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Research Programs On Nanotechnology in The World: (Americas, Asia/Pacific, and Europe)

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Chapter 8

Research Programs on Nanotechnology in the World

(Americas, Asia/Pacific, and Europe)

M.C. Roco1
National Science Foundation


Scientific breakthroughs combined with recent research programs in the

United States, Japan, and Europe, and various initiatives in Australia,
Canada, China, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan highlight the international
interest in nanoscale science and technology. Definitions of nanotechnology
vary somewhat from country to country. Nanotechnology as defined for the
projects reviewed in this chapter arises from the exploitation of the novel
and improved physical, chemical, mechanical, and biological properties,
phenomena, and processes of systems that are intermediate in size between
isolated atoms/molecules and bulk materials, where phenomena length and
time scales become comparable to those of the structure. It implies the
ability to generate and utilize structures, components, and devices with a size
range from about 0.1 nm (atomic and molecular scale) to about 100 nm (or
larger in some situations) by control at atomic, molecular, and
macromolecular levels. Novel properties occur compared to bulk behavior
because of the small structure size and short time scale of various processes.
Nanotechnology’s size range and particularly its new phenomena set it apart
from the technologies referred to as microelectromechanical systems
(MEMS) in the United States or microsystems technologies (MST) in

Opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of
the National Science Foundation.
132 M.C. Roco

It is estimated that nanotechnology is presently at a level of development

similar to that of computer/information technology in the 1950s. As
indicated in the preceding chapters and as evidenced by the WTEC panel’s
research and observations during the course of this study, the development
of nanoscale science and technology is expected by most scientists working
in the field to have a broad and fundamental effect on many other
technologies. This helps to explain the phenomenal levels of R&D activity
worldwide. This chapter presents an overview of most of the significant
nanotechnology research programs in the world. Where possible, a general
picture is given of the funding levels of the programs, based on site
interviews and publications.


Aspects of nanoscience are taught and researched in the physics,

chemistry, and biology departments of research universities throughout the
American continents. However, significant activities in nanotechnology,
including production and application of nanostructures, have been limited
essentially to the United States and Canada.

The United States 2

Various U.S. public and private funding agencies; large companies in

chemical, computer, pharmaceutical, and other areas; as well as small and
medium-size enterprises provide support for precompetitive research
programs on nanotechnology. Most of the supported programs are evolving
out of disciplinary research programs, and only some are identified as
primarily dealing with nanotechnology. U.S. government agencies
sponsored basic research in this area at a level estimated at about
$116 million in 1997 (Siegel et al. 1998), as shown in Table 8.1. The
National Science Foundation (NSF) has the largest share of the U.S.
government investment, with an expenditure of about $65 million per year,
or about 2.4% of its overall research investment in 1997. In 1998 it
expanded its research support to functional nanostructures with an initiative
in excess of $13 million.

For a more in-depth look at the state of nanoscale science and engineering R&D in the
United States, see Siegel et al. 1998.
8. Research Programs on Nanotechnology in the World 133

TABLE 8.1. Support for Nanotechnology Research from U.S. Federal Agencies in 1997
Agency Nanotechnology Research ($M)
National Science Foundation (NSF) 65
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) 10
Army Research Office (ARO) 15
Office of Naval Research (ONR) 3
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) 4
Department of Energy (DOE) 7
National Institutes of Health (NIH) 5
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 4
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 3
Total 116

NSF activities in nanotechnology include research supported by the

Advanced Materials and Processing Program; the Ultrafine Particle
Engineering initiative dedicated to new concepts and fundamental research
to generate nanoparticles at high rates; the National Nanofabrication User
Network (NNUN); and Instrument Development for Nano-Science and
Engineering (NANO-95) to advance atomic-scale measurements of
molecules, clusters, nanoparticles, and nanostructured materials. A current
activity is the initiative, Synthesis, Processing, and Utilization of Functional
Nanostructures (NSF 98-20 1997).
In the United States, a number of large multinational corporations, small
enterprises, and consortia are pursuing nanotechnology-related research and
development activities. Dow, DuPont, Eastman Kodak, Hewlett-Packard
(HP), Hughes Electronics, Lucent, Motorola, Texas Instruments, Xerox, and
other multinationals have established specialized groups in their long-term
research laboratories, where the total research expenditure for
nanotechnology research is estimated to be comparable to the U.S.
government funding. Computer and electronics companies allocate up to
half of their long-term research resources to nanotechnology programs. HP
spends 50% of long-term (over 5 years) research on nanotechnology
(Williams 1998). Small business enterprises, such as Aerochem Research
Laboratory, Nanodyne, Michigan Molecular Institute, and Particle
Technology, Inc., have generated an innovative competitive environment in
various technological areas, including dispersions, coatings, structural
materials, filtration, nanoparticle manufacturing processes, and functional
nanostructures (sensors, electronic devices, etc.). Small niches in the market
as well as support from several U.S. government agencies through the Small
Business for Innovative Research (SBIR) program have provided the nuclei
134 M.C. Roco

for high-tech enterprises. The university-small business technology transfer

(STTR) program at NSF is dedicated to nanotechnology in fiscal year 1999.
Two semiconductor processing consortia, the Semiconductor Manufacturing
and Technology Institute (Sematech) and the Semiconductor Research
Corporation (SRC), are developing significant research activities on
functional nanostructures on inorganic surfaces.
A series of interdisciplinary centers with nanotechnology activities has
been established in the last few years at many U.S. universities, creating a
growing public research and education infrastructure for this field.
Examples of such centers are
• Brown University, Material Research Science and Engineering Center
• Rice University, Richard Smalley’s Center for Nanoscale Science and
Technology (CNST)
• University of California–Berkeley, nanoelectronics facilities
• University of Illinois at Urbana, the Engineering Research Center on
Microelectronics in collaboration with the Beckman Institute, a private
• University of North Carolina
• University of Texas–Austin
• Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
• University of Washington (focus on nanobiotechnology)
• University of Wisconsin at Madison (focus on nanostructured materials)
NNUN, mentioned above, is an interuniversity effort supported by NSF
at five universities: Cornell, Stanford, University of California–Santa
Barbara (UCSB), Penn State, and Howard. It has focused on
nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, electromechanical systems, and
biotechnology. The Center for Quantized Electronic Structures (QUEST) at
UCSB is a national facility developing expertise on underlying physics and
chemistry aspects. Hundreds of graduate students have completed their
education in connection with these centers in the last few years.
Current interest in nanotechnology in the United States is broad-based
and generally spread into small groups. The research themes receiving the
most attention include
1. metallic and ceramic nanostructured materials with engineered properties
2. molecular manipulation of polymeric macromolecules
3. chemistry self-assembling techniques of “soft” nanostructures
4. thermal spray processing and chemistry-based techniques for
nanostructured coatings
5. nanofabrication of electronic products and sensors
6. nanostructured materials for energy-related processes such as catalysts
and soft magnets
8. Research Programs on Nanotechnology in the World 135

7. nanomachining
8. miniaturization of spacecraft systems
In addition, neural communication and chip technologies are being
investigated for biochemical applications; metrology has been developed for
thermal and mechanical properties, magnetism, micromagnetic modeling,
and thermodynamics of nanostructures; modeling at the atomistic level has
been established as a computational tool; and nanoprobes have been
constructed to study material structures and devices with nanometer length
scale accuracy and picosecond time resolution. While generation of
nanostructures under controlled conditions by building up from atoms and
molecules is the most promising approach, materials restructuring and
scaling-down approaches will continue. Exploratory research includes tools
of quantum control and atom manipulation, computer design of
hierarchically structured materials (e.g., Olson 1997), artificially structured
molecules, combination of organic and inorganic nanostructures,
biomimetics, nanoscale robotics, encoding and utilization of information by
biological structures, DNA computing, interacting textiles, and chemical and
bioagent detectors.
Commercially viable technologies are already in place in the United
States for some ceramic, metallic, and polymeric nanoparticles,
nanostructured alloys, colorants and cosmetics, electronic components such
as those for media recording, and hard-disk reading, to name a few. The
time interval from discovery to technological application varies greatly. For
instance, it took several years from the basic research discovery of the giant
magnetoresistance (GMR) phenomenon in nanocrystalline materials
(Berkowitz et al. 1992) to industry domination by the corresponding
technology by 1997. GMR technology has now completely replaced the old
technologies for computer disk heads, the critical components in hard disk
drives, for which there is a $20+ billion market (Williams 1998). All disk
heads currently manufactured by IBM and HP are based on this discovery.
In another example, nanolayers with selective optical barriers are used at
Kodak in more than 90% of graphics black and white film (Mendel 1997)
and for various optical and infrared filters, which constitute a multibillion-
dollar business. Other current applications of nanotechnology are hard
coatings, chemical and biodetectors, drug delivery systems via nanoparticles,
chemical-mechanical polishing with nanoparticle slurries in the electronics
industry, and advanced laser technology. Several nanoparticle synthesis
processes developed their scientific bases decades ago, but most processes
are still developing their scientific bases (Roco 1998). Most of the
technology base development for nanoparticle work is in an embryonic
phase, and industry alone cannot sustain the research effort required for
establishing the scientific and technological infrastructure. This is the role
136 M.C. Roco

of government (e.g., NSF and NIH) and private agency (e.g., Beckman
Institute) support for fundamental research.
Nanotechnology research in the United States has been developed in
open competition with other research topics within various disciplines. This
is one of the reasons that the U.S. research efforts in nanotechnology are
relatively fragmented and partially overlapping among disciplines, areas of
relevance, and sources of funding. This situation has advantages in
establishing competitive paths in the emerging nanotechnology field and in
promoting innovative ideas; it also has some disadvantages for developing
system applications. An interagency coordinating “Group on
Nanotechnology” targets some improvement of the current situation. The
group was established in 1997 with participants from twelve government
funding/research agencies to enhance communication and develop
partnerships among practicing nanoscience professionals.


Canada’s National Research Council supports nanotechnology through

the Institute for Microstructural Science, which has the mission to interact
with industry and universities to develop the infrastructure for information
technology. The main project, the Semiconductor Nanostructure Project,
was initiated in 1990. It provides support for fundamental research at a
series of universities, including Queen’s, Carleton, and Ottawa Universities.


There are significant research programs on nanotechnology in Japan, as

well as in China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore.


The term “nanotechnology” is frequently used in Japan specifically to

describe the construction of nanostructures on semiconductors/inorganic
substrates for future electronic and computer technologies, and to describe
the development of equipment for measurement at nanometer level (Sienko
1998). There are, however, Japanese programs in a number of other areas
related to nanotechnology in the broader definition used in this report.
Government agencies and large corporations are the main sources of
funding for nanotechnology in Japan; small and medium-size companies
play only a minor role. Research activities are generally grouped in
relatively large industrial, government, and academic laboratories. The three
8. Research Programs on Nanotechnology in the World 137

main government organizations sponsoring nanotechnology in Japan are the

Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), the Science and
Technology Agency (STA), and Monbusho (the Ministry of Education,
Science, Sports, and Culture). Funding for nanotechnology research should
be viewed in the context of an overall increased level of support for basic
research in Japan since 1995 as a result of Japan’s Science and Technology
Basic Law No. 130 (effective November 15, 1995), even if the law has not
been fully implemented. The data presented below are based on information
received from Japanese colleagues during the WTEC visit in July 1997 (see
site reports in Appendix D). All budgets are for the fiscal year 1996 (1 April
1996 to 31 March 1997) and assume an exchange rate of ¥115 = $1, unless
otherwise stated. The first five-year program on ultrafine particles started in
1981 under the Exploratory Research for Advanced Technologies (ERATO)
program; an overview of the results of that program was published in 1991
(Uyeda 1991).
It is estimated that the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology
(AIST) within MITI had a budget of approximately $60 million per year for
nanotechnology in 1996/97 (roughly 2.2% of the AIST budget). The
National Institute for Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research (NAIR)
hosts three AIST projects:
1. Joint Research Center for Atom Technology (JRCAT), with a ten-year
budget of about $220 million for 1992-2001 ($25 million per year in
2. Research on Cluster Science program, with about $10 million for the
interval 1992-1997
3. Research on Bionic Design program, with $10 million for 1992-1997,
about half on nanotechnology
Other efforts supported to various degrees by MITI include the
• the Electrotechnical Laboratory in Tsukuba, which allocates about 17%
(or $17 million per year) of its efforts on advanced nanotechnology
• the Quantum Functional Devices Program, funded at about $64 million
for 1991-2001 (about $6.4 million in 1996)
• the Osaka National Research Institute and the National Industrial
Research Institute of Nagoya, which each spend in the range of
$2.5-3 million per year for nanotechnology
• the Association of Super-Advanced Electronics Technologies (ASET), a
relatively new MITI-sponsored consortium with partial interest in
nanotechnology; it has similarities with the U.S. Ultra Electronics
program of DARPA
138 M.C. Roco

It is estimated that STA investment in nanotechnology research was

about $35 million in 1996, mainly within five organizations:
1. Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), where
nanotechnology is included in the Frontier Materials Research initiative
2. National Research Institute for Metals (NRIM)
3. National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials (NIRIM)
4. Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST—formerly called
JRDC), which manages the ERATO program, including four
nanotechnology-related projects, each with total budgets of $13-18
million for five years:
– Quantum Wave Project (1988-1993)
– Atomcraft Project (1989-1994)
– Electron Wavefront Project (1989-1994)
– Quantum Fluctuation Project (1993-1998)
Monbusho supports nanotechnology programs at universities and
national research institutes, as well as via the Japan Society for Promotion of
Science (JSPS). The most active programs are those at Tokyo University,
Kyoto University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tohoku University, and
Osaka University (see Appendix D). The Institute of Molecular Science and
the Exploratory Research on Novel Artificial Materials and Substances
program promote new research ideas for next-generation industries (5-year
university-industry research projects). The “Research for the Future”
initiative sponsored by JSPS has a program on “nanostructurally controlled
spin-dependent quantum effects” (1996-2001) at Tohoku University.
Monbusho’s funding contribution to nanotechnology programs is estimated
at ~ $25 million.
In total, MITI, STA, and Monbusho allocated ~ $120 million for
nanotechnology in 1996.
Large companies also drive nanotechnology research in Japan. Important
research efforts are at six institutions: Hitachi (Central R&D Laboratories,
where nanotechnology is ~ 25% of long-term research)—Hitachi has
~ $70 billion per year in sales (see site report in Appendix D); NEC
(Fundamental Research Laboratories, where nanotechnology is estimated to
be ~ 50% of the precompetitive research)—NEC has ~ $40 billion per year
in sales (see site report in Appendix D); NTT (Atsugi Lab); Fujitsu
(Quantum Electron Devices Lab); Sony; and Fuji Photo Film Co.
An allocation of 10% of sales for research and development is customary
in these companies, with ~ 10% of this for long-term research. Some
Japanese nanostructured products already have considerable market impact.
Nihon Shinku Gijutsu (ULVAC) produces over $4 million per year in sales
of particles for electronics, optics, and arts. Also, there are in Japan, as in
8. Research Programs on Nanotechnology in the World 139

the United States, private consortia making an increased contribution to

nanotechnology R&D:
• The Semiconductor Industry Research Institute of Japan (SIRI),
established in 1994, focuses on long-term research with partial
government funding
• Semiconductor Leading Edge Technologies, Inc. (SELETE), established
by ten large Japanese semiconductor companies in 1996, focuses on
applied research and development with an estimated budget of
$60 million in 1997
• Semiconductor Technology Academic Research Center (STARC)
promotes industry-university interactions
Strengthening of the nanotechnology research infrastructure in the last
years has been fueled by both the overall increase of government funding for
basic research and by larger numbers of academic and industry researchers
choosing nanotechnology as their primary field of research. Potential
industrial applications provide a strong stimulus. A systems approach has
been adopted in most laboratory projects, including multiple characterization
methods and processing techniques. A special Japanese research strength is
instrumentation development. The university-industry interaction is
stimulated by the new MITI projects awarded to universities in the last few
years that encourage temporary hiring of research personnel from industry.
Other issues currently being addressed are more extensive use of peer
review, promoting personnel mobility and intellectual independence,
rewarding researchers for patents, promoting interdisciplinary and
international interactions, and better use of the physical infrastructure.


Nanoscience and nanotechnology have received increased attention in

China since the mid-1980s. Approximately 3,000 researchers there now
contribute to this field (Bai 1996). The ten-year “Climbing Project on
Nanometer Science” (1990-1999) and a series of advanced materials
research projects are the core activities. The Chinese Academy of Sciences
sponsors relatively large groups, while the China National Science
Foundation (CNSF) provides support mainly for individual research projects.
Areas of strength are development of nanoprobes and manufacturing
processes using nanotubes. The Chinese Physics Society and the Chinese
Society of Particuology are societies involved in the dissemination of
nanotechnology research.
140 M.C. Roco


India’s main research activities are on nanostructured materials and

electronic devices (Sikka 1995). These involve a combination of research
institutions (the Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute in Pilani,
the Space Application Center in Ahmedabad, and others), funding
organizations (the Centre for Development of Materials in Pune, the Indian
Institute of Science in Bangalore, and others), and industry.


Taiwan’s major nanotechnology research effort is conducted in the area

of miniaturization of electronic circuits. The research is conducted in
academic institutions and at the Industrial Technology Research Institute.
Government funds for fundamental research are channeled via the National
Science Council. (See site reports in Appendix E.)

South Korea

A national research focus on nanotechnology was established in Korea in

1995. The Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
in Taejon, Korea’s science city, targets advanced technologies for
information and computer infrastructures, with a focus on nanotechnology
(ATIP 1998). The emphasis is on nanoscale semiconductor devices and
particularly on semiconductor quantum nanostructures and device
applications (lasers, modulators, switches and logical devices, resonant
tunneling devices, self-assembled nanosize dots, single-electron transistors,
and quantum wires).


Nanotechnology research received a considerable boost in Singapore by

the initiation of a national program in this area in 1995.


The National Research Council (NRC) of Australia has sponsored R&D

in nanotechnology since 1993 (ASTC 1993). Research groups work on
synthesis of nanoparticles for membranes and catalysts (University of New
South Wales), nanofiltration (UNESCO Center for Membrane Science and
Technology), and use of nanoparticles in processing minerals for special
products (the Advanced Mineral Products Research Center at the University
8. Research Programs on Nanotechnology in the World 141

of Melbourne). AWA Electronics in Homebush has the largest industrial

research facility for nanoelectronics in Australia.


European Community (EC)

The term “nanotechnology” is frequently defined in Europe as “the direct

control of atoms and molecules” for materials and devices. A more specific
definition from H. Rohrer (1997) is a “one-to-one relationship between a
nano-object or nano-part of an object and another nano-, micro- or bulk
object.” The nanotechnology field as defined in this WTEC report includes
these aspects, with the clarification that only the specific, distinctive
properties and phenomena manifesting at length scales between individual
atoms/molecules and bulk behavior are considered.
There are a combination of national programs, collaborative European
(mostly EC) networks, and large corporations that fund nanotechnology
research in Europe. Multinational European programs include the following:
1. The ESPRIT Advanced Research Initiative in Microelectronics and the
BRITE/EURAM projects on materials science in the EC are partially
dedicated to nanotechnology.
2. The PHANTOMS (Physics and Technology of Mesoscale Systems)
program is a network created in 1992 with about 40 members to stimulate
nanoelectronics, nanofabrication, optoelectronics, and electronic
switching. Its coordinating center is at the IMEC Center for
Microelectronics in Leuven, Belgium (see site report in Appendix B).
3. The European Science Foundation has sponsored a network since 1995
for Vapor-phase Synthesis and Processing of Nanoparticle Materials
(NANO) in order to promote bridges between the aerosol and materials
science communities working on nanoparticles. The NANO network
includes 18 research centers and is codirected by Duisburg University
and Delft University of Technology.
4. The European Consortium on NanoMaterials (ECNM) was formed in
1996, with its coordinating center in Lausanne, Switzerland. This group
aims at fundamental research to solve technological problems for
nanomaterials and at improved communication between researchers and
5. NEOME (Network for Excellence on Organic Materials for Electronics)
has had some programs related to nanotechnology since 1992.
142 M.C. Roco

6. The European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology

(EUSPEN) was designed in 1997 with participation from industry and
universities from six EC countries.
7. The Joint Research Center Nanostructured Materials Network,
established in 1996, has its center in Ispra, Italy.
It is expected that the European Framework V will introduce additional
programs on nanotechnology, particularly by adding a new dimension in
nanobiology in the next four-year plan.


The Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Technology

(BMBF) in Germany provides substantial national support for
nanotechnology. The Fraunhofer Institutes, Max Planck Institutes, and
several universities have formed centers of excellence in the field. It is
estimated that in 1997 BMBF supported programs on nanotechnology with a
budget of approximately $50 million per year. Two of the largest upcoming
projects are “CESAR,” a $50 million science center in Bonn equally
sponsored by the state and federal governments with about one-third of its
research dedicated to nanoscience, and a new institute for carbon-reinforced
materials near Karlsruhe ($4 million over 3 years, 1998-2001). BMBF is
establishing five “centers of competence in nanotechnology” in Germany
starting in 1998, with topics ranging from molecular architecture to
ultraprecision manufacturing.


A network program (LINK Nanotechnology Programme) was launched

in the United Kingdom in 1988 with an annual budget of about $2 million
per year. The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
(EPSRC) is funding materials science projects related to nanotechnology
with a total value of about $7 million for a five-year interval (1994-1999).
About $1 million is specifically earmarked for nanoparticle research. The
National Physical Laboratory established a forum called the National
Initiative on Nanotechnology (NION) for promoting nanotechnology in
universities, industry, and government laboratories.


The Centre National de la Récherche Scientifique (CNRS) has developed

research programs on nanoparticles and nanostructured materials at about
40 physics laboratories and 20 chemistry laboratories in France. Synthesis
8. Research Programs on Nanotechnology in the World 143

methods include molecular beam and cluster deposition, lithography,

electrochemistry, soft chemistry, and biosynthesis. Nanotechnology activity
has grown within a wide variety of research groups, including ones focused
on molecular electronics, large gap semiconductors and nanomagnetism,
catalysts, nanofilters, therapy problems, agrochemistry, and even cements
for ductile nanoconcretes. It is estimated that CNRS spends about 2% of its
budget and dedicates 500 researchers in 60 laboratories (or about $40 million
per year) on projects related to nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Companies collaborating to research and produce nanomaterials include
Thompson, St. Gobain, Rhône Poulenc, Air Liquide, and IEMN. Also, there
is the “French Club Nanotechnologie,” aimed at promoting interactions in
this field in France.


The estimated total expenditure for research on nanotechnology in

Sweden is ~ $10 million per year. There are four materials research
consortia involved in this field:
1. Ångström Consortium in Uppsala, with a budget of ~ $0.8 million per
year in 1998 for surface nanocoatings
2. Nanometer Structures Consortium in Lund with a budget of ~ $3.5 million
per year partially supported by ESPRIT (~ $1 million per year)
3. Cluster-based and Ultrafine Particle Materials in the University of
Uppsala and Royal Institute of Technology with a budget of
~ $0.4 million per year in 1998
4. Brinell Center at the Royal Institute of Technology


There is a Swiss national program on nanotechnology with a special

strength in instrumentation. The most advanced research centers are focused
on nanoprobes and molecule manipulation on surfaces (IBM Research
Laboratory in Zürich), devices and sensors (Paul Scherrer Institute),
nanoelectronics (ETH Zürich), and self-assembling on surfaces in patterns
determined by the substrate or template (L’École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne). See the site reports on all of these institutions in Appendix B.

The Netherlands

The most active research centers in the Netherlands are the DIMES
institute at Delft University of Technology, which receives one-third support
from industry, and the Philips Research Institute in Eindhoven, which
144 M.C. Roco

researches self-assembling monolayers and patterning on metallic and

silicon surfaces. The SST Netherlands Study Center for Technology Trends
is completing a study on nanotechnology and aims at promoting increased
funding and research networking in the Netherlands (ten Wolte 1997).


The Academy of Finland and the Finnish Technology Development

Center began a three-year nanotechnology program in 1997. The program
involves sixteen projects with funding of $9 million for a three-year period
(1997-1999) for nanobiology, functional nanostructures, nanoelectronics,
and other areas. Research on actuators and sensors is the Finnish area of

Belgium and Spain

Since about 1993 both Belgium and Spain have established

nanotechnology programs, centers of excellence, and university-industry

Multinational Efforts

Large multinational companies with significant nanotechnology research

activities in Europe include IBM (Zürich), Philips, Siemens, Bayer, and
Hitachi. Degussa Co., with headquarters in Germany, is a commercial
supplier since 1940 of microparticles and, now, nanoparticles.
Western Europe has a variety of approaches to funding research on
nanotechnology. These are discussed in detail in other studies. IPTS (the
Science and Technology Forecast Institute) has conducted a study on
nanotechnology research in the EC (Malsh 1997). Other European studies
published recently include those by VDI (1996), UNIDO (1997), the U.K.
Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (1997), and NANO
network (Fissan and Schoonman 1997). The overall expenditure for
nanotechnology research within the EC was estimated in 1997 to be over
$128 million per year.


Support for generation of nanoparticles and nanostructured materials has

a tradition in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union (FSU)
dating back to the mid-1970s; before 1990 an important part of this support
8. Research Programs on Nanotechnology in the World 145

was connected to defense research. The first public paper concerning the
special properties of nanostructures was published in Russia in 1976. In
1979 the Council of the Academy of Sciences created a section on “Ultra-
Dispersed Systems.” Research strengths are in the areas of preparation
processes of nanostructured materials and in several basic scientific aspects.
Metallurgical research for special metals, including those with
nanocrystalline structures, has received particular attention; research for
nanodevices has been relatively less developed. Due to funding limitations,
characterization and utilization of nanoparticles and nanostructured materials
requiring costly equipment are less advanced than processing.
Russian government funds are allocated mainly for research personnel
and less for infrastructure (Chem. Eng. News 1997). Funding for
nanotechnology is channeled via the Ministry of Science and Technology,
the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research, the Academy of
Sciences, the Ministry of Higher Education, and other ministries with
specific targets. The Ministry of Higher Education has relatively little
research funding. Overall, 2.8% of the civilian budget in Russia in 1997 was
planned for allocation to science. There is no centralized program on
nanotechnology; however, there are components in specific institutional
programs. Currently, about 20% of science research in Russia is funded via
international organizations. The significant level of interest in the FSU can
be identified by the relatively large participation at a series of Russian
conferences on nanotechnology, the first in 1984 (First USSR Conference on
Physics and Chemistry of Ultradispersed Systems), a second in 1989, and a
third in 1993.
The Ministry of Science and Technology contributes to nanotechnology
through several of its specific programs related to solid-state physics, surface
science, fullerenes and nanostructures, and particularly “electronic and
optical properties of nanostructures.” This last program involves a network
of scientific centers: the Ioffe Institute in St. Petersburg, Lebedev Institute in
Moscow, Moscow State University, Novgograd Institute of Microstructures,
Novosibirsk Institute of Semiconductor Physics, and others. This research
network has an annual meeting on nanostructures, physics, and technology,
and has developed interactions with the PHANTOMS network in the EC.
The U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation has provided
research funds in the FSU for several projects related to nanotechnology,
including “Highly Non-Equilibrium States and Processes in Nanomaterials”
at the Ioffe Institute (1996-1998).
Russian government and international organizations are the primary
research sponsors for nanotechnology in Russia. However, laboratories and
companies privatized in the last few years, such as the Delta Research
Institute in Moscow, are under development. With a relatively lower base in
146 M.C. Roco

characterization and advanced computing, the research focus is on advanced

processing and continuum modeling. Research strengths are in the fields of
physico-chemistry, nanostructured materials, nanoparticle generation and
processing methods, and applications for hard materials, purification, and the
oil industry, and biologically active systems (Siegel et al. n.d.).
There are related programs in Ukraine, Belarus, and Georgia, mostly
under the direction of the respective academies of sciences in these
countries, that are dedicated to crystalline nanostructures and advanced
structural and nanoelectronic materials. Several innovative processes, such
as diamond powder production by detonation synthesis at SINTA in Belarus,
are not well known abroad.


Nanotechnology in the United States, Japan, and Western Europe is

making progress in developing a suitable research infrastructure. The
promise of nanotechnology is being realized through the confluence of
advances in two fields: (1) scientific discovery that has enabled the atomic,
molecular, and supramolecular control of material building blocks, and
(2) manufacturing that provides the means to assemble and utilize these
tailored building blocks for new processes and devices in a wide variety of
applications. Technology programs cannot be developed without strong
supporting science programs because of the scale and complexity of the
nanosystems. The overlapping of discipline-oriented research with
nanotechnology-targeted programs seems appropriate at this point in time.
Highly interdisciplinary and multiapplication nanotechnology provides
generic approaches that enable advances in other technologies, from
dispersions, catalysts, and electronics to biomedicine. Essential trends
include the following:
• learning from nature (including templating, self-assembly,
• building up functional nanostructures from molecules
• convergence of miniaturization and assembly techniques
• novel materials by design
• use of hierarchical/adaptive simulations
A characteristic of discovery in nanotechnology is the potential for
revolutionary steps. The question “what if?” is progressively replaced by “at
what cost?” The road from basic research to applications may vary from a
few months to decades. Research and development is expensive, and the
field needs support from related areas. The R&D environment should favor
multiapplication and international partnerships.
8. Research Programs on Nanotechnology in the World 147

Based on the data for 1996 and 1997 collected during this WTEC study,
1997 government expenditures for nanotechnology research were at similar
absolute levels in the United States, Japan, and Western Europe (Table 8.2).
(Estimated OECD data for 1997 indicated GDPs of $4.49 billion for Japan,
$7.76 billion for the United States, and $7.00 billion for Western Europe.)
The largest funding opportunities for nanotechnology are provided by
NSF in the United States (approximately $65 million per year for
fundamental research), by MITI in Japan (approximately $50 million per
year for fundamental research and development), and by BMBF in Germany
(approximately $50 million per year for fundamental and applied research).
Large companies in areas such as dispersions, electronics, multimedia, and
bioengineering contribute to research to a larger extent in Japan and the
United States than in Europe. While multinational companies are pursuing
nanotechnology research activities in almost all developed countries, the
presence of an active group of small and medium-size companies
introducing new processes to the market is limited to the United States.
In the United States, individual and small-group researchers as well as
industrial and national laboratories for specialized topics have established a
strong position in synthesis and assembly of nanoscale building blocks and
catalysts, and in polymeric and biological approaches to nanostructured
materials. The Japanese large-group research institutes, and more recently
academic laboratories, have made particular advances in nanodevices and
nano-instrumentation. The European “mosaic” provides a diverse
combination of university research, networks, and national laboratories with
special performance in dispersion and coatings, nanobiotechnology, and
nanoprobes. With a relatively lower base in characterization and computing
infrastructure, the research focus in Russia is on physico-chemistry
phenomena, advanced processing, and continuum modeling. Interest and
economic support, particularly for device-related research, is growing in
China, Australia, India, Taiwan, Korea, and Singapore.

TABLE 8.2. Government Expenditures on Nanotechnology Research in 1997,

Based on the WTEC Site Interviews
Geographical Area Annual Budget, Relative Annual Budget
NTR* ($ million) NTR/GDP* (ppm)
Japan 120 27
United States 116 15
Western Europe 128 18
Other countries (FSU, China, Canada, 70 -
Australia, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore)
Total 432 -
* NTR – nanotechnology research; GDP – Gross Domestic Product
148 M.C. Roco

The pace of revolutionary discoveries that we are witnessing now in

nanotechnology is expected to accelerate in the next decade worldwide.
This will have a profound impact on existing and emerging technologies in
almost all industry sectors, in conservation of materials and energy, in
biomedicine, and in environmental sustainability.

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8. Research Programs on Nanotechnology in the World 149

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150 M.C. Roco

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