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Franco-Prussian War Game by Henry Bodenstedt

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Henry Bodenstedt’s Game of the Franco-Prussian War

Introduction and General Comments: The

following rules describe Henry Bodenstedt’s
version of the Battle of Gravelotte-St.Privat during
the Franco-Prussian War. This synopsis is taken
from The Armchair General of many years ago,
and includes only those diagrams necessary to play
the game. I also edited the rules somewhat for
clarity and brevity. The reader is encouraged to
read the original articles, which include Mr.
Bodenstedt’s delightful photographs of a game in
As with the Siege of Bodenburg, this is a “set piece” game, with a specific terrain layout. There are
some similarities with the earlier game, but over-all the rules are rather more complicated. As in the
actual Franco-Prussian War, French artillery is weak in both numbers and effectiveness, despite there
being a couple of Mitrailleuses available. The Prussians have heavier and better guns, including a
24pdr siege gun. The very heavy fire effect of small arms is balanced by long moves (4” squares), and
cavalry is a bit more effective than you might expect; this may not be entirely realistic, but it heightens
the excitement and speeds up the game a great deal.

OBJECTIVES: The French must hold their fortified positions on the line Roncourt-Amanvillers. On
Turn 10 they receive orders to withdraw into Fortress Metz. Therefore, they must hold their line, with
the least casualties possible, until the 9th turn, while preventing the Prussians from outflanking them,
so that an unhindered retreat to Metz via Road D-1 is assured. The Prussians must push the French out
of their positions quickly or attempt a breakthrough, to block the French retreat towards Metz.

Description (Victory Representative Number of Stands Composition
Points if French) Playing Cards French Prussians (figures/stand)
General [HQ] - 3 3 1 General+1 ADC
Infantry Company (2) 2-9 24 36 3 soldiers
Cavalry Squadron (2) - 10 15 2 troopers
Gun Section (5) A 3 4 1 gun
Mitrailleuse Section (5) Joker 2 0 1 MG
24pdr Siege Gun - 0 1 1 siege gun
Crew, Limber, and Included with 5 5 6 artillerymen
Team (7) Gun or MG 2 3 4 horses
Dummy (French only) 10-K 16 0 -

FRENCH (Set Up First)

• 1 General (HQ) in each town.
• 24 Troops of Infantry in the towns, distributed as the French player desires, except that each town
must have a minimum garrison of 4 infantry companies.
• 3 unlimbered Artillery Sections (either 4 pdr or Mitrailleuse) with gun crews in the towns.
Distribution at the French player's option.
• 10 Troops of Cavalry and 2 limbered Artillery Sections: Anywhere on the board on Rows 1-10
inclusive (but not in the towns).
Hidden Units: The French may conceal the Infantry and Artillery units which are set up in the towns.
Substitute playing cards (or special cards can be made if desired) for the actual units, placing them face
down in the appropriate location. After the original setup, cards within the towns may be moved one
square if desired. Cards are replaced with the actual units (if any) if those units fire, leave the town, or
the square they occupy is attacked by the Prussians in melee.
The Prussians may fire into sectors containing hidden units. This does not cause the units to be
revealed, however; the French player simply records (secretly) any hits against that sector. If both
infantry and artillery occupy the targeted sector, the infantry must absorb all personnel hits. If enough
hits to wipe out a unit are scored, the card representing that unit is removed (and shown to the referee
or opponent upon demand).
Dummy Units: In addition to his actual forces, the French Player may place an additional 16 playing
cards which are "Dummies", representing nothing. They are removed if the Prussians enter the square
they occupy. If the Prussians melee a sector occupied solely by Dummies, they may advance into that
sector at the point of melee, but may not attack from that square during the same turn.

• 24pdr Siege gun and crew (in emplacement): roll two dice of different colors, for file and row: 1st
die: 1-2 = A-F; 3-4 = G-L; 5-6 = M-R. 2nd die: 1 = Row 18; 2 = Row 17; 3 = Row 16; 4 = Row 15;
5 = Row 14; 6 = Row 13. The Prussian player may place the gun as desired within the limits rolled,
except that it cannot be placed in woods, on hills, or in a town. Prussian Troops must have
undisputed control of the sector in which the siege gun is to be placed.
• All remaining Prussian units are placed anywhere on Rows 17 and 18, across files A-R inclusive.

VICTORY: The side with more points by the last turn is the winner. The game ends upon completion
of Turn XV, or at the end of Turn IX if the Prussians fail to capture and hold at least 1 town by then.
• Prussian Scoring: Points are awarded for eliminating enemy units, as listed above. The Prussians
are also awarded the following if they capture a town by the end of Turn VIII: Roncourt = 20
Points; Armanvilles = 30 Points; St. Privat = 50 Points. A town is captured if it is cleared entirely
of French forces by the end of a complete turn. The points awarded are subtracted from the
Prussian total if all Prussian forces are driven out on or before Turn IX. Recapture of a town after
Turn IX will not affect the Prussian total.
• French Scoring: The French receive 1 Victory Point automatically at the beginning of the game
(so that if the Prussians were to do absolutely nothing, the French would win by default).
Beginning with Turn X, French units marching or retreating (but not routing) off the battlefield
towards Metz (through sector D-1) earn points as per chart above (i.e. the same points the Prussians
would win by eliminating that unit).

1. Movement: The Prussians always move first in Turn I. Thereafter, each side rolls a die at the start
of the turn: high roll chooses to move first or second.
2. Rifle Fire: Both sides fire all infantry units; effects are simultaneous. Remove casualties.
3. Artillery/Machine Gun Fire: Both sides fire; effects are simultaneous. Remove casualties.
4. Melee: The side which moved second may charge enemy units (see Melee rules).
MOVEMENT: All units may move up to the number of squares listed below each turn. Units in
column formation must move in the direction they are facing, but they may turn 90o in any square they
enter. Re-grouping or turning within the unit’s original square costs 1 movement point.
Unit Open Hill Woods Road Bonus
in column 3 2 2 +2
in line 2 1 1 -
Cavalry (any formation) 5 3 1 -
limbered 4 - - +2
prolonged 1 1 1 -
General (H.Q.) 5 5 5 -
• Note that only infantry in column and limbered artillery receive a road bonus.
• Units may move through squares containing friendly units.
• Artillery may not enter woods beyond the edge square.

MARCHING FORMATION: To use the column movement rate, Infantry stands must begin the turn
arranged in single file, 2-4 stands deep. They must maintain this formation throughout their entire
move. (Note: A single tray cannot form a column by itself; it moves only at the “line” rate.) If a
change of formation occurs anytime during a move, “line” speed applies for the entire turn. Note that
Cavalry formation has no effect on movement; it can never be formed more than 2 stands deep.

ZONE OF CONTROL: Infantry and unlimbered Artillery control the

square directly in front and one to either side. An enemy unit entering
these squares must stop. (Note: Cavalry, Generals, and limbered
Artillery do not have a zone of control.) A unit may never move into
or through squares occupied by enemy units, nor move between
diagonally adjacent enemy-held squares or zones of control.

• HILLS, WOODS: All units must stop in the first hills or woods square they reach, regardless of
the remaining balance of their move. They may proceed, on the next turn, at reduced speed (see
Movement Chart). Units beginning a turn in a square at the edge of hills or woods may move out
into the open at regular speed.
• TOWNS: A unit using road movement is not slowed when moving through a town. A unit not
using road movement is limited to 1 square per turn.
• WALLS: A wall does not affect movement where crossed by a road. Otherwise, if an infantry unit
intends to cross over a wall, it must stop in front of it; cross over on the next turn, but remain in the
square just to the other side; and proceed on the following turn. Cavalry may jump over a wall at a
cost of 2 squares of movement. Crossing or jumping walls diagonally is not permitted. Artillery,
whether limbered or unlimbered, cannot cross a wall.
• STREAM: To ford a stream, infantry must remain stationary in the ford for 1 turn. Next turn, it
may move on at regular speed. Cavalry and limbered Artillery may ford a stream without stopping,
but at a cost of 2 squares of movement. (If they reach the ford at the end of their regular move, they
must deduct the 2 squares at the beginning of the next turn). No delay occurs if a unit crosses via a
bridge, or if moving alongside a stream without crossing.
• ROADS: Infantry in column and limbered artillery receives bonus of +2 squares, if making all or
part of their move on a road. Both bonus squares are taken together, at any time during the move.
ARTILLERY: An unlimbered gun may be manhandled (prolonged) 1 square per turn providing there
are at least 4 crew with it. Limbering/unlimbering costs 1 square; both may be done in the same turn.

Square Capacity: There can be up to 4 stands per square. Note that a gun, its crew, the limber, and the
horse team each counts as a stand. A General does not count as a stand, but there can only 1 general
per square unless 1 of them is the C-in-C. Cavalry cannot share a square with infantry or artillery.
Exceptions: A small building may contain up to 3 stands. A large building may contain up to 5
stands. Cavalry and Guns are not permitted in buildings. An Artillery crew detached from their gun
may be placed inside buildings, but the gun, limber, and team remain outside.

• Infantry stands within a square must be in either Column (Marching) or Line (Battle) formation.
• Infantry may attack only in the direction it is facing.
• Attack Combat Value = 3 per stand. Infantry may fire 1 stand deep, or melee up to 2 stands deep.
• If attacked in the flank, Defense Combat Value = 1 per stand; if attacked from the rear, Defense
CV = 2. Troops defending against a frontal assault may defend 2 stands deep; they defend only 1
stand deep if attacked from the flank or rear. Note: If attacked from several directions at once, no
individual stand may have a higher defense factor than 3. Below are diagrams which demonstrate
grouping possibilities and respective attack and defense values for melee purposes:
RIFLE FIRE: After both sides have moved, they exchange rifle fire simultaneously. Roll 1d6 for
each Infantry stand (front rank only) in the square, regardless of the number of men left on the tray.
(Cavalry and Artillery Crews do not fire rifles.) There must be a clear line of sight to the target (see
the LoS chart under Artillery if in doubt). Troops, hills, woods, and buildings all block LoS. LoS is
not blocked if the target and/or the shooter is on a hill. Walls do not block LoS. If firing into woods,
only targets in the squares on the edge can be hit.
The firing player designates which stands are firing at which targets. Each square can be fired
on only once per turn. The following HIT/CASUALTY CHART shows the numbers needed to score a
hit. For each hit, the number of kills for infantry equals the number rolled. If firing at Cavalry or
Artillerists, the number of kills is half the number rolled (round up). Modifiers: +1 to each die roll
against a target in woods or town; +2 if target is in a building or behind a wall.

Weapon Short Range (Adjacent) Medium (2 Hexes) Long (3 Hexes)

French Chassepot 1-4 1-3 1-2
Prussian Needle Gun 1-3 1-2 -
Artillery Fire: Rolls to Hit (same results and modifiers as for Rifle Fire)
Range Prussians French Range
(squares) Field Shot Field Shell Siege Field Shot Field Shell MG (squares)
1 1-4 - - 1-3 - 1-5 1
2 1-3 - - 1-2 1-4 1-4 2
3 1-2 1-4 - - 1-3 1-3 3
4 - 1-3 1-5 - 1-2 - 4
5 - 1-2 1-4 - - - 5
6-8 - - 1-3 - - - 6-8

Shot, Rifle Fire, and MG Fire must have a clear LoS. On the chart below, A = Attacker;
T = Target; shaded squares must contain no obstructions for a clear LoS to exist.



Shell and Siege Gun fire is

2 5 12
indirect, but target must be in
sight of a friendly unit.
Player rolls 2d6 for accuracy:
3 6-8 11
place the template with the
center over square shot at.
Casualties occur in the sector
rolled: 4 9 10

Procedure: After casualties have been removed from rifle fire, both sides fire artillery simultaneously.
Only guns that have not moved or unlimbered that turn may fire. The player announces the type of
ammunition fired, designates the target, and rolls 1d6 per gun. Consult the Hit Chart and remove any
casualties. Guns may be turned 90o without loss of firing. A turn of 180o is considered a move (hence,
no firing that turn).

Artillery Casualties
• If firing at Infantry, the die roll to hit is the number of kills inflicted; half that number (round up) if
firing at Cavalry, Artillerists or Generals.


• Shell Fire causes damage if fired at structures and equipment. When the total value, given in the
chart below, is reached, the structure or equipment is destroyed. A protective structure becomes
ineffective the same turn it is destroyed.
• An infantry stand can inflict 1 point of damage per turn if it does nothing else.
Type of Structure Point Value Type of Equipment Point Value
4" Wall Section 5 Limber 3
Small Building 10 Field Gun 6
Large Building 15 Siege Gun 12
Stone Bridge 12 Mitrailleuse 10
Note: if a target unit is in or behind a structure, divide the hits equally between the structure and the
unit, beginning with the structure.

Gun Crews and Limber teams may not attack; they defend at 3 CV per unit (no flank or rear
modifier applies). Casualties: 1 personnel hit wipes out an artillerist or a team horse (roll 1d6: odd =
man, even = horse). Artillerists are subject to casualties while riding the limber or manning the gun.

Siege Gun remains stationary in the square rolled for at the start of the game. This position need not to
be revealed to the French, unless French units move adjacent to that square; in that case the gun is
placed on the table, and the French have the option to fire at it or attack it in melee. Otherwise, the
Prussians may bring the gun on at the beginning of any turn, and can fire it the same turn (the gun
cannot be fired while hidden). The square occupied by the Siege Gun is fortified, resulting in -1 to any
hit dice rolled against it.

• The side which moved second may initiate melees, and is called the Attacker. Attacking is
voluntary; the Attacker may withhold units from an attack.
• Each stand may make only 1 attack per turn. Each enemy square may be attacked only once:
attacking stands from one or more adjacent squares are combined into one attack. Multiple squares
cannot be combined in defense, however; each must be attacked individually.
• The first 2 ranks may melee troops in the adjacent sector, which they must face. Diagonal attacks
are not allowed. Each attacking stand has a CV of 3, regardless of the number of figures remaining.
• The CV of a defending stand is 3 if attacked frontally, 2 if attacked from the rear, and 1 if attacked
enfilade. See the diagrams above.
• A command stand adds 3 to the total CV for that side (this is in addition to its normal CV). A
General adds 5 to the total CV of his troops, but he must be directly engaged in the melee.
• Infantry cannot attack cavalry, except in towns or woods.
Procedure: Compare the total CV of the Attackers to the total CV of the Defenders and compute the
odds, rounding up in favor of the defender. Note: If the defenders are in hills, woods, town, buildings,
or a fortified square (i.e. the siege gun), or if all attacking troops are on a stream square or are charging
over a wall, move 1 odds column to the left. Roll 1d6 and find the results in the appropriate odds
column of the Melee Morale and Casualty table.


Die 1-4 1-3 1-2 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1
Roll A D A D A D A D A D A D A D
1 S M S * +1H -1M +1L -1H +2L +2H +3L -3M +4 * -4H +4 * X
2 -1H +1M S M S M +1M -1L +2M -2M +3M -3M +3L -3M +4L X
3 -1M +1L S L S L +1M -1M +1L -1M +2L -2H +3 * -3H +4 * -4M
4 -2H +2L -1H +1H S L S M +1M -1L +2 * -2M +2L -2H +3 * -3H
5 -3M +3 * -1M +1L S H S L S M S H +1L -1H +2 * -2H +3 * -3H
6 X +3M -2M +2M -2L -1M S M S M S M S M +1L -1M +3L -3M
CASUALTIES: The capital letter indicates the casualties suffered by each side: L = Light; M =
Medium; H = Heavy; * = No casualties; X = All troops of losing side are wiped out. For all but X,
consult casualty factor chart: It takes 1 factor to remove an infantry or artillery man, 2 factors to
remove a cavalry trooper or general. Exception: A cavalry trooper is killed by 1 single factor, if no
infantry or artillerymen are in the square.

Total Casualty Factors

Value Light Medium Heavy
1-2 1 1 2
3-5 1 2 3
6-8 1 2 4
9-11 2 3 5
12-17 2 5 8
18-20 2 6 10
21+ 3 7 12

MORALE: The results are listed for the Attacker (A) and Defender (D): S = Side stands.
-1 = Loser RETREATS into an adjacent sector of his choice. He must, if possible, move away from the
attacker. (Retreated troops may be arranged at loser's option)
-2, -3, -4 = Loser ROUTS that number of squares. Limbered guns rout, team and all; deployed guns are
abandoned by their crews.
+ 1,2,3,4 = Winner has the option to advance that number of squares. The first entered must be the
vacated one. Thereafter splitting up is permissible.

All stands in the loser’s square must retreat or rout, not just the troops engaged in the melee; this
includes those who were about to be engaged in their own melee. At the end of the rout, the loser's
troops must face away from their enemy. It is permissible to rout or retreat through or into hostile
zones of control, but troops who are forced to rout or retreat into an enemy square or off the board are

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