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Competitors 2

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Body Image
Body Image is a competitor to my documentary because it is also a documentary
on a very similar topic. This documentary looks into the different shapes and
sizes of bodies and people's attitudes to them.
This programme was aired on BBC and was aired on a Thursday at 9pm because
this is when young adults would watch programmes. I think the audience for a
programme on students would be young people. Teenagers seem to consume a
lot of media whether it is online, in magazines, films, shops or films.
I will compete with this programme because it is a similar documentary but on a
different channel, so I would want people to watch mine on channel 4 instead. It
competes with mine by also being a documentary style, airing at a similar time
on television and targeting a similarly young audience. Being aired in the
evening too means I need to compete for views so they choose my documentary
over this one.

The illusionist
The Illusionists turns the mirror on media, exposing the absurd, sometimes
humorous, and shocking images that seek to enslave us.
The illusionist explores how the media is giving people a distorted view of
beauty, even looking at race and how in particular the Japanese displays
advisements that suggest that being whiter is more beautiful and trying to
embody a Westernised image.
This is similar to my documentary because it looks at how billboards and
advertisements are the cause of these issues because people are surrounded by
these images so they become difficult to escape.
This is displayed on YouTube and on a website which are platforms I plan to
present my own documentary. I will compete with this by also presenting my
video on YouTube and hopefully getting more views than this video by
advertising mine more. Since the Illusionist focuses on the same theme of body
image it competes with mine, but I plan to make my video more interactive
through more interviews with the average person.
Picture Me (2009)
This was produced as a film and released in cinemas which is something I didnt
consider for my documentary because I produced it as TV series so mine would
be shown to television on Channel 4. It follows a models life in the industry and

the strict expectations and exploitation she had to face, showing how it isnt only
bad for the public but also for the models themselves.
Picture Me is a competitor of my production because it gives an alternative
aspect of body image, looking from the models point of view instead which is an
aspect of the industry that my documentary looks at. It doesnt compete with
mine through the media platform because mine wont be released in cinemas but
on YouTube and television.

Super size Vs. Super skinny

This is a programme that deals with people who have eating disorders. Again, it
is aired on channel 4, proving that my documentary would suit channel 4 as well
because they will have similar target audiences of young adults and students. It
was also aired on Thursday evenings at 10pm.
In conclusion I think my programme should be aired on Thursday evenings at
10pm on Channel 4 to suit my target audience. I feel my documentary will be
compete with Super size Vs. Super skinny
I will compete with Super Size vs. Super Skinny because my production will look
at more relatable accounts of people body images rather than the two extremes
of being dangerously over or underweight. I think this makes mine different to
Supersize vs. Super Skinny because people can sympathise with the average
person more than the extremes which would make my documentary programme
more popular than this programme.

This is a series displayed on YouTube that interviews different people about their
stories. This particular programme features the model Charli Howard talking
about her experiences with being told she was too fat to continue working for her
agency. The spoke out about how they treated after the agency dumped her for
putting on weight.
This video was aired on YouTube as an interview which has persuaded me to
definitely put mine on YouTube as well as it is easy for people to view it.
I compete with StyleLikeU by looking at individuals personal stories but instead
of just focusing on one in detail, I am including shorted interviews with multiple
individuals. I think this will be more interesting because it will be like an
extended and more interesting version of their episodes by looking at various
responses rather than just one. Their interviews are very simple; just a person
sitting in front of a camera. Mine will be more interactive for the audience
because whilst the interviews will still be my subject talking to the camera, there
will be different people played alongside different footage of the industry and the
media. This makes it more exciting than just one person talking. The footage will
represent what they are talking about.

ITV is a commercial TV network in the United Kingdom. Launched in 1955 as
Independent Television under the auspices of the Independent Television
Authority (ITA, then after the Sound Broadcasting Act 1972, Independent
Broadcasting Authority, now Ofcom) to provide competition to the BBC, it is also
the oldest commercial network in the UK. Since the passing of the Broadcasting
Act 1990 its legal name has been Channel 3, to distinguish it from the other
analogue channels at the time, namely BBC 1, BBC 2 and Channel 4. In part, the
number 3 was assigned as television sets would usually be tuned so that the
regional ITV station would be on the third button, with the other stations being
allocated to the number within their name.

ITV is a network of television channels that operate regional television services

as well as sharing programmes between each other to be displayed on the entire
network. In recent years, several of these companies have merged so currently
the fifteen franchises are in the hands of two companies.

The ITV network is to be distinguished from ITV plc, the company that resulted
from the merger of Granada plc and Carlton Communications in 2004 and which
holds the Channel 3 broadcasting licences in England, Wales, southern Scotland,
the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands and Northern Ireland. With the exception of
Northern Ireland, the ITV brand is the brand used by ITV plc for the Channel 3
service in these areas. In Northern Ireland, ITV plc uses the brand name UTV. STV
Group plc, uses the STV brand for its two franchises of central and northern
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITV_(TV_network)

BC Television is a service of the British Broadcasting Corporation. The
corporation, which has operated in the United Kingdom under the terms of a
Royal charter since 1927, has produced television programmes from its own
since 1932, although the start of its regular service of television broadcasts is
dated to 2 November 1936.

The domestic TV BBC television channels are broadcast without any commercial
advertising and collectively they account for more than 30% of all UK viewing.
The services are funded by a television licence. The Corporation's primary
network, broadcasting mainstream comedy, drama, documentaries, films, news,
sport, and some children's programmes.
BBC One is also the home of the BBC's main 30-minute news bulletins, currently
shown at 13:00, 18:00, and 22:00 (on weekdays; times vary for weekend news
bulletins) and overnight bulletins from BBC World News every Monday to Sunday.
The main news bulletins are followed by local news. These are provided by

production centres in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and a further 14

regional and sub-regional centres in England. The centres also produce local
news magazine programming.
Most watched programme: EastEnders.
Shutdown of all UK analogue television stations began in 2008 and finished in
October 2012, leaving only digital transmission for terrestrial services.
A high definition simulcast, BBC One HD, launched on 3 November 2010.
A one hour timeshift, BBC One +1, was announced in October 2013.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC_Television#2004_onwards
Examples of documentaries: Horizon, Arena, Antiques Roadshow, Empire, around
the world in 20 days, Human Planet, Frozen Planet, Walking with Beasts, Inside
Out, etc.

Discovery Channel
Discovery Channel (formerly The Discovery Channel from 1985 to 1995, and
often referred to as simply "Discovery") is an American basic cable and satellite
television channel (which is also delivered via IPTV, terrestrial television and
internet television in other parts of the world) that is the flagship television
property of Discovery Communications, a publicly traded company run by CEO
David Zaslav. As of June 2012, Discovery Channel is the third most widely
distributed cable channel in the United States, behind TBS and The Weather
Channel;[2] it is available in 409 million households worldwide, through its U.S.
flagship channel and its various owned or licensed television channels

It initially provided documentary television programming focused primarily on

popular science, technology, and history, but in recent years has expanded into
reality television and pseudo-scientific entertainment. Programming on the
flagship Discovery Channel in the U.S. is primarily focused on reality television
series, such as speculative investigation (with shows such as MythBusters,
Unsolved History, and Best Evidence), automobiles, and occupations (such as
Dirty Jobs and Deadliest Catch); it also features documentaries specifically aimed
at families and younger audiences.

A popular annual feature on the channel is Shark Week, which airs on Discovery
during the summer months.
As of February 2015, Discovery Channel is available to approximately 96,589,000
pay television households (83% of households with television) in the United
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discovery_Channel

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