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Dragon Magazine #418

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A Dungeons & D ragons Roleplay ing Ga me Supplement






By Stan!

By Jennifer Clarke Wilkes

Its the end of the world as we know it.

Deck the halls with the finest tapestries.




By Jeff LaSala

By John Hasznosi

Learn the secrets of this primordial,

party-eating monstrosity.

Inns and taverns made easy.


By Dennis Johnson


By Rodney Thompson
Shell make you wish you were dead, too.

Meet the new and improved tarrasque

and its twisted cult following.

13 YE

By Tim Eagon
Behold four monsters plucked from the
Palace of the Silver Princess, the halls of
Castle Amber, and other classic dungeons.


49 THE


52 THE

By Keith Baker
Beware the bogeymen of the Eldeen woods.

55 THE

By Ed Greenwood
Meet the eye tyrants number-one fan.

By Claudio Pozas
Visit a town in dire need of adventurers.

ON THE COVER: Craig J Spearing rocks your world with his awesome illustration of the terrible tarrasque.




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D e c e m b e r 2 012

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Seaman, Phill Simmer, Craig J
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Kate Irwin
Angie Lokotz
Daniel Helmick
Keith Baker, Jennifer
Clarke Wilkes, Tim Eagon,
Ed Greenwood, John
Hasznosi, Dennis Johnson,
Jeff LaSala, Claudio Pozas,
Rodney Thompson

Mike Schley

Dungeons & Dragons, Wizards of the Coast, D&D Insider, their

respective logos, D&D, Dungeon, and Dragon are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast LLC in the USA and other countries. 2012
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This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States
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permission of Wizards of the Coast LLC. This product is a work of
fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events
is purely coincidental.

King of the Monsters

By Stan!
Here is it, the end of the yearplus, if you believe
the doomsayers, the end of the world. In honor of
the close of the Mayan long-count calendar, and the
mystic apocalypse that some claim this event augurs,
weve made this months theme Doom and Gloom.
and to set the right tone, weve included a pair of
articles about one of my favorite D&D monsters of all
timethe tarrasque!
Theres pretty much just one tarrasque adventure
plot, and it goes something like this: The tarrasque
wakes up and starts smashing everything within
reach. Everyone else in the surrounding countryside
tries to survive. Most do not.
In many ways, the tarrasque is like my favorite
movie monster, Toho Studios venerable King of the
Monsters, Godzilla. And the similarities are more
than just superficial. Sure, theyre both titanic lizards that, while similar to dinosaurs, clearly stand
apart and above that classification. However, both are
more than mere gigantic beaststhey each represent
the unbridled fury of an aggrieved primal force of
nature. With the Big G, its Mother Earth wounded by
nuclear weapons, while the tarrasque is quite literally
the personification of the primordials rage at having
been pushed aside by the gods.
When the tarrasque shows up, the best the PCs
can do is redirect its rage so that it doesnt flatten
innocent towns and villages. And even if they do
manage a victory over the creature, it merely slips
back into a long slumber, from which it will eventually rise and begin rampaging again. In the end,
maybe thats what I like best about the tarrasque. It
presents heroes with a genuine conundrum. Do they
selflessly protect innocent lives, or simply try to save
their own? What are they willing to risk in order to
stop the apocalypse that the tarrasque represents?

Of course, theres more to our Doom and Gloom

issue than just the tarrasque. In Eye on the Realms,
youll meet the self-styled Priest of the Beholders.
In Eye on Eberron, youll travel with the Children
of Winter, whose goal is nothing less than bringing
about the end of the world. Theres also a Backdrop
article that takes us to the city of Hochoch in Greyhawk, and Wondrous Weavings, which presents a
collection of enchanted tapestries.
Unfortunately, this issue also marks the end of my
involvement with Dragon and Dungeon magazines.
Its rare, after youve been in the industry as long as I
have, to be able to find a project that fulfills a lifelong
dream (one only has so many lifelong dreams to go
around), but this one has. Ive been a fan of Dragon
since I first encountered it in the early 1980s, and it
was a moment of intense pride to see my signature
gracing the editorial page, where so many names
Ive known and respected for years have previously
resided. Im honored to have played a part in the history of this great gaming institution, even for just a
few short months.
The time has come for me to step away from my
duties at Wizards of the Coast for at least a little
while. But Ill still be around, just on the other side of
the metaphorical DM screen. So thank you for letting
me join you around the gaming table. I hope well get
to do it again soon.

History Check:

By Jeff LaSala

Illustration by Craig J Spearing

The script was elegant, unhurried, composed by the steady
hand of an educated man in seeming possession of his faculties. The pages had been neatly gathered, rolled into a
scroll case of bone capped with silver, and delivered to the
queens agent directly.
Its writer and sender, purportedly an archmage, elected
to remain anonymous. The courier relayed only this
description of his client: a figure in gray, cowled and softspoken, whose certainty of purpose was so strong as to be
palpable. Here follow the words that make up his attempt to
understand the tarrasque, and his effort to pass that knowledge on. . . .

S ole Survivor
You think you know monsters. You may spend your
life battling aberrations in subterranean realms,
demons in blasphemous temples, or angels in the
astral skies. You may even have slain dragons.
But you have never seen the wrath of a true monsterone that devils and archons alike would shy
from, a beast that slumbers now in a place so remote
even the deep-dwelling drow cannot fathom it.
I have looked into the soulless eyes of the Great
Beast, and it looked back into mine. Whether by fate
TM & 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18

History Check: The Tarrasque

or fortune, I have been spared its teeth and the acidic
razors of its gullet. I have lived to tell the tale.
The monster gave no warning when it emerged
from beneath the countryside of my fathers land,
then quickly destroyed a nearby farm and devoured
every living occupant. In less than a day, the barony
was ravaged by its hunger: meadows and forests
trampled and desecrated, livestock and game swallowed or driven away. Our keep, which had withstood
peasant uprisings and enemy sieges for centuries,
crumbled under the fury of the tarrasque.
I alone survived, whether by happenstance or
some greater design. Was my escape from death a
sign? I began to believe so, and I became grateful not
only for my continued life but also for the opportunity
that my survival afforded me: The appearance of the
tarrasque on my familys land set me on the path of
my lifes work: my study of the Great Beast. But for
that event, I might have lived and died as the idle
son of an inconsequential nobleman. A greater tragedy, surely?
In the years that I have walked this earth, the
Great Beast has emerged three times. The first time,
to destroy all that I once held dear; the second and
third, to enlighten me. In my work, I have delved dangerous ruins, consulted with mystic sages, and spoken
at length with the dead. My quest for knowledge of
the Great Beast has set me upon fey pathways and the
roads between the planes.
Now I am much too old. I have learned many
things. And so I impart this warning to you: Accept
the inevitable when the Great Beast returns for the
last time.

Dawn of the Beast

No fewer than a dozen sages I spoke with ascribed
the tarrasques existence to fell rituals and the dark,
miscast magics of mortal wizards. Such claims are
vague, lazy hand-waving of dubious scholarship. To
understand the origin of the tarrasque, one must look

higher and deeperinto the enmity between the gods

and primordials, which began with the Dawn War.
It was in the hoard of Arvvestrix the Black, a
wyrm of singular notoriety, that I found a rare book.
The writing was in the Supernal script, the language
of astral and divine beings, and the author spoke
knowingly, seemingly at first hand, about the Dawn
War. Now, I have read many texts about that mythic
conflict in the Age Before Ages, but most of them are
contradictory and slanderousthe propaganda of one
faith or another. This tome, however, was different,
and from its pages came the foundation of my quest
for answers.
The world began with the primordials, elemental
beings of godlike power, whose works were violent
and ever-changing. When the gods arrived and
shaped the churning chaos into a hospitable, stable
world where new beings could live and thrive, the primordials were outraged and sought to tear the gods
work apart. So began the Dawn War, a struggle so
long and vast that no mortal can truly grasp its scope.
The primordials could not conceive of defeat.
Foolishly, they fought against one another as often
as against the gods and the angelic armies of their
enemies. Though the gods were outnumbered, they
worked in concert and with ordered determination.
The Dawn War finally ended with the defeat of the
primordials. Most were slain, imprisoned, or forced
into dormancy so they could no longer threaten the
stability of the world.
During the struggle, some primordials were more
prudent than most. These forward-thinking entities
temporarily set aside their differences with one
another for the sake of survival. The most powerful
were the self-styled Elemental Princes, called by
some the archomentals, who formed an alliance.
Together they sought to unleash a being known as
the Elder Elemental Eye, who they believed was
the first and most powerful of their kind. The gods
ultimately foiled their plans; the Eye remained in its

divine prison, and the archomentals retreated into

the depths of the Elemental Chaos to thwart their
enemiesbut before they fled, they hatched a plan
to birth the most terrible monster the world has
ever seen.

Weapon in Waiting
All wars beget new weapons. Conflict is the father of
invention, after all. In the midst of its cosmic strife,
the Dawn War propagated many abominations
living weapons used by both sides, some of which still
lurk in forgotten or familiar places. Atropals, astral
stalkers, phanes . . . the list goes on, and mortals are
fortunate if they never meet a single one of them. The
tarrasque was the last and unquestionably the most
powerful of these new weapons of war.
Before their exile, the archomentals wrought one
final act of spite. Combining their talents, they fashioned in secret an abomination of unquenchable
hunger. Imix the Fire Lord infused the tarrasque with
burning internal heat and murderous energy. Cryonax the Bringer of Endless Winter and Ogrmoch
the Stone Tyrant gave it immortal endurance. Olhydra the Mistress of the Black Tide and Yan-C-Bin the
Great Cloud inspired the creatures inexorable wrath.
There is evidence that at least two Elemental Princes
did not survive this creation processa force of acid
and a creature of bone and bladebut their names
have been lost.
The archomentals then seeded the newborn tarrasque into the still-young natural world, leaving it to
incubate for centuries in the elemental core. One day,
it would awaken, once more to unleash the primordials wrath and tear apart the works of the gods.
The primordials intended that their volatile pet
would be a being so mighty, so intelligently malicious, that it would pluck dragons from the sky and
summon exarchs from the heavens to feast upon. Yet
their work was necessarily imperfect, tainted with
the same mindless rage that roiled inside its makers;

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18

History Check: The Tarrasque

A character who makes a DC 15 Arcana check
knows that the tarrasque is purported to be a
tremendous beast that appears from time to
time and ravages the world around it. A DC 25
Arcana check will reveal that the tarrasque is
an abomination formed by the primordials as
a weapon against the gods, that it sleeps in the
core of the world and only seldom rises. A DC
30 check reveals the tarrasques bond with the
world itself, its near-indestructible nature, and
just about everything the narrator postulates in
this article.

the primordials were not the gods, after all. And so

with the gods almost upon them, the archomentals
concluded their work, their power nearly spent, their
living weapon prematurely abandoned and thus

E arly A ssaults
For centuries the tarrasque remained dormant. The
archomentals had ceased to be concerned about their
secret project. They had fallen to fighting one another
again, only occasionally halting to advance their
collective agenda for the Elder Elemental Eye. Meanwhile, in the natural world, mortals and immortals
alike remained unaware of the danger germinating
beneath them.
Then one day it finally awoke. A long-ago kingdom
named Aeritueur was the first to speak in definite
terms of the tarrasques rampage. As chronicled
by eladrin magic in a malachite speaking-gem,
the loremasters of Aeritueur described a colossal beast superficially resembling a behemoth but

longer-limbed and much bulkier. Wingless, horned,

and armored in a shell like melted diamond, the
creature possessed a deafening roar and devastatingly
massive tail. Ponderous, yet capable of surprising
bursts of speed, the creature shrugged off spells and
slew every knight and summoned monster in its path.
Most who beheld the Great Beast were transfixed in
horror, a sensation with which I am intimately familiartoo overwhelmed by its presence to even flee. All
things within its reach were devoured or destroyed:
people, horses, wagons, siege weaponry. It was the
ghostly voices in the speaking-gem who named the
creature tarrasque. The term is derived from an
elvish word meaning unstoppable. The old, broader
meaning has long since fallen out of use, and the
word now has only one association.
Miraculously, Aeritueur did not fall to the Great
Beasts hunger as its neighboring realms hadelse
there would be no records of this first emergence. The
creature abruptly stopped just before setting upon the
kingdom, then sank smoothly into the nearby mountainside like a xorn passing through solid rock. It was
never heard from again during Aeritueurs history.
I have studied evidence from other old civilizations across the known realms that knew of the
Great Beasts passage. Primitive paintings on cave
walls, glyphs etched into desert tombs, and sculptures perched upon crumbled temple walls depicted
an unkillable, wingless monster that rose from the
earth and devoured everything around it. None of
these accounts confused the beast for any sort of
dragon. Feared as they are, dragons are nothing like
the tarrasqueeven the vilest of wyrms can be reasoned with.
I once explored the ruin of a drow city, all but forgotten by Lolths faithful, that had suffered the fury
of the tarrasque. The human realm of Irentia and the
demon-worshiping gnoll tribes of Gajraharr were also
both obliterated. The former was a champion of righteous gods, the latter a blight upon all free races. But

have you heard of either of them? No, because none

survived to keep those names alive. The Great Beast
does not discriminate between good and evil, law or
chaos, dark or light. Despite the nature of its makers,
the tarrasque is not a force of evil. It favors warm
flesh, but if something is consumablea broad term
indeedit can and will be consumed. Elf, demon,
human, giant, illithid, halfling, sapling, catapult: all
food for the tarrasque.

C ycle of Chaos
No doubt you have wondered: If the tarrasque cannot
be slain, why are we still here at all? Why hasnt
everyone seen it? Why, in some realms, does no one
even believe in it?
Because the tarrasque is not tireless. On each
occasion when it disappears, the Great Beasts weaknesstime itselfis revealed, though few possess the
frame of reference to understand it. The tarrasque
is an engine of destruction and elemental energy
sheathed in worldly flesh. It is therefore subject to
worldly limitations. It is powered by the magic of the
primordials, but even fire must have fuel. Everything
the tarrasque consumes is broken down and converted into potential energyenergy that the beast
cannot call upon until after it slumbers for some
period of time.
This cycle of sleeping and waking is erratic. In
older accounts, the tarrasque slept for two years at
a time, then rampaged for only a few days before
disappearing again. Sometimes it would become
more active, staying awake for months, chewing up
whole swaths of a continent with no sign of stopping,
then sink into the earth again and slumber for more
than a decade.
When the tarrasque emerges from its subterranean slumber, it does so almost anywhere. Most
reports of the beast stem from wilderness areas
because densely populated areas suffer the most
casualties. Therein lies the difficulty in studying the

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18

History Check: The Tarrasque


Is the narrator correct about all this tarrasque
lore? He certainly seems to thinks so. He has
put in more hours researching it than any other
being he knows of. And according to the Arcana
check listing on page 13 of the Monster Manual,
hes on the mark.
But he doesnt have to be right. As DM, youre
the final arbiter of your game. The tarrasque
can be whatever you want it to be. The original
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual 2
entry said nothing of its origin, while most subsequent materials blamed the Elemental Princes
of Evil (the archomentals) for the tarrasque. The
iconic D&D beastie is loosely based on the realworld myth of the Tarasque, a turtle-shelled
French dragon that was charmed by a saintly
woman and was slain, like King Kong, due to its
weakness for beauty. In your game, maybe the
Great Beast can have a similar soft spot.
Its your campaign. If you want the tarrasque
swimming around the Astral Sea, chomping on
gods and angels, go for it. If you want it rampaging like Godzilla through a city and fighting other
colossal monsters, do it! If you want it to be controlled by powers of good or evil, why not?

tarrasque and its long history. There are rarely any

survivors. From small hovels to whole nations, where
the tarrasque treads, precious little endures. Hence,
even descriptions of the Great Beast are the stuff of
legend. Few exist who have spied it directly. I am
one of these.

E yewitness to
Many have tried to slay the tarrasque. Of course they
have. Felling dragons, while exceptionally difficult,
can earn you wealth and fame. Slaying demons and
defeating devils has a strong appeal for the boldest
of heroes. But the tarrasquethe ultimate killing
machine, eater of kings and kingdomsis the greatest
catch of them all. Can you imagine the glory?
I did, once, the second time I faced the tarrasque.
I was hale and full of vengeance. But instead of
taking part in the frontal assault, I watched from
a distance, casting protective spells and conjuring
defenses for my allies. Despite my efforts, and theirs,
the tarrasque tore through them all. My betrothed
was among them, a paladin as courageous and truehearted as any exarch, devoted to her deity in every
way. She faced the Great Beast armed with a footmans lance, but she did not wield it. Instead, she
sought to calm it with hymns, to halt it long enough
for our companions to pierce it with powerful weapons. For her trouble, she was bitten in two, then
swallowed. Hers was not a heros death. Not worthy of
a bards song. It was hideous, and it was swift.
I alone survived. Again. Devastated, I sank further
into my studies and began to enlist other monster
slayers to quest against it.
The next time I encountered the Great Beast was
when it emerged from a glacier thirty-three years
later in the frozen north. The small army I commanded nearly succeeded, piercing it with enchanted
blades seemingly faster than it could dispose of them,
but in the end it trampled and devoured them all.
Even the red dragon I rode failed to do lasting harm.
When I brought my mount close, the wyrms power of
flight failed ita vestige, perhaps, of Yan-C-Bins mastery of air. Unseated, I fumbled with my own magics.
The tarrasque rushed at me, and only a wisely prepared teleportation spell saved me.

I have heard apocryphal tales of the tarrasques

death. In every such account, it is said the corpse
could not be salvaged because it sank quickly into
the ground, reclaimed by the earth. In truth, the
creatures death is merely a premature descent into
its elemental torporan involuntary reaction that
removes it from the threat of further injury, and the
start of another period of slumber.
Some tales have reached my ears of the tarrasque
slumbering in shallow places, later to be disturbed by
a dwarf miners pick or roused by Underdark explorers. In each case, the Great Beast either devoured the
intruder or else merely stirred and fled deeper, not
yet desirous of waking in full.

O ther Facets
of the Beast
Not all who believe in the tarrasques existence fear
the creature. Some people revel in the destruction it
unleashes. Numerous cults devoted to the Great Beast
have risen from the ashes of its rampagesand then
faded away as quickly, their god silent for too long to
sustain mortal interest in their cause. Those cultists
that survive through the full span of the tarrasques
slumber are usually eaten when they finally meet
their monstrous benefactor.
Of all the cults I have observed, none have thrived
more than the Reckoners, founded three centuries
ago by a deva who was himself slain by the Great
Beast and rose again. While I shake my head at the
Reckoners mad vision, I admire their talents. They
have found ways to harness the negative energy that
flows in the tarrasques wake and have wrought
atrocities almost as great.
The tarrasque has also factored into the history of
powerful artifacts. Due to the elemental acid and fire
that churn in its stomach, it is capable of dissolving
anything, even otherwise indestructible objects. It is
written that the Fang of Baator, the Ebon Band, and

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18

History Check: The Tarrasque

the Talisman of Ahrjez were once devices of notoriety
that were unmade by the tarrasques guts. In theory,
one could destroy the infamous Demonomicon or the
Hand of Vecna if one were willing to be eaten while
holding such an item.
Interestingly, but not surprising given its nature,
denizens of the other planes have little to fear from
the Great Beast. The Feywild, the Shadowfell, the
Astral Sea, even the Elemental Chaos itselfthese
places have never known the dread presence of the
tarrasque because it cannot, or will not, leave the
mortal world. It is bound here, as the primordials ensured it would be when the world was young.
Accordingly, the Great Beast is as indestructible and
inexorable as the earth itself. Yet I have uncovered
convincing evidence that the tarrasque could be slain
if it was removed from the mortal worldnot the least
of which are various reports that the creature shies
away from planar portals.

To What E nd?
The tarrasques full story is doubtless much too long,
and beyond our scope to observe, to be properly
recordednot to mention too filled with contradictions. In my opinion, many of the paradoxes in
reports about the beast stem from its adaptability.
Yes, the tarrasque is changing. It seemingly has
grown steadily more powerful through the ages; perhaps it has even grown larger. In ancient times, the
Great Beast slept for years and woke for days. Now it
sleeps for decades and wakes for . . . much too long.
The next time it riseswill it ever sleep again? A new
era may soon be upon us, and it is not a pleasant one
to contemplate.
This, of course, is merely the account of one. I have
postulated many theories and attempted to chronicle
the tarrasques course, but no divinity or elemental
being has confirmed my work or dissuaded me. The
tarrasque is as old as the world, and nothing in the


There are lots of ways to use the tarrasque in a campaign, and not all of them have to be about slaying the
Great Beast when it wakes up. Here are a few ideas.
Cult Clash: Plenty of people might have a reason
to try to use the tarrasque. Most have no idea how to
find it or wake it, but an evil cultlike the Reckoners
(see The End Is Nigh! in this issue)believes it has
discovered a way to choose the place of the beasts
emergence. Battling such a cult could easily be a multistage adventure during the heroic tier.
Vengeful Druid: Some druids are more militant
than others. One in particular has become convinced
that the Great Beast is an expression of nature, created by the world to punish the depredations of
civilization. She intends to rouse the Great Beast with
a ritual and command it to attack the tyrannical city
beyond her forest. It hasnt entered her overzealous
mind that the tarrasques first feast will be her forest
and all its inhabitants. Dissuading the druid from this
course of action is a task for heroic tier adventurers.
Elemental Uprising: The Elemental Chaos is full
of god-hating beings who would be happy to see the
mortal world broken up into its baser components
again. Chapter 2 of The Plane Below: Secrets of the
Elemental Chaos is a rogues gallery of angry elemental
beings. Maybe theyre taking cues from the Elemental Princes and have found a way to power up the

world can stop it. I am done trying. Perhaps there is

wisdom in the madness of the Reckoners.
These words are my final warning. I myself will
soon be gone. Through my studies, I have deduced
what I believe is the site of the tarrasques final emergence. I go there now, and will wait patiently. It may
be years, it may be days. I will kneel before its fury
and its majesty, and I will submit.

slumbering tarrasque so that when it next awakens, it

wont need to rest again so soon. A tarrasque rampaging for a year or more could really mangle the gods
worldly efforts. Stopping this elemental scheme could
be a paragon or epic tier event.
Artifact of the Matter: The heroes have come
into possession of an artifact of great evil that must
be destroyedbut they dont know how to accomplish that. Its been suggested to them that feeding
it to the tarrasque could do the trick, and the Great
Beast has even been located slumbering in the shallow Underdark. Can they reach the tarrasque and stir
it just enough to get it to swallow the artifact without
waking it? The risk is great and certainly suitable for
paragon or epic tier characters.
Unchained Eye: This article suggests that
Tharizdun, in the guise of the Elder Elemental Eye,
might have had something to do with the tarrasques
creation. If so, perhaps the tarrasques steadily
increasing power is a lead-up to the apocalypse that
will allow the Chained God to break free from his
divine prison. Once the tarrasque no longer needs
to sleep, the destruction it will bring down upon the
natural world will require the concerted resistance
of many divine agents as well as the aid of epic tier
adventurers. What better distraction to serve as a
prelude to Tharizduns jailbreak?

About the Author

Jeff LaSala is a writer/editor of speculative fiction and an
inquisitory game designer. He has written an Eberron
novel, a slew of DDI articles, and some RPG books for Goodman Games, and recently edited and co-wrote the cyberpunk
anthology + soundtrack, Foreshadows: The Ghosts of Zero.
Dwelling in the chthonic depths of New York City, he imagines a world splintered into sorry hemispheres.

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18

The End Is Nigh!

Followers of the Tarrasque
By Dennis Johnson
Illustration by Craig J Spearing
Our masters rage tears at my chest. My mouth moistens at
the sight of the towers. The tarrasques will is clear: the city
must fall! And we Reckoners shall deliver its judgment!
Death. Pain. Helplessness. Inevitability. To the people
of the world, hiding in scattered points of light amid
a sea of darkness, these are facts of life symbolized
by the unstoppable destructive power of the tarrasque. Not a distant dark god or an unknowable Far
Realm horror, the tarrasque is a monster of the world
that reminds everyone of lifes simple truth: The end
comes to all things, and it rarely comes peacefully.
Any heroes who defy this truth face the daunting
prospect of battling not only the tarrasque, but also
those who serve it. Many misguided souls bow to the
tarrasques might, while an unlucky few are driven
mad by exposure to the dark energy lingering in the
abominations wake. These cultists deliver death in
the tarrasques name while it sleeps, and pitch in to
create truly epic carnage when it wakes.

T he Cult of the
Worship of the tarrasque is common following one of
the monsters attacks, but quickly fades as the creature sleeps again and fear of its power fades. The only
enduring cult of the tarrasque, called the Reckoners,
persists because its leaders are continually inspired
by a connection to the tarrasque. Corrupted by the

TM & 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.

beasts destructive impulses, the Reckoners murder

and destroy as they await the tarrasques next awakening, when they shall revel in its rampage until the
tarrasque consumes them, too.
The connection between the tarrasque and the
Reckoners is not well understood by those outside
the cult. Its leaders speak of hearing the tarrasques
heartbeat through the earth, of seeing its destruction
in their dreams, and, most commonly, of feeling its
insatiable hunger. Although the tarrasque has never
displayed any magical abilities that could explain
these sensations, divinations have detected the residue of shadow energy at the sites of tarrasque attacks.
Scholars believe this energy is not directly created by
the tarrasque, but is rather a by-product of the deaths
the monster causes. When an unlucky few living on
these blighted lands absorb this energy, they develop
the tarrasques penchant for destruction and become
obsessed with serving the monster. Other Reckoners
recognize this corruption when they see it and bring
the newly cursed into the fold.
Reckoners directly linked to the tarrasque are a
minority; most have simply embraced the cults perverse interpretation of the tarrasque. The cult asserts
that the tarrasque is not an abomination, but a primal
spirit of justice and punishment. The tarrasques
task is to cleanse the earth of those whose cruelty
or selfishness makes them unworthy of the spirits
gift. Those who serve the tarrasque and act as it does
might be spared its wrath; those who support the

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The End Is Nigh!

corrupt societies that the tarrasque hates deserve the
same deaths as their rulers.

The Reckoners
Goal: To kill on as large a scale as possible, carrying out the tarrasques work until it awakens.
Stated Goal: To honor the tarrasque, destroyer
of corruption, and to spread such destruction wherever possible.
Size: Thousands of Reckoners are spread throughout the world; hundreds of them are psychically
connected to the tarrasque.
Alignment: Evil; though the tarrasque kills on
instinct and is unaligned, the malign energy corrupting some Reckoners twists their morality, and
their followers kill innocents with questionable
Philosophy: Most Reckoners believe that the
indiscriminate destruction of the tarrasque, who
rises from the earth to crush entire civilizations, is
proof that society is inherently unnatural and evil.
Reckoners connected to the tarrasque require no
such philosophy; the beasts insatiable hunger makes
destruction an end in itself.
History: This first enduring tarrasque cult was
created around three hundred years ago by a deva
named Thaeras. Killed by the tarrasque and reborn
in the wasteland it created, Thaeras was corrupted
by lingering shadow energy, but memories of his past
lifetimes left him with enough sanity to think rationally. Thaeras learned to control the energy left in the
tarrasques wake and infect others with his functional
madness. Linked together by their common bond to
the tarrasque, these founding Reckoners began converting frightened people and bringing death in the
beasts name.
Leadership: Common Reckoners currently follow
a human wizard named Loman Farvel, who uses rituals to command local cult leaders across the world.
Most of Farvels schemes are dictated to him by the

more powerful connected Reckoners, who are so

close to complete madness that they rarely interact
directly with other cultists. The greatest of these, and
the ultimate leader of the Reckoners, is still Thaeras,
who has avoided death and reincarnation to remain a
deva fallen star.
Structure: Reckoners live in small groups hidden
from outside authorities, blindly following their local
cult leaders. These demagogues communicate the
tarrasques will and control most aspects of Reckoners lives. Farvel uses the local leaders to coordinate
efforts at the direction of his bosses, enabling the cult
to act on a global scale. The hunger for power and
death that the Reckoners leaders share makes them
see the merits of each others plans and tends to limit
Activities: Reckoners build magical shrines
to the tarrasque in areas it has struck, concentrating the shadow energy found there and corrupting
nearby residents. The shrines preach their apocalyptic philosophy to the weak and fearful and build the
Reckoners numbers across the world. Where they
have amassed sufficient strength, Reckoners use
magic and subterfuge to enact grandiose schemes
to bring down civilization; while they are not above
random, isolated murders to sate their bloodlust, they
prefer to follow the tarrasques example and cause
destruction on a wide scale.

A dventure Hooks
Just because the tarrasque is a level 30 monster that
will probably sleep through most of an adventurers
career doesnt mean that it cannot play a major role
in a campaign. The adventure ideas below are a few
examples of how the tarrasque can make an impression in every tier.

Heroic Tier
F Disciples of Erathis are seeking a firsthand
account of the last days of a lost civilization.
Equipped with scrolls of Speak with Dead, the
party travels to the civilizations ruins and finds
a group of Reckoners in the company of a legion
of half-shattered skeletal warriors. The cult has
raised these tarrasque victimsthe blessed of
the beastto honor the civilizations destroyer.
With too many potential enemies to simply attack,
the adventurers must find a way to deal with the
Reckoners and get the information they need from
the undead.
F All of a villages residents suffer from terrible
nightmares in which they are devoured by the
tarrasque. Reckoners are tainting the townsfolks
dreams with the shadow energy that corrupts the
cultists. The adventurers must discover the cult
and break its curse, before they succumb to the
same fate.
F Reckoners have infected a beneficent king with
the hunger of the tarrasque, turning him into an
aggressive despot who antagonizes his neighbors.
His ministers worry, but he refuses to be examined by doctors or mages. The party is hired to
infiltrate his court, discover what has caused the
change, and stop his descent into madness before
he pushes the kingdom into war.

Paragon Tier
F Oracles foresee that the tarrasque will destroy a
heavily populated area in a matter of days. Tasked
with finding a way to quickly evacuate the region,
the characters discover a large, inactive portal
to another plane. The party must investigate the
portal, arrange safe passage with the forces on the
other side, and convince the panicked people to
step into the unknown.

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The End Is Nigh!

F Refugees from a warring kingdom describe mass
sacrifices of citizens in the tarrasques name. Reckoners have convinced the embattled queen that if
they sacrifice enough criminals to the tarrasque,
it will arise and devour her enemies. With the
cultists gaining dark magic from each sacrifice,
the party must convince the queen to stop the killings, end the military threat that prompted them,
or remove her from power.
F Cyclopses have redirected a vital river from the
surface to the Underdark. Investigating characters
find that the river is now flowing into a portal to
the Feydark. A fomorian lord is gathering elements
of the natural world and working with the Reckoners to create a fey tarrasque. Whether through
brute force, sabotage, or finding a way to break the
alliance with the Reckoners, the party must put a
stop to the fomorians work.

Epic Tier
F Miners have discovered the resting place of the
tarrasque, deep within the Underdark, guarded
by a powerful group of Reckoners. Mind flayers,
drow, and an ancient purple dragon are among
the forces racing to attempt to gain control of the
tarrasque. The party must get to the site first and
either help the cultists hold off their enemies or
find a way to destroy the dormant tarrasque, and
accomplish either without waking the monster.
F The party learns that a powerful item that they
need was swallowed by the tarrasque long ago.
They travel to the Barrens in the Abyss, where
lie the ruins of every civilization that ever was or
ever will be. The party must find the last city that
will ever be destroyed by the tarrasque, where
the abominations undead body still hunts, and
retrieve the artifact lodged in its shriveled gullet.

Monster T heme:
R eckoner
The most gifted Reckoners respond not only to the
energy linking them to the tarrasque, but harness it
for themselves. Nearly any intelligent creature could
be such a cultist, and powerful rituals could infuse
unintelligent creatures with this ability. Giving a
monster one or more of the powers provided below
can show its connection to the tarrasque by echoing
the abominations abilities.
Reckoners in the heroic tier might not be visually
distinctive, except perhaps by wearing horns or a coat
resembling a carapace. At the paragon and epic tiers,
more prolonged exposure to the tarrasques shadowy
leavings transforms cultists bodies to mimic the tarrasque: Teeth grow into fangs, skin hardens almost
into scales, or sharp horns protrude from the head.

Abominations Frenzy
Screaming louder than naturally possible, the Reckoner lashes out with unexpected speed. Monsters
with reach benefit most from this ability.
Standard Actions

M Abominations Frenzy F Encounter

Effect: The Reckoner makes a melee basic attack against
each enemy within its reach.

Furious Tail
With a sweep of the Reckoners hand, a ghostly
tail slaps down a nearby enemy. This power helps
artillery and controller monsters keep targets at
a distance.
Minor Actions

M Furious Tail F Recharge 5 6

Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); level + 3 vs. Fortitude
Effect: The Reckoner pushes the target up to 4 squares, and
the target falls prone.

Rending Jaws
The Reckoners mouth opens beyond its natural size,
and ghostly fangs, capable of biting through metal
and bone, appear. This ability helps brutes and others
cope with well-armored defenders.
Triggered Actions
Rending Jaws F Encounter
Trigger: An enemy is hit by the Reckoners melee attack.
Effect (Free Action): The triggering enemy takes 5 extra
damage, and until the end of the Reckoners next turn, a
5 penalty to AC.
Level 11: 10 extra damage.
Level 21: 15 extra damage.

Scion of Annihilation
A wave of unnatural fear washes over the battlefield
as the Reckoner infuses its attacks with the unstoppable power of the tarrasque.
Minor Actions

Scion of Annihilation F Recharge 5 6

Effect: Damage from the Reckoners attacks cannot be
reduced in any way until the start of its next turn.

T he Tarrasques
R etainers
When the tarrasque wakes, it eats anyone present,
the first of many victims. The surviving Reckoners,
their shadow energy enhanced in the presence of
their master, follow the tarrasque into battle.

History DC 32: As the tarrasque approached
a great city, several humanoids were seen running
ahead of it. The pity of the citys defenders turned
to horror when they saw that these cultists were not
fleeing, but leading the monster to the city. Shining
champions blessed by Bahamut rode out and engaged

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The End Is Nigh!

the tarrasque. They realized too late that the cultists
were magically weakening them. The cultists danced
on the champions corpses as the tarrasque smashed
through the city walls and the massacre began.

Proximity to the tarrasque transforms the Reckoners shadow energy to complement the monsters
abilities; these cultists are encountered only with
the tarrasque. They follow the abomination until it
returns to slumber in the earth, when their abilities
return to normal but their obsession becomes stronger than ever.
Tarrasque Reckoner

Level 30 Minion Controller

Medium shadow humanoid

XP 4,750
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +19
AC 44, Fortitude 42, Reflex 42, Will 43
Perception +17
Speed 6

Standard Action

r Annihilators Curse F At-Will

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +33 vs. Will
Hit: 5 damage, and the target gains vulnerable 10 to all
damage (save ends).

Minor Action

R Stir Again (healing) F Encounter

Effect: Ranged 10 (one Reckoner that died in this encounter); the target is restored to life, regains 1 hit point, and
stands up as a free action.
Skills Arcana +22
Str 12 (+16)
Dex 18 (+19)
Wis 15 (+17)
Con 20 (+20)
Int 14 (+17)
Cha 22 (+21)
Alignment evil
Languages Common

Tarrasque Reckoners
in Combat
Reckoners stay at the edge of combat, singing their
masters praises and shouting curses at their enemies. They might seem harmless until heroes feel
the results of their magic. Each cultist falls quickly if
attacked, but a brief incantation from another lets it
rise from death.

T he Tarrasque
Long ago, the primordials created the tarrasque as a
living engine of destruction whose only purpose was
to obliterate the works of the gods. Drawn forth from
the core of the earth, the legendary beast stirs only
to rampage across the worlds face, leaving ruin and
despair in its wake.

About the Author

Dennis Johnson is a first-time game writer but long-time

plot weaver. Even from his new lair in the Hudson Valley he
still schemes against his former and future players in Ohio.


Level 30 Solo Brute

Gargantuan elemental magical beast

HP 1,140; Bloodied 570
AC 42, Fortitude 44, Reflex 41, Will 40
Speed 8, burrow 8, climb 8
Resist 10 to all damage
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2

XP 95,000
Initiative +23
Perception +19
Blindsight 40


O Earthbinding F Aura 40
Flying creatures are slowed and have a altitude limit of 4 in
the aura. Any creature that enters the aura above the altitude limit is pulled down to the limit.
The tarrasque cannot be dazed, deafened, dominated,
immobilized, knocked prone, petrified, restrained, slowed,
stunned, knocked unconscious, or weakened.
Elder of Annihilation
Damage from the tarrasques attacks cannot be reduced in
any way.
Eternal Slumber
When the tarrasque drops to 0 hit points, it sinks back into
the worlds core and slumbers once again.

Standard Actions

m Bite F At-Will
Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +35 vs. AC
Hit: 3d10 + 31 damage, and the target falls prone.

m Tail Slap F At-Will

Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +33 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d10 + 31 damage, and the tarrasque pushes the
target up to 4 squares.
M Trample F At-Will
Requirement: The tarrasque must not be bloodied.
Effect: The tarrasque moves up to its speed and can move
through enemies spaces during the move. Each time
the tarrasque enters an enemys space for the first time
during the move, it makes the following attack a against
that enemy.
Attack: Melee 0 (one creature); +33 vs. Reflex
Hit: 5d12 + 16 damage, and the target falls prone.
C Frenzy F At-Will
Requirement: The tarrasque must be bloodied.
Effect: Close burst 3 (creatures in the burst); the tarrasque
uses bite or tail slap against each target, and any target hit
by such an attack takes 10 extra damage.

Triggered Actions

M Fury of the Tarrasque F At-Will

Trigger: The tarrasque takes damage.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The tarrasque makes two
melee basic attacks.
Str 42 (+31)
Dex 26 (+23)
Wis 18 (+19)
Con 37 (+28)
Int 3 (+11)
Cha 7 (+13)
Alignment unaligned

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Ye Olde Creature
By Tim Eagon

Illustrations by Christopher Burdett, Tony Foti, Hector Ortiz, and Matt Dixon
During the 1980s, the D&D Basic Set and the D&D
Expert Set introduced a number of creatures to the
world of Dungeons & Dragons, many of which have
not been represented in any version of the game since
then. This article reintroduces four of these long-forgotten monsters.


F The decapus, a tentacled creature that lives high

above the ground or under the sea, appeared
originally in D&D Basic module B3, Palace of the
Silver Princess.

Decapuses resemble cephalopods with ten tentacles.

Their bodies are bloated, 4-foot-wide globes covered
in sparse tufts of spiky black or brown hair. Their
warty skin is typically a sickly green color, though
yellow and purple specimens exist. At the center
of their bodies is a pair of eyes that seem to lack
irisesthey have only dark pupilsand a wide, foulsmelling maw filled with sharp, yellow teeth. Ten
long tentacles covered in palm-sized suckers sprout
from all over their bodies, each ending in a sharp,
hook-like appendage made of cartilage. These suckers and hooks allow decapuses to climb just about
any surface.
Horror Lurks Above: A decapus is a surprisingly
agile climber that has adapted to life high above the
ground. The creature uses its tentacles to climb walls,
ceilings, and trees, and a decapus can propel itself
faster than a human can walk, swinging from one
hold to the next. When it attacks, a decapus anchors
itself with a tentacle and strikes with the other nine;

F Magens, a race of intelligent constructs created by

a family of wizards from another world, were created for D&D Expert module X2, Castle Amber.
F Rhagodessas, giant arachnids with strong jaws,
made their first appearance in D&D Expert
module X1, Isle of Dread.
F Thouls, a bizarre union of ghoul, hobgoblin, and
troll bred long ago by an ancient empire, were
included in the original D&D Basic boxed set.
Inspired by 1986s D&D Creature Catalogue, where
these monsters appeared together for the first time,
this article updates their statistics and story for
the 4th Edition game. True to their roots, each one
remains a suitable challenge for low-level characters.

TM & 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.

Expert climbers, these vile, octopus-like creatures lurk in

trees and among the stalactites that hang from cavern ceilings. They are cruel predators that take pleasure in killing.

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Ye Olde Creature Catalogue

either scooping up and constricting its prey or flailing at a foe with its powerful limbs. A tentacles grip is
exceptionally strong and difficult to evade or escape.
A decapus on the ground is nearly helpless; its tentacles, so well suited for hanging and swinging, cannot
support its body weight, making both movement and
combat difficult. Thus, decapuses avoid contact with
the ground, and they often panic and squeal with fear
when they cannot do so.
Common decapus habitats include forests, towering ruins, and underground caverns. The creature
can live comfortably in a variety of climates, since the
environmental extremes of the world do not imperil
italthough a decapus residing in warmer climes has
sparse body hair, while one that inhabits the arctic
taiga will be thickly furred.
The decapus is a hate-filled, solitary creature that
despises its own kind and jealously guards its territory.
The beast seeks out its fellows only when it feels the urge
to procreate. Even then, a female decapus devours the
majority of its spawn immediately after giving birth,
and any surviving young hunt each other until only the
strongest survive. This brutal winnowing efficiently
teaches the young decapus hunting and survival skills.
As an apex predator, the decapus preys on all surrounding wildlife, including other carnivores such
as wolves; it supplements its normal diet of squirrels,
rabbits, and deer with humansone of their favorite foodsand elves. Decapuses do not eat dwarves
unless faced with starvation. Mules, at the other
extreme, are a delicacy, and a decapus will follow
a mules scent for miles until catching it or growing
weary of the chase. Even when sated, a decapus will
jealously guard its kill so it can gorge later; carcasses
dangling from rocks or trees often denote a decapuss
Clever Brutes: Despite its brutish reputation,
the decapus is a surprisingly intelligent creature and
a cunning predator. It cannot speak; when communicating with others of its kind, the decapus uses a

complex language of clicks, squeals, screeches, and

tentacle movements. An especially clever decapus
will learn to mimic panicked screaming and crying
to better attract human prey. The creature will only
rarely ally with weaker creatures, since it views anything weaker than itself as potential food. Stronger
creatures can exert a limited amount of influence
over a decapus by bullying it into submission or
enticing it with promises of food; a lone decapus will
sometimes serve evil humanoids such as hobgoblins
or drow, as well as the powerful aberrant creatures
that share the beasts subterranean home. A trained
or enslaved decapus can be a reliable guard, since it
will kill any intruders it does not recognize and make
quite a racket in the process; when it makes a kill, a
decapus trills an off-putting, high-pitched chortling
noise that many listeners interpret as cruel laughter.
Marine Decapuses: Not all decapuses dwell
on land; some have adapted to life in the water. The
marine decapus is similar to its terrestrial cousins,
though it is less hairy and has a bluish or greenish coloration. It lives in oceans, swamps, lakes, and rivers,
and it hunts by slowly drifting through the water with
its tentacles splayed out, ready to strike; the water
supports the weight of its body, so it can attack with
all ten tentacles. The marine decapus loves the taste
of sea elf flesh and regards dolphins in much the
same way that its earthbound kin views mules. Given
its reputation, few aquatic creatures have anything to
do with a marine decapus, but the oceanic kuo-toas
that live in deep-sea trenches often keep a few marine
decapuses as pets and hunting companions.
The marine decapus is an excellent climber. It will
frequently approach a passing vessel, lurking under
floating patches of seaweed, tangles of flotsam, or overflowing fishing nets, then clamber aboard to pick off
unsuspecting crew members and passengers. Sailors
swear that a single marauding decapus can devour
an entire crew during the night. Halflings regard the
sighting of a marine decapus as a particularly ill omen,

and they will moor their boats and remain on land

until they are sure it has left the area or someone has
killed it. The decapus also menaces coastal communities; drunken sailors, vagrants, rats, and gulls provide
the beast with a supply of food in such places.
Statistically, the marine decapus is nearly identical to its land-based kin. It gains the aquatic trait, the
aquatic keyword, and a swim speed of 6.

Level 4 Brute

Medium aberrant magical beast

HP 65; Bloodied 32
AC 16, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 15
Speed 3, climb 7 (spider climb)

XP 175
Initiative +4
Perception +10


Grasping Suckers
While climbing, the decapus can move 3 squares fewer
than the effect specifies when subjected to a pull, a push,
or a slide.

Standard Actions

m Tentacle F At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 8 damage, and the decapus grabs the target
(escape DC 14). Until the grab ends, the target takes
ongoing 5 damage.
C Flailing Tentacles F Recharge 5 6
Requirement: The decapus must be climbing.
Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst); +7 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + 6 damage, and the target falls prone.

Move Actions

Drag Along F At-Will

Effect: The decapus shifts up to its speed. If the decapus is
grabbing a creature, the creature is pulled with the decapus, remaining adjacent to it.
Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +11, Stealth +9
Str 18 (+6)
Dex 15 (+4)
Wis 16 (+5)
Con 15 (+4)
Int 11 (+2)
Cha 6 (+0)
Alignment chaotic evil
Languages understands

Deep Speech

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Ye Olde Creature Catalogue

M agen
Magens are a type of artificial humanoid created by powerful wizards to act as guards and servants. Each variant
possesses its own distinctive set of strange magical powers.
The House of Amber, a family of demented nobles
and powerful wizards from another world, created
the first magens to serve them and protect their
interests. Because the theocracy that ruled their
home world regarded arcane magic with suspicion,
the Ambers were forced to craft servants that could
reasonably pass as human. Their name is actually a
corruption of the phrase gens magica, which means
magical people in the foreigners native tongue.
A magen usually resembles a perfectly formed
Medium humanoid with smooth, hairless, grayishwhite skin that is pliant and surprisingly warm to the
touch; occasionally, a magens creator adds pigmentation or hair to make it appear more alive. Magens
are genderless; nevertheless, some creators mold
them to appear male or female, and sometimes even
shape their features, which are otherwise unremarkable, to resemble those of their maker. They never
bleed or bruise, they lack any discernible anatomy,
and, when slain, their bodies dissolve in a burst of
acrid, multicolored smoke and flame. A magen wears
whatever clothes and uses whatever equipment its
master provides.
Above-Average Constructs: Arcanists can
create a magen through a complex magical process.
An alchemically charged suspension similar to gelatin is poured into a ritual-enhanced electrum mold
and animated by magical lightning. Since magic gives
a magen life, the construct can absorb magical energy
much like a living creature consumes food; this infusion temporarily boosts a magens powers.
Wizards who learn the techniques to create
magens do so because they believe the creatures are
more capable of independent action than homunculi

and are easier to create than golems. Magens are

at the center of a continuum with simple-minded
automatons on one end and fully sentient living
constructs on the other. Thus, a magen can follow
detailed instructions given by its creator and can
learn to perform relatively complex tasks to the same
extent as an average human.
A magens creator can teach it to engage in simple
conversation, mimic basic emotions, and make a
limited range of independent decisions. A magen
usually speaks only one language, selected at the
time of its creation, but it is capable of learning more;
though a magens voice usually sounds like its creators, it speaks in a terse monotone unless instructed
to do otherwise. It has no personality of its own and
displays only the individual quirks that its creator
chooses to give it.
Like most constructs, a magen lacks free will and
obediently follows its creators commands as best it
can, even if those orders result in its destruction. A
creator imprints its authority upon a magen at the
time of its molding, and no other creature can usurp
control of the construct. A magens creator can command it to temporarily follow the orders of another,
and it will cooperate with any creature if commanded
to do so. If a magens creator dies, the construct
goes berserk, attacking nearby creatures until it is
Four types, or molds, of magen are known to exist:
the demos, the caldron, the galvan, and the hypnos.
Demos Magen: The demos magen is the most
common, and least expensive to create, of the four
molds. Wizards often utilize demos magens as
servants and bodyguards. It lacks overtly magical
powers, but during the molding process, its creator
dips a weapon into the alchemical suspension, which
imbues the demos with innate martial abilities. A
demos magen emerges from its mold fully capable
of wielding weapons and wearing armor; in fact,
a newly created demos is often more skilled than

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Ye Olde Creature Catalogue

warriors who have trained for years. It is the only
mold that regularly uses weapons and armor; aside
from its armaments, an observer can identify one
by the metallic tang of its scent. In addition, when a
demos absorbs magical energy, it gains extra vitality
that enables it to recover from damage and continue fighting.
Caldron Magen: A caldron magen can stretch its
limbs unnaturally far, which allows it to attack creatures up to 20 feet away, access normally unreachable
places, and circumvent obstacles. Moreover, after
it absorbs magical energy, its already considerable
reach increases. A caldron can strangle its victims
with its pliable arms, which also secrete a highly
caustic acid. Due to this acid, a caldron exudes a
slightly sour odor. During the molding process, its
creator adds a pair of tentacles from a choker or roper
and a dose of acid to the alchemical suspension. Wizards most often employ caldron magens as assassins
or house servants.
Galvan Magen: The galvan magen stores large
quantities of electricity in its body and can discharge
it by touch, through a metal weapon, or through
crackling bolts of lightning, which it can unleash after
absorbing magical energy. A galvan smells strongly
of ozone, seems to draw metal slightly toward it, and
can cause ones hair to stand on end when it is nearby.
During the molding process, its creator adds part of
a creature that can generate lightning and an iron
rod to the alchemical suspension. Many galvans are
assigned to stand watch atop battlements and walls.
Hypnos Magen: The fourth and least common
mold of magen is referred to as hypnos, for its impressive psychic abilities. A hypnoss creator will often
teach it how to interact with others, and intelligent
creatures feel unusually at ease when a hypnos is
nearby. The construct possesses a superficial charm
and a general knowledge of social convention, so
it often serves as a diplomat, a personal aide, or a

Demos Magen Sentinel

Medium natural animate (construct)
HP 38; Bloodied 19
AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 14
Speed 5
Immune charm, disease, fear, poison

Level 2 Soldier
XP 125
Initiative +5
Perception +8


Threatening Reach
The sentinel can make opportunity attacks against enemies
within its reach.

Standard Actions

m Halberd (weapon) F At-Will

Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + 5 damage.
Effect: The sentinel marks the target until the end of the
sentinels next turn.
C Sweeping Cut (weapon) F Recharge when first bloodied
Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + 5 damage, and the target falls prone.

Triggered Actions

M Ever Vigilant (weapon) F At-Will

Trigger: An enemy within 2 squares of and marked by the
sentinel makes an attack that doesnt include the sentinel
as a target.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The sentinel uses halberd
against the triggering enemy.
Magic Absorption F Encounter
Trigger: An arcane attack hits the sentinel.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The sentinel gains 10 temporary hit points.
Skills Athletics +9
Str 17 (+4)
Dex 14 (+3)
Wis 15 (+3)
Con 14 (+3)
Int 9 (+0)
Cha 10 (+1)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment scale armor, halberd

A typical hypnos is physically weaker than the

other magens and appears more frail; however, it is
a significant threat to its creators enemies because
it can telepathically control the thoughts and actions
of others. The touch of a hypnos can cause mental
anguish when it absorbs magical energy, and it can
spread that anguish to others. During the molding
process, its creator adds part of a psionic creature

Demos Magen Bolter

Level 2 Artillery (Leader)

Medium natural animate (construct)

HP 29; Bloodied 14
AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 14
Speed 6
Immune charm, disease, fear, poison

XP 125
Initiative +4
Perception +8


Rapid Reloader
The bolter loads its crossbow as a free action.

Standard Actions

m Dagger (weapon) F At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 + 4 damage.
r Covering Crossbow (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage.
Effect: One ally that the bolter can see can shift 1 square as
a free action.
A Bolt Fusillade (weapon) F Recharge 5 6
Attack: Area burst 1 within 15 (creatures in the burst); +7
vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage.

Triggered Actions

Magic Absorption F Encounter

Trigger: An arcane attack hits the bolter.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The bolter gains 10 temporary
hit points.
Skills Stealth +9
Str 14 (+3)
Dex 17 (+4)
Wis 15 (+3)
Con 11 (+1)
Int 9 (+0)
Cha 10 (+1)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment leather armor, dagger, crossbow, 30 bolts

and the ground-up pieces of a magic item that can

exert control over others to the alchemical suspension. Using an intelligent magic item as a component
for a hypnos magen is said to produce impressive but
unpredictable effects.

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Ye Olde Creature Catalogue

Caldron Magen

Level 3 Brute

Galvan Magen

Level 4 Artillery

Hypnos Magen

Level 3 Controller

Medium natural animate (construct)

XP 150
HP 55; Bloodied 27
Initiative +2
AC 15, Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 15
Perception +3
Speed 6
Immune charm, disease, fear, poison; Resist 5 acid

Medium natural animate (construct)

XP 175
HP 45; Bloodied 22
Initiative +6
AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 16
Perception +5
Speed 6
Immune charm, disease, fear, poison; Resist 5 lightning

Medium natural animate (construct)

XP 150
HP 44; Bloodied 22
Initiative +3
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 16
Perception +7
Speed 6
Immune charm, disease, fear, poison; Resist 5 psychic

m Elongated Grasp (acid) F At-Will

Attack: Melee 4 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage, and if the magen is grabbing fewer
than two targets, it can grab the target (escape DC 13).
Until the grab ends, the target takes ongoing 5 acid

m Iron Rod (lightning, weapon) F At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage plus 1d6 lightning damage.
r Static Discharge (lightning) F At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one or two creatures); +9 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d4 + 4 lightning damage.
A Lightning Strike (lightning) F Recharge 5 6
Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (creatures in the burst); +9
vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + 6 lightning damage, and the target is dazed until
the end of the magens next turn.

m Psychic Slam (psychic) F At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 6 psychic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to Will until the end of the magens next turn.
R Suggestion (charm) F At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one enemy); +6 vs. Will
Hit: The magen slides the target up to 3 squares. The target
must then use a free action to make a melee basic attack
against a creature of the magens choice.
R Overwhelming Command (charm, psychic) F Recharge if
the power misses
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +6 vs. Will
Hit: The target is dominated (save ends).
Aftereffect: Ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).

Standard Actions

Move Actions

M Retract F At-Will
Attack: Melee 4 (creatures grabbed by the magen); +6 vs.
Hit: The magen pulls the target to a space adjacent to the

Triggered Actions

Magic Growth F Encounter

Trigger: An arcane attack hits the magen.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): Until the end of the encounter,
the magen grows an extra arm and can grab with elongated grasp if grabbing fewer than three targets.
Skills Athletics +10
Str 18 (+5)
Dex 13 (+2)
Wis 14 (+3)
Con 15 (+3)
Int 9 (+0)
Cha 10 (+1)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common

R hagodessa
These giant arachnids are nightmarish relatives of the
common camel spider.
The rhagodessa is a primeval arachnid the size of a
small horse. Its hairy, dark brown body and its oversized yellow head are dominated by a massive set
of pincerlike mandibles, which account for nearly a
third of its body weight. It has four pairs of segmented
legs, as well as a front pair of shorter appendages
that end in pedipalps studded with dozens of hooked
suckers. The rhagodessa catches its prey with these

Standard Actions

Triggered Actions

Magic Recharge F Encounter

Trigger: An arcane attack hits the magen.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): Lightning strike recharges, and
the magen uses it.
Str 12 (+3)
Dex 18 (+6)
Wis 16 (+5)
Con 15 (+4)
Int 9 (+1)
Cha 10 (+2)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment iron rod

pedipalps and then crushes the creature in its jaws.

Anyone so grabbed will find it nearly impossible to
escape. Once a rhagodessa has secured its prey, the
victim is dragged back to the creatures nest and liquefied for later consumption. Rhagodessas can climb
just about any surface, even while carrying prey.
Hunters and Protectors: A nocturnal predator
that typically lives alone or in small broods of half a
dozen, the rhagodessa lairs in caverns beneath arid or
tropical environments where ancient flora and fauna
flourish. For example, the few explorers who have
survived the Isle of Dread report that these arachnids
infest huge swaths of its interior. Those rhagodessas,
however, were reportedly much larger than the typical specimens described here.

Standard Actions

Triggered Actions

C Magic Feedback (psychic) F Encounter

Trigger: An arcane attack hits the magen.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 5 (enemies in the
burst); ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).
Skills Diplomacy +10, Insight +7
Str 10 (+1)
Dex 14 (+3)
Wis 13 (+2)
Con 12 (+2)
Int 9 (+0)
Cha 18 (+5)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, telepathy 10

Once it finds a suitable hunting ground, a rhago

dessa has a tendency to settle down and defend its
territory only from creatures that invade or approach
its nest; when threatened, it produces a harsh rattling noise by rubbing its mandibles together. This
makes the rhagodessa an ideal guardian if carefully
trained and fed.
Gladiatorial Arachnids: Purveyors of exotic
blood sports love to arrange matches in their arenas
involving rhagodessas because of the creatures
horrific appearance, innate bellicosity, and susceptibility to conditioning. Rhagodessas have an

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Ye Olde Creature Catalogue

instinctive enmity for other giant arachnids (especially scorpions), and violent bouts between them are
hotly anticipated. Consequently, the market for live
rhagodessas or their fertilized eggs is flourishing.
Many jurisdictions ban the importation of such dangerous beasts, so smuggling rings account for most of
the trade.
Annual Rampage: Rhagodessas breed once a
year, and after a female lays her eggs, she guards her
underground nest until they hatch a month later.
Because she will not leave to hunt during this waiting period, a female rhagodessa fattens herself before
breeding by eating up to twenty times her weight.
While she is preparing to breed, a female
rhagodessa ranges farther than normal and will
devour anything that moves, even if her potential
prey is much larger than she is. This gluttonous
behavior poses a particular problem in agricultural
areas that border on a rhagodessas territory. Farmers
must not only fear for their own safety, but also for
their livestock. Thus, these farmers are grateful when
the rhagodessas harsh, rattling mating call fills the
air, because the sound marks the end of the arachnids yearly depredations.


Level 2 Skirmisher

Medium natural beast

HP 36; Bloodied 18
AC 16, Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 13
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb)

Standard Actions

XP 125
Initiative +5
Perception +7

m Pedipalps F At-Will
Effect: The rhagodessa can shift 1 square before the attack.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage, and if grabbing no target, the
rhagodessa can grab the target (escape DC 13).
M Powerful Bite F Recharge when the rhagodessa has no
creature grabbed
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the rhagodessa);
+5 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + 4 damage, and the target cannot use the
escape action (save ends).

Move Actions

Scuttle Away F At-Will

Effect: The rhagodessa shifts up to its speed. If the
rhagodessa is grabbing a creature, the creature is pulled
with the rhagodessa, remaining adjacent to it.
Skills Athletics +9, Stealth +8
Str 17 (+4)
Dex 15 (+3)
Wis 12 (+2)
Con 12 (+2)
Int 1 (4)
Cha 6 (1)
Alignment unaligned

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Ye Olde Creature Catalogue

T houl
These brutish warriors combine the best and worst aspects
of their constituent creatures in one nasty package.
An ancient hobgoblin empire tried to create a race of
superior soldiers that would embody the most desirable traits of each creature by fusing them together
with unspeakable magic. Thouls have the regenerative abilities of trolls, the paralytic claws of ghouls,
and the resilience of hobgoblins. Since they were bred
by hobgoblins, thouls share that races brutal and militaristic outlook, but they lack its intelligence, tactical
acumen, and discipline. Ultimately, the disappointed
hobgoblins viewed them as a failed experiment and
abandoned the project, and most of the surviving
thouls assimilated uneasily into goblin society.
A typical thoul resembles a tall, muscular hobgoblin with unusually sharp claws and teeth. The
creatures greenish skin, coarse black hair, and long
nose all betray a trollish heritage. Thouls favor the
bold crimson and black colors worn by their hobgoblin kin, and they take exceptional care of their
gleaming black leather armor, a practice drilled into
them by their cruel hobgoblin taskmasters.
Despite being part ghoul, thouls are actually living
beings that can breed true, though they have an
extremely low birth rate compared to other creatures
with goblin blood. In fact, most thouls alive today are
the product of forced breeding.
Among Goblins: Most thouls in the world are
individuals or small groups scattered among the
tribes of their goblin cousins. If bugbears and goblins make up most of a tribe, thouls will usually bully
their way into a position of leadership. Thoul leaders
maintain their rule through a combination of force,
alliances with other thouls, and being hard to kill.
Hobgoblin-dominated tribes, on the other hand,
regard thouls as second-class citizens, feared and
hated for their superior physical abilities and mongrel

blood. Thouls that lack the sponsorship of a hobgoblin leader live as outcasts, and most survive the
abuse heaped on them only through their regenerative abilities. Sponsored thouls typically serve as elite
bodyguards, gladiators, or vanguard shock troops;
in fact, many hobgoblins breed thouls specifically
for these purposes, and scar them with acid and fire
while young to constantly remind them that they are
little more than slaves.
Hobgoblin commanders spare little thought for
their thoul troops, and regularly dispatch them on
suicide missions. Consequently, thoul soldiers hate
their masters, but conditioning keeps most in line.
Those who rebel find one of two endsescape into the
wilds or death at the stake for insurrection.
Thouls ardently worship Bane and believe that he
created them as his chosen people. They are so dedicated to the Lord of Darkness that they even refuse
to honor his exarchs, and they hold Maglubiyet in
particular scorn. As a sign of their faith, thouls prominently display Banes holy symbol on their clothing
and armor and strive to live up to his harsh precepts
and gain his blessing. They also believe that the many
hardships the thoul race experiences at the hands
of their hobgoblin masters are a divine test that they
must endure. The hobgoblins, unsurprisingly, foster
and manipulate this religious belief.
Adopted by Orcs: A few full-fledged thoul
tribes do exist. These groups of several dozen members dwell in remote caves or ruins, and often resort
to banditry or mercenary work to survive. Orcs often
go out of their way to raid these tribes, as well as
goblin settlements where thouls are thought to reside,
in order to capture thouls. Orcs use thouls as bodyguards or soldiers, just as hobgoblins dobut unlike
hobgoblins, orcs treat their thoul recruits as near
equals. Thouls thrive in brutal orc society, and often
command raiding parties composed of half-orcs, halftroll orcs, and ogrillons. As a result, adopted thouls
are extremely loyal to their new tribes, speaking

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Ye Olde Creature Catalogue

Thoul Bodyguard

Level 5 Elite Soldier

Medium natural humanoid

HP 130; Bloodied 65
AC 21, Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16
Speed 7
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1

XP 400
Initiative +6
Perception +4
Low-light vision


The thoul regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn
and has at least 1 hit point. When the thoul takes fire or
acid damage, its regeneration does not function on its next
Thoul Healing (healing)
Whenever an attack that doesnt deal acid or fire damage
reduces the thoul to 0 hit points, the thoul does not die
and instead falls unconscious until the start of its next turn,
when it returns to life with 15 hit points. If an attack hits
the thoul and deals any acid or fire damage while the thoul
is unconscious, it does not return to life in this way.

Standard Actions

m Claw F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage, and the target is immobilized (save
M Broadsword (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + 7 damage, or 2d10 + 7 damage if the target is
M Double Attack F At-Will
Effect: The thoul uses claw and broadsword.

Triggered Actions

M Shoddy Tactics F At-Will

Trigger: An enemy makes an attack that does not include
the thoul as a target.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The thoul charges or makes a
basic attack against the triggering enemys nearest ally.
Thoul Resilience F Recharge when first bloodied
Trigger: The thoul is subjected to an effect that a save can
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The thoul makes a saving throw
against the triggering effect.
Skills Athletics +11, Intimidate +6
Str 19 (+6)
Dex 15 (+4)
Wis 14 (+4)
Con 17 (+5)
Int 5 (1)
Cha 8 (+1)
Alignment evil
Languages Common, Goblin
Equipment leather armor, broadsword

Giant instead of Goblin and embracing the worship

of Gruumsh and his exarch Vaprak.
Thouls and Ghouls: A small number of thouls
opt to emulate their undead heritage and actually become ghouls. These thouls seek out areas
associated with ghouls, such as necropolises and
catacombs, and turn to the worship of Orcus and his
exarch, the ghoul king Doresain. Such thouls attempt
to make themselves look more ghoulish by wearing
tattered clothing, coating themselves with grime, and
shunning weapons.
A few of these thouls succeed in establishing a
collaboration with actual ghouls. Ghouls, cunning
by nature, appreciate the benefits of allying with a
more powerful creature, especially one able to protect
them from troublesome clerics and paladins. Such an
alliance, however, does not prevent a ghoul from ruthlessly exploiting its dimwitted ally; for example, some
ghouls demand a daily tribute of a thouls flesh in
exchange for letting it join a ghoul pack or as a form
of down payment on a future unholy rebirth.
Occasionally, a thoul bent on achieving undeath
works as an underling for a necromancer, a vampires, or a lich, in the hope that its master will help it
achieve its transformation.

G 12!
IN 20



About the Author

Tim Eagon is a freelance writer living in Madison, Wisconsin. He has written several articles for Dragon and Dungeon,
including The Oasis of the Golden Peacock, Ecology of the
Hengeyokai, and Creature Incarnations: Hordelings.

Ask your
local retailer
for details


& 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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Backdrop: Hochoch
By Claudio Pozas

Illustration by Zoltan Boros

Cartography by Mike Schley
Located in the broad valley that cleaves the Oytwood
from the immense Dim Forest, the town of Hochoch
has always been a strategic location within the Grand
Duchy of Geoff. Yet its importance has never been
greater than it is now, because the town has become
perhaps the sole torchbearer of a dying nation.
Giants have plagued the Grand Duchy of Geoff for
generations. Their isolated attacks had always been
a nuisance, but they rarely amounted to more than
that. That situation changed seven years ago, in 584
CY, when the diverse giant clans and savage humanoid tribes of the Crystalmist Mountains descended
upon Geoff in an unprecedented tide of devastation
and savagery.
Now, Hochoch serves as the last bastion of freedom and civilization in Geoff, though the years of
fighting and the burdens of war have exacted a heavy
toll upon the inhabitants. Refugees from nearby areas
have swelled the population, while savage attacks
have wiped out crops and despoiled food supplies.
Factions diverge in their opinions about the most
appropriate course of action to deal with the problems. While nobles and knights argue over treaties
and priorities, refugees and peasants face a daily
struggle for survival in an overcrowded city. These
are dark days in Hochoch. But, as an old Geoffite
saying goes, The darker the storm cloud, the higher
the griffon flies.

TM & 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.

Hochoch is located on the world of Oerth within
the Greyhawk campaign setting. The world of
Greyhawk served as the first backdrop for the
Dungeons & Dragons game. One of the earliest mentions of Hochoch occurs in the 1980
World of Greyhawk folio, where the town is but
a name on the map of the Grand Duchy of Geoff.
The 1983 World of Greyhawk boxed set later
expanded upon the contents of this folio.
The 1982 adventure N1, Against the Cult of the
Reptile God assumed Hochoch to be the origin of
the player charactersthe place from which they
set forth to help the nearby town of Orlane. But
once again, Hochoch was no more than a name
on the map.
The year 1999 saw the release of two products that mentioned Hochoch. Greyhawk: The
Adventure Begins advanced the settings timeline
to 591 Common Year (CY), while Against the
Giants: The Liberation of Geoff expanded upon
the classic Giants Trilogy adventures, detailing
many of the towns in fallen Geoff. Still, Hochoch
remained largely undeveloped.
Now, almost thirty years after its first mention, the town of Hochoch finally steps into the
spotlight. Enjoy your stay!

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18


Backdrop: Hochoch

From O utpost
to Bastion
Geoff s history stretches back for more than nine
centuries, and Hochoch is not much younger than
the Grand Duchy. From its humble beginnings as a
military outpost, Hochoch (Watchers Hold in old
Flan) has held great strategic importance in Geoff.
Originally just a sturdy riverside keep watching over
Geoff s eastern border, the outpost soon grew into
a small village. The few buildings that surrounded
Hochoch Keep expanded into an entire town, far outgrowing the town of Midwood (Hochochs elder by
less than a generation) and becoming one of the largest settlements in Geoff.
When Geoff became a vassal state of the Kingdom
of Keoland in 316 CY, its ruler granted a fortified
manor in Hochoch to the Knights of the Watch, who
established one of their primary strongholds there.
Although polite, the relations between the stern
Watchers and the general populace have always been
cold. Still, the Watchers presence has until recently
kept Hochoch safe from the savage humanoids that
occasionally preyed upon neighboring communities.
Hochochs safety ended in 584 CY, when the
giant-led forces stormed the realms of Geoff, Sterich,
and the Yeomanry. The savage horde swept through
Geoff, and refugees poured into Hochoch daily, bearing the scars of the invaders violence. Soon after
Prestons fall, a force of hill giants emerged from the
Oytwood, smashed Hochochs siege engines, and
occupied the town. For almost a year, Hochochs
inhabitants struggled under the giants abusive rule.
That suffering came to an end in 586 CY, when
a force composed of Gran March soldiers and
Knights of the Watch descended upon Hochoch
and reclaimed the town after a bloody battle. Using
Hochoch as a staging ground, remnants of Geoffite
pike and longbow armies, led by the recently created Knights of the Dispatch, pushed back into the

Hochoch is an overcrowded walled town that serves
as a military base, refugee camp, and diplomatic
Population: 5,500, with about 4,200 humans,
500 elves, 250 halflings, and the rest divided among
dwarves, gnomes, elves, half-elves, and half-orcs.
Individuals of other races also appear occasionally.
Government: Hochoch is governed by a town
council, instituted as a diplomatic compromise to
ensure the towns safety. The councils members are
displaced nobles, community leaders, Watcher and
Dispatcher officials, and representatives of Duke
Owen I and Commandant Magnus Vrianian of Gran
Defenses: Hochoch boasts a battle-hardened town
guard, whose members maintain day-to-day order
among the populace. The nearly 230 town guards
answer to the local Knights of the Watch, who are
honor-bound to uphold the laws laid down by the
ruling council. The Watchers are an elite force, overseeing the defense of the city walls and investigating
serious crimes with religious zeal. The number of
knights fluctuates due to reassignments, but usually
hovers around 80.

invaded lands, bent on vengeance. Even though this

combined force achieved some victoriesmost notably the liberation of most of the Oytwoodthe loss of
peasants and knights alike led to a grim stalemate.
The giants kept to the conquered towns, and the
Geoffites lacked the population to effectively reclaim
their land.
In the five years since its liberation, too many
eager eyes have turned to Hochoch. The lords of Gran
March annexed Hochoch (ostensibly on a temporary

Inns: The Streamview Tavern is probably the

most popular establishment in Hochoch, overlooking
the northern shore. The wealthier residents prefer
Waltons Winery, a well-appointed inn with an extensive underground wine cellar. Watering holes of all
sorts can be found among the Shingles, where the
poorer residents try to drown their sorrows.
Supplies: Hochoch has a long tradition as a
starting base for adventurers and explorers, and several stores provide supplies for long-term expeditions.
Since the giant invasion, these stores have become
recruiting centers for brave Geoffites interested in
mounting raids against the invaders. Olwyns Outfitters and the Cautious Dwarf are two of the most
popular supply shops.
Temples: Every major non-evil religion has at
least a small shrine or chapel somewhere in Hochoch.
On Watcher Hill stands a well-kept church, favored
by the Knights of the Watch, that is dedicated to
Heironeous, St. Cuthbert, and Kelanen, the Prince of
Swords. The common folk prefer to attend the Old
Faith services in the Grove, honoring nature-related
deities such as Pelor, Obad-Hai, Beory, and Allitur.

basis), and rumors abounded that the town might

be formally given to the Knights of the Watch. Perhaps unsurprisingly to onlookers, the local populace
resisted such a move, seeing it as a coup against Geoff.
Displeased by the Watchers ambition, the exiled
Grand Duke (Owen I of Geoff, currently housed in
Gran March) announced his intention to move his
court to Hochoch, the last free town of his realm.
At the same time, quite a few Geoffite malcontents
began blaming the Grand Dukes inaction for the loss

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18


Backdrop: Hochoch
of their country and promoting the idea of replacing
the monarchy with a democratic system not unlike
that of the Yeomanry.
Currently, diplomatic debates in Hochoch have
settled on a precarious balance of interests. The city
remains a Geoffite community, ruled by a council of representatives elected by nobles, merchants,
and community leaders, and it pays tribute to the
Commandant of the Gran March. The Knights of
the Watch, under orders from their leader, Hugo of
Geoff, have sworn to serve as Hochochs town guard
and uphold the laws laid down by the town council. It is uncertain how long this condition can last,
however, before all parties are once again at each
others throats.

Geography and
Poised upon a hill overlooking a curve in the Realstreams course, Hochoch commands an impressive
view of the Midwood Valethe expanse between the
Dim Forest and the Oytwood. Most of the terrain
around Hochoch consists of sturdy grasslands broken
by the occasional copse of cottonwoods. A few miles
to the north lies the brooding expanse of the Dim
Forest, whose terrain slowly rises as it approaches
the Barrier Peaks. To the south of Hochoch, the
forested hills of the Oytwood sprawl across the landscape. The land to the west of the town slowly drops
in altitude as the plains and forests give way to the
swamplands of the Rushmoors. Finally, to the east,
the Javan River cuts through the Midwood Vale near
its namesake village. Beyond the Javan is what little
remains of Geoff.
Hochoch lies in a subtropical region, where temperatures range from about 91 F (32 C) during
Reaping (high summer) to as low as 46 F (7 C) in
Fireseek (midwinter). This temperature range means
that Hochoch sees little snowfall, although morning

frosts are common during the colder months. Still,

chilling fogs roll down from the Dim Forest from late
autumn to early spring. Violent thunderstorms are
common during the summer, when the winds carry
in heavy clouds from the Azure Sea.

The humans that comprise the majority of Hochochs
population are of mixed heritage, displaying all the
best qualities of their Flan, Oeridian, and Suloise
ancestors. Their complexions can range from the
deepest brown to extremely pale, although most fall
into a tanned middle ground. Hair colors also vary
widely, from raven black to platinum blonde, though
brown and reddish-brown occur with some regularity. Hair structure is usually wavy or curlyrarely
straight. Eye color is typically black or brown, though
gray, blue, and violet are not unknown.
Halflings have been a part of Geoffite society
since the beginning, and they tend to live alongside
humans. Apart from size, little difference exists
between the two racestheir cultures and manner
of dress are nearly identical. Dwarves have lived in
the Stark Mounds and the Crystalmist Mountains
for centuries, but have always been a rare sight in the
eastern parts of Geoff. Likewise, half-orcs in Hochoch
might hail from the regions near the Crystalmists or
from more distant realms, such as the Pomarj.
The humans of Geoff have traditionally kept good
relations with the Olvenfolk of their realm. The high
elves and gnomes of the Oytwood and Stark Mounds
helped build the Geoffite capital of Gorna, and the
wood elves of the Dim Forest have proven to be strong
allies against the depredations of savage humanoids.
This long history of cooperation has led to a goodly
number of half-elves in Geoff s populace. Still, the
recent trials have strained the relations among the
humans, high elves, and wood elves, with each race
fighting its own battles and treating its own wounds.

A few clearer heads have realized that only a joint

effort can reclaim Geoff from the giant marauders.
The human nomadic riverfolk known as the
Rhenee merit special mention. Their barge-homes
have escaped the giants depredations, and the riverfolk have made a comfortable living out of ferrying
goods and people up and down the Realstream and
the Javan. Their knowledge of the riverways, mapped
or otherwise, have made them invaluable to the refugees of Geoff, but some travelersespecially among
the Watchersresent having to pay the riverfolk.

T he Town of
Because of Hochochs position between two large
forests, wood is plentiful as a building material. The
towns structures feature extensive woodwork, from
shingles to carved frames, often with elven designs.
The largest buildings, including Hochoch Keep, are
built from stone quarried in the Stark Mounds. As
befits a village of Hochochs age, ivy covers most of
the stone buildings. Since the repulsion of the giant
invaders five years ago, several structures have undergone renovation to repair damage suffered during
the battles.

Locations of Note
The numbers below refer to the Hochoch town map
on page 26.

1. Hochoch Keep
A distinctive castle, Hochoch Keep served as the
mayors house for centuries. Its adornments include
owl-shaped grotesques, since och (watcher in Old
Flan) is also a colloquial term for owls. The Knights
of the Watch acquired the keep after the liberation of Hochoch, and it now houses the orders local

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Backdrop: Hochoch
garrison. The Watchers have set aside a separate
building for use by the Knights of the Dispatch.

2. Boom Tower
Connected to the shore by a long causeway, this tower
holds a mechanism that extends an enormous chain
across the Realstream. Originally intended to shut
down river traffic in times of war, the boom chain
is now used primarily to direct floating logs down
toward the mills.

3. The Mills
Across the Realstream from Hochoch Keep, several
sawmills work on timber that has been harvested
upstream in the Dim Forest and floated down to
Hochoch. With the influx of refugees from elsewhere
in Geoff, and the recent reconstruction of buildings
damaged in the liberation of Hochoch, the demand
for timber is at an all-time high. Unfortunately for
the mills and those who need their lumber, problems in the Dim Forest have been interfering with

4. Anchorage
The Realstream washes against a narrow beach here,
and most of Hochochs fishermen and sailors pull
their vessels ashore when not in use. Some, especially
the Rhenee, prefer to keep their boats anchored to
the wooden piers.

5. The Grove
This dense copse of cottonwoods grows around
a natural spring that rises from the ground amid
Hochochs three main hills. Priests of the natureoriented deities hold religious services here, and most
of the population subscribes to these faithswith
the notable exceptions of the Knights of the Watch
and Dispatch.

6. Watcher Hill

10. Realstream Ferry

For centuries, a fortified manor house atop Hochochs

northernmost hill housed the Knights of the Watch,
and their presence gave the hill its name. With the
Watchers relocation to Hochoch Keep, their former
manor was converted into a chapel of Heironeous, St.
Cuthbert, and Kelanen. The entire neighborhood has
an orderly style in which the large homes of the nobility share space with more dignified businesses.

Although not particularly deep, the Realstream can

be tricky to ford, especially for those in wagons and
carts. For such burdened travelers, the best option
is the ferry barge that spans the river just south of
Hochochs walls. The town council pays the ferrymen, so the only fee levied here is for cargo (5 gp
per vehicle).

7. The Shingles
Named for the wooden tiles that make up the roofs of
most buildings in this section of town, the Shingles is
Hochochs most populous neighborhood. The narrow
streets and winding alleyways provide a haven for
people of dubious intentions, and the Knights of the
Watch rarely visit the area.

8. Town Gate
This impressive barbican serves as the main entry
point for Hochoch, and a squad of Watchers is on
duty here at all times. The gates and portcullis
remain open throughout the day and are closed at
night. Entrance after dusk is through a small door,
after close inspection by the Watchers on duty.

9. Refugee Camp
Beyond the walls of Hochoch, a new neighborhood
has sprung up in the last few years, composed of destitute refugees who have nowhere else to go. Most of
the buildings here are poorly built wooden shacks,
but the more recent arrivals must make do with
makeshift tents. Hochoch citizens of pious disposition come here often to alleviate the situation with
donations of food and shelter. In addition, the Town
Council periodically surveys the refugees and puts
the able-bodied to work whenever possible.

Power Groups
Several groups are trying to influence the destiny
of Hochochand all of Geoff along with it. Some of
them are described here.

The Red Griffons

When Geoff fell to the invading horde, many survivors of its army pledged allegiance to the neighboring
Gran Marchin part due to the fame of its militaryand were among those forces that reclaimed
Hochoch from the giant invaders. These soldiers are
now vocal supporters of the Gran Marchs annexation of Hochoch, and they do their best to influence
the general populace to accept the towns temporary
status as a permanent change. The Red Griffons take
their name from their habit of displaying the Geoffite griffon in red and blackthe colors of Keoland,
Sterich, and Gran March.

The Freemen of Geoff

The so-called Freemen of Geoff are farmers and
soldiers who blame the monarchy for its inefficiency in defending the realm from the giant threat.
Inspired by the nearby Yeomanry, the Freemen of
Geoff wish to replace Grand Duke Owen I with an
elected official who would better defend the cause of
the common folk. One of the more vocal of the Freemen is Wyllems of Pregmere, a blacksmith with a
reputation as a troublemaker.

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Backdrop: Hochoch
Knights of the Dispatch

The Loyalists

Formed in the aftermath of the giants invasion,

the Knights of the Dispatch is a splinter sect of the
Knights of the Watch whose members eschew the
Watchers strict adherence to codes of conduct in
favor of more flexible methods of waging war. The
Dispatchers are among the staunchest proponents for
continuous raids into Geoff s territory, which makes
them popular among the lower classes. A small
number of Dispatchers have considered forming a
new Geoffite knightly order based solely in Hochoch.
The local leader of the Dispatchers is the Grim
Basilisk Kerwynn of Gorna, a middle-aged swordmage who looks favorably upon adventurers willing to
venture into enemy lands.

This catch-all term covers all of Hochochs residents

who still consider themselves Geoffites under the rule
of Owen I. Some of the Loyalists wish to see Owen
move his court to Hochoch, while others view such
an action as an unnecessary risk, given the Grand
Dukes advanced age and poor health. Many Loyalists
actively oppose the Watchers, painting them as interlopers who value their own ambitions more than the
welfare of Geoff s people. Some Loyalist groups have
begun searching for Owen Is missing heir, Count
Hustin, viewing him as a possible rallying figure for
the disparate groups of Geoffite society. So far, divinations have revealed him to be alive and amid the
sky, but his exact location remains unknown.

Knights of the Watch

Beyond Hochoch

This monastic order of knights has long aspired to

control Hochoch and use it as a training ground for
new Vigils (entry-level Watchers) who would fight the
western nomads from beyond the Barrier Peaks (the
traditional enemies of the order). When soldiers from
Gran March first secured Hochoch, it seemed that
fulfillment of the Watchers dream was imminent.
But political maneuvering by Grand Duke Owen and
negative repercussions from the local population cut
that dream short. By order of Watcher leader Hugo
of Geoffa personal friend of Owen Ithe Watchers
became the elite defense force of Hochoch, and no
more. While the Watchers perform this duty to the
best of their abilities, in accordance with the precepts
of their order, some within its ranks doubt Hugos
capacity to continue leading at such an advanced age.
Chief among these dissidents is the Great Honorable Wyvern Darwyck of Hookhill. Unsurprisingly
to many, Darwyck would be one of the main candidates for Grandiose Imperial Wyvern if Hugo were to
leave office.

The areas surrounding Hochoch, and the beings

inhabiting those places, have a direct effect on the
towns politics and security.

Midwood Vale
Midwood Vale is a beautiful valley with gently rolling terrain that separates the Dim Forest from the
Oytwood. The valley stretches for 250 miles from
east to west, and averages about 30 miles from north
to south. The ground is fertile here, especially in
the eastern end that borders the Rushmoors, and
familial steadings are quite common within sight
of the road that stretches from Midwood to Orlane.
Aside from isolated groves of cottonwoods, the valley
is unforested. Most of the inhabitants are humans
and halflings, but elves from the Dim Forest, high
elves from the Oytwood, and gnomes from the Stark
Mounds are frequent visitors.
Before the giants invaded, Midwood Vale was
mostly safe, but the recent unrest has prompted
occasional raids by savage humanoids from the forests. Lizardfolk and troglodytes from the Rushmoors

have grown bolder, and shadow creatures sometimes

shamble down from the Dim Forest to prowl the
area at night.

Population: 150
At a Glance: Brooding fishing village
with a secret
Older than Hochoch by less than a generation,
Midwood is a sleepy fishing hamlet that the giant
marauders who dominate the western lands have
overlooked. Built in a hollow near the shores of the
Javan River, the hamlet is easy for foot travelers to
miss. Morning mist commonly cloaks the community,
lending it a secretive demeanor.
The villages backwater appearance is only part of
the reason the giants havent bothered it much. The
presence of a young giant named Seshey also helps
to ensure Midwoods security. Seshey was supposed
to stamp out any human resistance in the area, but
instead he decided to bargain with the village elders.
In exchange for keeping Midwood beneath the notice
of marauding giants, the villagers pay him tribute in
the form of whatever silver they can acquire. Seshey
has kept his end of the bargain, and he has even
defended Midwood from opportunistic bandits and
raiding trolls and ogres.
In the time since his arrival, Seshey has become
more of a honored neighbor than a warlord, even
using some of the silver tribute he receives to buy food
for the villagers in hard times. The people of Midwood are quite protective of their giant, helping him
hide in a nearby cave whenever strangers approach.
The village elders dread what would happen if word
of Sesheys existence reached the ears of the knights
in Hochoch. Luckily for them, the poor visibility and
damp soilwhich prevents the construction of proper
fortificationskeep Midwood beneath the attention of
the remaining Geoffite forces.

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Backdrop: Hochoch

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Backdrop: Hochoch
Population: 500
At a Glance: Peaceful farming community at the
edge of the sinister Rushmoors
The village of Orlane was once a quiet farming
hamlet located in one of the most fertile parts of the
valley. The villages placid demeanor was shattered
a few years ago, when cultists devoted to a self-styled
reptilian god (in truth a naga) infiltrated the community. Only through the efforts of brave adventurers
did the village escape utter corruption.
For a while, life returned to normal in Orlane,
but the recent invasion changed that situation. Some
refugees from Geoff moved past Hochoch and settled
in Orlane, boosting the population dramatically. In
an effort to keep order, mayor Zakarias Ormond
himself a former adventurergathered other retired
heroes from the region and established a council of
elders to manage the village as best they could.
Despite the sudden increase in population, Orlane
remained safe from the giants depredations. The
village elders are much more concerned about the
dire creatures that sometimes emerge from the

Dim Forest
One of the oldest and largest woodlands in Oerth, the
Dim Forest stretches north of Hochoch for hundreds
of miles. The trees here are ancient, with such dense
foliage that they block out the sunlight, blanketing
the ground in perpetual gloom. The humidity causes
fog to rise from the ground and roll southward, lending a brooding character to the woodland and its
surrounding areas. Some of Hochochs residents have
come to call this place the Grim Forest. Despite its
somber air, the Dim Forest has long been a home for
several independent tribes of wood elves, especially
west of the Javan River. But that situation changed
with the arrival of the Shadow Dragon.

During the battle to protect the elven village of

Derelion from the invading giants, the desperate
defenders resorted to shadow magic in an attempt to
turn the tide on the brutish interlopers. In an unforeseen accident, the wayward spell opened a rift to the
Shadow Plane, through which the shadow dragon
Hasforenses entered Oerth. Cloaked by the Dim
Forests natural gloom, Hasforenses slew all mortal
combatants within his reach and set out to explore his
new dominion.
Hasforensesor simply the Shadow Dragonhas
been slowly solidifying his position as the new lord of
the Dim Forest. Shadow creatures and undead have
become more common throughout the forest, and few
elven communities remain. Some elf refugees have
reached Hochoch, where they hope to amass enough
support to mount an attack upon the Shadow Dragons forces. Unfortunately, no one knows where the
dragon lairs.
Even beyond Hasforensess reach, the Dim Forest
is still a dangerous place, with tribes of spider-riding
goblins prowling along the eastern end.

Population: Unknown
At a Glance: Former elven village corrupted by
the Shadow Dragon
This village, once the pinnacle of elven architecture,
has become a distorted, macabre parody of itself.
Trees and wooden buildings have contorted into grim
shapes that form a veritable hedge maze. Shadows
dart across the landscape, and dark ones come to
pay homage to the terrible Hasforenses. Although
frequently away, the Shadow Dragon has turned the
husk of Derelion into its personal lair.
In the center of the village, a pitch-black tear in the
fabric of reality marks the portal that brought Hasforenses to Oerth.

Adventure Hook: To secure the wood elves help

against the giant hordes, the adventurers might have
to venture into the Dim Forest in search of the lair of
Hasforenses. Even if they slay the dragon, the pervasive shadow energy in the area might well bring him
back in undead form.

Population: 0
At a Glance: Abandoned fort-town, now
reclaimed by the forest
Built in 538 CY by Geoffite rangers to serve as a
watching post against creatures from the Dim Forest,
the fort-town of Hocholvewhich means Elven
Holdserved as a testament to the good relations
between humans and elves in Geoff. But despite
the best efforts of human and elf alike, Hocholve
couldnt withstand the attack of the giant invaders.
Its citizens used what meager warning they had to
move the noncombatants to safety, leaving the fighting to grim volunteers who bought their loved ones
freedom with their own lives. Despite the defenders
bravery, the giants razed the fort-town. Their victory
was short-lived.
As it turns out, straffern, the quaint plant that grew
wild among Hocholves buildings, was extremely
poisonous to the giants. Little remains of the brutes,
except for a few giant-shaped straffern bushes. The
village is now overgrown and abandoned, except for
the occasional oblivion moss or ambush vine.
Adventure Hook: A Hocholve refugee might ask
the characters to retrieve a family heirloom from the
conquered town. Upon finding it empty, the characters might spearhead an effort to fortify the place on
behalf of the former inhabitants, defending it against
plant and shadow creatures alike.

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Backdrop: Hochoch

About a dozen miles south of Hochoch, the cottonwoods that dot the Midwood Vale begin to
thicken, marking the edge of the Oytwood. This
beautiful woodland isnt as foreboding as the Dim
Forestindeed, its tall trees blanket the ground in verdant foliage.
The Oytwood covers the northernmost reaches of
the Stark Mounds, and its connections with Faerie
give it an eerie, dreamlike splendor. This woodland
boasts a rather sizable population of high elves who
have migrated to Oerth from Faerie and built halls
under the forested hills of the southern Oytwood.
Although the elves of the Oytwood have long
maintained cordial relations with the humans of
Geoff, and even helped build the capital city of
Gorna, these relations cooled considerably in the
aftermath of the giants depredations. The Olvenfolk
of the Oytwood survived only by retreating into their
hidden halls to regroup and recover.
With no help coming from beyond the woods, the
elves began a guerrilla war against the invaders that
has met with modest success. Although the Oytwood
has not been under giant control since 588 CY, several of the brutes still roam the forest. That fact, in
addition to the threat of wandering fey beasts, has
kept the elves from joining the larger effort to reclaim
Geoff, and from helping their sylvan cousins fight the
Shadow Dragon. If the folk of Hochoch can win the
elves help, the Oytwood could serve as a direct route
from Hochoch to the giant-occupied capital of Gorna.

Population: 50
At a Glance: An elven outpost, recently reclaimed
Established before the formal founding of Geoff, Preston has long served as an outpost from which the high
elves of the Oytwood watch for invaders. Its first such
use was against the Suel and Oeridian migrants, and

more recently, against the giants. Despite the best

efforts of the elves, half-elves, and humans who lived
there, the invading giants captured Preston, forcing its residents to flee either to Hochoch or to deep
within the forest.
In recent months, the elven forces have expelled
the giants from Preston. Currently, the treetop ruins
of Preston serve as a base for a small garrison of stoic
elves tasked with holding it until more forces can be
spared to rebuild it.
Adventure Hook: Elf envoys in Hochoch are
hoping to secure the aid of the Geoffite resistance,
but the local leaders have so far been reticent. Officials of either group might ask the adventurers to
help secure the area around Preston so that human
and elf forces can once again work together against
the giants.

Rushmoors, preying upon lost travelers and nomadic

lizardfolk tribes.


About the Author

If the Dim Forest is a place of shadows and fear, then

the Rushmoors are a step beyondtruly a place of
death and decay. This vast expanse of marshland
separates the Midwood Vale from the civilized lands
in the east. The sinister reputation of the Rushmoors
is in no small part due to the fact that it was once
the center of the evil empire ruled by the lich demigod Vecna. The Occluded Empire, as it was called,
claimed much of the land from the Barrier Peaks to
the Azure Sea and the shores of the Nyr Dyv. The
Maimed Lord oversaw it all from his fortress at the
Rotted Towera vile structure rising from among
the carrs of the Rushmoors. In the aftermath of the
battle between Vecna and his lieutenant Kas, many
of the temples and buildings that had surrounded the
Rotted Tower fell into the swamp.
Untold artifacts of that dread civilization still lie in
half-flooded chambers, and the results of dire experiments still roam among the carrs. Undead servitors
and monstrous aberrations wander throughout the

The Temple of the Reptile God

Not far from the village of Orlane, one of the submerged remnants of Vecnas empire recently served
as the lair of the naga that called itself the Reptile
God. From that underground complex, the naga
commanded a cult of troglodytes and humans that
threatened to corrupt Orlane. After the creature died,
the black dragon Kharlixes took over the complex.
The dragon avoids hunting near his lair and is searching for a more secure abode near the center of the
Adventure Hook: Characters trying to track the
Shadow Dragon might be led astray by sightings of
Kharlixes and end up following the wrong dragon.

Claudio Pozas is a freelance artist and writer whose recent

design credits include Heroes of Shadow , Heroes of the Feywild, and many contributions to Dragon magazine. He lives
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with his wife, Paula; his son, Daniel;
and his pet dire tiger, Tyler.

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18


Wondrous Weavings
Tapestries of Power
By Jennifer Clarke Wilkes
Illustration by Hector Ortiz
The rich hanging depicts a tree-lined avenue leading away
to a castle that seems to belong in a fairy tale. Gleaming
battlements and impossibly thin, high towers soar over the
forest to catch the light of a morning sun. Brilliant pennants appear to snap in the breeze, and you catch a scent
of fresh spring air. Speaking the words of passage, you put
out your hand to touch the gleaming threads and see it pass
through the tapestrys surface, which ripples like a ref lection in a still pool. The sounds of bird song and rustling
leaves fill your ears as you step through.
Somewhere in the world (or beyond), it is rumored,
are magnificent galleries. Only those who are invited,
or who are fortunate enough to find an entrance,
might gaze on the wondrous creations that fill such
places: Statues that move and speak, paintings of
lovely and terrible places that might or might not
exist, cunningly fitted pieces of jewelry that can
transform the weareror strangle the would-be
thief. Visitors who are most highly favored might win
a boon, the chance to partake of a pieces magical
One of these legendary places is a seemingly endless hallway devoted to masterpieces of the woven
art. Tapestries great and small line its walls. Some
are magnificent depictions of legendary or historical events, or reproduce beautiful scenes from both
nature and civilization. Others display abstract patterns, many of intricate design. A few seem drab in
comparison, simple bands of colored cloth. But all of
them are special.

TM & 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.

T he Caretaker
The hall of wondrous hangings is managed and
guarded by a mysterious figure known only as the
Caretaker. Entry is granted only by a pass phrase that
the Caretaker provides. Each visitor receives a unique
phrase, and it works only once. The Caretakers race
and gender can only be guessed, since it is rarely
seen, and then only as a face within one of the many
tapestries. The eyes of an embroidered figure suddenly come alive and follow a visitor about the room.
Questions can be addressed to the Caretaker, but the
response might be delivered days or weeks later, typically by a messenger homunculus in the form of a
stuffed, woven doll.
Agents in places devoted to beauty and magic,
such as temples to Corellon, Ioun, or Sune, or the
halls of great lords and ladies of the fey, hear petitioners requests and magically communicate with the
Caretaker. Each such place has an identical tapestry
hanging in a private chamber, showing the road to
a fantastic castle in a springtime wood. If the petitioner is judged acceptable, the agent communicates
the pass phrase, which opens the way through the
entrance tapestry. The Caretaker allows each applicant the use of just one tapestrys power. When its
magical effects have been bestowed, the petitioner
is instantly transported back to the room containing
the entrance hanging, and that pass phrase no longer
opens the gateway.

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Wondrous Weavings
Very rarely, the Caretaker allows a tapestry to
leave the gallery. The petitioner must usually demonstrate great need. On occasion, items from the
collection might be sent on loan to a traveling
exhibition hosted by highly trusted individualstypically a monarch or a high noble of Faerie. Only very
special occasions, such as a coronation or the start of
a campaign against a mighty enemy, merit such an
honor. Security for such exhibits is extremely high,
and the traveling works are further protected by
magical wards that instantly return a tapestry to the
gallery should it be tampered with or accessed by
an unauthorized person. The Caretaker also maintains magical communication through each hanging,
allowing observation as though in the gallery.
The Caretaker is the current custodian of a
miraculous device, the Chromodactylic Loom, which
is responsible for the existence of many of the gallerys wonders. See that artifacts entry at the end of
this article.

M agic Tapestries
These wondrous weavings combine beauty with functionality, serving to protect the very walls they grace.
Some guardian tapestries are simple alarms, activating when any unauthorized creature moves within a
specified distance. Others confer magical hardness to
the surface on which they hang, perhaps even blocking phasing or teleportation, or preventing scrying
attempts against the area.
The entries that follow are examples of the sorts of
wonders a magical weaver might produce: Let your
imagination build on them to create new marvels!
A magic tapestry is a wondrous item. Many of
these are permanent, but some tapestries might be
imbued with a single-use power.

Embroidered Beast
One type of enchanted tapestry illustrates a ferocious
monster or an armored champion, stepping forth to
do battle with an intruder. Depending on how much
one is willing to pay, the defender can range from a
simple soldier to a terrifying dragon. When summoning magic is used nearby, a wavering image of the
champion emerges from the hanging and flows into
the summoned creature.

Embroidered Beast

Level 9+ Uncommon

A roaring monster faces you in the threads of this tapestry.

As you speak the words of summoning, it leaps forth to challenge your enemies.
Lvl 9
4,200 gp
Lvl 24
525,000 gp
Lvl 14
21,000 gp
Lvl 29 2,625,000 gp
Lvl 19
105,000 gp
Wondrous Item
Utility Power F Daily (Minor Action)
Requirement: You must use a summoning power of the tapestrys level or lower while you have line of sight to the
tapestry and are within 10 squares of it.
Effect: The summoned creature gains resist 5 to all damage,
and it is immune to charm effects and fear effects. In
addition, if the creature normally does nothing if you end
your turn without giving it a command, it instead uses
a free action to make a basic attack against the nearest
Level 24 or 29: Resist 10 to all damage.

Hanging Doorway
This plain hanging depicts a prosaic subject: a
wooden door, roughly 6 feet in height and 3 feet wide.
The illustration is realistic, though drab, and the
threads from which it is woven are simple linenlittle
fancier than journeymans clothing. Its magic belies
its humdrum appearance.
The tapestry is fairly lightweight, about 10 pounds,
and can be folded into a bundle about the size of
a large book. Unfolding it and placing it against a
wall or similar vertical surface, then speaking the

command phrase, causes the woven image to become

a real door.
Hanging doorways are popular with adventurers
exploring ruined complexes whose passages are no
longer known. When the way is blocked by a cave-in,
or a labyrinth leads to a dead end, such items allow
escape or deeper exploration. Some hanging doorways
are made for the use of specific creatures and might
be larger or smaller than normal.
Burglars who would use such a tool beware: Those
wealthy or influential enough to be targets of breakins usually arrange for magical hardening of walls, or
even nasty traps that trigger when a wall is breached.

Hanging Doorway

Level 12 Uncommon

This plain wall hanging illustrates a doorway, which a word

of opening causes to become a true passage.
Wondrous Item

13,000 gp
Utility Power F Daily (Minor Action)
Effect: You unfold the tapestry and place it on a wall or
other vertical surface adjacent to you. The image transforms into a real door, which opens into a 1-square-wide
passageway up to 5 squares long.
The passageway lasts for up to 1 hour or until the
tapestry is removed from the wall. If a creature is in the
passageway when it vanishes, the creature is shunted to
the nearest unoccupied space.
This power has no effect on surfaces that are magically

Tapestries of Breathtaking
Not all magical works of art have a practical purpose.
Like other art objects, they also exist for the sake of
being beautiful. The finest such works are so magnificent that they transform their surroundings and
even the mood of those who view them. These effects
might include simple illusions that make a plain
room seem more sumptuous, or gentle enchantments
that create a sense of peace.

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Wondrous Weavings
Sometimes, though, more insidious versions are
commissioned to snare trespassers and would-be
burglars. The woven scene might be imbued with
powerful enchantment magic to entrap those who
view them, paralyzing them or hobbling them with
lingering nightmares. Once the trap has been triggered, the tapestrys magic is lost, and it becomes a
mundane though valuable piece of art. Only a successful Arcana check can discern that the weaving
contains dangerous magic.
Tapestry of Breathtaking Beauty

Level 15 Trap

XP 1,200
Detect Arcana DC 22
HP 80
AC 29, Fortitude 27, Reflex 25, Will
Immune cold, necrotic, poison, psychic, thunder, all conditions; Vulnerable 10 fire

Triggered Actions

C Attack (charm) F Encounter

Trigger: An unauthorized creature enters a square within 3
squares of the trap.
Attack (Opportunity Action): Close burst 3 (creatures in the
burst); +18 vs. Will
Hit: The target is dazed (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target is instead stunned
(save ends).
Second Failed Saving Throw: The target falls unconscious
until it takes damage or until an adjacent creature takes
a standard action to wake it.


 isable: Arcana DC 22 or Thievery DC 30 (standard
action). Failure (by 5 or more): The trap triggers.

Portable Gallery

Arras of Thrilling Heroics

This piece of fabric shows a masterful trompe-loeil

design, representing a sumptuous chamber that
seems to have real depth and double wooden doors
apparently opening on the scene. Not only is it beautiful in its own right, the tapestry also provides a
means to display many pieces of wall art. It is rather
heavy when folded, about 25 pounds and the size of
a backpack.
When unfolded and held upright to form an enclosure (a process that requires at least two people), the
tapestry expands to create the chamber shown in its
threads. The resulting room is an extradimensional,
free-standing structure; the walls and ceiling are
gilded with rococo designs, chandeliers of everburning flame provide light, and a plush, luxurious carpet
covers the floor. Its walls are well suited to hanging
paintings, mirrors, or other tapestries, and the room
can serve as a ballroom, art gallery, fancy drawing
room, or banquet hall. A wooden set of double doors
can be closed from either side.

Some tapestries are created for monasteries, temples,

and other institutions that prize introspection and
self-discovery. An observer in the presence of such a
wonder can spend time in deep contemplation of the
scene. Afterward, the viewer gains a boon, such as an
increase in physical strength and stamina, immunity
to damage or magical effects, or refreshed magical capacity.
The arras of thrilling heroics is an example of such
an item. A scene of adventure is woven into it, such
as a bold warrior facing a ferocious monster. An
observer who spends some time meditating on the
scene gains inspiration and fights more boldly.

Portable Gallery

Level 16 Uncommon

The sumptuous chamber this tapestry depicts springs into

existence when the tapestry is hung.
Wondrous Item

45,000 gp
Utility Power F Daily (Standard Action)
Effect (Conjuration): The tapestry creates a 40-foot-by40-foot, fully-furnished extradimensional room with
20-foot-high ceilings. The room can be reached only
through double doors the tapestry depicts, which are
part of the room. Only you and those you designate can
pass through the doors. You can close the entrance to
make the tapestry invisible after you enter the room. It
remains invisible until someone opens the doors.
The gallerys interior is a comfortable temperature and
humidity. You can adjust the gallerys interior luminance
from darkness to bright light. The gallery lasts until you
dismiss it from the outside as a standard action. Any
creatures still within when the effect ends reappear in
unoccupied spaces nearest the tapestry.

Arras of Thrilling Heroics

Level 18 Uncommon

The scene of daring adventure woven into this tapestry inspires you as you look on it.
Wondrous Item
85,000 gp
F To use this items other properties, you must spend at
least 5 minutes doing nothing but studying it. You can do
so only once per day.
F For one hour after you study the tapestry, while you
are within 10 squares of it, you can make saving throws
against charm effects and fear effects at the start and end
of each of your turns.
F For one hour after you study the tapestry, while you are
within 10 squares of it, you can reroll any damage die that
has a result of 1.

The Map Imperishable

The Nerathi society of adventurers known as the
Torches of the Flame Imperishable commissioned
this weaving to serve a dual purpose. Holding a place
of honor in the societys gathering hall, it depicts a
map of all the known regions of the world, as well as
blank spaces representing areas that have yet to be
discovered. A row of golden tassels dangles from the
bottom edge of the tapestry, but gaps show that many

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Wondrous Weavings
are missing. (A newly created map has 50 tassels.
When a map is found, it has 20 + 3d10 tassels.)
When a member of the society (or, on rare occasions, another individual granted special permission)
departs on a mission of exploration, the society chair
detaches one of the tassels from the tapestry and
presents it to the explorer. By keeping it on his or her
person during the journey, the traveler both maintains a line of communication to the society and can
add newly discovered areas to the depicted map.
A viewer looking closely at the tapestry over time
can discern the pathways of various expeditions, as
details bloom in previously blank spots.

The Map Imperishable

Level 24 Uncommon

The rich threads of this tasseled wall hanging show a map of

the known world. Close inspection shows paths crisscrossing
the map.
Wondrous Item

525,000 gp
F To use any of this items powers, you must carry at least
one of its tassels.
F While you carry a tassel from this tapestry, your path and
any terrain you pass through are displayed on the tapestry.
Utility Power F Daily (Minor Action)
Effect: You can send a mental message of up to 25 words to
a specific individual viewing the tapestry, or another specific creature that carries a tassel from this tapestry.
Utility Power (Teleportation) F Daily (Move Action)
Effect: You teleport to a square adjacent to the tapestry.
You must be on the same plane as the tapestry, but the
distance is otherwise unlimited. The tassel you carry is
destroyed when you use this power.

Hide of Plain Sight

Some bespelled hangings are secure storage spaces
for valuables, which disappear into a woven image to
become part of it. A cleverly worked tapestry might
provide a hiding spot for a spy or a burglar, who
gains entry to a hall of treasures as part of the newest
acquisition. Such items are also known as burglars bundles. (Of course, serious collectors usually

anticipate such deceptions and have magic-damping

auras overlaid on their display rooms.) A hanging
might also disguise a safe, an entrance to a secure
area, or real valuables by merging into the wall, showing a prosaic (if well-rendered) scene or matching the
surrounding walls dcor.

Hide of Plain Sight

Level 25 Uncommon

This wall hanging is not woven, but rather consists of sheets

of soft, vellum-like skins cunningly stitched together. The
scene it depicts is tattooed with many-colored inks.
Wondrous Item

625,000 gp
Utility Power F Daily (Standard Action)
Requirement: You must be adjacent to the tapestry.
Effect: You step into the tapestry and become part of the
depicted scene. While in the tapestry, you have line of
sight but not line of effect to objects and creatures outside the tapestry. Creatures outside the tapestry have
line of sight but not line of effect to you.
Until the effect ends, you cannot move, you do not age,
and you do not need to breathe, drink, or eat. You can
end this effect as a standard action. The effect automatically ends after one year or if the tapestry is destroyed.
When the effect ends, you appear in a square of your
choice adjacent to the tapestry. Until the effect ends, no
other creature can use this power.
Utility Power F Daily (Standard Action)
Effect: You place an object against the surface of the tapestry, and the object appears as part of the depicted scene.
You can end this effect as a standard action or by storing
a different object in the tapestry, whereupon the first
object is expelled. The effect automatically ends after
one year or if the tapestry is destroyed. When the effect
ends, the stored object appears in a square of your choice
adjacent to the tapestry. Until the effect ends, no other
creature can use this power.

Imprisoning Threads
Some versions of hides of plain sight make nasty traps
that can imprison unwelcome visitors. Their imagery
might be disturbing, with screaming faces of humanoids or roiling, nightmarish scenes from the Abyss.
Previous intruders might already be trapped inside.
Imprisoning Threads

Level 25 Trap

XP 7,000
Detect Arcana DC 29
HP 120
AC 39, Fortitude 37, Reflex 33, Will
Immune cold, necrotic, poison, psychic, thunder, all conditions; Vulnerable 10 fire

Triggered Actions

M Attack F Recharge when the trap has fewer than two

creatures removed from play.
Trigger: An unauthorized creature moves into a square containing or adjacent to the trap.
Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (the triggering creature); +28 vs. Reflex
Hit: The creature is removed from play (save ends).
Aftereffect: The creature is dazed until the start of its next


 isable: Arcana DC 29 or Thievery DC 38 (standard
action). Failure (by 5 or more): The trap triggers.
F Control: Arcana DC 34 (move action). Success: The
character can discern the number and types of trapped
creatures and can expel one or more trapped creatures.
The creature appears in a square of the characters
choice adjacent to the trap and is dazed (save ends).
Failure (29 or lower): The trap triggers.
F Destroy: When the trap drops to 0 hit points, all
trapped creatures are expelled. Each trapped creature
appears in a square of its choice adjacent to the trap,
takes damage equal to its bloodied value, and is dazed
(save ends).

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Wondrous Weavings

A rtifact: T he
L oom
The Chromodactylic Loom dates back to an early
age, not long after the Dawn War, when the gods
embarked on many projects of creation in their newwon world. Corellon, god of magic and beauty, joined
with Ioun, goddess of knowledge, and Avandra, lady
of travel and adventure, to devise a wondrous tool
that could create works of art both lovely and practical: ways to travel, keep lore, and discover new things.
The loom is immense, large enough to fill a ballroom, and its frame is made of the crystallized
essence of the Astral Sea. No yarn or thread is needed
to use it: The weaver merely envisions the colors and
materials, and the looms strings provide. Working its
horn-and-ivory shuttle through the web of starstuff
causes magical strands to appear in its wake. Such
wondrous magic exhausts the looms power to create
new works for a year and a day.
The looms power cannot be used to destroy.
Attempts to create a tapestry of destructive power or
a hanging intended for evil ends simply fail: the weaving does not appear, or it becomes a mundane object.
Anyone who attempts to use the artifact for such purposes loses its favor, and the loom quickly moves on
to another.
The Caretaker has been the looms guardian and
partner for longer than anyone can tell. It is near
immortal, and its interests are so closely aligned with
those of the loom that the two have been inseparable.
Perhaps the Caretaker is a fey or divine being, or
maybe its life span has been magically extended by its
partnership with the artifact. Until a new heir comes
along, the two are not likely to grow apart. The Caretaker can activate the powers of any tapestry in the
gallery without meeting any normal requirements.

Many of the wonders that hang in the gallery were

woven on the loom. It has the power to create a scene
that exists in its own reality, and it can open or cut the
way to that realm at will.

Chromodactylic Loom

Epic Level

The loom towers over you, its threads glimmering with magic
potential. Taking up the shuttle, you feel the forces of creation
guide your hand.
While in the same location as the loom, you can perform
the Enchant Magic Item ritual to create wondrous items that
have a level up to 5 levels higher than yours.
Utility Power F Daily (Standard Action)
Effect: You learn about a tapestry created on the loom. This
knowledge includes the date of the tapestrys creation,
details about its creator, what the tapestry depicts, and
the tapestrys magical properties and powers.
Utility Power F Encounter (Standard Action)
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you can view a location that contains a tapestry created on the loom. You
can see, hear, and speak as though you were at that
Utility Power F Encounter (Standard Action)
Effect: You can use one utility power of a magical tapestry
that you can see, including a tapestry viewed using the
looms utility power.

Goals of the Loom

F Create wonderful new things and send them into
the world.
F Celebrate and protect works of art, especially
those that are created from thread or cloth.
F Prevent the destruction of beautiful things, and
destroy creations that would cause harm.

Starting score
Owner uses the loom to create a
magic tapestry
Owner destroys a cursed, evil, or
otherwise destructive item (in the
looms estimation) (1/day)
Owner creates a worthy piece of art
(in the looms estimation) (1/day)
Owner knowingly allows a work of art
to be destroyed
Owner destroys a work of art, or uses a
work of art for evil ends
Owner destroys a creation of the loom



Pleased (1620)
The loom is delighted by its owners commitment to
beauty and discovery.
Its owner gains the use of the following property
and utility power as long as the loom remains at this
You cease to age.
Utility Power (Teleportation) F Daily (Move Action)
Effect: You open an extradimensional rift that allows
creatures to teleport to an unoccupied space within
10 squares of a tapestry woven on the loom. The rift
remains open for 1 minute or until you take a minor
action to dismiss it.

Satisfied (1215)
The loom recognizes a true effort to create and is willing to assist its owner in discovering unseen wonders.
Its owner gains the use of the following property
as long as the loom remains at this concordance
or higher.
While on the same plane as the loom, you have blindsight 3.

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Wondrous Weavings
Normal (511)
The owner has the potential to create great things but
not the commitment. The artifact reserves its judgment for the time being.
At this concordance, the loom has the powers and
other characteristics listed in its statistics block.

Unsatisfied (14)
The loom considers its owner too slothful or materially invested to protect objects of beauty. Unless the
owner devotes serious effort to its ends, the loom will
not stay long.
The property granting the ability to create higherlevel magic items is not available to the owner until
the looms concordance again increases to 5 or higher.

Angered (0 or lower)
The owner is willfully destructive and/or concerned
only with the accumulation of possessions, and the
loom seeks to find someone who will fulfill its divine
function as quickly as possible.
The owner cannot use the looms utility powers as
long as it remains at this concordance.

Moving On
The imperative to create, nurture, and share beautiful objects drives the loom. Should someone appear
who is more dedicated to this purpose than its current owner, the artifact eventually finds its way to that
person. The Caretaker has served the loom admirably
for centuries, but a greater patron might yet arise.
If the loom is pleased when it moves on, its owner
retains the ability to create higher-level magic items.

About the Author

Jennifer Clarke Wilkes came to Wizards in 1995 as the

editor for the Ars Magica roleplaying game. She moved to
editing Magic: The Gathering until 1999, when she
became an RPG editor. She has been involved with many
game lines in the company, and occasionally tries her hand at
RPG design.

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Inns in an Instant
By John Hasznosi

Illustration by Chris Seaman

Youve spent hours on the perfect dungeon, your monsters are all particularly devious and cleverly placed,
and your adventure plot is practically Shakespearean
in its genius. Youve thought of everything.
Your players are eager to see what youve come
up with. The first order of the session is to have the
characters meet, and nowhere in the D&D cosmos
do chance meetings that lead to adventures occur
more often than at the inn. Everything goes well, the
characters have agreed to the task at hand, and then a
player asks, Whats good to eat here?
A seemingly inconsequential detail causes the
game to crash to a halt. Never mind your perfectly
awesome plot and masterfully crafted monster stat
blocksyou didnt go to the trouble of coming up with
any details about the place where the characters met
to begin their adventure.
Cant think of the inns name off the top of your
head? How about the name of the barkeep, the menu,
or the prices? Whos currently present? What conversations can be overheard? Whats the general mood,
and why? The following tables provide quick answers
to such questions, allowing the DM to focus on more
important things, such as how to introduce the next
plot hook or run the upcoming encounter.

1. I nn Names
Though often overlooked, an inns name can add
instant flavor and detail to the establishment. The
name might be a reflection of the inns most common
patronsThe Thirsty Farmer, for exampleor it could
hint at a secret history or interesting origin story. The

TM & 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.

Inn of the Golden Bird could be hiding a mystery

under its unassuming floorboards.
Roll on the table below for random inn names.
Reroll until you find an interesting combination from
columns A and B, or simply choose from the list. (On
a roll indicating a number, make the second name
plural: Three Ogres.)

d100 A
1 Crafty
2 Angry
3 Bloody
4 Brave
5 Sleepy
6 Sly
7 Lonely
8 Greasy
9 Clumsy
10 Thirsty
11 Hungry
12 Grinning
13 Little
14 Quiet
15 Shady
16 Happy
17 Drunken
18 Laughing
19 Clever
20 Dead
21 Prancing
22 Gentle
23 Lost
24 Dark


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Inns in an Instant
d100 A
25 Giggling
26 Flying
27 Dirty
28 Shifty
29 Noisy
30 Faithful
31 Singing
32 Iron
33 Lazy
34 Friendly
35 Ethereal
36 Green
37 Silly
38 Ebon
39 Sad
40 Tipsy
41 Filthy
42 Quick
43 Boisterous
44 Dusty
45 Young
46 Purple
47 Timid
48 Enchanted
49 Three*
50 Red
51 Salty
52 Dancing
53 Jolly
54 Scarlet
55 Lucky
56 Silver
57 Pious
58 Charming
59 Grim
60 Golden
61 Old
62 Treacherous


d100 A
63 Nervous
64 Careful
65 Crystal
66 Nimble
67 Honest
68 Ancient
69 Swift
70 Eager
71 Bronze
72 Fat
73 Bold
74 Zealous
75 Lewd
76 Empty
77 Somber
78 Stern
79 Emerald
80 False
81 Grateful
82 Crimson
83 Ruthless
84 Grumpy
85 Ugly
86 Lively
87 Amber
88 Obedient
89 Two*
90 Greedy
91 Fair
92 Gray
93 Ruby
94 Whistling
95 Stubborn
96 Ten*
97 Naughty
98 Brass
99 Crooked
100 Slimy


Name Variations
You can also roll on the Name Variations table below
for even more variety.


d8 Variation
Add Tavern at the end of your chosen name:
The Sleepy Ogre Tavern
Add The Inn of the to the start of the rolled
names: The Inn of the Sleepy Ogre
Add Inn to the end of the rolled names: The
Sleepy Ogre Inn
Add The to the beginning of the name: The
Sleepy Ogre
Combine two rolls from column B in the Inn
Names table above: The Sleepy Ogre and Nymph
Add Tap House to the end of your chosen
name: Sleepy Ogre Tap House
Add Arms to the end of your chosen name:
Sleepy Ogre Arms
Use a barkeep name (rolled below) and choose
an ending: Runthrops Tap House

2. Barkeeps
Your friendly neighborhood barkeep can become
an adventuring groups best confidant and source of
information. If you have a personality in mind, its best
to create a unique nonplayer character. Otherwise,
roll for the race, gender, and age of a random barkeep
or innkeeper. Adjust the likelihood of encountering
a particular race by region or the needs of your campaign. Half-elves roll on either the Human Barkeep
Names or the Elf Barkeep Names tables.
Consider an alter ego for any barkeep. Is Delin
Renfold a nefarious spy of the Dark Network? Or is
he a powerful necromancer performing nasty experiments in his basement? You can roll up an alter ego
monster or NPC stat block to coincide with a secret

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Inns in an Instant
The tables below represent core D&D races. Adjust
the choices to suit the needs of your campaign.
A barkeep might have a nickname based on personality or physical traits. If the character becomes a
presence in the campaign, this sort of detail gives the
players a sense of connection to the NPC.


d20 Race and Gender
Tiefling male
Tiefling female
Elf male
Elf female
Halfling male
Halfling female
Dwarf male
Dwarf female
Human male
10 Human female
11 Standard male*
12 Standard female*
13 Standard male*
14 Standard female*
15 Half-elf male
16 Half-elf female
17 Eladrin male
18 Eladrin female
19 Dragonborn male
20 Dragonborn female
* Standard indicates the most commonly found race of
a particular settlement.


d20 Dragonborn (M) Dragonborn (F)

First Name
First Name
1 Heldeofol Sokra
2 Numesh
3 Keskur
4 Jhunvar
5 Talasseth Levea
6 Grethnich Arvena
7 Radonaar Derra
8 Vorkil
9 Shudrech Quorthessa
10 Darangreth Suthini
11 Kutreen
12 Rendurss
13 Phanath
14 Chulmeth Sorenlesh
15 Thrunev
16 Perethul
17 Krenzul
18 Gharaxx
19 Zuvan
20 Lorthnul


Family Name
(if any)

d20 Dwarf (M)

Dwarf (F)

First Name
First Name
1 Therin
2 Konitir
3 Gunthraz Diesina
4 Fughanor Gorthriss
5 Hithdren Listra
6 Okino
7 Badrik
8 Kordrek
9 Rebern
10 Granthrim Deldith
11 Thorelin
12 Karrackis
13 Donvel
14 Thromfir
15 Dereben
16 Vavek
17 Mabergor
18 Skirilath
19 Duthtrock Doa
20 Zorlgrum



Age (years)
(5d10) + 13
(2d100) + 19
(3d100) + 18
(2d100) + 19
(5d10) + 16
(5d10) + 16
(5d10) + 16

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Inns in an Instant
d20 Eladrin (M)

First Name
1 Dijulian
2 Larthon
3 Thayeren
4 Arizlakuza
5 Saravis
6 Lelethir
7 Gavilindan
8 Immilen
9 Laineth
10 Pramilar
11 Qualias
12 Revunalor
13 Dinartisar
14 Berkian
15 Moyanzir
16 Rayazan
17 Alazar
18 Leovorian
19 Farlieth
20 Relathar

Eladrin (F)
First Name



Family Name
(if any)

d20 Elf (M)

First Name
1 Raven
2 Deltor
3 Nunel
4 Marrdrin
5 Nelor
6 Olorion
7 Venolen
8 Nerepar
9 Lenevelon
10 Vasaren
11 Netherin
12 Relean
13 Talon
14 Tinaris
15 Hiranel
16 Warric
17 Burenus
18 Kinsalor
19 Guthrin
20 Hilsadar

Elf (F)
First Name

Family Name
(if any)

Family Name
(if any)

d20 Human (M)

First Name
11 Witglen
12 Bessir
13 Grefdon
14 Brenthor
15 Martegan
16 Drunthen
17 Pronluc
18 Manny
19 Urik
20 Delin

Human (F)
First Name

Family Name
(if any)

d20 Halfling (M)

First Name
1 Narshi
2 Huffy
3 Chuvy
4 Rukker
5 Terrin
6 Frenny
7 Nemmer
8 Mazal
9 Yander
10 Worric
11 Tunner
12 Nerrim
13 Banadil
14 Pedin
15 Sleer
16 Windel
17 Solstrun
18 Zulm
19 Junan
20 Laffer

Halfling (F)
First Name

Family Name
(if any)


d20 Human (M)

First Name
1 Valec
2 Lenherrow
3 Kriz
4 Mirly
5 Jor
6 Donlin
7 Aleb
8 Mirul
9 Bren
10 Elthid

Human (F)
First Name

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Inns in an Instant
d20 Tiefling (M)

First Name
1 Xul
2 Delatos
3 Kamados
4 Querinax
5 Menos
6 Horthos
7 Sluethis
8 Emokess
9 Terath
10 Sarakka

Tiefling (F)
First Name

Family Name
(if any)

d20 Tiefling (M)

First Name
11 Dinusin
12 Siadiss
13 Moskiz
14 Anmen
15 Taluss
16 Kutrech
17 Ruleph
18 Edelandross
19 Malich
20 Xanros

Tiefling (F)
Family Name
First Name
(if any)
Doomensel Wrevilicus
Hedonastrae Tethenbri

3. Atmosphere
When you step through the door, the room goes quiet
and all eyes fall upon you. As you make your way to the
bar, you can hear hushed whispers and sense the gaze of the
patrons on your back.
Setting the mood adds a touch of realism to the
feel of the inn. Atmospheres can range from a
quick description such as the place feels upbeat to
a deeper discussion expressing why this is the case.
Dont overdo it: if all the players want to do is get their
extended rest, a brief description will suffice. Roll or
simply choose a mood that suits the need of the game.
The atmosphere of an inn can change from day
to day, depending on the demeanor of the settlement
surrounding it and the days events. If the inn is one





Possible Reason
All alcohol shipments have been delayed, resulting in a low supply and increased prices.
Poor trade, bad weather, and the slow flow of coin has soured peoples mood.
Patrons reflect on a previous war that ravaged the land. Entire families lost their lives, and gruesome tales dominate the conversation.
A rival settlement has been encroaching on local trade, causing businesses to suffer.
An ominous chill permeates the air. People speak in hushed tones, whispering quietly among themselves.
A patron complains profusely to the innkeeper about the poor quality of the food, drink, and service and refuses to pay his tab.
The weather has been unfavorable for the local crops and outlying farms. This not only hurts trade, but could cause a severe food shortage.
The music played by the bard is . . . eerie. People laugh at nothing in particular. A child in the corner sits alone, rocking back and forth on the floor.
The passing of a local priest hit the community hard, and today is the anniversary of her death.
The food is bland and uninspired, as is the drink. No one seems capable of cracking a smile or talking to one another.
The previous night of revelry and merriment has caused most patrons to simply sit quietly and try not to make sudden movesat least, until the next
big party.
The mood is low-key but not somber, and all the patrons are behaving themselves.
Due to improved trade, food and ale is in good supply and of fine quality. Prices are fair, the lasses and lads fairer, and customers are happy.
With the crops in, the populace healthy, and the mead flowing, smiles are exchanged as often as coin.
Business is looking up, and the troubles of yesterday seem far in the past.
Whether its the menu, the mead, the large pitchers, or the prices, the owner is clearly doing something right.
The sound of song resonates within the walls as if the building and the voice were a single instrument.
The innkeeper has decided to share a humorous tale or two, causing sudden bursts of laughter and the pounding of fists on tables.
Drink up! Theres another keg on its way! A party is in full swing, with strangers and friends alike sharing tales, beer, and merriment.
Preparations for a local celebration are being made. Naturally, the beer and wine have to be thoroughly tested and tasted to ensure their quality.

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Inns in an Instant
that the adventurers are likely to return to on multiple occasions, take note of the prevailing atmosphere
and the mood on subsequent visits. Inns that score a
10 or lower on multiple occasions usually dont stay in
business for long. Even the friendliest establishment
can have a bad day, but patrons will seek out more
inviting surroundings if the dull mood persists.

class of the inn. A poor inn might hire thugs to quell

the bar fights. A fine inns servants could be as gently
refined as its patrons, or they could be secret combat
masters who can end any disturbance in an instant.
Staff noted on the Inn Size table is in addition to the
barkeep. When a server isnt present, the duty of serving customers falls on the innkeeper.

4. I nn T ype and


Unless you have a particular plot-driven reason for a

building to be too full to accommodate the adventuring party, assume theres room at the inn. If an inn is
crowded due to a local festival or large caravan passing through town, the characters might need to share
a room or even bunk down in the common room.
Otherwise, they might be directed down the street to
a less reputable establishment . . . one where adventure awaits.
The class of inn depends on the size and nature
of the settlement. Common inns are universal. Poor
inns appear in destitute or criminal areas, whereas
fine inns appear most often in cities. There are exceptions to every rule: A fine inn might be found in the
middle of the countryside, catering to nobles traveling
along a popular trade route. A perfectly respectable
common inn might have suffered a downturn of fortune since the last time characters visited to become
a struggling, poorly maintained roadhouse.
Common and poor inns might allow characters
down on their luck to throw a blanket on the floor
of the inns common room for a nominal fee. Nobles
quarters, found in only the finest of inns, are the
epitome of luxury and include a private bath (with
attendants), bedding of the finest silks, and sophisticated dcor befitting those of the most refined tastes
and sensibilities.
Bouncers are the basic security employed by an
establishments owner and can vary depending on the

Type of Inn

Common room

Typical room

Common room

Typical room

Typical room

Nobles quarters

2 cp
5 cp
2 sp
5 sp
2 gp
10 gp

d12 Number of Rooms

1 server
1 server
2 servers
3 servers, 1 bouncer
4 servers, 2 bouncers
4 servers, 2 bouncers
5 servers, 2 bouncers
5 servers, 2 bouncers
6 servers, 2 bouncers
7 servers, 2 bouncers
7 servers, 4 bouncers
8+ servers, 6+ bouncers

5. Specials M enu
Specials are a handy way to add a little spice and
flavor to the menuno pun intended. Consider
adding the inn or innkeeper name before any of the
house specials. For example, Runthrops Rice and
Peas could be a famous (or infamous) local delicacy.
Roll once each for food and drink, choosing the table
that best corresponds to the locale in which the inn is
found. Consider giving a +1 bonus or 1 penalty to a
single skill check for a day after eating or drinking a
given special.
The Truly Nasties table can be used for any establishment of ill repute, whether its a dirty hovel full of
lice-ridden regulars, or a local prison or even a slave
pen. Of course, few prisons or slavers will offer their
customers alcoholic beverages (unless as a reward
for good behavior).

Type of Inn

Food special

Drink special

Food special

Drink special

Food special

Drink special

3 cp
1 cp
2 sp
1 sp
2 gp
1 gp

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18


Inns in an Instant
d10 Food
Braised beef and pears with ginger
Roasted cod and mashed potatoes
Minted pea soup
Beef steak and kidney pie
Poached duck with farro
Rib roast and vegetables
Clams and garlic
Cedar planked salmon
Rack of lamb and baked potato
Roll on a nearby locale table

Fire mead
Kings ale
Dwarven double draft
Corellon reserve
Spiced apple cider
Fey wine
Star wine
Lords lager
Royal reserve
Roll on a nearby locale table

d10 Food
Raw horse sushi with rock cress
Baked rattlesnake and spring parsley
Baked camel meat and brittlebrush salad
Barbecued gopher legs on a stick
Iguana bits with rattleweed sauce
Fried ostrich and egg omelet
Meerkat dumplings with sage
Salted camel and blue flax bread
Scorpion soup and blister beetle crackers
Spiced baked coyote with jewelflower

Scorpionweed reserve
Desert star wine
Cactus spirits
Poppy port
Purple sand juice
Mariposa mead
Flax mead
Chia tea
Desert lily brandy
Keysia liqueur

d10 Food
Musk ox soup and bearberries
Braised pike and thistle stems
Grilled muksun with reed root
Hare stew and willow crackers
Boiled walrus and fireweed seeds
Seal chunks with lichen dip
Caribou stew and dried mossbread
Lemming and berry soup
Reindeer ribs with acorn broth
Crowberry pie with smoked elk

Caribou special reserve
Fireweed whiskey
Berry brandy
North ice wine
Moss mead
Willow tea
Crowberry cider
Thistle port
Glacial lichen liqueur
Juniper juice

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Inns in an Instant
d10 Food
Salted onions and bread
Rabbit stew and crusts
Leeks and berries
Scrambled eggs and sprouts
Peppered milk-toast
Cabbage in a cup
Rice and peas
Cauliflower soup and corn
Barbecue elk and broccoli
Venison pie and bread

Dark road ale
Stars moonshine
Apple cider
Apricot cider
Spiced ale
Wanderer whiskey
Fharlanghn spirits
Honeysuckle mead
Plum cider
Drifter draft

d10 Food
Wild parsnip stew
Sable and hawthorn pie
Grilled elk and ground orchids
Roast grouse and turnips
Thistle salad with roasted grubs
Crisped worm skewers and potatoes
Baked goat flank
Moss biscuits with syrup
Roast antelope with root salad
Roll on Underdark table

Wombat berry cider
Goats milk and brandy
Sable spirits
Dwarven double draft
Wild orchid wine
Moradin mead
Earthen brandy
Triple tankard
Silvermoon mead
Roll on Underdark table

d10 Food
Roast buffalo and sage bread
Rabbit and baked pumpkin
Moose flank and wild green salad
Green chili stew
Blue corn dumplings
Bison horn soup
Grilled moose steak
Buffaloaf and honeyed corn
Poached and peppered quail eggs
Smoked salmon and wild berries

Bison hunter brandy
Spiced apple cider
Wanderer whiskey
Plainsmans port
Wild berry brandy
Honey mead
Tracker tea
Pumpkin cider
Sage spirits
Moose horn moonshine

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18


Inns in an Instant
d10 Food
Roast chicken with thyme
Lobster in tomato cream sauce
Rack of lamb platter
Crab-stuffed lobster tail
Rock salt-encrusted prime rib
Baked loin of pork with gravy
Steamed mussels with fennel
Roast pheasant in oyster sauce
Celery and octopus salad with lemon
Roll on any other locale table

Corellon reserve
Apricot cider
Wight wine
Archon ale
Dwarven double draft
Royal reserve
Westgate wine
High spirits
Kings ale
Roll on any other locale table

d10 Food
Grilled water snake in marigold sauce
Frogs legs and bulrush stems
Roast heron and chopped sundew
Lily-wrapped butterfly chips
Bog beetle dumplings
Wren pot pie and cattail soup
Black currant braised alligator
Toasted dragonflies and cranberries
Warbler stew and blueberry bread
Grilled crocodile and wild rose puree

Swamplight spirits
Trollbane ale
Cranberry cider
Lily liqueur
Bulrush brandy
Black currant juice
Wild rose reserve
Red currant lager
Black tupelo tea
Sundew mead

d10 Food
Smashed cinnamon potatoes
Grilled snake and macadamia
Roasted crocodile in coconut milk
Frogs on sugar cane skewers
Chocolate covered ants and roast pelican
Stewed bandicoot with cocoa
Alligator soup and melon pastry
Barbecued tiger fish and papaya
Spiced monkey tail and cashews
Lizard gruel with nutbread

Tangerine brandy
Rice wine
Orchids tear spirits
Mango cider
Maize liqueur
Plum leaf tea
Chocolate milk and brandy
Lotus leaf wine
Papaya tea

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Inns in an Instant
d10 Food
Fluorescent fungus salad with cave grubs
Diced blind eel and deep salts
Amber lichen and softrock bread
Translucent crayfish stew
Crimson moss cakes and cave jelly
Crustacean broth with ironloaf
Roasted deeps beetles with algae dip
Toasted salamander in mineral pepper
Arachnidumplings and fried fungus
Roll on Mountain table

Lichen liqueur
Mineral mead
Algae ale
Mushroom moonshine
Dwarven double draft
Deeps ale
Moradin mead
Shadow stein
Softrock spirits
Roll on Mountain table

d10 Food
Roast chicken and potatoes
Beef stew and sourdough
Cheese pie and onion soup
Mushroom soup and garlic toast
Pork loin and dumplings
Mutton meatloaf
Baked boar and greens
Squash and fish soup
Rabbit curry
Venison and bean stew

Shepherd spirits
Rice wine
Ploughmans port
Millers moonshine
Herb and mint tea with brandy
Spiced apple cider
Wainwright whiskey
Vitae juice
Paddock plum wine
Royal reserve

d10 Food
Acorn soup
Honey braised boar ribs
Baked pheasant with leeks
Grilled wild boar chops
Cashews and berry pie
Roast stag in antler sauce
Grilled moose skewers
Broiled salmon and potatoes
Mushroom stew with corn bread
Fried turkey legs

Honey mead
Spiced apple cider
Silvermoon mead
Fey wine
Stars moonshine
Glitter mead
Woodsmans whiskey
Ranger reserve
Tracker tea
Corellon reserve

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18


Inns in an Instant


d10 Food
Crunchy critters and grub pudding
Smashed guts and cabbage
Not-so-old rice in sour goats milk
Green beef and brown leek stew
Fried chunks and lard bread
Grilled ins-and-outs
Salted eyes and carrot ends
Bone and blood mix stew
Lettuce, liver, and lung pie
Bloated boar bits and eggs

Cool grog
Dregs and water
Angel spit ale
Orc spirits
Bacon beer
Almost ale
Turnip wine
Abyssal ale

6. Number and T ypes of NPCs P resent

Count on this question any time a character enters an
inn: Who else is in the room?
The first table defines the total number of patrons
present, and the subsequent tables give brief descriptions of the types of people found. Beggars actively
ask for alms or spend their meager coppers for a hot
plate of food. Commoners are farmers, laborers, and
artisans. Shady characters arent explicitly thieves;
they simply have that look about them, appearing as
menacing ruffians or dark and mysterious strangers.
Most inns of reasonable quality employ a performing

bard or even sponsor a group of entertainers, especially during peak times of business. Merchants tend
to be wealthy, as are nobles, and both sorts are usually accompanied by bodyguards or an entourage.
Military elite are highly ranked officials, usually lieutenants and captains, knights, or even generals. For
a result of Other, choose a patron from any other
class table, or add your own special NPCs to the mix.
All inns of any class are frequented by adventurers of
some kind.



Patrons Present
12 Empty
A few people
Small crowd
1115 Bustling




NPCs Present
1d6 + 10
1d8 + 5 number of inn
1d10 + 10 number of
inn rooms
2d10 + 15 number of
inn rooms

d20 Patron
Shady character
36 Merchant
7 Bard
816 Commoner
1718 NPC adventurer
Town guard
20 NPC VIP (d4): 1. Priest; 2. Military elite;
3. Noble; 4. Other


d20 Patron
Shady character
26 Merchant
7 Bard
815 Noble
Military elite
17 Priest
1819 NPC adventurer
20 Other

NPC Patron
Town guard
36 Beggar
7 Bard
Shady character
1318 Commoner
1920 NPC adventurer

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18


Inns in an Instant

7. Topics of
The following list of casual conversations is usable in
any tavern or social gathering. Most topics probably
arent of interest to adventurers, but occasionally a
locals comments might spark a call to action.

8. R andom E vents

9. I nn T emplate

The random events on the next page are silence

breakers. There are times where even the best roleplayers are stuck for words. Rather than interrupt
the moment with the party simply heading to their
rooms, consider adding a short, random detail of
something happening in the inn to give the moment
a spark of life and continue the interactions. As with
the gossip and rumors, be careful not to be too distracting. Blood dripping through floorboards can
simply be spilled wine upstairs. Theres no need to
have an actual murder suddenly take placeunless of
course, you want it to!

Rolling inns on the fly is easy, but you can also have
a number of pre-rolled and detailed inns on hand.
Use the form at the end of this article to create a few
samples to keep at the ready.

About the Author

After decades of tiring his friends with tales of how his 2nd
Edition character Raven Darkshadow soloed the original
Temple of Elemental Evil, John Hasznosi now lives in selfimposed exile in a damp cave somewhere at the bottom of the
Fraser Valley (better known as Vancouver, Canada).

d20 Conversation
Two patrons quietly negotiate a small business deal involving the sale of various local commodities.
A local has recently been made to sleep in separate quarters by his wifeagain. Gossipers speculate on what could have caused her ire this time.
The weather has been a bit peculiar. Hopefully it will get back to normal before it interferes with local trade.
Half-drunk patrons grumble about their tithes and taxes.
Theres a lively discussion about where to buy the best livestock and what prices to expect.
Lately there has been a shortage of work horses, making the harvesting of crops more cumbersome.
Customers argue over which ale tastes better and which inn has the best-looking servers.
The barkeep gives a young patron advice on how to woo members of the opposite sex. The youngster listens intently, taking in every word.
Parents speak of their ire at their childrens dreams of someday becoming adventurers.
Trade has been good, and prospects might be looking even brighter. There is talk of a wealthy merchant surveying property in town to open a new business.
A drunken patron mumbles softly to himself as he mopes over the loss of his true love.
A patron is complimented on his fine attire, followed by a request to cover ones tabjust this once.
Tankards click together in memory of a friend long passed away. Tales and memories are shared.
Last winters fires werent an accident. They were started by a drunken, careless traveler who miscast a spell.
The traveling minstrels passing through town are rather attractive. Especially the one in red!
An elder patron condemns the table manners of a younger companion, who seems uninterested in the elders opinion.
A customer laments his upcoming chores. He despairs of a full two weeks of hard work attending to his masters errands.
After sipping more ale, a lone patron reads aloud a love letter hes writing, struggling to find the right words of adoration. People nearby snicker as they overhear.
A table of customers compliments the food and drink of the establishment.
A server chuckles as a customer whispers into her earsomething about a moonlight stroll.

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18


Inns in an Instant

Random Event
Someone drops a tankard, and a roar of laughter follows.
As the front door opens, a rat quickly darts outside.
A customer staggers near the bar and then falls over, sending coins spilling.
Someone burps loudly, the sound followed by a hushed chuckle.
The noise of something smashing and breaking echoes from the kitchen.
A sudden crash of thunder causes some patrons to jolt in their seats.
An argument breaks out at a table. Chairs are pushed back as a brawl is about to ensue.
A server spills drink over a patron by accident and apologizes profusely.
The fire in the hearth snaps loudly, spitting out embers onto the floor. A server hurriedly douses them.
A patron becomes a little too friendly with a server, prompting a quick and angry response.
Customers look around for servers or the innkeeper, none of whom seem to be present.
A group of incredibly beautiful women enters the inn and sits down at a table, ignoring all others.
One of the decorations on the wall behind the bar falls, sending the innkeeper diving to catch it.
Two birds land at the window outside. One pecks the glass as they both eye the food on the tables.
The ghostly image of a face is very briefly reflected on a silver tankard. A few patrons scream.
A drop of liquid the color of dark blood drips down from between the boards on the ceiling.
A patron waves to the innkeeper, then deftly tosses a coin to him. The innkeeper catches the coin.
Outside, a man appears to be waiting for someone to leave (or enter) the inn. He seems nervous.
A beverage is tossed in the face of a patron, causing an uproar.
A string on the bards lute breaks. Miraculously, the bard integrates the change in sound seamlessly.
There are loud cheersand a few cursesas a patron wins a card game. She collects her pile of takings with a smile.
Theres a screech as a server accidentally steps on the tail of a cat that has wandered into the area. The cat darts under tables and out of view.
You feel a slight chill as a draft blows over your feet.
With a loud cheer, two patrons stand and begin to dance without rhythmclearly inebriated.
The pitter-patter of rain strikes the glass of the windows, then stops as suddenly as it started.
A patron bursts into loud laughter, but his dining companion seems unamused.
As a customer enters, a gust of wind rushes inside, sending small objects flying.
A large cart of food is pushed up to a table; the waiting customer rubs his hands in hungry anticipation.
People cringe as someone runs a knife too hard over a plate, causing it to screech.
The drunkard in the corner finally passes out, his head hitting his (half-full) plate of food hard.
After dropping her fork, a customer curses as she knocks over her drink while trying to pick it up.
Two lovebirds spoon-feed each other while looking at each other with adoration.
A short argument ensues between the barkeep and a customer, and the customer is ordered to leave the bar.
A friendly patron rises from his seat, pitcher in hand, and cheerfully refills everyones drinks for free.
You notice a customer discreetly pocketing leftover food from abandoned plates.
A wonderful flowery smell wafts past you as someone moves by.
The barkeep accidentally spills ale on the counter and gasps as the beer forms the image of a weeping skull. He quickly wipes it up, his eyes locking on yours nervously.
A patron performs a trick with a coin and then flicks it toward a server, who catches it with a wink and a smile.
An oil lamp flickers out. After a brief pause, the lamp flutters back to life.

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18


Inns in an Instant

Inn Name

Barkeep Name

Class (

NPCs Present

Atmosphere (

Todays Special

Topics of Conversation

Random Events

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18


The Widows Spirit

By Rodney Thompson

Illustration by Aaron Miller

Possessing one of the most terrifying positions of
power on Athas, the templar-wives of Nibenay are all
the more dangerous because of the circumstances
in which they live. Bound to the Shadow King of
Nibenay both magically and (at least, according to
their title) through marriage, templar-wives wield
magical and psionic power that rivals that of any
other sorcerer-kings templars.
Many years ago, one of these templar-wives rose
above all the others, remaining a constant focus of
Nibenays attention. No historical account has preserved her name, but the people of the city feared
her, and the Shadow King had her closely watched
and guarded, lest anyone try to harm his most
favored servant.
For a time, this templar-wife lived in relative
comfort and wielded a great deal of power in the
city. Wielding ones own power is quite a bit different from wielding someone elses, though, and soon
she came to resent Nibenay. Every ounce of power
that he granted her reminded her of her near-slavery
to the sorcerer-king, and it drove home the fact that
she had no more freedom to come and go than the
lowliest palace servant. Though she wielded psionic
might that would bring other templars to their knees,

TM & 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.

she rarely had a chance to use it. Instead, she often

remained sequestered in the palace while supplicants
and other templar-wives came before her to make
their requests.
Eventually, her resentment grew too great to keep
inside, and she began creating plans to slay Nibenay
when his guard was down. Yet, as with every other
time someone has tried to assassinate the Shadow
King, the attempt was doomed to fail. Nibenay sensed
her treachery before she was even close to launching her plans. In a cold fury, the sorcerer-king had
her arrested and then executed after lengthy torture.
Soon after his favored bride was dead, Nibenay transferred his attentions to another one of his servants.
But death did not end the brides story. Rather
than passing beyond the world, her spirit lingered
and began haunting Nibenay. Sightings of the murdered bride began within weeks of her execution. A
persistent rumor maintained that the grief-stricken
woman had perished after Nibenays love for her had
died, because she simply could not go on living without him. If this story seems oddly romanticized for a
city under the rule of a vicious dictator, it is. Nibenay
started the rumor among his other templar-wives
to keep them fighting for his affections, and it soon

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18


Eye on Dark Sun

filtered down from them to the common people. Ignorant of her plot against the sorcerer-king, Nibenays
people soon began referring to the apparition as
the Widow.
Though the Widows true motivations may differ
from those attributed to her in legend, the fact
remains that she is no simple spirit drifting through
the city and frightening people. A master of magic
and psionics in life, the Widow is more present in the
world than a typical ghost. She can seize control of a
living person, and rumor holds that she forces her victims to perform acts of violence and sedition against
Nibenay and his templar-wives. Most of the time,
these acts involve great personal risk to the possessed
individuals and lead directly to their deaths.
The Widow manifests as a floating, spectral
woman dressed as the other templar-wives are
garbed, but with her face replaced by a terrifying
skull. Those few who have seen her speak of her terrible visage, but she rarely appears this way for long.
Typically, this manifestation is an immediate precursor to possessing a chosen victim. Once she has
gained control of her new host, she is likely to stay
in possession of the body for weeks or even months
while she executes her plans, leaving just at the
moment before her victim dies. Between possessions,
the Widow usually remains absent for months at a
time, and her next sighting might be as much as half
a year away.
Below are three potential plot hooks that you can
use to make the Widow a part of your campaign.

members of the Veiled Alliance, thereby entangling

her with the enemies of the sorcerer-king. The heroes
first encounter the possessed templar-wife in just
such a setting, and she exhibits few or no indicators of possession. The characters should come away
from their dealings with her believing that they have
gained a powerful ally close to the sorcerer-king.
After a few adventures during which the heroes
work against Nibenay with the help of the possessed
templar, the Widow grows impatient and starts trying
to push the heroes into bolder and riskier attacks on
the sorcerer-king. If they grow suspicious (and they
shouldobvious suicide missions tend to raise a few
questions), they might also notice the templar-wife
acting erratically, growing more hateful and reckless by the day. Any character who succeeds on an
Insight or Religion check (DC 22) can determine
that another consciousness is influencing the partys
new ally. From there, the characters have a limited
number of choices. They can carry out the Widows
bidding and possibly face certain death in the process, or seek a means of driving the Widow out of
her victimrealizing that the templar-wife may not
consider them allies once she is no longer possessed.
A third optiondo nothing and see what happens
could prove even more catastrophic when the Widow
turns her fury on the heroes and sends other allies to
attack and slay them.

Plot Hook: The Vengeful


The Widow has possessed a high-ranking member

of the Veiled Alliance operating in Nibenay and
driven him to expose his true affiliations in a reckless attack on several templar-wives. The possessed
leader survived, but in such grievous condition that
the Widow left his body and moved on to another.
The ailing wizard summons the heroes to his bedside
and relates to them the tale of his own possession

The Widow has chosen her next victimone of the

other templar-wives who has recently gained some
power and influence in Nibenay. The Widow manifests near this individual and possesses her, then
begins making her victim associate with rebels and

Plot Hook: The Enemy of

My Enemy

and subsequent near-death experience in attacking Nibenays templar-wives. He also reveals that he
has retained some memories of the Widows plans
and knows the expected movements of the templarwives at various times throughout the coming weeks.
Armed with this information, the heroes can stage
surprise attacks against the templars that actually
stand a chance of success, given the heroes skills and
The danger in such a course of action is that the
Widow intends to possess someone else as quickly
as possible and launch another, less carefully
planned attack. Though she might have some success, it is likely that many helpless citizens of Nibenay
will suffer in the process. So while planning their
ambush, wise heroes could also be combing the city
for any rumors of the Widows appearance. Once
they locate her next host (a young bard just earning
a name for herself as an assassin), they must subdue
her and place her within a magic circle. Doing so
traps the Widow inside the body long enough for
the heroes to launch their ambush against the templar-wives without interference or undue danger to

Plot Hook: The Possessed

At some point, the Widow tries to possess one of the
heroes while he or she is isolated from the rest of the
adventuring party. If the attack is successful, give the
player the following information:
The ghost of a templar-wife killed by Nibenay has possessed
you and now seeks vengeance upon the sorcerer-king and
his allies. Do not let your companions know this information, and behave completely as normal with the following

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18


Eye on Dark Sun

F Show no mercy to any servant of Nibenay, even if this
attitude puts you at a disadvantage.
F Do not let an opportunity to strike at a servant of
Nibenay pass, even if doing so puts you at risk.
F Attempt to convince your allies that Nibenay and his
minions present threats that they must deal with, and
urge them to take any opportunities to negatively
impact Nibenay that they currently have the power
to handle.
With the players cooperation, the heros shift in attitude should be subtle, emerging only after several
sessions of play. As with the Vengeful Widow plot
hook, any suspicious hero can make an Insight or
Religion check (DC 22) to determine that his or her
companion is under the influence of another being.
At that point, the heroes must decide how to deal
with the possession. Placing the possessed character inside a magic circle keeps the Widow trapped
within her victims body. A Remove Affliction ritual
can drive the Widow out of the possessed hero, and
her possession counts as a level 15 effect, so any
attempt to use the ritual suffers a 15 penalty to the
Heal check made at its conclusion, as per the rituals
normal rules.

About the Author

Rodney Thompson, an advanced designer for Dungeons

& Dragons R&D at Wizards of the Coast, is from Chattanooga, Tennessee. His credits for the D&D game include the
Dark Sun Campaign Setting and the Dark Sun Creature Catalog, Monster Vault, Players Option: Heroes of the Feywild,
and Lords of Waterdeep.

D e c e m b e r 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 18


The Winter of
the World
By Keith Baker

Illustration by Ben Wootten

When Eberron created life, she also created death. She gave
the asp its venom and set plagues loose in the world. All
these things have their purpose. Now you have pulled the
serpents teeth and leashed the plagues with magic. Our
mother will not be mocked, and her wrath is coming soon.
Forlorn, the druid
A young woman walks through the sewers of Sharn.
The rats whisper to her as she passes, and beetles
gather in the wake of her footsteps. Her name is
Malady, and she is here to save Sharn. She intends to
destroy the mystical stones that cleanse the water and
keep the people of the city from becoming sick. Her
actions are a gift: Thousands will die, but those who
survive will be stronger for their suffering.
The Children of Winter are the bogeymen of the
western woods. Eldeen farmers are quick to curse the
Children when crops fail and plague spreads. These
fears and suspicions have a solid foundation. The
Children of Winter actively spread disease and blight,

TM & 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.

and in recent years they have brought tragedy to communities that might otherwise have prospered.
Most believe that the Children of Winter are nihilists who worship death, but little could be further
from the truth. Although they surround themselves
with vermin and the trappings of decay, the Children
see themselves as champions of life. They believe that
all natural things have a purpose, even those that
seem malevolent. Death clears the way for new life.
Disease weeds out the weak.
The Children work to preserve this cycle. They
battle undead wherever they find them, because
these abominations break the cycle of life and prey
on the living. They fight aberrations, which have no
place in nature. But they also fight to restore a balance that was broken long ago. Healing rituals stave
off plagues that would otherwise eradicate overgrown
populations. House Lyrandars control of the weather
can turn a season of drought into one that yields a
prosperous harvest. Sharn relies on magic to sanitize
its water, to hold up its towers, to light its streets, and

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Eye on Eberron
for hundreds of other tasks. The Children of Winter
seek to restore the balance between life and death
that civilization has upset.
To outsiders, their goals might seem ridiculous and
selfish. The Children stand in the way of progress
and kill innocent people. But the Children of Winter
believe those people need to die. In their eyes, this
isnt just a point of philosophy. Like most druids, the
Children see Eberron as the source of all life and the
spirit of the natural world. They believe that she had
a grand design for nature, a purpose yet unfulfilled.
And they believe that if humanity strays too far from
the path of Eberrons design, she will wipe the slate
clean and start again.
For generations, the Children have sought to forestall this apocalypse with their actions. Today, most
of the druids believe that their efforts have been in
vain; to them, the Mourning is a sign that humanity
has gone too far. Some still hope that there is a way to
avert the ultimate disaster. Most simply do what they
can to prepare people for what is to come by culling
the weak and showing the strong the hardships they
will have to overcome.
As a Dungeon Master, you must decide if the Children are correct. If their beliefs are mistaken, then
they are misguided villains whose actions threaten
civilization. But if they are right, then clashes with
the Children could be a harbinger of the coming fall
of Wintera cataclysm that will completely change
the shape of Eberron.

Childs P lay
Outsiders often confuse the Children of Winter with
the Ashbound, since both groups of druids engage
in attacks on civilized communities. Where the Ashbound employ brute force, though, the Children rely
on plagues and similarly indirect attacks. Their subtle
methods require a different kind of response by characters in a campaign.

When Malady sabotages the mystical water purification system in Sharn, hundreds of people start
dying. How do the characters deal with the situation? The player character inquisitive could use skills
to determine the source of the disease, leading the
characters to storm the sewers where Malady has fortified her position with enhanced vermin and other
mystical traps. Once they defeat her, the artificer
or wizard character must find a way to repair the
damage she has done. Alternatively, Malady might
have left immediately after causing destruction, leaving the characters to contend with the aftermath
of her actions. Malady herself isnt the focus of the
adventure; rather, the lingering effects of her actions
can continue to be a story element through a number
of adventures. The city doesnt have the resources to
cure everyone who has fallen ill, and even after the
water purification system is restored, the diseases
still run rampant through the population. This could
affect allies of the characters or change the balance
of power in other ways. If the diseases hit a particular
district or race especially hard, it could cripple a faction or create a scarce resource. And it will certainly
increase the influence of House Jorasco!
Although the Children of Winter are generally
antagonists, they can also be unusual allies. Consider
the following adventure ideas for your campaign.
The Fury: The community that serves as home
base for the adventurers is overcome by a contagious
wave of violence. The strong turn on the weak, driven
by an insatiable aggressionand yet, some semblance
of intelligence allows the victims of this plague to
form packs and fight strategically. This has all the
signs of a classic zombie outbreak, but the victims
arent undead; radiant damage and turn undead have
no effect on them. House Jorasco encountered this
plague long agoso long ago that the cure is buried
and forgotten in some Jorasco vault. Can the characters find the Children of Winter responsible for
reviving and releasing this plague? If so, can they

discover the cure and save any friends who have been
infected, or is destroying the victims the only solution? Despite the lethality of the plague, the Children
of Winter have no desire to eradicate populations;
their philosophy is based on the principle that the
strong will survive these trials and be invigorated by
the struggle. They expect some people to be immune
to the disease, and they want those people to survive. If the Fury plague is more dangerous than they
anticipated, the Children who sowed the seeds of the
disease might help the characters fight it.
Hoarfrost: When the Children spread a disease,
they want some part of the population to survive.
With a new war on the horizon, however, factions
with less deliberate convictions look for ever-more
lethal weapons. Having seen the Children of Winter
resurrect diseases thought long dead, such as the
Fury plague mentioned above, a cabal in House
Jorasco is developing bioweapons. They are capturing
Winter druids and holding them in a hidden facility
known as Hoarfrost. There, Jorasco chirurgeons force
the Children to help them produce weapons far more
lethal than anything the Children would employ.
These diseases can eliminate populations centers
within hours or days and can be tailored to specific
races or, potentially, specific ethnicities. Given time,
Jorasco could produce a plague that kills only Cyrans.
Player characters could be involved on either side of
this struggle. They could be hired by Jorasco to hunt
Winter druids, capturing them alive and turning
them over to the house. Jorasco agents could assist
while adventurers are fighting Winter forces, laying
claim to the druids in the end. Alternatively, characters could encounter a situation that bears all the
hallmarks of a Winter attack...only to discover
that a Jorasco agent is testing a newly developed
weapon, or that one of the houses clients (the Aurum,
rogue Karrnathi warlords, or the Order of the Emerald Claw) is using it. Will the player characters team
up with the Children to find Hoarfrost and destroy

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Eye on Eberron
it? If so, will they free the imprisoned druids or
finish them off?
The Wardens of the Mournland: When a party
of adventurers is lost in the Mournland, an unusual
force comes to their aid: the Children of Winter. A
handful of Children believe that other members of
their organization are mistaken: The Mourning isnt
the harbinger of the great winter, and the aggressive
actions of the other druids cause more harm than
good. These Children explore the Mournland and seek
to protect innocents from its clearly unnatural dangers.
They could also help end plagues started by other Children. They believe that death and disease are natural
and that the great winter will come, but this is not the
time. Until the signs are absolute, they can be useful
allies for characters who travel in the Mournland or
seek to uncover the mystery of the Mourning.
Final Death: The Children of Winter despise the
undead. The groups activities have generally been
confined to western Khorvaire, but they could travel
east in force to strike at hubs of undead activity. Fort
Bones, Fort Zombie, and Atur are major targets in Karrnath. The Undying Court of Aerenal is an even more
ambitious target, since the deathless are just as abominable to the Children as undead. The Children employ
swarms of mystical vermin that consume undead
flesh, diseases that bring down the mortal allies of the
dead, or primal tools that disrupt the undead in other
ways. When the characters are caught in the midst of
these conflicts, what side will they take?

I f Winter Falls
In their conflicts with the Children of Winter, the
player characters learn about the beliefs of the druids.
The Children justify their actions as attempts to stave
off an apocalypse even worse than the Mourning.
Most likely, the characters dismiss these mad tales.
Perhaps theyll listen and try to help the Children. In
either case, what happens if the dreaded Winter actually occurs?

The doctrine of the Children of Winter states that

Siberys is the source of arcane and divine magic,
Eberron the mother of primal and natural things, and
Khyber the font of aberrations and fiends. The first
sign of Eberrons fury is a wave of natural disasters.
Thousands die as floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes
shake the world. Once she is fully awake, Eberron
asserts her preeminence over her creation, banishing
the influence of Khyber and Siberys alike. The Lords
of Dust are forced into the depths with other fiends,
and the dragons of Argonnessen are wiped out. The
magical energies wielded by both wizards and priests
are cast back to the Ring of Siberys, and arcane and
divine magic fails utterly. The towers of Sharn collapse under their own weight. Airships fall from the
sky. Amid this chaos, awakened plants tear down the
foundations of cities, newborn primal predators hunt
survivors, and plagues ravage the land.
The loss of magic is the key event of this disaster,
but it doesnt make the world a mundane place. Dragons are hard hit because arcane magic flows through
their bloodbut many natural creatures have innate
supernatural abilities. The ogre still has its strength,
and the blink dog can still slip through space. Primal
magic is stronger than ever, and the youngsters in
the ruined cities will grow up to be barbarians and
wardens. Only a handful of people can still use
arcane and divine magic...including the player
One of the underlying themes of an Eberron
campaign is that the player characters are the most
important people of the age, and that precept is made
manifest here. Player character clerics and paladins
are the last connection to the divine in a world cut
off from the heavens. A heroic sorcerer still holds a
spark of Siberys in his or her blood, and the artificer
is one of the few people who can harness the residual
arcane energy that remains. The characters have
powers that no one else can wield. Will they search
for a way to restore the old order, or will they use

their abilities for personal gain? Does the wizard try

to create rituals that anyone can perform or use his or
her powers to carve out a kingdom?
The onset of Winter is an interesting way to
bridge the transition from paragon to epic tier. If
Winter strikes at the very end of the paragon tier,
you can declare that time has passed between that
point and when play resumes with the adventurers
assuming their epic destinies. Discuss the changes
that have occurred in the world with the players,
and how their epic roles tie into this new world. If a
decade has passed, new power groups would have
risen in the ruins. Warlords in the Five Nations try to
maintain order with their militias, while barbarian
tribes answer the call of the wild and the monsters
of Droaam roam across the west. A new Dhakaani
Empire is spreading across the south and moving
on the ruins of Sharn. The powerless Jaela Daran
remains in the ruins of Flamekeep, patiently waiting
for the Silver Flame to return. If psionic powers still
function in this new world, Riedra has laid claim to
the coasts. Where will the characters begin to make
their place in this new world?
This story line can also be run as a short-term
campaign, in which the characters restore the balance between Eberron and Siberys within a short
time. Even so, the fall of a brief Winter is a cataclysm
that utterly transforms the world. The greatest cities
in the world become looted ruins. Between the natural disasters and subsequent violence, much of the
infrastructure has been lost, and it takes time to
restore lightning rails and rebuild airships. And the
force that rebuilds the fastest will be the one in a position to shape the next age. This is a world that needs
adventurersa time when epic heroes can set the
course of the future.

About the Author

Keith Baker is the creator of the Eberron campaign setting

and designer of the card game Gloom. You can find him on
Twitter as @HellcowKeith.

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The High Priest

of Beholders
By Ed Greenwood

Illustration by Phill Simmer

A tall, strong man wanders the Realms alone, clad in
a cloak of many eyes and bearing a rod that can spew
out small swarms of eyeball beholderkin that obey
himserving as his spies, messengers, and defenders.
He can call or attract beholders, but rather than compelling them, he worships and serves them. He brings
the eye tyrants what they desire and does deeds for
them, including subverting important local humanoids to be their servants or alliesand punishing or
blackmailing those whose loyalty wavers.
Who is this figure, and where did he come from?
What does he want, seek, and strive for?

Ulchaice Darrovyn
The Darrovyn family has been considered odd in
Kloven (a rural hamlet just south of the Wealdath in
Tethyr) for generations.1 Rather than take up farming,
the members of this human family were dabblers
prospectors, alchemists, and the like. If one of them
hadnt been a miller and built a small but solid

TM & 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.

gristmill, theyd have been reduced to wandering

beggars in the late 1300s DR.
Ulchaice Darrovyn was the lone child of Malaerla
the Mumbling, a beautiful but scramble-witted
sister of the Darrovyn family, who never married
but took many local lovers. He was born in 1451 DR
and spent his childhood in the mill, venturing into
the verges of the Wealdath a few times on dares. As
a youth, he took to gathering herbs along the edge of
the forest for local wise womenusually those who
had grown too old for scrambling and digging, and
who brought Ulchaice along to do such work while
they pointed out the plants he was to harvest for
them. He learned enough plant lore from them to
become the herbalist of Kloven when old age claimed
the wise women, one by one.
By 1470 DR, living alone and essentially friendless,
Ulchaice hunted to feed himself.2 He soon learned
that if he couldnt run, climb fast, and fight furiously,
he would catch nothingbut would instead be quickly
caught by something else. So he became as swift,

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Eye on the Realms

stealthy, and ruthless a hunter as any marauding beast
of the forest. It is rumored in Kloven that Ulchaice
was once hunted by Malarites in the Wealdath only to
hunt them in return, killing one after another. In the
end, only one fearful Malarite was left to flee in terror
and never return to that part of Tethyr.3
If Ulchaice Darrovyn had a culinary weakness,
it was for mushrooms. He often visited small local
forest caves to gather mushrooms growing on the tree
roots that pierced those caverns. Then in the spring of
1471 DR, his way back out of a cave was blocked by a
huge old beholder, whose central body was the size of
the largest pickle vats Darrovyn had seen.
Rather than destroying Darrovyn, that eye tyrant
spoke with him, giving its name as Xrombaerrendron,
and claiming to have been watching him for some
time. The man and the monster struck a bargain, and
Darrovyn became the High Priest of the Tyrants.
These tyrants that Darrovyn serves dont include
every last beholder. The group encompasses only
those that are members of the Daeth Haeromm
plus some eye tyrants that fear the Daeth Haeromm
enough to obey them and their lone human representative.4 Darrovyn is their second high priest, having
replaced a shorter, stouter, and more arrogant predecessorErland Kelleth, originally of Crimmor. Erland
was devoured by a blue dragon in 1462 DR, while
disputing the wisdom of the creature retaining a lair
cavern that the Daeth coveted.

The Daeth Haeromm

Beholders have had many languages down the long
ages, and the name Daeth Haeromm is a transliteration from an elder, largely forgotten tongue.
Daeth means wise, long-seeing, or given to strategies. Haera is a gathering or alliance, with
Haeromm being the members of such a group.
Daeth Haeromm can thus be translated as Wise

Most beholders are paranoid loners or hive dwellerseither keeping far from their own kind and
dominating and ruling lesser creatures as servants or
slaves, living in subterranean colonies led by elders,
or settling in cities as members of a ruthless, exacting hierarchy. The beholders of the Daeth Haeromm,
however, follow a different path.
The Daeth is a council of mostly younger beholders, which are more worldly and less solitary and
paranoid than the elder generations of their race.5
The tyrants of the Daeth believe in engaging with
the world, following the events and gossip of civilized
Faern. They believe that their own lives are best
devoted to continuously manipulating lesser beings
(such as humans) so as not to be noticed or decried
as monsters. They linger behind the tumult and
everyday gossip swirling about othersoften beings
that the Daeth Haeromm have manipulated into
conflicts, feuds, rivalries, and widespread fears of
coming events or perils that have nothing to do with
Although many Daeth members lair in caverns or
ruins, they typically dwell on the surface of Faern.6
They have little interest in the Underdark, except as
a source of metals and other trade goods that interest
the surface dwellers they seek to dominate.
Dominate, Elminster points out, rather than
rule. The Daeth are akin to those humans who think
it safer, more elegant, and more enjoyable to be the
manipulative power behind the throne, rather than
being the target sitting on the throne. Most Daeth
members, he asserts, delight in deftly and covertly
influencing, rather than openly commanding.
As with any group of beholders, jealousies and
rivalries simmer constantly in the minds of the
Daeth Haeromm tyrants, and several vicious power
struggles have briefly erupted in their ranks. Among
the Daeth, open strife is considered treason, so when
one member turns on another these days, it is almost
always a short, furious private battle or ambush.

Combatants seek to swiftly murder their rivals and

remove themselves from the scene. Daeth members
might openly disbelieve the claim of a fellow to not
be involved in the demise of another Daeth tyrant,
but with no witnesses, the murderer will face no
It follows that leaders among the Daeth have risen
and fallen frequentlyand usually fatally.7 Despite
this high turnover rate, two tyrants have remained
fixtures in the group throughout the 1400s: Xrombaerrendron and Ultyrus.
Xrombaerrendron is the oldest and largest eye
tyrant in the Daethand perhaps in all of surface
Faern. The creature has swallowed and mastered
more than a score of magic items down the years,
which it will trigger when necessary to strike down
foesheedless of the holes many of those items bore
out of its own body when unleashed.
Xrombaerrendron has for years bred tiny eyeball varieties of beholderkin, selecting for obedience
and receptiveness to particular controlling magic
(that used by beholders, as opposed to spells cast by
humans and others). It sells specimens of the least
useful kinds to non-beholders, to serve as spies and
sentinels, and distributes the better ones among
tyrants of the Daeth.8 If rumors current among Daeth
Haeromm members are true, the lair of Xrom is
defended by armies of hundredsperhaps thousandsof eyeballs, all of which have been trained to
activate traps and trigger deadly magic items against
Xrombaerrendron has far more good-natured
humor than pridean important aspect of the continuing survival and growing strength of the Daeth.
The creature is more farsighted in its scheming than
most of its kin, and it engages in personal behavior
that shows little thirst for powerunusual for beholders. Xrombaerrendrons recruitment of a high priest
is one example of how it behaves differently. On
many occasions, it has also done favors for humans or

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Eye on the Realms

elves in need, winning their guarded trust or limited
respect, and even forging trade alliances. Xrombaerrendrons oft-repeated advice to fellow Daethan is to
Consider consequences and the good of all, not just
personal and immediate benefit.
Distinctively large, rust-brown, and bearing eyes of
a luminous light green hue, Xrombaerrendron is the
true heart and focal binding of the Daeth. Beholders
fear stronger specimens of their own kind more than
anything else, but if any beholder commands more
than momentary affection among Daeth members, it
is Xrombaerrendron.
Ultyrus is a younger, more energetic, dark-blue
beholder whose body plates have pale edges that
resemble exposed human bone. It is both eloquent
and loquacious, having a voice Elminster describes
as wet, slithery, and hissing. Ultyrus is a strong
and persistent proponent of using humanoids as
agentswhether unwitting hirelings such as novice
adventuring groups of few connections and little
power, thieving guilds, outlaw bands, or informed
special agents such as the Daeths high priest. As
such, Ultyrus is Ulchaice Darrovyns constant personal guide, boss, and overseer, and the beholder uses
the human as the principal go-between linking the
Daeth Haeromm and its unwitting humanoid agents.
Ultyrus was the one that first thought of creating
a High Priest of Beholdersa human given that title
to make others think twice about attacking him for
fear of divine wrath. The Daethan and Darrovyn are
well aware that beholders are far from being gods,
with the eye tyrants and the human simply working
together as an actor and directors might to maintain a
fiction of divinity.9 Over time, the current High Priest
has come to serve his Daeth masters as diligently as
the senior clergy of real deities. This is largely due
to the carefully fostered relationship Ultyrus has
established with Darrovyn, ensuring that the human
stands in genuine respect and awe of all beholders and strives to serve them with fervent loyalty.

Additionally, Ultyrus has rescued Darrovyn numerous times from the deadly wrath of beholders that
rejected the summons of a human who presumed to
call on their aid.

The High Priest Rises

Darrovyns career as high priest began under the constant escort and instruction of Ultyrus. The beholder
worked to ensure that other Daethan tyrants were
well accustomed to seeing this particular human, and
that they would regard Darrovyn with as much trust
and friendliness as any beholder can muster for a
lesser creature. Xrombaerrendron and Ultyrus were
united in their support for the notion of a high priest
human representative, and they equipped Darrovyn
from the outset with gear to suit that purpose. This
gear included a cloak of many eyes and a unique item
crafted by the two beholders for Darrovyn: a diadem
of tyrantkind. (Xrombaerrendron and Ultyrus have
several hidden backup diadems, but they are not out
in general circulation.)
A diadem of tyrantkind is a plain circlet equipped
with a chinstrap and a back-of-head strap to help hold
it on, and it is adorned with vertical needle spires
topped with gemlike enspelled rock crystals. The
wearer of the diadem is automatically aware of the
presence of all beholders and beholderkinundead
death tyrants, eyeballs, gauths, and so onwithin
600 feet, instinctively knowing both distance and
direction. The diadem also enables the wearer to
telepathically communicate with beholders and
beholderkin, and it telepathically identifies the
wearer as the High Priest of the Daeth Haeromm to
such creatures.
Contrary to a spreading belief among sages and
beholders, such diadems provide no means of coercion or summoning at all. This leaves the conduct of
beholders toward the wearer dependent on the wearers persuasiveness, and on the respector feara
beholder has for the Daeth Haeromm and possible

reprisals from the order. (Xrombaerrendron, Ultyrus,

and a number of beholders directed by those two
have been known to slay or maim and rob beholders that defied or sought to humiliate or harm the
high priest.)
In later years, Xrombaerrendron augmented Darrovyns arsenal of equipment with a rod of sarruina
name that Daethan tyrants grant to tiny beholderkin,
and which translates as little kin. The rod acts as a
translocation device from Xrombaerrendrons cage
caverns, where his bred sarruin are kept, to wherever
Darrovyn aims the rod. When the rod is triggered, it
fires a stream or a spray (wielders choice) of 6d4 sarruin in whatever direction the wielder desires. The
tiny beholderkin arrive freely flying, but are bound to
obey the rods wielder to the death. This effect can be
triggered twice a day; after its second firing, 24 hours
must elapse before it will function again. (Xrombaerrendron, which created the rod of sarruin, has dozens of
backups hidden away, but as far as the wider Realms is
concerned, this is essentially a unique item.)
A quiet, unassuming, and hardy man used to
living off the land, Darrovyn is allowed by his
beholder masters to do whatever he wants to feed and
enrich himself. Thus far, whatever he wants has
included hiring himself out for the personal delivery
of sensitive messages and items (including smuggled
valuables such as stolen gems and illicit drugs), plus
taking part in small-scale missions for hire.
Darrovyn tirelessly travels the Realmsand the
Sword Coast in particularat the direction of Xrombaerrendron and Ultyrus, both of which magically
contact him and watch over him frequently. Traveling
alone and avoiding public displays whenever possible, Darrovyn finds and helps beholders, delivers
Daeth messages to them (recruitment offerings to
nonmembers; the latest warnings, alerts, requests
for information, and inquiries as to their preferences
on issues for members), and occasionally requests
their aid.

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Eye on the Realms

Usually, such assistance takes the form of beholders making personal appearances to frighten hostile
humanoids Darrovyn has encountered, agreeing to
cow or coerce humanoid agents of the Daeth who
are becoming too defiant or independent, or lending
their might to destroy creatures that present a danger
to Daeth projects or the continued safety of local
Darrovyn presents himself as obedient to the will
of the Dread Onethe beholder god. (He lets humanoids he deals with supply the name their local lore
gives to an eye tyrant deity, if any.) He plays the part
of a wise and mighty cleric with the ease of much
practice. Darrovyn is well aware that hes a secular
agent of mighty beings, not the priest of any god.
Because he personally believes that all deities began
as mortals, he has convinced himself that the deception he engages in is part of the road to true divinity
for a yet-unidentified beholder. Perhaps Xrombaerrendron and Ultyrus will merge to become the true
Dread One, or one will devour the other and become
greater, or they will mate and produce an offspring
that will be divine.
Darrovyn is ignorant of beholders reproduction
and inner functionings, however, and cares more
about the creatures deeds. He sees them as providing order and stability to a world sadly in need of
itless vain and more worldly than the self-centered
dragons, and far smarter and more worthy than elves,
his fellow humans, or any of the other teeming, talking races.
Darrovyn is thus determined to give whatever aid
he can to the rising behind-the-scenes power and
influence of the eye tyrants of Daeth Haerommthe
enlightened among beholders. He believes that
their mutual cooperation can bring a new order to
Faern and new greatness to a race long mired in
solitary, paranoid, and malignant hostility. And, of
course, this will bring greatness to him as well.

Ulchaice Darrovyn doesnt want to lord it over

anyone or prove anything, but he does want to make
something of himself and improve the Realms in the
process. And this is his chance.
Beholderkin, Eyeball

Level 7 Minion Artillery

Tiny aberrant magical beast

XP 75
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +7
AC 21, Fortitude 19, Reflex 20, Will 18
Perception +5
Speed 0, fly 4 (hover)
All-around vision, darkvision


All-Around Vision
Enemies cant gain combat advantage by flanking the

Standard Actions

r Eye Ray F At-Will

Effect: The eyeball uses one of the following eye rays. This
attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
1. Freezing Ray (cold): Ranged 20 (one creature); +12 vs.
Reflex; 7 cold damage.
2. F rightful Ray (fear): Ranged 20 (one creature); +12 vs.
Will; until the end of the eyeballs next turn, the target
grants combat advantage and takes a 2 penalty to
attack rolls.
3. Dazing Ray: Ranged 20 (one creature); +12 vs. Fortitude; the target is dazed until the end of its next turn.

Minor Actions

R Mage Eye F At-Will

Effect: Ranged 5 (one object weighing up to 20 pounds);
the eyeball levitates the target, taking a move action to
cause the target to fly up to 5 squares, or manipulates
the target, taking actions as a pair of human hands might.
Attacks are not possible. The effect ends at the end of
the eyeballs next turn or when it uses this power again.
Sustain Minor: The effect persists until the end of the eyeballs next turn or until it uses this power again.
Str 6 (+1)
Dex 19 (+7)
Wis 15 (+5)
Con 16 (+6)
Int 3 (1)
Cha 12 (+4)
Alignment evil

1. Kloven fills a shallow farming valley two-thirds of
the way inland from the sea, along the southern edge
of the vast Wealdath. It is home to a tavern that has

beds in the loft for rent but no private rooms, a mill, a

common paddock and horse pond, twenty crofts (small
farms), and no inn. Its population hovers at just over a
hundred, from babes to grave-nearing elders.
2. Locals didnt hate or detest Darrovyn, but
treated him as they would any herbalistwarily,
keeping their social distance. A contented loner, he
reached out to no one, and no one reached out to him.
3. Those rumors, Elminster attests, are true. Over
three days and two nights, Darrovyn killed a dozen
of those attempting to kill himwell-armed veterans
who hunted in a band and set heavy guards (three
sentinels awake at a time) when camping.
4. In other words, the tyrants have a clergy of one.
They have a high priest but no lesser priests.
5. Their true strength they keep secret, and it has
undoubtedly varied over time. Elminster believes
it has been slowly growingand that the Daeth has
numbered more than sixty full members (and about
twenty cowed or coerced outlying allies) for the last
century or so.
6. Most of them lair up and down the Sword Coast,
north of Calimshana land they shun for undisclosed reasons.
7. Notable former dominants among the tyrants
that perished in internal Daeth squabbles include
the beholders Xurlqueth (considered a freak by
some because it had no fewer than sixteen eyestalks)
and Old Xarrmalq. That beholder was so named
because its chitin was blotched with a thick, mossy
growth like eerie green fur, which slowly ate deeper
and deeper into the aging creatureand, some say,
rendered it mad. Other Daeth members claim the
growth was a sentient symbiotic creature. When
Xarrmalq was frequently overheard talking to itself,
it was said to be conversing with the partner growing on it, which had fell psionic powers it sometimes
wielded to aid its host.
8. Inevitably, some Daeth members destroyed
these gifts, thinking them spies or even harmful

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Eye on the Realms

agents foisted on them by Xrombaerrendron. Over
time, however, more and more Daethan tyrants have
come to place a certain amount of trust in Xrombaerrendrons peculiar nature, and to accept the obedient
eyeballs as genuinely useful gifts meant to help and
strengthen, not as daggers of treachery.
9. It should be noted that beholder cults are spread
across Faernparticularly among barbarian tribes,
but also in cities among those who feel slighted or
oppressed by current civic rulership. Members of
these cults believe fervently in a beholder god, served
by various ascended beholders that have become
demigods. To gain real influence over the cultists,
mortal beholders impersonate the servants of the
beholder god (known variously as Aurauth Manyeyes,
Xangolgaerath, and Yaerethontur) on a regular basis.
They do this to gain forces of humanoids they can
order about and use as agents. In particular, such followers can often easily gain a secret some eye tyrants
hungrily seekthe means of achieving vigorous eternal life without resorting to undeath. They believe
that such cultists can wrest the secret of achieving
immortalitywhich is surely a matter of potions or
the right spells, rather than the personal gift of a
deityfrom those mages and high priests who have
learned it or are uncovering it.

About the Author

Ed Greenwood is the man who unleashed the Forgotten

Realms setting on an unsuspecting world. He works in
libraries, plus he writes fantasy, science fiction, horror, mystery, and romance stories (sometimes all in the same novel),
but he is happiest when churning out Realmslore, Realmslore, and more Realmslore. He still has a few rooms in his
house in which he has space left to pile up papers.

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