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G.R. 193161
Aug. 22, 2011
As the law does not say who shall be appointed as special administrator and the qualifications the appointee must
have, the judge or court has discretion in the selection of the person to be appointed, discretion which must be sound,
that is, not whimsical or contrary to reason, justice or equity. There is no logical reason to appoint a person who is a
debtor of the estate and otherwise a stranger to the deceased.
This case is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45.
Engracia Manugas was the wife of Florentino Manugas. They had no children. Instead, they adopted Samuel David
3. Florentino died intestate while Avila predeceased his adoptive mother. Avila was survived by his wife Sarah Abarte
Vda. De Manugas.
4. Engracia filed a Motion for Partition of Estate in the intestate estate proceedings of Florentino. There she stated that
there were no other legal and compulsory heirs of Florentino except herself, Avila and Ramon Manugas whom she
acknowledged as the natural son of Florentino. Avilas widow executed a waiver of rights and participation renouncing
her rights over the property of her husband in favor of Engracia.
5. Consequently, a Decree of Final Distribution was issued in the intestate estate of Florentino distributing the properties
to Engracia and Ramon. (TAKE NOTE: At this point, the intestate estate proceedings as regards Florentinos
properties were already terminated)
6. Thereafter, the RTC of Panabo City appointed Parreo, the niece of Engracia as the Judicial Guardian of the
properties and person of her incompetent aunt.
7. Through Parreo, Engracia instituted a civil case against the Spouses Diosdado Salinas Manugas(Diosdado) and
Milagros Pacifico for illegal detainer and damages. MTC issued a summary judgment in favor of Engracia due to the
failure of Diosdado to file an answer.
8. After sometime, Diosdado instituted a petition for the issuance of letters of administration over Engracias Estate in
his favor before the RTC of Tagum. He alleged that he, being an illegitimate son of Florentino, is an heir of Engracia.
9. The petition was opposed by Margarita Avila Loreto(Loreto) and Parreo alleging that Diosdado was incompetent as
an administrator:
a. He was not a Manugas
b. He was a debtor of the estate
10. RTC-Appointed Parreo as administrator
11. Upon MR, the RTC reversed its ruling while appointing Diosdado as Special Administrator.
12. CA- RTC acted with Grave abuse of discretion and reinstated Parreo as the administrator of the estate. Thus this


W/N the CA erred in disregarding jurisprudence which hold that certiorari cannot be a substitute for an appeal where
the latter remedy is available. NO.


W/N the CA erred in denying petitioners MR which grossly violated the rule that once a decision or order is final and
executor, it becomes immutable and unalterable. NO.


W/N the CA erred when it ruled to annul the appointment of Diosdado herein petitioner as judicial administrator and
reinstating the appointment of Parreo. NO. (Relevant to our topic)

1st and 2nd issue(Just in case Justice Singh asks)

RTC order is an interlocutory order and as such certiorari under Rule 65 was the proper remedy.
The first two issues raised by Diosdado revolve around the issue of whether the RTC is an interlocutory order. He
alleged that certiorari cannot be the substitute for a lost appeal. Further alleging that Parreo should have appealed
the RTC order to the CA through Rule 45 and having failed to file within the reglementary period, the order cannot be
the subject of review by this court.

The Court has considered an appointment of a special administrator as an interlocutory or preliminary order to the
main case for the grant of letters of administration in a testate or intestate proceeding
Ocampo v. Ocampo
The appointment or removal of special administrators, being discretionary, is thus interlocutory and may be
assailed through a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court.

Section 1(c) of Rule 41

Section1.Subject of appeal.
An appeal may be taken from a judgment or final order that completely disposes of the case, or of a
particular matter therein when declared by these Rules to be appealable.
No appeal may be taken from:
(c)An interlocutory order;
In all the above instances where the judgment or final order is not appealable, the aggrieved party may
file an appropriate special civil action under Rule 65.

Further, there was no necessity to file for MR

G: MR is required before appeal via Rule 65.
E (there are several but in this case the court only cited one): Where the issue raised is one purely of law or where
public interest is involved.
This case is purely one of law.


The RTC acted with Grave abuse of discretion(CA did not err in reversing RTCs order)
The fact that Diosdado is an heir to the estate of Florentino Manungas does not mean that he is entitled or even

qualified to become the special administrator of the Estate of Engracia.

Jurisprudence teaches us that the appointment of a special administrator lies within the discretion of the court.
Heirs of Belinda Dahlia A. Castillo v. Lacuata-Gabriel
It is well settled that the statutory provisions as to the prior or preferred right of certain persons to
the appointment of administrator under Section 1, Rule 81, as well as the statutory provisions as to causes
for removal of an executor or administrator under section 653 of Act No. 190, now Section 2, Rule 83, do not
apply to the selection or removal of special administrator. x x x As the law does not say who shall be
appointed as special administrator and the qualifications the appointee must have, the judge or court
has discretion in the selection of the person to be appointed, discretion which must be sound, that
is, not whimsical or contrary to reason, justice or equity.

Reiterated in Ocampo
While the RTC considered that respondents were the nearest of kin to their deceased parents in
their appointment as joint special administrators, this is not a mandatory requirement for the appointment. It
has long been settled that the selection or removal of special administrators is not governed by the rules
regarding the selection or removal of regular administrators. The probate court may appoint or remove
special administrators based on grounds other than those enumerated in the Rules at its discretion, such
that the need to first pass upon and resolve the issues of fitness or unfitness and the application of the order
of preference under Section 6 of Rule 78, as would be proper in the case of a regular administrator, do not
obtain. As long as the discretion is exercised without grave abuse, and is based on reason, equity,
justice, and legal principles, interference by higher courts is unwarranted.

While the trial court has the discretion to appoint anyone as a special administrator of the estate, such discretion must
be exercised with reason, guided by the directives of equity, justice and legal principles. It may, therefore, not be

remiss to reiterate that the role of a special administrator is to preserve the estate until a regular administrator is

appointed as stated in Section 2 Rule 80 of the Rules of court.

There is no logical reason to appoint a person who is a debtor of the estate and otherwise a stranger to the
Diosdado is a stranger to Engracia while Parreo is the latters relative.
evidence on record shows that Diosdado is not related to the late Engracia and so he is not interested in preserving
the latters estate
Parreo is a former Judicial guardian of Engracia when she was still alive and who is also the niece of the latter, is
interested in protecting and preserving the estate of her late aunt Engracia, as by doing so she would reap the benefit
of a wise administration of the decedents estate
It must be remembered that the estate of Florentino Manungas was already the subject of intestate proceedings that
have long been terminated with the proceeds distributed to the heirs with the issuance of a Decree of Final
Distribution. With the termination of the intestate estate proceedings of Florentino Manungas, Diosdado, as an
illegitimate heir of Florentino Manungas, is still not an heir of Engracia Manungas and is not entitled to receive any
part of the Estate of Manungas.

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