Un-2003 SMP Inggris p3
Un-2003 SMP Inggris p3
Un-2003 SMP Inggris p3
Bahasa Inggris (C2)
SENIN, 19 MEI 2003
Pukul 07.30 – 09.30
1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 60 butir, setiap butir soal terdiri dari 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban.
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau
jumlah soal kurang.
5. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan.
6. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
7. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.
3. “She always checks what they do either out of or at home.” (line 5 and 6)
“They” in this sentence refers to ....
a. Hasan and his sister
b. Anita and his sister
c. Mr. and Mrs. Husein
d. Mr. Husein and his wife
C2-P3-2002/2003 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG DEPDIKNAS
02 01-30-C2-P11 03
13. What does Mrs. Sherly mean by saying “That’s lucky for him.
He’s got a Math test today”?
a. John likes Math very much.
b. John is very good at Math.
c. John may not like Math.
d. The test is not so difficult for him.
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02 01-30-C2-P11 03
21. We ... to one another because as human beings we cannot live alone.
a. should have different language to speak
b. earn our living by catching fish and giving
c. must be kind, friendly and helpful
d. do and have common interests and occupation
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C2-P3-2002/2003 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG DEPDIKNAS
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Jl. Tunjungan 102 Surabaya
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02 01-30-C2-P11 03
29. Based on the table above, which group has more teenager fans?
a. Gigi
b. Dewa 19
c. Jamrud
d. Sheila on 7
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02 01-30-C2-P11 03
A Mixer
Rp 175.000,00 A Grinder
Rp 140.000,00
A Blender
Rp 275.000,00
Based on the pictures above, we know that the blender is ... of all.
a. more expensive than
b. the most expensive
c. expensive
d. as expensive as
C2-P3-2002/2003 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG DEPDIKNAS
02 01-30-C2-P11 03
37. Which is NOT TRUE about Hotel Petamburan II according to the text?
a. People can contact the hotel by phone.
b. It provides a pool to swim.
c. The lowest tariff is US$ 32.5.
d. People cannot hold a meeting at the hotel.
39. All participants will arrive at Bayu Buana office on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda, Jakarta at
05.30 a.m. The group will head for Baturaden via Bekasi, Karawang, Cikampek,
Sukamandi (short break), and arrive in Wonosobo in the evening.
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C2-P3-2002/2003 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG DEPDIKNAS
02 01-30-C2-P11 03
Dear Sir,
I am writing at once to express my disappointment about
Sawung Galih’s service train that I got on from Purwokerto to
Jakarta. I bought two tickets. When I was on it, I could not sit
because the two seats I booked have been seated by the passengers.
I came up the ticket collector, told that problem. Then he
gave the alternative to move sitting. I felt uncomfortable because
the seats were badly covered in material.
I realize Sawung Galih train is an economic train and every
passenger can afford the fare, but please, give the passengers
better service. If possible, add the cars so passengers can sit
I hope this letter opens your eyes to improve your services
to the passengers of the train. I will wait and see the
improvement to make the passengers have enjoyable journey.
Yours faithfully
45. Why did Nurdin write the letter to the director of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia?
a. He was disappointed because the train did not give good service.
b. He wrote the letter because he was really satisfied.
c. He was displeased because he got no return ticket.
d. He realized because the ticket was expensive.
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02 01-30-C2-P11 03
49. a. speak
b. listen
c. write
d. read
50. a. sells
b. subscribes
c. reports
d. takes
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02 01-30-C2-P11 03
53. Fitri : Have you ever visited the Ujung Kulon Nature Reserve?
Farida : No, but my brother has. How about you?
Fitri : I’ve visited it twice.
Farida : … Once in November and the other in March.
Why did you visit it twice?
Fitri : To know a complete untamed wilderness in West Java.
Farida : Oh, I see.
a. So did he.
b. He didn’t either.
c. So has he.
d. He hasn’t either.
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02 01-30-C2-P11 03
hundred millions
Costa Rica
58. These animals have become very rare in Indonesia because people used to hunt them for skin
and sport.
They look like large cats and have yellow fur with black spots and long tails.
The animals are ....
a. lions
b. leopards
c. tigers
d. panthers
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02 01-30-C2-P11 03
60. Merry : I think the air around here is not good for our health.
Nancy : You are right. The air here has become polluted ... the factory chimneys pour smoke
into the air.
a. because
b. therefore
c. although
d. thus
C2-P3-2002/2003 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG DEPDIKNAS