Selection Screen Field Validations:: 'F4 - FILENAME'
Selection Screen Field Validations:: 'F4 - FILENAME'
Selection Screen Field Validations:: 'F4 - FILENAME'
Steps To Follow:
Step1: Upload Input Excel File Data into Internal Table By calling Function
Alternative BOM(STLAL) fields data from table MAST(Material to BOM Link)
Based on Material Numbers(MATNR) = Input file Product Numbers .
Step3: After Getting Data from the MAST table then for Each Material
Explode the BOM for 3 levels
By Calling Function Module 'CSAP_MAT_BOM_READ' .
Note: Input Parameters to this Function Module:
Material Number = MAST-MATNR
Bom_Usage = 3 levels
Valid From = Current Date Format DDMMYYYY
Bom Items Output Will get through internal Table
t_stpo like STPO_API02
Step4: If BOM Component(t_stpo-component) is initial then delete the record.
Delete Service and Software item from Exploded BOM components.
Check MARA-MATKL(Material Group) where Matnr = t_stpo-component.
If MARA-MATKL = 'E-NRR' or 'E-SWD' or 'PHANTOM' or
'SERVICES' Then delete corresponding Entry From t_stpo internal Table.
Step5: Explode the BOM for All Sub Levels(3) By Using Step 3 and follow step 4 also to check
qualified components .
Step6: Get Productline from MARA-SPART field for Corresponding MARA-MATNR = MAST-MATNR:
Calculate Each Period1, Period2.Period12