Media Planning Notes
Media Planning Notes
Media Planning Notes
Content Generation online vs offline
Content Syndication
Effective Frequency & Effective Reach
Elaborate the media planning process
Explain in 1 or 2 Lines - Net Reach, Media Plan, TVR, Reach, Readership, Gross Reach,
GRP, effective frequency, effective reach
How media mix is different for different product categories, explain with respect to Cost and
What are the elements in cost effectiveness
How media research is helpful for media decisions
How Product life cycle determine your media Brief - Short Note
Issues with Indian Media
What are the different influencers of media mix
Media Consultancy - Short note
Outdoor scheduling
What are the importance of media planning
Reach how its different by mediums
Reach Saturation analysis
What are the principles of for selecting media vehicles for a media campaign
What are different consumer segments and how u target them through scheduling, with media
mix examples
what are the channel scheduling tactics
what are the content scheduling tactics for GEC
What are the core properties of Media brief
What are the different pattern of Scheduling
What are the different properties of media innovations
What are the elements in Media audits
Content Syndication in Channel media means pushing the shows in various creative
style to the third party or get the third party content in the regional market to gain
more visibility
Indian television channels, hungrier than ever for revenues from a fragmented
advertising pie, are now looking at content syndication deals for those extra bucks.
Zee, Star and Sahara already have syndication deals in place in NRI-rich international
markets such as the US and UK. However, its the domestic syndication that hasnt
really caught on. Sensing this huge potential, many new entrants in the space, such as
Hindi general entertainment channel (GEC) NDTV Imagine, are betting big on
domestic syndication.
However, NDTV Imagines syndication is not just for television but also for other
formats such as home videos. Dubbed adaptation of Ramayana, the channels
weekday prime-time driver show, is being aired on Gemini TV in Andhra Pradesh.
Indian Channels are planning to use UTVs dubbing facility to reproduce the same
shows in other languages. Soon, India will be ready to do reverse syndication.
However, industry experts feel its too early to ascertain how much the syndication
would contribute to a channels revenues.
Content procurement
Other countries content procurement
Dubbed or remake
Content selling
Selling content to other channels
Dubbed or remake
If 50% have been reached at least 5 times, then 50% is the Effective
Reach at 5+
Effective Frequency
Number of times an individual need to be exposed to a communication in a fixed time
frame for him to react in a desired way
Frequency: Describes the average number of times that a person within the target
audience has had the opportunity to see an advertisement over the campaign period
Effective frequency: Is defined as the minimum number of times a communication
must be exposed to a viewer/potential consumer to positively impact on that
consumers buyer / purchasing behavior. When the concept was developed by Michael
Naples of Lever, it was interpreted as meaning that the effective frequency for any
product communication was 3 times.
1st time: Startle or provide the message that this communication has something to say
2nd time: Recognize communication
3rd time: Comfort, familiarity & acceptance
1. Marketing Objectives:
Before any Media Plan there is always an objective to be achieved on which the
planning and plotting is based.
Marketing objectives are the core component of any media plan, objectives defines
what has to be achieved and what are the key areas which have to be focus through the
2. Identification of Markets:
It is very Critical to have market analysis or environmental analysis. Complete review
of internal and external factors is required to be done. At this stage media planner try
to identify answers of the following questions:
What internal and external factors may influence the media plan?
Where and when to focus the advertising efforts?
3. Identification of TG:
The target audience can be classified in terms of age, sex, income, occupation, and
other variables. The classification of target audience helps media planner to
understand the media consumption habit, and accordingly choose the most appropriate
media or media mix.
4. Communication Strategy:
Creative Aspects - Creativity in ad campaigns decides the
success of the product, but to implement this creativity firm
must employ a media that supports such a strategy.
Flexibility - An effective media strategy requires a degree of
Reach - Reach refers to the number of people that will be exposed to to a media
vehicle at least once during a given period of time.
Frequency - Frequency refers to the average number of times an individual
within target audience is exposed to a media vehicle during a given period of
Continuity - It refers to the pattern of advertisements in a media schedule.
Continuity alternatives are as follows:
Continuous: Strategy of running campaign evenly over a period of
Pulsing: Strategy of running campaign steadily over a period of
time with intermittent increase in advertising at certain intervals, as
during festivals or special occasions like Olympics or World-Cup.
Discontinuous: Strategy of advertising heavily only at certain
intervals, and no advertising in the interim period, as in case of
seasonal products.
Cost - It refers to the cost of different media
Weight - Weight refers to total advertising required during a particular period.
5. Analysis:
9. Plan on Air:
To Come up with a plan, finalizing what prime spots would be used for the
strategy and at what channels according to the budget allocated.
To Track down most appropriate options which can be used to achieve the
allocated reach and frequency within the focus target group, a media planner
can come up with alternate plans for the client if it is not suitable for the client
10. Tracking:
Evaluation is essential to assess the performance of any activity. Two factors are
important in evaluation of media plan:
If 50% have been reached at least 5 times, then 50% is the Effective
Reach at 5+
Frequency: Describes the average number of times that a person within the target
audience has had the opportunity to see an advertisement over the campaign period
11. TVR:
TVR is a TV Rating point and it means a given percentage of a base population
watching a TV programmed where that base is defined as
1) a given target audience in 2) a given TV region or area.
Whats important here is that because we are talking percentages the bases from which
those percentages are taken can change, and this can mean huge differences in the
volumes of audience actually seeing an ad.
12. Reach:
Is the term used to express the total percentage of a target audience who are exposed to
a commercial at least once throughout a campaign period?
Product and category of the product influences media mix on a very high scale, as it is
very important to know what is the involvement and cost to be achieved. Whether the
involvement for the specific product is high or low, or the cost assigned is high or low,
because each factor has a different meaning,
Low Cost, Low Involvement: High Reach and Low Frequency
Low Cost, High Involvement: High Reach and Medium Frequency
High Cost, Low Involvement: We dont require to Advertise in this scenario
High Cost, High Involvement: High Reach and High Frequency
We dont require to
Advertise in this
Low rates
More spots
More print insertions
More sponsorships
More value adds
Best rate than completion
Best SOV SOE than competition
1. TV Research
2. Print Research
3. Radio Research
4. Internet Key word research
5. Customized Research
Cluster Analysis
Statements Quality Research
1. TV Research
GRP Projection
Break Research / Spot research
Channel Spots research
Celeb vs non celeb adds
Edit Duration
Market mapping
Relation between Reach & Frequency
Duplication Channels
Advt testing
Content Research
Show Stickiness & Segment duration
Lapsers Analysis
Duplication shows
Slot selling vs Spot selling
Light Medium and Heavy Analysis
Profiling / Channel Profile
Content test
Brand Track
Character India Loves
Movie analysis
Explained in PPT with graphs and Tables
Consider Advertisement and Investment cost for the media brief and profit for the ROI
The need for immediate profit is not a pressure. The product is promoted to create
awareness and develop a market for the product. The impact on the marketing mix and
strategy is as follows:
Promotion is
Marketing communications seeks to build product awareness and educate potential
consumers about the product.
Reach: Very High
Competitors are attracted into the market with very similar offerings. In the growth
stage, the firm seeks to build brand preference and increase market share.
Product quality is maintained
support services may be added.
Reach: High
Frequency: High
Those products that survive the earlier stages tend to spend longest in this phase. At
maturity, the strong growth in sales diminishes. Competition may appear with similar
products. The primary objective at this point is to defend market share while
maximizing profit.
Product features may be enhanced to differentiate the product from that of
Pricing may be lower because of the new competition.
Distribution becomes more intensive, and incentives may be offered to
encourage preference over competing products.
Promotion emphasizes product differentiation.
Reach: High
Frequency: Low
At this point, there is a downturn in the market. For example, more innovative
products are introduced or consumer tastes have changed. There is
intense price cutting, and many more products are withdrawn from the market. Profits
can be improved by reducing marketing spending and cost cutting.
As sales decline, the firm has several options:
Frequency: Low
2. Target Audience:
a. Age
3. Geography:
Different regions influence the media mix, such as whether it is metros, mini metros,
urban, rural etc.
According to the geographic location media mix has to be set, which clearly impacts
the media mix
4. Sales:
Whether the product going to be marketed is B2B or B2C, different product has to be
marketed differently, as B2B products has no connection wit the final consumer it
would be vague to plan a same uniform pattern process plan as it is been for B2C.
5. Media Availability:
Whether the desired media channel or a platform has an appropriate availability in the
desired geographic locations matters the most, for e.g. If a radio has only 10% of hold
in a specific city and a media planner is planning to assign more than 40% of the
budget and action on radio, it would be clearly unsuccessful, so it is always advisable
to analyze the media availability as it influences the media plan
6. Innovations:
Cost effective
Long term impact
TG appeal
Brand connect
Repeat value
Relative advantage
Time factor
Complexity vs simplicity
for distribution in their outdoor advertising and record the visitors contact details and
develop these sources into potential business.
Products and business services are also promoted by conducting or sponsoring events.
These events may be related to the business or have pure entertainment purpose. Apart
from banners, visitors to the event are also given compliments with the company logo
in it as additional advertising methods.
These kiosks or portable stalls are advertising ideas set on road sides and are manned
by a staff who would explain the services when approached.
Scheduling As mentioned in PPT
Morning traffic
Evening traffic
Wall painting
Mall activation
Audience Led
Seasonal Media Led
Brand problem
Frequency oriented
Market led
Target led
Reach based
Best Reach
Lowest cost
Lowest cost per thousand
Lowest CPRP
Minimum Waste
Within budget
Optimum Frequency
(elaborate on each points, self explanatory)
Does not take into account the duration differentiation and buying
efficiencies of the different players
Data is monitored weekly at card rates by a third party.
Non User
Loyal consumer should be targeted using pulsing technique and all media mix
vehicles. These consumers are the one whom each brand would do anything for
retaining them. As it is said retaining the consumers are easy then attracting the new
ones, hence the brands usually use high cost budgets for pulsing strategy and diversify
their cost also on all the media vehicles just to retain this segment consumer.
Fringe are the consumers which are not so important on the revenue statement of the
brand, meaning that they dont give much of the business to the brand instead of being
aware about the presence, hence brand usually uses Flighting techniques for such
consumers, which helps to attract the consumers seasonally as per the demand of the
product goes higher also the media vehicles used for this segment are analyzed and
used according to that being specific.
Non User:
Non user are those people who dont consumes your product, for attracting these
segment one has to continuously advertise using specific media vehicle according to
your target group specified.
Show Originals: To schedule a original show on prime spot, On going series new
episodes are schedules in show originals.
Shows Repeats: To Schedule a repeat telecast of the previous episodes of the prime
series at a different spot, for e.g., if original is scheduled on Monday 7pm the repeat
would be on Tuesday afternoon 2pm.
Tent pole Time Bands: Tent pole marketing is about centering your promotional
activities around big events. The term was first coined in Hollywood to describe the
hype surrounding popular movies, as interest levels peak over opening weekend
Scheduling Repeats: To schedule a long run sessions of repeat telecast since 1st
episode to the latest one to gain more attention towards the show, this are usually done
on odd timings where channel planners need to kill time slots
Kids Hour: These are dedicated timing slots for kids entertainment, usually 5pm to
7pm on weekdays and 9 am to 11am on weekends.
Movies & Premieres: Channels schedules big movies and premiers usually on
weekends and on holidays, where they can achieve more reach
Show Promos: These small promos are usually done before and after advertisements
breaks, it showcases promos of upcoming series on the channel
Huge budgets
Cost effective
o Telecom, Most of the FMCGs
o Soaps, Tooth Paste, Shampoos, Skin Care, Home Cleaning, Insecticides
o Cold creams
o Air conditioners
o Heaters
o Tourism
1. TV Specialized Shows
a. Laugh India Laugh
3. Print
a. Newspaper Column
b. Magazine Article Creative
4. Outdoor
o Prime Hoardings
o Festivals
TV Property Evals and Presenting Sponsors
1. KBC
2. Dramebaaz
3. Big Boss
The Media Audit is a multimedia survey conducted for the purpose of developing
statistically reliable information about the audience levels and audience characteristics
of radio stations, local TV news programs, cable TV viewing, daily newspapers,
weekly and monthly publications, the Internet, social media, mobile Internet usage,
local media websites, direct mail and out-of-home media. The Media Audit also
collects socioeconomic information, product buying plans and purchasing activity for
numerous products and services, retail stores and financial institutions that can be used
to define the quality of individual media audiences. In addition, the information can be
used in defining customer profiles and consumer market shares for the many products,
services, retail establishments and banking institutions that are covered in the survey.
Revenue models for E commerce is very simple and easy to understand, it is divided
in to three categories,
1. Social Media
2. Search Engine
3. Services provided online
1. Social Media:
Social Media consist of Advertising on the social platforms and blogs. It
considers banner advertisements of different variants, carasouel advertisings and even
native advertisements.
2. Search Engine:
Search Engines considers various things such as Affiliated sites, lead
generations portals, partnership with different websites for revenue share, profit share
and other various factors
3. Services:
Such as Music, videos, files transfers, file sharing, documents, e mailers etc.
For Understanding revenue model for news channels it is also important to understand
basic TV model,
This is the basic TV channel model, describing how things work to make revenue
form the business, if we talk about the news channel, the model is shown below,
News channel model works on three parameters, New collection agency from where
they collect the news or they even have their own agency formed for collecting the
news from various sources, Advertisers are the one who pays the new channels to
show their ad promos between the news shows to reach the viewers, the whole model
revolves around viewers the more the viewers the more the reach, which leds to more
advertisements and revenue.
The reach is depend upon the content which is shown on the channel, hence even
content generation is equally important for the model
1. Cost of Property
2. Nature of Property
3. Cast
4. Premium
5. Channel
6. Channel Reach & Performance
7. Time
8. Competition
9. Other Elements
12.Target Audience
13.Budgets Availability