Wildlife Animals, "The "Big Five": Elephant, Leopard, Lion, Buffalo and
Wildlife Animals, "The "Big Five": Elephant, Leopard, Lion, Buffalo and
Wildlife Animals, "The "Big Five": Elephant, Leopard, Lion, Buffalo and
Originally used only by hunters, the term 'Big Five' refers to five of Africa's
greatest wild animals - lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino. As during
the bygone hunting era the term "Big Five" still conjure up the romance and
excitement of Africa's exotic destinations and experiences. Imagine watching
the sun set over the horizon whilst you capture the moment of a tribe of lions
stalking their prey. Watching a buffalo stolling to a water hole with strength
and size that makes it more likely to kill a human than any other mammal.
The rhino, which is almost extinct, with its extraordinary horns and bad
temper. And the leopard with its beauty and remarkable speed and skill to
The elephant
Diet: Elephant eat practically any vegetable matter. Leaves, grass, reeds,
roots, flowers, fruits, bark and even soil if the mineral content is high. They
eat about 250 kg of food and drink about 150 to 200 liters of water a day.
Breeding: Females are sexually mature at 12 years of age and are mated by
visiting bulls. After a gestation period of 22 months, the cow gives birth to a
single calf that weighs up to 130 kg. The calf suckles for about 3 years.
The leopard
Diet: Leopards are the most successful hunters of the cat family. Their prey
includes Impala, Bushbuck, Warthog and also the young of Wildebeest, Kudu
and Waterbuck. Rodents, ground birds, monkeys, baboons, frogs and fish,
also make part of its diet.
Breeding: The female gives birth to one to three cubs after a gestation
period of about 105 days. The cubs are kept in secluded spots, like thickets
and rocky crevices. They are much darker than adults. Female Leopards are
very dedicated mothers leaving their cubs only when hunting.
The lion
Habits: Lions are the most social of the cat family. They live in prides
consisting of one or two males, up to seven females and 14 or 15 cubs of
different ages. Prides occupy territories that they defend against nomadic
lions and other prides; this is done by the dominant male or males, by means
of patrolling and scent marking. At about 3 years of age, young lions are
evicted from their pride; they normally stay together, always on the move,
becoming nomads, until they take over some other pride, whose male has
become too weak or old, sometimes killing all the existing cubs. The female
normally does all the hunting, usually at night, late afternoon or early
morning. At a kill, the adults will eat first, with the male sometimes claiming
it for himself, and, if anything left, the cubs will then take their turn. In times
of scarcity this means very little food available for the cubs, and death by
starvation. Scavengers, like vultures, hyenas and jackals, are attracted to
lion kills in great numbers, and in some occasions a big group of hyenas will
appropriate the kill of a small group of lions. The contrary also happens, with
lions very often steeling from hyenas and jackals, and even climbing up a
tree to appropriate a leopard's kill. Adult males can weight up to 250 kg and
females about 150 kg. Their life span is about 15 years.
Diet: Lion's prey includes mostly wildebeest, zebra, waterbuck, kudu, giraffe
and buffalo. They also tend to attack young elephant calves. In difficult
times they will even go for small prey, like porcupine, with disastrous
consequences for both.
Breeding: Breeding occurs all year round, with 2 to 6 cubs being born after
a gestation period of about 110 days. The lioness normally leaves the pride
to give birth to her litter, in a sheltered spot where she leaves them, while
hunting. At this stage the cubs are very vulnerable, sometimes being taken
away by scavengers, like hyenas, while their mother is away. If, at any
stage doubtful about her cubs safety, the lioness will find another hide, and
will transport them, in her mouth, one by one, to the new location. Once the
cubs are big enough to follow their mother, she will take them to the pride
and introduce them to their father. This is another crucial time in the cubs'
life, as nobody can predict the reaction of the male.
The rhino
Habits: Black Rhinos are very solitary animals, with bulls associating with
females only for mating. Sub adults and youngsters stay with their mother
only until the next calf is born, when they are driven off to find their own
territories. The Rhino bulls mark their territory by dragging their feet trough
their dung, scattering it all over the place and by urinating on to bushes.
They are extremely aggressive animals. A charge by a Rhino, with is loud
snorts, it's a terrifying affair. They readily attack predators including
humans. They are also short sighted, but their sense of smell and hearing is
very acute. Adult males can weight up to 1200 kg, females being slightly
smaller. Their life span is about 40 years.
Diet: Rhinos are browsers, eating leaves, fruit, flowers, but also herbs.
Breeding: Mating is always preceded by courtship behaviour that includes
snorting and sparring with the horns. Mating is repeated several times
during a period of 2 to 3 days, and may last about 30 minutes at a time. A
single calf, weighing about 35 kg is born after a gestation period of about 15
The buffalo
Habitat: Buffalo are extremely
adaptable animals, being able to
occupy open grasslands, wooded
savanna and thickets.