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Icp Math Lesson Plan

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SOE Official Lesson Plan

Version 1-27-13

Subject of Lesson: Ratio Conversions

Time Estimate: 80 mins

Grade Level: 7
Central Focus: Lesson Purpose and Rationale
Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to provide an authentic context through which
students can use proportions and ratios. Specifically, in this lesson proportions and
ratios will be used to convert between different present-day and colonial currencies.
Rationale: This relates to the interdisciplinary project as a whole by allowing students
to better understand their colonys economy.
Specific Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS)
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.RP.A.2 Recognize and represent proportional relationships
between quantities.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.RP.A.3 Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio
and percent problems.
NY State Learning Standards and/or Professional Standards (if applicable)
Standards of Mathematical Practice SMP.1 Make sense of problems and persevere in
solving them.
NCTM Standard 5 Algebra Represent situations that involve variable quantities with
expressions, equations, inequalities and matrices; Use tables and graphs as tools to
interpret expressions and equations
Lesson Objectives
Given a trade ledger based on the chosen colony, students will work in groups to
identify between which units conversions should occur.
After locating the necessary conversion rates, students will work in groups to apply a
proportional relationships to rewriting the ledger based on current US currency rates.
Modifications: None for this class.
Accommodations: Students who struggle with rote mathematical computation will be
allowed to use calculators. Students with visual impairments will have preferential
Research-Based Strategies
Activation of prior knowledge
Semantic mapping
Cooperative group work
Business or trade ledgers (primary sources)
Blank ledger templates
Online sources for colonial conversion rates
Students semantic maps
Arrangement of Physical Space and Students
At the beginning of instruction, students will be seated in desks facing the SMART
Board or projector. For the independent practice component, students will separate
into their colony groups.


A. Introduction

B. Lesson Body (such as:

content input, modeling,
scaffolding, assessments,
guided practice,
opportunities for students to
learn constructively)

C. Closure

D. Follow-up Activities

Key Questions, Comments, Directions,

Anticipatory Set: Present students with a
problem by showing them an online shopping
website with prices listed in an unfamiliar
currency (i.e. pounds, Yen).
Content Input: Introduce the concept of
exchange rates. Include tables which show
the conversions between multiple currencies,
as well as tables that list a variety of items
with converted prices. (See below for
examples.) Remind students of their previous
learning about proportional relationships.
Model how you would use a proportion
equation to determine whether or not a price
listed on the foreign website (from the
anticipatory set) is reasonable.
Guided Practice: Present a problem for an
item found on multiple foreign websites. Help
students convert multiple foreign currencies
to US dollars in order to compare which price
is best.
Pre-reading Activity: Activate students prior
knowledge about text structure, specifically
about how to read and interpret charts.
Independent Practice: In groups, read
through a business or trade ledger of your
choice that pertains to your colony (fur, iron,
tobacco, wheat, other goods, etc.).
Determine what quantities should be
converted so that the values are
understandable. Use online sources to find
conversion rates. Use a ratio/proportion to
convert unfamiliar currencies to US Dollars.
Students will add to their interdisciplinary
semantic webs. Guide students in a wholegroup discussion about what they added to
their webs after todays lesson. Use their
comments to present a summary of the
lessons main points.
Homework: Students will be asked to look at
their converted ledgers to determine a good
or service which could be profitable in their
colony. Students will discuss this during the
next class.

Examples of Materials
For Anticipatory Set and Content Input:

For Guided Practice:

For Independent Practice:

*Note: Transcriptions of ledgers are available.*

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