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Day 3 Powerpoint

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Appalachian Instuments

-High, 4-stringed instrument
-Played with a bow
-Often carries the melody
-Typically played in a fiddle-style

Clip of fiddle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBATUVZPhnc

-Has African origins
-Can have 4, 5, or sometimes 6 strings
-Is often plucked in fast, arpeggiated patterns
-Has a twangy sound quality

Banjo clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrlqQ1_vZVE

-A member of the lute family with four sets of
doubled strings (each pair of strings is tuned in
-Can be A-style (tear-shaped) or F-style (includes
body scroll and point on lower side of the body)
-Can have a round-back (Neopolitan), a carved top,
or a flat-back
-Played by plucking or picking the strings

Mandolin clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xjtqpjmQOc

-6-stringed instrument that can be plucked or strummed
-Commonly used in almost all genres of American popular
-Comes in a wide variety of styles, which can change the tone
of the instrument

Guitar clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DnWtCpcmvM

Appalachian or Mountain
Dulcimer Characteristics:
-Body of the instrument is similar to an elongated violin
-Has frets on the fingerboard
-Can be plucked or bowed to play
-Usually has 3-5 strings (4-strings is pretty standard)
-Related to the zither family of instruments
-Typically played flat on the players lap or on a table
Dulcimer clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UurHbXwVo04

Jaw Harp
-Played by placing jaw harp between teeth and lips and making
a flicking motion away from the mouth with the dominant
hand index finger
-Has a springy sound quality
-Middle part is called the feather, the tongue, or the reed.
-Breaths change rhythm and tongue position changes notes.
(Jaw harps play 1 fundamental note and about 15 overtones)
Jaw harp clip (start at 3:45): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mrxxed54hcg

Photo credits:
Cover Image: http://taproottheatre.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/instruments-from-Canadian-Co.jpg
Fiddle: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/370641548251-0-1/s-l1000.jpg
6-string Banjo: http://www.phaidon.com/resource/banjo2.jpg
4-string Banjo 2: http://www.creekdontrise.com/acoustic/banjo_choices/vega_tenor_banjo_w_tone_ring_1930.jpg
Neapolitan mandolin: http://www.mandolinserenade.com/images/VinacciaMandolin200x303.jpg
F-Style mandolin: http://cdn3.volusion.com/4n9y2.qupg5/v/vspfiles/photos/OM40-2.jpg?1393238209
Guitar: http://thehub.musiciansfriend.com/images/yamaha-fs700s-solid-top-concert-acoustic-guitar.jpg
Dulcimer: http://www.tnhomeandfarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/1060208THB7391.jpg
Jaw harp: http://www.gunaxin.com/wp-content/uploads/gallery/jaw-harp/jews_harp.jpg

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