Physics For Our Bass: Note Wavelength String Length
Physics For Our Bass: Note Wavelength String Length
Physics For Our Bass: Note Wavelength String Length
Our bass consists of three functional parts: the string, the body, and the base. To
produce sound we pluck the string while applying pressure on the base. By using
different amounts of force on the base we can alter the tension of the string therefore
changing the note. The reason sound emanates from the instrument is because the
string is vibrating through the air. As it vibrates, sound waves are created that have a
wavelength of roughly two times the length of the string because the string creates half
of a standing wave at a time. We can change the length of the vibrating string by
holding it against the neck. This lets us have a full scale of notes with only one string.
The string itself is small so it does not produce a very loud sound. To amplify the notes,
we created a metal body that vibrates as the soundwaves from the string hit it. This
causes the metal to vibrate, greatly increasing the volume of our instrument.
The length of the string affects the pitch, or note, of our instrument. Our task is to
create a musical instrument that is capable of playing a full scale and describe the
physics behind it. Our bass was designed with one string to make it easier and less
complicated to find and play the notes in the scale. To find the starting note we needed
to infer how long the string needed to be. We tested various lengths of strings and
researched how long it needed to be to play a note specifically in the second octave.
We saw in our research that to play a lower note such as an A2 seen below, it
must produce a wavelength of 314 Hz, making a very
low note. To achieve this pitch we used a 162 cm long
string. The string produces half of a standing wave
with each vibration so the string had to be half of the
wavelength of the pitch we wanted to make with the
bass. Cutting down the string or simply stopping the
vibration at certain points on the string changes the
length, creating higher notes as you move your finger
down. The low notes vibrate slower because the
string is longer, creating a larger wavelength and a
lower note. Similarly, a shorter string vibrates faster,
producing a smaller wavelength and a higher pitch.
Using this knowledge we were then able to mark the lengths that we needed to hold the
string at to make each note in our scale. The lowest note was A, made by letting the
string ring open. The highest note was A, made by cutting the string in half. Through
this data we proved that the length of the string changes the tone of the note. We saw in
our testing that the larger the wavelength became, the lower the note became and the
shorter the wavelength became, the higher the note became accordingly.
String Length
314 Hz
296 Hz
264 Hz
234 Hz
222 Hz
198 Hz
176 Hz
157 Hz
while shorter chimes create higher pitches. This is because the air in the
longer chimes has to travel further before escaping the tube. Also explaining
why hitting chimes at different points give different notes but hitting in the
middle gives the correct note. Once we identified the starting note we simply
multiplied by the correct numbers in
the table below to create our scale.
We noticed this fact when we were testing holes on our practice model. We
heard that the more holes we plugged in the higher pitch the note was. This was given
that the same lip position was used for every hole. Also, in our table we saw the
wavelength of each wave got smaller for the more holes we plugged in. In the table, the
notes we played that were higher are the ones that filled the most hole positions.
The evidence shows that the more holes you fill on the trumpet with the same lip
tightness the higher the note will become. We found multiple times in our research and
saw in the table we made how the wavelengths changed. We noticed that the more
holes we plugged the shorter distance the air had to travel creating a higher frequency,
or higher pitch note.
Finding and understanding the physics of this instrument was tricky. We saw that
there was so many factors to why it creates the notes it does. The first factor is tube
length and thickness. This factor plays a key role in what octave you want your
instrument to play. We chose a 66cm pipe which plays a C and a relatively thin tube. If
we had chose a different length pipe we would have been in a completely different
octave altogether. The second factor was hole placement. In order for us to play the six
notes in the scale that needed to have fingerings, we needed to figure out where the
holes needed to be. For our instrument to find the holes, we did not use a formula,
because that did not correspond with our design. Instead we chose to have a practice
trumpet which we used to find the correct scale and notes. We originally knew that the
holes changed how the air traveled, causing a change in wavelength. Having not
precise calculations for the placement of the holes affected how we found what each
note frequency was, and ultimately what note it plays. This made the tuning process
infinitely harder. The third factor is the emberture. The emberture of the player changes
how the trumpcorder plays, therefore making the physics very complicated. The
wavelength can change depending on how your lips are placed. There are many
different lip positions that can play the same note octaves and octaves higher. The more
your lips vibrate and the tighter they are, changes the frequency of the note, creating
either higher or lower notes.