Mayberry Daily: The Case of The Missing Crown
Mayberry Daily: The Case of The Missing Crown
Mayberry Daily: The Case of The Missing Crown
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Editor: Doraisabel Gaxiola
Fireman to the
The fire
Love & Hip Hop
By: Benita Bonilla
A wholesome girl scout's table by the Maybury supermarket was set ablaze on Sunday afternoon.
Witnesses speculate the culprit to be a little girl with ebony pigtails. They described her as a pale girl
wearing all black. "I just couldn't believe a little girl would do something like this!" said Sheriff Andy Taylor.
"The cookies were burnt to a crisp. A majority of the girls escaped the scene without any damage except
for a young blond girl named Amanda. She suffered severe burns and half of her hair sizzled off". The
suspect who set fire to the girl scout booth fled the scene before the police or fire department could
arrive. "I know exactly who it was!" stated local woman Aunt Bea. "I had just bought some cookies from
those adorable girl scouts and was walking to my car. Suddenly, I heard screaming and, right before my
eyes, the whole booth was set on fire! It was that no good Wednesday Adams! She recently moved down
the block from me! I could spot her anywhere!" Police have not placed Wednesday under arrest but is
intending to obtain a search warrant. "I played with her (Wednesday) a couple of times." re-countered
Opie Taylor. "She showed me her voodoo dolls. She has one that has an officer uniform, a girl scout
uniform, and a lady in a dress. She also introduced me to her family. I thought it was just my imagination,
but I could of sworn I saw a hand walking down the hall". Sheriff Taylor and the police department strictly
enforces the public to report any suspicious activity deriving from the Adams' residence. Next time, girl
scouts might have to go door-to-door to sell their delicious cookies.
Vivamus fringilla
This just in, Sheriff Andy Taylor and his son Opie, have discovered an undiscovered creature. While they were both
out fishing out in Mayberry, they came across a weird creature. Opie describes some of its interesting physical
features. He mentioned to our reporters that is had two big long teeth at the sides of his mouth. It also had a very
long and purple body, with a long sharp tail, and dark orange eyes. He also said that this creature was not out to
eat the bait on his fishing rod, but he was out to drink the bottle of pop they had been drinking. Not only had this
fish never seen before, but it was out to drink peoples pop. Shrief Andy quickly captured the fish, and took it to
the ichthyologist, or in other words to himself, to find out what type of fish it was. The ichthyologist , Andy Taylor,
classified it as a vampire, pop drinking fish. He named this rare species after himself, because he was the one to