Polypropylene Plant Cost
Polypropylene Plant Cost
Polypropylene Plant Cost
Polypropylene (PP) is one of the worlds most widely used polymers, second only to polyethylene in terms of global demand. The global
market for polypropylene is over 60 million metric tons per year, and it is utilized in a broad and diverse range of end-uses from injectionmolding applications to films and sheets, as well as synthetic raffia and other fibers, among others.
Traditionally, the most representative types of propylene polymerization are: slurry or suspension, bulk (or bulk slurry), gas phase and
hybrid (uses bulk- and gas-phase polymerization reactors).
Intratec portfolio includes reports examining Polypropylene production cost, with in-depth analysis of specific production processes and
high-level comparisons of different production routes.
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