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On Diagnostic Rationality: Bad News, Good News, and The Symptom Residue

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Chapter 9


in John Heritage and Douglas W. Maynard (eds.)

Communication in Medical Care: Interaction between Physicians and Patients
(Cambridge University Press, in press)

Douglas W. Maynard and Richard M. Frankel

Consideration of the patients condition or the fourth phase of the medical interview is,
according to Byrne and Long (1976), the point at which the physician, having performed
introductory matters, ascertained the reason for the patients visit, and conducted a history and
exam, delivers diagnostic information. In the three function model of the medical interview
(Cohen-Cole 1991; Lazare, Putnam, and Lipkin Jr. 1995), conveying diagnostic information fits
within the third function of carrying out patient education and treatment plans. To date, research on
this phase and function of the interview has been minimal, and has emphasized bad news and the
communication problems surrounding it. And this literature, as Ptacek and Eberhardt (1996)
concluded in a comprehensive review, is overwhelmingly anecdotal, based on clinical experience,
written from the physicians point of view, and rarely theoretically justified or accompanied by
empirical investigation.1 Moreover, the preoccupation with bad news has meant that other kinds of
diagnoses, such as those that are good news or uncertain, have received virtually no study. For the
medical profession, this neglect in research also means there is not much of a base on which to
build curricula or standards of practice.
Recently, Frankel (1994), Heath (1992), Maynard (1991c; 2003), and Perkyl (1998;
2002; this volume), approaching the delivery and receipt of diagnostic news as an interactional
event, have employed video recordings of actual interviews as a basis for analysis. However, neither
Heaths (1992) nor Perkyls (1998) investigations distinguish between bad or good news
deliveries as such, while Frankel (1994) and Maynard (1991c) exclusively consider bad news. Our
analysis in this chapter concentrates on episodes in which the delivery is produced and/or received
as having a valence either wayas good or bad. Further, because of their prominence in our
data, we also analyze cases involving uncertainty.2 One purpose is to demonstrate that the valence of
testing or diagnostic newswhether medical information is marked as good, bad, or
uncertainmatters significantly for both delivery and receipt of diagnostic news.
Beyond investigating patterns of diagnostic delivery and receipt, we are interested in

applications of interaction-based research. Heath (1992:264) has argued that efforts to transform
communication and other behavioral features of medical consultation need to be sensitive to
interactional organizations through which participants accomplish matters such as the diagnostic
presentation. Those interactional organizations are not readily transparent, in part because of the
lack of empirical and theoretical grounding for the understanding of clinical discourse in general,
not just diagnostic informing events (Frankel 1995b; West and Frankel 1991). With regard to these
events, the little existing research suggests that doctors are generally poor at communicating
diagnostic information, even when they have had video feedback training during medical school
(Maguire, Fairbairn, and Fletcher 1986). But, argues Frankel (1995b), As education and
scholarship in this area continue to develop, important questions about how best to communicate
not only bad news but good news and no news will be addressed. Developing such a
knowledge base is another aim of our chapter.
While many American and all Canadian medical schools now offer training in
communication skills, only a few offer sessions specifically about the conveyance of diagnostic
information.3 If there is no formal instruction about presentational strategies as part of medical
training, the skills whereby participants deliver and receive good, bad, and other kinds of news are
part of a tacit or commonsense knowledge base (Garfinkel 1967; Polanyi 1958; Schutz 1962),
acquired without pedagogy or practice and through everyday communicative experiences. For
example, by emerging and ongoing participation in society, and becoming competent at
conversation, participants may learn a generic News Delivery Sequence or NDS (Maynard 1997;
2003) comprising four turns of talkannouncement, announcement response, elaboration, and
assessment. We will explore how doctors and patients enact and configure this sequence in the
context of medical diagnostic news.
Our analysis includes a discussion of the strong interactional asymmetries in the delivery
and receipt of good as opposed to bad news. Good news, as might be expected, involves an easier
path than does bad news, implicating both parties in relief and joint solidarity. Deliverers present
good news in an exposed fashionprefacing the news with a positive assessment, placing the news
in the first turn of the NDS, avoiding disfluencies, and so on. By contrast, bad news often

approaches a breakdown in solidarity and a breach in rational discourse between physician and
patient. Bad news is shrouded deliverers preface the news with neutral terms (or even positive
evaluations) rather than negative assessments, often delay the delivery until the third turn of the
NDS, produce the news after hesitations and other disfluencies in a turn of talk, or otherwise
position it last in the turn. Moreover, compared with their immediate, evaluative reactions to good
news, recipients are restrained in how they treat bad news. They may delay their responses, and
often do not use a semantic term when assessing the news, but do produce expletives like Oh
shit, or Oh god. The pattern of asymmetry in the interpersonal handling of news works toward
the sense of a benign social world (Maynard 2003). Nevertheless, good news can have its own
edge, for a symptom residue often accompanies good news in the clinicpersistent medical
complaints may go unexplained when a serious diagnostic possibility is excluded. This raises the
specter of indeterminacy and uncertainty in clinical medicine and thereby a different but no less
significant approach to the irrational than bad news presents.
Diagnostic News Deliveries in Primary Care
In clinical environments, the primary consequential figure in a diagnostic news delivery
is the patient. And, although family members may be attending as well, patients are the main
recipient. In fact, this is one general way of differentiating information transfer in institutional
settings from that in ordinary conversation. In conversation, participants regularly share news about
others or about themselves. Most episodes, that is, are third-party deliveries (Maynard 2003)
about relatives, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and sometimes public persons whom the
participants know in common. Or conversational episodes are first-party tidings in which the
deliverer is the primary figure, reporting something about ego or self, as when party A tells party B,
Guess what, I havent had a drink for eight days now (Terasaki (1976:7). Only rarely in
conversation are there episodes in which one party tells a recipient second party news, or tidings
about the recipient him- or herself as the primary figure. In that sense, the conversational
experiences of participants are limited. However, in various organizations, professionals customarily
have second-party news to deliver. It is our welfare workers, police, clergy, real estate agents,
attorneys and of course physicians and nurses who are regularly involved in bearing news to a
recipient who is the primary figure. This feature of medical routinethe frequency with which

practitioners are in the position of conveying news to the primary figuremay be at the root of
arguments for medical schools needing to devote more time to training about the communication
process and especially bad news (Lipkin Jr., Putnam, and Lazare 1995). We shall argue that
conveying good news and uncertain diagnostic information need attention as well.
As a matter of everyday routine, physicians, in interaction with patients, deploy the News
Delivery Sequence, but configure its four turns differently from the conversational sequence.
Physicians regularly announce testing and diagnostic information by citing or explicating the
evidence or making reference to the tests that warrant their diagnostic announcements (Maynard,
1991a; In press; Perkyl 1998). This citing of the evidence often occurs in a first turn
Announcement or may appear in an Elaboration turn. In either case, it represents a contrast with
conversational deliveries of news. In ordinary conversation, deliverers and recipients display an
orientation to the speakers firsthand knowledge or at least closer-hand knowledge than the
recipient. Consequently, news deliveries do not necessarily exhibit how speakers know about what
they announce although they may exhibit that speakers are knowledgeable and recipients are not.
For instance, when giving news about themselves, as in excerpt (1) deliverers draw on and have
respected their entitlement to know their own experiences (Sacks 1992:243-48). When bearing
news about third parties, as in excerpts (2) and (3), deliverers announce it by assertions or
declarations that display firsthand knowledge also deriving from their own biographies (if only
having heard the news previously from someone else). Recipients, in response and without asking
for any kind of displays of practical epistemology (Whalen and Zimmerman 1990) from
deliverers, produce various kinds of newsmarks, news receipts, and assessments that show an
orientation to having a changed state (Heritage 1984a) or having received the news and
understood its valence as bad or good (Maynard 1997). In short, conversational participants exhibit
an orientation to deliverers knowing that something is news and possibly good or bad. In the
clinic, physicians exhibit not only that they are knowledgeable but how they are knowledgeable.4
Asymmetries between Good and Bad News: Minor Conditions
The delivery and receipt of good diagnostic news, then, can closely follow a generic News
Delivery Sequence, which is configured in ways to show how physicians know the basis of their

diagnostic news. Additionally, while there may be generic ways for the delivery and receipt of
diagnostic news, as we have seen in conversation, there are orderly asymmetries between bad and
good news in the clinical setting. These asymmetries shed light on what each type of event means in
relation to the rationality of discourse in medicine. Asymmetries between bad and good diagnostic
news appear across the clinical spectrum from reports on minor procedures and conditions to more
major ones.5
As a start, we examine instances of reporting blood pressure results. In the excerpt below,
which has good results, the patient has been sitting on the examining table while the doctor takes
his blood pressure. The doctor removes the blood pressure cuff and hangs it on the wall just before
the utterance in line 1 below. At line 4, the patients reference to the freshman at Cornell refers
to the physicians daughter, whom they have discussed previously.
(4) CGN: 39 (3.3; p. 7:10)

Dr. G:

Mr. T:
Dr. G:
Mr. T:
Mr. T:
Dr. G:



Have a seat. ((Doctor sits down at desk in corner of

room; patient then sits down next to the desk, facing
the doctor.))
Fre:sh man at Cornell huh?
Thats great.
Doesnt that time go fast (.) MAN[hh
[Sure does .hhh
ONE THIRTY SIX OVER EIGHTY FOUR with yer sittin, so=
=those are in good shape. [Lets get a white cell
[((nods head))

After the side sequence about how fast the time goes, Dr. F announces the blood pressure result at
arrow 1 by citing the evidence. Then, following the patients mkay response (arrow 2), Dr. G
elaborates the news at arrow 3 by providing a positive assessment. Mr. T receives this assessment
by nodding (arrow 4). Because the physician is the one who first assesses the news (arrow 3), he
can be heard in that turn to be interpreting the blood pressure reading for the patient, and the
patients nodding aligns to the positive assessment rather than independently assessing the news
(as often happens in the fourth turn). Notice that there is nothing hesitant in Dr. Gs manner for
giving either the result or the assessment, and both are produced quickly in the sense that the news

represents an abrupt change from the previous topic of the physicians son, and is followed by a
topic change, a proposal for a different (white cell) test (line 12), which occurs in simultaneity
with the patients nodding.
This good news episode can be compared with one also involving blood pressure and in
which the news is at least ostensibly bad. Neither physician nor patient assesses the news as bad,
instead producing other interactional indications that the news is disfavored. The interview from
which excerpt (5) is taken began with the physician and patient reviewing the patients medications
(she had come to obtain a renewal of her blood pressure medicine), and the doctor next proposed an
agenda-like organization for the rest of the interview. In so doing he raised a concern about her
blood pressure test. Notice how, in lines 1-3 below, Dr. L introduces the borderline blood
pressure result. He names the feature to be reported on (blood pressure, line 1), then gives a
source for the to-be-reported result, next hesitates with an uh: and brief pause, then offers a
hedge (was perhaps) and minimizer (little) before stating the borderline result.
(5) Dr. L./Ms. B (2.1:125)

Dr. L:

Ms. B:
Dr. L:

.hh Alright, well: lets see. An your blood pressure

according to thuh clinic assistants:=uh: (0.2) was
perhaps (uh:) little borderline. So may- I- I think I
might like to: jus double check that.
[An then why dont I look at thuh sma:ll of your

Shortly after this, Dr. L put the blood pressure cuff on Ms. B (see lines 3-6 below) and conducted
the pressure check for which he had indicated his intention. In announcing the result (below, arrow
1), Dr. L cites the evidence (lines 10-11) in a very delayed fashion (a turn initial well, a naming
of the condition to be reported on, your blood pressure, and a reference to the reading, lines
7-8). Although preceding his report of the result Dr. L offers an assessment, it is mitigated (a little
higher..., line 8). Furthermore, he embeds this assessment within a subsequent, moderating
position-statement (than Id like tuh see it).
(6) Dr. L./Ms. B (2.1:173)

Dr. L:

And how old are you now?


Ms. B:

Dr. L: 1

Ms. B: 2
Dr. L: 3
Ms. B: 4
Dr. L:
Ms. B:

Fifty (three,)
(26.0)/((Dr. L is standing and inflating and
deflating the blood pressure cuff as Ms. B sits on
the examining table. He is removing the cuff from her
arm as the following is spoken:))
Well, your blood pressure hh by that reading would
be a little higher than Id like tuh see it. (Itsa-)
((helping remove the cuff)) have you put your arm
through- (.) right there okay like that. I got
about one forty over ninety ei:ght.
Which is (.) ya know a little bit higher than what
thuh clinic assistants g[ot.
[Mm hm.
ah: .hh Do you ever have thee opportunity tuh
moni[tor it at all?
[I do:: an I have uh car:d...

Then, when Dr. L reports the result (lines 10-11), he forms it as an approximation (about ..., line
11). After Ms. Bs token response (arrow 2), he elaborates (arrow 3) by observing that the reading
is higher than the other one, which had been suggested as borderline in excerpt (5) (line 3).
Consequently, the news delivery is one in which the upshot that the patients blood pressure is too
high is never stated outright, and the delivery is, in various ways, cautious and circumspect. Ms. B
receives the elaboration with another token (arrow 4). She neither shows a strong change of state
in her understanding nor assesses this news. Her response, in accord with conversational news
deliveries wherein a recipient is the primary figure, is restrained.6 As in the organization of
conversational tidings, diagnostic bad news is shrouded, while diagnostic good news is exposed.
Asymmetries between Good and Bad News: Major Conditions
Compared to the ubiquity with which primary care physicians deliver news about relatively
minor conditions, bad and good news concerning major conditions are less frequent. However, such
news can take on life and death significance, result in dramatic and emotion-filled experiences for
both the patient and the physician, and have profound legal, ethical, and social consequences. For
such reasons alone, informing episodes involving potentially serious conditions warrant scrutiny.
Beyond this, diagnostic news regarding major illness permits us to explore further the asymmetric
modes of delivery and receipt for the interactional work that they perform. Along lines Heritage
(1984b:269) has suggested about how preference structure in conversation exhibits affiliation and

solidarity, diagnostic news events show the importance placed on rational interchange in the
doctor-patient relationship. Bad news threatens such interchange in a way that good news does not.
Accordingly, preferencing forms in good news (exposing the news and visibility of its valence), and
dispreferencing forms in bad news (shrouding the news and valence), work to enhance solidarity by
preserving not only intersubjectivity or mutual understanding, but also public rationality.
We first examine an episode of good news concerning a patients cardiovascular system,
and follow this, for comparative purposes, with an example of bad news wherein a patient is told
that he has cancer. In addition to verbalized aspects of this event, we explore the bodily
comportment and non-vocalized behaviors of doctors and patients, which demonstrate alignment in
the good news encounter and nonalignment in the bad news event, and are part of the asymmetries
in delivery and receipt of the news.
Cardiovascular Good News
In the good news interview, as doctor and patient work their way through a diagnostic News
Delivery Sequence, they demonstrate alignment and convergence in their vocal and nonvocal
interactive practices on the goodness of the news. Dr. Donna Thomas, an internist in the primary
care center of a Midwest university hospital, has been treating a patient, 50-year-old Ms. Gayle
Roberts, for various symptoms, including severe chest pain. Because of this pain, the patient was
referred to a cardiology clinic for specialized testing, which is now complete. Dr. Thomas has seen
the results and after entering and seating herself in the clinic room where Ms. R has been waiting,
and while paging through the patients record, asks a standardized how-are-you question (line 1
below) that marks this as a return visit (Robinson, this volume). In answering such queries, Frankel
(1995b) has observed, patients display two orientations. One is to answer in a sociable mode as
an extension of or substitute greeting sequence (Sacks 1975). The other is to answer the
question in a clinical mode, according to the specific medical complaint the patient may be
bringing.7 Here, the patient, Ms. R initially responds sociably that she is pretty good (line 2) and
then, in a more clinical vein, reports tentatively (I think) that her test results have come out
okay (lines 2-3). Without hesitation, Dr. T confirms this (line 4) and then leaves to obtain the
paper. She is gone for over two minutes (line 7):

(7) Dr. T/Ms. R


How are ya doin?

Dr. T:

Im doin pretty good. I ha:d- da te: sts::, an I

Dr. T:
Dr. T:
Dr. T:
Dr. T: pa
Ms. R: ga
Dr. T: 1

Ms. R:
Dr. T:


Ms. R:
Dr. T:


Ms. R:
Dr. T:


Ms. R:
Dr. T:



Ms. R:

Dr. T:

think they all came out o kay.

They did. Lemme go get- I had that um (0.8) uh tch
paper on that, be right ba[ck.
((physician leaves room and returns after 2:12))
Did they talk to you:: at the time of
th[e:: (.) te:st? ]
[No: they didnt]
.hhh Um (.) it did come out very well.
[Thee: uh::m (0.4) >you know they do< two:: (.)
parts of it, a::nd one part is: .hhh (.) that they,
have the electrocardiogram, ((brings hands toward
Mm [hm ]
[on.] .hhh an::dt that uh they look uh:: for
evidence of too little (0.4) blood and oxygen going
to the heart muscle. .hhh ((leans toward Ms. R)) an
that was fi:ne,=
=[Mm hmm] ((nodding))
=[the elec]trocardiogram part of it, they said that
.hhh ((reading report on desk, left hand on page))
you: (.) um exercized very well:, with an excellent
functional ((returns gaze to patient)) ay:robic
] ((smiles; nods during Drs next turn:))
[So that] ((continuing gaze at patient)) that means
that for that fo:r: .h >you know they always say for
somebody at this particular< a:ge and a female
per:son .hh they have kind of an a:verage or a low or
a a hi::gh amount of ac[tivity ] (.) that they
[Mm hmm]
were able to do and you were able to do a lo:t of
Thats grea:t [cause] I want to really start=
[Yeah ]
=exercizing a:nd reduc:e wei:ght. I [gain]ed fifteen
poun:ds an .hhh the red li(h)(h)ght [is on.
[((nodding)] So
.hh ((returning gaze to report)) that was good they
said a excellent functional ayrobic capa:ci[ty .hh
[So I
could- coul:d uh si:gn up fer aerobic classes.
(0.2) ((Dr. T looking at report))
Mm hmm ((nodding))

When Dr. T returns to the room, she asks if they had talked to the patient at the time the test

had been performed (lines 8-9), to which Ms. A replies negatively (line 10). After acknowledging
this (line 11), Dr. T produces a kind of preface to her announcement of the news (pa, line 12),
which re-confirms (using emphasis on the verb) the favorability of the results. Goodwin (1996),
following Sacks (1974) on story prefaces, has referred to utterances such as this as prospective
indexicals. That is, It did come out very well provides a kind of headline to the upcoming news,
and an indication of how to respond to the it. Ms. R treats this utterance with a positive assessment
that suggests a go-ahead (ga) and occasions the announcement of results (arrow 1 at line 14
and continuing).
In the first part of the News Delivery, Dr. T cites and explicates the electrocardiogram the
test results, and also summarizes the outcome of a thallium procedure. She prefaces her delivery by
suggesting that there are two parts and referring to the electrocardiogram being on (lines
15-16, 19). Then, referring to the thallium, Dr. T adds that they look uh:: for ...blood and oxygen
going to the heart muscle (lines 19-21), and produces a general assessment (line 22) that it was
fi:ne. At this point, Ms. R produces a continuer and starts nodding (line 23). In overlap with the
continuer, and looking at the file on her desk, Dr. T cites the evidence from the electrocardiogram
by reading specific determinations (lines 24-8). On the words excellent functional ay:robic
capacity, she also shifts her gaze from the record to the patient. The patient responds here with
smile voice and an Okay acknowledgement (arrow 2).
Now Dr. T (arrow 3, line 30 and continuing) elaborates the electrocardiogram news,
proposing what the test result means (lines 30-34) and reporting that the patient was able to do
a lo:t of activity (lines 36-7). Immediately (arrow 4, line 38 and continuing), the patient assesses
this news positively and then provides an account for her assessment (lines 38, 40, 42), which has to
do with her want to exercise because of a weight gain. Dr. T, gazing at the patient, tracks this
account (lines 39, 41) and nods (line 43) at its completion. Following this, she also produces a
positive assessment as part of a summarizing repeat of the findings (lines 43-45), which appears to
be a device for holding the floor while further reading the report on her desk. Ms. R, however, next
exhibits that her previous expression of wanting to exercise because of having gained weight may
have been a tacit request for permission to exercise because at lines 46-7 she explicitly asks
whether she could sign up for aerobic classes. Dr. T gives her nodding assent while continuing to

look at the report (lines 48-9).

Subsequently (not on the transcript above), there are brief references to back pain (which
we discuss later) and then breathing difficulties the patient experienced during the
electrocardiogram test. There is also a second segment to this good news delivery, wherein Dr. T
elaborates on the thallium procedure, which showed that oxygen was getting to all sections of the
heart. Dr. T ended the news delivery by saying that together the two tests (electrocardiogram and
thallium) suggested that there was no part of the heart which looks like its in danger, and Ms.
responded with Um thats good. For considerations of space, we are not further analyzing this
second segment. The first segment (excerpt (7)) displays several characteristics that also feature in
the second and permits comparison with an interview concerning a patients diagnosis of cancer.
The interview between Dr. T and Ms. R is summarized in Figure 1, which we discuss later, for
purposes of comparison with the cancer interview.
Cancer Bad News
Bad diagnostic news, we have suggested, may not be referenced or formulated as such in the
course of its delivery, and that taboo-like effort itself is indicative of a disfavored status the news
occupies. But doctor and patient have other ways of exhibiting how they disfavor such news, as is
very apparent in our next excerpt. Clint Jones is a 37-year-old African-American male patient in
a primary care clinic affiliated with a medical school in an Eastern state (Frankel 1994). On a
Friday, he reported to the clinic with complaints about stomach pain, weight loss, and an inability to
tolerate solid foods. Dr. Edward Hoffman, a white third-year resident in the primary care
internal medicine training program referred him to a gastroenterologist, Dr. Smith, for evaluation.
Dr. Smiths endoscopy, for which Dr. Hoffman was also present, revealed a suspicious-looking
mass in the esophagus, and a biopsy was performed. The growth proved to be malignant, and on the
Monday after the procedure, Dr. H arranged to see Mr. J back in the clinic. The interview started
with Dr. H coming into the office where Mr. J had been seated, apologizing for Mr. Js having to
wait, and explaining that he had had a discussion with the previous patient that took longer than
he thought it would. As in the interview concerning Ms. Rs cardiology results, the physician then
produces a how-are-you doing query (line 1) exhibiting an orientation to this as a follow-up visit:

(8) Dr. H/Mr. J


tch hhhhhhh (0.6) so howareya doing.

Mr. J:
Im doin good, Im losin weight?
Mr. J:
Mr. J:
What was the problem. Wha was [(decided on).]=
Dr. H:
[Sh- shyou
Dr. H:
=lost- yuh- you lost weight. .hhh ((turns gaze away
from patient to desk and chart on right))
Dr. H:
(2.5) ((Dr. repositions note on his chart))
Dr. H: pa There is a pro:blem. ((returns gaze to patient and
Dr. H:
Uh::m: hh (1.3) tch!
Dr. H: (a) Do you re member what we talked abou:t at the
end o the procedure, [you had on Fri:day::.
Mr. J:
[no: ((shaking head))
Dr. H:
Okay well lets- (0.1) lets go over that too:.
.hhhhh uh:m (1.6) hhh (1.2) .hhhh (0.8) .hh ya know
we put the sco:pe (.) ((gestures with hand moving
down torso)) down into your stomach (0.1) to look
around and see what- (0.2) what it was that we could
s:ee:. .hhhhh a:nd uh: hhhhhh tch Doctor Smith an I
were there and we looked (.) into your stomach. .hhhh
(b) Do you remember we said we saw something g:ro:wing
in your stomach?=
Mr. J:
=Mm hm
Dr. H: (c) Dyou remember that?
Mr. J:
Ye:ah i gue:ss.= ((Mr. J shifts in chair, hunches
over, and looks downward.))
Dr. H: 1 =Oh kay. Well thats what we did see:. We- we
looked into your sto:ma:ch and we sa::w::
(0.6) right at the spo:t where you feel like
(0.2) the food is getting stu:ck,

(0.1) ((DR puts right hand on stomach.))

Mr. J:
Dr. H:
.hhh uh::, there is something growing in your
(4.0) ((Mr. J sits rigidly, looking downward.))
Mr. J: 2 You cant te:ll what it is?=
Dr. H: 3 =I can tell you what it is Cli:nt.

Dr. H:



Mr. J:
Dr. H:

Mr. J:


Mr. J:
Mr. J:
Mr. J:
Mr. J:

Mm hm.
Uh: (0.2) its a cancer.
(0.4) ((Mr. J brings head up and to his right))
Jhheesuhhs: ((whispered)) ((Mr. J swings right
elbow up and rests it on edge of edge of counter,
puts right hand over eyes, and left hand at crotch.))
Oh:: my gohhd
Oh::no::hh. ((Mr. J bends forward, resting both
elbows on his knees and hanging his head low.)

When Dr. H produces the return-visit query (Robinson, this volume) about how the patient is
doing (line 1), he and Mr. J, who leans his left elbow on the desk, are facing one another. The
patient first responds sociably that he is doin good and then, in a more clinical vein, announces
his continued weight loss (line 3). Following a softly spoken whatever tag (line 5), Mr. J then
occasions a news delivery by asking Dr. H about the problem (line 7).
Dr. H acknowledges the lost weight (lines 8-9) and then, after looking at the diagnostic
report on his desk (lines 9-11), a turn-holding Uh::m (line 12), and a large silence during which
he moves a small post-it memo (line 13), he responds to his patients query by nodding and
confirming that there is a pro:blem in a manner that also prefaces the announcement of findings
and diagnosis to come (pa, line 14). As a prospective indexical, this utterance and term project
specification and filling in (Goodwin 1996:285) but in contrast to Dr. Ts preface it did come
out very well in excerpt (7), this preface does not contain an evaluation as such and is relatively
restrained. There is, in other words, no lexical pre-indication of how bad the problem might be.
Notice also the delays and hesitations (lines 11-13) while he moves a post-it notepreceding
the confirmation at line 14. This confirmation meets with no response from Mr. J, who directs his
gaze to the chart Dr. H was just perusing. Rather, this behavior can be said to display recipiency
(Heath 1982) and operates as a nonvocal go ahead (ga, line 16) for the delivery of diagnostic
Dr. H then, hesitatingly, produces a perspective display invitation (arrow a, line 19). This in

fact, turns out to be the first of three such invitations (arrows (a), (b), and (c)). As described by
Maynard (1991d) such devices initiate a pre-sequence to the delivery of news that displays the
recipients view of a condition in advance of the news delivery. Subsequent to the display, clinicians
work both to confirm the recipients perspective as valid and to use it in affirming their own
diagnostic announcement. Here, Dr. H formulates the invitation at line 19 by asking Mr. J if he
remembers what they had talked abou:t at the end of the procedure the previous Friday, thereby
asking not just for any view from Mr. J but one that reflects a previous discussion. Mr. J denies
remembering (line 21), and this occasions Dr. Hs suggestion for going over that too: (line 23);
he then describes the procedure through a brief narrative (lines 23-28) and also invokes another
medical observer, Dr. Smith, besides himself, as jointly witnessing the evidence (lines 28-9).
Embedded in this narrative are a number of breathy hesitations and silences, which prolong a
halting quality to Dr. Hs presentation. Then at arrow (b) (line 30), Dr. H produces the second of
his perspective display invitations, this one proposing a specification of what Mr. J should
remember. Mr. J, at line 32, responds with a minimal utterance. Subsequently, in a third
invitation at arrow (c) (line 34), and showing an orientation to the minimalism of his recipients
previous utterance, Dr. H asks for a stronger display of recollection. Although Mr. J produces such
a display, it is delayed (line 35), spoken quietly, and the affirmative Ye:ah is muted with I
gue:ss (line 36).
When Mr. J acknowledges remembering, he also bends his torso forward in his chair and
faces the floor (lines 36-7), retaining this position as Dr. H moves to deliver the news. Overall, this
effort at gleaning a display of recollection proposes to co-implicate Mr. Js perspective
(Maynard, 1992), along with Dr. Smiths and his own, in Dr. Hs subsequent announcement of a
growth in Mr. Js stomach (arrow 1, lines 38 and continuing). Dr. Hpartly through the emphasis
on the deictic term thats and the verb didproduces an agreeing proposal that they saw
something growing (lines 38-9) and then locates the growth in relation to what is suggested as the
patients own account of a symptom (lines 40-41). In regular fashion, he thereby suggests
confirmation of Mr. Js purported seeing and experience of symptoms, and (after Mr. Js token
at line 43) uses that perspective to affirm the diagnostic formulation at lines 45-46, that there is
something growing in your stomach. Mr. J is still bent forward during this turn of talk and, after

it, is silent (line 47) until vocalizing a response (arrow 2 in the transcript) to the announcement, a
query that prefers (Sacks, 1987) confirmation that Dr. H cant te:ll what it is. Still, Mr. Js
negative or denying response implicates the diagnostic upshot or announcement. Dr. H (arrow 3,
line 49 and continuing), by suggesting that he can tell what it is, contravenes the proposal of his
patient. After Mr. Js delayed continuer (lines 50-1), Dr. H hesitatingly declares its uh cancer
(line 53). Mr. J immediately shifts his body posture from his leaning-forward position to a brief
lean back, with his left hand over his eyes (lines 55-58). Vocally, he produces whispered expletives
(line 55, 59), a tongue click (line 61), and, after an inbreath (line 63), a very soft denying utterance
(line 65). Mr. J also bodily returns to a torso-forward position, more extreme than the one he had
just left. This segment of the interview (excerpt (8)) is summarized along with the heart interview
(excerpt (7)) in Figure 1.
Both physician and patient remain silent for over 7 seconds. Mr. J is still bent forward,
while Dr. H sits upright with his eyes on his patients head and back. Mr. J breaks the silence with
a question at line 1 below:
(9) Dr. H/Mr. J

Mr. J:
Dr. H:

Dr. H:

Mr. J:
Dr. H:
Mr. J:

Dr. H:
Mr. J:
Dr. H:

>What does that mean.<

TCH hhhh (0.4) We:ll? (5.0) It mea::ns youre going
to needta see a lo:t o do:ctors Clint.
Uhhm (1.0) Youre gonna need a lo:t of medical
Phh (0.6) >Does it mean Im gonna die::.<
(Oo::::::)hhh .hh ((whimper))
(2.6) ((Mr. J shifts feet back and starts to stand.
Dr. H reaches hands out touching Mr. Js left elbow.
Mr. J stands and swings body so that he is facing the
counter with his back to Dr. H))
Stay with me Clint.
How long I got.
Come on stay with me now.
((Dr. H gestures toward empty chair with hand.))



Mr. J:
Dr. H:
Dr. H:

How long do I got.

I dont know:.
I dont know yet, there are a lo:t of questions yet
we havent answered.

Dr. H answers Mr. J (lines 3-4; 6-7) that he going to need a lo:t of further medical attention.
Subsequently, and remaining in his forward bend, Mr. J queries (with downward intonation), does
it mean Im gonna die::. (line 9). As Dr. H hesitates in answering (lines 10-12), Mr. J emits a
kind of whimpering sound (line 13) and starts to leave his chair (lines 14-17). As he does this, Dr.
H reaches out with both hands as if to grab Mr. Js elbow, but withdraws his hands quickly when
Mr. J stands up fully and steps to the counter at his right (lines 14-17). Then, Dr. H asks him to
stay with me (line 18), but Mr. J remains standing while asking how long he has (line 20).
Next, Dr. H intensifies his request for Mr. J to stay with him, both verbally (line 22) and by
gesturing to the chair (line 23), and Mr. J stays standing as he re-asks his question (line 25), which
Dr. H answers by his claim to a lack of knowledge (lines 27, 29-30).
Eventually, after Mr. J returns to his seat, the physician discusses treatment options,
emphasizes an immediate need for surgery, and suggests that Mr. J needs to see another doctor. It
is clearly an agonizing interview for both patient and physician, in which they discuss a variety of
topics, including how long the patient has, how to manage pain, how to handle feelings of
despair, and other matters. Relevant to the shrouding of bad news, it is only at a juncture near the
close of the interview, after proposing the need to get things lined up and move quickly, that Dr.
H evaluates the tidings. He says, its horrible news, and adds, Im sorry I had to give ya such
upsetting news, reporting that he had thought a lot about it this weekend, about how I would do
it, and it didnt come out at all the way I thought ....
Comparing Good and Bad News in Primary Care
Structurally, the interviews concerning cardiovascular good news and cancer bad news are
parallel (see Figure 1). Both interviews proceed from the physicians how are you doing
inquiries. The patients produce socially appropriate responses first, following them with clinical
responses, and then with utterances that initiate discussion of the diagnostic news. The heart patient,

Ms. R, tentatively offers an assessment that her tests all came out okay, which works to elicit a
fuller report from the physician, while the cancer patient, Mr. J, with his question about what the
problem is, asks for further information regarding his tests. Then, confirming what the patient
has already suggestedthat the testing came out very well (heart patient), or that there is a problem
(cancer patient), each physician begins a preface to an upcoming announcement. In turn, each
patient produces a go-ahead signal that occasions a delivery of diagnostic news.
From this point, the interviews diverge, however, in that Dr. T indeed proceeds with a News
Delivery Sequenceby almost immediately (1) announcing the thallium and electrocardiogram
resultswhereas Dr. H initiates a Perspective Display Series. Only after obtaining his patients
exhibit of remembering what they jointly observed does he firmly (1) announce finding a growth in
Mr. Js stomach. Then, in each interview, after these announcements, the patients produce (2)
responsesMs. R produces a smiling okay and Mr. J asks a questionthat elicit (3)
elaboration. In her elaboration, Dr. T explains what the electrocardiogram results mean; Dr. H
elaborates by asserting that his patients growth is a cancer. Subsequently, the patients
produce (4) assessment-type receipts, or broad displays of understanding of the kind of news they
have received. Ms. R verbalizes a thats great assessment, while Mr. J produces response cries
of various sorts.
However, while these generic how-are-you, prefaces to announcement, and News Delivery
forms are similarly deployed in each interview, there are vocal and nonvocal patterns that exhibit
strong asymmetries between good and bad news. Dr. T delivers her good news in more or less
immediate response to the patients go-ahead signal and, in proceeding with few hesitations or
pauses in her talk, is rather smooth in summarizing the thallium procedure and then citing the
electrocardiogram evidence. She gives both the that was fine thallium upshot and excellent
functional aerobic capacity upshot during the announcement, and subsequently, in what we call a
rational elaboration of the news, she proposes to explain what these upshots mean medically. The
patient, Ms. R, also produces continuers and news receipts in an unhesitating manner. Indeed, they
are often spoken at the same time as Dr. T is talking, and Ms. R produces her fourth turn
assessment, thats great... immediately after the elaboration of the electrocardiogram results and

provides an account for this assessment. She virtually embraces Dr. Ts announcement and rational
elaboration. Nonvocally, these two parties maintain mutual gaze for long periods and their bodies
frequently are aligned to one another, each participant sitting upright on her chair (the doctor moves
forward and back) and squarely facing the other.
Things are much different with the cancer patient. Dr. H delivers the cancer bad news in a
hesitating, delaying, halting fashion that is consonant with the manner in which conversational
participants produce dispreferred utterances in response to various kinds of initiations.8
Moreover, Dr. H produces the citation of evidence concerning something growing in the
patients stomach through invoking, in a very deliberate manner, a Perspective Display Series,
thereby aligning the patients experience to this announcement (and vice versa) before producing
the announcement. And the focal part of the newsthe upshot that Mr. J has cancerappears in
turn 3 or elaboration of the NDS. This delays the attempt at rational explication of the news
explaining what it means medically until after Mr. Js assessment turn.
Mr. J s responses to the diagnostic news, as well, involve delays, silence, and minimal
utterances. In a word, they appear resistive to the trajectory of the news. He at first denies
remembering, and then only reluctantly recalls the endoscopy and the discussion about it when a
growth in his stomach was first witnessed. Subsequent to Dr. Hs announcement that there is
indeed this growth, Mr. J occasions the elaborating pronouncement about cancer with a negatively
formed proposal that the doctor cant tell what it is. Finally, after the cancer upshot, Mr. J
appears agitated as he emits a series of expletives and a disavowing oh no. In terms of body
posture, throughout the interview the gaze of doctor and patient rarely meet, and they only face one
another briefly. After the initial how are you doing sequence, the patient is mostly bending
forward in his chair, looking at the floor, while the doctor glances back and forth between the report
on his desk and the patients head. After the cancer pronouncement, the patient is leaning back,
bending over again, standing up, and walking about, while the doctor sits in his chair, making slight
moves toward his desk or toward the patient and asking his patient to stay with him.
Once again, these asymmetries point toward good news as something to be
exposedforthrightly, even boldly delivered and received. Bad news is shroudedthe participants

to the interview are extremely discreet in its treatment. Two facets of this contrast between good and
bad news deserve further attention. One is related to how, in citing his evidence for Mr. Js
stomach growth, Dr. H works to co-implicate both his patient-recipient and his colleague, Dr.
Smith, in asserting the observability of the growth in Mr. Js stomach. Consequently, there is an
effort to establish the diagnosis intersubjectively by publicly invoking a convergence or
reciprocity of perspectives (Schutz 1962) within the medical interview itself. Dr. Ts
presentation, in contrast, only refers to an anonymous they as she describes what was looked for
and what was found with Ms. Rs electrocardiogram and thallium procedures. Neither she nor the
patient is portrayed as having evidence related to the diagnostic upshots. Accordingly, the
intersubjective status of these upshotstheir truth for the physician and patient in the present
situationappears to derive from an authoritative perspective that is anchored outside of this
situation but that can be permissively asserted within it.
Another facet of the contrast between bad and good news involves a semantically positive
delivery and receipt of good news and a semantically neutral handling of the diagnostic bad news.
That is, the announcement about Ms. Rs heart is preceded with mildly positive assessments from
both doctor and patient, including Ms. Rs good by which she solicits delivery of the news. Dr.
T interjects fine when announcing the thallium results, and excellent as she reads the
electrocardiogram results. Ms. R marks her receipt of this report with thats great and goes on
to offer an account for her assessment. Slightly later, after Dr. T further elaborates on the thallium
results (transcript not shown), Ms. R claims being happy about the diagnostic news, because she
had been nervous, there was a family history of stroke, and she now knows that she can ride the
bike. Thus, positive assessments and this claim of happiness proliferate in the good news delivery
and receipt about the patients heart. In the cancer episode, however, doctor and patient appear to
refrain from producing overt negative assessments and evaluationsneither formulates an
assessment of the badness of the news, that is, in the context of its deliveryand at no point
does Mr. J state or define how he is affected by the news. Rather, the bad valence is mostly
exhibited in other practices, such as the withholding of reference to that valence, and the
dispreferencing modes whereby the parties present and receive the news and the co-implicating
manner of citing the evidence. It is only near the end of the interview that Dr. H acknowledges

verbally how terrible the news is.

We find caution, circumspection, or shrouding with regard to bad diagnostic news, then, and
boldness, assertiveness, or exposure with good diagnostic news. Why the difference? What is the
interactional work of these asymmetric modes of delivery? It seems apparent that, from the
physicians point of view, good news is something that needs relatively little build up, preparation
or forecasting (Maynard 1996). Largely, physicians seem to depend on and often receive
patients unmediated affiliation to the news and to its valence. This means that patients can and do
follow what the news means in a discursively rational way, accepting the physicians
explanations and offering accounts of their own that build topically on those explanations.
Furthermore, these rational elaborations often involve reciprocal displays of positive affect on the
part of the participants. In short, good news is regarded as enhancing the social bond between
physician and patient.
Contrariwise, physicians seem oriented to the possibility of disaffiliation from the news
when it is bad. Shrouding bad news represents restraint on the part of physicians and can
encourage restraint on the part of their recipients, who may be at risk for otherwise flooding out
upon the pronouncement or confirmation of diagnosis.9 If Goffman (1978) is correct, response
cries like those occurring as receipts of bad news are indications of this propensity for emotional
loss of control. Response cries, that is, are something like self-talk as a kind of externalized
inward state. As relatively brief emotional expressions of pain, they do not overwhelm their
producer. Nevertheless, they are enough to threaten mutual intelligibility, and physicians are
therefore concerned to contain the scene to which they respond and in which they may be
emitted (Goffman 1978:795; Sudnow 1967:141).10 We observed that, in dealing with Mr. Js
response to the cancer diagnosis, including his response cries, his question about what it means and
if it means he is gonna die, and his pacing around the room, Dr. H, in proceeding to discuss
meaning, prognosis, treatment, and other matters, remains seated. He urges his patient, Stay with
me, Clint, thereby calling his patient back to the discourse of rational medicine. In short, the
asymmetries between good and bad news in clinical environments, in which participants
behaviorally and interactionally exhibit the favoring of good news and the disfavoring of bad news,

are structures that enhance the possibility of order over disorder, intersubjectivity over a descent into
the subjectivity of emotion, and explanatory rationality over emotional displays as a kind of
Good News, Indeterminacy, and Uncertainty: The Problem of Symptom Residue
Unbounded response cries and displays of emotion represent only one potential kind of
irrationality in the delivery of diagnostic news. Another potential irrationality is evoked when
physicians dont know or are uncertain about the answers to medical questions.11 In the cancer
interview, Dr. H had difficulty with Mr. Js questions about what his diagnosis meant. These are
questions of prognosis, which notoriously raise problems of indeterminacy and uncertainty when
someone is diagnosed with a given disease. But even when diagnostic news is ostensibly good,
there is often a residue of symptoms for which there is no account, and this also can send physician
and patient to the edge of rationality.12 Consider the continuation of excerpt (7), involving the
cardiology patient. After Dr. T affirms that Ms. R can sign up for aerobic classes, she introduces a
complaint about her back (lines 51-52 below). Dr. T acknowledges and receives this as information
and, continuing to read from the file, quotes others who observed that during the electrocardiogram,
the patient was fatigued and had chest pain (arrows below at lines 54-7):
(10) Dr. T/Ms. R: continues excerpt (7)

Dr. T:
Ms. R:

... excellent functional aerobic capa:ci[ty .hh

[So I
could- coul:d uh si:gn up fer aerobic classes.
(0.2) ((Dr. T looking at report))
Mm hmm ((nodding))

Dr. T:
Ms. R:
Dr. T:
Dr. T:

Ms. R:

The o(h)(h)nly thing is a:fterwards the ba::ck was

really bo[t h e r i n g m e] but .hh hh
[Oh is that ri:ght.] ((gazing at Ms. R))
((returns gaze to file on desk)) .hh Now: they
said that um you sto:pped because you were,
fatigue:d and that you al:so did have an aching kind
of che[st pai]n is that cor[rect ]
[Mm hmm]
[Mm hmm]

This symptom residue occupies a great deal of attention during the interview after the delivery of
this good-news diagnosis of excellent aerobic capacity and about the thallium test. In this way, in

the immediate environment of a good news delivery, the problem of indeterminacy can rear its head,
which Frankel (1995b:252) has described as stemming from physicians approach to illness as one
that attempts to rule out various possible conditions. When, in Ms. Rs case, heart disease is ruled
out, the question remains as to the source of her pain:
(11) Dr. T/Ms. R (Normalized transcript)
Dr. T:

The um the fact that you did have chest pain that
came on is a little bit disturbing to me...all these
things are good that it doesnt show that theres any
major thing thats wrong with it. Um I think it may
be that you know sometimes people get chest pain from
other things, from their muscles for example.

At such a point, the physician may have to construct ad hoc explanations (muscles) for the
symptom or difficulty that a patient experiences. And Dr. T recommends that if Ms. R feels
fatigued or has some extra chest pains, or if the pain otherwise does not go away, she should call
In this example, the patient first complains about her back, and then it is the physician who
brings up the problem of fatigue and chest pain. More regularly, it is the patient who, after receiving
diagnostic information that a physician has presented as good news, refrains from any positive
assessment and brings up remaining symptomatic or other health concerns that the good news
diagnosis leaves unexplained. In one interview, a physician presented results from a number of
diagnostic tests to the patient (Maynard and Frankel 2003). At lines 1-2 below, Dr. Kallberg
reports on his patients pap test, and Ms. Victor receives this as good news (line 3). Together
lines 1-3 constitute a prototypical two-part News Delivery Sequence (as per arrows 1 and 2):
(12) Dr. K/Ms. V: 1.5:235

Dr. K: 1

Yer pa::p (.) is negative?

Ms. V: 2 Oh good.
Dr. K: 1a Yer: leg ex ray is negative?
Ms. V: ? So di- So are you gonna tell me whats wrong with my
leg [then? ]
Dr. K:
[I alrea]dy told you whats wrong.
Ms. V:
Oh just tendinitis?


Then, the production format for Dr. Ks announcement about the leg xray at arrow 1a closely
parallels the previous announcement containing the pap report (line 1). But Ms. V responds very
differently. Instead of a relatively close positioned positive assessment, there is a substantial silence
(line 5) following the announcement, and then a query about whats wrong with the leg (lines 6-7).
The doctors answer is one that occasions the patients guess about tendinitis (line 9) and then
some joking about whether the patient has tendinitis or bursitis (data not shown). Our point is that
the problem of a symptom residue may disrupt a good news delivery sequence.
When this disruption happens, it may be no laughing matter, especially when the symptoms
are potentially serious, as in excerpt (13) below. Dr. L, reading from the report on his desk,
announces the mammogram result at arrow 1, the patient responds with a nodding continuer at
arrow 2, and then Dr. L elaborates the report with a kind best case formulation13 at arrow 3, which
proposes how good the news is. In the sequential position (?, line 11) where the patients
assessment could occur, Ms. S initiates a question.
(13) Dr. L w/Ms. S (2.3)

Ms. S:
Dr. L:

Dr. L: 1
Ms. S: 2
Dr. L: 3
Ms. S: ?
Dr. L:
Dr. L:
Ms. S:



Ms. S:

An then: you were going tuh tell me tuhday about thuh

Tlk .hh Thats right. A:nd I think thuh report on that
was good. (t) did cross my desk.
(1.0) ((Dr. looking through file))
((reading:)).hh Uh: uncha::nged appearance. ((shifts
gaze to patient:)) No evidence for cancer.
Mm hm. ((nodding))
((returns gaze to report:)) So: its- its thuh:: .hh
b:est uh: report you can find. [(You just uh-)
[.hh Now: wouldju answer a question for me.[On thuh=mthuh mammiogram.
[Ill try.
[Mm hm,
[eh- thee: extent of what it examines is thee::=uh
.hhh tissue of thuh breast itself.
Does it reach beyo:nd it.
It doesnt really reach up in thuh arm pits. if thats
what youre: [were thinking of.
[Well Im concerned (.) that there is uh



lump, an it is growing.

It turns out that the patient has a concern about a lump in her armpit. The mammogram has not
covered that area, which means that the doctor must further consider the possibility of a cancer. The
symptom residue occurs here because a diagnostic test is not comprehensive enough. And that
residue of symptoms appears to interfere with the patient producing an agreeing assessment with
what the doctor proposes to be good news.
In short, when some disease is ruled out, it can be good news from a clinical point of
view. That point of view may or may not be one that the patient shares, and at times physicians
may appear insensitive to the context of patient experience, as Frankel (1995b:252) puts it,
especially when the patient does have some residue of pain or other symptoms.14 In these
circumstances, argues Heath (1992), the incongruence between doctor and patient can mean that
patients will feel compelled to recount their experience of illness in order to justify having visited
the doctor (Halkowski, Heritage chapters, this volume). The practitioner may re-orient from
delivering news and managing closure toward re-examining the patient and possibly referring the
patient for further diagnostic testing. Frankel (1995b:254) similarly proposes that the physician
must extend the assessment of the patient by ordering further tests. Therefore, while physician
may have a high level of diagnostic certainty regarding the tests already performed and what has
been ruled out, they nevertheless can be faced with symptoms of indeterminate origins and
consequently must deal with uncertainty about a larger medical picture of the patient surrounding
one particular episode of diagnostic news.
In our data, the problem of symptom residue appears with great regularity. Good news can
and does go hand-in-hand with indeterminacy and certain forms of uncertainty. Let us recall
Heaths (1992) argument that physicians announce their diagnoses in ways that are authoritative
and that patients, when receiving diagnostic news, are largely passive and silent such that they
display an orientation to this authority. At most, when there is incongruence between doctor and
patient, the patient attempts to justify having sought the doctors help. Perkyl (1998) has


suggested something else: Physicians regularly and carefully provide evidential reasons for their
diagnostic conclusions, in ways that display the intersubjective rather than authoritative grounds for
their diagnoses. Our investigation of good news and the problem of symptom residue adds a
further dimension to previous work, for this problem puts physicians and patients at the edge of
rationality where authority and intersubjectivity are in jeopardy. Despite the good news that some
disease is not present, patients still have their pains and symptoms, and doctors cannot yet assert
anything definitive to account for them. That is, while institutional medicine can rule out possible
conditions and provide good news to patients, it neither give a name to nor explain a vast amount of
symptom residue, and patients experiences may be otherwise unintelligible to the doctor.
The delivery and receipt of diagnostic news is literally a defining moment in the
medical interview, an integral part of the third function where physicians are to educate patients
about their conditions and possible treatments. Where, in the past, this phase of the interview has
lacked for research, we add to a number of conversation analytic investigations demonstrating the
orderliness and organization of diagnostic informing events. We have shown that a generic, fourpart News Delivery Sequence is adapted to the clinical setting, although articulated asymmetrically
according to whether physicians have bad or good testing and diagnostic news to report. When the
news is good, deliveries are dependably upbeat and rational, at least initially and before a possible
symptom residue may be exposed in the talk. The participants are not at immediate risk of any
rupture in mutual intelligibility and understanding. When the news is bad, however, physician and
patient appear on the edge of rationality, insofar as the news may evoke a strong emotional reaction
in the patient, whose display both parties often work to avert. Consequently, physicians deliver bad
news in a more circumspect manner than good news, and patients may resist the news and be
restrained in response. The ways in which doctor and patient exhibit the shrouding of bad news
may work on behalf of preserving the interview as a rational dialogue or one that avoids the disorder
and descent into subjectivity that strong displays of emotion are perceived to entail.
After all, the emotional realm is one that authoritative medicine has so far minimized in the


training of students , in part because of the value placed on clinical detachment and affective
neutrality (Frankel 1995a; Parsons 1951:458-9; Spiro 1992). Recently, however, there is growing
recognition of the importance of empathy in the doctor-patient relationship. An implication from
our analysis is that, at the point where bad news is delivered, when patients provide clear although
contained displays of emotional distress, there emerges what Suchman et al. {, 1997 #68} call an
empathic opportunity. Instead of asking the patient to stay with him (as in our cancer episode),
the physician can consider going with the patient. In other words, before turning to the rational
assessment of prognosis and treatment, the physician could at least acknowledge expressions of
affect and invite their exploration in a manner that facilitates understanding in the realm of
emotional response .
Our analysis might end with the interactional asymmetries involved in coping with bad news
as compared with sharing good news, and the need for physicians expressions of empathy when
patients show distress upon receiving bad news. At first glance, good news appears to be largely
unproblematic, as both doctor and patient interactionally handle such news in a relatively smooth
and upbeat manner. However, good news can approach another territory of the irrational besides the
emotional one. This area is one of indeterminate and uncertain knowledge, where authoritative
medicine, having ruled out one or more candidate diseases or conditions, cannot name or explain
symptoms a patient experiences and presents. In that sense, good news in medicine can have a
kinship to bad news.15 Therefore, just as investigators have advocated for research and training on
bad news, we argue that good news and uncertainty demand similar attention.16 In terms of medical
education and curriculum design, at least three skill sets need to be developed. First, because we
have barely more than a glimmer in understanding the psychological processes that physicians must
navigate in order to successfuly inform patients, physicians will benefit from training in selfawareness (Novack et al. 1997). Second, it is important for physicians to determine patients needs
and desires for information and to ensure that there is agreement about what has been conveyed.
Finally, besides integrating awareness of self and other, medical curricula can incorporate learning
about the specific devices that effective practitioners use when they deliver diagnostic news.17 Our

aim is to contribute to a research base revealing the interactional dynamics that must be understood
for diagnostic news delivery and related skill sets to be effective.
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1. Girgis and Sanson-Fisher (1995) reviewed 750 papers on the topic of bad news and found only
three that used controlled methods to test the effectiveness of various approaches to delivering bad

2.For an extended analysis of a single case of uncertainty, see Maynard and Frankel (2003).

3.Fallowfield and Lipkin (1995:317) observe that there is increased teaching of communication
skills in medical schools, but that ...the proportion of the curriculum concerned with this important
area is still woefully smaller than that given to other clinical skills.

4. Perkyl (1998, this volume) has shown that physicians strike a balance between relatively
authoritative assertions and those evidence-based formulations that work to make diagnostic news
intersubjectively available and valid. That is, physicians deliveries of news provide for the
accountability of their vocalized diagnostic reports in way that is not characteristic of conversation
when someone delivers bad or good news.

5.Asymmetries between bad and good news, as we are about to describe them, have been
documented in a number of clinics. See Stivers (1998) regarding veterinary medicine, Heritage and
Stivers (1999) on pediatrics and internal medicine, and Leppanen (1998) on nurses giving blood
pressure and blood sugar results to adult patients. For a general consideration of these asymmetries,
see Maynard (2003: Chapter 6).

6.Indeed, Ms. Bs response represents a regularity in the way patients receive relatively bad
diagnostic news: they produce stoic responses (Maynard 2003: Chapter 5). An implication here is
that withheld responses in the context of bad diagnostic news may not necessarily indicate a


patients orientation to physician authority, as per Heaths (1992:262) argument. Rather, they may
display the normatively-constrained fashion by which recipients handle bad news in which they are
the primary figure. Stoicism in the face of ones own bad news represents a balance between
showing too much distance, on one hand, and, on the other, too much involvement, which can verge
on self-pity.

7.See also Robinsons (this volume) analysis of different waysfor example, the open-ended
or closed-ended questionsin which doctors ask about patients health problems.

8. Recall that the physician in each interview delivers the diagnostic news in answer to solicitations
from the patient; i.e., as a responsive activity. As Schegloff (1988:446) succinctly observes, the
sequential and temporal feature of preferred and dispreferred responses is that ... preferred comes
early, dispreferred is commonly delayed.
9.For examples of such flooding out, see the example in Maynard (1989) of a mother who cries
and sobs when hearing the diagnosis of mental retardation for her son, and the example of a
woman who shows what Quill (1991) calls rage and terror when she finds out that she has
been diagnosed with AIDS.

10.For a study of how strong displays can impede the work of professionals in an organizational
setting, see Whalen and Zimmerman (1998). They analyze the use of hysteria as a label that
9-1-1 call-takers apply to those callers whose behavior overwhelms the interactional demands of
gathering information necessary to the dispatch of help.

11.Researchers and scholars have devoted considerable attention to the problem of uncertainty in
medicine. Traditionally, the emphasis has been on the anxiety that uncertainty produces in
physicians (Buckman 1984), and how they have attempted to conceal their lack of knowledge from
patients (Fox 1957; Katz 1984). Such problems are not our focus per se, although they also point
to forms of irrationality associated with medical uncertainty.


12.See Abbotts (1988:42-4) discussion of how, within any professional classification symptom,
there can be areas of unclassified, residual problems.

13.See Pomerantzs (1986) discussion of extreme case formulations and the way they are used
to legitimize claims.

14.In a study involving 38 patients referred by their cardiologists for echocardiography, all of
whom received the news that their results were normal, over half or 21 patients reported residual
doubt and anxiety about the condition of their hearts (McDonald, Daly, Jelinek, Panetta, and
Gutman 1996). Ten of the 38 patients were referred for the test because they came to the clinic with
worries about palpitations or pain or both, and all ten had doubt and anxiety after their favorable
tests. Out of the 28 who were referred to cardiologists, and by them for testing, because a primary
care physician detected a systolic murmur during routine examination, 11 had residual doubt and
anxiety after the test. In another study, which involved a sample of patients who were referred for
neurological examinations because of headache, 40% were still worried three months after received
reassuring results from the specialist that their symptoms reflected serious disease (Fitzpatrick
and Hopkins 1981).

15.And vice versa. That is, sometimes bad news, because it provides relief from situations of
indeterminacy, is experienced as relatively good news. See, for example, Fallowfield (1991:39).

16.In a British Medical Journal editorial, Fitzpatrick {, 1996 #73} refers to the McDonald et al. {,
1996 #72} and the Fitzpatrick and Hopkins {, 1981 #74} studies showing that normal examination
results (and hence good diagnostic news) do not always relieve patient anxiety (see endnote 16).
Fitzpatrick {, 1996 #73} suggests that poor communication is the usual culprit in the failure to
reassure patients, and calls for physicians to engage in direct discussion of patients concerns.
But medical curricula, as we have noted, do not ordinarily provide training in how to conduct such


discussions. Teaching about the conveyance of good news is probably more neglected than the
problem of bad news. Furthermore, Hewson {, 1996 #11} suggests that because the handling of
uncertainty is also rarely articulated in the medical curriculum, physicians in practice end up using a
set of undeveloped, taken-for-granted and tacit skills when having to communicate about
indeterminate conditions.

17.However, see Buckman (1984), Frankel (1994a), and Quill (1991), for example.


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