It aims to develop learner autonomy and independence. May also helps students to
create their own ideas and comfortable ways to learn. In student centered classes
teachers think will help them become more effective and involve with lesson. It also
making easy to get the information for students because by using the student centered
classes that supports them to search and plan the lesson. It helps the teacher to access
the topic and be sure they get the idea. Its the best way for engaging students to
involve them and works as groups. It can be the base of measuring their knowledge in
education and receive the ideas easier.
In my teaching practice days the teacher used student centered in her classes. For
instance, she gave them one day a lesson was how
to recycle things. So, they made five groups and in
each group four to five students with their ipads.
And each group has to search a photos, articles,
video, places of recycling and what can be recycled
or not. After they finish they have to send it to their
teacher to check their works. As I saw it works and
was useful for them because made it easier and
save the class time.
I think student centered classroom allows them to participate and discuss about the
lesson and make it in easier ways to get the ideas. Actually, that may be to make the
less involve student to an active and creative one. Also, that makes students to
responsible for their own learning and cooperatively with others. In addition, use their
brain storm during the class to discuss and explain that may take in more impedance
and respect.
Is a behavior that teacher helps and encourage students to develop it during the class.
There are some strategies or habits that
use during classes to make students behave
such as: free to make a mistake, help
raise hands to answer and follow their
Sometimes using words to motivate students
while they
are doing their works it can reflect it
positively on
them like: never give up, you can do it and
well job. As
well, the relationship between teacher and
students has
to be strong enough because it can break
the barrier of
fear but with limits.
At my practice day in school I entered different classes and grades. As I
saw the teachers were dealing with kindergarten students differently as
grade two and four. Because the differences in ages and abilities of
students. For example, on walls of the classes that hangs some positive
sentences which students create it by themselves to motivate and engorge
them. In addition, there is some attitude the teacher does in class that help students to
develop their learning. She gives the most students involve in her class coins or write
their names on super behave students list. Each teacher has an attitude or behavior can
control the class and it reflected on students whether its good or bad.
I think teachers have to build a good relationship to engorge the positive behavior in
class. The teacher actions in the class must be like a mother with her children. So, shes
must uses support words or hug them because is reflected on them positivity. Also,
praising students helps them to do the best they have and discuss students about their
routines and habits that may students feel more enjoyable and learn while are studying.
There are different types of learning styles. Almost, it depends on the students levels of
understanding the lesson and how they get the information. By recognizing and
understanding your own learning styles, you can use techniques better suited to you.
This improves the speed and quality of your learning. Each one of those learning styles
prefers to use materials shows the styles. There are many types of learning styles and
different ways to active and prove them during classes which are: visual style: you
prefer to use pictures and images, verbal style: words, writing and speech, aural style:
sounds and music, physical style: body, hands and sense of touch, social style: works in
groups, solitary style: work alone and use self-study, and finally logic style: reasoning
and systems.
\In my TP teaching days I used most of these learning
styles to prove the lesson and make it more interesting.
For example, One day I had to teach them a math lesson
which was about five times tables. So, I started the
lesson by using musical style by showing them a video
related to the times tables. After that, I used the logic,
verbal and visual styles to do an activity. I did a poster that
includes fingers and in each finger has question about five
times tables. They have to see the poster and read it loudly for their colleagues then
write the answer on it. Therefore, I used the solitary style by gave them a worksheet to
match the correct numbers to the question.
I think using those learning styles in class can get the students attention and make it
active. Each style of them it works for a reason different from another that may if we use
all of them during the lesson you might be sure they get the idea. Using the learning
styles can take advantages from it to develop the teaching ways and make the
curriculum more interesting to learn and helpful.
Its using educational objectives cognitive domain to plan for the lesson. Lesson plan
has to include aims in the end of lesson and it is such as maps can the teacher plan and
order ideas. Frist, identify the learning objectives for the class by using the bloom
taxonomy pyramid. It includes: creating, evaluating, analyzing, applying, understanding
and remembering. After that, think and write questions in end of the lesson what I want
students lean? What teaching and activities I will use? How I will check for
understanding?. Then, start to put strategies and plan for activities that will engage and
explore students during the class. In the end of lesson planning, has plan what
resources and materials would use for the lesson.
In my teaching practice days I taught four times and each time I did a lesson planning.
The aims change each time and depends on the subject l will teach. For instance, the
math lesson plan was different as Arabic lesson plan. I used in my math lesson
numbers and video differently as Arabic classes which I used stories and solves
exercise in books. Because the materials and ideas of the lesson are different from
others. But the goals are almost same to identify their knowledge by discovering new
concept or information.
I think lesson planning help teacher to identify what they are going do during class time.
As my experience I learned from my lesson plans and try avoiding the mistakes I did the
time before and help to managing the class time. Especially if follow the bloom
taxonomy pyramid words that may make the lesson plan more perfect and useful.
Is to control the classroom and know how to switch during class. Consistency helps to
develop students knowledge base and helps them support the expectations of the
classroom. There are routines have the teacher do it daily such as the assembly
morning, take attendance and tell story on the carpet. Also, there are transitions during
the classroom like the moving from the circle area to meal place and from the class to
the play area. If the teacher has the ability to manage the time for routines and
transitions the class will looks organized and easy to deal with students. So, these two
things if managed from the teacher the students can work and do the best what they
have in class.
In my TP days I observed many
routines and transitions during
class time. For example,
moving students from the
outdoor to the class is one of
the transitions and routines in
school. The teacher used the
strategy when they finished she
asked them to wash their hands
when the rings bell, after that
they must make a line each two
then go to the class. The transition was so managed effectively, because she shows she
is care about the students and look at them while they were playing and walk around
them. Also I liked the way how she enjoyed and played with them that shows how to
deal with students. As I observed that happens each single day I went to school and
that shows how teacher manage the routines and transitions.
I think those transitions and routines in school time are different from each teachers and
grades. So, dealing with different ages or grades has to be planned totally different from
teenagers and kids. But in the end if those two going in class will manage the time and
be easier for the teachers to lead the class as way they plan for it.
Duties are something the teachers have to do it daily or even weekly. And roles are
attitudes and personality should be in teachers. The duties that must be in teachers are
should prepare and plan for the lesson, giving instructions, take attendance and
evaluate the students works. But the roles are little different than duties because is
something must be is each teacher. So, the roles are helping low-achieving students,
solve students problems, be organized and respectful teacher. These qualities are
important to be in teachers and work in it during classroom to be successful teachers.
In my teaching practice days as I observed the teacher used her
roles and duties in class as teacher may I use it in the future. For
example, the roles she used in classroom taking responsibility of
students by going with them to eat their lunch, she is doesnt let
they go with assistant and observe them while their snack break.
Also, she was a good example for students to follow her because
they are in age can influenced by others. But the duties she used
were, evaluate the students works by walking around them and
asked if they need help also observe them while they are playing.
And deal with special needs students by took care of them and
explain lessons individually. Because their abilities different than
other students in class they need to repeat and work quietly.
I think the the variety of roles and duties include that teachers can find ways to lead that
fit their talents and interests. Because its like a process that each teacher has to go on
it to make the classroom active. It has shown the teacher organized and respect
students because she is doing her job completely and that make students respect
teachers back.
In the end, these topics are important to be in successful teachers. Which as I observed
at my TP days the teacher used most of these topics. And I learned how to use it in the
future during class time. The most two things I have no idea about it before were:
learning styles and lesson planning. So, learning specially these two topics give me
experience and how can be works.
I learned from the students centered how students can get responsibility of their
learning and chose specific way to involve with teacher. And what I didnt know about
learning styles is the types and how each one it works during lesson. But for lesson
planning I learned how to make a lesson plan and use objectives for the lesson as I
used it to make lesson plans in my practice days at school. Also, encouraging the
positive behavior in students that may help students emotionally to do their best and its
a support for them. Routines and transitions are teacher used them in class to
knowledge base and helps them support the expectations of the classroom. Finally, the
roles and duties of teachers there are a small different between them and both of them
have to be in each successful teacher.