Digital Scent Technology
Digital Scent Technology
Digital Scent Technology
1. ABSTRACT The digital smell is basically a hardware
The technology has so far targeted mainly our software combination. The hardware part of digital
sense of sight and sound. To further enhance the smell will produce the smell, and the software part
virtual reality experience and another flavor to it, will evaluate the smell equation and generate
technology is now targeting your nose and tongue. specific signals for specific smell and finally that
The application area of virtual reality is vast- from smell will be produced by the device. The
normal entertainment to the Internet and e- hardware device is a device like speaker, like
commerce application. You will be able to smell speaker this device is also connected to the
product before buying them online. computer system. For this device there is also a
California-based Digiscents Inc. has developed driver program which will evaluate the digital
the iSmell personal scent synthesizer. This small equation for generating specific gas.
device connects through your pc via serial port and Until now, online communication involved
has its own driver. only three of our senses hearing, touch, and sight.
2. INTRODUCTION New technology is being developed to appeal to
In this modern age, computers have verified
the cause of their existence. They have virtually our sense of smell. DigiScents, an interactive
taken over in every field of today’s fast life. Gone media company, is creating iSmell Digital Scent
are the days when applications of computers were Technology, new software which will enable
limited to official use only. Today computers have scents to be broadcast from the Web.
important place in every household purpose, and 3. EVOLUTION OF DIGITAL SMELL
mainly internet has taken over whole world.
There are various causes due to which 3.1 How it was Invented
computers have their own stand in our life. It As we know that many scientists have
provides a very good facility of fast processing, started for the virtual reality from the last 5 to 6
sound and picture. The virtual reality concept has years. As a virtual reality they have got a full
provided very good features to the computer concept as virtual theater. These theaters consist of
systems. The concept of virtual reality is an electronic hand gloves, digital smell, multipoint
introduced by the computer programmers to surround sound system, movement controllable
provide more attachments to the user. There are seats, 3d goggles. From this idea the multipoint
several concepts of the virtual reality that are surround sound system, 3d goggles, movement
available such as digital smell, virtual theater, controllable seats were completed. Now for the
electronics hand gloves, multipoint surround sound user to fill more realistic effects of movies they
system, 3d goggles. were introducing the very new facility of digital
smell in movies or in games. For example if we are
watching a movie and we see burning of tier then
we will fill that smell in theater or pc or television.
The basic idea for this was given by the
perfume making companies for the advertisements
of their perfumes.
3.2 Founders
Founders Dexster Smith and Joel Lloyd Bellenson,
experts in bioinformatics and genomics, started
from the following idea: “If we can find the
essence of a biological smell and build a profile,
we can digitalize and broadcast it.” They came up
with the idea for the company while they were in
South Beach. Using their scientific knowledge,
they indexed and analyzed natural smells said to be
common to South Beach such as flowers, salt such as Web site features, computer games, digital
water, and suntan lotion music, and movies. But after some time as user
4. HARDWARE DEVICES will be more familiar with these smells the
4.1 Smell Synthesizer: - cartridge will come in market in which you can add
The smell synthesizer mean the device which chemicals as many as you want. They are still
is used to generate the smells. Such as ismell is investigating all the scent combinations that are
device used to produce the gas using computer. currently possible with the iSmell device. As the
There are various types of smell synthesizers technology becomes more refined, more and more
available in the market, but for computer the smell scents and scent combinations will be possible.
synthesizer is made by digiscents industry.