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Findings N Conclusion

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The observation method has been used by interview for observing job applicant
performance in terms of recruitment, certain job or position have some requirement. For
example, when it comes to technical job or position, the job applicants have to perform some
role-play like how to repair engines, how to switch on and switch off engines and other enginerelated actions. Besides that, observation has also been used in evaluating job satisfaction of
workers in organization such as the environment. For example, inadequate and incomplete
facilities like toilets and musolla may influence the level of job satisfaction of employees.
According to Islamic perspective, observation method has been applied during prophet
time. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) learned how to be a shepherd by observing his uncle, Abu
Talib. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) followed Abu Talib with the purpose to learn about trading
activities and also to understand about Arab culture (Rakhmat, 1995).
Most of the researchers have mentioned about the theory about observational method.
Ehigie and Ehigie (2005) stated that observation is very useful in producing direct and immediate
data. In other words, it is not made by interpretation, artificial experimental conditions, memory
or other factors (Lewis-Beck, Bryman, & Tim, 2004). Meanwhile, in organizational settings,
Cohen, Swerdlik and Sturman (2013) also mentioned that observation would be helpful in
selecting and assigning for organization and it can be used to recognize employees that represent
the required capability in accomplish certain task. As Proton Company has practiced this method
for a long time, observation method is very useful in hiring the best employees and ensuring the
job satisfaction of the employees. This is very important because concerning about employees
satisfaction in a long-term is one of the keys to the success of an organization and may also
reducing disruptive tendencies like frequent turnover.
Proton Company mostly use survey as a research method. To elaborate, in
caring process, R1 until R5 is one of Protons program to assess the
performance of their employees. Furthermore, R1 shows the warning that the
employee must be given a special course, R2 means that the employee
needs training, R3 is the stage where the employee must make sure his or
her performance must be improved, R4, where the employee have to be
trained to achieve the next level, that is R5. In addition, R5 is a faster
program to reach the higher position in the company.
Besides, Performance Measurement System (PMS) and Key Performance
Index (KPI) are used annually in this company. In PMS, the system is based
on the promises and checked by the supervisor. Whereas, KPI is a target that
leads the employees to a better performance.
Job satisfaction of both employees and customers is measured through four
types of survey, Sales Satisfaction Index (SSI), Initial Quality Survey (IQS),
Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), Employee Satisfaction Index (ESI). To
elaborate, SSI is used to compare proton with other car products. IQS is to
investigate the demands and needs of customers. Customer satisfaction is

also examined through the accessibility of car service, as mentioned by Ir

Amir Hisyam. Finally, he stated that facilities are highly considered for the
satisfactions of employees.
In line with Islamic perspective, survey method generally had been useful for establishing
an Islamic ruling when a clear dalil (religious evidence) is absent, from the Quran and Hadith on
an Ibadah issues (Alias, 2005). For instance, Imam Shafii collected data of Muslim women
sample during his time. Bryman (2004), stated that survey is important to collect information in
an organized manner regarding a population. This method also useful to do research particularly
in government, private organizations and agencies.
Case history data
Case history data is a record of a persons background or medical history
kept by a doctor or social worker (Barnes et, al., 1994). This research method
was practiced in the recruitment process in Proton. For the first example, an
applicant must submit resume. Second, Proton used the concept of head
hunter in which the professional people attempted to find out a person who
has a lot of experiences to allow them to join Proton Company to fix with the
required position by referring their qualifications especially when they need
the high position.
Moreover, there are two ways used by Proton to know whether the applicant
qualified with the position or not. By using this case history method, firstly,
the applicant must submit the whole paper qualification to Proton Company.
Basically, this is an individual process which suit for the applicant who
applies the normal position. Secondly, Proton practiced the third party
evaluation to ensure the qualification of the applicant. For example, the head
hunter asks the third party about an applicants attitude for fixing especially
the high position.
Proton also has been applied the case history data in firing process in order
to deal with the employees who have low performance. They try to find out
the reasons why it happened by inviting the psychologists to come in to
conduct the interview process with their problematic employees. Other than
that, the mismatching the task with the qualification of the employees also
can lead to low performance of empooyees.
In Islamic perspective, the case history data was applied in the time of
Prophet about the rulings on zihar (Alias, 2005), there was a story of a
husband and wife. According to Othman (2008), one day Aus Bin Samit said
to his wife, Khaulah Binti Thalabah; You are like my mothers back to me,
and Aus went out and come back to be with his wife. However, Khaulah
refused him to have his way with her. As a result, Allah sent down Surah
Mujadilah verses 1-5 regarding the zihar due to this event. In conclusion, the
case history is used to make the best decision in the future by guiding from
the past history. As an organization, Proton Company has a responsible to

recruit people for joining them based on the qualification and the background
of applicants because it will lead to the development of their company.

Cohen, R. J., Swerdlik, M. E., & Sturman, E. D. (2013). Psychological Testing and Assessment:
An Introduction to Test and Measurement. NY: McGraw-Hills Companies, Inc.
Ehigie, B.O., & Ehigie, R.I. (2005). Applying qualitative methods in organizations: a note for
industrial/organizational psychologists. The Qualitative Report, 10 (3), 621-638.
Lewis-Beck, M. S., Bryman, A., & Liao, T. F. (2004). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social
Science Research Methods. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781412950589
Rakhmat, J. (1995). Membuka Tirai Kegaiban : Renungan-renungan Sufistik. Indonesia: Mizan.

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