Tafseer, Tafheem ul Quran, Sūrat -Mursalat, The Emissaries, Winds Sent Forth, 77th Surah, Makki Surah, Maulana Sayyid Abul Aala Maududi, Understanding the Qur'an, The Meaning of the Quran, elaborate explanation
Tafseer, Tafheem ul Quran, Sūrat -Mursalat, The Emissaries, Winds Sent Forth, 77th Surah, Makki Surah, Maulana Sayyid Abul Aala Maududi, Understanding the Qur'an, The Meaning of the Quran, elaborate explanation
Tafseer, Tafheem ul Quran, Sūrat -Mursalat, The Emissaries, Winds Sent Forth, 77th Surah, Makki Surah, Maulana Sayyid Abul Aala Maududi, Understanding the Qur'an, The Meaning of the Quran, elaborate explanation
Tafseer, Tafheem ul Quran, Sūrat -Mursalat, The Emissaries, Winds Sent Forth, 77th Surah, Makki Surah, Maulana Sayyid Abul Aala Maududi, Understanding the Qur'an, The Meaning of the Quran, elaborate explanation