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Essay 3

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Cause of air pollution

In these days, people usually say that we will have to buy clean air for avoiding
dirty air from the atmosphere. Nowadays it is hard to breathe fresh air because
there are many causes of air pollution. Especially in Korea, it is a hot issue about
particular matter that is one of the kinds that cause air pollution. Because of it, for
people who live in there, it is hard not only to go trip with their family but also to do
outdoor activities such as taking a walk in the park. According to one website,
Korean people could see the clean sky without fine dust just 4days at April. (Jiyeong
Byun, 2016) Besides, as fine dust increased rapidly, it changes our life style. For
instance, when people get up at every morning, the first thing that they do is turning
on the TV and then check the concentration of fine dust. As you see, people are
concerned about air pollution seriously. Like this, we could easily recognize that our
air quality is to be bad rapidly than before. What is the main factors that makes air
quality extremely bad? There are three factors that cause massive air pollution such
as vehicle exhaust fumes, operation of factory, emitting the pollutant in human life.
In the first place, vehicle exhaust fumes are considered as one of the main
cause of air pollution. By developing the technologies, people could go far away
easily by using transports such as airplane, bus, taxi, ship and so on. However,

because of increasing using of transportation, it affects air quality exceedingly by

emitting too much co2 in the air. Because most of transports are powered with oil
fuel emitting copious amounts of co2. How can co2 could be bad things in the
atmosphere? Co2 is a naturally occurring gas that is also emitted at great levels by
human activity. It is one of several greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Most of
this comes from burning fossil fuels for transportation, although industrial processes
and forestry also contribute heavily depending on one website.(John Platt, 2013)
Furthermore, increasing car ownership in second and third world could affect change
of air quality too. For example, in China, most of the Chinese in these days get a
private car at least one each family. However, as there are too many people in that
country, it can be a problem because they use lots of car relative to its population. In
addition, slow development of alternatives-fuels and more efficient engineering
solutions also could be one of the causes of the problem. As most of the countries
around the world recognize environment problem about co2, they tried to make a
real alternative to oil fuel. However, there are many obstacles to find alternative to it.
For instance, there are a lot of energy that people say it could be alternative to oil
fuel but its efficiency is exceedingly lower than oil fuel.
In the second place, operation of factory is accompanied by emission of
pollutants from most of factories around the world. Burning of fossil fuels to produce
energy is needed to most of factories. Because factories need an energy source to

power their production processes. For example, most of factories require lots of
energies like electricity for their production processes. However, producing
electricity is also needed to burning fossil fuel too. There are many kinds of
pollutants that release in the air. For example, pollutants emitted by coal-fired power
plants include nitrogen and sulfur oxides, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride
gases, and arsenic, lead and other metals.( Maria Kielmas, 2007) Besides, power
plants had the highest percentage of emitting co2 in the air. Electricity is a significant
source of energy in the United States and is used to power homes, business, and
industry. The combustion of fossil fuels to generate electricity is the largest single
source of co2 emissions in the nation, accounting for about 37% of total U.S. co2
emissions and 30% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2014. The type of
fossil fuel used to generate electricity will emit different amounts of co2. To produce a
given amount of electricity, burning coal will produce more co2 than oil or natural
gas.(United Stated Environmental Protection Agency, ?) Also operation factory could
accompany with emission of petrochemical smog. There are varied courses in
factory such as cleaning, painting and heating and so on. Therefore, some material
could be emitted as a gaseous state. While factories are operated, other raw
materials or appliance treatments can release volatile organic compounds into the
atmosphere. These are carbon-based or hydrocarbon-based chemicals that quickly
evaporate in the air. In the presence of sunlight, they react with other air pollutants

like sulfur or nitrogen oxides from vehicle exhausts to create peroxyacetyl nitrates,
commonly known as photochemical smog.(Maria Kielmas, 2007) Furthermore, food
processing industry also can pollute the air. As people in these days are too busy to
cook, there is a sharp increasing of one-man households. Because of these
reasons, many people want light and convenient food items for their meals.
Therefore, the increase of demand convenient food brings up developing food
processing industry naturally. However, food processing is also accompanied with
air pollution. The food processing industry uses a wide range of methods for the
preparation, cooking and packaging of foodstuffs that release particulates into the
atmosphere. Bulk material handling of grains and flour produce dust. Frying and
smoking processes release soot into the air. Rendering and washing in meat and
fish processing plants produces volumes of liquid waste that leaves mold and
bacterial residues that also pollute the air.(Rinkesh, 2009) To solve these problems,
many governments around the world set a maximum level of pollutant emitted
allowed by each factory. Furthermore, they are setting the rule about the emission of
pollutants to most of factory. For example, there are anti-pollution bill. In America, it
is called Clean Air Act. In addition, there is a Kyoto Protocol that is an agreement
between countries that they will cut back on carbon dioxide emissions. However,
despite all these efforts, it is hard to control all of factories to reduce emission
pollutants. Because costs of reducing emitted pollutants are too expensive to keep

that processes. For that reason, many factories discharge air pollutant secretly even
though they know that practice is illegal.
In the third place, in human life, it is also released pollutants into the
atmosphere directly and indirectly. As there is a heating apparatus at least one thing
in each typical family home these days, people use the heat in the cold. In fact, in
our house, it is hard to live without using fossil fuel that cause air pollution during
everyday life. For instance, as there is a heating apparatus at least one in each
typical family home these days, people use the heat to keep our body warm in the
cold. As you know, using the heat is also required to use fossil fuel. In a roundabout
way, people who live in these days throw lots of trash that makes pollute in all
direction especially air pollution. There are huge amounts of trash we throw away in
our lives. To get rid of these huge amount of trash, these things are sent to a
garbage incineration plant. However, incineration of trash release pollutants into the
atmosphere. For example, if we burn plastic, polystyrene in there, it makes
poisonous gas into atmosphere. Especially main cause of this problem is burning
plastic. According to one article, it is called plastic pollution. What is Plastic
Pollution? As the worlds population continues to grow, so does the amount of
garbage that people produce. On-the-go lifestyles require easily disposable
products, such as soda cans or bottles of water, but the accumulation of these
products has led to increasing amounts of plastic pollution around the world.

(Rinkesh, 2009) Besides, explosion due to someones carelessness, breaking out

forest fire frequently by the people. In dry weather, it is easy to break out forest fire.
So when people go hiking, it is entirely likely that forest fire will happen frequently
because of many things such as cigarette. If the forest fire happens, it emitted huge
amounts of co2 in the air as well as particulate matter, volatile organic compounds.
To sum up, nowadays air pollution is really huge problem. There are
many reasons that cause the air pollution from not only development of industry but
also our daily life. As you see, the three factors that are mentioned in this paragraph
are main causes of air pollution. One is from emitting vehicle exhaust fume. Other
one is from operation of factories. And the last one is from our daily life. Even
though we recognize that the air quality changes over time pretty well, however, we
cant stop emitting pollute materials in the air by stop industrial development, and our
daily life. That is, we have to know the reasons how the air pollution happens pretty
well and then we tried to reduce the pollutants that cause air pollution little by little.

<Reference and Citation>

- Jiyeong, Byun. Fine dust from lots of things. www.ilyoseoul.co.kr. Ilyoseoul, 1994.
Web. 2 May. 2016.
- John Platt. CO2 101 : Why is carbon dioxide bad?. www.mnn.com. Mother nature
network, 2009. Web. 9 Oct. 2013.

- Maria Kielmas. How Do Factories Cause Air Pollution?.

science.opposingviews.com. Opposingviews, 2007. Web.
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions. www3.epa.gov. United Stated Environmental
Protection Agency, 2001. Web.
- Rinkesh. What is Air pollution?. www.conserve-energy-future.com. Conserve
Energy Future, 2009. Web.

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