Carmina Burana Study Guide
Carmina Burana Study Guide
Carmina Burana Study Guide
Carl Orff
Carmina Burana
MAY 17, 2015 | 8:00 PM
Once you have experienced the choral work
Carmina Burana, it will become a part of you.
Its pulsing, pounding rhythms will pull you
into another worlda primitive world where
you can celebrate the most basic human
emotions: joy and pain, lust and tenderness,
laughter and tears. Even the composer Carl
Orff recognized the thrilling masterpiece he
had created after its 1937 premiere. Following
the first performance, Orff boasted to his
Everything I have written to date,
and which you have unfortunately printed,
can be destroyed. With Carmina Burana,
my collected works begin.
Carl Orff with a manuscript of Carmina Burana
A Brilliant Storyteller
Carl Orff was born in Munich*, Germany, in 1895 and died there in 1982. He made two enormous
contributions to the world of musicthe exciting choral work, Carmina Burana, and the Orff-Schulwerk
system of music education that is used all over the world.
As a child, Orff immediately revealed his creative tendencies through music and storytelling. At age 5,
he studied cello, piano, and organ. He practiced his music by composing and performing musical dramas
for his family. By age 10, he had also become a published author in a German childrens magazine.
2015 The Choral Arts Society of Washington |
*see glossary
Family Fiasco
Lost in
Carl and Godela Orff ((1921))
Critical Carl
translates to Songs of Beuren
and refers to a collection of songs
and poems from the 12th century.
This vast collection of over one
thousand texts was performed
by a band of poets and scholars
called the Goliards*. They wrote
in a mix of Latin, medieval*
French, and German. Carl Orff
was so fascinated by content
of Songs of Beuren, that he
chose to compose new music for
twenty-four of the texts he found.
the music alone allows you to feel the power of Carmina Burana,
it is very helpful to re-listen to Carmina Burana while reading translations.
the text you can see and hear how Orff tried to express the vulgar,
earthy, and celebratory themes of the Songs of Beuren.
O Fortuna!
The people of the 12th century lived lives of inconceivable simplicity in
todays world. People often never left the village in which they were
born, few could read or write, and modern sciences like medicine and
biology were not well-understood. For this reason, many citizens relied
on the ancient philosophies of fate and fortune to explain everyday life.
2015 The Choral Arts Society of Washington |
Global Impact
Lady Fortune spinning her wheel,
Or and Education
In addition to his successful career as
a composer, Carl Orff also exhibited a
passion for music education. In 1924,
he co-founded a school of gymnastics,
music, and dance where he worked
with musical beginners. With his new
students, Orff explored the relationships
between movement, rhythm, percussion,
and music literacy. These concepts
became an essential part of his teaching
philosophy that he published in a manual
titled Schulwerk.
Deadly Dig
*see glossary
O Fortuna
Fortune plango vulnera
Notice the composers instructions about tempo*, style, and phrasing on the next page. The word
Pesante in the top left corner means to play like the sound of a tired and overworked peasant. Orff
includes a written breath mark after every two words, written as a large apostrophe. This adds to
the dramatic nature of this opening movement by giving the listener an extra second to anticipate
the oncoming explosion musical sound. Orff indicates multiple notes of divisi* for each voice part,
making this opening statement appear even more impressive and texturally complex.
*see glossary
Carmina Burana
I. O Fortuna
Elimination of 8-part
divisi* creates textural
contrast in
add to the
drama of
Unfortunate Fate
Curiosity Corner
Want more knowledge about Carl Orffs Carmina Burana?
Craving another rendition of this classical achievement?
See below for even more astounding Orff discoveries!
Copenhagen Royal Chapel Choir
Kurtt H
b musicologist
i l i t (1943)
Carmina Burana - Copenhagen
Royal Chapel Choir
Its a Big Ad - Carlton Beer
Draught Ad featuring Carmina
Mute swan, England
Go Team!
Continued Listening
De Temporum Fine Comoedia (Play for the End of Time) Carl Orff
1. Carls hometown
2. # of C.B. sections
3. His daughter
2. 12th movement soloist
3. poetic medieval* scholars
4. pageant for the stage
*see glossary
Dissonance disagreeable or unresolved combination of sounds in music
Divisi splitting a single musical line into two harmonious parts
Fortissimo Italian meaning very loud
Gestapo - Nazi police resposible for many horrible crimes
Medieval referring to the Middle Ages time period after antiquity and before the renaissance (476 1453 CE)
Mannheim city in southwest Germany, famous in music for its orchestral innovations
Munich city in southeast Germany, original birthplace of the Nazi Party after World War I
Nazi Party a political group that seized control of Germany in 1933 under Adolf Hitler
Pianissimo Italian phrase meaning very soft or quiet
Primitivism trend in 20th century music of imitating the sounds of non-Western cultures, usually containing
repeated ostinatos, parallel voicing, and harsh dissonances
Propaganda information or news shaped in order to advocate for a particular cause or movement
Stringendo Italian meaning with an accelerating tempo
Tavern an English word to describe a pub or bar, establishment for consuming alcohol
Tempo the speed at which music is played