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Tropical Hospital Design For Malaysia

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Norwina Mohd Nawawi, Abdul Razak Sapian, Noor Hanita Abdul Majid, Srazali Aripin
International Islamic University Malaysia
norwina19@gmail.com, arazaks@iium.edu.my, hanita@iium.edu.my, srazali@iium.edu.my

Sustainability as a terminology, is a broad concept and a requirement in building designs with a
tendency of being abuse through trendy and over commercialisation. In the arena of hospital
design, new is usually associated to being modern and therefore, green. In the quest of getting to
know the tree from the forest from among the hundreds of existing hospitals, ranged from
colonial, early independence to the new hospital designs, a yardstick, to measure those that is
actually green and sustainable need to be set. This study intends to provide a qualitative
definition and provide recommended criteria of a green hospital designs in the context of tropical
climate of Malaysia and its people. A qualitative method of approach through case studies of
hospital designs from pre-colonial to the present were made. Aspects studied include the physical
architecture that significantly affect health i.e. the building configuration, form, space quality,
material use and culture. Findings indicated that there is a variety of degree and factors to the
implementation of the green qualities in all the designs. The range includes intuitive and regulatory
approach to green considerations in the design. Conditions of the site, cost, construction time,
planning time, expertise, experience and procurement methods are among the constraints where
compromises had to be made as a priority. Significance of the findings will contribute to the
qualitative criteria for healthcare building Green requirement especially for tropical climate of
Keywords: Tropical, Hospital, Design, Green

The meaning of sustainability, may provide a variety of understandings and perspectives,
depending on the context it is used. Buildings, as physical entities of the built
environment, do have its share of connotations in which many literatures translated the
meaning of sustainability to mean building in the context of its physical environment,that
deals with climate, and stipulated human comfort. Architecture, on the other hand,
embedded extra dimensions to the meaning of sustainability that encompasses reading the
building in time, place, with its people and the aesthetic influence of the culture.
Sustainability in architecture, thus go beyond the physical elements of walls, floors and
facades. It has a spiritual significance and meaning which derive from the architecture of
the place for continuity to the overall built heritage.
For healthcare buildings and design, the main priority for sustainability is in its
ability to function, support operation, and serve the users-i.e. patients, staffs, relatives,
visitors and equipment around the clock, efficiently. The building, as a shelter and a
structure, must be so designed with fundamental precaution to the underlying principle of
ability to be kept and stay clean from the onslaught of various diseases and microbes

always. Healthcare buildings has to be designed for hygienic control; control infection; of
adequate space and capacity for the function; ease of circulation; adequate ventilation;
safe and comfortable environment; and having supportive healing environment among its
design attributes.
Ideal location to place new hospitals in meeting the above criteria would be away
from the hustle and bustle of the town or city, of a pleasing environment and yet at ease in
its accessibility for the people it serves. In tropical countries like Malaysia, the natural
location of hospitals had been the idyllic location by the sea coast and or by hillsides,
with open-able windows, high ceilings and wide verandah1 all around. The description
conjured nostalgic images of the past colonial hospitals which were built as isolation
shelters for the sick and infirm away from the community in an environment where fresh
air, gardens and daylight were plenty (refer Figure.1) even in the urban areas.

Figure. 1 An image of the single storey colonial hospital architecture of a

tropical hospital in the garden. (Source: Balik Pulau Hospital, Penang website)

Today, some of these facilities are still in existent in most part of the country.
Although some of these buildings were replaced, there are others being reused and
constantly in the state of renovations, expansions and refurbishments to meet the current
medical needs and demands. Hence the original design intentions of tropical hospital
amidst the greeneries and fresh air were either ignored due to pressing priority of
functional adjacencies of spaces and circulation or being mishandled in its renovation
Currently existing sites that locate these tropical hospitals are endangered. With
each new wave of structural planning of urban sites, the land are subjected to new land
uses due to its commercial viability for resorts, residential apartments or any other facility
that would bring more economic dues to the city or town as part of its sustainability
agenda. Replacement site for old hospitals are subjected to availability of land and funds.
They were usually relocated either within the existing site, existing urban framework, at
the outskirt ,or at a new township.

Veranda or verandah in architecture, as defined by Encyclopedia Britannica, most frequently described an open-walled roofed porch
attached to the exterior of a domestic structure and usually surrounded by a railing. The word, veranda, according to Encyclopedia
Britannica came into the English language through the Hindi word varand, but it is related to the Spanish baranda, meaning
railing, and thus most likely entered Hindi via Portuguese explorers of India.

Hospitals, by its very nature, is recognised and understood as a facility that

converge all kinds of diseases; provide as much and wide range of diagnostic services,
and incur appropriate treatment where possible, centrally or vice versa. The
circumstances are either due to shortage of staff and equipment or optimising the
efficiency of specialise human resources and use of expensive equipment in accordance to
the economics of its existence and the community it serves. In short, hospitals itself, with
its conflicting roles of centrality and isolation, bringing multi-faceted supplies and
disposals in huge quantities, layers of building services, range of technologies and energy
consumption, contribute to the environmental issue. As cited by Ziqi Wu (2011) in his
master of science thesis, Evaluation of A Sustainable Hospital Design Based on Its
Social And Environmental Outcomes for Cornel University, although health care
facilities represent only a small percentage of the total building stock, they have a
disproportionate impact on the environment because of their unique operational
requirements (e.g., 24-hour operations, energy-intensive advanced medical equipment and
higher ventilation requirements). Hospitals, as reported by Department of Energy, 2003
cited by Ziqi Wu (2011) are the second highest energy consumers on a per square foot
basis after the food service industry.
Designing new healthcare facilities is not an easy task. Professional architects and
health facility planners found planning and designing hospitals which itself a daunting
task, need to consider the facility GREEN and SUSTAINABLE as added criteria to the
matrix. However, with the varied perceptions and interpretations of what make the facility
GREEN and SUSTAINABLE, the simple requirements of passive designs architects are
trained in context of the site seems no longer adequate. Is that true?
In the light of these movements across the globe, Malaysia had formulated its
own green index under Malaysian Green Building Index (GBI) for residential, nonresidential and industrial buildings to date. In Malaysia, the GBI and sustainability means
more than just sustaining or optimizing energy consumption, but to include Energy
Efficiency, Indoor Environment Quality, Sustainable Site Planning & Management,
Materials & Resources, Water Efficiency, and Innovation. As Malaysia is located in the
tropics, the GBI is formulated to consider specifically for the Malaysian tropical climate,
environmental and developmental context, cultural and social needs. However, as GBI for
hospital building is yet to be formulated, Malaysian healthcare service provider had opted
for adapted foreign standards of LEED, BREAM or nearest, Singapore Green Mark in
their building contract brief of requirements. The question remains; isnt green part of
professional architects services? Do we need green specialist to ascertain the projects
viability? Does Green building specialists understand the needs of clinical sustainability
in engaging architectural and engineering sustainability?
All hospital designs are subjected to the Uniform Building By-Laws (UBBL)
1984. UBBL incorporated the minimum requirement on passive design considerations for
the users for the purpose of health and safety. The design of private hospitals in Malaysia
are also governed by the Private Healthcare and Services Act 1998 apart from the UBBL.
The UBBL, however, do not provide mandatory requirements on energy consumption nor
intangible sustainable issues of culture or clinical procedures required in the holistic make
up of a healthcare environment. Specialise buildings such as hospitals requires specific
design requirements from knowledgeable clients or their advisors. Thus, the planning and

design decisions to include the additional GREEN elements for hospitals to achieve
certain ratings remained with the respective client management.
Objectives of this paper thus aimed to:
Ascertain the meaning of green and sustainability in the provision of hospital
architecture in the tropical climate of Malaysia in view of its architectural
sustainability and clinical functionality; and
Provide a direction towards qualitative design guidelines as rule of thumb in
recognising the good and practical green hospital designs,
towards the green agenda for hospital in the tropics;
For the purpose of this paper the scope of the study involves
Identifying available standards or criteria of green and sustainability for
hospital building designs in tropical climate of Malaysia; and
Examining the physical and non-physical or humanistic development of selected
hospital designs through case studies of hospitals built in Malaysia from colonial
period to present.
Qualitative method adopted for the study involved the following process within a
limited time frame. Data collection were made through secondary data via content
analysis of available literature covering study of old and new photographs and previous
study field notes; and through primary data via observation, field visits of selected
hospital facilities, random interview of professionals (architects, engineers and green
specialist), clients as well as personal experiences in planning and design of hospitals.
Analyses and findings on these hospitals for the green and sustainability
elements were based on selected site location, building layout and configuration, built
form, internal planning strategy or space quality, material use and construction, as well as
culture. The tangible and intangible green elements assessed includes each facilitys
general orientation on site; each building structures access to natural ventilation, view
and daylight; layout or planning that signify specific area of the building requirement for
controlled condition; internal space planning strategies for infection control; for natural
ventilation; access to view, daylight and family members in and outside clinical area;
adequate human circulation and orientation; and respect to local culture and context.
Limitations of the Study due to time and availability of information, this paper
limits to the study that dwells only on the physical and available non-physical data of the
hospitals and its attributes within the stipulated period. Significance and benefit of the
study, as Malaysia formulate its green criteria based on types of building typology in its
green building guidelines series, this paper intend to contribute aspects of qualitative
considerations in the green planning and design of hospitals for tropical climate of
This paper discusses on exemplar hospital architecture as a universal attributes with a
question of its implication being located in the tropics. The issue was brought forth on

claims that new hospitals are design with green and sustainable considerations, the past
hospitals were not. The hypothesis is that these remarks were made without
understanding that the concept of green and sustainability for a hospital goes beyond the
passive and active design attributes of a physical structure performances but those that
embrace the clinical functionality and the humane consideration for an environment that
Hospital Architecture in the tropics
Each community, depending where they are located had different terms for their built
facilities, built forms and way of addressing the sick in accordance to their culture, belief
systems and traditions. Not many evidences were left behind from the Asian cultures of
hospitals or healthcare buildings, especially in the tropics, to be studied or emulated. Built
structures or shelter to place the sick, as hospitals, we know today, are advent of the West
and the Middle Eastern evolution from house of charities, churches, palaces and secular
buildings for the sick or Bimaristan, as well as for the training of the medical and health
professions. Building typology for hospitals in the tropics, is relatively new. Even in the
tropics, as the source of early pavilion plan hospital designs inadvertently came from the
same source, i.e. France of the 18th Century (Cook. G.C. (2002)), hospital building
designs are almost universal worldwide. So what can hospital built in the tropics differ to
be sustainable and effective?
Hospital design, no matter where it is located, as cited by Florence Nightingale
(1859) in her Notes for Hospitals, that,
The very first condition to be sought in planning a building is that it
shall be fit for its purpose, and the first architectural law is, that fitness is
the foundation of beauty. The hospital architect may feel assured that,
only when he has planned a building which will afford the best chance of
a speedy recovery to sick and maimed people, will his architecture and
economy which he seeks, be realized
Understanding the statement above, implies the need to know what kind of
diseases or ailments the tropics harbours. Who would be the inhabitant and user of this
facility? Why does this happen? How long and how to treat the ailments? How should the
facilities be designed? Where should these facilities be located to appropriately serve the
Physically, as a shelter for the sick, Kleczkowski, B.M. and Pibouleau, R. (ed.)
(1983), in WHOs OFFSET 72 (Part 1), in Approaches to planning and design of health
care facilities in developing areas described in the Annex 2, Clause 5.2 and 6, pp.19, that
the planning and design of hospitals should consider the local climate with typical
approach to its architecture, i.e. by providing simple low rise buildings connected by
corridors as shown in Figure 2 and 3; utilising local building materials and method of
constructions; designed that encompassing local customs and habits: at affordable cost;
reliability of operation and maintenance: apart from serving the functions and users of the

Figure 2: Typical Developing Countries Tropical hospitals layout plan

(Source: Kleczkowski et al (1983), Figure 9:Rural and District Hospital
Type Plan, pp 34.)

Figure 3:Typical Hospital Layout for Countries with Hot Humid Climate (Source:
Kleczkowski et al (1983), Figure 5: Typical Hospital Compound: Hot Humid
Climate, pp 57.)

WHO, in continuation of the study edited by Kleczkowski et al (1985),

Approaches to planning and design of health care facilities in developing areas. Vol. 5,
described the different implementation of standard designs and type plans through
case studies of selected healthcare facilities of countries through their income level. In the
study of acceptable internal micro-climate in the physical planning of hospitals in the
selected countries i.e. Venezuela, Cuba, Senegal, Sudan, Zambia and Algeria, which are
located within the tropics, most of the facilities designed allow for artificial ventilation at
essential areas with majority oriented their buildings to capture the prevailing winds.
However, most facilities in these countries, except for Cuba, find difficulty in maintaining
the artificial ventilation or air conditioned at sensitive areas to acceptable level due
several reasons including to inadequate maintenance and located within too small
courtyards with less air circulation. Figure 4 provides a visual differentiation of physical

outcome based on countrys priority on efficiency. Although energy efficiency points at

Venezuelan model (v), both Sudan (Su) and Senegal (Se) model offers other priorities.
The study also accounts the importance of site selection as a priority, in its compliance
with the prevailing local socio-culture and preferences in the making of the design.

Figure 4:

Comparative evaluation of efficiency in design horizontal

and vertical (Source: Kleczkowski et al (1991), Figure 9:
Types of 200 bed hospitals, pp 32)

Studies of internal layout of respective functional facilities were made by WHO in the
same study on the types and standard designs of healthcare facilities. For this study,
extract of the discussion on method of construction and the use of building material in
hot-humid countries had highlighted problems where the need to consider, among others,
the following, in the overall set up which is invariably important:

durability and strength of the building materials used in extreme weather

conditions of heat, rain and flood;
workmanship due to un-skilled labour;
maintenance culture and skill apart from the passive design discussed earlier;
availability of constant supplies of water, electricity; and
Waste treatment.

As cited by Hardy and Lammers, in Robert F. Carr (2011), Hospital by WBDG

Health Care, hospital design is A functional design can promote skill, economy,
conveniences, and comforts; a non-functional design can impede activities of all types,
detract from quality of care, and raise costs to intolerable levels.
Describing impression of tropical living, Stagno, B. (n.d.).in his essay, Designing
and Building In The Tropics, depicted typical human behavioural of the tropics as
follows:In tropical latitudes people live out their relationships with the environment
in a particular way. Living in a benevolent climate, but where coolness is a

sought-after relief, the body becomes sensitive to slight changes of

temperature and humidity. If someone wants to rest he or she will move their
chair to take advantage of any breeze, until the most favourable spot has
been found. This constant search for breeze and shade means that there is no
a unique place in the house set aside for social meetings. This close
relationship of dependency between people and the natural elements has
given them a fund of natural wisdom which, as their surroundings become
more artificial, has gradually disappeared.
In line with Stagno, B., findings by Ziqi Wu (2011), informed that performance of
thermal comfort via sophistication in design as found in the newly completed hospital
building in comparison to simple hospital designs, does not correspond as claimed:
The results indicate that sophisticated sustainable hospital designs can
improve the ambient thermal environment and occupant thermal comfort but
not all those features were necessary. The study also suggests the need for
adopting an integrated sustainable design strategy to prevent or mitigate
some of the facility operation challenges encountered. Additionally, the
study proposes for a shift in thermal comfort standards and green building
rating tools to meet the unique thermal comfort needs of hospital users.
Apart from vector borne diseases for which tropical hospitals has to equip with, the
climatic conditions of a place, building orientation, use of material and design to meet
functional requirements to address issues of mould has been a constant battle to date.
In summary, the utilitarian architecture of yesteryear hospital designs did address
both the functional aspects as well as the climatic considerations so as to ensure less
maintenance. Attention to details was evident. Old hospital designs are provided,
designed and maintained centrally by the state. Today, hospitals are generally designed
independently by different architects for different service providers with different
philosophies. Hence, hospital designs we have today are not uniform. Old hospitals may
not be sustainable in the like of the new requirements in healthcare buildings. Whether
the new hospital buildings are sustainable or green as claimed is yet to be evaluated.
Hospital Designs: Towards A Green Agenda
For hospitals, as a building typology with ever conflicting attributes in one cauldron,
towards a Green Agenda, the questions of architectural sustainability versus clinical
functionality arise.

Definition of Sustainability in Context of Hospitals : Architectural Functionality

Sustainability, as defined by Verderber, S. (2010) in his book, Innovation in

Hospital Architecture, in architecture, for architects, involves more than ecological
context or economic terms of interpretations. It is a holistic approach that include supplydemand tensions and priorities over limited resources such as clean air and water, livable

climate, healthy standard of living, community, spiritual and psychological health,

meaningful work, intellectual openness, individual and social empowerment, a sense of
heritage and history, cultural diversity, art, music and everyday life dimensions.
Yeang, K., (2012) in his keynote address Green Design and Planning informed
designers not to mistaken green design as simply eco-engineering systems, and the use of
rating systems as comprehensive, although it is an important part of the process to green
design as generic checklist. Yeang reiterated that achieving effective green design is
much more complex and involved many design strategies. To achieve the goal where the
built environment will be in balance as close as possible with the natural environment,
Yeang proposed design strategies as follows:
1. Four Strands of Ecoinfrastructures2, from masterplan to micro aspects;
2. Seamless & Benign Biointegration3, effectively and seamlessly integrating man
made and nature;
3. Ecomimesis4
4. Ecodesign as Restoring Impaired Environments
5. Ecodesign as a self-monitoring system
All the five (5) strategies are important in the total development where mans
edifice as artificial product being laid for sustenance within a natural environment that
has life in itself. In context to building a hospital, Yeangs principle that lays importance
in understanding the very nature of the building, as an artificial element, function,
operation, outcome and impact on the environment will undoubtedly provide insight from
selection of appropriate site, current and future growth, inter and intra spaces, shapes and
configurations. Yeang concluded that a totally green building or green eco-city does not
exist and hence research in pursuit of the balance environment need to be continued,
tested, interpreted and reviewed.
Both Verderber, S., and Yeang, K., viewpoints concur with the Islamic
perspective of the environment in keeping with whatever man made edifices, be it a
hospital, in balance. The concept of Man, as stakeholders of the development, as
vicegerent on Earth, has a duty of care in managing the limited resources so as not to
waste but beneficial to Man and the environment in a holistic sense, as an act of
submission to the Creator for sustainability.

Four Strands of Ecoinfrastructure, according to Yeang (2012), is to view green design in terms of weaving of four strands of
ecoinfrastructures, colour coded as follows:

The grey represent the engineering infrastructure being the eco sustainable cleantech engineering systems and utilities;

The blue represent water management and closing of the water cycle by design with sustainable drainage;

The green represent the green ecoinfrastructure of natures own utilities which must be linked; and

The red represent our human built systems, spaces, hardscapes, society, legislative and regulatory systems.
Seamless & Benign Biointegration, explained Yeang (2012) is biointegrate the artificial or human made with the natural
environment. Yeangs analogy of this concept to prosthetic design in surgery where human as organic host must be successfully
integrated organically and mechanically. Yeangs sums up this concept amount to 3 aspects i.e. physically, systematically and
Ecomimesis, in architecture, according to Yeang, should imitate the natural ecosystem from its structure, process, recycle, operation,
among others acquired energy from nature itself, without needing any extra. Nature, can live without human being but not vice versa.

Clinical Functionality: Healthcare requirements for hospitals

Clinical functionality of a hospital is based on environment that place

pathogenic criteria as it is based. WHO (1985), described essential spaces of a hospital
design as essential clinical spaces that needed special or controlled environment. These
spaces place infection control and safety of the patient through spatial configuration
layout and sustainability of the bio-medical equipment as priority environment.
Pathogenic criteria require the environment of the space where a patient suffering from
certain diseases or undergoing diagnoses or treatment to be provided with the following
must do considerations:
1. Air space and distances that will allow effective flow of air for good
ventilation to prevent infection control apart from filters and availability of
clinical hand-wash basin;
2. Medical equipment to diagnose and tools for treatment which itself requires
certain environmental conditions;
3. Medical supplies with its own environmental requirement
4. Medical personnel with required clinical procedure that includes circulation,
capacity, clothing types;
5. Appropriate general and task lighting to support procedures and avoids
medical error; and
6. Building services i.e. medical gases, electrical socket outlets, lighting, etc as
emergency and functional support.
As cited in Indoor Air. (2009), if an architectural, bioengineering and operational
strategies be applied in an integrated way as well as with suitable encouragement for
culture change on the part of the user, the architecture can expect to overcome many
cross-infection issues and allow patients to be treated more predictably and cost
WHO, in its discussion draft on healthy hospitals, healthy people and healthy
planet (n.d) in collaboration with Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) organisation, in
its preface recognised hospitals as being one of the energy and resource intensive
enterprises, that as they operate today will contribute substantially to climate change as
well as inadvertently contribute to respiratory and other illnesses. Among others, WHO
recognises that procurement, resource use, transportation and other policies and practices
contribute to the health sectors significant climate footprint. Hence, by reducing this
footprint and moving toward carbon neutrality, the health sector can demonstrate the path
forward in response to climate change, thereby playing a leadership role in advocating for
a healthy and sustainable future. The discussion recommended seven elements for a
climatefriendly hospitals as follows:
1. Energy efficiency: Reduce hospital energy consumption and costs through
efficiency and conservation measures.
2. Green building design: Build hospitals that are responsive to local climate
conditions and optimized for reduced energy and resource demands.


3. Alternative energy generation: Produce and/or consume clean, renewable energy

onsite to ensure reliable and resilient operation.
4. Transportation: Use alternative fuels for hospital vehicle fleets; encourage
walking and cycling to the facility; promote staff, patient and community use of
public transport; site health-care buildings to minimize the need for staff and patient
5. Food: Provide sustainably grown local food for staff and patients.
6. Waste: Reduce, re-use, recycle, compost; employ alternatives to waste
7. Water: Conserve water; avoid bottled water when safe alternatives exist.
Hospitals as described above include various functions that requires different
working environment that relates to people, equipment, and the pathogens. While there
are areas that require low energy and environmental control such as general wards,
waiting areas, cafeteria and corridors, due to its location within a bigger envelop, these
areas are subjected to environmental control as well. On simplification, areas in a hospital
that requires control are, among other special others, as follows:

clean and sterile areas, eg. Drug manufacturing, sterile supplies;

infectious disease management area;
areas with bio medical equipment heavy;
areas with short life medicines and vaccines;
conditions that require reverse isolation, and areas
with the need for invasive surgery;

WHO had issued several hospital design guidelines based on case studies for
developing countries whom are themselves located in the tropical zone. Table 1,
described the ventilation provision in a laboratory that requires a controlled environment
in a natural tropical setting.

Table 1 : Planning and Design of Laboratory Facilities (Source: Excerpts on ventilation

requirements from Barker, J.H., & Huang, L., Planning and Design of Laboratory Facilities in
Kleczkowski (ed) (1983), WHO reports, pp 56-59)


Hospitals Humanistic Function

Pellitteri, G., and Belvedere, F., (n.d.) in their article Characteristics of The Hospital
Buildings: Changes, Processes and Quality introduced the aspects rarely brought up in
hospital design that related to the role hospitals plays within the city and the community.
The role which includes a recovery of values that are different from those of quantity and
function characterized of modern hospitals in the first half of the twentieth century. These
new values recovered from the past agrees to a humane and humanistic vision of reality,
for which, together with the recent technological discoveries and new ways of treatment
and care, influence the design choices in latter hospitals. The same article cited
Architectural Psychology in the humanization of physical space, where in the case of the
hospital buildings the attention should be focused first of all on the patient as a
completely person, with his physical and emotional needs. The proposed research on
Architectural of hospital space: Changes and Design Methods by Pellitteri, G and
Belvedere, F., mentioned in the above article defines the features and the architectonic
qualities of the contemporary hospital as a care centre and hub of scientific and medical
knowledge which is also served as the important place for observations on the
relationship between the man and the built environment.
The Charter for Health Promotion (Ottawa, 1986), specifies the need to "Create
Supportive Environments, i.e. recognizing the inextricable link between man and built
environment. The process of humanization involves a holistic vision of people, spaces
and activities. Recognizing the interactive processes that occur between the man and the
environment, building the concept of humanization means design environments and


spatial distributions in which the needs of the patient (sense of acceptance and familiarity,
respect for privacy, space and sensory comfort, ease of orientation) are fulfilled
destroying at the same time the factors of stress. The article provide ways through which
one can implement a project of humanization such as through the distribution and
composition of spaces, the shape of the exterior volume of the building, the presence of
views to outside, green (gardens) and worship spaces, furnishings, materials, finishes,
colours, signage, light (both natural and artificial), elements of visual reference (for
example, art installations). Research also defines features on the supporting areas to
health activities that are often overlooked such as entrance hall, corridors, waiting areas,
common areas, and rooms of hospitalization. Each of these areas there are specific
psychological and emotional needs of the users. The humanization is more important than
in others hospital spaces and the issue of architectural quality is most obvious and
sensitive. The hospital building, as repeatedly mentioned is just a functional centre of
knowledge and therapeutic technologies, and also the place professional and human
relational aspects coexist.
The humanistic approach was also discussed by Burpee, H., (2008), in her article
History of Healthcare Architecture from Integrated Design Lab Puget Sound, which
informed that Florence Nightingales5 passion for creating a better healing environment
for patients prompted her to write Notes on Hospitals in 1863 outlining her priorities for
designing hospitals. Her approach to creating a healing environment for patients not only
looked at the physical surroundings, but also looked at the social welfare of her patients
by providing patients with access to natural light, air, landscape, attention to diet, as well
as a clean and sanitary environment.
Ziqi Wu (2011) in his summary of findings on sustainability in hospital stated that
design goals in the built environment should reflects the hospitals core values which is to
achieve a healing and humane environment. He brought emphasis that although it is
important that the design need to meet the following requirements i.e.:
maximizes effective use of resources,
flexible and scalable to accommodate and adapt evolving changes as a result of
technologies (both clinical and technical), and processes, and
consideration for special energy conservation methods to reduce operational costs,
the hospital should foremost be welcoming to patients, improves their quality of life,
promotes well-being and supports families and employees, which are humanistic

Summary of a Green Hospital attributes

The case studies stated above, were mostly quoted from hospitals with simple single
storey structures and located on a spacious land. The issue is more eminent when the

Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) was a very influential figure in nursing following the Crimean war in 1854. She is lauded for her
intuitive, observational approach in healthcare environment. She recognized that cleanliness within the hospital ward correlated to
patient survival, a quarter century before Louis Pasteur formally proposed his germ theory of disease. Nightingale is lauded as the
mother of modern nursing. Her humanist approach had influenced hospital design far beyond her time (Straus, 2006) (Source: Burpee


hospital is designed on a tight site which may induce deep planning, stacking of
conflicting requirements in satisfying the strict regulatory requirements for safety and
health, and other priorities. As accorded by Srazali Aripin in his paper presented at the
Conference on Sustainable Building South East Asia, 5-7 November 2007, Malaysia, he
reiterated that the call for sustainability or green building in the health care facilities or
system as a paradoxical situation. He questions whether the Green Requirement, as is,
treat sickness or promote the condition of health and whether it is difficult to conceive the
link and benefit of sustainability in contributing to the patients health outcomes. A
discussion evolving sustainability in healthcare facilities, according to Srazali Aripin
(2007), should embrace the notion of creating a supportive environment in hospital design
(i.e. healing environment) that is physically healthy and psychologically appropriate as
the aim of designing a hospital. Although it is imperative for the physical aspects to be
considered in hospital buildings, these physical aspects (i.e. building orientation,
daylighting, window design, thermal conditions, materials use and others) should be
cleverly designed to achieve the balance and the principles of economic, social and
ecological sustainability without compromising the functionality of hospital building
(Linda, 2004). Complexity does arise when the pathogenic areas of the hospital , due to
circulation, adjacencies and functions, are required to be adjacent to the humanised or
salutogenic areas of patient care and support services in a patient centred concept.
Then the need to prioritization in balancing the act applies. No solutions to each of the
designs are alike.

Figure 5 : Pavilion building form

Figure 6 : Compact or Stacked Building Form

(Source: Norwina Mohd Nawawi & Srazali Aripin (2004)

Architectural sustainability and clinical functionality, despite the constant

dilemma for hospital planners and designers to balance its physical requirements
effectively, innovation in approach and outcome should be a constant quest. The
sophistication in the architecture with the need for better healthcare through provision of
state of the art facilities within reach of the people for their wellbeing has been the goal
and objectives of most nations. In the tropics, how can this be realized within the green
The country Malaysia is located within a tropical equatorial zone with latitude and
longitude at 2 30' N and 112 30' E respectively (refer Figure 7 and 8).



Figure 7: Location of Malaysia in the tropics ( Source: Worldmap indicating tropics and
subtropics. Retrieved 12 August 2013 at

Figure 8: Map of Malaysia in the tropics (Source: Malaysia latitude and longitude map.
Retrieved 12 August 2013 at http://www.mapsofworld.com/lat_long/malaysia-lat-long.html)

Malaysian general climatic data, retrieved from Malaysian Meteological Department

(MMD) 2012 as cited in Norita Johar (2012) thesis is as per Table 2 for temperature and
Table 3 for wind direction.
Table 2: Malaysian General Climatic Data (Source: MMD
(2012) as cited in Norita Johar (2013) unpublished thesis)
Climatic Data
Average Minimum Temperature
Average Maximum Temperature
Average Low Humidity
Average High Humidity
Average Wind Speed

24C or 74F
33C or 90F
7.7 m/s


Table 3 : Factors affecting natural ventilation (Source:

(NIBS (2011), Ghiaus et al.,(2005), Allard & Santamouris
(1998), Jiang et al., (2003) as cited in Norita Johar (2013)
unpublished thesis)

On the disease patterns of the tropics, Malaysia in particular, being hot and humid, is also
a haven for vector borne diseases brought about, among others, mosquitoes that causes
malaria and dengue fever. Hence, towards a green agenda, Malaysian researchers, while
busy defining and refining the parameters for a green hospital, should also note of the
conflicting implications the recommendation would make in combating some of the
diseases. Table 4 below are the list of researchers findings and recommendation on
physical hospital building designs in Malaysia.
Table 4: List of Researchers, focus area and their findings on Malaysian Hospital Buildings
Norita Johar


Focus area

Findings and Recommendations

Figure 9 : Physical Orientation of the Case Study Hospital in

Selangor, Malaysia with respect to Sun direction and Prevailing
Wind (Source: Norita Johar (2013))




Focus area

Findings and Recommendations

Figure 10: The vertical configuration of the case study hospital and
location of the wards that affects natural ventilation and infection.
(Source: Norita Johar (2013)

Figure 11: Illustrate the floor plan of the tower block indicating ward
configuration, the staff and visitors/public circulation at the vertical
circulation core that may incur cross infection.

upon spatial observation of the case study wards in the

selected hospital with infectious disease ward, is that there
is no definite "yes" or "no" on the feasibility of open wards
for Airborne Infection Isolation (AII) use. However, it is
not totally feasible for certain planning and design
variables because of contradiction between orientation and
circulation as compared to functionality or decision to use
the wards for future pandemic. She recourse the study to
take note of the ward vertical location in the whole
building set up in relation to other buildings nearby, as
well as the visiting traffic that seems to complicate
chances of the cross infection
Sh. Ahmad et al,


Daylighting in

Excerpts of their findings were as follows:

The shape of wards as in E, H, F is suitable

for daylighting.

Case study 1- Slim River Hospital had a square

plan with 4 courtyards, which are appropriate for both
daylighting and natural ventilation of the interiors, but
preferable that the plan be elongated East and West ward
to get maximum daylighting and ventilation from North
and South without the West radiation and heat. Ideal width
of natural daylit wards is 14 m. Case study hospital had a
width of 18m, hence interior area had to be supplemented




Focus area

Findings and Recommendations

with the artificial lighting.

Figure 12 Slim River Hospital Layout and Ward Cross Section (

Source: Sh.Ahmad et al (2007)

Case study 2- Langkawi Hospital, is similar to

Slim River hospital in its square plan and 4 courtyards,
but its width is kept to 14.4m which is about ideal for
natural daylight penetration of the interiors. However
in ward study, the location of nurses station at the far
end with full wall towards the corridor, hinders the
flow of daylight into the space.




Focus area

Findings and Recommendations

Figure 13. Langkawi Hospital Site Layout and Cross Section of

Maternity Ward studied (Source: Sh. Ahmad et al (2007))

An ideal orientation and cross section of courtyard

hospitals was suggested as in Figure 14 and Figure 15.

Figure 14. Recommendation for building orientation for courtyard

hospitals to be elongated towards East and West to get the most of
daylight orientation (Source. Sh. Ahmad et al (2007))

Figure 15. Recommendation for Cross Section of A Ward to be not

more than 14m for Daylighting from Courtyard..Other detail
requirements to refer to original text. (Source. Sh. Ahmad et al (2007))

Sh. Ahmad et al


Comfort in
Wards of

For this research, other discussions and measurements

were made on window design, glazings and other
considerations in determining the final outcome and
recommendation for corrections that includes building
orientation, choice of illumination, efficient lamps and
proper control. Those detail requirements, though not
highlighted in this text should be referred for contextual
Findings were as follows:
The indoor condition of the naturally ventilated
wards in Slim River and Langkawi Hospital are
thermally uncomfortable with indoor temperature
between 25.9 - 31.8 C; recorded velocity of




Focus area
Langkawi and
Slim River

Findings and Recommendations

0.4m/s and Relative Humidity between 49-83%.
In the same wards, rainy days command a cooler
temperature but higher than 80% humidity level.
Increased cross ventilation, shading and
integrating mature trees in the courtyard for shade
and coolness may decrease heat gain.
Similar to recommendation made in daylighting studies of
the same hospitals, recommendations made for thermal
comfort are listed as follows:









Orientation to North and South with elongated

boundaries towards North and South should be
The positioning of openings on both East and West
orientation to be expansively shaded or protected
with overhangs during the day but flexible to put
aside at night to provide night cooling. It is
recommended that where possible, windows should
be open at night to let out hot air and allow for cool
air in. In this condition, adjustable lourvres with
flexibility of opening and closing the windows is
recommended. Suggested best practice MS 1525
with balance of daylighting, view and thermal &
glare control;
Ceiling height should not be less than 3m with
proportionately height increase to depth of space
Roof should be insulated and ventilated. Flat roof to
be avoided as it is directly exposed to the sun
throughout the day and heat deflected to indoor space
Pitch roof should not be less than 25 to allow for
shading and self cleansing during raining as well as
creating cooler roof space;
Insulated wall facing East and West such as the use
of aerated concrete blocks with low heat and thermal
Cross ventilation with maximum width of 14 m,
encourage air movement at bed height levels for
wards to approximately 1 m high, and partition where
possible, not to be full height;
Humidity to be reduce through installation of
mechanically ventilation i.e. exhaust fans especially
in bathrooms and toilets.

Yau, Y.H. and
Chew, B.T.


Focus area
Comfort of

Noor Hanita
Abdul Majid



Findings and Recommendations

The research had revealed that only 44% of the examined
locations met the comfort criteria specified in ASHRAE
Standard 55. Their survey had also examined the predicted
percentage of dissatisfied persons in the hospitals and
showed results that 49% of the occupants were satisfied
with the thermal environments in the hospitals. Their field
survey analysis also revealed that the neutral temperature
for Malaysian hospitals was 26.4 degrees C with comfort
temperature that satisfied 90% of the occupants in the
space was in the range of 25.3-28.2 degrees C. Generally
the results from the field study suggested that a higher
comfort temperature was required for Malaysians in
hospital environments compared with the temperature
criteria specified in ASHRAE Standard (2003).
Studies conducted in the 4 zones of the tuberculosis/
isolation ward as shown in Figure 16 continuously from
19th June 2008 until 25th June 2008, and data was collected
from 7am to 7pm with interval 30 minutes time. The
findings confirmed the relationship of the temperature, air
velocity and relative humidity to thermal comfort of the
users in the design of colonial hospital architecture in
peninsular Malaysia. The location where the instruments
were placed is a wind catch area. It is noted in the study
that natural ventilation is indeed use to circulate the air in
the wards that helps the users stay comfortable. The study
noted that then, in 1930s, the hospital is located in a green
lung of the city with perhaps better air flow. However with
development surrounding the hospital, the current reading
is affected.

Figure 16: The configuration of the Tuberculosis Ward to the general

layout of the hospital

The Malaysian authorities, towards the green agenda of the nation had worked on
many aspects of implementation through regulation, best practices and contractual
obligations. Table 5 listed selected guidelines as a move towards making healthcare
buildings green in Malaysia.


Table 5: Malaysian Green Design Guidelines

Public Works
Jabatan Kerja
Raya Malaysia

Health Unit of
the Ministry of
Health of

Statement of
Needs Energy
Efficiency in
Hospital RFP

On Prevention
for Health
Workers in
Ministry of

to hospital

Identify high
risk areas that
require special


To increase efficiency according to E.E., additional design criteria imposed were addressed by

Architectural: covering window design, day-lighting, roof performance, internal space planning, air
tight building and any other spaces deemed energy consumed such as car parking area;

Mechanical : covering chill water piping system, zoning of AHU and air distribution System, heat
recovery from fresh air intake, occupancy dependent fresh air intake, cooling system and any other
mechanical installations such as lifts;

Electrical: covering high efficiency motors, zoning of lighting system, lighting control system,
efficient lighting fittings, VSD and VAV standard, power factor and harmonic distortion, electrical
power distribution system, low losses transformer and any other electrical associated installations ;

Energy Management System : covering Building Management System (BMS), Monitoring,

trending and displaying of energy system,
Spaces identified by MoH Malaysia to be equipped with special environmental control to
prevent the spread as well as reduce the concentration of infectious droplet in the air are as




The MoH (2012) provided the following suggestions for the above strategy including illustrations as in
Figure 17-20 as design guidelines:
A variety of simple to complex EC can be used to reduce the number of aerosolized infectious droplet
nuclei in the work environment:

The simplest and least expensive technique is by maximizing natural ventilation through
open windows;

More complex and costly methods involves the use of mechanical ventilation i.e. local
exhaust ventilation (LEV) and negative pressure rooms which may include HEPA filtration to
remove infectious particles and the use of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) to sterilize
the air.

Figure 17: Cross section conceptual spatial requirement for natural ventilation
with free flow of ambient air in and out through open windows (Source: MoH
(2012) Diagram 3.1, pp 10)

Figure 18: Showing an individual space control of ventilation on infectious patients

(Source : MoH(2012). Diagram 3.2. An enclosing booth designed to sweep air past
a patient with tuberculosis disease and collect the infectious droplet nuclei on a high
efficiency particular air (HEPA) filter., pp12 (Source: Guidelines for Preventing the
Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis In Health-Care Settings, 2005. MMWR





Recommendations and Report. CDC, 30th December 2005 / 54(RR17);1-141))

Figure 19: Illustrate the required ventilation system for a complex spatial condition.
(Source: MoH (2012). Diagram 3.3 Negative pressure rooms; diagram illustrating
airflow from outside a room, across patients beds and exhausted out the far side of
the room, pp 13)

Figure 20: Illustrate the direction of air required in the cross section spatial
configuration of a room for infectious patient. (Source: MoH (2012). Diagram 3.4.
Example of a fixed ceiling-mounted room-air recirculation system using a high
efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter for a room,pp 14(Source: Guidelines for
Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis In Health-Care Settings,
2005. MMWR Recommendations and Report. CDC, 30th December 2005 /
54(RR17); 1-141)


From the brief and fragmented research on different hospital buildings above, we have an
idea what preferred environmental conditions of a hospital design should physically and
conceptually look like for similar conditions. In the guidelines, however, the subject of
climatic condition are not spelt out. Hence detail studies, not only for each hospital
building area of the whole complex but for each locality in Malaysia is also required. For
this brief study the following case studies were selected to represent the period on whence
it was built to give insights what belies the tendencies of the architects as designers of the
time, the respect and consideration of the various factors in time and place, in designing a
truly complex building in the tropics that succumbs its existence till today.
Selected hospitals that represent the period identified as Colonial/pre independence
Period; Post-Colonial / Independence 1960s and 1970s; Towards nation building &
Health for All 1980s-1990s; and Towards a developed nation 2000s to present; were
analysed through qualitative method based on the criteria listed below:
1. Site location (on orientation/organization/topography)
2. Building configuration and layout (planning layout compact or sprawl, shape of
building- deep or thin)
3. Built form , Material Use and Construction Detail (low rise, high rise; the make)
4. Internal planning strategy (clinical, humanistic)
5. Cultural and Humanistic Values
The findings of the above analysis is tabulated in Table 7.
Summary of Analyses
Healthcare facilities that include hospitals are not a traditional building typology in old
Malaya or present Malaysia. Traditionally all illnesses were traditionally treated at home.
These facilities were brought by the colonial masters as early as the 15th century by the
Portuguese, subsequently by the Dutch and most recently by the British through its East
Indian Company and North Borneo Company. The British deploy similar designs from
India and Africa6 to Malaysia. Hence the analysis were made on hospital buildings from
the colonial period onwards and tabulated the observations made on each of the criteria
set forth.
Colonial period witness pavilion and climate friendly building typology as
illustrated in Figure 21, brought over by the British from other parts of the colony of
similar climatic experience and adjusted on site by British soldiers. Table 6 demonstrate
the standards exercised throughout the British Empire.

Interview with Dr. Peter Low, a retired Medical doctor and planner of Planning and Development
Division Ministry of Health Malaysia and former Kedah State Health Director at his home in 8th September
2013, 230pm-4.00pm

Figure 21: Typical Cross Section of a Single Storey Colonial hospital ward pavilion.
(Source: Norwina Mohd Nawawi and Srazali Aripin (2004)
Table 6: Statistical table on hospital accommodation in Pinang (Penang) (Source: The
Commissioners, The Report of the RCSSAI, Vol. 2, 1863 cited in FIGURE 2.12, Genealogy of
Tropical Architecture: Singapore in the British (Post)Colonial Networks of Nature, Technoscience
and Governmentality, 1830s to 1960s,pp154)

Upon independence in 1957, towards nation building and meeting WHOs

Health For All agenda by 2000, Malaysia embarked in hospital buildings as replacement
of old hospitals as well as constructing new ones at new hospitals sites with standard
and type drawing plans. Designs such as Jerteh plan (Figure 28) and Kuala Brang Plan
(Figure 30) were revised from lessons learned through post occupancy evaluations.
However, as the standard plans fall short of its green requirements in so many aspects to
current requirements and demands, passive design considerations were subsequently
written in the design and project briefs as part of design requirement bounded in the
contract documents for consultants to interpret and implemented. Orientation of the
building is one of the initial consideration to prevent heat load, then the adjacencies of the
functional departments with direct access, the grouping of 24 hours human occupancies
and equipment temperature maintenance for energy.
Late 80s and 90s , with the advent of Information and Communication Technology
(ICT), the mechanical means of transportation of goods and information, the medical
discovery and the change in medical practices, the adjacencies of functional departments
that were critical to be side by side is no longer critical and may be placed elsewhere.
Similar to the requirements of the passive design, with the advent of medical


breakthrough on the welfare of patients and the importance of natural daylight and view
in care. Apart from wards, intensive care units, laboratory and even operating theatre
suites became imperative to have access to these requirements. Passive design
considerations in this case takes a slightly different meaning than just mere natural
daylight or saving energy but that provides a healing environment as well as orientation to
hours of the day to recovering patients and tired staffs.
The 2000 year series of hospital designs witness the sprouting of more one-off
designs on even smaller hospitals including health care centres. With more rural areas
becoming urban due to extensive development and opening of new areas, architectural
structures of the district level which were simple then, had evolved into more
sophisticated structures using more mechanical means. As care is the priority,
introduction of outreach facilities, such as haemodialysis and intensive care areas, which
itself needs indoor controlled environment, at the doorstep of the people, this add on to
the energy requirement to the former low energy hospitals.
With urban centres becoming heat islands, it became imperative to sustain human
comfort in almost all public facilities with air conditioning to cool. Culture had it that to
have air-conditioned spaces in clinics and hospitals is a mark of progress as it signify
comfort to the patients and accompanying relatives. Hence the introduction of air
conditioning to hospitals and clinics in all waiting areas were made. Hospitals built at this
period due to the environment located within cities and clashing of requirements within
hospital functional departments itself, produce many problems among which are
problems of condensation. This lead to growth of moulds in many hospitals. Government
had address the problem technologically on site for existing problems and provide
guidelines to new ones including the need for a simulation of design for new projects.
Today, towards a develop nation, project briefs of new projects has been integrated
with green requirements under the green brief. The green brief are separately prepared
from the medical requirement brief, architectural brief as well as the mechanical and the
electrical brief. All public hospitals are expected to adhere to these requirements with a
certain weightage given for design evaluation. In the public sector, clinical functionality
takes priority in design decision over all else after bottom line are set. However,
implementation and monitoring remain difficult due to priority of needs when the project
commences, lack of experienced human resource to monitor and make decision and most
of all the will to make it happen by the builders under certain procurement method.
Hospitals designed at this period try their best to avoid deep plans; have wider corridors
and patient areas with access to natural daylight; avoid flat roofs and have more space for
respite. Being in a tropical climate, Ministry of Health Malaysia calls for mosquito free
hospitals. Water and lush plants brought into gardens create a humid environment and a
haven for mosquitoes. So does designs that retains water element to a certain degree.
Recently more private sector healthcare providers answers to Malaysias call for
integration of services and health tourism in complementing the public sector healthcare
provisions. Latest project, the healing hands, was introduce as a concept by Nightingale
Associates, in association with Malaysian practice M&R Architects. The project promise
of a green agenda with state of the art technology, material and the concept of care
enveloped in finger like forms. The project won an international design competition held
by leading private healthcare provider, KPJ Healthcare Berhad.


Figure 22. The Healing Hand Hospital, Kumpulan Perubatan Johor.

(Source: Nick Varey at Aug 3rd 2011 on Habitables,Johor Bahru Hospital, Malaysia Nightingale Associates at
http://www.habitables.co.uk/feature-2/johur-bahru-hospital-malaysia-nightingale-associates. Retrieved 30Apr2012

On public hospitals development, the so called Green hospitals are yet to complete and
tested. So what makes the newer hospitals greener than the previous hospitals built
throughout the century in Malaysia?
Summary of Findings
Generally each period hospital design is itself an improvement and had met their
physical objectives and needs of the time i.e. simple structures to combat simple
communicable diseases of the British period, through economic and human resource
compatibility of hospital building in the immediate post independent period of
standardization and types to reaching the people on basic ailments; and current
sophisticated requirement of specialist and non-specialist hospital facilities to address the
new communicable disease and life style disease of a progressive nation. Retrospect of
the colonial period to present, the demand of physical facilities, environment and medical
development has evolved tremendously over time. The culture of new hospital building
should be a better building is relative. Location, level of care, population, size of site,
planning decisions, project priority and moment in time are among other criteria that
defined whether the hospital is green and sustainable.
Physically the analysis of location, building layout and configuration as well as
building form contribute to the decision in acquiring the green solution. Each hospital
scrutinised has its reasons why it is built the way it is built due to many conditions from
site orientation or site conditions, despite the north and south facing norms for the
Malaysian climate conditions. In the design of the modular block for colonial and post
independent hospitals, due to the functional requirements of certain building that requires
daylight, ventilation and view, the positioning has to compromise its orientation as the
best option of the time. Similar situation hits new development especially in cities as an
island site with minimal space for best orientation option with respect to evening sun.
While newer hospitals have to opt for compact designs, older hospitals can sprawl with
the luxury of the site and location on either hillocks site or at the coast. Similar findings to
layout and built form, apart from the standard plan or nucleus hospital, that pointed out to
site as one of those main factors to shape its layout.
Older facilities provide simple and effective solutions to protection from rain, heat
and glare through passive and intuitive designs. Separate pavilions were designed for
alienated control conditions as centralised. Newer facilities, due to conflicting


requirements require more technological solutions. With patient and human centred care
in newer hospitals, duplication of certain service areas for both patients and staff
convenience is evident and expected.
Material use are always the most robust at the period of time to the wear and tear
of a hospital, infection control containment, noise abatement and colours symbolic to the
place of care i.e. from cement render, through tiles and terrazzo. Humanistic values
demonstrated through the culture of use and indirect provision of healing environment
through orientation, space for respite, relatives wait, staff rest and simple provision on
spaces for prayers and meditations, with a view, daylight and access to the gardens and
therapy spaces.


Table 7: Summary of Analyses and Findings from the Physical and Observational Criteria on Selected Case Studies of Selected hospitals from colonial to
current through the ages

Site Location


On hillsides, by the
coast, open, accessible
for public
Most colonial hospitals
at this period of time,
command good location
for the hospital site,
either at the hillsides or
sea-sides with good
view, through natural
ventilation and natural
hospitals in the Far East
were based on their
home built form with
innovation to suit the
climate and the different
hierarchy of spaces of
master and servants. In
hospitals initiated by the
and the people. For the
there were European

Building configuration and layout

Built form, material use and

construction detail

Internal planning
strategy or space

Cultural or
Site friendly i.e.
building platform
follow the natural

Blend with local

context from
overall scale of
Taiping Hospital Ward Block, Perak
architecture, small Hospital Sungei Peta

Tuberculosis Ward
Kuala Kubu Bharu Hospital ward
block, Selangor
Kuala Kubu Bharu Hospital on a hillock


With access to
views, gardens,
natural ventilation
and daylight

Taiping Hospital Ward, Perak

Operating Theatre
Figure 26. Colonial Kota
Bharu Hospital, Building
sketches for PWD
Maintenance (Courtesy of
JKR Kota Bharu)

Taiping Hospital on a flat land

Figure 23: Typical sprawling Layout of
Colonial Hospital in small towns following
the ground terrain with each building having
natural ventilation, daylight and access
(Source: Norwina Mohd Nawawi & Srazali
Aripin (2004), Norwina Mohd Nawawi

Sg.Petani Hospital, Kedah

Figure 24: Colonial hospital built
form in small towns (Source: Norwina
Mohd Nawawi & Srazali Aripin

Old sketches (refer

Figure 26) for
maintenance retrieved
from the Public Works
Depart of Kota Bharu

In groups by
gender, age and
whether infectious
or non-infectious.
Privacy is address
by portable
curtains to
bedside, separate
bathroom, and
Relatives are able


Site Location

Building configuration and layout

ordinary people there

were Paupers hospital.
Hospitals then were built
in the outskirt of the
town as the towns itself
practice of medicine that
can be obtained from
Sing - Seh or Chinese
medicine shop which
forms part of the rows of
two storey shop houses
in the urban setting.
patronised by the rich
towkay initially started
with a maternity hospital
and later to include other
treatment in selected
urban areas. Similarly to
the then Indian migrant
health treatment until the
British provide them
with estate hospitals of

Colonial small town hospitals were

built on sprawling configuration
similar to the pavilion concept
found in Britain and Europe.
Pavilion form of hospitals were
based on modular design, i.e. from
modules of the same function as
well as those with specialized
functions linked by covered
corridors. Shape and sizes of
pavilion type of design allows for
expansion without disturbing the
existing structures.

Built form, material use and

construction detail

Outskirt colonial hospitals are

made of hardwood timber
masonry or concrete raised
pillars. The colonial hospital
built form is kept quite
country with local variation on
the make and building
function. Findings at the
national archive on Kota
Bharu Hospital buildings
blocks were hollow bricks
designed for insulation. Kuala
Krai Hospital still retain the
Chengal or Teak timber
column of its current ward

Figure 25a: Penang General Hospital

in 1882 local/native ward block with
raised ground floor, high ceiling,
verandah all round and attap roof.
(Courtesy of Penang Hospital)


Internal planning
strategy or space

Cultural or

on Kota Bharu
hospitals revealed the
pavilion and type plan
the British had utilised
for ease of

to access the
patient anytime
from five foot
way corridor even
after visiting

Figure 27. Balik Pulau

Hospital (Source: Balik
Pulau Hospital website)

In low-rise or
hospitals, the five
foot path or
verandah around
the block is a
social space by
day and relative
wait by night.

As illustrated in the
built form, the internal
planning strategy is
supervision and ease of
Details to their design
in their awareness of
the climatic factor, the
colonial British, had
successfully executed
open-able wall cum
door panels, louvred
doors and windows,
low eaves, washable

Both highrise and

lowrise patient
areas are
nightingale type
wards for ease of
company and
service delivery
Both highrise and
medium rise
hospitals, patient
areas, except for
first class ward,


Site Location

Building configuration and layout

Built form, material use and

construction detail

Figure 25b: Lady Templar Hospital,

Cheras for Tuberculosis with apron
overhang at every floor for
sunshading (now demolished)

Figure 25c: Melaka Hospital (1936)

located on the hill. Multistorey
buildings with high ceiling, multilouvered timber windows and
concrete overhang
Figure 25 Colonial Hospital buildings
built in big towns and cities.

Big town hospitals as shown

in Figure 25 were of bricks/
partitions of either wood or
bricks. Some hospitals used


Internal planning
strategy or space

Cultural or

ventilated pitch roofing
overhang, high ceiling,
system, open and airy
and the choice of
building material to
breathe with nature.
bamboo blinds for
prevention of rain was
a common element
added to the structure.
The built form for
European hospitals to
pauper hospital differs
slightly depending on
location and venue. In
smaller towns, both are
on built on stilt or
raised platform, of
pavilion shape and
ventilated and the used
of bamboo/rattan blinds
as shades, apart from
the wide overhang
roofs and external
perimeter corridors for
added coolness. Table

are all naturally



PostColonial /
1960s and

Site Location

witness added hospital
sites to the existing ones.
Only when the old
hospital building or site
cannot accommodate the
new requirements, it will
be replaced along-side
existing ones or to a new
location. The old hospital
is then changed to take
facilities function as a
health clinic or other as
the land still belongs to
(MoH) Malaysia land
bank. The issue is on
siting a hospital in either
new of existing towns.

Building configuration and layout

Built form, material use and

construction detail

Internal planning
strategy or space

mix of cast iron, wood and

cement. Roofs were initially
of attap or nipah/thatched
but subsequently replaced
with asbestos cement and later
clay roof tiles. Both the
structure and material had
stood the test of time and
remain relevant and in used
till today.

6 provide an insight on
requirement of the
colonial wards. Figure
21 shows a cross
section of a typical
colonial patient ward
that can still be found
all over Malaysia.

Cultural or

Smaller/ nonspecialist
hospitals are
located near
Figure 29: Jertih Type ( Sik Hospital,
Kedah) ( Nawawi(2001))

Figure 28: Layout plan of a typical district

hospital for <100 beds. Eg. Banting
Hospital, Selangor -pavilion type. (Source:
Norwina Mohd Nawawi et al (2004)

The immediate post-independent

configuration layout in Malaysia
followed the WHO international
standards for developing nation and


Low rise finger like pavilion

hospitals. Buildings designed
for different service function
but linked by covered
structure, bricks and asbestos
free/ concrete tile roof.

Figure 31 Jertih Type Plan

The immediate post

independent designs for
Jertih type plan were
pavilion design using
I and T shaped slim
treatment areas. Figure

Both specialist
and non-specialist
hospitals patient
areas have access
to view, natural
ventilation and
There are no
ceiling height
partition in the
wards. Visual
privacy when
lying down is


Site Location

Building configuration and layout

Although the MoH had

acquiring appropriate site
in location and is acreage
is not an easy task. New
hospitals in new towns
are located in the
institutional zone.

implement standard and type plans

right to its land form for fast
construction. The type plan is called
the Jertih and Kuala Brang
respectively (refer Figure 29 and
30). Dissimilar to the colonial
building configuration that relates
to natural land form and terrain, the
newly independent supposedly
tropical layout implement the
basic requirements of North-South
orientation to West-East orientation
with regard to thermal comfort and
taxing energy on air-conditioned
areas were considered. The
prevailing wind direction for good
natural ventilation, passing through
or emitting from is important
especially in location of the
naturally ventilated area of the

Figure 32: Kuala Brang Plan ( Baling

Hospital, Kedah) ( Nawawi(2001))


Built form, material use and

construction detail

Figure 30: Kuala Brang Plan (Baling

Hospital, Kedah) (Nawawi(2001))

Standard district hospitals

designs for 50-150 beds
hospitals were of single to two
stories template forms. Other
standard plans developed to
replace in piecemeal as addons of single function standard
plans to existing hospitals.
The completely new hospital
designs were also based on
pavilion type architecture and
layout where each block of
building represents different
disciplines, departments or
functions for ease of design.
Each of this building was
designed with pitch roof, flat
ceilings and on raised
platforms cement floor. With
Department and other clinical
areas that require a controlled
indoor environment, other

Internal planning
strategy or space

Cultural or

showing absence of the
double roof present in
the colonial ward with
a flat ceiling. The
windows are glass
louvres above 0.9m
with mechanical fans.
Air conditioned areas
Department (CSSD),
Imaging Units and ,
administration office.


Figure 33 Kuala Brang

Type Plan
Kuala Brang type plan

Apart from
paediatric ward
and rehabilitation
unit, there are no
direct access to
There is
controlled access
to relatives
/visitors to wards.
There are no
relative wait at the
ward except at
main foyer for
medium rise
In smaller and
low rise hospital,
relatives wait at
the small
pavilions or
wakaf before
visiting hours.
For smaller
hospitals the
blocks are linked


Site Location

Building configuration and layout

Figure 34: Layout plan of typical tower &

podium type state hospital . Eg. Klang
Hospital, Selangor (Courtesy of JKR
Malaysia). This design was built at 6 sites
where each sites varies its content according
to locality

Figure 35: Kuala Lumpur Hospital

Not many new general or tertiary



Built form, material use and

construction detail

Internal planning
strategy or space

Cultural or

ventilated using horizontal

louvred glass windows with
some mechanical fans. For
provided. Similar to the
colonial buildings, all these
buildings were connected with
shaded open corridors through
gardens and landscapes. The
designs as shown in the Jertih,
and Kuala Brang Type Plans.
were suited to small district
level hospitals of 50-150 beds.

as shown in Figure 30
and 33 intend to
improve the thicker I
shapes of Jertih Plan
with H shape with
shared facilities. H
shape create sense of
space with courtyard.
Similar to Jertih Plan,
this design maintain the
width and length of the
block to allow daylight
and ventilation for
naturally ventilated

by covered
corridors. The
corridor aslo act
as a social place.

ceramic and quarry tiles were
the floors of the day.
Typical state general hospital
design came about in late 70s
as replacement for old general
hospitals. The design as
shown in Figure 36 were
designed by Public Works
Department or Jabatan Kerja
Raya (JKR), which were
constructed in 6 states with
Seremban Hospital of 700
beds as the first prototype.
The design based on tower
and podium configuration
provide roof lights and
courtyard gardens for the

The typical tower and

podium hospital of
general hospitals had
clearly alienated areas
ventilated and those of
control environment by
the thickness of the
width of the building.
Wards with cubicle
beds command the


Site Location

Building configuration and layout

Built form, material use and

construction detail

immediate post independent period

replacement hospitals using the
standard type plan Klang Plan
based on tower and podium within
a limited acreage of land. One-off
hospital designs at this period was
the Kuala Lumpur Hospital as a
national referral hospital and the
University Hospital or University
Malaya Medical Centre as the first
teaching hospital in the country
respectively). Both hospitals were
designed in a thin linear tower
block for its wards and deep
planning with courtyards for its
diagnostic and treatment area, as
internationally recommended.

podium level of clinics and

inpatients areas raised higher
above ground to 10-11 stories

Figure 36a: Seremban Hospital

Figure 36b: Kuantan Hospital

Figure 36: Typical State General

Figure 37: University Malaya Medical

Centre (UMMC)


Internal planning
strategy or space

Diagnostic and
treatment facilities are

Cultural or


Site Location

Building configuration and layout

Built form, material use and

construction detail

Figure 38. Sun shading fenestration at

Kuala Lumpur Hospital

Facades of hospitals at this

period had permanent sunshading through concrete fins,
corridors cum set back, longer
eaves at roof tops as the norms
of the day.
Flooring material was terrazzo
for major areas with tiles at
wet or expose to weather


Internal planning
strategy or space

Cultural or


Site Location

& Health
for All

Continue and
redevelopment of
existing site

Building configuration and layout

Built form, material use and

construction detail

Internal planning
strategy or space

Presence of long
and wide
corridors to
accommodate the
visitors during
visiting hours.

Figure 40: Malaysian Nucleus

Hospital (Courtesy of Ministry of
Health Malaysia)

Figure 39: Layout Plan of a Malaysianised

Nucleus Hospital for 90 (Non Specialist) 300 (Specialist) beds hospitals (Courtesy of
Ministry of Health Malaysia) built at 12

In the late 80s, through a pact with

the British Government, the
Malaysian government procured
through a turnkey system, 12
hospital projects using the Nucleus
Hospitals template concept of the
UK as illustrated in Figure 39
configuration and layout is based
on standard building template and
linked by covered corridors. The
template is designed with the same
perimeter layout but have different
internal layout for different use All
template came with perimeter


The Nucleus Hospital design

as shown in Figure 40, were
tropicalized model from their
British design within the
constraints of the budget.
Thus, 12 Malaysian Nucleus
converted from the temperate
country to tropical country
additional perimeter corridors,
additional overhangs, covered
and shaded skylights and
added mechanised ventilation
systems (fans and exhaust
Depending on the locational
health services requirements,
these hospitals were built on
single stories for the 90-108
beds with two stories for 300
beds. Both types remain
sprawling or pavilion based
design layout with connected

Cultural or

Additional porch
area with retail
and waiting area.

Figure 40: Malaysianised

Nuclues Ward Template

The template is kept on

the ground floor with
additional toilet located
at the end wall thus
hampered the
ventilation and view.

Figure 42: Cross Section of

Template for 300 bed
Nucleus hospital

There is no pass
through ventilation for

Presence of
visitors hall for
short stay
Limited access to
gardens, views,
daylight from
ward by full
access from
Spaces within, if
not airconditioned, are
rather warm for
the naturally or
mechanically fan
ventilated areas.


Site Location

Building configuration and layout

Built form, material use and

construction detail

Internal planning
strategy or space

windows where required. For

Malaysian used which differ from
the British origin, the template is
not join at the wings to allow
ventilation and fire escape.

corridors and pockets of

garden. Through ventilation,
with exception of the open
corridor, remain questionable
as the original design of the
UK was for energy efficiency
of the temperate kind.

wards or other spaces.

Public Works Department within

the same period design many
standard blocks based on function
to upgrade or replace existing
hospitals with ward, OT, Xray,
laboratory blocks as and when
required. Thus the layout plan of
hospitals that was in harmony then
witnessed a mixture of architecture
of varied performances and used.

The extensive use of vinyl as

flooring was introduce at this

Figure 41: Courtyard hospital (Slim


Other one-off hospital designs

came about in the early 90s for
large district level hospitals,
replacement of state general
hospitals, special hospitals or
institutions and second general
hospitals. Apart from the large
district hospital of over 300
beds 500 beds, most of the
current hospital designs were


Patients are placed in

2-6 beds curtain
cubicles with visual
privacy but ease of
staff supervision.

Cultural or

Skylight provide
some indirect
light to the ward.
Staff rest areas,
day room for
patients are


Site Location

Building configuration and layout

Built form, material use and

construction detail

either based on hi-tech

outlook, fully air-conditioned
environment following the
private sector hospitals with
immaculate corporate image
or the resort and vernacular
stand. In line with ecological,
sustainable or environment
friendly echoes of the current
society, these mega structures
claims that new technology
succumbed to these calls.
Material use was reinforced
concrete frame structures, with
infill clay or cement brick
walls. Roof material was
initially asbestos cement but
was eventually changed to
either clay tiles or concrete
tiles due to its effect on health.


Internal planning
strategy or space

Cultural or


Site Location

2000s to

Continue, part of
Educational facilities,
within the urban
framework to meet urban
densities in decongesting
older facilities at new
satellite township.

Building configuration and layout

Site is compact in new

urban outskirt .

Built form, material use and

construction detail

Figure 45 : Jempol Hospital, Negeri


Gentle cascading roof and

human scale built form greets
the people of the new town of
Jempol with care. 2 - 3 stories
building with wards on the
above and clinics below.

Figure 43: Jempol Hospital layout plan

Located in new township, this nonspecialist hospital is planned into a

compact sloppy site and thus
require stacking up of facilities of
finger type layout development.

Internal planning
strategy or space

Cultural or

The compact 2-3

stories for the podium
part of the hospital
building is generally
aligned with clear
hospital street that has
access to courtyards
and exits. While
diagnostic block has its
necessary internal deep
spaces due to control
requirement, the wards
on the elevated levels
had access to natural
ventilation and view.

Daylight is access
courtyards for the

This period improves

the full height partition
wall to all the bed
cubicle areas and
rooms to isolation and
2nd class wards.
Figure 46: View of Ampang Hospital,
Selangor from the main road.

Wards are place on medium

rise tower blocks that shapes
as H. Pitch roof is a
mandatory requirement.

Figure. 44: Ampang Hospital, Selangor.

Urban hospital such as Ampang

Hospital (Figure 43) have no space


Many spaces of
respite is placed at
strategic areas for
both patients and


Site Location

Building configuration and layout

to place the 500 beds in a sprawl

onto the site. Priority has to be
made on accessibility to the
important department first, before
view, ventilation or daylight
requirement. Human spaces are
played by the receiving main foyer
with smaller courtyards as
landmark that engaged on wind
stack effect to induce natural
ventilation at assigned areas.

Built form, material use and

construction detail

Figure 48: Main entrance of Temerloh

Hospital, Pahang

Wide porte coche/entrance at

Temerloh, typical at most
hospitals of this period
provide protection from rain
and shine for drop offs and
pick-ups for patients and
Passive design facades going
back to the colonial days were
employed in the deep
fenestration and fins. Newness
in high tech material is
Consciousness of green
building material is introduce
at this period.

Figure 47 : Temerloh Hospital, Pahang

Located at the outskirt of a new

town ,the linear layout of Temerloh
hospital planned according to site
configuration provide a compact
but well space suburban hospital on
a hill. Facing north-south is ideal
for patient spaces.


Internal planning
strategy or space

Cultural or

This study initiates with the purpose of defining Green and the concept of
Sustainability in designing tropical climate hospitals for Malaysia with the objective of
contributing qualitative attributes in the formation of Malaysian Green Building Index for
hospital buildings. The study defines sustainability of a hospital which defer from the
general physical definition due its clinical requirements and the nature of its conflicting
spatial requirements with human as the central user and healing environment as the
supportive aim.
As accorded by Verderber, S.(2010) , Yeang, K.(2012), ZiQu Wu (2011), Srazali
Aripin (2007), Pellitteri, G., and Belvedere, F., (n.d.) and Burpe, H (2008), the
sustainability that embraces the green requirements in healthcare facilities should also
embrace the notion of creating a supportive environment (i.e. healing environment) that is
physically healthy and psychologically appropriate. The hospital is designed as a place
for the sick to recover. Apart from the clinical needs, it is imperative for the physical
aspects to be considered in hospital buildings. The physical aspects (i.e. building
orientation, daylighting, window design, thermal conditions, materials use and others
should be cleverly designed to achieve the balance and the principles of economic, social
and ecological sustainability without compromising the functionality of hospital building
(Burnet, L. 2004). Thus achieving sustainable hospital design through appropriate
physical aspects is not an impossible task. The growing research evidence made by the
local researchers and the case studies presented above in the Malaysian public hospitals
provide unequivocal direction to suggest that the physical aspects have a significant role
in creating a healing environment. It is important to note that in the context of hospital
buildings, the measurable patients health outcomes in a healing environment are
indirectly the result of appropriate design of physical aspects. Taking daylighting as an
example, a well-designed daylighting will obviate the need for artificial lighting. The
effort to reduce dependency on artificial lighting would directly contribute to the energy
consumption of hospital buildings, subsequently assisting sustainability.
Unlike temperate countries, professionals engaged in the healthcare projects and
services in Malaysia should be inspired with the availability of natural environment (i.e.
wind, year round daylight and natural view) in the Malaysian climate without sacrificing
clinical functionality and design visions. One must accept the fact that the design of a
hospital to create a supportive and healing environment as well as physically healthy and
psychologically appropriate is a multidisciplinary effort that can contribute to a
sustainable design. Hence healthcare designers ought to consider issues beyond the project
brief and requirement. The step towards one-off design for public hospitals in Malaysia
through improved procurement system is a commendable starting point as each location
requires customized design to overcome contextual issues. However, stringent
requirements on the physical aspects to meet environmental issues should be explicitly
stated in the design briefs for any hospital developments and for the designer to comply
with. These requirements must be validated by healthcare designers and approved by the
healthcare providers.
This short study is not an end in itself but aims to open more inroads into looking
at the Green requirements for hospitals in tropical climate like Malaysia holistically. In
conclusion, the findings made by respective researchers and from the case studies on
existing hospitals towards the green agenda for hospital design in the tropical climate of

Malaysia, found respective period provides peculiar and interesting physical solutions
derived from the details construction of walls, floors, ceiling as well as structures whether
technically or mandatorily through the implementation of standards and UBBL.
Humanistic requirements are derived from the scale, proximity and caring requirement
intuitively woven as part of the design. These findings could significantly be integrated as
a document to reinforce the project briefs provided by the healthcare provider (Ministry
of Health Malaysia) as well as the general green guideline for hospitals for Malaysia for
healthy population.
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