Length: 5 Classes
This will need to be done prior to teaching your lesson. Outline the method you will use to determine the
skill/knowledge level of your students based on the concepts/enduring understandings/objectives of the lesson. (Hint:
turn these into questions.) Be specific in describing what you would recognize as proficient skill/knowledge.
What will students accomplish as a result of this lesson? This can be presented to students in the form of a story.
In this narrative the students take on a role and create a learning product about a specific topic for a certain audience.
(RAFT Role / Audience / Format / Topic)
Your school is putting on a musical with a variety of strange characters and has asked
your art class to make the masks. They will represent superheroes and villains and
places that have been personified. This is a really big production and the whole school
is counting on you to bring the show to life with your masks.
List the big ideas students will be introduced to in the lesson. These ideas are universal, timeless and transferrable.
Examples of concepts used in art might include: Composition, Patterns, Technique, Rhythm, Paradox, Influence, Style,
Force, Culture, Space/Time/Energy, Line, Law/Rules, Value, Expressions, Emotions, Tradition, Symbol, Movement,
Shape, Improvisation, and Observation Look for concepts in the standards, content specific curriculum, etc.
Enduring Understanding (s):
Enduring Understandings show a relationship between two or more concepts; connected with an active verb. The best
enduring understandings not only link two or more concepts; but demonstrate why this relationship is important. Like concepts,
they are timeless, transferrable and universal. Align Standards, Prepared Graduate Competencies (PGCs) and Grade Level
Expectations (GLEs) to Enduring Understandings.
Students will make functional art through clay forms while using additive and subtractive
Standards: (All lessons should address all standards.)
1. Observe and Learn to Comprehend
2. Envisd Critique to Reflect
3. Invent and Discover to Create
4. Relate and Connect to Transfer
Objectives/Outcomes/Learning Targets:
Objectives describe a learning experience with a condition behavior (measurable) criterion. Aligned
to: Blooms Standards GLEs - Art learning and, when appropriate, Numeracy, Literacy and Technology. Should be
written as: Objective. (Blooms: _____ - Standard: _____ - GLE: _____ -Art learning: _____ -Numeracy, Literacy,
and/or Technology)
Given historical examples TSWBAT make connections through the building of clay forms
Blooms: Analyze - Standard: Transfer - GLE: 1 -Art learning: Ideation -Numeracy, Literacy, and/or Technology
Given clay TSWBAT build an art form that can also function as mask
Blooms:Create- Standard: Create - GLE: 2 -Art learning:ICEF -Numeracy, Literacy, and/or Technology
Given clay TSWBAT create a balanced composition with the use of either
asymmetrical or symmetrical balance
Blooms: Create - Standard: Comprehend - GLE: 2 -Art learning: Media Techniques -Numeracy, Literacy, and/or
Given a basic clay mask TSWBAT demonstrate both additive and subtractive features with clay
building techniques
Blooms: Analyze - Standard: Comprehend - GLE: 2 -Art learning:Ideation -Numeracy, Literacy, and/or Technology
Given a reflective worksheet TSWBAT reflect on their learning of artistic techniques and
Explain specifically how you have addressed the needs of exceptional students at both end of the skill and cognitive
scale. Describe the strategies you will use for students who are already proficient and need growth beyond what you
have planned for the rest of the class, as well as modifications for students with physical and/or cognitive challenges.
Students must still meet the objectives.
(Multiple means for students
to access content and multiple
modes for student to express
List terms (vocabulary) specific to the topic that students will be introduced to in the lesson and describe how literacy
is integrated into the lesson.
Additive features
Subtractive features
The students will discuss their plans for the surface decoration. They will also
complete a reflection worksheet at the end of the project.
Must be grade level appropriate. List everything you will need for this lesson, including art supplies and tools. (These
are the materials students will use.) List all materials in a bulleted format.
Clay tools
Mask molds
Acrylic paints
Paint brushes
List all visual aids and reference material (books, slides, posters, etc. Be specific; include title, artist, etc. Make
reference to where the material can be found. (These are the resources used by the teacher to support/develop the
lesson.) List all resources in a bulleted format.
What do you need to prepare for this experience? List steps of preparation in a bulleted format.
Make examples
Create power point
Collect example pictures
Prepare clay
Be specific about the safety procedures that need to be addressed with students. List all safety issue in a bulleted
Be careful when using the clay tools such as the exacto knife
Ideation is the creative process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas, where an idea is understood
as a basic element of thought that can be visual, concrete or abstract. List and describe inquiry questions and
processes you will engage students in to help them develop ideas and plans for their artwork.
I will use my inquiry questions above to spark initial thinking and planning of ideas.
They will then be asked to make at least 3 thumbnail sketches of what they want to do
and they have to choose at least 2 of the 3 prompts to create a sketch out of (abstract,
animal/person, or treating the face like a canvas by making it an inanimate object/
place) Then they will create a final full size sketch of the one they chose completed
with color.
Give a detailed account (in bulleted form) of what you will teach. Be sure to include approximate time for each activity and
instructional methodology: skills, lecture, inquiry, etc. Include motivation and ideation/inquiry where appropriate; including
what student will understand as a result of the art experience
1. Intro to clay
2. Project Introduction
- Show power point
focusing on masks, their
history and many
- Explain to the class the
project by going over
objectives and rubric
and showing multiple
artwork examples
(rubric in appendix).
1. Listening Critically
Students will be
creating a clay mask of
their choice with three
different prompts. It can
either resemble an
actual person or animal,
or it can be completely
abstract, or it can be
treated like a canvas
and be turned into an
inatimate object or
The mask must
demonstrate a balanced
composition (either
symmetrical or
asymmetrical) and show
the use of additive and
subtractive clay building
3. Ideation
- Students must create at
least 3 different
thumbnail sketches of
different ideas and they
must explore at least
two of the different
prompt options.
- Then students must
create a final, life size
sketch of what they
want their mask to look
like, complete with all
final coloring as well.
1. Demo
- The teacher will
demonstrate to students
how to roll out an
appropriately sized slab
3.Thinking Independently
4. Thinking Independently
5. Developing intellectual
1. Listening Critically
2. Work Time
- Students will be given
work time and clay to
begin rolling out their
slabs and
experimenting with clay
as a material to learn
how best to manipulate
- The rest of the class
period will be work time
for them to try and
complete their additive
and subtractive features
3. Clean up
- Students will be in
charge of each of their
own tables and putting
away all clay tools and
clay and making sure
they wrap up their
projects extremely well
as not to dry out
2. Actively working
4. Thinking Independently
D1. Review
2. Work time
- Students will have time to
work on their face masks
and hopefully finish all wet
4. Clean up
- Students will be in
charge of each of their
own tables and putting
away all clay tools and
clay and making sure
they leave their clay
completely uncovered
so they can dry
extremely well before
they are fired
1. Listening Critical
2. Thinking Independently
1. Painting demo
- Review the color mixing process
and how to work with acrylic paints
(this should have already been done in
6th and 7th grade)
- The teacher will demonstrate on
their example how to apply the paint
and how to be mindful of the highlights
and lowlights that would occur in their
additive and subtractive features.
2. Work time
- The students will have time to
practice mixing colors and then start
working on painting their masks.
3. Clean up
- The students will be responsible
for their table and wash off all paint
trays and wipe down tables and put
brushes in a water bucket in the sink
( the teacher will wash them at the end
of the day)
1. Work Time
- The students will continue to work
on painting their masks and try to
finish today
2. Reflection
- When they are ready to turn their
masks in the students will answer
some reflection questions and self
grade based off the rubric
3. Clean up
reflect on their learning? A participatory activity that includes students in finding meaning, inquiring about materials and
techniques and reflecting about their experience as it relates to objectives, standards and grade level expectations of
the lesson.)
Post-Assessment Instrument:
How well have students achieved the objectives and
grade level expectations specified in your lesson plan?
Include your rubric, checklist, rating scale, etc.
After the lesson is concluded write a brief reflection of what went well, what surprised you, and what you would do
differently. Specifically address: (1) To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize assessment data to justify
your level of achievement.) (2) What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to
teach again? (3)What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice, reteach content, etc.)
The most successful part of this lesson was how engaged the students were and how
excited they were about it. It made the whole lesson a lot easier to teach and I saw
some really interesting and well done final pieces because of that engagement. They
hadnt worked with clay yet this semester so that had a big impact on the engagement
also because it was a new and exciting medium. They also had a lot of creative choice
and expression in this piece so they were able to pick a mask that they really enjoyed
and that had meaning to them, and most of all I think it was an art piece that they
actually wanted to keep and show others after they completed it. Most students did a
very good job with the additive and subtractive features and something that I did not
really anticipate but had positive and negative results was that some of the students
who were clearly struggling with the whole concept of 3D couldnt figure out how to
create realistic additive and subtractive features so they made simpler masks. An
example of this was that two students created iron man masks, this was a good thing
for one student who often struggled so it gave him the chance to create something he
enjoyed but that was simpler to build. For the other student this was a cop out for
them to not challenge themselves as much and was reflected on their final
assessment. If I could do this lesson again I would definitely push people away from
the simple masks that already exist in the world and have them create something all
their own.
Appendix: Include all handouts, prompts, written materials, rubrics, etc. that will be given to