Membership Form
Membership Form
Membership Form
As a member, you can look forward to: □ Enclosed is my check made payable to the
Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra
$75 Member
Membership Card offering a 10% discount on Please charge my credit card $___________
two (2) BPCO concert tickets. □Visa □Mastercard □AMX □Discover
Free download of a live BPCO performance.
Listing in the BPCO Program Book. Card number___________________________________
Exp._____________Security Code________
$250 Supporter
All above benefits plus, Signature______________________________________
Invitation to attend a closed BPCO rehearsal for two. Name on card__________________________________
(please print)
$500 Patron (Fair Market Value $70)
All above benefit plus, Give the gift of membership
Two (2) complimentary tickets to a BPCO performance.
Priority seating at BPCO concerts. □ Please enroll my friend
$750 Founders’ Society (Fair Market Value $140)
Name (please print)________________________________________
All above benefits plus,
Acknowledgement in perpetuity as a Founding Member of the
Two (2) additional complimentary tickets to a BPCO performance.
$1,000+ Maestra’s Circle (Fair Market Value $140)
All above benefits plus, Telephone______________Email____________________
Invitation to attend private home concerts with performances.
by BPCO musicians at beautiful home in and around Philadelphia. □ Please dedicate my membership in honor/memory of: