. Among them, two group fissions occurred after the long-term study started in
1982. No group extinction was observed. Mass mortality occurred in the winter of
1984 winter as a result of heavy snow and exceptional cold. During this year, the
population decreased from 270 to 180. The population gradually recovered after
that, reaching 294 in 1994. Subsequently, the population began decreasing gradually, to 217 individuals in 2003. Even when the population size decreased, there was
no tendency for only a particular group to decrease in size. Intergroup relationships
are not antagonistic. The frequency of intergroup encounters was one third of that in
Yakushima, in accord with the differences in group density (Sugiura et al. 2000).
When two groups encountered, no apparent social interactions were observed (Saito
et al. 1998). There was no tendency for the birthrate to be smaller for small groups
than large groups (Takahata et al. 1998).


Similarities and Differences in the Social Dynamics

in Yakushima and Kinkazan

There are both similarities and contrasts in the social and population dynamics of
Japanese macaques between the two study sites. In both sites, population increase
was accompanied by group fissions. In Yakushima, group fission occurred frequently during the period when population density doubled (1970s1980s). In
Kinkazan, population size was less than 70 in 1962 and increased to almost 300 in
1994. The number of groups also increased, from one to six, during that period. It is
suggested that there is a limit to the maximum group size, which is probably around
50 in Yakushima and 80 in Kinkazan. These numbers are much smaller than the
group size of most of the provisioned groups. Increased within-group competition
and the difficulty in maintaining group spread are likely to be key factors limiting
maximum group size; however, there are no quantitative data to suggest why
the maximum group size differs among habitats. Another similarity is that a sudden
population decrease from external and environmental changes can occur over a long
time. The effect can be as great as killing one third of the entire population, as in
Kinkazan, or local but so large as to make multiple groups extinct within a few
months, as in Yakushima. Both the long-term studies tell us that the effects of these
rarely occurring events are not negligible over the long term.


G. Hanya

The biggest difference between Yakushima and Kinkazan is the inequality

among groups and the stability of the groups, which result from the difference in the
intensity of intergroup competition. In Yakushima, macaques are under intense
intergroup competition, and small groups suffer from low birthrate and finally may
disappear. In Kinkazan, intergroup competition is not intense, and there are no
group size-dependent population fluctuations. Maruhashi et al. (1998) compared the
home range structure between the two habitats. In Yakushima, (1) food tree density
was higher, (2) interfeeding bout site distance was shorter, (3) daily travel distance
was shorter, (4) home range size was smaller, and (5) the macaque groups shared a
greater proportion of their home range with neighboring groups compared to
Kinkazan. Consequently, food distribution is more clumped, and thus the quality of
the home range is more worth defending in Yakushima than in Kinkazan. Intergroup
competition is enhanced in Yakushima compared to Kinkazan by the high frequency
of intergroup encounters that result from higher group density and greater overlap
in home range between neighboring groups.

5.6 Linking Environmental, Population, and Social Changes:

Commencement of Another Long-Term Research Project
The two long-term study sites successfully revealed the variability of social dynamics of Japanese macaques under natural conditions. However, we still cannot understand the social dynamics as an ecological process of population dynamics because
quantitative data on habitat changes are lacking. In addition, continuous data on
population density are not available in Yakushima.
In both Yakushima and Kinkazan, the increase of population size up to the early
1980s was probably related to past hunting pressure. In Yakushima, for example, it
is said that 950 macaques were exported from Yakushima during the period of
19501969 (Azuma 1984). However, no record remains where in Yakushima and
how many were captured each year, so it is difficult to estimate how much impact
the hunting had on macaque populations. In Yakushima, it is also said that secondary vegetation along a road that was opened in 1967, a few years before the start of
the long-term research, changed in succession (Maruhashi 1984). It is possible that
food availability, and thus carrying capacity, changed with vegetational succession,
but there are no quantitative data to examine. In Kinkazan, the population has been
gradually decreasing since the late 1990s (Izawa 2005). It is believed that high grazing pressure by sika deer is degrading the island vegetation, and recent strong
typhoons, which damaged many old large trees, have accelerated the deterioration
(Izawa 2005). However, there are no quantitative data on the vegetation changes for
the past few decades.
In Yakushima, in spite of the diversity of habitat along the elevational gradient,
studies of Japanese macaques were largely conducted only in the western lowland
forest until the 1980s. In 1989, Shinichi Yoshihiro organized a census team
(Yakushima Macaque Research Group; Yakuzaru-Chosa-Tai) to study distribution

Japanese Macaques: Habitat-Driven Divergence in Social Dynamics


of macaque groups in various areas in Yakushima, including higher mountainous

zones and around the coastal villages, where macaques raid crops. Every summer,
more than 40 volunteers, who are mostly inexperienced undergraduate students,
joined the census. From 1990 to 1993, they studied the lowland and clarified that
population size in that area (127 km2, 12 km from the coast) was 2,0003,850
macaques (Yoshihiro et al. 1998). From 1994 to 1997, they studied the vertical distribution of Japanese macaques in the western area, which is the only area where
natural vegetation is preserved from the coast to the summit (Yoshihiro et al. 1999;
Hanya et al. 2004b).
After the completion of the island-wide distribution survey, the census team set
up a new long-term study site in the coniferous forest in the western area. They
established a census area of 7.5 km2 and have studied group density by a modified
point census, a method that they devised (Hanya et al. 2003b). They also studied the
composition of several identified groups in their study site. In 2000, four groups
were identified, and one of them fissioned in 2005. Based on the results of the census team, I identified all the individuals in one group among them (HR group) and
conducted detailed behavioral observation for 1 year from April 2000. I also set a
permanent plot in both primary and logged forests in 1999 and 2002, respectively,
to study vegetation, fruit production, and its supra-annual changes. Thanks to the
lessons of the other long-term study sites, we realize that, to study social dynamics,
we have to systematically monitor changes in the habitat and population simultaneously with group composition and distribution.
Although the long-term study in the coniferous forest is still in its infancy, we
found that the macaques are so different from their lowland counterparts in various
interesting points. They are much more folivorous: 38 % of their annual feeding
time was spent for mature leaves, which was much longer than for fruits (13 %) or
seeds (4 %) (Hanya 2004a). Fruit production in the coniferous forest was only one
third that of the lowland forest (Hanya et al. 2003a), and most of their main food
trees were small-sized, high-density trees (Hanya 2004b, 2009), suggesting that
competition is unlikely to occur in the coniferous forest. In fact, intergroup encounters were infrequent in the coniferous forest and not antagonistic when occurring
(Hanya et al. 2008). There was no size-dependent difference in birthrate, such as in
the lowland forest (Hanya et al. 2008). With respect to the intergroup relationships,
the coniferous forest of Yakushima was more similar to Kinkazan, than to coastal
forest, although those two forests are only 7 km apart, and there is no genetic differentiation (Hayaishi and Kawamoto 2006). Interestingly, however, female social
relationships within a group were quite similar between the coniferous and lowland
groups (Hanya et al. 2008). This observation suggests that social behaviors of
female Japanese macaques are robust and do not change in response to the current
Another important aspect of Yakushima is that macaque individuals, or even
macaque groups, can move between the two study sites. Migration of macaque
groups from upward (from east) is observed in the western lowland forest (Sugiura
et al. 2002). On the other hand, in the coniferous forest, distribution of the four or
five identified groups has been stable for the past 10 years, except the one case of


G. Hanya

group fission. It is estimated that seven to eight macaque groups are distributed
between the two study sites (Yoshihiro et al. 1999), so it may be possible that social
dynamics in one of the areas affects the other, at least indirectly. Every summer,
similar monitoring of group density, composition, and distribution of multiple identified groups and fruit production is conducted in both these study sites. In the
future, Yakushima may offer us a rare opportunity to study the long-term social and
population dynamics and within-population interchange of groups in a heterogeneous habitat.
Long-term study of Japanese macaques has revealed a complex and diverse picture of social dynamics. It is now evident that long-term ecological monitoring of
the habitat is indispensable to clarify the interrelationships between ecology and
society for this species, and we have just started meeting the challenge.

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Chapter 6

Shark Bay Bottlenose Dolphins: A Case Study

for Defining and Measuring Sociality
Margaret A. Stanton and Janet Mann

M.A. Stanton (*)

Department of Biology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
Department of Anthropology, The George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
e-mail: mastanton@gwu.edu
J. Mann
Department of Biology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
Department of Psychology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_6, Springer Japan 2014



M.A. Stanton and J. Mann

Abstract Bottlenose dolphins are attractive candidates for the application of social
network analysis (SNA), in part because of their complex fissionfusion social
organization characterized by dynamic, temporally variable groups. In Shark Bay,
Western Australia, researchers have studied the resident bottlenose dolphins since
1982. Using data on two calves from the Shark Bay dataset, here we present a case
study to provide an example of the variety of social measures available to researchers, including both traditional measures as well as network metrics. In particular,
this example case study advocates the use of multiple measures of sociality with
careful consideration of what dimensions were captured before making inferences.
Keywords Association Bottlenose dolphins Fissionfusion Interaction
Primates Social metrics Social network analysis



Similar to primates such as humans (Homo sapiens), chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes),

bonobos (Pan paniscus), and spider monkeys (Ateles spp.), bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiops sp.) and other delphinids exhibit an intrinsically complex fissionfusion
social organization characterized by the dynamic nature of compositionally and temporally variable groups (Goodall 1986; Symington 1988; Connor et al. 2000; Brager
1999; Coscarella et al. 2011). Not surprisingly, measuring sociality in these complex
societies is no easy task and often requires a multifaceted approach with careful consideration of what inferences may be drawn from each available social metric. In this
chapter, we use our long-term study of bottlenose dolphin mothers and calves to demonstrate the range of measures that can be used to capture some aspect of dolphin social
life, particularly those achieved by employing social network analysis. This innovative
technique has rapidly increased in popularity because of its ability to quantify multiactor interactions, thereby providing more complete descriptions of complex societies.
We provide examples of both association-based social networks and interaction-based
social networks that are more analogous to the grooming networks of chimpanzees.


Bottlenose Dolphins of Shark Bay

An important distinction between the foregoing primate fissionfusion systems and

that of bottlenose dolphins is the openness of bottlenose dolphin communities
(Smolker et al. 1992). Although the subgroups of chimpanzee, spider monkey, and
most other fissionfusion species are composed of members from a larger closed
social unit, bottlenose dolphin communities exist on an openclosed continuum. At
some sites, bottlenose dolphin communities are closed or semiclosed (e.g., Wells
et al. 1987; Lusseau et al. 2003), but in Shark Bay, Australia, the community is

6 Shark Bay Bottlenose Dolphins: A Case Study for Defining


unbounded with an overlapping mosaic of hundreds to thousands of individuals

(Mann et al. 2012). A consequence of openness is that the potential relationships are
not constrained by social unit size. Additionally, although the fissions and fusions
of terrestrial social groups are limited by the cost of locomotion, this constraint is
considerably less restrictive in the aquatic environment of the bottlenose dolphin
(Williams et al. 1992), facilitating more frequent interaction with larger groups of
individuals on an irregular basis. As a consequence, variation in patterns of association within a population of bottlenose dolphins is exceptionally large (Smolker et al.
1992; Gibson and Mann 2008a). Average group size among bottlenose dolphins in
Shark Bay is 4.8 individuals; however, the size and composition of these groups is
likely dependent on social context (Smolker et al. 1992). Male bottlenose dolphins
in Shark Bay form hierarchical alliances cooperating to obtain and sequester females
for mating. First-order alliances consist of pairs or trios of individual males,
whereas teams of these first-order alliances, referred to as second-order alliances,
cooperate to steal female consorts from other alliances or prevent thefts (Connor
et al. 1992). Males in first and second order alliances are more highly related than
expected by chance, suggesting inclusive fitness benefits to alliance formation
(Krtzen et al. 2003). An alternative strategy, termed a super-alliance, is a secondorder alliance consisting of labile first-order alliances whose members frequently
switch partners (Connor et al. 2001). Interestingly, members of super-alliances
appear no more related to each other than expected by chance (Krtzen et al. 2003).
Recent research suggests a third level of alliance formation, and the nested nature of
male bottlenose dolphin alliances is arguably more complex than cooperation
behavior in any nonhuman mammal (Connor et al. 2011).
In contrast to males, female bottlenose dolphins of Shark Bay do not form alliances and vary widely in degree of sociality, forming loose social networks with the
number of known lifetime associates ranging from 1 to 160 (Smolker et al. 1992;
Gibson and Mann 2008a, b). In a recent comparison of male and female social network metrics, we found that males and females do not differ in the their total number of associates (degree), but as expected given male alliance formation, males
have stronger associations and are more cliquish (Mann et al. 2012). That said,
females do appear to have preferred associates, but typically spend less than 30 %
of their time with these top associates (Smolker et al. 1992). Interestingly, female
dolphins depend on nondefensible ephemeral food patches (e.g., schools of fish)
and are thus tolerant, yet selfish, about access to food (Mann et al. 2007); therefore,
defense of resources does not explain patterns of female sociality. Predation on
calves is also unlikely to be the main cause of these groups as shark predation does
not appear to be a primary predictor of calf mortality (Mann and Watson-Capps
2005), although group sizes are larger in the newborn period (Mann et al. 2000).
In Shark Bay females give birth to a single calf after a 12-month gestation
period. Calves are weaned at an average age of 4 years, but females do not have
their first calf until age 1112 years (Mann et al. 2000). In contrast to primates who
spend their extended developmental period buffered by their natal social group


M.A. Stanton and J. Mann

(Leigh and Blomquist 2007), bottlenose dolphins do not spend the juvenile period
in stable groups and must negotiate a complex social environment in the absence of
direct maternal care (Mann et al. 2000; Tsai and Mann 2013). A recent examination
of the possible function of female bottlenose dolphin social groups in Shark Bay
found some support for the protection of young calves (first year of life) from predators because mothers with young calves tended to form larger groups. However, the
formation of mothercalf groups was better explained overall by the hypothesis that
grouping enables calves, particularly males, to develop social skills before the lack
of social savvy incurs a reproductive cost (Gibson and Mann 2008b). This hypothesis was borne out by a subsequent study showing that early (pre-weaning) social
networks predict juvenile (post-weaning to age 10 years) male mortality (Stanton
and Mann 2012).
Interestingly, bottlenose dolphin calves also vary in degree of sociality
(Nassociates = 177) and have the ability to separate from their mothers and form
unique associates. Because bottlenose dolphins show bisexual philopatry, calf
social relationships often persist into adulthood (Tsai and Mann 2013), but despite
the attention given to the adult bottlenose dolphin fissionfusion society, there are
few in-depth investigations into bottlenose dolphin calf social development. Using
the number of associates and the proportion of time spent in groups when together
and separated from each other as measures of sociality, Gibson and Mann (2008a)
assessed predictors of individual variation in the social patterns of Shark Bay
mothers and calves. Not surprisingly, the results of this study indicate that the
number of associates, time spent in groups, and time spent separated from their
mothers changes as calves approach weaning. The researchers also found differences based on calf sex and maternal sociality. With age, males increased their time
in groups during separations whereas this measure decreased in females. In addition, the number of calf associates was strongly related to their mothers number of
associates, especially for females (Gibson and Mann 2008a). We recently employed
social network analysis to further investigate calf social networks during temporary mothercalf separations and found that calves had larger, less dense ego networks than their mothers. Additionally, male calves formed stronger bonds with
other male calves during separations (Stanton et al. 2011). These results suggest
that during separations calves are independently developing the social skills and
bonds necessary for future success, particularly males who rely on alliance formation for mating opportunities as adults. Juvenile males, however, appear to harass
male calves and may be detrimental to male calf future fitness (Stanton and Mann
2012). The function and consequences of individual variation in calf sociality,
which are just beginning to be explored, are critical for understanding both prolonged development and social complexity in bottlenose dolphins. The next step is
to examine these patterns in greater depth. To highlight individual social variation
as well as some of the numerous methods with which social patterns can be quantified, we present a series of social measures calculated for two Shark Bay bottlenose dolphin calves.

6 Shark Bay Bottlenose Dolphins: A Case Study for Defining




Researchers have studied the bottlenose dolphin females, calves, and their
associates (N > 1,500) of Shark Bay, Australia, since 1988. This research is facilitated by a large number of identifiable individuals and an extensive 30-year dataset. Existing Shark Bay data include both snapshot survey data and more
intensive focal follow data. Boat-based focal follows of specific mothercalf pairs
provide detailed behavioral information including group composition, activity,
location, and specific social interactions using standard quantitative sampling techniques including point, scan, and continuous sampling (Altmann 1974). Party
composition is scanned for every minute during a focal follow, and association is
conservatively determined using a 10-m chain rule where one dolphin is considered to be in a group with another dolphin if they are separated by 10 m or less.
Individuals are identified by dorsal fin using photo-identification techniques
(Smolker et al. 1992). Focal follows of individuals involve intensive sampling, but
provide greater detail and precision in terms of individual social variation, particularly when examining mothercalf pairs, by allowing for more reliable identification of young calves and better assessment of calf behavior during temporary
long-distance separations from their mothers (Gibson and Mann 2009). Two
calves, one male (MIG) and one female (LEN), were observed for ~33 h and ~40 h,
respectively, during their first 4 years of life. These calves were chosen because
both were observed for 4 years and both possess similarly sized networks, which
facilitates comparison. Using MIGs and LENs focal follow party composition
data, we first calculated a variety of traditional, non-network measures of individual sociality as described in Table 6.1.
To employ social network analysis on this dataset, we used SocProg 2.3
(Whitehead 2009) and UCINET6 (Borgatti et al. 2002) software to construct the ego
networks of LEN and MIG from focal follow party composition data (Fig. 6.1). An
ego network is a type of social network consisting of a focal individual or ego and
only those individuals directly connected to the focal. All networks were drawn in
NetDraw using the spring-embedding algorithm (Borgatti 2002). Two individuals
were connected to each other by an edge if they were observed in the same group,
and the strength of their relationship was calculated by taking the average proportion of observations (APO) when two individuals were observed together. The average is necessary to account for biases based on sampling effort. For example, if two
dolphins, SMO and COO, were observed together for a total of 120 min and SMO
was observed for 180 min total, although COO was observed for 480 min total, then
SMO spent 0.75 of his time with COO, whereas COO spent 0.25 of his time with
SMO. To create a symmetrical sociomatrix so as not to imply a false sense of directionality in the relationship, these two proportions would be averaged for an
APO = 0.5. It is important to note that this measure does not directly translate into
the percent of time two individuals were seen together. An APO of 0.5 does not
indicate that two animals were observed together 50 % of the time. However, higher
APOs are considered indicative of stronger relationships.

M.A. Stanton and J. Mann

Table 6.1 Non-network social measure definitions
Measure of sociality
Average group size
Time alone (%)
Time in groups (%)
Time socializing (%)
Time in group (%) with
Mother only
All females
All males
Mixed sex
Time (%) associated with

Adult female
Adult male
Juvenile female
Juvenile male
Calf, female
Calf, male
Average fissionfusion rate

Average size of groups in which the calf was observed defined by
10-m chain rule; includes mother and calf
Percent of observation time in which the calf was not in a group
with any other individual
Percent of observation time during which the calf was observed in
a group containing an individual other than the calfs mother
Percent of observation time in which the calf was actively
Percent of observation time in which the calf was observed in a
group consisting of
Mother only
One or more females excluding the mother
One or more males
Both males and females excluding the mother
Percent of observation time in which the calf was observed in a
group consisting of at least one of the following age-sex
Adult female excluding mother
Adult male
Juvenile female
Juvenile male
Calf, female
Calf, male
The average number of times per hour the calfs group composition
changes, including the mother

Association, however, is not the only social measure from which social networks
may be constructed; indeed, measuring association is generally considered a proxy
for interaction data because interactions are often difficult to observe in the field.
Grooming in primates and petting (an affiliative behavior where one dolphin actively
moves the pectoral fin on a body part of another dolphin; Fig. 6.2) in dolphins provide excellent interaction data from which to build social networks. We constructed
social networks based on petting interaction events observed during all focal follows of Shark Bay mothercalf pairs during the first 4 years of the lives of LEN and
MIG (Fig. 6.3). Because of the difficulty of obtaining these data, we did not wish to
assign too much meaning to the number of observed interactions; therefore, these
petting networks are binary, meaning a line between two individuals indicates the
presence of a relationship but contains no information about strength. These interaction networks provide an additional dimension to the investigation of social patterns
provided by association networks that assume that associated individuals interact
with each other. It is important to note at this juncture that the networks presented
here are static and were constructed by combining 4 years of data to create a single
network. Although multiple years provide more data with which to determine associations, it is likely that each calfs social network differs from year to year, with

6 Shark Bay Bottlenose Dolphins: A Case Study for Defining


Fig. 6.1 Weighted ego networks of the calves LEN (a) and MIG (b). Thicker edges indicate
stronger relationships. Only those edges with an average proportion of observations (APO) > 0.50
are shown for clarity; however, all associations were included in the analysis. The mother is the
closest node to the focal calf found near the center of the graphs. Mothers are LIC and MOU,
respectively. Circles, females; squares, males; triangles, unknown

relationships forming and fading over time. Dynamic social network analysis,
however, presents novel methodological obstacles that are beyond the scope of this
case study. More detailed descriptions of the metrics calculated from both the association and petting networks are available in Chap. 10 of this volume.


M.A. Stanton and J. Mann

Fig. 6.2 Two juvenile dolphins petting


Results and Discussion

The results of various traditional non-network measures of individual sociality are

presented in Table 6.2, and the social network analysis results are presented in
Table 6.3.
Although we cannot draw inferences from the analysis of two calves, our intention here is to emphasize varying aspects of sociality and the measures with which
to address them. For example, MIG spends a larger portion of his time alone than
LEN, which may lead to the conclusion that MIG is less social than LEN. However,
while in a group MIG spends more than twice as much time socializing with other
dolphins. Additionally, as expected by her greater amount of time in groups, LEN
spends more time with every age-sex class than MIG, with the exception of male
calves. It is interesting that MIG, a male calf, spends considerably more time with
other male calves than does LEN, a female calf. Finally, although fissionfusion
social systems receive a great deal of attention in the literature, the rate of change in
group composition is rarely reported. In this case, LENs fissionfusion rate is
greater than that of MIG, which is also not surprising given the difference in time
spent alone versus time spent in groups.
As for the association-based ego networks, LEN and MIG had a similar number of associates, at 57 and 62, respectively. Visual inspection of these graphs
suggest that LEN and her mother are in the center of a large subgroup, while MIG
and his mother are more peripherally connected to a couple of subgroups (Fig. 6.1).

6 Shark Bay Bottlenose Dolphins: A Case Study for Defining


Fig. 6.3 Main component of social networks built from petting interaction data for (a) years LEN
was a calf (20022005) and (b) years MIG was a calf (20042007). LENs and MIGs petting ego
networks appear in the insets. Circles, females; squares, males; triangles, unknown

Thus, MIGs ego network also appears to contain more clusters, some of which
are adult males likely consorting with MIGs mother near the end of his infancy.
However, although visual inspection of networks is a useful investigation technique, observed patterns should be verified using appropriate network metrics. For
example, most network metrics at both the individual and the whole ego network

M.A. Stanton and J. Mann


Table 6.2 Non-network social measures results based on

focal follow data for LEN and MIG
Mean group size
Time alone (%)
Time in groups (%)
Time socializing (%)
Time (%) in group with
Mother only
All females
All males
Mixed sex
Time (%) associated with
Adult female
Adult male
Juvenile female
Juvenile male
Calf female
Calf male
Mean fissionfusion rate (number/h)
LEN had higher levels of association overall, but MIG
associated more often with young males and spent a greater
percentage of observation time socializing
Table 6.3 Social network metrics calculated from the association ego networks of LEN and MIG
at both individual and ego network levels
31.45 (0.06)
0.26 (0.01)
0.23 (0.01)

Ego network
12.70 (0.14)
0.12 (0.01)
0.44 (0.01)

33.15 (0.06)
0.24 (0.01)
0.20 (0.01)

Ego network
12.48 (0.17)
0.11 (0.01)
0.57 (0.01)

Eigenvector centrality
Weighted clustering
Individual metrics refer to those of LEN and MIG whereas ego network metrics are the average of
all individuals in the ego network. Metrics were calculated in SOCPROG 2.3 using all available
associations. Square brackets contain bootstrap standard errors using 1,000 replicates. Strength
indicates how connected an individual is to others by summing the weights of his/her associations.
Eigenvector centrality is an additional measure of connectedness, but also considers the associations of an individuals neighbors (e.g., an individual may have high eigenvector centrality by
being strongly linked to many individuals or by being linked to fewer well-connected individuals).
Weighted clustering coefficients show how cliquish or tight the sub-networks are (all individuals
within a clique are also tightly associated). More detailed descriptions of these metrics are available in Chap. 10 of this volume or in Whitehead (2008)

level are similar between the two calves with the exception of the network-wide
clustering coefficient, which is higher in MIGs ego network.
The most obvious differences between the association-based ego networks
(Fig. 6.1) and the petting networks (Fig. 6.3) are size and density, defined as the
number of actual edges divided by the number of possible edges in the network.

6 Shark Bay Bottlenose Dolphins: A Case Study for Defining


LENs and MIGs ego networks have unweighted densities of 0.55 and 0.36,
respectively, but the entire petting networks containing LEN as a calf and MIG as a
calf have much lower densities, of 0.03 and 0.04, respectively. Although LEN and
MIG were associated with 57 and 62 other dolphins, respectively, petting was only
observed between LEN and 6 others, and between MIG and 3 others, which may
suggest stronger social relationships between these individuals; however, considerably more data are necessary to draw any conclusions.
The aim of this case study is to illustrate some of the diverse social measures
available to researchers and the desirability of using multiple measures to discover
those features most important to a given society or research query. We particularly
advocate capitalizing on recent advances in social network analysis that allow for
the quantification of multi-actor interactions. A thorough investigation including
multiple dimensions of sociality coupled with careful consideration of the inferences drawn from each measure is necessary to provide the detail required for a
more complete understanding of animal societies.

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relatedness patterns in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) with different alliance strategies. Proc
R Soc B Biol Sci 270:497502


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Part II

Life History and Social Evolution

Chapter 7

Female Coexistence and Competition

in Ringtailed Lemurs: A Review of a
Long-Term Study at Berenty, Madagascar
Yukio Takahata, Naoki Koyama, Shinichiro Ichino, Naomi Miyamoto,
Takayo Soma, and Masayuki Nakamichi

Y. Takahata (*)
School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University, Gakuen 2-1,
Sanda 669-1337, Japan
e-mail: z96014@kwansei.ac.jp

J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research

and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_7, Springer Japan 2014



Y. Takahata et al.

Abstract Ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) form female-bonded/matrilineal social

groups. In this review, we summarize our long-term field study carried out at Berenty,
Madagascar to discuss the balance between female coexistence and competition in
this prosimian primate. In our study population, females cooperatively competed
against the females of neighboring groups; however, they also displayed persistent
aggression toward females within their own group, which occasionally resulted in
group fission. The correlation between female fecundity and group size generally
agreed with the intergroup feeding competition (IGFC) model. No significant differences in reproductive success were seen among rank categories of females in the
medium- and small-sized groups. In contrast, low-ranked females of large-sized
groups exhibited lower reproductive success, which may have been the result of
within-group competition. Males appeared to be parasites on the female groups.
Keywords Berenty Female coexistence Female competition Ringtailed lemur



Life histories and reproductive features of female primates have been studied by
numerous primatologists to (1) evaluate sexual selection hypotheses (e.g., Small
1989), (2) assess socioecological hypotheses (Sterck et al. 1997), and (3) analyze
the balance between within-group competition and between-group competition
(Wrangham 1980; van Schaik 1983). However, relatively few long-term data are
available for wild prosimians.
The ringtailed lemur (Lemur catta) is a diurnal group-living prosimian that inhabits the dryland of southern Madagascar (Sussman et al. 2006). Current studies include
ongoing observations of two wild ringtailed lemur populations at the Berenty and
Beza Mahafaly Reserves, Madagascar (Jolly et al. 2006a). Ringtailed lemur populations generally form discrete female-bonded/matrilineal social groups, although
some cases of female transfers between groups have occurred (Sauther et al. 1999).
Group size usually ranges from 3 to more than 20 lemurs (Mittermeier et al. 1994).
A linear dominance rank order exists among adult members within a group; however,
occasionally the rank can become convoluted and change abruptly (Sauther et al.
1999; Ichino 2004). Adult females are socially dominant over adult males (Jolly

N. Koyama N. Miyamoto T. Soma

Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University, Yoshida Shimoadachicho 46,
Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
S. Ichino
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kanrin, Inuyama 484-8506, Japan
M. Nakamichi
Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, Yamadagaoka 1-2,
Suita 565-0871, Japan

7 Female Coexistence and Competition in Ringtailed Lemurs


1984), and they actively defend their home range against neighboring groups (MertlMillhollen et al. 2006). Females sometimes exhibit severe aggression toward other
females in their own group (Vick and Pereira 1989), which may result in group fission (Ichino 2006; Ichino and Koyama 2006).
In a review discussing the evolution of female social relationships in nonhuman
primates, Sterck et al. (1997) considered the ringtailed lemur a dispersal-egalitarian
species, although field data indicate that they could be regarded as a resident-nepotistic species, such as the Macaca spp. (Koyama et al. 2002). Nevertheless, several distinct differences exist between ringtailed lemurs and cercopithecoid species
(Sauther et al. 1999). For example, matrilineal inheritance of dominance status is
rare (Pereira 1995). Severe within-group female competition (targeting aggression, as defined by Vick and Pereira 1989) frequently results in female eviction:
that is, victimized females are driven from natal groups. In addition, ringtailed
lemurs do not maintain complicated social relationships in multimale and multifemale groups, as do cercopithecine primates (Sauther et al. 1999). Thus, the ringtailed lemur may represent a translational stage in the evolution of the sophisticated
female-bonded/matrilineal society maintained by cercopithecoid species. Ringtailed
lemurs therefore appear to be a suitable species with which to analyze hypotheses
concerning the balance between female coexistence and female competition.
We have observed a wild population of ringtailed lemurs at Berenty Reserve,
Madagascar since 1989, with regard to social communication (Oda 1996; Oda and
Masataka 1996), social relationships and behavior (Nakamichi and Koyama 1997,
2000; Nakamichi et al. 1997), female reproductive parameters (Koyama et al. 2001),
population density (Koyama et al. 2002), long-term dominance relationships
(Koyama et al. 2005), body mass and tick infection (Koyama et al. 2008), group
fission, female eviction, range takeover (Ichino and Koyama 2006), and feeding
ecology (Soma 2006). In this review, we summarize these observations and discuss
how ringtailed lemurs maintain a balance between coexistence and competition.


History of the Berenty Reserve

The population of ringtailed lemurs inhabiting Berenty Reserve in southern

Madagascar has been studied by Alison Jolly and her colleagues since the 1960s
(Jolly 1967; Jolly et al. 2006b). Berenty Reserve is in the Berenty Estate located
next to the Mandrare River (2498S4628E). The estate was founded by the de
Heaulme family in 1936 as a sisal (Agave rigida) plantation (Jolly 2004). It is
characterized by a semiarid climate, with temperatures ranging from 40 C at
midday to 10 C at night (Jolly et al. 2006b). Most rainfall occurs from November
to February, and mean annual rainfall during 19891998 was 580.6 mm (Koyama
et al. 2001).


Y. Takahata et al.

Creation of the sisal plantation has resulted in extensive disturbance of the natural
vegetation in this area (Jolly et al. 2006b). Berenty Reserve represents a fragment of
a protected forest (approximately 200 ha), comprising four zones: (1) Ankoba,
which is a replanted forest with nonnative trees; (2) the Tourist Front, which is part
of the western boundary of the reserve that is studded with tourist bungalows; (3) the
Gallery forest, which is a natural forest dominated by Tamarindus indica, with a
canopy covering 50 % or more of the sky; and (4) the Scrub forest, which is a drier,
natural forest with 50 % or more open sky (Jolly et al. 2002). This reserve also serves
as habitat for potential predators, such as raptors (e.g., Polyboroides radiatus),
domestic dogs, and cats. Wild populations of Verreauxs sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi), white-footed sportive lemur (Lepilemur leucopus), and gray mouse lemur
(Microcebus murinus) also inhabit this reserve. In addition, an artificially introduced
hybrid population of red-fronted brown lemur (Eulemurluluvusrufus) and collared
brown lemur (E. collaris) shares the reserve (Pinkus et al. 2006).
A 100-ha area, excluding Ankoba, is called Malaza and has been the focus of
four decades of research on ringtailed lemurs (Jolly et al. 2006b). This area supported 17 groups of ringtailed lemurs in 1974, comprising 153 individuals, whereas
25 groups comprising 292 individuals were observed in 2005 (Jolly et al. 2006c).
This population increase may be partially attributable to artificial influences, for
example, an off-season food supply derived from artificially introduced nonnative
trees, water basins, and banana feeding by guides and tourists (Jolly et al. 2006c).
Banana feeding has been discouraged since 1999, and the artificial water supply
was eliminated to control the lemur population in 2007.
Intergroup relationships seem to have undergone a transformation with the increase
in population and group densities (Jolly et al. 2006c). Group ranges overlapped somewhat in the 1960s, but each group maintained and defended their own exclusive territory (Mertl-Millhollen et al. 1979). Home range boundaries remained stable over
time in the 1970s, but intergroup aggression increased. Jolly (1972) reported that
different groups replaced each other in every favored spot on the basis of a time
plan rather than by spatially exclusive possession. Groups attempted to defend their
ranges, but the defense did not ensure exclusivity of the use of ranges (MertlMillhollen et al. 1979). From 1999 to 2000. Pride et al. (2006) found that each group
experienced intergroup conflicts 2.7 times/day in the Tourist Front, 1.7 times/day in
the Gallery forest, and 0.4 times/day in the Scrub forest. Pride et al. also pointed
out that the outcomes of these conflicts depended not on group size/number of adult
females, but on location, with groups tending to win conflicts within their core ranges.
Thus, ringtailed lemurs exhibit high adaptability to environments: they can be territorial or not, corresponding to the population density (Sauther et al. 1999).


Our Study Area and Population

We began long-term observations on a population of ringtailed lemurs within an

area of 14.2 ha of Malaza in September 1989 (Fig. 7.1). This area corresponds to
the Gallery forest and the Tourist Front. The most abundant tree species is

7 Female Coexistence and Competition in Ringtailed Lemurs


Fig. 7.1 Map of the main study area and home ranges of the study groups in 1999

Tamarindus indica, a keystone species for ringtailed lemurs (Simmen et al. 2006).
T. indica intake alone accounts for 34.9 % of the ringtailed lemurs feeding time in
our study population (Soma 2003).
The T. indica population at Berenty Reserve has declined, although the reason is
uncertain (Blumenfeld-Jones et al. 2006). The number of T. indica trees per ringtailed lemur has decreased in the study area, from 2.8 in 1989 to 1.8 in 2000
(Koyama et al. 2006). In addition, the artificially introduced hybrid population of


Y. Takahata et al.

Table 7.1 Observation periods

N. Koyama

M. Nakamichi
Y. Takahata
N. Miyamoto
S. Ichino
T. Soma

SeptemberDecember 1989, AugustDecember 1990, AugustDecember

1991, AugustSeptember 1992, AugustDecember 1993,
AugustDecember 1994, SeptemberDecember 1995, September
December 1996, AugustSeptember 1997, JulyDecember 1998,
NovemberDecember 1999, November 2000
AugustNovember 1994
AugustOctober 1997, AugustOctober 1998
August 1997June 1998, AugustOctober 1999
August 1998September 1999, AugustNovember 2000, March
2001January 2002
August 2000January 2002

brown lemurs has increasingly emerged as a food competitor (Pinkus et al. 2006).
Inevitably, ecological conditions became worse because of both intraspecies and
interspecies competition over food resources.
We have identified all the ringtailed lemurs in the study population by facial
features, pelage color, and idiosyncratic markings (hair dying). We have also chronicled their troop affiliations over time. Table 7.1 shows our observation periods.
Female ringtailed lemurs at Berenty have a short mating season, which occurs
around April or May. For example, the females of Troop A were receptive for only
2 consecutive days during the 1982 mating season (Koyama 1988). Thus, most
births occur around September. Therefore, we checked group composition and
changes in membership (birth, death, immigration, and emigration) from August to
November, before and after every years birth season.



Life History and Social Relationships in the Study

Reproduction and Development

As mentioned earlier, ringtailed lemurs breed seasonally (Jolly 1967; Sauther 1991).
According to data recorded in the study population from 1989 to 1999, 82 % of
births occur in September, corresponding with the end of the dry season (Koyama
et al. 2001), and mean birthrate (percentage of adult females who gave birth in a
breeding season) is 75.0 %. Infant mortality rate within 1 year after birth is 37.7 %;
possible reasons include malnutrition, infanticide (Ichino 2005), predation, and accidents (e.g., drowning and straying from mothers). The birth sex ratio (female:male)
is 1:1.19, which is not significantly skewed in relationship to the population level.
In contrast to most anthropoid primates, ringtailed lemurs exhibit no sexual dimorphism. In 1999, we captured 101 ringtailed lemurs and measured their body mass
(Koyama et al 2008). The mean body mass of adult females was 2.27 kg and that of
adult males was 2.22 kg. Body mass increases up to 3 years of age in both sexes, at

7 Female Coexistence and Competition in Ringtailed Lemurs


which time growth appears to reach a growth plateau. Males do not display extended
growth (bimaturism), nor do they grow faster than females (rate dimorphism).
Approximately 60 % of the infants survive up to 2 years, with no sexual differences
in survival rate observed during 19891999 (Koyama et al. 2002). Females remain
within their natal groups and begin to breed when they are about 2 years old (i.e.,
female philopatry) (Koyama et al. 2001). Most females give birth at the age of 3 years
(45.8 % of all first births) or 4 years (37.5 %), after which the birthrate fluctuates by
12 years of age (approximately 75 %). However, insufficient information is available
to estimate the entire reproductive lifespan of female ringtailed lemurs.
In contrast to females, all males leave their natal groups by the time they are
5 years old, close to puberty (Koyama et al. 2002). Thereafter, males change nonnatal groups every several years. Male transfer frequently occurs around the mating
season, indicating that transfer may be proximately driven by sexual competition
and mate choice, as Sussman (1992) reported for the Beza Mahafaly population.
Males migrate from one group to another in pairs or groups, that is, migration partners, as described by Gould (1997). Such males maintained affiliative relationships
within a group at both Beza Mahafaly and Berenty (Nakamichi and Koyama 1997).
The longevity of ringtailed lemurs is still unknown. Several females may have
lived to become at least 13 years old at Berenty (Koyama et al. 2001, 2002). Such
females occasionally distance themselves from groups, ranging alone, probably
because of senility. In contrast, few reliable longevity data exist for males because
of their dispersal from the study population.


Dominance Rank Order Among Adult Ringtailed Lemurs

Adult members within a group display a linear dominance rank order, although rank
can be convoluted (see tables 1 and 2 in Koyama et al. 2005). Such dominance ranks
are determined based on (1) approachretreat interactions while feeding and drinking and (2) submissive vocalizations (spat calls) (Koyama et al. 2005).
Adult females are dominant over adult males in the study population (Koyama et al.
2005), as Jolly (1984) pointed out. This female dominance has been a puzzle for
primatologists, and numerous hypotheses have been proposed to account for this behavior, which is still an open question (Sauther et al. 1999; Rasamimanana et al. 2006).
Mothers tend to be dominant over their daughters, irrespective of their ages
(Nakamichi et al. 1997). Even when old females are ranked in the lowest position,
they are still dominant over their daughters, suggesting the existence of long-term
psychological bonding between old mothers and mature daughters.
Males reach their highest ranks at 89 years of age in the study population
(Koyama et al. 2005), and alpha males hold their rank for an average of 2.2 years.
Although no significant correlation is found between female rank and body mass,
higher-ranked males tend to be heavier than lower-ranked ones (Koyama et al.
2008). Heavier males should have an advantage over others in male-to-male


Y. Takahata et al.

competition for mates (Koyama 1988), so it is puzzling why males have not developed sexual dimorphism despite the polygynous mating system.


Social Relationships Among Adult Ringtailed Lemurs

Adult females are the core of the social relationships within a group (Oda 1996;
Nakamichi and Koyama 1997). In our observations, close proximity and affiliative interactions (e.g., grooming) occur more frequently between related females
within second degrees of consanguinity than between unrelated females. Adult
ringtailed lemurs usually bilaterally groom each other (mutual grooming); however, they occasionally exhibit unilateral grooming as a type of greeting behavior. In such cases, subordinates are likely to groom dominants more frequently
than vice versa.
Newborn infants influence the social relationships between mothers and unrelated females during the birth season (Nakamichi and Koyama 2000). Mothers
with newborn infants receive a number of affiliative contacts (e.g., grooming and
infant-licking) from other group members, including unrelated adult males, during
the first and second months of motherhood. Infant-licking behavior may enable
adult females and males to create or maintain stable social relationships with one
Nakamichi and Koyama (1997) found that adult males form affiliative partnerships with all ranks and age classes, as reported for a wild group of Japanese
macaques (Furuichi 1985). Gould (1997) found similar relationships among adult
males at Beza Mahafaly, particularly between migration partners. It is possible
that such high-level associations may confer benefits (predator protection, health,
and enhanced detection of attacks by group males). Indeed, group males constantly
attempt to drive away nongroup males, probably to prevent nongroup males from
joining the group and to keep them away from group females (Nakamichi and
Koyama 1997).
There appears to be no consistent tendency in social relationships between
adult males and females. Nakamichi and Koyama (1997) reported that most adult
males of Troop T1 had frequent proximity relationships with one or more adult
females during the 1994 birth season. In contrast, only the alpha male had frequent
proximity relationships with some adult females within Troop C2, whereas other
males did not have such relationships with females (see fig. 2 of Nakamichi and
Koyama 1997). At Beza Mahafaly, Sauther and Sussman (1993) reported that only
a single nonnatal central male is likely to monopolize social interactions with
adult females in groups studied intensively, whereas Gould (1996) observed that
males of all ranks and of variable tenure have social interactions with both highand low-ranking females. These results suggest that ringtailed lemurs possess an
unexpected social ability to manipulate social relationships among themselves
according to the social situation, or it may simply indicate undeveloped

7 Female Coexistence and Competition in Ringtailed Lemurs




Population and Group Changes in the Study

Population: Between-Group Competition
Increases in Population Density and Immigration/

When we began our observations in September 1989, three groups of ringtailed lemurs
consisting of 63 individuals existed within our study area of 14.2 ha (4.4 lemurs/ha)
(Koyama et al. 2002). Six groups comprising 82 lemurs (5.8 lemurs/ha) were present
by September 1999. The mean annual rate of population increase was 2.7 %, mainly
the result of the high fecundity of adult females. During the 10-year time period, 204
infants were born, 125 lemurs died, 58 lemurs immigrated into the study population,
and 118 emigrated, bringing a net of 19 new lemurs into the study population.
Immigration and emigration play a large role in the study population size, and
these movements fall into several categories (Ichino and Koyama 2006), as follows.
(1) The most usual case is male transfer. Male lemurs change groups after a tenure
that varies from 17 years (Koyama et al. 2002). The mean length of stay in a group
is 3.1 years. Thus, males disperse from natal sites, although it is unknown how far.
From 1989 to 1999, 90 males left the study population and 53 males immigrated
into it. Thus, the high population in the study area may have biased the entire population structure of the Malaza area as a male source. (2) Female transfer infrequently occurs. Two unidentified adult females immigrated into Troop C2A in 1998
(KN-group in Fig. 7.2), possibly because they had been evicted from other groups
beyond the study area. (3) Group invasion or group dismissal/eviction to and
from the study area occasionally occurs. One group invaded the study area (Troop
U2 in Fig. 7.2), and three groups left the study area (Troops B and U2, and HSKgroup in Fig. 7.2), from 1989 to 1999.
The adult sex ratio (adult females vs. adult males) during the birth season fluctuated from 1:0.615 to 1:1.22 between 1989 and 1999 but without consistent correlation with time or population density (Koyama et al. 2002). Pooled data show that the
number of adult males per adult females is 0.968, suggesting that every adult male
principally belongs to one of the social groups during the birth season. Meanwhile,
the mean group size decreased from 21.0 in 1989 to 13.7 in 1999.


Female Eviction and Group Fission

Female eviction is a common social phenomenon in ringtailed lemurs (Vick and

Pereira 1989; Ichino and Koyama 2006). It is defined as follows. One or several
females become the target of persistent aggression by other females (targeting
aggression, defined by Vick and Pereira 1989) and are eventually evicted from their
group. Female eviction primarily occurs around birth seasons and in large-sized


Y. Takahata et al.

Fig. 7.2 Female eviction and group fission events that occurred from September 1989 to January
2002. Each square indicates groups living within the study area. The dotted squares indicate
nomadic groups. Im, shifting of a group to the study area; Em, shifting of a group beyond the study
area. Circled numbers indicate cases of female eviction/group fission

groups comprising 16 or more lemurs with 7 or more adult females (Ichino and
Koyama 2006).
Figure 7.2 shows the troop histories of the study population from September
1989 to January 2002. Six cases of female eviction were directly observed during
the 12.5 years. In one case, the evicted females were able to rejoin the original
groups (KN-G in 1998; Fig. 7.2). In another case, the evicted females established a
new home range, and mature males joined them, thereby forming a new social
group, that is, group fission (Troop T1B in 2000). In three cases, the evicted
females could not establish a stable range within the study area and eventually
disappeared from the study area, as nomadic groups without definite home
ranges (HSK-G in 1997, MK92-G in 2000, and KN-G in 2001). Evicted females
would be expected to encounter numerous difficulties establishing new ranges and
securing mating partners because of high group density. In particular, the number
of adult males per adult female tends to be low in these newly formed groups,
which suggests that males hesitated to join small groups. In the remaining case, the
evicted females sporadically fought with females of another group and dominated
them, eventually forming one group. Such a case can be termed group fusion
(SH-G in 1995). If evicted females join other groups without aggressive fighting, it
is called female transfer.
Female eviction usually occurs among matrilineal kin groups (Ichino and
Koyama 2006), and group males rarely play a dominant role, indicating that female

7 Female Coexistence and Competition in Ringtailed Lemurs


Fig. 7.3 Regression between the number of adult females and birthrate. Birthrate generated an
inverted U-shaped curve, which approximated a second-degree curve (y = 7.42 + 26.06x 2.21x2)
(r2 = 0.774, P < 0.03). The group with three adult females had a lower birthrate than those with four,
six, and seven adult females (2 = 5.92, df = 1, P < 0.02; 2 = 5.09, df = 1, P < 0.03; and 2 = 6.8, df = 1,
P < 0.01, respectively)

eviction is the result of female within-group competition through kin selection;

these evictions may function to decrease the intensity of within-group competition
by reducing the number of group members.
In addition to these cases of female eviction, four group fission events occurred
in the study population between 1989 and 2002 (Troops C1 and C2 in 1989, Troops
C1 and CX in 1993, Troops T1 and T2 in 1993, Troops C2A and C2B in 1997;
Fig. 7.2). As the processes leading to these specific group fission events were not
directly observed, it was uncertain whether the females were evicted by other
females or if they voluntarily left their groups. As a result of these female evictions
or group fissions, the number of groups in the study area increased from three in
1989 to seven in 2002 (Fig. 7.2).


Between-Group Competition

High group density (42.2 groups/km2 in 1999) should have intensified scramble
competition over food resources in the study population. In such territorial defenses,
adult females, not males, play the most active role in intergroup confrontations,
regardless of dominance rank (Nakamichi and Koyama 1997). Groups occasionally
take over the secure ranges of other groups, and such cases are termed range takeover (Ichino and Koyama 2006). During our observations, several groups lost their
ranges and were thought to have become nomadic groups (e.g., Troop B in Fig. 7.2).


Y. Takahata et al.

Intergroup relationships may influence female fecundity (Takahata et al. 2006).

Based on the 60 group-years of data recorded from 1989 to 2001 in the study population, the birthrate follows an inverted U-shaped curve against the number of adult
females (Fig. 7.3). These data agree with the assumption of the intergroup feeding
competition (IGFC) hypothesis proposed by Wrangham (1980), and not with that of
the predation-feeding competition (PFC) hypothesis put forth by van Schaik (1983).
In contrast, infant mortality rate is not consistently correlated with group size/number of adult females (see figs. 1b and 2b in Takahata et al. 2006), as Jolly et al.
(2002) pointed out. Figure 7.3 suggests that females of small-sized groups suffer
from the stress of between-group competition. When we captured lemurs and measured their body mass in 1999, the members of a small group (Troop CX) exhibited
the smallest body mass values and the heaviest infection by ticks (Haemaphysalis
(Rhipistoma) lemuris), which may have been related to their environmental and
social conditions, as Troop CX inhabits the most humid area of the gallery forest
and is subordinate to neighboring groups.



Female Dominance Rank and Reproductive

Success: Within-Group Competition
Dominance Rank Order and Targeting Aggression
Among Females

Adult females within a group usually display a linear dominance rank order.
Differing from cases reported in cercopithecoid species (e.g., Macaca fuscata;
Koyama 1967), young females tend to occupy the lowest ranks, irrespective of their
mothers rank (Koyama et al. 2005). Furthermore, older sisters are dominant over
the younger sisters. Thus, matrilineal inheritance of dominance rank is rare. These
tendencies are probably the result of the rarity of alliances, that is, support from
mothers or other kin. Indeed, of the 1,137 agonistic interactions recorded in Troops
C2 and T1 in the 1994 birth season, 1,114 (98.0 %) were decidedly dyadic interactions (Nakamichi and Koyama 1997). Specifically, submissive vocalizations did not
function to recruit support from allies against opponents, and no solicitation behavior occurred to form alliances.
Young females acquire higher ranks by outranking older/dominant females and
reach the highest ranks by 79 years of age (Koyama et al. 2005). Females occasionally display persistent aggression (targeting behavior) toward dominant females.
Females direct aggression at handicapped individuals in some cases, for example,
those exhibiting senility or those in labor/delivery. In September 1997, a female
(MW-911) in Troop CX suddenly attacked a dominant female (SH-92), who had
given birth 6 h earlier, and eventually MW-911 outranked SH-92 (Takahata et al.
2001). Then, MW-911 continued to threaten SH-92 for several weeks. A similar
attack by other females on a mother and newborn infant was reported in Troop C2
(Okamoto 1998).

7 Female Coexistence and Competition in Ringtailed Lemurs


As stated earlier, alliances occur infrequently among female ringtailed lemurs;

however, Nakamichi et al. (1997) reported a case in which alliances may have
affected the rank changes among adult females in Troop T1. In this case, after the
alpha female fell to the lowest ranking position, she went on to outrank another
female with support from her adult daughter and another unrelated female. This
case may correspond to the germ of stable dominance rank order maintained by
maternal kin relationships found among cercopithecoid primates.


Do High-Ranking Females Attain High Reproductive


Based on the reproductive data recorded in the study population from 1989 to 2001,
we analyzed the correlations between female rank and reproductive parameters
(Takahata et al. 2008). As group size affects female fecundity (Takahata et al. 2006),
we divided the entire data set into three groups of different sizes, based on the number of adult females: large-sized (89 adult females), medium-sized (47 adult
females), and small-sized (23 adult females). In general, high-ranked females did
not always attain high reproductive success among the size group (Fig. 7.4). In particular, no significant differences were observed in the number of surviving infants
per female among female rank categories in medium-sized and small-sized groups.
This result is contrary to expectations, because females frequently fight for
higher rank.
In contrast, low-ranked females had a smaller number of surviving infants than
mid-ranked females in large-sized groups. It is probable that severe within-group
competition in large-sized groups lowers the reproductive success of low-ranked


The Balance Between Female Coexistence
and Competition

The female-bonded/matrilineal group of ringtailed lemurs should have evolved to

collectively secure local resources (food and water) against competitors (other
groups or species). However, it is not always advantageous for every female to coexist in a large group in the high group/population density of Berenty Reserve,
(Figs. 7.3, 7.4). Although large-sized groups confer resource defense advantages
during the food-scarce weaning season, each member does not always gain foraging
benefits, probably because of crowding and a lower proportion of individuals eating
at any given time during foraging bouts (Pride et al. 2006).


Y. Takahata et al.

Fig. 7.4 Female rank categories in each group size and mean number of surviving infants 1 year after
birth. Large-high, large-mid, and large-low indicate the high-ranked, mid-ranked, and low-ranked
females, respectively, of large-sized groups with eight or more females. Medium-high, medium-mid,
and medium-low are the high-ranked, mid-ranked, and low-ranked females, respectively, of mediumsized groups with four to seven adult females. Small-high, small-mid, and small-low are the
high-ranked, mid-ranked, and low-ranked females, respectively, of small-sized groups with two to
three adult females. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01

Pride (2005) found that cortisol concentrations are lowest in medium-sized

groups of ringtailed lemurs, and that cortisol levels do not differ between dominant
and subordinate females within a group at Berenty, indicating that adult females
belonging to large-sized groups suffer from higher levels of stress, which may have
resulted in low reproductive success. This finding may also help to explain why
female eviction occurs frequently in large groups. When a medium-sized group
increases in number, the reproductive success of each female must decrease for
reasons of stress (Fig. 7.4). In such a situation, dominant females attempt to reduce
group size by evicting subordinates through targeting aggression, or subordinate
females may attempt to outrank dominant females to avoid eviction.
In contrast, females in small groups suffer from greater stress because of
between-group competition, indicating that it is less advantageous for females to be
evicted from groups. Irrespective of frequent group fission, groups rarely admit
evicted females from other groups as new members (Fig. 7.2). Evicted females
probably encounter numerous difficulties establishing new ranges because of high
group density in the study population.
A group of ringtailed lemurs typically exhibits the following cycle (fig. 14.2 in
Ichino and Koyama 2006). First, a group gains some advantages in between-group
competition and increases in size. However, within-group competition increases
when group size exceeds its optimal level. Several females are then compelled to
leave by other females (female eviction). If such females can establish new home

7 Female Coexistence and Competition in Ringtailed Lemurs


ranges and gain mating partners (males), a new group may be formed (group fission). If there is no available space, the evicted females become a nomadic group
(group dismissal/eviction), or at worst, they die (group extinction). In some cases,
evicted females fight with another group, take over the range, and form one group
(group fusion), as reported for wild toque macaques (Dittus 1987). Otherwise, they
may transfer into another group (female transfer), as reported for wild Japanese
macaques (Takahata et al. 1994) and vervet monkeys (Isbell et al. 1991), although
such cases appear to be rather rare.


Why Do Females Coexist Within a Group?

A female ringtailed lemur rarely forages by herself, except when she is very old.
Numerous costs and risks must be considered when leaving a group (e.g., acquisition of a new home range and mating partners, and avoidance of predation). These
considerations may restrain females from voluntarily deserting a group. Even in the
case of an eviction, these females usually range with relatives. Thus, group-living
appears to be an essential lifestyle for them.
There are several differences between ringtailed lemur society and the
female-bonded/matrilineal societies of the cercopithecine species, as indicated by
preceding studies (Jolly 1984; Sauther et al. 1999). These differences provide hints
for understanding the evolution of primate societies. For example, females of
cercopithecine species develop a stable dominance rank system. Daughters are
ranked immediately beneath their mothers, as though rank were bestowed through
inheritance (Koyama 1967). In contrast, the rank order of female ringtailed lemurs
frequently fluctuates, and their kin relationships do not always affect their rank
order, probably because of insufficiency in cognitive and behavioral abilities
(Pereira 1993). Undoubtedly, the ability of ringtailed lemurs to form alliances with
kin-related individuals is limited to the degree of second consanguinity, which is
much lower than anthropoid primates (Nakamichi and Koyama 1997). The bond
between mother and daughter, as well as sisters, may be the only definite longlasting psychological bond for them.
However, a few young females attain higher relative ranks (Koyama et al. 2005),
and all these females are daughters of alpha females, so this may represent the
archetype of the maternal kin-selected society. Anthropoid primate females have
developed such social abilities that enable alliance among members of more distant
kin, or even with non-kin, to obtain advantages in between-group competition.
Why do female ringtailed lemurs compete for high rank within a group? It is
possible that rank correlates with reproductive success (Fedigan 1983). Undoubtedly,
low-ranked females exhibit a lower value of reproductive success than other females
in large-sized groups, suggesting that the intensity of within-group competition is
intercorrelated with group size and rank, as indicated by Van Noordwijk and van
Schaik (1999) for wild long-tailed macaques.


Y. Takahata et al.

No significant differences were observed in reproductive success among rank

categories of females in medium- and small-sized groups in the study population,
thereby differing from large-sized groups and some reports on cercopithecoid species (Cheney et al. 2004; however, see Kmmerli and Martin 2005). In addition,
female eviction has rarely been observed in medium- and small-sized ringtailed
lemur groups, probably because females require a sufficient number of group members to compete with neighboring groups. Within-group competition may result
merely in outranking, not eviction, in such groups.


Why Do Male Ringtailed Lemurs Coexist

Within a Group?

Male ringtailed lemurs within a group usually exhibit a linear dominant rank order.
Males occasionally perform stink fights with each other as a type of ritualized
aggressive behavior. Why do males coexist within a group? Similar questions have
been discussed for other male primates from various points of view (Pereira et al.
2000): theories include communal defense of female groups, counterstrategies
against infanticide, and antipredator behavior.
Based on our data, adult males appear to be parasites on female groups.
Although adult females play the lead during group encounters, males also confront
and attack the males of rival groups, but not so aggressively. Furthermore, males
rarely take the initiative during female eviction or group fission.
Notably, most males belong to a group during the birth season. It is profitable for
males to belong to a group, as the days on which females are receptive to mating are
rather few. Because high-ranking males are not always selected by females as mating
partners (Koyama 1988), any male may have a chance to mate if he belongs to the group.
Sussman (1992) pointed out that male migration tends to equalize the sex ratios
in groups at Beza Mahafaly. However, our data show that the proportion of adult
males tends to be low in newly formed small groups, indicating that males appear to
hesitate to participate in small-sized groups of evicted females. Such groups are not
favorable for males, because females may suffer increased stress caused by betweengroup competition. Males may select medium-sized or large groups with stable
home ranges to secure reproductive success, despite opposition from resident males.
Thus, the social groups of ringtailed lemurs may be characterized by female competition and male choice of female groups in the high group and population
density of the study population.
Acknowledgments We express our gratitude to A. Randrianjafy, former Director of the Botanical
and Zoological Park of Tsimbazaza, the de Heaulme family, A. Jolly, Y. Kawamoto, and H. Hirai
for their kind help and cooperation. We also thank two reviewers for their useful comments on the
manuscript, and L. Karczmarski and J. Yamagiwa for giving us the opportunity to write this review.
This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research to N. Koyama (No. 06610072
and No. 05041088) and to Y. Takahata (No. 12640700 and No. 21405015).

7 Female Coexistence and Competition in Ringtailed Lemurs


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Chapter 8

Social Structure and Life History of Bottlenose

Dolphins Near Sarasota Bay, Florida: Insights
from Four Decades and Five Generations
Randall S. Wells

Abstract Studies of social ecology can benefit from long-term observations, as

these provide researchers with opportunities to distinguish between the relative contributions of life history, demographics, and ecological pressures to the development of social patterns. Long-term study can provide the means of interpreting
changes in stable social patterns relative to changes in environmental factors or
availability of members of specific age-sex classes. The strength of social patterns

R.S. Wells (*)

Chicago Zoological Society, c/o Mote Marine Laboratory 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway,
Sarasota, FL 34236, USA
e-mail: rwells@mote.org
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_8, Springer Japan 2014



R.S. Wells

can be measured by their persistence from one generation to the next, and as individuals pass life history milestones.
The Sarasota Dolphin Research Program has been engaged in studies of bottlenose dolphins along the central west coast of Florida, including Sarasota Bay, since
1970. The research includes focal animal behavioral observations, photographic
identification surveys, biopsy darting for genetic and contaminant samples, and
occasional capturerelease efforts to examine the animals behavior, ecology, life
history, population biology, health, and concentrations and effects of environmental
contaminants. More than 4,800 individuals have been identified in the bays and
coastal Gulf of Mexico waters of the region, including the approximately 160 dolphins using Sarasota Bay on a regular basis. A mosaic of adjacent, often slightly
overlapping dolphin communities has been identified based on sighting locations
and social associations, and genetic findings support these designations. These communities are genetically distinguishable but not isolated.
The communities of dolphins residing in and around Sarasota Bay, the most
intensively studied animals, are characterized by a high level of multigenerational
site fidelity and low levels of emigration and immigration. The social structure
includes three basic components: nursery groups built around females with young
of similar age, juvenile groups, and adult males, mostly in strongly bonded,
long-term male pairs or sometimes as single individuals. This overall structure has
remained relatively stable through five generations; however, core area use, group
size, and some social association patterns show variability over time. Paternity testing suggests that male pair-bonding may improve reproductive success. Female
reproductive success appears to be related to mothers age, experience, and environmental contaminant residues. Older, more experienced mothers are more successful
in rearing young over the typical 3- to 6-year period of association; these females
have also previously depurated organochlorine contaminants that otherwise might
have influenced reproduction and health.
Keywords Bottlenose dolphins Life history Reproductive success Site philopatry
Social structure



Studies of social ecology can benefit from long-term observations, as these provide
researchers with opportunities to distinguish between the relative contributions of
life history, demographics, and ecological pressures to the development of social
patterns. Long-term study can provide the means of interpreting changes in stable
social patterns relative to changes in environmental factors or availability of members of specific age-sex classes. The strength of social patterns can be measured by
their persistence from one generation to the next, and as individuals pass life history

Social Structure and Life History of Bottlenose Dolphins


Many delphinid cetaceans live in complex societies (Norris and Dohl 1980a;
Wells et al. 1999; Mann et al. 2000). Long lifespans, in some species exceeding
50 years, likely contribute to the observed social complexity. To fully understand
the social structure of these animals and the ecological influences on social patterns,
it is beneficial to observe individuals throughout the course of their lives. Several
field studies of dolphins have begun to approach this goal. Hawaiian spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) studies initiated by Ken Norris and Tom Dohl in the late
1960s have been continued at intervals over several decades, providing insights into
the structure and dynamics of the fluid societies of these small delphinids (Norris
and Dohl 1980b; Norris et al. 1994). Studies of killer whales (Orcinus orca) initiated by Michael Bigg near Vancouver Island in the early 1970s and continued by
others to the present (Bigg 1982; Ford and Fisher 1983; Parsons et al. 2009; Foster
et al. 2012) have led to detailed descriptions of the workings of these highly stable
societies. The social behavior of dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) has
been studied in depth in Argentina and later in New Zealand by Bernd and Melany
Wrsig and colleagues since the mid-1970s (Wrsig and Wrsig 1980; Benoit-Bird
et al. 2004; Weir et al. 2008).
One of the first of the long-term studies of delphinid social ecology began in
Sarasota Bay, Florida, in 1970, with common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) (Scott et al. 1990a; Wells 1991, 2003, 2009a). The study reported in this chapter
has followed individually identified resident dolphins for more than 42 years, in
some cases, and across at least five maternally related generations. Long-term
observations combined with information on life history and ecology have begun to
provide an understanding of the social structure of this dolphin community and the
environmental and demographic factors influencing this structure.


Study Area

The study area includes the inshore and coastal waters along the central west coast
of Florida, from Tampa Bay southward through Charlotte Harbor and Pine Island
Sound, and the Gulf of Mexico to about 510 km offshore (Fig. 8.1). Most of the
research effort has been concentrated in Sarasota Bay and adjacent bays, sounds,
and Gulf waters within 1 km of the shore because of initial findings of dolphin
residency to these waters (Irvine and Wells 1972) and their proximity to our base
of operations at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota. The shallow (<4 m deep),
sheltered bay and estuarine waters are separated from the Gulf of Mexico by a
series of barrier islands, communicating with the Gulf through narrow, deeper (up
to ~10-m-deep) passes. The bays contain areas of shallow seagrass meadows and
are fringed by mangroves, along with manmade features such as bridges, piers,
and seawalls. Natural or dredged channels 34 m deep run through seagrass meadows and sand or mud flats. A gently sloping, shallow sandy bottom extends


R.S. Wells

Fig. 8.1 Study area along the central west coast of Florida, from Tampa Bay through Pine Island
Sound. The Sarasota dolphin community range extends from southern Tampa Bay to Venice Inlet

Social Structure and Life History of Bottlenose Dolphins


offshore from the beaches on the Gulf sides of the barrier islands. Sarasota and
Manatee Counties, which encompass the Sarasota Bay study area, are heavily
populated, with more than 687,000 people (as of 2008), and more than 45,000
registered vessels (as of 2008). Beach- and boat-based tourism is of major importance to the region.


History of the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program

A pilot tagging study conducted through Mote Marine Laboratory during 1970
1971 to investigate movements and activities of common bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiops truncatus) along the central west coast of Florida, and to test tag designs,
initially identified patterns of residency for dolphins in this region, setting the stage
for continuing research (Irvine and Wells 1972). Additional research, including
radio-tagging and radio-tracking, along with observational studies and some photographic identification efforts through the University of Florida during 19751978,
confirmed previous residency findings. During this work and subsequent opportunistic surveys in 1979, re-identifications of 92 % of the dolphins tagged during
19701971 suggested that residency might be long term (Irvine et al. 1981). The
high frequency of resightings of identifiable individuals led to an initial description
of home range and social patterns (Wells et al. 1980).
Seasonal, systematic photographic identification surveys were initiated in 1980,
and continued through 1989 through the University of California, Santa Cruz, and
Dolphin Biology Research Institute. Since 1989, the program has been coordinated
through the Chicago Zoological Society. Seasonal surveys continued until 1993,
when year-round, monthly surveys were implemented and continued through the
present (Scott et al. 1990a; Wells 1991, 2003). These surveys are conducted from
small (<8-m-long) outboard-powered vessels following standard routes through the
study area, selected daily depending on previous coverage and conditions. When
dolphin groups are encountered, data are collected on location, time, environmental
parameters, dolphin activities, numbers of dolphins, calves, and young-of-the-year
(YOY). Photographs are taken of dolphin dorsal fins to identify individuals from
distinctive markings (Scott et al. 1990b; Wrsig and Jefferson 1990); the resulting
identification catalog included more than 4,800 dolphins as of the end of 2013.
Through 2013, the sighting database included more than 113,000 individual identifications from more than 41,000 dolphin group records collected since 1970, with
some individuals having been resighted more than 1,400 times each.
Life history and health data are obtained through occasional capturerelease sessions, in which small groups of selected dolphins are encircled with a 500-m-long,
4-m-deep seine net in shallow water (<2 m deep). Each individual is brought aboard
a specialized veterinary examination vessel, where sex is determined; it is weighed,
measured for a standard suite of lengths and girths (Read et al. 1993; Tolley et al.
1995), measured ultrasonically for blubber thickness (Wells 1993; Noren and Wells
2009), examined by a veterinarian externally and through ultrasonography, sampled,


R.S. Wells

marked if necessary (Wells 2009b), photographed, and released (Wells et al. 2004).
Samples are collected for basic health profiles (Wells et al. 2004; Hall et al. 2007;
Schwacke et al. 2009), which are used as reference values for comparison with
other populations experiencing unusual mortality events, abnormal environmental
conditions, or anthropogenic stressors (St. Aubin et al. 2013; Schwacke et al. 2010,
2011). Samples are also collected for microbiology and disease processes (Buck
et al. 2006; Burdett Hart et al. 2010, 2011; Nollens et al. 2009; Rowles et al. 2011;
Hart et al. 2012), immune system function (Lahvis et al. 1995; Ruiz et al. 2009),
serology (Duignan et al. 1996; Venn-Watson et al. 2008), reproductive hormones
(Wells et al. 1987), biotoxins (Fire et al. 2008; Twiner et al. 2011), kidney health
(Venn-Watson et al. 2010), and environmental contaminant concentrations
(Schwacke et al. 2002; Wells et al. 2005; Houde et al. 2005, 2006; Hall et al. 2006;
Bryan et al. 2007; Woshner et al. 2008; Yordy et al. 2010a,b,c,d; Kucklick et al.
2011; Miller et al. 2011). When ages are not known from long-term observations of
mothers with calves, age is determined from examination of growth layer groups in
a sectioned tooth (Hohn et al. 1989) and, experimentally, through telomere analyses
(Dunshea et al. 2011). Genetic samples are collected for evaluating relationships,
including paternity (Duffield and Wells 1991, 2002; Sellas et al. 2005). Since 1984,
more than 700 sets of measurements have been collected from more than 225 individuals, with some measured up to 15 times. Since 1988, more than 700 blood
samples have been collected from more than 230 individuals, some sampled as
many as 15 times.
Capturerelease sessions also provide opportunities to measure hearing abilities
(Mann et al. 2010) and obtain acoustic recordings for studies of communication,
including signature whistle characteristics and development (Fripp et al. 2005;
Sayigh et al. 1990, 1995, 2007; Watwood et al. 2004, 2005; Esch et al. 2009), as
well as to perform acoustic playback experiments to examine whistle function
(Sayigh et al. 1999; Janik et al. 2006, 2013). Individual dolphins have been recorded
during capturerelease sessions since 1975, mostly via a suction cup-mounted
hydrophone, and during focal animal behavioral follows, resulting in recordings
from 225 individuals, some recorded up to 16 times and/or spanning more than
30 years.
In combination, the observational and capturerelease datasets have led to the
compilation of reproductive histories of more than 100 mothers with 300 of their
calves. Some females have been observed with as many as 10 calves during the
course of our research. Data include birthdates of calves, calf sex, mothers age at
time of birth (including age at first birth in some cases), duration of the mothercalf
association, and circumstances leading to separation. These datasets also provide
crucial background data in support of focal animal behavioral observations. Since
1992, more than 2,073 focal follows have been conducted on more than 143 different individuals followed up to 61 times each.
Ecological studies involve collaborative efforts. Carcasses recovered by Mote
Marine Laboratorys Stranding Investigations Program are examined and necropsied for determination of cause of death and for collection of standardized measurements and biological samples, including stomach contents (Barros and Wells

Social Structure and Life History of Bottlenose Dolphins


1998; Wells et al. 2008; Fauquier et al. 2009; DeLynn et al. 2011). Since 1985,
more than 65 dolphins with sighting histories in our database have been recovered,
and stomach contents have been collected from 33 Sarasota Bay residents. Stomach
content data are examined relative to data from quantitative purse seine survey
operations conducted during winter and summer field seasons to determine the
abundance, distributions, length frequencies, body conditions, and species assemblages of fish using Sarasota Bay (Gannon et al. 2009; Berens McCabe et al. 2010).
During more than 1,189 sets of the purse seine since 2004, more than 480,790 fish
of 132 species have been caught, examined, measured, and released. Data on injuries from shark bites and stingray barbs are collected during necropsies and health


Study Population

Strong site fidelity has been demonstrated by dolphins using Sarasota Bay. Dolphins
were considered to be residents of Sarasota Bay if they were seen at least ten times
and more than half of their sighting records occurred within the core study area, the
region bounded by Tampa Bay to the north and Venice Inlet to the south, and the
barrier island chain to the west (Fig. 8.1). For 2007, the most recent year for which
population analyses have been completed, 155 identifiable dolphins (and their
dependent calves) met these criteria. On average, 89 % (12 % SD) of the sightings
of these animals occurred within Sarasota Bay. Of the 67 dolphins present in 2007
known to be at least 15 years old, 96 % had been observed in the area over a span of
at least 15 years, with some observed for as many as 37 years.
The 155 identifiable dolphins comprised 96 % of the dolphins seen in Sarasota
Bay, indicating that the total number of dolphins using the bay in 2007, including unmarked animals, was about 163. In 2007, about 84 % of the resident dolphins were of known sex (52 % F and 48 % F), and about 90 % were of known
age class (42 % subadult and 58 % adult). As of 2013, the oldest resident male
recorded to date was 50 years old, and the oldest female was 63 years old, based
on long-term observations and growth layer groups in teeth (Hohn et al. 1989).
The number of identifiable dolphins using Sarasota Bay on a regular basis has
varied over time, ranging between 111 and 166 during the 15-year period of
consistent survey effort from 1993 through 2007. Variations in abundance
appear to have occurred at least partially in response to changes in commercial
fishing regulations, resulting in increased prey abundance, and the periodic
occurrence of severe harmful algal blooms (Karenia brevis red tides). Annual
fecundity rate averaged about 0.14, recruitment rate to age 1 year averaged
about 0.05, loss rate including known mortalities plus disappearances averaged
about 0.040.06, and annual immigration rates were about 0.03 and emigration
rates about 0.030.05 during 19801987 (Wells and Scott 1990) and during
19932007 (unpublished data).




R.S. Wells

Life History and Social Relationships

in the Study Population
Reproduction and Development

The resident female bottlenose dolphins of Sarasota Bay tend to remain associated
with the Bay throughout their lives, facilitating monitoring of reproductive success.
Most calves are born during late spring or early summer and remain with their mothers for the next 36 years. Typically, separation from the mother occurs before the
birth of her next calf. Males reach sexual maturity at 1013 years of age, whereas
females mature at 512 years of age (Wells and Scott 1999; Wells 2003). Many
females give birth to their first calf at 8 to 10 years of age, following a 12-month
gestation period. The female reproductive lifespan is prolonged, with a few females
as old as 48 years successfully producing and rearing calves. Paternity tests have
demonstrated that males in the age range of 1340 years of age at least sire calves
(Duffield and Wells 2002). Physical maturity is reached by females by about 12 years
of age, and males by about 20 years of age, leading to significant sexual dimorphism
in body length, mass, and other features (Read et al. 1993; Tolley et al. 1995).


Basic Societal Components

The bottlenose dolphins of Sarasota Bay are distributed at any given time in units
referred to as groups (= school or sighting; Wells et al. 1987), defined operationally
as cohesive collections of conspecifics in a limited area (typically within several
hundred meters), often engaged in similar activities and moving in the same general
direction, maintained by social factors as a unit; groups may be stable over long
periods of time or may change composition over periods ranging from minutes to
weeks (Wells et al. 1999). For Sarasota Bay bottlenose dolphins, these units are
generally more similar to the small, changeable parties of chimpanzees (Goodall
1983) than to the permanent pods of killer whales (Bigg 1982). This working
definition is a useful and replicable classification tool for the biologist in the field,
and long-term observations of repeated patterns suggest that the observed groupings
have biological meaning as well. However, our definition likely does not accurately
reflect the dolphins full perspective on what constitutes an interacting social unit.
In the murky estuarine waters of Sarasota Bay and vicinity, acoustic communication
plays an important role in dolphin interactions. Signature whistles are believed to be
used as contact calls in these environments (Watwood et al. 2005), and the active
space for these whistles has been estimated to range from hundreds of meters to
kilometers, depending on the sound attenuation characteristics of the habitat
(Quintana-Rizzo et al. 2006). Thus, dolphins beyond the researchers sight may be
interacting with the dolphins under observation. For example, on occasions when a
member of a strongly bonded adult male pair is observed alone, the pair is often
seen together again a short time later, and it is suspected that the males were in

Social Structure and Life History of Bottlenose Dolphins


acoustic contact while separated (Watwood et al. 2005). Consideration of bottlenose dolphin groups should specify the kinds of interactions of interest.
The Sarasota Bay dolphins live in a fissionfusion society exhibiting the full
spectrum of the term group as already defined (Wells et al. 1987; Connor et al.
2000; Wells 2003). They swim in small groups composed typically of 5 to 7 dolphins, ranging on rare, brief occasions to as many as 30 individuals (Wells et al.
1980, 1987). Variations in group size likely reflect demographic conditions as well
as the ways in which the dolphins balance taking advantage of the benefits of group
formation, such as protection from predation, while minimizing the costs, for example, from feeding competition (Wells et al. 1980). With a few exceptions, observed
group composition changes frequently, over minutes to hours. Several basic group
categories based on age, sex, and reproductive state can be described for Sarasota
Bay dolphins, including (1) nursery groups, (2) juvenile groups of young dolphins
independent of their mothers, and (3) adult males, typically as strongly bonded
Nursery groups, consisting of females with their most recent offspring, are the
largest groups in the area. The reproductive state of the female and the age of her
calf appear to be more important determinants of group composition than other factors such as relatedness (Wells et al. 1987). Group size decreases with calf age
(Wells et al. 1987). Females with calves at similar levels of dependency tend to
swim together, presumably because they must contend with similar needs for
increased feeding to support lactation and because they must adjust their swimming
patterns to facilitate frequent bouts of nursing. Female associates tend to be drawn
from a pool of other mothers who inhabit significantly overlapping ranges. Wells
(1991) referred to these female groups involving recurring associations as bands,
reflecting the long-term social and geographic relationships among the females.
Because of the extended reproductive lifespan of the Sarasota Bay dolphins, the
pool of potential associates may include multiple generations of related and unrelated females who may swim together if they are in reproductive synchrony. The
band structure that was well defined in the 1980s has changed during the past
20 years. Wells (2003) described the initial stages of these changes as involving the
reduction of the more northerly Anna Maria band through mortality and lack of
recruitment, and fissioning of the more southerly Palma Sola Band following growth
from successful recruitment of female offspring during the 1980s and the loss of
two of the oldest members in the early 1990s. The Anna Maria Band has ceased to
exist, the previous members of the Palma Sola band continue to swim in smaller
groups of only a few females, and a band of Tampa Bay females regularly summers
in the northern portion of the Sarasota communitys range.
The most stable components of the nursery groups are the individual mothercalf
pairs, with associations typically lasting 36 years. The period of mothercalf association typically extends well beyond the time of nutritional weaning and appears to
provide opportunities for calves to learn important skills, such as feeding techniques
(Wells 2003). Nutritional weaning is believed to occur during the second year of
life, even though lactation and nursing may continue at a reduced level. Some calves
orphaned in their second year of life have survived without being adopted by other
resident females, even when related adult females are in the area. Older calves,


R.S. Wells

Fig. 8.2 Presumed post-reproductive females swimming together in 2010. From left to right:
Blacktip Doubledip (57 years), Squiggy (54 years), and Nicklo (60 years). (Photograph by Sarasota
Dolphin Research Program; taken under National Marine Fisheries Service Scientific Research
Permit No. 522-1785)

especially females, will sometimes maintain close associations with their mothers
and new siblings for months or more, presumably learning about calf rearing, and
perhaps providing relief to the mother if she can share some rearing responsibilities
with her older daughter.
Females without calves are often found together. In some cases, these associations involve females in their fifties and are believed to be post reproductive as they
have not given birth for 1320 years (Fig. 8.2). These presumed post-reproductive
females associate with younger mothers and their calves, including kin, from time
to time, but the relationships and presumed functions are not nearly so consistent or
clear as those reported for killer whales (Foster et al. 2012).
The separation of calves from their mothers can occur abruptly, as is typically the
case with male offspring, or it can be gradual, involving an incremental reduction in
frequency and duration of associations over a number of months, as is observed
more commonly for female calves (Wells et al. 1987; Wells 1991, 2003; McHugh
et al. 2011a). Most newly independent calves join others in juvenile groups, while
others may remain mostly alone within a very limited range for months before
assimilating into groups with other juveniles. Juvenile groups are fluid in composition from day to day, include both sexes, and may include a broad range of ages up
to early or mid-teens, in some cases reflecting delayed social maturity after individuals become sexually mature. These appear to be important formative years for
the social development of young dolphins, as juveniles often engaged in social
interactions that will take on greater importance later in life, such as copulations,

Social Structure and Life History of Bottlenose Dolphins


affiliative behaviors, and agonistic behaviors. Juveniles interact with a large number
of individuals of all age and sex classes, suggesting that this is a period of social
exploration (McHugh et al. 2011a). Associations occurring during this phase often
are maintained or recur throughout the individuals life.
The duration of involvement in juvenile groups varies by sex. Females tend to
leave juvenile groups before males. Female association patterns begin to change in
association with the birth of a females first calf, but stronger associations with
experienced mothers typically occur with subsequent calves (Owen 2001). Males
mature later than females, and often associate with juveniles until they develop a
strong pair bond with another male of similar age (Wells et al. 1987).
Alliances between adult males, in the form of long-term stable pair bonds, are
among the strongest features of the Sarasota Bay bottlenose dolphin social structure, with average half-weight association coefficients of 0.753 (Wells 1991, 2003;
Owen et al. 2002). Pair-bond formation is the norm for males in Sarasota Bay, with
more than 93 % forming an alliance by age 20 (Owen et al. 2002). At any given
time, about 57 % of adult or potentially adult males are paired, and 72 % of males
20 years or more of age are paired (Owen et al. 2002). The remaining males appear
to be in transition, developing alliances or having lost an alliance partner. The average minimum age for first-time pair-bond formation is 11 years (Owen et al. 2002).
Alliances are usually formed by individuals within less than 4 years of age of one
another and who have been among the top five associates of each other within the
5 years preceding pair formation (Owen 2003). As has been noted by Goldberg and
Wrangham (1997) for chimpanzees, males do not preferentially form alliances with
close relatives; alliance partners are no more related to one another than they are to
non-alliance males (Owen 2003). Some alliances have been observed over more
than two decades, and about half of alliances end because of the loss of a partner
(Owen 2003). Alliances may provide enhanced predator protection, which will
grant pairs access to habitats where prey and predators may be more abundant
(Owen 2003). Adult male pairs rarely associate with other males. They commonly
move between groups of adult females, and may spend days to a week or more
engaged in mate guarding with reproductively receptive females, engaging in
sequential female defense polygyny (Moors 1997; Owen et al. 2002). Males play no
role in calf rearing.


Social Matrix

Geography is the key defining feature of the Sarasota Bay bottlenose dolphin society. The inshore region from southern Tampa Bay to Venice Inlet and within several
kilometers of the Gulf shore (Fig. 8.1) is the stage upon which the lives and social
interactions of the resident dolphins are played out over decades and across generations. Sarasota Bay dolphins are constantly on the move through this region, in
small groups that encounter other groups, and often change composition through
joinings and separations as a result of these encounters. The resident dolphins


R.S. Wells

interact with, and occasionally interbreed with, dolphins in adjacent ranges, but to a
lesser extent than with the dolphins who share a Sarasota Bay home range (Wells
1986; Duffield and Wells 1991, 2002). The nature of these encounters and associations within a long-established range is reminiscent of the communities of chimpanzees (Goodall 1983), leading to adoption of this term as a descriptor of the kind of
bottlenose dolphin social unit evident through much of the species inshore range in
the southeastern United States (Wells 1986, Wells et al. 1987). As applied to dolphins, the term is defined as a regional society of animals sharing ranges and social
associates, but exhibiting genetic exchange with other social units (Wells et al.
1999). A community is distinguished from the similar concept of a population by
the fact that the latter is typically defined as a closed reproductive unit.
Geographic and physiographic features help to define the community range.
More than 89 % of the resident sightings occur inshore of the barrier island chain
bounding Sarasota Bay to the west and south, and south of an extensive shallow
sandbank that delineates Tampa Bay from Sarasota Bay. Sighting frequencies for
Sarasota Bay residents in the Gulf of Mexico decrease with distance from passes
leading into Sarasota Bay, in contrast to the pattern of even distribution along the
coast as exhibited by dolphins who rarely enter Sarasota Bay (Fazioli et al. 2006).
Most Sarasota Bay residents have been recorded from all parts of the community
range at some time in their lives, but individuals tend to frequent specific core areas,
often characterized by habitat type. For example, some individuals spend most of
their time in the vicinity of shallow seagrass meadows, while others emphasize the
deeper, more open waters of Sarasota Bay proper in their daily movements. Upon
reaching independence, calves often occupy all or part of their mothers core area.
Our understanding of Sarasota dolphin community parameters has evolved over
time, with expanded regional survey coverage beginning in the 1980s and with the
accumulation of long-term individual sighting records. The size of the community
range is currently estimated at about 125 km2 (Wells 2003; Urian et al. 2009), up
from the 85 km2 reported from the much more limited dataset from the early years
of the research program in the 1970s (Wells et al. 1980). Adult males tend to range
farther than females (including up to 150 km2 or more), occasionally leaving the
community range for months or more before returning, presumably in search of
breeding opportunities (Wells 1991; Urian et al. 2009). At least in part as a result of
increased survey coverage (spatial and temporal) and incorporation of improvements in photographic identification techniques, estimates of the numbers of dolphins using Sarasota Bay have increased from about 100 for the early years (Wells
et al. 1980; Wells and Scott 1990) to about 160 residents in recent years (Wells
2009a, b).
Bottlenose dolphins are distributed continuously along the central west coast of
Florida, including waters adjacent to Sarasota Bay. Consideration of genetics, ranging
patterns, social associations, and stable isotope analyses has demonstrated the existence of a mosaic of communities in this region (Wells 1986; Wells et al. 1987;
Duffield and Wells 1991, 2002; Sellas et al. 2005; Urian et al. 2009; Barros et al. 2010;
Bassos-Hull et al., 2013). These communities are not isolated, behaviorally or
genetically. About 15 % of calves born to Sarasota Bay resident mothers were sired

Social Structure and Life History of Bottlenose Dolphins


by nonresident males (Duffield and Wells 2002). Community ranges sometimes

overlap, and mixing occurs where community ranges are in close proximity. About
14 % to 17 % of groups including Sarasota dolphins also include dolphins from
other communities (Wells et al. 1987; Fazioli et al. 2006). Agonistic interactions
between dolphins from different communities occur, but are not frequently observed.



Factors Associated with Long-Term Social Stability

and Variability
Site Fidelity

Strong long-term site fidelity ensures the possibility of frequent encounters with
other community members. Social relationships, once developed, can be maintained
through repeated contact. Dolphins born to community members tend to remain in
the community, leading to the concurrent existence within the community of matrilineally related individuals spanning as many as five generations. Dolphins originally
marked during the initial 19701971 tagging project were observed in the Sarasota
Bay area for 27 years, on average, before they died or disappeared, and two of the
original individuals were still seen in 2013, 42 years after their initial marking.
Natal site philopatry of both sexes appears to be the rule, but it is not absolute.
Dispersal outside the community is not common (Wells 2003; Sellas et al. 2005),
but can involve either males or females. Individuals may also leave the community
range temporarily for periods of months, or in rare cases years, and some of these
have been observed in nearby communities. Within the Sarasota community range,
core areas may shift for some individuals over time. For example, a summer influx
of females from southern Tampa Bay into the northern waters of the Sarasota community range beginning in the 1990s coincided with a southward shift in the core
areas of several lifelong Sarasota Bay resident females (Wells 2003).
Overall, the Sarasota community range has exhibited great stability over four
decades of observations, across multiple generations of residents. Similarly, dolphins seen primarily in Gulf coastal waters, Tampa Bay, or Charlotte Harbor/Pine
Island Sound have been observed in those same waters over several decades (Urian
et al. 2009; Wells 2009a, b; Bassos-Hull et al. 2013). Sellas et al. (2005) found
strong genetic subdivision between dolphins inhabiting the coastal Gulf of Mexico
and inshore waters including Sarasota Bay, in spite of the lack of isolation. The
observed genetic distinctions support the idea that inshore communities may have
existed for more than a few generations, perhaps as far back as the geological formation of the bays themselves (Sellas et al. 2005). The communities along the central west coast of Florida have continued to exist in spite of catastrophic environmental
perturbations, including harmful algal blooms and hurricanes. Red tides from the
toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis occur every few years along the central west
coast of Florida, killing large numbers of marine vertebrates, including fish and


R.S. Wells

sometimes dolphins (Fire et al. 2007, 2008). A severe red tide lasting 11 months in
2005 resulted in the loss of more than 70 % of primary dolphin prey fish in the
Sarasota Bay area (Barros and Wells 1998; Gannon et al. 2009). The red tide resulted
in temporary shifts in group size and habitat use (McHugh et al. 2011b), but the
long-term residents remained within the long-established community range. In
2004 Category 4 Hurricane Charley struck Charlotte Harbor, immediately south of
Sarasota Bay. In spite of tremendous coastal devastation and extensive pollution, the
long-term resident dolphins remained in the area, and overall dolphin abundance
appeared unchanged (Bassos-Hull et al. 2013). The concept of a stable, long-term,
geographically based bottlenose dolphin community appears to be sufficiently
robust to allow differentiation of units through consideration of a variety of parameters, including genetics (Duffield and Wells 1991, 2002; Sellas et al. 2005), ranging and social association patterns (Wells 1986; Wells et al. 1987; Urian et al. 2009),
and stable isotopes (Barros et al. 2010). Strong attachment to a long-term community range facilitates development and maintenance of social relationships with
other residents.


Life History

Protracted maternal investment and long lifespans also contribute to the development and maintenance of social relationships. The continued association of mothers
and calves well beyond nutritional weaning suggests the importance of this relationship for calf learning. Mothers interact with a large number of associates (Wells
et al. 1987), exposing their calves, in a protected context, to individuals with whom
they may interact for decades to come. Associations in juvenile groups lead to male
pair bonds that can last for decades (Wells et al. 1987; Owen et al. 2002). Repeated
associations of adult females over the course of rearing as many as ten calves
through a reproductive lifespan of four decades can improve the females probabilities for successful calf rearing (Owen 2001; Wells 2003).


Factors Associated with Reproductive Success

Female Reproductive Success

Female reproductive success is related to the mothers age and level of experience
(Wells 2000, 2003). Fewer than half of mothers less than 10 years of age successfully rear their calves through the first year (Wells 2003). Considering calf parity
regardless of age, 58 % of first-time mothers, including some presumably primiparous
females in their early teens, are successful through their first year of calf-rearing
(Fig. 8.3). This percentage increases over the next two calves before declining
somewhat with subsequent calves.

Social Structure and Life History of Bottlenose Dolphins



Percent Surviving 1st Year


Birth Order

Fig. 8.3 First-year calf survival relative to birth order for 114 calves of known parity, or presumed
parity based on mothers age at birth of first observed calf

Age-related female reproductive success likely results from a combination of

factors. Primiparous mothers are significantly smaller on average (length and mass)
than multiparous mothers, suggesting that some of the younger mothers may not be
fully developed as they attempt to rear their first calf. First-time mothers also have
higher concentrations of lipohilic organochlorine pollutants such as PCBs and pesticides in their tissues, which they transfer to their calves via their fat-rich milk
(Wells et al. 2005; Yordy et al. 2010b). Estimates suggest that a mother may transfer
80 % of her body burden of these organochlorine contaminants to her calf in the first
few months of lactation (Cockcroft et al. 1989). Concentrations in Sarasota Bay
mothers before lactation, accumulated over the first 613 years of life, exceed
hypothesized thresholds for health and reproductive impacts, placing the first-born
calves at higher risk for survival (Schwacke et al. 2002; Hall et al. 2006). First-born
calves in Sarasota Bay exhibit higher concentrations than subsequent calves as a
legacy of their mothers original contaminant load (Wells et al. 2005). This process
of depuration reduces the available contaminants for subsequent calves, reducing
risks. However, as calving intervals and associated intervals between lactation periods lengthen later in a females life (Wells 2000), tissue concentrations of contaminants increase (Wells et al. 2005), perhaps explaining at least in part the decline in
first-year survival of calves after the third birth (Fig. 8.3).
Social factors also influence female reproductive success and may be related to
maternal experience. Calves raised in larger and more stable groups demonstrated
the highest survival (Wells 2000). These kinds of groups likely provide enhanced
protection from threats such as predation, aggressive conspecifics, or boat collisions
(Wells and Scott 1997), and would provide opportunities for learning through observation, allomaternal care, and socialization. Owen (2001) found that experienced


R.S. Wells

mothers tended to include other mothers with calves as close associates more frequently than did first-time mothers. Multiparous mothers also demonstrated
increased control over their calfs environment as compared to first-time mothers,
by maintaining greater synchrony and keeping them closer (Owen 2001).


Male Reproductive Success

Social factors appear to play a stronger role in male reproductive success than do
biological factors such as age or size for Sarasota Bay dolphins. Males associate
preferentially with breeding females well before the beginning of the breeding season, perhaps to influence female choice later (Owen et al. 2002). Genetic paternity
tests have shown that the Sarasota dolphins do not engage in monogamy, although
some males may sire more than one calf through a particular female (Duffield and
Wells 2002). Sires may be young or old, ranging in age from 13 to 40 years, and
they may be larger or smaller individuals as compared to other adult males, including their alliance partners (Duffield and Wells 2002; Wells 2003). However, paired
males sire disproportionately more calves than do unpaired males, suggesting an
evolutionary basis for the development of these cooperative alliances. Potentially
receptive females are the nearest neighbors of male alliances significantly more
often, and for longer periods of time, than they are with unpaired males, providing
paired males with greater access to mating opportunities (Owen 2003). Aggressive
interactions between males and females in reproductive contexts appear to be much
less common in Sarasota Bay than at other sites where male alliances have been
observed, such as Shark Bay, Western Australia, suggesting either a greater role for
female choice, or that control of females may be more subtle, perhaps influenced by
the significant sexual dimorphism observed in Sarasota Bay (Wells et al. 1987;
Tolley et al. 1995; Moors 1997; Connor et al. 2000; Owen 2003; Wells 2003).



Bottlenose dolphin social systems are the result of at least 10 to 12 million years
(Myr) of delphinid evolution (Barnes 2002). The species has faced a wide range of
environmental changes during its evolutionary history, and has adapted to these
changes in part through the development of a high degree of behavioral plasticity,
including variability in social structure (Wells et al. 1999; Mann et al. 2000;
Reynolds et al. 2000). The occurrence of bottlenose dolphins in Sarasota Bay is a
relatively recent phenomenon, because it has only been a few thousand years since
the barrier islands and shallow bays of Floridas west coast appeared in their current
configuration. Disentangling the basic, core features of bottlenose dolphin societies
from the range of variability that provides the species with crucial evolutionary
resiliency in the face of environmental change is challenging. Long lifespans and

Social Structure and Life History of Bottlenose Dolphins


social changes associated with life history milestones provide additional complications, but through long-term study they also offer opportunities for developing an
understanding of the factors influencing social structure. Research carried out over
much of the lifespan of an individual allows observations through changing environmental conditions, leading to identification of persistent patterns. Similarly,
repeated observations across multiple generations allow the identification of agerelated social patterns. Variations on these general themes provide indications of the
potential range of responses to environmental changes.
Strong site philopatry over multiple decades, in combination with long lifespans
and the co-occurrence of as many as five generations of related individuals, provide
a solid basis for repeated interactions with familiar individuals, leading to long-term
social relationships and contributing to a relatively stable social system. Patterns of
social associations relative to age, sex, and reproductive status have been repeated
consistently across generations and through dramatic environmental changes,
allowing a description of the fundamental social structure. A stable society facilitates cultural transmission of knowledge, as has been noted for Sarasota Bay dolphins relative to feeding behaviors, for example (Wells 2003).
Although strong site fidelity establishes conditions supporting the development
of a stable, long-term social system, it can also create problems for the animals
because it exposes them to localized threats. Coastal bottlenose dolphins are facing
increasing threats of human origin from such sources as environmental contaminants (Schwacke et al. 2002; Wells et al. 2005; Woshner et al. 2008; Yordy et al.
2010a), recreational and commercial fishing gear ingestion and entanglement (Wells
and Scott 1994; Wells et al. 1998, 2008; Powell and Wells 2011), boat traffic and
collisions (Wells and Scott 1997; Nowacek et al. 2001; Buckstaff 2004; Wells et al.
2008), and provisioning by humans (Cunningham-Smith et al. 2006; Powell and
Wells 2011). The cumulative effects of anthropogenic and natural threats can place
the continued survival of the long-term resident community at risk. For example, in
2006 about 2 % of the Sarasota Bay community died from ingestion of recreational
fishing gear following the severe red tide of 2005 that depleted available prey, a
level of additional mortality that was unsustainable (and fortunately did not continue). To date, the dolphins of Sarasota Bay have not demonstrated a capacity for
shifting their community range in response to dramatic environmental changes such
as severe red tides. If these dolphins occupy an ecological cul-de-sac where range
shifts are precluded, then this raises important concerns for the future, when global
climate disruption will likely alter the local environment significantly (Wells 2010).
How much capacity will these animals have to respond to environmental changes?
From an applied perspective, a stable, geographically based community can
serve as a biologically meaningful unit for wildlife management purposes (Wells
1986; Urian et al. 2009; Bassos-Hull et al. 2013). The ability to relate community
exposure to specific local anthropogenic threats facilitates development and implementation of mitigation measures. Mitigation of known anthropogenic threats will
become increasingly important as the animals face new threats such as global climate disruption. The behavioral plasticity and long reproductive lifespan of the species may provide a high degree of resiliency, but the capacity of the animals to


R.S. Wells

respond to existing and emerging threats is likely not without bounds. Successful
human mitigation of anthropogenic threats will provide the animals with increased
capacity to respond to changes in their environment and will help to provide opportunity for the continued long-term stability of the community.
Acknowledgments Many people over the past 43 years have contributed to the information
presented in this chapter. Without the initial efforts of Blair Irvine and Michael Scott in the 1970s
(and continuing today), there would have been no long-term study to report. Over the years the
program has benefited greatly from the dedicated services of our laboratory managers and field
coordinators, including Kim Urian, Sue Hofmann, Kim Bassos-Hull, Stephanie Nowacek, and
Jason Allen, along with myriad staff, students, colleagues, and volunteers. Crucial information on
ages has been provided by Aleta Hohn, and on genetic relationships by Debbie Duffield. Major
support for ongoing operations has been provided by the Chicago Zoological Society, the Batchelor
Foundation, NOAAs Fisheries Service, Disney, Earthwatch Institute, the U.S. Marine Mammal
Commission, Dolphin Quest, and Mote Marine Laboratory. Many thanks to Katherine McHugh for
her review of an early draft.

Barnes LG (2002) Dephinoids, evolution of the modern families. In: Perrin WF, Wrsig B,
Thewissen JGM (eds) Encyclopedia of marine mammals. Academic, San Diego, pp 314316
Barros NB, Wells RS (1998) Prey and feeding patterns of resident bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops
truncatus) in Sarasota Bay, Florida. J Mammal 79(3):10451059
Barros NB, Ostrom P, Stricker C, Wells RS (2010) Stable isotopes differentiate bottlenose dolphins
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Bassos-Hull K, Perrtree R, Shepard C, Schilling S, Barleycorn A, Allen J, Balmer B, Pine W, Wells
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Chapter 9

Life History Tactics in Monkeys and Apes:

Focus on Female-Dispersal Species
Juichi Yamagiwa, Yukiko Shimooka, and David S. Sprague

J. Yamagiwa (*)
Laboratory of Human Evolution Studies, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University,
Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
e-mail: yamagiwa@jinrui.zool.ktoto-u.ac.jp
Y. Shimooka
Department of Natural and Environmental Science, Teikyo University of Science,
Yatsusawa, Uenohara, Yamanashi 409-0193, Japan
D.S. Sprague
Ecosystem Informatics Division, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences,
Kannondai 3-1-3, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8604, Japan
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_9, Springer Japan 2014



J. Yamagiwa et al.

Abstract Primates show life history traits similar to those of cetaceans, such as small
litter size, long gestation, long lactation, and long lifespan, in spite of striking contrasts in habitats, diet, mobility, and range size between them. Ecological factors (food
and predation) may influence their life history traits in various ways, but social factors
(social structure and reproductive strategies) may be more important for the life history of primates, in which both sexes live together even outside the breeding season.
Group-living primates are classified into female-bonded species and female-dispersal
species, based on the patterns of female dispersal after maturity. A comparison of life
history parameters shows that female-dispersal species have a slower life history (gestation length, weaning age, age at first reproduction, and interbirth interval) than the
female-bonded species, except for neonatal weight and weaning weight, which may
be determined in relationship to female body weight. To elucidate factors promoting
the slow life history, we focus on Atelinae and Hominidae (female-dispersal species)
and examine their interspecific and intraspecific variation in social structure and male
reproductive tactics in relationship to life history traits. Most Atelinae species form
multimale and multifemale groups, and variation in their life history features may
reflect relationships among males and their reproductive tactics. In howler monkeys,
both males and females disperse, and infanticide by males may lead to a fast life history. In other Atelines, infanticide rarely occurs, although it has the effect of reducing
interbirth interval. Forcible copulation by males occasionally occurs in spider monkeys. Variations in grouping among females reflecting their flexible foraging efforts
according to distribution of high-quality foods may have some effects on the fast
slow continuum in the life history features of female Atelinae. Hominidae exhibit
larger variations in life history features than Atelinae, probably because of their
diverse social structure. Solitary nature and male reproductive tactics may have great
influences on the life history of female great apes. Female orangutans, who usually
live a solitary life, show the slowest life history. Maturing female orangutans need a
longer time to establish their own home range and relationships with reproductive
mates than female chimpanzees and gorillas, who transfer into other groups immediately after emigration. Female gorillas show the lowest age at first reproduction and
the shortest interbirth interval. Intensive caretaking of the immature by male gorillas
may facilitate early weaning, and infanticide by males may promote a prolonged
bonding between a protector male and females to shorten the interbirth interval.
Similar life history traits have been found in four long-term study sites of chimpanzees. Only females at Bossou show a fast life history, probably the result of highquality foods and single male group composition under isolated conditions. The more
frequent and stable association between females and males and more promiscuous
mating in bonobos may facilitate the search for mating partners and lead to a shorter
interbirth interval than chimpanzees. Frugivorous orangutans and chimpanzees may
suffer more costs of female dispersal through decreased foraging efficiency than folivorous gorillas, and chimpanzees with fissionfusion grouping may suffer more
social stress than gorillas in highly cohesive groups. Such differences may generally
shape the fastslow continuum of life history in female-dispersal primate species.
Keywords Age at first reproduction Atelinae Female-dispersal species
Hominidae Interbirth interval Life history

Life History Tactics in Monkeys and Apes



Life History Traits of Cetaceans and Primates

Life history is expressed as a scheduling of development and reproduction within a

life cycle (Stearns 1992). Parameters of life history, such as gestation length, prenatal and postnatal growth rate, weaning age, age to first reproduction, interbirth interval, and lifespan, vary allometrically with body size (Read and Harvey 1989;
Charnov 1991, 1993; Purvis and Harvey 1995). In mammals, large species take
longer to grow to maturity, have a longer gestation, have a longer interval between
births, and have fewer young per litter than smaller species. This fastslow continuum in the speed of life is also found among cetaceans and primates.
A cetacean is characterized by its large body size (for the blue whale, a body
length of 31 m) and large neonatal mass (more than 15 % of maternal mass) because
of its aquatic habitats and advanced feeding techniques, such as the filtering
observed in mysticetes (Whitehead and Mann 2000). Among cetaceans, life history
traits differ between mysticetes and odontocetes (Fig. 9.1). Although no difference
is found in neonatal weight relative to adult female body weight, weaning age and
age at first parturition of mysticetes are lower than those of odontocetes. The mysticetes show fast life history patterns and no obvious correlation between body size
and the speed of their life history processes (Martin and Rothery 1993; Kasuya
1995). By contrast, the odontocetes generally follow the fastslow continuum, possibly caused by predation pressure and food availability being variable with body
size (Whitehead and Weilgart 2000; Whitehead and Mann 2000). Duration of lactation is extremely variable among cetacean species, ranging from 6 months in baleen
whales to 6 years in bottlenose dolphins (Connor et al. 2000). Mysticetes produce
milk with the highest fat content (3053 %) among mammals and wean offspring at
an earlier age than most of the odontocetes, irrespective of body length (Oftedal
1997). In odontocetes, the length of lactation has a positive correlation with body
length, and weaning occurs gradually, probably the result of the necessity of learning how to feed on highly mobile prey (Mann and Smuts 1999). Food supply may
affect the duration of lactation, which constitutes a constraint factor on the future
reproduction of mothers (Martin and Rothery 1993; Mann et al. 2000). Cetaceans
are gregarious and socially diverse, but most of their social structure is matrilineal,
in which males disperse from their natal groups (Kasuya 1995). As observed in
bottlenose dolphins and striped dolphins, kin-related females tend to associate and
cooperate in rearing calves in a school (Miyazaki and Nishiwaki 1978; Shane et al.
1986). In some matrilineal social structures (e.g., pilot whales and killer whales),
menopause has been found (Whitehead 1998). Patrilineal social structure has been
found in Bairds beaked whales, in which males reach maturity earlier and live longer than females (Kasuya and Jones 1984). Male Bairds beaked whales care for
weaned offspring, which is exceptional among cetaceans (Kasuya et al. 1997).
Primates show life history traits similar to those of cetaceans, such as small litter
size, long gestation, long lactation, and long lifespan, in spite of striking contrasts
in habitats, diet, mobility, and range size between them (Harvey et al. 1987; Read
and Harvey 1989; Ross 1998; Whitehead and Mann 2000). Primates lie at the slow
end of the fastslow continuum (Fig. 9.1; Table 9.1). Haplorhines have a slower life
history than strepsirrhines of the same size (Purvis et al. 2003). Recent arguments

Fig. 9.1 Life history traits of
cetaceans and primates
among mammals relative to
female body weight: neonatal
weight (a), weaning age (b),
and age at first parturition (c).
Open squares, mysticetes;
filled squares, odontocetes;
open triangles, anthropoids;
filled triangles, prosimians;
filled diamonds, other
mammals. (Data from the list
by Purvis and Harvey 1995)

J. Yamagiwa et al.

Neonatal weight


Adult weight

Weaning age

Adult weight

Age at first parturition

Adult weight

have proposed determinant factors of the slow life history in primates, such as large
brain size (Allman et al. 1993; Martin 1996), high risk of juvenile mortality (Janson
and van Schaik 1993), nutritional risk (Borries et al. 2001; Altmann and Alberts
2003; Anderson et al. 2008), and arboreal lifestyle (Eisenberg 1981; Martin 1995),
but no single factor seem to fully explain this (Harvey and Purvis 1999; van Schaik
and Deaner 2002).
Ecological factors may influence the life history traits of primates in various
ways (Kappeler et al. 2003). The low growth rate of primates may be caused by a
negative association between mortality rates and growth rates, and juvenile vulnerability to food shortage and predation may shape their life history traits (Janson and

Life History Tactics in Monkeys and Apes


Table 9.1 Species averages for mammalian life history variables

weight (g)

Age at first
Neonatal Weaning parturition
weight (g) age (day) (days)

Common name

Scientific name

Uinta ground squirrel
Beldings ground squirrel
Daurian ground squirrel
ground squirrel
Yellow-bellied marmot
Eastern chipmink
Eastern grey squirrel
Red squirrel
East African mole rat
Meadow jumping mouse
Western jumping mouse
Yellow-necked mouse
Bank vole
White-footed mouse
Deer mouse
Brown hare
European rabbit
Eastern cotton-tail rabbit
Greater horseshoe bat
Big brown bat
Eastern (U.S.)
pipistrelle bat
Common pipistrelle bat
European mole
European hedgehog
Giant panda
Black bear
Ringed seal
Grey seal
Elephant seal
Fur seal
River otter
European skunk
Striped skunk
American badger
Grey wolf
Grey fox
Red fox
Arctic fox
Domestic cat

Myocaster coypus
Spermophilus armatus
S. beldingi
S. dauricus
S. lateralis





Marmota flaviventris
Tamias striatus
Sciurus carolinensis
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
Tachyoryctes splendens
Zapus hudsonius
Z. princeps
Apodemus flavicollis
Clethrionomys glareolus
Peromyscus leucopus
P. maniculatus
Ochotona princeps
Lepus europaeus
Oryctolagus cuniculus
Sylvilagus floridans
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum
Eptesicus fuscus
Pipistrellus subflavus




P. pipistrellus
Talpa europaea
Erinaceus europaeua
Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Ursus americanus
Phoca hispida
Halichoerus ursinus
Mirounga leonina
Callorhinus ursinus
Lutra canadensis
Mustela putorius
Mephitis mephitis
Taxidea taxus
Canis lupus
Urocyon cinereoargenteus
Vulpes vulpes
Alopex lagopus
Felis catus
Lynx rufus





J. Yamagiwa et al.

Table 9.1 (continued)

Common name

Scientific name

weight (g)

Age at first
Neonatal Weaning parturition
weight (g) age (day) (days)

Wild boar
Sus scrofa
Phacochoerus aethiopicus
720 111
Hippopotamus amphibius
42,800 304
Aepyceros melampus
4,830 154
Kobus ellipsiprymnus
13,000 211
K. kob
4,470 197
Damaliscus lunatus
Cape buffalo
Syncerus caffer
40,300 304
Rupicapra rupicapra
3,070 183
Himalayan tahr
Hemitragus jemlahicus
2,000 149
Dalls sheep
Ovis dalli
3,620 149
Chinese musk deer
Moschus berezovskii
Red deer
Cervus elaphus
8,800 216
European roe deer
Capreolus capreolus
866 136
Alces alces
13,200 131
Rangifer tarandus
5,720 111
Mule deer
Odocoileus hemionus
Equus caballus
41,500 238
Plains zebra
E. burchelli
32,200 294
African elephant
Loxodonta africana
2,770,000 115,000 1,886
Blue whale
Balaenoptera musculus
105,000,000 7,250,000 210
Humpback whale
Megaptera novaeangliae
35,000,000 2,000,000 150
Grey whale
Eschrichtius robustus
31,466,000 500,000 210
Sperm whale
Physeter macrocephalus
20,000,000 1,016,000 720
False killer whale
Pseudorca crassidens
80,000 630
Delphinapterus leucas
79,000 660
Bottlenose dolphin
Tursiops spp.
32,000 570
Eastern gorilla
Gorilla beringei
1,900 1,090
Pan troglodytes
1,740 1,900
White-handed gibbon
Hylobates lar
400 548
Gelada baboon
Theropithecus gelada
465 540
Guinea baboon
Papio papio
710 365
Rhesus macaque
Macaca mulatta
466 192
Toque monkey
Macaca sinica
446 391
Black and white colobus Colobus gueraza
445 330
Savanna monkey
Cercopithecus aethiops
336 201
Spider monkey
Ateles spp.
425 760
Howler monkey
Alouatta spp.
295 372
Lion tamarin
Leontopithecus rosalia
Ring-tailed lemur
Lemur catta
65 105
Slender loris
Loris tardigradus
466 192
Allens bushbaby
Galago alleni
10 170
Tarsius spp.
Sources: Harvey et al. (1987), Purvis and Harvey (1995), Whitehead and Mann (2000), Kappeler and
Pereira (2003)

Life History Tactics in Monkeys and Apes


van Schaik 1993). Primates may be adapted to the low mortality rates prevalent in
their ancestral habitat (tropical forests), because other arboreal mammals, such as
bats (Jones and MacLarnon 2001), also have low mortality rates. Primates living in
the more unpredictable habitats have higher birthrates and earlier age at first reproduction (Ross 1998). The apes that are strictly distributed in and around the tropical
forests have slow life history traits, whereas Old World monkeys living in variable
habitats have relatively rapid life history traits. Forest macaques have a longer interbirth interval and a later age at first reproduction than opportunistic macaque species living in a variety of habitats, even in sympatric conditions (Ross 1992).
However, the age of first reproduction in olive baboons is highly heritable (WilliamsBlangero and Blangero 1995). Large intraspecific variations are also found in some
life history traits. Female vervet monkeys may respond to limited access to food
resources by delaying reproduction (Cheney et al. 1988). Female Japanese macaques
and savanna baboons with high rank tend to mature earlier than females with low
rank (Altmann et al. 1988; Gouzoules et al. 1982; Takahata et al. 1999). These
observations may suggest that life history traits of primates may have evolved as a
species-specific strategy as well as the immediate responses to environment changes.
Social structure and social behavior are also important for life history traits.
Among mammals, primates have a unique social feature in that the two sexes live
together even outside the breeding season. This lifestyle may result in diversity of
social structure and may characterize the fastslow continuum in relationship to
social systems. Group size and socionomic sex ratio (the number of adult males per
female within a group) can change feeding and reproductive strategies of both sexes
and thereby affect life history parameters (Dunbar 1988; Sterck et al. 1997; Nunn
and Pereira 2000). Female gregariousness, social relationships, or alloparental care
of dependent infants may also change life history traits such as postnatal growth
rate, weaning age, and interbirth interval (Fairbanks 1990; Stanford 1992; Van
Noodwijk and van Schaik 2005). High infant growth rates do not appear to be correlated with environmental factors (diet, climate, or habitat) but with nonmaternal
care, which allows mothers to increase birthrates by decreasing interbirth interval
(Ross and MacLarnon 1995). Male reproductive strategies may constitute a strong
selective force on life history traits. Infanticide by males promotes prolonged male
female association (van Schaik 2000) and complex maleinfant relationships (Paul
et al. 2000) and affects patterns of female movements between groups (Steenbeck
2000; Yamagiwa and Kahekwa 2001) and female reproductive biology (Watts 2000;
van Noordwijk and van Schaik 2000; Yamagiwa et al. 2009). Recent findings show
large variations in social structure and behavior between species and within species
(Barton et al. 1996; Henzi and Barrett 2003; Doran et al. 2002; Yamagiwa et al.
2003). Life history traits are also easy to change, relatively independently, via selection (Kappeler et al. 2003). However, it is still unclear how such social variation is
linked with life history variation.
In this chapter, we focus on female dispersal as the limiting factor of life history
parameters. Group-living primates have been classified into female-bonded species and
female-dispersal species (Wrangham 1980). Most of the macaques, cercopithecines,
and Cebus monkeys form a group in which females remain during their entire life.


J. Yamagiwa et al.

They usually associate with kin-related females and form coalitions with them in
agonistic contexts (Watanabe 1979; Silk 1982; Dunbar 1988; Harcourt 1992; Henzi
and Barrett 1999). Cooperation and support of kin-related females increase female
reproductive success. The linear dominance rank is stable among females and between
kin-groups of females. Females of the kin-groups with higher rank have higher birthrates, younger age at first parturition, and lower infant mortality than females of
kin-groups with lower rank (Drickamer 1974; Silk 1987; Itoigawa et al. 1992; Paul and
Kuester 1996), although these tendencies are not consistent in some species (Cheney
et al. 1988; Takahata et al. 1999). On the other hand, females of Hominidae and Atelinae
usually leave their natal groups and spend their reproductive life without related females
(Wrangham 1987; Yamagiwa 1999; Strier 1999a). Social relationships with males or
unrelated females that they join are important for their reproductive success. The elder
females or females joining earlier are dominant to younger females or those joining
later (Goodall 1986; Watts 1991a; Idani 1991; Crockett and Pope 1993; Printes and
Strier 1999; Nishimura 2003). However, intervention by males in conflicts (Watts
1997), sociosexual behavior among females (Kano 1992), and the fissionfusion nature
of grouping (Wrangham and Smuts 1980; Goodall 1986; Strier 1992) reduce dominance effects and prevent females from having prolonged antagonistic interactions.
Because of the lack of support from kin-related females, male reproductive strategies
including infanticide may affect life history parameters in female-dispersal species
(Strier 1999a; Harcourt and Stewart 2007). Here, we also examine inter- and intraspecific variation in social structure and male reproductive tactics in relationship to life
history traits.


Life History Tactics of Female-Bonded

and Female-Dispersal Species

Anthropoid primates form either female-bonded or female-dispersal groups, except

for orangutans, in which both females and males spend a solitary life after maturity.
Among them, we selected primate species with medium and large body size for
comparisons of life history traits: 20 species for female-bonded and 15 species for
female-dispersal (Table 9.2). The orangutan was included in the female-dispersal
species because all females separate from their mothers before maturity. As life history parameters, gestation length, neonatal weight, weaning age, weaning weight,
age at first parturition, and interbirth interval were used for interspecific comparison
with reference to female body weight. We used the database constructed by Kappeler
and Pereira (2003) and added to it some reliable data from recent reports. Most of
the data were from observations on wild populations, but some data were from
observations on provisioned or captive individuals. For statistical tests, we used the
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) in the Analyze/Fit Model section in JMPs.
Gestation length of female-dispersal species was significantly longer than that of
female-bonded species (F = 69.05, p < 0.0001; Fig. 9.2a). Length of gestation of
Atelinae (Ateles, Brachyteles) was far longer than that of Cercopithecinae

Femalebonded (M)
or femaledispersal (P)



Cebus abifrons
Alouatta palliata
Ateles fusciceps
A. geoffroyi
A. paniscus
Brachyteles arachnoides
Lagothrix lagotricha
Cercopithecus ascanius
C. cephus
C. diana
C. pogonius
Macaca arctoides
M. fascicularis
M. mulatta
M. nemestrina
M. nigra
M. radiata
M. silenus
Lophocebus albigena
Cercocebus torquatus
Papio anubis
P. cynocephalus
P. hamadryas


Adult female
body weight (g)



length (day)





Weight (g)

Table 9.2 Life history parameters of female-bonded and female-dispersal primate species









weight (g)




age (day)

Age at first








Life History Tactics in Monkeys and Apes

Femalebonded (M)
or femaledispersal (P)
Adult female
body weight (g)

length (day)

Weight (g)

age (day)

weight (g)

Age at first


Theropithecus gelada
Colobus gereza
Semnopithecus entellus
Nasalis larvatus
Hylobates lar
H. syndactylus
Pongo pygmaeus
Gorilla gorilla/beringei
Pan paniscus
P. troglodytes
Sources: Anderson et al. (2008), Fedigan and Rose (1995), Furuichi and Hashimoto (2002), Harcourt and Stewart (2007), Kappeler and Pereira (2003), Nishida et al.
(2003), Nishimura (2003), Shimooka et al. (2008), Wich et al. (2004)


Table 9.2 (continued)

J. Yamagiwa et al.

Life History Tactics in Monkeys and Apes


Gestation length


Adult weight

Neonatal weight



Adult body weight

Adult body weight

Weaning age

Fig. 9.2 Life history traits of female-bonded and female-dispersal primate species (relative to
female body weight): gestation length (a), neonatal weight (b), weaning age (c), weaning weight
(d), age at first parturition (e), interbirth interval (f). Filled diamonds, female-bonded species; open
diamonds, female-dispersal species


J. Yamagiwa et al.

Weaning weight


Adult body weight

Age at first parturition

Adult body weight

Inter-birth interval


Adult body weight

Fig. 9.2 (continued)

(Cercopithecus, Macaca, Cercocebus, Lophocebus, Papio, Theropithecus) and

Colobinae (Colobus, Semnopithecus). Gestation length of Hominidae was diverse
and did not correlate with body weight among the four species. Neonatal weight
tended to increase relative to female body weight, and no difference was found here
between the female-bonded and the female-dispersal species (F = 106.86, p = 0.3877;
Fig. 9.2b). Although no difference was found in weaning weight (F = 45.05,
p = 0.9586; Fig. 9.2c), weaning ages of female-dispersal species were significantly

Life History Tactics in Monkeys and Apes


higher than those of female-dispersal species (F = 34.28, p < 0.01; Fig. 9.2d). In primate species, weaning generally occurs around the time when infants reach about
one third of adult body weight (Lee et al. 1991; Lee 1996). Female-dispersal species
tend to have a higher age at first parturition (F = 23.97, p < 0.05; Fig. 9.2e) and longer interbirth interval (F = 56.63, p < 0.0001; Fig. 9.2f) than female-bonded species.
These results suggest that female-dispersal species may have slower life history
traits than female-bonded species. Neonatal weight and weaning weight may be
determined in relationship to female body weight irrespective of female movement
patterns. However, female dispersal and reproduction without help from kin-related
females may result in a slow life history.
Female-dispersal species form various social structures, such as solitary, monogamous, polygynous, or multimale/multifemale groups. Which aspects of female
dispersal or social features lead them to slow life history? To answer this question,
we compared life history traits between genera, between species, and between populations within species of Atelinae and Hominidae, which have been extensively
studied at several sites.


Factors Leading to Slow Life History of Atelinae

and Hominidae

Atelinae and Hominidae are typical taxa in which all genera have common social
features, such as the lack of female kin bonding and female dispersal from the natal
group or mother (Goodall 1986; Rosenberger and Strier 1989; Strier 1999b;
Harcourt and Stewart 2007). Atelines live in the tropical forests of Central and
South America and are divided into four genera: howler monkeys (Alouatta), spider
monkeys (Ateles), woolly monkeys (Lagothrix), and muriquis (Brachyteles).
Hominidae (great apes), except for humans, are divided into three genera and live in
the tropical forests of Asia (orangutans, Pongo) and Africa (gorillas, Gorilla; chimpanzees, Pan). Atelines usually form groups including multiple females and males.
Although male howler monkeys also disperse from their natal groups, males of the
other three Atelines remain in their natal groups to associate with kin-related males,
as observed for chimpanzees and bonobos (Symington 1988; Strier 1999a). The
social structures of the great apes are highly differentiated. Both male and female
orangutans usually live alone and partially overlap their home range with neighboring individuals of the same sex (Galdikas 1984; Delgado and van Schaik 2000; van
Schaik 1999). Gorillas form a cohesive group consisting of a mature male and several females with their offspring. Both female and male gorillas tend to emigrate
from their natal groups, and only females immigrate into other groups in which they
start reproduction (Yamagiwa and Kahekwa 2001; Stokes et al. 2003; Robbins et al.
2009). Chimpanzees form large groups including multiple males and females, and
only females emigrate from their natal groups (Nishida 1979; Goodall 1986; Boesch
and Boesch-Achermann 2000).

J. Yamagiwa et al.

Table 9.3 Life history parameters of atelines
Alouatta seniculus
Lagothrix lagotricha 5.8
Ateles geoffroyi
Brachyteles sp.

Age at first
reproduction (years),
average (range)

interval (years),
average (range)

Crockett and Pope (1993)
Nishimura (2003)
Fedigan and Rose (1995)
Strier (1996)

Analogous to the great apes, Atelines are characterized by the largest body
weight and the slowest life history among neotropical primates (Table 9.3). The
slower reproductive traits of woolly monkeys compared to howler monkeys, which
have a similar body size, may reflect their differences in female reproductive costs
in relationship to social features. Female howler monkeys can have more diverse
options than female woolly monkeys, such as transferring into other groups, joining
males to establish a new group, or remaining in their natal group to breed (Crockett
and Pope 1993; Strier 1999a). Aggressive interactions among males over mating
partners are frequent, and infanticide by males occurs in howler monkeys (Crockett
and Seklic 1984; Agoramoorthy and Rudran 1995; Crockett and Janson 2000). In
the Venezuelan red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus), infanticide reduces the
interbirth interval, and the risk of infanticide increases with the number of females
within a group (Crockett and Rudran 1987; Crockett and Janson 2000). Infanticide
may prompt female emigration and lead to a fast life history. In the other three
Ateline genera with male philopatry, however, infanticide rarely occurs. On the
other hand, coalitional aggression by males to other males, including killing of
immature males and forced copulations by males, have been reported in spider monkeys (Campbell 2003, 2006; Valeo et al. 2006; Gibson et al. 2008). There are large
variations in the average interval between consecutive viable births of spider monkeys among long-term study sites [32.0 months in Mexico (Ramos-Fernandez
2003); 34.5 months in Peru (Symington 1988); 43.7 months in Columbia
(Y. Shimooka, unpublished data)]. Within-group competition among males and
their mating strategies, including sexual coercion, may change the interbirth interval
of spider monkeys (Gibson et al. 2008; Shimooka et al. 2008).
A comparison of life history parameters in female great apes indicates that
orangutans have the slowest and gorillas have the fastest life history (Table 9.4).
These differences are inconsistent with female body weight, and the life history
parameters vary with male mating strategies. There are two types of sexually mature
male orangutan: flanged males, with fully developed secondary sexual features,
cheek pads, long hair, and a throat sack, and non-flanged males, looking younger
without these sexual features but actually having reached the adult age. Flanged
males emit loud calls and maintain antagonistic relationships with each other, competing over access to females (Galdikas 1985; Rodman and Mitani 1987; van Schaik
and van Hooff 1996). Non-flanged males occasionally travel in groups to follow the
same females (van Schaik et al. 2004). The strong female mating preference for the
dominant flanged males facilitates their exclusive mating, but roaming non-flanged


Pongo abelii
Pongo pygmaeus
P. pygmaeus (rehabilitant)
Pongo abelii (zoo-born, captive)
Pongo pygmaeus (zoo-born, captive)
Gorilla beringei beringei
Gorilla beringei graueri
Gorilla gorilla gorilla (captive)
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii
Pan troglodytes verus
Pan troglodytes verus
Pan troglodytes (provisioned)
Pan troglodytes (captive)
Pan troglodytes (captive)
Pan paniscus

River Gambia
CIRMF (Gabon)


Study site

Tanjung Putting


Table 9.4 Life history parameters of the great apes

15.4 (1318)
15.7 (1516)
10.9 (716)
16.4 (1517)
15.5 (1416)
10.1 (913)a
10.6 (912)
9.2 (619)
13.2 (1223)a
13.3 (1117)
10.9 (1014)
14.3 (1319)
14.3 (1318)
11.6 (537)
11.2 (817)
14.2 (1315)

Age at first
reproduction (years),
average (range)
9.3 (6.311.6)
7.7 (5.310.4)
6.2 (5.07.6)
3.9 (3.07.3)
4.6 (3.46.6)
4.2 (2.46.4)
5.7 (5.37.3)a
5.2 (38)
5.3 (411)
5.8 (410)
5.7 (29)
4.2 (2.85.2)

Interbirth interval
(years), average

Wich et al. (2009)

Galdikas and Wood (1990), Tilson et al. (1993)
Kuze et al. (2008), Kuze et al. (2012)
Anderson et al. (2008)
Anderson et al. (2008)
Watts (1991a, b)
Yamagiwa et al. (2003)
Kirschofer (1987), Sivert et al. (1991)
Nishida et al. (2003)
Goodall (1986), Wallis (1997)
Sugiyama (2004)
Boesch and Boesch-Achermann (2000)
Marsden et al. (2006)
Udono et al. (1989), Yoshihara (1999)
Tutin (1994)
Kuroda (1989), Furuichi et al. (1998),
Furuichi and Hashimoto (2002)


Life History Tactics in Monkeys and Apes


J. Yamagiwa et al.

males occasionally force females to mate with them. Females do not form prolonged consorts with either flanged or non-flanged males. Females with dependent
infants rarely associate with males, which never take care of infants. The lack of the
males care and protection may promote the females solitary travel and preclude
early weaning and reproduction.
Gorillas form a cohesive group and have no territoriality with neighboring groups
(Schaller 1963; Watts 1998; Tutin 1996; Yamagiwa et al. 1996; Bermejo 2004).
High cohesiveness and one-male group composition may have promoted a rapid life
history compared to other apes. The leading male monopolizes most of the copulations with fertile females and takes intensive care of the offspring before and after
weaning (Fossey 1979; Stewart and Harcourt 1987; Fletcher 2001; Stewart 2001).
These social features may facilitate weaning at an earlier age, shorter interbirth
interval, and female reproduction at an earlier age for gorillas than for chimpanzees.
Furthermore, infanticide by male gorillas occurs as a mating tactic to resume female
estrus and thereby shorten interbirth interval (Watts 1989; Yamagiwa et al. 2009).
Female chimpanzees and bonobos copulate with multiple males and take care of
their infants by themselves (Tutin 1979; Goodall 1986; Kano 1992). Female chimpanzees tend to associate or interact with other adults less frequently than males,
and mothers with dependent infants rarely join males (Wrangham 1979; Nishida
1979; Boesch and Boesch-Achermann 2000). Infanticide occurs in chimpanzees,
but promiscuous mating may reduce it, as do female tactics, with paternity confusion (Hasegawa 1989; Van Noordwijk and van Schaik 2000). Fissionfusion features and promiscuous mating may prevent males from monopolizing mating and
lead to a slower life history than gorillas.
Life history parameters in female great apes vary with their social features.
Female orangutans, who usually live a solitary life, show the slowest life history.
Maturing females need to establish their own home range and relationships with
reproductive mates after separation from their mothers. They need a longer time to
attain these tasks than female chimpanzees and gorillas, who transfer into other
groups immediately after emigration. Solitary travel for weeks or months by female
chimpanzees or gorillas has rarely been observed (Wrangham 1979; Nishida 1979;
Goodall 1986; Boesch and Boesch-Achermann 2000; Watts 2003; Stokes et al.
2003; Yamagiwa et al. 2003). Female chimpanzees and gorillas may easily find
mates for reproduction in the group they join and thus may not need to establish
their own ranging areas. Instead, they need to establish social relationships with
unrelated conspecifics within the new group. Immigrant females usually are
harassed by resident females in both chimpanzees and gorillas (Goodall 1986; Idani
1991; Furuichi 1997; Watts 1991a, 1994; Harcourt and Stewart 2007). Female gorillas get support from the leading males, who frequently intervene in conflicts among
females (Watts 1997; Harcourt and Stewart 2007). Immigrant female bonobos first
establish affiliative relationships with resident females through sociosexual behavior (Idani 1991; Kano 1992; Furuichi 1997; Hohmann et al. 1999). Although group
life may facilitate female chimpanzees in starting or resuming reproduction earlier
than do female orangutans, more complex social relationships within a group and
unassisted caretaking may prevent them from having a fast life history.

Life History Tactics in Monkeys and Apes


The costs of female transfer may also prevent Atelinae from having rapid reproduction (Strier 1999a). Female woolly monkeys transfer between groups and give
birth seasonally, and immigrant females are usually accepted peacefully (Nishimura
1994, 2003). The most frequent fissionfusion in grouping is found in spider monkeys (Symington 1990; Strier 1992). Female muriquis transfer throughout the year,
and immigrant females are occasionally threatened by resident females and start
copulation several months after immigration (Printes and Strier 1999; Strier and
Ziegler 2000). Variations in grouping and relationships among females are the driving force of the fastslow continuum in the life history of Atelinae.


Ecological Factors Versus Social Factors Influencing

Life History Parameters in Hominidae

Ecological factors, such as nutritional conditions and predation risks, may also
change life history parameters. Ecological risk aversion theory predicts that seasonal fluctuation in the availability of high-quality foods, increasing intraspecific
feeding competition, and low predation risk, reducing mortality rate, may lead to a
slow life history (Janson and van Schaik 1993). In this respect, great apes with low
predation risk have a slower life history than Cercopithecus monkeys, and frugivorous orangutans and chimpanzees have a slower life history than folivorous gorillas.
Spider monkeys, relying most heavily on fruits with the most frequent fissionfusion
grouping, have the slowest life history among Atelinae (Symington 1990; Strier
1992; Shimooka 2005). Local variation within a genus or species in relationship to
different environmental conditions may elucidate the ecological role in shaping life
history parameters. The great apes have been intensively studied for many years at
different sites and are the best subjects for examining these local variations.
Sumatran orangutans are more frugivorous and tend to associate more frequently
than Bornean orangutans (van Schaik 1999; Wich et al. 1999; Delgado and van
Schaik 2000). The association rate and time tend to increase with an increase in fruit
availability (Sugardjito et al. 1987). However, the association of female orangutans
or an increase in association of motheroffspring units along with an increase in
food availability may not be linked with fast reproduction but does extend the interbirth interval (Wich et al. 2004). Two models tried to explain these tendencies. The
ecological energetic model predicts that the lower and unpredictable energy availability in Borneo may lead to reproductive output scheduled according to sufficient
energy availability during the period of fruit abundance (Knott 2001; Knott et al.
2009). The ecological life history model predicts that the higher energy availability
and lower mortality in Sumatra may lead to slow life history (Wich et al. 2004,
2009). Another explanation is that the difference in life history may be caused by
female response to the ratio of flanged/non-flanged males and to their different mating strategies. In Sumatra, where more non-flanged males (trying forcible mating)
are available, females may have slow reproduction (Delgado and van Schaik 2000).
In Borneo, where more flanged males (trying monopolization of mating) are


J. Yamagiwa et al.

available, females may have fast reproduction. However, more detailed observations
on mating and reproduction are needed to verify these interpretations.
The slower physical maturation of frugivorous western gorillas compared to
folivorous mountain gorillas may support the risk-aversion hypothesis (Breuer et al.
2009). The longer interbirth interval is also suggested for western gorillas, although
no difference is observed in other reproductive parameters between them (Robbins
et al. 2004). Between the subspecies of Gorilla beringei, some differences are
observed in life history parameters (Table 9.4). In the montane forest of Kahuzi,
G. b. graueri live at a lower altitude and have a more frugivorous diet than does
G. b. beringei in the Virungas; they show slightly longer interbirth intervals and
lower infant mortality than G. b. beringei (Yamagiwa et al. 2003). However, this
difference may be caused by the presence or absence of infanticide by males, rather
than ecological factors. Killing of infants by males occurred frequently in the
Virunga gorilla population as a male reproductive tactic to hasten resumption of
female estrus (Fossey 1984; Watts 1989). To avoid infanticide, females tend to
travel with silverbacks (fully matured males) and to join a group with multiple
males to seek more reliable protection (Watts 1996; Robbins 1999). These female
strategies may reduce interbirth intervals in the Virungas. By contrast, infanticide
has not been observed until recently in Kahuzi, and females occasionally form allfemale groups for a prolonged period after the death of the leading silverbacks
(Yamagiwa and Kahekwa 2001). Infant mortality (until the second year from birth)
is higher for Virunga gorillas (33.9 %) than for Kahuzi gorillas (26.1 %), and 37 %
of infant mortality in the Virungas was the result of infanticide (Watts 1991b;
Yamagiwa et al. 2003). The interval between the death of an infant and a next birth
for Virunga gorillas (1.0 years) is shorter than that for Kahuzi gorillas (2.2 years)
(Yamagiwa et al. 2003). Female Virunga gorillas may find mates and resume
reproduction more rapidly after the death of infants. Three cases of infanticide have
recently been observed in a group of Kahuzi gorillas, and the birthrate in the groups
is very high (Yamagiwa et al. 2009, 2011). The occurrence of infanticide may promote
the fast life history of gorillas.
A comparison among four study sites of chimpanzees in natural habitats shows a
similarity in interbirth interval (5.25.8 years on average). Age at first reproduction
is also relatively constant among sites (13.214.3 years on average), except for chimpanzees at Bossou (10.9 years). Sugiyama (2004) attributed these findings to nutritional conditions. In Bossou, high-quality foods, such as fruits and nuts, are
concentrated in the study groups core area, and their tool using behavior may mitigate low nutrition during the period of fruit scarcity (Sugiyama 1997, 2004;
Yamakoshi 1998). Small group size and isolated conditions may also speed the start
of female reproduction in Bossou. Group size of Bossou chimpanzees is kept around
20, which is far smaller than those of Gombe, Mahale, and Tai (30100). The study
group of Bossou has been isolated from neighboring groups for 26 years, and most
of the females started their first reproduction in their natal groups (Sugiyama 2004).
The study group included only one adult male for more than 10 years (who stayed as
an alpha male for 20 years), and the maturing males emigrated, probably because of
increased competition with the leading male (Sugiyama 1999). Isolation from

Life History Tactics in Monkeys and Apes


neighboring populations and the polygynous composition of the study group may
have limited female mate choice to a single male and promoted their earlier start of
reproduction. Females who gave birth in their natal group also were younger at their
first birth than immigrant females in Mahale (Nishida et al. 2003). Females emigrating from their natal groups may suffer several costs for reproduction, such as reduced
foraging efficiency in unknown ranges or harassment by resident females in the unfamiliar groups (Pusey 1980; Goodall 1986; Williams et al. 2002; Nishida et al. 2003).
Nutritional conditions also constitute limiting factors on the life history of great
apes. Orangutans in captivity show faster reproduction than those in natural habitats
(Knott and Kahlenberg 2007). Artificial feeding and grouping may permit faster
growth and reproduction of orangutans than in their solitary natural habitats (Knott
2001). Rehabilitant free-ranging female orangutans also show an earlier age at first
birth and a longer interbirth interval than wild females (Kuze et al. 2012). High
energy intake from provisioning may enable their faster reproduction. The life history parameters of gorillas in natural habitats have been considered to be similar to
those in captivity. A folivorous diet may supplement fruit scarcity, and the cohesive
group formation with a one-male mating system may facilitate faster female reproduction at a level closer to their evolutionary potential (Tutin 1994; Harcourt and
Stewart 2007). However, data on life history have come from folivorous mountain
gorillas, and data in captivity are from frugivorous western gorillas. Recent studies
on western gorillas in their natural habitats show a slower life history than captive
gorillas, and regular provisioning may promote the faster life history of gorillas
(Robbins et al. 2004; Breuer et al. 2009)
Female chimpanzees in captivity also tend to start reproduction earlier and have
shorter interbirth intervals (Table 9.4). A rich nutritional condition from regular
feeding, the limited selection of mates, and restricted movement may facilitate fast
reproduction, as observed for Bossou chimpanzees. However, the interbirth interval
at Bossou is longer than those in captivity and similar to those in natural habitats.
Provisioned but free-ranging chimpanzees from the rehabilitation project in River
Gambia National Park show a similar age at first reproduction and interbirth interval
to those in natural habitats, rather than to those in captivity (Marsden et al. 2006).
These observations suggest that limited movement under confined conditions may
promote the shorter interbirth intervals of female chimpanzees in captivity.


Costs of Female Transfer

In contrast to cetaceans, characterized by high mobility and animal diets in aquatic

environments, the life history traits of primates with vegetarian diets are strongly
linked with dispersal patterns of females. As primate socioecology predicts (Sterck
et al. 1997), food availability and predation pressure shape female gregariousness


J. Yamagiwa et al.

and association between sexes, which in turn change life history parameters.
Most cetaceans form matrilineal social groups, and kin-related females tend to
cooperate in rearing calves in a school (Kasuya 1995; Shane et al. 1986). Food
availability relative to body size may affect the duration of lactation and thereby
female reproductive strategies (Martin and Rothery 1993; Whitehead and Weilgart
2000; Mann et al. 2000). By contrast, some primate species (Atelinae and
Hominidae) form nonmatrilineal groups in which females transfer, and female
dispersal may promote slow life history (Strier 1999a; Kappeler et al. 2003; Harcourt
and Stewart 2007). Our study suggests that male reproductive tactics, adding to
ecological factors, may affect the cost of female transfer and shape the fastslow
continuum in the life history traits of female-dispersal species.
In both Atelinae and Hominidae, high gregariousness among females observed
in howler monkeys and gorillas is linked with faster life history than fissionfusion
grouping in spider monkeys, muriquis, and chimpanzees and solitary travel in
orangutans. In female-dispersal species of primates, in which females usually start
reproductive life after separation from their mothers or from their natal groups,
frequent association with other conspecifics and high group cohesiveness may
reduce costs of female foraging and promote rapid reproduction. Solitary travel is
costly in terms of the need for vigilance against predators and for finding and occupying high-quality food patches, and these costs may lead to delayed age at first
reproduction and a longer interbirth interval. Association with other adults, especially with a single male that positively takes care of an infant, will decrease these
costs and enable them to develop a faster life history.
In male philopatric species such as wooly monkeys, spider monkeys, muriquis,
and chimpanzees, differences in life history may reflect a females flexible foraging
efforts, according to the different spatiotemporal distribution of high-quality foods,
as a means to attain reproductive success. Female atelines show large variations in
grouping within and between species according to the distribution of high-quality
foods (Symington 1990; Strier 1992; Shimooka 2005), and female chimpanzees
also show large variations in grouping between and within species (Goodall 1986;
Kano 1992; Boesch and Boesch-Achermann 2000). Female great apes may promote
these variations as a way of coping with strong feeding competition because of their
lower digestive ability for unripe fruits and mature leaves compared with Old World
monkeys (Yamagiwa 2004). In both orangutans and chimpanzees, females with
dependent infants tend to travel without other adult conspecifics (van Schaik 1999;
Wrangham 1979), probably because of the higher costs of feeding competition.
Female bonobos form larger parties than female orangutans and chimpanzees, and
even females with dependent infants usually associate with other adult females and
males. Large fruit patches available throughout the year and abundant fallback
foods such as terrestrial herbs may mitigate the cost of grouping among bonobos
(Wrangham 1986). Frequent sociosexual behavior may also reduce social tension
induced by feeding competition among them (Kuroda 1980; Kano 1989; Kitamura
1989; Parish 1994). Female gorillas do not alter their grouping patterns in response
to fruit availability, although they extend their daily path length with an increasing
frugivorous diet (Goldsmith 1999; Doran et al. 2002; Yamagiwa et al. 2003).

Life History Tactics in Monkeys and Apes



Male Reproductive Tactics and Life History of Female

Great Apes

Sexual coercion of males may have strong influences on life history traits in femaledispersal species of primates. Infanticide by males promotes faster life history in
howler monkeys and gorillas (Crockett and Janson 2000; Harcourt and Stewart
2007; Yamagiwa et al. 2011). To avoid infanticide, females move and choose males
with which to associate, and they stay with males who have the ability to protect
their infants. These movements result in stable associations between females and
the protector males that lead to a fast life history.
Infanticide may shape local variation in group composition within the genus
Gorilla through female strategies against it. In the Virungas, where infanticide by
extra-group males frequently occurs, females tend to transfer into multiple male
groups, seeking more protection against infanticide (Watts 1989, 1996). The female
preference for multimale groups may have increased the number of females within
the multimale groups and enabled maturing males to have a mating opportunity
(Robbins 1995, 2001; Watts 1996, 2000; Robbins and Robbins 2005). The dominant males tend to tolerate mating by kin-related subordinate males and cooperate
to defend their groups against solitary males or other groups (Robbins 2001; Watts
2003). A recent genetic analysis of paternity in four multimale groups in the
Virungas indicated that both dominant and subordinate males enjoyed reproductive
success, with the dominants siring an average of 85 % of group offspring (Bradley
et al. 2005). Philopatric males tend to start reproduction earlier and to sire more
offspring than dispersal males (Robbins and Robbins 2005). Female choice of multimale groups may have prevented male dispersal from the natal group and consequently promoted faster life histories of both males and females at Virungas
(Harcourt and Stewart 2007).
By contrast, eastern lowland gorillas rarely form multimale groups and females
occasionally transfer with other females and immatures at Kahuzi, where infanticide has rarely been reported (Yamagiwa et al. 1993; Yamagiwa and Kahekwa
2001). Although long-term studies have not yet been conducted on western gorillas
in the lowland tropical forests, very little infanticide has been reported (Stokes et al.
2003). Frugivorous diets may prevent gorillas from forming large multimale groups
in the lowland forests, and females may not have the option of transferring into
multimale groups (Yamagiwa et al. 2003). Females tend to prefer to transfer into
smaller groups and remain together to accept new males after the death of the leading male (Stokes 2004). Recent DNA analysis suggested a network among related
males in separate but neighboring groups instead of forming multimale groups in
the population of western lowland gorillas at Mondika (Bradley et al. 2004).
Consequently, by forming a network of related males in neighboring one-male
groups, rather than forming multimale groups, frugivorous western gorillas may be
able to avoid infanticide (Fig. 9.3).
Although infanticide rarely occurs in species with male philopatry, it functions to
reduce interbirth interval and may shape interspecies variation in spider monkeys


J. Yamagiwa et al.
Ecological factors

Female dispersal

Slow reproduction

Fast reproduction

Infanticide by males

Fig. 9.3 Variation in social structure and life history of Gorilla beringei

(Gibson et al. 2008; Shimooka et al. 2008). Their fissionfusion grouping is characterized by frequent associations among kin-related males within a group and communal defense by these males (Symington 1990, 1988; Strier 1992; Shimooka
2005). Within-group aggression among males and forced mating by males tend to
occur in the groups of spider monkeys in which operational sex ratios were highly
skewed toward males (Gibson et al. 2008). These observations suggest that competition among males over mates and male coercive mating may promote faster life
history traits in atelines, although long-term data on individual demography are
needed for further speculation.
By contrast, sexual coercion may promote a slow life history in the genus Pan.
As do spider monkeys, both chimpanzees and bonobos form fissionfusion grouping and males tend to remain in their natal groups after maturity (Nishida 1979;
Goodall 1986; Kano 1992). Females show promiscuous mating patterns, but their
gregariousness and male mating tactics vary between species and across populations (Tutin 1979; Tutin and McGinnis 1981; Furuichi 1987). Male chimpanzees are
generally more gregarious than females, and the most dominant males try to monopolize mating (Tutin 1979; Hasegawa and Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1983; Boesch and
Boesch-Achermann 2000). Males form a coalition for communal defense that occasionally results in fatal communal attacks in eastern chimpanzees (Goodall et al.
1979; Nishida et al. 1985; Watts et al. 2006). Infanticide by extra-group males also
occurs as an extension of their territorial aggression (Goodall 1977; Hamai et al.
1992; Arcadi and Wrangham 1999; Watts and Mitani 2000; Muller 2007).
Consequently, male eastern chimpanzees sire most of their offspring within their
communities (Constable et al. 2001; Inoue et al. 2008; Wroblewski et al. 2009;
Newton-Fisher et al. 2010). Infanticide by females was also observed in Gombe
and Budongo and is considered as a female tactic for increased conflict over

Life History Tactics in Monkeys and Apes


resources with new immigrants (Goodall 1977; Townsend et al. 2007; Muller 2007).
These aggressions may promote solitary travel of females, especially females with
suckling infants, to avoid infanticide, and thus may lead to slow reproduction.
There are considerable differences in coalitional formation and intergroup attacks
by males between western and eastern chimpanzees (Goodall et al. 1979; Nishida
et al. 1985; Herbinger et al. 2001; Wilson and Wrangham 2003; Watts et al. 2006;
Lehman and Boesch 2003). Female western chimpanzees tend to associate and
groom with each other frequently at both Bossou and Tai compared to eastern chimpanzees (Sugiyama 1988; Boesch 1991; Lehmann and Boesch 2008). Nevertheless,
the interbirth interval parameters of female chimpanzees at both Tai and Bossou and
the age of first reproduction at Tai are similar to those of female eastern chimpanzees
(Table 9.4). However, the age of first reproduction at Bossou is far earlier than those
of other sites, reflecting the conditions observed in captivity. The uniqueness of
Bossou chimpanzees is shown by their one-male group composition, where only one
male monopolizes mating for a prolonged period (Sugiyama 2004). This social situation is similar to that in captivity, where most groups include only one adult male.
Variations in social features between western and eastern chimpanzees are also
explained by the distribution of defendable high-quality food resources and predation risk (Wittig and Boesch 2003; Lehmann and Boesch 2008). High nutritional
conditions lead to a shorter interbirth interval in captivity than in the wild (Table 9.4).
The age of first reproduction may be influenced by both nutritional conditions and
male mating tactics, especially the degree of mating monopolization.
The influence of male mating tactics on the speed of life history is distinct
between the two species of Pan. Male bonobos tend to associate with females rather
than with other males, and their ranks reflect their mothers ranks because of the
mothers strong support in agonistic conflicts between males (Kano 1992; Parish
1994; Furuichi 1997; Hohmann et al. 1999). Different groups of bonobos sometimes intermingle to stay together, and both females and males exhibit affiliative
social interactions between groups (Idani 1990; Hashimoto et al. 2008). Weaker
competition among male bonobos enables females to maintain stable association
with males and may facilitate the search for mating partners and lead to a shorter
interbirth interval than chimpanzees (Fig. 9.4).
In summary, male mating tactics may change the life history of the great apes in
different ways. Female dispersal and independent reproduction from related conspecifics may enable them to form various social structures and flexible life history
traits according to male mating strategies. Ecological factors basically shape the
gregariousness of females in female-dispersal species, but they can choose from a
wide variety of feeding strategies, from individual foraging to moving in cohesive
groups. Males also take various mating tactics according to female movement and
association patterns, which in turn also vary with male associations and mating
strategies. Although the influences of these ecological and social factors on the life
history of great apes differ between genera, between species, and between populations, the solitary nature may urge females to choose a slower life history, whereas
stable associations between males and females may promote a faster life history
(Fig. 9.5). Frugivorous orangutans and chimpanzees may suffer more costs of


J. Yamagiwa et al.




FF association
FM association


MM association
Mate-guarding copulation




Fig. 9.4 Variation of social features and life history of Pan

Second reproduction
In natal group

First reproduction
In natal group

Fast reproduction
FM association

Mountain gorilla

FF association

Lowland gorilla

FM association



Into group






Slow reproduction

Fig. 9.5 Costs of female transfer and fastslow continuum of life history

female movement through decreased foraging efficiency than folivorous gorillas,

and chimpanzees with fissionfusion grouping may suffer more social stress than
gorillas in highly cohesive groups. Such differences may generally shape the fast
slow continuum of life history in female-dispersal primate species.

Life History Tactics in Monkeys and Apes


Acknowledgments This study was financed in part by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research by
the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan (No. 162550080, No.
19107007, and No. 24255010 to J. Yamagiwa), by Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 19770213
to Shimooka. the Global Environmental Research Fund by Japanese Ministry of Environment
(F-061 to T. Nishida, Japan Monkey Centre), the Kyoto University Global COE Program
Formation of a Strategic Base for Biodiversity and Evolutionary Research, and Science and
Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development of JST/JICA, and was conducted
in cooperation with CRSN and ICCN. We appreciate to Dr. Kosei Izawa for his kind permission
for the usage of a picture.

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LF, Nishida T (eds) Great ape societies. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 8298


J. Yamagiwa et al.

Yamagiwa J, Kahekwa J, Basabose AK (2003) Intra-specific variation in social organization of

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Yamagiwa J, Basabose AK, Kahekwa J, Bikaba D, Ando C, Matsubara M, Iwasaki N, Sprague DS
(2011) Long-term research on Grauers gorillas in Kahuzi-Biega National Park, DRC: life history, foraging strategies, and ecological differentiation from sympatric chimpanzees. In:
Kappeler PM, Watts DP (eds) Long-term field studies of primates. Springer, New York, pp
Yamakoshi G (1998) Dietary responses to fruit scarcity of wild chimpanzees at Bossou, Guinea:
possible implications for ecological importance of tool use. Am J Phys Anthropol 106:283295
Yoshihara K (1999) Present situation of chimpanzees in Japan. Primate Res 15:267271 (in

Chapter 10

Social Conflict Management in Primates:

Is There a Case For Dolphins?
Marina Cords and Janet Mann

A male and female juvenile dolphin pet each other. Petting is analogous to primate
grooming and is often seen after conflicts. (Photograph credit: Courtesy of Ewa
Krzyszscyk, Shark Bay Dolphin Research Project)
M. Cords (*)
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology, Columbia University,
New York, NY 10027, USA
e-mail: mc51@columbia.edu
J. Mann
Departments of Biology and Psychology, Georgetown University,
Washington, DC 20057, USA
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_10, Springer Japan 2014



M. Cords and J. Mann

Abstract Gregarious animals face unavoidable conflicts of interest and thus

therefore are likely to evolve behavioral mechanisms that allow them to manage
conflict and thus maintain their social bonds. Multiple forms of conflict management characterize primates, but far less research has focused on dolphins, especially
under natural conditions. Captive studies of dolphins have confirmed post-conflict
reconciliation, a well-studied form of conflict management in primates. The fission
fusion nature of dolphin social systems, along with the vast home ranges of
individuals, pose particular difficulties for the study of conflict management.
Conflicts among male allies are likely to be a fruitful area for further research on
conflict management, both because allies are valuable social partners and because
they interact frequently over extended periods.
Keywords Aggression Alliance Conflict Conflict management Reconciliation
Social organization

10.1 Introduction
Conflicts of interest characterize members of any animal population but are especially acute for those living in social groups. Disputes over resources, mates, relationships, movement patterns, or other activities can compromise group integrity.
Further, in species in which group living is based on individualized cooperative
relationships, escalated aggressive conflicts have the potential to disrupt those relationships and thus to threaten both the benefits and the mechanisms of group living.
Gregarious animals are therefore expected to have evolved a capacity to manage
conflict (Aureli et al. 2002).


Conflict Management in Primates and Dolphins

Conflict management includes behavior that prevents aggressive escalation of

conflicts and which mitigates or repairs the damage caused by such escalation (Cords
and Killen 1998; Aureli and de Waal 2000, Appendix B). Studies of nonhuman primates provide various examples of conflict management behavior in multiple species.
For example, ritualized dominance relationships, the development of routines and
social conventions (such as respect for possession), and displays of reassurance that
precede situations in which conflict is likely to erupt are types of behavior that reduce
the likelihood of escalated aggression in nonhuman primates. In addition, animals
with a conflict of interest may simply avoid each other, at least temporarily. Should
aggressive conflict nevertheless erupt, primates often use various tactics to keep
aggression relatively mild and brief. For example, they may adhere to ritualized
forms of aggression that are less physically dangerous, redirect received aggression
onto a third party to end the original aggressive interaction, or heed the policing


Social Conflict Management in Primates: Is There a Case For Dolphins?


interventions of powerful individuals that quickly bring escalated fighting to an end.

After aggression is over, nonhuman primates have been shown to engage in several
kinds of post-conflict interactions, which both reduce anxiety triggered by the previous aggressive conflict and reestablish a cooperative relationship with a former
opponent, either directly or through its relatives (Wittig and Boesch 2003).
Best studied among primates are patterns of post-conflict friendly reunion, or
reconciliation (Arnold et al. 2010). In a typical case, former opponents interact in
an affiliative way within a few minutes after their aggression has ceased. They are
selectively attracted to each other (although attraction to one anothers kin has also
been documented). Some studies have demonstrated that such post-conflict reunions
reduce the chance of subsequent aggression, that individual opponents reduce selfdirected behavior associated with anxiety, and that they restore levels of tolerance to
pre-conflict levels (Aureli et al. 2002). Because approaching an individual who may
still be aggressively motivated is risky, we expect reconciliation to be strategically
targeted. It should occur only when aggression causes anxiety or disrupts cooperative relationships, and particularly when the opponent is a valuable social partner
(likely to interact in a way that benefits the subject) but unpredictable, and when a
prior history of generally friendly interaction patterns facilitates affiliation after
aggression (Cords and Aureli 2000; Aureli et al. 2002). There is much evidence that
partner value influences the tendency to reconcile, although it is often indirect
(Watts 2006; Arnold et al. 2010).
Of the approximately 35 species of delphinids, all are highly social, living in
stable (e.g., killer whale, false killer whale, pilot whale) or temporary (e.g., bottlenose dolphin, spotted dolphin) groups. Some species show heavy scarring (e.g.,
Rissos dolphin, Grampus griseus; MacLeod 1998) or tooth rake marks (Scott et al.
2005; MacLeod 1998) and clearly must engage in frequent battle. These scars and
marks are likely to be good indicators of intraspecific aggression in delphinids and
reveal which individuals are most vulnerable to attack. Species with extensive
markings would, in general, be good candidates for studying aggression and conflict
management. Although the highly social nature of these animals coupled with battle
scars suggests that conflict management mechanisms should be part of their social
life, little research has addressed this topic to date. Three studies of reconciliation in
captive bottlenose dolphins involved two to seven dolphins of mixed sex (Weaver
2003; Tamaki et al. 2006; Holobinko and Waring 2010). These studies revealed high
rates of post-conflict affiliation, and one study found some evidence that affiliation
(flipper rubbing) reduced the likelihood of subsequent conflict (Tamaki et al. 2006).
Although these results suggest parallels with primates, the captive environment
where continuous observation is possibleis likely to have influenced the dolphins
behavior: particularly, captive dolphins are unable to avoid each other, unlike their
wild counterparts. Confirmation of these patterns of behavior in wild populations,
as in primates, is therefore important.
Logistic difficulties are undoubtedly a major reason why the study of conflict
management in delphinids is still in its infancy. The open fissionfusion nature of
many delphinid societies presents particular challenges, because individuals may
not encounter each other for weeks, months, and even years. Avoidance or reduced
levels of association may be especially important ways of managing conflict in


M. Cords and J. Mann

these spatially dispersed societies, but they are probably the hardest behavioral patterns to study. In addition, the difficulties inherent in observing cetaceans mean that
observers not only miss some proportion of agonistic and affiliative (or conciliatory) interactions but often may have difficulty tracking association and avoidance
following such interactions. Post-conflict behavior is especially hard to study in
wild populations.


The Nature of Conflict in Primates and Dolphins

Mammalian conflicts are often over resources, mates, or status. Even if finding
or feeding on prey is conducted socially (in groups), most delphinids catch individual prey items (fish or squid) that are swallowed quickly. Occasionally dolphins
display their catch to others, who approach the fish closely for apparent inspection, but never challenge the owner or attempt to steal prey (Mann et al. 2007).
Thus, direct feeding competition is unlikely to lead to aggressive conflicts. Rarely
do dolphins chase the same individual prey item, and doing so would probably
result in failure for both. An exception might be mammal-eating killer whales,
which not only hunt cooperatively but also share prey, typically with kin (Baird and
Dill 1996). Food-sharing with kin has also been documented in fish-eating killer
whales, although cooperative hunting has not been documented (Ford and Ellis
2006). Although much primate aggression occurs in the context of feeding, and
involves contests over enduring feeding sites, primates rarely reconcile when the
conflict involves food, probably because the stakes are small (Aureli et al. 2002).
Cooperative hunting in killer whales (and carnivores such as spotted hyenas; Wahaj
et al. 2001) may raise the stakes, however, because the risk of injury and resource
value are high. For the same reason, maintaining close cooperative bonds and conflict management would be critical, regardless of the source of conflict, when group
members are highly interdependent.
For most delphinids, however, conflict over mating, both within and between the
sexes, might be a more fruitful context in which to examine conflict resolution.
Males form enduring alliances in bottlenose dolphins and perhaps other delphinid
species (Connor et al. 2000). In Shark Bay bottlenose dolphins, alliances of two or
three males consort with and show aggression toward individual females (Connor
et al. 1996, 2000; Owen et al. 2002; Scott et al. 2005). Cycling females experience
much more aggression than noncycling females, and conflicts between females are
exceedingly rare (Scott et al. 2005). The majority of Shark Bay bottlenose dolphins
have tooth rake markings from conspecifics, suggesting that most individuals regularly receive attacks from others. Fresh wounds are more commonly observed on
cycling females than on females in other reproductive states (Scott et al. 2005).
Watson-Capps and Mann (unpublished data), studying malefemale interactions
during consortships of Shark Bay bottlenose dolphins, recently found that affiliation
rates were significantly higher within 10 min post conflict than at any other time.
This affiliation may placate aggressive male alliances or repair intersexual

10 Social Conflict Management in Primates: Is There a Case For Dolphins?


relationships. Because consortships can last for weeks, or even months, females
may be highly motivated to placate aggressive males and reduce the costs of prolonged association with males.
Well-developed conflict resolution mechanisms should also occur between male
allies, who are in direct reproductive competition, and yet must cooperate against
other alliances competing for the same female. Studies of nonhuman primates have
provided some evidence that frequent allies are more likely to reconcile aggressive
conflicts (Watts 2006), even in cases in which the alliance is not directly linked to
acquiring a mate.



The study of conflict management in dolphins is still in its infancy, but would provide a valuable context in which to confirm or extend general patterns that have
emerged from studies of primates. Conflict between allies is likely to be the most
fruitful context for exploring reconciliation in delphinids, not only because allies
are valuable partners, but also because male allies stay together and post-conflict
observations are possible. Future research in this area will help identify the forces
that shape group living in delphinids.

Arnold K, Fraser ON, Aureli F (2010) Postconflict reconciliation. In: Campbell CJ, Fuentes A,
MacKinnon KC, Bearder SK, Stumpf R (eds) Primates in perspective, 2nd edn. Oxford
University Press, Oxford, pp 608625
Aureli F, de Waal F (2000) Natural conflict resolution. University of California Press, Berkeley
Aureli F, Cords M, van Schaik CP (2002) Conflict resolution following aggression in gregarious
animals: a predictive framework. Anim Behav 64:325343
Baird RW, Dill LM (1996) Ecological and social determinants of group size in transient killer
whales. Behav Ecol 7:408416
Connor RC, Richards AF, Smolker RA, Mann J (1996) Patterns of female attractiveness in Indian
Ocean bottlenose dolphins. Behaviour 133:3769
Connor RC, Wells R, Mann J, Read A (2000) The bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops sp.: social relationships in a fissionfusion society. In: Mann J, Connor R, Tyack P, Whitehead H (eds) Cetacean
societies: field studies of dolphins and whales. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp 91126
Cords M, Aureli F (2000) Reconciliation and relationship qualities. In: Aureli F, de Waal F (eds)
Natural conflict resolution. University of California Press, Berkeley, pp 177198
Cords M, Killen M (1998) Conflict resolution in human and non-human primates. In: Langer J,
Killen M (eds) Piaget, evolution, and development. Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, pp 193217
Ford JKB, Ellis GM (2006) Selective foraging by fish-eating killer whales Orcinus orca in British
Columbia. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 316:185199
Holobinko A, Waring GH (2010) Conflict and reconciliation behavior trends of the bottlenose
dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Zoo Biol 29:567585


M. Cords and J. Mann

MacLeod CD (1998) Intraspecific scarring in odontocete cetaceans: an indicator of male quality

in aggressive social interactions? J Zool 244:7177
Mann J, Sargeant BL, Minor M (2007) Calf inspection of fish catches: opportunities for oblique
social learning? Mar Mamm Sci 23:197202
Owen ECG, Wells RS, Hofmann S (2002) Ranging and association patterns of paired and unpaired
adult male Atlantic bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in Sarasota, Florida, provide no
evidence for alternative male strategies. Can J Zool 80:20722089
Scott E, Mann J, Watson-Capps JJ, Sargeant BL, Connor RC (2005) Aggression in bottlenose
dolphins: evidence for sexual coercion, malemale competition, and female tolerance through
analysis of tooth-rake marks and behaviour. Behaviour 142:2144
Tamaki N, Morisaka T, Michihiro T (2006) Does body contact contribute towards repairing relationships? The association between flipper-rubbing and aggressive behavior in captive bottlenose dolphins. Behav Processes 37:209215
Wahaj SA, Guse KR, Holekamp KE (2001) Reconciliation in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta).
Ethology 107:10571074
Watts DP (2006) Conflict resolution in chimpanzees and the valuable-relationships hypothesis. Int
J Primatol 27:13371364
Weaver A (2003) Conflict and reconciliation in captive bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus.
Mar Mamm Sci 19:836846
Wittig RM, Boesch C (2003) The choice of post-conflict interactions in wild chimpanzees (Pan
troglodytes). Behaviour 140:15271559

Chapter 11

Evolution of Small-Group Territoriality

in Gibbons
Warren Y. Brockelman, Anuttara Nathalang, David B. Greenberg,
and Udomlux Suwanvecho

W.Y. Brockelman (*)

Ecology Lab, Bioresources Technology Unit, BIOTEC, 113 Science Park, Paholyothin Road,
Klong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand
Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Phutthamonthon,
Nakhon Pathom 73170, Thailand
e-mail: wybrock@cscoms.com
A. Nathalang U. Suwanvecho
Ecology Lab, Bioresources Technology Unit, BIOTEC, 113 Science Park, Paholyothin Road,
Klong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand
D.B. Greenberg
Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_11, Springer Japan 2014



W.Y. Brockelman et al.

Abstract This chapter endeavors to establish the basic environmental and social
factors that have enabled the evolution of territorial behavior in gibbons, and perhaps other animals, and precluded it in cetaceans. These factors are given as three
basic conditions, followed by some hypotheses and testable predictions that follow.
These conditions concern (a) relatively homogeneous (nonclumped) resource distribution; (b) high mobility and foraging efficiency; and (c) range use exclusivity.
Evidence from a study of diet and foraging in white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar)
in central Thailand is brought to bear in testing predictions from conditions (a) and
(b). The feeding range of the study group is relatively homogeneous and, although
it changes in size seasonally, it does not shift much in location. The relatively long
daily foraging path in relationship to range area suggests highly efficient foraging.
Evidence is presented that the gibbons food sources are often known and frequently
revisited, although they change from month to month. Because territory defense
entails costs as well as benefits, defended territory should be set at a size at which
resource limitation begins to occur in the population. Seasonal changes in ranging
and social behavior suggest that this is the case in the study group.
Keywords Foraging efficiency Gibbons Hylobates Monogamy Resource
dispersion hypothesis Resource distribution Resource limitation Territory



The social system of gibbons (family Hylobatidae) is unique among the apes, typically consisting of socially monogamous and territorial pairs (Gittins and Raemaekers
1980; Brockelman and Srikosamatara 1984; Leighton 1987; Reichard 2003; Bartlett
2009a; Brockelman 2009). The great apes and humans (family Hominidae) have
surprisingly diverse social systems, including solitary living (orangutans), agegraded male groups (gorillas), multimale societies with flexible subgrouping (chimpanzees and bonobos), and flexible, complex multilayered societies (humans)
(McGrew et al. 1996; Grueter et al. 2012). Most hominids, in contrast to hylobatids,
have femalefemale associations, typically among close kin (orangutans are the
main exception; van Schaik and van Hooff 1996). Ape social systems may provide
few clues about phylogeny, but apparent cases of convergence may teach us about
selective pressures favoring one social system or another (Chapman and Rothman
2009). For example, approximately one third of human societies have been classified
as socially monogamous (and others facultatively so), and proposed explanations for
monogamy in humans have come from studies of birds and other animals (Low 2003).
Whether we can productively pursue explanations across groups as different and
distant as cetaceans and primates is a new challenge that we now take up.
No dolphin (Delphinidae) and probably no known cetacean live in small, socially
monogamous, territorial groups (Gowans et al. 2008). What factors might make this
impossible? We seek answers from this synthesis of ideas relating to gibbons.
We first present a framework of three conditions that we believe have shaped
monogamy and territoriality in gibbons: these are (a) resource distribution and use;


Evolution of Small-Group Territoriality in Gibbons


(b) group mobility and foraging efficiency; and (c) range exclusivity, or factors
affecting the internalization of benefits from resource defense. We then present new
data that permit tests of some hypotheses under conditions (a) and (b) drawn from
our study of social behavior, foraging, and ranging behavior of white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) on the Mo Singto study area and forest dynamics plot in Khao
Yai National Park, Thailand. The factors under (c), range exclusivity, include several
types of facilitating conditions: that the defending males enjoy relatively high paternity of offspring produced on the territory (reproductive exclusivity); that residents
use resources more efficiently than do nonresidents; and that interspecific competitors do not excessively exploit, or are prevented from exploiting, resources within
the territory (resource use exclusivity) (Brockelman and Srikosamatara 1984).
Although we believe these factors are important in the evolution of territoriality, we
do not discuss them in detail here, but rather focus on ranging and resource use.


Monogamy in Primates

Social monogamy (which does not necessarily imply reproductive or genetic

monogamy) has evolved independently about ten times in primates (van Schaik and
Kappeler 2003) and occurs in about 10 % of primate species. Monogamy predominates in virtually all species of gibbons (Hylobatidae); serious exceptions have been
found in some species of Nomascus, the northernmost genus, in which most groups
are polygynous (Fan and Jiang 2009; Jiang et al. 1999; Fan et al. 2010). These
Nomascus groups tend to average slightly larger (>4 individuals) than have been
found in Hylobates groups in Southeast Asia (34 individuals on average). It is not
known whether this difference results in weaker territorial defense. The four currently recognized gibbon genera (Hylobates, Hoolock, Nomascus, and Symphalangus)
(Brandon-Jones et al. 2004; Mootnick and Groves 2005) diverged some 6 to 10 million years (Myr) ago (Hayashi et al. 1995; Roos and Geissmann 2001; Chan et al.
2010; Matsudaira and Ishida 2010), so the gibbon social system appears to be highly
conservative. Monogamy associated with territoriality also predominates, although
not exclusively, in both the Lemuridae and the Callitrichinae (van Schaik and
Kappeler 2003).
Two types of monogamous species have been recognized: those in which males
provide direct care of young, and those speciesmost notably gibbonsin which
males provide little or no direct care of young (Kleiman 1977; Wittenberger and
Tilson 1980; Dunbar 1988; Clutton-Brock 1991; Woodroffe and Vincent 1994).
Explaining monogamy presents the greater challenge in the latter group: why would
a male stay with one female in whom he had no long-term investment, or if he did
not provide essential care for her young? Territorial defense, however, may be considered indirect male care through resource defense (Wittenberger and Tilson 1980;
Rutberg 1983; Bartlett 2009a; Brockelman 2009).



W.Y. Brockelman et al.

Essential Conditions Favoring Territoriality

and Small Group Size in Gibbons

The gibbon social system results from a combination of interacting environmental

factors and inherited predispositions. It is difficult to distinguish causes and effects,
or to identify the prime mover that came first during evolution. We argue that the
conditions just proposed influence and reinforce one another in a unified complex
that favors resource defense territoriality and small group size.


Sufficient Resources Within a Small Range

Permanent resource defense is favored when resources are stable and evenly distributed
(Emlen and Oring 1977). First, to be defendable, resources must remain within the
range and not drift across the boundaries. This condition poses no problem for forest
frugivores but is a critical factor for marine mammals (Steele 1985; Gowans et al. 2008).
Several factors determine whether adequate resources can be found within a small
home range. Adequate or sufficient cannot be defined in absolute terms. Adequate
resources, in theory, are determined by a balance between benefits and costs of
defense, measured by time and energy, and related to effects on fitness. In a small territory, the benefits of increasing defense will exceed the costs. As territory size
increases, however, costs of defense increase while benefits gained level off, as
resource needs become saturated and exploitation efficiency declines (Ebersole 1980).
The adequacy of resources depends on their degree of spatial and temporal
homogeneity, the diet of the animals, and the number of competitors sharing the
resources. A related factor that we consider critical in gibbons and other primates
which defend territories is intimate knowledge of resources within the range, which
increases foraging efficiency (Milton 1980; Bartlett 2009a, pp. 146147).
The spatial and temporal homogeneity of resources determine the food security
of a territory of a given size (MacDonald and Carr 1989). Food security is the probability that a territory will satisfy the minimum nutritional requirements of the occupants for a given period of time (e.g., 1 year). Waser and Wiley (1979) also recognized
that resource patchiness and home range size are related, stating that the sufficiency
of each individuals share of sites increases as the available resource becomes more
evenly distributed across sites and time periods. If resources are highly heterogeneous, that is, are very patchy in space or time, then a relatively large area will be
required to satisfy all nutritional requirements. With a less patchy environment,
minimally sized territories satisfy nutritional needs, and the amount of resources
available in the territory may suffice for only a single breeding pair. A larger area has
more resources, on average, and will support a larger group. These factors comprise
the resource dispersion hypothesis (RDH), which was developed largely from studies of the social systems of bats (Bradbury and Vehrencamp 1976) and canids (Kruuk
and Parish 1982; Mills 1982; Carr and MacDonald 1986). Extra-group members


Evolution of Small-Group Territoriality in Gibbons


may merely be tolerated by the primary breeding pair, or may provide benefits such
as parental care, improved territorial defense, or defense against predators. In the
latter case, group size may increase above that mandated by the minimum territory
size as providing resource security. The RDH helps to explain how gibbons are able
to survive in such small ranges as compared to most other primates.
Gibbons obtain their energy primarily from ripe succulent fruits (Gittins and
Raemaekers 1980; Leighton 1987; Leighton and Leighton 1983; Bartlett 2009a;
Brockelman 2011; McConkey 2009), but these are not uniformly available all year.
The suitability of any fruit species, however, depends on what other fruits are
available, because lower-quality species, and more leaves, are consumed when preferred species are scarce (Bartlett 2009a; Fan et al. 2009). The RDH model assumes
implicitly that resources are limiting to the population and that the home range or
defended territory represents the minimum area required to provide sufficient
resources over time for the occupants.
We must consider several types of resource heterogeneity to evaluate food security, including relative abundance of the species consumed at any one time, their
spatial patchiness, and their seasonal and interannual variation in availability.
Within the territory of our study group (see following), preferred fruit species density ranges over at least three orders of magnitude, from very rare (<1 tree/10 ha) to
common (10 trees/ha).
Fruiting tree size or crown size is usually considered to be an aspect of patchiness, but in this discussion we consider patchiness to be mainly an aspect of distribution and clumping of food sources, not food tree size. Gibbons can target food
trees of all sizes, in contrast to primates that live in large groups, which may target
only relatively large sources (e.g., Alouatta palliata; Milton 1980).
Seasonality in fruiting species occurs in all primate habitats and is usually extensive (Brockman and van Schaik 2005). In addition, some species, particularly Ficus
spp., fruit irregularly. Primates may be stressed during the dry season, and dry season
severity can affect ranging behavior (Hemingway and Bynum 2005; Bartlett 2009a).
Interannual variation in phenology of individual fruit species is also widespread in
tropical habitats and must affect overall food availability. We need more long-term
field studies to investigate how this affects primate populations (e.g. Tutin and White
1998; Chapman et al. 2005; Marshall and Leighton 2006). Natural selection responds
to food security over the long term, and so we must plan longer-term studies.
In the predictions below, we test those marked with an asterisk (*) with our data.
Hypothesis A: Relative resource patchiness affects range size and group size in
Prediction A1*: Habitats of monogamous gibbons have fruit sources distributed
more or less randomly.
Prediction A2*: Fruit source availability and feeding ranges in monogamous gibbons do not shift markedly between seasons.
Prediction A3: In habitats of polygamous gibbons, fruit sources are more patchily distributed and feeding ranges may shift seasonally.



W.Y. Brockelman et al.

Mobility and Range Size

Mitani and Rodman (1979) established that territory size, group mobility, and the
ability to defend the territory are related. Relative mobility is measured by the
average daily range length, and is related to mean distance across the territory, as
estimated by the diameter of a circle equal in area to the territory. Territorial species
all have average daily ranges longer than this diameter, and gibbons (Hylobates lar)
had daily ranges approximately 2.3 times the average diameter (Mitani and Rodman
1979; Bartlett 2009b). This observation suggests that gibbons should be very capable of defending their territories.
The difficulty of defending a territory against incursions by neighboring groups
should be proportional to its area or to the length of its perimeter and the benefits of
defending should be proportional to its area (Ebersole 1980; Schoener 1971, 1983).
As territory size increases, benefits and costs of defense increase, but not proportionally. Although resource supply increases with area, the efficiency of exploitation, and the efficiency of defense, should decline.
Hypothesis B: Small territories are more efficiently exploited than larger
Prediction B1: Small territories are better defended than large territories, resulting
in less incursion by, and less overlap with, neighboring groups.
Prediction B2: Small territories are more fully exploited for fruits than large
ones, as rarer and smaller food sources are more easily monitored and used more
Prediction B3: Gibbons, especially in groups with small territories, tend to forage by traveling directly to food sources out of sight, as opposed to feeding opportunistically (tested by Asensio et al. 2011); this is because in small territories
gibbons can reach all parts of the area more easily, and their ability to discover and
remember food sources is increased. This prediction should be tested both within
and between species of gibbons.
Prediction B4*: Gibbons, having a relatively long daily range length relative to
territory area, make repeated use of preferred fruit sources on successive or alternate days.
Prediction B5: Territory size in gibbons tends to be set at the area at which food
limitation begins to reduce reproductive fitness. This is a consequence of the fact that
territory defense, as well as foraging activities, have costs that must be offset against
the benefits gained. It is also a consequence of the fact that populations tend to increase
until resource limitation brings birth and death rates into alignment on average.


Study Area and Methods

Our study site was the 30-ha Mo Singto forest dynamics plot (14.4N latitude) in
Khao Yai National Park, central Thailand (Brockelman et al. 2011). The site is in
seasonal evergreen forest at 720820 m altitude and receives an average of 2,200 mm


Evolution of Small-Group Territoriality in Gibbons


annual rainfall, mostly during MayOctober (Bartlett 2009a; Brockelman et al. 2011).
Fruit production in the forest is highly seasonal, and many species preferred by gibbons experience high interannual variability (Brockelman 2011).
We collected data by following gibbon group A about the plot for 6 days
(including at least 5 full days) each month in 20032005 and recording all trees and
lianas on which the adult female (the focal animal) fed. The adult female usually led
the group, which had five members, in foraging. Usually, all members fed together
in the same fruit trees. We analyzed the 2004 data because in that year Nephelium
melliferum (Sapindaceae), a common tree species preferred by gibbons in April
May, fruited heavily.
We censused (tagged, mapped, identified) all trees 1 cm in diameter and all
lianas 2.5 cm in diameter during 20042005. A total of 203 species of trees
10 cm in diameter occurred on the plot at an average density of 514 stems ha1, as
well as at least 120 species of lianas, many of which are important food species for
gibbons. Most of the plot is covered with old-growth forest with some large gaps
containing regenerating forest, reaching 1 ha in area, resulting from storms during
the past 30 years or so (Brockelman et al. 2011).
We used MS Access to manage the data, and ArcView (ESRI, Redlands, CA,
USA) to map trees. We estimated and mapped the monthly 6-day feeding ranges as
minimum convex polygons (Jennrich and Turner 1969) around all fruit sources
(trees and lianas) visited. We conducted several analyses to investigate the intensity
of use of the total yearly range (Table 11.1; Figs. 11.2, 11.4). Correlations are tested
with the productmoment correlation coefficient.



We used our data to examine predictions A1 (that habitats of monogamous gibbons

have fruit sources distributed more or less randomly), A2 (that fruit source availability and feeding ranges in monogamous gibbons do not shift markedly between
seasons), and B4 (that gibbons, having relatively long daily range length relative to
territory area, make repeated use of preferred fruit sources on successive or alternate
days. Other predictions for which evidence exists in the literature are discussed in
the next section.
A total of 61 fruit species were used in all periods, including 16 species of Ficus.
Ficus, Nephelium, and other sources that were utilized are widely scattered over the
plot, covering nearly the whole yearly feeding range (Fig. 11.1). Some large gaps in
their distributions do occur (such as in the center about 400 m north), created by
storms up to 20 years ago. Large gaps have fewer fruit sources and are more difficult
for gibbons to cross than more mature forest. During 9 of the 12 months, 6-day feeding ranges covered most of the 22.8-ha yearly range (Fig. 11.1, Table 11.1). During
the lean fruiting months of NovemberFebruary, the 6-day ranges contracted considerably, to as small as ~3 ha in February. During January, the highly preferred fruit
of the liana Elaeagnus conferta (Elaeagnaceae) became available, and the range


W.Y. Brockelman et al.

Table 11.1 Monthly areas of feeding ranges (% of yearly area) (as shown in Fig. 1.2) indicating number
of fruit species consumed, number of fruit sources visited, number of visits to most-preferred species/
number of sources of same, and including Ficus species

Mean SD

Area in
hectares (%) species sources visits
9.1 (40)
3.2 (14)
16.9 (74)
15.0 (66)
18.5 (81)
13.6 (63)
18.9 (83)
14.4 (63)
15.8 (69)
13.4 (59)
9.1 (40)
6.9 (30)
22.8 (100)



54.9 (9.2/day)1
21.1 (1.5/day)1

Preferred species

of sources for

Elaeagnus conferta
Ficus stricta
Syzygium syzygioides
Prunus javanica
Nephelium melliferum
Balakata baccata
Miliusa lineata
Aidia densifolia
Garcinia benthamii
Choerospondias axillaris
Choerospondias axillaris
Elaeagnus conferta


expanded. The size of the monthly range is correlated with the number of sources
utilized (r = 0.675, p < 0.05, n = 12 months. The number of species utilized per 6-day
period was relatively stable over the year, usually 814, but increased to 16 in May,
23 in July, and 17 in September; it was only weakly correlated with range area
(r = 0.415, p > 0.05) (Table 11.1). Fewer fruit species, and fewer trees, were used
during periods of low fruit availability. Gibbons respond to fruit shortage by traveling less and eating more young leaves, shoots, flowers, and insects (Bartlett 2003,
2009a; unpublished data).
Prediction A2 appears correct, as the centroids of monthly feeding ranges (computed as averages of x and y coordinates of all visits to fruit sources in a given
month) shifted little during the year (Fig. 11.2). We included all repeat visits to the
same sources when calculating these centroids (see discussion of Prediction B4).
All averages of range centroids lie within ~100 m on the eastwest axis of the plot
and ~200 m on its northsouth axis. The averages for OctoberDecember shifted
about 100 m eastward, but the ranges for all 12 months overlapped in the center of
the whole range. Because fruiting of individual species is highly seasonal, these
results imply that individual fruit species are not very clumped in distribution,
although we have insufficient space here to demonstrate this quantitatively.
Further ways to view the 6-day feeding ranges appear in Figs. 11.3 and 11.4.
Figure 11.3 shows spatial variation in the number of 6-day ranges that overlap different parts of the yearly range. Numerical results indicate that 63 % of the aggregate area is overlapped by at least six monthly ranges, and that 40 % is overlapped
by at least nine monthly ranges. One hectare of the area in the lower center of the
plot falls within all 12 monthly ranges. This appears to be a small core activity area,

Fig 11.1 Locations of all fruit sources used by the adult female of group A during 12 6-day monthly
periods in 2004, showing fig, Nephelium melliferum, and other fruit sources. The minimum convex
polygon feeding range for the year is shown. Plot dimensions are in meters from the origin

Fig. 11.2 Minimum convex polygon ranges each month in 2004 calculated from all fruit sources
used during each 6-day sample period in the given month. The centroid of each 6-day range (average
x and y coordinates) is shown. Gibbons had the smallest ranges in the months of October, November,
December. and February (shown with thicker lines). Plot dimensions in meters from the origin


W.Y. Brockelman et al.

Fig. 11.3 Spatial variation in the number of overlapping 6-day activity ranges within the total
yearly range

but it was not visited every day. This area coincides roughly with the square hectare
area containing most frequent fruit visits (Fig. 11.4). Eight other hectares of relatively heavy use (>30 visits) are scattered throughout the yearly range. Most hectares of light use (<20 visits) contain old large canopy gaps. By comparing Figs. 11.1
and 11.4, we also see that hectares of heavy use tend to have more sources of figs,
many of which were visited repeatedly (see following).
Prediction B4 is satisfied by repeated visits, on successive or alternate days, to
the most preferred fruit sources. We have tested this prediction by examining the
frequency distribution of visits per fruit source over all months of the year, and by
identifying the species with the most visits per month (Table 11.1). Over the year,
35 % of fruit sources were visited more than once; we actually consider this an
underestimate, given the short 6-day sample periods. The ratio of repeat visits to
total visits made to fruit sources better estimates the role of knowledge in foraging,
perhaps. We eliminated the first sampling day each month from the 6-day samples
used in this calculation (many of these would be erroneously scored as first visits,
and therefore bias the results). The ratio of repeat visits to total visits over the whole
year was 0.43, and it varied from 0.30 to 0.67 per month. The monthly ratios were
not correlated with the relative scarcity of fruits each month.
The most preferred trees in the yearly range were frequently revisited (Table 11.1).
In April, nine visits were made to a single Prunus javanica; in May, seven visits
were made to just one Nephelium melliferum. This pattern also held for rare species


Evolution of Small-Group Territoriality in Gibbons

















Fig. 11.4 Spatial variation in the frequency of fruit tree visits per hectare within the total yearly

of which only one or two sources were available. In February, when fruit availability
was lowest, a large Ficus stricta was visited nearly twice a day. In December, the
gibbons largely used the relatively uncommon liana Elaeagnus conferta, making
nine visits to four sources.



We have discussed the conditions that we believe have shaped the evolution of the
main socioecological characteristics of gibbons (i.e., very small group size with
monogamous tendency and territorial resource defense). We believe these predisposing conditions include (a) resources homogeneously distributed within a relatively small range, (b) high group mobility relative to the area covered, and (c) the
ability to internalize benefits of resource defense. Here, we mainly discuss predictions that have been addressed with data from the Mo Singto site.


Resource Distribution

Gibbon home ranges are usually within 1560 ha, and their defended territories are
usually within 1045 ha (Chivers 1984; Leighton 1987; but see Fan and Jiang 2008).
Mo Singto gibbons are typical in this regard: the monthly range of group A has
varied from 2326 ha (depending on the year and how it was measured). These gibbons are approximately at carrying capacity, with virtually no vacant space between


W.Y. Brockelman et al.

the defended territories of different groups (Brockelman et al. 1998; Reichard

2009). The relative homogeneity of resources in the territory of group A appears
typical of tropical forest gibbons, but comparative quantitative data are lacking.
Preliminary evidence, however, suggests that fruit trees utilized by a group of
Nomascus concolor in the subtropical Wuliang Mountain Reserve, China, are more
clumped than at Mo Singto (Fan and Jiang 2008). That study group had a relatively
large range (>1 km2) with three core areas of intensive use, corresponding to the
fruit species used in different seasons. Most interesting is that this group and its
neighbors are reportedly polygynous (Jiang et al. 1999 and personal communication). Further detailed comparisons with species of Nomascus, which occur in
southern China, Laos, and Vietnam, might be extremely productive. Savini et al.
(2008) have also found considerable variation in territory size in the Mo Singto gibbon population, and this could be studied more fully.
It is beyond the scope of this chapter to test our hypotheses on all other territorial
species of primates. We note, however, one early comparison of five species of
monkeys in the Kibale Forest by Waser and Wiley (1979). The two species that
experienced greatest variation in resource availability had the most overlapping
group activity ranges. However, the many differences in diet, social structure, and
ranging ability among the five species made comparisons difficult.


Ranging and Foraging

Bartlett (2009b) found that daily ranging path lengths of group A at Mo Singto averaged from 720 m in November to 1,660 m in April. Daily variation was considerable, however, and path lengths often exceeded 3,000 m from April to July
(Brockelman, unpublished data). Average daily path lengths of Nomascus concolor
on Mt. Wuliang, Yunnan, varied somewhat more, from 584 m to 2,356 m (Fan and
Jiang 2008). At both Wuliang and Mo Singto, path length varied directly with the
proportion of fruit in the diet. At Wuliang, the N. concolor group used only 1950 %
of the yearly range in monthly samples whereas at Mo Singto, H. lar used more than
50 % of the total range during 8 months of the year, and more than 80 % in May and
July. Fan and Jiang (2008) attributed the large total home range of N. concolor to the
relatively low density of fruit trees (figs, especially), as well as to shifting of the
monthly range resulting from the patchy distribution of the fruit species.
Larger territories incur additional costs beyond greater difficulty defending the
boundary. Learning and monitoring resource locations should also be more difficult.
The value of a small, well-defended territory seems clear: gibbons with small ranges
should be able to exploit resources more quickly than primates with larger ranges
(Whitington 1992). This theory has not been tested quantitatively because we need
suitable methods for measuring foraging efficiency. Further analysis of the frequency distribution of visits to particular food sources might be useful.
Finally, our data support Prediction B5, that territory size in gibbons tends to be
set at the area at which food limitation begins to reduce reproductive fitness. Gibbons


Evolution of Small-Group Territoriality in Gibbons


at Mo Singto use fewer fruit species, visit fewer fruit sources, and have shorter daily
ranging paths in the early dry season months than at other times of the year (Bartlett
2003, 2009a; Brockelman 2011). However, that gibbons can forage efficiently in
small ranges does not allow them to escape the stresses of seasonal food shortage
(see also Fan et al. 2009; Leighton and Leighton 1983; Marshall and Leighton 2006;
Marshall et al. 2009). Gibbons eat preferred fruit species whenever possible, but
during lean months they ingest more nonpreferred fruits (which have less sugary
pulp), as well as more leaves and flowers (e.g., McConkey et al. 2003; Fan et al.
2009). Social behaviors such as play and intergroup conflicts are also reduced at
these times Bartlett (2003). Given the high interannual variation in fruiting of many
preferred species at Mo Singto (Brockelman 2011), the degree of food shortage
must vary substantially from year to year.
Marshall et al. (2009) monitored a large sample of trees for several years in
Gunung Palung National Park, Kalimantan, Indonesia, and found that the number
of fruit species consumed was highest in the season of low fruit abundance in
Hylobates albibarbis. This finding is contrary to our results (Brockelman 2011;
this study) in which the number of species used per 6-day sample was lowest during lean fruiting months. The difference between our respective results appears to
result from the very different sampling methods we used. Marshall et al. (2009)
pooled feeding records for different months within seasons over several years,
whereas we monitored feeding over short time periods during which a study group
was followed continuously. Their data show that the potential range of foods consumed during lean fruiting seasons is high while ours show that actual dietary
diversity during short lean periods is low. Thus, gibbons in general are able to take
advantage of a large variety of nonpreferred or fallback foods (Marshall and
Wrangham 2007), as available, to survive in seasons and in years of low or unpredictable fruit availability. It should also be borne in mind that floristic diversity in
Borneo is several times greater than in the more seasonal forests of central
The positive correlations between monthly range size, food sources, and food
visits suggests that gibbons are energy maximizers, and that increasing food
intake in months of high food availability leads to higher fitness (Schoener 1971,
1983; Hixon 1982). This finding is in accord with the findings in some territorial
animals, and with theoretical considerations, that increasing food density leads to
larger optimal territory size (Ebersole 1980). If gibbons were only seeking an
optimal level of food input, then food use would level off, and not continue to
increase, with increasing range use. Months of low numbers of species and
sources used (February, November, December) are the same months determined
by Bartlett (2009a) to have the lowest food availability in the group A territory 10
years earlier. These findings suggest a new interpretation of territory size in gibbons: the total annual territory size is not that which guarantees an adequate food
supply in lean months (as that would likely be too costly to defend in lean
months), but is close to that area which a group can defend in months of most
plentiful food supply.



W.Y. Brockelman et al.


There are multiple explanations for territoriality and monogamy in gibbons, and we
must not attribute their social system to any single factor. The list of important conditions is long, and failing to consider any one factor, such as repulsion among
females or high mobility, might change our predictions.
The factors we have outlined must be complicated further by the likelihood of
positive feedback on selection that reduces group size and range size in gibbons
(Fig. 11.5). For example, selection for smaller territories should lead to more efficient foraging and easier range defense, which must generate further reductions in
territory size. Smaller groups should then lead to increased genetic cohesion among
members, which should increase the defending males genetic paternity. Primate
species that live in larger groups also use knowledge to their advantage, but they
tend to rely on fewer and larger fruit sources than do gibbons (Milton 1980; Goodall
1986; Wrangham 1977).
All conditions that may lead to the evolution of small groups and territoriality, as
outlined in this chapter, relate to food distribution and foraging behavior. We therefore echo the conclusions that Clutton-Brock and Harvey (1977) made in the early
days of primate socioecology. Gibbons have evolved highly specialized limbs and
body proportions that facilitate rapid locomotion and efficient feeding in tree
crowns. These adaptations preclude running on four limbs and regular use of the
ground, but they facilitate defense of resources within the forest canopy. The need
to exploit relatively homogeneous, stationary, and defendable resources has led to
divergence of gibbons from primates that live in larger groups within larger ranges
(Wright 1986; Oates 1987; MacDonald and Carr 1989; Bartlett 2009a). The reduced
need to defend against predators may also have been an important factor (van Schaik
1983; Terborgh 1986).
That cetaceans lack a similar social system is probably also rooted in resource
distribution. A fissionfusion system of foraging without resource defense is more

Fig. 11.5 Causal scheme

postulating positive feedback
mechanisms among
components of natural
selection that may have led to
the evolution of small
territory size and easier
resource defense in gibbons


Evolution of Small-Group Territoriality in Gibbons


typical of dolphins (Delphinidae) (e.g., see Wrsig et al., this volume), and probably
compares more closely with foraging by canopy primates such as spider monkeys,
which have more flexible grouping and (usually) larger ranges than do gibbons
(Robbins et al. 1991).
Acknowledgments We thank our field workers, Amnart Boonkongchart, Saiwaroon Chongko,
Jantima Saentorn, Ratasart Somnuek, Umaporn Martmoon, and Wisanu Chongko, for their hard
work following gibbons and other tasks, students Chanpen Wongsriphuek, Wirong Chanthorn, and
Petchprakai Wongsorn for their field help, and Onuma Petrmitr for herbarium support. J.F.
Maxwell is thanked for his invaluable botanical help. We thank Mr. Prawat Wohandee and Mr.
Narong Mahunnop, past directors of Khao Yai National Park, for their constant support. Thad
Bartlett, Susan Lappan, Kim McConkey, and several anonymous reviewers provided valuable
comments on the manuscript. The photograph of gibbons in a fig tree was taken by Kulpat
Saralamba. This research was funded by Biodiversity and Training Program grants BRT 239001,
BRT 242001, BRT R_346005 and BRT R349009.

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pp 159167

Part III

Demography, Genetics, and Issues

in Conservation

Chapter 12

Northern Muriqui Monkeys: Behavior,

Demography, and Conservation
Karen B. Strier

Northern muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) mother and infant at the RPPN

Feliciano Miguel Abdala. (Photograph by Fernanda P. Tabacow)

K.B. Strier (*)

Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1180 Observatory
Drive Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA
e-mail: kbstrier@wisc.edu
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_12, Springer Japan 2014



K.B. Strier

Abstract The northern muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) is a critically

endangered primate species, endemic to the Atlantic forest of southeastern Brazil.
Long-term data from one of the largest populations, which inhabits the 957-ha
forest at the RPPN Feliciano Miguel Abdala in Caratinga, Minas Gerais, provides
insights into the dynamics between behavior, demography, and conservation. With
some 328 individuals as of June 2012, this population has quintupled since systematic monitoring began in 1982, and it now represents roughly 33 % of the species.
This rapid expansion can be attributed to female-biased infant sex ratios and high
survivorship during the first two decades of research. However, male-biased infant
sex ratios, compounded by reduced survivorship among dispersing females compared to patrilocal males, have been documented in recent years. The adult sex ratio
is projected to become increasingly male biased as these cohorts mature, and the
population growth rate is expected to decline. Moreover, demographic fluctuations
are expected to affect males and females differently because of sex differences in
dispersal patterns and social dynamics. Specifically, the strong affiliative relationships that have persisted among philopatric males are predicted to be sensitive to
increases in both the absolute and relative number of adult males, resulting in higher
levels of male competition and possible disruptions in male social networks. This
case study illustrates the importance of long-term behavioral data for estimating
population viabilities and identifying conservation priorities for this and other
critically endangered species.
Keywords Behavioral plasticity Brachyteles hypoxanthus Conservation
Demography Dispersal Life history Northern muriqui Population viability
Reproductive rates Sex ratios



Long-term field studies provide unique sources of data on the demography and life
histories of wild primates (Strier and Mendes 2009, 2012). These data are necessary
for realistic assessments of the viability of endangered populations (Coulson et al.
2001), and they also provide important insights into population fluctuations over
time (Durant 2000; Metcalf and Pavard 2007; Strier and Ives 2012). Fluctuations in
the demographic and life history variables that influence population viabilities, such
as reproductive rates, sex ratios, and survival probabilities, are also known to have
corresponding effects on levels of competition within and between primate groups,
and therefore can affect the composition of groups and the dynamics of male and
female social relationships (Altmann and Altmann 1979; Dunbar 1979). Long-term
studies are critical for documenting both the ways in which primates adjust their
behavior in response to local demographic conditions and the ways in which behavior feeds back to affect demography and life histories (Charpentier et al. 2008). The
value of incorporating the synergistic interactions between demographic and behavioral variables into conservation assessments cannot be overstated (Curio 1996;


Northern Muriqui Monkeys: Behavior, Demography, and Conservation


Cowlishaw and Dunbar 2000; Sutherland and Gosling 2000; Bradbury et al. 2001;
Caro 2007; Strier and Ives 2012).
Documenting the ways in which demography and behavior influence each other
requires long-term data because of the time lags involved in these interactions.
For example, the impact of infant sex ratios on adult sex ratios and levels of reproductive competition will only become evident after surviving infants of current birth
cohorts reach sexual maturity and begin to compete with older adults and with one
another for access to mates. Age at sexual maturation can vary from about 2 to
12 years in small-bodied (e.g., callitrichins) and large-bodied (e.g., chimpanzees)
primates, respectively (Ross and Jones 1999), and the time required to document the
reproductive and behavioral consequences of skewed infant sex ratios will vary
accordingly. Moreover, the effects of infant sex ratios on adult sex ratios are filtered
by sex-specific patterns of mortality and dispersal, which determine the extent to
which the recruitment of breeding males or females through intergroup transfers
affect the demographic conditions of their natal groups relative to other groups in
the population (Strier 2000).
Demographic conditions can also shift during the course of an individuals lifespan, and despite the extended maturational time lags in many primates, the pace
of individual behavioral responses to demographic conditions is still faster than
the generations required for evolution to act. Indeed, the high levels of phenotypic
plasticity displayed by most primates may reflect their histories with fluctuating
selection pressures, which can result in behavioral polymorphisms that functionally resemble genetic polymorphisms despite the different processes by which
they are established and maintained (Lee and Kappeler 2003; Strier 2003a).
Identifying the ways in which primates adjust their behavior in response to
demographic fluctuations over their lifespans can simultaneously advance our
understanding of behavioral plasticity and provide insights into the adaptive potentials of primates (Strier 2009). Anthropogenic disturbances at local, regional, and
global scales are altering primate habitats and their communities at unprecedented
rates (Boyce et al. 2006). The rapidity of these alterations, which include climate
change, and their effects on the conservation status of primates, makes investigations into demographic and behavioral interactions an urgent priority for research
and conservation alike because both can change within an individuals lifetime,
instead of across the generations involved in evolutionary adaptations. Although
there is no dispute that increasing available habitat through the establishment of
corridors and reforestation efforts may be the only way to improve the prospects for
isolated populations of critically endangered primates, understanding the interactions between demographic fluctuations and behavioral responses can nonetheless
provide valuable insights into the potential of populations to recover to viable sizes
when the primates and their habitats are protected (Strier and Ives 2012).
In this chapter, I review the implications of some of the major demographic
changes that have occurred during a 29-year field study of one population of northern muriqui monkeys (Brachyteles hypoxanthus; Fig. 12.1). After briefly describing
the species and study population, I review the fluctuating demographic conditions
that affect both group and population-wide sex ratios. I then consider the associated
behavioral changes that are predicted to occur in response to projected shifts in


K.B. Strier

Fig. 12.1 Northern muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) mothers and infants at the RPPN Feliciano
Miguel Abdala. (Photograph courtesy of Carla B. Possamai)

adult sex ratios, and evaluate the implications of these changes for the long-term
persistence and conservation status of northern muriquis. Many of the data reviewed
here have also been recently discussed elsewhere, although exact sample sizes may
vary depending on the years included in the analyses (e.g., Strier and Mendes 2012;
Strier and Ives 2012).



The northern muriqui is endemic to the Atlantic forest of southeastern Brazil and,
as are other species endemic to this ecosystem, it is critically endangered. Fewer
than 1,000 northern muriquis are now known to occur in a dozen isolated populations in the states of Minas Gerais and Esprito Santos, and only three of these populations include more than 200 individuals (Mendes et al. 2005). The largest of these
populations inhabits the 957-ha forest at the Reserva Particular Patrimnio NaturalFeliciano Miguel Abdala (RPPN-FMA; previously known as the Estao Biolgica
de Caratinga, 1944S, 4149W), where our studies during the past 29 years have
been based. With 328 individuals as of June 2012, the RPPN-FMA muriqui population has more than quintupled in size since 1982, and it now represents roughly one
third of the entire population of the species (updated from Strier et al. 2006).


Northern Muriqui Monkeys: Behavior, Demography, and Conservation


The muriquis at the RPPN-FMA have never been provisioned, and in contrast to
the sympatric capuchin monkeys, they have never been observed or reported to
engage in crop raiding. The forest had been subjected to some selective logging in
the past, but removal of forest products ceased entirely by 2001, when the forest was
officially designated as a privately owned nature reserve (Castro 2001). Even before
its official conversion to a nature reserve, some of the abandoned pastures and coffee fields within and surrounding the forest had already been left to regenerate to the
point that the muriquis and other primates were actively ranging through and feeding on the vegetation in these areas. In contrast to the ongoing disturbances that
threaten many other northern muriqui populations, the area of suitable habitat available to the RPPN-FMA muriquis has increased since the onset of the study. Habitat
regeneration and expansion, together with effective hunting prohibitions, have contributed to the ongoing protection and recovery of this population (Strier and Boubli
2006; Strier and Mendes 2012).


Demographic Context

When observations were initiated in the early1980s, there appeared to be two

mixed-sex groups and an estimated total population of some 4045 individuals
(Valle et al. 1984). Systematic studies were initiated in one of the original groups
(Mato group) in July 1983. The other original group (Ja) is known to have fissioned in the late 1980s (Strier et al. 1993) to form a third group (M2), and again in
2002, to form a fourth group (Nadir group). Both the Ja and Nadir groups have
been monitored since 2002, and the M2 group has been monitored since 2003 (Strier
and Boubli 2006; Strier et al. 2006). The Mato group has been monitored on a
near-daily basis during July 19831984, and from June 1986 through the present;
the other three groups in the population have been monitored roughly every 3 weeks
since the population-wide monitoring began.
In July 1982, the 22 individuals in the Mato group included 6 adult males, 8
adult females, of which 6 were carrying infants less than 6 months of age, and 2
juvenile males. The absence of a larger class of juveniles of different age-sex classes
was most peculiar, but it was not likely to have been a consequence of recent hunting
pressure, because the ease with which the muriquis habituated to the presence of
human observers corroborated local reports that neither the muriquis nor the other
three species of sympatric primates (brown howler monkeys, tufted capuchin monkeys, and buffy-headed marmosets) had been hunted for many years (Strier 1999a).
Among the other possible causes for the initial skewed age structure (e.g., disease,
climatic conditions that negatively affected female reproduction, and predation),
predation seems to be the most likely reason by default. Although disease cannot be
ruled out, the local farmers who routinely passed through the main part of Mato
groups home range and occasionally entered the forest did not report encounters
with visibly ailing monkeys or corpses or skeletal materials. Similarly, there were no
indications or reports of extreme climatic conditions that might have resulted in


K.B. Strier

reproductive failure during the previous years. Predators are known to prey on
muriquis in this forest (Bianchi and Mendes 2007), and 2 infants less than 2 years of
age were suspected of having been preyed on by an avian and a terrestrial predator,
respectively (Printes et al. 1996). More recently, body parts suspected of belonging
to a third missing infant were discovered in feline scats (Possamai et al. 2007).


Behavioral Context

Muriqui society is characterized by unusually peaceful, egalitarian relationships

among males and females (Strier 1990, 1992). Males are philopatric, and females
typically disperse from their natal groups before the onset of puberty (Printes and
Strier 1999; Strier and Ziegler 2000). For more than a decade, the rate of natal
female emigrations from the Mato group was comparable to that of female immigrations into the Mato group. In the mid-1990s, however, the number of Mato
female emigrants began to exceed the number of immigrants, raising questions
about source-sink dynamics and whether the infant sex ratios of the other groups
differed from that of the Mato group (Strier 2005). Indeed, the need to investigate
these possibilities was an important stimulus behind the decision to expand the
demographic monitoring of the Mato group to include all the other groups in this
The most striking behavioral change to occur as the Mato group began to grow
was the shift from cohesive to fluid grouping patterns and an expansion in the size
of the Mato groups home range (Strier et al. 1993). The group home range has
continued to shift and expand into the southern part of the forest as first the M2
group, and then the Nadir group, became established and began using the northern
parts of the Mato groups original home range (Dias and Strier 2003; Boubli et al.
2005). However, the muriquis day ranges have not increased with group size,
implying that their fluid grouping patterns, coupled with their ability to consume
substantial quantities of leaves, have offset the increases in competition over food
that have been correlated with group size in other primates (Dias and Strier 2003).
More recently, we have also documented an increase in the groups terrestrial activities (Mourth et al. 2007), suggesting that they may now be engaged in vertical
niche expansion, despite the potentially higher predation risks to which they are
exposed when on the ground (Tabacow et al. 2009; Strier and Ives 2012).


Life History Context

Muriquis have slow life histories that resemble more closely those of apes than other
monkeys similar to them in body size (Strier 1999b, 2003b). Male age at sexual
maturity has been documented only in the Mato group to date (Strier 1997). Males
in this group become sexually active at a median age of 6.19 years (n = 30; updated
from Strier and Mendes 2012), but do not achieve their first complete copulations,


Northern Muriqui Monkeys: Behavior, Demography, and Conservation


which terminate with ejaculation (Possamai et al. 2005), until a median age of
6.74 years (n = 30; updated from Strier and Mendes 2012). Females typically disperse
from their natal groups, and median age at first parturition for females of known age
is 9.00 years (n = 21; updated from Strier et al. 2006). Only 4 of 49 females that survived to 6 years (the minimum dispersal age) have reproduced in the same group as
their mother, with their first parturition occurring at 7.0, 7.3, 7.5, and 8.6 years of age,
respectively (updated from Martins and Strier 2004; Strier and Mendes 2012). With
the exception of two group fissioning events (Strier et al. 2006), no cases of female
secondary dispersal subsequent to giving birth have occurred (Strier 2008).
Most births occur in the peak dry season months (JuneAugust), but births have
been documented in all months of the year (updated from Strier et al. 2001). The
median birth interval following infants that survive to 2 years is 35.74 months
(n = 73; updated from Strier 2005), and does not appear to vary significantly with
infant sex (Strier 1999c; Strier and Ives 2012). As with other primates, infant
deaths before weaning can result in shorter subsequent birth intervals (Strier
2004). Nonetheless, birth intervals have declined unexpectedly over time (Strier
and Ives 2012).
The upper limit of muriqui lifespans is still unresolved. Although the last of the
adult males that were present in the Mato group in 1983 died in September 2005,
both the 1982 male infants, as well as one of the 1982 female infants that remained
and reproduced in her natal group, were still alive as of June 2012, and the female
is still reproductively active at 30 years of age. Two of the six original adult females
that were carrying new infants in 1982 are still alive (as of August 2012) and reproductively active. Extrapolating from the youngest age at first reproduction known
for nulliparous females, these females would have been at least 7.0 years of age if
they were carrying their first infants in 1982, and are therefore at least 35 years of
age as of 2012. A fourth adult female, who was visibly nulliparous in 1982 and gave
birth to her first infant in 1983, is also still alive and reproductively active in 2012.
Although female northern muriquis can evidently survive and reproduce into
their thirties, if not beyond, there is some indication of declining fertility as a consequence of low estradiol peaks during the ovarian cycles of one of the oldest
females in the Mato group to date (Strier and Ziegler 2005). This female was carrying an infant in 1982 and is still alive in 2012, but has not reproduced since July
2001. A second mother that was carrying an infant when observations were initiated
in 1982 disappeared from the population in October 2007 and is presumed to have
died; nonetheless, she survived 14.9 years after her last known parturition, and
1.7 years after her last observed copulation.


Demographic Fluctuations

Muriqui population growth rates, similar to those of other mammals, are limited by the
number of reproducing females and by female reproductive rates (Ross 1998).
Although female reproductive rates are known to vary with local population densities
and food availability and with individual age, health, and rank in other species (Lee and


K.B. Strier

Kappeler 2003), the number of reproductive females in a population is a product of

stochastic fluctuations in infant sex ratios and survivorship. In matrilocal societies,
infant sex ratios and survivorship also determine the number of reproductive females
in groups, but when females disperse, as is the case for northern muriquis, the distribution of females across groups, and the sex ratios of these groups, is also mediated by
local demographic and ecological conditions that affect female dispersal decisions
(Strier 2000).
Population viability analyses based on demographic conditions in the Mato
group during the first 10 years (Strier 1993/1994, 2000) and 16 years (Rylands
et al. 1998) of the study were consistent in implicating female-biased sex ratios and
low mortality rates as the main factors responsible for the increase in the groups
size and the potential of the group, and by inference, the population, to continue to
expand. More recently, however, infant sex ratios have increased and immature
survivorship has decreased in the Mato group, similar to the male-biased sex ratios
and immature survivorship that have characterized the other groups in the population since their monitoring was initiated in 2002 (Strier 2005; Strier et al. 2006).


Sex Ratios at Birth

Infant sex ratios in the Mato group were consistently female biased (median = 0.50),
with nearly twice as many females as males born between 1982 and 1999. From
2000 to 2007, this pattern reversed, with sex ratios at birth more than twice as high
(median = 1.58) as those during the previous 18 years. Indeed, analyses through
2010 indicate a significant increase in the male-biased birth sex ratios (Strier and
Ives 2012). Although 12 of the males born in the Mato group since 2000 had
reached sexual maturity by 2012, it will still be some time before the reproductive
maturation of either males or females from the more recent male-biased infant
cohorts begins to impact adult sex ratios, which are still female biased. Moreover,
there are indications that recent cohorts of infants of both sexes may have lower
probabilities of surviving to adulthood than their predecessors.


Infant and Juvenile Mortality

Immature survival in the Mato group was high for both males and females from
1982 to 2001. Male infants had a 95.4 % probability of surviving to year 1, a 90.9 %
chance of surviving to year 2, and an 87.9 % chance of surviving to year 3. Female
infants had similarly high probabilities of surviving to year 1 (95.3 %), and slightly
lower survival probabilities to year 2 (88.7 %) and year 3 (81.1 %). Between 2002
and 2007, however, the probability of surviving to year 3 had declined to 63.5 % for
males and 59.5 % for females. Survivorship to year 3 in the other groups was slightly
higher for both males (68.4 %) and females (65.5 %) during this time period. During
these years, only 66.97 % of males and 64.0 % of females in the population have


Northern Muriqui Monkeys: Behavior, Demography, and Conservation


survived to age 3, and even fewer (60.55 % of males and 58.67 % of females) have
survived to age 5. Increases in mortality across all age-sex classes have occurred
through 2010 (Strier and Ives 2012). No immatures younger than 3 years of age
have been known to survive without their mothers, and no cases of male dispersal at
any age have been observed (see following).
Combining the data on female mortality associated with dispersal across all the
groups yields a population-wide estimate of 71.6 % survival, or 28.4 % of females
that die during or within a few months of dispersal. Mortality for dispersing adolescent females is more than 20 % higher than for philopatric males (4.55 %) in the
same 5- to 7-year-old age class in this population, further reducing the number of
reproductive females entering the breeding population in both absolute and relative
terms. The male bias in sex ratios at birth, sustained by comparable mortality rates
for both sexes to year 5, will be even more pronounced among adults because of the
loss of additional females relative to males as a consequence of female dispersal.


Behavioral Responses to Fluctuating Adult Sex Ratios

Projected increases in adult sex ratios are expected to affect males and females in
different ways. Dispersal decisions by either or both sexes could alter the sex ratios
of their groups and potentially impact population-wide sex ratios through the impact
of dispersal on mortality. For example, if females remain and reproduce in their
natal groups, as three of the Mato females have done to date, their improved survivorship compared to dispersing females would result in more a greater proportion
of females surviving to enter adulthood as breeders. All three of the females that
remained in this natal group were younger when they gave birth to their first offspring than the median age of dispersing Mato group females were at their first
reproductions. Thus, in addition to increased survivorship, natal females may also
gain a potentially longer reproductive lifespan because they begin reproducing earlier (Strier 2008). Females are not expelled from their natal groups through overt or
targeted aggression (Printes and Strier 1999), but whether variation in the onset of
female puberty is a consequence or cause of their dispersal decisions is not clear
(Martins and Strier 2004).
Despite the advantages to females that reproduce in their natal groups, there are
disadvantages associated with the risks of inbreeding with their fathers or other
males that are closely related paternally or maternally so long as related males are
philopatric. In fact, only one female has been observed to copulate on only two
occasions with one of her adult sons, suggesting that mechanisms of motherson
kin recognition and inbreeding avoidance may exist in this species (Strier 1997;
Possamai et al. 2007; Tolentino et al. 2008). However, two of the three natal females
have copulated with the same maternal brother, implying that inbreeding avoidance
mechanisms, at least among siblings, may be less effective. Nonetheless, recent
analyses of genetic paternity in a cohort of 22 infants showed that none was sired by
close biological kin (Strier et al. 2011).


K.B. Strier

Female dispersal decisions affect the adult sex ratios of groups through their
choices of which nonnatal groups to join. From 2002 to July 2012, 50 % of the 28
dispersing females from the other three groups in the population have joined the
Mato group, which is more than the 33 % expected if they were distributing themselves equally among all three nonnatal groups. Curiously, only 2 of the 16 Mato
females that have dispersed during this period have joined the M2 group (updated
from Strier et al. 2006). Moreover, only 2 females have transferred between the
Nadir and Ja groups (1 from each group), perhaps because the fissioning of the Ja
group in 2002 is still so recent. Whether these dispersal choices reflect a balance
between preferences for associating with other females that are already familiar
from their natal groups (and in some cases, related) and avoidance of familiar males
or are caused by other factors is not known, but whatever their basis, they affect the
adult sex ratios, and therefore improve reproductive opportunities for patrilocal
males in the groups that they join, while negatively impacting those in the groups
that females leave or fail to join.
The immigration of 14 females into the Mato group between 2002 and 2012 has
helped to offset the number of natal Mato female emigrants (n = 16). Indeed, the
influx of females into the Mato group may be responsible, at least in part, for the
persistence of this group instead of its fissioning. Although we do not have comparable records on the number of copulating males and females in the other groups, it
seems likely that unfavorable adult sex ratios may have contributed to the decisions
of some males to leave their natal Ja group on both occasions when subsets of Ja
females fissioned (Strier et al. 2006). In both cases, these transient males initially
maintained associations with at least two different mixed-sex groups before ultimately joining the newly established Nadir group (Tokuda et al. 2012).
Whether the result of group fissioning or a paucity of female immigrants, unfavorable adult sex ratios should stimulate typically patrilocal males to transfer out of
their natal groups in search of more favorable reproductive opportunities. The
demographic threshold for males to leave their natal groups is predicted to be higher
in patrilocal societies than it is for males in matrilocal societies (Strier 2009), but the
advantages of doing so are similar. In both cases, dispersing males would gain by
increasing their reproductive opportunities, and if they disperse with only a subset
of related males, they also gain by avoiding reproductive competition with the other
male kin remaining in their natal groups. However, if adult sex ratios become similarly male biased across groups in the population, then the tolerant, egalitarian relationships that have characterized male muriqui intragroup dynamics may begin to
change in more dramatic ways.
The dynamics of male social relationships, at least in the Mato group, are based
on strong spatial associations and affiliative interactions (Strier et al. 2002). Male
associations and interactions are typically polyadic, by contrast to those of females,
which tend to be more targeted, with each female maintaining strong affiliations
with only a few other females (Strier 2011). The extensive networks that underlie
male sociality may make male muriquis more sensitive than the females to the cognitive challenges of tracking one another as the absolute number of males in their
groups increases (sensu Dunbar 1992). Thus, just as an increase in the relative


Northern Muriqui Monkeys: Behavior, Demography, and Conservation


number of adult males to females will elevate levels of reproductive competition

among males, an increase in the absolute number of adult males may undermine the
social mechanisms that facilitate their tolerance toward one anothers mating activities. The consequences of increased competition and a disruption in male tolerance
are likely to be manifested in greater reproductive skew, with consequences for the
genetic composition of the population.


Implications for Conservation

The male-biased infant sex ratios, compounded by increasing mortality across all
age-sex classes, could result in a corresponding decline in this populations growth
during the next decade if these recent conditions persist (Strier and Ives 2012). The
muriquis may respond to these changing demographic conditions by adjusting their
dispersal and mating patterns, with consequences for the demography, genetics, and
viability of the population.
Episodic deviations from the normative pattern of female dispersal and male
philopatry have already been documented, and therefore the mechanisms and consequences of these deviations are easy to envision. By contrast, the tolerant, egalitarian relationships among males have persisted without any indications of change.
This persistence is striking considering that adult sex ratios in the Mato group have
increased from 0.75 in 1983 to 1.10 in 2011. Yet, there is no evidence of any corresponding increase in the levels of malemale competition to date. However, if
current low levels of reproductive skew (Strier et al. 2011) were to increase with
both the relative and absolute numbers of males, then genetic variation in the subsequent generations could decline. Increased competition, compounded by weaker
bonds among males as their networks are disrupted, could also stimulate males to
disperse instead of remaining in their natal groups, further reducing the genetic
variation between groups in the population.
The hypothesized effects of both female and male responses to current and projected demographic conditions are derived from comparative analyses of the behavior of other primates, such as those describing the effects of group size or male
numbers on levels of competition (Struhsaker 2008) and maturation (Charpentier
et al. 2008). Continued demographic analyses using updated demographic parameters can provide more accurate estimates of the likely consequences (Strier and Ives
2012). Similarly, whether the benefits of increased survivorship and earlier reproduction outweigh the greater risks of inbreeding for matrilocal females can be
assessed with sensitivity analyses that take genetics, as well as demography, into
account. Specifically, the consequences of varying levels of male reproductive skew
could be modeled to estimate the effects of mating patterns on paternity and population genetics. However, whether the muriquis will respond as predicted remains an
empirical question, which can only be resolved by continued monitoring of their
demography and behavior into the future.


K.B. Strier

Despite the recent documented decline in the populations growth rate (Strier and
Ives 2012), there is no way of knowing whether the present demographic conditions
will persist long enough to have lasting effects. Successive years of female-biased
births could dilute the effects of the increasingly male-biased birth sex ratio and
thus lower adult sex ratios in the future.
Moreover, despite recent indications of density-dependent effects, the shorter
birth intervals have resulted in an unexpected increase in fertility (Strier and Ives
2012). Thus, current management plans to increase the available habitat through the
establishment of corridors and reforestation efforts may be the only way to restore
the continuing high rate of growth of this population.
The demographic shifts that have occurred over this long-term study of one
northern muriqui population provide important cautionary perspectives about
extrapolating from demographic conditions at any particular point in time into the
future. Stochasticity in infant sex ratios and the survivorship of infants to adulthood,
even when mediated by behavioral responses, can have significant effects in small
populations of critically endangered species. Assumptions that small, disturbed
populations are demographically stable, or that the primates are behaving in evolutionarily adaptive, normative ways, can be seriously misleading. Long-term studies
that document the interactions between demography and behavior are necessary to
identify the processes that affect population persistence and conservation priorities
in northern muriquis and other critically endangered species (Strier and Mendes
2012; Strier and Ives 2012).
Acknowledgments I thank the editors, J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski, for inviting me to
contribute to their volume, CNPq and the Abdalla family for permission to conduct research at
the RPPN-FMA, Preserve Muriqui and CI-Brasil for logistical support in the field, and S.L.
Mendes for his long-term collaboration on the project. The field study has been supported by a
variety of sources, including the National Science Foundation (BNS 8305322, BCS 8619442,
BCS 8958298, BCS 9414129, BCS 0621788, BCS 0921013), National Geographic Society, the
Liz Claiborne and Art Ortenberg Foundation, Fulbright Foundation, Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid,
Grant #213 from the Joseph Henry Fund of the NAS, World Wildlife Fund, L.S.B. Leakey
Foundation, Chicago Zoological Society, Lincoln Park Zoo Neotropic Fund, Center for Research
on Endangered Species (CRES), Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation, Conservation
International, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and CNPq-Brazilian National Research
Council. This research has complied with all U.S. and Brazilian regulations. I also thank the
many people who have contributed to the long-term demographic data records from 1983 to 2012
(in alphabetical order): L. Arnedo, M.L. Assuno, N. Bejar, J.P. Boubli, P.S. Campos, T.
Cardoso, A. Carvalho, D. Carvalho, C. Csar, A.Z. Coli, C.G. Costa, P. Coutinho, L. Dib,
Leonardo G. Dias, Luiz G. Dias, D.S. Ferraz, A. Ferreira, F. Fernandez, J. Fidelis, A.R.G. Freire
Filho, J. Gomes, D. Guedes, V.O. Guimares, R. Hack, M.F. Iurck, M. Kaizer, M. Lima, M.
Maciel, I.I. Martins, W.P. Martins, F.D.C. Mendes, I.M. Mourth, F. Neri, M. Nery, S. Neto, C.P.
Nogueria, A. Odalia Rmoli, A. Oliva, L. Oliveira, F.P. Paim, C.B. Possamai, R.C. Printes, J.
Rmoli, S.S. Rocha, R.C. Romanini, R.R. dos Santos, M. Schultz, B.G.M. da Silva, J.C. da Silva,
A.B. Siqueira de Morais, V. Souza, D.V. Slomp, F.P. Tabacow, W. Teixeira, M. Tokudo, K.
Tolentino, and E.M. Veado.


Northern Muriqui Monkeys: Behavior, Demography, and Conservation


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Chapter 13

Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins:

A Demographic Perspective of a Threatened
Shiang-Lin Huang and Leszek Karczmarski

S.-L. Huang
Department of Environmental Biology and Fishery Science, Center for Marine
Bioenvironment and Biotechnology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan
e-mail: slhuang@mail.ntou.edu.tw
L. Karczmarski (*)
The Swire Institute of Marine Science, School of Biological Sciences,
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
e-mail: leszek@hku.hk
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_13, Springer Japan 2014



S.-L. Huang and L. Karczmarski

Abstract Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins inhabit shallow coastal waters within the
tropics and subtropics of the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans. Their taxonomy
remains unresolved, between a single widespread and highly variable species, two
species, and three species being currently proposed. Their inshore distribution renders them highly susceptible to the adverse effects of many human activities; for most
of the known remaining populations their continuous survival is a subject of major
conservation concern. In this chapter, we describe the use of demographic analysis to
quantify population trend and, more informatively, predict the risk (probabilities) of
extinction. The results of demographic analyses provide valuable means of assessing
conservation status. Using the population of humpback dolphins from the Pearl River
Estuary as an example, we show the power of demographic analyses, predicting a
significant population decline before it is directly documented by other standard techniques. Comparing our findings with known, albeit limited data from southeast
Africa, and considering the current ambiguity of the taxonomic classification adopted
by IUCN, we question the current listing of humpback dolphins under the IUCN Red
List of Threatened Species. We urge that their conservation status classification be
reconsidered as it likely understates, perhaps severely, the threats faced by many
fragmented populations off Southeast Asia and the western Indian Ocean.
Keywords Conservation status Demographic analyses Pearl River Estuary
Population trend Probability of extinction Sousa chinensis Sousa plumbea

13.1 Introduction
Humpback dolphins, the genus Sousa, inhabit coastal waters of tropical West Africa,
the Indian Ocean, and the western Pacific Ocean. They generally associate with
shallow-water coastal habitats (Karczmarski etal. 2000). Although the choice of
specific habitats might differ between locations and regions in response to varying
coastal environments, the overall pattern frequently reoccurs (Karczmarski 2000;
Jefferson and Karczmarski 2001; Parra and Ross 2009). In many parts of the world,
however, inshore coastal habitats are becoming increasingly degraded through overharvesting and habitat destruction, which, along with incidental and deliberate kills
in fishing gear, represent the greatest threat to humpback dolphins. With habitats
fast diminishing, populations become increasingly fragmented and more susceptible to further anthropogenic pressure and environmental stochasticity. For most of
the known remaining populations of humpback dolphins, their continuous survival
is a subject of major conservation concern (Karczmarski 2000; Jefferson and
Karczmarski 2001; Reeves etal. 2008; Jefferson etal. 2009; Ross etal. 2010).
The taxonomy of the genus Sousa remains unresolved: from one to five species
have been proposed (Ross etal. 1994). Currently, most researchers recognize either
two (Jefferson and Karczmarski 2001) or three (Rice 1998) species of Sousa. The
three-species taxonomy distinguishes S. teuszi off West Africa, S. plumbea in the
western Indian Ocean, and S. chinensis off southeast Asia and in the western Pacific

13 Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins: A Demographic Perspective


Fig. 13.1 The taxonomy of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins remains unresolved. Some
researchers recognize a single widespread and highly variable species, Sousa chinensis. Others,
including both authors of this chapter, consider humpback dolphins in the Indo-Pacific to consist
of two species: S. plumbea in the western Indian Ocean, from South Africa to the east coast of
India, and S. chinensis, from the east coast of India to China and Australia. The International Union
for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) recognizes them as two geographic forms that differ in their
external morphology. The plumbea form is uniformly gray in color and has a well-pronounced
dorsal hump. Newborns of the chinensis form are dark gray, but become light gray as juveniles and
white to light pink as adults and lack the prominent dorsal hump, with only a slight dorsal ridge
instead. [Map source: IUCN 2008. Photography credit: S. Atkins (Endangered Wildlife Trust,
South Africa), S. plumbea, and R. Tang (Cetacean Ecology Lab, The Swire Institute of Marine
Science, The University of Hong Kong), S. chinensis. See also the title page photograph]

Ocean. When two-species taxonomy is considered (e.g., current IUCN classification),

S. chinensis and S. plumbea are combined into one speciesthe Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin S. chinensisranging from South Africa in the west to southeast China
and northeast Australia in the east, with dolphins in the central and western Indian
Ocean referred to as the plumbea form and those in the eastern Indian Ocean and
western Pacific Ocean referred to as the chinensis form (Fig.13.1).
This taxonomic classification and resulting IUCN conservation status have been
the subject of intense debates (e.g., Global Mammal Assessment: Cetacean Red List


S.-L. Huang and L. Karczmarski

Assessment. IUCN Species Survival Commission, Cetacean Specialist Group,

2226 January 2007, La Jolla, CA, USA). Although both authors of this chapter
support the three-species taxonomy (recognizing that even further revision to a four-
species taxonomy might be needed; e.g. Frre etal. 2008), we refer to the two-
species taxonomy here to emphasize important conservation implications. We focus
here primarily on the chinensis form, known locally in China and Taiwan as the
Chinese white dolphin, and more specifically on the animals inhabiting the Pearl
River Estuary (PRE), which is one of the most ecologically degraded coastal habitats in Southeast Asia (MacKinnon etal. 2012), yet harbors the worlds largest population of humpback dolphins. Our focus here on species and locations have further
range-wide implications, beyond the PRE and Southeast Asia, and potentially useful to researchers working with other mammals with conservation concerns, both
marine and terrestrial.

13.2 Why Are Demographic Analyses Important?

Demographic parameters, including population size, age-specific survivorship,
generation length, and instantaneous rate of increase, provide a baseline foundation
for the management of species and populations (Wade 1998; Stolen and Barlow
2003; Moore and Read 2008; Currey etal. 2009a; Huang etal. 2012a, b; Mei etal.
2012). Estimates of demographic parameters allow population dynamics models to
quantitatively predict population trends and risk of extinction, a powerful approach
that can facilitate stepping up conservation efforts and moving on from precautionary management to informed conservation strategies (Lacy 1993; Harwood 2000;
Fujiwara and Caswell 2001).
For most cetaceans, reliable demographic estimates and population trend models
are rare, primarily because of limited life history data, which leaves policy makers
and conservation managers with a considerable challenge when making management decisions. Incomplete evidence can easily lead to misguided judgments of
conservation status, which in turn can misguide and sometimes delay the implementation of appropriate conservation strategies. Consequences of such a chain of
events can have severe, even catastrophic, implications for the survival of species
and populations (Taylor etal. 2000; Thompson etal. 2000).
When addressing conservation challenges of threatened or endangered species
or populations, the one question of paramount importance that frequently comes
up is this: How many years do we still have to reverse population decline? The
answer often depends on the actual rate of decline that can be estimated through a
set of demographic analyses. For example, the Yangtze finless porpoise
(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis), the only freshwater subspecies of
porpoise, has been reported to be in decline based on evidence from early lifetable analysis (Yang etal. 1998) and long-term census data (Zhang etal. 1993;
Zhao etal. 2008). Recent comparative demographic analyses, however, provide

13 Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins: A Demographic Perspective


further insights into this process, indicating an accelerating decline, from an average 1.66% abundance per year before 1993 to 6.17% abundance per year after
1993 (Mei etal. 2012). Under the present scenario, the Yangtze finless porpoise is
likely to become extinct within the next 30years, or possibly sooner (Mei etal.
2012). Such estimates of how rapidly a population is declining and how soon a
population is likely to become extinct quantify the urgency of conservation actions
and can provide a powerful tool in monitoring the effectiveness of management
Under Criteria A and C1 of the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria Version
3.1, the population status, either NT (Near Threatened), VU (Vulnerable), EN
(Endangered), or CR (Critically Endangered), is classified by the percentage of
decline within one, two, or three generations (IUCN 2001). When the exact generation length is not known, it is often accepted that three generations can be substituted with 10years to facilitate assessment procedures (IUCN 2001). In cetaceans,
however, where one generation length is longer than 10years for many species
(Taylor etal. 2007a), such an approach can lead to an underestimation of the risk of
extinction, producing a status assessment that might not truly reflect the real conservation threat. On the other hand, estimates of the percentage of population decline
(or change) require the accumulation of long-term census data, which is frequently
challenged by the high costs and demanding logistics of collecting cetacean sighting data at sea.

13.3 Long-Term Data: How Long Is Long Enough?

Long-term abundance estimates can be used to reflect population trends (Chaloupka
etal. 1999; Wilson etal. 1999; Stevick etal. 2003). However, a simple application
of statistical methods to historic abundance estimates should be viewed cautiously
as they may yield statistically significant yet biased and potentially misguided
results (Gerrodette 1987; Thompson etal. 2000; Taylor etal. 2007b). Such arbitrary
conclusions are of particular concern when the abundance estimates have high variation. For example, Jefferson and Hung (2004) applied the least-squares method to
abundance estimates of humpback dolphins in Hong Kong waters between 1995
and 2002 by a cubic polynomial regression to describe the abundance fluctuations
in those years:

( N (t ) = 0.210t

+ 5.867t 2 46.312t + 166.5, r 2 = 0.515

When extrapolating this regression into the future, a declining trend was suggested. Previously, Jefferson (2000) had reported a trend of Hong Kong humpback
dolphins (N(t)=134.989100.072t, r2
0.463) based on abundance estimates
between 1995 and 1998. With this rate of decline (=100.072=0.847), demographic
models predict more than 85% loss of original abundance in just 10years since


S.-L. Huang and L. Karczmarski

2000, which clearly did not happen and was recently challenged by the latest abundance estimate (see further; Chen etal. 2010).
The power analysis shows that the ability to detect population trends from
periodical census data is highly dependent on the estimate of instantaneous rate of
increase and the variation of abundance estimates (Gerrodette 1987; Taylor and
Gerrodette 1993; Thompson etal. 2000; Taylor etal. 2007b; Huang etal. 2012a).
The variation in traditional census data from transect sampling correlates highly
with the number of abundance estimates (Taylor and Gerrodette 1993) and intrinsically restricts the statistical resolution of census data to reveal population trends
within relatively short timeframes (Taylor and Gerrodette 1993; Taylor etal. 2007b;
Huang etal. 2012a), effectively restricting the accurate classification of population
status (Fig.13.2). Decline of a threatened population often results from excessive
anthropogenic influences that outweigh the capability of intrinsic recovery.
Systematic census surveys, however, are seldom implemented across the entire
geographic range of a population until the population decline, or anthropogenic
impacts, become explicitly apparent. It is at this point that conservation awareness
usually increases, but unfortunately it may already be too late to preserve the species of concern, as tragically exemplified by the recent history of the decline and
extinction of the baiji (Lipotes vexillifer) and associated research efforts (Wang
etal. 2006).
The importance of long-term studies cannot be overemphasized, especially when
working with long-lived, slow-reproducing mammals with complex social structures. Much of our current knowledge of cetaceans stems from multigenerational
studies that extend over many years, sometimes decades. However, in the case of
threatened species and populations, status assessment based on long-term census
data and resulting management decisions, if ever implemented, frequently represent
crisis management rather than crisis prevention; such decisions are often
delayed and come too late.

13.4 The Demographic Approach

Demographic analyses provide an alternative way to detect past and, particularly,
predict future trends (Fujiwara and Caswell 2001; Koschinski 2002), which can be
achieved by long-term markrecapture analysis (Chaloupka etal. 1999; Fujiwara
and Caswell 2001; Stevick etal. 2003; Currey etal. 2009a, b; Verborgh etal. 2009),
or life-table analysis (Barlow and Boveng 1991; Caswell etal. 1998; Dans etal.
2003; Stolen and Barlow 2003; Moore and Read 2008; Huang etal. 2012b; Mei
etal. 2012). Both methods are sensitive to sample size and require long-term datasets (markrecapture) or extensive specimen collection from strandings or bycatch
(life table) that may not be suitable for small and regionally confined populations.
In this approach, the demographic rates, including generation time (T0) and
instantaneous rate of increase (r), can be calculated using the standard method
(Krebs 1989):

Fig. 13.2(a) Time needed to detect population decline by periodic census investigation. (b)
Percentage of abundance loss when the abundance decline becomes detectable at different levels
of abundance estimate coefficient of variation (CV). Cutoff lines represent the boundary conditions
meeting the classifications of VU (Vulnerable), EN (Endangered), or CR (Critically Endangered)
status under IUCN Criterion A2-4, where population decline is higher than 30% (VU), 50% (EN),
or 80% (CR) of initial abundance within three generations for freshwater cetaceans (IUCN 2001).
(Reproduced from Huang etal. 2012a)


S.-L. Huang and L. Karczmarski

T0 =

x l ( x ) m ( x )
l ( x ) m ( x )


where l(x) and m(x) are age-specific survivorship and the age-specific reproduction
rate, respectively. The value of r can be estimated as follows:


(l ( x ) m ( x ))


m(x) can be approximately defined as follows:

m(x)=0, when 0x<Am, and

m ( x) =



when Amx<Ax, where Am represents female age at maturation, Ax represents

female expected lifespan, RI is the reproduction (calving) interval, and represents
the expected proportion of female calves (often assumed to be 0.50) (Huang etal.
2012a, b; Mei etal. 2012). The age-specific survivorships l(x), on the other hand,
can be constructed by life-table analysis or markrecapture analysis. In life-table
analysis, the life-table parameters, including number alive at age x (nx), proportion
surviving to age x (lx), and mortality rate at age x (qx), can be calculated using a
standard method (Krebs 1989; Barlow and Boveng 1991; Stolen and Barlow 2003;
Moore and Read 2008; Huang etal. 2012b; Mei etal. 2012) and used to build a age-
specific survivorship model (l(x)) with quantifiable range of uncertainties (Stolen
and Barlow 2003; Huang etal. 2012b; Mei etal. 2012). In the markrecapture
analysis, l(x) can be constructed by

l ( x ) = Sc Sa x 1


where Sc and Sa are the survival rates of calf (x1) and non-calf animals (Huang
etal. 2012a).
The usefulness of the demographic approach comes from the fact that it not only
estimates current/past population trends and status but also forecasts future population change under an assumed (and usually the most optimistic) scenario with factored-in stochasticity (Box 1). This trend prediction forecasts the risk and measures
the probability of extinction (PE) within a specific timeframe, for example, three or
five generations. The PE estimate itself becomes another quantitative assessment of
population status under Criterion E in the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria
Version 3.1 (IUCN 2001).

13 Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins: A Demographic Perspective


Box 1
The process to project dynamic change of population size by an individualbased Leslie matrix model (Slooten etal. 2000; Currey etal. 2009a; Huang
etal. 2012a, b; Mei etal. 2012):
1. An individual survived from age x at year t to age x+1 at year t+1 whenever the random number that ranges between 0 and 1 exceeded the mortality rate at age x, q(x)=1S, where S is survival rate, either Sc (for x1)
or Sa (for x>1). In case when q(x), the individual dolphin was considered a victim of mortality; otherwise, it survived.
2. A female that survived to the next year was determined to give birth by
comparing with 1/RIi, with the presence of newborn, when 1/RIi.
3. The sex of the newborn was male when exceeded the sex ratio
(default=0.50); otherwise, the calf was a female.
4. For each of the foregoing simulations, a new random number was

Recent studies of population trends of the Yangtze finless porpoise provide

strong evidence validating the usefulness of demographic analyses based on age-at-
death data. Systematic boat surveys in the mainstream of the Yangtze River have
shown a drastic decline in abundance from more than 2,550 animals (Zhang etal.
1993) to fewer than 1,225 animals (Zhao etal. 2008) in 15years. Meta-analyses of
data collected between 1990 and 2007 estimate an average of 6.4% decline of abundance per annum (Xiujiang Zhao, unpublished data). By comparison, independent
life-table analysis based on age-at-death data from incidentally killed porpoises
estimates the current rate of change of the Yangtze finless porpoise population at a
negative value of 0.0637 (Mei etal. 2012). The consistency of these results from
two independent studies applying different methodological approaches demonstrates the valuable applicability of demographic analyses.
Despite the utility of demographic analysis in estimating population trends and
forecasting the risk (probability) of extinction, especially when applied to threatened populations, the interpretation of demographic analysis, especially projections of population trends, should be cautious. Demographic analyses based on
age-at-death data usually assume a stable age distribution across the population
structure (Caughley 1966), and departure from this assumption may bias the
demographic rate estimates (Gaillard etal. 1998). For most cetacean species, the
validity in m
eeting this assumption is difficult to assess, unless there is a longterm
identification (photo-ID) monitoring of individual animals (as in
Hamilton etal. 1998; see also Wells, this volume). However, the life history patterns of many delphinids, with their relatively long calving interval, long life
expectancy of females, and high adult survival rates (for humpback dolphins, see


S.-L. Huang and L. Karczmarski

Jefferson 2000; Taylor etal. 2007a; Huang etal. 2008; Jefferson etal. 2011), may
buffer the bias caused by violation of the stable age distribution assumption
(Stolen and Barlow 2003).
Most demographic models assume that current environmental conditions are
constant and do not change much over time (Lacy 1993; Caswell etal. 1999;
Winship and Trites 2006). In reality, environmental conditions may and often do
change with time, sometimes substantially so, as is the case in Chinese waters, thus
altering the risk of local extinction. This change may be either positive or negative
but is unlikely to remain constant under ever-increasing human pressures.
Species or populations usually begin attracting conservation attention only after
they are exposed to severe environmental degradation or habitat loss, or when once-
common animals are no longer seen frequently. In such instances, the animals may
indeed be struggling for their long-term biological survival in the face of environmental uncertainty of increasingly deteriorating habitats. Although some components of habitat deterioration may be reversible in the short-to-medium term
(e.g., environmentally degradable pollutants; Chev 2000), other components can
only be addressed over the long term or may be irreversible (e.g., bioaccumulative
pollutants and habitat loss from land reclamation). Moreover, many of these factors
are closely related to the exponentially increasing economic and human population
growth (Chev 2000; Bearzi etal. 2004, 2010; Piroddi etal. 2011; Wang etal.
2011). Therefore, it is more realistic to assume that the survivorship of threatened
species or populations predicted by demographic analyses is higher than the true
survivorship; the parameter estimates and projections should be therefore viewed as
optimistic estimates that have an unknown degree of uncertainty, especially as the
predictive future estimates deviate further from actual data.

13.5 The Humpback Dolphins of the Pearl River Estuary

It has been suggested that there are 2,517 to 2,555 humpback dolphins in the waters
of the PRE (Chen etal. 2010), which is substantially more than in any other area
where humpback dolphins are known to occur (Table13.1). One could assume,
therefore, that this population might be strong enough to resist demographic stochasticity and environmental pressures. However, because of their proximity to the
worlds busiest seaport and airport, several large densely populated urban centers,
and a fast developing economy with the fastest and ever-increasing rate of major
infrastructural development in the entire PRE region (Fig.13.3), the dolphins inhabiting PRE waters are exposed to many adverse effects of human activities. In fact,
there are few other small cetacean populations that face the range and intensity of
human-induced pressures which exist within the PRE (Wilson etal. 2008).
In Hong Kong waters, these animals have received scientific and conservation attention since the mid-1990s (Jefferson 2000; Jefferson and Hung 2004; Parsons 2004;
Hung etal. 2006; Jefferson etal. 2011), instigated at first by large-scale anthropogenic impacts resulting from the massive construction of the Hong Kong International

13 Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins: A Demographic Perspective


Table 13.1 Known population size and abundance estimates for Indo-Pacific
humpback dolphins


Algoa Bay

South Africa


Richards Bay

South Africa

Zanzibar (south coast)

Maputo Bay
Great Sandy Strait
Cleveland Bay
Moreton Bay
Moreton Bay
Dafengjiang River
Hong Kong+adjacent
Leizhou Bay
Goa Bay
Gulf of Kachch
Eastern Taiwan Strait

East Africa





Karczmarski etal. (1999),

Karczmarski (2000)
Durham (1994)
Atkins and Atkins (2002)
Stensland etal. (2006)
Guissamulo and Cockcroft (2004)
Cagnazzi etal. (2011)
Parra etal. (2006)
Parra etal. (2004)
Corkeron etal. (1997)
Chen etal. (2009)
Chen etal. (2009)
Jefferson (2000)
Zhou etal. (2007)
Chen etal. (2009)
Chen etal. (2008a, b)
Sutaria and Jefferson (2004)
Sutaria and Jefferson (2004)
Wang etal. (2007)
Yu etal. (2010)

Airport at Chek Lap Kok. Despite these commendable research efforts, however,
considerable information gaps remain; much of the population vital parameters,
dynamics and structure, and various aspect of their behavioral ecology remain poorly
understood. The lack of analyses assessing cumulative effects of the multitude of
threats faced by the animals inhabiting the PRE should be of major concern.
Although the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of the Hong Kong
Government has been monitoring the abundance of humpback dolphins in Hong
Kong waters since early investigations in the mid-1990s, the current available data
are insufficient to reliably estimate the population demographic processes that ultimately determine the species biological persistence. Without such basic knowledge,
there is very little in the way of educated guidelines that could lead authorities
toward informed management decisions. Consequently, as presented further in this
chapter, conservation measures remain ineffective, as they have evidently been so far
in Hong Kong and much of the PRE. At present, the forecast for humpback dolphins
inhabiting the Pearl River Estuary is grim, and it will remain so unless cumulative
effects of anthropogenic impacts and the dolphin population trends and structure are
assessed and addressed in a timely manner and properly incorporated into environmental management strategies. Such an approach is the only reasonable and responsible way toward conscientious and effective management planning.
In a recent study, using data collected from humpback dolphins stranded on the
mainland China coast of the PRE, Huang and colleagues (2012b) applied Silers


S.-L. Huang and L. Karczmarski

Fig. 13.3 Humpback dolphins in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) inhabit waters flanked by the large
and densely populated urban centers of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, and Macau, with the
worlds busiest seaport and airport, and major infrastructural development across the entire PRE
region. [Map source: Landsat data, USGS (http://www.usgs.gov/pubprod/aerial.html#satellite)]

competitive risk model of survivorship (Siler 1979) to empirical life-table parameters to construct a modeled life table (Fig.13.4), which was used to calculate demographic rates (Table13.2). A continuous rate of population decline of 2.46% per
annum was estimated. It was projected that if the estimated rate of decline remains
constant, the current population will be diminished by ~74% after only three generations (approximately 51years; Fig.13.5) and ~58% of model simulations meet
the criteria for conservation status classification as Endangered under Criterion A3b
(Fig.13.6), applying IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria Version 3.1. Under a
more pessimistic scenario, with ~40% probability (SD 1.25%, CI 37.741.3%),
the model projection suggests that the PRE humpback dolphins will decline by more
than 80% of current population numbers within 51years (three generations).
One might argue that the PRE humpback dolphins may not be at such risk as they
are likely to represent an open population with a continuous influx of individuals
from peripheral areas. However, being the largest population in the region, the PRE

13 Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins: A Demographic Perspective


Fig. 13.4Age-specific
survivorship l(x) (a) and
mortality rates q(x) (b) of
humpback dolphins from the
Pearl River Estuary (PRE)
based on empirical (dotted)
and modeled fitted (line)
calculations. DS data
represents data acquired from
aged stranded dolphins.
Dashed lines represent the
2.5 and 97.5 confidence
intervals. (Reproduced from
Huang etal. 2012b)

Table 13.2 Demographic parameter estimates for humpback dolphins from the Pearl River Estuary, where
T0=generation time, and r=instantaneous rate of increase, calculated as r =


(l ( x ) m ( x )) ,

where l(x) and m(x) are age-specific survivorships and reproductive rates, respectively





0.0405 to 0.0107


S.-L. Huang and L. Karczmarski

Fig. 13.5 Abundance fluctuations of the PRE humpback dolphin after t years, shown by (a) stochastic plots that illustrate variation in prediction and (b) deterministic plot of median (solid lines)
and CI (dashed lines) of percentage of population alive. (Reproduced from Huang etal. 2012b)

Fig. 13.6Percent
distribution (% +SD) of
abundance alive after three
generations, indicating
percentage of simulations
meeting the criteria for
classification as critically
endangered (CR, 39.33%),
endangered (EN, 57.60%),
vulnerable (VU, 2.89%), or
near-threatened (NT, 0.05%)
for rate of decline (Criterion
A3b: IUCN 2001).
(Reproduced from Huang
etal. 2012b)

population may actually act more as a source rather than sink, with many individuals moving to neighboring areas and populations and seemingly persisting on a
larger spatiotemporal scale. Under such a meta-population scenario, the numbers of
the PRE humpback dolphins may in fact decline more rapidly than our current

13 Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins: A Demographic Perspective


Fig. 13.7 Power analysis showing years needed to detect population trends through annual abundance estimates (a) and the percentage (pr%) of abundance change (decline) (b) at TD at different
scales of CV of abundance estimates using the estimated r. (Reproduced from Huang etal. 2012b)

Another fallacy that underestimates the risk of decline of the PRE humpback
dolphins may derive from the lack of direct evidence of a decline in abundance at
present (i.e., observed versus predicted model validation), especially from periodic
abundance estimates. The population status usually trends downward far before the
signs of population decline become evident in a deteriorating environment (Drake
and Griffen 2010; Huang etal. 2012a). The power of detecting the signs of abundance decline by traditional transect techniques used for cetaceans depends on the
variation (CV) of abundance estimates and rate of decline (Gerrodette 1987; Taylor
and Gerrodette 1993; Thompson etal. 2000), and it is low and typically requires
decades of abundance estimates, or a rapid population decline to detect trends in a
shorter time span. The detectable rate of population decline within a reasonable
time span, not longer than 10years of investigation, would have to exceed 5% of
abundance annually for populations with an abundance comparable to PRE humpback dolphins (Taylor and Gerrodette 1993). For cetacean species such as humpback dolphins that have a generation length exceeding 17years, or longer (Taylor
etal. 2007a; Huang etal. 2012b), a 5% decline in abundance annually would result
in an abundance loss greater than 92.6% after three generations, exceeding the
criteria for classification as Critically Endangered status (Criterion A3b: IUCN
2001). For the PRE humpback dolphins, the calculated number of years needed to
detect a population trend through periodic abundance estimates (TD) ranged from
13.8 (when CV of abundance estimate was 10%) to 63.8years (when CV=100%)
with median r estimates (Fig.13.7). The percentage of decline after TD ranged from
28.6% (CV=10%) to 79% (CV=100%) of the current abundance. Analyses using
traditional transect sampling techniques of abundance estimations, even numerically long term, are very unlikely to detect the current declining trend within one


S.-L. Huang and L. Karczmarski

generation (17years) as the current census dataset itself has a CV higher than 30%
(Chen etal. 2010)1
The Pearl River Estuary region is one of the fastest growing economic regions in
the world, a process that is likely accompanied by increasing anthropogenic pressures on a wide variety of biota. Large-scale projects that result in land reclamation,
dredging, intense boat traffic, and other impacts increase the incidental mortality of
the PRE humpback dolphins directly and indirectly (Jefferson 2000; Reeves etal.
2008; Jefferson etal. 2009). The efflux of persistent organic pollutants into PRE
waters, such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), OCPs (organochlorine pesticides), PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers), and heavy metals, shows a worrying trend (Minh etal. 1999; Jefferson 2000; Parsons 2004; Leung etal. 2005; Xing
etal. 2005; Hung etal. 2006) that likely increases the vulnerability of this population. Many of these persistent organic pollutants are thought to be endocrine disruptive with further demographic and developmental consequences (Birnbaum 1994;
Guillette etal. 1994; Cheek and McLachlan 1998; Danzo 1998; Vartiainen etal.
1999; Crews etal. 2000). The cumulative effect of these impacts can gradually
decrease population survival rates.
The technique described here, the life-table analysis based on the age-structure
of collected carcasses, cannot detect recent trends in survival or mortality because
the samples were collected over a period of more than 10years; producing estimates
of survival in which temporal changes are conflated with sampling error. Although
a comparative study of life-table structure in a temporal scale could contrast demographic consequences on population survival with increasing anthropogenic pressures (Currey etal. 2009b; Mei etal. 2012), comparable methods cannot be applied
here because of the lack of long-term life-table data (as in Mei etal. 2012).
If the current environmental conditions of the PRE continue to worsen without
effective mitigation and management measures, the rate of decline of humpback
dolphins in the region is likely to accelerate. Direct evidence supporting such concerns comes from the accelerating decline of the Yangtze finless porpoise mentioned earlier. The rate of decline was slow before the mid-1990s (Yang etal. 1998)
but accelerated rapidly within a decade (Wei etal. 2002; Wang etal. 2005; Zhao
etal. 2008; Mei etal. 2012), which directly corresponds with the fast economic
growth and large-scale developments along the middle and lower reaches of the
Yangtze River (Wang etal. 2011). The PRE humpback dolphins are facing a similar
increase in anthropogenic disturbance from rapid human population growth and
economic growth in nearby regions, including resource depletion, accumulation of
pollutants, habitat destruction, and alteration of hydrological patterns (Jefferson and
Hung 2004; Dudgeon etal. 2006; Reeves etal. 2008; Jefferson etal. 2009; Kreb
etal. 2010). The history of population decline on the Yangtze finless porpoise,
chronicled by a long-term (36years) census investigation, provides a precautionary
At the time of going to print, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of the Hong
Kong Government announced that first signs of decline have been detected from the periodic line
transect surveys; suggesting that a population decline of a considerable magnitude must have been
taking place for a long time, as our demographic model predicts.

13 Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins: A Demographic Perspective


warning for the persistence of PRE humpback dolphins under the deteriorating state
of the environment.
Recent questionnaire surveys conducted among fisherman residing along the
500-km coast between the PRE and the coastal city of Xiamen indicate that historically humpback dolphins occurred continuously throughout this range and apparently in larger numbers (Wang etal. 2010). However, much of the coastal habitat
between the PRE and Xiamen has been heavily degraded in recent decades, making
much of the area unsuitable for humpback dolphins, which effectively fragments the
previously continuous distribution to relict populations in the PRE and, considerably smaller, in the coastal region of Xiamen. Sightings of humpback dolphins
between the PRE and Xiamen have been very infrequent in recent years (Wang etal.
2010). Comparable pressure from habitat degradation and fragmentation can also be
expected to occur in waters neighboring western reaches of the PRE as the result of
similarly high economic and population growth (Zhou etal. 2007; Chen etal. 2009).

13.6 S
 tatus and Risk Assessment Under Scarcity of Data:
The Likely Risk of Underestimating the Extinction Risk
The current IUCN Red List of Threatened Species lists humpback dolphins globally
as Near Threatened (NT), with the Taiwan population regionally sublisted as
Critically Endangered (CR) (Reeves etal. 2008). This classification understates
the threats faced by the PRE humpback dolphins, and likely to a greater extent those
faced by the fragmented and small populations off southeast Asia and western
Indian Ocean, especially off the east coast of Africa.
In the Pearl River Estuary region, even though genetic evidence suggests historical
exchange between populations in the PRE and off Xiamen (Chen etal. 2008a, b), this
is unlikely to persist to date because of drastic habitat degradation (Wang etal. 2010),
which defines the eastern boundary of the PRE humpback dolphin population to
within Hong Kong waters (Hung 2008). The range of the PRE humpback dolphins is
unlikely to exceed an area of 20,000km2 and might even be confined to less than
5,000km2 (Chen etal. 2010). The western boundary of this population, however,
remains undetermined (Chen etal. 2010, 2011). With the current evidence of abundance decline, this population should be classified as Vulnerable (extent of occurrence
<20,000km2) or even Endangered (extent of occurrence <5,000km2) under Criterion
B1v (IUCN 2001). The number of mature individuals among the PRE humpback dolphins is unlikely to exceed 2,500; as the estimate of total N approximates 2,500 animals, and with the projected rate of decline of 2.5% annually, the estimated 59% (SD
12.6%) decline after two generations meets the classification criteria as Endangered
under Criterion C1 (IUCN 2001). Consequently, the classification of the largest humpback dolphin population as Endangered (58% of simulations) appears to be the most
appropriate representation of its current conservation status under IUCN Criteria A3b,
B1v, and C1 (IUCN 2001), whereas a classification as Critically Endangered (39% of
simulations) might also be considered.


S.-L. Huang and L. Karczmarski

In Maputo Bay, Mozambique, the estimate of calf survival rate (0.53; Guissamulo
and Cockcroft 2004) is lower than that of the PRE humpback dolphins (0.61;
Jefferson etal. 2011). Considering the similarity of life history patterns in both
areas, the population decline of humpback dolphins in Maputo Bay is likely to
occur faster than in the PRE, possibly exceeding 80% within three generations. In
another location, Richards Bay, an estuarine habitat on the subtropical KwaZulu-
Natal coast of South Africa, 370km south of Maputo Bay, survival rates of neither
calves (Sc) nor non-calf animals (Sa) are known, but early studies indicate a high
incidental mortality rate approximating 4.5% per annum, caused by shark net
entanglement (Cockcroft 1990; Durham 1994). A simple comparison of this incidental mortality rate with an undisturbed Sa estimate (0.95; Karczmarski 2000;
Jefferson and Karczmarski 2001; Taylor etal. 2007a) suggests that the rate of population decline in Richards Bay could be extremely high.
Both Maputo Bay and Richards Bay humpback dolphins can temporarily maintain their numbers by influx from other populations/areas (Guissamulo 2008; S.
Atkins and L. Karczmarski, unpublished data). In the long term, however, the overall population figures are alarmingly low (Durham 1994; Atkins and Atkins 2002;
Keith etal. 2002; Guissamulo and Cockcroft 2004; see Table13.1). Other known
populations in the region, such as in Algoa Bay, 880km south of Richards Bay
(Karczmarski etal. 1999) or Inhambane Bay and Bazaruto archipelago, 420 and
640km north of Maputo Bay, respectively (V.G. Cockcroft, A.T. Guissamulo, and
L. Karczmarski, unpublished data) are geographically distant and neither large
enough nor sufficiently demographically productive (Karczmarski 2000; Taylor
etal. 2007a) to compensate for any rapid decline in the sink populations. A similar
situation is being repeated throughout the coastal region off east Africa. With few
remaining populations, ranging in size from a few tens to the low few hundred individuals (see Table13.1), separated by distances as great as several hundred kilometers (Reeves etal. 2008; V.G. Cockcroft, A.T. Guissamulo and L. Karczmarski,
unpublished data), the regional trend of humpback dolphins in the western Indian
Ocean is likely to be declining much faster than currently recognized (Reeves etal.
2008). The forecast for the plumbea humpback dolphins in the western Indian
Ocean may be even worse than for the chinensis form in the PRE and off Southeast
Asia. Relevant population models would be informative in assessing the status and
predicting trends and should be applied whenever existing data allow. In the absence
of reliable estimates, the precautionary conservation principle needs to be applied
and should be urgently implemented (Thompson etal. 2000; Huang etal. 2012a).
Inaction can result in substantial population loss before any conclusive evidence
from the data currently collected becomes available. A revision of the current IUCN
conservation status of humpback dolphins should be a first such step toward an
appropriate conservation strategy.
There are a number of considerable concerns in regard to humpback dolphin
conservation, both in the industrialized world such as Hong Kong and the Pearl
River Delta, where substantial funding has been unsuccessful in generating scientifically sound management schemes, and in developing parts of the world such as
Southern and East Africa, where scarcity of funding seldom allows long-term sophisticated research. In both cases, effective conservation measures are long overdue.

13 Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins: A Demographic Perspective


It is imperative that action be taken immediately. We urge that the current IUCN
conservation status of humpback dolphins be reconsidered, with more discriminative
treatment of the chinensis form and the plumbea form (as proposed to IUCN by L.
Karczmarski, 20072), because the current status underestimates the local threats to
humpback dolphins across their severely fragmented range in both the Indo-Pacific
(chinensis form) and western Indian Ocean (plumbea form). An ongoing large-scale
genetic study (M. Mendez and H. Rosenbaum, personal communication) may soon
provide evidence for taxonomic revisions. In the meantime, in lieu of other evidence
to the contrary, we believe the precautionary principle toward risk assessment should
be applied and act as a pragmatic approach to conservation politics. As the remaining
largest population of humpback dolphins currently faces a major risk of local extirpation, such risk is likely to be only magnified in many of the much smaller populations elsewhere. We suggest that reconsidering the individual status of the plumbea
and chinensis forms and updating the current IUCN listing is urgently needed as it
would far more appropriately reflect their current conservation status and threats to
the future survival of local populations.
Acknowledgments S.-L. Huang was funded by the National Science Council of Taiwan (grant
NSC 101-2311-B-019-002). L. Karczmarski was supported by the Research Grant Council of Hong
Kong (GRF grant HKU768110M), the University Professorial Sponsorship Programme of the
Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong (OPCFHK), and The University of Hong Kong
(HKU) Funding Programme for Basic Research. We kindly thank Cynthia Yau and Glenn Gailey
for valuable comments on the early draft of the manuscript.

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13 Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins: A Demographic Perspective


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Chapter 14

Mountain Gorillas: A Shifting Demographic

Elizabeth A. Williamson

Adult male silverback mountain gorilla with infant. ( David Pluth)

Abstract Large-scale habitat destruction and poaching in the 1950s, 1960s, and
1970s had major impacts on the population size and demography of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Rwanda. In those three decades, the population of
the Virunga Volcanoes was halved: groups became unstable, and infanticide was
relatively common. Intensive conservation efforts began in the 1980s and have

E.A. Williamson (*)

Psychology, School of Natural Sciences, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK
e-mail: e.a.williamson@stir.ac.uk
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_14, Springer Japan 2014



E.A. Williamson

enabled the gorilla population to recover. The present study took place during a
period of social stability in the lives of three Karisoke gorilla groups. Characterized
by few female transfers, no known infanticide, and only one silverback male departure from the research groups, there were striking increases in both group size and
the number of adult males per group. I consider how these changes have occurred
and implications for the management of this Critically Endangered primate. Despite
encouraging growth, this population is so small that it remains extremely vulnerable
to human disturbance. If mountain gorillas are to survive in this volatile region, a
hands-on approach to their conservation may be justified.
Keywords Demography Gorilla beringei Group formation Karisoke Rwanda
Socioecology Solitary silverback Virunga


Mountain Gorilla Social Systems

Mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) are characterized as living in stable,

cohesive, polygynous groups typically composed of one adult male silverback
and a median of five adult females, together with their offspring (Harcourt and
Stewart 2007). Silverback is the term used for mature male gorillas from the age of
12 years, when hairs on the saddle of the back start to turn grey, and some individuals are already capable of siring an infant at that age (Bradley et al. 2005). Silverbacks
are considered to be fully grown by age 15 (Watts 1991; Watts and Pusey 1993), by
which time 50 % of them are likely to have left their natal group and become solitary (Robbins 1995; Watts 2000). The other half of the silverback population does
not leave the natal group, and thus groups can become multimale (Watts 2000;
Robbins 2001, 2003). Although gorillas are considered to have evolved in a onemale mating system, a significant proportion of mountain gorilla groups contain two
or more silverbacks. In their age-graded social system, a hierarchy exists amongst
the adult male gorillas, and competition among the males can be intense, particularly when females are in estrus (Harcourt et al. 1980; Robbins 2003). Males that
had a strong affiliative relationship with a dominant silverback when they were
infants are more likely to remain in their natal group (Harcourt and Stewart 1981),
and a few eventually inherit leadership of that group. The accepted model of new
group formation is that females transfer out of a group to join a solitary male, or that
a breeding group splits permanently into two units.
Nearly 500 mountain gorillas live in the 455-km2 Virunga Volcanoes of the
Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda (Gray et al. 2013). The
groups studied by the Karisoke Research Centre, in Rwanda, have been habituated
to the presence of human observers and can be individually identified. In just one
generation, these groups have shown striking increases in both size and the number
of adult males per group, with few males emigrating. At the beginning of this study,
in January 1996, the research population comprised 73 gorillas in three groups of
19, 23, and 31 individuals, each with one or two adult male silverbacks. Six years


Mountain Gorillas: A Shifting Demographic Landscape


Table 14.1 Composition of three Karisoke mountain gorilla groups at beginning and end of this study
Gorilla group name
No. individuals
No. silverback males (>12 years)
No. blackback males (812 years)
No. adult females (>8 years)
No. subadults (68 years)
No. juveniles (3.56 years)
No. infants (03.5 years)
Adult female:adult male ratio

1 January 1996


31 December 2001


later, the population had grown to 98 gorillas with 24, 27, and 47 individuals in the
same three groups, and three to six adult males per group (Williamson and Gerald
Steklis 2001) (Table 14.1). I describe changes in the structure of the Karisoke population, consider how they have occurred, and present some implications for the
management of this Critically Endangered primate.


The Karisoke Mountain Gorilla Population 19962001

The 1994 genocide in Rwanda brought a halt to intensive behavioral research on the
Karisoke mountain gorillas. During the periods of insecurity and military conflict
that followed, great efforts went into monitoring the gorillas and maintaining demographic records, while behavioral data were collected within the constraints of limited access to the gorillas. During this study, researchers were unable to enter the
Volcanoes National Park from June 1997 to September 1998 (the park remained
closed to tourists until July 1999). Observations were interrupted again between
May and August 2001. Despite these difficulties, we consider the demographic
records of these groups to be complete, as records of all births, deaths, and transfers
have been maintained since 1967. The only demographic events that might have
been missed would have been infants that were born during the 16 months when we
had no access to the gorillas but which did not survive.
During this study, ten young male gorillas in three research groups matured into
silverbacks. Based on our prior knowledge of gorilla demography, we expected four
or five of these males to emigrate, but only one left his group to become solitary
(at age 13.2 years). One died (aged 14.9 years) following infection of bite wounds
inflicted during an aggressive encounter with another gorilla group, and three
attained full physical maturity (i.e., reached 15 years of age) in their natal groups
(Table 14.2).
This low rate of emigration (10 % in this study compared to 36 % in the preceding three decades; Robbins 2001) was not a consequence of subordinate males
being permitted to stay with impunity, as they were subject to aggressive attacks by


E.A. Williamson

Table 14.2 Ages of adult male mountain gorillas in this study



Date of birth

Age 31 December
2001 (years)

Social context

Joli Ami

Formerly PAB

1 January 1966
24 August 1974
31 August 1974
28 February 1977
14 November 1978
16 February 1985
4 January 1986
28 January 1986
3 May 1986
16 August 1986
21 February 1987
20 October 1987
20 October 1987
4 February 1988
23 February 1988


Died in June 2001

Group (dominant)
Group (former dominant)
Group (dominant)
Group (dominant)
Died in January 2000
Solitary from April 1999

the dominant male. Behavioral observations were conducted on two of the three
Karisoke research groups, one of which (the SHI group) included three to six silverbacks, whereas the other (the PAB group) was unusually large (3147 individuals
during this study), with three silverbacks. Hierarchies among the males were determined using pair-wise displacements recorded between July 1999 and June 2001
(cf. Robbins 1996), a period when access to the park was consistent and data collection was regular. Rank correlated with age for all but two males: the oldest, a postprime silverback in PAB group, and a young silverback in SHI group who was
physically inferior to the rest of his cohort (undersized with a sway back).


Intragroup Aggression

Analyses of aggression focused on the young competitors over the same 2-year
period, excluding a former dominant male (PAB) who had been deposed but not
evicted from the group and no longer posed a challenge for leadership. Two levels
of physical aggression were distinguished: (1) mediumwhen a single bite was
observed, or one or two wounds recorded (e.g., Fig. 14.1), and (2) severewhen
biting was repeated, or visible wounding was extensive. Attacks by the dominant
males (CAN and SHI) were almost always directed at one particular individual in
their group (UMR in PAB group and NTA in SHI group; NTA was the highest ranking and most physically developed of five young silverbacks). The level of visible
wounding of these two silverbacks was not observed with other individuals, and
attacks intensified when they reached the ages of 13.5 years (UMR) and 12.4 (NTA),
respectively. Attacks classed as severe lasted up to 3 min and often resulted in


Mountain Gorillas: A Shifting Demographic Landscape


Fig. 14.1 Subordinate silverback mountain gorilla with a bloody nose after being attacked by the
dominant silverback. ( DFGFI)

serious wounding. Gashes 615 cm long were seen on top of the head, side of face,
back of neck, shoulder, back, inner arm, and hands. During attacks, both protagonists were generally silent, although onlooking females screamed. Victims were
often pinned down and did not retaliate or defend themselves. They filled the air
with a characteristic pungent male odor (silverbacks emit a musky odor from axillary glands in the armpit in situations of fear or excitement) and sometimes passed
diarrheic dung during or immediately after the attack. Adult females occasionally
tried to intervene during the dominant silverbacks attacks, as did the former dominant male in PAB group on one occasion. In SHI group, the victims mother once
attempted to bite the attacking dominant silverback, but on two occasions other
group members joined in the assault.
Intragroup aggression was scored from bite wounds, even if an attack had not
been observed, but only when no intergroup interaction had been recorded in the
preceding days. Watts (1996) noted that silverbacks receive progressively more
aggression from older males as they mature, and severe aggression was recorded
during 16 of the last 20 months of this study. SHI made 80 % of these attacks on
NTA, despite the presence of four other young silverbacks maturing in the cohort.
As the other males aged, SHIs attacks were also directed at the fourth ranking
(from the age of 13.5 years) and fifth ranking (from age 13.2 years); however, his
aggression toward NTA did not diminish. Interestingly, the third-ranking male
(UGE) was the only silverback in the cohort observed to display any affiliative
behavior with the dominant male, and he was rarely attacked.


E.A. Williamson

Most attacks seemed to occur without provocation other than proximity. We

might expect aggression to increase at times when competition for females was
highest, that is, when females were in estrus and would typically copulate repeatedly over a 3- to 4-day period (Czekala and Sicotte 2000). Using dates of parturition, I estimated the number of females in each group that could have been cycling
each month during the 2 years. On average, 2 females per group were potentially
cycling for a few days each month, although in the large PAB group with 17 adult
females, it is possible that 8 females were cycling during the second quarter of
1999. No significant correlation was detected between the presence of cycling
females and levels of aggression recorded; however, Watts and Pusey (1993) noted
that rates of malemale aggression were influenced not only by the presence and
number but also the identity of estrous females. Thus, the proxy used in this study
may have been too simplistic.
Despite enduring frequent and severe attacks by the dominant silverback, some
maturing males stayed with their group rather than becoming solitary. Thus, there
was an obvious cost to remaining in their natal groups, and the question arises: why
would these males tolerate such aggression?


Mating Opportunities and Companionship

Mountain gorilla females reach sexual maturity at about 8 years old and generally
have their first infant between the ages of 9 and 10 years. While infants are suckling,
their mothers experience lactational anestrus and are unable to conceive again for
34 years after giving birth. Therefore, opportunities to mate are rare, even though
females may copulate with more than one male (Robbins 2003), and a males emigration decisions will be influenced by the number of adult females and the number
and age of male competitors in his group (Robbins 1995; Watts 2000).
Dominant males do not readily tolerate copulations by subordinate males, and
harassment by the dominant of another male or toward the female is well documented (Robbins 1999). Although dominant males participate in the majority of
copulations, in this study nine of the ten subordinate silverbacks were seen to copulate at least once with an adult female. On one occasion when NTA was copulating,
the dominant male ran at and bit him severely. However, almost all observed copulations by subordinates were surreptitiouscopulatory vocalizations were subdued
or suppressedand did not attract the attention of the dominant silverback (n = 32).
Genetic studies have since revealed that subordinate silverbacks occasionally sire
offspring (Bradley et al. 2005).
The high ratio of 5.6 adult females per adult male in PAB group reveals a factor
likely to have had a strong influence on the three silverbacks remaining together;
however, this would not explain the situation in SHI group with six resident males
and only 1.2 females per male. Reproductive competition is a key determinant of
reproductive strategy, but in this highly gregarious species another factor must also
play a role: life in the company of others. Subordinate silverbacks who stay in their


Mountain Gorillas: A Shifting Demographic Landscape


natal group have at least an occasional opportunity to mate; they also continue to
engage in social interactions such as grooming. To support this hypothesis, we can
cite the former existence of two all-male groups at Karisoke: male gorillas that chose
to live in a group environment where individuals could interact with one another and
further their social skills, but which clearly did not contribute to their reproductive
success (Yamagiwa 1987a; Robbins 1996; see also Stoinski et al. 2001, 2004).


Risk of Injury

Attempting to obtain females from another silverback is a high-risk venture, which

can lead to physical injury and even death; thus, opting for a solitary strategy is also
costly. During this study, three adult male gorillas were fatally wounded: we found
the bodies of two lone silverbacks with trauma to the head and genitalia, consistent
with injury inflicted during confrontation with another silverback. The third fatality
was a group-living subordinate silverback who died of septicemia following an
injury sustained during an intergroup encounter.
If the chances of acquiring a female were high enough, the risks involved in pursuing a group might be worth incurring, but it seems they are not. During the first
35 years of study of the Karisoke mountain gorillas, few solitary males succeeded
in forming a new group or taking over an established group (Watts 1989, 2000;
Robbins 1995, 1996, 2001; Harcourt and Stewart 2007). Group takeovers by a solitary silverback can occur when the dominant male in a one-male group dies or is
killed, but these events have been rare. We can find examples of group takeovers
among the other gorilla subspecies (Tutin 1996; Yamagiwa and Kahekwa 2001);
however, in mountain gorillas, group acquisition has not occurred as a natural phenomenon, but as a consequence of poachers killing the dominant silverback.
During the present study, only one of the ten maturing silverbacks (INZ) became
solitary. We observed several subsequent interactions between this individual and his
natal group, and each time he was chased away by the subordinate males, his former
playmates. Although in his prime and in excellent physical condition, he remained
alone throughout (and beyond) this study. A significant disadvantage for this solitary
male was that his home range overlapped with multimale but no one-male groups,
and he would have had to lure females away from two or more silverbacks.


Multimale Groups

Most female mountain gorillas transfer from one group to another at least once during their lifetime (Watts 1996), and transfers usually take place during encounters
between groups. Gorilla groups often exchange chestbeats and vocalizations from a
distance, but when encounters escalate to aggression, fighting between adult males
can be intense (Harcourt 1981; Watts 1991). Intergroup interactions are contests for


E.A. Williamson

access to adult females and occur about once per month in the Karisoke population
(Sicotte 1993, 2001). Multimale groups are better able to retain their females
because two or more silverbacks can cooperate during such encounters. Typically,
one silverback herds females away from the frontline, which is effective in preventing female transfer, while the other rebuffs challengers (Sicotte 1993). Therefore, so
long as the dominant male loses few matings or gains compensating payoffs in
inclusive fitness, he may benefit by tolerating a younger silverback as an ally against
extra-group males (Watts 1996). Subordinate males in the present study were indeed
seen to play active roles in intergroup interactions.
The incidence of multimale groups in the wider mountain gorilla population
(groups habituated for research and tourism) has increased from 40 % in 1981 to
61 % in 2010 (Gray et al. 2013). What is more extraordinary is that there are not just
two but many silverbacks in some groups; each of the three research groups has
included six or more silverbacks at some point in time. It is also notable that during
this study, the rate of female transfer was low, both into (n = 2) and out of (n = 2) the
research population, and between the three research groups (n = 5) (total number of
adult females = 2631).
Robbins (2001) noted that multimale groups perpetuate multimale groups, and
a likely mechanism for this was elucidated by Parnell (2002): If the presence of
more than one silverback confers an advantage when acquiring new females or
defending residents, a virtual arms-race can be envisioned in which increasing
numbers of silverbacks are required for a group to remain competitive. The dominant male may thus become more tolerant of subordinate males within his group.
Ever greater numbers of adult males per group can be predicted with an inevitable decrease in numbers of solitary males, both as young males are tolerated in
their natal group, and as the solitary route to group acquisition becomes increasingly unrewarding and potentially hazardous. Such a mechanism for the increase
in multimale groups will have a feedback effect on other groups. A group silverback unable to rely on coalition support may be more likely to lose females and
encounter more difficulty in acquiring them. Creating conditions such that maturing males delay their emigration will be a powerful strategy for maintaining
viable groups.
Males that do not emigrate contribute to groups becoming larger not simply by
their own presence but also because mountain gorilla groups with more than one
male tend to attract and retain more females (Robbins 1995; Yamagiwa et al. 2009).
Adult females associate with adult males as a means to avoid infanticide by extragroup males (Watts 1989). Infanticide is a reproductive tactic that shortens the time
which elapses before lactating females become fertile again and has accounted for
26 % of infant deaths in the Karisoke population (Robbins and Robbins 2004).
Apparently females favor groups with more than one adult male because they provide better protection against infanticide in the event of the death of the dominant
male (Watts 2000; Robbins 2003). Interestingly, there were no cases of infanticide
by adult males in the research groups during this study. This absence of infanticide
was likely a consequence of the social stability of these groups, which would be
consistent with Robbins (1995) prediction that infants in multimale groups should


Mountain Gorillas: A Shifting Demographic Landscape


suffer fewer infanticidal attacks. [Two infant deaths occurred in 1996, but these
were attributed to competition between new mothers and pregnant nulliparous
females over the newborns, not deliberate killing by a potential mate (Warren and
Williamson 2004)].
Sicotte (1993) observed that groups with more than two adult males did not exist
in the Karisoke population and questioned why multimale groups were not more
common at that time. However, as the research groups have grown in size and the
number of resident females has increased, the likelihood of a number of male offspring growing up as a cohort has also increased, and this was the case in 19861987,
when six male infants were born into Group 5 (the precursor to the PAB and SHI
groups). By the end of the present study, the 25-year-old leader of SHI group was
accompanied by five young silverbacks, 1416 years old, and at least three of them
shared the same father (Bradley et al. 2005). Watts (2000) suggested that closely
related males (father and son or half-brothers) are likely to be more tolerant of one
another than unrelated males, and this seems to be true of the SHI group silverbacks.


Social Stability and a Supergroup

The factors discussed above have combined to produce larger groups. Consider that
in 1972 there were 96 gorillas in the Karisoke sector living in eight groups (Fossey
1983) and that in 2001 the same number could be found in just three groups. Group
5 grew in size to 35 members, five times the norm, before fissioning in 1993. The
catalyst for this split was the death of the dominant male. We therefore expected the
PAB group to fission when it surpassed 35 members; however, there was no catastrophic event to perturb the social balance and this group continued to grow, peaking at 65 individuals in 2006 (Vecellio 2008).
Various factors contribute to the formation and maintenance of large, multimale
groups, and these have been discussed at length (e.g. Watts 1989, 2000; Robbins
1995, 2001, 2003; Robbins and Robbins 2005). Typically, a group will disintegrate
when the dominant male of a single-male group dies, but when this happens in a
multimale setting one of the subordinate males can take over leadership and the
group remains intact, enabling offspring to mature in a stable social setting
(Yamagiwa 1987b; Robbins 1995). Thus, group stability is largely assured by a
multimale structure, and males who remain in breeding groups seem to have substantially higher fitness payoffs than males who emigrate. The principal advantages
gained by residents are increased opportunities to mate and enhanced infant survival. It seems that solitary silverbacks have little chance of establishing a new
group and reproducing successfully in this arms race.
So, are these changes typical of the population as a whole? Surveys of the
Virunga population show that the median size of gorilla groups has not changed
over 30 years (median 7.5, n = 32), but that mean group size has increased from 7.9
to 11.4 individuals, reflecting an increasing proportion of large groups (Gray et al.
2009). Habituated groups, and the Karisoke groups in particular, are significantly


E.A. Williamson

larger than unhabituated groups (mean, 16.8 vs. 5.9). The above-average size of
gorilla groups in the Karisoke sector has been attributed to two principal factors:
first, that habitat quality in this sector is better than in other sectors of the Virunga
Volcanoes (McNeilage 2001), and second, the much higher level of protection
afforded to the Karisoke groups through daily monitoring by gorilla trackers and
researchers, which not only deters poachers but also facilitates rapid intervention by
a veterinary team when needed (Kalpers et al. 2003).


Active Conservation and Management Issues

Since 1902, when mountain gorillas were first brought to international attention,
human impacts on the Virunga population have been devastating, from their slaughter by museum collectors and trophy hunters to the clearing of more than half of
their entire habitat in Rwanda in the late 1960s (Plumptre and Williamson 2001).
Compounding the loss of habitat, targeted killing by poachers in the 1970s and early
1980s had a major impact on the gorillas demography, leading to group breakups
or takeovers and further losses through subsequent infanticide (Fossey 1983).
However, by the end of the 1980s the conservation status of the Virunga gorillas had
improved dramatically, brought about by daily monitoring of the habituated groups
and the expansion of antipoaching patrols.
The Virunga gorillas survival was again threatened throughout the 1990s, this
time by civil conflict. Less well known than the 1994 genocide is that during 1997
and 1998 civilians fleeing armed conflict in Rwanda took refuge in the forests of the
Virunga Volcanoes, building shelters and cultivating crops in the park, while armed
militia controlled access to the region. Remarkably, these events left the Karisoke
gorillas visibly unscathed. Active conservation has allowed the Virunga gorilla population to recover from an estimated all-time low of 254 and to attain 480 individuals in just 30 years, one and a half generations. Groups that are well protected do not
suffer the same degree of human-induced mortality and habitat degradation that
nonhabituated groups do and, with veterinary intervention, habituated gorillas no
longer die of snare injuries. This is not the case for the entire population, and the
unhabituated subpopulation is in decline (minus 0.7 % annual growth rate; Robbins
et al. 2011). Consequently, mountain gorillas continue to be classified as Critically
Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (Robbins and Williamson
2008), meaning that they face a high risk of extinction.
With a return to peace and stability in some sectors of the Virunga Volcanoes,
military escorts have become a necessary accompaniment to research and tourism
activities. The increased number of people in the parktourists, trackers, researchers, and soldiersis likely to have affected the gorillas demographic dynamics.
Unhabituated groups rarely approach monitored groups and usually flee if human
observers are present. Even if interactions between habituated and unhabituated
gorillas still take place, they are infrequent and thus normal social dynamics may be
impeded. Incest has perhaps become inevitable and is known to have occurred in


Mountain Gorillas: A Shifting Demographic Landscape


one Karisoke group, in which the dominant silverback fathered an infant with one
of his sisters and mated with at least one of his aunts. The mother and four other
close relatives of this male were among the 17 reproductive females in his group.
Many individuals in the research groups are closely related (Bradley et al. 2005),
and inbreeding is manifested by strabismus and syndactyly (e.g. Routh and Sleeman
1997). Fewer transfers between groups would reduce gene flow and may increase
the level of inbreeding. If the close and sustained presence of human observers is
potentially compromising normal social interactions, behavioral disturbance must
be minimized by observance of strict limits to the numbers of people tracking, the
distance to which they approach gorillas (no closer than 7 m), and the duration of
visits (see Macfie and Williamson 2010).
From a management perspective, it is clear that active conservationantipoaching activities, constant monitoring of the gorillas, and maintenance of the size
and integrity of the habitathave been paramount to the gorillas survival. It has
long been noted that the Virunga gorillas are a relict population (Watts 1983:25),
one so small that it is extremely vulnerable to human disturbance, and it is perhaps
time to acknowledge that this is no longer a wild population but a highly managed
one. We should accept this fact when assessing the feasibility of interventions.
Population growth rate is more affected by changes in survivorship than by fertility,
so efforts to conserve mountain gorillas are best focused on improving survivorship
(Robbins et al. 2011). In reality, besides treating injuries and managing disease, few
interventions are possible, but if mountain gorillas are to continue to survive in such
a volatile region, a hands-on approach that incorporates knowledge of socioecology
and demographic processes is justified. The increasing human pressures on mountain gorillas have already prompted a reevaluation of veterinary intervention policy:
for nearly 20 years, the policy had been to intervene only if an injury or disease was
human induced or life threatening; in recent years, some potentially life-threatening
cases have been treated even if they were not caused by humans (Cranfield et al.
2006). With respiratory disease outbreaks among the habituated groups becoming
more frequent and leading to fatalities (Palacios et al. 2011; Ryan and Walsh 2011),
perhaps this reevaluation should go further. After careful analysis of human pathogen spillover, safety and cost of possible interventions, and efficiency of mitigation
measures, Ryan and Walsh (2011) concluded that the conservation community
should pursue proactive vaccination of great apes as a conservation strategy. Too
few of these great apes remain for us to be passive about disease and natural selection running their course.



This study took place during a period of stability in the Karisoke gorilla population,
ironically at a time when the lives of people in the region were in turmoil. In the
6 years from 1996 to 2001, only 1 silverback left one of the three Karisoke research
groups; in a subsequent 6-year period, 20032008, 14 males dispersed from the


E.A. Williamson

same three groups, 11 of them to become solitary (Stoinski et al. 2009). There have
also been group splits, new groups formed, infant mortality through infanticide, and
a high number of female transfers (Vecellio 2008), marking the return to a social
dynamic reminiscent of earlier decades. The Karisoke gorillas seem to have been
able to adapt to the prevailing social conditions, showing behavioral flexibility with
their shifting reproductive strategies.


Parallels Between Gorillas and Cetaceans

All whales are listed by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered

Species (CITES), meaning that legal trade and products derived from them are
highly controlled. In contrast, there is no legal exploitation of mountain gorillas.
They are totally protected under national and international laws, on Appendix I of
CITES, and it is forbidden to kill, capture, or harm them.
Both gorillas and cetaceans have low rates of reproduction and population
growth. Slow demographic recovery stems from their life histories, such as a relatively long delay before first reproduction and long interbirth intervals. Actual
growth rate in the Virunga gorilla population has been 1.15 % per year, well below
the projected 3.8 % under ideal conditions (Gray et al. 2009).
There are similarities in population responses to legal (some cetaceans) and illegal (gorillas) hunting, as social balance in these complex mammals is easily disrupted. Their population structure is sensitive to the removal of older individuals,
which may lead to fragmentation of social units. Lack of resilience to exploitation
in cetaceans equates with the gorillas vulnerability to illegal killing. Trophy hunting that selectively removed silverback gorillaskey group membersand the killing of adults to capture infant gorillas have led to group disintegrations and
subsequent deaths by infanticide (Kalpers et al. 2003). Similarly, in some cetaceans,
direct removals have disrupted social structure.
To conclude, management interventions must take demographic processes into
account and be fully cognizant of the disproportionately large impact of removing
key individuals from these socially complex mammalian populations.
Acknowledgments I thank the Rwandan Office of Tourism and National Parks for permission to
work in the Volcanoes National Park and the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International for making
this research possible. I am very grateful to J.R. Anderson, R.W. Byrne, M. Klailova, W.C.
McGrew, R.J. Parnell, M.M. Robbins, M.E. Rogers, and C.E.G. Tutin for providing valuable comments on the manuscript. I am indebted to the staff of the Karisoke Research Centre, in particular
Jean Damascene Hategekimana, Emmanuel Hitayezu, and the late Mathias Mpiranya, for sharing
with me their insights to the gorillas world. But most especially, I am deeply grateful to Jean
Bosco Bizumuremyi, without whose endless dedication, energy, and personal sacrifice, we would
have been much less effective in protecting the gorillas during very difficult times when so many
people lost their lives.
Parnell 2002 Wiley is quoted with permission from the author and the publisher.


Mountain Gorillas: A Shifting Demographic Landscape


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Chapter 15

Population Genetics in the Conservation

of Cetaceans and Primates
Kimberly Andrews

Above: Published with kind permission of Michael Richlen 2003. All rights reserved.
Below: Published with kind permission of Kathryn Shutt 2010. All rights reserved
K. Andrews (*)
School of Biological Sciences, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK
e-mail: kimandrews@gmail.com
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_15, Springer Japan 2014



K. Andrews

Abstract Understanding the factors driving spatial and temporal variation in genetic
diversity in cetaceans and primates is crucial in directing conservation and management decisions for these taxa. Spatial variation in genetic diversity can be driven by
geographic barriers to dispersal, such as rivers for primates or land masses for cetaceans. Spatial variation in diversity can also be driven by population size differences
across habitat patches that vary in resource abundance, with smaller populations
typically exhibiting lower genetic diversity than larger populations. However, cetaceans and primates often exhibit complex genetic structure that cannot be explained
by simple geographic barriers or variation in habitat abundance. In many cases this
complex structure is attributed to behavioral philopatry or social structure. Many
cetaceans and primates exhibit philopatry to natal ranges or philopatry to particular
habitat types, and many species also exhibit complex social structure features that
can influence genetic structure, such as strong group stability and sex-biased dispersal. Finally, genetic diversity can vary temporally; genetic coalescent analyses indicate that diversity has declined in the recent past for several cetacean and primate
species, often with evidence for population bottlenecks during times of historical
anthropogenic impact, such as habitat fragmentation or whaling. The complexity of
factors influencing genetic structure over space and time for cetacean and primate
species illustrates that multidisciplinary studies are required to truly understand
genetic structure for these species. These studies are becoming increasingly important as cetaceans and primates face severe anthropogenic threats around the world.
Keywords Bottleneck Genetic diversity Habitat degradation Habitat preference Philopatry Sex-biased dispersal Social structure Spatial variation
Temporal variation Whaling



Understanding spatial and temporal variation in genetic diversity within species can
provide insight into numerous conservation issues, such as the identification and
assessment of management units, development of optimal breeding strategies for
captive populations, or identification of the geographic origin of invasive species
(reviewed in Frankham et al. 2002; Allendorf and Luikart 2007). The utility of
information on genetic diversity has led to a growing interest within the field of
conservation biology in understanding the factors driving variation in intraspecific
genetic diversity across space and time. Spatial variation in genetic diversity is often
driven by the presence of barriers that restrict gene flow between groups, thus leading to the accumulation of genetic differences between groups. A variety of factors
can act as barriers to gene flow, including geographic factors, such as a mountain
range or an ocean separating regions; ecological factors, such as habitat differences
between adjacent regions; or behavioral factors, such as differences in mating
behavior between groups (reviewed in Coyne and Orr 2004). Spatial variation in
genetic diversity can also be influenced by the effective population sizes of


Population Genetics in the Conservation of Cetaceans and Primates


genetically distinct groups; populations with smaller effective sizes are expected to
have lower genetic diversity (Wright 1931), and effective size can be influenced by
a number of environmental, demographic, or behavioral factors including abundance and isolation of habitat, unequal numbers of males and females, and reproductive skew (reviewed in Allendorf and Luikart 2007).
Spatial variation in genetic diversity can also change over time as the result of
stochastic processes or environmental change. Global climate shifts throughout the
history of life on Earth have influenced population sizes and barriers to gene flow
over time by causing range expansions, localized population extinctions, and bottlenecks. In the more recent past, humans have caused extensive environmental
changes that have resulted in the loss of biodiversity at a pace more rapid than at any
other time in Earths history since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years
ago (Wilson 2002).
Cetaceans and primates are taxonomic groups that exhibit particularly complex
patterns of intraspecific genetic diversity. Species within both these groups have
high potential mobility compared to other mammalian taxa and therefore should
experience few physical geographic barriers to gene flow, with this pattern expected
to be particularly strong for cetaceans because of the relatively continuous nature of
their marine habitat. However, genetically distinct populations are often present
within both primate and cetacean species, even in the absence of obvious geographic
barriers. In these cases, the complex behaviors of these species are often implicated
as responsible for barriers to gene flow. For example, habitat preferences or social
structure can act as barriers to gene flow and can lead to genetic structure over short
geographic distances. Understanding patterns of genetic diversity is particularly
important for cetaceans and primates given the severe anthropogenic threats faced
by species within these taxa, such as poaching, directed fisheries or fisheries
bycatch, and habitat degradation. Here, we review the geographic, ecological,
behavioral, and demographic factors that have influenced the genetic diversity of
cetaceans and primates across space and time.



Spatial Variation in Genetic Diversity:

Barriers to Gene Flow
Geographic Barriers

In primates, rivers are one of the geographic features most commonly identified
as a barrier to dispersal and gene flow. For example, rivers separate genetically
distinct populations in bonobos (Pan paniscus; Eriksson et al. 2004), chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes; Gonder et al. 2006), mandrills (Mandrillus leucophaeus;
Telfer et al. 2003), orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus; Jalil et al. 2008), gorillas
(Gorilla spp.; Anthony et al. 2007), and mouse lemurs (Microcebus ravelobensis;
Guschanski et al. 2007). This strong effect on genetic structure is probably a


K. Andrews

result of the poor swimming abilities of many primates (Ayres and Cluttonbrock
1992). In other cases, anthropogenic alterations of the environment have been
implicated as geographic barriers to gene flow. For example, human-mediated
fragmentation of forest habitats is thought to be a primary factor influencing
genetic structure within the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey in Tibet (Liu et al. 2009)
and the mouse lemur (M. ravelobensis) in northwestern Madagascar (Guschanski
et al. 2007; Radespiel et al. 2008).
In cetaceans, there are relatively few physical barriers to dispersal and gene flow
because of the high dispersal capabilities of these species, combined with the relatively continuous nature of the marine environment. However, more subtle environmental factors do appear to act as barriers to dispersal and gene flow in some
cetaceans. The distributions of many cetacean species are restricted to climatic
regions, indicating that water temperature can directly or indirectly prevent dispersal between regions. For example, a number of odontocete species are restricted to
tropical or warm- temperate waters despite having distributions across multiple
ocean basins, including pygmy killer whales (Feresa attenuate), melon-headed
whales (Peponocephala electra), rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis), pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuate), and spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris; Jefferson et al. 1993). Water temperature may also act as a barrier to gene
flow on a smaller scale; for example, warm oligotrophic waters in the Bay of Biscay
and the Mediterranean Sea appear to act as barriers to gene flow in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) (Fontaine et al. 2007). However in other cetacean species, water temperature appears to have little influence on genetic structure; for
example, killer whales travel long distances across thermal boundaries (Matthews
et al. 2011) and exhibit fine-scale population structure that appears unrelated to
these thermal boundaries (Hoelzel et al. 2007).
For both primates and cetaceans, historic geographic barriers may also contribute to present-day genetic structure. For example, genetically distinct parapatric or
sympatric populations may have originally accumulated their genetic differences
while trapped in allopatric glacial refugia during glacial maxima of the Quaternary
(Haffer 1969). As the earth warmed and the glaciers retreated, the ranges of these
populations may have expanded to their present-day distribution, with populations
coming into contact but remaining genetically distinct. The predicted genetic signature of these historical events includes population differentiation corresponding
with the locations of hypothesized refugia, and evidence for recent population
expansions within these locations (Haffer 1969; Hewitt 2000; Lessa et al. 2003).
Quaternary hypotheses have been put forth to explain genetic structure for a number
of cetacean and primate species, including harbour porpoises in the North Atlantic
(Tolley et al. 2001), bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) across their global range
(Natoli et al. 2004), gorillas across their range in central Africa (Anthony et al.
2007), and hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) across their range in
East Africa and western Arabia (Winney et al. 2004).
Genetically distinct populations may alternatively have originally accumulated
their genetic differences during historic periods of global warming. For example,
species boundaries of present-day sympatric minke whales (Balaenoptera


Population Genetics in the Conservation of Cetaceans and Primates


bonaerensis and B. acutorostrata) in Antarctica are thought to have developed as a

result of food limitation during a period of global warming in the Pliocene (Pastene
et al. 2007). Minke whales rely upon regions of upwelling as a food source, and
these regions would have become reduced and more localized during this time
period as a result of warm temperatures. This restriction in food resources may have
led to population fragmentation and speciation, followed by secondary contact
when the climate cooled (Pastene et al. 2007).


Habitat Preferences

In both cetaceans and primates, genetic structure is often present even in the absence
of geographic barriers. Although in some cases this genetic structure is thought to
result from historic allopatry followed by range expansions, in other cases it is
thought to result from present-day ecological and behavioral factors. Among other
means, genetic structure can develop in the absence of geographic barriers through
habitat preferences. For example, natal philopatry can promote the formation of
genetically distinct population segments, even across short geographic distances,
between apparently similar habitats, and without the influence of strong social
bonding within habitats. For example, in spinner dolphins, genetic distinctions
between islands separated by as little as 17 km in French Polynesia and 47 km in the
Hawaiian Islands are likely shaped by natal philopatry to island habitats, despite an
absence of strong social bonds between individuals at many of these islands (Norris
et al. 1994; stman 1994; Poole 1995; Oremus et al. 2007; Andrews et al. 2010).
For coastal bottlenose dolphins, genetic structure over short geographic distances
has also been attributed to natal philopatry for populations in Australia (Mller and
Beheregaray 2004) and the western North Atlantic (Sellas et al. 2005; Rosel et al.
2009). For humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), maternally directed
philopatry to migratory destinations is likely responsible for genetic structure
between feeding and breeding grounds (Baker et al. 1990, 1994); this philopatry
occurs despite the high realized dispersal abilities of humpback whales and despite
a lack of social bonding within this species, except between mothercalf pairs
(Valsecchi et al. 2002; Pomilla and Rosenbaum 2006) (Fig. 15.1).
In other cases, natal philopatry can result in a pattern of genetic isolation by
distance rather than (or in addition to) the formation of genetically distinct subpopulations. For example, isolation by distance has been documented for mouse lemurs
in northwestern Madagascar (Radespiel et al. 2008), gorillas in central Africa
(Anthony et al. 2007), the piscivorous ecotype of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the
North Pacific (Hoelzel et al 2007), and bottlenose dolphins in Western Australia
(Krtzen et al. 2004).
Genetic structure can also develop if individuals choose to remain in habitats similar
to that of their natal range, even if that habitat does not necessarily include their natal
range. In at least four dolphin species, genetic structure appears to depend on preferences for adjacent nearshore versus offshore habitats (common dolphins, Delphinus


K. Andrews

Fig. 15.1 Two humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) feeding in Stellwagen Bank National
Marine Sanctuary. Population genetic structure of humpbacks indicates natal fidelity to feeding
and breeding grounds (Baker et al. 1990, 1994). This natal fidelity is likely driven by maternally
directed philopatry to migratory destinations, despite a lack of social bonding within this species
except between mothercalf pairs (Valsecchi et al. 2002; Pomilla and Rosenbaum 2006). (Published
with kind permission of Alison Stimpert 2011, NMFS Permit #605-1904. All rights reserved)

spp.; Natoli et al. 2006; bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops spp.; Hoelzel et al. 1998b; Natoli
et al. 2004; Tezanos-Pinto et al. 2009; pantropical spotted dolphins, Stenella attenuata;
Escorza-Trevio et al. 2005; and killer whales; Hoelzel et al. 2007). In some cases,
morphological differences have evolved between these genetically differentiated
coastal versus pelagic populations, indicating ecological specializations that correspond with habitat preferences (Natoli et al. 2004, 2006; Tezanos-Pinto et al. 2009).
Genetic differentiation between populations inhabiting parapatric, ecologically divergent habitats has been found in other cetacean species and other regions as well; oceanographic features that vary in association with population genetic differentiation over
short geographic distances include water temperature, salinity, primary productivity,
current patterns, and topography (e.g., pilot whales, Globicephala spp.; Kasuya et al.
1988; Fullard et al. 2000; and bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops spp.; Natoli et al. 2005;
Dowling and Brown 1993; Bilgmann et al. 2007). In most of these studies it is unknown
whether the oceanographic features are responsible for the genetic differentiation, or
whether these features correspond to another parameter responsible for the differentiation. However, the association of genetic structure with environmental variability does
indicate habitat preferences are driving genetic differentiation.
Fewer studies have investigated the influence of ecological preferences on dispersal and population genetic structure within primate species. However, a study of
mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Uganda provided evidence that
female (but not male) dispersal and genetic structure are influenced by individual
preferences for habitat characteristics of altitude and plant composition (Guschanski


Population Genetics in the Conservation of Cetaceans and Primates


Fig. 15.2 The genetic structure of female (but not male) mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei
beringei) in Uganda is associated with geographic distance, altitude, and plant composition, indicating that habitat preferences drive female genetic structure. (Published with kind permission of
Stuart Ibsen 2010. All rights reserved)

et al. 2008) (Fig. 15.2). Another study indicated that dispersal and gene flow in goldenbrown mouse lemurs (Microcebus ravelobensis) are influenced by habitat preferences
within their forest habitat, and especially by preferences for altitude (Radespiel et al.
2008). Future research may provide more evidence for the influence of habitat on
population genetic structure in primate species (Vigilant and Guschanski 2009).


Social Structure

Social structure can add another layer of complexity to the population structure of
primates and cetaceans, potentially leading to the formation of genetically distinct
populations in the absence of geographic or ecological barriers to dispersal. For
example, group philopatry can promote genetic divergence between regions (Sugg
et al. 1996; Storz 1999; Wakeley 2000). In mammalian species, one sex is usually
more dispersive than the other (Greenwood 1980), and this sex-biased dispersal is
expected to result in predictable patterns of genetic structure (reviewed by Avise
1995; Avise 2004). In most mammals, males are more likely to disperse than
females, and this male-biased dispersal is expected to result in greater levels of
genetic structure between groups or between regions for females than males, and
greater genetic structure for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers (from maternal
inheritance) than autosomal markers or Y-chromosome markers (from biparental or
paternal inheritance). In contrast, female-biased dispersal is expected to result in
greater genetic structure for males than females, and greater genetic structure for


K. Andrews

Fig. 15.3 Several macaque species (Macaca spp.) have greater genetic differences between local
populations and between social units for maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) than
for bi-parentally inherited autosomal DNA (reviewed in Melnick and Hoelzer 1996). This difference in mtDNA versus autosomal DNA structure is likely driven by the matrilineal social structure
of these species, in which females exhibit strong fidelity to natal groups throughout their lives,
whereas males usually migrate from their natal group before reaching sexual maturity. (Published
with kind permission of Kathryn Shutt 2005. All rights reserved)

Y-chromosome markers than mtDNA or autosomal markers. Notably, however, the

expected differences in genetic structure across different marker types could be confounded by various factors including differences in effective population sizes of
markers, differences in mutation rate of markers (Hedrick 1999), or differences in
effective population sizes between the sexes. For example, lower genetic divergence
at mtDNA or Y-chromosome markers than autosomal markers could actually result
from the greater influence of genetic drift on uniparentally inherited markers
because of their fourfold lower effective population sizes (Avise 2004).
Behavioral studies indicate that primates exhibit a wide variety of dispersal patterns for both sexes, and the genetic structure of these species at different types of
genetic markers generally follows expectations based on these patterns (reviewed
by Di Fiore 2003). For example, female macaques (Macaca spp.) exhibit strong
fidelity to natal groups throughout their lives, whereas males usually migrate from
their natal group before reaching sexual maturity (Melnick and Pearl 1987)
(Fig. 15.3). When group fission occurs, it usually occurs along matrilineal groups.
As expected based on these dispersal patterns, several macaque species exhibit
greater genetic differences between local populations and between social units for
mtDNA than for autosomal DNA (e.g., rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta; longtailed macaques, M. fascicularis; toque macaques, M. sinica; Japanese macaques,
M. fuscata; and pig-tailed macaques, M. nemestrina; reviewed in Melnick and


Population Genetics in the Conservation of Cetaceans and Primates


Hoelzer 1996). Similarly, gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus) exhibit evidence for matrilineal social groups and male-biased dispersal. These lemurs are
solitary while foraging at night, but during the day females form sleeping groups of
two to four individuals while males sleep alone or in pairs (Martin 1973). Trapping
data indicate that males disperse more than females (Fredsted et al. 2004), and
genetic relatedness studies using microsatellite markers indicate that females in
sleeping groups or with similar home ranges are closely related (Radespiel et al.
2001; Wimmer et al. 2002). Population genetic analyses of this species in the
Kirindy forest in western Madagascar revealed greater spatial clustering of mtDNA
haplotypes for females than males, providing evidence that genetic structure is
influenced by matrilineal social structure and male-biased dispersal within this
region (Wimmer et al. 2002; Fredsted et al. 2004). This spatial clustering of female
haplotypes occurred despite an absence of evident geographic or ecological barriers
to gene flow (Wimmer et al. 2002; Fredsted et al. 2004).
In contrast, other primate species exhibit female-biased dispersal, including chimpanzees and bonobos (Pan spp.), hamadryas baboons (P. hamadryas hamadryas),
red colobus (Piliocolobus spp.), and species within the ateline tribe of New World
monkeys (Struhsaker 1980; Kano 1992; Mitani et al. 2002; Hammond et al. 2006; Di
Fiore and Campbell 2007). In these species, females generally leave their natal group
before reaching sexual maturity. As expected, these species generally exhibit low
genetic structure at mtDNA loci, but higher genetic structure for Y-chromosome loci.
For example, mtDNA studies of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) revealed shared haplotypes and low phylogeographic structure across large geographic regions (Morin
et al. 1994; Goldberg and Ruvolo 1997). On a smaller geographic scale, a study
comparing genetic differentiation at the Y-chromosome versus mtDNA markers for
four groups of chimpanzees in Uganda revealed higher genetic differentiation
between groups for the Y chromosome than the mtDNA marker, with extensive sharing of haplotypes between groups for mtDNA, but no shared haplotypes between
groups for Y-chromosome markers (Langergraber et al. 2007) (Fig. 15.4). Studies of
bonobos (Pan paniscus) across their range in the Democratic Republic of Congo
have also revealed lower genetic structure for mtDNA than Y-chromosome markers
(Gerloff et al. 1999; Eriksson et al. 2006). Similarly, studies of two atelines in
Amazonian Ecuador, the white-bellied spider monkeys (Ateles belzebuth) and woolly
monkeys (Lagothrix poeppigii), revealed greater genetic structure for males than for
females at autosomal microsatellite loci (Di Fiore et al. 2009).
Fewer studies investigating both social and genetic structure have been conducted for cetacean species than for primate species, probably because of the challenges of conducting long-term studies on species living in the marine environment
and the very large home ranges of many cetacean species. One cetacean that has
been studied in detail is the killer whale (Orcinus orca; Fig. 15.5). Long-term
behavioral studies of killer whales in the North Pacific revealed high group stability
for both males and females (Bigg et al. 1990; Baird and Whitehead 2000; Ford et al.
2000). This stability is thought to be responsible for the evolution of sympatric foraging specialists (ecotypes) within this region (Hoelzel et al. 1998a). Genetic
analyses of parentage within and between pods of the different ecotypes revealed
that males and females remain in their natal pods, but that most matings occur


K. Andrews

Fig. 15.4 Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) generally exhibit weak genetic structure for maternally
inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers, but stronger genetic structure for paternally
inherited Y-chromosome markers (Morin et al. 1994; Goldberg and Ruvolo 1997; Langergraber
et al. 2007). This contrasting pattern for different marker types is likely driven by female-biased
dispersal in chimpanzees; females generally leave their natal group before reaching sexual maturity for this species. (Published with kind permission of Kathryn Shutt 2006. All rights reserved)

Fig. 15.5 Killer whales (Orcinus orca) have strong genetic divergence between populations, in
some cases even between populations that have overlapping geographic ranges (Hoelzel et al.
2007). Behavioral observations and genetic parentage analyses indicate that this genetic structure
is likely driven by strong group fidelity for both males and females (Bigg et al. 1990; Baird and
Whitehead 2000; Ford et al. 2000; Pilot et al. 2010). (Published with kind permission of Michael
Richlen 2003. All rights reserved)


Population Genetics in the Conservation of Cetaceans and Primates


between pods rather than within pods, probably during temporary associations of
pods or temporary dispersal by males (Pilot et al. 2010). Analyses of population
genetic structure revealed that the social structure and mating system of killer
whales had a strong influence on genetic structure (Hoelzel et al. 2007). Each population of killer whales had only one mtDNA control region haplotype, with no
shared haplotypes between ecotypes. Significant genetic distinctions between each
population and each ecotype were also found for nuclear microsatellite data,
although, in contrast to the mtDNA control region, there were shared alleles between
populations and ecotypes. Given that these ecotypes occur in sympatry, these results
provide evidence that social structure is a stronger force than geographic isolation
in driving population genetic structure. The stronger genetic structure for mtDNA
than nuclear DNA likely reflects the male-biased genetic dispersal revealed through
genetic parentage analyses.
Behavioral and genetic evidence indicates that pilot whales (Globicephala spp.)
may have a matrilineal social structure similar to that of killer whales. Photographic
identification studies have revealed long-term group fidelity for both long-finned
pilot whales (G. melas) and short-finned pilot whales (G. macrorhynchus) (HeimlichBoran 1993; Ottensmeyer and Whitehead 2003). Additionally, genetic relatedness
analyses of long-finned pilot whales from the Faeroese drive-fishery indicated that
both sexes remain in their natal pod, but that matings occur outside of the pod
(Amos et al. 1993). As in killer whales, pilot whales exhibit population genetic
divergence across short geographic distances at a number of locations across their
ranges, and the stable social structures of these species have been implicated as factors responsible for this genetic structure. For example, social structure is thought to
contribute to genetic structure between long-finned pilot whales in Tasmania versus
New Zealand (Oremus et al. 2009) and Greenland versus the Faeroe Islands and
Cape Cod (Fullard et al. 2000); and between short-finned pilot whales in Northern
versus Southern Japan (Oremus et al. 2009). Based on evidence for male-biased
dispersal from paternity analyses, we would expect greater genetic structure at
mtDNA than autosomal DNA for these species; however, none of these pilot whale
studies directly compared genetic structure at these two types of loci. Notably, however, social structure is not the only factor that has been implicated as a driver of
genetic structure in pilot whales; sea surface temperature is thought to influence
population genetic divergence within these species in Greenland and Japan, perhaps
because of the distribution of their prey across different temperature regimes
(Kasuya et al. 1988; Fullard et al. 2000).
Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) also exhibit evidence for a matrilineal
social structure, although genetic data indicate that the matrilineal structure of
sperm whales is weaker than that of killer whales or pilot whales, with both related
and unrelated individuals present in many social units (Richard et al. 1996;
Lyrholm and Gyllensten 1998; Mesnick 2001). Sperm whale social structure also
differs from that of killer whales and pilot whales in that social units are composed
only of females and immatures; males disperse from their natal group and then live
solitary or aggregated in temporary bachelor groups (Best 1979; Lettevall et al.


K. Andrews

Fig. 15.6 Spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands have little
genetic divergence between atolls, despite the presence of strong social group stability that might
be expected to deter dispersal between atolls (Andrews et al. 2010; Karczmarski et al. 2005a, b).
Photographic identification data indicate genetic connectivity is driven by periodic movement of
large groups between atolls (Karczmarski et al. 2005a). (Published with kind permission of
Susan Rickards 2001, NMFS Permit# GA-LOC-10021622. All rights reserved)

2002). Males also have a wider dispersal range, moving into polar waters to feed
and returning to tropical regions to breed, whereas females and immatures remain
in lower latitudes (Rice 1989), and thus a pattern of genetic structure reflecting
male-biased dispersal between oceans might be predicted. Population genetic analyses indicate that sperm whale social structure does have a strong influence on
genetic structure within this species, as indicated by the presence of greater genetic
structure between social groups than between geographic regions across ocean
basins (Lyrholm and Gyllensten 1998; Lyrholm et al. 1999) and within the Azores
(Pinela et al. 2009). Genetic evidence also indicates that males disperse more frequently than females, with greater differentiation within and between ocean basins
found for mtDNA than microsatellite loci (Lyrholm and Gyllensten 1998; Lyrholm
et al. 1999; Engelhaupt et al. 2009).
The presence of strong group philopatry does not always result in genetic differentiation between social groups, however. For example, photographic identification data indicate high group stability for spinner dolphins in the atolls of the
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, with each atoll containing a single large group of
110260 dolphins (Karczmarski et al. 2005a, b) (Fig. 15.6). Despite this high group
stability, however, little or no genetic structure was found between atolls at mtDNA
or autosomal loci (Andrews et al. 2010). These genetic results were supported by
photographic identification data, which revealed that large groups (3060 dolphins)
periodically moved between Midway and Kure Atolls (Karczmarski et al. 2005a).


Population Genetics in the Conservation of Cetaceans and Primates


Dispersal in large groups, or parallel dispersal, is relatively rare among mammals,

and is generally thought to function in maintaining social relationships that are
important for predator avoidance, resource acquisition, intraspecific competition, or
the raising of young (van Hooff 2000; Handley and Perrin 2007). Parallel dispersal
has also been observed in a number of primate species (reviewed by Schoof et al.
2009). However, parallel dispersal in primates usually involves groups of males,
whereas the dispersing groups of spinner dolphins in the Northwestern Hawaiian
atolls are composed of approximately equal numbers of males and females. This
dispersal mechanism may have evolved among spinner dolphins in the Northwestern
Hawaiian atolls to maintain strong social group stability while still permitting relatively frequent dispersal between atolls (Andrews et al. 2010).


Spatial Variation in Genetic Diversity: Population Size

Population genetic theory indicates that small effective population size is correlated
with low neutral genetic diversity and increased risk of extinction caused by inbreeding depression, disease, environmental change, and stochastic events, and growing
empirical evidence supports these ideas (Lande 1988; Frankham et al. 2002; Keller
and Waller 2002; Hughes et al. 2008). Therefore, estimation of neutral genetic
diversity can provide vital information regarding the vulnerability of populations.
For example, mtDNA control region diversity of golden-brown mouse lemurs
(M. ravelobensis) in northwestern Madagascar was severely reduced in small forest
fragments compared to continuous forests, providing evidence that anthropogenic
forest fragmentation has decreased population sizes, driven down genetic diversity,
and increased population vulnerability in this species (Guschanski et al 2007).
In contrast, low genetic diversity in some populations is thought to have evolved
without anthropogenic causes, and these populations may be adapted to low
genetic diversity and therefore may not experience inbreeding depression. For
example, low mtDNA control region and microsatellite diversity of spinner dolphins in the atolls of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands as compared with the
Main Hawaiian Islands is thought to result from historically small effective population sizes because of the small amount of resting habitat naturally available in the
atolls of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (Andrews et al. 2010). Similarly,
arguments have been put forth that the lack of mtDNA control region genetic
diversity observed in the critically endangered vaquita (Phocoena sinus; Rosel and
Rojas-Bracho 1999) results from a historically low population size rather than
recent population declines (Rojas-Bracho and Taylor 1999; Taylor and RojasBracho 1999), and that this species may therefore be adapted to low genetic diversity. This idea was put forth to counter arguments that the vaquita is doomed to
extinction as a result of inbreeding depression resulting from recent human-mediated population declines.



K. Andrews

Temporal Variation in Genetic Diversity

The spinner dolphin and vaquita examples described here illustrate some of the benefits that could be gained from an understanding of historical changes in genetic
diversity over time. In these examples, knowing whether populations have always
been small or whether recent declines have occurred is important in assessing population vulnerability. Recent advances in population genetics statistical methods
using coalescent theory can address these and many other types of questions relevant
to conservation biology by providing information on effective population sizes over
time. These statistics use DNA sequence data or microsatellite allele frequency data
combined with estimates of mutation rates for the genetic markers and generation
length for the species (Rogers and Harpending 1992; Beaumont 1999; Beerli and
Felsenstein 2001; Storz and Beaumont 2002; Drummond et al. 2005). For example,
a microsatellite study of orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) in northeastern Borneo using
coalescent methods indicated that a population bottleneck occurred within the past
few centuries, providing evidence that declines within this species were caused by
recent anthropogenic destruction of forests rather than by farming or climate change
in the more distant past (Goossens et al. 2006). Similarly, microsatellite studies of
the Milne-Edwards sportive lemur (Lepilemur edwardsi) and three mouse lemur
species (Microcebus spp.) in northwestern Madagascar indicated major population
declines for each of these species within the past few hundred years, a time of intensified human population growth and anthropogenic forest fragmentation (Olivieri
et al. 2008; Craul et al. 2009). In contrast, a study of savannah baboons (Papio cynocephalus) in East Africa indicated that this species underwent a long-term population decline beginning in the late Pleistocene or early Holocene, with populations
remaining relatively stable in more recent history, suggesting that population
declines in this species were not likely caused by human impact (Storz et al. 2002).
The use of coalescent genetic methods to estimate historic population sizes has
led to controversy with regard to the conservation and management of baleen
whales. During the past two centuries, many populations of baleen whales were
hunted to near extinction, leading to a ban on commercial whaling by the
International Whaling Commission in 1986. Since that time, recovery assessments
for each species have relied primarily upon comparisons of present-day population
abundance estimates with pre-whaling abundance estimates based on whaling
records. However, genetic estimates of pre-whaling abundance based on coalescent
methods have been found to differ substantially from estimates based on whaling
records. For example, genetic estimates of pre-whaling abundance for humpback
whales, fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus), and minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in the North Atlantic were as much as ten times higher than estimates
based on whaling records (Roman and Palumbi 2003). These results provide controversial evidence that whale populations may not have recovered to the extent that
was previously thought, and that management goals for these species should be
reevaluated (Lubick 2003).


Population Genetics in the Conservation of Cetaceans and Primates




The examples described here illustrate the complex patterns of spatial and temporal
variation in genetic diversity that commonly occur within cetacean and primate species, despite the high dispersal capabilities of these species which might be expected
to homogenize genetic diversity across space and time. Furthermore, these examples illustrate the wide variety of environmental, behavioral, and demographic factors that drive the patterns of genetic diversity within these taxa, as well as the ways
in which humans have influenced these patterns over time. Clearly, a thorough
understanding of genetic diversity within cetacean and primate species requires
multidisciplinary studies incorporating research on habitat, social structure, and
demography for each species. As cetacean and primate species continue to face
extinction threats caused by human impact, this multidisciplinary approach to
research and management will become increasingly important if we are to preserve
the diversity of cetacean and primate species on our planet.

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Chapter 16

Eco-toxicants: A Growing Global Threat

Victoria Tornero, Teresa J. Sylvina, Randall S. Wells, and Jatinder Singh

Humandolphin interactions. (Photograph provided by Randal S. Wells)

The author name Teresa J. Sylvina was also published as Taranjit Kaur
V. Tornero (*)
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dhorn di Napoli, Villa Comunale, 80121, Naples, Italy
e-mail: Victoriatornero@ub.edu; Victoria.tornero@szn.it
T.J. Sylvina J. Singh
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA
R.S. Wells
Chicago Zoological Society, c/o Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL, USA
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_16, Springer Japan 2014



V. Tornero et al.

Abstract Ecotoxicology is a constantly evolving discipline, and ecological risk

assessments are required to estimate and predict threats and exposures before they
occur. There is a critical need to obtain species- and site-specific data to determine
toxicological sensitivities under prevailing environmental conditions and so mitigate the potential effects of pollutants on wildlife, particularly on species that are
already endangered. Cetaceans are considered one of the most vulnerable organisms
with respect to long-term toxicity of chemicals such as organochlorines and metals.
Many studies have investigated the factors affecting the accumulation, metabolization, and potential harmful effects of such pollutants, but the question of whether
chemical pollution is changing the dynamics of the populations is not yet resolved.
In the case of primates, although extrapolations can be made to some extent with
humans, the pollution levels and their effects in wild populations are largely
unknown. The present chapter examines the main cetacean and primate features that
might lead to differential vulnerability among individuals, populations, and species,
and evaluates how behavioral patterns can influence exposure potential and outcomes. Furthermore, the role of pollutants as stressors of the ecological health and
social systems of cetaceans and primates is explored by two case studies: the first
case describes site fidelity of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in
Sarasota Bay (Florida, USA), despite the cumulative impacts that they face resulting
from human activities, and the second case discusses manganese-induced
neurotoxicity as a causal agent of cognitive, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions in
cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis).
Keywords Behavioral patterns Case of study Cetaceans Chemical pollution
Metals Organochlorines Primates



The reliable assessment of the nature and magnitude of the impact of environmental
contaminants on ecosystems has become essential for the successful management
and conservation of wildlife populations. Among pollutants, organochlorine compounds (OCs) and toxic metals have been a concern during the past decades because
they have become widespread and have reached almost all natural environments.
OCs were introduced in the 1930s and their production peaked in the 1960s and
1970s. Toward the end of this period, they were identified as hazardous substances
and, as a result, their use was banned in most industrialized countries. However, the
recalcitrant nature of some forms, such as DDTs (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
and its metabolites), and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), and their consequent
long half-life has favored their trapping in terrestrial sediments and landfills and
their global transport to the marine environment (Voldner and Yi-Fan 1995). These
compounds bioaccumulate in the fatty tissues of organisms and biomagnify through
food webs, reaching extremely high concentrations in species located at the highest
trophic levels (Tanabe 2002). Small odontocete cetaceans, as top predators,


Eco-toxicants: A Growing Global Threat


accumulate lipophilic pollutants efficiently in their blubber (Aguilar et al. 1999) and
are, in effect, the vertebrates in which the highest OC concentrations have been so
far reported (OShea and Aguilar 2001). Trace element contaminants also bioaccumulate in the organs and tissues of apex predators, reaching alarming levels in those
areas where natural or anthropogenic accumulation of metals occur in elevated concentrations (Bustamante et al. 2003).
OCs have been used worldwide in industry and agriculture, and have also been
used in public health as vector control agents, specifically, DDT for the control of
malaria, leishmaniasis, and typhus (Azeredo et al. 2008; Gahan et al. 1945; Oliveira
1997; Smith 1991; Turusov et al. 2002; WHO 1989). OCs and heavy metals can be
transported to the marine environment and also can remain locally in freshwater
systems (Manirakiza et al. 2002; Simonich and Hites 1995). They can cycle through
evaporation from soils and surface waters or incineration of organochlorine wastes
into the atmosphere and subsequent deposition back to the Earths surface. OCs and
toxic metals released into the environment are distributed globally, in urban areas as
well as once remote inaccessible areas including tropical and subtropical regions of
Africa, Asia, and the Americas. As such, the role of eco-toxicants as one of the
stressors that may affect primate populations is an emerging issue.
Although there is a wealth of information on concentrations of these pollutants
in cetaceans, few studies have explored the relationship between contaminant
exposure and toxicity under natural conditions. There is no evidence in the literature of any acute chemical poisoning episode among cetacean species. The major
threat for these animals seems to be through the food web, which may provoke
sublethal effects over time. High OC concentrations have been associated with
adverse effects on reproduction and immune function (Bland et al. 1993; Lahvis
et al. 1995; Martineau et al. 1987; Schwacke et al. 2002), and as a result of the latter, with disease outbreaks that have led to large-scale unusual mortality events
(Aguilar and Borrell 1994; Geraci 1989). Severe and prolonged metal toxicity in
dolphins has been linked to renal pathology and bone malformations (Lavery et al.
2009; Long et al. 1997). In recent years, the occurrence of cetacean unusual mortality events has increased and, as a consequence, some dolphin stocks around the
world have declined considerably. This realization has prompted interest in assessing the potential involvement of anthropogenic chemicals in such events (Kuehl
and Haebler 1995).
Pollutant concentrations in the tissues of wild primates have not been reported.
In contrast to carcasses of aquatic, avian, and marine mammal species that will
surface and wash ashore, wild primate carcasses are generally not found, limiting
opportunistic postmortem sampling and analysis. Comparatively, their terrestrial
nature, geographic range, and diet limit the amount of direct exposure to these pollutants and contribute to the paucity of information available on their ecological
vulnerability. However, studies in human and herbivorous terrestrial mammals have
reported OC and toxic metal exposures and differential accumulation in contaminated environments (Beyer et al. 2007; Carrizo et al. 2007; Rllin et al. 2005; Rllin
et al. 2009; Suutari et al. 2009).
Examination of possible health risks from contaminant exposure is a complicated
task in any organism, but particularly in those animals whose protected status does


V. Tornero et al.

not permit experimentation under controlled laboratory conditions: this is the case
of cetaceans where the lack of doseresponse information hinders the identification
of cause-effect relationships. Other difficulties arise from the large natural variability in exposures among species, the complexity of the chemical mixtures to which
individuals are exposed, the quality of the samples examined (e.g., tissues that experience postmortem autolysis), and the impossibility to determine essential biological
variables without invasively collecting internal tissues.
As with cetaceans, many primate species are protected. However, others, such as
macaques, are used as models for controlled toxicology studies (Chen et al. 1983;
Erikson et al. 2008; Schneider et al. 2006; Schoeffner and Thorgeirsson 2000;
Thorgeirsson et al 1994). For example, long-term oral administration of DDT in the
diet of cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys for 130 months provided evidence of
hepatic and central nervous system toxicity in these primate species (Schoeffner and
Thorgeirsson 2000; Takayama et al. 1999; Zhlke and Weinbauer 2003). Laboratory
animal studies have also shown differential sensitivities among primate species, for
example, with the toxic metal arsenic (Vahter 1999). However, the relevance of controlled studies to wild primates and their ecological vulnerability to eco-toxicants is
unknown. Therefore, the potential effects of differential exposures to chemical pollutants on animal behavior have been certainly very little investigated in either cetaceans or primates. In addition, it is often not possible to establish unequivocally that
an observed effect is caused by a particular environmental factor. Most factors covary and are thus significant in influencing responses. For example, other human
activities not directly related to chemical releases, such as habitat disruption, directed
hunts, fishery interactions, and overfishing, may interact with pollution to produce
negative impacts on the populations. This chapter aims to assess the potential impact
of pollution on primates and cetaceans by estimating the likelihood that health risks
may be the result of the interactive effects of contaminant exposure and animal
behavior. To approach this task, we examine the main factors that might account for
variations in vulnerability across populations and species. Furthermore, we evaluate
the potential of pollutants as stressors that affect the ecological health and social
system of cetaceans and primates using two case studies: site fidelity and common
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from Sarasota Bay, Florida, and manganese-induced neurotoxicity and cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis).


Behaviorally Related Factors Likely Affecting

Vulnerability to Pollution

Several traits of individuals may give information on their potential sensitivity to

pollutants. At the individual scale, it is well established that a number of biological
variables, such as age, sex, and reproductive status, affect organochlorine and trace
metal concentrations in the tissues of marine mammals, producing substantial variations among individuals (Aguilar et al. 1999; Lahaye et al. 2006; Wells et al. 2005).
Research conducted on humans, and laboratory toxicology studies on rodent
models and nonhuman primates, indicate that such differences may also cause


Eco-toxicants: A Growing Global Threat


differential vulnerabilities in wild primate species. As a result, information about

these variables is critical before bioaccumulation of pollutants can be correctly
understood and to allow further comparison between species and areas. Other factors associated with animal behavior have been relatively less explored, although
they are also likely to lead to differences in the availability, uptake, persistence,
and toxic effects of chemicals and, therefore, in the vulnerability to pollutants at
the population scale. We discuss and compare here the implications of these factors for differences in exposure to contaminants on cetacean and primate populations. When no information is available, we refer to extrapolations based on
findings in other species.



Cetacean and primate populations, as well as many other mammals, usually exhibit
patterns of distribution associated with specific habitats or concentrations of food.
Therefore, different populations may be subject to different human impacts. Coastal
marine cetaceans are at risk from chemical contaminants because they inhabit areas
that suffer dense human populations and hence intense industrial and agricultural
activities. It is widely recognized that dolphins living in nearshore waters tend to
show the highest concentrations of chemical pollutants (OShea 1999). As an example, Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) from South Australia have
been reported to carry the highest metal levels, probably because this dolphin inhabits shallow, coastal areas more impacted by pollutants than the pelagic offshore
habitats of other species of the region, such as common bottlenose dolphins or common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) (Lavery et al. 2008). Similarly, it is reasonable to
expect higher pollutant loads in species occurring off industrialized areas than in
those off less-developed regions (Aguilar et al. 2002). Nevertheless, global trends in
contamination show a diminution of the concentrations in the areas where pollution
was originally elevated and, nowadays, the major sources of organochlorines are
present in developing countries. Moreover, the volatilization and dispersion of pollutants as a result of atmospheric transport have led to a considerable contamination
in regions located further away from direct pollution sources. Now, high contaminant levels have been found in cetaceans inhabiting remote areas without large
industrial activity, such as the tropical oceans and Arctic waters (Aguilar et al. 2002;
Tanabe et al. 1994).
Primates inhabit a wide range of habitats including rainforest, montane forest,
savanna, and urban landscapes (Higham et al. 2009; Nishida 1990; Ogawa et al.
2007; Sha et al. 2009). Nonhuman primates are being subjected to a rapidly increasing human population and anthropogenic activities that are impacting these habitats
(e.g., increased urbanization, expansion of industrial activities, and the use of gasoline additives). In addition to air and water contamination in urban areas in the
developing world, OCs and toxic metals have even been detected in low concentrations in rainforest, terrestrial areas, and freshwater bodies in remote areas of the
world (Simonich and Hites 1995; Vandelannoote et al. 1996). Forest habitat


V. Tornero et al.

fragmentation and loss is occurring at an alarming rate from a number of activities,

including commercial logging, use of forest biomass for making charcoal, gathering
of wood for fuel, and clearing of land for agricultural plots. Mining and smelting,
the use of DDT for vector control, and the extension of modern agriculture practices
into less-developed areas are other potential sources of pollutants in areas adjacent
to primate habitats (Akagi et al. 2000; Banza et al. 2009; Campbell et al. 2008;
Kishimba et al. 2004; Manirakiza et al. 2002; Sing et al. 2003; van Straaten 2000).
Effects are associated with a wide range of factors in the habitat, including biological diversity, biogeochemistry, climate, and the amount, degree, and types of habitat
destruction from other anthropogenic activities. In general, because of the terrestrial
nature of primates, their potential for exposure, as well as the routes and degree of
exposure to eco-toxicants, differs from that of cetaceans.
Information on habitat usage and patterns of occupancy is important in predicting potential impacts of chemical pollutants on wild mammal populations. Strong
site fidelity, for example, can place individuals at higher risk from point-sources of
pollution or hotspots (Brager et al. 2002). Long-term site fidelity and restricted
home ranges have been described for a number of coastal delphinids (McSweeney
et al. 2007; Wells 1991, 2003; Zolman 2002). These animals do not, or cannot,
relocate in response to environmental changes, so any alteration of their habitat may
have greater negative effects on them. This impact becomes particularly significant
in coastal areas influenced by other anthropogenic pressures, such as increasing
urbanization, fishing activities, and vessel traffic. Less is known about site fidelity
for oceanic cetaceans, although some are known to move over large distances (Wells
et al. 1999; Whitehead 2003). Thus, their wider offshore home range seems to make
them much less susceptible to inshore human activities. However, some oceanic
species have been found to carry and accumulate similar or higher burdens of environmental contaminants as inshore dolphins (Borrell and Aguilar 2005; Stockin
et al. 2007). Although this might be attributable to the characteristics inherent to the
species, particularly feeding behavior, it can also be reflective of some incursions of
those open water dolphins into more contaminated coastal areas (Herman et al.
2005; Lahaye et al. 2006; Stockin et al. 2007).
Understanding the patterns of residency and range of movements of individuals
is fundamental for the assessment of long-term population viability, although there
are some limitations. Although the detection of critical zones may be reasonably
attainable for inshore resident cetaceans, the identification of protection areas for
highly mobile species or those with undefined patterns of migration presents many
more difficulties. Through a gradual habituation process, wild primate populations
accept proximity to humans, and studies show that wild primates also exhibit site
fidelity (Janmaat et al. 2009; Jolly and Pride 1999; Mertl-Millhollen 2000; Murray
et al. 2008).
The potential detection of any significant variation in habitat use by these animals could be a suitable indicator of significant habitat degradation or disturbance.
We know of no evidence of changes in ranging patterns in cetacean species or wild
primates as a function of exposure to contaminants. Moreover, in such a change, it
would not be easy to associate it directly with pollution because, as already


Eco-toxicants: A Growing Global Threat


mentioned, many human activities may interact and are likely to produce effects.
Similarly, oceanological features such as water temperature, depth, bottom topography, surface salinity, and sediment type have been also found to affect the distribution of cetaceans (Baumgartner 1997; Doniol-Valcroze et al. 2007; Natoli et al.
2005), so changes in patterns of distribution of the individuals could result from
changes in environmental conditions. On the other hand, displacement away from
the potential source of disturbance could also have detrimental effects on the individuals. In particular, diversion to lower-quality habitats has been related to
decreased reproductive success (Lusseau 2003; Mann et al. 2000), which might
have repercussions at the population level.


Feeding Behavior

A factor very likely to lead to differential vulnerability between individuals is feeding behavior. In cetaceans, the bioaccumulation of chemical pollutants occurs
mostly through dietary ingestion (Borga et al. 2004; Law et al. 1991, 1992), so
concentrations in preferred prey determine to a large extent the levels found in the
organisms. Additionally, organochlorine compounds and many trace metals biomagnify in marine ecosystems and reach the highest concentrations in cetaceans
feeding at the top of marine food webs (Aguilar et al. 1999).
The influence of diet on the accumulation of chemical contaminants can have
implications at both the intra- and interspecific scale. Within a population of the
same cetacean species, differences in dietary preferences among individuals have
been reported and related to age (Meynier et al. 2008), sex (Barber et al. 2001;
Burger et al. 2007), body size (Borga et al. 2004; Burger et al. 2007), or reproductive status (Bernard and Hohn 1989). These factors can affect the prey type and
sizes eaten and, consequently, the contaminant intake. Moreover, despite foraging
behavior being very species specific, dissimilarities in diet composition have been
described between geographic areas, mainly associated with the most abundant prey
type at each locality (Herman et al. 2005). Seasonal changes in prey distribution and
abundance patterns could also lead to temporal shifts in diet from one key prey species to another (Meynier et al. 2008). Whatever the reasons for food type change,
such variations would have effects on the contaminant loads found in the organisms
and, therefore, would account for potential differential risks among the components
of the population.
We may also expect significant interspecific differences in pollutant concentrations linked to dietary differences. Thus, as already mentioned, contaminant levels
are frequently higher in toothed whales than in baleen whales as a result of the
process of biomagnification. Moreover, even species sharing the same waters or
feeding on the same trophic level can exploit separate food resources and hence be
exposed to different risks from pollutant exposure (Borrell and Aguilar 2005;
Borrell et al. 2006; Metcalfe et al. 2004). For example, it is assumed that a diet
based on cephalopods constitutes a major source of cadmium for small cetaceans


V. Tornero et al.

(Bustamante et al. 1998). As a result, concentrations for this metal have been
found to be higher in dolphin species feeding mostly on squids than in those with
a diet composed mainly of fish (Das et al. 2003; Lahaye et al. 2006). The effect of
diet on tissue concentration can, indeed, outweigh that of the differences in anthropogenic influences. Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from temperate
regions have been reported to carry far lower cadmium loads than those from
Arctic waters, in spite of higher exposure to human activities. Porpoises from
polar and subpolar areas can amplify much greater amounts of cadmium through
feeding because food webs in those regions present a natural enrichment of this
metal (Lahaye et al. 2007).
Information on dietary habits of the organisms is, therefore, essential to assess
the differential susceptibility of the individuals to pollutant exposure. Such information is necessary not only for risk estimation, but also for detecting possible changes
in feeding behavior. Chemical pollution may cause negative effects of an indirect
nature, such as reduction of food availability through habitat degradation or changes
in prey behavior. Any response from the individuals, either adjusting their diet to
opportunity or moving to another area, could mean that pollution is indirectly interfering with foraging by dolphins. Although dietary plasticity could be regarded as
an adaptive benefit, it also has the potential to alter contaminant exposure and resilience in those apex feeders and therefore pose long-term impacts at the population
level. It must be taken into account, however, that prey modification might be the
consequence of other human activities, such as overfishing or other vessel operations, or natural events, such as harmful algal blooms, that greatly impact prey availability (Gannon et al. 2009).
Pollution exposure levels depend on a variety of environmental factors, and the
distribution and extent of eco-toxicants in the watershed, as well as the dietary preferences of the primate species and their proximity to polluted areas. The classic
example, Minamata disease in humans, is mercury poisoning from the ingestion of
contaminated fish (Eto 2000). Dietary ingestion of contaminated food items, such as
soil, roots, flowers, fruits, seeds, wild and cultivated plants, insects, and small mammals, as well as polluted freshwater, are possible sources of toxicants for wild primates (Aufreiter et al. 2001; Eisler 2004; Ericksen et al. 2003; Hernandez-Aguilar
et al. 2007; Hockings et al. 2009). Studies have shown that toxic metals (e.g., arsenic, mercury, and manganese) can accumulate in cultivated and wild plants
(Amonoo-Neizer et al. 1996; Egler et al. 2006). In herbivorous species, however,
mercury levels have been found to be low even in mercury-contaminated areas, and
gastrointestinal absorption of inorganic mercury can reduce its adverse effects
(Egler et al. 2006; Gardner et al. 1978). Primate populations that crop-raid in agricultural land are at risk of ingestion of toxic pesticides being used on those crops.
The dose and duration of exposures, as well as individual vulnerabilities and intraand interspecific differences, including dietary composition, feeding habits, and
habituation levels, have to be taken into account when looking into the potential
effects of eco-toxicants on primates. Overall, their dietary composition differs
greatly from that of cetaceans, piscivorous and carnivorous terrestrial mammals,
and humans who consume fish and shellfish. Hence, exposure, bioaccumulation,


Eco-toxicants: A Growing Global Threat


and biomagnification differ. Studies have not been conducted, however, to determine
the level of threat posed by the ingestion of eco-toxicants by wild primates.


Biology and Physiology

As already mentioned, chemical pollutant concentrations exhibit substantial variability in cetacean tissues as a function of biological and ecological influences.
Therefore, the estimation of individual and population-scale risks from those contaminants requires knowledge of their accumulation and excretion, principally relative to age, sex, and life history. The usual pattern of organochlorine accumulation
observed in most cetaceans is that concentrations increase with age in males and
tend to decrease in females after the onset of reproduction, presumably through
transfer across the placenta and via lactation (Aguilar et al. 1999; Cockcroft et al.
1989). This transfer may pose a primary threat, especially to first-born calves or to
calves at a decisive stage of their development (Schwacke et al. 2002; Wells et al.
2005). The patterns of variation of trace elements are less consistent. For example,
concentrations of cadmium, mercury, lead, and selenium have also been found to
increase with age (Bryan et al. 2007; Honda et al. 1986; Lahaye et al. 2006), which
has been associated with processes of bioaccumulation and biomagnification in
marine food webs (Law 1996). However, other metals such as copper and zinc do
not accumulate with age. Indeed, copper concentrations have shown higher concentrations in fetuses than in adults, which may be a result of either the lower excretion
rates in newborns or a specific requirement for development (Lahaye et al. 2007).
On the other hand, the influence of sex on metal levels is not clear. Some studies
have shown no differences between males and females, indicating that transfer of
metals to offspring during pregnancy and lactation is not an important route of
excretion (Lahaye et al. 2006). Other studies have reported higher concentrations in
females as a result of a higher consumption of fish necessary to sustain the energy
requirements of their reproductive activity (Bryan et al. 2007). Conversely, Cannella
and Kitchener (1992) found lower mercury levels in pregnant and lactating sperm
whales, suggesting that this may be linked to hormonal cycles or different metabolic
pathways causing the redistribution of mercury in body tissues.
Body size could also play an important role in the accumulation of contaminants
in cetaceans. Some differences of metals between sexes have been attributed to their
sexual dimorphism (Caurant et al. 1994). It has been recognized that small animals
usually build up higher concentrations of contaminants relative to their body weight
than those of larger body mass (Aguilar et al. 1999).
As has been said, small odontocetes are particularly vulnerable to organochlorine compounds because they are top predators and their food intake is high, but
also because a large proportion of their body is composed of fatty tissues that
efficiently accumulate lipophilic compounds. Fluctuations in blubber lipid levels
and lipid profile affect, presumably, the dynamics of lipophilic contaminants and
thus are likely to account for variations in the tissue concentrations of pollutants.


V. Tornero et al.

Such fluctuations have been related to reproductive activity, as it often involves

changes in behavioral traits and diet, but also to seasonal changes in body fat condition (i.e., alterations in ambient conditions) (Lockyer et al. 2003; Learmonth 2006;
Samuel and Worthy 2004). As trace metals are not lipophilic, lipid mobilization is
not expected to affect their concentrations. However, seasonal pattern differences in
dolphins have also been reported for several trace elements and associated with
changes in water conditions, dietary modifications, or prey migration (Bryan et al.
2007; Lahaye et al. 2007).
The incorporation of organochlorines in cetaceans is yet increased by their limited ability to eliminate lipophilic compounds through ventilation (via gills), which
is the principal excretory function in other aquatic organisms such as fish (Boon
et al. 1992). Moreover, most cetacean species show a very low metabolic capacity
to decompose these toxicants as compared with terrestrial mammals, because of the
specific mode of cytochrome P-450 enzyme systems, and therefore retain them in
their bodies (Tanabe et al. 1994). In some cases, concentrations of PCBs have been
found to be higher in cetaceans from the open seas, far from areas of high industrial
activity, than in coastal and terrestrial mammals (Tanabe 2002).
Regarding trace elements, it has been proposed that cetaceans have developed
efficient metabolic pathways to support elevated exposure to some metals (Das
et al. 2000). The potential toxicity of these elements can be alleviated by different
detoxification processes, for example, by the demethylation of organic mercury and
its coprecipitation with selenium to produce compounds with little toxicity
(Cardellicchio et al. 2002; Nigro and Leonzio 1996), or by the binding of metals to
metallothioneins, reducing, then, their bioavailability (Caurant et al. 1996; Das
et al. 2000). It must be pointed out that some essential metals such as copper and
zinc are strongly regulated and therefore present little variability within and between
cetacean species around the world (Mackey et al. 2003). Metallothioneins seem also
to play a central role in the homeostasis of these elements (Webb and Cain 1982).
Chemical pollutant concentrations have not been reported in wild primates.
However, studies in humans indicate that age, sex, diet, reproductive status, and
other factors do influence toxic effects. For example, impaired pregnancy rates have
been reported in women with high serum concentrations of OCs. However, in men
OC levels in adipose tissue or serum have not been associated with infertility or
reduction in sperm quality (Cok et al. 2009; Weiss et al. 2006). In pregnant women,
OCs have been reported to be mobilized from adipose tissue to the circulation and
reach the placenta. A higher body mass index of pregnant women was found to be
associated with higher endosulfan concentrations in the placenta, and greater maternal weight gain with higher DDT metabolite concentrations (Lopez-Espinosa et al.
2007). Neurodevelopmental deficits have been reported in infants and children in
which exposures occurred in utero, as well as postnatally (Carrizo et al. 2007;
Jacobson and Jacobson 1997; Ribas-Fito et al. 2003). In utero and postnatal exposures reportedly have occurred through chronic airborne contamination as well as
diet via high maternal intake of fish and marine mammal fat and breastfeeding
(Azeredo et al. 2008; Dallaire et al. 2004; Ribas-Fito et al. 2003). PCB exposure in
utero has shown marked individual differences in vulnerability, as well as gender


Eco-toxicants: A Growing Global Threat


effects, with females being more affected than males (Guo et al. 1994; Jacobson and
Jacobson 1997). In tropical and subtropical areas where OCs are used for agriculture and vector control, metabolite concentrations in human breast milk surpass the
WHO acceptable daily intake (Azeredo et al. 2008; Chikuni et al. 1991). In addition, neurocognitive changes have been reported to occur in elderly people, and
evidence of dose-dependent effects in women, but not men, has also been provided
(Haase et al. 2009; Lin et al. 2008).
Variations in the effects of heavy metals on primates have been reported. In the
case of arsenic, a potent human carcinogen, studies on people and laboratory primates have shown marked variation in metabolism, as well as carcinogenicity. For
example, the methylation of inorganic arsenic for more rapid urinary excretion differs widely. Children have a lower degree of methylation than adults, and studies
also report a lower degree in men than in women, especially during pregnancy
(Vahter 1999). Large interindividual differences in methylation of arsenic in people
have also been reported. In contrast to humans, the marmoset and chimpanzee do
not methylate inorganic arsenic at all (Vahter 1999). In macaques and squirrel monkeys given daily oral doses of methylmercury, the burden of mercury in major
organs (e.g., brain, intestine, liver, and kidney) appeared to be related to dose and
duration of exposure (Chen et al. 1983; Evans et al. 1977). At exposure levels considered to be safe in people, neuropsychological dysfunctions have been detected in
children at 7 years of age following in utero exposure to methylmercury from maternal consumption of pilot whale meat (Grandjean et al. 1997). Frequent fruit consumption has been shown to reduce mercury exposure in persons who consumed the
same number of fish meals (Passos et al. 2007). In the case of lead toxicity, a relationship between very low level lead exposure in cord blood and male-specific cognitive deficiencies in children 3 years of age has been reported (Jedrychowski et al.
2009). The urinary cobalt levels in people living very close to a mining area or
smelting plant in the Democratic Republic of Congo are the highest ever reported,
especially in children (Banza et al. 2009).


Health Condition

This factor is also crucial in understanding the true extent of accumulation of

contaminants in cetaceans. For example, animals affected with disease may
undergo abnormal rates of metabolization or excretion of lipophilic contaminants,
which can involve changes in organochlorine body burdens (Borrell and Aguilar
1990). Similarly, animals in poor nutritional status can mobilize their lipid reserves
to meet energy requirements and therefore influence their lipid-associated pollutants (OShea 1999). Poor health status has also been related to the elevated concentrations of elements such as mercury and zinc in some porpoise species
(Lahaye et al. 2007).
The health status of the individuals has an influence on contaminant dynamics,
but also on the strength and complexity of potential effects in exposed organisms.


V. Tornero et al.

For example, reduced immune responses associated with high contaminant levels
have been proposed as the primary cause for the increasing vulnerability to disease
in various populations of dolphins (Aguilar and Borrell 1994; Kuehl and Haebler
1995). Similarly, reduced reproductive capacity caused by pollutant exposure can
hamper the recovery of the affected populations (Martineau et al. 1987).
In humans, prenatal exposure to immunotoxic OCs resulting from the maternal
consumption of fish and marine mammal fat has shown a possible association
between exposure and acute infections during the first 12 months of life (Dallaire
et al. 2004). It is not known if eco-toxicants being ingested or inhaled by wild primates are in sufficient quantity to be toxic alone, or if co-exposure to different ecotoxicants would have additive or synergistic effects. In primates with long periods
of gestation and lactation, there is a greater risk of exposure to eco-toxicants during
critical developmental stages. With slower development to sexual maturity and longer lifespans, chronic exposure, even at very low levels, poses a greater risk for
cumulative effects over the lifespan. As such, gradually eco-toxicants could take a
toll on reproductive fitness and population dynamics, greatly affecting the ability of
a population to sustain itself and ultimately to recover from long-term exposures
(De Lange et al. 2009; Rowe 2008). Other environmental stressors and their
interactions are at play in primate habitats with eco-toxicants further stressing the
ecosystem, with the potential to overwhelm primate populations to the point where
they are no longer able to adapt and sustain the behavioral, cognitive, and motor
functioning necessary for complex social interactions that drive their communications, proliferation, and viability.


Case Studies
Case of Study 1: Theres No Place Like Home:
Ecological Health and Common Bottlenose
Dolphin Site Fidelity as a Case Study

Common bottlenose dolphins have been found to exhibit strong site fidelity to bays,
sounds, and estuaries in much of the species range (Wells and Scott 1999, 2009).
Residency over decades and across multiple generations has been demonstrated,
providing an apparent geographic basis to the stable social systems that have been
described from a number of sites (Connor et al. 2000; Wells et al. 1987). At one
study site along the west coast of Florida, Sarasota Bay, resident dolphins spanning
five concurrent generations have been observed since 1970 (Irvine et al. 1981; Scott
et al. 1990; Wells 1991, 2003). The strength of the resident dolphins attachment to
their long-term community home range has been demonstrated through prolonged
periods of extreme environmental perturbations, such as harmful algal blooms
involving the red tide dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, which have led to dramatic
changes in prey availability (Gannon et al. 2009) and threats from direct exposure


Eco-toxicants: A Growing Global Threat


to brevetoxins (Fire et al. 2008). Long lifespans in conjunction with long-term site
fidelity provide opportunities for dolphins to establish and maintain long-term
social relationships, become familiar with temporal and spatial prey distribution
patterns and specialized capture techniques, learn to identify and avoid predatory
sharks and other threats, and engage in observational learning and cultural transmission of knowledge (Wells 2003).
In contrast to these presumed benefits of site fidelity, changes to the local environment can have adverse impacts on dolphins that do not, or cannot, exercise an
option to relocate in response to ecological changes. In Sarasota Bay, increasing
human activities are correlated with changes in dolphin behavior, survivorship, and
reproductive success, which can be disruptive to long-established societies. Boat
collisions occasionally result in mortalities, and high levels of local boat traffic lead
to changes in dolphin communication, dive, and grouping patterns (Buckstaff 2004;
Nowacek et al. 2001; Wells and Scott 1997). Recreational fishing gear injuries and
mortalities have increased in recent years, especially when prey stocks have declined
from red tides (Wells et al. 1998, 2008). Declines in large coastal shark stocks from
overfishing may be responsible for increased dolphin exposure to, and mortality
from, stingray barbs.
Environmental contaminants such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) accumulate in tissues of males at levels more than an order of magnitude greater than
hypothesized threshold levels for health and reproductive impacts, whereas concentrations in females drop below this threshold once they reproduce (Schwacke et al.
2002; Wells et al. 2005). The oldest documented male in the resident community (as
of 2009) is 50 years old, whereas the oldest female is 59 years of age. It could be
hypothesized that differences in contaminant accumulation patterns may contribute
to the 15 % shorter maximum lifespan for males as compared to females. Paternity
analyses nearing completion indicate that males continue to reproduce into their
forties; an artificially shortened lifespan could reduce a males reproductive contributions to the community (Wells 2003). This impact could be exacerbated by the
premature death of one member of a strongly bonded male pair by reducing the
apparent breeding advantage derived from pair-bonding (Owen et al. 2002; Wells
et al. 1987). First-born calves exhibit higher concentrations of POPs and lower survivorship than subsequent calves (Wells et al. 2005). The loss of a first-born calf
before it can reproduce comes at a cost to the overall reproductive success of the
mother. Surprisingly, in the face of these cumulative impacts from human activities,
emigration rates remain low, and residents born to the area tend to continue to reside
in the region, generation after generation (Wells and Scott 1990; Wells 2003).
In coming years, these resident dolphins are likely to face a new and additional,
complex, and interacting set of threats from global climate change. The precise
nature of future threats is impossible to predict at this time. Warmer waters will
provide more favorable conditions for the survival of existing pathogens (Buck
et al. 2006), as well as supporting new pathogens arriving in the region.
Immunosuppression from POPs could lead to higher rates of infection by these
pathogens (Lahvis et al. 1995). Mortality rates for residents are significantly higher
in summer than in winter. Metabolic rate studies suggest that Sarasota Bay dolphins


V. Tornero et al.

may already be approaching the upper limits of their thermal tolerance, as summer
water temperatures in the bay approach body temperature (Costa et al. 1993). The
next few years and decades will likely provide opportunities to test hypotheses
regarding the importance of site fidelity to the social structure and lives of these
coastal dolphin communities.


Case of Study 2: Manganese-induced Neurotoxicity

and Cynomolgus Monkeys (Macaca fascicularis)

Manganese (Mn) is an essential element and micronutrient needed to support life,

with the level of Mn intake being important to good health. Too much or too little
Mn is toxic to humans. Among other uses, Mn is important in the manufacturing of
steel. Occupational exposure in at-risk workers (e.g., miners, welders, and chemical and industrial workers) is well established with manganese poisoning occurring
from the inhalation of toxic fumes, which have neurotoxic effects. Symptoms
resemble those seen with Parkinsonian disease, and include tremors, loss of balance, and slowed movement, as well as impotency and psychiatric disturbances.
With the phasing out of lead as a gasoline additive and its replacement with
methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT), there is increasing concern
about environmental contamination with manganese and the effects of chronic lowlevel exposures. More than 99 % of Mn particles emitted during MMT combustion
are particle sizes in the respirable fraction of the aerosol (Ardeleanu et al. 1999).
Only about 24 months after the partial introduction of MMT to South African petrol
in the Johannesburg region, and with an eye on possible future increases in the use
of MMT in the rest of the country, a community-based study on environmental
exposure to manganese in first-grade schoolchildren was performed (Rllin et al.
2005). Manganese levels in blood, as well as in water supplies, soil, and classroom
dust, were measured in schools in Johannesburg and Cape Town where MMT had
been introduced. Higher levels of manganese were found in soil and dust samples
from Johannesburg, and mean blood Mn concentrations were significantly higher in
children in Johannesburg. Manganese levels in blood were found to be significantly
related to classroom dust at schools. Further, a pilot study in South Africa found that
levels in maternal and umbilical cord bloods of delivering women were above that
considered to be a normal level (>14 g/l) in several different geographic areas
(Rllin et al. 2009).
Most studies on understanding the mechanisms of Mn neurotoxicity have been
conducted in cell culture, or in rodents. However, rodents do not develop the behavioral alterations as seen in humans. Studies in primates are necessary to elucidate
the spectrum of effects of Mn. In addition to transport of inhaled Mn to the blood, it
has been shown in rodents and in monkeys that Mn can also be transported directly
into the brain through the olfactory tract (Dorman et al. 2002, 2006). Complex,
multidisciplinary studies of chronic Mn exposure on cynomolgus monkeys
(M. fascicularis) have shown cognitive, motor, and behavioral alterations (Guilarte
et al. 2006; Schneider et al. 2006). Among other effects, neurodegeneration has


Eco-toxicants: A Growing Global Threat


been detected in cortical areas of the brain, areas not previously suspected to be
involved in Mn neurotoxicity, and even though they accumulate relatively low levels
of Mn (Guilarte et al. 2006). Hence, Mn neurotoxicity is not only determined by the
amount of Mn that a brain region accumulates, but also by the intrinsic vulnerability
of a region to Mn injury (Burton and Guilarte 2009).
In general, the insidious nature of chronic, low-level environmental exposures
causing only subtle changes in behavioral, cognitive, and motor functioning or
reproduction are difficult to detect in wildlife. Further, sick animals often hide or
cannot or do not stay with the group, and the carcasses of deceased wild animals are
rapidly scavenged and not found. Thus, unless an acute, lethal exposure resulting in
mass mortality occurs, contaminant poisoning would go undetected (Wren 1986).
Sublethal effects of eco-toxicants in wild primates could have long-term consequences. Latent effects may manifest as impaired reproduction or loss of reproductive fitness and, ultimately, decrease the survival of individuals, groups or
populations. Such declines might be difficult to separate from natural population
fluctuations and are further compounded by lack of reliable population data under
normal conditions. Exposure levels of wild primates to environmental manganese
contamination are unknown. Experimental toxicology studies have provided evidence that chronic low-level Mn exposure can lead to cognitive, motor, and behavioral abnormalities in cynomolgus monkeys. Studies should be conducted on wild
primates, particularly where habitats are adjacent to urban and industrialized areas,
to determine the risk posed by prevailing levels of environmental Mn. Under natural
conditions, neurotoxic effects could potentially result in deficits that may influence
the ability of primates to function in complex social networks and perform motor
tasks necessary for their survival.


Conclusions and Recommendations

Cetaceans are one of the most vulnerable groups of organisms to chemical pollutants and, therefore, they are likely to be the target animals of long-term toxicity of
hazardous contaminants in the future. However, the question of whether chemical
pollution is changing the dynamics of the populations is not yet resolved. Behavioral
patterns of individuals result from an intricate compromise between requirements
associated with life history traits, feeding ecology, health status, seasonal changes,
reproduction, or socializing. All these factors are likely to influence the obtaining,
accumulation, metabolization, and potential effects of pollutants and, hence, to lead
to differential vulnerability among individuals. Awareness of possible alterations in
normal behavioral patterns is therefore crucial in predicting potential risks from
manmade contaminants on exposed populations. However, cetaceans are affected
simultaneously by a variety of pressures that can compromise their health, so a
limited approach could mean that the effects of other environmental impacts are
being overlooked. There is a need for coordinated and deeper research on how those
potential threats interact to be able to associate a change in distribution or behavior
direct or indirectly with pollutant exposure. This imperative includes the study of


V. Tornero et al.

other contaminant substances such as oil, polybrominated biphenyls, organotins,

and polychlorinated naphthalenes, which can also influence the status of the populations and have been very little investigated. Also, identifying population boundaries, even for those widely distributed species, could be a powerful tool for the
implementation of appropriate conservation and management measures that can
reduce the risks or adverse effects for a given population.
Wild primates coexist in a human-dominated landscape and endure environmental conditions and risks similar to those that humans are facing. However, in general,
human risk assessments do not adequately protect other biota (Rattner 2009).
The order Primates is highly diverse and, although extrapolations can be made to
some extent with humans, differing sensitivities and biological and behavioral traits
will influence exposure potentials and outcomes. Pollution levels and their effects in
wild primates are largely unknown. There is a critical need to obtain species- and
site-specific data to determine toxicological sensitivities and exposure potentials
under prevailing environmental conditions. Primate life history traits, such as long
pre- and postpartum development periods, large per capita parental investment in
few offspring, and long lifespan increase their vulnerability to even very low levels
of eco-toxicants over the long term.
Mortalities or impairments of individuals from environmental contaminants can
have much broader effects as these individuals are removed from the functional
matrix of cetacean or primate societies. Ecotoxicology is an evolving discipline, and
ecological risk assessments will aid in estimating and predicting threats (De Lange
et al. 2009; Chapman 2002; Hall et al. 2006; Munns 2006; Schwacke et al. 2002).
The goal is to estimate and predict exposures before they occur to mitigate the
potential effects of pollutants on wildlife and their supporting habitats. These
assessments should be timely, include the potential effects of climate change (e.g.,
temperature increases and changes in regional precipitation patterns), and identify
areas and species that may be more vulnerable to climatepollutant interactions
(Noyes et al. 2009). There is an urgent need to conduct ecological risk assessments,
particularly for species that are already endangered and at risk of extinction.
Acknowledgments This research has been possible thanks to the assistance of the Mammal
Research Institute of the University of Pretoria. While doing this work, V.T. was supported by the
UP postdoctoral fellowship program. T.K. (T.J.S.) was supported by the National Science
Foundation (NSF) Award #0238069. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.

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Part IV

Selected Topics in Comparative Behavior

Chapter 17

Observing and Quantifying Cetacean

Behavior in the Wild: Current Problems,
Limitations, and Future Directions
Janet Mann and Bernd Wrsig

A subgroup of dusky dolphins boisterously leaping. Without behavioral context,

it is difficult to know whether these leaping animals represent a mating group, with
often several males chasing a female in probable estrus; or whether it is a feeding
group, with dolphins leaping to rapidly and simultaneously access a school or shoal
of small fish just below the surface. (Off Kaikoura, New Zealand, summer 2011
2012, by Anke Kgler)

J. Mann (*)
Reiss Science Building, Department of Biology, Georgetown University,
Washington, DC 20057, USA
e-mail: mannj2@georgetown.edu
B. Wrsig
Ocean and Coastal Sciences Building, Department of Marine Biology,
Texas A&M University, 200 Seawolf Pkwy., Galveston, TX 77553, USA
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_17, Springer Japan 2014



J. Mann and B. Wrsig

Abstract Behavioral research and analysis is prone to both error and bias,
particularly in the early stages of a discipline, in part because it is widely (and
erroneously) believed that behavior is rather simple and can be easily described
or quantified. However, since the 1970s for terrestrial animals, and since the late
1990s for marine mammals, systematic protocols of data gathering and ever more
sophisticated modeling and multivariate statistical techniques have been described,
largely to reduce problems of bias and pseudoreplication. With modern observational protocols, often enhanced by sophisticated multivariable data-gathering tools,
the future for more accurate assessments, and therefore interpretations, of the
sophisticated social behaviors of wild cetaceans seems assured.
Keywords Ad libitum Animal behavior Behavioral sampling Data tags
Events Fissionfusion Focal animal following Point sampling Quantitative
methods Sampling errors Scan sampling States



Mapping cetacean behavior is critical to evolutionary approaches and conservation

management. How can we understand the basic biology, life history, and evolution
of a species, and address critical conservation questions, without at least some rudimentary appreciation of their ranging, foraging, social, and parental behavior?
Although many people are fascinated with animal behavior, evident by the number
and popularity of nature shows, a common misconception of amateur and even
senior scientists is the assumption that studying behavior is easy. The premise is that
we are all observers of behavior, at least within our own species, so compared to
gene sequencing, neuroscience, or biochemistry, mere behavior is something with
which we are intimately familiar, regardless of training. Historically, such overconfidence plagued field studies of animal behavior until the 1970s, and descriptive
studies often overinterpreted behaviors that happened to be noticed. Following
Jeanne Altmanns publication on sampling techniques for behavioral studies
(Altmann 1974), which distinguished between ad libitum (ad lib) and more quantitative methods, many observers of terrestrial species and systems were more careful and explicit in both defining behaviors with an ethogram and finding appropriate
sampling methods to approximate frequency and duration. A similar general shift
was later introduced to cetacean researchers (Mann 1999). To date, a large number
of papers on cetacean behavior fail to estimate either frequency or duration, except
for a limited range of behaviors (e.g., diving intervals), possibly because focal sampling methods require individual recognition of animals, usually from natural marks
(Wrsig and Wrsig 1977). Given the task of observing animals that are difficult to
identify, fast moving, wide ranging, leave no scats or tracks, and spend most of their
lives out of the sight of surface-dwelling observers, it is no surprise that few studies
present basic activity budget data.


Observing and Quantifying Cetacean Behavior in the Wild



Challenges and Solutions of Behavioral Data Gathering

The challenges confronting students of marine mammal behavioral descriptions are

to reduce observer and sampling biases and expand and refine sampling and analytical techniques that yield useful information. Ethologists studying birds, burrowing
animals, and forest species have similar difficulties of investigating cryptic species,
and their subjects do not have to show themselves: at least cetaceans need to come
to the surface at regular intervals to breathe! This need allows for visually tracking
individuals or groups, but has several limitations. First, many behaviors, especially
foraging, occur at depth, and second, surfacing intervals are strongly influenced by
the behaviors themselves. Thus, although it might be important to record surface
and dive times, behavior sampling must also account for subsurface periods.
Similarly, nocturnal periods are ignored for most cetacean studies, although it is
widely recognized that cetaceans are cathemeral, that is, active day and night.
When behavioral information is gathered by eye from surface vessels or shore,
the limitations of the viewing platform demand careful interpretation of the data.
For example, in Shark Bay, Australia, socializing by Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) typically involves prolonged periods at or near the surface
where continuous sampling or point sampling is possible. Deep-water foraging
involves long dives and short intervals at the surface. During socializing, surface
and subsurface behaviors are similar. During foraging, the dolphin sometimes rests
at the surface and forages during dives. If sampling records were limited to surface
observations, foraging activity budgets would be grossly underestimated. To systematically capture the stream of behavior, the observer must make inferences about
what is occurring subsurface, but could indicate which behaviors are directly
observed (at or near surface) or based on diving behavior. The validity of the inferences depends on other confirming observations, such as fish catches, acoustic
behavior, or matching surface with subsurface behavior (Vaughn et al. 2009). For
example, if 3-min point sampling intervals are used to quantify delphinid behavior,
then the samples might be marked as surface or subsurface (e.g., social-surface,
social-subsurface, travel-subsurface, forage-subsurface). In Shark Bay, bottlenose
dolphin dives average about 1 min in deep water, and nearly continuous observation
is possible in shallower water, enabling us to quantify activity budgets and track
behavior at or beneath the surface (Gibson and Mann 2008; Mann et al. 2008).
As was pointed out by Mann (1999), it is important that types of behaviors are
broadly but accurately categorized. Events (brief behaviors such as surface displays, or dive types) are usually not timed and can be readily converted into rates,
either rate per unit time (e.g., an individual dives 13 times per hour) or as a rate
during another behavior. For example, dolphin A dives 22 times per hour of foraging and 13 times per hour of resting. States are typically longer behaviors that are
either timed (e.g., onset and offset of foraging bouts) or estimated using quantitative measures such as scan or point sampling (Altmann 1974). Behavioral events
such as fish catches, dive types, and particulars of interactions help confirm the
behavioral state. Events are easily missed unless they regularly occur at the surface,
but states should not be.


J. Mann and B. Wrsig

To interpret event rates fairly, researchers need to be careful to avoid observer

bias (systemic, nonrandom sampling errors). Such biases might be implicit or
explicit but are especially likely for animals that conduct much of their behavior
subsurface or otherwise out of sight and have therefore plagued many cetacean studies (Mann 1999). For example, calves might catch small fish that are less visible to
observers than adult fish catches. Thus, one might underestimate the rate at which
calves catch fish relative to juveniles or adults. Or, if juvenile mating behaviors were
raucous and tended to occur at the surface, but adult matings were subsurface and
less obvious, then comparing mating rates between different age-sex classes would
be futile. This bias might be exaggerated further if there were other interactions by
age and sex (e.g., season). If, however, individual traits did not affect the likelihood
of observing a behavior, then one could determine relative differences in mating
behavior by age, sex, or season. How one interprets events largely depends on the
sampling protocol (group or individual), how visible or obvious the behavior is,
intrinsic biases to observability, and the sampling method (i.e., did the observer
record all events of one type or just a subset for an individual or group?).
Even ad lib event sampling can add to a dataset and, as Altmann (1974) pointed
out, these samples can be used for sociometric analysis, especially if direction is
important. For example, in many delphinid societies, fissionfusion is a central feature. Often one group or individual clearly is the joiner and others are joined.
Similarly, a subgroup or individual may leave a group and the others are left. Such
directionality might be extremely informative and can be used for social network
analyses (i.e., in-degree or out-degree; see Stanton and Mann 2013). In Indo-Pacific
bottlenose dolphins, adult males might join females, and females might often leave
males, but females almost never join up with males. This type of information can
reveal much about malefemale relationships. An observer might not always be
able to record who leaves and who joins during individual or group follows, but so
long as ad lib joinleave events are not biased (e.g., the observer is biased by recording leaves only if they are females or joins only when they are males), then directionality can be quantitatively analyzed.
Given the difficulty in following most cetacean species, observers must first
select an appropriate sampling protocol that captures the behavior(s) of enough
individuals to be representative. There is a tradeoff between the number of individuals sampled and how often or intensively the same individuals are sampled.
Typically, researchers use surveys (transect or opportunistic) to increase the number
of individuals sampled in the population, or they follow groups (group-follow) or
individuals (focal animal sampling) and collect more detailed and repeated measures on the same individuals (see Mann 1999). Surveys are useful for keeping track
of individual life histories, ranging, and significant events. Group follows tend to be
most useful when individuals cannot be tracked or the main research question
focuses on group behaviors, as is particularly likely when animals stay in relatively
stable groups (e.g., pilot whales, false killer whales, killer whales, sperm whales).
Under these conditions, scan sampling can be a good relative measure of behavior.
If fissions and fusions are common, then it is critical to have clear protocols to guide
the observer on the group with which to stay. Otherwise, the observer might have


Observing and Quantifying Cetacean Behavior in the Wild


a tendency to always stay with the larger or more interesting group, or not even
notice if an individual or several animals left. Biases are likely to emerge if one
always stays with the larger group, for example, so techniques for capturing the
diversity of group behavior would be needed. Recently, we found that surveys of
mothers and calves grossly underestimated the amount of time they spend separated
relative to focal follows (Gibson and Mann 2009). The probable explanation is that
observers are more likely to approach and sample adults, and if the calf joined at
some point, observers might infer that the calf had been there all along.
Surveys are good for sampling a large number of individuals and across different
time periods. Although each sampling point for an individual might be considered
independent on a given day, surveys can inflate association patterns, that is, the
gambit of the group where all individuals in a group are considered associated
even though there might be strong preferences within the group (Whitehead 2008).
One way to reduce this bias is to use weighted data (e.g., half-weight coefficients)
and only consider those above a certain threshold to be associated (Franks et al.
2010). Regardless, sample size (sighting record per individual) has an immense
impact on the validity of such estimations. We recently used bottlenose dolphin
surveys over a 22-year period to determine social preferences between tool-using
(with marine basket sponges) and non-tool-using dolphins. We took several precautions to reduce bias. We used weighted coefficients (affinity indices) with a very
large sample size (average of 75 surveys per individual), and if individuals were not
alive at the same time, the data for that dyad were coded as missing. Because we
wanted to control for factors such as sex, maternal kinship, and range overlap, we
used a multiple regression quadratic assignment procedure (Dekker et al. 2007).
This permutation method allowed us to discriminate between the multiple factors
that are likely to influence association by incorporating multiple matrices into one
analysis while accounting for the structural autocorrelation that is inherent to social
networks (Mann et al. 2012). Our analysis showed a clear pattern where sponger
(tool-using) dolphins preferentially associated with each other over non-spongers
(Mann et al. 2012). Such methods are likely to gain popularity as long-term datasets
grow in size and complexity.
Ranging estimates are best achieved with systematic (e.g., transect) survey sampling, but are also plagued by inadequate sample sizes and pseudo-replication when
groups are moderately stable. Fixed kernel densities (Gaussian distribution) are
commonly used (Worton 1989; Seaman and Powell 1996), but a new adaptive local
convex hull method outperforms traditional kernel density (KD) methods (a-LoCoH;
Getz and Wilmers 2004; Getz et al. 2007). Urian et al. (2009) found that more than
100 points were needed to capture home range estimates using traditional methods,
but few studies achieve this. For Shark Bay dolphins, we found that beyond 50
points, KD home range sizes did not change in a systematic way, but a-LoCoH
home ranges did. Thus, to examine relative home range sizes (e.g., to compare
males and females), we selected a random subset of 50 points for each animal
(Patterson 2012). This method is recommended because any differences between
groups cannot then be attributed to differences in sample size. Although it is tempting to use all ones data, randomized subsampling is preferable when variation in


J. Mann and B. Wrsig

sample size biases the analysis. Long-term information on ranges of known animals
and their mothers can provide important insights to bisexual philopatry, motherson
avoidance, and the role of fissionfusion societies (Tsai and Mann 2013).
For detailed behavioral information, individual focal follows are optimal because
the observer is less likely to make sampling errors while observing the stream of
behavior of one animal. However, such follows depend on individual identification
or at least being able to identify the same animal throughout the follow. For example, a calf might not be identifiable by photo-identification but can be followed
because it is distinctive enough from others in the group. Follows can also be quite
short (e.g., 5 min) if longer follows are too difficult. Short sequential follows of all
individuals in a group can provide information similar to scan sampling and are
sometimes easier if behaviors are difficult to identify. When aggregations are very
large (sometimes hundreds or even thousands), systematic sampling can still occur,
but might involve sampling smaller clusters within the larger group or scan-sampling
every tenth dolphin in view. The important point is to establish clear protocols that
minimize bias regardless of sampling conditions.
Central to all these issues is establishing protocols that yield adequate sample
sizes for drawing inferences about the population or group of interest. To reduce
sampling error (variation from one sample to another, usually the standard error of
the estimate, or the coefficient of variation, which expresses the standard error as a
percentage of the estimate) and bias (e.g., selection bias, measurement bias, statistical bias), care must be taken to repeat samples, avoid pitfalls in the selection of
subjects and measurement of behavior, and finally, apply appropriate statistical
techniques. On the last point, which has received little attention here, pseudoreplication is a particular problem with many animal behavior studies, and cetacean
studies in particular (Milinski 1997).


Technological Advances in Studying Behavior

In this overview, we have concentrated on the kind of behavioral information that

can be gleaned from watching animals quite close up, as from a small boat near an
individual or group. We acknowledge that the mere presence and (usually) noise of
the boat engine can cause some degree of disruption of the normal behavioral
repertoire of the watched animals. With careful boat approaches by experienced
operators, such disruption is usually minimal (Bejder et al. 2006). For some species
of cetaceans, observations can also be made from shore, with binoculars, still
cameras with long lenses, digital video cameras, and theodolite tracking (the latter
for more accurate positional information), and with the advantage that no disruption
is made; however, shore-based observations provide a less intimate view of the animals or group (Wrsig et al. 1991; Lundquist et al. 2012). Observations can also be
made from circling aircraft, but this technique has been used mainly for large whales
that can be identified from above, although some successful group-structure data
have been gained on delphinids in clear waters of the open Pacific Ocean. This


Observing and Quantifying Cetacean Behavior in the Wild


technique can also disturb animals, and care must be taken while circling (from an
altitude of at least 450 m) to stay outside of the cone of sound of airplane noise
underwater and to ensure that the planes shadow does not fall onto the animals
being observed.
Nowacek and colleagues (Nowacek 2002; Maresh et al. 2004) used a heliumfilled aerostat (blimp) fitted with a videocamera and tethered to a boat, with two
hydrophones, to record detailed foraging sequences in bottlenose dolphins. These
innovative methods greatly expand our view into the world of smaller cetaceans. We
predict that the recent rapid development of remote-controlled (drone) minicopters equipped with high-resolution cameras, operated from shore or vessel, will
become a modern staple of group formation and behavioral research (NOAA 2012).
Observations of behavior do not need to be only by eye, but can involve acoustic studies of the especially soniferous delphinids, and various techniques of developed or developing electronic monitors (on the animals) or remote sensing devices.
An up-to-date example is the use of so-called DTags (for data tags) that can be
placed onto a cetacean by suction cup or small barb attachment. Such tags have
provided valuable insights. For example, exciting new information has become
available with such tags for short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) that were discovered to echolocate for prey many hundreds of meters below
them and then rapidly plunge-dive to depth to attack (Aguilar Soto et al. 2008). The
DTag to accomplish this was outfitted with high-frequency echolocation detection
and storage capability, as well as a depth sensor, triaxial accelerometer, and magnetometer for pitch, roll, and heading information in three-dimensional space. Because
such devices fall off the animal and float, they can be recovered for data retrieval,
and used again. A future application could be on multiple animals of a group, so that
better social data can be obtained for animals at depth. At any rate, one device on
one animal can already be thought of as an extension of a focal follow beyond that
possible by visual assessment alone.
Other technological advances have greatly expanded research potential for
marine mammals. However, most of the devices placed on animals have to date
been used largely on pinnipeds and larger whales, and their development for smaller
delphinids is just becoming practical as the result of miniaturization. The tried-andtrue technique is conventional radio-tracking, but larger-distance satellite tracking is
becoming practical for even small delphinids. Video chips, memory storage, and
battery systems are becoming ever smaller, so that it is now feasible to use video
recorders for underwater swimming, foraging, and social behavior information of
even smaller cetaceans, although such devices have been used for more than 10 years
on pinnipeds (Williams et al. 2004) and large whales. Anything put onto an animal
can also be built to gather environmental data and can therefore enhance not only
our understanding of behavior but of ecology as well. An overview of modern data
acquisition systems (and their promise) is provided by Read (2009).
As can be the case for observations from surface vessels, a device put onto an
animal, even for short times or by what seems a benign attachment technique (such
as a suction cup system for delphinids), can be bothersome to the animal and change
its behavior. One technique of gathering dive and foraging information that has been


J. Mann and B. Wrsig

used for spinner (Stenella longirostris) and dusky (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) dolphins uses a sophisticated multi-beam fish-finder sonar array and mathematical
algorithms to reconstruct information on potential prey and the depths and kind of
dives of dolphins (Benoit-Bird et al. 2004, 2009). However, the high-frequency
sonar itself might cause some behavioral change, and at any rate, one needs to be
directly over the diving animals of interest for such information. Another technique
not yet fully explored for delphinids is three-dimensional array passive listening of
their own acoustics, for positional data during different behavioral states (Schotten
et al. 2004), and for determination of which dolphin is vocalizing when incorporated with a video camera (Schotten et al. 2005).



Observation and quantification of behavior can proceed in many different ways, with
and without enhancement by modern data acquisition techniques. Direct and
remotely sensed data can also be augmented by, for example, scat samples or protein
analyses relating to diet, and genetic sampling to examine relatedness and mating
patterns. Such samples can be gleaned directly from behind or on the swimming
animals, or from short-term captures in special situations (Wells et al. 1999).
A practical set of research directions will probably involve more integration of
variable data-gathering platforms, so that, for example, a group of cetaceans with
several DTags or other electronic devices can be watched by eye from shore (in special situations), from a surface vessel, or via a remote-controlled mini-copter at the
same time that detailed biological and oceanographic data are gathered. The future
of behavioral observations of cetaceans is bright, and we only caution that behavioral
patterns be well defined and data gathering be as representative as possible.

Aguilar Soto N, Johnson MP, Madsen PT, Daz F, Domnguez I, Brito A, Tyack P (2008) Cheetahs
of the sea: deep foraging sprints in short-finned pilot whales off Tenerife (Canary Islands).
J Anim Ecol 77:936947
Altmann J (1974) Observational study of behavior: sampling methods. Behaviour 49:227267
Bejder L, Samuels A, Whitehead H, Gales N, Mann J, Connor R, Heithaus M, Watson-Capps J,
Flaherty C (2006) Shift in habitat use by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) exposed to longterm anthropogenic disturbance. Conserv Biol 20:17911798
Benoit-Bird KJ, Wrsig B, McFadden CJ (2004) Dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) foraging in two different habitats: active acoustic detection of dolphins and their prey. Mar Mamm
Sci 20:215231
Benoit-Bird KJ, Dahood AD, Wrsig B (2009) Using active acoustics to compare lunar effects on
predator-prey behavior in two marine mammal species. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 395:119135
Dekker D, Krackhardt D, Snijders TAB (2007) Sensitivity of MRQAP tests to collinearity and
autocorrelation conditions. Psychometrika 72:563581


Observing and Quantifying Cetacean Behavior in the Wild


Franks DW, Ruxton GD, James R (2010) Sampling animal association networks with the gambit
of the group. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 64:493503. doi:10.1007/s00265-009-0865-8
Getz WM, Wilmers CC (2004) A local nearest-neighbor convex-hull construction of home ranges
and utilization distributions. Ecography 4:489505
Getz WM, Fortmann-Roe S, Cross PC, Lyons AJ, Ryan SJ, Wilmers CC (2007) LoCoH: nonparameteric kernel methods for constructing home ranges and utilization distributions. PLoS One
Gibson QA, Mann J (2008) Early social development in wild bottlenose dolphins: sex differences,
individual variation, and maternal influence. Anim Behav 76:375387
Gibson QA, Mann J (2009) Do sampling method and sample size affect basic measures of dolphin
sociality? Mar Mamm Sci 25:187198
Lundquist D, Gemmell NJ, Wrsig B (2012) Behavioural responses of dusky dolphin
(Lagenorhynchus obscurus) groups to tour vessels off Kaikoura, New Zealand. PLoS One
Mann J (1999) Behavioral sampling methods for cetaceans: a review and critique. Mar Mamm Sci
Mann J, Sargeant BL, Watson-Capps J, Gibson Q, Heithaus MR, Connor RC, Patterson E (2008)
Why do dolphins carry sponges? PLoS One 3(12):e3868
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Maresh JL, Fish FE, Nowacek DP, Nowacek SM, Wells RS (2004) High performance turning
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NOAA Fisheries (2012) http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/stories/2012/10/_10_03_12wayne_perryman.
Nowacek DP (2002) Sequential foraging behaviour of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in
Sarasota Bay, FL. Behaviour 139:11251145
Patterson EM (2012) Ecological and life history factors influence habitat and tool use in wild
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.). Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Biology, Georgetown
University, Washington, DC
Read AJ (2009) Telemetry. In: Perrin WF, Wrsig B, Thewissen JGM (eds) The encyclopedia of
marine mammals, 2nd edn. Academic/Elsevier, San Diego
Schotten M, Au WWL, Lammers MO, Aubauer R (2004) Echolocation recordings and localization of wild spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) and pantropical spotted dolphins (S. attenuata) using a four-hydrophone array. In: Thomas JA, Moss CF, Vater M (eds) Echolocation in
bats and dolphins. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp 393400
Schotten M, Lammers MO, Sexton K, Au WWL (2005) Application of a diver-operated 4-channel
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J Acoust Soc Am 117:2552
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Tsai J-YJ, Mann J (2013) Dispersal, philopatry, and the role of fissionfusion dynamics in bottlenose dolphins. Mar Mamm Sci 29:261279
Urian KW, Hofmann S, Wells RS, Read AJ (2009) Fine-scale population structure of bottlenose
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Vaughn RB, Wrsig B, Packard J (2009) Dolphin prey herding: prey ball mobility relative to dolphin group and prey ball sizes, multispecies aggregations, and feeding duration. Mar Mamm
Sci 26:213225


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Wells RS, Boness DJ, Rathbun GB (1999) Behavior. In: Reynolds JE III, Rommel SA (eds)
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puzzles. University of California Press, Berkeley

Chapter 18

Social Network Analysis: Applications

to Primate and Cetacean Societies
Margaret A. Stanton and Janet Mann

M.A. Stanton (*)

Department of Biology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
Department of Anthropology, The George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
e-mail: mastanton@gwu.edu
J. Mann
Department of Biology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
Department of Psychology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_18, Springer Japan 2014



M.A. Stanton and J. Mann

Abstract To better address questions concerning animal sociality, animal

behaviorists and behavioral ecologists are increasingly turning to the suite of
analytical techniques known as social network analysis (SNA). SNA allows for the
quantification of multi-actor interactions, thereby providing a more realistic representation of social patterns and relationships. Here, we provide a brief introduction
to SNA, consider some of the challenges in studying sociality, and discuss the
application of SNA to studies of animal societies, with a focus on primates and cetaceans. Additionally, we present techniques for network comparison and dynamic
network analysis developed in the social sciences with exciting potential applications to the study of animal behavior.
Keywords Animal societies Dolphins Metrics Primates Quantitative methods
Social network analysis



A powerful quantitative tool with which to address the causes and consequences of
sociality is social network analysis (SNA). Indeed, social network theory has potential in any discipline that requires the description of complex systems, including
physics, psychology, sociology, ethology, neuroscience, cell and molecular biology,
ecology, mathematics, military intelligence, and computer science (Wasserman and
Faust 1994; Freeman 2004). A social network is defined as actors (or nodes, points,
vertices) linked by relationships (edges, links, ties), and the visual representation of
these nodes and edges is referred to as a graph (Fig. 18.1). This type of analysis was
popularized in the 1970s after Stanley Milgram (1967) examined the social distance
between individuals in the United States (U.S.), the results of which are commonly
referred to as Six Degrees of Separation. Later, Watts and Strogatz (1998) formalized Milgrams idea in their description of small-world phenomena, where tightly
knit subgroups of individuals are closely connected to each other, but with at least
one member maintaining a connection to a separate subgroup.
With recent advances in computing power, SNA has gained momentum in the field
of animal behavior (Krause et al. 2007; Wey et al. 2008). Traditional studies of social
relationships and structure focus on dyadic interactions, whereas network analysis
applies graph theory to quantify multi-actor interactions, thereby providing more
realistic representations of the complex societies typically observed in primates and
cetaceans. Additionally, by providing more direct measurements of social relationships, rather than proxies such as group size, SNA allows for more in-depth investigations into complex sociality. By quantifying multi-actor interactions, SNA accounts
for some of the unavoidable data dependency, which is problematic for traditional
statistical analyses. Take, for example, an investigation into the relationship between
dominance rank and relationship quality in a savanna baboon troop. With traditional
methods, female rank and relationship quality are treated as independent, when in
fact they are not. A female who grooms one female cannot simultaneously be grooming another. Rank is determined by who is above and below, so is by definition not


Social Network Analysis: Applications to Primate and Cetacean Societies


Fig. 18.1 Social network of Shark Bay adult and juvenile dolphins constructed from survey data
from 1999 to 2007. Edges are weighted by half-weight coefficient and only those greater than the
average (0.13) are included. Circles, females; squares, males; triangles, unknown

independent. SNA treats the relational nature of data as part of the analysis. A networks edges can be directed or undirected, weighted or unweighted. Undirected
edges indicate that the relationship is symmetrical, as in the case of a mutual friendship. However, if one individual identifies another as a friend and the sentiment is
not reciprocated, the relationship is directed. Additionally, an unweighted edge indicates the presence of a relationship, while a weighted edge can indicate the presence
and the strength of a relationship. Edges can also be either positive or negative, as
might be quantified when individuals preferentially approach or avoid each other
(Wasserman and Faust 1994; Croft et al. 2008; Wey et al. 2008). Network theory is
also useful and unique in that it is capable of analysis on multiple levels by characterizing individuals, their subgroups of neighbors, and the network as a whole. Some
basic social network metrics including measures of centrality (a nodes connection
to the rest of the network) and clustering (the tightness of subgroups or cliques)
are described in Box 1, but it is most important to note at this juncture that distinct
social network metrics provide different information about the same individual, subgroup, or network and that this information is not necessarily accessible using more
conventional methods.


Considerations and Caveats

Despite the usefulness of SNA and the increasing frequency with which these techniques are applied, a number of considerations and caveats are warranted before the
initiation of a network study (see James et al. 2009; Croft et al. 2011 for review of


M.A. Stanton and J. Mann

SNA potential pitfalls). One important consideration is how to define a relationship.

According to Hindes (1976) classic framework for the study of social structure, a
relationship is defined as successive interactions between individuals. In the study
of animal behavior, however, interactions are often difficult to observe and quantify;
therefore, relationships are often assessed in terms of association defined by shared
group membership with the assumption that associating individuals have the potential to interact. Whitehead and Dufault (1999) refer to this assumption as the gambit of the group, and for the purposes of SNA, researchers should be aware that
networks built from group-defined association data may appear highly clustered by
this sampling method. These associations are also typically measured in terms of an
association index, such as the half-weight index, that accounts for sampling effort
(Cairns and Schwager 1987). Additionally, there is no universally accepted method
for determining whether a biologically meaningful relationship exists and should be
included in a social network for analysis or whether the observed association is
random, erroneous, or biased by sampling method or effort. A common response to
this uncertainty to date has been to filter and dichotomize data, thereby only including edges or nodes above a certain value when constructing the network. However,
the thresholds at which networks are filtered and dichotomized are arbitrary, and the
resulting binary networks are likely oversimplified (Franks et al. 2010). Recent
methodological developments are providing researchers with exciting new variations on centrality and clustering metrics for analyzing weighted networks, which
are exceedingly useful for investigating animal social networks (Box 1) (Newman
2004; Lusseau et al. 2008).
Weighting edges by association should be considered whenever possible, and
algorithm development is ongoing to facilitate further substantive interpretation of
weighted graphs. Following construction of the network and calculation of network
metrics, weighted or unweighted, the subsequent statistical analysis of network
data must proceed with caution. For reasons of their very nature, network data

Box 1 Social network analysis terms. Definitions from Wey et al. (2008),
p. 334, and Whitehead (2008), pp. 172175
Individual measures
Degree centrality
Betweenness centrality


A measure of an individuals structural importance based on its network position

Centrality based on the number of direct edges
connected to a node
Centrality based on the number of shortest paths
between every pair of other nodes in the network
that pass through the node of interest
A measure of indirect connectedness that is defined
as the number of nodes two or fewer steps away


Social Network Analysis: Applications to Primate and Cetacean Societies


Box 1 (continued)

Average degree of a nodes neighbors; a node

with high affinity is connected to other nodes of
high degree

Intermediate measures
Clustering coefficient


The density of a nodes local network; the number of

observed edges between a nodes neighbors is divided
by the number of possible edges between them
How much the network is divided into subgroups;
a clique is a set of nodes that are all directly connected to each other

Group measures
Average path length

The average of all path lengths, or number of

edges, between all pairs of nodes in the network
The number of observed edges divided by the
number of possible edges in the network
The longest path length in the network

Weighted measures


Clustering coefficient

A measure of weighted degree that is the sum of

the weights of the edges connected to a node
Sum of the inverses of the weights on each edge
that equals the shortest path lengths that pass
through the node
The corresponding element of the first eigenvector of an association matrix; accounts for both the
number and weights of all directly connected
edges, as well as indirect connections
Overall strength of a nodes neighbors
Average weighted strength of a nodes neighbors
A measure of cliquishness or how well connected
neighbors are to each other considering the weight
on all three edges of each triangle linking the nodes

violate the assumption of independence of traditional statistical methods. Therefore,

when analyzing network data the scope of inference is generally constrained, and
the statistical significance of network metrics is typically assessed by carefully
chosen randomized techniques or models that account for network autocorrelation (Croft et al. 2011). This particular caveat has important implications for
network comparison and dynamic network analysis.



M.A. Stanton and J. Mann

Network Comparison and Dynamic Network Analysis

Two networks can be compared with permutation tests (Manly 2007), determining
whether specific network metrics means differ more than random expectations.
However, care must be taken to ensure that the networks under comparison are similar in size and density or that measures have been normalized based on the maximum
value for a node in that network because most network metrics vary with the number
of nodes and edges. An additional methodology for comparing networks regardless
of differences in size, or even species, was suggested by Faust and Skvoretz (2002).
This technique characterizes networks in terms of their structural properties and
measures the similarity of networks based on the parameter estimates for models
(exponential random graph models, or ergms) that predict the probability of network ties. Dynamic social data present additional methodological obstacles, and the
techniques for analyzing such data using network theory are still in development or
untested on real-life data. Intuitively, social networks are dynamic with relationships
forming and fading over time; however, the vast majority of research has focused on
static networks that are unable to capture information about changes in the network
or the mechanisms related to observed dynamics. In the social sciences, Snijders
(1996) and his colleagues (Steglich et al. 2010) developed some dynamic models
used in the analysis of dynamic friendship networks. These dynamic models can
identify what is likely driving change in social networks over time and could be
particularly useful for studying animal social development. Research into dynamic
network models is ongoing, and the availability of applied longitudinal datasets
will facilitate the creation of exciting additional methodologies.


Analysis of Primate and Dolphin Social Networks

In the field of animal behavior, SNA is employed, generally on static graphs, to

describe complex social structure and to provide insight into studies of cooperation,
disease, and information transfer, the different roles of individuals in groups, and
the consequences of anthropogenic disturbance on animal societies (see Krause
et al. 2007; Wey et al. 2008 for excellent reviews). The specific applications of SNA
to animal behavior are too numerous to enumerate in further detail here; however, it
is worth noting some of the early and commonly cited animal SNA conducted on
wild populations of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) (Lusseau 2003; Lusseau and
Newman 2004; Lusseau et al. 2006; Lusseau 2007). Bottlenose dolphins and some
other odontocetes (toothed whales) are attractive candidates for SNA because of
their dynamic and complex fissionfusion society. For example, Lusseau (2003)
described the network of a relatively small population (N = 64) of bottlenose dolphins in Doubtful Sound, New Zealand and investigated the theoretical removal of
random individuals compared to specific individuals with a large number of associates. The dolphin network appeared robust to removal of random individuals
whereas the removal of individuals with high degree increased the network diameter, defined as the average shortest path length between any two nodes, by 2030 %.


Social Network Analysis: Applications to Primate and Cetacean Societies


In a separate study, Lusseau et al. (2006) described the network of bottlenose

dolphins (N = 124) in the inner Moray Firth in eastern Scotland. This study addressed
the possible relationship between social structure and geographic preference by
assigning dolphins to one of two categories, either (1) always sighted in inner Moray
Firth or (2) sighted in inner Moray Firth and elsewhere, and determining whether
dolphins in these two categories constitute cliques in the network. The researchers
conclude that composition of the two communities identified in the social network
matched well with the categories of geographic preference. More recent work in
delphinids has continued to address spatial, as well as temporal and ecological, correlates of social network structure to better understand factors influencing social
processes (Cantor et al. 2012; Foster et al. 2012).
We have recently published several detailed studies on bottlenose dolphin maternal and calf social networks (Stanton et al. 2011), the relationship between early
calf networks and survival during the juvenile period (Stanton and Mann 2012), sex
differences in social network metrics (Mann et al. 2012), and how SNA can help
identify culture in dolphins (Mann et al. 2012). Most of the insights gained from
these studies are attributable to the application of social network methods. For
example, the likelihood of survival of male dolphins beyond weaning was positively
related to eigenvector centrality as calves (Stanton and Mann 2012). This metric is
an excellent measure of an individuals importance in the network, and because this
method accounts for both direct and indirect ties, we would not have detected this
pattern without a SNA approach.
In primates, network theory has been applied to the analysis of grooming interaction networks as well as association networks (Flack et al. 2006; Lehmann and
Boesch 2009). An interesting SNA study investigated the roles and structural positions of captive pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) in their social networks.
In this case, dominant males perform a policing function by impartially intervening
in conflicts between other members of the group. Both the simulated and empirical
removal of just a few of these policing individuals altered the macaque social
network, in some cases significantly decreasing in the mean degree and increasing
clustering coefficients, which the authors conclude destabilizes the group
(Flack et al. 2006). Such investigations can be utilized as a means of predicting
anthropogenic effects on free-ranging animal social networks. Although many
wildlife conservation management plans assume all animals are equal, research
such as the macaque study just described, as well as an analysis of a killer whale
(Orcinus orca) social network, indicates that certain individuals have a disproportionally large impact on their networks and should be differentially accounted for in
conservation plans (Williams and Lusseau 2006).
Historically, some primate studies used the term social network when referring
to associating individuals and grooming interactions, but do not actually apply
network theory when analyzing data. However, as the utility of SNA becomes
increasingly apparent, network theory is being applied to datasets from primate field
sites to identify differences in association patterns between both individuals and
age-sex classes, describe association trends over time, and provide new approaches
and perspectives for measuring dominance and other hierarchical structures
(Lehmann and Ross 2011; Henzi et al. 2009; Ramos-Fernndez et al. 2009; Shizuka


M.A. Stanton and J. Mann

and McDonald 2012). In recent years, studies have begun comparing social networks
across closely related primate species. For example, in a study of four macaque species that vary in degree of social tolerance, SNA metrics revealed novel dimensions
of these otherwise well-characterized societies (Sueur et al. 2011).


Additional Social Network Applications

The use of SNA in animal behavior is by no means confined to research in cetaceans

and primates. Indeed, the use of these methods now ranges from studies of insects
(Fewell 2003), rodents (Wey and Blumstein 2010), ungulates (Sundaresan et al.
2007), and social carnivores (Smith et al. 2010). An exceedingly useful social network technique is quadratic assignment procedure (QAP) regression, which allows
for the regression of explanatory matrices on a response sociomatrix representing
associations or interactions (Krackhardt 1988; Dekker et al. 2007). QAP regression
first calculates coefficients by performing an ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, then randomly permutes the response matrix and reruns the OLS regression x
number of times to obtain a matrix-specific distribution of coefficients against
which the observed matrix coefficients can be compared and statistical significance
evaluated. This permutation-based approach avoids the inflation of type I errors
caused by the correlational nature of network data (Krackhardt 1988). As with traditional multiple regression, the multiple regression quadratic assignment procedure (MRQAP) allows for the inclusion of multiple factors that may account for
variation in a sociomatrix, including factors that are not necessarily of interest that
need to be controlled for. Animal behavior researchers are beginning to recognize
the usefulness of this analysis (Croft et al. 2011) and have thus far employed QAP
regression to investigate factors influencing network structure in yellow-bellied
marmots (Marmota flaviventris) (Wey and Blumstein 2010) and ring-tailed coatis
(Nasua nasua) (Hirsch et al. 2012). We have also recently applied this method to
our own investigation of the social function of tool use in Shark Bay bottlenose
dolphins (Tursiops sp.) (Mann et al. 2012). In that study, the MRQAP was used to
control for sex as well as geographic distance and maternal relatedness between
individuals while investigating whether similarity based on the use of marine
sponges as tools is a significant predictor of association and indicative of culture.
This was the first study to examine whether tool use or foraging similarity influences social preference. Such an examination is not possible with traditional nonnetwork approaches.



As indicated here, we have applied SNA in our own work on bottlenose dolphins.
Chapter 6 in this volume provides example measures from the networks of two
calves, based on different measures of sociality including networks created from


Social Network Analysis: Applications to Primate and Cetacean Societies


association and petting/grooming interactions. As networks may differ based on the

types of data used to define relationships between individuals, one exciting new
direction for the field involves combining different behaviors (e.g., grooming,
aggression, and proximity) into one multidimensional object (Barrett et al. 2012).
As evidenced by the pioneering animal network studies described here, SNA of
cetacean and primate populations is exceedingly applicable to free-ranging primate
and cetacean populations, and the potential inquiries are plentiful.

Barrett L, Henzi PS, Lusseau D (2012) Taking sociality seriously: the structure of multidimensional social networks as a source of information for individuals. Philos Trans R Soc B
Cairns SJ, Schwager SJ (1987) A comparison of association indices. Anim Behav 35:14541469
Cantor M, Wedekin LL, Guimares PR, Daura-Jorge FG, Rossi-Santos MR, Simes-Lopes PC
(2012) Disentangling social networks from spatiotemporal dynamics: the temporal structure of
a dolphin society. Anim Behav 84:641651
Croft DP, James R, Krause J (2008) Exploring animal social networks. Princeton University Press,
Croft DP, Madden JR, Franks DW, James R (2011) Hypothesis testing in animal social networks.
Trends Ecol Evol 26:502507
Dekker D, Krackhardt D, Snijders TAB (2007) Sensitivity of MRQAP tests to collinearity and
autocorrelation conditions. Psychometrika 72:563581
Faust K, Skvoretz J (2002) Comparing networks across space and time, size and species. Sociol
Methodol 32:267299
Fewell JH (2003) Social insect networks. Science 301:18671870
Flack JC, Girvan M, de Waal FBM, Krakauer DC (2006) Policing stabilizes construction of social
niches in primates. Nature (Lond) 439:426429
Foster EA, Franks DW, Morrell LJ, Balcomb KC, Parsons KM, van Grinneken A, Croft DP (2012)
Social network correlates of food availability in an endangered population of killer whales,
Orcinus orca. Anim Behav 83:731736
Franks DW, Ruxton GD, James R (2010) Sampling animal association networks with the gambit
of the group. Behav Ecol. Sociobiol 64: 493503
Freeman LC (2004) The development of social network analysis. Empirical Press, Vancouver
Henzi SP, Lusseau D, Weingrill T, Schaik CP, Barrett L (2009) Cyclicity in the structure of female
baboon social networks. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 63:10151021
Hinde RA (1976) Interactions, relationships and social structure. Man 11:117
Hirsch BT, Stanton MA, Maldonado J (2012) Kinship shapes affiliative social networks but not
aggression in ring-tailed coatis. PLoS One 7:e37301
James R, Croft DP, Krause J (2009) Potential banana skins in animal social network analysis.
Behav Ecol Sociobiol 63:989997
Krackhardt D (1988) Predicting with networks: nonparametric multiple regression analysis of
dyadic data. Soc Netw 10:359381
Krause J, Croft DP, James R (2007) Social network theory in the behavioural sciences: potential
applications. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 62:1527
Lehmann J, Boesch C (2009) Sociality of the dispersing sex: the nature of social bonds in West
African female chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes. Anim Behav 77:377387
Lehmann J, Ross C (2011) Baboon (Papio anubis) social complexity: a network approach. Am J
Primatol 73:775789


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Lusseau D (2003) The emergent properties of a dolphin social network. Proc R Soc Lond Ser B
Suppl 270:S186S188
Lusseau D (2007) Why are male social relationships complex in the Doubtful Sound bottlenose
dolphin population? PLoS One 2:e348
Lusseau D, Newman MEJ (2004) Identifying the role that animals play in their social networks.
Proc R Soc Lond Ser B Suppl 271:S477S481
Lusseau D, Wilson B, Hammond PS, Grellier K, Durban JW, Parsons KM, Barton TR, Thompson
PM (2006) Quantifying the influence of sociality on population structure in bottlenose dolphins. J Anim Ecol 75:1424
Lusseau D, Whitehead H, Gero S (2008) Incorporating uncertainty into the study of animal social
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Manly BFJ (2007) Randomization, bootstrap and Monte Carlo methods in biology, 3rd edn.
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Shizuka D, McDonald DB (2012) A social network perspective on measurements of dominance
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Smith JE, Van Horn RC, Powning KS, Cole AR, Graham KE et al (2010) Evolutionary forces
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Chapter 19

Social Touch in Apes and Dolphins

Michio Nakamura and Mai Sakai

The online version of this chapter (doi: 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_19) contains supplementary

material, which is available to authorized users
M. Nakamura (*) M. Sakai
JSPS Research Fellow, Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University,
2-24, Tanaka-Sekiden-Cho, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8203, Japan
e-mail: nakamura@wrc.kyoto-u.ac.jp
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_19, Springer Japan 2014



M. Nakamura and M. Sakai

Abstract Social touch, or physical contact among two or more individuals in a

nonaggressive context, seems to play important roles among both primates and
cetaceans. However, with exception of social grooming among primates, it has
rarely been studied in detail. Thus, in this chapter we review the descriptions of
social touch in great apes and dolphins from the literature and from our own observations. After reviewing the social grooming among various mammalian taxa, we
considered various types of social touch in apes and dolphins in more detail by
dividing them into following seven categories: (1) social touch between mother and
infant; (2) touch in play; (3) tactile gestures; (4) social grooming; (5) touch in greeting, reassurance, and appeasement; (6) touch to/with genital areas; and (7) simple
body contact. Information from scattered descriptions in the literature suggests that
social touch is widespread in apes and dolphins, yet frequencies may vary greatly
among species. Although there has been no single theory to explain these diverse
types of social touch, we briefly review theories that might be of relevance to
explaining social touch.
Keywords Dolphins Flipper rubbing Great apes Odontocetes Physical contact
Social grooming Social interaction Tactile communication



Primates and cetaceans form complex and diverse societies (primates: Itani 1977;
Smuts et al. 1987; cetaceans: Mann et al. 2000). A society is neither a visible entity
nor is it a simple accumulation of individual behaviors but emerges through many
types of social interactions among individuals. Thus, it is important to begin by
examining social interactions to study different types of societies. Social interactions occur through a number of modalities, and in this chapter, we particularly
focus on social touchtouch between two or more individuals. This focus is
because physical contact, except for grooming behavior, has rarely been studied,
even though it seems to play important social roles among both primates and
In addition to the tactile modality, mammals use visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and
olfactory modalities in the course of their social interaction. Vocal communication
has been extensively studied both in primates (Gouzoules and Gouzoules 2007) and
in cetaceans (Tyack 2000, 2003) and compared to human language (primates:
Itani 1963; Marler 1965; Arcadi 1996; cetaceans: Yurk et al. 2002). Studies on
visual communication in primates have focused on facial displays (van Hooff 1967),
sociosexual signals (Wickler 1967), visual gestures (Tomasello et al. 1994), etc.
It has also been suggested that visual communication, in addition to verbal communication, plays an important role in human greeting and salutation (Kendon and


Social Touch in Apes and Dolphins


Ferbar 1973/1996). Cetaceans, except for the several species that live in rivers, have
a well-developed sense of vision (Tyack 2000). Visual communication in cetaceans,
especially postures and movements in aggression and sexual contexts, has been
reported (Tavolga and Essapian 1957; Caldwell and Caldwell 1972; reviewed by
Madsen and Herman 1980; Herman and Tavolga 1980; Samuels and Gifford 1997).
For example, mouth-opening and jaw-clapping (dolphins produce a sound by
quickly snapping their jaws) have been interpreted as threatening. Many delphinids
also have various skin pigmentations and characteristics. For example, killer whales
(Orcinus orca) and Commersons dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) have
white and black pigments, spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata and Stenella frontalis) have spots, and Rissos dolphins (Grampus griseus) have scratches on the body
(Hartman et al. 2008). These skin characteristics may serve to identify species, individuals, sex and age classes, and reproductive state (Madsen and Herman 1980;
Herman and Tavolga 1980) or may serve as camouflage or disruptive coloration
against predators (Tyack 2000). Cetaceans may also use body postures, body movements, bubbling and splashing for visual communication but these have not yet been
studied in detail.
Olfactory signals are thought to be important, especially in prosimian primates
(Scordato and Drea 2007). Cetaceans are considered to lack the sense of olfaction
(Breathnach 1960; Morgane and Jacobs 1972; Kishida et al. 2007) and, compared
to humans, they have a limited or perhaps different sense of taste (Tyack 2000).
Few studies on tactile senses have been conducted. In humans, the importance of
touch to form intimate relationships between mothers and their offspring and
between sexual partners has been discussed (Montagu 1971; Morris 1971/1993),
and touching among mammals, especially among primates, has also been previously reviewed. Darian-Smith (1982) reviewed touching among primates in relationship to neural processing but did not consider the interactional aspects.
Hertenstein et al. (2006) reviewed tactile communication in humans, nonhuman
primates, and rodents; however, in the case of nonhuman primates, they exclusively
studied grooming behaviors and did not include other forms of tactile communication. Thus far, only a few reviews of tactile communication have been conducted in
cetaceans (Herman and Tavolga 1980; Tyack 2000).


Scope of This Chapter

We define social touch as physical contact of any part of the body of one individual
with a part of the body of another individual in any way. However, physical contacts
that harm the partners body or that make the partner flee (i.e., aggression) are not
addressed in this chapter. Defined this way, social touch may be used in various
contexts in different species, as we see in later sections. Consequently, there seems
to be no single theory to explain all the forms of social touch. In addition, because


M. Nakamura and M. Sakai

most forms of social touch have not been studied in detail, we first need to accumulate knowledge of what is actually occurring in nature. In this chapter, we first try to
descriptively show the diversity and similarities of social touch, focusing especially
on how different species use it in different contexts. Among various types of social
touch, social grooming may be exceptional, in that many detailed studies have been
conducted, and accordingly, several explanatory theories have been proposed.
Although these theories may not have been intended to cover social touch in general, in the final section, we examine whether these theories can be generalized to
social touch.
In the following section, we first briefly review social grooming among mammals. We then review various types of social touch in great apes and dolphins
(relatively small odontocetes), sometimes referring to several species outside
these taxa when relevant. Because quantitative comparisons of social touch are
difficult at this point, the comparisons herein are primarily based on behavioral
patterns. As descriptions of most types of social touch in great apes and dolphins
are scattered into various behavioral domains, we divided them into seven categories for the readers convenience, but these categories are not always mutually


Social Grooming in Mammals

Social grooming is a type of social interaction involving social touch that is

observed in various animal species (reviewed by Spruijt et al. 1992), including
arthropods and birds (where it is called preening). Because of this ubiquity, social
touch and social grooming are often regarded as synonymous; as already mentioned, Hertenstein et al. (2006) focused solely on social grooming when reviewing
tactile communication. However, social grooming or preening is only one type of
social touch.
In many mammalian species, social grooming consists of cleaning the surface of
the body with the mouth or tongue. Even excluding maternal licking of neonates to
clean their fur and the licking of genital areas to stimulate excretion, social grooming is widely observed in various mammalian taxa (Diprotodonta: Blumstein and
Daniel 2003; Artiodactyla: Hall 1983; Perissodactyla: Kimura 2000; Chiroptera:
Wilkinson 1986; Carnivora: van den Bos 1998; Rodentia: Stopka and Graciasova
2001; Primates: Sparks 1967).
In addition to primates, social grooming has been studied extensively in ungulates. Mooring et al. (2004) observed 60 species of ungulates in zoos and reported
social grooming in 19 species belonging to Cervidae and Bovidae. Although they
did not report grooming in the genus Equus, these animals are known to frequently
groom each other (Crowell-Davis et al. 1986; Kimura 1998, 2000; Rho et al. 2007).
Therefore, the figure of 19 species may be an underestimate.


Social Touch in Apes and Dolphins


Behavioral patterns of ungulate grooming are not uniform. For example, impalas
(Aepyceros melampus) groom by making upward movements with their lower incisors or tongue (Hart and Hart 1992), while horses (Equus caballus) groom with
their upper incisors (Crowell-Davis et al. 1986). Red deer (Cervus elaphus: Hall
1983) and impalas (Hart and Hart 1992) always groom unidirectionally, whereas
horses sometimes groom each other simultaneously (Crowell-Davis et al. 1986).
Among other mammals, social grooming is most frequent among primates (see
reviews by Sparks 1967; Goosen 1987). Consequently, many studies have been conducted on social grooming among various species of primates from different perspectives such as hygienic function (Hutchins and Barash 1976), reciprocity
(Muroyama 1991), exchange with support in fights by higher-ranking individuals
(Seyfarth and Cheney 1984), exchange with allomothering (Muroyama 1994), correlation with group size (Dunbar 1991), and tension reduction (Schino et al. 1988).
In general, platyrrhine primates groom less frequently than catarrhine primates, but
it has been suggested that other forms of social touch, such as embracing, are used
for similar functions in similar situations (Slater et al. 2007).
Compared to the standard grooming practices in mammals, grooming in primates
is unique because most simian species groom with their hands. Lemurs (prosimians) use a toothcomb (Rosenberger and Strasser 1985) for grooming, and thus their
grooming habits resemble mammalian standards. However, simian primates also
use their mouths for grooming. For example, patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas)
frequently groom with their mouths (Starkey et al. 1989), and chimpanzees (Pan
troglodytes) often touch their lips to the hair or skin of the groomee. Social grooming is usually performed within species, but interspecies grooming sometimes
occurs among primates (Abordo et al. 1975; Freeland 1981; Ihobe 1990; John and
Reynolds 1997).


Social Touch in Great Apes and Dolphins


Social Touch Between Mother and Infant


Motherinfant contact is critical for all primate species. An infant will not survive
without contact from his or her mother or an adequate substitute. A famous example is Harlows (1958) experiment involving the isolation of an infant rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) from its mother. The infant who was separated from its
mother clung more often to a substitute mother made of cloth that did not provide
milk than to a substitute mother made of wire that did provide milk. It may be ethically inappropriate to conduct such experiments on apes, but in sanctuaries,
orphaned infant apes need to be constantly hugged by human caretakers, and when


M. Nakamura and M. Sakai

this is not possible, the infants often hug each other. These observations suggest
that great ape infants also need to constantly touch other individuals (usually their
own mothers).
In fact, except for some nidicolous primates such as galagos and tarsiers, most
primate infants maintain continuous contact with their mother by clinging to their
mothers belly for a long time after birth. Great apes are no exception, and infants
cling to their mother for at least a few months after birth. For the first several days,
the mother supports the infant with her hands and thighs (van Lawick-Goodall
1967; van Schaik 2004). After several days, the infant can cling to its mothers belly
on its own by grasping the hair. As the motor skills of the infants develop, the time
they spend on their mothers back gradually increases [chimpanzee: van LawickGoodall 1967; gorilla (Gorilla spp.): Fossey 1979; bonobo (Pan paniscus): Kano
1986]. Around this stage, infants begin to occasionally wander away from their
mother during feeding or resting, but they immediately return to their mothers belly
when they feel uneasy; this lasts until they are 34 years of age. A chimpanzee
infant first breaks contact from its mother at 16 weeks of age; it is carried on its
mothers back from 78 months to 36 years of age (van Lawick-Goodall 1967;
Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1990). A bonobo infant may ride on its mothers back at the age
of 78 months but is usually carried on the mothers belly. In fact, in an emergency,
even a 4-year-old infant may be carried on its mothers belly (Kano 1986). According
to van Noordwijk and van Schaik (2005), independence of locomotion is achieved
at about 34 years of age in gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans (Pongo spp.).
However, some may depend on their mothers, even though they are completely
capable of moving on their own. For example, a male chimpanzee at Gombe was
sometimes carried on his mothers back until he was 8 years of age (Goodall 1990).
Although other female great apes carry their infant on their belly and then on
their back, orangutan mothers carry their infant on their flank and do not change the
position to the back (MacKinnon 1974), which may be related to the arboreal nature
of female orangutans that almost never move on the ground.
Among the great apes, gorillas may be the earliest to gain independence from
their mothers. Infant mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei) maintain almost continuous physical contact with their mothers until they are about 5 months of age;
motherinfant contact is around 50 % by 13 months of age and decreases to 30 % at
36 months (Fossey 1979). Wild western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) infants remain in
contact with their mothers for a slightly longer duration; they maintain physical
contact for 100 % (median) of the time until they are 912 months of age (Nowell
and Fletcher 2007). Gorillas are usually weaned at 34 years of age (Watts and
Pusey 1993), whereas chimpanzees are weaned later: 3 years of age at the earliest
but usually at about 5 years (Pusey 1983). Bonobos are also weaned at about 5 years
of age (Kuroda 1991). Orangutans, as already seen, achieve independence of locomotion at about the same age as other great apes, but they are not weaned until they
are about 7 years of age. They maintain nipple contact and sleep in the same bed
with their mothers (van Noordwijk and van Schaik 2005), which may be related to
the orangutan having the longest interbirth interval among great apes (Galdikas and
Wood 1990). Generally, the timing of weaning and the end of bed sharing (social
touch during sleep) coincide.


Social Touch in Apes and Dolphins



Social touch between mothers and calves occurs in many species in the wild
[bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.): Mann and Smuts 1998, 1999; Mann and
Watson-Capps 2005; Gibson and Mann 2008; Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiops aduncus): Sakai et al. 2006a; Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis): Dudzinski 1998; belugas (Delphinapterus leucas): Krasnova et al. 2006;
Heavisides dolphins (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii) and dusky dolphins
(Lagenorhynchus obscurus): Sakai, personal observation] and in captivity [bottlenose dolphins: Cockcroft and Ross 1990; belugas (Delphinapterus leucas):
Morisaka, personal communication; killer whales, finless porpoises (Neophocaena
phocaenoides), Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens), and
Commersons dolphins: Sakai et al. 2013]. Social touch between mothers and calves
seems to be fundamental as it is observed widely across a variety of social structures
(e.g., group or solitary living, high or low gregariousness).
Some mothers push their newborns up to the surface just after the delivery to support breathing [spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris): Johnson and Norris 1994;
bottlenose dolphins, finless porpoises, and Commersons dolphins: Sakai et al. 2013;
belugas: Morisaka, personal communication]. Beluga mothers let their calves ride
on their backs (Krasnova et al. 2006). In many delphinids, swimming in echelon
position (the calves swim alongside their mother, roughly parallel, and at the level of
the mothers flank above the midline, but are no farther away than 30 cm: Mann and
Smuts 1999) and in infant position (infants swim with their mothers such that the
melon or head lightly touches the mothers abdomen) are typical (bottlenose dolphins: Mann and Smuts 1999; Atlantic spotted dolphins: Miles and Herzing 2003;
Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins: Sakai et al. 2010; Pacific white-sided dolphins and
Commersons dolphins: Sakai, personal observation; killer whales: Asper et al.
1988). It has been suggested that when calves swim in the echelon position, they
receive hydrodynamic benefits and mothers shoulder the cost (bottlenose dolphins:
Weihs 2004; Noren 2008; Noren et al. 2008). Maintaining proximity may be as
important in dolphins as it is in apes. However, dolphins cannot hold their infant
using hands, so mothers might keep and feel their infant hydrodynamically, especially when visibility is poor.
Mammary bump, wherein the calves bump the mammary glands of their mother,
usually using their head while swimming below her, is observed in some odontocetes (Atlantic spotted dolphins: Miles and Herzing 2003; bottlenose dolphins:
Morisaka et al. 2005; Commersons dolphins: Sakai et al. 2013; Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins and Heavisides dolphins: Sakai, personal observation ; belugas:
Morisaka, personal communication). This behavior tends to occur before nursing.
Flipper rubbing (see Sect. between mothers and calves is also observed in
several species (Atlantic spotted dolphins: Dudzinski 1998; bottlenose dolphins:
Mann and Smuts 1999; Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins: Sakai et al. 2006a; Pacific
white-sided dolphins and Commersons dolphins: Sakai et al. 2013, and mothers
usually rub their calves more often than the reverse. Mother and infant also make
simple contact with flipper to body or body to body. An infant swimming in echelon
position may also perform flipper rubbing or body-to-body rubbing with other


M. Nakamura and M. Sakai

females (bottlenose dolphins: Mann and Smuts 1999; Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins: Sakai, personal observation). See Sect. about touch to/with genital
area in mother-and-calf pairs of dolphins.


Touch in Play


Most social play also involves touch. Great apes begin to play during infancy, first
with their mother and then with others. Juveniles prefer to play with same-age peers
(gorillas: Fossey 1979; chimpanzees: Hayaki 1985). Orangutan infants play with
their mothers until they are weaned, and then they frequently play with other juveniles when they have the opportunity (van Noordwijk and van Schaik 2005). One
unique characteristic of great apes is that not only immature individuals but also
adults play with each other (chimpanzees: Nishida 1981; gorillas: Yamagiwa 1987;
bonobos: Enomoto 1990; orangutans: Maple 1982) or with immature individuals.
Patterns of social touch in play include aeroplane, finger wrestling, gentle touching, slapping, biting, kicking with the heel, tickling, stamping, wrestling, jumping
on, holding, and patting (for definitions, see Nishida et al. 1999; Palagi 2006). The
overall patterns are similar among apes, but some differences exist: for example,
tickling is not common among wild gorillas (Fossey 1979), and play slapping, tickling, gentle grabbing, and aeroplane during play between mature and immature
conspecifics are more frequent in chimpanzees than in bonobos (Palagi 2006).
Immature gorillas play among themselves by using silverbacks as playing fields:
they climb up and slide down the silverback and pull his hair (Schaller 1965).
Except during consortship, wild orangutan adult males and immature individuals
seldom stay close to each other; however, in captivity, adult males also actively play
with immature individuals, and their play patterns almost resemble those of chimpanzees and gorillas (Zucker et al. 1978). A comparative study showed that chimpanzees more often run or hit, whereas orangutans more often hold tightly with their
hands and bite (Maple 1982).


Social play involving physical contact (e.g., pushing with the rostrum) starts 2 weeks
after birth in bottlenose dolphins, and newborns plays mainly with other young
animals (Tizzi et al. 2001). Sex play with physical contact (mounting, goosing,
push-ups, and petting involving genital contact) is reported among bottlenose dolphin calves (Mann 2006).
Although a few instances of social play without social touch have been observed
in bottlenose dolphins (Mann and Smuts 1999) and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins
(Sakai, personal observation), social play with body contact seems to occur less
frequently in dolphins than in great apes.


Social Touch in Apes and Dolphins


Tactile Gestures



In great apes, touch has also been studied from the perspective of gestural communication. Although it is uncommon to include social touch among human gestures,
perhaps because hand and other body movements are studied in close relationship
to speech, in the studies of great ape gestures, social touch is often included.
According to Morris (1994), who listed 653 human gestures from many cultures,
only approximately 5 % (32 gestures) involve physical touch. In contrast, 39.4 %
(15/38) of chimpanzee gestures are tactile (Call and Tomasello 2007), as are 40 %
(8/20) in bonobos (Pika 2007), 33.3 % (11/33) in gorillas (Pika et al. 2003), and
48.3 % (14/29) in orangutans (Liebal 2007). This difference between humans and
great apes may be largely because of the different focus of those studies: Although
Morris (ibid.) focused only on greeting and symbolic gestures in various cultures,
studies on gestures in great apes have not been as limited. For example, Pika et al.
(2003) included embrace, grab, hand on, long touch (>5 s), pull, punch, prod, push,
slap, touch (<5 s), and grab-push-pull as tactile gestures, many of which are not
usually considered in human gestural studies. In gorillas, these tactile gestures
occur in more contexts than do visual and auditory gestures (Pika et al. 2003).
Tanner and Byrne (1999), who also studied gorilla gestures in captivity, included
only two tactile gestures: tactile close and tap other. In wild gorillas, touch is often
used for inviting play or homosexual behavior (Yamagiwa 1987).


It is possible that dolphins use their various postures as gestures in visual communication (Madsen and Herman 1980), in addition to their pigmentation. It is also
possible that some tactile social behaviors such as flipper rubbing, goosing, rubbing, petting, bonding, or contact swimming serve as gestures, depending on the
definition. However, no detailed studies have been conducted on tactile gestures in


Social Grooming


The frequency of social grooming varies greatly among great apes. According to a
review by Lehmann et al. (2007), the proportion of time spent in social grooming is
0 % in orangutans, 0.09 % in western gorillas, 1 % in eastern gorillas, 5.7 % in
bonobos, 8.27 % in western chimpanzees, and 11.67 % in eastern chimpanzees.
Considerable differences exist between species, but these rates should be


M. Nakamura and M. Sakai

considered as approximate figures. Moreover, we have to be cautious about this

simple quantitative comparison because many factors seem to influence these figures, such as differences in observational conditions, degrees of habituation, and
degrees of dispersal. For example, in a captive colony, bonobos spent 13.6 % of
their time on social grooming (Franz 1999).
Nevertheless, we can at least say that chimpanzees and bonobos engage in social
grooming more often than gorillas and orangutans. Chimpanzees occasionally
spend 12 h continuously grooming each other (Goodall 1965; Nishida 1970),
although differences may exist among individuals and among populations. Bonobos
can also spend more than 2 h grooming each other (Kano 1980; Kuroda 1980).
Gorillas spend less time grooming compared with time spent in proximity, and
most grooming is conducted between mother and offspring (Schaller 1965; Harcourt
1979). Gorilla males seldom groom each other when in multimale bisexual groups
(once for 10 min during 420.6 h of observation) but do so more often in all-male
groups (91 times for 26.23 h during 407.4 h of observation) (Robbins 1996).
Because wild orangutans seldom spend time with each other, the opportunity for
social grooming is rare, but they do sometimes groom each other when together.
During consortship, males groom females (MacKinnon 1974). In captivity, social
grooming was the second most frequent social interaction in an adult orangutan
group (Edwards and Snowdon 1980). In a comparative study, grooming rates did
not differ between groups of juvenile chimpanzees and orangutans in captivity
(Nadler and Braggio 1974).
The quality of grooming is not uniform among species; thus, it may not be appropriate to judge grooming solely on the basis of its duration. For example, two chimpanzees often groom each other simultaneously, and multiple individuals can be
connected in a grooming chain (Nakamura 2003) (Fig. 19.1). However, such mutual
grooming and polyadic grooming is not common for other great apes (bonobos:
Kano 1998). Furthermore, it is known that locality-specific patterns of grooming
exist in wild chimpanzees, such as the grooming hand-clasp (McGrew and Tutin
1978; Nakamura 2002) and social scratch (Nakamura et al. 2000; Nishida et al.
2004). Furthermore, facial grooming may be of special significance as well (Nishida
and Hosaka 1996). In captivity, bonobos groom the face of other individuals more
often than chimpanzees do (de Waal 1988). Although many primates, such as
macaques, groom mostly with both hands, chimpanzees often groom with one hand,
and removal movements are less frequent in such one-hand grooming (Zamma
2011). In captive chimpanzees, grooming with one hand accounted for 76.64 % of
the total grooming; 48.60 % of this was accompanied with the use of the mouth
(Hopkins et al. 2007). Such use of the mouth is also frequent in wild chimpanzees
(Nakamura, personal observation). Although ectoparasites such as lice are removed
during grooming (Zamma 2002), a hygienic function seems to be less involved in
some instances of one-handed grooming.
In bonobos, there is no grooming after copulation (Kano 1986), but short grooming
often takes place after copulation in chimpanzees (Goodall 1986). Generally, humans
are excluded in discussions on grooming, but humans do groom socially. Usually,


Social Touch in Apes and Dolphins


Fig. 19.1 Grooming chain of three chimpanzee females

it takes the form of lice removal (San Bushmen: Sugawara 1984; Efe pygmies: Bailey
and Aunger 1990), but grooming is often performed between intimate couples
(Americans: Nelson and Geher 2007) even without hygienic function.


Flipper rubbing (Fig. 19.2; Online Resource) in dolphins may be an affiliative

behavior similar to social grooming in primates (Norris 1991; Dudzinski 1998;
Mann and Smuts 1998, 1999; Sakai et al. 2006a). Flipper rubbing is defined as a
frictional physical contact in which one dolphin contacts another dolphin with its
pectoral fin (flipper). Body movements during flipper rubbing differ between species; bottlenose dolphins and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins move their flipper
from side to side (directed along the cross-body axis) actively and often repeatedly.
Pacific white-sided dolphins usually do not move their pectoral fin repeatedly, and
rubbing lasts only a few seconds. Commersons dolphins have saw-toothed serrations on the leading edge of pectoral fins and tend to use this part for flipper rubbing.
They often move their flipper back and forth (parallel to the body axis) and swim
alongside the partner with the flipper on the partners body, which may yield a frictional effect.
The majority of flipper rubbing by wild Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins is performed dyadically, and the participation of three or more dolphins is very rare
(Sakai et al. 2006a). Dolphins often switch roles: the rubbing individual is subsequently rubbed by the partner. The face is rubbed significantly more frequently than


M. Nakamura and M. Sakai

Fig. 19.2 Flipper-to-body rubbing in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (A movie of this behavior
is available as an online material at doi: 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_19.) A dolphin rubbed the
genital area of the other dolphin by moving its left pectoral fin

would be expected by its share of the total body surface. The animal being rubbed
tends to have initiated the interaction, while the animal who is rubbing the partner
tends to terminate it. The animal being rubbed often assume various postures (e.g.,
side-up, upside-down), while the rubbing animal usually remain horizontal. These
observations suggest that the former receives some benefit during flipper rubbing.
Dolphins around Mikura Island, Tokyo, Japan, tend to rub with the left flipper
(Sakai et al. 2006b). Similar left-side bias exists in adult male Commersons dolphins, as 92 % of vibrating touches with a flipper to females were by left flippers
(Johnson and Moewe 1999), which may be related to the fact that they tend to have
their serrations on their left flippers (Goodall et al. 1988).
Adult and subadult Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins tend to perform flipper rubbing with individuals of the same age and sex, whereas calves do so almost exclusively with their mothers (Sakai et al. 2006a). The fact that dolphins choose their
rubbing partners suggests that this behavior fulfils some social function. Because
impalas did not choose preferential grooming partners, Hart and Hart (1992) concluded that grooming in impalas served only hygienic functions. The fact that mothers rub their calves more often than the reverse also suggests that this is a type of
caring behavior that benefits the recipients (calves). During heterosexual flipper
rubbing, males rub females more often than vice versa, suggesting that the males
impart some immediate benefits to the females, although the precise nature of these
benefits remains unclear. One possible benefit is that the frictional contact during
flipper rubbing facilitates hygiene of the body surface. Flipper rubbing seems to
effectively remove old skin from the body surface. Many small, whitish fragments
of old skin often dissipate like smoke from the part being rubbed in the wild and in
captivity (Sakai, personal observation). However, we have never seen the dolphins
rubbing parasites off the body surface during flipper rubbing, although we often


Social Touch in Apes and Dolphins


observe soft-bodied barnacles (Xenobalanus spp.) and remoras (Echeneis spp.)

attached to the body surface of the wild dolphins. Another, but not mutually exclusive, possibility is that dolphins engage in flipper rubbing to have body contact that
is simply pleasurable. When training bottlenose dolphins, stroking the body can be
an effective reward (Defran and Milberg 1973; Herman and Tavolga 1980), and
many species in captivity solicit stroking from their handlers (Defran and Pryor
1980). With respect to captive bottlenose dolphins, Tavolga and Essapian (1957)
described flipper rubbing as a precopulatory behavior, whereas Weaver (2003) and
Tamaki et al. (2006) suggested that it helps appease or repair relationships after
agonistic behavior. Tamaki et al. (2006) also made preliminary suggestions for the
functions of third-party flipper rubbing, including tension reduction by the third
party and displacement as a result of aggressive interactions.
In questionnaire surveys of odontocete behavior in captivity (Defran and Pryor
1980; Nakahara and Takemura 1997), flipper rubbing has been reported to be performed frequently by finless porpoises, Commersons dolphins, common dolphins
(Delphinus delphis), spinner dolphins, rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis),
Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins, killer whales, and false killer whales (Pseudorca
crassidens); occasionally by Amazon River dolphins (Inia geoffrensis), belugas,
harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), Pacific white-sided dolphins
(Lagenorhynchus obliquidens), bottlenose dolphins, short-finned pilot whales
(Globicephala macrorhynchus); and rarely by Rissos dolphins and pilot whales
(Globicephala sp.). Dusky dolphins and Heavisides dolphins also perform flipper
rubbing (Sakai, personal observation).
A few comparative studies of flipper rubbing suggest that there are several similarities in the characteristics of flipper rubbing among Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins,
Atlantic spotted dolphins, and bottlenose dolphins (Dudzinski et al. 2009, 2010).


Touch in Greeting, Reassurance, and Appeasement


Chimpanzees frequently touch each other in the context of encounters, social

excitement, and anxiety: the types of touch include touch face, hand in mouth,
hold hand, put hand on the back, mount, embrace (Fig. 19.3), embrace-half, open
mouth kiss, touch with lower lip, and put mouth to the body (Nishida et al. 1999).
Interestingly, touch in such contexts is not very frequent among bonobos, except
among immature individuals (Mori 1983; Kano 1986; de Waal 1988), although
this species shares many behavioral patterns with chimpanzees. For example, kissing is frequent among adult chimpanzees in the context of greeting and social
tension but is observed only in juvenile bonobos and not adult bonobos
(Kano 1986, 1998; de Waal 1988). Mori (1983) argued that such a lack of appeasement behaviors in bonobo adults is related to the lack of ritual charging displays
in bonobo males.


M. Nakamura and M. Sakai

Fig. 19.3 Embrace between adult male chimpanzees

It seems that gorillas also seldom touch in such contexts. In a wild, all-male
mountain gorilla group, the males embraced or mounted after nonaggressive interactions but not after aggressive interactions (Yamagiwa 1987); thus, such social touch
did not serve to reduce tension. In wild female gorillas, postconflict embraces generally increased tolerance between the individuals, but not always (sometimes fighting
ensued after the embrace) (Watts 1995). It may be that eye contact rather than physical contact serves as a tension-reducing function in gorillas (Yamagiwa 1992).
In wild orangutans, almost no greeting behaviors occur on the meeting of two subgroups (MacKinnon 1974; Galdikas 1979); but in captivity, behavioral patterns such as
hand fondling, touch, extend hand, grab, mouth, and kiss have been reported (Edwards
and Snowdon 1980). Many of these behaviors are common in chimpanzees.


When two groups of southern resident killer whales meet, they participate in social
behavior termed the greeting ceremony (Osborne 1986). As already mentioned, flipper rubbing might serve an appeasement function in captive bottlenose dolphins
(Weaver 2003; Tamaki et al. 2006). Contact swimming, in which one dolphin rests
its flipper against the flank of another dolphin behind the latters flipper and below
or just posterior to the dorsal fin, has possible direct benefits, including stress reduction in female Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins (Connor et al. 2006). It is also
observed in captive bottlenose dolphins (Caldwell and Caldwell 1972), wild IndoPacific bottlenose dolphins (Sakai, personal observation), and wild Atlantic spotted
dolphins (Dudzinski 1998).


Social Touch in Apes and Dolphins


Touch to or with Genital Areas



Genito-genital touch is most obvious in bonobos; in the context of social tension,

they often make genital contact with each other, represented by genito-genital
rubbing between females (Kano 1980; Kuroda 1980; Kitamura 1989). Mounting
and rumprump contact between males are also frequent, but in the strictest sense,
they do not constitute genito-genital contact. Between males, genito-genital contact
(i.e., penis fencing) is reported in bonobos but is rare (Kano 1998). Touching
between genital or perigenital areas, as occurs during malefemale copulation,
malemale mounting, and rumprump contact, may serve to reduce social tension
in bonobos; thus, bonobos use sex at moments when chimpanzees kiss and
embrace (de Waal 1988).
As bonobos seem to generalize sex in various social contexts and combinations, it is puzzling that bonobo infants almost never copulate with their mothers
(Kano 1986; Kuroda 1991). In contrast, chimpanzee infants quite often copulate
with their mothers (Nishida 1981). Captive orangutans also participate in maternal
mounting (Maple 1982), wherein a mother rubs her genitals against the genitals of
her infant.
In chimpanzees, except for the usual copulation between a male and a female,
genito-genital touching is rare (but see Zamma and Fujita 2004). Instead, genitals
are typically touched with the hands, such as holding the testes in the hand and
shaking the penis with the hand (Nishida et al. 1999), often in the context of appeasement and reassurance. Conversely, bonobos do not hold their testes in such contexts
(Kano 1998). Chimpanzee males often touch the female genitals with their hands,
and females touch each others genitals simultaneously in one group (Nakamura
and Nishida 2006).
In an all-male group of wild mountain gorillas, homosexual mountings often
occurred, but they did not seem to be related to tension reduction (Yamagiwa
1987). Touching of the genitals with the hands was also reported as a homosexual
behavior in all-male gorilla groups (Robbins 1996). In a female-only group of captive gorillas, the females also participated in homosexual behaviors (Fischer and
Nadler 1978). Genital touching occurs between male and female captive gorillas
(Hess 1973).
Although social touch in general is rare in orangutans, there have been several
observations of genital contact, including a female that invited an adult male for
sexual play by touching the nonerect penis, a male that thrust into the back of a
female, a subadult male and a subadult female that played together (bit, tickled, and
grabbed each other) after inspection of the genitals by the male (MacKinnon 1979),
and a young female that invited an adult male for copulation several times by touching the penis of the male (Schermann 1982).
Genital inspection occurs in most species of great apes. In these behaviors, after
touching the genitals with their fingers, the apes often smell or lick the fingers.


M. Nakamura and M. Sakai

Fig. 19.4 An adult male chimpanzee checking the genitalia of an adult female

In chimpanzees, males usually inspect the genitals of adult females (Nishida 1997)
(Fig. 19.4). A similar pattern is also observed in captive orangutans (Edwards and
Snowdon 1980). Gorilla mothers in captivity perform genital inspection of their
infant offspring, which is thought to promote urination and evacuation, and continues until the infants are about 3 years of age (Hess 1973). Borneo orangutans (Pongo
pygmaeus) once copulated ventro-ventrally after playful genital inspection
(MacKinnon 1979). Subadult male orangutans sometimes touch female genitals
with their fingers or mouths (Galdikas 1979).
Touching the genitals with the mouth is rare in chimpanzees, with some exceptions. For example, mothers sometimes mouth the penis of their own offspring to
calm them down at the time of weaning (Nishida 1981). In orangutans, males typically touch the genitals of the females before copulation (Galdikas 1979), and subadult males also touch genitals with their mouths. Nulliparous female orangutans
also lick or mouth the males penis during copulation (Schermann 1982). Orangutan
mothers in captivity mouth their newborn infants penises (Maple 1982). Captive
gorillas perform genitaloral contact (Hess 1973), and captive bonobos also participate in oral sex during play among immature individuals (de Waal 1988).
Many mammals usually copulate dorsoventrally; however, orangutans usually
copulate ventro-ventrally (Galdikas 1979), with the female often lying supine for
about 2540 min (up to 1 h) (Schermann 1982; Suzuki 2003). In a male gorilla
group, 16 of 98 homosexual mountings were ventro-ventral (Yamagiwa 1987).
Bonobos also often copulate ventro-ventrally, and genito-genital rubbing between
females is, in most cases, ventro-ventral. In chimpanzees, almost all copulation is


Social Touch in Apes and Dolphins



In general, the bottlenose dolphin is well known as a sexual animal (see Mann 2006).
Tavolga and Essapian (1957) reported genital contact as a part of precopulatory
behavior in captive bottlenose dolphins. In stroking, one dolphin strokes the genital
area of the partner with the tip of a fluke. In nuzzling, one animal applies its closed
snout at the genital area of the partner and then moves the snout around. In mouthing, a female takes a males genital region between the teeth. Mann (2006) defined
four sociosexual behaviorsmounting, goosing, push-ups, and sociosexual pettingduring genital contact in Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins in Shark Bay.
Mounting is manifested in dorsoventral, lateral-ventral, and ventro-ventral forms, of
which the dorsoventral is the most common (Mann 2006). Goosing occurs when a
dolphin brings his or her beak into contact with the genital area of the recipient.
Push-ups involve one dolphin pushing up the genital area of another with his or her
head, usually to clear the water. Sociosexual petting is defined by flipper-to-genital
contact, when one dolphin either strokes the genital area of another with his or her
flipper or inserts the flipper into the genital slit of another. Connor et al. (2000)
observed reciprocal mounting, in which participants exchanged roles. Up to eight
individuals participated in sociosexual bouts, and these often involved partner
exchanges (synchronous sociosexual behavior) (Mann 2006). Male calves engage
in sociosexual behavior (sex play) more frequently than female calves and adults
do. When mothers engaged in sociosexual behavior, their calf was almost always
the partner, and 100 % of the male calves mounted their mothers. Male calves also
mounted their grandmother, maternal sister, and brother. Genital petting was the
least common of the sociosexual behaviors. Nearly half of femalefemale bouts
involved sociosexual petting. In contrast, none of the malemale bouts involved
sociosexual petting.
Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins near Mikura Island also perform sociosexual
behaviors (mainly mounting: Fig. 19.5). Two to fourteen participants often
exchanged the roles of performer and recipient (Jiroumaru, personal communication). Subadult males tend to exhibit sociosexual behaviors more frequently than
other age-sex classes. Calves also mount their mothers. Mother and calf pairs (nine
instances), a subadult female pair (two instances), an adult female pair, an adult
male pair, a subadult male pair, and a subadult heterosexual pair (one instance in
each pair) were involved in sociosexual petting (Sakai, personal observation).
Instances in other species include spinner dolphins that conducted goosing in
captivity (Johnson and Norris 1994). Two captive beluga females engaged in sociosexual behavior (Morisaka, personal communication). Captive beluga males also
engaged in sociosexual behavior; male-on-female pelvic thrusting varied significantly across months, with a clear peak in March, although male-on-male pelvic
thrusting did not differ across months (Glabicky et al. 2010).
Xian et al. (2010) studied the development of the sociosexual behaviors of a captive male Yangtze finless porpoise calf. The behavior appeared at 1 month postpartum and the mother was his preferred partner, but other adults of both sexes were
also involved. Males of this species also participate in sociosexual behavior among


M. Nakamura and M. Sakai

Fig. 19.5 Sociosexual behavior in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins. Several subadult male dolphins erected their penises and mounted the other dolphin

themselves (Wu et al. 2010). Subadult males did so more frequently than adult
males; thus, this behavior was not quantitatively correlated with testicular volume.
Captive male finless porpoises in Japan tried to insert their penises into the blowholes of other males (Sakai, personal observation). Three Heavisides dolphins
chased and splashed each other, two of whom displayed an erection (Sakai, personal
observation); this suggested that they also engage in sociosexual behavior. A captive
male Commersons dolphin calf was first observed with an erection 29 days postpartum, and the calf attempted to mount his mother at 43 days postpartum (Sakai,
personal observation). The mother rubbed her genital area against the flipper of her
male calf (Sakai, personal observation).
According to Nakahara and Takemura (1997), attempts to have same-sex
intercourse are frequent in Commersons dolphins and Indo-Pacific bottlenose
dolphins; occasional in belugas, Pacific white-sided dolphins, finless porpoises,
killer whales, and bottlenose dolphins; and rare in Rissos dolphins, short-finned
pilot whales, false killer whales, and harbor porpoises.


Simple Body Contact


In addition to social touches in obvious contexts and functions, there are cases
where individuals simply make physical contact with each other. Such simple body
contacts seem to be more frequent among gorillas who do not often groom each
other and thus may be compensating for the latter with the former: female often put


Social Touch in Apes and Dolphins


their heads on the back of a silverback male or lean toward him when resting
(Schaller 1965; Watts 1992). In male gorilla groups, males spent 218 h (accumulated) of the 407.4-h observation period in physical contact with each other
(Robbins 1996).


Many captive odontocetes seek out body contact [Stenella sp., common dolphins,
Pacific white-sided dolphins, killer whales, Rissos dolphins, Globicephala sp.,
false killer whales, tucuxis (Sotalia fluviatilis), Dalls porpoises (Phocoenoides
dalli), belugas, Amazon River dolphins: Caldwell and Caldwell 1972]. Finless porpoises, harbor porpoises, Commersons dolphins, Pacific white-sided dolphins,
common dolphins, spinner dolphins, rough-toothed dolphins, Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins, killer whales, and false killer whales frequently use their flippers for
touching, whereas Amazon River dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, Rissos dolphins,
and short-finned and long-finned pilot whales do so occasionally, and beluga whales
rarely (Defran and Pryor 1980; Nakahara and Takemura 1997). There are some
reports of simple touch in wild dolphins (Atlantic spotted dolphins and Indo-Pacific
bottlenose dolphins: Paulos et al. 2008; Dudzinski et al. 2009; Aoki et al. 2013).
Several species of dolphins rub their bodies against the bodies of other individuals (bottlenose dolphins: Holobinko and Waring 2010; Atlantic spotted dolphins:
Dudzinski 1998; Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins: Connor et al. 2000; Indo-Pacific
bottlenose dolphins, captive finless porpoises, and Commersons dolphins: Sakai,
personal observation). Although this behavior seems to be a type of affiliative
behavior resembling flipper rubbing, as yet no research has clarified its functions.
Finless porpoises have a low ridge covered in thick, denticulated skin on their
dorsal side, and they use the denticulation for body-to-body rubbing. Such external
morphology may be a specialization for tactile behaviors. If so, tactile behavior is
important in such species.
Captive killer whales engage in mouth-to-mouth touch (Sakai, personal observation). Some species use the rostrum for contacting, nudging, or rubbing the body
part of another in a non-agonistic interaction (bottlenose dolphins: Holobinko and
Waring 2010; Hawaiian spinner dolphins: Johnson and Norris 1994; Indo-Pacific
bottlenose dolphins: Sakai, personal observation).


Diversity and Similarities

Information obtained from scattered descriptions in the literature shows that social
touch seems to play an important role in social interactions and that both forms and
frequencies vary largely, even among apes and dolphins.
One similarity between primates and dolphins may be that they touch others with
forelimbs more often than with their mouths, although the morphology of the


M. Nakamura and M. Sakai

forelimbs differs greatly between these taxa. Nonhuman primates have acquired
dexterous forelimbs along with opposable thumbs, but still use their forearms for
locomotion. Dolphins do not always use their flippers for locomotion, in contrast to
most quadruped mammals. The different characteristics of the forelimbs may enable
both taxa to use their forelimbs for social touch more often than other mammalian
species. Because of adaptation to the aquatic environment, dolphins cannot use the
flippers as dexterously as primates use their hands, which may be one reason that
fewer types of social touch have been observed in dolphins. As mentioned earlier,
many other mammals use their mouths for touching others, but because dolphins
cannot move their necks and some species have beaks, they do not use their mouths
for this purpose, except in dominant, aggressive, or sexual contexts.
Another similarity may be the frequent touching of genital areas. It is possible
that in both taxa, touching the genitals may have acquired some social functions
other than reproduction. It seems that they also show preferential touching of the
face, suggesting their relative interests in others faces.
Forms of social touch are not necessarily similar between species that are phylogenetically close. For example, Amazon River dolphins (phylogenetically, an older
species among odontocetes) stroke and touch, but pilot whales or belugas rarely do
so. Chimpanzees and bonobos are the most closely related among the great apes, but
the function of genital contact in these species differs considerably. This relative
independence from phylogeny implies that social touch is used flexibly. Thus, simple comparisons of the frequencies of superficially similar behaviors may not
always be useful for understanding these interactions; rather, we need to consider
the forms, participants, and contexts related to social touching.
Social structures such as the degree of cohesiveness or whether the animals are
living in the wild or in captivity may also influence the significance of social touch.
Further quantitative comparisons in relation to phylogeny, social structures, and
environmental factors may reveal the significance of the roles that social touch
serves in these complex societies.


Theories in Relationship to Social Touch

and Their Applicability

As we mentioned in the Introduction, there has been no single theory to explain

these diverse types of social touch, because social touch covers various domains of
behavior and may serve several different social functions. In this section, we briefly
review theories that might be relevant in the explanation of social touch and see
their applicability.
Zahavi (1977) suggested that aggression and other types of stressful behavior
involved in the bonding mechanism may function as a test of the strength of the
bond (test of bonding theory). This theory covers seemingly costly behaviors to be
used in the affiliative contexts by the cost of the recipient (or both participants)
enabling the performer(s) to test the reliability of the information. Some forms of


Social Touch in Apes and Dolphins


social touch, such as biting and slapping in social play, are similar to motions seen
in aggression (Bateson 1955/1972); thus, they might cause some extent of pain to
the recipient. These behaviors may be explained to function as a test for the strength
of social bonds (Zahavi 1977). However, it should be noted that even within social
play, other types of social touch, such as aeroplane, finger wrestling, or tickling, do
not seem to have corresponding motions in aggression nor do they seem painful to
the recipient.
We can think of some more direct benefits to the performer(s) in some types of
social touch. Most physical touch between mother and infant can be understood in
the context of maternal investment (Trivers 1972), in which mothers pay the cost to
increase the benefit to their offspring; this may be a simple explanation for some
types of social touch such as for nutrition, thermoregulation, protection, support for
transportation, and in the case of dolphins, support for breathing. In such cases of
social touch, how and when a mother touches her offspring seem to be directly connected to the benefit of the offspring. Conversely, in other contexts, such as in mating, there seems to be little meaning to discuss why social touch has to take place.
Because mammals inevitably fertilize internally, they cannot produce the next generation without touching the mate. Although it may seem straightforward to think
that social touch in mating contexts is basically a result of the process of copulation
itself, this does not exclude the possibility that some forms of physical touch in a
mating context play other social functions than just reproduction.
It may be useful to study several theories that explain the function of social
grooming to extend them to social touch in general. In most mammalian grooming
behaviors, there is a primary hygienic function of removing ectoparasites or debris
from the body surface (Hart and Hart 1992; Tanaka and Takefushi 1993). It is also
known that, at least in primate grooming, there are hedonistic benefits to the recipient (Keverne et al. 1989). Therefore, even without an ultimate benefit of reduced
parasites, grooming can occur with the proximate benefit that the recipient feels
good if he/she is groomed. Usually it is thought that the groomee enjoys such a
benefit, and the groomer pays some cost, at least by means of time and energy
required for grooming. Although such costs and benefits are often only presumed
but rarely measured, such assumptions have led researchers to propose theories
about this behavior. For example, grooming between non-kin is most often discussed in relationship to reciprocal altruism (Trivers 1971); grooming (= service)
can be exchanged for support (Seyfarth 1977), foods (de Waal 1997), or grooming
itself (Hart and Hart 1992). The first two possibilities may require the participants
to have some extent of cognitive abilities to remember for some time the partner(s)
and the amount(s) of service he/she made and received; however, if the participants
exchange grooming immediately, such as in impala allogrooming, they do not need
to have such cognitive abilities because they can just follow a simple tit-for-tat
model (Hart and Hart 1992). This model was originally formulated in the repeated
Prisoners Dilemma game (Axelrod and Hamilton 1981), where two individuals
reciprocate the same or similar services in a repeated sequence of bouts. Because
the tit-for-tat model is limited to interactions between two individuals, Connor
(1995) proposed the parceling model in which individuals divide service into


M. Nakamura and M. Sakai

parcels so that cheating becomes unprofitable. Biological market theory ( No and

Hammerstein 1995) summarized various kinds of social exchanges, where grooming is traded for itself or in exchange for other social commodities (Barrett et al.
1999). To apply such theories to other types of social touch, first, the many types of
social touch that are mutually performed should be excluded as they do not fit reciprocal altruism models that deal with behaviors beneficial to one party and costly to
the other. Therefore, some asymmetrical types of social touch, such as flipper rubbing, may be explained within a reciprocal altruism model, provided that touch
gives a certain benefit to the recipient, which needs to be examined in the future.
A different, but not necessarily exclusive, approach to grooming is that it is used
to generate tolerance for the coexistence of the participants. An easily understood
example is reconciliation, in which affiliative behaviors, including grooming,
increase after an aggressive interaction between the participants (Sade 1972; de
Waal and van Roosmalen 1979). Another example is tension reduction (Schino
et al. 1988), in which grooming decreases the likelihood of future aggression. Such
a social function may be useful for maintaining a cohesive social group, which
matches with the knowledge that grooming frequency increases with group size, at
least in catarrhine primates (Dunbar 1991). Dunbar (1993) further extended this to
the evolution of language, because both grooming and conversation serve as bonding mechanisms. This bonding theory may be applicable to other forms of social
touch, in that it generally increases mutual tolerance or reduces social stress after
conflicts or when conflicts are likely to occur. If physical touch decreases the tension of the partner (or both), not only grooming but also any type of social touch can
be used for this bonding purpose. Logically, the behavior does not even have to be
touch; any type of behavior (e.g., calling each other) can be used for social bonding,
but only if the behavior reduces the tension of the participants. Even though the
social bonding theory is broadly applicable, it does not explain why a certain type
of behavior, such as social touch, actually has such an effect. Thus, to explain the
evolution of social touch with this theory, we first need to confirm that touch generally reduces the tension of the participants; then, we need to test whether tactile
modality is suitable for such a function, compared to other sensory modalities.
Finally, we would like to point out that studies supporting the aforementioned
theories sometimes disregard qualitative differences between behaviors that are
given the same name. For example, although we can easily compare the extent of
grooming in different species or age-sex classes, it is not guaranteed that the same
amount of grooming has the same survival value in different species, different sexes,
or even different individuals (see also Nakamura 2003). We also need to accumulate
minute and careful descriptions of social interactions and the dynamism of animal
Acknowledgments M.N. thanks the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology, the
Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute, the Tanzania National Parks, the Mahale Mountains National
Park, and the Mahale Wildlife Research Centre for permission to conduct the field research at
Mahale. M.S. thanks the people of the Mikura Islands and the staff of Kamogawa Sea World, Toba
Aquarium, and Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan. M.N.s field study was financially supported by grants


Social Touch in Apes and Dolphins


from Japanese MEXT (#16255007, #19255008 to T. Nishida, #16770186 to M.N.) and that of
M.S. by grants from the Circle for the Promotion of Science and Engineering, the Inui Memorial
Trust for Research on Animal Science, and JSPS.

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Chapter 20

Non-conceptive Sexual Interactions

in Monkeys, Apes, and Dolphins
Takeshi Furuichi, Richard Connor, and Chie Hashimoto

T. Furuichi (*) C. Hashimoto

Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, 41-2 Kanrin,
Inuyama, Aichi 484-8506, Japan
e-mail: furuichi@pri.kyoto-u.ac.jp
R. Connor
Biology Department, UMASS-Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, MA 02747, USA
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_20, Springer Japan 2014



T. Furuichi et al.

Abstract Primates and dolphins exhibit comparable examples of all categories of

non-conceptive sexual behaviors, including sexual interactions involving immature
individuals, those involving individuals of the same sex, and copulation during the
non-conceptive period. Although mammals of other taxa also perform nonconceptive sexual behaviors, the fact that there are so many reports of nonconceptive sexual interactions among higher primates and dolphins suggest a link
between the nonreproductive use of sexual behaviors and high intelligence. This
link might be because the greater role of learning in sexual behavior expands the
possibility for sex to be incorporated into a variety of non-conceptive functions.
Non-conceptive sexual behaviors seem to reflect or be influenced by important
social factors, including affiliative relations and alliance between individuals of the
same or different sex, high social status of females, within-group or between-group
tension resolution, mate selection, and infanticide prevention. Animals may employ
non-conceptive sexual behaviors to control various important aspects of their relationships with others which they cannot control with other social behaviors, which
suggests that instances of non-conceptive sexual behaviors may serve as keys to
understanding important aspects of the social relationships or social structure of the
Keywords Bonobo Bottlenose dolphin Estrus Homosexual Non-conceptive
Sexual behavior



An interesting area of convergence between primates and cetaceans is the extent to

which sexual behavior occurs in nonreproductive contexts. An overview of these
interactions and their possible roles may lead to a better understanding of the evolution of sexual behaviors in mammals, with special reference to the relationship
between the use of sexual behaviors and large brains.
Non-conceptive sexual behavior in primates occurs in a variety of contexts and
may satisfy proximate functions such as self-satisfaction and greeting, and ultimate
functions including the formation or maintenance of relationships, strengthening or
confusing paternity, and female control of femalefemale and malemale competition (Dixson 1998; Sommer and Vasey 2006). Sexual behavior is clearly nonconceptive when it occurs between individuals whose age and sex present no
possibility of conception, such as malemale, femalefemale, adultimmature, or
immatureimmature interactions. Especially, homosexual behaviors have been
observed in many primate species, and researchers have identified and examined the
proximate and ultimate roles of such behaviors (Vasey 1995; Dixson 1998; Sommer
and Vasey 2006). Even between mature males and females, sexual behaviors may
sometimes be used for nonreproductive purposes without involvement of obvious
sexual arousal (Furuichi 1987; Dixson 1998). Copulation involving sexual arousal
and ejaculation may also be performed for nonreproductive purposes, especially


Non-conceptive Sexual Interactions in Monkeys, Apes, and Dolphins


when performed during non-conceptive periods such as during pregnancy and postpartum amenorrhea (chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii): Tutin and
McGinnis 1981; bonobo (Pan paniscus): Furuichi 1987; Kano 1992; gorilla (Gorilla
beringei beringei): Harcourt and Stewart 2007; Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata): Takahata 1982; Fujita et al. 2001; Fujita et al. 2004; rhesus macaque (Macaca
mulatta); capuchin (Cebus spp.): Fragaszy et al. 2004). Furthermore, for copulation
performed during conceptive periods, we may need to consider nonreproductive
explanations, such as infanticide avoidance by paternity confusion, if large numbers
of copulations are performed with very low probability of conception (MatsumotoOda 1999; Wrangham 2002; Hashimoto and Furuichi 2006a, 2006b).
Non-conceptive sexual behavior has been observed in a range of cetaceans
(reviewed in Bagemihl 1999), from river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) to killer whales
(Orcinus orca) to grey whales (Eschrichtius robustus), but here we derive our comparisons almost entirely from observations of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) in
Shark Bay, Western Australia, where the social and mating-system contexts of nonconceptive sexual behavior are better known than for other cetacean populations
(Connor et al. 2000).
Life history parameters of the bottlenose dolphins in Shark Bay, including age of
weaning, age of first reproduction, interbirth interval, and the duration of postpartum amenorrhea, are similar to values reported in chimpanzees (Connor and Volmer
2009). As we see here, non-conceptive sexual behavior in bottlenose dolphins is
used, as it is in primates, in both social (e.g., dominance, bond formation) and reproductive strategies (e.g., confusion of paternity). The mating system of the Shark Bay
bottlenose dolphins is characterized by a diffuse mating season in which alliances
of two or three males consort with individual females for multiple periods that are
thought to correspond to multiple estrous cycles and ovulations (Connor et al.
1996). The dolphin consortships are often initiated and maintained by aggressive
herding (Connor et al. 1992a, 1992b, 1996, 2000; Connor and Volmer 2009), which
is costly to females (Watson-Capps 2005). These costs, viewed in the context of
multiple estrus cycles, led Connor et al. (1996) to predict that infanticide played an
important role in the evolution of the bottlenose dolphin mating system. Evidence
for infanticide was discovered subsequently in at least two other populations
(Patterson et al. 1998; Dunn et al. 2002) but has yet to be confirmed in Shark Bay.
Thus paternity confusion, a common strategy females use to reduce the risk of
infanticide, stands as an important explanation for some forms of non-conceptive
sexual behavior in bottlenose dolphins, as it does in some primates.
Here we focus our discussion mainly on chimpanzees, bonobos, Japanese
macaques rhesus macaques, and bottlenose dolphins because their sexual behavior
is well studied in this area under natural conditions.
In this chapter, we include for discussion any interactions involving genital
contact or genital manipulation in sexual behaviors, irrespective of the involvement of sexual arousal. In fact, it is very difficult to observe sexual arousal of
participants by facial, vocal, and physical expressions. Although penile erection
can be regarded as a sign of sexual arousal in males, it is sometimes difficult to
confirm penile erection during field observations. Furthermore, penile erection is


T. Furuichi et al.

sometimes observed in apparently nonreproductive interactions such as agonistic

interactions, display, and play. Sexual arousal of females may sometimes be
expressed by estrous calls, approaches, and presenting behavior, but copulation
between adult males and females is not always preceded by these behaviors.
It seems that sexual arousal is not an essential criterion for the use of sexual behaviors for nonreproductive purposes.



Sexual Interactions Between Non-conceptive

Interactions Involving Immature Individuals

Although copulation-like behaviors are rather widely seen in immature mammals,

bonobos are unusual among primates in that they start exhibiting such behaviors
before weaning (Fig. 20.1) (Kano 1992; Furuichi et al. 1998). Although bonobos
usually are nursed until they are 3 to 4 years old, bonobo infants start showing sexual behaviors as early as 1 year of age. Three types of sexual behaviors are observed
in immature bonobos, and these types reveal sex-based developmental differences
(Hashimoto and Furuichi 1994; Hashimoto 1997).
The first type, performed more frequently by males, is sexual behavior during
play. While hugging in the ventro-ventral position during play, participants make
mutual genital contact. This kind of sexual behavior is also found in chimpanzees
(Tutin and McGinnis 1981; Plooij 1984; Goodall 1986) and gorillas (Harcourt et al.
1981; Nadler 1986). Immature bonobos also have sexual interactions while playing
with adult males. For example, adult males sometimes hold an infant on their lap in
the ventro-ventral position while sitting, and shake the body of the infant with a foot
so that their genitals rub with each other. In most cases, the adult male does not have
an erection, so this type of sexual behavior seems to be performed without sexual
arousal (Hashimoto 1997).
The second category includes copulation-like sexual behaviors, which are
observed between immature males and mature females, but not between immature
females and mature males. Adult females usually do not resist when infant or juvenile males with erections perform penile insertions. This behavior increases in frequency with age, peaking when males are young juveniles, then declines as attempts
at penile insertion by old juvenile and young adolescent males are met with resistance by females and aggression by adult males. Thus, this tolerated copulation-like
behavior is a unique sexual behavior found in infant and juvenile males.
Copulation-like sexual behavior is sometimes seen between immature males and
their mothers, but the context of such interactions seems to be somewhat different from
those between immature males and mature females other than the mother. Although
immature males usually take the lead of the interaction in the latter case, mothers may
also initiate sexual behavior with their male offspring, using sex to soothe the temper


Non-conceptive Sexual Interactions in Monkeys, Apes, and Dolphins


Fig. 20.1 Two infant

bonobos performing
ventro-ventral copulation-like
behavior on the back of a

of frustrated or excited infants. The frequency of the motheroffspring copulation-like

sexual behavior decreases with the increasing age of the offspring and almost completely vanishes before they reach adolescence. Copulation-like sexual behavior
between immature males and their mothers is also observed in chimpanzees, where the
ages of participating males, as well as the context of the interactions, are similar to
bonobos (Hashimoto, unpublished data).
The third category is sexual behaviors that are used to control social relationships. This behavior is absent among infants. However, immature males start
engaging in sexual behaviors with adult males with increasing frequency as they
approach adulthood. Most of these behaviors are mounting or rumprump contact
that is usually performed among adult males (see following). They occur during
agonistic interactions or when party members are excited at the beginning of a
feeding session. In contrast, female juveniles are rarely involved in this kind of
sexual interaction with adult males or females. It seems that immature females do
not commit to social relationships in the group until they emigrate from their natal
group and enter a new one as adolescents. Upon entering a new group, immigrant
adolescent females frequently perform sexual behaviors with one another and with
senior adult females. Thus, the development of sexual behaviors during the immature
period in this male-philopatric species seems to reflect sex differences in social


T. Furuichi et al.

status and life history. Another type of sexual behavior in this category, unique to
bonobos, occurs when adult females hold their infant ventro-ventrally while standing quadruped and rub their genitals against the genitals of the infant. As is the case
for genito-genital rubbing among adult females (see following), this seems to be a
kind of tension-reducing behavior by mothers that follows aggression received
from other bonobos.
Bottlenose dolphins might be called aquatic bonobos when it comes to the
frequency and variety of non-conceptive sexual behavior, and in the category of
immature sex it is clear that they exceed bonobos by a considerable margin.
Although immature bonobos may exhibit sexual behavior by the time they are 1
year old (Furuichi et al. 1998; Kano 1992), male bottlenose dolphins only 2 days old
have been observed engaging in sexual behavior with their mothers. Mann (2006)
examined sexual behavior among infant Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins in Shark
Bay (average weaning age = 4 years). Sexual behavior included mounting, probing
the genital slit with the rostrum (= goosing), pressing the head into another dolphins genital area to push them up, and contact between the pectoral fin and genital
area. Approximately half the observations were same-sex interactions. Homosexual
interactions were observed much more often among male than female infants, and
those among males tended to involve pairs and trios whereas female infant homosexual behavior was limited to pairs. Male infants were also observed to engage in
sexual behavior with their mothers more often than female infants (Mann 2006).
The rate that male dolphin calves engage in sexual behavior is extraordinarily high:
some 40 times that of adult female bonobos, who have a reputation for frequent
sexual behavior. Even female dolphin infants exceed the bonobo rate by a considerable margin (Mann 2006).
Juvenile sexual behavior in Shark Bay sometimes mimics adult consortship
behavior as two dolphins will temporarily herd another, with mounting and goosing. These bouts are distinguished from true adult consortship behavior by three
characteristics: (1) role switches, as the identity of the herded dolphin changes,
(2) the herded dolphin is often male, and (3) the herding behavior ends when the
social bout ends and the dolphins return to nonsocial activities such as resting, traveling or foraging (Connor et al. 2000). Such observations support practice, dominance, and malemale bonding functions for juvenile sexual behavior.


Interactions Involving Mature Participants

of the Same Sex

Sexual behavior between mature individuals of the same sex is widely seen in many
kinds of mammals (Vasey 1995; Sommer and Vasey 2006). Although the mounting
behaviors between males are well recognized, mainly as ritualized dominance interactions, sexual behaviors between females are also observed in many primate species, and a variety of functions have been proposed for them (Vasey 1995). Female


Non-conceptive Sexual Interactions in Monkeys, Apes, and Dolphins


Japanese macaques and rhesus macaques show mounting behaviors similar to

malefemale copulation (Kapsalis and Johnson 2006; Vasey 2006). Females will
mount estrous females and even show thrusting movements. Kapsalis and Johnson
(2006) suggested that rhesus females perform the sexual behaviors to establish new
affiliative relationships and alliances, because such behavior was frequently
observed following the loss of alliance partners through artificial trapping or mortality. On the other hand, Vasey (2006) performed quantitative analyses on the probable functions of femalefemale mounting in Japanese macaques, including alliance
formation, dominance demonstration, acquisition of alloparental care, acquisition
of opposite-sex mates, reconciliation, and regulation of social tension, but none of
these functions was statistically supported. The author speculated that females perform homosexual behavior in pursuit of the proximate benefit of pleasure, and that
such behavior is a by-product of femalemale mounting that females employ to
prompt sexually disinterested or sluggish males to copulate with them.
Bonobos exhibit various other types of same-sex sexual behaviors. Among these,
genito-genital rubbing behavior, in which two females hug each other ventroventrally and rub their genitals repeatedly in a rapid lateral motion of their hip, has
received considerable attention with respect to its social roles. Similar to chimpanzees, bonobos form male-philopatric groups. Although males stay in their natal
group throughout their life, females usually transfer between groups in early adolescence (Kano 1982, 1992; Furuichi 1989; Gerloff et al. 1999; Hashimoto et al. 2008).
Therefore, most females found in a group are thought to be unrelated, except for the
case in which some related females immigrate from the same group. Compared to
males, female chimpanzees do not often participate in large mixed-sex parties or
have social interactions with each other. This tendency may be partly explained by
the lack of kin-relations among females and by forging constraints as they range and
feed alone or in small parties (Wrangham 1979; Pusey and Packer 1987; Furuichi
2006). However, bonobo females are found in mixed parties even more frequently
than males and have various social interactions with each other, including grooming, food sharing, cofeeding, and genito-genital rubbing (Kuroda 1980; White 1988;
Furuichi 1989; Kano 1992; Mulavwa et al. 2008).
Females usually perform genito-genital rubbing in two contexts. First, they perform genito-genital rubbing in tense situations when they are excited upon arriving
at feeding sites, when they hear vocalizations of different groups, and when they are
involved in agonistic interactions. Genito-genital rubbing in these contexts seems to
regulate tension, because after genito-genital rubbing females usually continue
feeding or resting in a more relaxed state (de Waal 1987; Furuichi 1989; Kano 1992;
Hohmann and Fruth 2000). Second, genito-genital rubbing promotes the establishment or maintenance of affiliative social relationships. When adolescent females
immigrate into a new group, they have no relatives or other close female associates.
In such circumstances, immigrant females tend to choose a specific senior female
with whom to associate, and solicit her for various social interactions, including
genito-genital rubbing, food sharing, and cofeeding. When these immigrants find
the senior female feeding in a certain position, they approach and solicit a bout of
genito-genital rubbing, after which they beg for food or cofeed beside her, even


T. Furuichi et al.

when food is abundant elsewhere. When two or more adolescent females immigrate
into a group around the same time, they tend to associate closely and frequently
perform genito-genital rubbing with each other (Furuichi 1989; Idani 1991).
Malemale sexual interactions are common in bonobos, including mounting and
rumprump contact (two males bring their rumps together and hit their genitals
against each other repeatedly in a quick forward-and-back motion) (Kuroda 1980;
de Waal 1987; Kano 1992). In contrast to sexual behaviors between adult females,
those between adult males are almost exclusively performed in tense situations.
Sexual behaviors may appease an excited male showing display behaviors or may
be used to reconcile immediately after agonistic interactions (Furuichi and Ihobe
1994). Interestingly, bonobo males rarely show behaviors such as hugging, touching, embracing, kissing, or pant-grunting that are well developed in chimpanzees
for greeting, conflict resolution, reconciliation, or reassurance. In these contexts,
male bonobos usually employ sexual behaviors. Also, although chimpanzee males
use pant-grunts and other behaviors to express or confirm dominance relationships,
bonobo males rarely show such behaviors. The typical rumprump contact is a symmetrical behavior, and even when they use mounting, males alternate roles as if they
are avoiding the expression of a dominance relationship. Thus the use of sexual
behaviors by bonobo males seems to reflect social relationships that are egalitarian
compared to chimpanzees.
The malemale sexual behaviors in bonobos do not necessarily involve sexual
arousal. The participants do not usually show penile erection, and even when they
do, we cannot know whether it is caused by sexual arousal or excitement. In fact,
male bonobos often show penile erection in various situations that may not involve
sexual arousal, including during display, agonistic interactions, play, and when they
find preferred foods. One of the authors, Furuichi, observed only one case of male
male mounting that involved ejaculation during his 28 months of field studies. By
contrast, malemale mounting in gorillas is usually performed in a manner similar
to malefemale copulation in terms of the behavioral pattern and vocalizations, and
ejaculation was confirmed in 2 of 97 cases, which hints at a higher frequency than
bonobos (Yamagiwa 2006).
Homosexual behavior in adult bottlenose dolphins is much more commonly
observed in males than females (Fig. 20.2). The same sexual behaviors employed by
infants, mounting and goosing, are used frequently by adults. The review by Connor
et al. (2000) concluded that sexual behavior, including mounting with erections, is
used in both affiliative and agonistic contexts. At one extreme, one adult alliance
herded a maturing male pair for more than an hour, even using aggressive vocal
signals typical of herding (Connor and Smolker 1996). The mounting and goosing
were conducted in an energetic, almost violent manner. On another occasion mounting between two allied males was clearly nonaggressive, occurring in a slow relaxed
manner. Occasionally, older larger males permit smaller male calves and juveniles
to mount them as well (Connor et al. 2000).
To examine the sexual interactions of male dolphins, one of the authors, Connor,
extracted observations of the two most unambiguous and easily detected types of
sexual behaviors, mounting and goosing, from 155 focal follows (552 hours) on


Non-conceptive Sexual Interactions in Monkeys, Apes, and Dolphins


Fig. 20.2 Mounting behavior between adult male bottlenose dolphins

alliance-forming males. Two of the alliances were categorized as young (one trio of
two immature and one mature male and one pair of maturing males), three alliances
were mature (one pair and two trios), and two alliances (a pair and a trio) were considered old mature based on extensive ventral speckling (Connor et al. 2000).
Other males were occasionally present during follows.
Sexual behavior (goosing or mounting) was observed in 54 of the 155 follows.
There were interesting differences in the sexual behavior of older and younger
males as well as in heterosexual versus homosexual interactions. Following Mann
(2006), any sexual behavior that followed another within 5 min was considered to
be part of the same bout. Considering first the recipients of sexual behavior, an individual was scored as a recipient only once per alliance per follow, regardless of the
number of mounts or gooses he or she received during the follow. Young males
targeted males (23) more than females (15) for sexual interactions whereas mature
and old mature males targeted females (24) more than males (14) (2 = 4.266,
p = 0.039). Eighteen females were recipients of sexual behavior from mature males
but the 15 bouts by young males were distributed among only 7 females. Of the 13
males targeted by young males, 9 were also in the young (juvenile or maturing)
category while 4 were mature males. Of the 7 males targeted by mature males, 5
were young and 2 were mature.
Some bouts included only goosing or mounting while other bouts included both.
Scoring a bout based on the first sexual behavior in the bout, the 15 males (9 young
and 6 mature) targeted for sex by males were more often mounted (22) than goosed
(15), while the 24 female targets were more often goosed (30) than mounted (17)
(2 = 4.515, p = 0.037). The higher proportion of mounting to goosing in malemale
compared to malefemale interactions may seem surprising, but our surprise likely


T. Furuichi et al.

reflects the fact that we understand the normal reproductive function of mounting,
but not goosing. If, for example, goosing, conducted in the appropriate manner,
serves to enhance female receptivity, then the high proportion of goosing in male
female interactions makes sense. Regardless, a key result is that homosexual interactions constitute a significant proportion of male dolphin sexual interactions for
both young and mature individuals.



Copulation Involving Mature Males and Females

During the Non-conceptive Period
Adolescent Infertility

There is a significant gap between first estrus and first birth in Japanese macaques.
For example, on Yakushima Island where wild Japanese macaques have been
observed without artificial provisioning for more than 30 years, females tend to
show first estrus in the mating season at the age of 3 to 4 years. However, they seldom give birth in the next breeding season when they are 4 years old, but usually
give birth at the age of 5 or 6 years (Takahata et al. 1998). There are no detailed
reports on adolescent infertility in other macaque species, which may be partly
because of difficulties in detecting a short gap between first estrus and first conception in nonseasonal-breeding species living in warmer environments. In Japanese
macaques, which mate seasonally in autumn, the delay of conception by a few
months results in a delay of first delivery by a year.
Adolescent infertility is also reported for female chimpanzees. In Mahale
Mountains in Tanzania, females usually show first estrus during late adolescence at
the age of 10 years (128 months), and they emigrate from their natal groups at the
age of 11.27 years. The mean number of months elapsing from immigration into a
new group and first birth was 32 months (Nishida et al. 1990, 2003). Thus, females
have a period of adolescent infertility of about 4 years if we assume that females
immigrate into a new group immediately after emigrating from their natal group.
More detailed, but atypical, data obtained from four females who did not transfer
groups until their first birth showed that females experienced adolescent infertility
for 1 year 2 months to 4 years 1 month (Nishida et al. 2003).
It is more difficult to estimate the duration of adolescent infertility in bonobos
because there has been no observed case in which females stayed in their natal group
until the first birth. Female bonobos do not usually start estrus or copulation until
they leave their natal group at the age of 6 to 10 years. Females who temporarily
joined the study groups at the estimated age of 7 to 9 years did not show estrus, but
females who joined the study group at the estimated age of 10 years performed
copulation from the beginning and gave first birth at the age of 13 to 15 years. Thus,
although there may be some error in the age estimates, there seems to be a period of
adolescent infertility of 2 years or more (Hashimoto et al. 2008; Furuichi et al. 2012).


Non-conceptive Sexual Interactions in Monkeys, Apes, and Dolphins


The function of adolescent infertility in Japanese macaques is unknown. Because

they live in female-philopatric troops where females have stable social relationships
with related females, there is no urgent need for females to form social relationships
with males via copulation. The length of adolescent infertility in Japanese macaques
is rather short and variable because of nutritional conditions. In fact, in an artificially provisioned group in Arashiyama, 3.9 % of females gave birth at the age of
4 years during the breeding season following the mating season in which they
showed first estrus (Koyama et al. 1992), while the age of first birth was delayed
under poor nutritional conditions (Watanabe et al. 1992). By contrast, the long adolescent infertility in chimpanzees and bonobos may confer a benefit on adolescent
females, because copulation with males in the new group to which they immigrate
may help establish stable social bonds and reduce the risk of infanticide. Although
immigrant adolescent female bonobos do not attract much sexual attention from
males, they show prolonged estrus, approach males, try to have various interactions,
and copulate with a higher frequency than older adult females (Furuichi 1989, 1992;
Idani 1991; Kano 1992; Furuichi and Hashimoto 2004). Adolescent female chimpanzees also show irregular and long-lasting sexual swelling, but the frequency of
copulation is not as high as that of adult females (Goodall 1986; Pusey 1990;
Hashimoto unpublished data).
In Shark Bay, some pre-parturient females may be consorted by adult males during more than one season before they conceive. However, this has not been quantitatively distinguished from the same phenomenon in females that have previously
given birth, as they may also be consorted for two or more consecutive seasons
before giving birth again.

20.3.2 Estrus During Non-conceptive Periods of Adult Females

Estrus and copulation during pregnancy are seen in many primate species including
capuchins (Fragaszy, et al. 2004), Japanese macaques (Takahata 1982; Fujita et al.
2004), chimpanzees(Tutin and McGinnis 1981), bonobos (Furuichi 1987; Kano
1992), and gorillas (Harcourt and Stewart 2007). Non-conceptive periods of adult
females occur during postpartum amenorrhea, pregnancy and during parts of the
estrous cycle that are far from ovulation.
In capuchins, copulations occur frequently outside the females periovulatory
phase, including during pregnancy and postpartum amenorrhea. Copulations
occur frequently in socially tense situations, during play, and during group formation in captivity (Dixson 1998; Fragaszy et al. 2004). Thus, capuchins seem to use
copulation for social purposes such as forming affiliative relationships or resolving tensions.
Although the period differs from site to site because of climate differences,
Japanese macaques have a mating season of 45 months around autumn, and
females show cyclic estrus during this period (Takahata 1980). It is quite interesting,
however, that many females conceived during the first estrous period but still


T. Furuichi et al.

continued showing cyclic estrus and copulated after conception (Takahata 1982;
Fujita et al. 2004). In an extreme report for a wild group in Kinkazan Island, as
many as 80 % of females conceived during the first estrous cycle but still continued
showing cyclic estrus (Fujita et al. 2004).
There are two main hypotheses for the role of estrus during pregnancy in Japanese
macaques. Females sometimes form specific relationships with certain males
through repeated copulation during the mating season, and such a relationship may
provide benefits such as support during agonistic interactions and competition over
food (Takahata 1982). In this case, females may benefit from repeated copulations
after conception. Another possibility concerns intergroup competition. In Japanese
macaques, males seeking better mating opportunities transfer among femalephilopatric troops (Suzuki, et al. 1998). When two troops meet at the boundary area
of their home ranges, females confront each other in frontlines, and males actively
fight for the troops to which they belong at that moment (Saito et al. 1998). Thus,
troops having more males may enjoy a competitive advantage. Males tend to appear
around troops that have more females in estrus during the mating season, and some
of these males continue to reside in the troop afterward (Furuichi 1985; Sprague
1989). Therefore, repeated estrus by females during pregnancy may aid in the
recruitment of males.
Female chimpanzees and bonobos show cyclic estrus (Furuichi 1987; Nishida,
et al. 1990; Wallis 1997). Even after conception, female chimpanzees may have a
further two estrous cycles (Tutin and McGinnis 1981). Female bonobos also continue showing cyclic estrus until 1 month before giving birth, although the cycles
are not as regular as before conception (Furuichi 1987; Kano 1992).
Female bonobos also show estrus during postpartum amenorrhea. Although
female chimpanzees do not exhibit estrus until the weaning of offspring at about
4 years of age (Nishida et al. 1990; Wallis 1997), female bonobos start showing
estrus about 1 year after giving birth while nursing their offspring (Kano 1992;
Furuichi and Hashimoto 2002). The interbirth interval for bonobos with a surviving
offspring is 4.8 years. If we deduct 1 year of postpartum amenorrhea and 7.6 months
of gestation, the period for female bonobos to show estrus before conception is as
long as 3 years (Furuichi et al. 1998; Furuichi and Hashimoto 2002). Why do female
bonobos resume estrus so early during lactation when there is no possibility of
Furuichi and Hashimoto (2002) showed that the variation in interbirth interval is
significantly larger for bonobos than for chimpanzees. With this finding, they suggested that the restriction for the timing of conception is less for bonobos than for
chimpanzees. The cost of travel between distant food patches prohibits female
chimpanzees from having two dependent offspring at the same time. Therefore,
female chimpanzees need to wait for the weaning and independence of one offspring before having the next. However, in bonobo habitats key food patches are
larger and many small food patches exist among those large food patches (White
and Wrangham 1988; Wrangham 2000; Furuichi, unpublished data), so the daily
range required for obtaining adequate nutrition is reduced (Furuichi et al. 2008;
Furuichi 2009). Therefore, female bonobos, traveling more slowly, may not suffer


Non-conceptive Sexual Interactions in Monkeys, Apes, and Dolphins


Fig. 20.3 A female bonobo carrying two infants. Such females have been observed both in a provisioned group (this photograph) and unprovisioned groups

the debilitating costs that two dependent offspring would impose on chimpanzees.
In fact, female bonobos sometimes give birth before their previous offspring
achieves independence, and will carry one infant on her back and the other on her
chest (Fig. 20.3). This difference may partly explain why female bonobos can
resume estrus earlier, with a possibility, although not high, of a short interbirth
The estrous period in bonobos, because it occurs during gestation and postpartum amenorrhea, is considerably prolonged. Considering various reproductive
parameters, Furuichi and Hashimoto (2002) calculated that female chimpanzees
show estrus for only about 5 % of the adult life, even if we include estrus during the
early stage of gestation. Thus, only 1 of 20 females show estrus at a time, and
estrous sex ratio (or operational sex ratio), which is the proportion of adult males to
a female showing estrus at one time, is as great as 20 if there are the same number
of males and females in a group. Because the actual number of males is smaller than
that of females, probably because of mortality from severe sexual competition, the
estrous sex ratio was lower than 20, but still as high as 4.2 for chimpanzees in
Mahale, and 12.3 for Gombe (Furuichi and Hashimoto 2002). Such a high estrous
sex ratio may have produced severe sexual competition among males that, in turn,
imposes significant costs on females. In contrast, owing to a much longer estrous
period during gestation and a long estrous period in postpartum amenorrhea, female
bonobos show estrus for as much as 27 % of their adult life. Therefore, the estrous
sex ratio was as low as 2.8 for bonobos at Wamba, even though there were similar
numbers of males and females in a group.


T. Furuichi et al.

Male sexual competition is reduced in bonobos compared to chimpanzees.

In bonobos at Wamba, the frequency of malemale aggression over estrous females
is very low. Because of the high percentage of the females in estrus, there are a
number of estrous females in a group of bonobos at a given time, which reduces
the ability of high-ranking males to monopolize females and allows for female
mate choice (Furuichi 1997; Furuichi and Hashimoto 2002). Compared with chimpanzees, bonobos form more stable mixed-sex parties. Females join such parties
more frequently than do males; female social status is almost equivalent to that of
males, females have priority of access to food, and females can control group
movements and ranging. All these advantages for females might be related to the
reduced malemale competition and female mate choice (Kano 1982, 1992; White
1988; Furuichi 1989, 1997, 2011; Furuichi et al. 2008; Mulavwa et al. 2008;
Stevens et al. 2008).
The Shark Bay bottlenose dolphins have a diffuse mating season that extends
from the austral spring though early summer. However, females that conceive during the mating season (SeptemberDecember) were often herded during the late
winter period (JulyAugust), before the mating season. Although this pre-mating
season behavior may simply reflect additional ovulations that fail to produce pregnancy (bottlenose dolphins are known to have two to seven ovulations during the
year they conceive), it may also reflect anovulatory cycles, a phenomenon also
known from captive studies (Connor et al. 1996). The evolutionary reason for
anovulatory cycles in bottlenose dolphins may be the same as that for multiple ovulatory cycles: confusion of paternity associated with reducing the risk of infanticide
(Connor et al. 1996).
Consortships with pregnant female bottlenose dolphins have been documented
in Shark Bay, but it is not clear how common this phenomenon is (Connor et al.
1996). Also, we must be cautious about interpreting such behavior in terms of
female tactics because some consortship behavior may relate more to malemale
alliance bonds than male and female mating tactics. For several years three mature
males were among a group of dolphins that were provisioned with dead fish each
day (Connor and Smolker 1995). Relationships among these three males were
highly unstable with respect to the formation of consortships with females (Connor
and Smolker 1996), and they consorted with more females in a nonfertile reproductive state (e.g., females with newborn calves) than was typical of nonprovisioned
males in the area (Connor et al. 1996). Non-conceptive herding by the provisioned
males suggests that some cases of herding have more to do with maintaining fragile
malemale bonds than conception, but the behavior may have simply been a maladaptive effect of the provisioning itself. However, a male-bonding function is supported by observations following the formation of a new alliance between two
nonprovisioned adult males in 1994; each of the first 8 days they were observed in
the new alliance they herded a different female, including one that was unlikely to
be receptive as she had a 1.5-year-old calf (cycling typically resumes when a calf is
2.5 years old), was not herded again that year by other males, and did not conceive
until the following year (Connor and Mann 2006).


Non-conceptive Sexual Interactions in Monkeys, Apes, and Dolphins



Excessive Number of Copulations with Low

Probability of Conception

Although it is difficult to know the probability of conception of wild animals, female

chimpanzees present a good example of copulation with a low probability of conception. Female chimpanzees usually resume cycling after weaning an infant, show
estrus for about 12 days before monthly ovulation, and typically exhibit five to nine
cycles before conception (Hasegawa and Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1983; Nishida et al.
1990; Wallis 1997). They show high proceptivity during estrus, especially during
the periovulatory periods when the frequency of copulation is very high (Tutin
1979; Wrangham 2002; Hashimoto and Furuichi 2006a, 2006b). In an extreme case
in the Kalinzu Forest, Uganda, when high-ranking males failed to herd an estrous
female, the female copulated more than 60 times with 12 males in a day (Furuichi,
personal observation). Although female bonobos show estrus during a larger proportion of their adult life than do chimpanzees, the frequency of copulation during
the estrous period is much higher for female chimpanzees than for female bonobos
(Furuichi and Hashimoto 2002). It is estimated that female chimpanzees sometimes
copulate several hundred or even more than a thousand times from the initiation of
estrus to conception (Matsumoto-Oda 1999; Wrangham 2002; Hashimoto and
Furuichi 2006a, 2006b; Watts 2007). If the possibility of conceiving during a given
copulation is extremely low, we may need to consider such copulation as a kind of
non-conceptive sexual behavior and to seek to understand the benefit for females.
Why do female chimpanzees need to perform such a large number of copulations?
Why do not female chimpanzees conceive on the first ovulation even if they copulate numerous times with many males during the periovulatory period?
To date, a number of hypotheses have been proposed for the role of such an
excessive number of copulations. Females may choose a desirable father of the
offspring through sperm competition (best male hypothesis), females may copulate
with many males to form or maintain familiar relationships with males (many males
hypothesis), females may use such a high frequency of copulation as a social passport, or females may copulate with many males to avoid infanticide by confusing
paternity (Boesch and Boesch-Achermann 2000; Furuichi and Hashimoto 2002;
Wrangham 2002).
To distinguish among these hypotheses, it would be useful to have a better understanding of the proximate factors involved, including the hormonal and genetic
mechanisms underlying the low probability of conception. Studies on human
females showed that there is a graded continuum from fully fecund ovarian cycles
through follicular and luteal suppression, anovulation, oligomenorrhea, to amenorrhea, and that ovulation is strongly impacted by nutritional condition (Ellison et al.
1993). If females show fecund ovarian cycles from the beginning but do not achieve
successful conception for 5 to 9 months, we may need to consider whether there
exists a threshold for the combination of genotypes, such as complementary major
histocompatibility complex (MHC) types. In this case the best male is not an


T. Furuichi et al.

absolute standard but is relative to the females genotype. On the other hand, if
females show estrus without fecund ovarian cycles, we may need to consider
possible social factors that favored the evolution of a female pseudo-estrus.
During the year they conceive, female bottlenose dolphins in Shark Bay are consorted by male alliances for varying periods of time that may span several months
or longer (Connor et al. 1996). Such extended attractive periods may correspond to
the multiple ovulations and, as we noted, even anovulatory cycles. Evidence that
consortships are coerced is observed in about half the cases (Connor et al. 1996;
Watson-Capps 2005) and, given the difficulty of observing the brief episodes of
consortship aggression, the actual percentage is likely much higher (see Connor and
Volmer 2009). The costs of enduring aggressively maintained consortships (see
Watson-Capps 2005) focuses our attention on the nature of the benefits to multiple
cycling that would outweigh such costs. Connor et al. (1996) suggested that paternity confusion to reduce infanticide risk was the likely answer, and infanticide was
soon discovered in European and North American populations (Patterson et al.
1998; Dunn et al. 2002). To a large extent dolphin infanticide is cryptic, because
the lethal wounds from blows are internal and an infant victim that strands may not
exhibit obvious injury.



When we enumerate non-conceptive sexual interactions in nonhuman primates and

dolphins, we realize that such behavior covers a range of phenomena with an equally
impressive variety of possible explanations. It was surprising that primates and dolphins exhibit comparable examples of all categories of non-conceptive sexual
behaviors (Table 20.1). There are many more reports on non-conceptive sexual
behaviors in other mammal species (Dixson 1998; Sommer and Vasey 2006).
Furthermore, because it is difficult to know the periods of pregnancy, postpartum
amenorrhea, and cases of low probability of conception of wild animal populations,
many more instances of non-conceptive copulation will be found when we carry out
long-term detailed observation of animals. Nevertheless, the fact that there are so
many reports of non-conceptive sexual interactions among primates and dolphins
may tell us something important about the evolution of the nonreproductive use of
sexual behaviors and high intelligence. An important role for learning in sexual
behavior, for at least some primates, is clear. Some higher primates have difficulties
in performing copulation if they are raised in isolation. The implication that learning plays a role in sexual behavior likely expands the possibility for sex to be incorporated into a greater variety of nonreproductive functions.
Each example of non-conceptive sexual behavior that we discussed in this chapter seems to reflect or be influenced by important social factors. Copulation during
the postconception periods in Japanese macaques may provide important roles for
female social status or intergroup conflict. Homosexual behaviors among female
macaques seem to contribute to the formation of affiliative relationships under

Non-conceptive Sexual Interactions in Monkeys, Apes, and Dolphins

Table 20.1 Non-conceptive sexual behaviors and proposed functions

Nonhuman primates
1. Sexual interactions between non-conceptive participants
(a) Involving
Sexual behavior performed during play
Observed among immatures in chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, etc.
More frequently performed by males (bonobos)
Also observed between immatures and adult males
Copulation-like behaviors
Observed between immature males and non-kin adult females,
but not between immature females and adult males, in bonobos and
Adult females show great tolerance
Decreases in older juvenile years or early adolescence because of
increased intolerance of adult males and females
Copulation-like behavior with mother
Observed in chimpanzees and bonobos
Immature males usually take the lead with sexual arousal
Mothers sometimes take the lead for soothing the temper
of frustrated or excited infants
Almost completely disappears before sexual maturity
Sexual behavior for the control of social relationships
Observed in many primate species (mounting) and in bonobos
(rumprump contact)
Mostly observed between immature males with increasing
frequency as they approach adulthood (bonobos)
Immature females rarely perform this behavior, but begin performing
it frequently (genito-genital rubbing) after immigration to other groups
Mothers sometime perform sexual behavior with their infant
to control their own tension (bonobos)


Sexual behavior with nonidentified purposes

Including mounting, probing the genital slit with the
rostrum, pressing the head into anothers genital area,
and contact between the pectoral fin and genital area
Extremely frequent as compared with those in bonobos,
and more frequent for males
Performed both between same-sex and opposite-sex
Those among males sometimes involve more than two
Male infants engage in sexual behavior with their
mothers more often than female infants
Sexual behavior that mimics adult consortship behavior
Two immatures herd another with mounting and
rostro-genital contact (goosing)
Distinguished from those by adults by (1) role switches,
(2) males are often herded, (3) herding ends when social
bout ends
For practice of herding and malemale bonding

Bottlenose dolphins


Japanese macaque
Females show mounting behavior similar to malefemale copulation
Quantitative analysis did not support any functions, including alliance
formation, dominance demonstration, acquisition of alloparental care,
acquisition of opposite-sex mates, reconciliation, and regulation of
social tension: just for fun?
By-product of femalemale mounting that females employ to solicit
sexually disinterested or sluggish males
Rhesus macaque
Females show mounting behavior similar to malefemale copulation.
Establishment of new affiliative relationships and alliances, following
the loss of alliance patterns through artificial trapping or mortality
Femalefemale sexual interactions for formation or maintenance
of new affiliative relationships, soothing tension, and resolution of
agonistic interaction
Malemale sexual interactions for soothing tension and resolution of
agonistic interactions
In contrast to malemale mounting in other mammals, dominance is
rarely expressed in the malemale sexual interactions
2. Copulation involving mature males and females during non-conceptive period
(a) During
Japanese macaque
First estrus at 3 or 4 years old but usually give birth at the age of
5 or 6 years (Yakushima)
Variable and short period of infertility and unspecified benefit
Chimpanzee and bonobo
Chimpanzees in Mahale: First estrus at 10 years old and emigrate from
natal group at 11.27 years old. First delivery in 32 months from
immigration into a new group; thus more than 3 years of infertility

(b) Involving
of the same

Nonhuman primates

Table 20.1 (continued)

Males herd prepartum females for more than one season

before conception, but same may also occur for adult

Same suite of sexual behaviors employed by calves are

used frequently by adults
Much more commonly observed among males
Mounting is used in both affiliative and agonistic
For male-bonding and dominance

Bottlenose dolphins

T. Furuichi et al.

Bonobos at Wamba: First estrus occurs at immigration into a new

group at around 10 years old and first delivery occurs at 1315 years
old; thus more than 2 years of infertility
Adolescent females sometimes show noncyclic continuous estrus
Helps immigrant females establish stable social bonds and reduces
risk of infanticide
(b) During
non-concep- Frequent copulation outside the periovulatory phase including during
tive periods
pregnancy and postpartum amenorrhea
of adult
Occurring frequently in socially tense situation, during play, and
during group formation in captivity
Japanese macaque
Cyclic estrus during 45 months of mating season, but many females
conceive during the first estrus
Formation of affiliative relationships with troop males
Recruitment of non-troop males
Two estrous cycles after conception, probably because of estrogen
secreted from the placenta
Continuous estrus until 1 month before giving birth
Estrus during postpartum amenorrhea
Paternity confusion
Controls intermale aggression by reducing estrous (operational) sex
Leads to high social status of females
3. Excessive
number of
Very high frequency of copulation with many males during the estrous
copulations with
low probability Hundreds or even more than a thousand copulations during
of conception
69 months from resumption of estrus to successful conception
Various hypotheses including many male hypothesis, best male
hypothesis, paternity confusion hypothesis, and high genetic threshold

Non-conceptive Sexual Interactions in Monkeys, Apes, and Dolphins

Females are consorted by multiple male alliances for

several months or longer, including multiple ovulations
and anovulatory periods
Coerced consortships are observed in half of cases
Paternity confusion (infanticide observed in some

Males sometimes are attracted to females for periods

exceeding the duration of rising estrogen levels
Males occasionally herd females in late pregnancy,
during first 2 weeks after parturition, and the day after
the loss of a nursing infant
Consortships with nonfertile females is observed more
frequently in captivity
Herding nonfertile females for a male-bonding function



T. Furuichi et al.

some unstable conditions. Capuchins perform copulation during the non-conceptive periods to help form affiliative relations or to resolve tensions. The difference
in the sexual behaviors between immature males and females in bonobos may
reflect the life history of each sex. Prolonged estrus of female bonobos during postpartum amenorrhea and gestation may be related to the high social status of females
in their male-philopatric groups. The excessive number of copulations with a low
probability of conception of female chimpanzees may be understood as playing
roles in mate selection, formation of a familiar relationship with males, and infanticide prevention, and the homosexual behaviors and cooperative herding of females
in non-conceptive period in bottlenose dolphins may contribute to malemale
bonding. Thus, animals may employ sexual behaviors to control various important
aspects of their relationships with others that they cannot control with other ordinary social behaviors such as grooming, following, cofeeding, fighting, or displaying dominance or subordinance. This study suggests to us that studies of
non-conceptive sexual behavior may inform us about key aspects of social relationships and social structure in other species.
Acknowledgments Studies on chimpanzees and bonobos by Furuichi and Hashimoto were
mainly funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-aid for
Scientific Research, JSPS Core-to-Core program, JSPS International Training Program, JSPS
Asia-Africa Science Platform Program, JSPS Institutional Program for Young Researcher Overseas
Visits, Japan Ministry of the Environment (JME) Global Environment Research Fund, JME
Environment Research and Technology Development Fund, the National Geographic Fund for
Research and Exploration, and Toyota Foundation. We thank Drs. Takayoshi Kano, Toshisada
Nishida, Juichi Yamagiwa, Tetsuro Matsuzawa and other members of Primate Research Institute
and Laboratory of Human Evolution of Kyoto University, and Drs. Mwanza Ndunda, Mbangi
Norbert Mulavwa and other stuff of Ministry of Scientific Research of D.R. Congo for their continued support for our studies. The data on dolphins analyzed by Connor were funded by an NSF
Dissertation Improvement Grant and grants from The National Geographic Society and a Fulbright
Fellowship to Australia.

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Chapter 21

A Mix of Species: Associations

of Heterospecifics Among Primates
and Dolphins
Marina Cords and Bernd Wrsig

A dusky dolphin (right) and common dolphin (left) swim closely together in a
mixed-species group in Admiralty Bay, New Zealand. (Photograph credit: Chris

M. Cords (*)
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology,
Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA
e-mail: mc51@columbia.edu
B. Wrsig
Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University, Galveston, TX 77553, USA
J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research
and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1_21, Springer Japan 2014



M. Cords and B. Wrsig

Abstract Among mammals, associations of two or more species are likely to

involve taxa that are also gregarious intraspecifically, such as primates and delphinids. Although these two groups generally differ in habitat, diet, and the stability of
their social units, they share mixed-species association as a conspicuous aspect of
their behavior. We compare the general features of such associations in both groups
and review the evidence for particular adaptive explanations and proximate mechanisms. On the whole, delphinid associations seem more likely to involve fluid individual membership and hybridization. Random chance seems unlikely to explain
many associations in both taxa, but it can be challenging to rule out a shared attraction to environmental features as a driver. Both antipredator and foraging-benefit
functions of mixed-species grouping are more directly supported for primates than
for dolphins but are plausible adaptive explanations for both groups. Costs of association are better supported in primates, which face feeding competition and
increased energetic burden; for dolphins, these costs appear to be minimal, and
direct heterospecific social interactions, including harassment, may be more important. Vocal and visual signals may mediate associations, but comparatively little is
known about such proximate mechanisms in comparison to adaptive function. Future
study of delphinid associations will benefit from some of the approaches taken by
primatologists, including the comparison of animals in and out of association, the
correlation of association with environmental variables, and the comparison of
different communities with different demographic or ecological characteristics.
Keywords Antipredator behavior Competition Foraging Interspecific association Mixed-species association Mixed-species school Multispecies aggregation
Null models Polyspecific association



Assemblages including individuals of more than one species occur in a broad range
of vertebrates (Dickman 1992). Flocks of birds in tropical regions or overwintering
at high latitudes, clusters of tadpoles in forest ponds (Glos et al. 2007), schools of
coral reef fish, and rays resting on the floor of oceanic bays (Semeniuk and Dill
2006) are among the diverse associations of heterospecific animals reported in the
literature. Among mammals, associations are especially well known among primates, cetaceans, and savanna ungulates (Stensland et al. 2003), although they
occur among other orders as well (e.g., carnivores: Minta et al. 1992; rodents and
carnivores: Waterman and Roth 2007), and may also include nonmammalian taxa as
partners. Among mammals, the most conspicuous mixed-species assemblages
involve taxa that are gregarious intraspecifically as well, so that entire social units
are associating with one another (Stensland et al. 2003).
Biologists studying these assemblages have focused on understanding why they
occur. Some represent random meetings of animals that live sympatrically at high
densities. Others result when animals with similar needs are attracted


A Mix of Species: Associations of Heterospecifics


independently to the same environmental features, such as roosting or feeding

sites. Most interesting, biologically, however, are the cases in which heterospecifics are attracted to one another per se. We refer to these cases in which members of
one or more species are attracted to heterospecifics as associations, in distinction
to the broader term assemblage, which applies to any situation in which heterospecifics are together.
Most investigations of associations focus on their adaptive value for the members
of one or multiple associating species by identifying environmental factors that
make associating beneficial even if there are also certain costs. Changes in the environmental features related to costs and benefits have the potential to explain temporal or spatial variation in the occurrence of associations. Although such functional
investigations predominate in the literature, they have been complemented in a few
cases by studies of the proximate behavioral mechanisms that bring and keep heterospecific individuals together. In this context, researchers examine communication systems or the spatial positioning of different individuals, for example.
Although interesting in their own right, these mechanisms can also shed light on the
costs and benefits that accrue to participants in mixed-species groups.
In this chapter, we review research that has been carried out on primates and
delphinids and the mixed-species associations in which they participate. Although
both taxa form associations with taxonomically distant animals (e.g., primates with
birds: Boinski and Scott 1988; Seavy et al. 2001; Hankerson et al. 2006; King and
Cowlishaw 2009; and dolphins with fish: Perrin et al. 1973; Scott and Cattanach
1998; Das et al. 2000; with birds: Wrsig and Wrsig 1980; Au and Pitman 1986;
Camphuysen and Webb 1999; Vaughn et al. 2010; or with other mammals such as
dugongs: Kiszka 2007; sea lions: Bearzi 2006; fur seals: Vaughn et al. 2007; or large
whales: Vaughn et al. 2007; or large whales: Weller et al. 1996, Stockin et al. 2009),
we focus on those that occur among primates and among dolphins, respectively.
The two taxa are similar in being highly social but differ in social organization,
diet, and habitat (Gowans et al. 2008), factors that should relate to mixed-species
association. In particular, primates that associate with other species live in stable
groups of their own species, whereas the corresponding smaller delphinids that have
been studied to date exhibit more fissionfusion social dynamics. Primates are
largely herbivorous animals, typically including a high proportion of plant material
(fruits and/or leaves) in their diets, quite different from carnivorous delphinids. Both
fruiting trees and schools of fish typically represent spatially clumped resources for
which consumers must actively search, but plant foods are fixed in space, making
them easier to find and revisit, and setting the stage for contest competition for
access to feeding sites. The open ocean habitat of some delphinids that form associations is considerably more vast and featureless than the forested habitat of most
primates, presenting additional challenges for locating prey and avoiding predators.
Although prey is abundant in the open ocean, it is ephemeral and occurs unpredictably in space and time, necessitating extensive travel by delphinids in search of a
meal. Nearshore environments provide more structured habitats for delphinids and
a more predictable supply of food, but the abundance is limited relative to open
ocean sources. As a result, and also because crypsis is a viable strategy to avoid


M. Cords and B. Wrsig

predation near shore, communities are smaller and more sedentary in such environments, thus resembling primates more closely than do their open-ocean counterparts (Gowans et al. 2008). Exceptions occur in areas where deep-water canyons or
other features are close to shore, allowing for abundant mesopelagic prey to rise
toward the surface at night, and for large oceanic-type schools of dolphins (Wrsig
and Wrsig 2010; Smultea and Bacon 2012).
Despite these differences, both primates and delphinids are among mammals in
which mixed-species association has been especially noted (Stensland et al. 2003).
For both taxa, we review the general characteristics of these associations and consider available information that explains their occurrence from a functional perspective. Specifically, we review null models, as well as the two major adaptive
hypotheses for mixed-species association. The adaptive reasons for mixed-species
association in primates usually involve improved or more efficient predator defense,
foraging success, or both (Stensland et al. 2003). Cords (2000) and Heymann and
Buchanan-Smith (2000) provide comprehensive reviews of the relevant literature
for primates, so here we focus on the kinds of observations that support these particular adaptive functions of association in primates. Similar reviews for delphinids
are not available, most likely reflecting the fact that little research on delphinids has
focused explicitly on this topic: our coverage of findings from delphinids is necessarily more descriptive. Finally, we briefly discuss proximate behavioral mechanisms that contribute to their formation and persistence.


Overview of Associations in Primate and Dolphins

Mixed-species association in primates is especially well known among African forest guenons (genus Cercopithecus: Gautier-Hion 1988; Cords 1990a; Buzzard
2010), between guenons and Colobus monkeys (Honer et al. 1997; Chapman and
Chapman 2000), and among the South American tamarins (genus Saguinus) and
Goeldis monkey (Callimico: Heymann and Buchanan-Smith 2000; Rehg 2006), as
well as the larger South American monkeys Cebus (capuchins) and Saimiri (squirrel
monkeys: Pinheiro et al. 2011). In many cases, associations in these taxa involve
three species or more. Apes, Asian monkeys, and prosimians generally seem to
associate less, although there are exceptions (Freed 2006). Although there are
reports of a single individual from one species associating with a heterospecific
group (Fleury and Gautier-Hion 1997; Tutin 1999; Detwiler et al. 2005), most
mixed-species associations of primates involve two or more heterospecific groups
moving together, with individuals at least partially spatially intermingled, over various periods. Among tamarins and some guenons, associations with a particular
heterospecific group may be essentially permanent, whereas in other cases partner
groups may join together and split apart more frequently, typically spending several
hours in association as they move together through multiple feeding trees.
Transient associations can vary enormously in duration, however, and sometimes
last for days before breaking up. In such cases, a group of a given species may associate in series with more than one group of a different species.


A Mix of Species: Associations of Heterospecifics


Dolphins form mixed-species associations especially often in deep oceanic

waters, but also near shore and over continental slopes. In deep waters, an especially
well-known association has been observed between pantropical spotted (Stenella
attenuata) and spinner (S. longirostris), dolphins, often in association with yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) tuna (Au 1991).
However, other deep-water associations are also common, especially in and near the
tropics. These associations may include up to four species of greatly varying body
size, ranging from the small-bodied Stenella spp. to much larger Rissos dolphins
(Grampus griseus) and short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus:
Bearzi 2005 provides an overview), as well as Rissos dolphins with a host of other
species (Wrsig and Wrsig 1980; Smultea and Bacon 2012). Common mixedspecies associations in nearshore waters include common dolphins (both D. delphis
and D. capensis) with common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and (separately) with dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus: Markowitz 2004). In addition, single individuals are known to associate with groups of another species in this
environment. One of many examples is an individual long-finned pilot whale
(Globicephala melas) associating with groups of Atlantic white-sided dolphins
(Lagenorhynchus acutus) over 6 years (Baraff and Asmutis-Silvia 1998); however,
it is likely that such examples simply stand out near shore because of human presence (often, tourism), and because it is dramatic to see (in the present example) a
group of smaller, lighter, white-sided dolphins with the large bulbous-headed black
pilot whale.
Mixed-species associations in delphinids differ from those in primates in ways
that reflect the nature of the social organization of the individual species involved.
As already noted, most smaller delphinids that associate with heterospecifics live in
fissionfusion societies, in contrast to their primate counterparts that live in stable
groups (Gowans et al. 2008). In fissionfusion systems, conspecific individuals
change intra- and intergroup affiliations, sometimes on an hourly basis. It is not
surprising then that mixed-species associations also tend to be ephemeral in delphinids. For example, it is unlikely that the association of Pacific white-sided dolphins
(Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) and northern right whale dolphins (Lissodelphis
borealis) seen in Monterey Bay, California, lasts longer than several hours, or that it
includes the same individuals from day to day (Wrsig, personal observation). Such
changeable individual membership in delphinid associations, along with the absence
of semipermanent associations reported in some monkey communities, contrasts
especially with primate examples. Another noteworthy aspect of interspecific relationships in delphinids is hybridization: interspecies copulations have often been
described for dolphins and other odontocetes, and photographic and genetic evidence of hybrid births is becoming quite common [for example, between Atlantic
spotted (Stenella frontalis) and common bottlenose dolphins: Herzing et al. 2003,
and short-beaked common (D. delphis) and dusky dolphins: Reyes 1996, and
Wrsig, personal observation; see also Brub 2009]. Although hybridization also
occurs among a few primate species that associate in heterospecific groups, it
appears to be rare in most cases (Detwiler et al. 2005). Quantitative comparisons
between the taxa are not possible, however.


M. Cords and B. Wrsig

Little is currently known about variation in mixed-species grouping as a function

of ecological context. Primatologists are just beginning to evaluate how the relationships between species differ across communities, whereas there are no detailed
comparisons of this sort for delphinids. In most cases, primatologists are limited to
comparing only two communities that contain a given species pair (Cords 1990a;
Holenweg et al. 1996; Chapman and Chapman 2000; Porter and Garber 2007). Both
the frequency of association and the effects of association on the behavior of those
involved may differ considerably from one community to another. With just two or
a few data points, one can usually identify some plausible explanations for why the
differences occur, but many more data are needed to use intercommunity comparisons
as an effective tool to identify the factors that drive and limit associations.
At present, we can simply say that the ecological context in which any two associates
find themselves matters substantially. Population (or group) densities of subject species, their partners, and others with whom they may interact (such as competitors)
create various demographic scenarios that are likely to influence the probability of
association. For example, some researchers have suggested, both for primates and
for delphinids, that associations with heterospecifics may occur especially often
when conspecifics are rare or unavailable as social partners (Fleury and GautierHion 1997; Frantzis and Herzing 2002). The situation of lone sociable dolphins
interacting with a school of heterospecifics may be an example of this social attraction, at least at times. In addition, demographic factors may interact with variation
in resource abundance and predator pressure, to influence diets, group size, and
ranging patterns, which in turn may determine the value and hence the frequency of
association with other species (Cords 1990a).


Null Models

Primatologists have led the way in devising methods to distinguish assemblages

that result from mutual attraction from those that are random or which reflect
independent interactions with the same environmental features. Waser (1982,
1984), considering the assemblages of mangabeys with other sympatric monkeys,
devised null models based on the physics of gas molecules. These models predict
the frequency and duration of associations between groups of different species
and were used in subsequent empirical studies to determine whether associations
occurred more often than expected by chance (Cords 1987; Whitesides 1989;
Holenweg et al. 1996; Porter and Garber 2007). Hutchinson and Waser (2007)
updated and corrected some unsatisfactory or erroneous aspects of the initial models, including the problem of statistical comparisons of observed and expected
encounter rates which, first-generation models did not address and the issue of nonrandom movement patterns which earlier models ignored despite their occurrence in
nature. Although Hutchinson and Waser commented explicitly that updated predictions of encounter durations will not alter conclusions about the nonrandom
nature of mixed-species association in African monkeys based on that parameter,


A Mix of Species: Associations of Heterospecifics


conclusions based on encounter rates or proportion of time spent in mixed-species

associations may merit reevaluation. Simulation models provide an alternative
approach for generating null expectations of association time. Whitesides (1989)
pioneered this approach in his studies of associations of forest monkeys in Sierra
Leone, some of which he found to participate in associations in excess of a random expectation. Simulations of animal movements and encounters based on random walks were also developed by Hutchinson and Waser (2007) but have not yet
been applied to mixed-species associations.
Researchers have not tested the null hypothesis of random association in dolphins using such predictive models because many of the input parameters needed to
derive a null expectation (travel speeds, group diameters, and group densities) are
poorly known or not known at all. Furthermore, no models to date capture the
dynamic group sizes characteristic of fissionfusion societies, such as those of
many of the smaller delphinids. Nevertheless, it is likely that the large-school association of spinner and pantropical spotted dolphins in the eastern tropical Pacific can
occur for many days at a time, and possibly for weeks to months (Norris and Dohl
1980), and dusky and short-beaked common dolphins have been reidentified
together for up to several weeks in summer in New Zealand (Wrsig, unpublished
data). Off the Atlantic coast of Costa Rica, common bottlenose dolphins often associate with Guyana (formerly termed tucuxi) dolphins (Sotalia guianensis), and
known individuals of each species repeatedly socialize together (often aggressively,
as discussed later), day after day (Acevedo-Gutirrez et al. 2005; May-Collado
2010). We emphasize that when members of two or more species of dolphins are
traveling together in the expanse of the ocean for even more than a few minutes,
chance seems an unlikely explanation. These cases are quite unlike the generally
short-term association of, for example, short-beaked common, Atlantic spotted, and
common bottlenose dolphins when feeding on an aggregated food supply off the
Azores (Clua and Grosvalet 2001).
The null expectations generated by gas or simulation models are limited because
they have not incorporated environmental features, such as feeding or resting sites,
that might independently attract heterospecific groups and thus bring them together.
Such ecological attractors could greatly increase the expected frequency or duration
of associations, even when heterospecifics are not drawn to each other directly, and
thus null models incorporating such factors would provide a more conservative
benchmark against which to compare observed values. Primates are well known to
share certain resources, such as large fruiting trees in their forest habitats. Waser and
Case (1981) derived a model to explain competitive relationships between monkey
species based on the chances of each species finding a common feeding site and the
chances of one group supplanting another there. The model can be used to predict
encounter rates between species. Although Skorupa (1983) later challenged application of this model to the Kibale Forest monkey data to which it was originally
applied, suggesting that variable land tenure systems need to be accounted for, this
model remains one of the only attempts to generate quantitative predictions about
how often heterospecifics should congregate at a common resource without being
attracted to one another per se.


M. Cords and B. Wrsig

Again, however, no such model has been developed for or applied to associations
of delphinids. It seems clear, however, that, some delphinid associations are simply
aggregations around shared food. Such aggregation has been reasonably well described,
for example, for short-beaked common dolphins and common bottlenose dolphins
near the Azores (Clua and Grosvalet 2001). The common dolphins appear to herd prey
fish into tight balls near the surface, and bottlenose dolphins at times show up and at
least temporarily displace the common dolphins to feed on the ball of fish.
Another argument against more complex null hypotheses incorporating attractive resources comes from the behavior of associating individuals: if a particular
resource brings them together, then associations should occur only or mainly in the
presence of that resource. Such an evaluation may sometimes be straightforward,
but we emphasize three further points. First, some animals, including many forest
monkeys, eat from a wide variety of plants, which they prefer to different degrees.
In such cases, it may not be straightforward for an observer to differentiate the particularly attractive food resources that drive ranging decisions from those eaten
opportunistically when an animal happens to pass by, and yet this distinction is
important for ruling out resource-based associations by this method. However, this
concern may be minimal in cases where associations continue for many hours, as
when heterospecific monkeys pass through a series of feeding trees together: an
identical long route through an array of potential feeding sites is hard to reconcile
with movement decisions that are independent of the heterospecific group (Holenweg
et al. 1996; Cords 1987). Second, there may be cases in which a common resource
does bring heterospecific animals together, so association results from mutual
attraction to a resource, and yet their ensuing behavioral interactions may be far
from random. Although it is neither a primate nor a delphinid example, the coordination between badgers and coyotes hunting ground squirrels is a case in point
(Minta et al. 1992). Such examples illustrate that it is important to examine behavioral interactions, and not merely the rates of association or the amount of time that
heterospecifics spend together (Stensland et al. 2003). Third, in some cases, heterospecifics may occur together only when exploiting a common resource, and yet this
pattern results not from independent attraction to the resource, but rather from a
special motivation to exploit particular resources jointly because it is beneficial. For
example, dusky and short-beaked common dolphins seem to coordinate herding of
prey (Markowitz 2004), and it is likely that members of both species benefit from
more efficient herding (as in Wrsig and Wrsig 1980, for one species) by increasing their chance of a bigger meal. In this case, attraction to a common resource is
coupled with obvious benefits related to joint exploitation.


Adaptive Explanations: Predator Defense

Protection against predators may be enhanced in mixed-species groups through

various behavioral mechanisms including improved early warning (because additional eyes and ears, possibly tuned to different types or locations of predators, are


A Mix of Species: Associations of Heterospecifics


available), greater ability to evade detection by the predator (selfish herd effect),
heightened confusion of a predators attack, reduced probability of being the one
victim, and more effective active defense. Not all these mechanisms need apply in
any particular case (Heymann and Buchanan-Smith 2000). Observations that associating primate species share common predators and respond to one anothers alarm
calls (Heymann and Buchanan-Smith 2000; Eckardt and Zuberbhler 2004) generally support this hypothesis but are not critical tests. Direct comparisons of predator
success on single- versus mixed-species groups are seldom possible because predation is so rarely observed. Thus, the most compelling evidence for a predatordefense function comes from behavioral observations that correlate risk with
association status.
Where risk is variable over time, it is possible to see if it correlates with the formation of mixed-species associations. Several studies of primates have taken this
approach. For example, No and Bshary (1997) reported that red colobus
(Piliocolobus badius) monkeys in the Ivory Coast increase association rates with
highly vigilant Diana monkeys (Cercopithecus diana) during the time of year when
chimpanzees (which prey on red colobus) hunt most often. In addition, playbacks of
chimpanzee calls, mimicking the presence of these predators, induced associations
between the monkeys, or prolonged the duration of those in progress. Similarly,
Chapman and Chapman (2000) report that red colobus (Piliocolobus tephrosceles)
in East Africa form more associations in areas with higher chimpanzee density, and
at times when their groups contain a relatively large number of vulnerable infants.
Others have examined vigilance levels as a function of association with heterospecifics. Blue and redtail monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis and C. ascanius) reduce individual vigilance levels when associated with each other (Cords 1990b), as one
would expect if they feel safer in mixed-species groups. Diana monkeys reduce
individual vigilance levels when associated with Cercopithecus campbelli (Wolters
and Zuberbhler 2003). Similarly, studies of both wild and captive tamarins show
that individuals reduce vigilance levels in mixed- versus single-species groups,
although the total number of vigilant individuals increases (Heymann and BuchananSmith 2000; but see Garber and Bicca-Marquez 2001). In tamarins, there are species differences in forms of vigilance (Peres 1993; Buchanan-Smith and Hardie
1997): red-bellied tamarins glance upward more often than the saddlebacks with
whom they often associate. Captive saddlebacks in single-species groups look up
more often than they do when associated with heterospecifics, as if compensating
for the greater danger of aerial predators in these circumstances.
Mixed-species associations of dolphins may also benefit by greater protection
through early warning or at least a greater dilution effect of more animals present
when encountered by, for example, a single large predatory shark. However, there is
less information on these points than exists from the more detailed and longer-term
studies of primates, and it is primarily the behavior of animals in association that
suggests the antipredator advantages of mixed-species association for delphinids.
For example, when large delphinids such as pilot whales travel with small ones such
as Stenella spp., it is possible that because the stronger (and lower frequency) echolocation clicks of the large animals travel substantially further than those of the


M. Cords and B. Wrsig

smaller ones, a greater detection benefit accrues to the Stenella spp. as they pay
attention to the potential fright/flee movements of their heterospecific associates.
Unfortunately, there are no known data to bear on this idea. Although it is a case of
association with a non-dolphin species, we have seen individuals of mixed schools
of Eastern Tropical Pacific spotted and spinner dolphins being alerted to attack by a
large shark from behind and below (where dolphins do not have eyes, or effective
echolocation) by the rapid outward movement, away from the shark, of the tuna that
were traveling below. Thus, the dolphinsboth specieswere alerted to the presence of danger by association with tuna. Spinner dolphins feed and rest at different
times than do spotted dolphins, with different states of alertness in the two species
at any one time likely improving vigilance in mixed-species groups throughout the
day. Norris and Dohl (1980) and Norris et al. (1994) postulated that enhanced predator detection is traded off between species, and that this is an important benefit
driving associations of heterospecifics in especially dangerous shark waters of the
deep tropical ocean. The recent report of Kiszka et al. (2011) bears on this idea.
They found that spinner and pantropical spotted dolphins associated more often
when traveling than when foraging, and that they used deeper water when associated than when alone; accordingly, they suggested that spinner dolphins associate
with spotted dolphins for safety against surprise attacks by sharks while the spinners are transiting from one rest area to the next. Similarly, island- or atoll-associated
spinner and spotted dolphins tend to occur as single species, but travel in multispecies associations when far from shore, even though their diets are similar near and
far from shore (Wrsig et al. 1994).
We have no information on vigilance differences of dolphins in and out of mixedspecies associations. However, Markowitz (2004) showed that dusky dolphins off
Kaikoura, New Zealand, and the nearshore-living Hectors dolphins
(Cephalorhynchus hectori) of that same area sometimes form multispecies nursery
groups, especially in summer when killer whales (Orcinus orca) are most prevalent,
and it is possible that this is an antipredator vigilance response. At the same time,
dusky dolphins are also more often joined by generally smaller groups of shortbeaked common dolphins in summer months. However, because the common dolphins are at the edge of their range and occur off Kaikoura less often in non-summer
periods, it is not certain whether this latter affiliation is indeed in direct response to
danger from killer whales (Markowitz 2004), although this has been suggested
(Srinivasan and Markowitz 2010).
Another form of predator defense, namely mobbing, may be facilitated when
heterospecifics associate. Among primates, mobbing individuals approach and
sometimes threaten a predator while giving alarm calls: most likely this behavior
reduces the success rate of the predator, for whom any element of surprise is ruined.
For small monkeys, however, mobbing may be risky. Although sample sizes are
tiny, Heymann and Buchanan-Smith (2000) suggest that mobbing in tamarins may
be more likely when they are in mixed- versus single-species groups. Others have
concluded that mobbingincluding attacks of the predatorby heterospecifics is
an attractive service to those less inclined to engage in this risky behavior, perhaps
because they are smaller bodied and more vulnerable (Struhsaker 1981; Cords


A Mix of Species: Associations of Heterospecifics


1987; Gautier-Hion and Tutin 1988). Eckardt and Zuberbhler (2004) argued that
ready and conspicuous adult male mobbing of eagles by putty-nosed monkeys
(Cercopithecus nictitans) made it worthwhile for socially dominant Diana monkeys
to tolerate their competitors in mixed-species associations.
Apparent mobbing in dolphins has been mentioned but not well described, as the
approach by the generally smaller dolphins to their potential predators, killer whales
or sharks, is generally not as easily observed as monkeys interacting with their
predators in daylight. Nevertheless, Markowitz (2004) and the second author have
on several occasions seen dusky dolphins rapidly approaching killer whales in
apparent mobbing behavior, and Jefferson et al. (1991) postulated that similar
behavior may occur often between prey and predator.
In sum, evidence for antipredator advantages of mixed-species association is
quite strong in primates, where researchers have been able to correlate association
with risk and have witnessed asymmetries in mobbing behavior that suggest that
some associates are receiving a guard-like service from others. Some observations
of delphinids are consistent with risk-sensitive association patterns, but the role of
mobbing behavior in predator deterrence, and the influence of mixed-species association on mobbing behavior, remain largely unknown at present.


Adaptive Explanations: Improved Foraging

Improved predator defense in mixed-species groups may enable more advantageous

foraging. For example, both red colobus and Diana monkeys are more likely to feed
at or near ground level when associating with largely terrestrial sooty mangabeys
(Cercocebus atys), which are more likely to sound the alarm to terrestrial predator
models than their more arboreal partners (McGraw and Bshary 2002). Diana monkeys show similar increases in feeding at lower forest levels when associating with
Cercopithecus campbelli (Wolters and Zuberbhler 2003), which frequents lower
forest strata more often than the dianas. Similarly, mustached and red-bellied tamarins (Saguinus mystax and S. labiatus) are more likely to feed at ground level when
associating with saddle-back tamarins (S. fuscicollis) than when on their own, both
in the wild and in captivity (Heymann and Buchanan-Smith 2000). Saddlebacks
generally spend more time in vegetation nearer the ground than their associates.
Shared and improved vigilance in these mixed-species groups is well documented
(see earlier). Several other studies have documented an increase in foraging niche
width or foraging area as a function of association, and present at least some evidence that improved predator avoidance allows the niche expansion (Gautier-Hion
et al. 1983; Cords 1987; Porter 2001; Porter and Garber 2007). Many of these examples highlight a particular advantage for mixed-species groups: given species differences in the forest strata most often used, there are particular advantages to
associating with heterospecifics that are more alert to predators in certain microhabitats. In primates, those microhabitats are often height dependent.
Other foraging advantages of primate mixed-species association are known. One
species may make food available to another in a very direct way, as when mustached


M. Cords and B. Wrsig

tamarins flush insects downward where saddleback tamarins subsequently capture

them (Peres 1992a) or when grey-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena)
expose the pulp of large hard-shelled fruits which redtails (Cercopithecus ascanius)
can then eat (Struhsaker 1981). Similarly, bark-gouging marmosets (Callithrix
emiliae) may make gum available to associated mustached tamarins (Lopes and
Ferrari 1994). More indirectly, one species may guide another to advantageous
feeding sites. For example, Terborgh (1983) and Cords (1987) argued that members
of a species with a larger home range (squirrel monkeys, Saimiri sciureus, and redtails, respectively) benefited from associating with groups of a sympatric species
with smaller ranges (capuchins, Cebus apella and C. albifrons, and blue monkeys,
respectively) by avoiding areas recently depleted by the latter. Their arguments
were somewhat indirect, however, based primarily on ranging patterns rather than
direct assessments of food discovery rate. In addition, the frequency of association
correlated with dietary overlap, as expected if finding shared food sources is a primary advantage of associating. Podolsky (1990), measuring feeding time on different kinds of resources, added the observation that the greater swath of a traveling
mixed-species group ensured a greater likelihood of discovery of certain types of
food sources, namely smaller fruiting trees (515 m crown diameter), relative to
what would occur in a single-species group.
We have no direct information on improved foraging in delphinid mixed-species
associations. It seems likely that two vigilant species, especially if they feed at different times or in a different manner, as in the spinner-spotted dolphin system in the
Eastern Tropical Pacific (Norris and Dohl 1980), could each gain a foraging advantage from the presence of the other. Advantages in finding food may also result if
one associating species has longer-distance echolocation capabilities and the other
species is able to take advantage of this (an unsubstantiated postulation). Dusky
dolphins herd schooling fishes in shallow nearshore waters of Argentina and certain
bays in New Zealand. In Argentina, Rissos dolphins at times associate with dusky
dolphins at the periphery of their school, and it has been surmised that the Rissos
are taking advantage of larger prey that aggregate where dusky dolphins have
herded fish (Wrsig and Wrsig 1980). As already mentioned, short-beaked common dolphins in New Zealand were observed engaging in apparent coordinated
fish-herding behavior with dusky dolphins (Markowitz 2004), presumably enhancing their own foraging success, and potentially contributing to that of the dusky
dolphins. No agonistic or competitive interactions were evident between the two
species, suggesting that common dolphins were at least tolerated by the more
numerous dusky dolphins. Qurouil et al. (2008) postulate that delphinid mixedspecies associations off the Azores may more often be for enhanced foraging than
for predator avoidance or other social reasons.
As in primates, it is certainly possible that the larger swath taken up by a mixedspecies dolphin group covers more area than a single-species group traveling alone,
thus increasing discovery rate of certain prey, especially those that aggregate or
school. Furthermore, one species adept at herding prey (such as dusky and bottlenose dolphins) could have another dolphin species take advantage of this situation,
and feed directly on the herded prey (but this could lead to potentially destructive


A Mix of Species: Associations of Heterospecifics


competition), or feed on prey that have been attracted to the primary herded prey, as
suggested earlier. Other than dolphins, larger fish, small sharks, diving and hovering
birds, sea lions, and fur seals take advantage of the prey herded by the dusky dolphins
(Wrsig et al. 2007; Vaughn et al. 2008), but we know of no clear situation where
two or more dolphin species travel together while only one does the work. One
potential for such social parasitism may exist with common bottlenose dolphins
taking advantage of herding efforts by short-beaked common and pan-tropical spotted dolphins (Clua and Grosvalet 2001). Further research focusing on foraging
advantages in delphinid mixed-species asscociations will help evaluate these plausible but speculative ideas about food-finding advantages.
Finally, we must include joint territorial defense as a foraging advantage that
may accrue to certain primates in mixed-species groups. In tamarins, heterospecific
groups may form essentially permanent associations, and neighboring pairs defend
territorial boundaries against one another (Garber 1988; Peres 1992b). Garber
(1988) correlated success in these encounters with group size, but interpretation of
these results as indicating an advantage of mixed-species association is not entirely
clear because group size in his sample depended on the number of adults of only one
species, which happened to be more active in range defense (Heymann and
Buchanan-Smith 2000). It remains possible, however, that the less active partner
species benefits from the range defense of the more active one: Peres (1992b)
showed that saddleback tamarins have higher insect foraging success rates in the
center of the range which is successfully defended by the partner mustached tamarins, whereas more peripheral areas that were less successfully defended reduced
foraging rates for the saddlebacks. Outside the genus Saguinus, this kind of joint
territorial defense is unknown. Furthermore, the importance of joint territorial
defense is not supported by all studies of callitrichines (Rehg 2006).
In dolphins, there appears to be little active defense of space, except for some
specific nearshore examples. Hawaiian spinner dolphins that have entered a bay for
daytime rest may actively exclude other spinners from entering that same bay
(Norris et al. 1994), and similar site defense may occur across species, with bottlenose dolphins of northern Scotland, for example, at times being highly aggressive
against harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), and thereby probably restricting
harbor porpoise range (Ross and Wilson 1996). A similar situation may be occurring off Costa Rica, with bottlenose dolphins possibly harassing the smaller
Guyana dolphins, but here the situation is further complicated by the facts that the
same individuals co-occur, at least for some time, there is interspecies sexual activity, and some evidence for hybridization (Acevedo-Gutirrez et al. 2005; MayCollado 2010). We can conceive of mixed-species associations that form highly
integrated (although ephemeral; see earlier) societies as perhaps better keeping an
undesired third species out of the society (say, spotted and spinner dolphins coordinating against false killer whales, Pseudorca crassidens, known to prey occasionally on these smaller species; Perryman and Foster 1980), but there are no actual
data to bear on the subject.
In sum, data from primates show that association with heterospecifics can
increase access to feeding areas and particular foods in beneficial ways. For


M. Cords and B. Wrsig

delphinids, there are no comparable direct data, but aspects of the natural history of
associating species suggest possible foraging advantages that merit further study.
Research strategies similar to those used for primatesin which predation risk and
feeding behavior are related to association frequencyare likely to provide useful
information for delphinids in the future.
We close our discussion on adaptive benefits with a reminder to future researchers that the particular benefits that apply may vary considerably from case to case.
Studies of primates have shown that researchers convinced that associations are
nonrandom often look for evidence for many possible adaptive benefits, but find
only certain benefits supported in their study system. Furthermore, even in one
setting, the advantagesand their relative importancefor any one participating
species may differ relative to other participating species. Last, as already noted, the
same species may associate for different reasons in different ecological settings.
Overall, the ability to associate with other species thus seems to offer its practitioners a flexible way to solve a variety of problems.


Costs and Limits to Association

Mixed-species associations may also be costly, and costs, as benefits, may not be
experienced similarly by the participants. Although in some cases costs may be minimal (Porter et al. 2007), in others they may act to limit the occurrence of associations,
despite the benefits that could accrue (Chapman and Chapman 2000; Rehg 2006).
In primates, feeding competition is the cost most often considered, and direct
observations of contests, as well as documentation of reduced feeding rates in association, provide evidence that it is important in some cases (Cords 1987; Heymann
and Buchanan-Smith 2000; Rehg 2006). Heymann (1997) has emphasized the
importance of body weight ratios in explaining why some callitrichines do not associate: similar body weights dictate similar feeding ecology, with too much competition to allow stable associations (Heymann and Buchanan-Smith 2000). However,
to the extent that members of different species diverge in their dietary requirements
when shared food is in short supply, and share food only when it is relatively abundant, feeding competition is not a necessary consequence of association with other
species. In addition, some primate species, although socially subordinate to their
partners, have found coping mechanisms: they may rush to a feeding site ahead of
their dominant associates, to have some uninterrupted feeding time, or may linger
at the site longer (Cords 1987; Bicca-Marquez and Garber 2003). Some of the documented cases of foraging niche expansion may also reflect ways of coping with the
threat of contest competition by broadening the array of foods consumed.
Another cost for primates is the energetic burden of extra travel required when a
group increases in size and therefore depletes local feeding areas more rapidly.
Many reports of primate mixed-species association reveal that one or more associating partners increase their rate of movement in association (Cords 2000; Chapman
and Chapman 2000).


A Mix of Species: Associations of Heterospecifics


It is possible that mixed-species association in dolphins is also related to the

costs of feeding competition, although there is no direct evidence. Association may
be more common in the open ocean than along shore because dolphins in the open
ocean tend to travel great distances while feeding both on resources near the surface
(such as by pantropical spotted dolphins) and on those associated with the deep
scattering layer that rises toward the surface at night (such as by spinner dolphins).
Thus, open ocean dolphins of different species can remain together and yet diverge
in their feeding niches (Scott and Cattanach 1998); furthermore, they are so much
on the moveperhaps to evade predatorsthat they are unlikely to deplete their
resources in any one place. Their association is therefore likely to be one whose
main function is minimizing predation although, as previously mentioned, there
may be an element of differential food finding involved as well. Near shore, however, dolphins often have quite restricted ranges, as in particular bays or inlets, and
it is more likely that local food resources would be depleted more quickly, making
association more costly. Alternatively, however, reduced association near shore may
reflect reduced benefits, rather than or in addition to increased costs, in this habitat:
nearshore dolphins have the variability of the shore to hide from predators, and by
having one wall of the shoreline and another wall of the bottom close beneath them,
they may minimize the element of predator surprise. These protective walls do not
exist in the open ocean, where another species may be sought out for partial protection instead. We stress the speculative nature of these considerations, however,
given the lack of direct evidence.
Although traveling on land tends to be expensive for vertebrates (for a chimpanzee example, see Sockol et al. 2007), dolphins expend relatively little energy when
they travel (Williams 1999). Moving greater distances to minimize depletion of
local food supplies, if it occurs, is probably not an appreciable extra expense of
mixed-species associations in dolphins, in contrast to the situation with primates.
One exception is likely to hold for mothers and their young offspring, as Noren
(2008) has shown that mothers travel more slowly when accompanied by an infant.
Mothers and infants, who tend to avoid large groups that are sexually active or
boisterous, may be less inclined to move within a highly social mixed-species
group (Pearson 2011).
For dolphins, interspecific harassment seems to reach intensities not reported in
primates, and its occurrence may at times limit associations. In the clear waters of
the Bahamas, Herzing and Johnson (1997) and Herzing et al. (2003) described
larger offshore common bottlenose dolphin males attempting to force copulations
on smaller Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) and male spotted dolphins
forming temporary coalitions to ward off and mob the larger aggressors. A somewhat similar but perhaps more often aggressive set of interactions has been
described for spinner and pantropical spotted dolphins of Hawaii (Psarakos et al.
2003). There, copulations often seemed to be consensual, but spinner dolphins
almost always reacted aggressively toward spotted dolphins when the latter first
approached. Psarakos et al. (2003) speculated that although appearing to cooperate,
individuals of a dominant species are actually being aggressive toward those of
inferior status, and the copulations are not in fact consensual (as has been


M. Cords and B. Wrsig

postulated for primates; Strier 2006). It is unclear for bottlenose and Guyana
dolphins whether the larger bottlenose are indeed the dominant aggressor (AcevedoGutirrez et al. 2005). Nevertheless, copulations by like-sized species such as
short-beaked common dolphins and dusky dolphins off New Zealand appear to
be truly consensual. In both these species, both males and females mate with multiple partners, and sexual competition within each species probably occurs mainly
at the sperm volume level. The noncompetitive nature of between-species copulations may be a mere by-product of the polygynandrous mating systems (see also
Kenagy and Trombulak 1986 and Brownell and Ralls 1986) together with the proximity of heterospecific mating partners.
In sum, although the notion that costs may limit mixed-species associations
seems applicable to both primates and delphinids, the case appears to be stronger
for primates. Contest and scramble competitionthe latter reflected in increased
travel rates in associationare well documented, whereas such competition appears
relatively unimportant in open-ocean delphinids, where food is less limiting and
travel costs are low. In nearshore environments, competition could be a more important factor, but there is no direct evidence. Interspecific harassment in delphinids
has been reported and may be a form of contest competition; however, it seems to
take forms, such as forced interspecific copulations, never reported in primates.


Mechanisms That Start or Perpetuate Associations

Surprisingly little is known about the behavioral mechanisms underlying mixedspecies group formation and persistence. Among primates, studies of callitrichines
suggest quite strongly that vocalizations are important in attracting heterospecific
groups to one another (Cords 2000). Tamarins make antiphonal loud contact calls
and respond to those of other species. Windfelders (2001) playback experiments
showed clearly that a heterospecifics call was sufficient to attract association
Guenon males also produce loud calls, and Zuberbhlers work has shown that
members of one species attend to the calls of another: for example, they respond to
another species alarm call as if the predator were present (Wolters and Zuberbhler
2003; Eckardt and Zuberbhler 2004). To date, however, there is no evidence that
these male calls are related to mixed-species association, even though males of different species may counter-call in long bouts of vocalizations (Cords 1987). It has
been noted that other group members vocalize at higher rates during associations, a
difference that was significant for Campbells monkeys when together with Diana
monkeys (Wolters and Zuberbhler 2003); this increased rate of vocalization may
have an interspecific function, although other possibilities remain.
Many dolphins produce calls that sound quite similar to those of humans, but
with species-specific characteristics. Overall, however, little progress has been
made in deciphering the details of dolphin communication in any one species,
let alone in mixed-species associations. It is very likely that members of different


A Mix of Species: Associations of Heterospecifics


species can at least determine each others state of arousal, such as whether fearful
or aggressive, just as human researchers have learned to interpret some of these
basic vocal messages (Dudzinski et al. 2009). Visual communication is also possible among dolphin species. Postural stances can be shared across species; for example, an S-shaped adult body posture that seems to come from a tightening of
mid-body musculature signifies aggression (in at least common bottlenose and spinner dolphins), as does a particular type of jaw clap, tooth raking and biting, and
abrupt bubble blowing (Psarakos et al. 2003). Frantzis and Herzing (2002) report
synchronized swimming among three dolphin species in the Gulf of Corinth as
coordinating associations. Affiliative behavior may be indicated by presenting the
belly to another animal, whether of the same or different species (e.g., Atlantic spotted and common bottlenose dolphins; Herzing and Johnson 1997). Bottlenose dolphins of Isla del Coco, Costa Rica increase whistling when feeding compared to
when not feeding, and this increase may serve to call others to the feeding activity,
increasing cooperative strategies to contain the prey and thereby presumably allowing each individual to feed in a more efficient fashion (Acevedo-Gutirrez and
Stienessen 2004). Bottlenose dolphins of Moray Firth, Scotland, make a lowfrequency bray call that is food related, possibly serving incidentally to inform others as well (Janik 2000).
Adjustments to movements are a less conspicuous way of forming and perpetuating mixed-species associations. In primates, they have been described mainly anecdotally. Cords (2000) reviewed this literature, and documented adjustments of travel
rates, trajectories, habitat and microhabitat use, and scheduling of major activities.
Such adjustments may be critical in maintaining associations, because heterospecifics may move at different rates, and have different priorities related to where and
when they move. In dolphins, we suspect that one determinant of the end of an
association is when one species travels too fast or dives too deeply for another to
follow. One species may also travel outside the realm of anothers preferred habitat,
as when dusky dolphins move away from the nearshore murky water environment
preferred by their occasional associate, the Hectors dolphin (Markowitz 2004).
Understanding mechanisms that lead to the formation and persistence of mixedspecies associations can help decipher the relative benefits of participation. One
would expect the animals that have the most to gain to be most responsible for initiating or perpetuating associations. Indeed, on this basis, Teelen (2007) argued that
associations between redtail and red colobus monkeys in Uganda serve to protect
redtails from eagles, rather than red colobus from chimpanzees: the redtails consistently initiated, maintained, and ended the encounters, but it was red colobus who
suffered most from chimpanzee predation. Similarly, Cords (1987) found redtail
monkeys more responsible than blue monkeys in initiating and terminating associations, and thus corroborated more indirect evidence about the ways in which associations benefited both species, but the redtails especially. One needs to be somewhat
careful in interpreting all behavioral adjustments as indicating an interest in
(or benefit from) association: it is also possible that some adjustments are forced
upon participants who are merely coping with heterospecifics and unable to control
their presence. In dolphins, for example, it often occurs that a few members of one


M. Cords and B. Wrsig

species interact with many members of another, as in Kaikoura, New Zealand when
a dozen or so short-beaked common dolphins associate with several hundred dusky
dolphins (Wrsig et al. 2007). In these cases, the benefits to members of the larger
group are probably minimal, as are the costs, whereas the benefits for the less
numerous joiners might be substantial. The joiners appear to be tolerated, and
may provide elements of social stimulation even if they provide little or nothing in
the way of enhanced predator detection, predator defense, or foraging success.
Approaches and departures from a heterospecific association are probably more
informative than changes in activity and diet for this reason, for both primates and



Clearly our comparative review must be viewed as preliminary, given the limited
study directed to the question of between-species relations, and particularly association, in delphinids. Nonetheless, many aspects of these associations seem similar in
dolphins and the better-studied primates. Perhaps the most noteworthy contrasts
suggested by the information available concern the roles of feeding competition and
travel costs as constraints on the formation and persistence of associations. Feeding
competition appears to be an important factor in explaining variation among primates, both between species and between communities (Cords 1990a), while there
is no evidence that it is important in dolphin associations. In fact, cooperative herding of mobile prey may actually improve individual foraging success in dolphins.
Although between-species aggression does occur in delphinids, it is not yet clear if
it inhibits association despite foraging or antipredator benefits. Travel costs, higher
for terrestrial mammals and exacerbated in larger groupings for primates, are also
less likely to limit associations of delphinids as they do in primates (Pearson 2011).
Future study of dolphin associations will benefit from some of the approaches taken
by primatologists, including the comparison of animals in and out of association,
the correlation of association with environmental variables, and the comparison of
different communities with different demographic or ecological characteristics.
Given the logistics of studying highly mobile marine mammals with very flexible
social groupings, it will likely not be easy to fill in these gaps, but we encourage
fellow researchers to try!



We thank Heidi Pearson, Timothy Markowitz, Robin Vaughn, Juichi Yamagiwa,

and three anonymous reviewers for making suggestions that improved the manuscript, and Chris Pearson for the photograph.


A Mix of Species: Associations of Heterospecifics


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Abundance and social structure, 5
Abundance estimates, 259
Abundance estimates of humpback dolphins
in Hong Kong, 253
Abundant and distributed leaf
resources, 15
Accelerating decline, 264
Acoustic communication, 8990
Acoustic playback experiments, 154
Acoustic studies, 341
Active space, 156
Activity budget, 336
Ad libitum (ad lib), 336, 338
Admiralty Bay, 33
Adult male pair, 156
Affiliation, 210
Affiliative behavior, 120
Age, 154
Age at first parturition, 180, 239
Age, sex, and life-history, 317
Age-specific reproduction rate, 256
Age-specific survivorships, 256
Aggression, 208210, 276
Aggressive interactions, 58
Alliance formation, 118
Alliances, 117, 159, 210211
Allomaternal care, 163
Anchovy, 31
Animal, 336
diets, 191
foods, 56
Anovulatory cycle, 398, 400
Anthropogenic habitat change, 18
Anthropogenic pressures, 264
Anthropogenic threats, 165

Anti-poaching, 283
Apes, 179
Arboreal, 46
Argentina, 27, 90
Association(s), 348, 352, 412
indices, 34
networks, 351
patterns, 34, 339
Atelinae, 180

Baleen whales, 39
Behavior(s), 233244, 336, 371
Behavioral abnormalities, 323
Behavioral adaptations, 59
Behavioral adjustments, 425
Behavioral plasticity, 164
Berenty Reserve, 131
Between-species copulations, 424
Biases, 119
Binary networks, 348
Biological market theory, 376
Birth interval, 239
Birth rate, 103, 134
Bisexual philopatry, 118
Boat traffic, 165
Bonobo, 55, 185, 387392, 394398,
401, 403, 404
Bottleneck, 302
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.), 38, 116,
118, 151, 350, 387, 390, 392, 393, 398,
400, 404
Brachyteles hypoxanthus, 236.
See also Northern muriqui
British Columbia, 77

J. Yamagiwa and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research

and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Primatology Monographs,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54523-1, Springer Japan 2014


Calf mortality, 117
Calves, 160
Capuchin, 387, 395
Cathemeral, 337
Cebus, 179
Centrality, 347
Cercopithecines, 179
Cetacean, 175, 386387
Characteristics, 426
Chicago Zoological Society, 153
Chimpanzee, 38, 44, 160, 185, 387389, 391,
392, 394399, 401, 404
Chinook salmon, 79
Chum salmon, 80
Clan, 83
Climatic conditions, 238
Cliquish, 117
Closed/semi-closed communities, 116
Closed social unit, 116
Clustering, 347
Clustering coefficient, 124
Coalition, 55
Coalitional formation, 195
Colobinae, 184
Colobus biomass, 9, 16
Colobus monkeys, 10, 17
Common bottlenose dolphins, 320
Communication, 154
Community(ies), 54, 116, 160
Conception, 386, 394, 396, 398400, 403, 404
Conceptive, 385404
Conflict management, 208211
Conflict resolution, 210, 211
Conservation, 233244
measures, 259
status, 252, 260, 265267
Consorts, 117
Consortship, 387, 390, 398, 400, 401, 403
Contact swimming, 368
Contest and scramble competition, 424
Contest competition, 60
Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species (CITES), 284
Cool-temperate deciduous forest, 101
Copulation, 386
Corridors, 244
Cost of locomotion, 117
Cost of transport, 39
Costs and limits to association, 422424
Culture, 351, 352
Cumulative effects, 165
Cumulative impacts from human activities, 321

Daily ranging path, 218, 224
Deep scattering layer (DSL), 35
Defense of resources, 117
Delphinid(s), 38, 151
Demographic, 426
analyses, 252254, 257, 258
factors, 414
history, 51
parameters, 252
rates, 260
Demography, 233244
Density, 124
Dichotomize, 348
Diet(s), 411, 414, 418
Dietary composition, 316
Dietary diversity, 225
Dietary habits of the organisms, 316
Dietary overlap, 420
Dietary specialization, 7983
Digestive ability, 192
Dilution, 417
Disease, 283
Disease/parasitism and nutrition
interaction, 11
Dispersal, 84, 161
Dispersal patterns, 234
DNA analysis, 193
Dolphin, 387, 390, 393, 394, 398, 400, 413
Dominance, 46, 351
DSL. See Deep scattering layer (DSL)
DTags, 341
Dusky dolphins, 27
Dynamic social data, 350
Dynamic social network analysis, 121

Early warning, 417
Echolocation, 88
Ecological cul-de-sac, 165
Ecological energetic model, 189
Ecological factors, 195
Ecological life history model, 189
Ecological risk assessments, 324
Ecological specialization, 76
Ecological studies, 154
Edges, 347
Egalitarian, 238
Ego networks, 118, 122
Eigenvector centrality, 351
Elaeagnus conferta, 223
Emigration, 137, 155


Encounters, 367
Energetic burden, 422
Energy maximizers, 225
Environmental change, 164
Environmental contaminant
concentrations, 154
Environmental contaminants, 310
Environmental degradation, 258
Estrus, 188, 387, 391, 394400, 403, 404
Events, 337
Evolution, 164
Evolutionary adaptations, 235

Factors for differences in exposure to
contaminants, 313
Fallback foods, 45, 192, 225
Fallback strategies, 59
Fast-slow continuum, 175
Faunivorous, 56
Fecundity, 155
Feeding competition, 45, 157, 189, 410, 422,
423, 426
Feeding ranges, 217, 219, 220
choice, 164
competition, 131
defense polygyny, 159
dispersal, 179
dominance, 135
social network, 117
transfer, 60, 137
Female-bonded/matrilineal group, 141
Female-bonded species, 179
Female-dispersal species, 179
Female eviction, 131
Ficus, 217, 219, 220, 223
Field studies, 151
Filler FBFs, 60
First-order alliances, 117
Fishing gear, 165
Fission-fusion, 116, 118, 180, 209, 338
dynamics, 26
grouping, 59
social organization, 116
society(ies), 26, 157, 413, 415
Flanged males, 186
Flipper rubbing, 365
Focal follow(s), 33, 119
Folivore paradox, 15
Folivore social organization, 15
Folivorous, 44, 191
Food competition, 15

Foraging, 34, 412, 419422, 426

behaviour, 8789
efficiency, 214216, 224
strategies, 76
Forest-dwelling species, tropical, 10
Fragments, 12
Frugivorous, 44, 191
Fruit, 50
availability, 189
production, 107
scarcity, 51, 56

Gambit of the group, 348
Generation time, 254, 261
Genetic, 154
diversity, 290
exchange, 160
isolation by distance, 293
variation, 243
Genital contact, 369, 387, 388, 401
Genital inspection, 369
Genito-genital rubbing, 390, 391
Genus Sousa, 250
Gestation, 117
Gestural communication, 363
Global climate disruption, 165
Golfo San Jos, 33
Goosing, 390, 392, 393
Gorilla, 44, 185, 387, 388, 392, 395, 401
Gorilla beringei beringei, 274
Graph, 346
Graph theory, 346
Grooming, 120, 136
Grooming interaction networks, 351
Grooming interactions, 351
Group composition, 157
Group dismissal/eviction, 143
Group extinction, 105, 143
Group fission(s), 104, 138
Group fissioning, 242
Group fusion, 106, 138, 143
Group invasion, 137
Groups, 156
Group size, 33, 37, 46, 117, 179
Guenon(s), 412, 424

Habitat, 37, 100, 160, 250, 411, 423, 425
Habitat preferences, 293295
Habitat usage and patterns of occupancy, 314
Habitat use, 8587

Haplorhines, 175
Harassment, 191, 423
Harbour seal, 80
Harmful algal blooms, 155
Health data, 153
Health risks from contaminant
exposure, 311
Heterospecific(s), 415, 416, 418, 421
Highland, 47
High quality foods, 16
Home range, 45
Hominidae, 180
Homosexual, 386, 390, 391, 393, 394, 404
Homosexual mountings, 369
Hong Kong waters, 258
Howler monkeys, 186
Human impacts, 282
Humpback dolphins, 250, 258261,
263, 265, 266
Humpback dolphins in the western Indian
Ocean, 266
Hybridization, 413, 421
Hygiene of the body surface, 366
Hylobates albibarbis, 225
Hylobates lar, 214, 215, 218
Hylobatidae, 214

Immigration, 137, 155
Inbreeding, 89, 241, 283
Incest, 282283
Inclusive fitness, 117
Independence of locomotion, 360
Index, 348
Individual variation, 118
Infanticide, 46, 179, 280, 387, 395,
398, 400, 403, 404
Infant-licking, 136
Infant mortality, 103, 134
Infertility, 394395, 403
Insectivory, 59
Instantaneous rate of increase, 254, 261
Interactions, 348
Inter-birth interval, 54, 179
Inter-community killing, 61
Inter-group competition, 106
Intergroup feeding competition (IGFC)
hypothesis, 140
Inter-group transfers, 235
Intra-species variation, 101
IUCN Red List Categories, 253, 260

Japanese macaques, 100, 387, 391,
394396, 400
Juvenile, 118

Kaikoura, 34
Karisoke Research Centre, 274
Kernel densities, 339
Khao Yai National Park, 215, 218
Kibale National Park, 5
Killer whale(s), 32, 76, 297
Killer whale lineages, 78

Lactation, 157
Leaping, 32
Left-side bias, 366
Lianas, 219220, 223
Life history, 63, 150, 175
Life spans, 239
Life-table analysis, 254, 256, 257, 264
Lifetime associates, 117
Line transect surveys, 6
Locality-specific patterns of grooming, 364
Long-term observations, 150
Long-term studies, 55, 193
Lowland, 47

Male mortality, 118
Mammary bump, 361
Maputo Bay, 266
Marine mammals, 80
Mark-recapture analysis, 254, 256
Mass mortality, 107
Mate guarding, 159
Maternal investment, 162, 375
Mating strategies, 39, 61, 186
Mating tactics, 50, 195
Matriline, 83
Matrilineal, 84, 175
social structure, 297
society, 103
Mature leaves, 9
Metabolic capacity, 318
Mineral nutrition, 10
Mitigation measures, 165
Mixed parties, 62


Mixed-species assemblages, 410
Mixed-species association(s), 411415,
Mn neurotoxicity, 322
Mobbing, 418, 419
Monogamy, 214215, 226
Montane, 56
Monthly ranges, 50
Morphology of forelimbs, 373374
Mortality/mortalities, 155, 179
Mo Singto forest dynamics plot, 218
Mote Marine Laboratory, 153
Mother-infant contact, 359
Mountain gorillas, 274
Mounting, 389393, 401, 402
Multi-dimensional object, 352
Multi-male groups, 50, 279281
Multi-mate, 36
Multiparous mothers, 163
Multiple male groups, 193
Muriqui, 233244
Mutual avoidance, 58
Mysticetes, 175

Natal site philopatry, 161
Neophocaena, 252
Nephelium melliferum, 219222
Newborn, 117
New Zealand, 27
Niche divergence, 56
Niche expansion, 238
Nomascus, 215, 224
Nomascus concolor, 224
Non-conceptive, 386398, 400, 403, 404
Non-flanged males, 186
Northern muriqui, 234237, 244
Norway, 90
Null models, 414416
Nursery group(s), 36, 157
Nutritional conditions, 189, 195
Nutritional requirement, 51
Nutritional status, 13
Nutritional weaning, 157

Odontocetes, 175
Offshore killer whales, 78
Old world monkeys, 179
Orangutans, 185
Orcinus orca, 76
Organochlorine pollutants, 163
Ovulation, 387, 395, 399, 400, 403

Parties, 156
Party size, 54
Passive listening, 342
Patagonia, 90
Paternity, 51, 154, 386387, 398, 400, 403
Patrilocal societies, 242
Patterns of residency and range
of movements, 314
PCB. See Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)
Pearl River Estuary (PRE), 252, 258265
Permutation tests, 350
Pesticides, 163
Petting, 120
Petting/grooming interactions, 352
Philopatric males, 193, 234
Philopatry, 103, 238, 293, 340
Photographic identification surveys, 153
Photo-identification, 340
Phylogenetic inertia, 62
Physical maturity, 156
Pilot whales, 299
Pods, 83, 156
Point sampling, 337
Pollution, 162
Polyadic, 242
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), 163
Polygynandry, 37
Population, 160
Population decline, 260, 263, 264, 266
Population densities, 414
Population dynamics, 110
Population size, 259
Population size/biomass, 14
Porpoise, 81
Post-conflict affiliation, 209
Post-conflict interactions, 209
Postnatal growth rate, 179
Postpartum amenorrhea, 387, 395397,
400, 403, 404
Post reproductive, 158
Power analysis, 254
PRE. See Pearl River Estuary (PRE)
Precautionary conservation principle, 266
Predation, 61, 117, 157
Predation-feeding competition (PFC)
hypothesis, 140
Predation risk, 36, 195
Predator(s), 238
defense, 416419
detection, 418
Preferred associates, 117
Prey ball, 32
Primate-disease interactions, 18
Primates, 175

Primiparous females, 162
Proceptivity, 399
Processing adaptations, 59
Prolonged development, 118
Prolonged estrus, 395
Promiscuous mating patterns, 194
Protein-to-fiber ratios, 6, 9
Provisioning, 102, 165
Prunus javanica, 220, 222
Pseudoreplication, 340

Quadratic assignment procedure (QAP)
regression, 352
Qualitative differences between
behaviors, 376
Quality of grooming, 364
Quantitative methods, 336

Radio tracking, 341
Random association, 415
Ranging patterns, 160
RDH. See Resource dispersion
hypothesis (RDH)
Reciprocal altruism, 375
Reconciliation, 209
Recruitment, 155
Red tides, 161
Reforestation, 244
Regional society, 160
Relationship, 348
Reproduction, 189
Reproductive competition, 235, 278
Reproductive histories, 154
Reproductive lifespan, 156
Reproductive strategies, 192
Reproductive success, 141, 156
Resident, 77
Resource dispersion hypothesis
(RDH), 216, 217
Resource distribution, 214215, 226
Resource patchiness, 216, 217
Rhesus macaques, 387, 391
Richards Bay, 266
Ringtailed lemur, 130
Risk, 417419
Risk-aversion hypothesis, 190
Rump-rump contact, 389, 392, 401

Salmonids, 79
Sampling effort, 119
Sampling error, 340
Sarasota Bay, 151
Satellite tracking, 341
Scan sampling, 337
Scramble competition, 60
Seasonality, 8587
Second-order alliances, 117
Semi-pelagic dolphins, 27
Sex-biased dispersal, 295
Sex play, 362
Sex ratios, 234
Sexual arousal, 386388, 392, 401
Sexual attractiveness, 46
Sexual behavior, 386393, 398, 400402
Sexual coercion, 61, 186
Sexual dimorphism, 164
Sexual maturity, 156, 278
Shared food, 416, 420, 422
Shark bites, 155
Shark predation, 117
Signature whistle, 154
Simple body contacts, 372
Site fidelity, 55, 155, 320
associations, 160
bonding theory, 376
complexity, 63, 118
dynamics, 101
flexibilities, 45
grooming, 358, 363
interactions, 373
maturity, 158
network, 117, 118, 346
organization, 8385, 413
parasitism, 421
play, 362
preference, 352
skills, 118
stress, 196
structure, 151, 175, 295301
touch, 356, 357
Sociality, 118
Socialization, 163
Social network analysis (SNA), 116, 346
Socio-ecological features, 45
Sociomatrix, 119
Socio-sexual behaviors, 180, 371
Sociosexual petting, 371

Sociosexual system, 38
Solitary life, 188
Solitary nature, 61
Sonar array, 342
Southeastern Brazil, 236
Spatial variation, 290300
Specialization for tactile behaviors, 373
Sperm whales, 39, 299
Spider monkeys, 186
Spinner dolphins, 300, 413, 418, 421, 423, 425
Spotted dolphins, 413, 415, 418, 420, 421, 423
Squid, 35
Stable groups, 118
Stable isotope analyses, 160
Staple FBFs, 59
States, 337
Static graphs, 350
Stingray barbs, 155
Stomach contents, 154155
Strait of Gibraltar, 90
Strepsirrhines, 175
Super-alliances, 117
Surveys, 338
Survivorship, 240
Swimming in echelon position, 361
Sympatric, 47
Synergistic relationship, 13

Tactile modality, 356, 357
Tamarindus indica, 132
Tamarins, 412, 417419, 421, 424
Targeting aggression, 131
Taxonomy of the genus Sousa, 250
Temporal variation, 302
Terrestrial herbaceous vegetation, 45
Territoriality, 45, 217
Territory, 132
Territory size, 216218, 224226
Test for the strength of social bonds, 375
Threat to humpback dolphins, 250
Thresholds, 348
Tools, 58

Tool-use, 352
Toothed whale, 385404
Transect sampling, 254
Transfer, 50
Transient killer whales, 77
Tropical, 56

Underwater sound, 88
Undirected edges, 347
Ungulate grooming, 359
Unweighted edge, 347

Vaccination, 283
Variations in the effects, 319
Variations in vulnerability, 312
Vegetarian diets, 191
Vigilance, 417, 418
Visual communication, 425
Vocalizations, 88, 424
Vulnerability to disease, 320

Warm-temperate evergreen forest, 101
Washington State, 77
Wean, 117
Weaning, 360
Weaning age, 179
Weighted coefficients, 339
Weighted edge, 347
Whaling, 302
White-handed gibbons, 215
Wildlife management, 165
Within-group competition, 142
Woolly monkeys, 186

Yangtze finless porpoise, 252, 257
Young leaves, 9

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