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11255 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037-1011 Phone (858) 642-8320 Fax (858) 642-8724 www.nu.edu

Lesson Plan Design

Subject: English Language Arts Grade: 2nd
Lesson Topic: Using dialogue and internal thinking
Candidates Name: Ian Frasier ID #: 023019277
Site Supervisor: Marilyn Sugimoto

NU Supervisor:

Date: 12/14/2015
1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s),
rationale, focus learner, create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)
Content standard:
RL.2.1, RL.2.10, W.2.3, W.2.5, SL.2.1a, SL.2.1b,
SL.2.1.c, SL.2.2, SL.2.4, SL.2.6, L.2.1, L.2.2,

For students to prepare themselves
for the lesson they will need to
know exactly what they are doing.
Knowing what the lesson content
Bridge from past learning:
will be will also give them the tools
Prior to this lesson students have either finished, or needed to succeed.
nearly finished their rough draft of their original
fairy tale story for this overall lesson unit. As a
It is necessary to bridge previous
group we will discuss some of the fairy tales they
learning. By bridging concepts
have created. I will then prompt them to think
already taught to my students in
about various ways their story can be improved.
previous lessons I am allowing
This discussion will act as a lead in to the concepts them to actively engage their
being covered within this lesson.
memory of past learning, which
will ultimately help them learn
Behavior Expectations:
these new concepts within the
There are five students in the class that
consistently need to be reminded to stay on task
participate. I will be making an announcement
Behavior expectations will be set
before the lesson as to how I expect everyone to be prior to the start of the lesson and
focused and attentive, and willing to participate at will be an important aspect of the
any point in the lesson.
success of this lesson as a whole.

2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson?

How will you measure mastery of the outcome?)
Lesson objective:
Students will be able to include character thought
(internal thought) and dialogue within their
original fairy tale.
Measure of Mastery:
Mastery will be measured by various means
throughout the lesson. I will use four different
pieces of evidence to measure what students
1) Informal discussion throughout the lesson
2) Collaborative example activity
3) Individual dialogue example
4) Completed fairy tale when turned in

This outcome will all be met
through the activities involved with
this lesson. Furthermore, these
outcomes directly relate to the
specific content standard being
These methods being used in order
to gauge the students mastery of
the objective will benefit my
teaching both during and after this
specific lesson. The informal
discussion, collaborative activity,
and individual activity will allow
me to see if students are
understanding the material after it
has been taught. The final draft of
their fairy tale will be a determining
factor in whether or not students
have remembered what has been
taught, and if they are able to apply
it into their fairy tale correctly.

3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students abilities to achieve the Learner

Outcome and prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background,
academic language abilities, content knowledge, cultural and health considerations,
interests and aspirations, physical development, social development, emotional
development. )
For this lesson I will pre-assess students verbally.
To do this I will ask the class to define the terms
dialogue and internal thinking, which will be
displayed on the overhead projector. I will call on
students to give their best description of the
definition, and I will also call on students to
provide an example of each.

Students have briefly covered
dialogue and internal thinking
throughout our lesson dealing with
fairy tales. However, in previous
lessons internal thinking has been
referred to as internal thought.
This pre-assessment will act as a
refresher, and will be a good way to
determine how many students
remember these concepts from
previous learning. This will also act

a brief reteaching activity.

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the preassessments, modify Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the
needs of ELL & special needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving
- I will differentiate my instruction by
providing both verbal and visual
representation of the lesson material.
- I will perform a read aloud to help model
fluency and pronunciation for the class.
- Students will be given time to collaborate
with their group members to identify and
discuss the concepts of dialogue and
internal thinking.
- During individual practice students will be
given three options to complete the
- During group work and individual practice
I will focus on the few students that have
problems with the material and provide
them with one-on-one instruction.

- By providing both verbal and
visual aspects to my instruction it
will allow students to understand
the lesson material better. Providing
them with written definitions of
dialogue and internal thinking will
allow them to see the written
definition, and will provide them
with something concrete.
- Also, performing the read aloud
will give students the opportunity to
see examples of both dialogue and
internal thinking in an actual story.
- Providing time for groups to
collaborate and work with the
lesson concepts together will give
them the opportunity to hear
opinions of others, and will help to
guide them in the mastery of the
lesson concepts in a collaborative
- Providing different options for
assessment will help cater to the
various students interests and will
not limit their creative abilities
while still being able to show their
mastery of the objective.
- During group, and individual
work times of the lesson I will
make sure to focus on students who
are struggling with the concepts.
This will be the time where I can
efficiently provide one-on-one
intervention if needed, and will
allow me to assess their

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying
degrees of skill level)
- Books:
Believe Me, Goldilocks Rocks!
Honestly, Red Riding Hood was Rotten!
Trust Me, Jacks Beanstalk Stinks!
Seriously, Cinderella is so Annoying!
Cinderellas Stepsister and the Big Bad Wolf
The Three Ninja Pigs
- Overhead projector
- Paper
- Writing materials

These materials directly relate to
the lesson material, and will allow
students to meet the lesson
objective in an efficient manner.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, Model,

Demonstrate, Check for Understanding)
Explicit instruction:
To start this lesson I will have students situate
themselves in their assigned seats on the classroom
carpet. I will go over the definitions of dialogue
and internal thinking to refresh their minds. While
on the carpet I will read, Keep Running,
Gingerbread Man aloud to the class. Before I
begin the read aloud I will instruct the students to
perform a listening task where they will listen for
examples of dialogue or internal thinking. After I
have finished reading Keep Running,
Gingerbread Man, I will read a page from Red
Riding Hood and have students identify the
specific differences between dialogue and internal
Check for understanding:
The listening task will act as a check for initial

- I will have students sit on the
carpet in order to have more control
over the entire class. Not only will
having all of the students in a
smaller area easier to have and
maintain control, it will also allow
me to see what students are
understanding the material more
- Performing a read aloud will not
only help students to become better
readers, it will also allow them to
see how dialogue and internal
thinking are used within fairy tales.
- This listening task that I will have
students perform will have them
focus on the content the lesson
revolves around, and will also give

me an idea of who is understanding

the concept.

7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for

understanding and provide feedback and re-teaching)
Guided/collaborative practice:
For the collaborative practice portion of this lesson
I will provide each of the six groups within the
classroom with a different fairy tale story. Once
each group has received a fairy tale I will instruct
them to perform a popcorn reading within their
group. Students will be asked to write down
examples of dialogue or internal thought they find
throughout the reading of their fairy tale. Once
students have had enough time to read a good
amount of their fairy tale I will ask them to put
their stories away and finish up writing their
examples. When they have finished that I will have
volunteers from each group share their example of
the dialogue or internal thinking they identified
within their fairy tale.
Check for understanding:
In order to check for understanding I will collect
each students paper that they used to write their
examples on.

Having students complete a
popcorn reading of a fairy tale
within their group will allow them
to practice their reading out loud in
front of their peers. This will also
allow those who are having trouble
identifying specific dialogue to
collaborate with their group
members in order to clarify, and
hear different opinions about their
specific fairy tale. This will also be
a time when students will be able to
actively discuss concepts dealing
with the lesson, and prepare them to
share their examples and thoughts
during the class discussion at the
end of the activity. Furthermore,
having students write down specific
examples will allow them to show
they can identify dialogue and
internal thinking, but it will also
help them practice writing the
correct format of dialogue, which
will help them during the
independent activity.

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome.

Note: Independent activities are assigned assuming that students understand the
concept well enough to work on their own.)
For the independent practice portion of this lesson
I will provide students with the opportunity to
practice the lesson objective through their own
original writing. Students will be asked to create

Having students create their own
original dialogue and internal
thinking will give them the freedom
to show their mastery in a way that

their own written dialogue using one of the three

options that I provide them. Two options will
consist of different characters and a various
situation that I have created in which the students
can create dialogue for. I will also provide students
with a final option of creating a dialogue
incorporating characters they have created by

suits them. I will provide students

with a couple options to create a
dialogue and internal thinking
using characters and a situation that
I have created, or they will have the
option to create the entire writing
piece on their own. This will act as
a formal assessment, and will be a
lead in to have them proof read
their own fairy tale draft, and
incorporate dialogue and internal
thought into their own writing.

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the
students learning. Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for
ELL, special needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving students.)
Assessment for this lesson will consist of various
methods throughout the entire lesson itself. For
starters, student will be informally assessed
verbally to gauge their initial understanding of the
content. Secondly, students will be assessed during
the collaborative practice portion of the lesson by
turning in their written examples of dialogue and
internal thinking their group has found during the
popcorn reading. Finally, an individual formal
assessment will be given to students that will have
them create their own dialogue and internal
thinking examples using characters I have created,
or characters they have come up with on their own.

It is vital to the success of the class,
and my teaching to consistently
check for understanding. Whether it
be informal or formal assessment,
this is an aspect of the lesson that is
ongoing. I will perform many
assessment strategies throughout
the lesson to continually assess
student learning, which will have
an effect on the speed and explicit
teaching of the lesson.

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)
I will hold a discussion with the students revolving
around the question why is it important to learn
how to use dialogue in your writing?. I will also
ask students to provide some examples of how
dialogue is used on a daily basis in the real world.
This will work to connect the lesson to real life
experiences the students have had.

The closing discussion will recap
on what was being introduced and
taught within the lesson, and will
also allow students to share their
thoughts and opinions regarding the
lesson material. This will be a time
for students to ask any further
questions they might have on the

material covered within the lesson.

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