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EDUC 5312/3315-Curriculum and Instructional Design: Observation Form 1

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EDUC 5312/3315-Curriculum and Instructional Design

Classroom Observation Assignment

Observation Form 1

Observation Date: March 10, 2016

Observation Time: 9:50 am - 10:35 am
Teacher Observed: Ms.Koehller (Language Arts teacher)
Subject/Grade Level: 7th-8th grade
School Observed: HSI-SA

1) What was/were the learning objectives/outcomes of the lesson? (Add state objectives if
A: The learning objective was written on the whiteboard; Compare and contrast a written story,
drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or multimedia version. Analyze the effects of
techniques used, such as lighting, sound, color, camera focus, or angles used in a film. The
teacher explained briefly to the students of their objective for the day; saying that the story,
drama, or poem they have taken home with them and back for the past few weeks should be
finished by now. And, when they get home they will ask their mom, dad, or guardian to watch
the film, play, or listen to the audio recording for what they have chose to read. She also made
sure to say it more than once, so the students wouldnt come in the day of which the assignment
is due and state how they didnt hear what she had said to the class. She made sure to send the
parents, or guardian of the students the link to the free films, plays, etc. So, they wouldnt have to
go out of their way to buy anything for the assignment.

2) How did the teacher begin and end the lesson?

A: Ms.Koehller started off the lesson by asking each and every student as she was taking role if
they had finished their story, poem, etc. She then, ended it with the reminder I spoke of earlier.

3) What did the teacher use for teaching materials or instructional aids/equipment?
A: The teacher did not use too many materials or instructional aid/equipment in order to help her
with the lesson. Although, she did use an overhead projector connected to her laptop, and the
whiteboard to assist her.

4) Which instructional methods and strategies did the teacher use?

A: She did use a few demonstrations and examples of what last year students turned in to her. Of
course, it was the same assignment that they were assigned. She also discussed with the students
on the grading rubric she had set up for the lesson.

5) How did the teacher access learning?

A: She was very talkative with her students. Ms.Koehller knew how to get into the students'
heads. She would use the projector to project assignments, and she would be like a coach in a
sense. Very enthusiastic, and likable as a teacher. That's how you get students to learn nowadays.
You have to be able to attract their attention; and, she did well at doing so.

6) What can you say about the teachers philosophy/beliefs and style?
A: I can't say anything about her "philosophy/beliefs and style"; for, I wasn't able to observe that
deep with just one period of class. But, I can tell she wasn't into disciplining her students; she
didn't even need to to be honest. She had this likable vibe to her. The students were actively
learning in that class. I didn't see a single student not working.

7) How does the teacher manage classroom? Can you identify classroom management
techniques used?
A: As most teachers do, she had no tolerance for misbehaving, horseplaying, etc. She had rules
setup on one of the classroom walls. And next to it was her way of describing how she'll deal
with the students that would misbehave in the class. First, she would give a warning. Secondly,
she would move the student's spot within the class, or give a DPS (a bad merit) point. And lastly,
she would call the students' parents, or send them to the principal's office.

8) Observe in the classroom setting and determine types of behavior students play when
off-task. What do they do when they are not paying attention? How does the teacher redirect them or get them back on task?
A: As I stated earlier, I didn't see a single student that wasn't working or that seemed to be "offtask".

9) How does the teacher communicate with students?

A: She would communicate with her students as if they were her close friends. She would always
talk to them with a smile on her face.

10) Who were the students in the class? What did you notice about the class?
A: Ms.Koehller's Language Arts class is very diverse. With both 7th and 8th grade students in the
classroom, all kinds of students were in the classroom. When I was there in the back of the class;
the classroom seemed to be packed, with no desks left to sit in. And with that being said, I
counted up to 31 students in her class alone.

11) What did you see that is effective in engaging students? What do you see that is
ineffective in keeping students engaged?

A: Well, in her classroom; I learned that in order to engage your students, you should learn how
to attract their attention. She did so by being very energetic, playful, and friendly to her students.
I didn't really notice anything that was ineffective in keeping students engaged at the time.

12) What are the two instructional strategies you observed and would like to apply in your
A: I haven't observed any instructional strategies that I would like to apply into my own
classroom. Sure, we deal with the same grades; I teach 7th and 8th grade students as well. But, I'm
more of a sub rather than the main focus of the students in a classroom.

13) What are two important classroom management strategies that you observed and
would like to apply in your classroom?

I had observed that before she had told the students of their lesson, she'd stand in front of
all the student's desks', and would wait there with her index finger covering the front of
her closed mouth. Thus, indicating that she was waiting until they were all quiet to begin
the lesson.
Stay organized. What I also observed from the time period I was in her classroom, was
that she was very organized. To the point where the students didn't seem to feel the need
to ask any questions. Everything was on the board, and ready for them to write down onto
their journals, papers, etc.

STUDENT BEHAVIOR (Majority of Students):

Listening, Question/Answer, Lecture, Integrating Content, Other
Projector, Books, Other


At the time.. Individuals
Listening, Discussing, Writing, Reading, Homework, Research, Other
Stated Expectations, Positive Reinforcement, Self-disciplined Students, Enthusiasm
for Learning
I had fun to be honest; I wasn't even engaged with the class myself. But, the teacher,
Ms.Koehller, definitely knows what she is doing. It is always great to witness a teacher as
great as herself to do what she does best. And from what I've noticed, that'd be teaching.

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