Pioneer Lesson Plans and Actvities Com
Pioneer Lesson Plans and Actvities Com
Pioneer Lesson Plans and Actvities Com
B. Central Focus
Students will have an introduction to the settlement of pioneers coming into upper Canada.
C. Objectives
- Teach students who the Pioneers were and why they came to Canada
- Students will be able to discuss the reason Pioneers came into Canada
- Students will be able to sight words and fill in the blanks
D. Assessment Plan
After the assignment is complete the teacher will have a class discussion about what the students
just read. He/she will ask questions without directly referring to the reading to assess if they
understood what they read.
E. Opening/Anticipatory Set
The teacher will open the lesson with a brief video. The teacher will say, I am going to show
you all a video today and I want you to relate the way the people are dressed and their
community to your own. Without any introduction to Pioneers the teacher will show the video
to the students. After the video she will ask the students if there was anything interesting that
stood out to them (ex. The students clothing, school, village, jobs etc.). After the discussion the
teacher will introduce the Pioneers by saying In the year 1780 there were Pioneer settlers who
travelled and settled into Canada. This is when the activities will follow and the remainder of
the lesson.
F. Main Body/ Procedure
- Begin by showing students a short video clip about Canadian Pioneers.
- Start a discussion asking if they know about what they just saw and if anything stood out to
- After the discussion introduce to the class that the new topic is Canadian Settlers in Upper
- Handout, Who were the Early Pioneers? telling students to read it independently.
- After everyone has finished read the handout together asking for volunteers to read and discuss
each paragraph as a group.
- Handout Who were the Early Pioneers? Fill in the Blanks asking students to look at the
previous handout to find the word that go into the blank.
- Take up the assignment as a class.
- Discuss the handout as a class. Ask students what they look forward to learning about in the
- Handout Word Search to be completed independently.
G. Closure/Ending
The teacher will summarize the activities together as a class to ensure understanding.
NAME: ____________________________
DATE: _______________________
NAME: ____________________________
DATE: _______________________
NAME: ____________________________
a r f d
DATE: _______________________
s s z g c n e s
g o g h h i n e u y x t
h u q t w i e g r t p n
j t r p m o i a u y l a
me n r
s c u r v y o s
b d a u h g f e d s r a
i f a m i n e e t a e e
c g d w p h j t k l r p
j u p i
s s g s t i s o
p a s s
e n g e r s b p
v b n f
x y r t n u o c
B. Central Focus
Students will learn about various occupations at the time and what they careers entailed.
C. Objectives
- Students will be able to identify and state what occupations entailed
- Students will be asked to reflect on their dream careers
D. Assessment Plans
The teacher will collect all students work in order to assess their understanding about the reading
and see if they understand what each occupation entails. By asking students to draw their own
dream occupation the teacher will be able to assess if the students comprehend what an
occupation is.
E. Opening/Anticipatory Set
The teacher will ask students, What is an occupation? at which they will answer a job.
Therefore, the teacher will ask the students to state various occupations in their community (ex.
police officer, firefighter, doctor, teacher etc). Then the teacher will state that in the Pioneer days
jobs were very different For example, a male teacher was called a schoolmaster and a female
teacher was called a schoolmistress. As you can see the names for occupations were different as
well. At which, the teacher will then handout the activites for students to learn about the topic
F. Main Body/Procedure
- Handout Pioneer Occupations reading and have students read independently
- Discuss the reading as a group
- Handout Think about it! Pioneer Occupations handout and have the students fill it in with a
- Take up the handout as a class
- Handout Write the occupation under the picture to be completed independently
- Collect and mark to assess comprehension
- Handout Draw what you want to be. to be completed independently
G. Closure/Ending
The teacher will handout Draw what you want to be and the students will reflect on what
their dreams are with a fun activity. They have to draw a picture and then fill in the blanks
underneath the space provided.
SECTION III: Reflection
1. Culturally Responsive Teaching
The teacher will employ culturally responsive teaching throughout the entire unit. Students will
have to respect the practices and beliefs of the people under study. The teacher will respect and
listen to all students responses as long as they do not offend and discriminate against others.
The lesson takes a range of instructional strategies which first starts of visually by allowing the
students to visually watch a video and discuss what they observed as a class. For interpersonal
learners readings are provided for them to read and complete independently however, the
students who are interpersonal and work better in a group can be delegated accordingly and
appropriately by the teacher.
2. Accommodations
The teacher will provide easy to read readings about the lesson, then comprehension questions
about the reading that will allow students to understand the reading further. For visual learners,
picture references are provided to allow them to picture the profession visually. Additionally, at
the end of the unit they will reflect on their own wants challenging them to select a profession
they want for themselves in the future.
3. Prerequisite Skills (2-3)
The students will need some knowledge about various occupations throughout the community
and what that occupation entails. In order to fulfill the other activities the students must be able
to skim the text to find the correct answer.
4. Anticipated Misconceptions
Students may misunderstand what the profession entails because they may not understand the
terminology used for example a Wheelwright makes wooden hubs. If the teacher does not
provide explanation then they will not be sure what the profession really is because, they may
not know what a wooden hub is.
5. Academic Knowledge
The students will be provided with explanations about occupation words that are provided
throughout the text. The examples and explanations will be provided verbally and they will have
to understand these words in order to complete the rest of the activities.
NAME: ______________________
Pioneer Occupations
Did you know an apprentice was someone learning a trade? Many tradesmen would
take on a child apprentice to teach them a trade. Apprentices learned on the job. It
usually took four to seven years of training to become a tradesman such as a
blacksmith or a wainwright. Here is a list of some early pioneer
Did you know the blacksmith had the important job of fitting
oxen and horses with iron shoes? Iron shows kept the hooves of
these working animals from wearing away. The blacksmith also
made iron tools like hoes, rakes, spades, scythes and sickles.
Other items the blacksmith crafted included sleigh runners,
plows, nails, knives and even guns.
Did you know wainwrights were carriage makers? They built the top part of
carriages, wagons, sleights and coaches using hardwoods such as, oak and elm.
Wainwrights then hired other tradesmen like wheelwrights, blacksmiths, painters
and woodworkers to complete the rest of the carriage.
Did you know wheelwrights crafted many sizes of wheels for carriages, wagons, carts,
and wheelbarrows? These wheels were constructed with wooden hubs, spokes and
rim. Then an iron ring called a tire was put around the outer part of the wheel to
make it sturdy.
Did you know a coop is a kind of wooden container? The cooper in the village was
the person who made barrels and kegs to store liquids and dry items. Cooper also
crafted household items like pails, buckets, butter churns and wash tubs.
Did you know the foot shapes that shoemakers carved were called lasts? The
shoemaker used a last to help shape a piece of leather into a boot or shoe. Lasts came
in three sizes: small, medium and large. Usually shoemakers made a childs pair of
shoes a bit big, so that a child could grow into them. To make the shoes fit; rags
would be stuffed into their shoes.
Harness Maker
Did you know harness makers were also called saddle makers? A harness maker was
someone who carefully crafted leather harnesses and saddlers for large animals like
cows and horses.
NAME: ______________________
NAME: ______________________
NAME: ______________________
I want to be a ________________________________________________________.
Because ______________________________________________________________.
A ________________________ wears ______________________________________.
A ________________________ works ______________________________________.
B. Central Focus
The students will learn about the importance of livestock and farming to providing and finding
food for Canadian Pioneers.
C. Objectives
- Students will be able to state the various foods pioneers ate and where they found/grew their
- Students will be able to put together a research poster telling the class the importance of
livestock on a farm
D. Assessment Plan
The teacher will collect and mark, Think about Pioneers Life: Growing and Finding Food in
order to assess comprehension. Additionally, the teacher will assign research posters for students
to complete with a group. Therefore, the teacher will assess their comprehension after the posters
are completed.
E. Opening/Anticipatory Set
The teacher will begin the discussion by asking the students about their favourite foods. Then the
teacher will take out a jar with milk in it and explain to the students that they are going to churn
butter. Each student will shake the jar several times and when it finally reaches the teacher it
should have turned into butter. This is when the teacher will explain, This is how Pioneers used
to find their food. They used to take advantage of the livestock by planting, growing and
producing their own foods. Then the teacher will hand out the activities for students to
F. Main Body/Procedure
- Handout Pioneer Life: Growing and Finding Food to have students read independently
- Discuss the reading as a class- probing questions like what is your favourite food? Do you
know what an Oxen is?
- Handout Thinking about Pioneers Life: Growing and Finding Food to students to do
- Collect
- Assign groups of 3-4 depending on the class size to produce a poster talking about the
importance of livestock on a farm.
- Students will present then hand in their posters for assessment
G. Closure/Ending
The groups will do a presentation about the importance of livestock on a farm to the entire class.
Each group will be given a different topic. For example, one group will be given food found on a
farm, food grown, food produced etc.
NAME: ______________________
NAME: ______________________
Things grown in
a vegetable
Types of
Names of
animals and
fish hunted by
Things picked
in the wild by
B. Central Focus
- Students will become familiar with the school system for pioneer students
- They students will learn about the differences between the schools from then and now
C. Objectives
Students will be able to state the differences and similarities of schools in the past and schools in
the present.
D. Assessment Plan
The teacher will collect the students work to assess their comprehension.
E. Opening/Anticipatory Set
The teacher will begin the lesson by telling the students they are going to watch a video about
pioneer students. She tells them, I want you to relate their school lives to your school while
watching it and then we are going to discuss. The students will watch the video and then they
will talk about it as a class. Then the teacher will handout the activities for the students to
F. Main Body/Procedure
- Handout Pioneer School Time to students to read independently
- Cover the reading together as a group
- Handout Think about: Pioneer School Time for students to complete
- Collect, mark and return
- Handout A School Day to the students to complete
- Collect, mark and return
G. Closure/Ending
The students will have the opportunity to look at a typical school day of a pioneer school child.
Then they will reflect of their own school day and write about it.
SECTION III: Reflection
1. Culturally Responsive Teaching
The teacher will employ culturally responsive teaching throughout the entire unit. Students will
have to respect the practices and beliefs of the people under study. The teacher will respect and
listen to all students responses as long as they do not offend and discriminate against others.
The lesson takes a range of instructional strategies which first starts of visually by allowing the
students to visually watch a video and discuss what they observed as a class. For interpersonal
learners readings are provided for them to read and complete independently however, the
students who are interpersonal and work better in a group can be delegated accordingly and
appropriately by the teacher.
2. Accommodations
The teacher will allow students to either work independently if the teacher knows they are
intrapersonal learners, or they work with a partner if the teacher knows the students work better
because they are interpersonal.
3. Prerequisite Skills (2-3)
Students will need to have the skills of making judgements and writing their personal responses
to questions. They will also need to be familiar with their daily school routines in order to fulfill
the activities.
4. Anticipated Misconceptions
Although the actions of the pioneer school teachers may not have been the best one it is still the
teachers responsibility to teach the lesson without any bias. The students need to respect the
actions of the past while also respecting others individual beliefs. The teacher must be prepared
to deal with situations where the students may state their opinions and beliefs openly. This is
where classroom management skills are extremely important.
5. Academic Language
Everyday language is used in this segment. The students will write about their daily school
routines therefore, the students must be familiar with this terminology.
NAME: ______________________
NAME: ______________________
Would you want to have attended school during pioneer times? Explain your
NAME: ______________________
A School Day
- get up early
- get dressed
- do chores (gather eggs, feed animals, get
wood, milk cows.)
- eat breakfast
- pack a lunch for school
- start out for school
- teacher rings the bell
- line up (smallest to tallest, boys on one side,
girls on the other side) and go inside
- hang coats and hooks, put lunch pails on shelf
- song or prayer or pledge to flag/country,
- reading, penmanship (writing), arithmetic,
- lunch (wash hands first)
- recess / play outside
- dismissal (hurry home!)
- walk
- ride horseback
- horse and buggy
- catch a ride with neighbours
- go by sleigh (or cutter) in the winter
- do the chores
- have supper
- go to bed early if tomorrow is another school
B. Central Focus
Students will see the differences and similarities of the pioneer village, food and school of the
past and the present.
C. Objectives
Students will be able to distinguish the differences and similarities between the past and the
D. Assessment Plan
The teacher will collect the students work to mark in order to assess their comprehension of the
material achieved throughout the unit.
E. Opening/Anticipatory Set
The teacher will begin the lesson by asking the students to each state the most interesting thing
they learnt throughout the unit. Based on the students responses the teacher will elaborate by
providing students with a quick recap of the lesson. The teacher will provide students
information about their field trip to, The Pioneer Village and their schedule when they go.
Later, the teacher will handout the activities for students to complete.
F. Main Body/Procedure
- The teacher will begin with a closure to the unit asking students questions like; what is
something interesting you learnt? and would you have liked to be a pioneer why or why not?
- Handout Thinking about: A Pioneer Village for students to complete
- Take up as a class asking for feedback and every students response
- Handout Comparing Pioneer Day Eating to Modern Day Eating for students to complete
- Take up as a class asking for feedback and every students response
- Handout Thinking about: Pioneer School Time for students to complete
- Take up as a class asking for feedback and every students response
G. Closure/Ending
At the end of the unit the students will be taken on a field trip to The Pioneer Village where they
will have to mimic the life of a pioneer student. They will travel the community, eat the food,
look at the occupations, and attend school. Therefore, they will live a day in the life of a
Canadian Pioneer.
SECTION III: Reflection
1. Culturally Responsive Teaching
The teacher will employ culturally responsive teaching throughout the entire unit. Students will
have to respect the practices and beliefs of the people under study. The teacher will respect and
listen to all students responses as long as they do not offend and discriminate against others.
The lesson takes a range of instructional strategies which first starts of visually by allowing the
students to visually watch a video and discuss what they observed as a class. For interpersonal
learners readings are provided for them to read and complete independently however, the
students who are interpersonal and work better in a group can be delegated accordingly and
appropriately by the teacher.
2. Accommodations
If the teacher sees that the class is having difficulty completing the handouts these are activites
that can easily be completed as a group during a class discussion where the teacher could write
the students responses on the board. Depending on the students need the teacher will
accommodate to meet them. If there are certain students having trouble with the activites the
teacher can assist them individually by answering their personal questions.
3. Prerequisite Skills (2-3)
The students will need to have gained the information discussed throughout the previous units in
order to complete these activites. Therefore, these activities are a recap of the entire unit. If the
student is unfamiliar with the knowledge then they will not be able to complete these handouts.
Additionally, this will allow the teacher to assess whether the students comprehended the
information or not.
4. Anticipated Misconceptions
If the students did not grasp some of the knowledge from one lesson they will not be able to
complete the handouts which may cause for misunderstandings in the classroom. The teacher
will provide multiple examples and assistance to students throughout this lesson to ensure
students are understanding the activites.
5. Academic Language
The students will have the opportunity to look back at their previous activities when completing
these assignments and they can also look at the terminology used. Throughout the lesson if the
teacher sees students are not understanding several verbal, visual and written examples will be
provided to students at which they will complete themselves.
NAME: ______________________
2. How is a pioneer village different from your community?
NAME: ______________________
Pioneer Days
Food like:
Lunch the
mean of
the day
Fried Pork
Boiled Potatoes
Griddle Cakes
Dandelion Root Coffee
Modern Days
Food like:
In pioneer times almost all food was grown, and made from scratch. How have
grocery stores changed life in modern times?
NAME: ______________________