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Osho: Osho Quotes and Sayings

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“Love never reduces the other to a thing; on the contrary love raises the other to divinity.

transforms ordinary human beings into gods.”

“The world is the form of god and god is the formlessness of the world. Form and formlessness are both

“All creativity is a by-product of playfulness. Seriousness is barren. Nothing is ever born out of
seriousness... except destruction.”

If there is love there is compassion and service. If there is love there is non-violence and humanity. If
there is love one cannot cheat or deceive.”

“Create the quality of love in all that you do. Even if it is just day-to-day ordinary work, do it with great
love, with care, with a kind of caressing.”

“Knowledge ends, becomes conclusions. Love never ends and never becomes a conclusion; it remains
flowing, hence it is never exhausted.”

“A borrowed truth is the greatest lie in the world. Truth can only be true when it is based on your own
experience, utterly your own experience.”

Osho Quotes and Sayings

1. Power never corrupts anybody, but only corrupted people are attracted towards power.
And when they have power, then of course they use it for all their desires and passions.
2. Do whatsoever you feel you enjoy, and enjoy it totally. In those few moments, the past
and future will disappear and you will be herenow. And those moments will bring the
first good news, the first gospel of god.
3. Goals have been given to you, and because of those goals and those perfectionist ideals
you remain condemned and crushed. How can you receive the message that God is within
you, that you are already home, that you have never left it in the first place, that all is
okay as it is? Just relax and it is yours. Not that you have to search and seek, but just
relax into it and it is yours.
4. When the mind has come to a stop and is no longer interested in attaining anything, then
it attains buddhahood. When the mind has come to a full stop and is not going anywhere,
it starts going inwards, it starts falling into one’s own being, that abyssmal abyss. Full
emptiness is attained by a non-attainmentness. So don’t become achievers, don’t start
thinking in terms of achievement — that you have to achieve this and that, that you have
to attain God. These are games; the mind is again deceiving you. The name of the game
changes but the game, the subtle game, remains the same.
5. Not for a single moment be suspicious about your buddhahood. Your buddhahood is your
nature, act accordingly. The more you act accordingly, the more is the possibility of a
growing trust in your being a buddha. The more intelligent can instantly pass through the
transformation. The old self dies away, and a totally fresh new being is born  –  innocent,
6. Death is beautiful, as beautiful as life — if you just know how to communicate with
death. It is beautiful because it is relaxation. It is beautiful because the person has fallen
back into the source of existence — to relax, to rest, to be ready to come back again.
7. Talking to you, I feel nourished. After talking to you I feel more energy than ever —
because it is my love. I enjoy it! It is not work. You can get tired if you are working. If
you are playing, how can you get tired? Nobody has ever heard that people get tired by
8. Remember, anything new coming in your life is a message from God. If you accept it you
are religious. If you reject it you are irreligious. Man needs just to relax a little more to
accept the new; to open up a little more to let the new in. Give way to God entering you.
9. A doubting mind cannot relax. A doubting mind cannot surrender. A doubting mind can
never be total; a part goes on fighting, a part goes on saying no. A doubting mind cannot
say an absolute yes, and that is the fundamental of becoming a streamwinner — to say
yes to life, to say yes unconditionally, to say yes simply, with your whole being. That is
prayer enough. If you can simply sit silently and can say yes to existence, enough —
nothing more is needed, no ritual.
10. Somebody insults you. It is very easy to be hurt. It is mechanical; you are not needed for
it; no intelligence is needed for it. It is very easy to get into a rage, anger, fire. No
intelligence is needed for it. Even animals do it, so nothing is special in it. Do something
special. Remain calm and quiet and collected. Relax, watch inside that the mechanical
thing does not possess you. Become a little loose from your mechanical habits and your
benefit will be tremendous. You will start becoming more and more aware.
11. Life destroys nobody, but if you fight with it you will be destroyed by your own violence.
Life is not against you. How can it be? Life is your mother. It is life that has brought you
here. You are born out of it. You are a ray of its light, a wave of its ocean. You are
intrinsic and organic to it, you are not separate. But if you start fighting your own source
of energy, you will be destroyed. Your very concept of fight will poison you. And of
course, the more you feel that you are losing the battle, the harder you will fight. The
harder you fight, the more frustrated you become.
12. The religious person is one who wants to be in such a deep harmony that there is no
question of conflict. He is seeking love. He is seeking a love affair with the universe. He
never asks about power. He asks how to lose separation, how to merge. He asks, ‘How to
be in such a total surrender that I don’t move in any way against the whole or separate
from the whole, so that I can move with the river of life. And wherever the river of life
goes, I can go with it’.
13. The ego is just hoya, a misunderstanding. It is non-existential — yet the dirtiest thing
possible. The very idea that ‘I am separate from existence’, is dirty. The very idea that ‘I
have to fight with my own energy source’, is foolish and absurd.
14. God is not a person, it is a deep experience when you are not doing anything and
existence simply flows in you… the immensity of it, the beautitude of it, the grace of it.
You are not doing anything, you are not even expecting anything, you are not waiting for
anything. You have no motive. You are just there like a tree standing in the winds, or like
a rock just silently sitting by the side of a river. Or like a cloud perched on the hilltop —
just there, no movement of your own. In that moment you are not a self, in that moment
you are a no-self. In that moment you are not a mind, you are a no-mind. In that moment
you don’t have a center. In that moment you are immense… vastness with no boundaries
— suddenly the contact. Suddenly it is there! Suddenly you are fulfilled, suddenly you
are surrounded by some unknown presence. It is tremendous.

Osho Random Quotes

Mar 10

Osho Quotes and Sayings

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Osho Quotes and Sayings

1. I want you to rebel against any effort that takes away your freedom. Freedom to me is the
ultimate experience, the most beautiful, the most divine.
2. Respect life, revere life. There is nothing more holy than life, nothing more divine than
3. Witness that you are not the body.
Witness that you are not the mind.
Witness that you are only the witness.
4. Respect your life. Out of that respect you will start respecting life in others.
5. The man who has transcended his mind is in absolute control of his mind. He uses it
when needed, and he stops using it when it is not needed; mind becomes an instrument in
his hands. But for the ordinary man the situation is very sad. He becomes an instrument
in the hands of the mind.
6. Only a playful, childlike, innocent behavior is the right behavior, is what I would like to
call virtuous behavior, religious, spiritual… not only human but divine. The moment you
are as innocent as a child you have transcended humanity, you have entered into the
world of godliness.
7. My whole teaching is: Just be what you are and don’t care a bit about the world. Then
you will feel a tremendous relaxation and a deep peace within your heart. That is your
original face, relaxed, without tensions, without pretensions, without hypocrisies, without
the so-called disciplines of how you should behave.

Osho Short Quotes and Sayings

1. The only refuge is the perfection of wisdom, the perfection of meditation.

2. Anybody who becomes a Buddha becomes one through meditation. Take refuge in
meditation. Take refuge in nothingness.
3. When you cheat somebody, you are losing something of your inner being… something
which is tremendously valuable.
4. Watch, witness. Your body is not you; your mind is not you. You are just a pure witness.
5. Renunciation follows awareness like a shadow.
6. You are simply a witness, no judgment, no evaluation, but a pure silent witnessing like a
7. You have to relax, you have to stop judging.
8. Go deep in your unhappiness; it is going to reveal many things to you.
9. To me, every day is a holiday. If you love whatsoever you are doing, you are never tired
of it; it is nourishing, it is energy-giving, it is vitalizing.
10. Love has to be discovered — it is already there. And how to discover it? The more you
are, the less is the possibility to discover love; the less you are, the more is the possibility
to discover it. When the river disappears into the ocean, it discovers the ocean — it
becomes the ocean.
11. Truth is subjectivity, it is your innermost core. Only you, and only you, can penetrate it;
nobody else can go with you. The path has to be travelled in tremendous aloneness. And
a Master knows it — that he is pushing you in a journey where you will be left alone.
12. When you are not rushing anywhere and your inner being is just still, herenow, God
reflects. Then all chaos disappears, all questions disappear.
Osho Quotes on Education

1. My vision of a right education is to teach people how to grow the ego and how to be able to
drop it; how to become great minds and yet be ready any moment to put the mind aside. You
should be able to just put your personality, your ego, your mind, on and off, because these are
good things if you can use them. But you should know the mechanism, how to put them off.
Right now you know only how to put them on.
2. Give your children your love, but don’t give your ideologies. Don’t make them Catholics and
communists; that is poisoning them. Don’t make them Hindus and Jainas and Buddhists; that is
very destructive. Give your love, give your loving nourishment, and give them strength enough
to inquire who they are, what this reality is all about. Give them every support so they can go on
in life with an adventurous spirit. Then you are helping them; then you are really educating
them. Ordinarily, whatsoever exists in the name of education is nothing but mis-education. Real
education is helping the person to be himself. It is possible only if you love the person for his
own sake, for no other motive. If there is a motive, your love is contaminated. Then you are not
a real father or a real mother.
3. Education means drawing your inner being into expression in your living, your day-to-day life.
Your honesty, your love, your compassion, should come from your inner being, not from
teachings and scriptures, not from rabbis and bishops and shankaracharyas and Ayatollah
4. A real education will not teach you to be the first. It will tell you to enjoy whatsoever you are
doing, not for the result but for the act itself. Just like a painter or a dancer or a musician….
5. A real education will not teach you to compete; it will teach you to cooperate. It will not teach
you to fight and come first. It will teach you to be creative, to be loving, to be blissful, without
any comparison with the other. It will not teach you that you can be happy only when you are
the first. That is sheer nonsense. You can’t be happy just by being first. And in trying to be first
you go through such misery that you become habituated to misery by the time you become the

In fact, the moment a child is perfectly conditioned by you, you are very happy; you call it
“religious education.” You are very happy that the child has been initiated into the religion of his
parents. All that you have done is you have destroyed his capacity to know on his own. You have
destroyed his authenticity. You have destroyed his very precious innocence.


You will be surprised to know that your education is against intelligence. Society needs
imitators. It wants you to be good in memorizing, not in becoming intelligent. It wants you to
become good machines, not beautiful people; efficient machines, but machines all the same. It
needs you to function well, but it does not want you to be more conscious. Then you would start
saying no to many things; you will not be so obedient.
8. If this goes on for as long as it does — in schools children are sitting for five or six hours — by
and by they are dulled, their intelligence is lost. Every child is born intelligent and almost ninety-
nine per cent of people die stupid. The whole education dulls the mind.

There is nothing like education. All your education simply makes you capable of worrying about
situations everywhere in the world, about everyone except you — about all the troubles that are
in the world. They have always been there, they will always be there. It is not because you are
here that troubles are there. You were not and they were there; you will not be soon and they
will remain there. They change their colors but they remain. The very scheme of the universe is
such that it seems that through trouble and misery something IS growing. It seems to be a step,
it seems to be a necessary schooling, a discipline.


The education that exists in the world is not true education. True education will be a help
towards enlightenment because it will make you more meditative, more silent, more aware,
more inward-looking. The education that exists in the world makes you more ambitious,
outward-looking, more egoistic, more superficial. It gives you all kinds of wrong values. It is a
kind of poisoning. It does not help you, in any way, to be yourself. It is destructive. It helps you
to be somebody else, and that’s its very destructive foundation. It is a poisoning, but so slow
that you never become aware. It begins the day you are born and it goes on slowly slowly
destroying you, distracting you from your nature.


In the coming century the whole education system is going to be totally transformed and
changed because of the computer. It will be stupid to teach children history, geography —
unnecessary, there is no need. All that can be done by a computer; the child can carry the
computer. And my own observation is: the less you depend on memory, the more intelligent
you become. That’s why it happens that in the universities you will not find very intelligent
people. Professors, chancellors, vice-chancellors — I have seen many, but it is very difficult to
find some intelligent person there. You can find more intelligent people in the farmers, in the
gardeners, in the villagers. And the reason is clear: because they are not knowledgeable they
cannot depend on the memory. They have to respond to reality, they have to respond to
challenges, they have to bring their consciousness to respond — their consciousness remains
more sharp. A farmer, a villager, is far more wise than a professor in the university. The
professor can depend on the memory, the farmer cannot depend on the memory.

The basic education is missing. The first thing to be taught is meditation, the art of going in,
because only out of that arises a discipline.


The society is very much afraid of your reality. The church is afraid, the state is afraid, everybody
is afraid of your essential person, your essential being, because the essential being is rebellious,
intelligent. It cannot be easily reduced to slavery. It cannot be exploited. Nobody can use your
essential being as a means; your essential being is an end unto itself. Hence the whole society
tries in every possible way to disconnect you from your essential core, and it creates a false,
plastic personality around you and it forces you to become identified with it. That’s what it calls
education. It is not education; it is mis-education. It is destructive, it is violent.


Society teaches you, “Become this, become that.” It teaches you becoming. Its whole education
system is based on the idea of becoming. And what I am telling you here is just the opposite of
it. I am talking about BEING, not about becoming. Becoming is an invention of the crafty
politicians and the priests — and these are the people who have poisoned the whole humanity.
They go on giving you goals. If you become tired of the worldly things — money, power, prestige
— they are there to tell you about paradise, God, samadhi, truth. Again the whole process


The word ‘education’ is beautiful. It means “drawing something out”: drawing out that which is
within you. In fact, we should not use it for the ordinary education. It is wrong to use a beautiful
word like ‘education’ for this rotten system of schools, colleges and universities. It is not
education in the literal sense even, because instead of drawing out what is within you it forces
things from the outside upon you. It is an imposition.Real education is like drawing water from a
well, not pouring something into the well. Real education is drawing out your being so that your
inner luminosity starts filtering through your body, through your behavior.


D.H. Lawrence was very much against your so-called education — it is not education, it is mis-
education. Real education can only be based on love, not on knowledge. Real education cannot
be utilitarian, real education cannot be of the marketplace. Not that real education will not give
you knowledge; first, real education will prepare your heart, your love, and then whatever
knowledge is needed to pass through life will be given to you, but that will be secondary. And it
will never be overpowering; it will not be more valuable than love.

And whenever there is a possibility of any conflict between love and knowledge, real education
will help you to be ready to drop your knowledge and move with your love; it will give you
courage, it will give you adventure. It will give you space to live, accepting all risks, insecurities; it
will help you to be ready to sacrifice yourself if love demands it. It will put love not only above
knowledge but even above life, because life is meaningless without love. Love without life is still
meaningful; even if your body dies it makes no difference to your love energy. It continues, it is
eternal, it is not a time phenomenon.

To have a loving heart, you need a little less calculating head. To be capable of loving you need
to be capable of wondering. That’s why, Nur, I always say that awe and childlike innocence are
deeply related with the energy called love. In fact they are different names for the same thing.

Osho Quotes on Education

1. Our whole education is rotten. It certainly makes you clerks, stationmasters, postmen, police
commissioners. It gives you a livelihood, but it does not give you life, and it does not give you
2. One-third of our education should be concerned with livelihood; one-third of our education
should be concerned with our well-being — body, health, ways to stay younger and live longer.
And one-third — the last and the most important — should be concerned with love, with death,
and the secrets of life itself. Only then will we have a wholesome education. And through that
education, we can create a man and a society which will be healthy, youthful, loving, soulful,
overflowing with joy, always ready to share with anyone — because nobody is a stranger on the
earth; the whole earth is one family.
3. All education remains part of the mind; it does not make you more alert, more conscious, it
simply fills you with information. It treats you like a computer.
4. The society’s whole interest is in how to exploit you, how to enslave you, how to use you in a
more efficient way, almost like a machine. It gives you all the education just for these hidden,
secret aims. It prevents you from knowing anything about meditation.
5. This is what our education goes on teaching… our education is immensely destructive. In the
name of education, it is mis-education. It needs to be completely changed and transformed.
Things like ambition, success, comparison, have to be completely taken out of the human mind
— and it is possible. Rather than teaching these ugly things, education should give people better
ways of life, how to live more totally and more intensely; better ways of loving, better ways of
beautifying existence — without any comparison with others — just for your sheer
6. Your education teaches you to imitate, your religions teach you to imitate. Nobody says to you:
“Just be yourself — that’s where your paradise lies.” They go on saying to you, “Follow this,
imitate that.” They give you ideals: “Become a Gautam Buddha, or a Jesus Christ.” But never,
even by mistake, do they say to you, “Just be yourself; relax and enjoy your being, and bring
your potential to its maximum unfoldment.”
7. A sannyasin has to be both: the peace, the silence, the light, the qualities of his inner being, and
a rebel against all injustice, against all inhumanity. But for a creative purpose, to materialize a
dream of an authentic human society which will be able to give equal opportunity to all,
freedom to all, education which is nonviolent, education which is not only informative but also
transformative, an education that will make you more of an individual and bring the best in you
to its flowering.
8. Education is not bringing peace and silence and blissfulness to people. There is something
missing in it; it is only education in subjects which do not touch your interior being at all. They
may make you doctors, engineers, professors, but they do not give you the insight that can
create a Gautam Buddha in you. The true meaning of the word “education” is “to draw out.” But
all that your so-called education does is to force in. From outside, borrowed knowledge is being
forced into the minds of innocent children.
9. In my vision, education is nothing but another form of meditation. All that usually goes on in the
name of education is secondary. The priority should be given to meditation — education of the
inner. Unless you become acquainted with yourself, all your knowledge is useless.
10. So before education I would put meditation. Education is trivia: geography, history, arithmetic. It
is good as far as the mundane world is concerned, but it is not good as far as your interiority is
concerned. You go on accumulating degrees and inside you remain empty. Your degrees can
befool people, may even befool yourself, but you cannot have the joy, the blissfulness, the
peace, the silence, the compassion of a Gautam Buddha. And unless education has two wings, it
cannot fly in the sky in total freedom. Right now it has only one wing; the other wing is missing.
Why is it missing? Because the priests don’t want you to become meditators.
11. To me, charity first means the education of the inner; and only secondarily, it means education
of other things. “Know thyself” must be the most precious education, and then you can become
acquainted with everything else. A man who knows himself will never misuse his education in
the outer world. Otherwise, when you don’t know yourself, you are going to use your education
to exploit people, to create poverty.
12. Education is certainly needed; but before education, meditation is needed. Anybody who
becomes a graduate — either an engineer or a doctor or a professor — should not be able to
have his degree unless he also passes his examinations in meditation. Each university and each
college should have classes for meditation for the students — and for people from outside also;
they may not have been able in their youth to learn meditation, but now they can learn.
13. We just have to create people who are evidence of right education. An education is complete
when it is inner and outer both. And we have to create people who can change this whole
exploitative structure with love and compassion in a democratic way. There is no need for any
violence. The poor just have to be made aware: It is time for you to wake up; everything belongs
to you.
14. We have to find a human kind of education in the world; the education that exists is very
inhuman. We have to find ways so that children can play in the sun and still learn a little
arithmetic. That can be done — once we know that arithmetic is not so important as playing in
the sun, once that thing has been decided, then we can find ways. A little arithmetic can be
taught, and a little is needed. Everybody is not going to become an Albert Einstein. And those
who are going to become Albert Einsteins, they won’t bother playing in the sun — their joy is
arithmetic, that is their poetry. Then it is different, then it is totally different; then the growth is
not hindered and guilt is not created.
15. Our whole education system is based on giving ready-made answers. Because of those ready-
made answers you never develop your intelligence; there is no need. You ask the question and a
computer teacher answers them.
16. Education is a bridge between the potentiality and the actuality. Education is to help you to
become that which you are only in a seed form. And this is what I am doing here; this is a place
of education. The thing that is being done in the ordinary schools and colleges and universities is
not education. It only prepares you to get a good job, a good earning; it is not real education. It
does not give you life. Maybe it can give you a better standard of living, but the better standard
of living is not a better standard of life; they are not synonymous.
17. The so-called education that goes on in the world prepares you only to earn bread. And Jesus
says, “Man cannot live by bread alone.” And that’s what your universities have been doing —
they prepare you to earn bread in a better way, in an easier way, in a more comfortable way,
with less effort, with less hardship. But all that they do is prepare you to earn your bread and
butter. It is a very, very primitive kind of education: it does not prepare you for life.
18. My vision of education is that life should not be taken as a struggle for survival; life should be
taken as a celebration. Life should not be only competition, life should be joy too. Singing and
dancing and poetry and music and painting, and all that is available in the world — education
should prepare you to fall in tune with it — with the trees, with the birds, with the sky, with the
sun and the moon.
19. And education should prepare you to be yourself. Right now it prepares you to be an imitator; it
teaches you how to be like others. This is miseducation. Right education will teach you how to
be yourself, authentically yourself. You are unique. There is nobody like you, has never been,
will never be. This is a great respect that God has showered on you. This is your glory, that you
are unique. Don’t become imitative, don’t become carbon copies. But that’s what your so-called
education goes on doing: it makes carbon copies; it destroys your original face. The word
“education” has two meanings, both are beautiful. One meaning is very well known, although
not practiced at all, that is: to draw something out of you. “Education” means: to draw out that
which is within you, to make your potential actual, like you draw water from a well.
20. Real education will be to bring out what is hidden in you — what God has put in you as a
treasure — to discover it, to reveal it, to make you luminous.
21. Education is to bring you from darkness to light. That’s what I am doing here. Parmar has asked
this question because the Indian government is not ready to accept my work as education. It is
natural. They cannot accept it as education, because I don’t create clerks and stationmasters
and deputy collectors. I am creating new human beings. For them that is dangerous. If this is
education, then they cannot allow it to happen. It is rebellion.
22. This I call education: to make people more intelligent. And that’s what I am doing here. If this
fire spreads, then this old, rotten society cannot survive. It survives on your unconsciousness, it
lives on your unconsciousness.
23. Our whole system of education is stupid. It prepares you for a world which is no more in
existence and it does not prepare you for a world which is coming, arising, which is dawning —
so you will remain a misfit. You will never be able to live rightly. If you follow your education you
will feel yourself out of date. If you follow the new world that is happening, then your education
will not be of any help in it. You will be almost uneducated, and that hurts the ego.
24. In a better world children will be thrown upon themselves as fast as possible; the whole effort of
the parents should be to make the child use his intelligence. And the whole effort, if education is
right — if it is education and not MISeducation — will be to throw the child again and again to
his own intelligence, so that he can function, so that he can use his intelligence. He may not be
so efficient in the beginning, that is true — the teacher may have the right answer, and if the
student has to work out his own answer the answer may not be so right — but that is not the
point at all. The answer may not be so right, it may not correspond to the answers given in the
books, but it will be intelligent. And that is the real crux of the matter.
25. Remember this: your whole education prepares you, makes you ready to fight. It does not
prepare you for friendship and love, it prepares you for conflict, enmity, war.

Osho Quotes on Friendship

1. Friendship is possible between equal human beings, totally free from all bondage of
society, culture, civilization, only living true to their authentic nature.
2. Only individuals can relate; personalities cannot. Personalities are like shadows. They
cannot meet, they cannot merge, because they don’t exist. Personalities are fake. That’s
why in the whole world people are talking of love, but there is no love. They are talking
of friendship, but there is no friendship — even talking of trust. But for that a
tremendously powerful individuality is needed. Personalities cannot trust; they are always
afraid — afraid that their reality may be exposed, may be known.
3. Friendship can turn into enmity, and enmity can become friendship. You all know —
happiness can turn into sadness, and sadness can change into happiness. Although they
are polar opposites, they are almost like twins, very close. Just a slight change in
circumstances and one disappears …the other was just behind it. So remember the
transcendent — existence belongs to the transcendental. Don’t divide it; otherwise you
will be continuously tortured by the duality.
4. In this ambitious world, friendship cannot bloom, love is almost impossible, compassion
cannot exist. We have created such an ugly mess, and the root is that we think that there
is something to achieve.
5. A man who seeks friendship, love, companionship, out of loneliness is not going to find
it. In fact, with whomsoever he will associate he will feel cheated and he will make the
other feel cheated. He will feel tired and bored, and he will make the other feel tired and
bored. He will feel sucked and he will make the other feel sucked, because both will be
sucking on each other’s energies. And they don’t have much in the first place. Their
streams are running very thin; they are like summer streams in a desertland. You cannot
take any water out of them. But if you seek friendship and love and companionship out of
aloneness, you are a flooded river, a river in the rains. You can share as much as you
want. And the more you share, the more you will have.
6. The proverb is: A friend in need is a friend indeed. But deep down that is greed! That is
not friendship, that is not love. You want to use the other as a means, and no man is a
means, every man is an end unto himself. Why are you so worried about who is a real
7. The real question has to be: Am I friendly to people? Do you know what friendship is? It
is the highest form of love. In love, some lust is bound to be there; in friendship, all lust
disappears. In friendship nothing gross remains; it becomes absolutely subtle.
8. Friendship is absolutely human. It has something for which there is no inbuilt mechanism
in your biology; it is nonbiological. Hence one rises in friendship, one does not fall in
friendship. It has a spiritual dimension.
9. Friendship becomes a relationship, fixed; friendliness is more flowing, more fluid.
Friendship is a relationship, friendliness is a state of your being. You are simply friendly;
to whom, that is not the point. If you are standing by the side of a tree you are friendly to
the tree, or if you are sitting on the rock, you are friendly to the rock. To human beings,
to animals, to birds, you are simply friendly. It is not something static; it is a flow,
changing moment to moment.
10. Friendship is so valuable that whatsoever the consequence, remain friends even with your
wife, even with your husband, and allow absolute and total freedom to each other.
11. Create more friends, and as your friendship goes deeper into different dimensions, you
will find yourself becoming richer and richer; your own heights will start reaching
Everest, your own depths will start reaching the Pacific.
12. EVERYBODY is your enemy! Even those who are your friends are your enemies,
because they are also fighting for the first place as you are fighting. How can you be
friendly? With the ego there is no possibility of friendship. Then friendship is just a
mask. The real nature of life is that of the jungle: the big fish goes on eating the small
fish. Even if you pretend to be friendly, that is just show, strategy, diplomacy. Nobody
can be a friend here unless the ego disappears. Once the ego disappears the whole life has
a quality of friendship, of love. Then you are friendly, simply friendly — and to
everybody, because there is no problem. You are not trying to be the first, so you are not
more a competitor. this is real dropping out.

Osho Sayings and Quotes on Love

1. To me, religion is a love affair. It has nothing to do with intellect, it has nothing to do with
reason. It is falling in love. With whomsoever you have fallen in love, that is your way. Go
through it — that is your door.
2. Love is the door, it is irrelevant with whom you have fallen in love. Love redeems, neither Jesus,
nor Krishna. Love redeems. Fall in love. Love is the only redeeming force. Love is the savior.
3. You project beauty, you project a thousand and one things on the poor woman. When you come
closer, when you are able to live with the woman, those phantoms will start wearing out. Those
imaginations cannot persist against reality for long, the woman’s reality will assert. And then
you will feel cheated and you will think she has cheated you. She has not done a thing. She
herself is feeling cheated by you, because she has also projected something on you. She was
thinking you are a hero, an Alexander or something, a great man, and now you are just a mouse
and nothing else. And she was thinking you are a mountain — you are not even a molehill! She
feels cheated. You both feel cheated, you both feel frustrated.
4. Love is not a relationship between two persons. It is a state of mind within yourself. If you are
loving, you are loving to everybody — not only to persons, but to things as well. Love moves
from you to objects also. Even when you are alone, when no one is there, you are loving. It is
just like breathing. If I take an oath that I will breathe only when I am with you, only death can
follow. Breathing is not relationship; it is not tied to any relationship. And for the etheric body,
love is just like breathing. It is its breath.
5. Real love is not a function of the ego. The ego is always asking for power, so even when you love
— because your love is not real, because it is just a part of the ego — it is bound to be violent.
Whenever we love it is a violence, a type of war. Father and son, mother and daughter, husband
and wife — they are not lovers; we have converted them into enemies. They are constantly
fighting, and only when they are not fighting do we say it is love.
6. To me, love is a by-product of a meditative mind. It is not related to sex; it is related to dhyana,
meditation. The more silent you become, the more at ease with yourself you will be, the more
fulfilled you will feel, and the more a new expression of your being will be there. You will begin
to love. Not anyone in particular. It may happen with someone in particular, but that is another
thing. You begin to love. This loving becomes your way of existing. It can never turn into
repulsion because it is not an attraction.
7. Ordinarily when you fall in love with someone, the real feeling is how to get love from him. It is
not that love is going from you to him. Rather it is an expectation that love will come to you
from him. That is why love becomes possessive. You possess someone so that you can get
something out of him. But the love I am talking about is neither possessive nor does it have any
expectations. It is just how you behave. You have become so silent, so loving, that your silence
goes to others now.
8. Whenever freedom happens in human consciousness, freedom is felt from inside and love is felt
from outside. This love, this compassion, is an absence of both love and hate. The complete
dualism is absent; there is neither attraction nor repulsion. So with a person who is free and
loving, it depends on you whether you can take his love or not. It is not up to me how much love
I can give you; it depends on how much love you can take. Ordinarily love depends on the
person who is giving. He may give love; he may not. But the love I am talking about is not
dependent on the giver. He is completely open and giving every moment. Even when no one is
present, the love is flowing.
9. The day you realize yourself, your very being becomes love. It is no longer a relationship, it is no
longer addressed to anyone in particular; it is simply overflowing in all directions and all
dimensions. And it is not something on my part, that I am doing it. Love cannot be done. And
the love that is done is false; it is only pretension.
10. I teach human love, because it is in the fulfillment of human love that divine love flowers — not
against it, but in absolute continuity with it.
11. Whenever there is love the woman blossoms. Without love, the woman shrinks. The men who
love power never fall in love. Even if they fall in love they keep themselves at a distance.
12. Why are men and women constantly fighting? They are fighting because they feel a certain
dependence on each other. And nobody likes dependence — everybody hates it. That hate is
there that poisons your love. That hate is there that creates constant conflict. What I am
proposing is that if every man and woman is brought up with the idea that you have both the
wings, you are not alone, that hidden within you is your opposite pole, then you will have a
certain balance and your need will change into something new. You will love a woman, but it
will not be a need, it will be a joy, it will be a sharing. You will love a woman who resembles your
inner woman; there will be a certain deep connection. You will love a man who resembles your
inner man. And if you are not fighting with your inner man, you cannot fight with your outer

Osho Quotes on Love

Dec 09


Osho Quotes on Love – Love is an unconditional gift

Swami Anonymous
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Osho Quotes on Love

1. Love can never possess. Love is giving freedom to the other. Love is an unconditional gift, it is
not a bargain.
2. You become so intense that you are not there, because if you are there then the intensity
cannot be total; then two are there. If you love and the lover is there, then love cannot be
intense. Love so deeply, so totally, that the lover disappears. Then you are just an energy
moving. Then you will know love, you will know life, you will know death.
3. When you love a woman don’t be bothered about what others have said about love, because
that is going to be an interference. You love a woman, the love is there, forget all that you have
learned about love. Forget all Kinseys, forget all Masters and Johnsons, forget all Freuds and
Jungs. Please don’t become a language professor. Just love the woman and let love be there,
and let love lead you and guide you into its innermost secrets, into its mysteries. Then you will
be able to know what love is.
4. You can come to know the truth only when you are in love. But love never argues. There is no
argument in love, because there is no aggression.
5. If you love, love totally; if you hate, hate totally. Don’t be fragmentary; suffer the consequences.
Because of consequences you try to deceive.
6. If you love a woman, you can dominate her. That’s why lovers go on playing politics with each
other, dominating, possessing; the fear is there that if you don’t dominate  you will be lost and
the other will dominate, so they continuously fight. Husbands and wives, lovers, go on fighting;
the fight is for existence, to survive. The fear is there, “I may be lost in the other.”
7. Surrender is just like love. That’s why I say only lovers can become sannyasins — because they
know a little of how to surrender. Love is the first step towards the divine, surrender is the last.
And two steps is the whole journey.
8. Don’t allow the fear to overpower you, allow love to overpower you. Love comes from the
center, fear always comes from the periphery; don’t allow this periphery to be dominant. And
what have you got to lose?
9. A silence is needed before death, before life, before love. If you love a person you sit silently
with the person. You would not like to chatter, you would like to just hold their hand and live
and be silent in that moment. If you chatter, that means you are avoiding the person — love is
not really there. If you love life, chattering will drop, because every moment is so filled with life
that there is no way, no space to chatter. Each moment life is flooding you so vitally — where is
the time to gossip and chatter?
10. Remember, if you cannot love a person you cannot love humanity. That may be a trick. Those
who cannot love persons — because it is very dangerous to love a person — they always think
they love humanity. Where is humanity? Can you find it anywhere? It is just a word. Humanity
exists nowhere. Wherever you go you will find a person existing. Life is persons, not humanity.
Life is always personified, it exists as an individual. Society, country, humanity, are just words.
Where is society? Where is the country, the motherland? You cannot love a mother, and you
love a motherland? You must be deceiving somewhere. But the word is good, beautiful:
motherland. You need not bother about the motherland, because the motherland is not a
person, it is a fiction in your mind. It is your own ego.
11. If you love a person, by and by the person becomes the door to the whole. But one has to start
with the person, with the small, with the atomic. You cannot take the jump. The Ganges cannot
simply jump into the ocean, it has to start in the Gangotri, just a small stream; then wider and
wider and bigger and bigger it goes, and then finally it merges with the ocean.
12. Deep love creates deep fear. It looks like death because the I disappears, the you disappears —
and it is a sort of death. And when you die, only then do you enter into the divine.
13. I have been continuously surprised by people who come to me and say they are afraid of love.
What is the fear of love? It is because when you really love somebody your ego starts slipping
and melting. You cannot love with the ego; the ego becomes a barrier. and when you want to
drop the barrier the ego says, ‘This is going to be a death. Beware!’
14. This is the case with millions of people. They talk about love, they know all the poetries about
love, but they have never loved. Or even if they thought they were in love, they were never in
love. That too was a ‘heady’ thing, it was not of the heart. People live and go on missing life. It
needs courage. It needs courage to be realistic, it needs courage to move with life wherever it
leads, because the paths are uncharted, there exists no map. One has to go into the unknown.
15. When you see love between two persons, something is flowing, moving, changing. When there
is love between two persons they live in an aura, there is a constant sharing. Their vibrations are
reaching to : each other; they are broadcasting their being to each other. There is no wall
between them, they are two and yet not two — they are one also.
16. People have become afraid of love because in love also, death penetrates. If two lovers are
sitting side by side in deep love and intimacy, not even talking…. Talking is an escape, an escape
from love. When two lovers are talking that simply shows they are avoiding the intimacy. Words
in-between give distance — with no words distance disappears, death appears. In silence there
is death just lurking around — a beautiful phenomenon. But people are so afraid that they go on
talking whether it is needed or not. They go on talking about anything, everything — but they
cannot keep silent.
17. I am not talking against life. How can I talk against life? I am madly in love with life! I am so
madly in love with life, that because of it I have fallen in love with death also. It is part of life.
When you love life totally how can you avoid death? You have to love death also. When you love
a flower deeply, you love its withering away also: When you love a woman deeply, you love her
getting old also, you one day love her death also. That is part, part of the woman. The old age
has not happened from the outside, it has come from the inside. The beautiful face has become
wrinkled now — you love those wrinkles also. They are part of your woman. You love a man and
his hair has grown white — you love those hairs also. They have not happened from the outside;
they are not accidents. Life is unfolding. Now the black hair has disappeared and the grey hair
has come. You don’t reject them, you love them, they are a part. Then your man becomes old,
becomes weak — you love that too. Then one day the man is gone — you love that too. Love
loves all. Love knows nothing else than love. Hence I say love death. If you can love death it will
be very simple to love life. If you can love even death, there is no problem.

Don’t allow the fear to overpower you, allow love to overpower you. Love comes from the center, fear
always comes from the periphery; don’t allow this periphery to be dominant. And what have you got to
Osho Quotes on Love

Dec 09


Osho Quotes on Love – Love yourself so that you can love

Swami Anonymous

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Osho Quotes on Love

1. When knowledge exists not, there is love. Knowledge is against love. Knowledgeable people
cannot love… and people who can love are never knowledgeable. Love makes you wise, but
never knowledgeable. Knowledge makes you cunning and clever, but never loving.
2. The known is the mind, the unknown is God. And Jesus says: God is love. Love comes through
the unknown, with the unknown, as part of the unknown. To move into the unknown one needs
courage, tremendous courage. To cling to the known there is no need to have any courage: any
coward can do it, cowards only do that.
3. To transcend contradictions is to transcend mind, and to transcend mind is to know what love is.
Whatsoever you have known up to now as love has nothing to do with love. It is a misuse of the
word. `Love’ has been very much misused. There are only a few words which have been misused
like `love’. `God’ is another, `peace’ is another. But `love’ is at the top of the list. Everybody talks
about love and nobody knows what it is. People sing about it, people write poetry about it, and
they don’t know what love is.
4. Love knows no object, love is not addressed. Love is only of God. When you love your woman, if
you really love her, you will see the woman has disappeared and god is standing there. If you
love the tree, you will suddenly see the tree has disappeared and God is very green in it,
blooming. Love is only of God. Love is never of the part, love is only of the whole. Love is almost
synonymous with prayer.
5. Love yourself so that you can love others.
6. People escape to the Himalayas: they are escaping from love, not from the world. They are
afraid of love, and their fear has some reason behind it. Whenever you are in love, you are in a
turmoil. Whenever there is love there is difficulty; whenever there is love there is conflict;
whenever there is love there is hell. Says Jean-Paul Sartre, “The other is hell.” So whenever
there is love the other enters your life, and suddenly there is conflict, collision, struggle to
dominate each other, to possess each other, to master each other. And the misery arises. Lovers
are rarely happy. I am not saying that non-lovers are happy; non-lovers may not be happy, but
they are never so unhappy as the lovers.
7. Either move through love, and you will attain to God, or move through God, and you will attain
to love. They come together; it is one package. The hen and the egg are not separate — the egg
is nothing but a way for the hen to produce more hens, and the hen is nothing but a way for the
egg to produce more eggs. They are not separate. The egg is the hen unmanifest, and the hen is
the egg manifest. They are two ends of one thing, of one phenomenon. So are God and love.
8. Love is possible only if there is no possessiveness and no jealousy. That means love has attained
to renunciation. You love the person but you renounce possessiveness; you love the person but
you renounce jealousy; you love the person but you don’t want to make a slave out of him or
out of her; you love the person but you respect his or her freedom; you love the person but your
love does not become an imprisonment. You love, and yet you remain unattached. You love, you
love tremendously, but still you don’t cling: that is renunciation.
9. If your love is so great that it can contain renunciation, only then is it love.
10. This whole existence is in love: these trees are moving tremendously in love; these stars, these
rivers rushing towards the ocean, are rushing towards a love-affair where they can meet and
merge. Watch, and you will find everywhere the shadow of love, the thrill, the excitement, the
ecstasy of love. Whatsoever the form, if you look deeply, you will always find something
throbbing at the center which cannot be anything other than love.

If your love is so great that it can contain renunciation, only then is it love.
Osho Quotes on Love

Nov 09


Osho Quotes on Love | Osho Quotes and Insights on Love

Swami Anonymous

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Osho Quotes on Love

1. Whenever there is love you will be a king. And then you are free — because it is a question of
love; it does not depend on her. Whenever there is love you will be a king; whenever there is
not love you will be a beggar. It is love that gives you the glory. Yes, the love has come through
her window; it can come through any other window. It can simply shower on you without
anybody. It simply needs understanding — that it is love, not the person. The person is
instrumental. Then you are not imprisoning the person. Love cannot be imprisoned and there is
no need to imprison it. Love is your song — you can sing it any time. It is like breathing. Nobody
is going to take it away from you; nobody can take it away from you.
2. Love should be without any expectations; otherwise laughter dies. When you expect, frustration
comes in. Nobody can fulfill your expectations, and there is nobody who needs to fulfill them.
They come out of a mad, neurotic mind. If somebody fulfills them then too love disappears.
Then the other becomes a necessity, a need, a possession — a valuable possession but a
possession all the same.
3. We are creating a different kind of world based on love, in love and for love. The ordinary world
is against love. It does not give freedom to the individual, it does not have any respect for the
individual, it does not accept the individual and his way of life.
4. Become a language of love. Facts are okay, but just okay; they don’t make life a rejoicing, they
don’t create celebration. They can give you a better standard of life but they cannot give you a
new passion for life, they cannot give you intensity of life. They cannot give you quality; they can
only give you quantity. Only the language of love starts penetrating you through a different
dimension, through the vertical dimension.
5. When you become accustomed to love and you know what is going to happen, it becomes a
routine, predictable; it is no more of any value. Love lives only when it remains unpredictable;
one never knows what is going to happen. When nothing can be taken for granted, not even for
a single moment, when one can allow and one can accept that this is going to happen, when the
next moment remains open with no possibility of predicting, then there is laughter because
there is constant surprise.
6. Deep contentment is the visible sign of love. Whenever a person is in love, he is in deep
contentment. Love cannot be seen, but contentment, the deep satisfaction around him…his
every breath, his every movement, his very being — content.
7. We think we love. And if you think that you love, then there is no possibility for love to happen
— because if this is love, then everything is closed. Make fresh efforts. Try to find in the other
the real being that is hidden. Don’t take anybody for granted. Every individual is such a mystery
that if you go on and on into him it is endless. But we get bored with the other — because just
the periphery, and always the periphery.
8. Remember always: in love, you are always wrong. And then the possibility will open and the
other will also feel the same. We create the feeling in the other. When lovers are close,
immediately thoughts go jumping from one to the other. Even if they are not saying anything,
they are silent, they communicate.
9. Language is for non-lovers, those who are not in love. For lovers, silence is enough language.
Without saying anything, they go on speaking.
10. If you take love as sadhana, then don’t say the other is wrong. Just try to find out: somewhere,
something must be wrong in you, and drop that wrongness.
11. These are the two paths. Love means working out your path through relationship. And
meditation: working it out in your loneliness. Love and meditation — these are the two paths.
Feel which will suit you. Then bring your total energies to it, and move on that path.
12. Love, and more love becomes available; use more and you have more. This is the law of life. You
can eat the cake and have it also. Compassion, love, activity, whatsoever the dimension, the
same rule applies. Whatsoever you want more of, do the same. If you want to become an
infinite source of love, then go on sharing love as much as you can. Don’t be a miser; only misers
lose energy. And we are all misers, that’s why we always feel dissipated.
13. When you are in love, language is not needed. Gestures…even silence becomes eloquent.
14. Love needs another; meditation can be done alone. Man can achieve through meditation —
that’s why he can achieve directly. He can be alone. He is alone deep down. Loneliness comes
naturally to man. For a woman, to be alone is difficult, very difficult, almost impossible. Her
whole being is a deep urge to love, and for love, the other is needed. How can you love if the
other is not there? You can meditate if the other is not there — there is no problem. Woman,
the female energy, reaches the meditative state through love; and the male energy reaches love
through meditation.
15. Our love is a relationship. And when love is a relationship, it creates misery. When love is a state
of being, it creates bliss. A Buddha is also in love, but he is not trying to love you. Simply because
of the way he is, love spreads. Love becomes a perfume and goes to the far comers of the earth.

Osho Quotes on Marriage

1. Only fools think in terms of legality; otherwise, love is enough. And I am not against marriage —
I am for love. If love becomes your marriage, good; but don’t hope that marriage can bring love.
That is not possible. Love can become a marriage. You have to work very consciously to
transform your love into a marriage.
2. Marriage is a totally different phenomenon: it is the climax of love. Then it is good. I am not
against marriage — I am for the REAL marriage. I am against the false, the pseudo, that exists.
But it is an arrangement. It gives you a certain security, safety, occupation. It keeps you
engaged. Otherwise, it gives you no enrichment, it gives you no nourishment.
3. Marriage has made love disappear badly, marriage has made love disappear from the earth.
Because for other considerations marriage is arranged — money, finance, family, prestige,
astrology — all absurd. They have nothing to do with the heart of the two persons who are
going to be married. So marriage is almost always a failure; only in rare accidents it is not so —
but they are accidents, exceptions. They cannot be counted. Marriage is always on the rocks,
because it is for wrong reasons. Only love can become the foundation of a real marriage, there is
no other way. Because there is no other way to find that your wave length is exactly the same as
the other’s, that you vibrate in the same way as the other. There is no other way to find it out.
4. Be a little aware before you are trapped! Marriage is a trap: you will be trapped by the woman
and the woman will be trapped by you. It is a mutual trap. And then legally you are allowed to
torture each other forever.
5. The first thing is love: love deeply. If you have been with a person for a few years, in deep love,
and you have experienced all the joys and all the miseries, and still you decide to be with the
person, then marriage is okay. Because marriage is only a legal arrangement, it cannot make
anything more beautiful than it is. It can only make it ugly, it cannot beautify it. Once it is settled
legally, once you start taking each other for granted, things will start going down rather than
rising high.
6. I have never said that love is destroyed by marriage. How can marriage destroy love? Yes, it is
destroyed in marriage, but it is destroyed by you, not by marriage. It is destroyed by the
partners. How can marriage destroy love? It is you who destroy it, because you don’t know what
love is. You simply pretend to know, you simply hope that you know, you dream that you know,
but you don’t know what love is. Love has to be learned; it is the greatest art there is.
7. Your marriage is a subtle politics of domination. Your fatherhood, motherhood, is a subtle
8. Love marriage’ came into existence but is not going to survive, for the simple reason that love
comes, happens, and one day suddenly goes. It was not in your hands to bring it; neither is it in
your hands to keep it. The old marriage failed because the insistence was that you should love
your wife, you should love your husband. It was a `should’. And you could not even conceive
how you could love; at the most you could pretend, you could act. But love is not a pretension,
is not an acting. You cannot do anything. You are absolutely powerless as far as love is
concerned. The old marriage failed. The new marriage is failing because the new marriage is
simply a reaction to the old marriage. It is not out of understanding, but only out of reaction,
revolt — `love marriage.’
9. One should marry only when one is wise enough. Marriage is not for young people. For young
people is to fool around. Marriage is for those who have experienced life in many ways, who
have seen all the colors, the whole spectrum of it, and are now ready to settle.
10. I am all for love, because love fails. You will be surprised — I have my own logic. I am all for love,
because love fails. I am not for marriage, because marriage succeeds; it gives you a permanent
settlement. And that is the danger: you become satisfied with a toy, you become satisfied with
something plastic, artificial, manmade.
11. But I am all for love, and I am against marriage, particularly the arranged kind, because the
arranged marriage gives you satisfaction. And love? — love can never satisfy you. It gives you
more and more thirst for a better and better love, it makes you more and more long for it, it
gives you tremendous discontentment. And that discontent is the beginning of the search for
God. When love fails many times, you start looking for a new kind of lover, a new kind of love, a
new quality of love. That love affair is prayer, meditation, sannyas.
12. I am basically against marriage; obviously the question of divorce does not arise. I am against
the accidental birth of people, because that is the basic cause for the earth being burdened with
the retarded. I am in absolute agreement that love should be just play; the moment you start
producing children it becomes business. And I cannot agree to produce this kind of humanity. I
was teaching that whenever a couple… of course unmarried, because the law has nothing to do
with your love. Love should be a freedom between two persons, and if from even one person
love disappears they have to separate, as friends, with gratitude for all the beautiful moments
they lived together. Loving affairs ending in the courts are absolutely ugly.
13. You have not looked at the poor woman for years, for the simple reason that marriage makes
things so certain. Marriage makes things so dead and dull. Marriage takes all surprise and
wonder away. Marriage makes you take your wife for granted, your husband for granted. What
is the need to look at your wife? She will be there tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and
forever. You look at people when you know you may not be able to look at them again.
Marriage kills; it makes something tremendously beautiful very ugly.
14. I have never heard about any perfect marriage. They say perfect marriages are made in heaven.
Nobody comes back from there so maybe it is true, but what kind of marriage will those perfect
marriages be? There will be no tension, there will be no individuality in the man or in the
woman. They will never collide, they will never fight. They will be too sweet to each other. And
too much sweetness brings diabetes!
15. Marriage is an institution that teaches a man regularity, frugality, temperance, forbearance and
many other splendid virtues he would not need had he stayed single.
16. Marriage itself never destroys anything. Marriage simply brings out whatsoever is hidden in you
— it brings it out. If love is hidden behind you, inside you, marriage brings it out. If love was just
a pretension, just a bait, then sooner or later it has to disappear. And then your reality, your ugly
personality comes up. Marriage simply is an opportunity, so whatsoever you had to bring out
will come out.I am not saying that love is destroyed by marriage. Love is destroyed by people
who don’t know how to love. Love is destroyed because in the first place love is not. You have
been living in a dream. Reality destroys that dream. Otherwise love is something eternal, part of
eternity. If you grow, if you know the art, and you accept the realities of love-life, then it goes on
growing every day. Marriage becomes a tremendous opportunity to grow into love.
17. Marriage exists as an institution of exploitation, it is not togetherness. That is why no happiness
comes out of it as a flowering. It cannot. Out of the roots of exploitation how can ecstasy be
18. Marriage almost always never happens, because marriage means the celebration of
togetherness. It is not a license. No registry office can give you marriage; no priest can give it to
you as a gift. It is a tremendous revolution in the being, it is a great transformation in your very
style of life, and it can happen only when you celebrate togetherness, when the other is no
longer felt as the other, when you no longer feel yourself as I. When the two are not really two,
a bridge has happened, they have become one in a certain sense. Physically they remain two,
but as far as the innermost being is concerned, they have become one. They may be two poles
of one existence but they are not two. A bridge exists. That bridge gives you glimpses of
togetherness.  It is one of the rarest things to come across a marriage. People live together
because they cannot live alone. Remember this: because they cannot live alone, that is why they
live together. To live alone is uncomfortable, to live alone is uneconomical, to live alone is
difficult, that is why they live together. The reasons are negative.
19. Marriage is not a natural phenomenon. It is artificial, arbitrary. And when it disappears you
cannot do anything to bring it back. You can pretend, but that pretension makes you a
hypocrite. And your pretension cannot deceive the woman, because she has known your love
and the pretension cannot become the substitute. The only way is to separate — in friendship,
because you have given each other so much.
20. As I see it, out of a hundred marriages ninety-nine marriages are just licensed prostitution. They
are not marriages. A marriage is only a real marriage when it grows out of love. Legal, illegal,
does not matter. The real thing that matters is love. If love exists between two persons, it is
blessed. If love does not exist between two persons, then all your laws put together cannot
bridge them. Then they exist separate, then they exist apart, then they exist in conflict, then
they exist always in war. And they create all kinds of trouble for each other. They are nasty to
each other, nagging to each other, possessive of each other, violent, oppressive, dominating,
dictatorial. In a better world, with a better humanity, things will be different. In a better world,
the child born out of love will not be called bastard; the child only born out of license, law, will
be called bastard.
21. Bring more understanding to it. You will not be able to separate easily because love is involved.
Without love marriage is easy, divorce is easy. It does not matter either way; it is a simple,
utilitarian arrangement. If things-are going well, good; otherwise, say ‘goodbye’. But when you
are involved in each other it is not easy, it is difficult. A part of your being has become
incorporated in his being, a part of his being has become incorporated in your being. You really
don’t exist as two individuals any more — you exist as a couple. A couple does not mean two
persons living together. A couple means: two persons plugged into each other — no more really
two… trying to be separate and yet trying to be together. That is the difficulty: one wants to
remain dependent and one wants to remain independent. One is asking for two polar opposites.
22. What do marriage vows show? They show that you may want to separate sometime in the
future. If there is love between two people, the thought of taking vows never arises. This is only
an indication of the absence of love. People do not marry out of love; they marry out of fear. If
there is love on this earth, marriage will become redundant. When love is not, marriage is a
must. We make arrangements for that which we cannot do. We make rules for that which we
are not sure of.
Short Quotations of Osho

1. Make yourself more and more alert.

2. The whole play of existence is so beautiful that laughter can be the only response to it.
Only laughter can be the real prayer, gratitude.
3. Meditation cannot be a fragmented thing, it should be a continuous effort. Every moment
one has to be alert, aware and meditative.
4. If meditation really happens, whatsoever the cause, compassion has to follow.
5. Mind, and mind’s hold on you, is the imprisonment. Get rid of the mind.
6. Individuality is the very flowering of existence — nothing is higher than it.
7. No-mind is not against mind: no-mind is beyond mind.
8. Happiness comes when you are meditative.
9. My whole love and respect is for the person who accepts himself totally, as he is. He has
10. Western man is missing the flowering of life because he knows nothing about meditation,
and Eastern man is missing because he knows nothing of love.
11. Just as water flows downwards towards the ocean, beauty, truth, love — all that is
valuable in existence — flows towards a person who is nobody.
12. Meditation brings you face to face with the reality.
13. Death is a quantum jump from one body, from one form into another form. But it is not an end
to you.
14. Meditation is a way of awakening.
15. Go beyond the mind — and the way beyond the mind is very simple — just become a watcher of
the mind.
16. Meditation is the only way to discover your deathlessness.
17. The only alternative is to be more conscious, more alert, more alive, more loving — and create a
new world with a new man, bring a new dawn to humanity.
18. Once you know yourself, there is no death. Death was only in your ignorance.
19. Mind is a continuous thirst for more. It never finds fulfillment.
20. My effort is to continuously emphasize that meditation is nothing but watching the mind,
understanding the mind, seeing all its subtle and cunning ways.
21. My speaking is really one of my devices for meditation.
22. I want you to be absolutely certain that nothing is wrong with anybody; all wrongs have been
fed into you.
23. Meditation is an effort to get rid of personality and to reach to your living sources of life, your
individuality, your flame.
24. You are too much identified with the false, the personality.
25. Meditation is the only possibility for creating a space where blessings shower.

Osho Short Quotes

1. Religion is nothing but a science to attain wisdom, understanding, to know what life is, and to
live it in utter celebration.
2. Eat, taste the food, and still remember that you are the watcher.
3. Celebration is the very nature of existence.
4. Mind always creates duality.
5. Mind cannot think without duality. Duality is the way of thinking. In silence, all dualities
disappear. Oneness is the experience of silence.
6. Your absence is the presence of godliness.
7. The authentic religion teaches you to discover your immortality, to discover the god within you.
8. This watchfulness, this witnessing is the ultimate secret of creating a religious life, of creating a
life of transcendence, a life of spirituality, of enlightenment, of buddhahood.
9. Without any fight, just being a witness, mind disappears.
10. Knowledge is the barrier to knowing. When knowledge is dropped, knowing flowers.
11. The falisity of life is the first step towards truth. And ego is the most falsifying agent.

Osho Short Quotes

Osho Quotes on Sex

1. What happens with your sex energy depends on how you use it. What it can become does not
depend on it alone, but on your understanding and on how you live your life. Have you not
observed that it becomes brahmacharya, the state of celibacy when it is transformed?
bramhacharya is not hostile to passion; brahmacharya is the purification, the transcendence, the
sublimation of passion. In the same way, the energy that manifests itself in violence becomes
peace, serenity and tranquility. It is only a question of transformation.
2. Love is not sexual passion. Those who mistake sex for love remain empty of love. Sex is only a
passing manifestation of love. It is part of nature’s mechanism, a method of procreation. Love
exists on a higher plane, and as love grows, sex dissipates. The energy that has been manifested
in sex is transformed into love.
3. Love is the creative refinement of sex energy. And so, when love reaches perfection, the
absence of sex automatically follows. A life of love, an abstinence from physical pleasures is
called brahmacharya, and anyone who wishes to be free from sex must develop his capacity to
love. Freedom from sex cannot be achieved through supersession. Liberation from sex is only
possible through love.
4. The first thing: be a witness of sex too. Don’t be the controller of it. Don’t try to forcibly bring it
under control, remain a witness of it too. Just as you are a witness of everything else, remain a
witness of sex too. It is difficult, because you have been taught for centuries that sex is sin. That
concept of sin has been fixed in your mind.
5. Both are easy: it is perfectly easy to go unconscious in sex, to completely forget what is going
on, to get intoxicated is easy. To control sex, to force it to stop, to prevent yourself is also easy.
But in both you miss. The one who indulges misses, the celibate misses too. The real
brahmacharya happens when you stand in the middle between these two, then you are only
watching. Then you will find that sex arises in the body and reverberates in the body; in the
mind a shadow briefly falls and departs. You remain standing far away. How can sexual desire be
in you? How can any desire be in you? You are nothing but the observer.
6. See life from a positive viewpoint. If you start being happy then the things that you grabbed
onto because of your misery will drop by themselves. If meditation comes then wine will drop. If
meditation comes, then meat-eating will drop. If meditation comes then slowly slowly sex
energy begins to be transformed into brahmacharya. Just let meditation come.
7. Just by condemning nothing is destroyed. If you say sex is bad, you condemn it, but you cannot
destroy it. Just by condemning it, it is not destroyed. Rather, it may become a more dangerous
force, because when repressed, it may struggle to be expressed. And if you go on struggling with
it, not allowing it, it will become perverted. Repression will make you more sexual, and the sex
energy will struggle and will try to come out in any way, in any form.
8. All the perversions, all over the world – homosexuality or sado-masochist perversions are
basically byproducts of so-called religions, particularly christianity: because the more they
repress, the more the energy has to find paths of its own. Natural sex is beautiful; perverted sex
is just ugliness. Natural sex can be made hallowed and holy, but perverted sex cannot be made
holy because it is twice removed from the original source.
9. Sex is there: do not condemn it. Accept it. Do not create a division in your being, between parts
of your being. Anger is there: accept it. Greed is there, or whatsoever: accept it. I do not mean
be greedy. Rather on the contrary, the moment you accept you go beyond, because acceptance
creates a unity, and when you are united within you have the energy to go beyond.
10. You are born of sex. Your every body cell is a sex cell, all your energy is sex energy. So if religions
teach that sex is bad, sex is sin, they have condemned you completely. And not only have they
condemned you, now you will condemn yourself. Now you cannot go beyond it and you cannot
leave it, and now it is a sin. You are divided; you start fighting with yourself. And the more this
guilt can be created in you – over the concept that sex is something unholy – the more neurotic
you will become.
11. I take sex as the basic problem. And if your sex problem is solved, you are a different man or a
different woman, because then all the perversions simply are no more. You have resolved the
base. And when sex is solved and it is not a problem for you, not a fight, when you have deeply
accepted it and said a deep yes to it, then you can transform it – because that is the energy
which is alive in you. When you are dead, that energy will go on and on, more and more. You are
just a wave in a sex ocean: the ocean continues, and the waves go on, die and disappear. The
ocean continues. Sex is the BRAHMAN. If you go deep into sex, then it is the very life. If you
forget it, then you remain on the surface. Then it is ugly. If you do not fight with it or sink into it,
but drop into it, dissolve into it, melt into it, when you allow sex to become life, then suddenly it
is transformed into love. That is how the mechanism automatically works. If you fight it, sex
becomes hate. So those who are filled with hatred are those who are fighting with their sex.
12. If you do not fight it, if you accept it and melt into it, it becomes love. So love and hate are two
faces of sex. If it is perverted, it becomes hate. If accepted deeply, it will become love. And you
can create love out of your sex energies. If those energies transform into love, then you are at
ease in the world, at home with the earth. That at-homeness is basic.
13. This is the beauty: if you accept sex, you will not reject anything else. That is why there is so
much emphasis on it. If you reject sex, you will have to reject many things. Sex is the root
rejection. If you reject sex, you will reject many things. Food will be rejected, then clothes will be
rejected, then everything will be rejected. It is a long sequence, and in that sequence you will
have to reject and reject, because the whole life is sexual. If you reject sex you will go on and on
rejecting, and ultimately you will reject life. Then suicide is the only thing worth doing because
even to take a breath is sexual. It goes to your sex cells and gives them life. To be alive is to be
sexual. If you are against sex, then you will be against everything. And a person who is against
everything is bound to be neurotic, mad, and you cannot help him.
14. When you are with a woman, if you are of the opposite sex, you begin to feel more alive than
with a man. With a man you feel less alive because nothing is pulling you out. You are enclosed,
the opposite energy pulls you out; the flame flickers, you can be more alive. And whenever you
begin to feel more alive, you begin to feel happy.
15. The mechanism of sex is so much a momentary phenomenon that it only functions momentarily;
if you do not cooperate at the right moment, it stops. At the right moment your cooperation is
needed, otherwise it cannot work. It is only a momentary mechanism, and if you do not
cooperate with it, it will stop by itself.
16. First the energy will try its best to be released sexually, because that is its usual outlet, its usual
center. So one must first be aware of one’s downward “doors.” Only awareness will close them;
only noncooperation will close them. Sex is not so forceful as we feel it to be. It is forceful only
momentarily: it is not a twenty-four-hour affair, it is a momentary challenge.
17. One more point, thinking about sex is harmful than sex itself. Sex can be easy and natural but
thinking about it too often is unnatural, is a perversion. After examining the experience of
thousands of people, the psychoanalysts tell us that man is taking too much interest in mental
sex and he does not derive any pleasure from the actual sex activity. The sex that is going on in
the mind seems more interesting and colourful. If sex is thus perverted in the mind, confusion
will be created within us. To think about sex is not the function of the mind. The intelligence of
the person who uses his mind to do the work of sex centre becomes depraved — is spoilt.
Gurdjieff used to say so. The intelligence is bound to get spoilt, because the functions of these
two are different. It is like this: If a person tries to take food with his ear, his ear will certainly be
spoilt, and food will not reach the stomach. Both will be harassed.

Osho Quotes on Relationship, Osho Quotes on Sex

Dec 09


Osho Quotes on Sex

Swami Anonymous

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Osho Quotes on Sex

1. My whole effort is that all the pleasures of life should be made available to man. My own
calculation is that after each seven years, life goes through a completion of a circle, and a
change. The first seven years are of childhood, innocence, playfulness, trust. Life is certainly
golden… memories of those days haunt people to the very end, because never again in their
lives are they able to manage to find something better. The next seven years are the maturing of
sex energy. At the age of fourteen, one is sexually mature — mind starts functioning in a totally
different way; the body starts functioning in a totally different way. Fourteen is the biological
age for man: he is now able to produce children. As far as biology is concerned, man has come
of age.
2. If somebody’s sex is not fulfilled, he may start eating too much. It is now a well-established fact
that after marriage women start becoming fat. Not before marriage… strange. It is just that once
they get married there is no problem; they have got a lifelong servant. Now they can eat and
rest, and they start becoming fat. And the more fat they are, the more their husbands start
looking at other women. The more the husbands look at other women, the more they eat —
because eating becomes a substitute; they are very much associated. Life begins with sex, but
life remains because of food, so sex and food are both associated with keeping life in existence.
3. And it is strange — why don’t you feel attracted to a fat woman, why are you not attracted to a
fat man? There must be some basic reason, and the reason is that the fat man is showing clearly
by his fatness that he has replaced sex with food. He is no longer interested in sex, he is
interested in food. The fat woman is saying she is not interested in sex; her fatness is a
signboard: “Keep off!” — she is going towards the fridge.
4. I am not against sex, but I am against sexuality. And let me make a distinction: when you feeling
very sexual and being possessed by the person, this is not the moment to do anything. Close
your doors, meditate on your sexuality. Let it arise, let it come out of the dark night within you.
Out of the jungle, let it spread — you watch, you simply watch, you become an unmoving flame
of awareness. Soon you will see it has settled again, and your consciousness is burning brighter
than ever. You have absorbed it, it has become nectar.
5. I am not against sex; when you are feeling very prayerful, very loving, go into sex — nothing is
wrong — but never be trapped by passion. And see the difference: when you are feeling loving,
it is a totally different quality. When you are feeling happy, celebrating, and you would like to
share your energy with somebody you love, go make love. But this is not a moment of passion,
this is a moment of tremendous warmth. A moment of love, share.
6. Natural sex is more meditative. There is less fever — more warmth but less fever. Passion is a
fever, a state of madness, insanity. Warmth is a state of love. If you can make love, fully alert,
your love precesses will help you towards becoming more and more aware, more and more
7. You will be surprised to know: greedy; people have no sexual problem. That’s why Marwadis
have to adopt children. Greedy people don’t have sex-energy: their whole energy moves into
greed. Money becomes their love object: they don’t care a bit about women.
8. My views on sexual ethics are against all the views that have been held up to now. They were all
repressive of sex; they were condemnatory and created a split in the human mind. The whole
schizophrenia and all the perversions of man are rooted in those wrong sexual ethics. I conceive
of sex as a natural phenomenon. There is nothing profane in it and there is nothing sacred in it.
It is purely natural life energy of tremendous importance. If you cannot sublimate it, it can
destroy you; and it has destroyed humanity. It is the energy man is born out of; everything is
born out of it. Naturally there is no higher energy than sexual energy, but biological
reproduction is not its only function. The same energy can have different creative dimensions.
The same energy, joined with meditative practices, can be sublimated to the highest peak of
consciousness — what I call enlightenment. My sexual ethics is not a law, it is love.
9. To me, if sex is the creative force in the world, it must be nearest to the creative center of the
world — whatever name you give to it. Creative energy must be closest to creation, to the
creative source of it all. People should be taught the art of converting sexual energy into
spiritual enlightenment.
10. Those who can understand me see clearly that I am the most anti-sex person in existence,
because my whole work is to transform sexual energy into spiritual consciousness. The pope can
be the sex guru, the shankaracharya in India can be the sex guru, because these are the people
who are repressing and teaching that sex should be repressed. Whatever is repressed remains in
you, and it takes perverted forms. It may become homosexuality, it may become sodomy; it may
take the form of any perversion. The more you repress it, the more it will have to find some way
out.  Homosexuality was born in monasteries — it is a religious phenomenon — because
religions segregated their monks and nuns, and they were so adamant that men and women
should not touch each other, should not talk to each other, should not even see each other.
Where will their sex energy go? Nobody has bothered about their sex energy; they have simply
been told, “You take the vow of celibacy.” But the vow will not help because the vow is not
heard by your biology.
11. Remember that sex is not in the genitals, it is in your head. There is a center in your head which
controls your genitals; so if sex is repressed, it is not a question of the genitals. There have been
Christian sects who even cut off their genitals just so that their celibacy was absolute. But that
will not make them sex-free, because the real center is in the head, from where sex is just an
extension. That’s why you can just fantasize about sex and your genitals will be immediately
affected; they are extensions of your mind. And once the mind becomes full of sexuality, then a
new thing appears that your religions have created and are responsible for — pornography.
12. Those who call me the “sex guru” are simply stupid. They don’t understand a simple thing. I
repeat again: I am the most anti-sex person in the whole world. If I am listened to there will be
no pornography, there will be no homosexuals, there will be no lesbians — there will be no
perversions of any kind. And you call me the “sex guru”!

Osho Quotes on Sex

Dec 09


Osho Quotes on Sex – Osho Quotes and Insights on Sex

Swami Anonymous

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Osho Quotes on Sex

1. You are obsessed with sex because you don’t know any other sort of celebration. So the
problem is not sex really; the problem is that you don’t know any other celebration. Nature
allows you only one joy, and that is of sex. Nature allows you only one enjoyment, that is of sex.
Nature allows you only one thrill, and that is of sex.
2. In the sexual act you have a certain thrill, a moment of forgetfulness, a moment of oblivion. You
feel good — for a few seconds, only for a few seconds, you drop out of this routine world. Sex
gives you a door to escape into some other world — which is non-tense; there is no worry; you
are simply relaxed and melting. But have you observed? After each sexual act you feel
3. Sex creates neurosis, it is neurotic, because it can never satisfy you. Now, go to the madhouses
of the world and just watch the mad people, and you will always find that somewhere or other
there is a sexual problem. That’s what Freud says, that ALL pathology is somehow connected
with sex. Too much sex obsession becomes neurotic. If you live in the body, you are bound to
become neurotic. You have to go a little deeper and higher than the body.
4. Whenever a person starts condemning sex, somewhere he must be carrying a jealousy. Buddha
is not condemning. He is simply factual. He simply says whatsoever is the case. And he wants
you to come out of it because your destiny is bigger, higher is the potentiality.
5. Animals have sex but no sexuality. Man has sex plus sexuality. Sex is physical, sexuality is mental
— and when you talk, your talk can be sexual. Animals have sex; that’s a physiological act. They
don’t talk, they don’t have any language; but man has language, and language is one of the most
powerful instruments in the hands of man. You communicate through it, you relate through it.
You seduce through words, you insult through words; you show your love through words, you
show your hate through words. You repel or attract through your words.
6. In sex there may be relaxation. In sex there may be physiological health and hygiene. But there
is no growth. You remain animal. With love you become human. With love you become upright.
With love you stand erect on earth. With sex you are again animal, you are horizontal on the
earth, just moving like other animals, crawling. With love you are erect, vertical.
7. Real awareness always leads you beyond sex, and celibacy happens on its own accord. Because
to be in sex you have either to be identified with the male or identified with the female. A real
celibate is one who has gone beyond, who is neither.
8. Repression can never bring freedom. Repression makes you a slave. Repress anything, and that
will become your master. So the so-called celibates in the monasteries — the BRAHMACHARIS
— they are continuously obsessed with sex. Their whole obsession is sex, their mind is
completely sexual — it has to be so. Or, if you are mad, and you are REALLY against the body
and you start destroying the body, the only thing that you can succeed in will be that you will
become a eunuch.
9. Love goes beyond polarity, sex remains below polarity. Sex needs the opposite, love does not
need the opposite. Hence, in sex there is always a subtle conflict, because with the opposite the
harmony can never be total. For moments maybe… again the conflict comes in.
10. Love is unconditional, sex is conditional. In sex there is a give and take. In love, you simply pour.
You don’t ask, there is no demand. Not that you don’t get — you get a thousandfold — but that
is not asked for. That simply comes on its own accord: the whole existence showers back,
echoes back.
11. Now, one thing to be remembered always: if you are not very alert you may go on believing that
you are moving into tantra, and you may be simply rationalizing your sexuality — it may be
nothing but sex, rationalized in the terminology of tantra. If you move into sex with awareness,
it can turn into tantra. If you move into tantra with unawareness, it can fall and become
ordinary sex. It has happened in India — because only India has tried it.
12. Sex energy is just at the source of the spine. If a child is taught from the very beginning to be
against sex…. Sex is sin, and sex has to be destroyed, or at least controlled — never allowed to
go too far, never allowed to be spontaneous; has to be put under many controls, laws,
regulations. These laws, regulations, suppressions, they become the buffer: the kundabuffer is
created. Then sex energy remains repressed at the source of the spine and does not rise in the
spine. That’s what they say in the East: Once the sex energy rises in the spine, you start
becoming very very happy. When the sex energy reaches to the seventh — SAHASRAR — you
flower into a lotus bloom. Your life then is a deep ecstasy.
13. Awareness is the true path. Neither indulge nor renounce, but be aware. Do whatsoever you are
doing — do it with full awareness. If you move into passion, move with awareness; and passion
becomes prayer, and passion has a totally different quality to it. In the East we have called that
quality tantra. The same sex is no longer sex — it is no longer sexual at all. Once you move into
your passion with awareness, you have changed the very quality of it. It is no longer just
physical, it is no longer just a physical release; it is a very deep experience of life. It is a
tremendous experience of no-mind. It is a door towards the greatest space possible.
14. In deep orgasm, if you are aware, you will know for the first time what ecstasy is. Otherwise you
have only heard the word; you have not known its meaning. Only in deep orgasm, if you are
aware, if your flame of awareness is burning bright, will you be able to know that sex is not just
sex. Sex is the outermost layer; deep inside is love; and even deeper is prayer; and deepest is
God himself. Sex can become a cosmic experience; then it is tantra. Sex plus awareness… and
something tremendous starts changing.
15. When sex becomes an obsession, it takes perverted forms

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