A sample cheat-sheet for Initiation Into Hermetics. Shows the outline of the most well known curriculum in a precise and structured way, split into steps but also mental, psychic and physical exercises, making it really easy to understand the training as presented in IIH and also to figure out what strong and weak points the practitioner has within the system.
A sample cheat-sheet for Initiation Into Hermetics. Shows the outline of the most well known curriculum in a precise and structured way, split into steps but also mental, psychic and physical exercises, making it really easy to understand the training as presented in IIH and also to figure out what strong and weak points the practitioner has within the system.
A sample cheat-sheet for Initiation Into Hermetics. Shows the outline of the most well known curriculum in a precise and structured way, split into steps but also mental, psychic and physical exercises, making it really easy to understand the training as presented in IIH and also to figure out what strong and weak points the practitioner has within the system.
A sample cheat-sheet for Initiation Into Hermetics. Shows the outline of the most well known curriculum in a precise and structured way, split into steps but also mental, psychic and physical exercises, making it really easy to understand the training as presented in IIH and also to figure out what strong and weak points the practitioner has within the system.
Franz Bardon, Ini
in Into Hermetics CHEATSHEET
3 Mental Psychic Physical
Trough conto! Inrospecton The material or carnal ody
I [Discipline of thoughts Iptack and white mirrors [Mystery of breathin,
Isubordination of thoughts Icreation eae
Fhe magic of water
i |Magic-Astral balance with 7
itosuggestion ee aU eIo eee IConscious pore breathing
I [concentration exercises (visual, [vansmuttion or reinement,
auditory, sensory, olfactory, Jof the soul (by fight or control, '
’ ’ ‘ |by auto-suggestion or by [Body control in everyday life
[Concentration of thoughts with 2] Retaining of Step 1, which has to
or3 senses at once become a habit
Concentration on objets, baling ofthe elements in thefccumtaton ote ial Tree (ne
II landscapes, places inole body (Fire, Air, Water,
JConcentration on animals and
human beings
he bod)
impregnation of space for reasons of
health, success, ete
[Bio- magnetism
[Transplantation of
[Accumulation of elements (in
the whole body, in the parts of
the body)
consciousness (into objects,
Janimals, human beings)
JProduction of elements-
lharmony in regions of the
lRituals and their practical applicability
|gestures, bearings, mudras)
[Preparation for mental
body, accumulated through
[solar plexus or accumulated
Outward projection without
passing through the body [2
The great moment of Now
‘communication (with own
guardian genius, deceased people
id other being
IMagic influence through the elements|
[Practice of mental wandering (in|
the room, short distance, visits
(0 friends, relatives, etc)
[Practice of clairvoyance with
Imagic mirror (seeing through
lime and space, distant effect
through magic mirrors, different
tasks of projection through the
|magic mirror)
[Etevation of the spirit to higher
with the personal God
INo cli tothe st
ea oe Past J iuid condensers (simple
[Concentration disturbances
las a compass of the magic
[Mastering the electric and
lmagnetic fluids
[Deliberate separation of the
lastral body from the material
limpregnation of the astral
Jcondensers, compound condensers,
uid condensers for magic mirrors,
preparation of a magic mirror with
luid condensers)
Treatment of the sick with the
lelectromagnetic fluid
[Magical loading of talismans, amulets|
land gems.
lbody with four divine
jundamental qualities
[Conscious communication
[Communication with deities,
ish realization through
Jelectromagnetic balls in Akasha
[Several methods for acquiting magic