This document lists 50 English homographs, or words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and pronunciations. It provides the word, part of speech for each meaning, phonetic symbol, and definition. The homographs cover a variety of parts of speech including nouns, verbs, adjectives, and include examples like buffet (noun: table, verb: hit), bow (noun: weapon, verb: courtesy), close (verb: shut, adjective: near), and live (verb: exist, adjective: real).
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This document lists 50 English homographs, or words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and pronunciations. It provides the word, part of speech for each meaning, phonetic symbol, and definition. The homographs cover a variety of parts of speech including nouns, verbs, adjectives, and include examples like buffet (noun: table, verb: hit), bow (noun: weapon, verb: courtesy), close (verb: shut, adjective: near), and live (verb: exist, adjective: real).
Original Description:
this is the example of homograph
by dwi satriyo PBI UPS
This document lists 50 English homographs, or words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and pronunciations. It provides the word, part of speech for each meaning, phonetic symbol, and definition. The homographs cover a variety of parts of speech including nouns, verbs, adjectives, and include examples like buffet (noun: table, verb: hit), bow (noun: weapon, verb: courtesy), close (verb: shut, adjective: near), and live (verb: exist, adjective: real).
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This document lists 50 English homographs, or words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and pronunciations. It provides the word, part of speech for each meaning, phonetic symbol, and definition. The homographs cover a variety of parts of speech including nouns, verbs, adjectives, and include examples like buffet (noun: table, verb: hit), bow (noun: weapon, verb: courtesy), close (verb: shut, adjective: near), and live (verb: exist, adjective: real).
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No Words Kind Of Words Phonetic Symbol Meaning
1 Address Noun Alamat Verb Mengalamatkan 2 Axe Noun Kaoak Verb Memotong 3 Buffet Noun Bupet Verb Mengetuk 4 Bow Noun Busur Verb Memanah 5 Close Verb Menutup Adjective Tertutup 6 Concert Noun Hiburan Verb Menampilkan 7 Confines Noun Batas Verb Membatasi 8 Console Noun Alat Elektronik Verb Menghibur 9 Contract Noun Perjanjian Verb Menjanjikan 10 Crooked Noun Penipu Adjective Bengkok 11 Desert Noun Gurun Adjective Sunyi 12 Discard Noun Buangan Verb Membuang 13 Discharge Noun Pemberhentian Verb Memberhentikan 14 Do Noun Pekerjaan Verb Mengerjakan 15 Dogged Verb Menguji Adjective Tahan Uji 16 Dove Noun Merpati Verb Terjun 17 Entrance Noun Gapura Verb Menggiurkan 18 House Noun Rumah Verb Merumahkan 19 Incense Noun Kemenyan Verb Menyakiti 20 Import Noun Impor Verb Megimpor 21 Lead Noun Pemimpin Verb Memimpin 22 Learned Verb Mempelajari Adjective Terpelajar 23 Live Verb Hidup Adjective Kemampuan 24 Log Noun Batang Kayu Verb Menepuh 25 Mean Noun Rata-rata Verb Mengartikan 26 Minute Noun Menit Adjective Teliti 27 Moped Noun Tongkat Pel Verb Mengepel 28 Mow Noun Tempat padi Verb Menyiangi 29 Number Noun Bilangan Adjective Kaku 30 Polish Noun Semir Verb Menyemir 31 Present Noun Hadiah Verb Menghadiahkan 32 Produce Noun Hasil Verb Menghasilkan 33 Project Noun Rencana Verb Merencanakan 34 Progress Noun Kemajuan Verb Maju 35 Protest Noun Protes Verb Memprotes 36 Ragged Verb Memarahi Adjective Kasar 37 Read Noun Bacaan Verb Membaca 38 Real Noun Nyata Adjective Kenyataan 39 Rebound Noun Pantulan Verb Memantul 40 Record Noun Dokumen Verb Mencatat 41 Refuse Noun Penolakan Verb Menolak 42 Resume Noun Ringkasan Verb Meringkas 43 Root Noun Akar Verb Mengakar 44 Row Noun Pendayungan Verb Mendayung 45 Separate Verb Menyendiri Adjective Tersendiri 46 Sow Noun Penampilan Verb Menampilkan 47 Tear Noun Sobekan Verb Menyobek 48 Use Noun Kegunaan Verb Menggunakan 49 Wind Noun Angin Verb Memutar 50 Wound Noun Luka Verb Melukai