• Need to Keep Securities in safe place
Introduction Contd.
• Transmitting customers’ securities receipt and delivery orders
• Monitoring the associated payments
Asset Servicing
• Processing Rights and Obligations associated with securities
Services Provided by Custodian Contd.
Fund Services
• Investment accounting; Performance
• Net Asset Valuation; Compliance monitoring;
Regulatory Record Keeping
• Credit Exposure
• Collateral Management
Demand for Custody Services (Clients).
Pvt. Banking
Investors Corporations
Clients Investors
Intermediaries Custodians
Asset managers
• Specific requirement is usually efficient cash
management that involves minimum opportunity costs.
• investment advice, brokerage, custody, and tax and
estate planning advice.
Pvt. Banking
• Confirmation of Transaction; monthly statement; Asset
• Retail Bank a one stop service with many advantages
Investor Clients Contd.
• Focus is on returns; increase yield on securities & Investors
cash portfolio; track & benchmark their investment
performance; compliance with regulations Institutional
• Huge & Rapid turnover; need to be close to market; Firms
usually appoint CSD or Multi direct Custodian
• Main need is liquidity mgmt addressed via collateral Investment
mgmt, Inventory financing, intra day credit
Investor Clients Contd.
• Third party-to manage investment portfolio; able
to provide its institutional investor customer with
the information and reporting services that it
• Sub custodians act as local custodians in markets
where GC lack presence or does not have CSD
• LC provide asset servicing & settlement services Global
while GC provides fund administration, securities
lending and tri-party repo services
• Broker needs to set up settlement arrangements in
the destination market; it can appoint local
custodian as settlement agent or become direct
member of CSD
• Broker appoints Custodian for Asset servicing
Intermediaries Contd.
Comprehending Custody Scenario in India
Market Regulations
• Post 1992, NEAT was introduced (which operated
on a strict price/time priority) to reduce
information asymmetry & High transaction cost
• At investor level, listed companies had to increase
the frequency of their account announcements
• To ensure transferability of securities with speed,
accuracy and security, the Depositories Act was
passed in 1996
Regulations Contd.
• This provided for the establishment of
securities depositories and allowed securities
to be dematerialized & NSDL was launched
• Other measures to reduce Transaction Cost
– a movement toward electronic trading and
– streamlining of procedures with respect to
clearance of new issues
Equity Reforms Results
• Modernization of market with increased
• Trading has become more transparent
• Eliminate risks of bad delivery and counterfeit
shares due to depository available
• The two depositories that are in operation
now ensure faster, cleaner and cheaper
Debt Market Regulations
• Classified into three segments:
a) the government securities market;
b) the public sector units (PSU) bond market
c) the corporate bond market
• The focus of debt market reforms has been
on government securities as it is dominant &
establishes benchmarks for the rest of the
Debt Market Regulations Contd.
• Post 1992, there was establishment of a
primary market for government securities
• Followed by strengthening of legal, regulatory
and payments infrastructure which
contributed to the development of a
secondary market
Debt Market Regulations Contd.
• Following are the reforms:
a) Auction of Treasury Bills with varying maturities
b) Entry of FIIs to Primary & Secondary Market
c) Introduction of DVP system to accelerate
settlement, enhance transparency, eliminate risk
d) Promotion of G-sec by RBI by providing liquidity
e) Active inter bank Repo market development to
boost liquidity
Regulatory Issues
• Regulators:
b) RBI
c) Department of Company Affairs
d) Department of Economic Affairs
• SEBI's mandate includes ensuring investor
protection; promoting orderly growth of
security market
Regulatory Issues Contd.
• RBI is responsible for primary issues of
Government Securities
• Also includes the regulation of all contracts in
G- sec, gold related securities, money market
• SEBI is mandated to regulate the trading of
these securities on recognized stock exchanges
in line with the guidelines issued by RBI
Overview of NSDL
• Depository Act 1996 was passed to ensure transferability
of securities with speed, accuracy and security
• Post this NSDL was launched which allowed the
securities to be dematerialized
• It aims at synchronizing the settlement of trade and
transfer of securities irrespective of geographical
• Eliminates the ills associated with paper-based securities
system such as delay in transfer, bad delivery, theft and
NSDL Contd.
NSDL Overview Contd.
NSDL Overview Contd.
• Functions of a Depository:
a) Dematerialization
b) Account Transfer
c) Transfer Registration
d) Corporate Actions
e) Linkages with clearing system
NSDL Electronic Linkages
Clearing Corporations
• Financial Settlements are guaranteed by CCIl
• Settlement guarantee fund ensures settlement
of trades irrespective of default by trading
• Eliminates counter party risk; thus boosts
investor confidence
Role of NSE and Clearing Houses
• The transaction in secondary market pass through
3 distinct phases
– Trading: Stock exchange
– Clearing: Clearing Corporation determines the fund &
security obligation of trading members and ensures the
trade is settled through exchange of obligations
– Settlement
• Clearing corporation, clearing members,
custodians, clearing banks, depositories are
involved in the process of clearing
Role of NSE and Clearing Houses Contd.