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Lesson Plan 1

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Service Learning Lesson Plan

Title: Introduction Exploration Stations

Lesson Idea and
Relevance: What
are you going to
teach and why is
this lesson of
importance to your
students? How is it
relevant to students
of this age and

Group/Date: 3/22/2016

In this lesson we will focus on everyone introducing themselves

working both collaboratively and individually. The collaborative piece
will take place in the beginning. Each student will have a piece of
clay waiting at the table in front of their seat. Students will get to
make some form out of the clay to stick on a Styrofoam cup.
Students will individually stick their form on the Styrofoam as they
introduce themselves. When everyone has contributed to the
Styrofoam cup, this will become our class mascot. After
introductions and contributions to the class mascot, students will be
given the opportunity to explore materials and subject matter
through different stations. We will track explorations on the class
idea bubble chart. As students explore media, teachers will make
note of some of the subject matter being explored in the room.
Teachers will narrate their contributions to the chart. At the end of
class, there will be a brief critique in which students can share what
they explored and reflect on some of the ideas from the idea bubble

Essential Understanding (s): What are the

big ideas? What specific understandings
about them are desired?

Essential Question (s): What provocative

questions will foster inquiry, understanding,
and transfer of learning?

-Artists explore materials and processes to

find new ways to use them
-Artist explore the value in collaborative art

-Why would a student choose to pursue 3D

-What makes something 3D art?

Outcomes - Students will be able to...What key knowledge and skills will students
acquire as a result of this unit? ...Art history and culture; expressive features and
characteristics of art; art materials, tools, and techniques? What should they eventually be
able to do as a result of such knowledge and skill? ...Compare and contrast art work;
analyze sketches?
Students will be able to
-SWBAT explore different materials (reflect/comprehend/create) maybe by asking them
to make art about their favorite activities, using favorite colors, favorite animals or objects.
Do you like Robots?
-SWBAT distinguish 3D art from 2D art (comprehend)

Student Reflective Activity: Through what

authentic performance task(s) will students
demonstrate the desired understandings?
How will students reflect upon and selfassess their learning?

Assessment Instrument (s): By what

criteria will performances of understanding
be judged?

-Gallery walk to reflect on what they made

-Volunteer share-out:
-What did you find interesting about
certain materials over other ones?
-What products did you leave stations
-Explain some of the processes that led to
that product
-What inspired you?
-What problems did you face in your
making and how did you address it?
-What do you want to do again, repeat, or
explore in future classes?
-What technique do you want to try that
you saw someone else do?

-Students work includes 3D qualities

Pre-assessment: How will you help the students know where the unit is going and what is
expected? Help the teacher know where the students are coming from (prior knowledge,
What is 3D Art?
And where do you see it?
How does working collaboratively differ from working individually?
What ideas were present on the idea bubble chart?
What are some common jumping off points for inspiration?
Motivation: How will you hook all students
and hold their interest?

Ideation: How will you equip students, help

them experience the key ideas, and explore
the issues to generate ideas for their art

Keep materials covered at beginning of class

to implement the element of surprise
Have multiple options so students won't get

-Introducing them to exploring materials

-Before asking students to explore materials
on their own we are exploring them together

Tell students that we will have a gallery walk
at the end of class so students will be
motivated to explore and share!

-Using a cut out circle and sphere as well

as a cut out square and cube, we will touch
on questions about what makes art 3D

Procedures: How is the lesson organized to maximize initial and sustained engagement as
well as effective learning? Provide opportunities to rethink and revise their understandings
and work? Allow students to evaluate their work and its implications? Include literacy and
1. Pre-Assessment:
-Why would you choose 3D art?
-What makes art 3D?
Using a cut out circle and sphere as well as a cut out square and cube
2. Essential Questions:
-How is a circle different than a sphere?
-How is a square different than a cube?
-Do artists work in 2D or 3D art or both?
3. Motivation:
-Keep materials covered at beginning of class to implement the element of surprise
-Have multiple options so students won't get bored
- Tell students that we will have a gallery walk at the end of class so students will be
motivated to explore and share!
4. Instruction/ideation:
-Welcome! Please find a seat and you can get started writing your name on your nameplate
and name tag. We have also left a piece of clay for you to play with. You can create
whatever you want with it as we begin class.
-In order to get to know each other better, we will go around the room one at a time and
introduce ourselves. When you introduce yourself, I would like you to say your name,
something about yourself, and add what you made out of your clay to our class sculpture.
We will stick your piece of clay to a Styrofoam cup with a toothpick. When everyones piece
of clay is added to the cup, it will become our class mascot and it will be in class every
week. Ill go first: My name is Katie, I am a painting concentration here at CSU *add piece
of clay to class mascot*
Take a moment to look at the shapes and forms we have placed at your table (circle,
square, sphere, and cube). What is a difference you notice between the shape and form?
Which of the two is 3D? What makes it 3D?
-We have some secret materials that are going to be aiding us in exploring 3D. Feel free to

work at any of the stations for however long you want.

-As you are working with the materials, feel free to make whatever you want. Teachers will
walk around the room and add to our idea bubble chart, ideas that we see students
exploring. If you find that you are at a station and you dont know what to make, just take a
look at the idea bubble chart. We have started the idea bubble chart with heads, things
in nature, and monsters/fantasy creatures.
-When youre finished with the products youve made from your stations, put them on your
plate. We will have a brief gallery walk where we will ask you to share a little bit about what
you made. You could respond to any of these questions: What did you make? What makes
it 3D? Did you use any ideas from the idea bubble chart or did you come up with new
6. Student Reflective Activity: 20 minutes
-Gallery walk to reflect on what they made
-Volunteer share-out: Who has something they want to share about what they saw?
-What makes what you made 3D?
-What do you want to do again, repeat, or explore?
-What do you want to try that you saw someone else do?
-Where you inspired by anything from the idea bubble chart?

Materials and Resources: What is needed to complete the learning plan? List materials
and resources in a bulleted format.

Paper mache (newspaper, balloons, scissors, flour water )
Building blocks
Wire cutters
Name tags
Name plates
Pipe cleaners
Popsicle sticks
Styrofoam cup for community sculpture
Blankets to cover stations

Preparation and Safety: What do you need to prepare for this experience? What safety
issues need to be addressed? List steps of preparation and safety in a bulleted format.

Gloves for students who don't want to get messy

Accommodations: How is the lesson tailored (personalized) to the different needs,
interests, and abilities of learners? ...Access (Resources and/or Process) and Expression
(Products and/or Performance)?
Accommodation- providing materials for safety (gloves), using this lesson to understand the
age, abilities, and needs of our students for future lessons
-Access: to variety of materials, community sculpture (collaborative art), personal
expression of explorations (stations with materials)
- Expression: students can use different materials and choose amount of time spent with
each material.

Understanding the plan...

Stage 1 Desired Results

Relevance - What are you going to teach and why is this lesson of importance to your
students? How is it relevant to students of this age and background?

Essential Understanding(s) - What are the big ideas? What specific understandings about
them are desired? What misunderstandings are predictable? (Reflect and Transfer)

Essential Question(s) - What provocative questions will foster inquiry, understanding, and
transfer of learning? (Reflect and Transfer)

Outcomes (objectives): What will students know and be able to do? What key knowledge
and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? ...Art history and culture; expressive
features and characteristics of art; art materials, tools, and techniques? What should they
eventually be able to do as a result of such knowledge and skill? ...Compare and contrast art
work; analyze sketches? (Comprehend and Create)
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Student Reflective Activity: Through what authentic performance task(s) will students
demonstrate the desired understandings? How will students reflect upon and self-assess their
learning? (Comprehend, Reflect, Create, Transfer)

Teacher-centered Assessment (instrument): By what criteria will performances of

understanding be judged? What evidence (e.g. quizzes, tests, academic prompts,
observations, products/artwork, sketchbooks, journals, etc.) will students demonstrate
achievement of the desired results?

Stage 3 Learning Plan

W = help the students know where the unit is going and what is expected? Help the
teacher know where the students are coming from (prior knowledge, interests)?
H = hook all students and hold their interest? (Reflect and Create)
E = equip students, help them experience the key ideas, and explore the issues to
generate ideas for their artwork? (Create)
R = provide opportunities to rethink and revise their understandings and work? (Reflect
and Transfer)
E = allow students to evaluate their work and its implications? (Reflect)
T = be tailored (personalized) to the different needs, interests, abilities of learners
O = be organized to maximize initial and sustained engagement as well as effective

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