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Sharedinquiryspade 1

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Strategy I-Shared Inquiry

UVA 7250

Enduring Understandings (Students will understand that):

Writers structure narratives using the elements of setting, character, and plot to support conflict and reveal theme.
Writers employ figurative language, poetic forms, word choice, and imagery to develop narratives.

Essential Questions (How, Why, To What Extent)

How do narrative elements of setting, character, and plot support conflict and reveal theme?
How do word choice and imagery contribute to the meaning of a text?

6.1 The student will participate in and contribute to small-group activities. (SOL 6.1)
6.1.1 Communicate as leader and contributor. (SOL 6.1a)
6.1.2 Build on others ideas and convey individual ideas clearly and expressively.
6.5.6 Describe the elements of narrative structure, including setting, character, plot, conflict, and theme. (SOL 6.5a)
6.6.5 Draw conclusions and make inferences based on explicit and implied information.(SOL 6.6e)
6.6.6 Use prior knowledge and build additional background knowledge as context for new learning. (SOL 6.6b)

Students will know:

Students will understand:
Students will be able to:
How to identify conflicts
Man vs. Man and Man vs. Self
How to reveal theme with textual evidence
How to peer evaluate a Shared Inquiry
The effect of conflict, setting, character and plot on the readers understanding of the text Identify conflict, setting,
plot, word choice, imagery
Explain how the dimensions of these elements contribute to the readers understanding of the text
Draw conclusions and build on others ideas
Understand multiple perspectives and practice scholarly discussion techniques


Learning Activity


Have the students continue gathering textual evidence from novel A View From Saturday for Shared Inquiry. The groups will be
reflecting on the following questions: How does the author use conflict to reveal theme? How does the protagonist use the
Habits of Mind Persisting and Posing Questions and Solving Problems to reveal theme?
Enduring Understanding: Writers structure narratives using the elements of setting, character, and plot to support
conflict and reveal theme.
Norms for Shared Inquiry
A View From Saturday
Notes taken for questions
Split class time in Half
Class will split in half. Each group will discuss different questions/topics. One group will be participating in
discussion, while the other will be peer evaluating during seminar.
Group 1

1. Therearetimesinlifewhenonehastotakerisksinordertobesuccessful.Howdo"TheSouls"andMrs.
2. ThefoursixthgradersonMrs.Olinski'sacademicteamcallthemselves"TheSouls."Mrs.Olinskitellsthem
Group 2

3. "TheSouls"seemtoknowalotaboutteamworklongbeforebecomingateam.Discusshowsavingthe
1. MargaretDraperretiredfromeducationbecauseshecouldn'tdealwiththedrasticchangesinthestudents.Shesaysthat

How do narrative elements of setting, character, and plot support conflict and reveal theme?
How do word choice and imagery contribute to the meaning of a text?
A View From Saturday

Above mentioned notes


I have differentiated key areas of the lesson. From formative observations, I have chosen students for certain roles during the
inquiry. I spoke to each individually about their strengths and weaknesses in a group discussion. I tried to empower my
talkers by explaining the importance of flow. I made them leaders without designating them leaders to the group. I gave
them targets or suggested prompts to encourage the more silent members to participate. I explained to them that they had
already mastered the basic standards of small-group instruction. I wanted them to work outside their comfort zone. I wanted
them to try to listen more than they try to contribute.

Last 5 minutes/next class
Have students consider the Enduring Understanding: Writers structure narratives using the elements of setting,
character, and plot to support conflict and reveal theme. Have students discuss how writers use the elements of setting,
character, and plot to structure narratives using examples from their previous reading of the year to defend their answers. Have
students then discuss how writers use those elements to support the central conflict and reveal the theme.

Evidence of learning/understanding gathered today:

Discussion of conflict, theme Discussion of Enduring Understanding/Shared Inquiry
Reflection/Evaluation of Learning and Effectiveness: see comment.

Shared Inquiry Score Card

Inquiry Speaker _____________________________________
Read Rubric. Score your speaker accordingly.
(10 pts)


(8 pts)


The student is thoroughly

prepared and organized.
It is reflected in his/her
response. Notes are
complete, accurate, and

The student is sufficiently

prepared and organized
and it is reflected in
his/her response. Notes
are adequately complete,
accurate, and in depth.

The students notes are

present, but lack
completeness, accuracy
and depth. This is
reflected in his/her


The student spoke

frequently without
dominating the
conversation. The
student showed
sensitivity toward the
ideas of others. The
student was articulate.

The student could have

spoken more frequently,
but showed sensitivity to
the ideas of others. The
student was fairly

The student barely spoke

and/or showed little
sensitivity to the ideas of
others. The student was
not very articulate while
sharing ideas.


The students responses

were rich, insightful and
demonstrated deep
thinking. The responses
illustrated the students
ability to read beyond
what is on the pages and
synthesize the

The students responses

were above average and
demonstrated some deep
thought. They indicated
that the student is
capable of reading more
than what is on the pages
to a sufficient degree.

The students responses

did not demonstrate deep
thought and lacked
insight. They indicated
the student could do little
beyond read what was on
the pages.

Added to Discussion__________________________________________

Cited specific pages as reference________________________________

Reflection Questions: Answer the following questions in complete

sentences after the seminar

What are three tips you would give students next year to improve this
What did you specifically like about this format?
Was there anything you didnt like about this format?
Do you feel you were able to say all that you wanted to say?
If you would like to add anything herewrite further.

I can honestly say that your work here is strong because of the appropriate use of methodology
(Socratic Seminar) and its alignment with the learning targets. Ive given you some things to
consider in planning as you move forward, but the work here attends to the goals of our course.
You are right where you need to be in moving toward mastery of course content. In the area of
alignment of instructional objectives with Socratic Seminar, your work is MASTERFUL (5).
The method youve selected in appropriate for this population of learner and the goals of the
lesson. Your work in appropriateness is MASTERFUL (5). With that said, please note that I had
to make the cognitive leaps myself at times since you did not consistently connect your work,
planning and thinking, to the unique needs of gifted learners. For that reason, in the area of
explanation, your work is WELL ON YOUR WAY (3).
I so appreciate your attention to student self-assessment/reflection. I can see your use of
assessment data for future use of this method. Your work in assessment is MASTERFUL (5).
Final: 18/20

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