French TEF Exam PDF
French TEF Exam PDF
French TEF Exam PDF
are not native French speakers. The test is administed by the Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de
The TEF test is available in 2 formats, a paper format (TEF) and an online format (e-TEF).
The TEF exam is useful if you need to evaluate your French level of proficiency for Canadian Immigration
(Immigration to Quebec), for admission into French Universities or for work.
The overall objective of the TEF is to measure the level of the candidates' knowledge, linguistic and
communications skills in French.
B. 2 Optional Sections
Note: For Quebec immigration, the Canadian Federal Government requires candidates to take both
compulsory & optional sections. Refer to TEFAQ.
The TEF/e-TEF test can be taken anytime throughout the year. Approved TEF Test Centres are allowed to
hold as many examination sessions as they wish in the last 10 days of each month.
You don't need to have any previous qualification/certificate in French to take the TEF exams.
You can take the TEF test as many times as you like. However, there must be a gap of 2 months
between examination sessions.
Your TEF certificate is only valid for 1 year.
Your TEF certificate will usually be available approximately 20 days after you took the test. You
should collect it from the test centre at which you took the TEFaQ exam.
The TEF exam is actually a kind of placement test. Based on how you do in the exam, you are placed in a
certain level of proficiency according to the CEFRL, the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages. You can be placed in any of these levels:
To know which level of proficiency you need to achieve, consult with your Quebec immigration
lawyer/agent, university admissions office or your workplace. This will give you a good idea of the amount
of preparation that you need to do.