Arabic Parts - Robert Hand
Arabic Parts - Robert Hand
Arabic Parts - Robert Hand
08/08/15 21:51
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by Robert Hand
the worldwide unique
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35`000 chart data is online at
and can be used for free! It not
only contains birth data, but
also all the chart drawings and
thousands of biographies.
Author's Introduction
What I am going to do here is something similar to what I have been doing on Prodigy.
I am going to be talking about the discoveries and lore of ancient and medieval
astrology. The main difference between these postings and those on Prodigy is that
these will be a bit more technical. I know that not everyone on Alt.Astrology is an
expert but actually you don't need to be much of an expert to understand the old
astrology. Those who could justifiably be called "experts" in modern astrology actually
have to learn as much as the beginners. The concepts are quite simple, but become
complicated in the putting together. But this should not be a surprise. This is just as
true of modern astrology. Anyhow here is my first note.
Add 0
Add 30
Add 60
Add 90
Add 120
Add 150
. Libra
. Scorpio
. Sagittarius
. Capricorn
. Aquarius
. Pisces
Add 180
Add 210
Add 240
Add 270
Add 300
Add 330
Let's say someone has an Ascendant of 20 Virgo, a Moon of 4 Aries, and a Sun at 17
Aquarius. An Ascendant of 20 Virgo means a Descendant of 20 Pisces. Since the Sun
is between the Ascendant and the Descendant, this is a night birth so we use the night
birth formula.
is a free
of astrology.
It collects the knowledge of the
astrological community and
makes it available to
everybody. The Wiki`s cadre
consists of two astrological
Current Planets
8-Aug-2015, 18:38
54'11" 16n04
15'29" 16n54
42'36" 12n03
52' 3"
25'19" 12n29
19' 1"
29'31"r 20s50
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lives is one that supports the native and enables the native to live well. If the Part of
Fortune is in poor condition, the native has a harder time living in relationship with the
world that supports the native. The same can also be said about the relationships of
the Part of Fortune and health.
However, in the case of both significations one must keep in mind that no one
indication in the chart, not even the Part of Fortune, can be taken by itself as a total
indicator of any area of life. For health one must also look at the Ascendant, its ruler,
the Moon and its ruler. Also the sixth and eighth houses as indicators of illness and
death respectively have strong indications for health. For material prosperity one
should also look at the second house, the tenth house, and their rulers.
That said, however, the Part of Fortune is well placed when there are benefics or
dignified planets in the same sign with it (the fact that "sign" is referred to here is very
important as will be seen later on), or these same kinds of planets aspect the Part of
Fortune. [Note: if the terms "benefic" and "dignified" are strange to you, they will be
explained at the end of this article.] Also it was said to help the Part of Fortune if it was
in a sign that was ruled by benefics, and any point in a chart is helped by being in a
sign ruled by a dignified planet.
The Part of Fortune is not so well placed if it is in a sign with malefics, especially if the
malefics are debilitated. Squares, oppositions, and conjunctions with malefics are also
not considered to be very good. As a modern astrologer I would have to say that such
indications do not mean poverty or bad health so much as they mean that the native
will have to work harder or has a narrower range of possible routes to success. But
given those two considerations, the results can still be very positive.
As my concluding comment in this installment, let me say that the Part of Fortune is
not merely a point like the planets or the nodes. It is the start of a house system. The
sign of the Part of Fortune is the first house of the Fortuna system, and the first house
of the Fortuna system extends from 0 degrees to 30 degrees of the sign in which the
Part is located. And each of the other houses of the Fortuna system also extend from 0
degrees to 30 degrees of their respective signs. In the next installment I will describe
what the ancients said should be done with these houses.
Terms Used:
A planet which easily produces results which would be generally considered favorable
or "good." Whether these results really are good for the native will only become clear
over time. Certainly benefics produce a desired result more easily in most situations
than malefics (see next entry). The natural benefics are Venus, Jupiter, the Sun by
trine or sextile aspects, and any planet that is well aspected and dignified (see note).
A planet which does not easily produce results which would be considered "good".
Generally speaking malefics are not so much "bad" as it is that they require more
thought, more consciousness, and more skill at managing life than the benefics require
in most cases. In fact the two main malefics, Mars and Saturn, are necessary for
building character and strength. But either of these handled without consciousness
leads to less than fortunate results. The natural malefics are Mars, Saturn and the Sun
by conjunction only.
General Comment about Both Benefics and Malefics
Ultimately whether a planet is a malefic or a benefic depends upon a number of
factors. Planets that are naturally one or the other can be converted into their opposite
by other circumstances in the chart. One cannot assume that Venus and Jupiter will
always produce good results, and that Saturn and Mars will always produce bad
results. This is a old classification and must be taken somewhat freely. In the end I like
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In another place he wrote "We have also found the 11th place [sign counted as a
house] from Fortune to be an acquisitive place, a bestower of belongings and goods,
and especially when benefics are upon it or are testifying [aspecting]."
These statements are holding up in practice. I have found that the sign of the Part of
Fortune and its ruler give very good information on profession as it relates to making
money along with the tenth house (counted in the usual manner from the Ascendant).
The tenth sign from the sign of the Part of Fortune is also very good for helping to
describe the actual social role that the occupation serves. The eleventh sign from the
Part has a special role in determining both how well and by what means one earns
money. Astrologers who actually earn money from doing astrology have been seen to
have Mercury in the sign of the Part of Fortune, or the eleventh sign from the Part of
Fortune, or ruling either of these. Mercury is the ancient ruler of astrology before
Uranus was discovered. And I would have to say that it still works! The ancient writers
also said that the Part of Fortune and the houses derived from it had to with the body,
health, and actions that are done spontaneously or on an emotional basis.
Another interesting Fortuna house is the seventh. While it may have something to do
with relationships, its primary symbolism seems to derive from its being the opposition
to the Part itself, and the effect is stronger if a point in the seventh Fortuna place is
closer to the exact opposition to the Part of Fortune. One of the oldest significations of
the seventh house was death because the Sun set there and its light was
extinguished. The Fortuna seventh of course is not a sunset point, but since the Part of
Fortune has something to do with the body, the opposition to the Part seems to have
something to with illness and physical problems.
Much more work needs to be on the Part of Fortune, and this can only be considered a
taste. However, we are not done with parts yet. There are many other parts as well,
and many of these also serve as hour markers. We will take up some of these in the
next installment.
A final note: all the passages used in this text are from the Project Hindsight
translations of the ancient Greek texts unless otherwise noted.
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People who have been born at night and have been using the Lot of Fortune as
computed by most software and computer services have actually been using the Lot of
Spirit! The Lot of Spirit is a point which has strong psychological and spiritual
overtones, unlike the very physical-plane based Lot of Fortune. The Lot of Spirit has to
do with the nature of the will, what you intend (as opposed to what merely happens to
you), and also has much to do with career, but apparently more your career as a
statement that you make about what you are in the world. It also has to do with illness,
like the Lot of Fortune, but it would seem that with the Lot of Spirit we are talking about
the spiritual bases of illness as opposed to the physical bases. Unlike the Lot of
Fortune, the Lot of Spirit does not often seem to have been use as a first house
marker. Paulus Alexandrinus says the following about the Lot of Spirit. "Spirit happens
to be lord of soul, temper, mindfulness, and every power; and sometimes it also
cooperates in the determination concerning what one does." This is about all we can
say about the Lot of Spirit at this point.
The other planets also have lots most of which are partly composed out of the Lots of
Fortune and Spirit.
In the following PF = Lot of Fortune, PS = Lot of Spirit
Mercury, Lot of Necessity
Day: Lot = Asc. + PF - Me
Night: Lot = Asc. + Me - PF
"Necessity signifies constraints, submissions, struggles, and wars, and makes
enmities, hatreds, condemnations, all the other restrictive things befalling men as a
result of their birth." -- Paulus Alexandrinus
Venus, Lot of Eros
Day Lot = Asc. + Ve - PS
Night Lot = Asc. + PS - Ve
"Eros signifies the appetites and the voluntative desires. It becomes a contributing
cause of friendship and mutual favor."-- Paulus Alexandrinus
Mars, Lot of Courage
Day Lot = Asc. + PF - Ma
Night Lot = Asc. + Ma - PF
"Courage becomes a contributing cause of boldness, treachery, might, and every
villainy." -- Paulus Alexandrinus
Jupiter, Lot of Victory
Day Lot = Asc. + Ju - PS
Night Lot = Asc. + PS - JU
"Victory becomes a contributing cause of trust, good expectation, contest, and every
association; but sometimes it contributes to penalties and rewards." -- Paulus
Saturn, Lot of Nemesis
Day Lot = Asc. + PF - Sa
Night Lot = Asc. + Sa - PF
"Nemesis becomes a contributing cause of subterranean fates and of everything which
is ice-cold, of demonstration, impotence, exile, destruction, grief, and quality of death."
-- Paulus Alexandrinus
These quotes from Paulus are about all we know about these lots. None of these
appear to have been used as house markers.
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and vice versa. Its position is always below the horizon or exactly on the Ascendant or
Descendant because the Sp to PF arc can never be more than 180 degrees. This may
have something to do with its signification because it is always below the earth like a
foundation. Also as with Fortuna and Spirit, New Moons and Full Moons have special
significance with this lot. At the New Moon all three lots are conjunct the Ascendant,
and at the Full Moon, they are all conjunct the Descendant.
Lot of Debt
Day or Night Lot = Asc. + Sa - Me
This is a lot that does not look as if it would function as a first house indicator. The lore
on this lot is not abundant, but the logic of lots would indicate that whatever house it
would fall into could be a source of financial losses or debt.
Lot of Theft
Day Lot = Sa - Ma - Me
Night Lot = Sa - Me - Ma
Also a lot that does not function as a first house indicator. This is one of the few lots
that does not contain the Ascendant as a component. As such it resembles the kinds
of formulas that one finds in the modern Hamburg School of Alfred Witte.
Lot of Treachery
Day Lot = Asc. + Ma - Su
Night Lot = Asc. + Su - Ma
We have little data on this lot. It is from Vettius Valens.
Lot of Exaltation
Day Lot = Asc. + 19 Ar - Su
Night Lot = Asc. + 3 Ta - Mo
This lot is made out of the Sun and Moon and their exaltation degrees. This is one of
the few instances in which the exaltation degrees (as opposed to their signs) are used.
It is connected to the births of eminent and famous people.
Lot of Being in a Foreign Land
Day or Night Lot = Asc. + Ma - Sa
Lot of Accusation
Day Lot = Asc. + Ma - Sa
Night Lot = Asc. + Sa - Ma
These last two are almost the same. The Lot of Being in a Foreign Land does not
switch at night, and the Lot of Accusation does. The structure of the Lot of Being in a
Foreign Land clearly tells us that we are not talking about vacation travel here. It is
more like a Lot of Exile. The Lot of Accusation indicates the house through which the
native is "likely to experience failure, dangers, or downfalls." [Valens] In later astrology
this lot became the Lot of Inseparable Illness, i.e., incurable illness, and also the Lot of
Police, which accords well with the idea of the Lot of Accusation. I have little
experience with the lot as an indicator of illness, but it does seem to indicate areas of
life where someone may be accused of something, either falsely or truthfully.
Lot of the Destroyer
Day Lot = Asc. + Mo - Ru
Night Lot = Asc. + Ru - Mo
In the above formula 'Ru' stands for the ruler of the Ascendant. This is a point that
relates to death. We have little systematic information of its use except that it seems to
relate to the manner of death. I would urge astrologers not to be careless in the use of
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this lot.
Robert Hand 2/16/96 - 3/20/96
Robert Hand has been doing translations of ancient and medieval astrology texts since
1993 with Project Hindsight and that effort has published over 2000 pages of translations
and commentary. If anyone is interested in further information on Project Hindsight, they
have a web page at Project Hindsight.
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