In-Plant Training Report
In-Plant Training Report
In-Plant Training Report
Report on In-plant
It is a great pleasure for me to acknowledge the assistance and contributions of all the people
who helped me to make my industrial training a success. My training would not have been so
successful, without the dedicated assistance given by those individuals.
I would like to give my special thanks to Mr. Mahinda Rathnasiri (Gen. Manager-Engineering
Laboratory and services (Pvt) Ltd), Dr. Ganga Samarasekara (Department AdvisorDepartment of Civil Engineering- Industrial Training Division Sri Lanka Institute of
Information Technology) and all the officials of Industrial Training Division for placing me at
I would also like to thank Mr. Kalyanapala Marakkalage (coordinator for training-SLIIT),
Prof. Ashoke Peris (Dean-SLIIT), Prof. Saman Thilakasiri (Department Head-Civil
Engineering-SLIIT) and all other Officials of Department of Civil Engineering for the
assistance and guidance they given towards this program.
In ELS, I would like to thank my managers, Mr. Tiran Jayasinghe (Laboratory Managers) and
Mr. Sudeep Perera (Piling Manager) for coordination and conducting of events. For their
extensive support I would also like to thank Mr. Gamini Wijethunge, Mr. Indika
Samaranayake, Mr. Nilantha Mallawaarachchi, Mr. Suneth Kalpage and Mr. Madushan
Egodahewa for providing necessary facilities, equipments and sharing their knowledge with
Finally I would like to thank every individual (who I have not mentioned names above) who
gave me even the slightest support (even by words) to make my Industrial training a success.
Without their support, the completion of this training would not have been possible.
Sincerely yours,
Fernando B.A.V.W.
Department of Civil Engineering,
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology.
Table of contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1
1.1 Vision
1.2 Mission
Chapter 2
Training Experience
2.1 Introduction
2.3 Exposure
List of Figures
Figure 1: Organizing Chart
List of Tables
Table 1: Work Plan
I, Fernando B.A.V.W., Civil engineering undergraduate, Department of Civil Engineering, Sri
Lanka Institute of Information Technology have underwent an in-plant training as a
compulsory requirement for the engineering bachelors degree. The purpose of this In-Plant
training is to familiarizing ourselves with the professional engineering practices prior to
graduation and obtain the work experience in a real engineering-practicing environment. In
order to achieve both goals my choice was the Engineering Services and Laboratory (Pvt)
Ltd. There I functioned as engineering trainee for 12 weeks. In this report I have highlighted
the challenges that I encountered and actions taken or solutions to problems during my
training at Main construction laboratory, Boralesgamuwa and Piling site, Colombo Harbour
(East Container Terminal). I believe, I have gained enough knowledge that to prove myself
and the faculty with the training that I got from the ELS.
Engineering Laboratory and Services (Pvt) Ltd or simply ELS is a very renown in the
industry for it's pioneering laboratory testing. ELS is among the companies in the industry
that has one of the humblest beginnings. Initially it was started with only few instruments
available and developed into one of the leading company in the laboratory testing arena. With
the initial success with the laboratory business, ELS ventured to construction and
manufacturing areas.
Today ELS head office and main laboratory are housed at 62/3, Neelamahara Road,
Katuwawala, Boralesgamuwa. This is where almost all the laboratory work is done. And also
the documentation work related to laboratory work, construction related documents(bidding
documents, tender documents...etc) and other clerical works. There are two concrete factories
located at Bemmulla, Gampaha and Suriyawewa, Hambanthota to provide all kinds of
concrete products(Hume pipes, pre-cast piles, bridge beams, light poles...etc). And a yard at
Boralesgamuwa to park/store and repair construction related vehicles and machinery.
ELS is graded by the ICTAD(Institute for Construction Training and Development, Sri
Lanka), P1 for Piling contractor(Highest grade) and C2 for bridge construction. And also geotechnical investigation division of ELS is well praised and highly demanded for their onshore
and offshore innovative competence in the field.
With the effective work done by the 8oo over workforce of ELS, to ensure that the work and
products quality are reflected by ISO 9001:2008 in addition to achieving SLS mark for few of
their products.
1.1 Vision
To be the leader and the most preferred engineering solution provider for specialized
foundation systems, bridges, pre-cast and pre-stressed concrete items, Geo-technical
Investigation and providing laboratory services to the construction industry.
1.2 Mission
We at ELS put together all our priorities in total customer satisfaction through delivering
quality goods and services in a timely and cost effective manner whilst ensuring the legal,
social and environmental obligations we are bound with.
1.3 Quality Policy
Fundamental quality policy is to maintain the position at the top grading in construction of
specialized foundation systems, bridges and other civil engineering structures, producing high
quality pre-cast products and providing reliable geo-technical investigation and laboratory
tests reports while ensuring legal, social and environmental requirements.
The long term commercial success and development of ELS depends on selecting quality
resources, selected suppliers, using modern and appropriate technologies, employing
dedicated, qualified and experienced staff to satisfy customer needs within affordable price.
It is also our policy to maintain procedures for early detection of actual and potential
deficiencies which would lead to dissatisfaction end product and enable the company to take
effective, preventive and corrective actions.
Provision is made to evaluate customer's satisfaction and the feedback from the customers
will be used for continual improvements.
Work Plan
12 Weeks
laboratory testing
No of
29th Sept to
, laboratory
28th Oct
29th Sept to
piling site
, laboratory
Colombo port
28th Oct
29th Oct to
21st Dec
It's important to note that during first 8 weeks (laboratory testing and on field testing/
instrumentation) work have been done; not strictly sticking to the schedule with doing only
laboratory testing or only doing instrumentation during the regarded time period. It is said
that it October- December time period is a light work period, when considering other times of
the year.
2.3 Exposure
I was not assigned to any specific work during my training. But there I was free to observe,
engage, participate, question and learn.
2.3.1 Laboratory testing
It was in the laboratory that I came to know the role of a construction laboratory in the civil
engineering industry. And how significant a construction laboratory is. All the testing are
done according to an accepted standard. Basically in a construction laboratory, testing are
done according to the requirement of the client(consultants) and their choice of the standard,
if they didnt prefer a specific standard, it's ELS then suggest a standard that the test has to be
done. ELS do almost every-kind of more popular testing in the Sri Lankan construction
industry and also testing that are rarely done (which kind of testing that other laboratories
don't). So here are some laboratory testing that I had observed during my time period in the
laboratory. Since every sample and testing are essential, and the results to be accurate, I had
to observe the process and learn while experienced technician themselves did the test. I was
encouraged to to the same testing all by myself and compare the results with their ones, if any
sample is left enough. And those results didn't count, only gave an experience. Material Laboratory testing
Here are some main testing that done to check material properties and their respective
commonly used test methods.
Table 2: Material Laboratory Testing
Test Description
Moisture Content of soil
Specific Gravity
Sieve Analysis
Index Properties Test (Liquid Limit &
Plastic limit)
Hydrometer analysis
Lab CBR test (including moisture
density relationship)
Proctor Compaction Test (Standard)
Proctor Compaction Test (Modified)
Consolidation Test
Test method
ASTM D2216 10
ASTM D854 14
ASTM C136 06
ASTM D4318 10e
Test method
ASTM C136 06
Water Absorption
ASTM C127 - 12
Specific Gravity
Flakiness Index
BS 812-105.1:1989
BS 812-110:1990
BS 812-112:1990
Bulk Density
used in the test from entering the voids. The soil or other material being tested should have
sufficient cohesion or particle attraction to maintain stable sides on a small hole or excavation, and be firm enough to withstand the minor pressures exerted in digging the hole and placing the apparatus over it, without deforming or sloughing. Bridge beam test
at Bemmulla,ELS Factory
Figure 7: Bridge beam test
At Bemmulla,ELS Factory
Figure 6: Bridge beam test
Figure 8: Bridge beam test
This bridge beam test was held at ELS factory at Bemmula. RDA acted as the client and had
the presence when doing the test. Its simply measuring the deflection at a given load and
analysed the results according to the beam bending theory.
at Nagananda,Biyagama
Figure 10: PIT machine
This test method covers the procedure for determining the integrity of individual vertical or
inclined piles by measuring and analysing the velocity (required) and force (optional)
response of the pile induced by an (hand held hammer or other similar type) impact device
applied axially to the pile normally at the pile head.
Here are some detectable and undetectable facts from the pile integrity test.
Table 4: Dectectables and undetectables in Pile Integrity Test
curved forms
at Narahenpita
Figure 12: Inclinometer
ASTM D6230 13: Standard Test Method for Monitoring Ground Movement Using ProbeType Inclinometers
An inclinometer is a device for measuring deformation normal to the axis of a pipe by passing
a probe along the pipe and measuring the inclination of the probe with respect to the line of
gravity. Measurements are converted to distances using trigonometric functions. Distances are
summed to find the position of the pipe. Successive measurements give differences in
position of the pipe and indicate deformation normal to the axis of the pipe. In most cases the
pipe is installed in a near-vertical hole. Measurements indicate subsurface horizontal
deformation. In some cases the pipe is installed horizontally and the measurements indicate
vertical deformation.
Above figure shows a concrete crack due to vibration. It's simply monitoring the vibration
using specified vibration measurement instrument. This was done at 'Thunder and
This is concrete crack gauge used for measure the crack level and compared with previous
results. At Labour department building, Narahenpita.
It was our responsibility to collect and maintain the welding records database. Daily welding
summaries were made daily and overall welding summaries were made from time to time
(twice a week).
*Copies of a welding record and a page of a welding summary are available at the
appendices. Pile driving process
Simply the pipe which used as the pile is driven in to the ground using a hammer at the
required location. This whole pile driving process is compiled to conduct according to the
standard: ICE- specification for piling and embedded retaining walls (1996)
In this operation K35 diesel, MB40 diesel and BSP CX110 had been used as the piling
The driving process is executed in three steps initial driving, secondary driving, final driving
this steps are designed such that according to the pipes used for a pile location.
During the initial driving, placing the pile at centring the right pile location, making the pile
vertical using both the plump bod and spirit level methods. It is ordered to check the pile shoe
prior to ever initial driving. In the secondary driving the verticality of the pile maintained
using both methods in the same manner.
In the final driving it should be driven until the 'final set' is achieved. The term final set is
defined such as the driven length per hammer blow of 1mm.
It is important to note that initial and secondary driving is carried by the MB40 hammer,
while final driving is done by the BSP CX110 hammer. It is compiled to achieve the final set
using the BSP CX110 with its 6MT rammer weight.
It is also complied to do a high strain dynamic load test (PDA) for 25% of total pile driving
points and static load test per 1% of total pile driving points.
For a single pile driving, it requires 1 supervisor, 1 piling hammer (with stationed crane) with
its operator, 1 set of plumb bob method equipment, 1 set of spirit level method equipment, 5
After the de-watering is done, sand will be filled and compacted up until the sand level 1.5m
downwards from the pile cap or -.5m level. A measuring tape will be used for measure the
correct sand level from the pile cap.
This process will be executed under the supervision of a supervisor and other required
resources are 2 labourers, 1 water pump, shovels and pans, 1 measuring tape. Most of the
time we had to supervise the de-watering and sand filling process; since supervisors are busy
3.0 Conclusion
The primary objective of this industrial training programme is to allow undergraduates to gain
real world experience of the construction industry. And look for the occasions where to use
the right theory at right time which learnt back in the university. I firmly believe I got the
right experience and understanding , and when and where to apply the right theory in an
appropriate manner. And also to make some industrially based connections such as
companies, influential people,
During the time at ELS as a trainee, I was expected to observe, engage, question, practice and
learn. Unlike some big named companies where a some work given and expected to stick to it
and repeating the same process. In ELS I wasnt given any specific task and always free to
learn what ever the situation were. It was my duty to fulfil that expectation of ELS, which is
also 'win win' situation for both the parties. In some in-situ testing I had to act as the engineer
and answer the clients and other parties question with technical solutions. In the piling site,
supervising and project management tasks had to be done as an engineering trainee.
The training I received from the ELS is not only oriented towards technical stuff. It is also
about project management, interpersonal communication, conflict resolving and most
importantly adopting to the new environment. We should observe such topics carefully and
should be able to overcome them.
I am really happy about the exposure I had to industry as an undergraduate and I would
recommend ELS to anyone who is keen on areas like laboratory testing, concrete technology
and piling (specially pre-cast, steel tubular and micro).
1. ASTM D2216-10, Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water
(Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass, ASTM International, West
Conshohocken, PA, 2010,
2. ASTM D854 14: Standard Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by
Water Pycnometer. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2010,
3. ASTM C136 06: Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse
Aggregates. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2010,
4. ASTM D4318 10e: Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and
Plasticity Index of Soils. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2010,
5. ASTM D422 63(2007) e2:Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils,
ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2010,
6. ASTM D1883 07e2: Standard Test Method for CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of
Laboratory-Compacted Soils, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2010,
7. ASTM D698 12e1: Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction
Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12 400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kNm/m3)),ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2010,
8. ASTM D1557 12: Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction
Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (2,700 kNm/m3)),ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2010,
9. ASTM D2435 / D2435M 11: Standard Test Methods for One-Dimensional
Consolidation Properties of Soils Using Incremental Loading, ASTM International,
West Conshohocken, PA, 2010,
10. ASTM C136 06: Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse
Aggregates, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2010,
11. ASTM C128 12: Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific
Gravity), and Absorption of Fine Aggregate, ASTM International, West
Conshohocken, PA, 2010,
12. British Standards Institution (2010) Methods for determination of particle shape.
Flakiness index. Testing aggregates. BS 812-105.1:1989. British Standards
Online(online). Available at: 11 Jan 2014)
13. Methods for determination of aggregate crushing value (ACV).Testing aggregates
812-110:1990.British Standards Online(online). Available at: 11 Jan 2014)
14. British Standards Institution (2010). Method for determination of aggregate impact
value (AIV).Testing aggregates BS 812-112:1990.British Standards Online(online).
Available at: 11 Jan 2014)
15. ASTM C131 / C131M 14: Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of
Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine
ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2010,
16. ASTM C29 / C29M 09: Standard Test Method for Bulk Density ("Unit Weight") and
Voids in Aggregate. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2010,
17. British Standards Institution (2010).Method for determination of compressive strength
of concrete cubes. Testing concrete..BS 1881-116:1983..British Standards
Online(online). Available at: 11 Jan 2014)
1. A copy of a test report on 'Determination of field density'
2. A copy of a test report on 'Particle size distribution of soil'
3. A copy of a test report on 'Specific gravity of soil'
4. A copy of a test report on 'Compressive strength of concrete cubes'
5. A copy of an inspection check-list for preparation of pile(pipe cutting)
6. A copy of a page in a cutting summary
7. A copy of an inspection check-list for steel tubular pile driving
8. A copy of a page in a pile driving summary
9. A copy of an inspection check-list for welding of pile (pipe welding)
10. A copy of a page in a welding summary
11. A copy of a construction plan on 'Crane rail foundation pile arrangement'
12. A copy of a construction plan on 'Crane rail pile cap details'