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Rice Bran and Its Main Components - Potential Role in The Management of Coronary Risk Factors

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Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.

29-46, 2005
ISSN 1540-7535 print, Copyright 2005 by New Century Health Publishers, LLC
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved


A.F.G. Cicero1, and G. Derosa2

G. Descovich Atherosclerosis and Dysmetabolic Disease Study Center, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Applied Biotechnologies D. Campanacci, SantOrsola-Malpighi University Hospital, Via Masssarenti 9, 40138
Bologna, Italy, and 2 Internal Medicine and Therapeutics Department, Pavia University Hospital, P.le C. Golgi, 2 27100 Pavia, Italy.

[Received July 29, 2004; Accepted September 27, 2004]

ABSTRACT: The prevention of cardiovascular disease
events is related to a complex management of conventional
and non-conventional risk factors. The first approach to
reduce the cardiovascular disease risk is a correct dietary
approach. Rice bran and its main components (Fibres,
unsaturated fatty acids, triterpene alcohols, phytosterols,
tocotrienols, alpha-tocopherol) have demonstrated their
property to improve the plasma lipid pattern of rodents,
rabbits, non-human primates and humans, reducing total
plasma cholesterol and triglyceride concentration and
increasing the high density lipoprotein cholesterol level.
Other potential properties of rice bran components have
been studied both in vitro and in animal models such as
modulation of the pituitary secretion, inhibition of the
gastric acid secretion, antioxidant action and inhibition of
the platelet aggregation. The main aim of this paper is to
review the available data on pharmacology and toxicology
of rice bran and its main components with a particular
attention to those data suggesting a potential efficacy in
reducing the cardiovascular disease risk.
KEY WORDS: : Cardiovascular disease, gamma-oryzanol,
Tocotrienols, Prevention, Rice bran.
ABBREVIATIONS: HMGCoA-R= 3-Hydroxy-3-MethylGlyutaryl-CoenzimeA reductase; HDL-C= High Density
Lipoprotein Cholesterol; LDL-C= Low Density Lipoprotein
Cholesterol; PL = Phospholipids; TC= Total plasma
Cholesterol; TG= Plasma Triglycerides; VLDL-C= Very Low
Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol; GH= Growth Hormone;
LH= Luteinizing Hormone; PRL= Prolactin Releasing hormone TSH= Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

Corresponding Author: Arrigo F.G. Cicero, MD; G. Descovich

Atherosclerosis and Dysmetabolic Disease Study Center; D.
Campanacci, Clinical Medicine and Applied Biotechnologies,
SantOrsola-Malpighi University Hospital Via Massarenti,
9, Bologna 40138, Italy; Fax. ++39 051390646; E-mail:

It is well known that cardiovascular death rate is lower
in Mediterranean countries than in Northern Europe and
North America. Conclusions from these studies acclaimed the
Mediterranean diet that is very rich in complex carbohydrates,
mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, fibres and antioxidants (fruits and fresh vegetables), poor in cholesterol, saturated and oxidised fatty acids, in association with moderate
alcohol consumption. The Far Eastern Asian dietary pattern
is also associated to a lower mortality rate because of cardiovascular events: it is poor in cholesterol and in fatty acid too,
and very rich in rice and soy-derived proteins. Unfortunately,
both Mediterranean and Far Eastern Countries are changing
their alimentary habit toward the Anglo-Saxon one much
more than Anglo-Saxon Countries are getting nearer to
Mediterranean or Asiatic diets.
However, studying both diets we can find some nutrients
that can be isolated and used as dietary supplements, useful to
supply dietary unbalances in order to reduce the cardiovascular disease risk. For instance, there is overwhelming evidence
that support the antihypercholesterolemic effect of vegetable
oils that are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, mainly -linolenic and linoleic acid.
Observational studies on distinct populations support the
existence of a linear relationship between plasma lipid levels
and cardiovascular disease induced death rate. This is sound
to be true even if elevated plasma cholesterol is just a borderline one (Durrington et al. 1999). While pharmacological
research has focused on energy in searching for new drugs able
to drastically decrease Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
(LDL-C) and total triglycerides (TG) plasma level, Italian
(Ricci et al. 1997), European (Task Force 1998) and United
States of America (Adult Treatment Panel III 2001) guidelines underline the dietary and behavioural habit correction
as a first step for the hyperlipoproteinemic patient at risk for
cardiovascular events. It is only after this intervention fails to
sufficiently lower plasma lipid level, that the beginning of a
pharmacological treatment is admitted. Once this starts, it


Rice bran and cardiovascular disease risk

should become a chronic and continuing therapy. Therefore,

these Guidelines do not allow a pharmacological treatment
for youth hyperlipoproteinemic subjects (except for Familial
Hypercholesterolemia) and moderate dyslipidemias. Very
often, these dyslipidemias hide such a Familial Combined
Hyperlipoproteinemia, linked to high incidence of cardioand cerebrovascular disease related death. These diseases have
no right to be covered by drug payment exemption, because
the plasma lipid levels of these patients are often not high
enough (Note CUF 1998). Consequently, chronic prevention
therapy appears onerously expensive for patients and even
the cost/benefit relationship is still too low to justify starting
chronic pharmacological therapy. This is particularly true in
cases where there are no other risk factors (e.g. young, sporting, non-smoking subjects, moderately hypercholesterolemic
individuals). Beside, thus it is very important to consider
the psychological impact that a therapeutic intervention that
could have on such a patient. We point out the necessity to
find dietary complements in order to help the moderately dyslipidemic patient, particularly the young one, and let him/her
obtain proper cardiac disease prevention from a parapharmacological point of view.
Thus, the last Adult Treatment Panel of the National
Cholesterol Educational Program suggests introducing in
the everyday diet 4 portions of soy proteins (for a total daily
amount of 25 g), 2 grams of phytosterols and vegetable soluble fibres (like psyllium, guar, pectin, oat) in order to reduce
or maintain an adequate cholesterolemia (Adult Treatment
Panel 2001).
This is the context in which rice bran and derived products
appears as nutraceuticals potentially useful in the prevention
of cardiovascular diseases (Cicero et al. 2001).
From a marketing point of view, the most available (and
adequately investigated) rice bran derived product is the oil
made from the pericarp and germ of the Oryza sativa seeds.
Rice bran constitutes about 10% of rough rice grain and
contains 18% to 22% oil. It is pale yellow, limpid (at 20C),
odourless with acid index <0.50, density at 20 between
0.920 and 0.930, refractive index at 20C between 1.471
and 1.475, smoke point >200C, pleasant flavour lightly
sweet. It contains mainly oleic acid (38.4%), linoleic acid
(34.4%) and -linolenic acid (2.2%) as unsaturated fatty
acids, and palmitic (21.5%) and stearic (2.9%) acids as
saturated fatty acids (Sayre et al. 1990). In contrast to most
common refined vegetable oils, crude rice bran oil contains
a rich unsaponifiable fraction (up to 5%) mainly composed
by sterols (43%), triterpene alcohols (28%) 4-methyl-sterols
(10%) and less polar components (19%) (Sayre et al. 1990).
Phytosterols include -sitosterol (900 mg%), campesterol
(500 mg%), stigmasterol (250 mg%), squalene (320 mg%)
and gamma-oryzanol (1.6%). The so-called gamma-oryzanol, often identified as the active molecule of rice bran oil, is
a mixture of ferulic acid esters of triterpene alcohols such as

cycloartenol (106 mg%) and 24-methylene cycloartanyl (494

mg%) (Metwally et al. 1974, Norton 1995), firstly isolated
by Kaneko and Tsuchiya in the early 1950s (Kaneko et al.
1955). Its fundamental molecular structure is the ferulic acid
aromatic phenolic nucleus esterified to cyclopentanperihydrophenanthrene (Seetharamaiah et al. 1986). Rice bran oil
contains a little variable quantity of tocotrienols (from 72 to
612 ppm, especially and -tocotrienols), but it is naturally
very rich in tocopherol (ca. 100 mg%), similarly to another
vegetable oil with well-known antihyperlipidemic action, the
soybean oil (Rukmini et al. 1991, Rogers et al. 1993).
In the last 35 years, numerous studies have been carried
out on the effect of rice bran oil and gamma-oryzanol activity on lipid metabolism and oxidation in rats (Fujiwara et al.
1983), rabbits (Fujiwara et al. 1980), hamsters (Kahlon et al.
1992), monkeys (Nicolosi et al. 1990) and humans (Suzuki
et al. 1970a).
Studies on rats: Studies carried out on the rat have given
interesting but often contrasting results. Shinomiya et al.s
study on gamma-oryzanol partially went against the supposed
antiatherogenic property of this compound. The lipid content
of the plasma and liver and enzyme activities in the aorta were
determined at the 28th, 56th and 84th day of the observation
period in rats given a standard diet (I), a high cholesterol diet
(II), a high cholesterol diet plus 0.5% gamma-oryzanol (III)
or a high cholesterol diet plus 2% gamma-oryzanol (IV).
Plasma TC, LDL-C and very low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (VLDL-C) were significantly higher in rats in groups III
and IV than in those in group II. HDL-C was increased in
groups III and IV. There were no differences in rat plasma TG
or PL concentrations in the four groups. The liver cholesterol
ester and triglyceride contents were lower in group IV than in
groups II and III. Changes in acid cholesterol esterase activity
and acyl-Coenzyme A: cholesterol acyl-transferase activity in
rat aorta homogenates to compensate for lipid deposition was
greater in groups III and IV than in group II (Shinomiya et
al.1983). In a subsequent study the intravenous administration of gamma-oryzanol and cycloartenol ferulic acid ester
10 mg/kg for 6 days significantly inhibited the increases in
serum TC, PL and free cholesterol induced by a high cholesterol diet in male Sprague-Dawley rats. After 12 days of
treatment, both substances were able to significantly decrease
TG, non-esterified fatty acid, lactate dehydrogenase and
transaminases in rapport to the control animals. These results
suggest that the intravenous administered gamma-oryzanol
and cycloartenol ferulic acid ester could accelerate the excretion of lipids from the blood. However, the same substances
administered by oral route for 12 days (100 mg/kg) did not
produce significant changes in the effects studied (Sakamoto
et al. 1987). Besides these preliminary studies, some well-conducted Indian researches show that rice bran oil and gammaoryzanol significantly improve the plasma lipoprotein pattern
in rat. In fact, Sharma and Rukmini demonstrated that rats

Rice bran and cardiovascular disease risk

fed with rice bran oil at 10% level for a period of eight weeks
showed significantly lower TC, LDL-C and VLDL-C plasma
levels, both on cholesterol-containing and cholesterol-free
diets. HDL-C was increased, while TG showed a non-statistically significant decrease. Liver cholesterol and triglycerides
were also reduced, while faecal excretion of neutral sterols
and bile acids was increased (Sharma et al. 1986, Sharma et
al. 1987). Moreover, the serum total, free esterified and nonHDL-C levels of rats maintained on a 10% refined rice bran
oil diet were significantly lower than those on a 10% groundnut oil diet; HDL-C showed a tendency to be higher. Liver
lipids of rats fed rice bran oil were also markedly lower than in
their groundnut oil fed counterparts. Addition of gamma-oryzanol at 0.5% level to the diet containing rice bran oil showed
a further significant decrease in serum TC, but not of liver
lipids (Seetharamaiah et al. 1988, Seetharamaiah et al.1989).
Feeding phytosterols, cycloartenol and 24-methylene-cycloartanol in amounts present in rice bran oil unsaponifiable
matter to hypercholesterolemic rats for 8 weeks indicated that
cycloartenol alone significantly reduced both plasma cholesterol and TG levels (Rukmini et al. 1991). Besides, the effects
of feeding two levels of rice bran oil (5% and 20% of the diet)
on growth, plasma and liver lipid parameters of Wistar rats,
were compared with those produced on animals which had
been fed by the same quantity of peanut oil. There was no significant difference with respect to the organ weights between
control and experimental groups. Animals, which received
rice bran oil in their diet, had, in general, comparatively
lower levels of TC, TG and PL. On the other hand, animals
receiving 20% rice bran oil in their diet, showed an increase
of 20% in HDL-C, within 18 weeks (p<0.05), when compared to the animals fed with peanut oil. Similarly, LDL-C
and VLDL-C were lower in rice bran oil fed groups, than in
the peanut oil fed groups. There was, however, no significant
difference in the plasma cholesterol/phospholipid ratio or in
the polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acids ratio, nor any in the
oleic/linoleic, oleic/stearic, palmitoleic/palmitic, oleic/palmitic, and oleic/palmitoleic ratios between the two groups
(Purushothama et al. 1995).
Having assessed the anthyperlipidemic property of rice bran
oil, it has been studied the possibility of increasing its cost/
efficacy ratio by mixing it with other less expensive vegetable
oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acid has been examined.
Rats fed with rice bran oil plus safflower oil and sunflower
oil in 70:30 ratio for a period of 28 days showed significantly
(p<0.05) lower levels of TC, TG and LDL-C and increased
HDL-C in animals fed by a high cholesterol diet and cholesterol free diet. Liver cholesterol and TG were also reduced,
while faecal excretion of neutral sterols and bile acids was
increased with the use of rice bran oil blends. Moreover, the
high rice bran oil content of tocopherols and tocotrienols may
improve the oxidative stability of the blends. Thus, in addition to improving the plasma lipid profile, blending of rice
bran oil with other oils can result in an economic advantage
of lower prices (Sunitha et al. 1997). A somewhat contrasting
effect was recently observed by Koba et al. who studied the


influence of a 0.5% cholesterol diet supplementation on rice

bran oils antihyperlipidemic effect. This research examined
the effect of cholesterol supplementation on the cholesterollowering ability of different rice bran oil/safflower oil blends.
Male Sprague Dawley rats (4 wk old) were fed with purified
diets containing 10% fat with or without the addition of
0.5% cholesterol for 3 wk. The fat was either safflower oil or
rice bran oil alone or a mixture of these two oils at ratios of
7:3, 5:5 or 3:7. Without cholesterol supplementation, there
were no significant differences in the serum and liver cholesterol levels among rats fed different dietary fats. However,
the HDL-C level of rats fed the rice bran oil-containing diets
(especially in rats fed by the 3:7 diet) was higher than that
of rats fed with the diet containing safflower oil alone. This
resulted in an increase in the ratio of HDL-C/TC, a desirable
outcome. Supplementation of the diets with 0.5% cholesterol
significantly increased the cholesterol level in both serum and
liver. Increasing the proportion of rice bran oil in the diet
further raised the plasma TC level, whereas it reduced liver
cholesterol. In the case, the specific effect of the 3S/7R mixture on the ratio of HDL-C/TC disappeared. An explanation
for this phenomenon is that smaller percentages of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the rice bran oil containing diets than
in the safflower oil diet might have reduced their ability to
dispose the circulating serum cholesterol into the liver (Koba
et al. 2000). Finally, a Chinese Author reported that chronic
oral administration of gamma-oryzanol is able to reduce the
development of experimental coronary atherosclerosis in rats
fed a hypercholesterolemic diet from the birth (Zhang 1986),
however the design of this study carried out on few animals
is not clearly understandable. However, rice oil and gammaoryzanol supplementation seems to be strongly related to an
improvement of the cardiovascular disease risk profile of rats,
especially when they are submitted to a fat diet (Edwards et
al.1994, Radcliffe et al.1997). If the reduction of the liver lipid
content could be demonstrated even in humans, it might be a
very useful mean to treat the non alcoholic steatoepatitis, that
appears to be strongly associated both to metabolic syndrome
and cardiovascular disease (Marchesini et al.2003).
Studies on rabbits and hamsters: gamma-oryzanols effect
on the development of atherosclerosis was tested in 18 male
New Zealand white rabbits fed a diet containing 1% cholesterol with or without 1% gamma-oryzanol for 10 weeks.
The antiantheromatic effect was assessed by the degree of
resistance of LDL-C to oxidation by copper sulphate and
the effect of copper oxidised LDL-C on the incorporation
of oleate into cholesteryl ester by peritoneal macrophages. In
addition, the plasma TC, TG and lipid peroxide levels were
measured before, during and at the end of cholesterol loading.
It was found that oleate incorporation into cholesteryl ester
by macrophages was significantly reduced in the gammaoryzanol-treated group compared to the non-treated group,
and that the reduction was via a mechanism independent
of anti-oxidant action. However, no differences were found
in plasma TC, LDL-C, TG and lipid peroxides levels or in
the areas of atherosclerotic plaques between the two groups.


Rice bran and cardiovascular disease risk

Thus, it was concluded that gamma-oryzanol has little or no

preventive effect on atherosclerosis in rabbits (Hiramatsu et
al.1990). However, in an other study conducted in order to
determine the relative cholesterol-lowering effects of several
levels of full-fat rice bran in 4 week old hamsters, the separate
effects of defatted rice bran and/or crude rice bran oil were
investigated at levels that were equivalent to those present
in 43.7% full-fat rice bran. After 21 days, in cholesterolfed hamsters total liver cholesterol content was significantly
lower in those fed the defatted rice bran diet with rice bran
oil compared with those fed the cellulose diet. Full-fat rice
bran was the only treatment that significantly lowered both
plasma and liver cholesterol (Kahlon 1992). Moreover, the
antiatheromatic action of gamma-oryzanol was investigated
in 32 hamsters made hypercholesterolemic by feeding chowbased diets containing 5% coconut oil and 0.1% cholesterol
with or without 1% gamma-oryzanol for 7 weeks. Related to
the control animals, gamma-oryzanol treatment resulted in a
significant reduction in plasma TC (28%, P<0.01) and in the
sum of Intermediate Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, LDLC and VLDL-C (non-HDL-C) (34%, P<0.01). In addition,
the gamma-oryzanol-treated animals also exhibited a 25%
reduction in percent cholesterol absorption versus control
animals. Endogenous cholesterol synthesis, as measured by
the liver and intestinal HMGCoA-R activities, showed no
difference between the two groups. To determine whether a
lower dose of gamma-oryzanol was also efficacious and to
measure aortic fatty streaks, 19 hamsters were divided into
two groups and fed for 10 week chow-based diets containing
0.05% cholesterol with 10% coconut oil (control) and the
control diet plus 0.5% gamma-oryzanol. Relative to the control, gamma-oryzanol-treated hamsters had reduced plasma
TC (44%, p<0.001), Non-HDL-C (57%, p< 0.01), and
TG (46%, p<0.05) concentrations. Despite a 12% decrease
in HDL-C ( p<0.01), the gamma-oryzanol-treated animals
maintained a more optimum non-HDL-C/HDL-C profile
(1.10.4) than the control (2.51.4; p<0.01). Aortic fatty
streak formation, so defined by the degree of accumulation of
oil red O-stained macrophage-derived foam cells, was reduced
by 67% ( p<0.01) in the gamma-oryzanol-treated animals
(Rong et al. 1992). Furthermore, other studies conducted on
animals fed different models of hyperlipidemic diets showed
a significant reduction in lipoprotein plasma levels (Srinivasan
et al.1989, Seetharamaiah et al.1988). As observed in rats,
studies on hamster and rabbits confirm the gamma-oryzanols
property to improve the cardiovascular disease risk profile of
Studies on non human primates: Lipid metabolism in
rodents is very different to that in humans (e.g. most of the
circulating cholesterol is in the form of HDL-C and much
less of LDL-C), therefore it is difficult to extrapolate findings in rodents to humans. However, the hypolipidemic
response of rice bran oil was investigated in non-human primates fed semi-purified diets containing blends of oils which
included rice bran oil at 20-25% Kcal as dietary fat. The
study (Nicolosi et al.1991) demonstrated that the degree of

serum TC and LDL-C reduction was highly correlated with

initial serum cholesterol levels in monkeys fed a standard diet.
Further, rice bran oil supplementation in the diet significantly
influenced serum TC, LDL-C and apolipoprotein B causing
up to a 40% reduction in LDL-C without significantly affecting apolipoprotein AII and HDL-C plasma levels when rice
bran oil was the sole dietary oil. Data showed that cholesterollowering capabilities of rice bran oil were not explained by its
fatty acid composition.
Studies in humans: The first scientific communication
about rice bran oils antihyperlipidemic property in humans
was published by Suzuki and Oshima in 1970 (Suzuki et al.
1970b). They observed in healthy young women that the
daily consumption of 60 g of a combination of 70% rice
bran oil and 30% safflower oil could more effectively lower
plasma TC levels even within 7 days than the respective oils
alone, or their combination in other proportions. Moreover,
Tsuji and her colleagues observed that the blended oil exerted
a hypocholesterolemic effect on 7 young female volunteers
even when five eggs were daily consumed for 7 consecutive
days, associated with a significant increase of plasma HDL-C
level (Tsuji et al.1989). It was only in 1982 that Ishihara et al.
reconsidered their above mentioned results, when they tested
gamma-oryzanol on 40 women affected by post-menopausal
syndrome (Ishihara et al.1982). After 4-8 treatments of
300 mg of gamma-oryzanol/day there were decreases in TC,
LDL-C and TG plasma levels as statistically significant as an
increase of HDL-C concentration in hyperlipoproteinemic
subjects. Besides, plasma lipid peroxide level was significantly
reduced in those subjects who had previously elevated levels.
During this study, no side effects have been recognised and no
particular change in liver and renal function tests was found.
The same results were subsequently confirmed in a wider
female population (Ishihara 1984). In another study twelve
moderately non-obese hyperlipoproteinemic subjects (mean
baseline TC and TG = 247.310.55 mg/dl and 349.842.41
mg/dl, respectively) were advised to substitute cooking oils
that they normally employed with rice bran oil. Their plasma
lipid levels were compared with those of 11 patients with a
similar baseline lipid pattern. The rice bran oil treated patients
showed a 16% and 25% decrease in plasma TC, after 15 and
30 days of treatment, respectively, in respect to the control
group. The rice bran oil treated group also showed a 32%
and a 35% reduction of plasma TG, after 15 and 30 days of
administration, respectively. The decrease in lipid levels was
faster in subjects with higher baseline levels (Raghurma et
al. 1989). Similar results were found in other studies where
gamma-oryzanol was compared to probucol. When 300
mg/day gamma-oryzanol was administered for three month
to hyperlipidemic subjects a significant decrease in plasma
TC and LDL-C was observed in both hypercholesterolemic
and hypertriglyceridemic patients, while a relevant increase
in HDL-C was caused only in the hypercholesterolemic
group. In all the above mentioned studies no side effect
were observed (Yoshino et al.1989a, Yoshino et al.1989b).
Moreover, 20 chronic schizophrenic patients with dyslipid-

Rice bran and cardiovascular disease risk

emia (TC220 mg/dl, TG150 mg/dl, or HDL-C40 mg/dl)

who had been receiving neuroleptics for a mean of ten years
were treated with 100 mg of gamma-oryzanol three times
daily for 16 weeks. Mean TC and LDL-C levels, respectively,
decreased significantly, from 204 mg/dl and 124 mg/dl at
baseline to 176 mg/dl and 101 mg/dl at week 12. Mean
HDL-C levels were 36.1 mg/dl at baseline and 35.9 mg/dl at
week 12. Mean apolipoprotein B levels decreased significantly
from 116 mg/dl to 101 mg/dl at week 16, while apolipoprotein A-II levels increased from 31.7 mg/dl to 34.7 mg/dl and
apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-I ratio declined from 0.99
to 0.84. Once again, no treatment side effects were recorded
(Sasaki et al.1990). Furthermore, the effect of rice bran oil
and oils not commonly consumed in the United States, on
plasma lipid and apolipoprotein concentrations was studied
within the context of a NCEP Step 2 diet and compared with
the effects of canola, corn and olive oils. The study subjects
were 15 middle-aged and elderly subjects (8 postmenopausal
women and 7 men; age range, 44 to 78 years) with elevated
LDL-C (range, 133 to 219 mg/dL). Diets enriched in each of
the test oils were consumed by each subject for 32-day periods in a double-blind fashion and were allocated in a Latin
square design. All food and drink were provided by the metabolic research unit. Diet components were identical (17% of
calories as protein, 53% as carbohydrate, 30% as fat [<7% as
saturated fat], and 80 mg cholesterol/1000 kcal) except that
two thirds of the fat in each diet was contributed by rice bran,
canola, corn or olive oil. MeanSD plasma TC concentrations
were 19219, 19420, 19419, and 20519 mg/dL, and
LDL-C concentrations were 10930, 10926, 10831, and
11229 mg/dL after consumption of the rice bran, canola,
corn and olive oil-enriched diets, respectively. Thus, plasma
TC and LDL-C concentrations were similar and statistically
indistinguishable when the subjects consumed the rice bran,
canola and corn oil-enriched diets (Lichtenstein et al.1994).
A double blind 12-week study was performed to investigate
the effect of a tocotrienol rich fraction obtained by molecular
distillation from specially processed rice bran oil on cardiovascular disease risk factors on hypercholesterolemic human,
subjects (TC>220 mg/dl). After acclimatisation to an alcohol
free regimen, participants were assigned to the NCEP Step-1
diet (saturated fat <19%, total fat <30% of total calories and
cholesterol <300mg/day). After four weeks, 21 subjects was
continued on the standard NCEP Step-1 diet, while a group
of 20 added to this diet 200mg/day of a tocotrienol mix
(12.5% -tocotrienol, 21% -tocotrienol, 10% -tocotrienol,
4.5% -tocotrienol, 17% P2.5-tocotrienol, 18% unidentified
tocotrienols). After additional four weeks, the treated group
showed a significant decrease (p<0.05) in plasma TC and
LDL-C levels (-12% and 16%, respectively, versus 2% and
3% of the control group). Moreover significant decreases
(p<0.05) in serum apolipoprotein B, lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) ,
platelet factor 4 and thromboxane B2 were observed in connection with the baseline level (respectively, -15%, -17%,
-14% and 31%) (Qureshi et al.1997). It is remarkable that
the tocotrienol treatment in this studies caused a decrease of


Lp(a) plasma level when neither diet nor antihypercholesterolemic drugs are likely to have an impact on it. A combined
treatment with NCEP Step-1 diet and tocotrienol rich fraction of rice bran has also determined a 25% reduction in
LDL-C plasma level of hypercholesterolemic subjects in a
recent study carried out by Qureshi et al. (2002) . Finally,
we would like highlight a recent case involving a 9 year old
Caucasian patient. She is affected by IIb Fredrickson type of
dyslipidemia (TC>200mg/dl, TG>200mg/dl) that is genetic
based. After one-month of treatment with rice oil (20 g/day)
and polyunsaturated fatty acids (650 mg/day), the child
showed a significant decrease of TC, LDL-C, TG and Lp(a)
reaching her age standard values (Cicero et al.2001). We
resumed the main findings of studies carried out on the effects
of rice bran oil and its principal components on the lipid
metabolism in Table 1 and 2. It seems that rice bran oil and
its main components are able to safely improve the plasma
lipid pattern of hypercholesterolemic patients, however the
quality of the published studies is often poor and the number
of tested subjects really slight. Thus it would be necessary to
carry out new randomised clinical trials on more wide population to conclude definitively if rice oil could be considered
a safe and long-term efficacious treatment for mild-moderate
The mechanism of action of rice bran and the derived
oil on lipid metabolism is not yet completely evident. Its
specific content of polyphenols (gamma-oryzanol), phytosterols, tocopherols and tocotrienols is supposed to contribute
to antihyperlipidemic action, while the particular fatty acid
mono- and polyunsaturated composition seems not to be
fundamental in its activity (Rong et al.1992). Moreover, the
additional improvement on lipid metabolism improvement
by rice bran oil/safflower oil blends (Kobe 1997) can not be
easily explained by their fatty acids or plant sterols composition, because the blending of rice bran oil with sunflower oil
(a vegetable oil with a biochemical composition really similar
to the safflower oil) did not exerted the same antihypercholesterolemic property (Sugano et al. 1997). The fact that rice oil
isolable substances are altogether responsible for global effect
on plasma lipid, is the most probable hypothesis.
Gamma-oryzanol: Possible fundamental antiatherosclerotic
role rest on gamma-oryzanol (Kanbara et al. 1992) (Figure
1). In different animal models it was found hat rice bran oil
and its unsaponifiable matter significantly increase the faecal
excretion of acid and neutral sterols (Seetharamaiah et al.
1989). For example, gamma-oryzanols effect on biliary secretion and faecal excretion of cholesterol, PL and bile acids was
examined in male albino rats. Feeding gamma-oryzanol at
0.5% level with the control diet did not cause any change in
bile flow and composition. On feeding gamma-oryzanol with
high cholesterol diet, the bile flow and total bile acid output
were increased by 12% and 18% respectively, as observed by
the significant increase in the faecal excretion of cholesterol
(28%) and bile acids (29%), whereas cholesterol absorption


Rice bran and cardiovascular disease risk

Table 1 Rice bran derived products effects on main lipid metabolism parameters of different animal species

Rice bran
Dose (mg/kg, or Administration Pharmacological effect
derived products % of dietary fats) route






TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, VLDL-C, liver cholesterol

esters & triglycerides

Shinomiya, 1993



10 mg/kg


TC,PL,TG,Non-esterified fatty acids & Free cholesterol

Sakamoto, 1997





Seetharamaiah, 1988



10 mg/kg


TC,PL,TG,Non-esterified fatty acids & Free cholesterol

Sakamoto, 1997


Rice Bran Oil




cholesterol & triglycerides, Faecal bile acids & neutral

Sharma, 1987;
Seetharamaiah, 1989




oleateincorporationintocholesteryl ester bymacrophages

Hiramatsu, 1990

Hamsters -oryzanol



TC, LDL-C, VLDL-C, TG, HDL-C, cholesterol

absorption, Aortic fatty streak formation

Rong, 1997

Monkeys Rice Bran Oil



TC, LDL-C, Apolipoprotein B

Nicolosi, 1991


Table 2 Rice bran derived products effects on main lipid metabolism parameters observed in clinical trials
Rice bran derived Daily
300 mg

Number of subjects
RCT* (8 weeks) 40 Post-menopausal women

Pharmacological effect

300 mg

RCT (8 weeks)

TC, LDL-C, TG, Lipid peroxides, HDL-C Ishihara 1984

300 mg

RCT (13 weeks) 80 Hypercholesterolemics



300 mg

RCT (8 weeks)

20 Hypercholesterolemics

TC, LDL-C, Apolipoprotein B,

Sasaki, 1990

500 mg

RCT (9 weeks)

40 Healthy young men

No effect on metabolic parameters

Fry, 1997


200 mg

OS (12 weeks)

41 Hypercholesterolemics

TC, LDL-C, Apolipoprotein B, Lpa,

Platelets aggregation

Qureshi 1997

Rice Bran Oil

42 g

(14 weeks)

10 young healthy females


Suzuki, 1970

50 g

RCT (4 weeks)

23 Mixed


Raghuram, 1989

50 g

(14 weeks)

10 Young healthy females


Tsuji, 1989

50 g

(5 weeks)

15 Hypercholesterolemics



*RCT = Randomized Clinical Trial

80 Post-menopausal women


TC, LDL-C, TG, Lipid peroxides, HDL-C Ishihara 1982

Rice bran and cardiovascular disease risk


Figure 1. Main rice bran active components formulas: cycloartenyl-ferulate, -tocotrienol, -sitosterol
was lowered by 20% (Seetharamaiah et al. 1990). It is possible that gamma-oryzanols antihypercholesterolemic effect is
partially due to its sterol moiety, which is partly split off from
the ferulic acid part in the small intestine by cholesterol esterase (Swell et al. 1954, Sugano et al.1997). Anyway, in 1987
Sakamoto et al. underlined the fact that gamma-oryzanol and
cycloartenol ferulate have an antihyperlipidemic action and
this is more remarkable by intravenous than by oral administration (Sakamoto et al.1987), maybe due to a direct inhibition of lipid metabolism. Moreover, ferulic acid alone, that is
adsorbed and metabolised, has shown an intrinsic hypolipidemic effect in some studies (Sharma 1980, Seetharamaiah et
al. 1993). The pharmacological mechanism of the observed
effect is still unknown, because no direct inhibition on
HMGCoA-R was observed (Seetharamaiah et al.1989). Rice
bran oils antiatherogenic action could also be based on other
mechanisms, for example cholesterol-esterase inhibition by
cycloartenol, or by the inhibition of the accumulation within
macrophages of cholesterol-esters or by the modulation of
cholesterol acid esterase and acyl-CoA-cholesterol-acyltransferase by gamma-oryzanol (Rukmini et al. 1991).
Three groups of phytosterols are present in crude rice
bran oil: 4,4-dimethylsterols (1.2%), 4-monomethyl-sterols

(0.4%) and 4-desmethylsterols (1.8%) (Figure 1) (Sayre et

al.1990). It is well known that for phytosterols, the active
principles in the antihyperlipidemic action of Soya-derived
products, less than 5% is absorbed through intestinal mucosa
on oral intake (Wilson et al.1998), with the majority being
excreted in the stool. This is the reason why it has been proposed that rice bran oils action could be based on bile acids
and TC complexation in the intestinal lumen (anion exchange
resin-like action). This hypothesis seems to be confirmed by
studies that showed a high faecal excretion of TC and bile
acids in rats that underwent a hyperlipidemic diet (Shinomiya
et al.1983), although a very recent research has contradicted
the same result (Koba et al. 2000). However, the phytosterol
antihypercholesterolemic effect has been clearly observed in
different studies on human subjects, even when tested at
low dosage (Wang et al.1999). Moreover, cycloartenol and
24-methylencycloartanol magnify the cholesterol-lowering
potential of soy sterols at a very low dietary level, presumably
increasing the faecal extraction of neutral and acidic steroids
(Kiribuci et al.1983). A similar effect, even if less evident, was
observed with a combination of cycloartenol and -sitosterol
in rats (Ikeda et al.1985).
Tocotrienols: More recently, the attention of researchers has
mainly focused on tocotrienols as probable main mediators of


Rice bran and cardiovascular disease risk

Figure 2. Main possible effects of rice bran components on plasma lipid pattern
the rice bran oil antihypercholesterolemic effect. Tocotrienols
are naturally occurring farnesylated unsaturated analogues
of -, -, - and -tocopherol (Vitamin E) (Figure 1). In
contrast to corn, wheat, and soybean (contain mainly tocopherols), barley, oats, palm, and commercial rice brans and rice
bran oil contain until 70% tocotrienols, which consists of
-, -, - and -tocotrienols (Raghuram et al.1995). Their
hypocholesterolemic activity has been clearly demonstrated in
different animal species (Pearce et al.1992, Hood et al.1992)
and in humans (Lichtenstein et al.1994, Qureshi et al. 1991).
Intravenously administered, they are able to inhibit the
HMGCoA-R, a key enzyme in the endogenous synthesis of
cholesterol, through two post-trascriptional actions, increasing the controlled degradation of reductase protein and
decreasing the efficiency of the translation of HMGCoA-R
messenger RNA (Khor 1995, Parker 1993). On the other
hand, -tocopherol appears to induce HMGCoA-R activity (Qureshi et al.1996). Tocotrienols have also shown an
antithrombotic, antiproliferative and antioxidant activities
(Watkins et al.1993, Komiyama et al.1992). What is really
interesting is that tocotrienols appear to inhibit atherosclerotic lesions development in atherosclerosis prone mice because
of apolipoprotein E deficiency, at least partly independently
from plasma lipid reduction (Qureshi et al.2001). However,
not all clinical trials confirm the antihypercholesterolemic
activity of tocotrienols in humans and some Authors suggest
prudence in this claim (Kerckhoffs et al. 2002; Mustad et al.
In conclusion, at present it is not possible to fix an unequivocal mode of action for rice bran oil because of the heterogeneity of the available data (Figure 2). Nevertheless, there is no
doubt about the existence of an antihyperlipidemic action by
rice bran oil components (Sugano et al.1993).
Obviously, the acceptability of a nutraceutical potentially
useful for the prevention of cardiovascular disease is even
more relevant when possible effects on other apparatus are also
known. First studies about rice bran oil and its active components (especially gamma-oryzanol) pharmacological properties took place in the 1960s (Nakamura 1966). Therefore,
after the initial and rather ignored observation of Suzuki et

al. about rice bran oils effects on human lipid pattern versus
other fatty acids and comestible oils (Suzuki et al.1970b),
different researchers looked at potential neuroendocrinological, gastroenterological anabolic and dermatological effects of
Neuroendocrinological studies: Different studies on a
modulating action on anterior pituitary hormone secretion
(Ishihama et al.1966, Yamauchi et al.1981, Takayanagi et
al.1981) have been run. The main results of these researches
maintain that gamma-oryzanol can be a LH, TSH, GH and
PRL secretion inhibitor. The inhibition of the LH secretion
after a single intravenous injection was significantly stronger
than PRLs one in normal male rats and ovariectomized female
rats (Yamauchi et al.1980). A decrease in TSH production was
observed in human patients affected by hypothyroidism both
acutely and chronically treated with gamma-oryzanol 300mg/
day (Shihomura et al.1980). A single subcutaneous (s.c.)
injection of gamma-oryzanol 20 mg/kg suppressed GH synthesis and PRL release one hour after the injection. Moreover,
it stimulated the tyrosine hydroxylase activity resulting in an
increase in the dopamine content of the medial basal hypothalamic nucleus (MBN), then reduced by a treatment with
-methyl-p-tyrosine, a selective tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor. gamma-oryzanol did not alter norepinephrine synthesis,
while it significantly increased the norepinephrine release in
MBN. These results may explain the data concerning the
changes in GH and PRL serum levels by gamma-oryzanol and
also suggest that it can affect the synthesis and/or release of
at least two hypothalamic neurotransmitters, dopamine and
norepinephrine, resulting in alterations of anterior pituitary
hormone synthesis and/or release (Ieiri et al.1982). However,
norepinephrine content in different rat brains slightly but
significantly increased when 100 mg/kg gamma-oryzanol
was given s.c. once daily for 1, 5 or 10 days. The turnover
rate of brain norepinephrine tended to decrease with the
administration of gamma-oryzanol. From the results, it is
likely that successive doses of gamma-oryzanol increase brain
norepinephrine by inhibiting degradation or release of norepinephrine (Kaneta et al.1979). Finally, Hiraga et al. have
showed in a wide variety of tests that phytosterol cycloartenol
ferulic acid ester, a component of gamma-oryzanol, has a
suppressant effect on the central nervous system. Rats treated
with the higher dose of cycloartenol ferulic acid ester (1000

Rice bran and cardiovascular disease risk

mg/kg) appeared significantly sedated; the drug was associated

with more resistance to pentylenetetrazol-induced convulsion, increase of avoidance latency after electroconvulsive
shock-induced amnesia and improvement of brain glucose
metabolism under experimental cerebral ischemia (Hiraga et
al.1993). On the other side, in different tests carried out on
mice and rats (Kim et al.2002), Kim et al. observed that fermented rice bran has a significant anti-stress and anti-fatigue
effect. The neuroendocrinological action of gamma-oryzanol
have not been further studied on different animal models or
in human, thus our knowledge in this field are really limited.
However, they can at least partly justify the gamma-oryzanol
efficacy in reducing the perimenopausal symptomatology in
two randomised clinical studies carried out on Asian women
in the late 60s (Ishihara et al.1982, Ishihara 1984). And it is
widely accepted that the cardiovascular disease risk of women
increases exponentially with the menopause.
Gastroenterological studies: One of the most investigated
properties of gamma-oryzanol is its anti-ulcerogenic property
(Mizuta et al.1978, Ishihara et al.1984). Different studies
have been carried out on rat models to evaluate which pharmacological mechanism is mainly involved in the gamma-oryzanols anti-ulcerogenic property. The drug, given at 1 to 100
mg/kg s.c. daily for five days, reduced the water-immersion
stress ulcer index dose-dependently and slightly prevented the
rate of increase in serum levels of 11-hydroxy-corticosterone.
These effects were observed in adrenalectomized as well as
sham operated rats. Thus, it seemed like that the anti-ulcer
action of gamma-oryzanol is due to participation of the
autonomic nervous system, but not the hypophysis-adrenal
axis (Itaya et al.1976). In male Wistar rats, a 8-day treatment
with 100 mg/kg gamma-oryzanol (s.c.), showed a significant
inhibition of fasting ulcer, while 5-day pre-treatment exerted
slight effects on ulcers induced by pylorus-ligation or stressatropine. Ten-days treatment with the same dose of gammaoryzanol in acetic acid induced ulcers lowered serum gastrin
levels. Treatment with reserpine prior to stress loading abolished the anti-ulcer effect of 100 mg/kg gamma-oryzanol (s.c.)
given for 5 days in stress ulcer. Administration of L-DOPA or
5-Hydroxy-Tryptophan, however, revealed a tendency toward
restoration of the anti-ulcer effect of gamma-oryzanol. The
conclusion of these observations was that the monoaminergic
neuron system is involved in gamma-oryzanols anti-ulcer
action (Itaya et al.1976b). Moreover, gamma-oryzanol was
slightly effective as an inhibitor for histamine-stimulated acid
secretion, non effective for carbachol-stimulated secretion
and significantly inhibited tetragastrin-stimulated secretion.
The effect of gamma-oryzanol on acid secretion stimulated by tetragastrin was prevented by vagotomy but not by
splanchnicotomy. Thus, it has been assumed that the gastric
antisecretory effect of gamma-oryzanol is mediated by the
vagus nerve that induces gastrin release (Mizuta et al.1976).
This hypothesis is confirmed by previous data that showed
a reduction in gastrin release induced by gamma-oryzanol
administration in the rat (Itaya et al.1977) and by another
study in which the inhibitory effects of gamma-oryzanol and


atropine on gastric secretion were compared using insulin

and 2-deoxy-D-glucose as vagal stimulants: s.c. pre-treatment
with 100 mg/kg gamma-oryzanol for five days depressed the
gastric secretion stimulated both by insulin and 2-deoxy-Dglucose, but the potency was less than that with 10 mg/kg
s.c. atropine (Mizuta et al.1978b). gamma-oryzanols antiulcerogenic effect was also studied in mice submitted to conditioned emotional stimuli (communication box method) and
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep deprivations (flower pot
method). The incidence of gastric lesions in responder mice
induced by conditioned emotional stimuli was reduced by
twice p.o. administrations at 6 hr intervals of gamma-oryzanol
at 200 and 500 mg/kg, oxazolam at 2 mg/kg and atropine at
1-10 mg/kg. The incidence in sender mice was also reduced
by gamma-oryzanol at 200 and 500 mg/kg. In addition, the
incidence of gastric lesions induced by REM sleep deprivation was also reduced by single administration of gammaoryzanol at 100 and 200 mg/kg and oxazolam at 5 mg/kg.
Moreover, the facilitation of small intestinal propulsive activity in responder mice induced by convulsive electroshock was
suppressed by gamma-oryzanol at 100 and 200 mg/kg and
atropine at 10 mg/kg (Ichimaru et al.1984). This modulatory effect on gastrointestinal motility was also observed in
the dog, too (Mizonishi et al.1980). Furthermore, rice bran
oil contains a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids that
act as precursors in the synthesis of arachidonic acid, which
is in turn the essential precursor of prostaglandins established
inhibitors of gastric secretion. Rice bran oil also contains antioxidants such as -tocopherol, which may likewise stimulate
the synthesis of prostaglandins. Rice bran oil likely acts by
increasing prostaglandin output, thus interfering with gastric
HCl production (Lloris et al.1991). Finally, a study carried
out by Arai in 1982 showed that gamma-oryzanol is able to
significantly improve dyspepsia symptoms even in human
patients (Arai 1982). In conclusion, gamma-oryzanol and rice
bran oil anti-ulcerogenic effect have been adequately studied
in different animal model, but not systematically in humans.
The employment of a dietary oil to prevent and attenuate
gastric hypersecretive disorders could be really useful, thus
further studies are needed to establish the real efficacy of rice
bran oil in this field.
Studies in other fields: Although gamma-oryzanol is widely
employed in the cosmetic industry as an antioxidant, only one
scientific study is available in literature about its modulating
effect on sebaceous gland secretion after topical application
(Ueda et al.1976). Moreover, gamma-oryzanol is widely
employed as an anabolic agent by bodybuilding athletes
(Rosenbloom et al.1992, Grunewald et al.1993). In fact,
gamma-oryzanol is being consumed in the belief that it may
elicit anabolic effects ranging from increased testosterone production and release to stimulating human growth hormone
release. However, published scientific studies suggest that
this molecule is poorly absorbed after oral administration
(Cicero et al.2001). Furthermore, animal studies indicate
that when these compounds are injected subcutaneously or
intravenously, they induce anti-anabolic or catabolic activity.


Rice bran and cardiovascular disease risk

ing (Chen et al. 1985). At high

temperatures, they transformed to
polychlorodibenzofuran and polychloro-tethraphenyl able to produce

a serious and peculiar chloracne on

skin and mucous membrane. These
No acute nor chronic toxicity
Tested in both and animal models
symptoms, later named Yusho (oil
disease), were often associated with
No mutagenicity/carcinogenicity
Tested in both and animal models
much variable subjective symptoms
and immunological abnormalities
No side effects
Short term safety confirmed in humans,
No data available on long-term efficacy
such as decreased concentration of
IgM and IgA, decreased percentEfficacy
Short term efficacy confirmed in humans,
age of helper T-cells, suppression of
No data available on long-term efficacy
delayed type response to recalling
antigens and enhancement of lymEfficacy on associated diseases
Menopausal symptoms, Dyspepsia
phocyte spontaneous and enhanced
proliferation (Asashi 1993, Lu et
al.1985). The consequences of this
mass poisoning of more than 2000
people are still studied after 20 years
Different in different countries
(Guo et al.1987, Soong et al.1997).
This was the impulse that pushed
researchers to investigate potential
As reported above, intravenous or subcutaneous injections
cancerogenicity of rice bran oil and its main components. In
of gamma-oryzanol in rats have been shown to suppress LH
1987 Polasa and Rumini found evidence of the non-mutarelease, reduce GH synthesis and release, and increase release
genicity of rice bran oil using the bacterial reverse mutation
of the catecholamines, dopamine and norepinephrine, in the
Ames mutagenicity assay, with Salmonella typhimurium
it had still not been directly measured, this
strains (Polasa et al.1987). Some year later, specific in vitro
metabolic milieu may actually reduce testosterone production
tests were carried out to confirm the short term safety of
(Wheeler et al.1991). In a recent study Fry et al tested the
gamma-oryzanol. Its genotoxic and carcinogenic activity was
effectiveness of 500 mg/day -oryzanol oral supplementation
studied in three genetic toxicity tests and the cancer promoon weight-trained males randomly divided into supplemented
tion activity was studied in a cell-cell communication inhibiand control placebo groups. Test batteries were administered
tory test. gamma-oryzanol showed the negative response in
before, after 4 weeks and after 9 weeks of a scheduled resisthe bacterial DNA repair test, bacterial reverse mutation tests
tance exercise program. Both groups demonstrated significant
and rat bone marrow chromosome aberration test. Also, it
increases in 1 repetition maximum muscular strength (bench
showed the negative response in the metabolic cooperation
press and squat) and vertical jump power, with no differinhibition test using Chinese hamster V79 cells (Tsushimoto
ences between the groups. No differences between groups
et al.1991). Moreover, ferulic acid has been found to inhibit
were observed for measures of circulating concentrations of
azoxymethane-induced rat colon carcinogenesis when given
hormones (testosterone, cortisol, estradiol, GH, insulin, betain the post-initiation period (Tao et al.1997). Despite that
endorphin), minerals (calcium, magnesium), binding proa 1% gamma-oryzanol diet seemed to enhance rat lung
tein (albumin), or blood lipids (TC, TG, HDL-C). Resting
carcinogenesis (Hirose et al.1991), the administration of a
cardiovascular variables decreased similarly for both groups.
diet containing 2% gamma-oryzanol for 40 weeks to rats
These data suggest that 9 weeks of 500 mg/day gamma-orytreated with 3,2-dimethyl-4-aminobiphenyl did not modify
zanol supplementation does not influence performance or
the evolution of prostate atypical hyperplasias and carcirelated physiological parameters in moderately weight-trained
nomas nor the incidences of different tumors in any other
males (Fry et al.1997).
organs (Nakamura et al.1991). In 1992, Tamagawa et al.
demonstrated in vivo non-toxicity and non-cancerogenicTOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES ON RICE BRAN MAIN
ity of gamma-oryzanol in rats and mice. In these researches
groups of 50 males and 50 females were fed a diet containThe enthusiasm for the use of rice bran oil in cardioprevening 0 (control), 200, 600 or 2000 mg gamma-oryzanol/kg
tion was initially clamped by an episode of alimentary rice oil
body weight/day for 78 wk (mice) or 2 years (rats) and no
contamination by a mixture of polychlorobiphenyls (PCB)
significant treatment-related changes were observed in general
in the Yu-Cheng village (central Taiwan) at the end of the
condition, body weight, food consumption, mortality, organ
1970s (Chen et al.1984, Hirota et al.1993). The PCBs have
weight or haematology nor in tumor incidence (Tamagawa
been used in order to deodorise the oil during manufacturet al.1992). Moreover, a more recent study of Yasukawa et al.

Table 3 Main characteristics of a drug useful for cardiovascular disease

prevention in population and their applicability to rice bran oil

Rice bran and cardiovascular disease risk

(1998) has demonstrated that rice bran oil active components

(sitosterol ferulate, 24-methylcholesterol ferulate, cycloartenol
ferulate and 24-methylenecycloartanol ferulate) markedly
inhibited the 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)
induced inflammation in mice. Furthermore, cycloartenol
ferulate markedly inhibited the tumor-promoting effect
of TPA in 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-initiated mice.
Finally, the modifying effects of gamma-oryzanol on the promotion stage of carcinogenesis were adequately investigated
using several two stage carcinogenesis models in rats. In a
multi-organ carcinogenesis model, male F344 rats were given
combined treatment with different, and then treated with
dietary 1% gamma-oryzanol acid or basal diet alone for 32
weeks. The incidence and multiplicity of lung tumors were
slightly but significantly increased by high doses of gammaoryzanol (100-150 times higher than the possible current
human intake). Esophagus, colon, pancreas, kidney, bladder
and thyroid lesion development was not influenced by this
compound. Finally, examination of the modifying potential
of gamma-oryzanol on mammary carcinogenesis in female
Sprague Dawley rats pretreated with a single intragastric dose
of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene revealed no significant
differences in the final incidences and multiplicities of mammary tumors, even if gamma-oryzanol tended to decrease the
size of the tumor but without significant difference (Hirose
et al.1999). The lung tumor promotion potential may not be
due to gamma-oryzanols major metabolite, ferulic acid, since
ferulic acid at a dietary dose of 2% did not show such enhancing effect in Sprague-Dawley female rats pretreated with
1,2-dimethylhydrazine and N-methylnitrosourea (Hirose et
al.1994). Moreover, the incidence of tongue carcinomas
and preneoplastic lesions in rats given ferulic acid in the
diet at a dose of 500 ppm after 5 week exposure to 20 ppm
4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO) in drinking water was significantly lower on termination of the experiment (32 weeks)
in comparison with a group treated only with 4NQO (Mori
1999). Regarding the other rice bran oil components, phytosterols are poorly absorbed and efficiently eliminated via the
biliary route. No relevant side effects were observed in adult
humans as well as children treated with high phytosterol doses
(Becker et al.1993, Weststrate et al.1998).
A computer search on MedLine and Embase using the
search terms rice bran, gamma-oryzanol, and tocotrienol
(period: from 1966 to 2004), leads to the discovery of almost
150 non-matched referred articles about their supposed therapeutic (and toxic) properties. This is very indicative of the
high level of interest in rice bran derived products. However,
these studies did not produce unequivocal conclusions and
have been run on animal species very different from each
other, and using various methodologies and different targets.
gamma-oryzanol is already commercialised for cosmetic use,
as demulcent, restructuring and antioxidants to skin lips and
hair. It is not completely clear what its real utility is, in this
field. Even if gamma-oryzanol has been proposed on the


international market as an anabolic natural substance of use to

sporting people, Frys 1997 study disproved this kind of effect
(Fry et al.1997). More promising studies appraise the ability
of the oil to reduce by about 40% TC and LDL-C plasma
levels and at the same time increasing HDL-C (Sugano et
al.1997, Rhaguram et al.1995). On the basis of our clinical
experience, we believe that rice bran oil could reduce by about
20% toward TC, LDL-C and TG, but does not significantly
increase HDL-C. However, these results would be very satisfactory to most moderate hyperlipoproteinemic patients.
Once the antihyperlipidemic properties of rice oil are confirmed, our aim is to define whether or not this agent has the
fundamental characteristics to be utilised in cardiovascular
prevention (Table 3). Available studies provide some assurance
about non-toxicity and non-carcinogenicity of rice bran oil
and its main components (de Deckere et al.1996). Moreover
they could have a positive effect on peptic disease (gammaoryzanol) (Ichimaru et al.1984), contribute to lower, the risk
for colon cancer and benign prostatic hypertrophy (phytosterols) (Nair et al.1984, Berges et al.1995) and modulate allergic
reactions (ferulic acid) (Hu et al.1991). The oil tastes pleasant
(slightly sweet) and it should be suitable to fry food because
of its high smoke point. This property is maybe related to
the relatively high content in 4-monomethylsterols with an
ethylidene side chain that may contribute to its oxidative
stability (Kochhar et al.1983, White et al.1989). In European
countries, it is now easily available both in pharmacy and
supermarket and it is priced at the same level as extra-virgin
olive oil. Beside the antihyperlipidemic action, the strong
antioxidant property of gamma-oryzanol (Tajima et al.1983,
Kim et al.1995, Hiramitsu et al.1991) and other rice bran
oil components, such as tocotrienols and tocopherols may
contribute to rice bran oils antiatherogenic effect. However, a
study of Schwab et al. showed that in middle-aged and elderly
moderately hypercholesterolemic human subjects (age 44-78
y), the 32 day consumption of reduced-fat diets [30 energy
percent (E%) fat, 17 E% protein and 53 E% carbohydrate]
enriched in animal fat (beef tallow) or vegetable oils with a
relatively wide range of fatty acid profiles (canola oil, corn
oil, olive oil or rice bran oil) (20 E%) did not alter the in
vitro susceptibility of LDL to oxidation (Schwab et al.1998).
Moreover, of interest in the field of cardiovascular disease prevention, is the 1990s Seetharamaiah et al. study showing that
gamma-oryzanol has a significant inhibiting power against
ADP and collagen linked platelet aggregation in rats on a
high cholesterol diet, but it did not alter this mechanism in
rats on control diets (Seetharamaiah et al.1990). A very recent
report also suggests that rice bran could be a relevant source
of policosanols (Cravotto et al.2004), natural compounds
able to inhibit platelet function as aspirin and the synthesis
of cholesterol as low-dosed statins in humans (Varady et al.
2003). However, no one human study has been until now
carried out with rice bran derived policosanols, but only with
those derived form other natural sources.
In conclusions, wider randomised clinical trials would be
useful to confirm the rice bran components reducing proper-


Rice bran and cardiovascular disease risk

ties in plasma TC, LDL-C and TG and its capacity to raise

HDL-C. Other important areas are the decrease of platelet
aggregation and antioxidant action of rice bran components
and above all the long-term-effect of a dietary supplementation with rice bran derived products on the main cardiovascular outcomes in human subjects. We suggest that rice bran oil
could be considered an additional weapon in the management
of mild to moderate hyperlipidemias.
authors have any conflict of interest in the publication of this
paper. At the time of submission we had no financial arrangement with any company whose product figures prominently
in the submitted manuscript nor with a company making a
competing product.
Arai, T. (1982) Effect of gamma-oryzanol on indefinite
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Asashi, M. (1993) Clinical features and pathogenesis of
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Cicero, A.F.G., Gaddi, A. (2001) Rice Bran oil and gammaoryzanol in the treatment of hyperlipoproteinemias and other
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