Progress Report 1 Ipr4701 49056301
Progress Report 1 Ipr4701 49056301
Progress Report 1 Ipr4701 49056301
Progress Report 1 :
Student Number
Phathutshedzo Mulaudzi
Progress Report
01- 886382
I Mulaudzi Phathutshedzo, declares that the progress report 1 of the project titled
Electrification of a small village using Stand Alone Solar PV System is my own work
for B-Tech Electrical Engineering specializing in Computer Systems at UNISA and
hereby submitted by me and not previously being submitted at this or other
Mulaudzi Phathutshedzo
Date: 20/05/2016
provinces which is taken as a rural province, due to the fact that the province is still
in development stage. Most of the people are unemployed and depend on the small
scale farming. Currently the government has started some initiative on renewable
energy projects, to promote the use of renewable energy and electrification of
remote rural villages. South Africa and especially Limpopo province region has huge
solar energy potential and therefore it should be exploited for the benefit of its
The current study will focus on a standalone photovoltaic power station for
electrification of a small village in Limpopo Province of South Africa.
Its impact on
the environment and socio economic development at the village will be evaluated.
The electrification will focus its studies in the typical households, small scale
business centres, public services and a room for the development of the village.
For the systematic study, interviews from the village, load of electricity needed will be
determined, the estimation of the system and its storage will be performed using
computational software like, Matlab, HOMMER, SAM and any other softwares are
used to calculate the energy demand and cost of the electrification.
At the end we hope to design the stand-alone PV Solar system, which will supply the
energy to the village and improve their life. The teaching and learning process of
schools will improved due the presence of electricity. The solar power areas will
reduce the time required for fetching woods and give girls time to focus on the
The main objective of the research improve the living standard of the
To elaborate how the electrification of the village will using Photovoltaic
Improve safety with the implementation of street lighting, lit road signs.
Reduces the need for candles and kerosene lamps and improves indoor air
Background Theory
The developing nations of Africa are popular locations for the application of
renewable energy technology. Currently, many nations already have small-scale
solar, wind, and geothermal devices in operation providing energy to urban and rural
populations. These types of energy production are especially useful in remote
locations because of the excessive cost of transporting electricity from large-scale
power plants. The applications of renewable energy technology has the potential to
alleviate many of the problems that face Africans every day, especially if done so in a
sustainable manner that prioritizes human rights.
Access to energy is essential for the reduction of poverty and promotion of economic
growth. Communication technologies, education, industrialization, agricultural
improvement and expansion of municipal water systems all require abundant,
reliable, and cost-effective energy access.
The following study is going to focus on building the photovoltaic solar power station
for the electrification of the rural village using the stand-alone photovoltaic solar
Development of a country boost its economy, then by electrifying the rural village will
also bring opportunity to it expand the wisdom and knowledge of the learner and
everyone in the village to be technological advanced.
rather than to a local user or users. They are sometimes also referred to as solar
farms or solar ranches, especially when sited in agricultural areas. The generic
expression utility-scale solar is sometimes used to describe this type of project.
In some countries, the nameplate capacity of a photovoltaic power stations is rated
in megawatt-peak (MWp), which refers to the solar arrays DC power output.
Most of the existing large-scale photovoltaic power stations are owned and operated
by independent power producers, but the involvement of community- and utilityowned projects is increasing. To date, almost all have been supported government
for the development of the country and its economy. It also involves providing of any
South African Constitutional Rights Basic needs of Health facility and basic