Distribution Network of Nestle
Distribution Network of Nestle
Distribution Network of Nestle
- Structure
- Ownership transfer
- Transportation
- Policies
Selection of distributors 9
Evaluation 14
Channel Conflicts 21
- Distributor
- Sales Officer
Distributor survey - Ghaziabad 24
Observations 27
Annexure A
Annexure B
Annexure C
Mother Godown at
Ghaziabad, Delhi –UP
Distributors as per
assigned territories
End Consumer
Note: Wholesalers are not a part of the formal structure of Nestle India’s distribution
network for NCR .They make bulk purchases from the distributors directly thereby
leveraging on the margins.
Stocks manufactured at the factories and co-packers reach the C&S through mother
Godowns. The stocks stored at C&S are the property of Nestle. Encashment of stocks are
done through Invoicing to Cash Distributors C&S as per the guidelines given to them.
They also receive and store support materials like give aways, stickers and
complementary items etc.
• Transportation
From the factory to the distributor stage the company ensures that there is availability of
cool chain for transportation. At the mother godown (Located at Sahibabad) there is
temperature control by hired cold storage.
For the purpose of transporting chocolates from the mother godown to the Cash
Distributor Dedicated Air Conditioned Vans are used (especially for the summer seasons)
• Company Policy and Guidelines
o The company has created two kinds of distributors, namely Trade and
Chocolate. The former deals with the Maggie range, Nestle dahi, Aquafina
etc. Chocolate deals with all confectionery items like chocolates, sweets
o It has been realized that a retailer has a limited pocket for a days purchase.
If one sales representative goes for an order with 50 SKU’s the retailer
will only buy what his pocket allows, for a one-time purchase. Whereas, if
two different sales people go, representing different distributors there is a
possibility both will get an order and the company will witness better
o The company has also taken an initiative for deeper reach and penetration
into the market with its operation “STING”. Whereby the sales
representatives on the company go on bicycles and try to fulfill the order
of small ignored and unserved outlets. For example the panwallas, the
kinara stores etc.
Selection of distributors
Criteria are:
1) Capital investment-
This is dependent not only on the present required turnovers but also on the
estimated future capital investments that will be required by the distributor (based on
company’s growth plans in the area). Amounts required vary from area to area and
markets to markets.
2)Relevant experience-
It is imperative that the distributor has had some prior experience as a channel
member in the FMCG sector so that no training is required to be imparted to him on
aspects of the business. The distributor should not be dealing in competitor’s products
and should be able to function as a dedicated channel for Nestle. For example, while
deciding on a distributor for chocolates, an obvious preference would be an existing
distributor for other products of Nestle This is because he will pay attention to the entire
range of the chocolates and not focus on any particular SKU only.
3) Infrastructure-
Appropriate infrastructure(depending on the market served and overall volumes )
Should be there-
a) Godowns / storage space. For chocolates, air conditioned godown space (with wooden
padding will be required).
b) Delivery vehicles
c) Salesmen
However there are no written guidelines that are fixed for the above criteria and the
company exercises its discretion based on markets to be served. Distributors Record Card
(Annexure –A) is attached which mentions the relevant details about the distributor for
their records.
Incentives to the distributors
1) Margins
5.8 %
11.5 % Flexible
2) Schemes spread over 2-3 months . These schemes encourage specific target
achievements. Targets are given as indexed growth rates based on weights. For example
the meaning of 10% growth for a distributor having slaes of Rs.20000 will have a
different meaning from one having sales of Rs. 1 lacs.
The prizes in the schemes can be monetary- for example additional 2% margin on
Or non monetary – for example free T.V. sets on achievement of targets. It is attempted
to keep in mind the monetary benefit to distributor in case he sells the gift given in kind
( for example T.V.)
3) Certificates-
Certificates of acknowledgement for achieving the targets for a name like Nestle are
priced by the distributors. They frame them and display them in their offices.
Motivation of Channel Partners – “Proud to be Nestle”
The company consistently comes up with schemes for it channel partners to motivate
them. One of their successful schemes was “Proud top be Nestle – Supper awards for
super achievers!” launched on March 30, 2002. This contest was open for the following:
i. Area Sales Managers
ii. Sales Officers
iii. Cash Distributors
iv. Pallet Salesmen (a S.O. may have 2-3 Pallet salesmen reporting to him to
enable him cover a wider territory.)
v. Distributor Salesmen (These salesmen are the employee of the distributor,
but are under indirect pay roll of Nestle, since their salary is reimbursed by
the company.)
vi. Merchandisers
Step 2: All ASMs who fulfill the above criteria were then ranked on the basis of an Index
INDEX = % RD turnover growth * absolute value increase
P.S. Cash Distributors and Sales Officers performance monitoring Sheets have been
attached as Annexure B & C.
The winning team comprises of:
- All SOs in the ASM team
- Two top ranked CDs in each SO Zone
(Index = %RD growth * absolute turnover increase)
- Two distributor salesmen in each of the top two CD
- One Merchandiser in each of the top two points ( performance will be
assessed by S.O. on quality of merchandising achieved)
The top ranked ASMs (Nos. as fixed by the Branch) and their teams take home the
following prizes:
The Top ranked ASM team also wins a TEAM TROPHEY and certificates.
Once a distributor is appointed the company generally does not take away business from
him, except when the underperformance has been observed over long periods.
While evaluating his performance, his targets performance is studied relative to that of
other distributors in the nearby area (because growth patterns may by regions)
Distribution in Practice (DIP) Training
There are proper training programs for the C&S agents as well as distributors. Following
are the modules included in the program:
- Nestle Quality System
- Good Warehousing Practices (GWP)
- Good Distribution Practices.
Fire Fighting: Appropriate provisions are made to handle emergency
caused due to breakage of a fire.
Pest Control
Temperature record and maintenance at A.C. Godown
Proper ventilation
The required Licenses as per the local laws have been obtained. For Eg.
Sales tax etc.
Transportation: Effective, reliable and quick transport is available to and
from the warehouse.
Proper Loading / unloading: The labours have been properly trained to
ensure that no damage to the goods take place at the time of loading /
Remittance: Timely deposits of remittances are ensured.
Proper records are maintained with regard to Sales tax and exemption
3. Accounting
A stock register is maintained to record receipts and dispatches with detail of
accompanying documents. Shortages (if any) are accounted for separately. Sales
tax and Octroi are handled by C&S.. A separate register is maintained for
materials which are meant for free distribution. All the related expenses that are
incurred are paid by C&S and are subsequently reimbursed by the company.
Forecasting and target setting
Target setting is a result of negotiation between the distributor and the company.
Mid month targets for the next month are given by the company at around 5 th -10th of a
month. These are set for the Sales officers, ASMs and Branch Managers in the hierarchy
and driven down by them.
At the month end the distributor can negotiate these targets in the range of +/- 10%.
The branch manager is responsible for coordinating targets of the factories and the targets
of the individual product managers.
Confirmed sales set as weekly targets.
For a sales officer, the focus is the redistribution targets, also called as secondary
invoicing (from cash distributor to the redistributors)
For an ASM, primary invoicing ( From C&S to cash distributor) is more relevant.
For the company as a whole, primary as well as secondary invoicing as adjusted against
“back” is important.
The company is now moving on to a statistical tool called “Winters model” for demand
forecasting” .This is done by the SCM and the inventory managers at the corporate levels
along with interactions with the sales and senior sales officers.
Under the winters model, the baseline demand curve is worked out, that is remove the
effects of other factors like sales promotions, unexpected variations like wars etc. on
sales. This is done by the sales officer by preparing a monthly log and writing against
each month the reason for any exceptional variation in sales, if any.
After negating from the past sales, the effect of these exogenous variances , trends are
calculated and sales of the next year are calculated. On these figures, the effects of any
planned promotions, any foreseeable variations etc, are imposed to get the approximate
forecasts. For example normally the effect of a TPP (Temporary Price Promotion) on
sales is that of a 150% sales. That is sales of 6 weeks are achieved in 4 weeks.
Channel Conflicts
Earlier large areas used to be assigned to the distributors and there used to be some scope
for confusion or conflict due to overlapping. However, now the number of distributors
have increased and there is clear earmarking of the areas as well as markets for each
distributor by the company and there is hardly any scope for conflicts based on areas.
As discussed above, these are not a part of the formal structure of Nestle India’s
distribution network for NCR .They make bulk purchases from the distributors directly
thereby leveraging on the margins. Typically the wholesaler gets a margin of about 2%-
3% from the distributor , of this he retains 1 % and passes on the remaining 2% as
discount to the retailer. It is this discount which induces the retailers to buy from
wholesalers in areas like sadar bazaar in old Delhi etc.
Such sales based on undercutting can be a source of irritation to the distributors who are
not supplying to the retailers but are suffering due to selling by the whole seller in their
Out of the 5 retailers covered, only 2 bought from the company distributor. These 2
retailers are: Bhasin Bakery Shop and Frontier Bakery.
The other 3 retail outlets namely Cool Palace, Ashoka Stores and Sindhi Corner are
purchasing from the wholesalers in their market.
The distributor for the area is Duggal Enterprises, who also looks after Patel Nagar,
Rajinder Nagar & Nariana.
The main issue in this area of survey has been the prominent presence of wholesalers
who sell Kit Kat to the other 3 retailers. It is important to note that these wholesalers buys
the chocolates in bulk from the distributor and sells to these retailers at a better margin as
compared to the former.
The 2 retail outlets have a good business and they purchase in ample quantities from the
distributors. They have the shelf space to showcase the company offering and thus the
company (distributors) provides them with a display in the form of discount of Rs.150
every month. This Display discount varies in the range of Rs.150-400 (depending on the
sale of the retailer).
Since these people buy in good quantities (2-3 cartons), they usually don’t
face a stock out. Thus the system of 1visit per week suits as long they are
provided with their requirements on call, occasionally in case of urgent
The ‘big’ outlets are also provided with dispensers frequently as compared
to the smaller shops in the same market. (same is the case with fridges)
These small shops can purchase the minimum required quantity as and
when needed.
There is a convenience factor as there is “order on call” facility, all round
the clock.
Nestle Distributor Survey - Ghaziabad
Name of the Distributor: Kumar Brothers
Kumar Brothers is the sole distributor of Nestle for District Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.
Beat Plan for the Distributor: The distributor has segregated complete Ghaziabad
District into 6 divisions (6 working days of the week Tuesday is an off). The sales force
of the distributor is divided into 3 heads namely:
Milk Products
Other Products
All the 3 teams visit the retailers once in a week; the days of visit have been specifically
kept different. The collection is done by the same team for the goods supplied.
The sales force is complimented by a weekly visit to the district by the sales executive of
the company. The idea behind the visit by the company personnel is to supplement the
lags in the distribution by wholesaler and in certain specific cases to push extra stock in
the market; the mission is achieved by allowing higher margins to certain prominent
Credit Policy
Nestle India Limited: The distributors are termed as Cash Distributors because the
company charges the distributors before the stock is delivered; the company has
connected the distributor online and the transactions happen online.
The Distributor: The distributor sells goods on credit; the period of credit ranges from 1-2
week. The wholesaler allows discount of 1% on cash payment (policy followed by the
Stock Policy:
As per the company regulations the distributor is supposed to maintain a stock of 3
weeks; the distributor maintains a stock of 3 -3.5 weeks in monetary terms it equals to Rs.
30 lakh for the distributor.
The stock is formalized by the company; the dealer can negotiate on 3-4 end days, the
stock policy is formed for the month.
The distributor to push in slow moving SKU’s clubs them with fast moving SKU’s for
the retailers.
DUMPING: the company dumps significantly on the distributors, the distributor has to
mange the supply by the company. The distributor has some resentment on the issue but
has to content with it, the result is the stock gets blocked and distributors stores it till the
expiry and then return it; result: cash crunch for the distributor and loss for the company
in the long run.
The Undercutting
The major problem that the wholesaler has to contend with is the problem of
undercutting; Ghaziabad is one of the closest places to the main distribution market Delhi
and that results in retailers buying from Delhi at higher margins which wholesalers are
incapable of providing. The wholesaler contents with this as a problem with every
company so it is a part of the market.
Lead Period
Wholesaler: The lead periods in providing stocks to the dealers differs from the SKU and
quantity ordered; some SKU’s are delivered correspondingly with taking order but some
are sent from the warehouses. A higher quantity ordered has to be replenished from the
Company: The stock from the company is provided every month but company keeps
replenishing stocks at the requests of the distributors. It takes 2 days for company to
replenish stocks.
Return Policy
The company follows a policy of return when the product has past its expiry date,
damaged or has a defect; the replenishment is done with cash and happens at the end of
every six months.
Return On Investments
The company does not gives any guarantee to the distributor with regard to returns on his
investment which is in line with the market credentials of the company; the distributor
has invested Rs. 60 lakhs in the whole business.
Storage Policy
The distributor maintains Cold Storages and Deep Freezers for the storage of the
products; the investment in infrastructure is considerable for he company to maintain
such infrastructure.
Sales Force
The company does not have a policy to train the staff of the distributor, the distributor
trains his own sales force. The remuneration and all other expenses are borne by the
Promotion Policy
The company follows a policy for consumer promotions but as regard the trade
promotions they are scant rather negligible, the promotions put in extra pressure to push
more quantity. The problem of maintenance of the promotional item is considerable and
takes in huge energies and money.
Retailer Survey – Delhi
For the purpose of this project we had visited retailers. Given below are some of the
details which we have gathered from them.
Retailer 1
This retailer gets his supplies from Distributor of Nestle and also from the market. He is
satisfied with the distributor as he gets his supplies from the distributor at his doorstep
and does not need to travel for the supplies which he is sure he will sell during the week.
The distributor comes once in a week for supplying the ordered stock. The stock order is
taken a day before the supply is made. But he prefers the wholesalers when in between
the week, his stock gets exhausted and he needs more supply. As the distributor will visit
him once in a week only, except in special occasions, i.e. when the order in mid of the
week is a big one. From the wholesaler retailer also gets discount larger than what he gets
from the distributor.
One main advantage that the retailer has here is that he can get a replacement of spoiled
stock. Although, distributor sometimes forces to keep other SKU’s as well. The main
point to note in this retailer’s SKU’s is that he dose not keep 4 fingers and 2 finger kit
Kats because of the selling price reason.***
As for competition from Cadbury’s he is satisfied with them as well, and makes not much
of a distinction between the two distributors.
Retailer 2
This retailer has a different point of view all together, he dose not take his supplies from
the distributor. Rather he prefers to go to the market ie, wholesalers and buy what he
needs. He himself visits Sadar Bazar and buys the SKU’s according to his own
The main reason for doing so is that he gets discounts from the wholesalers, and thus a
better margin for himself. He visits the wholesaler twice in a month and gets his supplies
in bulk. Here he dose not have to be bound to take, and neither is there any pressure to
keep any other SKU’s of Nestlé. Point to note here is that this retailer is quite happy and
content with Cadbury’s Distributor’s. He is ready to give his order to him as he is getting
good margins and dose not really need to visit to the market.
Ashok Vihar
The retailer of Ashok Vihar also has some opinions, which match to that of the Retailers
of R.P.Bagh. He dose not take his supplies from the distributor, but from the wholesaler.
with higher margins left for himself.
1. Karanjeet Singh- Ex-Sales Officer, Nestle, 9811772225
1. Kumar Bros.
Mr. Lalit Kumar – Distributor, Ghaziabad
150, Durga Tower, Gound Floor,
Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad
2. Duggal Enterprises – Karol Bagh, Patel Nagar, Rajinder Nagar & Nariana.
Mr. Rajan
R 505 New Rajinder Nagar
Karol Bagh
Cool Palace,
Ashoka Stores
Sindhi Corner
Frontier Bakery
Bhasin Bakery Shop
1. As seen earlier, the wholesalers are a cause of conflict in the distribution system.
However, the company does not objects to the unwarranted existence of wholesalers as
they serve as means to improve the distribution of company’s products and the
undercutting done by them helps to push up sales in the long run at times.
An example in this context is that of Nestlé’s Éclairs. The sales of éclairs were
disappointing till 1998 in spite of various attempts by the company to alter packing, size,
prices etc. Then the company offered the wholesalers QPS (Quantity Purchase Schemes)
margins ( or even T.V.s) on bulk buying by them over a period of time.
They pushed the product into the retail channel and once sold at the retailer’s end, repeat
purchases followed. Henceforth the official route set in , the distributor could ensure
repeat sales by building upon the previous successful sales of éclairs by the retailer.
4. The company dumps huge stocks of slow moving SKUs to achieve targets, but in the
long run, it results into dissatisfaction of distributor and losses for the company.
5. The selection of Distributors is a very crucial decision for the company. A lot of
time and effort is spent to train them. Also, they are not frequently changed.