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MYP Summative Assessment Coversheet

MYP Subject Group: Albanian, Art, Individuals and Societies and Drama

Unit Title: The Cold war

This section is to be completed by the subject teacher.
MYP Key Concepts. Put a tick in the box next to the key concept explored in the unit.










Global interactions






Time, place and space

MYP Related Concepts (Write the related concepts explored in the unit)

MYP Global Context (Put a tick in the box next to the global context explored in the unit)
Orientation in space and time
Identities and relationships

Personal and cultural expression


Scientific and technical innovation

Fairness and development

Globalization and sustainability

Statement Of Inquiry: The Cold War affected individual citizen perspective and greatly influenced personal and cultural
expression; leaving a lasting legacy.
Instructions to students
Read all the information on this cover sheet before attempting the summative assessment task on this paper.
In the space below write your Name, MYP Year and Date.
Read the task description and task-specific clarification carefully before answering the questions.
Answer all the questions on this paper.
Before submitting your work, ensure that you and your parents have sign your names in the space below and you (the student) have written the date you submitted
the work.


MYP Year:


To be completed by the subject teacher. Tick the box next to the criterion/criteria that you
will assess for this summative assessment:
X Criteria A Your Level:
X Criteria B Your Level:
X Criteria C Your Level:
X Criteria D Your Level:
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To be completed by the subject teacher (tick the correct box). This task must be submitted
as a:
X Soft copy (electronic copy)
X Hard copy (paper copy)
X Others (Please specify): See Task Specific Clarification for each part
Date due: ...25..../04./2016

Date submitted: //..

Student Signature (when submitted):

Parent Signature(If 4 or below):
You will be penalised for submitting late work without a valid reason!
Your work was marked by: Ms. Anila, Ms.
Aurora, Ms Leavitt and Mr. Ervin

Your work was moderated by:

Ms. Anila, Ms. Aurora, Ms Leavitt and Mr.

Teacher feedback:

This section is to be completed by the student. Write your personal reflection on your
performance in this unit.

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Task Description

Preserving our memories:

You are a cultural anthropologist, fascinated by the Cold War. You have been given a research
grant to travel to Albania, the most closed country in Europe during the Cold War. Your job is
not only to preserve the memories of the people who lived through this time, but to recreate a
sense of the true scope and pervasiveness of the cold war. These moments and insights will be
compiled together to create a Cold War Memorial Website.
Task One: (Albanian or Georgian Language and IS)
You must interview three people in your native language about their experiences in the cold
war. These interviews should have a voice or video recording. You must make sure you have
written permission to post these interviews on the internet. You will need to play back the final
edited interview to your interviewee, before they can give final consent.
1. Create a series of questions that will allow the interviewee to talk about the
political climate at the time, what daily life was like, what they ate, played etc.
2. Have your interviewee describe their strongest memory of the time
3. Transcribe and translate these interviews
4. Complete a reflection paper that compares and contrasts the interviews.
How was daily life affected? How does it differ with your life? What was the main
concern of the people?
Task Two: (Albanian, IS, Drama)
Create a dramatic monologue based on letters, poems and interviews of what it was like to be
imprisoned in Spac for your political or religious views. Base this monologue on a real
1. Create the monologue (at least three minutes)
2. Design a costume
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3. Perform and film the monologue at our trip to Spac

4. Subtitle your monologue if it is performed in Albanian
5. Write a reflection paper about what it was like to live in Albania during the
Cold War
Task Three: (Art, IS)
In the style of the communist paintings create two original pieces that reflects how people
would have felt at the time. You will use our trip to Spac as well as other trips as inspiration.
These paintings will be on exhibition in a public location.
1. Create an original piece in any style but you must use the perspective that
life is wonderful. You may not use dark or gloomy colors. This will land you in prison.
It must have a single focal point (One point perspective), it must use symmetrical
balance, the painting must be 100cm x 120cm, include the motto Life is Beautiful in
yellow and one subversive symbol should be well hidden.
2. Create a second piece from the perspective of a suppressed artist- Express
your true artist self
3. Write an artist statement for each painting with a minimum of 300 words.
4. Write a comparison essay on Propaganda art in the USA and USSR. (3-5
Task Four: Website.
Working collaboratively you must combine all of your individual work into a comprehensive
website that profiles Albania during the Cold War. The website should include:

Forbidden Music
Acceptable music
Reflections in Albanian and English

Finally, each student is responsible for answering the following question in 3-7 paragraphs
citing examples from the Interdisciplinary Unit to support their assertions as well as academic
How did the geopolitical situation during the cold war affect
cultural expression and daily life?
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Criterion A: Disciplinary grounding At the end of the programme, students should be able to:
demonstrate relevant disciplinary factual, conceptual and/or procedural knowledge


Level Indicator


The student:
demonstrates limited relevant
disciplinary grounding


The student:
demonstrates some relevant
disciplinary grounding


The student:
demonstrates most necessary
disciplinary grounding


The student:
demonstrates extensive necessary
disciplinary grounding

Criterion B Synthesizing At the end of the programme, students should be able to:synthesize disciplinary
knowledge to demonstrate interdisciplinary understanding


Level Indicator


The student:
suggests few or superficial connections
between disciplines

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The student:
describes connections between


The student:
synthesizes disciplinary knowledge to
demonstrate consistent, thorough
interdisciplinary understanding


The student:
synthesizes disciplinary knowledge to
demonstrate consistent, thorough and
insightful interdisciplinary

Criterion C: Communicating
At the end of the programme, students should be able to: use appropriate strategies to communicate
interdisciplinary understanding effectively document sources using recognized conventions

Level Indicator


The student:
communicates interdisciplinary
understanding with little structure,
clarity or coherence


The student:
communicates interdisciplinary
understanding with some organization
and coherence, recognizing
appropriate forms or media
lists sources.


The student:
communicates interdisciplinary
understanding that is generally
organized, clear and coherent,
beginning to use selected forms or
media effectively
documents relevant sources using a
recognized convention.


The student:
communicates interdisciplinary
understanding that is consistently well
structured, clear and coherent, using
selected forms or media effectively

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consistently documents well-chosen

sources using a recognized
convention. Fostering interdisciplinary
teaching and learning in the MYP
Criterion D: Reflecting
At the end of the programme, students should be able to: reflect on the development of their own
interdisciplinary understanding evaluate the benefits and limitations of disciplinary and interdisciplinary
knowledge and ways of knowing in specific situations.


Level Indicator


The student:
demonstrates limited reflection on his
or her development of interdisciplinary
describes superficially the limitations
or benefits of disciplinary and
interdisciplinary knowledge in specific


The student:
demonstrates adequate reflection on
his or her development of
interdisciplinary understanding
describes some benefits and
limitations of disciplinary and
interdisciplinary knowledge in specific


The student:
demonstrates significant reflection on
his or her development of
interdisciplinary understanding.
explains the limitations and benefits of
disciplinary and interdisciplinary
knowledge in specific situations.


The student:
demonstrates thorough and nuanced
reflection on his or her development of
interdisciplinary understanding
evaluates thoroughly and with
sophistication the limitations and
benefits of disciplinary and

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interdisciplinary knowledge and ways

of knowing in specific situations.

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