The piano tuner's work is one of the most misunderstood professions. To laypeople, it seems they are simply listening to notes and adjusting string tensions, but their work is actually just as technical and invisible as what a computer technician does. Most musicians have little understanding of how tuners achieve the necessary results. The traditional theory of beats described in textbooks only touches on the surface of a tuner's true art, which is known to experienced tuners.
The piano tuner's work is one of the most misunderstood professions. To laypeople, it seems they are simply listening to notes and adjusting string tensions, but their work is actually just as technical and invisible as what a computer technician does. Most musicians have little understanding of how tuners achieve the necessary results. The traditional theory of beats described in textbooks only touches on the surface of a tuner's true art, which is known to experienced tuners.
The piano tuner's work is one of the most misunderstood professions. To laypeople, it seems they are simply listening to notes and adjusting string tensions, but their work is actually just as technical and invisible as what a computer technician does. Most musicians have little understanding of how tuners achieve the necessary results. The traditional theory of beats described in textbooks only touches on the surface of a tuner's true art, which is known to experienced tuners.
The piano tuner's work is one of the most misunderstood professions. To laypeople, it seems they are simply listening to notes and adjusting string tensions, but their work is actually just as technical and invisible as what a computer technician does. Most musicians have little understanding of how tuners achieve the necessary results. The traditional theory of beats described in textbooks only touches on the surface of a tuner's true art, which is known to experienced tuners.
possibly one of the most misunderstood of all professions. To the layperson, the tuner at work seems to be involved in something that is perhaps technically quite complicated in its procedure, but is in essence transparent - he/she is listening to notes and putting them 'into tune', by adjusting the string tensions. This much appears to be obvious - but as is so often the case, all is not quite what it seems.
El trabajo del tcnico afinador de pianos
es posiblemente una de las profesiones menos comprendidas. Para el no entendido, el trabajo de un afinador parece ser realizar un procedimiento que tal vez sea tcnicamente complejo, pero que en esencia es transparente: l escucha las notas y las afina, ajustando la tensin de las cuerdas. Esto parece algo obvio, pero como ocurre con muchas cosas, no es tan sencillo.
By contrast, consider the example of a
computer technician. The computer technician servicing a computer is not only involved in something that seems technically complicated, but precisely what he/she is doing is not necessarily at all clear, to the uninitiated.
Consideremos el ejemplo de un tcnico de
computadoras. Al momento de realizar su trabajo no solo est involucrado en algo que parece tcnicamente complicado, sino que lo que est haciendo no es necesariamente claro para aqul que no es un especialista.
The fact is, precisely what the piano tuner
does is no more obvious than what the computer technician does. It only seems so. Apart from moving the tuning pins (wrest pins), what the piano tuner is actually doing is not only invisible, but inaudible to most people. It is probably true that most musicians have little or no idea how the tuner achieves the necessary results. Someone who knows something about theoretical acoustics, particularly about beats, may still be in the dark. The 'traditional' theory of beats that appears in specialist text books and then finds its way into more general circles, only touches the surface of the piano tuner's true art. Every artist tuner with years of experience knows this. Theory and practice of piano tuning Brian Capleton
El hecho es que lo que el afinador de
pianos hace no es ms obvio que lo que hace el tcnico de computadoras. Solo parece que as fuera. Aparte de mover las clavijas, lo que el afinador est haciendo no solo es prcticamente invisible, sino tambin inaudible para la mayora de la gente. Probablemente sea cierto que la mayora de los msicos tienen muy poco o ningn conocimiento respecto de cmo el afinador realiza su trabajo. Incluso alguien que sepa sobre acstica, particularmente sobre batidos, no necesariamente pueda comprender la complejidad del asunto. La teora tradicional de los batidos que figura en libros especializados y que encuentra su camino hacia crculos ms generales apenas toca la superficie del verdadero arte del afinador de pianos. Cada afinador artesano con aos de experiencia sabe esto.