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Employee Relation

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The key takeaways are that employee relations deals with issues resolution among workers and management. It aims to resolve issues quickly and prevent escalation of conflicts. Employee relations also contributes to maintaining goodwill between employees and employers.

The unitary frame of reference assumes that management and employees have the same goals and interests. The pluralistic frame of reference recognizes that management and employees may have different and sometimes conflicting interests.

Methods that can be used include attitude surveys, quality circles/improvement groups, and suggestion schemes. Direct participation can also involve individual employees in decision making that affects their daily work.


Introduction...................................................................................................................... 2
1 Understand the context of employee relations against a changing background...........3
1.1 Explain the unitary and pluralistic frames of reference..........................................3
1.2 Assess how changes in trade unionism have affected employee relations.............4
1.3 Explain the role of the main players in employee relations....................................4
2 Understand the nature of industrial conflict and its resolution.....................................7
2.1 Explain the procedures an organisation should follow when dealing with different
conflict situations.......................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Explain the key features of employee relations in a selected conflict situation....11
2.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of procedures used in a selected conflict situation....12
3 Understand collective bargaining and negotiation processes.....................................14
3.1 Explain the role of negotiation in collective bargaining........................................14
3.2 Assess the impact of negotiation strategy for a given situation...........................15
4. Understand the concept of employee participation and involvement........................17
Assess the influence of the EU on industrial democracy in the UK.............................17
4.2 compare Methods used to Gain Employee Participation and Involvement in the
Decision Making Process in Organisations..................................................................18
4.3 Assess Impact of Human Resource Management on Employee Relations:...........19

Employee Relations is the HR process responsible for issues resolution on an extensive variety of
subjects, interfacing with workers at all levels inside of an association. Employee Relations is
generally the first HR contact on everyday worker issues and tries to determine matters rapidly,
adequately and preventing escalation or potential risk for the association. Employee Relations gives
counseling and training to supervision and administration to bolster resolution of issues by first line
supervision at whatever point conceivable. Employee Relations contributes fundamentally to keeping
up affinity employees and the employer.
Employee Relations responsibilities may incorporate settling debate between an employee,
administrator, workgroup, department, or other representative. The employee relations representative
might also go about as a mediator in a debate or decipher laws and rules overseeing a dispute and
attempt to determine the dispute as per the general inclination of both sides. Employee Relations also
manages disciplinary issues, non-attendance, provocation, communication arrangements, health
issues, and security issues and may be the first contact on any HR or authoritative subject.
Employee Relations additionally has a key role in assessing trends and examples proposed by the
sorts of issues happening and in creating and recommending strategic approaches to deal with
minimize where handy. Employee Relations assumes a vital part in change administration, adding to
the advancement of technique and especially in the usage of progress and successful treatment of
related worker issues and responses.

1 Understand the context of employee relations against a

changing background
1.1 Explain the unitary and pluralistic frames of reference

To talk of a unitary frame of reference is to allude to a state of mind: a mind set of suppositions,
attitude, values and works on identifying with administration and organizational membership. A core
assumption of numerous (unitary) administrative methodologies are that administration and staff, for
sure all individuals from the association, has the same targets, intrigues and purposes. Consequently
we actually and should" cooperate, as an inseparable unit, as one - endeavoring towards shared,
common objectives.
In an association that culturally and through the dialect used to impact and tie individuals together
as a family, group or unit we accept:
1. acceptance and co-operative attitudes and values
2. The individuals who differ are pariahs, unreasonable and unmanageable.
3. In our dialect we utilize catchphrases and expressions - signs and signifiers - that accentuate
cooperating here as a group. We all need the business to accomplish its motivation.
In Pluralism, the association is seen as being comprised of capable and unique sub-groups, each with
its own particular honest to goodness loyalties and with their own set of objectives and pioneers.
Specifically, the two overwhelming sub- groups in the unitary point of view are the management and
trade unions.
Hence, the role of management would incline less towards upholding and controlling and more
toward influence and co- ordination. Trade unions are regarded as honest to goodness delegates of
workers; conflict is managed by collective bargaining and is seen not so much as an awful thing and,
if oversaw, could truth be told be diverted towards development and positive change.

1.2 Assess how changes in trade unionism have affected

employee relations

Trade unions are associations that represent individuals at work. Their motivation is to secure and
enhance individuals pay and states of work. They also battle for laws and strategies which will
advantage working individuals.
Trade unions exist due to that an individual worker has next to no energy to impact choices that are
made about his or her employment. By joining together with different workers, there is more
possibility of having a voice and impact.
Trade unions perceive that associations must be competitive in the worldwide markets on the off
chance that they are to be effective and give secure employment for employees. The motivation for
trade unions in the 1990s is working in organization with managers to enhance businesses and
Trade unions have an important role in:
1. improving interaction between workers and managers so workers can comprehend and be
focused on the associations goals
2. negotiating enhancements to pay and working conditions with the goal that individuals feel
more fulfillment at work and stay longer in their employments
3. encouraging organizations to put resources into training and development with the goal that
representatives have the right stuff fundamental for enhanced product and services
4. acting as a positive power for change - by winning representatives backing to the
presentation of new advancements and work association
Englands best organizations are ones where unions are recognized. 44 of the Financial Times Top 50
organizations recognize trade unions.

1.3 Explain the role of the main players in employee relations

There are three major players in employee relations. They are,
Management organization.

Employee organization. &

State agencies.
Their roles are described below,
The team leader or the manager plays a vital role in promoting solid connection at working
It is key that the manager allocates testing assignments to his team according to his specialization
and interest. The individual have enthusiasm for the work; else he would regard it as a burden and
pointlessly lodging about things. It is essential that the manager comprehends his team members
well. Attempt to figure out their interests and what all they anticipate from the association. While
building up their KRAs it is constantly better if the manager calls everybody and welcomes
proposals from them. Give them a chance to choose what best they can perform. Along these lines
the representatives would never point the finger at one another or their prevalent later as they
themselves have settled on the roles and responsibilities. Urge them to eagerly agree the test. They
would try hard for a good yield without battling and discovering flaws in one another.
Management organization:
The role played by the employee relations manager is essential in negotiating with the trade unions.
He gathers the data for the administration for collective bargaining. His aptitude on the work laws
and the monetary conditions, and his personal relationship with the work power can help in
maintaining a strategic distance from superfluous and excessive cases, strikes and other modern
unrests. The same number of organizations in India dont have workers unions, the employee
relations manager is the interfacing connection who passes the worker recommendations and needs
to the management.
State agencies:
Government offices, unions, and lawyers get full scope of the most recent improvements in worker
relations at state, federal and local levelsin addition to important lead time for better arranging
with Government Employee Relations Report.
Roles are as follows,

Be ready for changes in approaches, arrangements, and operations with complete scope of publicsector employment, work force, and work relations developments.
Assess the effect of new administrative, regulatory, and legitimate developments on the
administration workforce. Have the data you have to settle on essential business choices and steer
clear of litigation.
Read about actions as they happen. Stay in front of the most recent reminders and policy guides
published at government or state headquarters else generally late or moderate in arriving.
Receive sound direction. Figure out how other government worker relations and legitimate experts
handle circumstances like yours.
Lighten the heap. special reports, Periodic indexes, timetable of events, and different additional items
make your occupation simpler.
Gain new viewpoints from BNA Insights by nationally prominent practitioners, exclusive meetings
with public officials and union pioneers, and scope of meeting and seminars.
Review federal, local decisions by courts, and state, arbitrators affecting government employees, and
administrative agencies, including summaries of Merit Systems Protection Board and Federal Labor
Relations Authority decisions.
Be mindful of recent collective bargaining settlements including civil, country, and state workers. A
collective bargaining capture covers teachers, public safety employees, health care workers, transit
workers, and other employee groups for the individuals who need to know compensation and
bargaining purposes.

2 Understand the nature of industrial conflict and its

2.1 Explain the procedures an organisation should follow when
dealing with different conflict situations
Positive And Negative Aspects Of Conflict
Now and then conflict is a positive compel that can realize vital changes. Progressing conflict also
has negative outcomes. Individuals who are occupied with disputes are under stress, which takes a
physical toll. Whats more, individuals who are occupied with disputes and attempting to induce
others to take their sides are not involved in more productive activities. At long last, contingent upon
the source of the conflict, people involved may be irate at management or the association, so they
may vent their indignation in ways that are dangerous to the association, for example, setting aside
additional time off or disrupting hardware.
Types Of Conflict
Intrapersonal Conflict
An intrapersonal conflict emerges when a man experiences difficulty selecting from among
Interpersonal Conflict
Conflict between people is called interpersonal Conflict. Directors may be included in interpersonal
Conflict with their administrator, a worker, a peer, or even a client.
Structural Conflict
Conflict that outcomes from the way the association is organized is called structural conflict. Conflict
frequently emerges between line and staff faculty, and production and marketing departments are
regularly at chances.

Strategic Conflict

The vast majority of the conflicts portrayed so far emerge inadvertently when individuals and groups
attempt to cooperate. On the other hand, in some cases management or an individual purposefully
will realize a conflict to accomplish a target.

Supervision and diversity

Faith-friendly workplaces
Generally many organizations have assisted employee with adapting to intrapersonal conflicts that
include adjusting family and work, a few organizations have started contemplating how they can
assist representatives with incorporating their faith with their work. Faith and work dont inexorably
need to be in conflict. Regularly, all that is expected to forestall clashes is a mix of affectability to
peoples needs, some adaptability, and a promise to ethical behavior.
Faith or religion is a point one does not talk about at work. Indeed, even along these lines, holding a
religious conviction and honing that faith shape a mans qualities and may influence the requests on a
mans opportunity. Religions may call for unique practices, for example, apparel, dietary
confinements, or time far from work. A few workers experience their faith by communicating to
others what they accept. In a faith-friendly working environment, such expressions would should be
finished with mutual respect and without upsetting work.

One of the conflict management strategy is to achieve a compromise, which implies the parties to the
conflict settle on an answer that gives them two part of what they needed. No party gets precisely
what it needed, yet neither loses altogether either. Both sides probably encounter a level of
dissatisfactionhowever at a level they are willing to live with.
Conflict is offensive, so individuals in some cases attempt to oversee strife by staying away from it.
Since ignoring or dodging an issue does not make it go away, a manager might need to attempt a
more straightforward way to deal with consummation a conflict. One way is to force a solution. This
implies that a man or party with force chooses what the result will be.
ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service)
A Advisory Mediation
C Collective Conciliation
A Arbitration and Mediation Disputes
Resolving Individual Disputes
JACS conciliation officers have a duty to attempt to conciliate settlements of disputes where
complaints have been or could be made to a court or tribunal under relevant employment protection
legislation.. Conciliators offer to help both sides included in a question to achieve a deliberate
settlement without the need to go to a formal hearing.
The most directand sometimes the most difficultway to manage conflict is to confront the
problem and solve it. This is the conflict management strategy called conflict resolution. Confronting
the problem requires listening to both sides and attempting to understand rather than to place blame.
Next, the parties should identify the areas on which they agree and the ways they can both benefit

from possible solutions. Both parties should examine their own feelings and take their time at
reaching a solution. Employee Relation
The most directand once in a while the most troublesomeapproach to oversee conflict is to go
up against the issue and solve it. This is the conflict management strategy called conflict resolution.
Going up against the issue obliges listening to both sides and endeavoring to see as opposed to place
fault. Next, the gatherings ought to distinguish the areas on which they concur and the ways they can
both advantage from possible solutions. Both sides ought to inspect their own sentiments and set
aside their time at coming to an answer.


2.2 Explain the key features of employee relations in a selected

conflict situation
Here are 11 of the most common working environment conflicts.
1. Communication misunderstandings
2. Personality differences and conflicts
3. Contrasts in goals and objectives
4. Substandard job performance
5. Contrasts over methodology or routines to be utilized
6. Lack of clearly defined areas of responsibility
7. Lack of employee cooperation
8. Issues related to areas of authority
9. Dissatisfaction with people and or resources
10. Rivalry for limited resources
11. Non-compliance with rules and policies
The key features of employee relations in conflict situation are,
1. Let individuals tell their story. At the point when individuals are deeply disappoint about
something, they have to get their story out. This is an essential standard of mediation and one that is
essential to recall.
Yes, permitting individuals to talk their problem can increase the level of conflict with which you
must deal. That is OK. You need to traverse the contention stage to discover the solution.
2. Bring a reality check to the table. Frequently in a conflict, the groups are so concentrated
around particulars that they dismiss the master plan and its suggestions. As the the mediator, you
have to take individuals back to reality by twisting their consideration far from the grain of sand and
having them concentrate all in all shoreline. Doing as such may assist resolution with touching base

at a startling rate.
3. Identify the true impediment. In each conflict, ask yourself: What is the genuine motivating
element here? What is truly keeping this individual from consenting to an answer?

2.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of procedures used in a selected

conflict situation
Conflict Resolution In The Workplace
At the point when a manager has a conflict with someone else, he or she needs to determine that
conflict valuably. Something else, the conflict is unrealistic to go away all alone. At the point when
starting clash resolution, a chief ought to go about when he or she is mindful of the issue. As the
issue proceeds with, a manager is prone to get progressively passionate about it, which just makes
resolution more troublesome. Plan for conflict resolution by comprehension what the conflict
resolution is. Concentrate on behavior, which individuals can change, not on identities, which they
cant change. What is the activity that is creating the issue, and how can that activity influence you
and others?

Responding To A Conflict
Here and there an manager is party to a conflict that is disturbing another person. At the point when
the other individual makes the manager mindful of the conflict, it is up to the boss to react in a
manner that makes an solution conceivable.


Understand the Problem

The useful approach to react to a conflict is first to listen to the next individual and attempt to
comprehend what the issue is truly about. In the event that the other individual is emotional, let that
individual vent those sentiments, then get down to talking about the issue. Attempt to decipher the
issue in the terms you would use to express the issue yourself. Keep away from statement of accuse,
and discover what particular activities the other individual is referring to.
Understanding the issue can be difficult if one of the people included has a hidden agenda a
focal worry that is left implicit. Generally, a man with a hidden agenda is irate or upset about
something yet coordinates those sentiments toward some other issue. If someone elses emotions
appear to be out of extent to the issue he or she is portraying, search for a hidden agenda.
Discovering one can protect you from attempting to determine the wrong clash. Furthermore, when
you are vexed about something yourself, it is generally more valuable to portray the issue
specifically than to leave others speculating your hidden agenda.
Work on a Solution
When you comprehend the issue, build a situation of cooperating a solution. To do this, concur with
some part of what the other individual has said.


3 Understand collective bargaining and negotiation

3.1 Explain the role of negotiation in collective bargaining

Collective bargaining is a function whereby trade unions, representing employees, and boss through
their agents, treat and negotiate with a perspective to the determination of an aggregate
understanding or renewal thereof or the resolution of disputes.
An collective agreement is normally an agreement in composing between a boss and a union, on
behalf of laborers utilized by the boss. It contains procurements reflecting terms and states of
occupation of the laborers, and presenting to them their rights, benefits and obligations.
Once in a while the terms bargaining and negotiating are utilized to portray the same procedure.
Hypothetically, the term bargaining is presumably better used to depict the financial interaction
between a boss and a worker which is concluded in the individual contract, whether written or
unwritten. At the point when a employer appoint a worker, he can request work, and concur on a cost
for that work. The offer, acknowledgment, thought, and aim to make a legal relationship constitute a
deal to which consistence can be looked for in law.
At the point when trade unions negotiate an aggregate concurrence with bosses, the procedure and
the result are to some degree diverse. In any case, trade unions dont offer work to boss, dissimilar to
individual workers. In this manner, bosses dont pay trade unions for work done. Trade unions use
collective bargaining as a method for setting the standards by which work in the working
environment will be directed and compensated.
The function of collective bargaining is in all actuality a progression of negotiations, conciliatory and
political moves, with the impact of financial matters.


For the reasons of this Convention, the expression collective bargaining stretches out to all
negotiations which occur between an employer, a gathering of workers or one or more bosses
associations from one perspective, and one or progressively workersassociations, on the other, for
1. determining working conditions and terms of employment; and/ or
2. regulating relations between employers and workers; and/or
3. Regulating relations between employers or their organizations and a workers
organization or workers organizations.
Trade union negotiator has to negotiate with his or her principals, the general membership, as well as
with the unions negotiating teams, even as the negotiator negotiates with the employers. The
employers negotiator is often in a similar situation.

3.2 Assess the impact of negotiation strategy for a given

First, negotiation has the benefit of settlement through dialog and agreement instead of through clash
and confrontation. It contrasts from assertion where the solution depends on a choice of an outsider,
while courses of action coming about because of collective bargaining as a rule speak to the decision
or compromise of the gatherings themselves. Arbitration may disappoint one party in light of the fact
that it as a rule includes a win/lose circumstance, and some of the time it may even disappoint both
Second, negotiation understandings regularly regulate settlement through dialog.
For example, an aggregate understanding may accommodate systems by which debate between the
parties will be settled. In that time the parties know in advance that on the off chance that they are in
difference there is a concurred technique by which such contradiction may be determined.
Third, negotiation is a type of participation. Both sides participate in choosing what portion of the
cake is to be shared by the gatherings qualified for share. It is a type of participation likewise in
light of the fact that it includes a sharing of rule-making force between boss and unions in ranges
which in prior times were viewed as administration rights, e.g. exchange, advancement, excess,

discipline, modernization, creation standards. In any case, in a few nations, for example, Singapore
and Malaysia, exchanges, advancements, conservations, lay-offs and work assignments are rejected
by law from the scope of collective bargaining.
Fourth, arrangement understandings now and again repudiate or constrain the settlement of disputes
through trade union activity. Such agreements have the impact of ensuring modern peace for the
agreements term, either by and large or all the more often than not on matters secured by the
Fifth, it is a fundamental element in the idea of social partnership towards which work relations have
to strive. Social partnership in this connection may be depicted as an partnership between organized
employer institutions and organized labor institutions intended to keep up non- confrontational
procedures in the settlement of disputes which may emerge between managers and workers.

Sixth, it has important by-items pertinent to the relationship between the two gatherings. For
example, a long course of fruitful and genuine dealings prompts the era of trust. It contributes
towards shared comprehension by establishing a continuing with relationship. The procedure, once
the relationship of trust and comprehension has been set up, makes an attitude of assaulting issues
together as opposed to one another.
Seventh, in social orders where there is a collection of unions and moving union loyalties, collective
bargaining and ensuing assentions have a tendency to balance out union participation. Case in point,
where there is aggregate understanding representatives are less inclined to change union affiliations
habitually. This is of worth additionally to employers who are confronted with steady changes in
union enrollment and subsequent between union competitions bringing about a bigger number of
debate in the work environment than something else.
Eighth - maybe most essential of all - collective bargaining more often than not has the impact of
enhancing industrial relations. This change can be at diverse levels. The proceeding with dialog has a
tendency to enhance relations at the work environment level between union and workers on one hand
and boss on the other hand. It additionally sets up a beneficial relationship between the union and the
employers' organization where the final is involved in the negotiation process.


4. Understand the concept of employee participation and

Assess the influence of the EU on industrial democracy in the UK

Industrial democracy is a course of action which involves laborers deciding, sharing obligation and
power in the work place.
In some European nations the structures of Industrial Democracy have been set up for a considerable
length of time however the thoughts behind Industrial Democracy don't fit in well with the more
forceful relationship that has existed between chiefs and unions in British organizations.

The European Union has a huge influence in industrial democracy in UK.

Many modern machines were invented.

These machines were delivered to all over the European countries.
A dramatic change in the agricultural business.
Increase in agricultural production.

European legislation energizes a substantially more prominent part for laborers in an associations
choice making procedure.
The new 'partner based relationships' the place unions and administration progresses in the direction
of the same objectives, exist in British industry due to the present EU impact.
Presently Unions are seen as an establishment existing to teach management and representatives the
advantage of including employees in choice making procedure.
Accordingly, employee involvement in choice making has ended up useful, by this implies affecting
decidedly on employee activities and upgrading their commitment to the associations achievement.

Presently works council is comprised of delegates of all divisions inside of a firm.

The role of works council is to talk about long haul targets of the business and to recommend
systems for enhancing the future prospects of the business.
There is additionally a possibility for Worker Shareholders and Worker Partners, who have a stake in
the responsibility for business.
Share holdings are regularly supported by the utilization of share alternative options and saving
These plans have seen some achievement in the UK, with some organization putting a lot of
accentuation on the significance of whatever many workers as could be allowed having a stake in the

4.2 compare Methods used to Gain Employee Participation and

Involvement in the Decision Making Process in Organisations
There are various approaches for employee involvement in the choice making procedure in
Attitude survey is one of the methods for seeking so as to involve workers their perspectives on
matters that worries them.
It can be utilized to acquire sees about procedures, for example, work assessment, pay determination
and performance management because evaluate their adequacy and the extent to which worker feel
they are reasonable.
It can be utilized to obtain outlook about faculty policies and how they work in such areas as
equivalent open door, worker improvement, and wellbeing and security.


Quality circle or Improvement group is another strategy that can be utilized to overcome issues
which come about because of the 'top down' kind of administration where administration overlooks
the learning that exists at alternate levels in the association.

Finally, Suggestion scheme is a system that gives a profitable intends to workers to take part in
enhancing the organizations effectiveness. In this procedure workers have the chance to tell
administration how they see the association is running. In conclusion, through Direct Participation
singular representatives can be included in choice making procedures that influence their daily work

4.3 Assess Impact of Human Resource Management on Employee

Employee involvement in decision making plays a vital part in associations on the grounds that it
influences employees general execution. Then again, the soul of good state of mind towards work by
representatives can be lessened if worker association in choice making is not thought seriously about
by administration.
The talk on human resource management and practices concentrated on hard and delicate adaptations
of human resource management. The hard form of human resource management stressed on asset
and embraced the normal way to deal with overseeing workers as whatever other financial factor.
While the soft version of human resource management involves regarding workers as esteemed
resources, a wellspring of upper hand through their dedication, flexibility and high rang of aptitudes,
execution etc.
To distinguish the particular effect of HR administration on employee relation, we must understand
that the HR of an association comprises of administration and workers both. At the point when
administration permits representatives to be included in choice making on matters which concerns
them and the association, it expands the commitment of workers.
Work fulfillment, good behaviour towards work and employees working hard will at last prompt
enhanced worker execution. Thusly, change in worker performance prompts accomplishment of
major organizational goals by the days end.

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